#80s anime ost
lion-buddy · 8 months
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tried redesigning blue cat!
i really like the og design, i just wanted to see if i could flare it up a bit.
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to2llynottoby · 8 months
Who will go to the cellar down below? Trouble is a-bubblin' in the brew And while you're down there Mr. Vincent Price Will give you good advice He'll know what to do You just tell him "Boo!"
David Newman, Van Dyke Parks - It's A "B" Movie
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seraphitus · 10 months
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mori-no-majou · 1 year
I saw the mario movie!! I liked it a lot!!!
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muttonchopsalley · 5 months
My favorite track from The Laughing Salesman anime soundtrack.
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digitaldojo · 1 year
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sirmedicknight · 2 years
Oh the music is getting better.
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queen-shiba · 10 months
We talk about readers and mcs with music tastes that is one specific thing, but what about the readers that have a Playlist that's so mixed up with so many genres and at least 3 or 4 different languages sang that the character the reader/mc is shipped with has no idea what the fuck is about to play next.
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Leona: Herbivore... how did we go from death metal to rap...?
MC: Looks like vocaloid is next. Then Afrobeats, some music in spanish, music from the 80s, normal J-pop and J-rock, that one K-pop song, some music from anime, chill beats, rock music, more death metal, video game OSTs, traditional cultural folk music shit, and music from memes, all circling back to rap.
Leona: 😟
@killersweetie @red-viewe @vtoriacore @leonistic @feliciadraws @seraphni @duskymrel @sakkakuu-squared @captain-liminal @blackopals-world
Yes. My playlist looks like that.
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nancyqueerer · 2 months
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About myself
~Just call me Saturn
~infp yep I test multiple times I'm infp, mostly I can't change my answers.
Zodiac sign is scorpio yep the red flag stereotypically one🚩😉
~I'm filo. English is not my first language but it's a secondary. There's too many errors in my words
~cis female androgynous closeted lesbian
~college student (I'm in field of culinary but I want to be in multimedia work behind the scene I have a dream my works will adopt into movies or series)
~fav color blue and gray
~I love fluffy things😊
~My favorite food uhmm mostly soup with noodles,
~My quotes if I a fictional character: I can't live without fries, I need to sleep, it sucks to have migraines, I feel my head squeezing.
~Sensitive with sounds(I avoid to listen now in songs but I can't help because I really love music)
~My head hurts when irritated
~I have trust issues like I don't share personal stuff unless you are harmless creature
What do I do in my free time
~Writing some stuffs I start writing since I was 6 like dairies in my pocket notebook. I love writing it's not just a hobby but I always come back writing, I really can't avoid writing some stuffs, I like to imagine different scenario and there's a lot going inside my brain. I like to write mostly angst.
I discover lately that I love editing!
~listening to music different type of genres.
~drawing a lot anime characters and also I love sketching eyes I start to draw when i was 7.
~Non stop thinking 24/7, I'm a overthinker person and I hate it of course I can't sleep at night.
~I usually watch more k-drama than umm english movies or series but I'm finding out some shows
~Before I'm a kpop stan I never leave the fandom but umm I'm not that active anymore
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My outfit style and taste in music
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~Probably my outfit style and hair is close to seulgi! Huhu she's literally my bias too
~I like grunge style but I'm more into softer.
Like this style is more uhhh grunge 2000s long gray longsleeve then t-shirt or just hoodie then baggy pants
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Also this I dress like this too
~the picture above is not mine but I have similar outfit just different color.
~Also I wear my favorite denim jacket.
~Sometimes I wear plaids, and shirts with courdoy pants but I wear mostly gray and black shirt.
Do i wear uh skirt and dress, the answer is yes but I'm not comfortable not because of the outfit but I have different reason.
My playlist contains: Indie, alternative rock, rnb, kpop + k-drama ost, j-pop and anime songs, Thai songs, opm, vaporwave, 80s, classical(it helps me to sleep), pop, ballad, I like taylor swift a lot yep I'm Lover, 1989 and Reputation core.
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My personality
Uh it depends, I never really share my info in social media, unless I'm anonymous. I'm a private person in real life:D
I'm super awkward engaging in conversation, I prepare to be alone more.
Why I'm on tumblr? Just trying new things.
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arcadebroke · 2 months
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silversoulsociety · 2 years
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After 3849 days!
