#50 Followers Celebration
Warm Bodies
The Bad Batch. Bad Batch/Reader. | writing-positivelyexisting🫧
For the 50 followers celebration, I give you this fluffy Bad Batch/Reader! Thank you guys! <3
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Sent on a mission to the frozen planet, Kijimi, the crunch of snow was becoming a white noise to you. You trekked behind Echo, desperately pulling your arms across your middle and into your body, trying to contain as much body heat as possible. You weren’t built for this. You grew up on Tatooine. Snow was not your element.
You looked over at your comrades in their winter armor. Not a single shiver or a drippy sniffle. It boggled you completely. How in the galaxy did they stay warm? Genetics? Maybe it was part of their enhancements. Whatever was keeping these men warm would stay a mystery, and it made you envious.
A gust of particularly strong force blew past the group and you felt every fiber in your body jitter. Your body was wracked with a violent shiver to the point where it made you stop moving.
Crosshair, who was walking behind everyone, stopped to look at you. He heard your chattering teeth and had to keep his chuckle in the back of his throat.
If you weren’t so frozen in place you would have hit him. “No. I was just about to strip, it’s so hot.”
“Be my guest,” he teased, his cruel and taunting smile hidden behind his helmet.
“For the love of – Hunter! Can we please set up camp?”
The leader, farther than the rest of you, stopped and looked back. Seeing you a miserable cold mess brought out a pitiful sigh from him. He comm’d back, “The first sign of shelter we will. Need an extra coat?”
You groaned, but nodded to his offer. You trudged up to Hunter as fast as your icicle-legs would allow and took the heavy parka Hunter packed.
“Thanks,” you huffed, shoving your arms through in greed. Zipping up the jacket, you felt a little difference. It would have to do for now.
Hunter gave you a look over, wanting to be sure you were alright to continue. He could hear the increased rhythm of your heart and felt his own pang in helplessness. Offering you the jacket was the best he could do for you now.
He looked over at Tech beside him and tilted his head, “Can you scan for shelter?”
“Certainly,” Tech tucked his data pad away then looked up, holding onto his goggles as he searched the horizon. “There appears to be an abandoned Kessel mining shaft three klicks north.”
You felt some relief knowing it wouldn’t be too long. “Thank the stars. Let’s get going.”
The trek took almost an hour, but when you finally made it inside the mine, you were quick to plop onto your butt. You took your pack off and looked at the men who were starting to unpack. Bringing your tired body to move, you took out your sleeping bag and unfurled it.
What you saw next you really had no words. There was a hole. Big enough for a really fat Tooka cat to crawl through. Perks of being government property. You shivered and felt like crying. This mission was going great.
Hunter came by with Echo and they both saw your sleeping bag. “Oh, cyare.” Echo came to you and you huffed, trying to keep a brave face.
“I’ll figure something out.”
You stood up and went to help Wrecker with building the fire. He welcomed your presence, bringing you into a comfy side hug. You felt the heat he provided and if you could purr, you would. He let you go with a soft kiss to the top of your head before giving you the lighter.
He asked you how you were holding up on the mission, knowing full well your inability to handle such freezing temperatures. You frowned, kneeling to the fire kit and setting it ablaze.
“Not well. My sleeping bag has a hole in it. So, I’m royally screwed.”
Wrecker frowned at you, “You could always sleep with one of us.”
“I know, thank you.”
Wrecker was right. You had your boys and any one of them would be more than happy to give up their sleeping bag or have you cuddle into their side for the night. Sometimes it still blows you away to realize you’ve got five incredible men at your back, who care for you, who are there for you, who love you.
You smiled at the thought and a little bright idea came to you.
As the sun set on Kijimi, the winds gusted through the mine with ferocity and the temperature dropped to the negatives. While you ate the rations you packed, you couldn’t stop the death-biting shivers that wracked your body. It was becoming unbearable so you looked around the mine and found Wrecker sitting opposite of you, his back against the wall.
You moved, sitting next to him and snuggling into his side. The man grinned, moving his arm to bring you closer (as if it was possible). “Maker, you’re warm…” You looked up and saw the others happily smiling at you two. “It could be warmer, though,” you said wistfully, hoping the damsel-in-distress tone would work.
It did.
Hunter moved in to your other side, pecking your temple. You smiled and thanked him, letting the two men warm you up from either side of you. It was nice, but your little plan had yet to be finished.
