#Also the guilt complex though. He doesn't think he deserves to be considered human
dceuheadcanons · 1 month
All of the Bats use it/its pronouns (alongside others) because they don't see themselves as fully human (due to guilt/dehumanising behaviour towards them from other people/etc). Send tweet.
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darrowsrising · 2 years
Red rising unpopular opinions? 👀
Thank you for the ask! 💖🐺
Uuu...I have answered this before in a series of asks, but I am too lazy to search for them now. I will just stick to the bare essentials:
I know that Pierce Brown is no authority on which character you should stan, but given that even he hates Roque, then I think people should at least stop trying to re-write Roque into this 'poor little baby who had no choice but to betray Darrow after all the pain he endured at his expense'. Basically, if people like Roque, then like him as he is, don't sugar-coat the shit to make it smell better.
This idea that 'you shouldn't try to liberate people who don't want to be free' as though refusing freedom is an actual act of exercising free will...is really stupid. Lysander stans are always on thin ice with me, especially when they try to make fascism and slavery make sense. Or when they try to tell me that Lysander is not so bad. No, he's not bad, he's scum. If you like trash, that's on you, but just because he is noy as bad as Atlas and Atalantia doesn't make him morally better than anyone, especially than Darrow. Darrow> bitchsander, as always
Virginia was the best pov of Dark Age. I simply hate that this fandom went from 'she's manipulatuve and evil and uses Darrow to get the throne' to 'she needs a win, she's does nothing, shes powerless'. Please, shut up! Who the fuck is there to trust your judgement on her when you guys run hot and cold about her every two seconds? It's pathetic.
Rhonna deserves all the kills she wants. I think people want Cassius to kill Lysander to make up for failing to do something good with him and...idk, Lysander is still a human being, not a robot gone loose. He is Cassius' ward and Cassius feels responsible for him, but he's not going to kill him. That being said, if someone has the opportunity to kill him, Cassius included, and Cassius sabotages/stops, I want his head in a box. Or at least a treason sentence.
At this point, I really don't care what Darrow will have to do to win. I think that he will focus on Mars mainly, so that as long as Mars is safe, he can nuke Luna to bits, for all I care.
I know that rotting away in a cell is hell for Golds, but I hope they add...6 Obsidians to Atlas' sentence, if you know what I mean. That is pretty much the worst thing I can think of when it comes to Atlas.
I have faith that Ajax can pull his head out of his arse. He has that rage and that feeling of never being enough and I think Darrow would make a terriffic mentor/father figure to him.
I really don't think that Lyria and Volga were right to lash out at Pax. I mean, at least Lyria fans are aware that it wasn't ok of her to lash out at someone, although it was understandable considering her emotional state - she also felt bad about it later. But Ephraim and Volga fans are...really not right when they blame Pax for Eph dying. Eph was the one who ultimately chose to go on that mission and chose to sacrifice himself for Volga - Pax had no real authority over him. I wish people would understand that Volga lashing out at Pax is understandable, but she's wrong. Should Pax feel guilty? Well, he does. But would Eph still be alive if Pax didn't tell him about the mission? Well, he would have found out sometime and join in anyway. Basically, yes, Pax feels responsible, but did he cause Eph's death as Volga seems to believe? Nope. Eph had the opportunity to refuse, especially because, unlike so many other times, there was no actual incentive. I genuinely find it ironic that she can blame the kid for Eph going in that mission and then in the next breath accept to go with the Ascomani - for hero complex reasons. She cute, but she flawed too. I am not hating on anyone here, I just dislike the perspective that...a kid is to blame for the decisions on a grown man.
I am sick of mercy post-Dark Age. I think that everyone needs to earn their rights, pretty much. No more guilt-tripping Darrow into doing shit, because Julian died. No more trying to appeal to Darrow's guilt complex in any way by using emotional blackmailing tactics. No, if Darrow wants to spare people it's his call, no one else's.
Diomedes au Raa was disappointing in DA, but not much, as I didn't expect much of him. Also, this idea that he is the True Storm Knight? I mean, have we read the same scene? There is no such thing as a True Storm Knight. The 'man facing the storm and thr storm itself' are both childish notions compared to the actual war. Hell, Darrow prepared an actual storm and they had to deal with it going out of control - he sent these kids back to pre-school without even knowing. Like...sure, Diomedes is noble compared to Ajax, until he makes stupid decisions based on who killed his bitch sister, I guess. No one wins in that playground squabble, folks.
The idea that Roque was a 'true friend' while everyone else was just infatuated and biased towards Darrow should DIE ALREADY!
The idea that Darrow will have to die/sactifice himself...he's done enough of that, time to be selfish for once. He worries about doing to Pax what Dale did to him, so I think that given the choice, he'll chose to stay, not go willingly to death.
