#Accounts Receivable Management Tools
kapittx · 5 months
Transforming Accounts Receivable: A Deep Dive into Modern Solutions with Kapittx
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In the dynamic world of modern business, effective accounts receivable (AR) management has become a linchpin for sustained growth and financial stability. The increasing demand for streamlined financial processes necessitates the adoption of innovative solutions. 
Every company invests substantial resources to grow the business and revenue. However, that revenue must be converted into cash.
The team and the processes responsible for converting revenue to cash by effectively managing receivables are – 
Also managing 100% of company’s revenue
Either can save or lose millions in the form of bad debt and interest cost
As a customer touch point, can influence customer service and satisfaction, directly affecting revenue.
Why current AR process is not effective?
Traditional accounting ERPs with spreadsheets, once considered revolutionary, have become outdated in the face of rapid advancements in Automation, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The historical approach of relying on spreadsheets, emails, phone calls, and personal visits to manage receivables has persisted through generations. However, the limitations of these traditional processes, marked by manual tasks and delays, are evident in the current fast-paced business landscape.
The Challenge of Traditional AR Processes:
Traditional AR processes are notorious for their inefficiencies, resulting in delayed payments and increased Days Sales Outstanding (DSO). Their lack of agility poses a significant challenge for businesses striving to navigate fluctuating payment behaviors, complex customer interactions, and the growing demand for real-time data insights.
The Emergence of Innovative Solutions:
Acknowledging the critical need for a modern approach to AR management, innovative platforms like Kapittx have come to the forefront. These solutions leverage automation, analytics, and AI to effectively address the complexities of the modern business environment, empowering CFOs and finance organizations to take control of their receivables and cash flow.
Benefits of AI-Powered AR Tools and Processes:
Increased Cash Flow and Reduced DSO: AI-powered tools streamline processes, resulting in quicker payments and a notable reduction in Days Sales Outstanding.
Boost in Credit Sales and Margins: Improved efficiency enhances credit sales and profit margins, contributing to overall revenue growth.
Enhanced Productivity of Collection and Sales Teams: AI-driven automation increases the productivity of collection and sales teams, saving valuable time for managers and CFOs.
Reduced Bad Debt and Interest Costs: Advanced analytics minimize the risk of bad debt, leading to substantial savings in interest costs.
Lower Administrative Costs: Automation across the revenue cycle reduces administrative costs, optimizing overall financial operations.
Decrease in Deductions and Concessions Losses: AI-powered tools help identify and mitigate deductions and concessions losses, preserving revenue.
Enhanced Customer Service: Improved efficiency and responsiveness contribute to enhanced customer service, fostering stronger client relationships.
Decreased Administrative Burden on Sales Force and Management: Automation reduces the administrative burden on the sales force and management, allowing them to focus on core revenue-generating activities.
Drivers of Receivable Management
What are the drivers of receivable management? Which are within the control and outside the of control of the receivable management team? When is a good time to change your AR process :
Receivables management is an art that requires finesse in human interactions and creative problem-solving. Simultaneously, it is a science that leverages data, analytics, and technology to optimize processes, manage risks, and drive strategic decision-making. The most successful CFOs, Finance Controllers, Credit Managers or Receivables Managers are those who seamlessly integrate both the artistic and scientific aspects, adapting to the dynamic nature of the field. It encompasses business processes, technological tools, workforce skills and motivation, corporate culture, evolving behaviors of customers and colleagues, an optimal organizational structure, performance metrics, incentives, and adaptability to navigate shifting external factors.
The quality of the revenue cycle operation is reflected in the receivables asset. Any mistake in the order, fulfillment, invoicing, payment, or customer satisfaction process will result in a delayed or incomplete payment in the receivables ledger.
How to identify and fix your AR process issues
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Accounts receivable is a critical function that affects your cash flow, customer satisfaction, and profitability. However, many businesses struggle with inefficient and outdated AR processes that lead to poor performance and customer dissatisfaction. Here are some common indicators that your AR process needs a rehaul:
High DSO: If invoice collection period is 50% more than the credit period, it means you are taking too long to collect payments from your customers. This can affect your working capital and cash flow. High DSO can also indicate that you are not managing your customer credit risk effectively, or that you are not enforcing your payment terms consistently.
Slow invoice submission: If you are not sending your invoices to your customers within 2 to 5 days of invoice generation, you are missing out on the opportunity to get paid faster. Delayed invoice submission can also cause confusion and disputes with your customers, especially if they receive multiple invoices at once or if the invoice details are inaccurate or incomplete.
Missing payment reminders: If you are not sending timely and friendly payment reminders to your customers, you are letting them forget or ignore their payment obligations. Payment reminders are an essential part of your AR process, as they help you maintain a positive relationship with your customers and encourage them to pay on time.
High dispute rate: If you are receiving a lot of invoice disputes from your customers, it means that there is something wrong with your invoicing process or your product or service delivery. Invoice disputes can cause delays in payment, damage your customer trust, and increase your administrative costs.
Long dispute resolution time: If you are not resolving invoice disputes quickly and efficiently, you are prolonging the payment cycle and creating frustration for your customers. Dispute resolution time is a key metric that reflects your customer service quality and your AR process effectiveness.
Dependence on multiple tools: If you are using different tools to manage your receivables, such as accounting ERP, spreadsheets, and report generating tools, you are creating unnecessary complexity and inefficiency in your AR process. Using multiple tools can cause data inconsistency, duplication, and errors, as well as increase your operational costs and time.
Lack of visibility: If you are not able to track and analyze the reasons for payment delays, you are missing out on valuable insights that can help you improve your AR process and customer experience. Understanding the root causes of payment delays can help you identify and address the internal and external factors that affect your AR performance.
Increasing review time: If you are spending more time reviewing your receivables than acting on them, you are wasting your resources and losing your competitive edge. Reviewing your receivables is important, but it should not take away from your core activities, such as collecting payments, resolving disputes, and building customer relationships.
According to a study, 70% of the invoice payments are delayed not because customers want to delay, but due to internal challenges and broken AR processes. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize your AR process and eliminate the inefficiencies and errors that cause payment delays. 
Aspects of your AR process that you can control and improve:
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Invoice generation: You can automate your invoice generation process and ensure that your invoices are accurate, complete, and compliant with your customer’s requirements. You can also use electronic invoicing to reduce paper usage, printing costs, and delivery time.
Invoice submission: You can automate your invoice submission process and send your invoices to your customers via their preferred channel, such as email, web portal, or EDI. You can also use invoice tracking to confirm that your invoices are received and opened by your customers.
Payment reminders: You can automate your payment reminder process and send personalized and friendly reminders to your customers via their preferred channel, such as email, SMS, or phone. You can also use payment reminder templates to ensure consistency and professionalism in your communication.
Follow-up calls: You can automate your follow-up call process and schedule and execute calls to your customers based on their payment behavior and risk profile. You can also use call scripts to ensure that your calls are polite, respectful, and effective.
Dispute management: You can automate your dispute management process and capture, categorize, and assign disputes to the right person or team. You can also use dispute resolution workflows to ensure that disputes are resolved in a timely and satisfactory manner.
Aspects of your AR process that you cannot control:
Customer errors: If your customer makes a mistake in placing an order, receiving a product or service, making a payment, or updating their information, it can result in a past due or short payment in your receivables ledger. You can try to prevent customer errors by providing clear and accurate information, instructions, and support to your customers.
Customer dissatisfaction: If your customer is unhappy with your product or service, or with your customer service, they may withhold or delay their payment as a form of protest or retaliation. You can try to prevent customer dissatisfaction by delivering high-quality products and services, and by providing excellent customer service.
Automation is revolutionizing receivables management. Credit and collection software offers work flow, data management, and analysis tools that surpass even the best ERP systems. By enabling access to all the information related to the invoice-to-cash process and providing the tools to act on that data from a single user interface, companies that have adopted receivables management software have achieved dramatic improvements in performance, as seen by reduced DSO and delinquencies. But efficiency is not the only benefit. The data collected from credit and collection activities also provides valuable customer and process insights that can be used to enhance customer profitability, invoice accuracy, and customer satisfaction. When used properly, receivables management automation becomes the missing link between back office operations and front line customer relationship management.
What to look for to modernise your AR Process?
In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, the adoption of automation is crucial for staying competitive and optimizing operational efficiency. Modernizing your Accounts Receivable (AR) process through automation is not just a trend but a strategic move to enhance productivity, minimize errors, and foster a more agile business environment.
Key Considerations for Modernizing Accounts Receivable process with Automation:
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Integration Capabilities:
Ensure that the automation solution seamlessly integrates with existing systems, ERPs, and other relevant tools to avoid disruptions and enhance overall efficiency.
Choose an automation solution that can scale alongside your business growth. This ensures that the system remains effective and adaptable as your AR needs evolve.
User-Friendly Interface:
Opt for an automation platform with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. This reduces the learning curve for your team and promotes swift adoption across different departments.
Data Security and Compliance:
Prioritize platforms that adhere to stringent data security standards and compliance regulations. Protecting sensitive financial information is paramount in the modern business landscape.
Customization and Flexibility:
Look for automation tools that offer customization options to tailor the solution to your specific AR processes. Flexibility is key to accommodating diverse business requirements.
Workflow Automation:
Identify a solution that automates routine and time-consuming tasks, such as invoice processing, payment reminders, and data entry. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of human errors.
Analytics and Reporting:
Choose a platform that provides robust analytics and reporting features. Real-time insights into AR performance empower decision-makers to identify trends, make informed decisions, and strategize for the future.
Collaboration Features:
Opt for automation tools that facilitate collaboration among team members and stakeholders. Effective communication and seamless collaboration are crucial for a streamlined AR process.
Customer Experience Enhancement:
Prioritize solutions that enhance the customer experience. Automation can improve the speed and accuracy of invoicing, payment processing, and dispute resolution, leading to increased customer satisfaction.
Cost-Benefit Analysis:
Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis to assess the potential return on investment. While automation involves an upfront investment, the long-term benefits in terms of efficiency and cost savings often outweigh the initial costs.
Modernizing your Accounts Receivable process through automation is not just a technological upgrade; it’s a strategic decision to future-proof your finance operations. By considering these key factors, you can select the right automation solution that aligns with your business goals, enhances efficiency, and propels your organization toward sustained success in the dynamic financial landscape.
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artisticdivasworld · 3 months
Facts About Factoring That Could Cost You Money
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com Factoring, a financial transaction where a business sells its accounts receivable to a third party (the factor) at a discount, can be a lifeline for businesses in need of immediate cash flow. However, while factoring can provide crucial short-term financial relief, there are aspects of it that could end up costing your business more money than anticipated.…
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blogborsa · 14 days
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QuickBooks is a renowned accounting software that offers a seamless solution for small businesses to manage their financial tasks efficiently. With features designed to streamline accounting processes, QuickBooks simplifies tasks such as tracking receipts, income, bank transactions, and more. This software is available in both online and desktop versions, catering to the diverse needs of businesses of all sizes. QuickBooks Online, for instance, allows users to easily track mileage, expenses, payroll, send invoices, and receive payments online, making it a comprehensive tool for financial management. Moreover, QuickBooks Desktop provides accountants with exclusive features to save time and enhance productivity. Whether it's managing income and expenses, staying tax-ready, invoicing, paying bills, managing inventory, or running reports, QuickBooks offers a range of functionalities to support businesses in their accounting needs.
Utilizing qb accounting software purposes comes with a myriad of benefits that can significantly enhance business operations. Some key advantages of using QuickBooks include:
- Efficient tracking of income and expenses
- Simplified tax preparation and compliance
- Streamlined invoicing and payment processes
- Effective management of inventory
- Generation of insightful financial reports
- Integration with payroll and HR functions
These benefits not only save time and effort but also contribute to better financial decision-making and overall business growth. QuickBooks is designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses, offering tailored solutions for various industries and sizes.