Movie level animations, anime only extended story line. Extended fights , over 80+ voice actors in one single episode, remixes of old OSTs, Bleach fans can never ask for more 😭
Years of wait will finally be worth it.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
What kind of music do the demons in the Devildom listen to? If I'm correct, they don't really listen to human songs, or do they? Do they listen to Beyoncé instead?? 🤨
[That sounds something Asmo would listen to]
Do they listen to Beyoncé instead of... human world music? Or instead of Devildom music?? I'm a little unclear on this part so hopefully I'm understanding correctly lol.
However, if I remember rightly, there's a point in the OG when Asmo invites MC to karaoke. I can't remember if this was in a lesson or a daily chat, but I do remember one of the dialogue options being "I don't know any Devildom songs" to which Asmo says there's a large selection of human world songs, too.
This leads me to believe that there is both!
This is also something I've inevitably had to think about due to my OC being a music demon and everything. So in that sense, I like to headcanon that there is both Devildom music and human world music.
I headcanon that Devildom music is heavily influenced by human world music because of demons like Arsenios. He makes pacts with humans so they can have musical talent. Due to spending so much time in the human world around human musicians, they inevitably taught him a lot about human world music. Then he brings that back to the Devildom, where other demons learn it, too.
This will of course morph into new forms of music and likely there are musical genres or styles that are unique to the Devildom, too.
But that's just how I like to think about it.
As far as I know, the demons have access to human world music, but there is also Devildom music.
Which means that Asmo could absolutely be a part of the Bey hive you know what I mean? It does seem like he would appreciate such musical stylings.
It's really fun to think about what kinds of music each character is into, though. Some of them are super obvious. Like Levi is into video game music and anime OSTs while Lucifer is into classical. And of course my true love Barb is a heavy metal fan.
But what about Mammon? Or Belphie? Or any of the others really?
Simeon probably listens to chorale hymns lol. I'm sure that isn't accurate at all, but it would be funny. Solomon is just out here rick rolling everybody. I dunno why, but he strikes me as someone who would be into 80s music.
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danganronpa96 · 8 months
Hi Lenn! According to you, who would each DR69 and DR96 character listen to (musically speaking)? Who would be their favourite artist/favourite song? (just a silly question to distract me from chapter 4) (you guys need to pay my therapy/j)
Btw, thanks a lot, both to you and Rexx, for everything you do for the fic! I love your writing and also the amazing art!🫠❤️ We’ll patiently wait for chapter 5, but I’m sure it will be FANTASTIC, as always🥹 love ya🫶🏻
It’s funny how I received two similar music asks in a row, but because this one is actually a different question on the topic, I can answer this one separately!
However, since even the last music post had me in agony (/j), I don’t think I’m going to go through every single character’s individual favourite song and artist, and moreso just their music taste (especially since some characters would canonically listen to music from cultures or genres I don’t listen to or know much about myself).
Hayasaka - most people would say classical, but my big brain (/lh) has bestowed the headcanon ever: vocaloid. I think it would be funny if this man had a secret love for the music, walking to work listening to the most depressing or cutesy song known to Earth. His favourite producer would probably be wowaka (rip) or 40mp.
Kurumada - that kind of grunge, heavy beat, but sort of depressing music? Not trap per say, but like r&b and rap. Or whatever is playing at the gym at the time, sometimes a song will get added to his workout playlist if it sounds good enough.
Mai - she’s that kind of pop girl, but also likes some more sombre songs here and there. Definitely indulges in songs with playful and or sensual lyrics.
Walter - (this is where my disclosure starts to show) Like classic, 50-80s songs. Jazz and blues, or something he can sing along to on the radio.
Jesse - hip-hop, trap, some heavy metal, rock, techno and house music. Anything with a stanky-ass beat (/lh) and Jesse will probably listen to it.
Saiki - I’ve given him the headcanon that he listens to hyperpop, speedcore and breakcore. I got the idea from another tumblr post that said he’d use loud, scratchy music to try and block out the thoughts of other people. It’s implied that’s what he was listening to during chapter 3 as well!
Kaidou - what we all listened to when we were 13 and wanted to be edgy. Also fandom songs (I know this isn’t nationally accurate unless there are hardcore jp fandom song fans lol), and video game OSTs that make him feel powerful.
Retsuko - heavy metal, obviously. But, I think she also likes pop and idol music, considering her history with that, hehe
Natsuki - vocaloid hardcore to the max (some favourite producers be like deco*27 and syudou). Also J-pop/idol music (and some video game OSTs).
