#Brain vomit
thebubblesareevil · 14 days
UNO Reverse
So we all know Danny is batbait right?? But what if after vlad the fentons have developed a method to combat billionaires trying to adopt Danny.
So the fentons are in Gotham for some reason or another and they refuse the let Danny’s grades slip so they have him at Gotham prep.
Everyone knows Danny’s parents are mad scientists but Tim is really concerned about his new classmate that keeps coming in with new bruises everyday that he barely tries to hide.
He brings it up to Bruce after doing some investigations and Bruce decides to look into it.
Next thing Danny knows he keeps running into different members of the Wayne cult and the batfamily. It takes him longer than he’s care to admit to figure out they were the same people but in his defense he was exhausted from school, helping his parents with their clean energy project and training with fright knight.
That’s also his excuse for why it took him so long to realize they were trying to assimilate him. Once he does realize he starts going out of his way to avoid them, trying his best to keep his parents from finding out but he realizes it’s too late when his mom gleefully hands him a card one night and sends him on his way.
The next time danny encounters Batman he completely ignores his gentle encouragement and promises to protect him as he pulls out the card and throws it at batman.
Danny sighs and says “I’m sorry it’s come to this, but I need you to know you’ve brought this upon yourselves.” He turns and leaves behind a confused bat holding an UNO reverse card.
The next day Wayne manor is invaded by Jack Fenton carrying a stuggleing vlad over his shoulder and a giant tray of fudge in his other hand while Maddie gleefully hugs alfred proclaiming how happy she is to see her family getting bigger while Jazz is dragging Danny in behind her by his ankle while reading a book. Danny is snoring.
The Wayne’s are confused.
When Vlad finally breaks free he gives Bruce a pitiful look and asks if he also tried to adopt Daniel.
Jack then yells UNO REVERSE!! Instead of adopting Danny we have adopted you!!!!
This just popped in my brain so I thought I’d share
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batboopp · 7 days
I think the correlation between batman and his mother needs to be talked about more. they both devoted their lives to fighting crime with a whole secret identity. and they were both willing to die for it, and one of them did in the end. both of them are established to be mentally ill in some capacity. both of them generally had the same interests. they were both seen as dumber and simpler in the public eye (Martha being “just a housewife” and Bruce being just a himbo playboy) both considered Alfred to be their safe person, the one person they could talk to about anything. they both have the same handwriting for gods sake. Martha isn’t brought up a lot in comics unless it directly correlates with batman himself, but when she does, she is literally his carbon copy. hello does anyone hear this.
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bloomingsoul333 · 1 month
Untitled Thought
Here they go again.
Anxiety arguing inside my heart.
How do I sweat them out of my heart is such a frozen state?
How do I sooth their souls when mine is so tangled?
I thought it would feel nice to enjoy a bit of normalcy before the commotion.
But it's too late. Been too late for a while...
All these moments to myself and in my head and on the floor and wet from tears-
Today I am strong.
I feel it deep in me, immersing into my soul.
I used to run from her in fear of the things she would do to me; the things she would say in my head.
The person I would turn into.
Who I would leave behind-
Jaded into Peace.
I didn't recognize myself, and I still can't...
Who is that looking at me through my forehead?
Peering at the skin like a mirror and smiling through me...
Why can't I stop looking back?
What is this warmth I feel-
I felt so much that I froze in my thoughts.
And now I feel my right shoulder becoming warm. But I cannot see. Which I hate to admit...frightens me.
Am I thawing out or freezing into silence?
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tempenensis · 9 months
Hi Lele. For now seems that Gojo's character is finished, what thoughts do you have about him? I saw different opinions about it and from different extremes, people who believe that "his character arc was ruined and he never had growth", or "he's a very complicated and contradictory character", or "everything he was, did, didn't, motivated him, his whole character basically revolved around Geto", and people who believe "there is a possibility that he will return", etc.
I think he's a pretty complex character, and multi-faceted at that. Although Sensei commented that he "doesn't have personality", Gege accidentally actually makes Gojou more complex than what he actually seems lol.
