#Ah there we go
heretherebedork · 2 years
He is, in fact, your emotionally damaged baby so go ahead and wipe his tears and hug him tight and kiss him until you can't because he's yours.
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analviel · 2 years
I dont actually ship ships that aren't canon, or at least I don't write about them, and I'm still at a point I feel really weird shipping my own country wuth others but suddenly want some Philippines x Malaysia just because a spark in my head went 'Mal and Mahal are just a single syllable from each other, literally just an exhale' and now I can't let it go.
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bumblebeebats · 26 days
As much as i love Dungeon Meshi, i do think that given Ryoko Kui's attention to realistic worldbuilding there ought to be a companion series called Dishes Meshi where they spend 2hrs washing and drying and packing away. Alll the goddamnfuck dishes they just made
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ministarfruit · 6 months
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stardew valley marriage candidates
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happyfoxx-art · 2 months
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Aftermath Family Meeting 6 PREV | NEXT | FIRST
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obsob · 1 year
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love is stored in the parallel play
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oncillabrigade · 1 month
Someday, Damian is going to outpace Tim height-wise. He'll be at least a couple inches taller, because Damian's parents are both tall(ish) while Tim has done everything in his power short of getting an Ed Elric-style arm to stunt his own growth.
Once that happens, Damian will uncover his greatest power of all, a power he had only dreamt of before now, a power possessed by Superboy himself. Because once Dami is even a centimeter over Tim's head, this will occur:
Tim: Nice try, [insert rogue name], but you've officially been busted by Red Robin and the boy wonder himself.
Damian: Why does your name come first?
Tim: I'm older.
Damian: *opens mouth*
Damian: *draws the biggest breath of his life*
Damian: I'M TALLER!!!!!
Unfortunately for Damian, he is not Jon, and Tim is not ten, and therefore, Tim has a comeback.
Tim: Name a single culture where height is a basis for authority and we'll talk.
Damian is devastated. He lashes out. They have their biggest argument in years. It gets physical. It gets vicious.
And yes, the rogue does get away while they fight.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 days
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Normal Friend Behaviour.
[First] Prev <–-> Next
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repercussionss · 2 months
if I had a nickel for every blonde hoyo man with a good fashion sense and a father who died due to quicksand and who has a homoerotic relationship with a buff scholar who degrades him but ultimately cares about said blonde guy, I would have two nickels - which isn't a lot but it is weird that it happened twice
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isjasz · 4 months
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Part 2- At the gate
(Yep this is the end for the comics because JESUS CHRIST. GAJHWJHDJA. I will probably maybe make more doodles for the au tho but nothing this structured like this again o7 it's been fun!!)
Designs | Part 1 | Part 2 (End)
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egophiliac · 11 months
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(feat. Dilla)
(bugle accompaniment by Yuu)
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tunisian · 1 year
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Ya'll want to know the funniest shit?
I'm researching the era when Alastor was alive right now to get a better idea of both his character, the life he lived before Hell, and to hash out a backstory for him.
And so, apparently, Alastor lived through the Prohibition (which was basically the United States government illegalizing the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol because they thought it was the cause of a lot of domestic violence and child abandonment).
Alastor canonically died in 1933.
Do you know how long the Prohibition lasted?
From 1920-1933.
The Prohibition officially ended on December 5, 1933, and now my headcanon is that Alastor died December 6, 1933. Literally the day after he could legally drink all the booze he wanted.
I am learning a LOT about New Orleans and the era Alastor lived through (including the gay community in the city at the time) which has been a lot of fun, and I just wanted to share that tidbit because it is so fucking funny to me.
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songthursh · 7 months
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A very, VERY basic doctors argument
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
Dragon giving Luffy to Garp with the assumption that he's going to take care of him until he's ready to meet his son (because it's dangerous to have a child while he starts a fucking revolution, thank you very much) and then Garp just- Leaving Luffy on a village where he spends 24/7 alone waiting for the pirate he now considers his role model (because he doesn't have anybody else and Shanks is the only father figure around and he's just that nice) to come back from his adventures, and only being taken care of by Makino who has no responsibility over Luffy but still takes care of him because otherwise the kid would probably die from starvation, and lucky for him she's a sweetheart. And then he loses Uta, his only friend (with no explanation at all), to then carry the guilt of Shanks losing an arm for him and suddenly his legacy as a pirate. And then he's sent to another place with other people he doesn't know, because Garp thought "oh, yes, wonderful idea to leave my grandson with this depressed kid and some bandits" and Luffy luckily befriends Ace and Sabo because they're good people. Luckily. And luckily, Dadan is a good mom and loves them. But then Sabo fucking dies because nobody with authority was protecting these kids (I wonder who could've done that). And now Luffy has to carry both guilt, a legacy, and the biggest abandonment issues I've ever seen after losing his best friend and his brother when they were just children.
And I'm not saying Garp has made horrible decisions but he has made horrible decisions and Dragon should hit his own dad with Sabo's metal pipe.
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invinciblerodent · 6 months
"I'll make a save here and try breaking up with Astarion, just to see the dialogue- I could see him get kinda nasty about it, but I honestly don't know what to expect so---"
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