#14: looks in the camera like hes on the office
wilf: you and the doctor have that same kind of shellshocked look in your eyes yaz: with all due respect for my elders, sir, Fuck Off
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
(By Velvette, the only competent of the Vees)
(Her list for Valentino here)
1. He’s just not into you
2. We have better things to do than allocate company time to this.
3. He makes you look stupid
4a. He makes US look stupid (and Valentino already does that enough)
4b. Seriously how are we supposed to stop your boy toy from chasing whore around town when you can’t do the same with your ex? We need to set a (gag) good example for him.
5. What do you even see in him? Tacky coat. And that voice is so old-school.
6. You have two people who (reluctantly) want to work with you. Why spend energy on a guy who doesn’t?
7. This was seven years ago babe. Give it up.
8. I’m tired of finding your Alastor Body Pillow around the penthouse
9. Speaking of the body pillow, did you really have to spend 5k on it?
10. Company money should be used for COMPANY things. The fact we even have an “Alastor” budget is stupid. HE DOESNT EVEN GO HERE. ( @onesidedradiostatic )
11. He fucked off once, he probably will again.
12. Do you really want to fuck with someone who has the princess and king of Hell on his side?
13. It makes Valentino insecure about his sexual prowess, which is not good for anyone.
14. I have to LISTEN to him complain about it.
15. No matter how hard you try, nobody will ever beat “Susan” for #1 rival in that man’s heart. (Which is valid cause Susan SUCKS.)
16. Also you’re wasting company time by having Val put together shitty-Alastor look alike porns? Angel Dust does NOT look like Radio Demon ffs, I though Val was the blind one not you.
17. Your screens keep crapping out whenever you think about him, and we’re running out of ones in storage.
18a. I don’t want to keep having to go to overlord meetings for you because you’re having a breakdown over of he’ll be there or not.
18b. Speaking of breakdowns, STOP MAKING THE WHOLE CITY LOSE POWER.
19. You’ve taken over the entire office space with your Alastor-shrine. It’s not really an inconvenience, just creepy.
20a. Not to kinkshame but I walked in on you and Val fucking with Alastor-wigs on, REALLY?!
20b. Also I think you’re making Val insecure about his lack of hair.
21. STOP asking me to design Alastor-cosplay clothes for you. I don’t want anything to do with this.
22. I already have to deal with one pissbaby
23. Seriously, he isn’t into you. Maybe it’s cause you’re a mess. Maybe it’s cause he’s AROACE. Who knows.
24. You keep interrupting channels to brainwash people into hating the Radio Demon, when we should be brainwashing them into other things.
25. We can all hear you talking to yourself in the shower when trying to come up with shitty comebacks.
26. You display your dreams when you sleep, and while it was funny at first at this point it’s so boring. Val and I want to watch something actually interesting for once rather than the same shit.
27. You keep glitching out in bisexual whenever he comes up and it’s annoying waiting for you to put your shit back together again.
28. I’m sick of movie nights where we just watch your self-made compilations of “Alastor’s Epic Fails” or just watch security footage of him at the hotel.
29. Why do you even try and film him? Your shitty cameras can pick hardly anything up.
30. Honestly this whole thing is just pathetic.
31. Like it used to be cute but now?
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Eddie Munson's second chance
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 14
Prompt: Angst with a happy ending
Rated: G
CW: referenced child neglect/abuse
Tags: Modern AU, Royalty AU, Royal Steve Harrington, Rockstar Eddie Munson
Notes: Continued from day 11. This was angstier in my head, but Eddie is a silly goose.
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Eddie Munson is no stranger to fucking up. He's long accepted that. It's just a thing that happens.
Sometimes, you'll miscalculate a stage dive and have to cancel the rest of the tour. 
Sometimes, you'll get so caught up in your stupid rockstar stuff, you'll forget about the youth center you founded to give other kids a better childhood. 
Sometimes, you'll meet an adorable guy named Dustin at said youth center, and rant about how useless the monarchy is, only to find out that Dustin isn't Dustin at all, but Crown Prince Steven Harrington, aka the future king, aka owner of the saddest pair of puppy dog eyes that Eddie has ever failed to get out of his goddamn head. 
Which brings him to his current predicament, sitting on the edge of his bed, waiting for Chrissy to pick up the phone. She does after the second dial tone, which is pretty impressive for three in the morning. 
"We must cancel the royal visit," Eddie blurts before she can ask what's wrong. 
"Eds," she yawns. "We've been over this. Just because you can't stand the guy-" 
"That's not it," Eddie groans. "Listen … I met him yesterday? Only I didn't know it was him? And I flirted with him and he was really cute but I couldn't keep my fucking mouth shut and now I can't ever see him again because I don't wanna rot in some dungeon, understand?" 
"No," she says. Damn, it sounded perfectly logical in his head. "But this doesn't seem like something we should discuss on the phone. Stay put, I'm coming over." 
They don't cancel the royal visit, but Eddie refuses to make an appearance. Instead, he watches from behind the curtains of the office window like a creep. The Prince looks dashing in his tailored suit, smiling for the cameras, joking with the kids, listening to Chrissy with polite attention as she shows him around the place. Eddie loves her so fucking much, will be forever grateful that she filled in for him. 
Even if she tied it to one condition. 
He watches how she whispers something into the Prince's ear, how his smile melts into an angry frown. How they both turn to stare at the window. Eddie flinches away from the curtains, heart in his throat. 
He wonders if the dungeons have WiFi. 
"You have exactly ten minutes," says the bodyguard. It’s the same one from yesterday, the one called Hop. Eddie doesn’t reply, just nods stiffly. Hop looks at him like he's contemplating murder, but then he ducks out of the room with a muttered all clear.
Prince Steven steps in. The door clicks shut. Silence descends. 
"Well," Eddie finally mumbles. "I guess this is the part where I bow and grovel." 
The Prince snorts. "Please don't, Mr Munson. I'd rather you save us both the embarrassment."
Eddie winces, because ouch. That stings more than it should. 
Neither of them says anything for a long while. The clock on the wall keeps ticking. 
"So," Eddie rocks awkwardly on the soles of his combat boots. "Who's Dustin?" 
Those plush lips twitch into a smile and those pretty eyes light up. For a moment, Eddie glimpses the boy from yesterday. 
"My housekeeper's kid. He'd be so mad if he knew I met you and didn't get him an autograph." 
He says it with genuine concern, like he's honestly afraid of getting shit from a little kid, and Eddie can't help but grin. 
"Don't worry, I won't tell." 
This gets him a huffed laugh. 
"He'd love this place, it's really cool." 
When Eddie looks up, the Prince is looking at the picture frames on the walls, photos of smiling kids and drawings in crayon and watercolors. Eddie sighs and joins him, stares long and hard of a picture of Max on her skateboard. 
"Thanks. I, um … grew up around here, and I wanted to give these kids a safe space. Where they can just … be children. I never really had that myself." 
A thoughtful hum. Those hazel eyes are soft with an expression that looks weirdly like longing. Eddie remembers watching stories about the royal family on his uncle's rickety TV set. A solemn-faced boy his own age trailing behind his parents outside of private jets, in lush parks and gilded halls. Always in expensive suits. Always well-behaved. Always way too grown-up.
Well, shit. 
"Listen, your highness …" 
"Steve is fine." 
"Listen, Steve …" Eddie lets the name linger on his tongue, finds that he likes the feel of it. "I guess I've been a bit of a dick." 
A hint of that bitchy little smile. "You guess correctly." 
"Whatever," Eddie huffs. "I'm trying to apologize here, so may I? Or are you throwing me in the dungeons?" 
"The …" Steve blinks. Then, his mouth starts to curl. "We, um … don't actually do that anymore. Unless you're into that, then I'm sure it could be arranged." 
Eddie sputters and Steve bites back a laugh. 
"If you really wanna make up for it," he then says. "I hear your concert next week is all sold out? Dustin would love backstage tickets." 
Eddie frowns. 
"Dustin as in the kid or …" 
"Steve?" Hop cracks the door open. "Time to go, c'mon." 
Steve smiles, bright and sunshiny. "On my way." 
He turns to Eddie, grabs a pen and a notepad from the chaos on the desk.
"Backstage tickets, two of them. I'll be expecting them by tomorrow." 
When Chrissy bustles in not five minutes later, she finds Eddie in the office chair, staring morosely at the still drawn curtains. 
"Eds? Everything okay?" Eddie just groans and hides his head in his hands, so she crouches down in front of him, hands on his knees. "He didn't give you shit, did he?" 
"Shit? I wish. No, it's far worse than that." Eddie cackles hysterically and unclenches his fist, presenting a crumpled piece of notebook paper. "He gave me his number." 
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Part 3
All my holiday drabbles
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carrotkicks · 1 year
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Okay, I started the recording. What do think we’re expecting from – 
Well, this certainly isn’t something you see everyday.
Oh my god… what is this?
Bodies, Atsushi-kun. Really, really dead bodies.
A murder scene like this comes once a blue moon.
Have you ever seen anything like this before, Mr. Dazai?
No time for that Atsushi-kun! Get that camera out, you know what to do. 
Hh... Okay, deep breaths. Through the mouth.
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
Oi! What are you two doing?
Ah! He-hello, we were ju-just –
Deputy Inspector! Hello, do you remember us? We’re from *rustle* the Armed Detective Agency, you commissioned us for this investigation? 
The ADA.. That’s right, you’re that freak from the river. We specifically requested Edogawa, not you. 
Ranpo-san would have loved to join you here today, but he was obligated to other arrangements and asked me and my associate, Nakajima Atsushi, to go in his stead. But I assure you can trust me with this case. You are looking at the second greatest detective at the agency, after all.
Hmph, very well. Demonstrate your deductive ability. You, kid. Get back to work. 
Ah, right!
Of course.
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
It seems the victims were impaled quite rapidly. The material they were hung from is a blend of polyester and… *sniffs* wool. It’s in long strips, seemingly torn from a longer sheet. It’s the kind of textile you’d find on a winter coat. It’s far too warm for this sort of cloth. 
How do you figure? 
Oh my coat is made of the same material. 
*click* *whirr*
Anyways, the way these bodies have been sliced looks like they were cut by the fabric itself. On some of these dismembered parts, there are traces fibers along the serrated edge. 
This is the work of something inhuman. 
*click* *whirr*
That’s impossible.
Is it? 
*grumble* Edogawa would have at least given us something that was grounded in reality to work with. 
The effort is appreciated, Dazai. Tell your photographer to give us his copies and get the hell out of here. 
Sure thing, Inspector-san!
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
*click* *whirr*
Hey Atsushi-ku– AH
Oops, sorry Mr. Dazai!
Right in the eyes! I’m blinded! I’m blind!
Really sorry! I was really occupied with these photos, I didn’t see you! Really– ah. What’s with the scary look?
*hiss* next time pay more attention to your surroundings protege-kun. Careful where you point that flash. Whatever. We’re gonna blow this joint. 
So soon? 
Thank goodness.
Yeah. We’ve done as much investigating as we could for now. 
Do you have any ideas as to who caused this Mr. Dazai? This crime scene is… more elaborate…  than anything that I can imagine. 
I just might… Atsushi-kun I’ll be leaving you here. I want to do some further sleuthing.
Huh? You’re taking on more work on purpose, Mr. Dazai? That’s… new.
Yep! I trust you can make it back to the Agency on your own and log the evidence for us At-su-shi! You are our star at documentation!
Bye now, Atsushi-kun! 
There it is. I guess I never had a choice huh? I’ll see you tomorrow then, Mr. Dazai.
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Mr. Dazai has been in and out of the office since Monday. I’m kind of worried he’s avoiding me, because I tried to speak with him and he just brushed past me. Maybe he’s just stressed from this case. With this job as a crime scene photographer, I’ve seen some truly horrific sights but I have to agree, there’s no way a human being could have caused this sort of brutality. The problem is, that it just makes no sense. I wonder how he’ll figure this out. In other, better news, Junichirou will be coming to the office after his school tomorrow. I want to see if he can help me fix my camera. It’s been really finicky since Monday, and I can’t figure out why. Maybe the internal components got a bit corrupted or something. In any case, I hope it’s not too difficult of a repair.
That’s all for today, then. See you around!
N. Atsushi
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dia-souls · 7 months
===Yui Komori as an Idol Reverse Harem Headcanons===
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Yui is known for her cuteness, she is really famous because of her aegyo as she doesn't look cringe while doing it.
Yui is one of the youngest idol in entertainment industry. She was 14 when she became a trainee and debuted at the age of 17.
Yui has a very shrill and gentle voice. Her vocals are good. She can hit high notes. She can also sing live.
Her dance is average. She is very good at doing gentle and elegant dances rather than fast and hip hop.
Yui has really soft and feminine beauty. Her visuals are compare to angel or doll because of her blonde hair, white skin and big eyes.
She doesn't dye her hair frequently but if she does, it's usually light colours like white, pink or highlights.
Her popularity shooted because of her performances in which she is dressed in a beautiful pink dress that matches her eyes and with a small crown adorning her hair. That performance caused her to get viral as people started comparing her to doll and her cute voice also caught attention of many people.
She has more fanboys (55%) than fangirls (45%).
Idol Yui works under Sakamaki cooperation whose head is Shu.
She has two manager Reiji and Ruki. Yui sometimes cries as both of them are strict and sometimes hard on her.
Ruki is incharge of taking care of her diet and her schedules. He is incharge of taking care of Yui and he makes sure she stays healthy and keeps her on ideal weight.
Reiji is incharge of handling her social sites and is responsible for tours recquirement, Yui's passwords etc are under Reiji. Reiji is usually the one who is keeping her socials update like posting picture, stories, captions, tik tok, etc.
There is unspoken rivalry between them, as they both compete on who is more responsible and who can handle all these things alone. They both secretly like Yui and are aware that opposite party also likes her.
Idol Yui is really famous among male idols and as well as other fans. Some male idols confessed that Yui is their ideal type.
Yui is also known for her kindness. As she always treats her fans kindly even rude and toxic ones whom disrespect her. She smiles at them gently instead of getting angry.
She through out her career never showed anger, she is also known for her calm nature.
She is considered to be wife-material that's why she is famous among Japanese men.
Yuma is Yui's personal body guard. Yums was given to Yui by commapany( by Shu) , her boss actually to make sure she stays safe and her sasaeng don't bother her or hurt her.
Azusa is Yui's hairstylist and makeup artist whom secretly is Yui's biggest stanner. He did this job just because he could be closer to his favourite idol.
He fells in love with her again and again as she always treats him kindly and doesn't judge his slow way of speaking.
Azusa always blushes whenever he sees her getting dress for her performances.
