bingqiu-fanfics · 3 hours
Words: 14,066 Summary: After the Immortal Alliance Conference, Shen Qingqiu qi deviates. The deviation itself isn’t bad, but it allows Without-A-Cure to spread far further than it did originally, disabling Shen Qingqiu by a non-insignificant amount. So when Huan Hua calls for Shen Qingqiu’s imprisonment in Jinlan City, Without-A-Cure makes it very clear that Shen Qingqiu can not be held in the Water Prison away from the medical attention he needs these days. Instead, Shen Qingqiu is allowed to return to Qing Jing, provided he takes Luo Binghe back with him.
Luo Binghe goes back to Qing Jing Peak to be Shen Qingqiu's prison guard, where Shen Qingqiu realizes that his blackened protagonist is not so blackened after all. Very whumpy, filled with miscommunications, an all around quick and enjoyable read.
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bingqiu-fanfics · 12 hours
Words: 45,166 Summary: Liu Qingge insists on guarding Shen Qingqiu while he's being held in the Water Prison, Shen Qingqiu goes to trial, and the Old Palace Master tries to force his hand by using a truth-finding artifact. The results aren't what anyone was expecting.
Shen Yuan is forced to give the cultivation world some System exposition at the Huan Hua trial, forcing him to work things out with Luo Binghe and leading to the pretty funny realization among the Peak Lords that Shen Qingqiu was a lot younger than they'd realized...
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bingqiu-fanfics · 1 day
Words: 45,166 Summary: In the time between sacrificing himself to stop his estranged disciple’s qi deviation and waking up in his back-up body, Shen Yuan -formerly Shen Qingqiu- experiences a long series of dreams that make him confront quite a few things about himself that he’d been stubbornly ignoring. Good thing they’re just dreams, right? Otherwise he’d never be able to look Luo Binghe in the eye ever again. - Binghe froze under his hands as Shen Yuan brought him into the most gentle hug he could manage. “Still crying?” He asked, only just keeping the unsteadiness out of his voice. He was naked and this was a sex dream and Binghe was crying all over his dick. He didn’t need his kinks spelled out for him quite this explicitly, thanks. - Or: two horny idiots finally get out of their own way.
Unwitting dream realm shenanigans lead to Shen Yuan and Luo Binghe being able to be honest with each other in a way that they couldn't within the original narrative. Pretty smutty with great plot and characterizations, an alternating POV (with some Shang Qinghua and Liu Qingge as a treat). This fic is still a WIP but it doesn't end on a cliffhanger, and I can't wait for the next update :)
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bingqiu-fanfics · 1 day
Words: 32,011 Summary: Luo Binghe peeks up at him, eyes rimmed nearly as red as his demon mark. “Shizun won’t send me away from him?” Slowly, almost involuntarily, Shen Qingqiu's arms come up to embrace Luo Binghe in return. He’s already gone totally off-script here, what’s a little more adlibbing? He has fifteen seconds left before Luo Binghe must enter the Abyss. “I won’t,” he says quietly. “But you must be brave, Binghe. This will not be easy, but there is only one place for us to go. Shizun is sorry.” The two of them are only a few paces away from the cliff. Even without access to his cultivation, Shen Qingqiu has a height advantage, and more importantly, he has surprise on his side. It is almost too easy to clutch Luo Binghe tighter in his arms, step forward, and -- Shen Qingqiu really hopes he doesn’t die when he hits the bottom. That would be so embarrassing.
This is my favorite abyss fic ever, it's an incredible fix-it while still having just the right amount of miscommunications and painful obliviousness. The worldbuilding in the abyss is super creative and interesting, and it just hits every mark for me, I can't recommend this fic enough .
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bingqiu-fanfics · 2 days
Words: 12,445 Summary: Fuck! Shen Qingqiu read too much of that stupid stallion novel not to know what’s meant to happen. There should be a beautiful woman here, someone to soothe Luo Binghe’s fevered brow with cool hands, uncover her trembling assets and, well, you know!! But instead there’s only Shen Qingqiu. -- (What if, instead of papapa to save the world, Shen Qingqiu made a different choice? That ruined everything? And then had to sit with the consequences?)