“I think… I could be warmer, hmm.” You innocently put your pointer finger on your cheek like you were thinking about how to solve your problem. You glanced at Tech and Echo and winked.
Both of them rolled their eyes at your silly ploy, but gave in regardless. Echo laid on your right thigh while Tech laid on your left, each reaching up to place a kiss on your cheeks. With four out of five brothers, you looked at the sniper whose back was facing you. He had his firepuncher propped up next to him and was ready to take the first watch.
You weren’t satisfied with that.
“I still think it could be way warmer,” you spoke exaggeratingly loud and Crosshair moved to glance at you over his shoulder. His eyebrow raised when he saw your ‘come-here’ hands. Not daring to ignore your cute plea, the snarky sniper got up to take the last spot available: in between your legs.
“Could have just asked, darling,” he breathed against your lips before he kissed you.
It made you giggle and you happily wrapped your arms around him as he settled in on you. “Oh, I know. This was more fun, though.”
The men chuckled, filling you with warmth greater than any sun. As the night was breaching late hours, one by one each of you fell into a comfortable slumber. You were kept blissfully warm through the night and your tiny smile never left.
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word count: 1,136.
Beta read by: @beating-a-dead-plot (If you’re looking for a beta reader, she’s an excellent one! Give her a message!)
Tag list: @dangraccoon (comment or send me and ask if you want to be tagged!)
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asksimonbelmont · 2 months
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Selena: Oh, I can definitely think of a few. Simon: Please don't say it.
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Simon doesn't elaborate. He drinks twice.
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lafleshlumpeater · 1 year
・❥・ɪ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ꜱᴀᴠɪɴ' ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ, ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ
Out of all of the sad, stylish, lonely men I have liked which one did you ship me w most and why DETAILED PLEASE SINCE YOU WANT DETAILS FROM ME SO BAD.
・❥・ɪ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ꜱᴀᴠɪɴ' ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ, ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ
ˢᵉⁿᵈ ᵐᵉ ᵃ ᵍᵉⁿᵈᵉʳ ᵖʳᵉᶠ, ᵃ ᶠᵃⁿᵈᵒᵐ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ˢᵖᵉᶜⁱᵃˡ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ⁽ᵃ ᶠᵘⁿ ᶠᵃᶜᵗ, ᵃ ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗ, ᵉᵗᶜ⁾ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱ'ˡˡ ˢʰⁱᵖ ʸᵒᵘ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵃ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ!!
remus lupin masterlist
i don't think you understood what i was asking for. but okay since anything you tell me i'd probably know anyways
moony ofc.
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(all pictures from pinterest)
he's literally the best and i feel like you two would vive i mean vibe so much. for trope it's 100 percent be best friends to lovers bc i love that trope. and it's so appropriate for him (like i don't think you can see him falling in love with a girl from going on a blind date or smth). like you two would just click and then just be bffs. you would read together, do auror tings together, compete in promotions, like do everything together.
the moment he realised he was in love with you was when you got a magical tattoo which counted down the days until the full moon and on the night of the full moon it reads "moony". when you showed him, that was the moment he knew. little did he know, your excuse for getting it in the first place ("i always forget how many days are left until the transformation, this makes it easier") was actually because you always wanted a part of him to always be with you (doing this one bc ik you like adult moony better)
or if we're talking school years, then definitely enemies to lovers. like he'd be like "ok just bc she's slytherin doesn't mean she's bad" blah blah but then one day you get 100 percent on a test and he gets 98. and he's so. livid. bc 1. he's never gotten 100 percent before and 2. you were so smug that you got higher than remus lupin, the previous smartest student in the year. ever since you found out how much you could annoy him with even the smallest jibes, you took every opportunity to do so. slughorn said his potion was 'absolutely perfect'? whoops, how did those peppermint sprigs get in there? overheard him talking to someone about how much he wanted to read a book? the next day, coincidentally, you were reading the exact same book, a sly smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
one time, the latter occurred with a book about lycanthropy. you assumed he'd wanted it for an assignment, and you borrowing it from the library was sure to make him unable to complete it. you began to read, as you saw him make his way over to you.
"give that to me," he demanded.
you smirked, ever amused to get a rise out of him. "why should i?" you looked up at him innocently. "not my fault i got it from the library before you."
he growled and rolled his eyes, and only then did you notice the dark circles around his eyes, making him look like a panda. "just give it. i'm honestly not bothered to do this today."