Idk if it's unpopular anymore, but...Sevro and the Howlers were NOT right to go back to Luna.
If nothing else, please keep this one in mind: DARROW IS NOT A BAD DAD. Thank you!
Howl on!
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aotopmha · 3 years
Attack on Titan in 2020
I've sort of dropped doing detailed chapter posts on the series because that type of writing wasn't very fun for me anymore and I have taken a liking to a bullet point kind of approach where I list the elements that stood out for me in the chapter or make a separate post for some specific topic I'd like to talk about in it.
I've started like 10 different posts to attempt to talk about AoT this year and I always end up with incoherent rambling because of all of the elements I'd love to to talk about.
This year's chapters were 125-135 and this year's episodes episodes 1-4 of season 4.
The anime episodes in particular have given me a lot of food for thought, so I'm just saying fuck it.
I think the biggest misstep of the story for me will forever be the fact that it decided to use fairly specific historical imagery.
The Eldians are clearly supposed to have allegorical equivalency with Jewish people, but the Jewish people were never the oppressors. There weren't any Jewish empires. That's conspiracy theory bullshit.
But on the other hand, the series clearly takes great effort to not stereotype any of the groups it's portraying and gives complex reasons for what both sides do. It's one of the few Japanese series that I've seen not stereotype Middle Eastern-coded people (Ramzi and Halil) or black people (Onyakapon). Everyone are people, it says. It even champions diversity:
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(Chapter 118)
It is also very much true that a bunch of fascist states use long-term history as an excuse for their actions:
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(Chapter 127)
Nation did X 2000 years ago therefore our conquest of them is justified.
This makes discussion about the series' themes like a minefield.
The people who are very critical about its imagery are right, but the people defending the series aren't wrong, either because it condemns all of those nasty ideas of conquest and hurting innocent people.
You can't have a more clear-cut condemnation of genocide:
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(Chapter 127)
If you combine all of these details instead of zoning in on them one by one, to me what the story is saying is that *even if* all of that conspiracy bullshit is true, innocent people don't deserve to be slaughtered no matter the reason because they are still people who have their own feelings, thoughts and wishes.
The story clearly gets the baseline, but fumbles the details. I decided to look up some more discussion surrounding this these past few days and I just wish there was more good faith discussion about it. A lot of it feels like a moral superiority contest.
I think it's these kind of flawed stories that actually deserve detailed scruitiny over stories that are rotten to the core because they are *almost there*. Talking about them is a good topic starter in what to do and not to do in a story like this.
Speaking of rotten to the core, I think the absolute highlight of the chapters this year is Eren and some of the chapters this year finally gave me a pretty clear picture of what is going on with him.
Context from 123 certainly helps, though:
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(Chapter 131)
This is about Eren's perspective. He can't accept the destruction of Paradis.
It's not that this solution was inevitable looking in from the outside (which is one of the interpretations I see around for Eren's actions), it's that *Eren* can't see any other way out of this except the most extreme because of all of the horrible things he has seen from the outside world. It is very similar to the way suicidal people can only focus on the negative.
You can tell them everything is going to be okay, but those words won't reach them because their mind won't let them and loops them back to those negative thoughts.
Eren can't see the ice cream or silly clowns. But he can see how the other Eldians in the league of Eldians are willing to push Paradis under the bus. He can see how Grisha's sister was killed. He can see how racist and cruel Marley is towards the Eldians in Liberio (and how the people have racist leanings towards other nations, too).
He can only see those bad things. But he also understands how everyone outside of the walls are human just as the people inside of the walls are.
So he is torn to pieces by guilt.
He doesn't want to do this, but he can't see any other solution.
This is why I also think he can't rob his friends of their agency. He is fighting for them to have a good future:
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(Chapter 133)
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(Chapter 131)
What really stood out to me on a revisit is that Eren considers himself much worse than Reiner.
I've seen criticism on how the story pushes the narrative of both sides being the same and this detail is really important to me because this is the story acknowledging that what Eren is doing is worse and gives all of the following exchanges about this the context of it being a similarity in principle.
Both sides have killed for what they think is right and have to deal with how they have killed people. This is such an important detail in the Uprising arc, too, where Erwin firmly acknowledged that overthrowing the government might not actually be the right choice by him. It was simply what he saw as right. On a narrative level this avoids absolute truths and preference of one character perspective over the other and once again makes it about individual perspectives.
The theme of individual perspectives is so ingrained in this story at this point in my eyes that it's another cornerstone in understanding what is going on with Eren to me.
I think it's great.
I also really appreciate Annie and what was done with her in this chunk of chapters.
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(Chapter 127)
There has been this narrative going around that proposes that the story is in Eren's corner too much. But these chapters are nothing but questioning Eren and Annie is one of the main voices in this. It's the Marleyan girls, really and I think this is a very necessary part of making the narrative work. Once again, it separates the narrative and character perspective.