Yuri - now I think she would like some classical music, considering her whole elegant aesthetic. I think she’d personally like piano and violin arrangements though, since they are relaxing to listen to while reading. I think she would be convinced to listen to some J-pop after Natsuki begs encourages her.
Hiroshi - he would be a classical guy too, but he would also enjoy some video game OSTs (since he’s kind of a certified gamer if you consider the novels and that chibi anime thingy).
Brian - anything past 1996 would be periodically inaccurate, but I feel like he’s the type of guy who’d try to listen to anything if someone recommended it to him. I think he’d enjoy new-age, or something relaxing on par with the vibes of his game’s OST (synth… rock? I’m not a genres expert).
Bojack - it’s either something really depressing or really sexual and there is just that scale and nothing else
Latte - canonically, folk and symphony since I think that’s the sort of music Parfaedia has. Although, she’d also listen to jazz and dance (she that type of teacher to play music in class all the students try to grin and bare because no one listens to it anymore /lh)
L - whatever music is scientifically proven to enhance focus. Classical? Some jazz? I feel like L likes to work in silence, but with music on the bare occasion.
Ena - something that we would not be able to comprehend if we heard it. Lyrics that sound like 14 different languages all mashed up together. Instruments that shouldn’t exist. Voices that shouldn’t exist. The same song that runs for 4 minutes on the first play, 15 seconds on the second, and 2 hours on the third. Or just webcore/weirdcore instrumental music lmao
Luigi - calm jazz and swing, I also think he be into acoustic arrangements.
Mario - I think he’d listen to energetic music to get himself pumped up. But also enjoys the folk music of the mushroom kingdom.
Peter - I would say 50-90s songs, ranging from classic hits to goofy ass songs (like the Rock Lobster bit)
Brian - I think he’s into ska, jazz, and blues. Also very pretentious with his music taste lol
Miku - Pop, dance, techno and electronica are her mains, but she can dabble into any genre. Likes to support and listen to her other fellow voice synth’s music.
Teto - rock, but also some dance/pop. Secretly enjoys listening to Miku’s songs (as long as she’s not around)
Nagito - nicher artists of alt and synth. I don’t think he’d be into mainstream music. Also depressing lyrics are his go-to lol
Sans - ironically, the stankiest beat you’ve ever heard and penis music (rubber band). Unironically, some smooth tunes akin to Nastablook’s music taste.
Parappa - rap, hip-hop, r&b and dance. Could unironically make a great rap over the instrumentals of ‘A Pimp Named Slickback’.
Fluttershy - Equestria folk music, acapella and that musical-type genre they have in the show’s music.
Ayano - whatever her Senpai is listening to. So, I would assume the latest trending J-pop mostly.
Ashley - rock and alt. Emo type beat. Mainly female vocals. One or two heavy metal songs. Any other warioware cast member will die upon listening to any of it lol
2D - his favourite band is canonically The Human League, so other new wave and synth-pop stuff too.
Mr. Krabs - sea shanties, unironically. He probably sang a lot of them while on the navy.
Dedede - (I have no Kirby lore but I must scream) I feel like he’d play classical music in his castle to give off those regal king vibes. But he’d also enjoy energetic music like his boss battle themes.
The Conductor - western and western movie soundtracks. Also some smooth jazz and soul. I like to think he likes the sounds of the piano the most, from the ‘heart to heart’ OST
Also, TYSM for the lovely words!! I’m so happy to hear how much you’ve enjoyed the fic so far! 😭❤️
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muzumi-san · 2 years
Ace Attorney: 100Q Ask Meme
(If anyone sees the similar Ask Meme for DR, I did not rip them off, they were literally created by me too.)
