#Alternate Reunion
bingqiu-fanfics · 2 months
Word Count: 26,465 Summary: After pushing Luo Binghe into the Endless Abyss, Shen Qingqiu travels for almost three years straight, picking up quest after quest to distract himself until his disciples' fated return. Only, he suffers a Qi Deviation far away from home—losing all memories of his life as Shen Qingqiu in the process. Not remembering his sect, responsibilities, the world of PIDW, or even Luo Binghe, Shen Yuan assumes he must have died and transmigrated upon waking; But into what story—and who? With no idea of his role, he decides to plant roots in the middle-of-nowhere village he woke up in. Luo Binghe isn’t about to let him disappear from cultivation society on his own, though.
Luo Binghe finds an amnesiac Shen Yuan in a nowhere village and they live together as homoerotic roommates. Shen Yuan is painfully oblivious, Luo Binghe's male hysterics are acting up, its absolutely perfect lol I love this fic so much. It's still a WIP as of right now but it doesn't end on a cliff hanger and its definitely worth a read if you're in the mood for some light hearted fluff
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zaana · 9 months
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"I kept Lula safe for you."
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au in which obi-wan drops his lightsaber when he is shot down during order 66 and, in-line with canon occurrences, cody catches the lightsaber. this (through some kind of force stuff) deactivates his chip. unfortunately, obi-wan doesn’t realise and they escape separately. cody joins the rebellion, and the lightsaber remains a closely guarded secret and a symbol of his guilt/the past. it remains like this until obi-wan is called upon to rescue leia and, for the first time in years, actually wants use of his lightsaber. the lightsaber (again, through some kind of force stuff, perhaps obi-wan’s gradual reconnecting with the force) realises this and attempts to guide cody to obi-wan. cody is however firmly convinced obi-wan is dead, and also very busy with rebellion stuff, so does not realise what is happening. eventually, their paths collide (their stubbornness is strong but the force and obi-wan’s lightsaber are stronger) and they reunite, now with shared custardy of a lightsaber.
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dizzybevvie · 5 months
Riku finding Sora in Quadratum and dropping to his knees and saying "I looked everywhere for you". you could be revolutionary
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sugarmint-dreams · 1 year
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“i’d like to spend more time with you”
my shop
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altpress · 2 years
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My Chemical Romance for Alternative Press, Issue 197. Originally released in December 2004. 
📷 by Chapman Baehler (@chapmanbaehler on ig)
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spiderware · 12 days
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iamespecter · 18 days
Wait is their ship name Cainine?
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nanakiwii · 1 month
A star flavored milkshake?! How could it be?!
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Adam hated sweets, he usually did not have deserts. He had bran cereal for breakfast, he only ate a sandwich for lunch and, for dinner, mac n cheese and frozen chicken with broccoli. But, something about this ice cream parlor called his attention. How could someone make - or suppose they can make - a star flavored milkshake?! It was scientifically impossible!
After being shot, Nigel made a deal with Darco and started a new life in California. He opened a ice cream parlor as a excuse to settle down and expand business. Everything was doing fine as it could be, considering all Nigel had gone through these past years. Until a stranger - a very good looking one - went inside his shop and started calling the manager to try to explain why labelling a Milkshake "star flavored" was against science.
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whipitgod · 1 month
Don’t Worry About The Tomatoes
Hannibal Lecter x Will graham
oneshot - wc :1.2k
summary: not that plot heavy just a mix of fluff and crack jammed into a meet ugly trope/au. will is hannibal’s horrible new neighbor and hannibal struggles to be that angry about his behavior.
warnings: none other than potential bad writing and both of them being kind of ooc lol
a/n: feedback is greatly appreciated!!!! remember to like and reblog if you enjoy this, maybe even follow me ~ this really got away from me, i didn’t really have a solid plan going into but if you like it lmk and ill write a part 2 or something :D
Hannibal shuts his book sharply, standing with a huff and turning to look out the window into the backyard. His newest neighbor has been nothing short of a pain since he moved in a couple weeks before, from the loud rumble of power tools as he made repairs on the house, to the barking of the many dogs that he seems to have.
Hannibal feels somewhat willing to look past the noise of the power tools given that the home is admittedly a bit run down. Truthfully he can't remember who the last tenant of the home was, he thinks he remembers an old woman living in the home alone. The only thoughts crossing his mind as he peers through the window at the man hacking at an overgrown tree with a chainsaw are that he wishes the old lady still resided in the home, and he hopes the man has an unfortunate accident with the loud saw. Hannibal has yet to even see the man, having no idea his name let alone what he looks like, but he’s fantasized of taking his life on more occasions than he can count in the short time that the man has lived there.