"yeah? why should i do that?"
he snapped, having had enough, the exhaustion and frustration from last night channelled into his words. "because i'm a fucking werewolf and the transformations are fucking horrible because my joints get twisted all out of place if you didn't know, and some of them won't even go back in place properly and because of that my hip fucking hurts and the scratches on my chest are probably bleeding right now because i didn't leave the hospital wing with madam pomfrey's permission because last night was a full moon and i didn't want that stupid creep snape to get even more suspicious than he already is, and i need that stupid book to help me and fucking tell everyone for all i care because i'm sick and tired of all this crap and i'd rather get kicked out of this stupid school sooner rather than later. thanks for understanding," he ranted, punctuating it with sarcasm at the end as he grabbed the book from your limp hands.
as a slytherin, you had a weird knack for just knowing when people were lying. and from the sincerity in lupin's words, you knew he was speaking the truth.
and you just sat there, in shock, very unlike yourself as you took it all in.
back in the boys' dorm, remus was panicking.
"lily, i told her. i snapped and told her everything, she hates me, she's gonna tell snape and i'm gonna have to leave this god damned school and-" he sighed, hating the fact that tears of anger directed at himself were pricking at the back of his eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
lily stroked his back comfortingly. "remus, i'm sure she won't tell a soul. she may seem to hate you, but honestly i don't think she does. and i don't think you do either."
"i- what are you on about?" remus questioned. lily smiled, her dimples deepening.
"whenever other girls annoy you, you don't give a single damn. but with her... she didn't even intentionally annoy you, and you were so pissed off when she got that 100.
"as for her... i know her well, and she's no attention- seeker. but she likes your attention, moony, and that's why she keeps irritating you. she likes getting a rise out of you."
remus shook his head.
"she hates me lily," he mumbled, slightly forlorn, and tried not to think about how he sort of liked how your eyes flashed mischievously when you ruined his potions, or how lily's words had suddenly made him realise how much he replayed your encounters in his head when he was trying to sleep at night.
you don't know why, but after that you began to be more lenient on him. just him. not stupid potter or his stupid best mate black or the pettigrew boy, just lupin.
it isn't an honourable thing to do, to give someone shit when they're already feeling it, you told yourself. which arse of a person makes things harder for a person when they're already going through so much?
you also decided to keep his secret. all whilst telling yourself:
just to spite him. just to prove him wrong, that i can keep a secret. that not all slytherins are the same.
you also found yourself becoming no kinder to snape, and began to notice how irritating and nosey he actually was. all coincidental, of course.
a month later, remus found a note addressed to "Lupin," in small cursive with a small vial in his bag at dinner after potions. curiously, he opened the note and:
For the full moon tonight. It should help."
Nothing more.
And when remus scanned the great hall in half suspicion and half wonder to look for his culprit, his usual sharp vision missed the way your eyes flickered from his hands back down to your plate.
okay ngl i got very carried away with this but i kinda like how it turned out but it is a tad rusty
taglist: @kimorna @quickslvxrr
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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lucyswinter · 4 months
send in recs for oneshots and headcannons and blurbs!!! im going to be doing a celebration for 50 followers and almost 550 notes on my spencer reid hcs! feel free to look at my guidelines, or send in any ideas u have! <3
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basic-bitch-alkali · 1 year
🥳🥳i have 50(53) followers(majority is ofc those stupid bots) so lets CELEBRATE!!
💀-moodboard of any character/ship/colour/etc.
🌿- cute gif ig
🔥-song rec
🍵- i'll tell u how i feel ur personality is like
and im out of ideas so thats it ig
@cool-way-to-diee , @desifandom , @forgotten-by-the-stars , @tfischaitea , @ozymandayus , @impuritiespdf , @redvelvetpdf , @ all my moots who i forgot to tag
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Jen's 50 friends! (50 followers celebration!)
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Wow! I can't believe I have 50 followers!😳😳 First of all, I wanna thank all of the people who have followed me! Thank you!!! 50 followers is a really big deal! Again thank you for that!
Here goes my celebration :-
💗(Cutie) :- Send me a song and a pairing, I'll write a fic.
💕(Cuteness overload) :- Send me a ship name and I'll rate it out of 10.
💞(Sweetheart) :- Send me something about you and I'll ship you with someone that I write about.
🖤(Darkness) :- Send me a random fact about yourself and I will send one about me too.
❣️(Bestie!!) :- Send me this if you wanna be friends.
Additional bonus :- I have invited each and every character that I write about for my celebration so send me 😳😘💖 if you wanna talk to any one of them with their name! And shoutout to @siriusblackstwin and @lilisouless because they were the last 2 people to join our family!