Azusa as yui stanner has his own accounts online where he defend Yui from haters and fights with them he always wins as he knows Yui's secrets and all stuffs. He is famous because of his defending way and was called Yui's no. 1 fanboy by online community no one saw his face neither he will reveal.
He protects Yui from shadows.
Kou is Yui's choreographer whom uses this opportunity to touch her in the name of making her learn faster and better.
Yuma once confronted him and was ready to beat the hell out of him when he noticed his way of touching her then he scolded by Ruki saying that he is only teaching her and nothing else.
Yuma still punched him but that didn't stop Kou. He sometimes manapulate Yui into going out with him.
Shu watches this all from his office through cctv camera and threatened Kou to kick him out if he tried anything funny on Yui again. He makes sure that all male staff stays in line.
Shu also changed the male staff to female staff most of the female staff work around Yui. He makes sure of it only 4-5 males are around Yui but they don't stay around her too much.
Yui is surrounded by female staff so that Shu could be at ease knowing she won't be harrased but he literally rubbed his temples when he found out that a staff girl confessed her love to Yui. She was kicked out.
Yuma was the one who told such things to Shu as Yuma knows he has power over to control them Yuma observes all of the staff the moment he finds them creepy or weird he immediately informs Shu so he could take action.
The staff is kicked out if he/she had ill intention towards Yui. In this way Yuma and Shu protect her.
Shu once installed a camera in Yui's changing room to peep at her only to be caught by Ruki whom than throwed it in dustbin while crushing it.
Reiji and Ruki never found out that Shu was the one behind this vulgar incident.
Yuma upon hearing this, his protectiveness and possessiveness towards Yui shooted up.
Yui is also shipped with Yuma, Reiji and Ruki. Because her moments with them always gets viral.
One time one fanboy made Yui uncomfortable and Yuma immediately rescues her by twisting his arms and he recieved positive comments from fans.
Ruki sometimes covers Yui with his jacket and Reiji sometimes glares at them whenever they make her feel bad or uncomfy.
Yui cracking jokes with them these moments makes fans ship them romantically.
Yuma and Yui were also caught up in the dating scandal. Just to have Shu immediately releasing a statement denying them without Yuma and Yui's approval or consent.
He afterwards made sure that this is actually not true and it was not true in reality.
Yui is also shipped with male idols. Her most famous ship is with kino. (in meantime, I will explain the reason👀)
Yui also works as a MC her male partner is Carla whom grabs every chance to get shipped with her.
Carlayui is second famous ship after Kinoyui between idols.
Yui is also shipped with Shin because of their interactions in variety shows where they both were paired up in games .
Tsukinamis are also idols but under different agency they aren't in same agency as Yui.
They once collabed with Yui which results in countless edits of them being shipped.
Tsukinamis compared to Yui are more famous and their popularity served as a clout for Yui to gain fans.
Subaru is Yui's biggest simp. He is Yui's rich fanboy. He has all of Yui's merches and photocards. His room is filled with Yui's pictures whom he took personally.
Subaru also stalks Yui while wearing black jacket or hood over black pants he always wears caps with his white hair poking through them he also wears black mask.
Subaru was called out once on this because on his Instagram people noticed that his pictures are in the same place as Yui and with exact same pose.
Reiji sued him immediately upon noticing but Subaru being rich easily got out off this and continued.
Subaru also applied for body guard position only to be rejected as he couldn't beat Yuma's strength and physic.
He also goes in same gym as Yuma and tries to get Yui's info from him only to get rejected.
The triplets are her fans who go to every one of her concerts and have not lost any of her concerts. Laito had even made her sign a marriage contract. Yui signed it thinking it was funny.
He later gushed about it to Ayato and Kanato whom then do same as him making Yui sign it and claims her as their wife on twitter and Facebook.
Ruki and Reiji later sue them as Yui then started recieving hate behind that hate train was Subaru whom made a big issue of such small thing by different accounts as a result Yui started bawling on her next live and he felt hella bad.
Shu than announced hiatus for Yui, which broke the triplets and Subaru.
Tsukinamis later defending her on their live saying idol life is hard and she is young which in return made Yui hated more by Tsukinamis fangirls.
Reiji and Ruki rubbed their temples when they saw hate comments by jealous fangirls of Tsukinamis.
Triplets and Subaru started hashtags of #saveyuifromtsukinami #saveyui #boycotttsukinami #saveyuifromphedophiles #tsukinamisstayawayfromyui
Shu then started protecting Yui by going to Tsukinamis agency and making her go to hiatus again and increasing security as people started hated on her he also sued alot of jealous fangirls and releasing statements on taking strict action on their cyber bullying.
Plot twist: It turns later out that Yui is now dating idol Kino who is in same agency as Tsukinami. She hid it from everyone as she isn't allowed to according to contact of her agency, Shu immediately threatens her.
Subaru fainted on spot when he saw Yui and Kino sharing kisses and hugs while stalking her
Triplets being heartbroken and started hashtags (they have a big fan following) #breakupyui #yuidontneedkino #freeyui #freeyuifromtsukinamiandkino #boycottkino.
Yui then under pressure of her two managers breaks up but Kino still has feelings the sad edits of them are made to this day.
Tsukinamis Jaws drop on knowing the truth that the snake is in the same den as them.
Shin during variety shows purposely push Kino or go hard on him while smirking and making him lose games as revenge.
Yui is Carla's MC partner so he try his best to console her and his edits are increasing with Yui.
Shin tries to make sure Kino stay away from Yui by getting in between or blocking their eye contact.
Laito also write dirty fics about Yui on wattpad and tumblr with himself as self insert they are hella dirty and has huge fan following shipping the OC laito with Yui but Subaru came across it and made an issue about it again by sending hate comments and promoting it to be cancelled on his social pages, Ruki upon reading fics sued Laito (lol).
Yui was sexualized once for wearing maid and neko outfit which attracted alot of male fans.
Azusa decided to make sure she gets mostly covered outfits like her dresses are usually long dress and skirt that reaches her kness she is boycotted to wear tight and short shots.
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Part 14
Warnings: Smut (18+), angst by the buckets.
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'We should talk.' 
'I'd rather not.' 
It's been two days.
Two days since you've been in his presence, avoiding every mention and sight of him, making yourself as scarce as possible.
Two days since you kissed him.
Your body heats up at the memory. The way he grabbed you, held you close, returned your feverish kisses with some of his own.
You look down at your phone, swallowing when you see the read receipts light up on the message you just sent.
In true Billy fashion, he doesn't respond.
What a fucking pain in the ass, you think angrily. 
You shake your head, dropping your phone onto your desk and throwing yourself into your work.
This time, you're not worried about possible fallouts, he'd definitely kissed you back, right?
Fuck, what a kiss. Your toes curled at the memory, a spot deep inside you aching, emphasizing the emptiness inside of you.
It was too much, the knowledge of what his mouth tasted like, the feel of his passionate hands on your body.
How could you ever hope to forget that it had happened? Did you even want to?
The answer was no.
You didn't want to forget it, and you didn't think it was a mistake either.
But it definitely wasn't a good thing.
Especially now, when your relationship had grown more strained in the last two days.
Friendship, what a dumb word.
If you weren't still upset with him, you'd probably go back up to his office and grip him by his stupid tie once more. 
You think about kissing him again, kicking one leg over his hip, grinding your body against his. Maybe you'd slip between his legs and pull his thick cock out of his pants-
You gasp, blinking back into reality, aware that you've been staring at the same sentence for minutes now.
You swallow, clicking the document away with a sigh.
You toss your head back in your chair, take a small stretch, try to remind yourself why you were mad at Billy.
Right, he was too indecisive. One moment he holds you close and tells you the most amazing things, the next he's avoiding you.
If you followed through on any of your fantasies with him, there was a high chance that he'd ghost you afterwards.
He probably just didn't like you as much as you'd hoped.
It was a painful thought. 
He was watching you.
Like the world's biggest creep.
Billy didn't completely understand why you were angry with him, but it was killing him inside. He needed to know, he needed to fix it.
It had been two days and he hadn't seen you in person since. You'd become very good at avoiding him. 
The absolute torment of seeing you everyday to not at all and all he had was the memory of a kiss that still made his lips tingle and his cock hard.
Now, the only way he could see you was on the little camera feed tucked into a corner wall of the office workspace area.
The camera quality was grainy, really just put in and not monitored unless there was an issue.
Billy had opened the feed five times in the last two days.
It was getting ridiculous, he didn't want another day to go by without trying to talk to you. You'd given him a rather clear message to leave you alone, but he couldn't, not after knowing how hurt you were, and definitely not after he found out how sweet your mouth tasted.
Like fucking strawberries.
He needed to make amends. 
You regret not going out tonight when Amy had offered. You could have been at a nice bar right now, sipping on a fancy margarita, laughing with your friends.
But you’d turned them down.
Why the fuck had you turned them down?
Friday night, and you’d just decided to take a bath and lie in bed.
It wasn't so bad, you reasoned, you only wished you were with them because you were in bed. If you'd been at the bar, you'd be sitting there, wishing you were here instead.
You smile, your therapist might praise you for becoming that level of self aware.
When there's a knock at your door, you raise your head in surprise.
Logically, it could only be one person. The one with the appropriate security clearance to make it up to your door without you being informed beforehand.
You take a deep breath, wondering what he would possibly want to say to you at a time like this.
You’re greeted with flowers. 
You see them before you see his face, pink and white tulips, wrapped in a rustic brown paper and some thread that’s looped tightly around your chest just comes loose at the sight of him.
What did you address him as now? William? Mister Russo? Billy? What did you call your boss that you’d kissed in a heated rush in his office during working hours?
“Hey.” Is all you end up saying.
He says your name in greeting, looking down at the bouquet in his arms for a second. 
“May I come in?”
May he? Was this a good idea?
You nod, pulling your door wider and sidestepping to let him in.
“Is there… something I can help you with?”
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He comments, avoiding your eyes.
Straight to the point.
“Yes.” You agree.
He finally turns to look at you, something unnameable in his eyes.
“Why?” He asks.
You give him a smile of apology, eyes drifting to the tulips still in his arms.
“Those for me?”
He nods, extending them out to you.
Your hands brush as you take them, turning away from him to find a place for them.
“They’re beautiful,” You state, “How did you know they were my favourite?”
"I didn’t.” He says, the awkwardness between you is as palpable as if it were a third person standing in the room.
He's silent as you take your time, searching for the appropriate vase to put them in. You press your nose to them and hum happily as the soft petals touch your cheek.
"Would you like something to drink?" You offer, turning to him.
He swallows.
"No. Why are you avoiding me?" He presses, going straight to the point.
You grin quietly into the flowers.
"I feel like you avoided me first." You hedge the question, looking eagerly at him for a response.
He looks a little irked, looking away from you and taking a deep breath, pretending to study your apartment.
"That's what this is about?"
"In part, you just kind of piss me off in general."
He raises his eyebrows in astonishment, still not meeting your eyes.
"Well this is confusing, considering that you kissed me." He challenges.
You wanted to rage at him, curse his stunning looks and captivating personality for pulling you into him, and this mindset of affection toward him.
Instead you suck in a breath.
"I feel like everytime we get close- as friends- you just… you pull as far away from me as humanly possible."
You let out a long sigh, leaving the bouquet of tulips in their spot on your kitchen counter, moving to plop onto your couch in a dramatic flourish.
You grab one of your throw pillows, setting it in your lap and squeezing tightly.
“Of course I’m avoiding you,” You continue, “I’m just expecting you to pull away again.”
You look at him for a moment, as he takes in your words. You can almost watch him process them, eyelids fluttering as he maybe debates internally.
“I’m sorry.” He finally says, coming to sit beside you on your couch. His eyes are earnest and warm, and it takes you by surprise.
You honestly doubted he’s said those words to many people.
“I push you away, I do, when I first offered you the job, you said that you weren’t interested if I was only doing it to get involved with you.”
He swallows, he looks so nervous that your heart almost breaks for him.
“I just didn’t want you to think that was true.” He continues, “You’re a good employee, but the more I get to know you, the more I want to, and I find that very dangerous.”
“Billy.” You say in a measured tone, waiting for him to stop avoiding your gaze and look at you directly.
“I believe you. You’ve made it very clear that you think I’m good for the job and I respect that.”
You can feel something shift between you, the animosity turning into understanding.
“I want to know you better too.” You finish, voice soft, earnest.
He blinks quickly, looking away. You can’t help your body’s response to him, the memory of his mouth on yours sparking up ill-timed tingles.
“I don’t want anyone devaluing your work because we’re close.” He responds.
Chest constricting, you smile sadly.
“I- that means a lot to me. But, people will find any excuse to do what they want. I just want to be true to myself and let the pieces fall where they have to.”
He looks at you, the corners of his mouth pulling subtly upwards.
“So, you forgive me then?”
You reach for his hand, covering it with yours, giving an affectionate squeeze.
“Of course I do.”
He turns his hand upward, interlocking your fingers, eyes drifting down to look at your joined hands.
Tingles spread from where he touches, moving from your arm all the way up to your chest. You gulp, looking at him, studying his face, remembering the kiss.
That damned kiss.
You watch him take a deep breath, and he looks up at you. It’s a long and heated moment and he doesn’t look away, doesn’t pull back.
You don’t know who moves, or if you both do, like magnets being pulled into each other, a force of attraction that cannot be seen with the bare eye, cannot be felt by anyone else other than you.
He’s so close that your noses almost brush. You can feel his warm breath dancing across your skin in little puffs.
"We, we um," You try to focus on anything other than his lips, looking into his half opened dark eyes as you try to speak, "We shouldn't be alone together."
"No?" He asks softly, a little tilt of his head and you watch his eyes drop to your lips, "Why's that?"
"Because..." You trail off.
Because I can't keep myself in control around you, you want to say.
Instead, you close the distance between your bodies, leaning in to kiss him.
A low sigh leaves the back of your throat as your lips meet. You feel your stomach flip happily at the reunion of your mouths.
He groans, the vibrations tingle against your lips, his large hand rising to cup your jaw, warm thumb stroking over your cheek.
You move closer, till you're almost in his lap, your fingers twitch nervously as your hands rest on his chest, sliding their way up into his hair.
You try to fight the urgency, the impatience scratching at the back of your head to just take and take and take.
Your lips part, gently tracing the tip of your tongue along his bottom lip for only a second before pulling back. 
He makes an abrupt sound, drawing back suddenly, breaking the kiss. His movements are so surprising that you lean away from him and allow him the space to stand.
Your heart squeezes as you look at his back.
You're almost afraid to ask.
"Is everything okay?"