“This is ridiculous.'' Hannibal grouses, pushing away from the window with the intent to confront the man, who cares about witnesses at this point; he'd be surprised if the other neighbors don't thank him for his service to the community. As soon as his hand reaches the door knob a loud crash echoes from the backyard, he hopes its the frustrating man falling to his demise,
“I'm not that lucky.” Hannibal muses quietly, making quick strides back towards the window. What he sees is enough to make him gasp in shock, pressing a hand against his heart as he takes in the damage. The branch the man was sawing at had fallen directly onto Hannibal's garden, the plants beneath the branch no question destroyed. He had just gotten that tomato plant staked properly. With a renewed vigor he charges out of the room and towards the back door grumbling quietly to himself as he goes,
“Going to use my bare hands, might not even eat him,” He grabbed the knob and pushed the door open, “going to have to see if there is even anything left to eat.” He continues his quiet murmurs until he spots the man with his back turned to him.
“Excuse me,” Hannibal spat, unable to disguise most of the anger bubbling inside him, “You destroyed my-” he’s unable to finish his complaint as the man finally turns to face him.
Oh god, he’s probably the most attractive man Hannibal has ever laid eyes on. Hannibal sucks in a sharp breath, opening his mouth with the intent to speak again, though he doubts he’d be able to get the words out. He doesn't have to worry about speaking because the man beats him to it,
“Hello?” dear god even his voice is attractive, a rasp coming from what hannibal assumes is years of smoking met with a slight southern drawl, must have grown up somewhere in the south, hannibal rolls the thought around his head a few times all while staring blankly at the gruff man in front of him.
“You must be the owner of the garden I demolished,” the man started, “sorry about that.” He didn't really sound all that sorry, if anything his tone bordered on teasing; if Hannibal was in his right mind he would have found the mans flippant attitude towards the situation unspeakably rude, but he was currently finding it hard to feel any anger towards the beautiful man in front of him. It took Hannibal a moment to even recognize that the man had asked him a question, realizing only when he met the man's curious gaze.
“Hannibal Lecter,” he held out his hand and the other man gripped it firmly. The first thought that went through Hannibal's mind was strong followed quickly by a horrified what am I doing?
“Will Graham,” the man responded, “Again I’m really sorry about your garden.” The man, Will Hannibal's mind supplied, still didn't really seem that sorry; before hannibal could truly think about that he found himself responding quickly,
“It’s not a big deal,” the phrase leaves his mouth before he can stop himself, “It was an honest mistake.” he says the last part with a smile determined not to show the gravity of his internal conflict. Oh god what is wrong with me, his brain supplies in a panicked tone, of course it’s a big deal, it is a huge deal.
“Are you sure?” Will questions returning the smile, “I wouldn't blame you if you were angry with me.”
Hannibal stares at him blankly for a moment, he wants to be angry, he's digging around in his brain trying to find his anger. He can't be angry, not when all he can think about is seeing him smile again. Dear god what is my problem, flashes through Hannibal's mind,
“I'm very sure,” Hannibal affirmed, “I actually planned on digging up the garden and planting some new things.” hannibal prays to whatever higher power there may be that will doesn't notice the flood of different emotions that flash across his face as the words leave his mouth, it seems like his prayer works because Will responds with a smile,
“Would you like my help replanting? Given that I’m the one that crushed it.” Will chuckles softly as the last words leave his mouth, Hannibal also lets out a soft laugh before he can catch himself.
“Oh I couldn't ask that of you,” Hannibal replied, a pitiful attempt at denying how much he wants the help, if only as an excuse to spend more time around the enthralling man in front of him.
“You didn't ask,” will starts with a small smile, “I offered.”
Hannibal returns the smile,it feels like the only thought his brain is capable of is what am I doing? Before he can think better of it hannibal lets out a sigh,
“Well I would be remiss to turn down help when offered,” Hannibal begins, “Would you be free tomorrow to start working?” Hannibal sucks in a quiet breath waiting for the other man to respond, why am I so nervous?
“Even if i wasn't i’d make the time,” Will responds with a teasing smile, “how does noon sound?”
Hannibal has half the mind to think that it almost sounds like Will is flirting though he doesn't have the time to dwell on it before he's rushing out a response,
“Noon sounds perfect.”