When considering accounting qb software options, QuickBooks stands out as a versatile and comprehensive choice. To provide a holistic view, let's compare QuickBooks with two other popular accounting software options - Xero and FreshBooks. quick book accounting package and offers robust features for small businesses, including advanced accounting capabilities, invoicing, payment processing, and payroll management. Xero, on the other hand, is known for its user-friendly interface and strong collaboration features, making it a popular choice among startups and small businesses. FreshBooks excels in invoicing and time tracking functionalities, catering to freelancers and service-based businesses. By evaluating the features, pricing, and user experience of these accounting software options, businesses can make an informed decision based on their specific needs and preferences.
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river-taxbird · 4 months
Have YOU got an old Windows PC Microsoft has told you can't run Windows 11? It's time to give it a new life!
How to install Windows 11 on unsupported PC Hardware using Rufus. You can also disable some other Windows 11 bullshit like data harvesting and needing a Microsoft account.
It has been in the news a lot lately that Windows 11 isn't allowed to be installed on PCs without certain requirements, including the TPM 2.0, a chip that was only included in PCs made in 2018 or later. This means that once Windows 10 stops receiving security updates, those PCs will not be able to (officially) run a safe, updated version of Windows anymore. This has led to an estimated 240 million PCs bound for the landfill. Thanks Microsoft! I get you don't want to be seen as the insecure one, but creating this much waste can't be the solution.
(I know nerds, Linux is a thing. I love you but we are not having that conversation. If you want to use Linux on an old PC you are already doing it and you don't need to tell me about it. People need Windows for all sorts of reasons that Linux won't cut.)
So lately I have been helping some under privileged teens get set up with PCs. Their school was giving away their old lab computers, and these kids would usually have no chance to afford even a basic computer. They had their hard drives pulled so I have been setting them up with SSDs, but the question was, what to do about the operating system? So I looked into it and I found out there IS actually a way to bypass Microsoft's system requirement and put Windows 11 on PCs as old as 2010.
You will need: Rufus: An open source ISO burning tool.
A Windows 11 ISO: Available from Microsoft.
A USB Flash Drive, at least 16GB.
A working PC to make the ISO, and a PC from 2018 or older you want to install Windows 11 on.
Here is the guide I used, but I will put it in my own words as well.
Download your Windows 11 ISO, and plug in your USB drive. It will be erased, so don't have anything valuable on it. Run Rufus, select your USB drive in the Device window, and select your Windows 11 ISO with the Select button. (There is supposed to be a feature in Rufus to download your ISO but I couldn't get it to work.?
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Choose standard windows installation, and follow the screenshot for your settings. Once you are done that, press Start, and then the magic happens. Another window pops up allowing you to remove the system requirements, the need for a microsoft account, and turn off data collecting. Just click the options you want, and press ok to write your iso to a drive.
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From there you just need to use the USB drive to install windows. I won't go into details here, but here are some resources if you don't know how to do it.
Boot your PC from a USB Drive
Install Windows 11 from USB Drive
If you had a licensed copy of Windows 10, Windows 11 will already be licensed. If you don't, then perhaps you can use some kind of... Activation Scripts for Microsoft software, that will allow you to activate them. Of course I cannot link such tools here. So there you go, now you can save a PC made from before 2018 from the landfill, and maybe give it to a deserving teen in the process. The more we can extend the lives of technology and keep it out of the trash, the better.
Additional note: This removes the requirement for having 4GB Minimum of RAM, but I think that requirement should honestly be higher. Windows 11 will be unusable slow on any system with below 8GB of RAM. 8GB is the minimum I think you should have before trying this but it still really not enough for modern use outside of light web and office work. I wouldn't recommend trying this on anything with 4GB or less. I am honestly shocked they are still selling brand new Windows 11 PCs with 4GB of ram. If you're not sure how much RAM you have, you can find out in the performance tab of Task Manager in Windows, if you click the More Details icon on the bottom right. If you don't have enough, RAM for old systems is super cheap and widely available so it would definitely be worth upgrading if you have a ram starved machine you'd like to give a new life.
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vague-humanoid · 1 month
A pro-Israel “surveillance network” that has offered bounties for information on pro-Palestinian protesters is establishing a foothold in Australia and claims to have secured meetings with key federal politicians, leaked messages show.
Shirion Collective, which has largely focused on the US and UK, boasts of its ability to scrape digital fingerprints to “aggressively track and expose antisemites”. It is one of a number of groups that have gained prominence on social media during the Israel-Gaza war, publicly naming individuals it accuses of being antisemitic.
Shirion Collective claims it has an AI tool called Maccabee which can identify and track targets.
In one post on X, Shirion outlines a scenario in which the tool creates and releases deepfake videos – falsified content that looks and sounds genuine – to embarrass individuals who take down posters picturing Israeli hostages.
On its X account, Shirion Collective has claimed to offer bounties of US$500 for information on people in videos. In a December post it claimed it would pay up to US$15,000 for “crucial insights” about politicians, US$7,500 for medical doctors and US$250 for students.
Leaked screenshots of Shirion’s Telegram channel, shared with Guardian Australia by the White Rose Society, an anti-fascist researchgroup, show Shirion has become active in Australia, with participants identifying potential targets and boasting of attempts to meet the home affairs minister, Clare O’Neil, and the shadow home affairs minister, James Paterson.
Anonymised Shirion members discussed presenting O’Neil and Paterson with a list of names to ensure they were “brought to justice according to the rule of law”.
“Need help. We managed to get into home affairs calendar, need to come prepared with people with hate speech and names that the government didn’t held [sic] accountable,” one anonymous user said.
“Meeting with Clair [sic] or her stuff [sic] … we also have a meeting with the shadow minister.”
Both O’Neil and Paterson’s offices said they had not met anyone who identified themselves as part of Shirion Collective.
The leaked texts show people on the Shirion channel discussed adding the names of individuals to a “watch list” and mass reporting posts on social media.
Some Australians whose social media accounts were linkedin the channel had shared antisemitic, racist and conspiracy theory content on social media. Others were pro-Palestinian activists who do not appear to have posted or shared antisemitic content.
When contacted via its social media accounts, a Shirion member describing themself as the “social media guy” said the “Ai is a quiet project with an internal team”.
The Shirion member said “bounties were for info and was in the USA not Australia”. The member said Shirion’s Telegram channel was open.
“The telegram [sic] is open and we do a soft verification that people are real. But freedom of speech is welcome there,” the Shirion member said.
The member said they would refer Guardian Australia’s questions to a “commander” but no further response was received.
Shirion Collective is one of several groups that say they track and fight antisemitism, largely through identifying individuals online.
Canary Mission, which has been operating since at least 2015, maintains lists of students, professors and other individuals on its website who it claims “promote hatred of the USA, Israel and Jews”. Another prominent account on X, StopAntisemitism, shares the names and employers or academic institutions of individuals, and often directs its more than 298,000 followers where to make complaints.
The leaked posts from the Shirion Collective Telegram channel point to some publicly available material its contributors regard as antisemitic, but also discuss creating “infiltrator” accounts to view and share material from private Instagram accounts.
In the leaked posts seen by Guardian Australia, contributors do not reveal personally identifiable information about any individual that is not publicly available.
The Shirion Collective account on X/Twitter has identified people it alleges have posted antisemitic material, or statements in support of Hamas, and tagged in their employer or academic institution in the case of students.
Naming someone online is not necessarily illegal, but Michael Bradley, a managing partner at Marque Lawyers, warned there were potential implications depending on the nature of the claims, such as harassment and intimidation or even racial vilification.
“Using social media as a mechanism for coalescing groups that want to engage in doxing activity, it’s obviously extremely powerful,” he said.
Last month, a Sydney resident named Theo had a picture of his house and his street address posted to a Facebook group.
Theo, who asked that his surname not be used, had raised a Palestinian flag and placed a blackboard with messages critical of Israel in front of his Botany home.
Less than two weeks later, a ​​jerry can with rags stuffed into it, a disposable lighter and large bolts were placed on the bonnet of his car with a message that read: “Enough! Take down flag! One chance!!!!”
The incident prompted the deployment of the bomb squad and local police.
The investigation has not been transferred to the counter-terror investigators and remains with local police.
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@huzni @el-shab-hussein @dirhwangdaseul
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
Femme Fatale Guide: Types of Relationships To Help You Thrive In Life
Table of Contents:
Healthy Relationship With Yourself
Peer-To-Peer Relationship
Mentorship Relationship
Goal-Oriented/Accountability-Focused Relationship
Emotionally-Intimate Relationship
Physical/Sexually-Intimate Relationship
Acquaintance Relationships
Second-Degree Relationships
Types of Relationships:
Healthy Relationship With Yourself: Internalize and act with the knowledge that you're worthy of love, care, and nourishment, and have unconditional permission to work towards your goals & dream life. Eat healthfully, drink plenty of water, remain well-rested, move your body daily, maintain proper hygiene/a clean home, invest in your appearance to feel your best, live as a life-long learner, establish healthy habits/routines, get your finances in order, establish and maintain boundaries, make positive self-talk a priority.
Peer-To-Peer Relationship: Aka friendships, which are intended to offer mutual support and joy in life. These friendships thrive on having similar values and interests, which makes these individuals your greatest cheerleaders, advice givers/receivers, and partners in crime to have fun or offer platonic love/emotional support during traditional or difficult seasons in your life. Peer-to-peer relationships should add mutual excitement, encouragement, and emotional nourishment, and provide a soundboard for confidential information exchange, ears to listen without unnecessary or superficial judgment, and solicited advice from someone who has your best interest in mind.
Mentorship Relationship: This could be a boss, teacher, professor, aunt, uncle, or another trusted adult(s) who can guide you based on their more extensive life experience/wisdom. You can have one or several mentors at any life stage and for different purposes. These people should be trustworthy (keep your information confidential unless you state otherwise) and express their advice through the lens of your best interest rather than their own personal desires or biases (at least those left unchecked). Ensure you feel safe around these people, and their presence in your life is a mutually-nourishing relationship that allows you to grow personally, professionally, and relationally.
Goal-Oriented/Accountability-Focused Relationship: A coach, mentorship, or friendship based on the achievement of a particular goal or practice. This type of relationship can manifest as an accountability partner or support group. A therapist can also fulfill this role in your life (but like, a coach, this relationship is a one-way street to offer you emotional support/tools & resources). Some reasons for an accountability-oriented relationship include helping you achieve a certain health/fitness goal, establish better routines, advance in your career, let go of unhealthy habits, patterns, or addictions, better manage your finances, or help you get your other relationships (family, partner, friends, self-talk, boss, co-workers, etc.) in order.
Emotionally-Intimate Relationship: Someone with whom you feel an unwavering emotional closeness and connection. This person can be a partner you're involved with sexually/physically intimate with or not. Asexuality exists, of course. And emotional intimacy can definitely exist in close platonic relationships (like your best friendships) without any romantic or sexual feelings. These relationships are important because they allow you to let your emotional walls down and be your vulnerable, authentic self.
Physical/Sexually-Intimate Relationship: This relationship could be with a romantic partner, FWB, with multiple partners, purely with yourself, or somewhere in between. If you have sexual needs, it's important to find pleasurable ways to satisfy these desires in a way that makes you feel most fulfilled and respected. Let go of any shame you experience when exploring this side of yourself. Experiment and learn what you like/dislike/fantasize about. Use this information to elevate your practice and communication with any partner(s) for a heightened, more enjoyable, and potentially closer emotionally-bonding experience.
Hobby/Interest-Centric Relationship: These relationships can extend from co-workers to your friends in a certain class/the one friend you go on weekly walks with, follow a particular TV show with, exchange beauty tips with, "going out" friends, etc. While these connections aren't vulnerable to the degree of a close friendship/relationship, it is important to have some relationships that are purely based on fun, light-hearted conversations, and mutual hobbies/interests/lifestyles. Having someone to share these mutual experiences with helps you feel more connected to your environment/communities, not feel isolated/lonely when your friends, family, or intimate partner has different hobbies, career aspirations, or daily routines/lifestyle compared to you, and provides a mutual soundboard on issues, insights, and exciting moments in this particular area of your life.