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kisakis-boyfriend · 10 months
NSFW alphabet (letters c, f, p, s, w) for Draken? As soon as I seen it I thought of him sskskks
Of course, I hope you enjoy~ ❤️
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He cums a lot....like A LOT. Even if you get him to cum 2 or 3 times, there's still quite a bit each time 😳
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Anything that allows him to hold you close or be face to face. Missionary, one of you riding the other, sitting on his lap or him sitting on yours, he just enjoys being close and seeing the expressions you make whether you're the sub or dom
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
I think Draken definitely enjoys slow and sensual sex, but he also REALLY enjoys slow and rough. Slowing pulling out and then slamming back in...again, doesn't matter if he's the top or bottom, he just finds that really hot 😌
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
I see him having quite a bit of stamina. On average he can go 2 rounds, maybe 3 if he's really pent up or something. He can also hold out for a while, if you plan on edging him he can take a lot more than most people
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He reeeaaallly enjoys getting his dick sucked. He'd be a bit nervous if you did it somewhere semi-public, like in a bathroom somewhere, but that just adds to the excitement and pleasure. Especially enjoys it when you wake him up like this 💛
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luvsdive · 2 years
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pairing: painslut!karina x dom!reader (5th member!reader)
summary: karina feels like your attention has been on other people for far too long, and she needs to do something to change that.
warnings: subby sub karina, maknae reader who lowkey fucks half the 4th generation girlies, jealous unnie that wants your attention on her all the time, nipple clamps, nipple torture, crying, lots of slapping and flicking and pinching, cumming untouched but not really, pussy slapping, but very little of it.
the dorm was completely silent when you first got home, which wasn’t unusual during the handful of days off you’d gotten in the years since your debut. since you spent so much of your time together when you were on schedule, most of the members preferred to spend their free time doing individual things, visiting friends, working on their hobbies, or hibernating for three days straight, on some instances.
this had been the longest break the group had gotten since your debut, and you’d enjoyed the freedom to spend some quality time with friends you’d made since moving to seoul, hanging out with idols from other groups you’d only managed to have quick small talk with whenever you caught each other backstage on music shows or awards ceremonies, and while you’d thoroughly enjoyed the time you spent with friends and colleagues, it had been a couple of days since you’d seen your unnies, since everyone had been so busy with their own things, and you were starting to miss them a lot.
you pouted in deep thought as you walked towards your room, maknae privileges meaning you’d been awarded with the one single bedroom in the apartment, thinking about how you should probably shoot the aespa group chat a message and suggest a hangout soon enough, when you first laid eyes onto karina.
she was kneeling on the carpet, holding her hands behind her back demurely, dark hair falling straight down but pushed away from her face, and completely naked, voluptuous tits moving with her rapid breathing, nipples clamped up and connected by a metal chain that moved with her agitated breaths.  
you've always loved unnie’s tits. they were probably the first physical attributes of hers that you noticed when you first met each other, and when you realized that they were also extremely sensitive, that she loved having the perky nipples teased and tormented like the good little painslut she was, it was a matter of time before you used that to your advantage.
still, finding jimin unnie naked, kneeling on your fluffy carpet, with her nipples clamped up to high heaven was nowhere near what you expected to find when you walked into your bedroom, so you had to carefully school your features in an effort to not show her just how surprised you really were with her surprise, eyes narrowing instead, an ominous hum as you decided to play whatever game she was trying to start.
"what's up, unnie?" you asked, little smirk twisting your lips as you closed the door behind you and walked fully into the room. you dropped your bag on the floor and started working on removing your outer layer of clothing as you waited for her response. hat, mask, and scarf being discarded quietly, while you refused to give her any other type of attention until you had her answer.
“i missed you.” she replied, voice whiny and high pitched as you finally looked at her for a quiet second before making your way towards her kneeling form. “yeji told me she saw you with ryujin. and i know you went to see chaewon a couple days ago. why do you give them all attention, but you don’t even look for me? i’ve been waiting for days for you!” she started to stand up, ready to argue her point, but the attempt was immediately thwarted by your confident tug on the chain connecting the nipple clamps, words turning into a shriek, body falling back down to the carpet with a thud as you guided the chain back downwards.