1. Favourite Attorney?
2. Favourite Prosecutor?
3. Favourite Assistant?
4. Favourite Witness?
5. Favourite Culprit? 
6. Favourite Antagonist (in the role of the antagonist! e.g Edgeworth in AA1 counts but only in AA1.)
7. Favourite Design?
8. All time favorite character?
9. Least favourite character?
10. Favourite trial from all the games?
11. Least favorite trial?
12. Who would you want to defend you in court? (assuming everyone had a badge)
13. Favourite minor character?
14. Character you have the most headcanons about?
15. Random headcanon you can share?
16. Which culprit would you trust to help you break out of prison?
17. Case with the best cast?
18. Game with the best cast?
19. What do you think about the Ace Attorney Anime?
20. Did you ever write fanfiction for Ace Attorney? If so, which one is your best piece
21. Did you ever read fanfictions? Which one is your personal recommendation?
22. Your OTP?
23. Your BROTP?
24. Your OT3?
25. Favourite rare pair?
26. What character do you think is underrated?
27. What character do you think is overrated?
28. Prettiest character?
29. Cutest character?
30. Character you’d push off a cliff with no hesitation?
31. Character you wish was playable?
32. Character you wish to see return?
33. Favourite sibling dynamic?
34. Favourite biological sibling dynamic?
35. Smartest murder plan?
36. Prettiest eyes?
37. Culprit that came as the biggest surprise to you?
38. Plottwist that came as the biggest surprise to you?
39. Honest opinion on Larry Butz?
40. Honest opinion on Phoenix Wright?
41. Honest opinion on Athena Cykes?
42. Unpopular opinion?
43. Favourite OST?
44. Did you play Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright? What do you think about it?
45. Someone who would’ve made a fun prosecutor but isn’t?
46. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
47. Character you thought you would like but disliked in the end?
48. Random fact people tend to forget that you wanna remind us of?
49. Victim you would’ve liked to see more of? (Not e.g. victim of the second case of the first game. A victim we haven’t seen basically anything of!)
50. Favourite moment?
51. Saddest moment?
52. Funniest moment?
53. Your personal dumbest moment while playing?
54. The moment you felt the smartest while playing?
55. Two characters you’d like to meet?
56. Two characters you’d like to meet with one from AA one from another verse?
57. Which character would you never want to meet in real life?
58. Which character would you like to meet in real life?
59. Choose one character you would take on a trip.
60. Character you relate to?
61. Character who is a little too similar to you for comfort?
62. Character you relate to but dislike?
63. Favourite quote?
64. Character who deserved better?
65. Outfit you’d like to wear?
66. What do you think of the fandom?
67. A character everyone else hates but you like even though you understand the hate that they get?
68. Describe Apollo Justice in 3 words!
69. Describe Klavier Gavin in 3 words!
70. Describe Dahlia Hawthorne in 3 words!
71. New Games or OG trilogy? Which do you prefer?
72. Do you like the Investigations games?
73. Do you like the Great Ace Attorney games?
74. Character you would hug?
75. Character you would kiss?
76. Describe every game you’ve played in one word!
77. What was the game you’ve played first?
78. Who or what got you into AA?
79. How long have you been in the fandom?
80. What case was the one that got you actually hooked?
81. Recommendations you have for others who also enjoy AA?
82. Was there a point in your life where AA made you want to choose a certain profession?
83. Character that you keep forgetting exists?
84. Character you’d like to buy ice cream for?
85. Which character would you introduce to your parents?
86. Which character would you introduce to your therapist?
87. 3 characters you would have a sleepover with?
88. You have to rob a bank. Which 2 characters do you choose as your partners in crime?
89. Which character do you think could win a talent show? Which one? Elaborate all you want on why, too.
90. Your NOTP?
91. Who would you trust to cook the menu for your wedding?
92. Was any character ever your icon, lock screen etc.?
93. Ship you feel like deserves more attention even though your not into it that much?
94. Your first ship?
95. Which character would you redesign?
96. Which case would you like to experience first hand?
97. Best non-human character? (Bobby Badger, Steel Samurai etc.)
98. Which character do you trust the least to pick out a movie for a movie’s night?
99. Which character would you not want on your wedding even though you like them?
100. Phoenix Wright or Miles Edgeworth? Who do you like better?
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colorisbyshe · 11 days
Coco Jones' "Here We Go (Uh Huh)" is lush and spectacular R&B track. It has drama without losing its sleek touch and feels like an instant classic for anyone Going Through It.
"Chained Up" Snow Strippers is great, nostalgic track that samples Skrillex--all of the joys of listening to an AMV-ified Skrillex without the actual Skrillex.
Queen Bee's "Headless Angel" is a hard left turn from the previous track! Experimental and constantly switching things up, this Japanese track commands attention and might be more of an acquired taste.
"Limosina" 1tbsp. Vibrant and bouncy, this is a club track with a twist.
"Diorama" Yves. Ethereal and digital, this song slides against you and leaves a trail of glitter and sweat. Kpop for those who feel too pretentious for it.
"Armageddon" Aespa. An inverse of this, if you are used to Kpop Bullshit.. this is a track for you. Chaotic and yet...