Acquaintance Relationships: Everyone needs those friends, co-workers, or classmates they can just chat with when at a party, a group meeting, dinner, a special occasion, to grab a quick lunch or coffee, etc. These people are fun to be around and allow you to indulge in light, easy conversations to offer temporary social support/fulfillment. These relationships also expand your network for professional opportunities, making new friends, finding dates/a potential partner, interest groups/new hobbies, referral services/classes/spaces, and other contacts that can enrich your life.
Second-Degree Relationships: These are friend-of-a-friend type connections who can be/become your future business partners, romantic/sexual partners, co-workers, investors, hairdressers, realtors, stylists, finance managers, etc. Be ready to reciprocate these offers and be this person in others' lives, too. As your network gets broader and more dynamic, better chances and potential there is to connect with the right people to help you achieve your goals, desires, and overall life satisfaction. Success and efficiency rarely – if ever – exist in isolation.
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batshaped · 11 months
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twitter stop fucking up for one second challenge (impossible)
here’s the thing. it feels like social media is changing lately. every social media site seems to be fucking up or getting worse in its own special little way. i recently read and thought a lot about this article which coins the term “enshittification” and describes the process by which every social media platform eventually becomes so greedy as to become unusable. it makes me wonder if the social internet is due for a big shift in the near future. 
for a long time, twitter was the best place for me. for all its issues, it had the audience that i could reach the easiest, that was the most invested in my art. i got (still get) a lot of awesome replies and really great analysis of my work on twitter, which i didn’t receive on any other platform. i was able to encourage those readers by retweeting their comments and theories to show that i liked hearing their thoughts. i could use the Moments feature to organize my art and make my comic easily readable in order. and anyone could look at my twitter, account or no.
ever since the site was bought out, twitter is getting worse. i can’t use the app on mobile anymore because every reply section is drowned out by blue checks and choked with ads. the Moments feature was disabled and people couldn’t easily read my comics in order anymore. and this is without even touching on the bigger/more serious issues the buyout has brought to the app. these are just the ways it has made my personal experience of being an artist on there worse. and now, apparently, you can’t even look at my work unless you have an account.
it’s been pretty common in the past year for the new management to implement a bad feature and then undo it after backlash, and maybe this too will be reversed. but even if it is unimplemented, the platform will continue to get worse. all platforms are getting worse right now. all of them are becoming untenable to use without 7 bespoke browser extensions to block ads, hide specific unwanted content, force chronological order, and so on. on mobile i don’t even bother. apps are unusable. 
on top of that, i have the personal issue of not being the type of creator who is particularly good at staying on top of more than one or two platforms daily. twitter has been my main for years now, so i’m pretty good about updating it very regularly. instagram is trailing behind, i usually remember to post there daily (especially as i’m remaking mine right now and posting my entire backlog) but sometimes i forget. and that’s kind of my limit. every other site falls by the wayside because i just don’t want to spend my whole day or life updating platforms. i know there are tools that can do it automatically for you but i don’t want to do it that way and then i’d have to figure out a new tool and get yet another account on yet another app and install yet another extension to use it.
i just want to draw. i don’t know how we arrived at this place where we need to be 700 other things when we are just artists. i draw and write, isn’t that enough? if i wanted a presence on tiktok i’d also have to be a video editor who pays close attention to trends and makes sure to transform my artwork into something people on that app are interested in. even if i just wanted to have a strong presence on say, twitter/instagram/tumblr/tapas/webtoon i’d have to take on another (unpaid) job as my own social media manager, meticulously managing my uploads across 5+ apps and making sure everything is up to date and tailored to what “works” on each particular platform. i already have a day job—i’m a storyboard artist. the art i post online is supposed to be made and given freely for my own enrichment first and foremost, and for the joy of sharing with others as a close second.
i wonder if we’re due for a mass rejection of this increasingly draining cable-wars-style model of spreading ourselves thin across multiple platforms just to reach the exclusive audience each one provides. i’m starting to feel done with that concept, but i still want to share my art. i want to hear my readers’ thoughts. i want to create things that connect with others. i want to do it without these ever-mounting obstacles.
what i’m doing about it is creating my own website at my own domain that belongs to me. i doubt i’ll be quitting social media when it’s done. social media is still where the audience i cherish lives. but you can bet that when that website is ready to be shared, i’ll be talking about it on every social media account i own. i’ll be telling everyone there’s a place to look at my art where you don’t need an account, you don’t have to struggle through a morass of ads, and you don’t have to line the pockets of a billionaire who bought a social media app on a whim. it’ll just be you and my art. alone together.
by the way, to @whatthehelljake​ i apologize for writing a fucking SAT essay on a screenshot of your reply. any exasperated tone here is not directed at you at all. it’s directed at this sea of obstacles that disrupt the simple concept of “i made art and i want to share it with you.” your reply is how i found out today that twitter made this change. i cherish the fact that you want to connect with my art so much that you alerted me to this. i wish that wasn’t necessary. i want to make my work on my own terms—and want you to be able to experience it on YOUR own terms.
all that to say, i think the website is going to be the main answer to this issue. i don’t see myself having the energy to update tumblr that much more often than i already do, though maybe i’ll try to pick up the pace a little now. we’ll see. holy shit if you read all this go drink a glass of water or something get up and stretch. ok thank you bye <3
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isabelle51 · 6 months
Atlassian US Financial Reporting Requirements: A Comprehensive Overview
Atlassian, a global software company that helps teams collaborate and build together, is now officially an American company. As a result, the company is subject to the financial reporting requirements of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Atlassian's financial reporting practices are critical to the company's operations and the interests of its stakeholders.
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Atlassian's financial reporting overview includes revenue recognition policies, compliance and controls, and public disclosure practices. The company's revenue recognition policies are consistent with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and are designed to reflect the economic substance of the transactions. Atlassian's compliance and controls are designed to ensure that the company's financial statements are accurate, complete, and reliable. The company's public disclosure practices are designed to provide timely and accurate information to investors and the public.
Key Takeaways
Atlassian, a global software company, is now officially an American company and subject to the financial reporting requirements of the SEC.
Atlassian's financial reporting overview includes revenue recognition policies, compliance and controls, and public disclosure practices.
The company's financial reporting practices are critical to its operations and the interests of its stakeholders.
Atlassian's Financial Reporting Overview
Atlassian Corporation Plc is a global software company that specializes in developing tools that help teams collaborate, build, and create together. As a publicly traded company in the United States, Atlassian is required to comply with the financial reporting requirements set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Regulatory Framework
The SEC is the primary regulatory body responsible for overseeing the financial reporting of publicly traded companies in the United States. The SEC requires companies to file periodic reports that disclose important information about their financial performance, operations, and management. These reports are made available to the public and are used by investors to make informed investment decisions.
Atlassian is required to comply with a number of SEC regulations, including Regulation S-K, which sets forth the requirements for the content and format of disclosure documents, and Regulation S-X, which sets forth the requirements for financial statements and other financial information.
Filing Requirements
Atlassian is required to file a number of reports with the SEC, including annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and current reports on Form 8-K. These reports are filed electronically through the SEC's Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system.
In addition to these periodic reports, Atlassian is also required to file certain other reports and forms with the SEC, including proxy statements, registration statements, and beneficial ownership reports.
Overall, Atlassian is committed to maintaining high standards of financial reporting and transparency in accordance with SEC regulations. By providing accurate and timely financial information to investors, Atlassian aims to build trust and confidence in its business and drive long-term value for its shareholders.
Revenue Recognition Policies
Atlassian follows the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) guidelines for revenue recognition. The company recognizes revenue when it is earned and realizable. Revenue is earned when the company has delivered the product or service to the customer, and the customer has accepted it. Revenue is realizable when the company has received payment or has a reasonable expectation of receiving payment.
Subscription Model
Atlassian offers a subscription-based model for its software products. Under this model, customers pay a fixed fee for access to the software for a specified period. Revenue from subscription fees is recognized ratably over the subscription period. Atlassian recognizes revenue from subscription fees when the subscription period begins, and the software is made available to the customer.
Licensing and Support
Atlassian also generates revenue through licensing and support services. Licensing revenue is recognized when the license is delivered to the customer and the customer has accepted it. Support revenue is recognized ratably over the support period. Atlassian recognizes revenue from licensing and support services when the product or service is delivered to the customer and the customer has accepted it.
In summary, Atlassian's revenue recognition policies adhere to the FASB and IASB guidelines. The company recognizes revenue when it is earned and realizable. Revenue from subscription fees is recognized ratably over the subscription period, and revenue from licensing and support services is recognized when the product or service is delivered to the customer and the customer has accepted it.
Compliance and Controls
Atlassian, as a public company, is subject to various financial reporting requirements in the United States. The company adheres to these requirements to ensure transparency and accuracy in its financial reporting.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
One of the most significant financial reporting requirements in the United States is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). Atlassian is compliant with SOX regulations and has implemented internal controls to ensure compliance. These controls are designed to prevent financial fraud, ensure accurate financial reporting, and protect investors.
Internal Audits
Atlassian also conducts regular internal audits to ensure compliance with financial reporting requirements. These audits are performed by an independent team of auditors who evaluate the company's financial statements, internal controls, and compliance with financial reporting regulations. The results of these audits are reported to the company's Audit Committee, which oversees the company's financial reporting and compliance efforts.
Overall, Atlassian is committed to maintaining compliance with financial reporting requirements in the United States. The company's internal controls and regular audits help ensure accurate financial reporting and protect the interests of investors.
Public Disclosure Practices
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Atlassian Corporation Plc is a public company that is required to comply with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations regarding public disclosure practices. The company is committed to maintaining transparency and providing timely and accurate information to its stakeholders. This section will discuss Atlassian's public disclosure practices, including earnings releases and investor communications.
Earnings Releases
Atlassian issues quarterly earnings releases to provide financial information to its shareholders and the public. These releases include consolidated statements of income, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. They also provide information on revenue, gross profit, net income, and earnings per share. Atlassian's earnings releases are available on the company's website and through various financial news services.
Investor Communications
Atlassian communicates with its investors through various channels, including its website, investor relations department, and quarterly earnings calls. The company's investor relations department provides information on the company's financial performance, corporate strategy, and other relevant information. Atlassian's quarterly earnings calls are webcast live and provide an opportunity for investors to ask questions about the company's financial results and operations.
In summary, Atlassian is committed to maintaining transparency and providing timely and accurate information to its stakeholders. The company's public disclosure practices include quarterly earnings releases and investor communications through various channels.
Frequently Asked Questions
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How does Atlassian disclose its financial performance to investors?
Atlassian is required to disclose its financial performance to investors in accordance with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations. The company publishes its financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, in its annual report. Additionally, Atlassian files quarterly reports with the SEC on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K as necessary.
What are the key highlights from Atlassian's most recent earnings report?
Atlassian's most recent earnings report was for the third quarter of fiscal year 2022. The report showed that the company's total revenue was $740.5 million, up 30% from the same quarter in the previous year. The report also showed that Atlassian's gross margin was approximately 82% on an IFRS basis and approximately 85% on a non-IFRS basis.
What sustainability practices are included in Atlassian's corporate reporting?
Atlassian is committed to sustainability and includes information about its sustainability practices in its corporate reporting. The company's most recent annual report includes a sustainability section, which outlines its sustainability goals and progress towards those goals. Atlassian also publishes an annual sustainability report, which provides more detailed information about the company's sustainability initiatives.
Where can I find the transcript for Atlassian's latest earnings call?
The transcript for Atlassian's latest earnings call can be found on the company's investor relations website. The website also provides access to recordings of past earnings calls.
What information is provided in Atlassian's proxy statement?
Atlassian's proxy statement provides information about the company's annual meeting of shareholders, including information about the proposals to be voted on and the nominees for election to the board of directors. The proxy statement also includes information about executive compensation and other matters related to corporate governance.
How can shareholders access Atlassian's annual financial statements?
Shareholders can access Atlassian's annual financial statements on the company's investor relations website. The website includes links to the most recent annual report, as well as archived annual reports from previous years.
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Forever Bound to the Soul of the Hero
Fi's retelling of the Breath of the Wild Memories
(Rated T: Canon typical violence)
For @linksthoughtbrambles
I have been asleep for a very long time.