He doesn't speak for a long moment, raising a hand to rake through his hair.
"Yes, just wanted to check- are you sure about this?"
You blink.
"Yes, I am... are you? It's okay if you don't like me that much, we can stop."
He spins around as if you've said something positively absurd.
"Like you? You think I don't like you?"
You look down sadly, smoothing a hand over your knees.
"Well, yeah, you, you dismiss me sometimes as if you're not interested. It can come across as dislike, or even a little mean."
"Mean?" He says, taking long strides to stand before you, your head tilting down to follow his form as he kneels before you.
He looks at you for too long, and you have to look away or melt into a puddle under the pull of his dark eyes.
Carefully, he raises his hands to cover yours, smoothing over your skin with the tips of his fingers.
"When I'm around you, I'm usually using every ounce of strength I have to stop myself, to hold back so that I don't scare you off."
He swallows, tilting his head, his eyes locked on your joined hands.
"I want so many things, and you most of all. I've just been shit at showing it."
"You really have." You agree.
A smile pulls at the corners of his lips.
You raise a hand, cupping his cheek softly, thumb exploring the pout of his lips, the scratch of his beard.
His eyebrows draw together, he leans in, rubbing his bearded cheek into your hand.
"I'm worried," He whispers, "That I won't be able to stop."
"I trust you." You say to him softly, reaching up with your other hand to curl your fingers into the collar of his shirt.
"And I don't want you to stop." 
You pull him in then, his body pressed to yours as you seal your lips together in a heated rush. Your body trembles with the sensation of having him all around you, so close like he's the layer of air surrounding you.
His hands cup your cheeks, blunted fingers gripping tight, daring you to be apart from him for more than the space of a breath.
Your insides unfurl with something akin to delight, your toes curl. You lean into him more, accepting anything he's willing to give, and answering with desire of your own. 
You fight to keep the kiss slow, enjoy the way his mouth moves sinfully on yours. 
But it's too powerful, this need you have for him, you want to scratch and claw and submit and surrender and take and it just turns like a tornado in your head until you're biting gently on his bottom lip, tugging on it with careful precision, body pulsing as you hear the low sound that leaves him.
He draws away for a moment looking at you with even eyes.
"You torment me." He whispers, pressing his lips to yours once more, any pretence of slow and careful being thrown out of the window.
You torment me too, you want to say.
He rises, pushing you back until your body lies flat on your couch, and he hovers above you. You keep his mouth firm to yours, fingers tangled in his soft hair, exploring his back and shoulders, and when you part your lips again, jutting your tongue out playfully, you're delighted when you meet his tongue in return.
Your legs on either side of his hips gripping him tight, daring him to pull away from you as he kisses you senseless, your tongues dancing together in wet bliss.
"I could kiss you all night." Billy says between kisses.
You nod, humming in agreement, pulling his mouth back to yours.
Your skin tingles, his careful fingers tracing your cheeks and moving down your neck. 
You arch your body against his eagerly, so willing to give every part of yourself to him.
He slides his hand into the space between your arched back and the couch, keeping your body curved into his, your breasts rubbing against his chest, you wiggle your hips in an attempt to ease the near painful ache between your thighs.
You feel his cock then, stiff against his pants, and he groans into your mouth when your hips chase the firm sensation.
He whispers your name against your lips, a warm, broken sound of a man losing control of himself.
"Billy," You gasp, foreheads pressed together, resisting the heat of desire pulsing between your bodies, "I need you." 
You feel his entire body shudder.
He nods, nose brushing yours as his lips move away from yours, kissing your jaw instead, and then the curve of your neck.
You cry out, his teeth worrying your skin, scraping against your sanity, soothing with gentle swipes of his tongue.
You feel yourself tremble, and tremble further when he moves down your body, frustrated hands pushing your dress up your thighs so that the bunched fabric settles on your hips.
He doesn't move for a moment, and you raise your head in worry to see him staring at the space between your parted thighs intensely.
"You don't have to." You whisper, misreading the expression on his face.
His dark eyes meet yours, he tilts his head for a moment, before his eyes drop to your clothed cunt once more. 
"It's not that." He says, his hands starting at your ankles and sliding their way up your legs, "I've just thought about this a lot."
You bite down on your bottom lip very hard, trying to remain focused, and not beg him to fuck you within an inch of your life.
His hands stop midway between your knees and your ass, and he looks up at you.
"You want this?" He asks.
You almost groan in frustration.
"Yes, yes I really do."
"Tell me." 
You gulp.
"Tell you?" You ask, your head too disoriented to focus on what he's asking you to do.
"Tell me you want me to lick your cunt."
A little needy sound leaves you at his words. You clench around nothing, gathering your thoughts for a second before you speak.
"Billy," You finally whisper, "Please, lick my... cunt." 
A devilish smile pulls at his lips.
"Of course." He hums, his hands resuming their upward trail.
He grips either side of your underwear and you tilt your hips up, watching him anxiously, trying to read every expression on his face.
You know you're wet, that you've most likely soaked the gusset of your panties with your arousal. 
You study him, as he tugs your undergarment off your legs and lays his eyes on your bare center for the first time.
His lips part, eyes dark as he looks at you. You watch his throat bob as he swallows.
Your breath catches as you feel the tips of his fingers graze your wet slit. Your mouth drops open at the gentle sensation.
His thumb finds your clit easily, grazing the swollen bud and you let out a harsh sob, back dropping onto the couch, unable to hold your body up.
"So. Fucking. Pretty." Billy says, so clearly that it makes you ache even more for him.
You groan when you feel his lips on your inner thigh, leaving careless tingles in the wake of his mouth, he kisses his way over your skin, and there's a short moment of pause where you feel a puff of his breath against your aching core before his mouth is on you.
A sweet kiss between your legs, a gentle promise to ease the ache inside you, and then he extends his tongue to slide against your clit.
It's like lightning, the speed at which the pleasure fills you, passing through you, amplifying, with the careful stroke of his tongue.
He groans between your thighs, his first taste of you leading to palms gripping at your thighs, fingers pressing into soft skin to keep you close.
His next lick is firmer, over and over again his tongue swipes over your clit, he makes another low moan, and the next glide of his tongue starts at your entrance and trails up to your clit.
You mewl, hands moving to cover your mouth, then down to cup his hands in yours, any attempt to process the delicious burn of pleasure blooming under your skin.
You sigh his name, you swear he answers with an easy swipe of his tongue.
It’s too much, embarrassingly so because he’s only just begun and here you are- already on edge for him.
Your resistance is futile.
His tongue claims ownership of your most delicate parts.
You never stood a chance.
Panting, your nails clawing at his hands, hearing his low voice hum in bliss between your thighs.
You make another soft groan of his name, it’s all you know, all you can remember in the hazy confines of your mind.
How is his tongue so skilled? How can he kindle you so easily? You are firewood and he’s a spark and now you’re burning just for him.
His beard tickles your thighs, you realised he’s paused his torment to kiss at your skin.
You’re helpless to it.
You can hear each desperate breath you take, it echoes in your ears, and then you let out another whine as he kisses your dripping cunt once again.
Filthy wet sounds as he takes care of you, tantalising groans as his tongue explores between your thighs, mapping places he’s only ever been in your mind.
The inferno rages, and when his lips massage your clit, sealing around it easily, his tongue playing with your swollen bud, you feel feverish with the euphoria.
“I- I’m-” You whimper, trying to tell him, an attempt to get him to understand.
He already does.
Groaning, one hand unfurling from around your thigh to reach his way up your body.
He tugs at your dress, pulling the strap off your shoulder and tugging it as far down as it will go. His tongue doesn’t slow as he pulls at your clothes, until one of your breasts is exposed to the cool air.
“Fuck.” You cry as he cups your hot skin, thumb finding your peaked nipple easily and dancing his thumb over it.
You feel the pleasure arc it’s way down your spine, joins with his tongue, threatens you with pleasure you’ve never experienced before.
You have one brief moment of sanity, where you’re acutely aware that your body is on a precipice, ready to fall at the next touch of Billy’s tongue.
All you can think in that one small moment is, Oh my fucking god.
And then you fall.
Frantic gasps as hot waves of pure pleasure crash over you. You feel the walls of your cunt spasm, clenching rhythmically around nothing. Every movement of your body is involuntary, each tremble and shake is something beyond your control.
Billy keeps the pleasure focused on you, helping you through your orgasm and into barely bearable territory.
He stops his torment when you whimper, pulling his messy mouth from your equally messy cunt, giving your breast another affectionate glide of his hand before pulling back.
You raise your head, looking up at him with half-lidded eyes, watching him lick your arousal off of his lips.
You look at each other for a long moment. There’s that worry in the back of your mind that a clear line has been crossed so severely that it cannot be taken back.
If he has any inkling of your current train of thought, he doesn’t show it, leaning in instead, his fingers gripping your chin softly to keep you close to him.
“If you’d let me, I’d spend the rest of the night with my head buried between your thighs.”
Your breath hitches, you clench around nothing.
He smiles, as if he knows exactly what he’s doing to you, observing your rumpled state, your dress pushed up to your hips, one strap falling off your shoulder, exposing your breast. You look like a proper mess where he still looks mostly put together.
You wanted to change that.
You sit up, sliding your body off your couch and standing on shaky legs. His eyes follow your every movement, and when you bunch your dress up, and tug it over your head, you try your hardest not to be shy about it.
He’s seen you touch yourself before, your mind supplies helpfully, it’s nothing to be naked in front of him.
It definitely helps, the reminder that he’s fucked his fist to the sight of you. You stand naked in front of him now, watching his every expression.
His eyes roam your bare skin, your body tingles at the feeling, his eyes as warm as a gentle touch on your skin. There’s just something about the moment, an understanding, a level of appreciation that’s so potent you can almost feel it.
He stands, takes a step in your direction.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Billy says, his voice low and hoarse.
“Yeah?” You ask, raising a hand to cup the smooth underside of your breast.
When he takes a step toward you, you take one back. You can tell he’s intrigued by the idea of it, the slow chase.
“Of course you are. You make it hard for me to think when you walk into a room.”
He takes another step, and you mirror his movement.
“That sounds awful. How do you put up with me?” You tease, taking more steps back, slowly guiding him into your bedroom.
The corner of his mouth twitches.
“I think about pressing you to the first flat surface and making you mine.”
A shiver of delight goes down your spine.
“Is that why you’re always so mean? Because you’re thinking about fucking me?”
“Obviously.” He answers, before raising his arms above his head and pulling his shirt off in one magnificent display of muscle.
You let out a little squeak at seeing him up close, you almost run toward him, instead of backing away from him. 
Even with his shirt off, he looks so magnificently dangerous that you can feel how bad your arousal is for him. His chest is broad and lined with a delicious amount of muscle, his biceps are near perfection, and your body tingles for a taste. A trail of hair from the spot below his navel into his pants makes you flushed with heat. You imagine briefly what is cock is like, remembering absentmindedly the time he assured you that he was bigger than the large dildo sitting in your nightstand.
What makes him more delectable is the scars that cover parts of his body. There are some on his left shoulder, what looks like a bullet hole in his lower abdomen. You gulp, acknowledging the fact that his flaws only make him more perfect, more mouthwatering.
You almost forget that you’re naked, only gasping in surprise when your back comes into contact with the chilled surface of your bedroom door.
He lets out a slow breath, palms pressed to either side of your body, not close enough to touch, but just enough to make you feel trapped, his warm breath on your skin.
“You want this?” He checks in, tilting his head to the side to observe you.
You nod, looking up at him, he nods along with you in a slight mocking manner.
“I want to hear you say it.” He murmurs, his fingertips tracing your shoulder gently, goosebumps on your skin as he works his way down your arm, taking your hand in his.
Your mouth parts in surprise when he presses your hand to the outline of his cock. You can feel the raw size of him, hot and stiff against the palm of your hand. You realise, in the back of your mind, that he really was large- bigger that you’d initially thought.
“Tell me you want me.” He pleads.
You gulp, hands exploring the stiff erection in his pants, your fingers squeezing around the sides to get an approximation of his girth. Your clit aches with just the idea of his size.
“I more than want you, Billy, I need you. Inside me, so deep that I never forget the feeling.”
He nods frantically, unable to hold himself back, he leans in to kiss you.
You throw your arms around his neck and enjoy the slide of your fingers against his hot skin.
He breaks the kiss for a second, lowering himself to grip your thighs. You wrap one careful leg around his hip, and upon his insistence you transfer your weight fully onto him, his hands supporting your naked backside.
You cling to him as he lifts you, desperate, body aching for more and more of his touch.
You’re not sure how he does it, and you have no time to marvel at his strength before he grips your jaw, bringing your mouth back to his.
You sigh, cupping his cheeks, fingers scratching at his beard, feeling the hairs tickle your palms. You melt into his body, feeling him groan as his mouth moves over yours.
He walks you into your room, and you have no care for your surroundings, your hands too busy exploring his back and shoulders and anywhere else you can get your hands on.
He bends, placing you gently onto your bed, his hands rising to cup your cheeks, and then making their way over every inch of your shoulders.
“God, you’re so soft.” He rumbles against your mouth. You gasp when his palms cup both your breasts in his large hands.
“I could just touch you all damn day.”
He’s so talkative now, and you find yourself loving each word that leaves his lips.
“Touch me all day, lick me all night- when am I getting fucked?” You tease, hearing him laugh into your mouth.
“When you ask for it.” He says decisively, pressing you onto your back.
It’s like he can’t leave your mouth, pulling back for a moment, only to draw back to your lips in a heated  rush. It makes you laugh, your body readily receptive to him.
He kisses your neck and jaw, electric tingles all over your skin, desperate shivers as he cups your breasts, pushing them together and kissing over them. 
You gasp, writhing below him, his mouth on your skin feels amazing, he works his way down and you gasp, your thighs spreading easily when he moves to settle himself between them.
He doesn’t say another word, his tongue reuniting with your clit, swirling careful circles around your heated bundle of nerves. You gasp, arching your back, fingers drifting into your hair.
“Billy!” You gasp, and the vigour of his tongue increases until he’s just flat out making out with your cunt.
Your head swims, pleasure in every essence of your cell and you feel a lone finger drift in careful circles at your entrance.
“Fuck!” You cry, feeling his finger hovering right at your entrance for a long moment. He’s mean, his fingers tormenting you as his tongue licks over your clit at a steady pace.
“Please,” You sob, tilting your hips up, trying to chase the pleasure he’s not yet ready to give.
You try to breathe through it, squirming beneath his body, his hand grips your hip, thumb moving in firm circles to keep you calm.
You shudder in bliss when his finger sinks halfway into you.