“unnie, why are you like this, huh? i go out to meet a few friends after not seeing them for ages and this is how you greet me? that’s so rude of you.” you complain, watching her heavy breaths and teary eyes, nipples pressed tightly between the metal of the clamps as she stared up at you. “was this what you wanted? to be a meanie slut to me as soon as i got home and annoy me?” you frowned, crouching down to look at her, a hand still gripping the chain firmly, but otherwise not tugging on the metal. karina’s teary eyes widened at your statement, and her mouth opened as she searched for a reply.
“i… um…” she started, but you once again interrupted her with a harsh slap to the side of her breast, the flesh rippling as you rose to your full height, pulling her upwards carelessly by the tight grip on the chains. her mouth dropped open with a scream, legs wobbly as she scrambled to her feet, desperately trying to relieve the pressure in her nipples. you gave her no response other than harshly tugging the metallic material up until she was holding the links in her own mouth, tears freely dropping from her eyes at that point, but still doing her best for you.
“keep it in your mouth, you won’t like what will happen to you if you drop it.” you ordered, stepping away from her to remove the rest of your clothes. unnie tried her best to keep her lips closed tight around the chain, but also discretely lowered her jaw to try and relieve some of the tugging on her nipples. you tsked in disapproval, but kept shimmying your way out of your hoodie and sweatpants, not paying her any extra mind as you heard her shaky exhales and watched her legs tremble.
once your body was as nude as karina’s, you walked towards her once again, close enough that you could feel the cold metal of the clamps pressed against your own breasts, earning a hiss out of the older girl, who gritted her teeth but kept the linked chain firmly stuck in her mouth. you used your thumb and index finger to take her chin, pulling her face upwards enough for karina to let out a loud whimper, nipples being stretched beyond comfort as she looked towards the ceiling.
“was this what you wanted, unnie? for me to make it hurt?” you asked, taking a step back and flicking the metal clamp on the right nipple. unnie screamed, the chain falling from her mouth as her legs buckled underneath her. you took a hold of her body, tiny and so malleable at this point, and guided her towards the bed with little effort. she fell back on the mattress with a loud whimper, tits bouncing with the sudden movement, but gave you no other response other than a teary-eyed stare and some dry sobs. you climbed into the bed quickly after her, settling on your knees next to her stomach for a second before giving her a gentle slap on her cheek, already tear stained and now reasonably redder due to the impact. she made no move to stop you, choosing simply to close her eyes and enjoy the painful moment.
once you got yourself settled on your knees next to unnie’s laying, panting form, you pursued your lips in appreciation of her figure, a hand reaching towards her nude body to run over her skin, so smooth and shiny with sweat by now. you started from her neck, deciding to give her abused breasts a break for the moment and skipping down to her stomach, digits dusting over skin and taut muscle. her breath was still a little agitated, but she was trying her best to get herself under control, an attempt immediately thwarted by the hand that glided down and down her body until it reached the apex between her thighs, a middle finger dipping into her folds as she spread her legs open for you with a moan.
"oh, you're so wet." you chuckled, middle finger rubbing her clit slowly before dipping into her warm, wet entrance up to your knuckles, watching karina's face as she struggled to keep her eyes focused on you, going a little cross-eyed with her effort. you pulled your finger away after a few teasing moments, guiding your digits towards her lips and nodding for her to take them into her mouth. "you're such a needy slut, aren't you, unnie? all hot and bothered by having your tits smacked around." you grinned, pressing your fingers deeper into her mouth, pushing down on her tongue and feeling her throat spasm around you as she tried to nod her agreement. "should i make you cum, then? give you some of that attention you want so bad?" you asked, taking your finger out of her mouth once she'd cleaned it thoroughly and gagged around it enough.
"please." she whined breathlessly, arching her back and puffing her chest out. there were already some red marks on her breasts, her nipples seemed uncomfortably swollen, but you knew how unnie got off on pain, especially when it came to her tits, and decided to give her what she so clearly wanted, tugging once again on the chain that linked the two metal clamps together. she hissed, trying her best to stay still, but it wasn’t the reaction you were looking for, choosing instead to give her breasts a series of slaps, watching in glee as they bounced with impact and her whole body twitched with pain.
you leaned down towards karina's chest, not giving her a moment to rest or gather herself, before taking a firm hold of the clamp pressuring her left nipple and pulling it out by the chain instead of pressing it open, the metal clip dragging heavily against her pebbled flesh as the older girl screamed, feeling like the sensitive skin of her nipple was being torn apart. it was painful enough for her to freely start crying, actual sobs wrecking her frame as her body twisted in agony, but also arousal. the almost unbearable pain brought forth a new wave of pleasure, and karina rubbed her thighs together, desperately searching for the littlest amount of friction that would drive her to her orgasm.