The woods where I was laid to rest have flourished since their destruction in the last war. The spirits of the forest are chittering with nervous anticipation as I spark back to wakefulness. The Great Deku Tree rumbles his warm welcome, even though my awakening signals a portent of doom.
I feel the evil gathering in the land. Even in my sleep, I have sensed the aura of dark energy seeping into the earth, the trees, the wind, the shifting of stone on stone.
It is hard to tell how long it has been between cycles. Sometimes millennia will pass, sometimes only a hundred years.  But every time the evil comes, someone will be chosen to fight back.
I can feel him out there. He sees me in dreaming, and he knows a great destiny awaits him.
It will soon be time. I shall be raised skyward once more.
Ceremony of Innocence:
“ Hero of Hyrule, chosen by the sword that seals the darkness… You have shown unflinching bravery and skill in the face of darkness and adversity. And have proven yourself worthy of the blessings of the Goddess Hylia. Whether skyward bound, adrift in time, or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight… The sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the Hero. We pray for your protection…and we hope that-- that the two of you will grow stronger together, as one…”
I am afraid.
Much has been lost in the generations since the last champion of the Goddess bore me across his shoulders. I can see remnants of the technology, lingering vestiges that have not decayed over the millennia. But so much knowledge is gone. 
There is no mystery here as to why this spirit maiden is unable to awaken her powers. The Sheikah elders from whom she must receive guidance and instruction in every generation have lost their influence over the royal family. They are only now, through their adept understanding of ancient technologies, able to regain some of their former status. But the king and these so-called priests of Hylia take no account of the Sheikah’s wisdom. Instead, they have her bathing in the sacred springs, without any of the other rites of purification. They have her speaking prayers that carry no meaning and no power. And this blessing she speaks over Link, over my new master… 
This cannot be all there is. There is so much more to do. The hero’s soul has not been tempered, not been tested. While the sacred realm has long been sealed, the Sheikah of generations passed have devised many trials to strengthen our bond. But they are dormant, so it seems that this, too, is forgotten. 
I have been reduced to some mere symbol, a figurehead in this war. 
I am very afraid.
“From here, we’ll make our way to Goron City. Then we’ll need some adjustments on that Divine Beast so Daruk can manage it as easily as possible. He’s figured out how to get it to move! However, it’s apparent that we still have much more to learn. But to think, that Divine Beast was actually built by people… That means we should be able to understand how it works and use it to our advantage. 
These Divine Beasts…so much we don’t know… But if we want to turn back the Calamity Ganon, they’re our best hope.”
My master always listens keenly to the spirit maiden Zelda, even though he lacks sufficient technical understanding to truly follow her excited monologues. She has much of Hylia’s wisdom and ingenuity. She is passionate and dedicated to her craft. In some ways, she is the most like Hylia of any of the spirit maidens I have ever encountered. I estimate that, given proper training and access to the correct tools, this spirit maiden would have a 78% likelihood of being able to forge an entity similar to myself. 
The lack of technical comprehension in this era continues to trouble me greatly. The slate the spirit maiden is holding is an invaluable tool, designed by the Sheikah to interface with my technology and assist in the transmission of information, transportation, and a myriad of other utilities that they cannot even fathom. All of these have been designed by the Sheikah to aid the fight against Ganon, and it is only being used at a fraction of its capacities. 
“Tell me the truth… How proficient are you right now, wielding that sword on your back? Legend says that an ancient voice resonates inside it. Can you hear it yet…hero?”
My master stops in his tracks. He cannot, I think forlornly to myself. I can see his thoughts, I am coming to know him little by little, but still, he cannot hear my voice. No matter how much I scream, my master only perceives me as an echo in his subconscious. 
Being the hero is not just a matter of drawing the sword – he isn’t tested. He has not passed through the goddess’ trials and forged the bond with the master sword through the goddess’ flame. His spirit may very well shatter when he confronts the agent of Demise. 
He is angry and sad and cannot tell her. He tries to listen for the sword but no one has ever taught him how, and I am too weak to reach him. 
And even now, I can feel the stirring in his heart. Every reincarnation of the Goddess draws the soul of the hero to her side. Whether friends or lovers, they cannot bear to hold hatred between them. I can feel the way his heart quickens when he has to grab hold of her. I know the thoughts he does not allow himself to think. 
He says nothing. She turns away in a huff, thinking this means he has nothing to say.
Devotion and Resentment 
My master has awoken, suddenly aware of Zelda’s absence from Tabantha stable. This is hardly the first time she has tried to evade him, but over the last few months he has become far more adept at finding her. 
There is a 75% probability that he has deducted that I am the reason he is able to trace where she has escaped, no matter how clever her trickery. He feels it not like the dowsing I used to perform, but rather as an itch behind his eyes. A compulsion that pulls him forward, towards her, demanding that he be near her. It was designed by the Goddess, that their souls should find each other. And I will always pull them together. He can no more stop following her than he can stop breathing.
After a fierce gallop across Tanagar canyon bridge and nudging his horse up to the ancient columns, he finally starts to relax. I can feel the tension leave his shoulders. 
Zelda, however, seems far from pleased. 
“I thought I made it clear that I am not in need of an escort,” she says with great indignation. “ It seems I’m the only one with a mind of my own. I, the person in question, am fine, regardless of the king’s orders. Return to the castle. And tell that to my father, please.”
She was in the process of examining one of the shrines left by the Sheikah monks, meant to temper the hero’s spirit and strengthen him for the trials ahead. These are objects of curiosity for Hylians, and for Zelda in particular, but they are meant to play a vital role. It is essential that the hero be able to access these shrines. Without completing a significant portion of the shrines, I predict a 98.2% chance that the hero’s spirit will break. 
My master takes this in stride. It is hardly the first time he’s weathered such outbursts. He steps in line, always three paces behind her. 
She whirls around. “And stop following me!”
She is so angry with him, all the time.  She does not understand that Hylia’s chosen hero will follow her to the ends of the earth and beyond. He will follow her through time, through space, through any hardship, just to see her safe and the land protected.
She does not yet know that she and the land are one. And he is now starting to realize that his duty, his destiny, is to protect them all.
A Champion’s Compassion
“Ah, well…you certainly got here fast. I should have expected as much from the princess’s own appointed knight.” The Gerudo champion looks down at the sleeping Zelda. “She was out on a survey all day today. Still as the sands now…” Turning to look at my master, her eyes sparkle in the desert night. “So…? Spill it, boy. Have the two of you been getting along all right?”
Quite the opposite, I think to myself. He must have heard the thought, because he winces. 
The champion laughs. “It’s OK… I know. Your silence speaks volumes.” She sighs, looking down at the sleeping princess on her lap . “She gets frustrated every time she looks up and sees you carrying that sword on your back. It makes her feel like a failure when it comes to her own destiny.”
And hardly fair, given how little progress this hero has made in his own right, I think sullenly. They are both so unprepared, so untested. Training drills and prayer are hardly enough to strengthen their spirits. The champions have been through much more rigorous trials to connect with their divine beasts. I am happy to say that Zelda’s confidence in them is well founded. 
“Don’t worry, it’s not like you carry blame in any of this.”   She sighs, stroking Zelda’s hair.  “It’s unfortunate. She’s put in more than enough time. Ever since she was a young girl, she’s gone through rigorous daily routines to show her dedication. She once passed out in the freezing waters trying to access this sealing power. And she has nothing to show for it… That’s the motivation driving her research. I’d be doing the same thing.”
I appreciate the Gerudo champion. She is a formidable blademaster, a dedicated champion, and a wise and supportive presence in Zelda’s life. Far more than can be said for the useless aristocrat that calls himself the king, without a drop of Hylia’s blood to his name. 
“She really is quite…special. You be sure to protect her with your life.” She looks at my master with a piercing maternal gaze. “It’s quite the honour.”
He knows this. I know he dreams of it every night. He knows he will fight and die for her. He meets Urbosa’s gaze, and I sense she knows it too. 
The champion reclines on her cushions. She has done much to make her divine beast a more comfortable abode, befitting a Gerudo chief. 
“The night brings a chill… It’s probably time we take her in. Or...” She smirks as some mischief crosses her mind, then with a snap of her fingers, the desert sky lights up with electricity.
My master stumbles at the quaking thunder and Zelda wakes up, frightened. Neither of them have ever been particularly fond of storms and lightning, even if they don’t know why. 
“Urbosa! What was that?! Did you feel that?!” Zelda gasps, before catching my master’s shadow by the doorway. 
“Wait, what--how did you-- what are you doing here?!”
He blushes furiously, and though the darkness might conceal the pinkish glow from some, Urbosa’s gaze is far too sharp to miss it. She leans back with a hearty laugh. 
“Wha-what’s so funny?”
“Ah, you, my dear.” Urbosa wipes a tear of mirth from her eye. “One day you’ll laugh about all of this.”
I hope she is right. They deserve to laugh. 
Blood on the Sand 
MASTER! I am screaming as loudly as I can. MASTER! DANGER! GO!
He feels my desperation, dropping the bundle of arrows he was examining from a merchant in the Kara Kara bazaar, and takes off sprinting towards the pull that he’s grown used to, the itch behind his eyes that’s always there. But now it is more acute, so loud he must be able to hear the ringing of the dowsing call in his ears. 
He rounds the corner and sees them. Those cursed agents of evil, seduced by the false promises of Demise, and they are chasing Zelda over the sands. They cackle, their wicked sickles glinting in the hot desert sun. There is a cold rage in my master’s heart, and he puts on another burst of speed, drawing me from my scabbard. I brace myself, ready for the battle, as the Yiga’s blade curves towards Zelda’s fallen body.
My master is quick, and ruthless. I feel myself slip through the Yiga’s neck with a cold efficiency as warm blood soaks the edge of my blade.  The body drops to the ground as he wheels around to face the other two. I can sense their fear, and I calculate only a 26% likelihood that they will attempt to continue the fight.  
Sure enough, they scatter and vanish into the desert wind. My master does not take his eyes from them until they are truly gone, only then sheathing my bloody blade and turning towards Zelda. He gives her his hand to help her upright. “Are you hurt?” he asks fearfully. I can feel his heart still pounding in his chest. 
Her eyes. She has never looked at him with any fondness before, but her eyes are brimming with gratitude and care. “ No, I’m fine, I just…” she pauses, and bursts into tears. 
I know Link is thinking nothing of propriety when he wraps his arms around her. I know she is thinking nothing of resentment when she buries her face in his shoulder and sobs, the fear and adrenaline rushing through her body. 
Maybe this is the beginning. Maybe this is how their spirits will grow. Maybe this is how evil will lose.
I am not supposed to feel emotion. It was not part of my design. Yet after spending millennia borne by Hylians and getting to know their innermost thoughts, I have inevitably adapted to many of their traits. 
To that end, I am beginning to feel… frustrated. 
“There’s one! Oh! And another! The flowers we have in Hyrule aren’t just beautiful…They’re also quite useful as ingredients for a variety of things.”
Today the spirit maiden and my master are out on a field survey. I am grateful that they are getting along better, and that her resentment seems to have given way to a nascent friendship. My frustration is not with them. It simply irks me to see the Sheikah slate being used like some ordinary pictobox. 
She gasps with excitement, and Link quickly settles down beside her. 
“This one here is called the silent princess. It’s a rare, endangered species. Despite our efforts, we can’t get them to grow domestically yet. The princess can only thrive out here in the wild. All that we can hope…is that the species will be strong enough to prosper, on its own.”
She smiles, sadly, and my master’s heart flutters. He understands her meaning as clearly as I do. Neither of them can thrive here. They know that their destinies are not waiting for them inside the castle walls. 
The prayers, the training, the wasted time, the technology that they’ve only uncovered 18% of the capabilities of… they must feel as frustrated as I do. 
The somber moment is dissipated as Zelda gasps with excitement and lunges forward.
“Is that what I think it is?! Look at this, I don’t believe it, but I actually caught one! This delicacy is known to have very, very potent effects under the proper circumstances. Tada!”  
She opens her hands to reveal… a frog. My master recoils slightly.