Will sends Hannibal another smile accompanied with a teasing look, almost like he understands the effect he's had on Hannibal's blood pressure since the beginning of their interaction.
“It's a date,” Will confirms, “see you tomorrow hannibal.” and with that the man turns and begins walking towards the door of the worn down house, not sparing another look at hannibal as he enters the house and shuts the door softly behind him. Hannibal stands there for a minute staring blankly at the door, his thoughts cascading through his head faster than he can even recognize what they are. He doesn't even realize that his feet had carried him back to his home until he steps through the doorway and the door slams shut behind him, snapping him from his stupor. He lets out a harsh breath attempting to gather his thoughts,
“What the hell just happened.”
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lawsofchaos1 · 1 year
Promptlet: Soulmate AU
I'm a sucker for AUs where Magnus is much, much older than he lets on. What if he was born pre-Gregorian calendar and a person's soulmate mark is based on how their soulmate would know their birthday, not the way the marked person's culture would know it as?
So, Alec's mark says something like 'the second moon in the fifth summer of Aethelred's reign' or 'when the Hunter was bright in the Eastern sky', and Alec realizes this mark means his soulmate was born over a thousand years ago in the part of the world that would later become Indonesia.
There is absolutely nothing more important to Alec than his future soulmate, and Alec plans most of his life around making sure he's enough for his soulmate. (Which, ouchie, but that's another story.)
Thus, Alec learns everything he possibly can about 3rd century Indonesia, becoming one of like seven people in the world fluent in the ancient austronesian language of the Srivijaya people - the other six are all grad students or professors in the tiny field where Alec becomes a regular curiosity at their annual conferences and literally every one of the ... say... 100 or so people in their rather insular group all have these just absolutely wild pet theories for the young, tattooed obviously highly ranked soldier (it's very clear he's used to being in command) that comes every year to practice his language skills and listen silently to every single presentation like he's trying to memorize it.
One year Alec comes to the conference shortly after a particularly vicious battle and his arm is still in a sling from a venomous bite wound that has to heal the mundane way and all the other attendees are high key worried about their favorite soldier. Alec doesn't know what to do with all these people being so solicitous and worried and hovering because that is not usually 'A Thing' when a Shadowhunter is injured as Alec is. It's just a scratch, really!
And then one year, Alec comes to the conference absolutely beaming, and he has an extraordinarily flamboyant and charming man (who is clearly of Indonesian ancestry) on his arm and Alec can barely take his eyes off of him. He happily brings Magnus to the annual dinner that's become tradition for the seven of them that speak the language and, to their shock, Alec's partner is even more fluent than they are!
And then Alec's closest friend from the conference (and Alec is slightly surprised when he realizes they're all definitely his friends, because he usually doesn't make those easily) has a wife that gets turned into a werewolf by accident.
Alec has an alert set up to notify him if certain names ever comes across the Clave's interest and so it's Alec and Magnus who portal to Professor Calter's house and explain to Peter and his wife, Laura, about the Shadow World. Peter and Laura later come to their wedding and Peter almost makes Magnus cry by reading aloud an ancient blessing he'd found for the occasion, one Magnus had almost forgotten.
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metalinjector95 · 1 year
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Amphibia What If?
: What if Anne’s powers were activated at the end of Reunion?
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fanku19 · 2 years
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Military gay romance 🌹
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shenweilaoshi · 7 months
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What If… A’Ning was in Reunion The Sound of The Providence
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celestiall0tus · 2 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 30 - Gigantitan
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Alix looked out at the Louvre from her bedroom window. A large portion of it was closed off by the request of Gabriel Agreste for a photo shoot for a new, upcoming line. She watched as a few people went in and out until Adrien arrived with Kagami beside him. She waited until there was a knock at her door. She turned as Alim stepped inside.
            “You’re all set. I’ve had the section Tikki showed me sectioned off separate from where the photoshoot is happening.”     
            Alix smiled and hugged Alim. “Thanks, Dad. Did you let people know too?”
            “Yup. You won’t have to worry about anyone bothering you.”
            Alix grinned, threw on her hoodie, and ran out to the Louvre. She ran through the museum to the statue of Joan of Arc Listening to Her Voices. She inspected the base of the statue when she found an odd symbol. She pressed her kwatagama against it. The room darkened and she was surrounded by red portraits of past ladybug holders. She marveled at all of them until she saw one that was distorted with no clear display.