Shen Yuan dies at Maigu Ridge and gets booted back to his original body. Angst with a happy ending, this is one of my favorite fics because while it is common to see SY portrayed as having a disability, it's a rarity to have it be something like depression rather than a physical disability and it was nice to have that kind of representation.
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bingqiu-fanfics · 2 days
Words: 10,150 Summary: It’s like those pictures of two women’s faces, you know? It could also be a vase! Or an old woman–no wait, a young woman! In this case, it’s obviously a clown show. No! It’s an existentially horrifying psychological thriller-slash-nightmare! Oh, wait, actually
 it’s definitely a clown show. In other words: what if Luo Binghe found the bubble where the System was hiding Shen Yuan during the five years?
Very silly fix-it where Luo Binghe accidentally dreams his way into SY's subconscious after he self destructed, but SY has no memories of being SQQ or of Luo Binghe's dream visits. Funny, lighthearted, short and sweet, an all around enjoyable read
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bingqiu-fanfics · 3 days
Words: 31,088 Summary: When Luo Binghe is fourteen years old, his shizun suffers a terrible qi deviation and fever that completely changes who he is.
Genuine dogblood angst (with a happy ending), this fic will stomp on your heart, chew it up, and spit it out. It's a Groundhog Day AU, but Luo Binghe doesn't remember that he is in a timeloop. Super good, especially if you've been looking for some real angst
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bingqiu-fanfics · 3 days
Words: 14,019 Summary: Shen Qingqiu, after enduring his trial, is placed into Luo Binghe’s custody at Huan Hua Palace.
After losing the trial, Shen Yuan is Luo Binghe's prisoner at Huan Hua Palace. Wanting to find a way to make his Shizun happy, Luo Binghe uses some dream magic bullshit and shenanigans ensue. Dogblood angst, painful misunderstandings, and disciple fluff all wrapped up in a short, sweet, and well written fic.
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bingqiu-fanfics · 4 days
Words: 110,407 Summary: AU based on The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir (familiarity with that story's not required). Wherein Shen Yuan transmigrates into a harem intrigues romance novel (gay edition), Yue Qingyuan really fucks up, Liu Qingge is not suitable for his job, and no one even remotely sees Luo Binghe coming.
This is the most popular Bingqiu fic on AO3, so most of you have probably already read it. If you haven't, drop everything and read it now, this is a classic. Shen Yuan transmigrates into a harem novel he's only half read as Yue Qingyuan's spiteful and hated second husband. Luo Binghe is his servant/student with a mysterious past, Shen Yuan wants a divorce, and Liu Qingge is also there. Full of dogblood angst, intrigue, and rewarding payoff at the end, topped with some Qijiu and Moshang (although that isn't the focus)
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bingqiu-fanfics · 4 days
Words: 97,779 Summary: Over a year after Shen Qingqiu's death, Luo Binghe consults his servant's servant, concurrently his disgraced martial uncle, for a way to bring the love of his life back. Shang Qinghua sends him in the direction of a certain time-traveling artifact, which supposedly brings one to the day they first met their soulmate. Odd, though, that the artifact ends up missing the destination by just a few years
 A story in which post-Abyss Luo Binghe relives his disciple days, while juggling his secrets, traumas, and some unexpected revelations about the man he loves on top of that.
One of my all time favorite Bingqiu fics, time-travel fix it with a great combination of Luo Binghe insanity and Luo Binghe genius. The angstiness is pretty much as expected from a LBH POV, but with the perfect amount of hurt comfort mixed it. The way loose ends get tied up and miscommunications get solved is extremely satisfying without being unrealistic for the characters and story.
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bingqiu-fanfics · 5 days
Words: 93,623 Summary: Shen Yuan never expected to transmigrate, so when he does, he's at least relieved he hasn't become some poor cannon fodder character in that shitty novel he just finished reading. But as he navigates his new life, he discovers that isn't the case at all—he's landed himself right in the role of a minor villain in Proud Immortal Demon Way. Except ... why are things different from how he remembers them? And why did the white lotus love interest turn into the villain instead??