“Research from the castle shows ingesting one of these can actually augment certain abilities. We wouldn’t be in a controlled environment out here, but with your level of physical fitness…you’d be a perfect candidate for the study! Go on! Taste it!”
Link makes a truly disgusted face. 
“Oh come now, I’ve seen you eating Goron rock roast. Surely you’re not put off by a little bit of mucus for the sake of scientific inquiry?”
She may have a point there. This particular incarnation of the Hero’s spirit seems to have a stomach made of cast iron. 
With a resigned sigh – he truly cannot refuse her anything – he leans down towards her hands… and the frog leaps straight into his face. He startles, falling backwards on his rear as the frog scampers away. 
Zelda collapses to the ground in a fit of infectious giggles, and soon enough the pair of them are leaning on each other as their laughter echoes through the hillside.
The Question of Destiny
In truth, I do relish sword drills. It is for my benefit as well; learning how my master moves, what his grip is on the sword, the gestures he favours. My algorithms internalize and optimize every movement. As we practice together, we grow closer. Even if he cannot hear me, he knows that I am with him, helping to guide his actions and see that each strike lands true.  
Zelda watches him closely from her shelter beneath the tree.
“I doubt this will let up anytime soon… Your path seems to mirror your father’s. You’ve dedicated yourself to becoming a knight, as well. Your commitment to the training necessary to fulfill your goal is really quite admirable. I see now why you would be the chosen one.”
He stiffens slightly. His father had only died a year ago, and the wound was still fresh. But Zelda seems too lost in her own thoughts to notice.
“What if… One day…You realised that you just weren’t meant to be a fighter. Yet the only thing people ever said…was that you were born into a family of the royal guard, and so no matter what you thought, you had to become a knight. If that was the only thing that you were ever told… I wonder, then…would you have chosen a different path?”
There was no other destiny for my master. He was born to be Hylia’s chosen.
Not for the first time in my long existence, I wonder at the cruelty of the Goddess’ choice of mortal champions in this cosmic war.
Link pauses a moment before returning me to the sheath across his back. 
“This… isn’t about me, is it?”
Zelda blushes. “I… well…”
He takes her hand. I can feel both of their heartbeats quicken.
“I think…” he pauses, choosing his words carefully. “I think that no matter who I was, where I was born, whatever was expected of me…”
“I would find my way to you.”
Prayer and Dedication
It is a unique pain that my master must experience, and thus I experience alongside him. The unique pain that comes from watching someone you love torture themselves for circumstances beyond their control.
These prayers are useless. She is not praying to a Goddess. She is meant to awaken the Goddess within her own spirit. But they still cannot hear me, and nothing I could suggest to my master would have any effect. And so, I sit, sheathed and silent as my master and I ache at the desperation in Zelda’s voice. 
“I come seeking help, regarding this power that has been handed down over time. Prayer will awaken my power to seal Ganon away… Or so I’ve been told all my life. 
And yet… Grandmother heard them--the voices from the spirit realm. And Mother said her own power would develop within me. But I don’t hear, or feel anything! 
Father has told me time and time again… He always says, “Quit wasting your time playing at being a scholar!” Curse you…”
Holy water splashes against clenched fists. 
“I’ve spent every day of my life dedicated to praying! I’ve pleaded to the spirits tied to the ancient gods. And still the holy powers have proven deaf to my devotion.  Please just tell me, what is it…? What’s wrong with me?!”
Link’s composure finally cracks. I am truthfully relieved when he drops me down on the stones and splashes into the spring, wrapping a sobbing Zelda in his embrace.
“There’s nothing wrong with you. We’ll figure this out, together. I promise, Zelda, I promise…” He strokes her hair, and she weeps all the more.
I cannot weep, it is not in my design. I should not feel emotion, but despite my programming, I have begun to understand something of grief. Oh, children, what have we done to you?
They may not succeed. They may not have the strength and ability to fight off the coming Calamity. But I will fight back. The Goddess created me to protect and guide her chosen. I must do whatever I can. 
Calamity and Corruption
The final spring. The last hope they had. And just as I had predicted, nothing happened. 
The champions all do their best to conceal their dismay, offering words of encouragement to Zelda, but to little avail. The Zora champion starts to say something, but –
The ground shakes.
The sky darkens.
The Rito champion launches himself skyward to see what’s taking place, but before I even hear his horrified gasp, I know what has happened. 
My master leaps forward to support Zelda as she stumbles. He does not need to be told either. Just as with every Hero’s spirit preceding him, he has seen this moment in his dreams since he was an infant. But he is not ready, Zelda is not ready and the Calamity must know this as well. It has chosen this precise moment of despair to strike. 
The champions disperse, each of them racing back to their Divine Beasts. Without the spirit maiden’s sealing power, the only hope at holding the Calamity at bay now lies with the strength of the champions. 
Link and Zelda, now alone, race down the promenade towards Kakariko village. Bolts of purple and black tar seem to be streaking across the sky overhead, the sunset rapidly disappearing behind the dark clouds.
This is unfamiliar to me. What kind of attack is the Calamity readying? I have never witnessed this before. 
They keep running, over the Sahasra slope and towards Hyrule field. The castle is the nexus point. Link must be ready for when the champions reach the divine beasts for their attack. We must try to defeat the Calamity, with or without the Goddess’ power. There is only a 2.6% chance that we succeed, but 2.6% is not 0. 
beep    beep beep beepbeepbeepbeep
A guardian! Link and Zelda both heave a sigh of relief. The guardians have been deployed from Castle Town to protect the surrounding villages. At least that will provide some measure of safety.
Wait... Something’s wrong.
Without a moment to spare, Link tackles Zelda to the ground out of the way of the guardian’s deadly line of fire. Without a second thought, he pulls me from my scabbard, leaps forward and drives me straight into the guardian’s vulnerable eye. It sparks, fizzes, and collapses, purple smoke billowing out of its joints.
“What’s going on?” Zelda screams, as torrents of purple-black tar continue to pour from the sky onto Hyrule field and Castle town. “Why did it fire at us?”
Wasting no time, Link grabs her arm and whirls around, sprinting back the way they came and dragging Zelda behind him. 
“Link, no! We need to go to the castle!”
“Zelda, we – ”
A bolt of purple tar slams into me.
“The master sword!” Zelda cries. 
This is the Calamity’s plan! Oh, Hylia, no!
He has remembered his defeat from 10,000 years ago. He remembered the technology that was turned against him and his armies, and his hatred and malice are now corrupting every element of Sheikah technology, and everything they interface with.
Including me.
NO! I twist through the dark tendrils reaching through my circuitry. YOU WILL NOT TOUCH ME. I WAS CREATED BY THE GODDESS HYLIA, AND I WILL NOT YIELD TO YOU, FOUL AGENT OF DEMISE. 
I push back along these tendrils of malice, burning them away with the divine light of the Goddess. I reach through the telepathic link I share with the Sheikah technology, cutting and blazing through the spreading rot. The Sheikah slate, the towers, the shrines, all the creations designed to interface with the Hero’s soul, I can still connect with them! With every scrap of energy I have left, I burn away the malice creeping through their networks.
The malice fights back, the darkness spreading… but I will not yield.
Exhaustion and Despair 
The forest near the bottomless swamp is dark and twisted, the tangled roots and mud are treacherous in the shadow of the storm. It is almost dawn, they haven’t slept, they are still running.  I can feel the exhaustion creeping in, their stamina depleting. I too am exhausted - still fighting against the malice, trying to keep it at bay. I cannot help them any more than this. 
Zelda stumbles and cries out, falling to her knees on the path made slick by torrential rains. 
“How… How did it come to this?”
My master kneels beside her, desperate to move along, but reticent to force her to keep running. 
“The Divine Beasts…The Guardians… They’ve all turned against us. It was Calamity Ganon. It turned them all against us!”
She is weeping in earnest now, rivers of tears meeting the raindrops already pouring down her face.
“And everyone--Mipha, Urbosa, Revali and Daruk… They’re all trapped in those things… It’s all my fault! Our only hope for defeating Calamity Ganon is lost, all because I couldn’t harness this cursed power! Everything--everything I’ve done up until now… It was all for nothing. So I really am just a failure! All my friends, the entire kingdom, my father most of all… I tried, and I failed them all… I’ve left them all to die…
“Zelda…” he grips her tighter. “Zelda, we have to go. There may be soldiers who can protect you at Fort Hateno. We need to go.”
She nods miserably, taking his arm and standing up again. They turn to the misty shadows, and keep running.
I truly had hoped their love might be enough. 
Hylia Reborn
They are tracking us. Some corruption of their programming has locked them to our signal. Perhaps it is me they are tracking, a beacon of the Goddess’ light flickering amid the swirling chaos of malice.
Wouldn’t that be ironic. 
The guardians homing in on us are coming thick and fast. While I am able to target their weak points with a respectable accuracy, I was made to cut through Demise’s creations - beings of corrupted flesh. I was never made to fight these machines. 
Link is exhausted. Almost two days with little sleep and hardly any food, he has taken more than his fair share of blows. There are gashes across his legs and arms that are oozing blood, and three of his ribs are broken. I predict that he will lose consciousness in less than four minutes. 
But Zelda is unharmed, for now. Nothing else matters to him at this moment.
He stabs me through the eye of yet another guardian, staggering backwards and leaning on me heavily.
“Link, save yourself! Go! I’ll be fine! Don’t worry about me! Run!”
He can hardly hear her through the blood rushing in his ears, and the incessant beeping as they scan for us. I don’t know what to do! The Goddess left no instructions for this. I have never witnessed my master die. 
Another guardian has spotted us through the husks of its fellows. My master is so tired, and I have no strength to give him.
And yet Link pulls me up once more, readying himself and covering Zelda with his body, as the laser flares to life. 
This is it. 
Hylia, forgive me. I have failed you.
Zelda leaps forward, throwing herself in front of Link, hands raised in desperation. What is she -?
The world explodes with golden light.
Link winces, but does not shield his eyes. Nor would I, if I had eyes to behold this sight. The light radiates from her, guardians exploding and collapsing in its wake. 
She did it. Hylia has come into her own!
“Was… Was that…? The power?” she whispers in the sudden quiet that follows as the corrupted machines power down.
You did it, Zel. he thinks, and seeing her safe, he finally yields to the pain. 
She whirls around as he falls. “ No, no…Link! Get up!” She lifts him into her arms, hardly noticing the blood soaking into her ruined dress. “You’re going to be just fine…”
He looks up to her, eyes full of pride, of sadness, and love, and then he lets the darkness take him. 
Our telepathic link snaps. I cannot sense his thoughts anymore. He is... gone. 
Hylia help me, I did everything I could, but I could not save him. May the Goddess forgive me. 
The Goddess holds his body and weeps.
But, wait.
Against the pommel of the sword, I feel the slightest pressure.
thump thump
thump thump
thump thump
A pulse. A pulse! His heart is still beating. He might yet be saved!
With my  limited remaining computing power, I desperately run through the calculations. The medical infrastructure needed to treat these wounds is sorely lacking in this era of Hyrule, but... Yes! It is there! Reaching through the Sheikah network, I can feel it, safe from the Calamity’s corruption. I remember the monk Maz Koshia designing this shrine for just this reason. The Shrine of Resurrection. 
Above me, Zelda shifts. Slowly, she starts to relinquish him, not noticing the pulse that I can feel, still beating ever so faintly in his chest.
No. NO! She cannot let go! 
HYLIA, HEAR ME! I am screaming through broken circuits and fragmented code. I have been damaged beyond anything I was designed to withstand, I am decayed beyond measure, but she is awake! She must listen!
My strength is fading, but she cannot abandon him! Not now! 
“The sword…?” 
She has heard me! YES.
“So he can… He can still be saved?”
“I… how..?”
“Princess!” a voice echoes from across the field. The Sheikah, loyal to the last, have tracked the Goddess here. Their timing could not be better.
“Princess! Are you all right?”
She draws herself up with a strength I have never seen in her before. 
“Take Link to the Shrine of Resurrection. If you don’t get him there immediately, we are going to lose him forever! Is that clear?! So make haste and go! His life is now in your hands!”