you watched her struggle for a few moments, a fond smile twisting your lips as your finger reached down to massage the abused nipple. it was a little swollen and turning bright red, and you knew unnie would feel the hurt for a few days, exactly how she liked it. you rubbed the peaked flesh for a few seconds, cooing at her tears and wet sniffled sobs, before laying a heavy slap on the reddening skin once again. she sucked in a sharp breath, but pretty much anything felt heavenly after the sweet torment that had been caused by the ripping off the clamp.
she was getting pretty close to her orgasm already, you could hear it in the pitch of her pained moans and whimpers, see it in the way her thighs rubbed together, in search of friction, in how tightly she had your bedsheets gripped in her hands, fists clenched on the sheets so tight that her knuckles looked white, and decided to give her some mercy, leaning down to take her recently freed nipple in your mouth, while your digits turned their attention towards the peak that was still tightly clenched between the metal clamp.
karina’s mouth dropped open silently, the feeling of your warm, wet tongue so gently running over her sore and abused flesh, while your fingers continued to tease and pull on the metal that still tormented her other nipple, were overwhelming to her already sensitive nerve receptors, eyes closing as her hips stuttered, searching for any type of friction that was nonexistent up to this point. you bit her, teeth lightly gnashing on the skin you’d been only licking and sucking so far, and it was enough for karina to lose the little bit of control she had left.
“oh, oh.” she moaned, a keening wail as she arched her back, pressing her tits towards your face as her breath stuttered irregularly, you took advantage of her vulnerable state, pulling the remaining clamp just as you’d done a few minutes previously, karina’s moan turning into a shrieked scream, eyes rolling to the back of her head as her body unconsciously tried to curl inwards, being swiftly stopped by your own hands. “oh my god. oh my god! please, please please please!” she cried out, loud enough that a tiny part of you hoped the members were out of the dorms, even though you really loved it when unnie was loud.
“what, unnie? you’re going to cum already? all it takes is some pain, huh? and unnie is ready to beg like a little whore?” you rambled, aware that she was in no mind state to give you a proper answer, but chuckling at her nearly hysteric responses as you pinched and slapped and pulled at her abused nipples, hard and fast enough to drive her over the edge and into a loud, shaking orgasm.
karina’s whole body trembled, mouth dropping open in a scream as she shook her head from side to side, hair mussing and tangling against the cotton bedsheets. you gave her no respite, however, leaving her breasts alone for the moment, but choosing to torment her pussy, wet enough to make a mess on her thighs, yet unattended so far. she was still in the middle of her orgasm when you smacked her pussy heavily, earning an especially loud shriek out of your unnie as clear liquid gushed out of her in a streaming jet.
“thank you, thank you, thank you.” she cried, whole body twitching as you smacked her a few more times, giggling at her torment and stopping her as she tried to twist her body away from you.
“where are you going, unnie? didn’t you ask for this? now be a good little painslut and take it.”
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interstellarz · 10 months
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Thank you for 50 followers!
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here's some of my favorite blogs! (not in any particular order!)
♡ @iluvrei ♡ @baesol ♡ @s-heon ♡ @miunote ♡ @tyunlouv ♡ @g-yuvins ♡ @snowyttck ♡ @tzulipss ♡ @y-unjins ♡ @yeonsvcr ♡ @softkiseu ♡ @i-kyujin ♡ @wiotas ♡
♡ @mindios ♡ @sirenwz ♡ @k-yujin ♡ @i04rei ♡ @ecojinri ♡ @adormina ♡ @hanimellow ♡ @yeritos ♡ @v-ico ♡ @i04naoi ♡ + more!
thank you all so much! once (if) i reach 100 followers, i'll host an event! so maybe drop some ideas in the comments!