Shen Yuan transmigrates into the role of a minor villain who is related to one of Luo Binghe's future wives. He ends up becoming a Cang Qiong Mountain disciple and Luo Binghe's Shixiong, where he finds that a lot of original plot points have been altered. Features nice guy Shen Jiu, a fair amount of wife plots, and a lot of Disciple!SY shenanigans
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bingqiu-fanfics · 5 days
Words: 74,783 Summary: Standing on the edge of the Endless Abyss, Shen Yuan chooses to take the point deduction and die rather than shove Luo Binghe over the edge. What can the System do except engage the failsafe mode and restore the account of the original user? (or, Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu become trapped in the same body and are forced to cooperate in order to survive the plot and achieve their happy endings)
I really love the way that Shen Jiu is in this, his friendship with Shen Yuan and his character development in general are really well written and interesting without sweeping his shortcomings under the rug
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bingqiu-fanfics · 2 months
Words: 1,274 Summary: Luo Binghe rolls to his back, looking up at their bed’s canopy. “When you invited me to sit in your carriage... that was you?” “Yes,” Shen Qingqiu says warily. “I was fourteen,” Luo Binghe says. “But if Shen Qinqgiu’s body wasn’t your own, how old were you?”
Post-canon Bingqiu discuss Shen Yuan's identity and Luo Binghe's old man fetish rears its ugly head. Short, sweet, and really funny, definitely read if you're looking for a quick laugh
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bingqiu-fanfics · 2 months
Word Count: 26,465 Summary: After pushing Luo Binghe into the Endless Abyss, Shen Qingqiu travels for almost three years straight, picking up quest after quest to distract himself until his disciples' fated return. Only, he suffers a Qi Deviation far away from home—losing all memories of his life as Shen Qingqiu in the process. Not remembering his sect, responsibilities, the world of PIDW, or even Luo Binghe, Shen Yuan assumes he must have died and transmigrated upon waking; But into what story—and who? With no idea of his role, he decides to plant roots in the middle-of-nowhere village he woke up in. Luo Binghe isn’t about to let him disappear from cultivation society on his own, though.
Luo Binghe finds an amnesiac Shen Yuan in a nowhere village and they live together as homoerotic roommates. Shen Yuan is painfully oblivious, Luo Binghe's male hysterics are acting up, its absolutely perfect lol I love this fic so much. It's still a WIP as of right now but it doesn't end on a cliff hanger and its definitely worth a read if you're in the mood for some light hearted fluff
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bingqiu-fanfics · 2 months
Word Count: 38,840 Description: Shen Qingqiu gets hit by an amnesia wife plot that selectively erases Luo Binghe from his memories. Luckily, the cure is simple: Luo Binghe just has to make him fall in love all over again.
Exactly what it sounds like, pretty silly and light hearted with very in character Luo Binghe hysterics and Shen Yuan obliviousness. Genuinely underrated and worth a read if you are in the mood to chuckle and enjoy some chill, post-canon shenanigans.
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bingqiu-fanfics · 2 months
Word Count: 20,075 Summary: When Luo Binghe falls into the Endless Abyss, he accidentally pulls Shen Qingqiu down with him.
Luo Binghe and Shen Qinqiu go through the abyss on two player mode and they are forced to communicate five years early. The characterizations are spot on, especially SY's obliviousness and LBH's soul crushing heartbreak. As someone who loves quests and lore, this was an extremely fun read :3
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bingqiu-fanfics · 2 months
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hello, welcome to my fic rec sideblog. this is mainly a way for me to organize and archive my favorite bingqiu fanfictions and shout out some great writers at the same time. the search features and tag list work better on desktop, but hopefully should be usable for mobile users as well. this blog is a work in progress so please let me know if anything looks weird/broken. also, if you end up enjoying one of the fics i've recommended, make sure to give comments and kudos to the author and show them some love!
i only tag and summarize fics that i have personally read and recommend. i tend to favor longer fics and mostly skim smut so that will probably remain undertagged, so let me know if there's anything i missed.
shoot me an ask or a dm any time if you are a writer who wants a fic removed or if you just want to recommend a fic of your own (im always looking for new stuff to read)
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