It’s not enough, and too much all at the same time. His breath on your mound, his tongue laving lazily at your clit, he curls his lone finger partially upwards, scattering pleasure before withdrawing his finger.
“No,” You cry, “Please please please please fuck me Billy,” Your breath hitches, “I need it so bad.”
You feel him hum, before his finger re-renters you.
“Poor sweet girl.” You think you hear him mumble from his spot between your thighs, and then he begins rocking his finger in you so gently, that it’s almost more of a micromovement than anything. Yet somehow still, he manages to give you pleasure.
“Please please please,” You keep whispering, afraid that he’s going to stop giving you what you need, what you crave for and dream about. He’s every fantasy come to life, tongue rolling over your clit wetly, an easy rhythm of pleasure that he draws out from you leaving no thoughts in its wake.
A broken sound escapes you, desperate, aching, and you think he almost feels apologetic with the way he lines up a second finger against your entrance.
It’s debauchery, the way his fingers feel, broader and longer than yours could ever, makes you feel so insanely full when he carefully pushes two digits all the way into you.
He fills the deepest parts of you, erases any sense of emptiness, makes you forget that you’d ever craved fullness in the first place.
And then his fingers start to move.
Your breath escapes you in a hot rush, mouth dropping open as he starts off slow, painfully slow, rocking his fingers into you, curling them up, making sure you feel every little movement.
His tongue is still playing with your clit, you feel like crying, you’ve never felt this way before.
You say his name, one hand moving from his hair, over to where he grips your hip. You want to hold his hand, and he obliges easily, fingers linking with yours, make you feel so much warmer and safer with him than ever before.
I’ve got you, he seems to say with his actions, go ahead and fall for me.
And of course you do.
Cunt spasming around his fingers, desperate cries leaving your mouth as he winds you up and helps you through your second release.
You whimper, little gasps leaving the back of your throat as your body shudders with the oncoming pleasure. He keeps pumping his fingers into you, and you can almost feel the smile he has on his face, pressed to your cunt. You squeeze his other hand in yours tightly, his thumb smoothing over your skin even then.
When he detaches from your heated centre, you sit up quickly.
You lean into him, pressing your mouth to his frantically, reaching for the zipper of his pants. He tries to help you, one hand trying to work at the button while the other grips the back of your head, but you only get in each other’s way.
You laugh into his mouth as you both fumble, but silently thankful when finally you get his pants undone.
He has to pull away with a grin on his face, climbing off the bed so that he can shove the material of his pants and his boxers off in one go.
You go brainless when you see his cock. Erect and near throbbing, a little bit curved, you feel your mouth water as you stare at the monster between his legs.
He was very right to tell you that he was bigger than your dildo, you swallow nervously, trying to figure out exactly how that was going to fit inside of you. 
Your eyes manage to glance at this thigh, you see a deep gouge on the side of his right thigh, you tilt your head in worry wondering what could have caused a scar like that, one that runs from his hip to his knee.
It must have hurt terribly, and your heart aches for whatever malady he’s been through in his past.
You seek to give him pleasure now, crawling on all fours to the edge of your bed, looking up at him for a moment, before dropping your head to suckle at the tip of his cock.
Billy hisses.
The salty taste of his precum fills your mouth. You can’t help humming at the taste of him. Slowly, you begin to bob your head, taking as much as comfortably possible.
His fingers cup the back of your head, slightly guiding your movements with no real force behind it.
“Good girl,” He grunts, guiding your movements, you hear him shudder out a violent breath, “So good for me.”
It makes you even more aroused, to know that you’re capable of returning the pleasure he gives.
Something shifts in the next moment, and he’s pulling his cock from your mouth and encouraging you into a kneeling position on your bed.
Your eyes slip shut as his mouth meets yours, something frantic inside of him now, and you’re eager and helpless to give him what he wants.
Billy can’t fight the predator anymore. The sensation of you sucking eagerly on his cock is too much and his control has slipped beyond his scope of reach.
Your hair is askew as he guides you onto your soft pillows, silk, to protect your gorgeous hair from damage. He pauses to look at you, your obedient eyes, willing to comply with anything he asks and it fills him with an uncontrollable power. The scent of your arousal is thick in the room, the aftertaste of your mouth and your cunt mixing on his tongue until he couldn’t extract himself from you even if he tried.
He hums, pressing his cock against your inner thigh, the heat and softness of your skin filling him with too much want. He’s fighting the predator, that pushes him to claim what was already his, what would be freely given to him if he asks.
His nose brushes your cheek gently.
“Are you sure you want this?” Billy asks softly, and you almost want to groan in frustration.
“Yes, please.” You say on a desperate breath, and you feel him kiss your cheek in response.
He takes your left hand in his, kissing at the tips of your fingers and you wonder if after tonight you’d be able to feel the ghost of his lips on your skin.
Fingers intertwined, your legs wrapped tightly around his hips, he uses his other hand to align his cock with your entrance.
“You’ll tell me if it’s too much?” He asks after a second, and you nod frantically, squeezing his hand and daring him to even think about stopping.
“So good for me.” He whispers against your cheek and then his cock is pressed intimately against your entrance.
He stretches you, and opens you up even further until he’s fit snugly inside of you, filling you so much that you’re not sure how you can breathe with the intrusion.
His nose brushes yours affectionately.
“How do you feel?” He asks, as if you’re capable of assembling any semblance of thought.
Your lips part, you suck in a deep breath, the very first, with his cock pressed deep inside of you.
He waits patiently for the answer.
“Good,” You breathe, “So good, Billy oh my god.” You express.
He gives a sweet little smile that manages to get you even more aroused.
“I’m glad to hear it. Ready for the rest?”
“What?” You ask obtusely.
“My cock, sweetheart, would you like the rest of it?”
You try to raise your head for some type of explanation but you don’t get very far with his body pinned against yours. His eyebrows draw together at your shocked expression.
“There’s more of you?” You whisper in astonishment.
The corner of his mouth quirks up, and suddenly he’s laughing, burying his face in your neck and chuckling away as if his cock isn’t the largest thing you’ve ever tried to take. 
His laughter is sweet though, soft and lyrical and you can’t help clenching on his cock, and hearing his laughter turn into a groan, squeezing your linked fingers.
“Yes,” He gasps, lost in the tight grip of your cunt, “Yes, there’s more of me.”
Your eyes are wide, a little afraid, anchoring yourself to him in hopes that he helps you through your fear.
“Take a big breath for me sweetheart.” he guides, with a steady, calm voice, nodding his head as you accept his guidance.
“And out.” 
You do as he says, and shudder with pleasure as your body relaxes fully, you feel him slide deeper, eyelids fluttering as you discover more and more of him.
Finally, when his hips are pressed squarely to yours, and his cock fills you beyond what you thought you were capable of, does he finally say your name on a heated gasp.
You cup his cheek, thumb grazing over his rough stubble, he closes his eyes and presses his cheek to your palm and withdraws a little.
The first rock of his hips takes your breath away on a frantic sound. You hear him grunt in response, grinding his hips against yours, not moving too much but easily working into you.
“Billy.” You sob, legs tightening around his hips, one hand still linked with his.
He leans down, seals his mouth over yours, rocks into you in slow, lilting movements. You hum against his mouth, feels his body all around you, deep inside of you, holding you hostage and protecting you from everything except himself.
“You take me so well.” He grunts, his hot breath on your lips.
His mouth trails over your cheek, he kisses sweetly at your neck and shoulders.
His pace increases, his delectable body over yours, giving you pleasure that you barely understand.
His hand releases yours for a moment, only to grip both your wrists and pin them above your head, held firm in one large hand.
His grip on your wrist hurts a little, only adds to the pleasure of him fucking you.
He can’t stop kissing you, delving his tongue past your lips and exploring your mouth while he claims your body, hips rocking faster and faster into you the more time goes by.
He reaches a depth inside of you that you’ve never felt before, fills you with himself until you’re sure you’re the most whole you’ve ever been.
His cock pumps into you, your cunt is pulsing, sending large waves of immeasurable pleasure up your spine to fill your head. You feel your thighs tremble as the euphoria makes it all the way to your toes.
He keeps that pace, probably noticing the mindless state of you, your inability to form a single word, or produce a sound that isn't a breathless moan. You feel his influence on you in the farthest reaches of your mind, giving you more pleasure than your body can handle.
Finally, the pleasure sweetened even further, and Billy, in tune with your body, speeds the rhythm of his thrusts to match your needs. You gasp, barely able to find the thoughts, your body overflowing with absolute ecstasy and you’re almost afraid of what falling over the edge with him will feel like.
“Good,” He growls lowly into your ear, a sound you’ve never heard before, untamed, unhinged, and he’s using it to give you praise.
“So good for me.” 
Your orgasm is involuntary. It’s not yours, only a response written by your body to answer his call. The sheer violence of your bliss takes your breath away, you feel your cunt clench hard around his cock, trapping him securely in place as wave after wave of pleasure ripples through you. 
Vaguely, you’re aware of him groaning, but you don’t have the headspace to focus at the very moment. Your arms pinned above your head, his lips kissing at your face and neck, bare nipples grazing his chest and his cock stretching you wide.
Your cunt spasms, your body trembles, and trembles even more when he resumes his fucking, not even waiting for your first orgasm to fully subside before he’s trying to throw you right into the throes of another.
He’s harsher now, and you love it, your body revelling in the way he seems to lose control. He raises his head, you look deeply into his dark eyes. You can’t see much thought behind his eyes either, and you become acutely aware that you might be lost inside each other.
It only makes you that more desperate for him.
There’s no such thing as control anymore.
Billy’s lost any semblance of it, any memory of what it was like to be sane. 
He has lost his old self, and he has found you.
All he wants now is to keep you like this, open and vulnerable on his cock for the foreseeable future. Your skin hot with bliss, little sweet cries filling his head.
He leans down, runs his tongue over the top of your breast, hears you gasp, loves the dirty way you love these things, appreciates the salty taste of your skin.
The predator in his head is synced up with him, both aspects of himself agreeing that this is where he belongs, balls deep in his mate, feeling her take everything he has to give.
He feels a completeness, that he can give you pleasure so easily, like his body was made just for you, to please you in every way possible.
He groans again, his voice beyond his control, hoping the low grovel of it doesn’t scare you, but even that makes your cunt squeeze him in satisfaction.
He was yours.
He would only ever be yours.
He adjusts the angle of his hips, and he watches your lips tremble and your eyes water when his cock kisses a very sensitive spot inside of you.
You blubber mindlessly, sharp breaths and trembling thighs and you open up to Billy and you take everything he has to give.
You cum with a sharp cry. Eyes squeezed shut, body trembling as you try to process the bliss.
His hot breath on your skin, hips speeding up and suddenly a low grunt escapes him.
You feel his cock pulsing against your hypersensitive walls, you feel his cum, filling up the deepest spots of you and you can’t help the rightness of it.
Eventually, he releases your wrists, still deep inside of you, he braces his weight on his arms so that he doesn’t crush you.
After a moment, his arms wrap around you, adjusting you slowly so that your body rests on his, head on his chest, his cock still buried to the hilt inside of you.
He tries to make you comfortable, the biological urge for him to stay inside of you for as long as possible is something he’s never experienced before and he doesn’t know exactly how to control it. 
He sighs, his orgasm still going through him, still filling you up though he doubts you can feel such subtle movements.
You burrow into him, and he hums in amusement, arms wrapping around your form, his heart pounding in his chest at how close you are.
“Did I hurt you?” He asks, checking in, fingers absentmindedly reaching for the edges of your hair.
“Wrist.” You say groggily, raising your left hand to his face.
“Fuck.” He voices, his eyes landing on the subtle bruises marking your wrist, he can make out the print of his fingers where he’d curled them to grip you tightly.
“Why didn’t you say something?” He asks, pain spearing his chest at the very idea that he’d hurt you. He holds your forearm gently, examining the faint bruising.
“Loved it.” You reply simply, he can hear the sleepy inflections in your voice.
He’d hurt you… and you’d loved it?
He makes a mental note to get some ice for your wrist, and to check it in the morning to make sure it’s doing better.
Now, he places a gentle kiss to the little bruise, feeling the abnormal heat of it on his lips.
“I’m so sorry.” He says to you.
You hum.
“Loved it.” You repeat.
"How is that? Is that better?" Billy asks, a little towel wrapped around a bag ice cubes pressed to your wrist.
You hum lazily, peeking an eye open to look up at him. You’re on your side, facing him, your left hand between you, bent to be in a more comfortable position. 
“Doesn’t hurt.” You mumble, feeling sleep wrap itself carefully around your sated body. Your cunt is sore, quivering still from his use. 
“Just a little uncomfy.” You try to explain.
He looks extremely concerned for a brief moment.
“I’m really sorry,” He tries to apologise for the fifth time.
You smile, shuffling your body closer to his, watching him focus on trying to keep his makeshift ice pack on your wrist. You kick a leg over his hip, not liking that he’d taken the time to put his boxers back on after he’d slipped from you earlier to grab the ice.
“Billy,” You murmur somberly, “I trust you, and if I really didn’t like it, I would have said something.”
“But I hurt you. Our first time together and I hurt you.” He says, his dark eyes so open and sad, hints of a frown turning down the corners of his lips.
You smile, your other hand rubbing his bicep and shoulder affectionately.
“I loved every second of it.” You whisper, unable to keep your mind conscious for a second more. You blink slowly, leaning into his body even more, heaving in a great big sigh.
“Please don’t leave.” You ask, as you tumble into unconsciousness.
He leans in, kissing the top of your head, and then your cold wrist, finally understanding that in your eyes, you don’t blame him.
His sweet girl, happy and asleep in his arms.
“I’m not going anywhere.” He whispers, curling around you, the panther purring inside of him as he falls asleep beside you.
His eyes flutter open when his phone vibrates on your bedside table. He’d pulled it out of his pants pocket and dropped it there on his way to get you ice. 
You’ve crawled your way mostly onto his body, your head resting securely on his shoulder, he somehow still manages to be holding the melted ice pack on your wrist that rests on his chest, though he’s not sure if it even makes much of a difference right now. 
He’s groggy, not sure if he’s ever been that deeply asleep before, absolutely comfortable, the very right temperature, the scent of strawberries wrapped around him.
He drops the towel- wrapped ice pack onto the floor beside the bed, rubbing his eyes as his phone continues to vibrate. 
He reaches for it, pauses for a moment when his movement jostles you. He holds you tight as his fingers wrap around his phone.
He swallows, squints, slides to answer, keeping his voice soft so that he doesn’t wake you.
“Russo.” He answers automatically.
“Bill.” Frank says, and it’s all Billy needs to understand that something is very wrong.