Normani's "Candy Paint" is a work out anthem for the sluts out there. Not exceptional but catchy as hell. Will say, the pre-release version is better than the official version, cause it had some an instrumental element that invoked Ginuwine's "Pony" that they stripped out?? Still fun.
"Animetal" Within Destruction. Kinda what it says on the tin--metal that feels a bit anime.
"Paris, Tal Vez?" Perdido" and "No Me Molesta" by Alex Anwandter are nostalgic dance tracks with extra layers and fresh twists included. They're not TOO similar but if you like Kavinsky or some of the newer Justice stuff, please this entire album a chance
"Big Wigs" Forest Claudette. Bright vocals, horns, and a beat that twirls you around. This song is warm, even if the lyrics aren't necessarily.
Coheed and Cambria's "The Joke" isn't my fave by them but if you think this list is too dance-y, this is a song that think it's very serious and hard. Is it actually? Well... you judge
"The Sea" Yangbans. Just chill as hell.
"Picor" French Braids & Pahua. Tropical meets disco.
"Holy Touch" Suzy Clue. For the Metric girlies who wanted the drums to go off a bit more.
I listened to the BMTH album, I understand the appeal but something about it just reminds me of AMV music. Like... Skillet, Thousand Foot Krutch, Meg & Dia. But updated for modern audiences. Not a complaint, I grew up on that. I liked most of the album but I guess "Die4u" and "Limousine" stood out on first listen and "[ost]puss-e" might appeal to ppl who liked the Snow Strippers tracks.
"I, Vibrator" Say Anything. Didn't know this group still existed, anyways... this is like if Say Anything thought they were making a Modest Mouse track. Is it good? IDK. Idk where else to talk about it.
"Endless Summer" Leat'eq. Generic dance track, so you know I have to rep it here.
"Ratatata" by Electric Callboy & Babymetal. This song is 15 hooks in a trench coat. Pure hype and fun with a wee bit of screamy-singing on top.
Not from this month but STILL:
"All the Same" Fat Dog. Makes me think of the instrumental of Engel by Rammstein (who I no longer listen to) with an 80s dark synthwave vibe.
I'm definitely missing many tracks but this month just gave too much! I kinda just added music at random I'm SORRY BUT LISTEN TO RATATATA
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gritsandbrits · 7 months
Funny stuff i often think about in my rewrite of shrek the third
There's a character named Walter Crumpet who is a medieval version of Walter Cronkite, he's known as the most trusted man in far far away
Bruce and charming holding auditions for an execution as if it they're doing a performance
Shrek loses his fear of fatherhood but gains a new one: geese
"In a once in a lifetime move science and magic works together to take down religion!"
One of the contestants at the aforementioned audition is a rendition of lady gaga's bloody mary sung by the actual legend herself (no seriously she climbs out of a mirror to sing the chorus)
Sleeping Beauty dates the Sandman (no not that one, not THAT one either)
Gwynn's full name is Gwenhwyfar but she calls herself Gwynn due to a lot of women having the same name
Rhodanthe's only other friend is Ophelia of Hamlet fame; they met after Rho catches Ophelia floating around in her fishing pond
Rhodanthe working at the medieval equivalent to Claire's except its called Faire's.
John Delaney voices Lancelot - no wait that's actually canon lol
In this version Harold doesn't die but experiencing a frog life's crisis he also requested the song to play at his funeral much to Lillian's duress
Artie's sword comes in the form of a pen
The soundtrack includes everything from current hits to 80s rock to royalty free music to royalty music to video game OSTs.
One scrapped ending was Artie ultimately rejecting his claim in favor of becoming a writer. Get it? king AUTHOR
Handheld mirrors double as cellphones so there's psa on not being on your mirror while you ride your horse
Nimue is Merlin's ex wife and living her best life in the enchanted forest as a hippie
The scene where Gwynn is getting the Movie Makeover with the Evil Queen being her stylist and she asks which lipstick flavor Gwynn prefers, and Gwynn throws out randomly "lightning in a bottle" and the evil queen shows an actual lipstick shade
Doris knows the exact brand of Chapstick Charming uses much to everyone's disgust
The aforementioned lightning in a bottle shocks your lip to a glossy shade and you're not allowed to eat drink or kiss anything for 30 min
During the villain attack Walter Crumpet interviews one of them as it happens as calmly and plainly like a regular interview instead of villains busting up the place
Said interview ends with the villain making a shoutout to Gwynn Who sees the whole event back at the Poison apple, looking absolutely mortified
Charming's dad name isn't anything fancy or glorious like Brutimus or Bruciel. It's just Bruce. And charming treats it as the most metal thing ever
Broken mirrors often sound like static so you have to physically move the mirror like you would an antenna
Shrek immediately rejecting "Shrek Jr." As a name suggestion.