The two men nod, immediately setting to work to stabilize him for the journey. They lift him carefully, wrapping his deepest wounds in bandages, before melting into the shadows as only Sheikah can. Zelda watches them disappear into the rain, then grips me hard, clutching me to her chest.
“You speak? I can hear you? How? How is this possible?”
With the last bit of strength I can muster, I answer. YOU ARE AWAKE. 
“The power?”
“What do I do?” she cries. “How can I seal the Calamity without Link? Without the champions?”
I am not meant for this task. I am meant to guide the hero, not the spirit maiden, but I carry enough of the Goddess’ memories to know what must be done while she waits for the hero to return.
She looks startled, but she does what I say. Sitting in the mud amid the husks of the defeated guardians, she takes a deep, shuddering breath. Her ancestors gather around, and I hear the whispers of Hylia’s past incarnations floating past me, just on the edge of hearing. She glows with a faint golden light in the falling rain. After a few minutes, she opens her eyes.
“Yes.” She says. “Even if he cannot yet be defeated. I can hold the Calamity at bay. I… I have done it before.”
She nods. “And what of you? I cannot bring you with me, but I cannot leave you here.”
I am barely capable of speaking anymore. The decay of the malice has been stopped by her light, but I am already close to shattering. 
“Of course, what must I do?”
Laid to Rest
With the spirit of the Goddess awakened within her, Zelda can now see the korok spirits guiding her, from the field of battle all the way through the Lost Woods. Now she stands at the roots of the Great Deku Tree. At last, I can rest. In Hylia’s light, my master and I shall both become whole again.
“Your master will come for you. Until then, you shall rest safely here. Although the Slumber of Restoration will most certainly deprive him of his memories, please trust me when I say that I know he will arrive before you yet again.”
She places me carefully back in the pedestal at the Great Deku Tree’s roots. I feel myself slipping into my deep sleep once again. 
As my consciousness fades, I hear the Deku Tree ask “If I may be so bold…what is it that you are planning to do next, Princess?”
Zelda looks resolute. “The Master Sword… I heard it speak to me. It seems that my role is unfinished. There is still something I must do.”
“I sense there is great strength in your dedication.”
She has greater strength than ever. She is not alone anymore. The spirits of her ancestors are guiding her now, all the way back to the first Zelda who sealed Demise for a thousand years, waiting for her hero to return. 
“Great Deku Tree, I ask of you, when he returns, can you please relay this message… Tell him I—"
He interrupts her. “ Now, then… Words intended for him would sound much better in the tones of your voice, don’t you think?”
She smiles up at him, nods in understanding.
As my consciousness finally slips away, I think to myself, dearest Zelda. He already knows. He loves you too.
Awakening II
He is awake, and so am I. 
The spirits of the forest are chittering with excitement. Even as I rest here, I can hear the Great Deku Tree stirring with anticipation. We all felt the call of the spirit maiden locked away in Hyrule Castle, calling him once again to her side. I have felt her longing for him these hundred years. 
This time, he will grow strong in spirit. This time, we shall fight together. 
This time, the Calamity will fall.
Thanks so much for reading! You can also find this fic on AO3
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minecraftnewsnetwork · 9 months
If anyone wants to join MCNN for the looming 5th Life season, hit us up at @minecraftnewsnetwork
In light of recent cryptic Grian-posting, it looks like this series will happen sooner than expected!
We can always use more help with:
Administration and project management
Taking notes
Writing scripts
Recording in-game reports
Downloading clips
Creating art/ visual assets
Editing video
Even if you can only do some of those, or one of those, all help is good help! Our main requests are that you be up front about what you can do, and let us know as soon as possible if your availability changes.
Our account here at @minecraftnewsnetwork is a shared account between Lead Reporters @pixiemage, @the-joju-experience, @fearforthestorm, and @salemoleander. Feel free to send an Ask directly to the main MCNN account for Discord details, or Message any of us on our personal accounts if you have questions.
Please note: We cannot guarantee that we will accept everyone who requests to join - we could get 2 requests or 200, and at some point that's too many cooks in the kitchen. Requests will largely be first-come, first-served, with some exceptions/prioritization made for those with video recording and editing experience.
What the heck is MCNN?
A fan-created, scripted video series that seeks to summarize and report on the events that occurred across every POV in the Life Series that week. We started with Limited Life, and now I guess it's time for our second rodeo. This is our YouTube channel.
Do I have to have experience in [Video Editing]/[Script Writing]/etc to sign up for it?
Not at all! Everyone is welcome to sign up for whatever roles they want to do. We do like to aim for a certain level of quality in what we make, so if you aren't very far along in your creative journey with that medium please make sure you're prepared to receive peer feedback and edit suggestions!
I'm a minor! Can I help?
We do allow people under 18 to help, yes! Limiting who gets to help on a fan project about a ~PG video series seems nonsensical; especially when many of the adults in MCNN got their Minecraft start well before they turned 18, and it sparked a longstanding creative interest. However: School, family, and your overall wellbeing come first. If at any time the project seems to be conflicting with those priorities, you will be asked to step back for the remainder of the season.
What applications/tools do you use?
We use Google Sheets to write timecoded video notes, Google Docs to draft and work together on scripts, a mixture of ReplayMod and OBS to record in-game reports, and DaVinci Resolve to edit video. All of these tools are free to use, and we are able to walk through settings and basics with you if you're unfamiliar with any of these.
Do you make money from this? What do I get from helping?
\We are not monetized, and have no intention of monetizing or turning on ads. This is a fan-created show, made for the love of creation and celebrating a series we like. We are all unpaid interns, here at MCNN. :D That said - this is a 2+ month project involving project management, editing, writing, and other real-world technical & professional skills. If you participate and want help adding this to your resume, or need a letter of recommendation for a job or school organization/event, we are happy to assist with that!
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pillowfort-social · 10 months
Site Update - 8/3/2023
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Hi Pillowfolks! 
How has your summer (or winter) been? Our team is back with a new update! As always, we will be monitoring closely for any unexpected bugs after this release, so please let us know if you run into any.
New Features/Improvements
Premium Subscription Updates -  Per the request of many users, we’ve made a number of updates to creating & editing Premium Subscriptions.
Users can now make credit-only Subscriptions without needing to enter in payment information, if your credit balance can fully cover at least one payment of the features fees.
Users can also now apply a custom portion of their available accrued credit monthly– i.e., if the cost of features is $5.97 every month, you can choose to cover only a portion of the cost of features with your credit. 
Users who have recently canceled a Subscription no longer have to wait until the payment period expires to create a new Subscription. 
To access Pillowfort Premium, click on the  “PF Premium” icon located in the left-hand sidebar. This page will allow you to convert your legacy donations to Pillowfort premium, review & edit your subscriptions, and more. 
Premium Image Upload Limit Increase: Good news! We’ve raised the limit for Premium Image Uploads to 6MB (formerly 4MB), at no extra cost! We may raise the limit further depending on how the subscriptions service performs and how our data fees fare.
Premium Subscription Landing Page & Frames Preview: We improved what users who do not have a Premium Subscription see on the Subscription management page to provide more information about the Premium features available. This includes the ability to preview all premium frames available.
New Premium Frame: We’ve released a new premium avatar frame! We hope you like it. We also have more premium avatar frames in the works that will be released later this month.
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Modless / Abandoned Communities Update - Our Developers have made changes to our admin tools to allow our Customer Service Team to be able to change Community Ownership and add/remove Moderators to help revitalize abandoned and modless Communities. We will make a post soon explaining the process for requesting to become a Mod and/or Owner of a Community. 
Bug Fixes/Misc Improvements
Some users were not receiving confirmation e-mails when their Pillowfort Premium Subscription was successfully charged. This should now be fixed.  Please let us know if you are still not receiving those e-mails.
Related to the above bug, some users who were using their credit balance in Subscriptions were not seeing their credit balance being properly updated to reflect the credit used in those Subscriptions. We have now synced these Subscriptions, so you should see a decrease in your account’s credit balance if you are using that credit in a Subscription.
Fixed a bug where users were unable to delete their accounts in certain scenarios.
Fixed bug that displayed errors on the log-in page incorrectly.
Made improvements to how post images load on Pillowfort, to reduce image loading errors and improve efficiency for users with slow web connections.
Fixed a bug causing the checkmark on avatar frame selection in Settings to display improperly.
Terms of Service Update
We have made a small update to our ToS to specify that “deepfakes” and other digitally-altered pornographic images of real people are considered involuntary pornography and thus prohibited.
And that’s all for today! With this update out, our team will now be working full steam on post drafts, post scheduling queuing, and the progressive mobile app! Be sure to keep checking back on our Pillowfort Dev Blog for further status updates on upcoming features. 
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kapittx · 10 days
Securing B2B Enterprise SaaS Subscription Payments On Time
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The global B2B SaaS market is projected to experience significant growth from 2024 to 2032. This expansion is driven by the rising demand for cloud-based software solutions that enhance business efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
The B2B SaaS industry offers a variety of solutions, including Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Human Resources (HR), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and project management software. These tools are designed to automate and streamline business operations, foster collaboration, and boost productivity.
Based on the size of the target customers, broad-level go-to-market (GTM) segmentation for B2B SaaS subscription management includes:
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Large Enterprises
For SaaS subscription payments, SMEs are typically willing to use credit cards to access B2B SaaS products. However, Mid-Market and Large Enterprises often prefer to operate on credit terms, which necessitates managing accounts receivable.
For SaaS subscription payments, SMEs are typically willing to use credit cards to access B2B SaaS products. However, Mid-Market and Large Enterprises often prefer to operate on credit terms, which necessitates managing accounts receivable.
Accounts Receivable Challenges for SaaS Companies
Running a B2B SaaS Subscription management business is incredibly challenging. In today’s hyper-competitive market, in your SaaS subscription business, you must manage multiple aspects such as onboarding, adoption, upselling, customer success, retention, and churn.
The last thing you want to worry about is accounts receivable management.
This is particularly true for enterprise SaaS companies, where users often do not provide credit card details for auto-debit transactions. Consequently, you are compelled to offer ‘invoice payment’ terms. This means, similar to traditional businesses, you invoice clients and typically collect payment 30 days later, hoping the customer pays on time.
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1. Order Management
Enterprise customers typically issue a Purchase Order (PO) for any product or service, and B2B SaaS subscriptions are no exception. These POs capture deliverables and commercial terms that should be thoroughly examined before acceptance.
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Payment terms may include milestone payments for integration and onboarding, the start of the go-live subscription, and usage-based rates. It’s important to note that customers rely on their internal documents for commercial and payment terms, not just your published plan.
As your business grows and the number of orders increases, tracking SaaS subscription milestone payments can become overwhelming and time-consuming. Implementing an order-to-cash and subscription management tool like Kapittx can significantly streamline this process and support your growth.
2. B2B SaaS Subscription Billing Challenges: Tracking Billing Schedules:
Managing B2B SaaS subscription billing schedules requires attention to detail, clear communication with customers, and the right tools. By leveraging subscription billing tracking solutions like Kapittx, companies can streamline their processes, reduce errors, and ensure timely payments.
A. Diverse Billing Plans:
B2B SaaS subscription companies offer various billing plans to accommodate different customer needs. These plans can include monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or yearly billing cycles. Each billing plan has its own set of terms and conditions, affecting the frequency and timing of payments.
B. Go-Live Dates vs. Billing Dates:
Some SaaS companies tie billing dates to the go-live dates of their services. For example, if a customer’s software implementation goes live on the 15th of the month, their billing cycle might start from that date. However, other companies have a policy of billing for the entire month, regardless of the go-live date. This can lead to confusion and misalignment between service usage and billing periods.
C. Customer-Specific Billing Dates:
Different customers may have unique billing dates based on their contract terms or historical preferences. Managing multiple billing schedules simultaneously can become complex, especially when dealing with a large customer base.
D. Subscription Billing Tracking Tools:
Implementing a robust subscription billing tracking tool can streamline the entire process. Such tools can:
Centralize Billing Information: Store billing details for each customer, including billing frequency, due dates, and payment history.