“What is it?” Billy asks, “What happened?”
“My boy’s missing.” Frank responds.
You shiver with the cold, tugging your blanket up and over your shoulder and letting out a sigh.
In your sleepy state, the memory of last night comes back to you.
You smile, extending a hand out to reach for the warm body that had been nearby when you’d fallen asleep last night.
“Billy?” You grumble out, when your hand meets nothing but soft pillows.
No answer.
God, you think, if he left this time I am never going to speak to him again.
You peek an eye open, sighing when there is no deliciously gorgeous man lying mostly naked beside you. 
A groan slips past your lips, you extend your body out, stretching this way and that and huffing when you accidentally kick one of your pillows off of your bed.
You weren’t going to let your hope plummet just yet, maybe he was just in the bathroom, or the kitchen, maybe he was whipping you up a cup of coffee right now.
You say his name louder this time.
After a moment of no response, you climb out of bed, searching for him, finding your apartment empty of him.
You stand in your living room, trying to reason with yourself, trying to find answers for questions that you could barely formulate.
Was this going to be like the movies? When you’d just lost hope, he would pop in with a breakfast bagel and a latte and apologise for leaving you?
You swallow, going back to find your phone and dialling his number.
Your throat tightens.
Surely he hadn’t made you sweet promises last night only to break them?
When your second attempt at calling him has the same outcome, your mind spins to a final conclusion.
He’d left you.
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renoed · 2 years
vulgar displays of affection | raihan
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❥ — PAIRING raihan x gn! reader
❥ — SUMMARY raihan can't help himself from gushing about you (even when he's not supposed to)
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"Raihan! I thought we agreed that your relationship would be kept secret!"
The grating voice of Raihan's manager filled your ears as soon as you entered the office with your boyfriend. He had posted a photo of you both with a heart in the caption the night prior and by the time morning rolled around the photo reached the press. People had speculated your relationship as being more than just friends for months, there wasn't much of a reason to keep it a secret anymore.
"I thought you'd be more responsible than this, quite frankly!" the frown etched onto the woman's face was enough to have you both sat in silence, pretending to look guilty.
Raihan didn't think he'd done anything wrong, why should he have to hide his relationship? So a bunch of 14 year old girls could pretend they were his girlfriend or vehemently ship him with Leon.
"I'm sorry for being irresponsible but I don't want our relationship to be a secret."
There's a second of silence before Raihan speaks again.
"And I think that photo is really cute."
"Well, if that's the case then you need to announce it properly, not in whatever way that was," his manager scoffs, turning her nose up as she watches Raihan pull his phone out.
He goes straight onto his instagram account and starts formulating a new post before turning towards you and holding his phone out, "I want you to pick the photo, but choose one where it's obvious we're dating".
He watches intently as you scroll through his camera roll which consists almost entirely of photos of you, you and him or his pokemon. You couldn't help your lips from tugging into a smile when you spot a candid he'd gotten of you feeding your partner pokemon, who had their eyes closed happily.
When you reach the end of his camera roll, you scroll back up and find a selfie he'd taken while you kissing his cheek, a lazy smile on his face.
"I like this one," you show him the photo and he nods before taking the phone back in his hands.
He examines the photo before nodding and beginning to type out a caption, "do you want to be tagged?"
"Yeah, sure," you shrug, shifting in your seat so you can lean your head against Raihan's shoulder, "I think I look nice in that photo"
"You always look perfect to me," he mumbles, tilting his head to rest his cheek against the crown of your hair, "I'm so lucky."
"That's enough of a display from you two, thanks!" Raihan's manager scoffs before clapping her hands together lightly and looking in your direction, "If you choose to be tagged then you might get an influx of hate messages from fans. I know you've already got a social media presence from... whatever you do, but it still applies."
"That's fine, I get messages from people that hate the fact we're friends so," you shrug without finishing your sentence before returning your attention onto the phone in your boyfriend's hands. He's focused on adding more photos of you both although the next photo he adds is solely of you while on an arcade date, having just won him the largest stuffed toy you could find. In the photo you're holding the bear out to him, motion blur almost obscuring your face as you laugh.
He posts the photos on instagram and within a minute you have new people following you and leaving comments across your account. There's a surprising lack of hate sent to you - a few people in Raihan's comments even jokes about you being totally out of his league.
You leave the office hand in hand and with a weight off your shoulder.
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mymelodymia · 7 months
Hii. Can you write something please where mike has a second younger sister she is older than Abby like 14 years and is allowed to go with mike to his work one day when Max babysits Abby because she wanted to know what he is doing and maybe help him with it but it ends Mike being alseep again and her getting bored and she looks around and Mike hears a screaming like in the movie with Abby only the reader is for real in danger and is scared and apologizes for running of later and Mike is able to protect her he manages to distract the animatronics and reader looks comfort in mike he will just be overly protective and comforting about her with hugging and stuff. Like Fluff and Angst please ^^. The reader is safe in the end as Mike and she doesn't understand what is happening why the animatronics can move and what they want but Mike protects her.
Dangerous things // Mike Schmidt x sister!reader
**not a ship**
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Summary: you accidentally almost die 🫤
Warnings: blood, cupcake,
A/N: of course I can write about that love! You're actually the first FNAF reqs i've had, i had a liiittllee trouble writing this but, i tried my best and i like the way this came out.
You were currently babysitting Abby because max was buzy, you mainly sat in the living room watching cartoons with her.
You were curious about what goes on at Mike's job. You asked him if you could tag along when he got home that morning. He said no, thinking it was dangerous.
You called max after he left, and drove to his work and snook around, you didn't know how he didn't see you on the cameras. You found him asleep in his office, so you decided to explore.
You found the "showtime" button, and pressed it. (Stupid) and upon seeing you, an adult, the Animatronics went into kill mode, cupcake jumped at you, bitting your leg.
You screamed in pain, freddy then picked you up and threw you, which didn't mess up cupcake.
The impact on the floor knocked the breath out of you. Foxy ran by and slit open your bicep, all the way to your shoulder. You tried to shake off cupcake, but failed. They continued torturing you.
"AAHHH! GET OFF, AGHH! NO!" you screamed at the top of your lungs, (somewhat like when mike was bitten by cupcake)
Meanwhile with Mike, he heard screaming in his dream and woke up quickly, he ran out to find who was screaming. And upon seeing you laying on your back with cupcake bitting the living shit out of your leg, sitting in a pool of blood.
"MIKE, HELP! AHH, MIKE!" You screamed as he ran in, freddy tried to kill him but mike got him with his tazer, and helped take care of most, but he couldn't get bonnie and Chika.
He helped you up and ran to his office, you fell to the floor. Mike was holding your wounds. You pointed at the screens. Mike ran over to see what it was.
It was Bonnie and chika, with cupcake. They let cupcake go into the vents, Mike blocked it with his back. He used all of his strength to not let cupcake get to you.
Cupcake Eventually left. Mike returned to you, who was laying flat on your back in a pool of your blood.
He moved you to his lap, your head resting on his thigh. He pet your hair softly, "im sorry mike" you said through tears. "Its okay, youre gonna be ok. Dont worry, i got you" he reassured you in a tight hug. "Dont worry, i got you. Ill protect you"
He slowly let you down, running quickly he ran and got supplies, and called Vanessa. (I ship them so hard)
She arrived while he was wrapping you up, he didn't even let her touch you for a while since you were both panicking.
She helped Mike wrap you up while he had you in his lap, supporting your upper body. He played with your hair while whispering words of comfort.
They got you to a hospital where you stayed for a few hours, before Mike got you home with a broken leg, but sadly he had to go back to work. When he returned home he saw you hadn't moved since he last saw you.
It was a pretty long recovery but, Mike and Abby helped you through it. They were both very supportive when you were recovering.
A/N: i hope i didn't forget anything in this reqs. I hope you liked it ☺️
None :((((
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heeseung-min · 7 months
This is part two from [12:41]
You had requested two days off from work to your boss. Thankfully, he understood your reason and even gave you a week to rest and not thinking too much about it. You were starting to doubt yourself for suspecting Jongseong as the culprit.
On top of that, you had installed a new camera in your house so next time if there is someone break in, you could use the footage as evidence.
After few days, you went to work like usual. This time, your mood seems to be better than the days before. You smiled to your coworkers but you noticed their faces looked worried and sad. When you finally put your things on your desk, you went to them and asked about it.
"Yejin, what happened? Why did you guys looked so sad and worried?"
"Y/n, this morning Adam found Mr. Park unconscious in his room and the police suspected he got murdered."
You were speechless on what Yejin had said. You looked into his room and saw the forensics had covered Jongseong's body with cloth and did their job to collect and find any evidence that can be used.
Because of the event, everyone in the department got questioned about their relation with Jongseong. When it finally comes to your turn, you noticed the police's expression changed.
"Hello, Miss Y/n. We meet again."
"Yes, officer."
"I think you already know what are we going to ask you. So, do you mind telling us about Mr. Park Jongseong?"
"We don't have anything special. He's just my boss and I am his worker."
"Where were you yesterday?"
"I spent my day at home because I still felt unsafe about the stalker thing. In fact, I requested to him for two days off so I literally don't know what happened at work these days."
"You reported about him to us, right? So, it kinda makes sense if you are the one who killed him?"
Now, you went speechless and angry. You admitted about that but that doesn't mean the officer can conclude that easily.
"I'm sorry. What do you mean by makes sense? It's not. I knew I did that but you can't just accused me for killing him! In fact, I planned to apologized to him today because of that."
The police sighed at your outburst. He let you go after apologized to you for his mistake on accusing you murdering Jay. You went out from the room until you suddenly remembered about the guy who disturbed you few nights ago before Jay came to save you.
"Officer, I think you need to ask one more person."
"It's not him."
"What?", You asked not believing what the police said.
"The guy went missing two days ago and his parents were the one who reported about that. Until now, we don't have any info about him."
"Maybe he ran off cause he's the one who killed Jongseong!"
"No. If he did that, then he must bring cash and clothes. But, we found his belongings in his car."
At the end, the police asked you to go home safely and leave the job to the police to solve the case. He gave you his contact card so you can call him if you have new info.
When you reached your home, you were surprised to see Heeseung was was there standing by his car. He waved when he noticed you and waited for you to go to him.
"Hee, what are you doing here? I didn't see you at work."
"Are you okay?"
Heeseung went closer to stand in front of you. He looked so worried but at the same time looked guilty. You can't really understand his expression.
"I'm good. Just a bit sad about Jongseong. Someone found him dead this morning. Why are you here, Heeseung?"
"Y/n, we need to run away."
"What, why?"
"I can't explain to you right now but trust me we really need to run away now, we need to go far away from here."
Now, you saw Heeseung became panic. He keep forcing you to run away and even tried to pull you into his car.
"Heeseung! you can't just force me out of nowhere."
"I'm sorry but we don't really have much time, y/n."
"Okay, I will go with you but not now. Tomorrow, in the morning you pick me up here. Okay?"
That night, you packed your belongings into a bag. You started to tidy up your room until you met with a small figurine beside your books.
"Ahh, yes. I forgot I installed a cctv. I wonder if there is something happened while I was not at home."
You sat on your bed and opened the app that connects your phone with the camera. You watched every videos from the first day you installed it. It didn't have any thing except you spending your day until you clicked on the next video.
Your hands started shaking when you saw a man came into your room and looked at the surrounding and stop when he saw where the hidden camera is. He waved and went under your bed and not come out until now.
The fact that you were sitting on the bed with him under it made you feel all the goosebumps and panic started building up making your heartbeat increased at the same time.
You ran immediately from the bed but the man under your bed was faster to grab at your ankle making you fell hard on the floor.
"Finally, we met darling."
The man turned your body so you can see his face and you were really confused to see unfamiliar but attractive face.
"My name is Sunghoon. I know you might not remember me but we met before."
"You are fucking crazy."
Sunghoon giggled and pulled your leg to shorten the distance between both of you. He was kneeling between your legs and before you could do anything, he started to lean on you and started to kiss your face and neck.
"Stop- ugh- STOP!!! LET ME GO!!!"
"Fuck, it's been a long time since I touched you like this."
"I don't want this!! Nghh- I- AHH!"
"Don't resist it Y/n. I will make it harder than this."
Sunghoon has yawned few times this morning. He didn't get enough sleep from yesterday because of his boss keep forcing him to clean the shop even he is not even the one who should do it and that made him came home very late. Not only that, his boss also keep forcing him to get more customers so they can increase their sales and even threaten to cut some of the pay if didn't meet with the target.
He became more annoyed when the customers mostly tried to get his number and even took his picture without his permission. He wished he can just scream and yell to them to fuck off.
He sighed again when he heard bell ringing from the front door. He got ready to take the order but instead he became captivated by your beauty.
You are different.
You are not like other customers who quickly tried to show their flirting when he wanted to take order.
"Can I get cookies and cream frappe? And I want the blueberry tart and a slice of red velvet cake."
You looked at him after saying your order but Sunghoon felt like he was stuck. His heartbeats started to become faster and he couldn't speak properly.
Perhaps, is he falling in love?
Maybe he did.
And that's when your nightmare begin.
Sunghoon thought it was wrong to follow wherever you go but he couldn't stop himself from doing it. He felt like it was important to know about you. Or what are you wearing and who are you going to meet.
At first, he just followed you when he saw you were out with friends or went to park but he started to follow you to your work and even walked behind you from few metres when you wanted to go home. He even installed a hidden camera inside the lamp that has been put at your apartment. That's how he knew the password. It's crazy how you didn't notice it all until he started to send you flowers at your work.
He loves seeing you become scared. It's so cute that he wished he can hug you.
When he saw you were getting harrased by the guy while you were waiting for your bus, he was really offended and really mad. After he saw the guy ran away from Jongseong and you, he immediately followed him.
The guy turned around and without wasting time, Sunghoon punched him hard on the face and landed a kick at the stomach.
"The fuck man! Why are you doing this?!"
"You disturbed what's mine. So, you deserve it."
No one knows what happened to the guy that night and Sunghoon really made sure to do his job properly without leaving any single evidence.
For Jongseong, Sunghoon killed him when he stayed late doing his work at the office. He was alone at that time so it is perfect time to do it. However, when he was doing some cleaning he noticed someone was in the office. When he wanted to see who was it, the person already ran away and that made Sunghoon became mad.
After he forced the security guard to show him cctv footage, he found out the person who was in the office just now was your friend, Heeseung. He smirked knowing Heeseung will be the next victim.
He watched every Heeseung's moves and he was glad that you didn't quickly choose to run away with Heeseung.
He is glad that you choose to stay in your house for a night not knowing the danger is just very near to you.