It says that the Paradis side caring is about character perspective, not what the narrative sides with and Annie is even sympathetic to Mikasa in that instance.
She gets it. Unexpectedly, I think Annie might play a bigger role in taking down Eren than expected. Her character arc about deciding to no longer go with the flow because she doesn't want any more tragedy to happen is basically calling for it.
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(Chapter 128)
Another element I've seen brought up is the fact that nobody seems to address the Bert-sized elephant in the room, but some of our characters are certainly thinking about him.
This is such a thematically strong element and really interesting because Connie joined the military to make his mom proud and be a good soldier. This is the motivation behind his claim when he says they are going to save the world. But what does becoming a good soldier mean, exactly?
Well, apparently possibly gunning down people you care about.
This moment is so good because it's another moment where the idea of glory in war is taken down a peg.
The moment with Connie declaring they're going to save the world is so often criticised, but it is actually turned on its head in 128. There is no heroics in this. This is actually Connie's big "killing a person" moment because it strips away the final bit of comfort in killing in war, the excuse of killing for good moral reasons.
It is also a wonderful complex evolution of the series' themes. Trost was about fighting monsters. In the Female Titan and Clash of Titan arcs some of those monsters turned out to be human. In the Uprising, Return to Shiganshina and Marley arcs all of those monsters turned out to be human and here in the War of Paradis arc, everyone is human and the only separating system is what everyone views as right.
I really hope the anime will let this chapter breathe a little bit more.
Moving on, I guess it is time to address the rumbling.
I love it as a horror spectacle.
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(Chapter 130)
And I really I think it needs to be non-CG when animated. CG is fine in spectacle battles, but not in horror settings because it is too clean.
The rumbling needs to be disgusting and dirty.
Chapter 132 gave me one of the few moments in which I truly cared about Levi. I think him telling Hange to dedicate her heart was a very good moment to cap off their relationship. He sent another SL commander to fulfill their duty.
The speech about hatred in chapter 134 also stood out to me. I think it definitely should be fitted in there somewhere in this, but I also see a bunch of criticism for it.
I want to point out that this is the side of present Marley talking here. It's the military dictatorship.
It's the Nazis. I think the Nazis should feel regret for exploiting innocent people and admit they're wrong.
I also like how the horrors here are undoing the brainwashing and showing the truth to the citizens.
I guess you could read it as heavy-handed, but it is also something that needs to be addressed and in principle, it's not wrong.
I'm also going to put a mention of Historia here. I've talked about how this is my biggest and most glaring problem with the series because of how thematically unfitting it feels, but I've also talked about it in many posts. I wanted to focus more on other stuff in this post.
So now, we make it back to chapter 135.
I think having stewed on it for a month now, I like the element of mindscrewing our cast with the Titans of the people they love is the strongest element of it. It's making them face their personal traumas and we also get some great character moments and payoffs from it.
Mikasa ended off the year in a very good note in my eyes.
Even this deep in the story, this chapter left me in a situation where I have no idea how things might turn out.
I might have rough ideas, but not anything specific and that's fun.
Well, this is it on my retrospective.
2021 is confirmed to be AoT's final year of publication as volume 34 is set to be the story's final volume.
Those who hate the story can finally be free of it and those who care for it, can look back on it with fondness and sadness and many other emotions and evaluate.
It's been 7 years for me. What a wild ride.
So, I'm asking everyone, what are some of your observations on AoT in 2020?
Is there anything you'd like to add or do you have any observations or counterarguments for anything I've said?
I'd be curious to see what everyone else thought of AoT in 2020!
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Terezi seriously deserves so much better... post canon would've been the perfect place to revive her friendship with both Dave and Karkat. but also, her and Vriska's relationship got totally shafted in post canon. for self proclaimed Vriska fans, they don't really seem to be including her? like they basically just replaced her with a bland teen version? what the hell was the point of that? to go off a bit: the most interesting parts of Vriska's story are centered around her traumatic upbringing, which she deals with in ways that make her difficult to love, and Terezi is tied to her through repeated attempts to love her anyway, in spite of how hard it can be.
the trolls actually have a lot of relationships where one person has to decide when to stick by someone, and when to give up. Sollux ends up in a kind of limbo state with Aradia... he still likes who she was, but she's not that anymore when we first meet her as a ghost. Kanaya is interested in Vriska for a bit, but eventually feels unappreciated and used after spending probably longer than she should've trying to become interesting to her. Feferi has to figure out how to give up on Eridan without it resulting in widespread destruction, and that threat is why their relationship is exhausting to her in the first place. and Terezi has probably the most complex conundrum of all with Vriska. the two of them grew up together, and spent a long time killing a lot of their peers. for Vriska, it was essential to her survival and she had no choice, while for Terezi, it was just a recreational activity... and this is why Terezi eventually feels more guilt over it, and is able to realize that she should try to reform herself. meanwhile, Vriska built so much of her identity and self worth around taking pride in her ruthless persona, that it seems inextricable from who she is.