Automate Reminders: Send automated reminders to customers before their payment due dates.
Generate Invoices: Create accurate invoices based on the billing plan and customer-specific terms.
Handle Prorated Charges: Manage mid-cycle changes (e.g., upgrades, downgrades) and calculate prorated charges accordingly.
3. The Importance of Timely Invoicing in B2B SaaS Subscription management:
Timely invoicing not only ensures smoother financial operations but also fosters positive relationships with your customers. Enterprises follow specific payment processing cycles, often with a credit period that extends a certain number of days after the invoice date. If you issue the invoice late, it directly impacts the payment processing timeline. Late invoices lead to delayed payments.
For SaaS subscription companies, maintaining healthy cash flow is essential. Timely payments from customers contribute significantly to this. Late payments can disrupt financial planning, hinder growth, and strain operational resources.
Avoiding Payment Delays – When you bill on time, you increase the chances of receiving payments promptly. Late invoices may result in delayed approvals, additional processing time, and potential disputes.
Monthly billing cycles can be particularly tricky. Missing a billing cycle means you might end up submitting two months’ worth of invoices simultaneously. This situation can confuse customers and create administrative challenges.
With  Kapittx a b2b SaaS subscription management proactively monitor SaaS subscription billing due dates closely. You can maintain a billing calendar that tracks all customer invoices that Include billing dates, due dates, and follow-up actions.
4. Raising Correct Invoices for B2B SaaS Subscriptions
Accurate and transparent invoicing contributes to a smoother billing process and fosters positive relationships with your customers.
Many SaaS subscription plans are based on usage metrics. These metrics could include the number of users, data consumed, or other measurable factors. For example, a company might pay based on the number of active users or the volume of data processed through the SaaS platform.
Differential user rates add complexity to billing. Some users may be on a basic plan, while others might have access to premium features. Managing these variations accurately is crucial to avoid disputes and ensure fair billing.
Transparency about user counts and consumption is vital. Customers should easily verify the details on their platform. Providing clear usage reports or dashboards helps build trust and minimizes billing discrepancies. When generating invoices, ensure that they reflect the actual usage and user rates.
Consequences of Ineffective arm accounts receivable management leading to accounts receivable challenges can be due to an inadequate AR process which can trigger a cascade of issues:
5. Dynamic price changes
Enterprise SaaS subscription plans may have a base plan for X users and a pre-agreed rate for additional users.  Further some deals which are long-term could have pre-agreed price escalation clauses.  All these complexities need a sophisticated SaaS Subscription Management system.
Challenges in SaaS Subscription Receivables Management
High Days Sales Outstanding (DSO):
DSO measures the average number of days it takes to collect payment from customers after a sale. Slow payment from customers can strain a company’s cash flow and profitability.
Management Time and Efficiency:
Managing accounts receivable can be time-consuming, especially when processes are inefficient or manual.
Delays in Invoice Submission:
Timely invoice submission is essential for prompt payment. Identifying bottlenecks that impact invoice submission is critical.
Streamlining SaaS Subscription Payments with Kapittx
Kapittx offers innovative solutions to address these challenges:
Automation: Kapittx replaces manual processes with automation, reducing the time spent on routine tasks. It streamlines invoice submission, payment reconciliation, and alerts.
Integration: By integrating Kapittx with your ERP Billing platform, you create a seamless flow of information. Alerts for delays, risks, and other critical events are delivered in real time.
Complete Control: Kapittx provides end-to-end visibility into the invoice-to-cash lifecycle. You gain control over receivables, ensuring timely collections and minimizing financial risks2.
In summary, Kapittx not only helps manage SaaS subscriptions efficiently but also empowers you with better control over your accounts receivable processes. Feel free to explore Kapittx further to optimize your financial stability
Click here to see a case study from Kapittx.
Request a demo today.
Check out Kapittx’s LinkedIn here.
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By: Lisa Selin Davis
Published: Apr 11, 2024
A long-awaited report out this week found that medical professionals in the UK who advocate for gender transition in children are misguided ideologues.
Written by British pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass, The Cass Review, which is nearly 400 pages and took more than four years to compile, comes to the following conclusions:
Thousands of vulnerable young people were given life-altering treatments with “no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.” 
“It has been suggested that hormone treatment reduces the elevated risk of death by suicide in this population, but the evidence found did not support this conclusion.”
“Social justice” ideology is driving medical decision-making, and “the toxicity of the debate” has created an environment “where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views.”
Activists insist the science on this matter is settled, but Cass’s tone recalls a stern British nanny calmly explaining to unruly children how to get their room in order. She shows us that everything about this issue is unsettled, and unsettling. For instance, she notes that “social transition”—when very young children assume other gender identities—is an “active intervention” that may set youths on a path to medical transition. And it may even make gender dysphoria worse.
The review, commissioned by England’s National Health Service, comes after more than a decade of whistleblowing by clinicians at the country’s Gender Identity Development Services, or GIDS, which was established in 1989 (but mostly off the radar for its first 20 years, because few children and families sought its services). 
These whistleblowers detailed how kids were fast-tracked to medication while a culture of fear grew around raising any concerns, even as demand for youth gender medicine exploded. Eventually, the NHS decommissioned GIDS and hired the neutral, no-nonsense Cass to detail what went wrong and what to do right moving forward.
Her report made the further damning conclusions:
Clinicians “are unable to reliably predict which children/young people will transition successfully and which might regret or detransition at a later date.”
A disproportionate number of patients were “birth registered females presenting in adolescence. . . . a different cohort from that looked at by earlier studies.”
Many parents feared their children had been medicalized by professionals who didn’t take other difficulties into account, “such as loss of a parent, traumatic illness, diagnosis of neurodiversity, and isolation or bullying in school.”
There is a lack of strong evidence to show that puberty blockers “may improve gender dysphoria or overall mental health.”
The majority of gender-dysphoric patients in early studies found that their symptoms desisted during puberty, with most coming out as gay or bisexual later.
Cass notes that “for most young people, a medical pathway will not be the best way to manage their gender-related distress.” She supports expanding the treatment to regional, holistic centers, essentially ending the specialist gender clinic model. That treatment should be based on unbiased psychological care, and robust and consistent evaluation tools must be developed so reliable evidence can finally be gathered. 
This final report—and an interim one Cass issued in 2022—echoes what a number of Western nations, such as Finland and Sweden, have found when they reviewed their own youth gender services. It also underscores what we see in the United States: poor quality research, an unstudied population, and detransitioners traumatized by the treatment they received.
Today, red states are banning the medicalization of gender dysphoric youth, while some blue states have declared themselves medical sanctuaries for minors seeking transition. Medical associations—from the American Academy of Pediatrics to the American Psychological Association—continue to support the “affirmative” model criticized by Cass in her report. 
In her review, Cass directly addresses the 9,000 young people who have moved through gender treatments via the NHS, stating bluntly: research “has let us all down, most importantly you.” 
The U.S. needs to form a truly bipartisan commission that looks at the evidence regarding youth gender medicine. As things stand now, we will continue to be stuck in a perpetual culture war, with parents and distressed kids paying the price.
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mariacallous · 1 month
On February 16, the Alabama Supreme Court held that frozen embryos were “children” under Alabama’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act. While this was a decision about in vitro fertilization (IVF), Alabama’s recognition of embryos as persons is simply a logical extension of the anti-abortion movement’s long-time commitment to the notion of fetal personhood, an idea now animating the post-Dobbs criminalization of reproductive care. A number of state legislatures have already granted personhood status to fertilized eggs or unborn children in utero at any stage of development.
Consistent with the anti-abortion movement’s goal of a nationwide recognition of fetal personhood, the criminalization of abortion is a tool for preventing abortions from ever occurring. In our new article, Bodies of Evidence: The Criminalization of Abortion and Surveillance of Women in a Post-Dobbs World, we explore: how ban states are criminalizing abortion; the way medication abortion is disrupting abortion bans; the threat of prosecution faced by women who self-manage abortions with medication; and the ways modern surveillance technologies enable law enforcement investigations of abortion crimes.
The criminalization of abortion is one of several strategies endorsed by the anti-abortion movement and adopted in states attempting to enforce abortion bans and defend them against circumvention by medication abortion.
Medication abortion, a two-pill regimen involving mifepristone and misoprostol, is approved by the FDA for terminating a pregnancy up to 10 weeks. While the FDA approved the use of mifepristone in 2000, the revolutionary promise of medication abortion—where a woman can receive the medication in the mail, then safely self-manage an abortion in the privacy of her own home—was not realized until the FDA permanently lifted the in-person dispensing requirement in 2021. Not surprisingly, research from the Guttmacher Institute indicates that medication abortion now accounts for 63% of abortions in the United States, up from 53% in 2020.
Because of medication abortion, pregnant people living in states that ban or severely restrict abortions have access to a form of abortion care that was not available pre-Roe. Today, pills can be moved across state lines, doctors in abortion-protective states can offer telehealth care to women in ban states, and organizations like Aid Access can mail abortion medication from overseas. It is no longer necessary for all women in ban states to travel out of state to access abortion care.
The anti-abortion movement is, of course, aware of the ways in which medication abortion can thwart abortion bans and is attacking the problem on a number of fronts. In one response to this threat, a group of anti-abortion doctors brought a lawsuit challenging both the FDA’s original approval of mifepristone in 2000 and subsequent actions in 2016 and 2021 to improve access to and availability of the drug. The goal of the lawsuit is to remove mifepristone from the U.S. market, a result that would drastically reduce access to medication abortion for all women in the United States, regardless of the state in which they live. The Fifth Circuit granted partial relief to the doctors, landing the case in front of the Supreme Court after the government’s petition for writ of certiorari was granted. The Court heard oral arguments on March 26.
While it is unwise to predict how the Court will rule on any case, a majority of justices during the oral argument seemed to express some skepticism that the doctors who brought the suit had the necessary legal standing to seek the requested relief. The Court could thus dispose of the case without ever reaching its merits.
Even if the challenge to the FDA’s treatment of mifepristone is unsuccessful, however, the case presented an opportunity for the plaintiffs to bring attention to another of the movement’s strategies—one that was raised on three separate occasions during the oral argument by Justices Alito and Thomas. This strategy concerns the Comstock Act, a federal obscenity law from 1873, virtually dormant but still on the books, that criminalizes the mailing of “[e]very article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing which is advertised or described in a manner calculated to lead another to use or apply it for producing abortion.”
A literal interpretation of this law would, at a minimum, make the mailing of any kind of abortifacient unlawful, essentially resulting in a nationwide ban on medication abortion. While the Department of Justice under the Biden administration interprets the Comstock Act narrowly, the Justice Department under a Trump administration is free to reject that interpretation. To achieve a nationwide abortion ban, the anti-abortion movement doesn’t need Congress or even the courts—it only needs Donald Trump to be elected. And while Congress could certainly repeal the Comstock Act, that is not an outcome anyone should expect in the near future.
As the anti-abortion movement pursues these strategies, another more familiar tactic for preventing women from self-managing abortion with medication is also available: the prosecution of women and those that may assist them. Although providers have historically been the primary targets of abortion laws, women have been investigated and prosecuted for pregnancy-related conduct and a variety of pregnancy outcomes, even during the Roe era. And, in 2016, when candidate Donald Trump was asked whether he thought women who sought an illegal abortion should face criminal punishment, he answered in the affirmative—“there has to be some sort of punishment.”
Some state officials, politicians, and movement leaders claim that no one intends to prosecute pregnant women for abortion crimes. Others, emboldened by the demise of Roe, have suggested that criminal punishment of pregnant women who seek or obtain abortions is logical, morally justifiable, and required to end abortion.
As we explore in our article, a number of current states’ laws—including personhood laws—provide prosecutors with the tools to investigate and prosecute women who self-manage abortion using medication and those that assist them. The decision whether to do so will generally turn on a prosecutor’s interpretation of these laws, many of which do not explicitly exempt women from prosecution, and his or her exercise of prosecutorial discretion.