Now, with him between your legs you will not get away from him.
For Heeseung, he will do something to that guy later.
Now, he just wanted to enjoy what he's been craving for so long.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SO WHO GUESS IT RIGHT?🤣🤣🤣🤣 I felt so excited writing this for yall🤣🤣
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @huggyuvita @obsessed1with1straykids @wilson-emma @ghostiiess
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kelcemenow · 11 months
Win Or Lose - Chapter 3.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1633
Warnings Angst, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage.
This was a very detailed Anon request that I received and knew I had to give it a go! (I’ll not paste the whole request here as I usually do, as it was rather long but if you want to read it, it’s here. Be warned, it’s rather full of spoilers!) 
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"Ooh, I like this one!" You clicked on the beautiful white wooden crib, adorned with pale yellow sheets and blankets.
Travis leaned in closer to see the screen better, "That's dope, baby."
You raised an eyebrow, "Dope? You're describing this absolutely gorgeously crafted crib with smooth drop sides and form fitting mattress included as dope?"
Travis grinned and placed a hand on your small bump, "A dope-ass crib for a dope-ass baby."
You rolled your eyes and looked back to the screen, "Why can't we just go and look at these in the store? I think it would be better if saw all of this stuff in person."
"Baby, you know why. One click of a paparazzi camera and we're on the front page. I can just see it now." He lifted his hand in the air as he spoke, "Chiefs star tight end Travis Kelce and fine-ass wife spotted shopping for baby items. The whole world will know."
You continued to scroll, not looking at your husband, "Front page? You think that will be the breaking news story of the day?"
"You know what I mean, we need to wait a little longer. Just in case, you know?"
Resting your head onto the back of the couch, you looked towards Travis, "Yeah, I know. We're going to have to tell people soon, though." You rubbed your stomach, "I'm 14 weeks tomorrow."
Travis chewed his bottom lip, "How do you want to do it?"
"I mean, we could just post something on Instagram or something?"
You looked to your husband who was staring down at your bump, drawing circles with his finger, "Nah, I got a better idea. Why don't I say something at the press conference after the game on Sunday?"
You smiled, "You know what, that's not half bad! I like it!"
"I'll tell the guys and coach at practice today so that they have a heads up."
You stroked his cheek, "I love you so much, Mr Kelce."
"I love you to, Mrs Kelce."
You giggled, "It's been almost 3 years and I still get all giddy when I hear that."
He slid closer to you and kissed your lips gently, "That's what you are. My wife, my woman, my girl...Mrs Kelce." He took a deep breath, "And soon, we're going to have a little Kelce running around. And it's going to be so loved." He leaned his head down towards your bump, "You hear that little bean? You're so loved already."
You smiled, "That's another thing. We're going to have to start thinking about names."
"I like little bean!" Travis laughed.
You moved your laptop from your knee and turned to face Travis, "Okay, for a boy...Hunter?"
Travis nodded slowly, "Hunter? Hunter...I like it. Hunter Kelce."
"And if it's a girl...Sienna?"
"Sienna Kelce, that's gorgeous."
You jumped a little, "You like them?"
"I do, I really do. You mentioned the name Hunter once before and I liked it then, but Sienna is beautiful." Travis smiled.
"We'll be able to find out soon which it'll be."
Travis' eyes widened, "Really? Have you called the doctor?"
"Not yet, I was going to wait until after Sunday so that you'd be able to come with me."
Travis shook his head, "No, let's do it now, make the appointment. See if Dr Tomlin has any space tomorrow for us? I'm sure coach will let me dip out of practice early, for this especially."
"You sure?"
He kissed your forehead before laying a kiss on your bump, "Of course."
You watched as he rose from the couch, "Now, foot rub?"
The doctors office smelled of disinfectant and the lights blinded your eyes. You blinked and noticed Travis pacing around the room.
"Will you stop? This is exactly like the bathroom when we took the test. You're making me nervous."
Travis jumped on the balls of his feet, attempting to shed some energy, "I can't help it baby. I'm just so excited."
The office door swung open and Dr Tomlin smiled at you both. He was middle-aged with greying hair, a rounded stomach and broad shoulders.
"Hello, both of you. Nice to see you." He smiled and checked his chart, "So, Mrs Kelce, you're at your second trimester now. How have you been doing?"
You shuffled on the bed, "Yeah, I've been okay, morning sickness hasn't been too bad which I'm pleased about."
Dr Tomlin nodded, "Excellent. Well, I have your results from the ultrasound. Would you like to know the gender of your baby."
You looked to Travis, who had his eyes locked on Dr Tomlin, his lips pursed together and head nodding quickly.
"Yes, please."
Dr Tomlin flipped over a page on his clipboard, "You're having a girl."
Your head whipped to face Travis who was frozen, breathing heavily.
"A girl?" His voice croaked.
"We're having a girl!" You shrieked, sitting up on the bed and opening your arms to Travis who immediately rushed over to you to embrace you.
"Congratulations, I'll leave you two alone." Dr Tomlin closed his clipboard and softly closed the door behind him.
You swung your legs around so they dangled off the edge of the bed. Staring up into Travis' eyes, you held onto his hands tightly. He dipped his head and pressed his lips to your small bump, lingering for a few seconds.
"Sienna Kelce, it's your Daddy here."
Your eyes drifted open as the sound of keys jiggling in the lock rose you from your afternoon nap.
"Hey baby! Travis shouted from the front door.
Pulling the blanket up over your chest, you cleared your throat, "Hey!"
"So, coach is absolutely stoked for us, said he's going to get a gift basket sent to us from him and Tammy." Travis' excited voice grew louder as he made his way into the lounge, "And the guys went crazy when I told them. Honestly baby, you should have seen them, my back is killing me from all of the back slaps! Expect a lot of hugs on Sunday's game."
You giggled and stretched in your horizontal position, "That's amazing, baby."
He leaned down and kissed your forehead, "You had a good nap?"
You yawned loudly, "I did! I was just watching TV and the next thing I knew, I was asleep. You want some dinner?"
You started to lift yourself from the couch when Travis held his hand out, "No no, I got it. You keep resting. In two days, we're going to be announcing to everyone that we're bringing a little Kelce into the world, you're going to need your strength."
You shook your head and laid back down on the couch, "I'd better take advantage of all of this rest now while I can! Because in about 5 months, everything is going to change."
Travis placed his warm hands on your bump, moving his thumbs back and forth, "It's going to be so awesome."
You grinned and watched him disappear out of your vision. Craning your neck, you could just see him in the kitchen, examining the contents of the refrigerator. Your heart swelled as you watched his muscular arms grabbing items and setting them down on the counter top. You knew he was going to be a wonderful Father to your daughter; learning to braid her hair, playing with her dolls on the playroom floor, cheering for her at school sport's days and teaching her the rules of football. You imagined how she would look, wondering if she would get her Daddy's piercing eyes or his dark hair.
Suddenly, a short sharp pain shot to your lower stomach area. You gasped a breath and let out a groan, your hand darting to your bump. The pain repeated, but with a more intense sensation this time, causing you to roll over slightly and curve your back. You squeezed your eyes shut, holding your breath as you rode the pain out.
"You want some tea, baby? I got a nice lemon and ginger one at the store yesterday." Travis called out for the kitchen.
You tried to call his name, but the effort to form words was too much. Instead, your managed a guttural cry, causing Travis to rush to your side.
"Babe, what's wrong. Are you okay?" You heard Travis say through your darkened vision, "Look at me, baby, look at me."
You opened your tear-filled eyes to see Travis' concerned expression as he knelt down beside you, "Something hurts, it's really bad."
Travis' eyes glanced down to your bump under the blanket, "Come on, I'm taking you to the hospital." He kissed your forehead and stroked your hair, "It's going to be fine. Let's go, I'll get the keys."
You peeled the blanket back and hauled yourself up, stopping when Travis' face turned white, his eyes wide and his mouth agape.
He swallowed hard and stared at the empty space on the couch where you once were. You turned your head to see a large area of the beige couch now marked with dark red. You grasped at your bump again, closing your eyes as you felt another stab of pain.
"No...no, please no." You croaked.
Travis' breathing became shaky as he held your face close to his, your foreheads connecting, "Baby, look at me. Come on, we need to go to the hospital. Please, let's get up." His shoulders began to tremble.
You blinked wildly as tears started to stream down your face, only halted by Travis' thumb running over your cheek. Using your hand, you pushed yourself up onto your feet and felt Travis' strong hands clinging onto you.
"I got you, baby. It's...it's going to be fine, say it."
You took a deep breath and tried to steady the quiver in your voice, "It's going to be fine."
I found this chapter really hard to write. My heart goes out to anyone that has had to experience this and I cannot imagine what it must be like. I really hope I haven't offended or upset anyone with any incorrect details but I researched as much as I could so that this would be written in the most respectful way possible. If anyone wants to be on my Taglist for future writing so they don't miss another one, let me know!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp
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hooked-on-elvis · 4 months
ELVIS interviewed during filming of 'Change of Habit'
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Filmed on location in the Los Angeles area and at Universal Studios during March and April 1969, Change of Habit was released in the United States on November 10, 1969.
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Elvis Presley On Set: You Won’t ask Elvis Anything Too Deep?
Elvis talks, but he doesn't say much
BY WILLIAM OTTERBURN-HALL HOLLYWOOD – The notice outside the big grey double-doors was simple and to the point. SET CLOSED, ABSOLUTELY NO ADMITTANCE. You find notices like this outside a lot of film studios, and they tend to have a certain elasticity. This one, outside what looked like an aircraft hangar but was actually Stage D at Universal Studios, meant it. Inside, Elvis Presley was filming. And where Elvis goes, the barriers go up as if some sinister germ warfare experiment were being carried on within. Like a suckling infant, he is swathed and coddled against the realities of the world outside, as if he were made of rare porcelain rather than hewn from good old-fashioned Tennessee stock. But this day he was on show. I had been given the magic formula. The secret open-sesame known only by its brand name of “Colonel Parker’s Okay” had been handed me. The doors swung wide, and I was in. They say Colonel Parker is the man who built Elvis from the erotic gyrating days of the swiveling Pelvis through 14 long and fruitful summers to his present status, by pushing and pulling his protege through the tricky cross-currents of pop music taste. I wouldn’t know. I had asked to see him, this onetime Texas fairground barker, to thank him for the green light. But he was always somewhere else. In his office at Universal, over at Metro, down in Palm Springs, in Las Vegas to lay the trail for the next live show... always somewhere else. No matter. Who needed Colonel Parker when Elvis himself was alive and well and filming? The Publicity Man who escorted me as close as if he were handcuffed said proudly: “I’d like to work with him again, he’s so sweet and uncomplicated. I was surprised you got through – no one’s talked to him yet, you know. There must have been a good breeze blowing.” The good breeze continued to blow as far as the set. A mauve-walled pad with kitchen adjacent and a king-size bed visible through half-drawn yellow curtains. Elvis sat at a table, staring at his hands, while three mini-skirted girls, Mary Tyler Moore, Barbara McNair and Jane Elliott, scurried around with trays of food.
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L-R: Mary Tyler Moore, Jane Elliott and Barbara McNair.
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The film is about three nuns who pose as nurses to “identify with the people” in a Negro ghetto in New York. The title is Change of Habit (yes, it is) and stars Elvis as a medic who falls for one of the nuns. Elvis is wearing a paint-stained blue denim shirt and tight blue jeans. He looks relaxed and affable and rather meatier around the jaw-line than one remembers from previous films. Marriage (back in May 1967 to Priscilla Beaulieu) is obviously agreeing with him. His eyes have that smoky slow-burn of the old-time movie vamp. He seizes a guitar and strums a few chords. It’s the last week of shooting, and like the good days between exams and the end of term.
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The atmosphere on the set is hip and loose, full of leather-clad youth and clever in-talk. The director is thin and intense, wears a check shirt and gym shoes, and is called Billy Graham, which is going to look interesting on the posters of a swinging nun. Elvis produces some dialogue. He is never likely to win an award as an actor, but he knows what the kids want and he gives it to them. The girls are talking about a party. The cameras turn. Elvis says: “You get a lot of people down here on a Saturday night, and all the old hates come out. Before you know it they’re bombed out of their skulls and you’ve got World War III on your hands.”
The scene is this one below. NO, it was not cut out during the editing of this movie.
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Earth-quaking stuff. But this simple homespun philosophy is off-key. “Bombed out of their skulls” wasn’t in the script. And the director isn’t too happy about it. “It’s a good line,” says Elvis. “Okay, okay,” says Billy Graham. The line stays. Maybe it will come out in the cutting room, but it’s there for now. “The whole thing is downhill,” says a technician. “He don’t talk to anyone, except his own friends.” There is no sign of tension, but then Elvis has nothing to be tense about. He can go on churning out the same thing for another decade, and they’ll still queue to see it. If he’s over the top, as some unkindly souls occasionally try to make out, he doesn’t seem bothered. He is 34 . . . Raised in Memphis . . . Once a truck-driver, stumbled into records, took the world by storm as the original snake-hips . . . Now lives in cloistered seclusion in a colonial mansion near Nashville, with a Rolls, a solid gold Cadillac, a wife, a daughter (Lisa Marie, aged one) and several bodyguards for company . . . Has made 29 films, grossing 220 million dollars at the box office, and sold more than 200 million records.
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Elvis Presley and director William A. Graham on the set of Change Of Habit (Universal 1969) between takes.
Elvis heads for his trailer in the far corner. A group of friends (known in some quarters as the Memphis Mafia) close around him like a football scrum after a loose ball. The code-word is given. I am beckoned over. The good breeze was still blowing. “You won’t probe too deep, will you?” The Publicity Man asks anxiously. “This is just an informal chat, that’s the deal. So keep it light and airy, okay?” Well . . . okay. I checked my notes. Does Elvis fly high on acid trips? Does he see himself as a prophet for the new generation? Does he think his style is too square? Does he have any sexual hang-ups? His marriage altered his attitude to life in any way? Does he kick his cat? Does he have a cat to kick? What are his views on pop, religion, hippies, demonstrators, Vietnam? Stuff like that. No, I wasn’t going to probe too deep. In the dressing room Elvis shakes hands in a firm grip. “This is Charlie, this is Doc.” Two small, burly men light leather jackets and open-neck shirts rise and shine briefly and subside again. The trailer feels a bit crowded.
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Elvis Presley on the set of Change Of Habit (Universal 1969). Mary Tyler Moore, Elvis and director William A. Graham share a joke between takes.