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gaeulem · 4 months
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Les agradezco el apoyo a todos los que me han seguido hasta ahora y apreciado cada uno de mis moodboards !!<33
જ⁀➴@jeonbows જ⁀➴@saintyamayuri જ⁀➴@lil-liaa જ⁀➴@rosaminela-blog જ⁀➴@i8sei જ⁀➴@wallpapesworld જ⁀➴@oreosondae જ⁀➴@wheeinception જ⁀➴@tookio જ⁀➴@pwerppu જ⁀➴@unbourn જ⁀➴@vickyxuee2354 જ⁀➴@bubblegyu00 જ⁀➴@birdinred જ⁀➴@jackstrawberry જ⁀➴@9adora જ⁀➴@fioreis જ⁀➴@jazzitos જ⁀➴@thaliithalii જ⁀➴@ourlala જ⁀➴@jdboned જ⁀➴@lvmaicor જ⁀➴@a-arie જ⁀➴@crystlhrts જ⁀➴@miwiisworld જ⁀➴@zororyuu જ⁀➴@writerdolls જ⁀➴@tokioarchivo જ⁀➴@gigittamic જ⁀➴@bigoene જ⁀➴@isciary જ⁀➴@ojomiseria જ⁀➴@miffy111111111 જ⁀➴@delulu4ellie જ⁀➴@aerisparks જ⁀➴@ninniin જ⁀➴@zonjawonja જ⁀➴@jaewsss
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purplefangirl42 · 1 year
Dear Kels, may I humbly request a Silco/Fem!Reader fic? 🙏🏻
Imagine reader was gone for a while (for a job or something) and comes home to her Boyfriend Silco. Would Silco be sweet and kinda touchstarved upon her return? 🤔😉 I wonder….
Love Roxy 😘
Thank you for the request Roxy! Here's some fluffy, clingy Silco for you 💜
Tags: Fluff, Touch-Starved Silco, Reunion
A deep sigh escaped you as you leaned against the back of the descending elevator. The majority of your trip had been enjoyable, but you were more than ready to be home. It would be nice to see everyone and be in familiar surroundings after being away for so long.
You looked at your watch and realized that with how late it was, Jinx would likely be asleep when you arrived. You would have to settle with seeing her in the morning. Silco, on the other hand, you would be able to surprise tonight. They weren’t expecting you back until tomorrow evening, so your early arrival would hopefully be a welcome surprise. 
The elevator finally reached the bottom, the door opening to allow you to exit. You took in the familiar sights of the Lanes as you walked, basking in the sights and smells of the world around you. It didn’t take long to make your way to The Last Drop, the green glow acting as a beacon for you to gravitate towards. You paused a short distance away, savoring the sight of the place you called home for a moment before walking over to the door.
The club was quiet, having been closed for the night according to the sign on the door. That was unusual. The guard at the door let you pass without question, nodding his head in greeting. Sevika sat at a booth in the back with Ran and a few others, playing a card game. She looked up at the sound of your entrance and gave you a wave. She turned to say something to her fellow card players and then walked over to you.
“You’re back early. Does he know you’re here?”
You shook your head and shrugged out of your coat, laying it over your arm.
“I wanted to surprise him and Jinx with my early arrival.”
“He’ll be glad to see you,” Sevika said. “I’m glad you’re back. He’s been in a foul mood while you’ve been gone.”
“The entire time?” you asked.
Sevika’s nod caused you to raise your eyebrows in surprise. You had been gone for almost a month. If Silco had been in a bad mood during your entire absence, you felt bad for everyone under his employ. 
“I better go see him then.”
Sevika bid you goodbye as you headed for the stairs. When you reached Silco’s office, you paused for a moment before opening the door. You knew it would be unlikely for Silco to be cross with you when you entered the room, but you also knew what he was like when he got in one of his moods. You took a deep breath and turned the handle, opening the door.
Silco looked up from his paperwork, a murderous expression on his face at being disturbed. When his gaze met yours, you could see the anger slowly melt away and the scowl disappear. His good eye widened in surprise as he said your name softly. 
You closed the door behind you and placed your bag on the floor, laying your coat over it. You started walking towards where Silco was sitting, but stopped when he rose from his chair. His long legs carried him around the desk and towards you at an incredible speed. Before you knew it, his arms were wrapped around you, pulling you into a tight embrace.
“I take it you missed me?” you asked as you also wrapped your arms around him.
Silco didn’t respond, only holding onto you like you were his lifeline. You could hear his shaky breathing near your ear, which prompted you to pull back from his embrace and take his face in your hands. Exhaustion was prominent on his features and even the skin under his good eye was dark.
“Silco, what’s wrong?”
“I missed you. More than you know.”
You gave him a loving smile and leaned in to place a soft kiss on his lips.
“I missed you too, Silco. But why do you look so exhausted?”
“Jinx was having a difficult time with your absence for a while until I finally convinced her that you would in fact return. But those words didn’t seem to do much good for my own troubled mind. I’ve barely been able to sleep since you left.”
Your heart sank at his words, sympathy for how tired he must be filling you. 