Vriska can't give up her kill-or-be-killed ways, even when she doesn't need to appease her lusus anymore, because this is the metric by which she judges people, and she can't stand to see herself as a victim. to her, weakness makes you killable... the way her lusus threatened her taught her that. failure results in death. and that's what bothers her so much about Tavros. by the standards she grew up under, he shouldn't have even made it as far as he did. but he also didn't even grow up by the same standards as Vriska to begin with. his lusus is tiny and cute, and he's clearly never even been asked to do anything violent before. even the fact that he had a choice is a novel concept. he didn't earn the right to live... not the way Vriska had to. to her, that's not fair. he even wanders into a game called "fatal live action roleplaying" like... the word "fatal" is in the name, looking for a fun adventure. as if Vriska hadn't been using this game to hunt her peers all this time. and she's probably killed a ton of more capable trolls than Tavros. what gives him a pass compared to them? the basic existence of someone like Tavros is like a wound that Vriska can't stop picking at, even while she's too prideful to admit she would've wanted a better life than what she got. instead, she has to hold others to this ruthless standard. if she doesn't, she might have to admit that her struggle was optional, or that it might not have made any sense to demand that much murder from a child. she didn't have to be raised like that. but like hell she's gonna play the victim. and it's alienating to be hated because of the one thing you feel like you've really accomplished. nobody could ever stomach being proud of Vriska, so she does it herself. she only has herself to rely on anyway.
all of this signifies a person who is damaged. she's in survival mode all the time, and it prevents her from forming connections with people. and Terezi sees this. Vriska's connection to Tavros is unhealthy, not just because Tavros is being bullied, but because Vriska isn't moving on. she's still all wrapped up in the idealized superiority of power, and won't admit that she even needs anyone or anything, even though she's genuinely not okay with losing so many of her friends over the Scourge/Charge debacle. so many of them consider this a step too far, but Vriska has genuine trouble discerning what the difference is between this, and her whole lifetime's worth of behavior. this is what she's had to do, and they're all more horrified at her, than they are at the things that made it necessary for her to turn out this way. and they don't have any solutions either. none of her friends can say "oh, well you should've handled it this way. then we could accept you" because the morally responsible thing to do would've been to die. Vriska not existing could've technically saved a lot of lives... if Vriska isn't proud of her strength, she might have to actually start feeling guilty for what she's done. and if Vriska felt a level of guilt that others think is appropriate for what she's done, she'd basically be ruined. people consider her unsalvageable, and she knows they see her that way. it breeds mistrust, and leads to her making all her decisions on her own, without asking anyone's advice or permission. they won't forgive her for even being alive, so screw them anyway. it drives a deeper wedge.
and Terezi is the one who actually understands all of this. she gets it... she was there. but she also knows that it would be healthier for Vriska to admit that she doesn't have to, or want to, live that way anymore. pride be damned, the things they did were awful, and their behavior should change. Terezi always had less riding on her adherence to these standards, so she was able to discard them easier. and now that she's on the other side of it, she knows that the longer you spend acting like that, the more the shame stacks up in hindsight. Vriska is digging herself a hole, and it's painful to watch, because Vriska is still basically Terezi's best friend. it's a hard position... if Vriska is never held accountable for anything, and never suffers consequences, then she may never change. but Terezi also irrationally wants to forgive her. because Terezi also wants to forgive herself. she doesn't want to believe that either of them are irredeemable, but when she kills Vriska, it seems as though they both were. it feels like they were both ruined. from the very beginning, as kids growing up in a fucked up environment, they never stood a chance. it's why they needed each other.
I just really wish post canon could focus on these two healing. they're both so well written, and so complex and interesting... and I was even really liking the hints of John and Terezi picking on each other. let Terezi have low stakes contention with someone! shenanigans that don't result in death would be good for both her and Vriska tbh. and it'd be so funny cuz like, Vriska is fond of John, and Terezi is so peeved by him. I think Vriska really started healing by knowing John, cuz as a human, she has a blank slate with him, and he couldn't have been raised ruthless, even if he would've been adept at being that way. to Vriska, John is an alien and doesn't work on the same scale as her. it leaves the point of survivability pretty moot, so Vriska isn't viewing everything in terms of that with him. and it's nice. she has fun. she gets to feel like a kid in a way that she never got to, because everything really is so simple. what I wouldn't give for the three of them to be able to pal around on earth C, that'd be so interesting!
(I’m not gonna add anything bc this is just, so good)
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