Elvis talks. He speaks slowly and carefully, and puts a lot of space between his words. “The film? Uh, well . . . it’s a change of pace for me, yeah. It’s more serious than my usual movies, but it don’t mean I’m aiming for a big dramatic acting scene, no sir. The way I’m headed, I want to try something different now, but not too different. I did this film because the script was good, and I guess I know by now what the public goes for." “Most of the scripts that come my way are all the same. They’ve all got a load of songs in them, but I just did a Western called 'Charro', which hasn’t any songs ‘cepting the title tune. It did have a couple of nude scenes, but they’ve been cut. Anyhow, can you imagine a dramatic Western where the hero breaks out into song all the time?” He has said plenty, and now he leaps to his feet, hands flashing to imaginary holsters, and sings in a deep drawl: “Go for your guns . . . you’ve got ’til sundown to get outa town . . . ” It could be the start of a promising sketch. The others follow suit, singing, clowning, all on their feet. If this is the Memphis Mafia, they’re a friendly bunch.
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Elvis on set of 'Change of Habit' (Universal 1969) talking to fans.
Elvis sits down, and everyone stops singing. He eyes himself in the dressing room mirror. “I don’t plan too far ahead, but I’m real busy for a while now. I’ve got a date in Vegas, and maybe another film after that. Then I’m going to try to get to Europe, because I’ve always promised I would and I’ve got some good, faithful fans over there.” Slow-talking Elvis may be. But he certainly isn’t the slow-witted hick from the backwoods his detractors make out. If he is, then he’s a better actor than they give him credit for. Get through to him, and you find a pleasant, honest, not-too-articulate hometown boy who has been protected for his own good from the hysterical periphery of his present world. The party was warming up. Elvis cracked a gag. Charlie cracked a gag. There was a call from the door. Elvis was wanted, and the good breeze was still blowing as he made for the set, one hand on my shoulder. Charlie and Doc were all smiles.
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Elvis and his manager, Colonel Parker, on set of 'Change of Habit' (Universal 1969).
“Okay?” said the P.M. “You did real fine.” "Well . . . not quite." I said. "This Colonel Parker, would he be around for a word later?" Elvis stopped in his tracks. The P.M. went a whiter shade of pale, and whispered something to a friend. The friend nodded in sympathy. “I must tell you about an experience I had like that once,” he said, eyeing me as if I’d just crawled out of the woodwork. Elvis said: “I think he’s in Palm Springs. I’m not sure...” He hurried off. The P.M. said: “Don’t let’s push our luck any more. We never trouble him for too long a time. You should be very happy. You had more than anyone’s had in years.” Somewhere along the line, unaccountably, the good breeze had dropped. This story is from the July 12th, 1969 issue of Rolling Stone.
Source: www.rollingstone.com
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I love rewatching Leverage.
Started rewatching The Underground Job for some Eliot content and instead remembered that Parker is often taking notes when grifting - both in preparation and during. She was writing out a script for herself and in redemption we finally got to see it develop into using notecards to classify any possible interaction!
Also this is the first time I realized that the kid Eliot meets in the mines is the same kid whose birthday it is about to be when the mine exploded. Making him 14 two years prior (its unclear if he was turning 14 or 15)- which means Cory is only 16/17 years old... hence why the miners always try to keep him as far from "the action" as possible.
When the mine owner complains about how the union demanding workers be paid fairly and have safe working conditions is destroying the business Sophie and Hardison both let their disgust show- they both break!
Parker (or Hardison) keeps a pillow and blanket in Lucille so that Parker can take a nap after too much social interaction [which is now inspiring me to bring a blanket( or maybe a comfy sweatshirt) to my office so I too can nap after too much interaction]
Parker's observations of Pierce:
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Image ID: Hardison holding a notepad to camera that says (in all caps):
Learned more on Pierce today, after hours of undetected observation:
She looks right to left...
Opens office door with right hand, answers phone with left...
Blinks 15 times per minute...
Uses hand sanitizer more than 10 [times] a day...
Has 2 cats...
/End ID
There's another shot where she wrote "Smells like Bubbles!" with Bubbles underlined. And Hardison apparently touches his chin every 2.5 minutes.
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abiiors · 9 months
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1. she's american // george daniel x oc
a/n: erratic is literally the only word i have to describe it. like i don't have a posting schedule, i don't have a masterlist for it yet (i'll add the link when i have one). idk how many chapters. this literally doesn't even have a canon-accurate timeline!! but i wrote something and i wanted to publish it so i did. hope you enjoy! discussions about it in my asks are always welcome hehe <3 cw: arguments and yelling?? can't really think of any hard warnings wc: 3.2k masterlist
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it is a truth universally acknowledged that something must go wrong every time i land in london. this time, it’s matty texting me that he can’t come pick me up from the airport. 
soz, mate. his text reads, really urgent work came up. i’m sending a friend to pick u up tho. i’ll make it up to u tonight. xx. to compound the annoyance of it, a blast of july heat hits me square in the face when i step off the plane and onto the tarmac. 
“make it up” i lightly scoff to myself; make it up is code-word for plying my with cheap beer, greasy pizza and, sure, great weed. i have this routine rehearsed—it’s the same thing we’ve been doing since the age of 14. 
friend? i text back and start making my way towards immigration and the luggage carousels. heathrow is just as big as i remember—massive and winding and really fucking beige for some reason. stepping onto the escalator, i take another peek at my phone and at the three dots bouncing in place, waiting for him to finish typing his message. 
yeah. george. he responds.
george… i try to conjure up a face for the name. somewhere in the back of my mind, i know it’s familiar. george…matty’s friend george. my phone dings again. 
[attachment: 1 image]
it’s a photo of a man, a boy really… he looks like he’s matty’s age and it clicks in my head. this is george and i have most definitely seen him before. his wavy, dirty blond hair is piled on top of his head haphazardly, like he couldn’t be bothered with them at all. the dark roots peek from underneath. george stares directly at the camera, a straight face—straight nose and straight full lips. everything about him screams cool nonchalance. right down to the nondescript white t-shirt he’s wearing. 
and this boy is coming to pick me up after i’ve just travelled for eight hours all the way from new york. 
subconsciously, i sniff at my t-shirt. yep, the sweat combined with the general stink of the airport clings to me like cobwebs. what i really need is a long, cold shower followed by an even longer nap. what i get, however, is a long line at the immigration counter. 
passport clutched in my hand, i look around the area. behind me, an american couple chatters excitedly and plans their itinerary. ahead of me, a british mother reprimands her child for biting his nails. it’s jarring that the american couple’s accents are more familiar to me than the mother and her child’s. 
it’s jarring that despite being gone only four years, everything about london already feels foreign. 
“next please,” the immigration officer calls out, jerking me out of my thoughts. it’s a simple process really. once he sees my british passport, all he has to do is match my face to it and stamp it. 
“thanks,” i mumble when he hands it back to me. 
“welcome home,” he responds and smiles that kind, old man smile.
my heart snags on the word. home. and my life back in new york briefly flashes in front of my eyes; a quick montage of tall skyscrapers and glittery new york nights—but i shake my head and clear the thoughts away. 
yep, home is here now. and that’s all that matters.
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bags in my hand, i make my way to the exit, craning my neck and looking all around me for any sign of the dirty blond hair from the photo. 
this is not how i had imagined it would be. i had imagined running into matty’s arms and breathing in his familiar scent, shoving each other playfully until we dissolved into fits of giggles. i had imagined familiarity and comfort; not having to find a practically unknown man in a sea of other unknown people. and even though i had his picture on my phone, i had no way of—
i turn mid-thought at the sound of my name. the voice that speaks it is rich and deep, gravelly even. yet it’s not a voice i recognise. and then i spot him standing about ten feet away from me. george. 
he stares at me in a scrutinising way, then looks at the phone in his hand and looks back up at me. looks like i’m not the only one with a stranger’s picture in my phone. 
“george?” i raise my hand in greeting and smile slightly. there’s no doubt it’s a tired, pathetic smile but it will have to do. 
this is the first time i’m seeing him properly. and wow, he’s tall. all my life i’ve been used to matty and his almost six feet (the thought makes me smile, i know how mad he gets at the “almost”) but george is so much taller, with broad shoulders and toned arms that are littered with tattoos; colourful tattoos that i try not to gawk at but fail anyway. 
he nods once and starts walking in my direction; long graceful steps that should not belong to someone so huge. and yet in five long strides, he’s covered the entire distance between us. 
subconsciously, i lose a sigh. after the last 24 hours, all i want is for someone to carry my bags for me and preferably gently manhandle me so i won’t have to do the laborious task of walking. 
george does no such thing. 
he walks towards me and right past. and then, while i stand there gaping slightly, he turns around. “the car is parked this way.”
translation: are you an idiot? 
that’s what his tone screams anyway, and confusion along with annoyance washes over me. what the fuck is his problem? i get that he probably got saddled with the task of picking me up on a hot summer day but taking it out on me is hardly the fair thing to do. i roll my eyes and follow him out of the airport and towards the car park. 
dragging my two large trolley bags behind me and trying to keep up with his long strides is no easy task. by the time the entrance to the car park comes into view, i’m jogging lightly and panting to keep up with him. sweat rolls down my back in rivulets while the sun blazes overhead. it’s only 10 am but i am ready to go back to bed for six hours preferably. 
fuck george and fuck his long legs. i refuse to ask him to slow down. 
a mildly beaten-down ford focus comes into view and george opens the trunk before motioning at my bags. i resist the urge to baulk at him—so now he wants to help? wordlessly, i hand the luggage to him and mumble a quick thanks. 
then i turn around and make my way to the passenger side door. 
i realise my mistake far too late. or rather as soon as our hands brush, attempting to open the same door and i jerk mine away like i’ve just touched a live wire. george looms behind me, quiet judgement radiating off of him, probably wondering why i’m on his side of the car. 
i turn around, face burning with embarrassment and something unexplained, only to come face to face—face to chest, rather—with a very unimpressed george. heat radiates off his body this close, heat and an earthy, sweet perfume that i’ve never smelled on anyone else before. 
“sorry,” i back away, “american habits.” but his face remains passive and his eyes trained on the door handle. 
“right. sorry,” i squeak and practically run back to the right door this time. 
i curse softly, at the wind, this entire day. this city and this entire fucking island. but mostly i curse at stupid american habits and stupid british girls who get used to them.
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london is crowded as always; at least, that part is similar to new york. except here i see red double-deckers crawling along leisurely instead of yellow cabs zooming by, waiting for no one. in the twenty minutes, we’ve been on the road, the sun has disappeared giving way to grey clouds. the only sound in the car is the whirr of the aircon and the radio playing some old 80s hits at a low volume. everything else is an awkward silence. 
“so matty’s not free today?” i ask. well, i try but all i get from him is a shake of the head before he angrily overtakes the car in front of us. 
“and he’s not going to be free all day?”
“dunno. later maybe, in the evening.”
that’s the most words he’s said to me at one go. and it’s also a pretty clear indicator that he’s done with this conversation—well, ‘conversation’ is pushing it anyway. i just look out the window and at the taxi next to us. 
it’s the american couple from before; excitedly looking out their windows and pointing at all the buildings. i imagine it’s their first time, they certainly have the ‘americans in europe’ air about them. i imagine their day is going leagues better than mine is; i imagine them going back to their hotel room, spending their day being loved up and excited about their holiday. they’ll take photos, eat nice food. they’ll laugh around being silly and saying exaggerated british slang in exaggerated english accents. and then they’ll go home, back to some place that is theirs. 
i snap my gaze back to my lap. 
london is not so bad. matty is here. if i could make a life in new york from scratch then i can do it again. besides i already have friends here, it can’t be that difficult. right?
my phone buzzes in my hands bringing me out of my thoughts. 
i have the sudden and violent urge to be carsick. nate, after everything, he has the nerve to try to call me. with more force than necessary, i stab the red button and close my eyes. if george has noticed any of this, he doesn’t react. 
images flash in front of my eyes in a dizzying blur after that—nate. new york. nights that used to blend into dawns. nate. champagne that flowed freely. laughter. friends. happiness. nate. heartbreak. and quite possibly utter ruin, if i want to be dramatic about it.
my phone buzzes again and this time i don’t even pay attention to it. 
george, however, side-eyes it and then shakes his head. “are you gonna get that?” 
i whip my head to look at him, riffling through several responses in my head to politely tell him that this is none of his business. 
half an hour of knowing him and i can already feel annoyance settling between us. george stares at me while we wait for the light to turn green. one of his perfectly shaped eyebrows is raised high, his mouth twisted in almost a grimace. what the fuck is his deal? has he never heard a phone buzzing before?
“no,” i reply curtly and go back to staring straight ahead, glaring at the double decker blocking my view of anything else. 
half a minute later, the phone buzzes again. and george stares. again. 
“for fuck sake,” he grumbles to himself, looking like he’d rather run us straight into the bus than sitting here with me for two more minutes. 
“have i done something to you?” i turn to face him fully, eyes trained on him as he shifts the gear and starts driving again. 
his jaw ticks at my question. i imagine his molars grinding down hard against each other in frustration as his fingers drum restlessly on the steering wheel. 
“no,” he grits out in the same tone i had before. 
“then what the f–then what is your problem with me?” i ask, controlling myself last minute. there’s no need to get rude just yet. 
george, obviously, ignores that and continues to mutter something to himself that i can’t quite clearly make out. 
fuck this and fuck him.
i think back to the last 24 hours i’ve had. i think back to packing my bags while sobbing so hard that i couldn’t see two inches in front of me. of having to figure out a way to get to the airport without nate. of having no one to say goodbye to, no one to tell me that they will miss me. i think back to four years in new york and how by the end of it i was almost back to square one. 
“it’s distracting,” he replies and i resist the urge to scoff. it’s hardly that bad. it’s literally just a phone buzzing. “if you don’t want to get it then turn it off.”
i’m almost certain that by now my jaw is on the floor of his messy car—no, seriously. i don’t know how someone would want to have that many receipts and empty beer cans in their backseat—but george has some nerve!
“what the fuck!?” i glare at him, not even bothering to conceal my irritation now and i have no doubt that if it weren’t for the busy road, he would be glaring right back at me. his hands grip the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turn white. 
“listen,” i continue, “i know you’re mad that matty made you come pick me up—”
“oh you think you know why i’m pissed off?” he retorts, cutting me off halfway. strike fucking two. 
“but i’m not going to sit here and take your shit.” i finish, ignoring him entirely. almost as if the universe were on my side, george turns onto a familiar street. extremely familiar, in fact. i know where i am, i know matty’s house is a five minute walk from here. internally i whoop with joy. 