“Oh darling, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have gone if I knew that it would affect you this much.”
“There’s no way you could have known. I certainly didn’t expect it myself. I’ve spent most of my life without you, what was a month?”
You wrapped your arms around him again, pulling him tightly against your body. You ran your hand soothingly through the hairs on the back of his neck, your thumb rubbing circles on the sensitive skin behind his ear.
“Next time, I’ll make sure the trip is shorter. I promise.”
This time it was Silco that pulled away. He grabbed your hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. 
“If I had my way, you’d never leave my sight again.”
You laughed gently and shook your head. The love you felt both for him and from him made your heart do backflips. Even if he was a bit ridiculous sometimes.
“Well, I’m here now. Why don’t we spend some time in each other’s company?”
You could see a glint of desire in his teal eye as a smirk raised the corner of his lips, but it was quickly extinguished when he glanced back toward his desk.
“I’m afraid that I have work to do. I wanted to get it all done before you arrived so I would be free to spend time with you. But, you surprised me by coming home early.”
“I can keep you company while you work then.”
Silco seemed to like that idea and using his grip on your hand, began to pull you back towards his chair. He sat down and patted his knee, indicating for you to take a seat as well. You followed his instructions, swinging your legs across his lap and snuggling in close to him. Your head rested on his shoulder, your senses absorbing the mixture of his cologne and cigar smells. That had been something you had definitely missed, and you were very glad to be able to have it around again.
“I love you, I hope you know that,” you said softly.
Silco paused and looked down at you, meeting your gaze. 
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
He leaned in and placed a kiss to your forehead, lingering for a few moments before returning to his work once again. As he worked, one of his hands rested on your legs, lightly tracing circles against your knees. Every so often he would tilt his head to the side to rest it against yours, as if he needed to reassure himself that you were truly there.
You had a feeling that he would try to get his way when it came to never letting you leave his sight, even if it was only for a little while.
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asksimonbelmont · 2 months
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And to you! Cheers!
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lafleshlumpeater · 1 year
✧.* ɪᴛ'ꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀᴘᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ — ˢᵉⁿᵈ ᵐᵉ ᵃ ᵈᵉᵗᵃⁱˡᵉᵈ ᵈᵉˢᶜʳⁱᵖᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ⁽ᵃᵖᵖᵉᵃʳᵃⁿᶜᵉ ⁺ ᵖᵉʳˢᵒⁿᵃˡⁱᵗʸ⁾ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱ'ˡˡ ᵗᵉˡˡ ʸᵒᵘ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶠⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿᵃˡ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍ ⁱⁿ!!
i’m ginger (with a blonde ombre cos i dyed it last year), so very pale lol, nobody knows whether my eyes are blue, green or grey, they change and are also just unidentifiable. i’m 5"3, deceptively strong, and like average size ig.
i’m super upbeat, i’m not super confident but i definitely don’t get anxiety, i’m an enfp, i love reading, gaming and writing, i’m aiming to be a paediatric nurse (and by extension, i’m really good with kids) and i’m a dog person <3
congratulations again bby
it's giving...
(like apollo kid vibesss omg)
hmm will would definitely be your bff and big brother
also you and piper would be besties like it's just... perfect
hope you like these luv xx
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alexandraisyes · 5 months
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We hit 50 followers and I’m so excited! Hope you like this piece of celebratory artwork! (Tis my boy Dolus - he was my Christmas gift from my cocreator ♥️)
Maybe… maybe I’ll do something special when we reach 100… a giveaway or something. We’ll see…
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@m0ngrxl i think i had way too much fun making this
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kisakis-boyfriend · 9 months
Kakucho obsession👀 so can I request B, M and W from the NSFW alphabet for him?
You betcha! Sorry this took a few days to get to, stupid writer's block smacked me good 🙏🏻
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His abs or his hands, on himself. For his partner? As sappy as it sounds, he really likes their face ❤️
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Getting a compliment from someone he's close to, or being flirted with by someone he's close to. A compliment isn't an automatic turn-on, but if your voice is a bit lower than usual and you make eye contact that will probably make him feel some things 😌
But also! Running your hands all over his body works wonders. Smooth and sensual, maybe tell him how gorgeous he is, that'll get him going real quick (also a great way to put him in subspace)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Honestly, I think if he really trusts you, he'd let you be in complete control of him. If you can sweet-talk him and bring out his submissive side you can turn him into a doll for you, pliant and yours to do whatever you want with
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