I would disagree with "he never had a growth" actually. Gojou had a growth phase - that is the whole Hidden Inventory arc is about. He matured during that arc to be the Gojou that we know in the current storyline. So it's not that he never had a growth, he already did and what we get more is adult Gojou who had finished his growth.
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I would agree actually with Nanami's comment, that Gojou is "a pervert who uses jujutsu for his own sake" (yes, he straight up called Gojou hentai in the jpn text lol). Since he's the strongest in jujutsu society, his ego would center on using jujutsu for his own satisfaction. But that's not all of him; he is also a teacher who cares for his students because he wants to see them grow strong, despite his motivation for them growing strong is rather egoistical too. And you can see here, that his character is a mixed of egoistical but also caring -- simply said, pretty human for one called to be strongest.
In jjk, to be strongest means to be alone. To stand on the peak that no other ever see, that no other ever feel. The only people who understand the feeling is the one who also reach that peak. For beings like Sukuna and Gojou, seeing others is like them standing alone on top of the tallest mountain, looking down at people who don't even have the motivation to even glance at the peak - because noone would ever want to try to compete to be the strongest while those two are around. This is the flowers metaphors that appears on the latest chapter; that you can grow the flowers but you can't ask them to understand. Gojou will help his students, people around him, caring and making them stronger, but he can't never ask them to try to reach for that highest peak, to that loneliness of being the strongest. They can't never understand how it feels to be a beings like him or Sukuna.
"his whole character basically revolved around Geto" - well, just no. Yeah, he holds Geto in high regard, but if he really does anything for Getou's sake, then he'd join Getou's case in destroying jujutsu society. But as we see, he doesn't. He becomes a teacher because he wanted to change jujutsu society so no one would become another Getou, not because of Getou's sake, but rather the sake of younger generation. So that he can prevent another youth being wasted by the jujutsu society tradition; which is why he picks up the most "troublesome" students that jujutsu society least cares for; from Maki, Yuta, Inumaki, even Yuuji.
"there is a possibility that he will return" -- this is oddly specific, but did their brain can still move the feet? Did they get a flashback-kinda chapter? If the answer is no and yes, then I'm sorry; they most likely won't come back.
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castlehillwhump · 1 year
I recently realized that one of the things I love most about whump is that the whumpee’s distress and angst is always validated. Whumpee doesn’t have to beg for people to empathize with their pain because 90% of the time, their situation is undeniably painful and whumpy. And even when the whumpee isn’t being validated by the characters around them, the very fact that they’re the main character means that we as readers are unconditionally on their side. The very fact that we love to read and write stories about whumpees means that those whumpee’s feelings are never invalidated or downplayed in the writing. Even if the whumpee downplays it themselves, we as readers know that they’re fairing worse than they let on. And it’s always okay for the whumpee to feel how they feel. They never have to justify being in pain to us readers. We listen and we care, and sometimes we write more ways to hurt them, but at least their hurt is listened to and validated.
Idk. I think that this aspect about whump is something that really draws me to it. In whump, we appreciate the harder parts of life, and we make it okay for our characters to feel emotion and pain. In fact we celebrate those emotions. I just think that it’s sort of beautiful.
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xoxoxoazuraoxoxox · 3 months
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He likes swimbing >:D
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braaando · 11 months
i am so normal about lucy dacus
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cerebellimgote · 4 months
If Oppenheimer came out in the 2010's you know damn well Burger King would've used it to release a Whoppenheimer burger or someshit
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thebubblesareevil · 1 year
Writing prompt: Danny failed science and Temperature affects the weather!!!
So when a cold front meets a warm front is can cause a storm, sometimes they can become extremely dangerous….
Danny has been really stressed lately with college applications and exams, plus the fact that his powers have been getting stronger lately. So one day he flys out to the middle of nowhere and lets off some steam in the form of letting his ice core go a little crazy. He does this every now and then to help him destress, today he used a little more power than usual but no big deal right?