Rho gets asked if she ever tried out for Quadball (Quidditch)
The axe Charming got in his medieval meals turns out to be a chekovs gun
Gwynn's favorite Chapstick flavor is bubblegum
Artie has a secret stash of "Maidens" magazines obviously a play on Playboy
Gwynn attempts to teach Charming how to be a real king by replicating a sequence from Aardman's Next
Rho continually refers to Shrek as the Green Knight much to his insistence that he isn't
Fiona meets Igraine's ghost and admits that's the least weirdest thing she's ever seen
Godmother REALLY got around in her younger years
Just the fact Godmother isn't a witch she just appropriated some of their customs for her business, such as with capitalism
Merlin showing shrek and co. his entire Arsenal of magic Matrix-style complete with the iconic black suits
Artie's favorite band is the Bremen Town Musicians and yes they are farm animals
The Bremen Town Musicians also play along the opening theme of the story
Just the opening theme being another Joan Jett song (I Love Rock and Roll)
Far Far Away's waffle house being the only place tho stays open even during the occupation
Charming tries to intimidate shrek's friends like in the canon movie but he gets ficking roasted instead. It's so bad the other villains sneak in a laugh
Gwynn taking Charming out for a night in the town to show him real adult fun which results in a bar fight, drag carriage race, and egging mansions
Charming accidentally breaks the window of said mansion because he confused a small rock with an egg
Walter Crumpet storms out of mansion with a boomboom stick as gwynn and charming run off
Bruce is played by none other than Ash Williams himself. He even says groovy at some point.
Sir Cumference is the same species as Humpy Dumpty
Charming'd first rule as king is free cherry Chapstick
The princesses are a precure style sentai team complete with sparkly transformation sequences and cheesy attack phrases
Every time Charming and Artie shares the same scene someone mentions how much they look alike
The bad wolf after seeing red riding hood: "oh no not this bitch"
The single most important reason behind Rhodanthe's name: so that every time someone greets her they start singing the row row row your boat song
The villains argue whether to eat the three little pigs due to the moral implications of eating animals with clear human sapience and intelligence
Gwynn and Charming fight each other with swords in a subtle allegory for hate sex while the other villains cheer them on
The fight gets featured on Ye Olde Worlde Star (yes it exists in the shrek universe)
A scrapped subplot the ones where the triplets are born early, one of them (Felicia) gets left behind and Gwynn ends up taking care of her. She absolutely squees at the sight bc ogre or not that's still a baby and the cutest thing EVER
The message of the movie is "white men really do ruin everything"
Despite being one of the most powerful magicians ever Merlin can't figure out how it's possible for a donkey and a dragon to have kids
The villains having beef with a frog
Charming finds out Fiona may possibly be his cousin and leaves which is immediately followed by the sound of him vomiting in the trash can. Poor bastard
Bruce referring to himself as a manly badass hero
Friar's Bot having to drop the Fat part due to being deemed offensive
"Nine thousand channels and nothing to watch!" Bruce grumbled while flipping through the crystal ball
Frat Boy Snow White
Rho leading an army of swans against the villains like a WW2 aerial crusade
Cinderella sanitizing everything she uses and uses a leech as a vacuum cleaner
Every scene Bruce has a different woman on his shoulder absolute CHAD
Punch and Judy is a action figure called Punchin' Judy that Gwynn still owns it is a marionette with boxing gloves that can say dozens of different phrases
I kept the fight scene where Hook plays the piano the whole time cuz it's simply too good to leave out with the added bonus of EVERYONE singing
Famous celebs includes Katy Fairy, Sir Tom, Janet Jacksondottir, Pinke, and Zendaya. Yep her name still the same.
At the end where everything is over and charming and gwynn do their anguished love announcement and kiss and it's a cute scene but then they REALLY get into the kiss much to everyone's annoyance. Shrek forcefully breaks them apart.
The monster trees uses wood furniture
Charming having no real plan after takin the throne bc he didn't think he even get this far
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