            “That one,” Tikki said, pointing to the distorted portrait.
            Alix reached out and touched the anomaly. The other portraits vanished as a red silhouette of an adult woman materialized. She watched in awe as the light faded to reveal an older version of her suited up in a ladybug-themed roller derby outfit. The older Alix’s eyes fluttered open and she smiled.
            “Hello, Mini Me.”
            “No way. You… you’re… you’re me!”
            “Almost. I’m from a timeline that no longer exists.”
            “What? How is that possible?”
            The older Alix let out a breath and took a seat. “It’s quite a tale. Come, sit, and I’ll share the events that brought you here.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “See, this timeline, you as the ladybug holder, it’s because of me.”
            “Come and I’ll tell you everything.”
            Adrien took a seat as a breather. He looked around at the empty corridors with each end guarded by Kagami and Gorilla. He sighed and took a breath. A creeping sensation crawled up him the entire time he had been out. He had tried to shake it, but it never let up.
            “Adrien, why don’t you take ten and stretch your legs while we set up?” Vincent offered.
            Adrien nodded and waved down Kagami. “Let’s go on a walk.”
            Kagami nodded and accompanied Adrien as they walked around the desolate museum. They encountered a few others in other areas. Adrien hoped that would help his unease, but it grew as they walked around.
            “Adrien, are you ok? You seem unwell.”
            “It’s… well, it’s something. I just feel… uneasy. Like something is coming.”
            “Noted. And, in the future, you’ll do well to let me know these things sooner.”
            Adrien nodded. They continued their walk around when a chill came over him. He turned and Kagami was gone. His eyes widened as he turned around in search of her when Marinette appeared beside him. Panic shocked him as he jumped back.
            “Marinette. You scared me.”
            “S-sorry. I… I hope you don’t mind, but I was hoping we could… you know… talk?”
            “I… I don’t know. I really should be getting back to the photoshoot. Besides, I should find Kagami and-.”
            Marinette paled as she took a step closer to Adrien. “Please, Adrien, give me a chance. I…!”
            “Get away from him!” Kagami roared.
            Adrien turned as Kagami charged in, tossing Alya into a wall. He moved closer to Kagami when Alya jumped up and tackled Kagami.
            “No! You stay away from him! You’re ruining this for Marinette!” Alya howled.
            “She has no right to be near him. Not when he belongs to me!” Kagami yelled.
            “What?” Adrien gasped.
            “You’re wrong! He belongs to Marinette!” Alya countered.
            Adrien’s jaw dropped as he stepped back.
            “Wait, Adrien! I promise it’s not what it sounds like!” Marinette pleaded.
            Adrien shook his head and ran. Plagg poked out from his jacket.
            “Plagg, I don’t know what to do. I can’t-!”
            “Do you know where the statue of Joan of Arc Listening to Her Voices is?” Plagg asked.
            “What? I mean, yes.”
            “Go there. Now.”
            Adrien nodded and headed for the statue.
            Alix let out a breath as she took in the story the older Alix told her. “That’s… I’m sorry that happened. But, with this wish, you made this timeline?”
            “Something like that. I wanted whatever led to the events of Chat Blanc to never occur. I thought so long as I was one of the holders, I could stop it. And here you are, as the ladybug. Though I do worry with my timeline being remembered if something will happen.”
            “Tikki said something would. That a condition would be unmet that would need to be fulfilled later. That it was worth the risk because she trusts me, and she wanted me to find a new guiding light in… you.”
            “Did she? She’s a sweetheart, isn’t she?”
            “And a bit of a nag. Almost like… like a mother.”
            The older Alix smiled. “It almost sounds like you need not look far for your guiding light.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “Come on, what’s the fun if I tell you? Besides, I don’t think I can be much. We don’t seem too different. You and I. Us.”
            “Maybe not, but we’re also different. You survived an apocalypse while I’m bitching and moaning about my dying mother leaving me. Seems incredibly different circumstances, no?”
            The older Alix chuckled. “Alright, I’ll give you that. Maybe I can help then, though I’m not sure how.”
            “Well, how did you do it? How did you survive for so long given everything? You could have given up at any point, but you didn’t. How?”
            “Yes. You’re right in a lot of things. I had no reason to keep going. I lost everything. My home, my friends, my family, and my future. I lived just to survive, nothing more. By that reasoning, I should have given up, but I couldn’t. Not so long as there was hope. Hope and a single fool fighting for the impossible. After all, no cause is lost so long as there is still one fool willing to fight for it.”