Georgia, for example, has passed a personhood law. Its “Living Infants Fairness and Equality” Act (LIFE Act) bans abortion after six weeks, a time at which most women don’t even know they are pregnant, and states that “[i]t shall be the policy of the state of Georgia to recognize unborn children as natural persons.” It defines “natural person” as “any human being, including an unborn child,” and defines “unborn child” as “a member of the species of Homo sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.” By including “unborn child” in the definition of natural person, the LIFE Act raises the possibility that a woman who obtains or self-manages an abortion after six weeks could be charged with murder.
In Georgia, a person commits murder “when he unlawfully and with malice aforethought, either express or implied, causes the death of another human being.” No exemptions from prosecution are provided in the LIFE Act. While our article identifies some ambiguity surrounding whether a woman having or self-managing an abortion could be prosecuted for murder under Georgia’s LIFE Act, Douglas County District Attorney Ryan Leonard previously indicated that women in Georgia “should prepare for the possibility that they could be criminally prosecuted for having an abortion. . . . If you look at it from a purely legal standpoint, if you take the life of another human being, it’s murder.” This prosecutor’s statement is an example of a threat of prosecution, where a public official purposefully wields fear and uncertainty to enforce an abortion ban.
Meanwhile, an April 1 ruling by the Florida Supreme Court enabled a six-week abortion ban to take effect by May 1, replacing the current law, which bans abortion after 15 weeks. In Florida, “[a]ny person who willfully performs, or actively participates in, a termination of pregnancy in violation” of the law before or during viability “commits a felony of the third degree, punishable” by a term of imprisonment not exceeding five years and fines. There is no exemption for pregnant women. The broad “any person” language subjects women who self-manage abortion through medication to the threat of investigation and prosecution.1 Recognizing this possibility, Florida legislators proposed H.B.111 in October 2023, a bill that explicitly exempts pregnant women from prosecution for terminating their pregnancies: “This paragraph does not apply to the pregnant woman who terminates the pregnancy.” The bill died in subcommittee in March of this year.
Florida’s six-week ban features the same broad language prohibiting “any person” from engaging in the proscribed conduct. Accordingly, women will continue to be at risk of investigation and prosecution under the new law. There were 84,052 abortions in Florida last year, an increase of 2,000 abortions from 2022. More than 7,000 of those women came to Florida from other states. With the imposition of the six-week ban, the use of medication abortion will undoubtedly spike. Women continue to have abortions even when they are illegal.
Georgia and Florida are just two examples of states with laws that subject women to the threat of prosecution for self-managing abortions. There are also a range of laws “related to fetal remains, child abuse, felony assault or assault of an unborn child, practicing medicine without a license, or homicide and murder” that don’t even mention or outlaw abortion, but which have been used to investigate and prosecute people for conduct related to the alleged termination of their own pregnancies, even while Roe was the law of the land.
In the post-Dobbs world, prosecutors who choose to investigate women for self-managing abortions have an array of modern surveillance technologies at their disposal. In our article, we present three hypothetical scenarios involving law enforcement investigations of a single mom, a college student, and a high school student based on alleged self-managed abortions. In each of the scenarios, we attempt to illustrate what is possible based on current law and technology. We are not suggesting that these exact scenarios have occurred or will occur. But aspects of these fact patterns are consistent with cases described in If/When/How’s 2023 report documenting the ways in which women were investigated and prosecuted for conduct pertaining to self-managed abortions between 2000 and 2020, prior to the fall of Roe.
Whether abortion laws target providers, aiders and abettors, or women themselves, the criminalization of abortion necessarily involves the surveillance of women. Women’s bodies are often the so-called scene of the crime, and their personal data will, more likely than not, be evidence of the crime. The modern digital environment only amplifies the scope and harm of that surveillance. Communications with friends and family, internet searches, websites visited, purchases made, data shared with mobile apps, location, and other data generated in the course of everyday life become evidence that can be used in prosecutions against women and those that assist them in obtaining abortions.
We offer no single, silver bullet solution for the threat of surveillance and prosecution women face in a post-Dobbs world. But there are some intermediate measures that can mitigate this threat. As our research demonstrates, state laws criminalizing abortion are, on the whole, a confusing morass. They often do not unambiguously preclude the prosecution of women. Confusing statutory language coupled with the unpredictability of prosecutorial discretion creates uncertainty—which in turn curtails women’s liberty, compromises their privacy interests, and puts their health at risk. State legislators, especially those who claim that there is no intention to prosecute women, should ensure that laws clearly and explicitly exempt women from prosecution.
Another avenue that holds some promise for disrupting the threat is specifically tied to the state of Delaware, where many big platforms and technology companies are incorporated. Delaware, we argue, should join California and Washington in passing a data shield law that includes provisions specifically designed to prevent companies from turning over data sought by law enforcement organizations from ban states that are investigating abortion crimes. Such a shield law could provide one significant hurdle to law enforcement attempts to investigate and prosecute women who have abortions and those that assist them. As the chosen state of incorporation for many tech companies holding data relevant to the investigation of abortion crimes, Delaware has a unique opportunity to engage in threat mitigation.
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pancakeke · 6 months
does anyone have experience confronting their employer about your responsibilities getting wildly out of sync with your job title? my title is supply chain analyst but more than 50% of my work is not supply chain related at all anymore. I'm being treated mostly as a data analyst. data analyst salaries are 10% higher than supply chain analysts salaries in my area plus there are many more job opportunities for data analysts. I want a title change.
also does anyone have experience writing a resume when your responsibilities are not related to your title? should I just say I'm a data analyst because that's the work I'm doing or is there some special section I can add noting secondary work as an unofficial data analyst. there is other shit I do very often too that is barely related to either role.
anyone who has been following me for a while is gonna think I'm sooo late to this realization but it's getting pretty clear to me that my workplace is not going to stop pushing me into roles that I'm not appropriately compensated for, and because these roles are not official I will never receive any support, even when I explicitly request it. I have already been denied support multiple times.
this isn't just random people asking me to do one-time odd jobs either. our COO, CFO, and multiple directors ask me directly to do shit like investigate errors in our website and its tools to uncover what is causing data to display incorrectly. this is to shift labor off our web dev team and onto me, why us paid way less than a developer. I do NOT know ANY programming, I just know the database. this has happened five or six times now.
I also manage customer issues directly with the customers because our sales team does not appropriately train anyone in their department. I create orders for them too because they can not be trusted to enter them (not because they're untrained, but because they were not entering these intentionally). I provide records and reporting for accounting audits. I build weird calculators and generators in Excel for every department except two (IT and web dev) because those two can't justify devoting time to those projects and integrating them into our site. I create extremely weird queries to trace information that out database does not track appropriately (and this will never be fixed).
there are zero docs for anything I do except the ones I personally wrote, and only very limited notes scattered around. I was never trained and only picked sql and stuff up cause when I was a buyer digging into data helped me solve problems more efficiently. I have been begging web dev to tell me when they update anything because they keep breaking extremely serious tools but they have been ghosting me entirely. literally all they have to do is CC me on update emails but they won't do it.
also there isn't anyone else in the company who is proficient in sql and stuff (outside dev, and they're miles above me) to back me up so if I'm overloaded or need other help I'm shit out of luck. this makes taking PTO a fucking nightmare too because I'm always in the middle of helping someone out of a fucking fire and everyone does that shit where they say I can take PTO any time I want without worrying but then constantly assign me with critical tasks and demand results asap.
It is beyond time for me to be realistic about this job and what I want to do with myself 40 hours a week until I die, so I need to start working toward either making my current situation more tolerable or going elsewhere.
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collar-shocked · 20 days
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Ren had very little after leaving home, Including language. It was very difficult to learn after being thrust into a whole new environment, but he eventually did with the help of some quiet friends he met in niche spaces. These friends had also allowed him to crash at their homes during his low-points, and even introduced him to anime, an interest that would never leave him from that point on.
Ren decided to stay in Canada because it was one of the very few places he was able to see in his movies at home, and thought it looked very beautiful and comfortable, though he did not intentionally arrive. He simply went wherever the wind (free rides abord private/cargo transportation) would take him. His movie portrayed it a lot differently than it was, but that's stereotyping/little research done for you.
He was incredibly sheltered as a child- and for good reason. He was the only "successful" offspring his mother managed to have. Because of this, he is very ignorant to a lot of the world and how things work. This has, however, given him the trait of silly-little-learner. He LOVES learning new things and expanding his horizons. He keeps a little note-stash of things his "roommate" says as a result. Not just in his native tongue, in which Ren does his best to write down accurately and fails, but sayings, words, and phrases he's never heard before. It's like a little puzzle to decipher what they mean! "No skin off my bones"- is that a literal statement? "Charcuterie board"- a word he mistakes for German, absolutely spelled Sharcootery. This is a hobby he carries with him even into his 40's! It's one of the reasons he was attracted to Lawrence at all, with how new and different he seemed. Used words he never heard before. Did things he never saw before.
Speaking of Lawrence.. He did hold affection for him, even at the time of the slaughter shared between himself and MC. He convinced himself that he was harder and colder than he is, and that Law was a tool, or a potential pet, and that's all he was meant to be- but Ren's heart is far too big for that. Lawrence was his friend. His first genuine, real friend after he was freed. He misses watching his phone light up at 4 AM. He misses having someone to keep him company online. He misses sending and receiving the weirdest ass memes that nobody else would get. He misses their silly inside jokes that nobody else would get. He misses him a lot.
Ren gets DOWN to Foo Fighters and Radiohead. (As well as The Hush Sound, but not so much after Lawrence's "unfortunate passing." They remind him of what he's lost.)
Ren can draw really well! Though he mainly doodles for fun. He gets a good sense of normalcy from social media accounts he runs dedicated to these doodles, but even so, even that audience can tell he's a bit.. Interesting, by the way he speaks and words he says.
Ren has tried multiple times to give up his blood-soaked lifestyle. In fact, he never really stops trying. It's not often, but he always rounds back to the desire to disconnect from what he knows for the sake of self-perseverance. Sometimes he goes weeks, maybe even months without indulging in some kind of gore or snuff- but it always comes back around. The need for violence has been written in his veins since his birth. Strade was simply too blind and egotistical to see he wasn't the one to put it there. Such potential, lost to the wind.
Had Ren ever been paired with a beast-kin who clashes with his own animalistic biology, a predator animal with a prey, to say, he would have a very hard time keeping to himself. Their scent is enough to draw him in, and all he can do is stare at their warm, blood-plump neck.
He is obsessive in his company. He doesn't know what normal, healthy relationships look like, so he doesn't bother to keep them. If you're someone to enjoy, he kind of treats you like a fave. Draws fanart of you. Will write HC's and ask if he's accurate. Asks if he can be accurate. This doesn't mean he can't learn to be healthy, though.
Despite retaining almost none of his original tongue after fleeing from home, something he has always kept, unintentionally, were some lullabies. "Nene Cororiyo" specifically is a real ear-worm when he's bored.
Ren is the greatest ride-or-die you will ever encounter. The greatest yes-man you can have. The greatest ass-kisser you will ever come across. If you jump off a bridge, he's not just following you, but he's doing a flip.
Ren in his 40's is who Ren in his 20's thought he was. It was also around his 30's that he came to the realization that, that is who Strade was not, and never was. After that point, realizing the scariest thing in his life was actually a little bitch, he evolved into who we see as Fox. He would not only never be hurt that way again, but he will be worse.
He is highly emotional and proud of it. He cries often, and barks his laughter loudly, and is very generous with his hand-gestures when telling stories. He is unapologetically emotional and believes many men should let go of the embarrassment and do a better job to normalize this for themselves.
Ren hates what he looks like when hiding his ears and tail. Not because he's dysphoric or because his reflection looks different, but because he doesn't have human ears to compensate and looks stupid as a result. He is forever bound to a bob until he can get it figured out. (He never figures it out. He just waits 'til beast-kins are more "public friendly.")
Ren's favorite kind of toy to play with is a yo-yo, and he's damn good at it. He just keeps on yo'ing.
Ren's other kind of favorite toy is a basic fleshlight. One with a grip. He may be small in stature, but he's got strong hips- resulting in him needing a replacement every so often.
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