Wrong. One week later the justice league is at his door and confronting him about a series of severe storms that have been created that they managed to track the energy source back to him.
Now they are trying to confront him about being a weather powered meta.
To be fair he was fighting the box ghost when they were learning about hot and cold fronts, how was he supposed to know they could form tornados?
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xoxoloveemily · 2 months
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The clouds remind me that everything changes
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doodle-stroodle · 4 months
Someone should write a fic about fem/sapphic!byler, where Michelle/Mike disguises herself as a boy so she can be a knight (Maybe she’s a princess or a noble and her parents are being dicks about it??) or whatever and Willow/Will is like a princess or something and like something happens
they also kiss btw
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synchodai · 2 years
Lately, I've been really anxious about the future. There are these dark thoughts that we've mapped a downhill crash towards our own destruction and society as we know it is doomed.
And I have been cheered up by sci-fi, optimistic, hopepunk stories of collective action, incremental change, and all that promise of hope and messages of "it's not too late!" BUT...
Nothing has comforted me more than the future that Stray presents. Humans ARE gone, most likely destroyed by their own greed and inability to overcome the class divide.
However, music is still played. Love still exists. Cats are still here doing cute cat things.
Instead of telling me, "You can still avert the collapse of humanity!" Stray tells me, "Even if it is too late, beautiful things will still bloom on your grave. Society collapsed, but life will go on."
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ink-yy · 27 days
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ink is OC POSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
singles under cut
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spook-me-welt · 1 year
Trailblaze = Relativity?
So Akivili created the rail that connects one world to another and Astral Express which runs on it. In the game we have experienced the Astral Express jumps to go to Jarilo-IV and XIanzhou Luofu - and this jump happens much like like a warp.
Isn't how Astral Express jump very similar to how wormhole hypothetically would work in space? So the power of Trailblaze that Akivili possessed would equal to bending the spacetime continuum. In addition, the presence of Stellaron caused disturbance to the rail, and impedes the Astral Express. Since Stellaron is like, a highly unstable energy that causes distortion around it, it would make sense that it would distort the spacetime continuum too - and the rail "built" in it.
If this is the case, then Akivili's power as Aeon would be the manifestation of general relativity.
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planeclaw · 6 months
𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝-𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚠 𝚖𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚟𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖
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the-anxious-sloth · 8 months
so i just finished reading the tgcf crossover chapter of the "scum villain au's" by feynite and oh gosh i love the concept
so shen yuan transmigrates into hua cheng and luo binghe reincarnates into xie lian
but what if!! each protagonist of the mxtx books are lbh and the love interests are sy
so in svsss the protagonist (of pidw not svsss) is lbh and he's a very immature protagonist right? right up till the end
sy is the love interest and he kind of ends up with lbh reluctantly almost? like he has issues with his sexuality which don't seem to be resolved at the end of svsss
in mdzs we start off with lwj realising his sexuality early on but before that i imagine he would have been kind of like sy kind of aroace
the protagonist, in this case wwx, still acts a little immature but is definitely more matire than lbh and!! in the beginning, as a child, he's alone, doesn't have anyone just like lbh almost all his life (save sy) but then he's adopted and has a family and he becomes more secure emotionally
THEN in tgcf, you get the love interest hc who seems to have quite easily accepted his love for the protagonist xl, he seems more mature in his love for the protagonist than lwj was and way more than sy was
and xl is a protagonist in a more classic way by which i mean his main purpose is to improve the world around him without turning to demonic powers and deals more with ethical dilemmas than the other 2 protagonists, like he has a bigger sense of duty and not just "i have to save myself" or "i'll save these people cuz they helped me and they're harmless"
what i'm trying to say is that the character growth of the protagonists and love interests of the mxtx novels increases in each series and i think it's fun to imagine the reincarnations of :
sy -> lwj -> hc with each new reincarnation becoming more confident in their love for the protagonist
and lbh -> wwx -> xl where the protagonist becomes more classically heroic and emotionally stable
so will the rumored 4th series follow this pattern? what do you think?
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