            “What if all hope is gone? What then?”
            The older Alix chuckled. “Hope is never gone. You simply need to remind yourself what’s worth living for, but also what’s worth dying for.”
            “What about with me? I… I had hoped to see my mother again in death that I nearly left my friends and family. I… I also can’t deny a part of me still wants to find her, but… you know.”
            “And is our mom your only reason for living?”
            “No! I have my friends, family, and myself.”
            “Then why do you want to give up just to see one person when you have so many more worth living for?”
            “Because… because I miss her. I feel like she left me too soon. When I needed her most. I know people come in and out of our lives, that death is a natural thing, but it doesn’t ease the pain. I don’t even understand how you managed seeing Dad and Jalil’s deaths, including your own.”
            “Because I redirected that grief to help me drive forward. I could have laid down and died like you, but I couldn’t. I knew I could set everything right, but not just for the living, but the dead too. I carried their burdens with me, using them to remind myself what I could save. In your case, I would use it to remind myself why I still live. You say you feel like Mom abandoned you, yes?”
            “I do.”
            “Then redirect it. Use that feeling to push you forward to be there for those in your life. Your friends and family. Always be there for them when they need you, just as Mom was once in life. Let your strength come from your defiance, just as I did. Accept the outcome but defy fate the outcome it desires. Create the outcome you want through your defiance.”
            Alix knotted her brows in thought when she saw Adrien stumble into the room. He took several deep breaths when he spotted her. He broke down in tears as he tackled her.
            “Alix! Oh, thank goodness you’re here! I need your help. Please!”
            Alix furrowed her brows and opened her mouth when Marinette, Alya, and Kagami ran into the room after Adrien.
            “Great, you’re here,” Alya hissed.
            “What the hell is going on?” Alix demanded.
            “Nothing. Stand aside,” Kagami ordered.
            Alix sneered. She pushed past Adrien and stood against Kagami. “Never. You have no power over me, bitch.”
            The older Alix whooped and hollered. “Ata girl! You got it! Show them they can’t oppose such defiance. Protect the one you care about!”
            Alix’s eyes widened slightly before she smirked. “I would sooner like to know what the hell happened that Adrien is running from you.”
            “I was doing my job of protecting him. Nothing more,” Kagami reflected.
            “I don’t believe you. Adrien wouldn’t have ran unless something happened. So, I’ll ask again. What did you do?”
            “Yeah, cunt ass bitch! What the fuck did you do?” the older Alix yelled.
            Alix grimaced, aware that none of them could see the older her besides her and Tikki. Though she did admire her older self’s energy.
            “Fine. If you must know, I told them to stay away from Adrien because he is mine. Our parents have arranged our betrothals,” Kagami admitted.
            “What?” Adrien, Marinette, and Alya yelled.
            “Oh, that’s fucked. You aren’t going to let this stand, are you?” the older Alix asked.
            Alix shook her head. “No, I’m not. Neither of your parents have any right to arrange such things without your consent. And I know damn well Adrien had no idea.”
            “That doesn’t matter. We owe-.”
            “You owe nothing! Who fucking cares what your parents want or what they did. This is your life, not your parent’s. You should live it as you want, not how they dictate.”
            “My mother gave up everything to raise me. The least I can do is this,” Kagami countered.
            “I’m sorry, but how the fuck is your mother being the leader of cutting-edge technology and CEO of her own fucking company her giving up everything to raise you. Seems very far from giving up everything to me.”
            Kagami snarled. “I don’t expect from French, wanna-be punk girl to understand how things are with my family. I am from a family of samurai women. We follow orders because we choose to. And I’m choosing to bring face to my family by following my mother’s orders. What are you doing that remotely brings face to your muddled, watered down bloodline of a family?”
            Alix considered as she glanced back at Adrien and her older self. She felt doubt cross her, but it faded when she saw them. Adrien, who counted on her, and her older self, who was the embodiment of defiant will, but also her mother. Without even remembering their mother, they were so much alike. A pang of guilt and regret hit her heart, before a fire was lit.
            Alix turned and decked Kagami in the jaw. “That. That is what I’m doing to bring ‘face’ to my family. We don’t bow to fucking overlords who think they rule the world. We don’t bend our knees to corrupt shitheads that think they know better. We rise and fight against assholes like you. My mother used to when she was alive, and I will always do it. For her, for those I love, and myself!”
