#Ace rambles
ughgoaway 14 hours
is it an appropriate time to be horny or are some people still being weird about matty being in love...
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liftys-favorite 3 days
for my ticklish self shippers who don't like being tickled, your f/o would never try and tickle you if you didn't want them to. they won't expect you to put up with it because it's "all in good fun" or they're "just teasing" or anything of the sort. the moment they find out you don't like it, they put the thought out of their mind completely.
your comfort will always be more important to them than any kind of teasing <3
proshippers/comshippers/any variants do not interact
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theradicalace 2 years
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i don鈥檛 know why my brain works this way
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eddiemunsonbrainrot 2 months
this is the day I have been waiting for as a sex repulse asexual I cannot wait to use this
Edit: found out this isn鈥檛 real sadly :(
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avnasace 9 months
(edited for spoiler warnings jjk spoilers ch236) gojo and geto now having the same death anniversary, megumi's body being used to kill someone he loves AGAIN, gojo's students all watching him get sliced in half, gojo wishing geto was a teacher, the fever dream conversation with Geto, Haibara and Nanami, oh gege we are in your walls for real this time you were cruel for this...
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edjectedly 7 months
Sometimes you gotta create another blank, untitled, google doc because the current one isn't hittin right
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thecommunalfoolboy 6 days
Aphobia is craaaaazy, like queer people in general didn鈥檛 do anything but we REALLY didn鈥檛 do anything
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bbeeew 9 months
talking to allos about asexuality as a sex repulsed ace is so wild sometimes
"have you never been turned on? At all???"
Like how tf would I tell you that. And like am I supposed to answer no? Why do you want to know? Why is that a question you ask? bro???
"I'm a pure virgin, who shant do things like, wake up with a boner or have a high libido" like what do you want from me.
Like it's not a dumb question but if you ask me "when ace people get boners what do they do?" You should expect the most "the god dang flippafrack came out of your pie hole" and it better not be followed up with "do they just cry?" because I will not be able to hold myself back from bursting out laughing
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phoen1xr0se 4 months
My darling fellow aces out there,
What's your favourite non-sexual act of intimacy?
Mine's gotta be brushing/stroking/playing with someone's hair. Love the tingles 馃グ
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acroagoraphobe 20 days
Headcannons for living with Joshua Graham mordern AU?
Oooo.. I already have agood few so ima put em all together!
And a good few new ones too!
Ungodly amount of decorative pillows in his house, all over the couches, on the beds.
Its literally the worst, All the beds have uncomfy decorative comforters.
He doesn't really get out of the house except for church, so he just sits in his room reading most of the time.
Probably goes to book club on the weekends with the church ladies though.
Lots and lots of potted plants. So many potted plants. inside and outside the house.
Does not cook. Since even in a modern AU.. bad history with fires (His last house got burnt down at the last legion cookout.) So you have to cook for him.
He also doesn't have a microwave because he doesn't trust them.
Divorced Dad. Need I say more?
Sits on the porch reading when not at book club, church, or in his room. Sometimes he stares menacingly at passerby.
Pet Gecko he keeps in his room in a gecko tank? enclosure? whatever the hell you call the lizard storage.
You will probably hear him complain passive agressively that the dishes aren't done, yet he also doesn't do them.
Laundry though, that shit is done, dried, ironed, and folded perfectly and put up. As much as he complains about doing laundry he sure likes doing it.
there's so many crosses hung up in his house. (Reminds me of that one thing where a guy's grandma hung up a foam Minecraft sword because she thought it was a cross.)
The king of horrendous, Live laugh love things. Utensil holder, front door sign. DOORMAT.
Will constantly complain about people in the park Larping if he ever does go outside and be grumpy in the park (He used to be a larper, he's just a bitchy old man)
Can't work a computer to save his life. Somehow gets it to blue screen by opening a single tab in google. Do not let him near your computer.
He has a flip phone. No you cannot argue this. And he leaves it in the worst places and he has like the worst ringtone option possible. It's so annoying. Dear god is it annoying.
This man does not own a single pair of non-cargo shorts, or sweatpants. it's either formal or 80's dad. Yes he wears Newbalances.
The wallpaper in his house is like all like floral print and its super ugly but Joshua genuinely really likes it so you don't wanna point it out that it's ugly as fuck. But he knows deep down that its absolutely hideous snd refuses to acknowledge it like how he refuses to acknowledge his mistakes and when he's wrong in an argument and then just silently sits there and says nothing angrily.
The most inconvenient locks are broken. bathroom lock? broken when he bought the house. Bedroom lock? Broke because he slammed the door too hard and then it didn't latch and he slammed it again over snd over and he got more pissed at the door so he punched it really hard.
He gets realllyyyy pissy sometimes. Like i mean hella pissy. Like for no reason either. best to leave him to his own devices.
Just does random lore drops like "I used to be on a bowling team. and once almost killed a man with a bowling ball." then walks off back to his room.
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ughgoaway 2 days
just a reminder to anyone who lives in England and sees this; please register to vote!! you have until June 18th to register, and you also need a valid form of ID to vote unless it's a postal ballot!! it is imperative that we use our voices this year to get the conservatives out of government so we can finally start fixing what they've destroyed.
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liftys-favorite 2 months
if you sleep with plushies/stuffed animals, imagine this:
you don't see your f/o for a few days for some reason or another (visiting family, work trip, etc), and when you come home, you find them asleep curled around one of your plushies.
when you ask them about it the next day (after taking pictures, of course :3), they bashfully admit that it was just because they missed you, and wanted to hold something that smelled like you <3
proshippers/comshippers/any variants do not interact.
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kind of crazy how overstimulation will turn you into the nastiest most murderous tweaked out bitch in a hundred mile radius and then you'll take some time and calm down and get a drink or somethin. and then you're just like sorry about that. there were too many noises and i became the evil version of myself.
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theradicalace 10 months
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tiktok is trying to do what basically amounts to goncharov 2 rn (and as with all sequels it is worse) and i think this is my favorite thing i've seen said about the matter
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Double penetration but it's two vampires biting you at the same time. One on the neck and one on the-- [I am stabbed through the heart with a stake]
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