            Kagami glared daggers at Alix. “You’re going to regret this, crossing paths with me. All your talk of chaos and purposeless fighting with be for nothing. You will bow to my will, and that of my mother’s. Just you wait and see.”
            “You’re wrong. I know what I fight for… and what’s dying for. Do you?”
            Kagami opened her mouth, then shut it before she stormed off.
            Alix snorted and turned to Alya and Marinette. “As for you two, stay away from Adrien. Marinette, he’s already told you he’s not interested.”
            “No, he didn’t. He-!” Alya started.
            “No, I did. I very much told her and Lila that I’m not interested,” Adrien butted in.
            Alya furrowed her brows and turned to Marinette. “He did? Why didn’t you tell me?”
            “Uh. Well, because… because it wasn’t, uh, important?” Marinette attempted.
            Alya shook her head and grabbed Marinette’s wrist. “That’s it. We’re leaving.”
            Alya dragged Marinette away before she could get another word out. Alix sighed and turned back to Adrien and her older self. Adrien approached her and sang his praises, but her focus was on her older self.
            “You did good. I’m proud of us, you, me? Ah, forget it. I’m proud.”
            Alix smiled. “Thank you.”
            “Uh, for what?” Adrien asked.
            “Not you. The other me.”
            “Other you?”
            “Yeah. You can’t see her. Only I can. Tikki brought her back so we could meet, and I couldn’t be happier.”
            “Oh? What’s she doing?”
            “She’s showing me how to be the best version of myself.”
            “Nah. I’m showing you the person you always have been. You said it all yourself. Now let’s see you practice what you preach, bitch. Once you do, you’ll be where you need to be. After that little display, I can say you’re well on your way,” the older Alix reassured.
            Alix smiled, but it faded when screams tore through the air. She hid in the corner and transformed before she headed out to the source. She stopped dead when she saw a giant baby in a neon onesie.
            “What the hell is that?” Bloody Bug asked.
            “Seriously? Hawkmoth brought this back?” the older Alix asked.
            “He used this before?”
            “Yeah. I remember the thing just wanted a damn lollipop, and that my Ladybug-,” the older Alix started.
            Bloody Bug’s eyes widened as she used her Lucky Charm to create a massive lollipop. She held it up and gave it to the baby. It gleefully took it while she looked it over for the Akuma. She eyed the bracelet, broke it, and released the Akuma. She caught it, purified it, and let it go. The giant baby reverted to a normal sized one as she grabbed the lollipop. She threw it up and used her Miraculous power.
            “That was so much simpler than what my Ladybug did. Fuck this! How the hell was Marinette more worthy than us?” the older Alix complained.
            “Wait, what?”
            The older Alix opened her mouth as light particles flew up from her body. “I’m sorry. Time’s up. For now, I hope.”
            Bloody Bug nodded. “See you soon.”
            The older Alix bowed her head as she vanished.
            Bloody Bug sighed. She turned to the baby as its mother came back for it. She headed back to the room with the statue and de-transformed. She didn’t see Adrien, though she assumed he returned to his photoshoot.
            “So, what did you think?” Tikki asked.
            “That was… amazing. Did you see how cool she was? Or, well, me? And the fact that she went through all that and never gave up. Not like I did. But I’ll be better now. That I can promise.”
            “I’m glad she was able to help you. But now that you have, be prepared for the worst to come.”
            “I’m ready. I know what I must be, though it won’t be easy, but I’m not alone. Right?”
            Tikki giggled and nuzzled Alix. “We’ll be here at your side. Always.”
            Alix smiled and cradled Tikki. “Then let’s face the future together, always. Now, let’s go check on Adrien, and piss off that bitch ass puppet.”
            “I don’t know, Alix. Do you really want to make her angrier than she already is?”
            “I will, for Adrien because he’s worth fighting for to see him happy.”
            Tikki smiled. “Then let’s go.”
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kayluh1915 · 11 months
I am losing my mind, dudes!
FIRST we get a GameTime with Smosh with Ian instinctively leaning into (and ON at one point) Anthony.
THEN we get today's couple's therapy session and Ian's own letter to Anthony that ripped my heart out.
NOW we're getting a new sketch tomorrow AND a new live watch party for channel members!
Like!?!? I haven't even finished my first post yet, guys! 😭
Not even a month ago I didn't think they'd ever get back together and here I am now being overwhelmed by all sorts of content. It's crazy how things can change in such a small amount of time.
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