“in fact,” i continue, mustering up all my snark, “i am not going to sit here at all.” then like a maniac, i put one hand on the door handle and jut my chin up in defiance. “stop the car right now and open the trunk.”
predictably, george stares at me like i’ve lost my mind. and maybe i really have because the next thing i’m doing is unbuckling my seatbelt and tightening my hold on the door handle. 
“stop the car right now, george or i swear to god, i’ll start screaming for help.”
if i weren't so pissed off, it'd be funny how his eyes go as wide as saucers in the span of half a second, how fast his head whips to me.
“you are fucking INSANE!” he yells and pulls over as fast as he can, “fuck, i don’t know what matty sees in you,” he spits and yanks his door open. 
i sit there frozen for a second, all the anger and snark almost leaving my body at his words. almost. but then i hear the trunk opening and the sound of two bags being harshly thrown onto the pavement. 
letting out a string of curses that are aimed at him, his family and at least ten generations of his ancestors, i stomp over to where he’s thrown my bags casually. i don’t stop there. i march up to him, staring him right in the face until i am on the curb and tall enough to reach his chin. 
“you!” i stab my finger in his chest, “don’t get to say that about me.”
george rolls his eyes looking down at me as if i were about as threatening as a baby penguin. and i have the sudden and insane urge to climb on his car so i would finally be tall enough to look down my nose at him. 
“i don’t know what matty sees in you!” i continue the finger-stabbing, just once more to drive the point home but the insufferable man in front of me only scoffs lightly. 
“very original of you,” he drawls, “now if you’re done…” he trails off before his massive hand wraps around my wrist and pushes my hand away. his fingers are warm and rough. calloused hands. 
someone who’s used to being rough with everything he touches. 
and just like that, he’s walking away and back into his car while i’m left fuming on the pavement. honestly fuck george and fuck everything else, i’m just ready to write this entire day off and rot in bed. 
with more force than necessary, i start yanking my bags behind me, practically stomping till the end of the lane where matty’s house stands. george and his car don’t move. 
i imagine him in there fuming like i am right now and then scream out in frustration. a bird in a nearby tree flies away in panic. 
i should not be thinking about that dickhead at all. 
when i’m halfway through the lane, the car starts back up. driving behind me, following like a creep. well, that’s an exaggeration—i imagine he has to report back to matty that i made it to the house safe. still, i want to turn around and yell at him to fuck off. 
between planning his evil demise and chanting all my angry thoughts, i finally reach the house at the end of the lane and freeze. because i realise i don’t have his keys, matty’s not home and i have no way of getting in. and the only person who probably has said keys is currently sitting in his car right behind me. 
slowly, like in one of those cheesy horror movies, i turn around and look in the direction of the car. through the window, i see george rhythmically tapping on the steering wheel, glancing at me while a slow smirk curls onto his face. i can feel the smugness radiating off of him all the way to where i’m standing. 
evil little shit. 
he takes his sweet little time, getting out the car and sauntering toward the front door. before he gets to the door, he stops in front of me, face carefully blank once again with only a hint of arrogance in his eyes. 
“need my help again?” george asks and my god does it take all my restraint not to punch him right in the face. 
“just give me the bloody keys and leave, george,” i spit at him and watch his face morph into confusion. 
he stares at me for a second longer than he should, eyebrows creasing and eyes hardening as wariness creeps in. “why would i give you my keys?”
“so i can get in, you idiot—wait your keys?”
i open and close my mouth like a fish, trying to make sense of his words. he doesn’t mean what i think he means, right? this is all just a stupid misunderstanding? 
“my keys,” he confirms and dangles them right in front of my face so that a tiny metal g smacks me in the nose. 
my throat feels drier than the nevada desert. beads of sweat roll down the back of my neck. and it’s not just sweat from the humidity—no, this is a cold sweat. impending doom and bad omens and whatnot. 
trying to clear my throat, i speak again in a rough, whispery voice, “why do you have keys to matty’s house?” 
but even i know how stupid that sounds before it’s even left my mouth. because why would he have keys to matty’s house. unless…
unless it’s not just his house. and george is not just his best friend. no, george, stupid and utterly infuriating george is also his housemate. 
and now he’s about to be mine too. 
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flagbridge · 25 days
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Raoul de Chagny uniform inspiration, and general Raoul Navy musings
élève-officier ("elof") at the Borda in Brest, 1880s.
British Sub-Lieutenant (equivalent of an Ensign in the US or French Navies), approximately 1860 (by Ann Mary Newton)
Graduating students and faculty of L'Ecole Navale on board the Boarda, 1891
As some of you know, I love writing Raoul. My next projects after All Vows ends are mostly Raoul-centered, and I'm pretty deep in my research. I’ve tumbled absolutely headlong into researching La Baille (nickname for the French naval academy), and it’s amusing how across time and distance, so much of initial military training is unchanged. Even though I cosplay Christine, Raoul actually ends up being the character who I give most of my own life experience because I am, in fact, a Sailor. When I'm writing Raoul POV about being at sea, I sometimes use my own journal entries from past deployments when I was underway on the USS NEVERSAIL somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
I get a lot of questions about Raoul's uniform, so I'm sharing some of the above (hello talented artists, could we PLEASE get more Raoul Navy Phanart, I am BEGGING YOU)
élève-officier ("elof") at the Borda in Brest, 1880s.
This is exactly what Raoul's midshipman uniform would have looked like. As you can see from the photo from 1891, the uniform from that time and even a decade later is the same. Naval uniforms, especially dress uniforms change very infrequently. My dress uniform that I wear in 2024 is the same one that was designed by Mainbocher in 1941!
The term "élève-officier" translates literally to "student-officer", although most translate it as "officer candidate", which isn't inaccurate. They were then classified by year, so a first year student would be an élève-officier fourth class. However, the British and American term for a naval cadet is a "midshipman" which is often abbreviated to "mid". So "elof" is basically directly translated to "mid". However, there was an additional naval trainee rank, called "Aspirant". This was assigned to the naval cadets when they embarked for their tour du monde on actual warships. It's a unique rank that's basically a desgination that the individual is a senior at the academy--like a "Midshipman First Class", the term to describe seniors at the US Naval Academy.
2. British Sub-Lieutenant (equivalent of an Ensign in the US or French Navies), approximately 1860 (by Ann Mary Newton)
I couldn't find a good picture of a young/junior officer from this era in the French Navy but FUN FACT! The French Navy underwent a uniform shift in 1883. The officer uniform was largely unchanged, however, that short coat and triangular hat that we often associate with the end of the age of sail was phased out as a dress uniform. So it's possible that Raoul had a dress uniform very much like this around the time of Phantom of the Opera, but it was on its way out. The rank is accurate though! So if Raoul went to the opera in uniform in about 1881? This is what he would have looked like.
3. Graduating students and faculty of L'Ecole Navale on board the Borda, 1891
The uniforms were the same when Raoul would have graduated, and that is the Borda that is mentioned in the book. In my head this is Raoul's senior class photo (even though it's 10 years later), complete with a few guys who have no idea what's going on and aren't looking at the camera.
PotOmer Day 15: HEADCANON/Raoul Navy Uniform Musings
Between April 23 and June 11, I am posting 49 days of POTO content to mark the Omer, except on Shabbat. Previous days below the cut line.
Day 14: GIFSET-Ethan Freeman bows to the monkey.
Day 12: FANFIC: All Vows Chapter 38: my longfic that will be concluding at the end of May.
Day 11: (no post, Shabbat)
Day 10: FANFIC: All Vows Chapter 10 (Catch Up)
Day 9: ADAPTATION: Ghost of Zariya Hollow
Day 8: HEADCANON: Christine's Swedish Accent
Day 7: COSPLAY Hannibal Slave Girl Bodice Construction
Day 6: GIFSET: Raouls who make choices appreciation post
Day 5: PHIC UPDATE: All Vows Chapter 37! (And a bonus gif of Lily and Jon)
Day 4: (No post, Shabbat)
Day 3: GIFSET: Cape Twirl Comparison, Current West End Phantoms ('23-'24)
Day 2: BRAINWORM: "Ne Me Touchez Pas"
Day 1: GIFSET Robyns/Kerhoas: The Kiss
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911 Spoilers Season 4: You’ve been warned. 😅 Buddie Rewatch
Episode 14: Survivors (Part 2)
Construction Emergency; Buck is near Bobby as they get the summary of what happened.
As the Manager walks the 118 over to the cameras, Buck stays behind looking up at the structure.
Hen, Chimney, and Bobby are looking at the injured man, trying to come up with a game plan on how they are going to rescue this man. The officer with them mentioning, if they climb up, they’ll have no way of protecting them.
As they are discussing possibilities and having limited time, Buck is climbing the structure, with gear. Bobby calls him over the radio, telling him he didn’t have clearance and there is no way of protecting him.
Buck responds back with he needs to do this and continues to climb up. Hen and Chim aren’t necessarily surprised that he pulled this stunt.
As Buck is climbing, he’s looking at his surroundings. Hen and Chim are instructing him on what he’s going to need to do when he gets to the victim.
Buck pauses, he notices a glare from one of the windows high up in the air. He continues to climb up despite this. Bobby is looking up, worried and annoyed at Bucks actions.
Buck steps on to the ledge, maneuvering his way towards the victim.  He places the tourniquet on the victim. Once it’s placed and he received the all clear from Bobby, he cuts the wire causing the beams to fall onto a truck.
Buck finishes wrapping up the victim and brings him down by air lift. The construction workers thank the 118. Hen redirects them to thank Buck, “the crazy guy”.  Bobby looks at Buck with disappointment, Buck knows he’s in trouble.
Bobby is cooking, when Buck approaches him and asks if he’s ever going to speak to him. Bobby is angry, he asks Buck what he wants to hear.
Buck says the usual stuff, like what where you thinking, you could have gotten your self killed. Bobby says he doesn’t need to have the conversation, because Buck already knows it.
Bobby states, “You went full Buck”. Buck walks up closer to Bobby asking for clarification, because he said it as if that’s suppose to be a bad thing.
Bobby expresses that he views Buck as the guy that doesn’t think before he asks, and how he has learned to just accept that.
He also notes that his impulsiveness usually comes from a good place, but that stunt he pulled was not from a good place.
Bobby recognizes that Buck had made himself a target. Buck doesn’t deny that fact, he embraces it.
He states it’s because he wasn’t going to see anyone else take that risk. He cannot handle anyone else getting hurt right now.
Bobby tries to reassure Buck, that Eddie’s shooting wasn’t his fault. Buck tells Bobby that he knows that, but he was the person standing there as it happened and could do anything to protect him.
Buck was able to protect the rest of his team today, he saw the moment and he took it. Bobby turns back to start cutting veggies, but before he does, he tells Buck that they are a team, they are there to protect each other, and to not do it again.  Buck slowly walks away.
Taylor is at Buck’s apartment. She’s drinking wine as Buck is explaining what happened at work, and not liking Bobby’s reaction.
Taylor vocalizing that she was also not a fan of his stunt, and how there are multiple videos online about his climb up the crane.
I wonder if anyone ever told Eddie about Buck’s viral stunt. Did he ever find out about on his own or is he completely unaware of this. I want to believe Buck told him about it, but given that Buck did it as a self-sacrifice, maybe not. Something to think about.
Buck is trying to make light of the situation, giving slick remarks to concerns Taylor brings up. Buck teases that Taylor cares about him.
After Taylor mentions he could have died (well it’s implied), he responds with “But I didn’t” Taylor walk up to him, pulling him into a passionate kiss, she’s holding his face. He leans into the kiss and kisses her back.
When they pull apart from the kiss, Buck’s eyes remain closed for a few seconds, he smiles. Taylor is the one to pull away and apologize.  She puts some distance between them.
Buck is confused, looks over at her. She admits to not knowing why she did that, blaming it partially on the wine. Buck offers to talk about it. She walks straight to the door, she turns around and states she has to go.
Buck looks hurt, he hesitates slightly, Taylor takes the moment to walk out. As Buck is about to tell her to wait, his phone rings, it’s Ana. He lets Taylor walk out and answers the phone and asks if everything is okay.
Buck is in the hospital, he’s running towards Eddies room. He pauses at the door way. Ana is in front of Eddies bed, she looks back smiling at Buck, and moves out of the way to an awake Eddie laying in bed.
Eddie is looking over at Buck, does a slight nod of his head and says “Hey Buck” in a soft-spoken voice.  Buck exhales and laughs a little, and says “Hey”
Two things. The first is about a post I saw a long time ago where someone pointed out that Eddie most likely woke up when Taylor kissed Buck. Implying Eddie felt a disturbance and knew he had to wake up. And second, the first time they see each other is so timid and sweet.
Chris is video calling Eddie. Chris says he misses him, and Eddie says it back. Eddie is soft spoken, obviously tired, as he tells Chris that he’ll be home soon.
Carla cutting in to tell Eddie to focus on healing first, that he has nothing to worry about, that Buck and her are taking care of it.
Chris is giggling as they say their good byes/I love yous. Chris closes his laptop and Eddie hands Buck his phone back.
Buck is sitting next to Eddies bedside. Eddie thanks Buck for staying with Chris.
Buck explains that Carla had offered to bring him to her house, but how he wanted Chris to be comfortable in his own house. That the situation was already overwhelming and he didn’t want to add to that.
Eddie asks if Chris is doing okay. Buck answers truthfully, that Chris is doing better that he is.
Buck admits to losing it when he told Chris his dad was shot. He apologizes for breaking down in front of his son, how he should have kept it together.
Eddie responds with, “You where there for him when I couldn’t be.” (You stepped up like a parent)
Buck admitting to thinking it would have been better for Chris if he was the one to get shot. Eddie is confused by the comment and just looks over at him.
They caught the shooter, not really; The 118 show up to a burning building, no longer being followed by swat, they believe there is only one victim.
Buck and Ravi are hooking up the hoses to the hydrants, tackling the fire from the outside. As Buck grabs the hose, Ravi mentions no longer needing bullet proof vests, Buck vocalizing how he won’t miss them.
The 118 is told over the radio to evacuate, orders given by the LAPD. Bobby find what he believes is the victim, but turns out to be a trap. Bobby is shot in the leg.
Hen and Chim have evacuated the building, Bobby hasn’t responded over the radio. Athena approaches them, Buck joining, Athena reveals the victim is actually the shooter.
Athena asks if they have any idea of where Bobby could be, Buck mentions that he could it out when he found the guy. He’d be on the 3rd floor.
Athena asks Buck if he can get her in there. Buck starts to protest, but Athena cuts him off. Bobby will die in there if she doesn’t act fast.
I love how Athena knew she had to rope in Buck to help her break protocol and get her husband into safety.
Hen walks over and hears Athena pleading. Athena states, “ to get my husband”. She looks over at Buck who nods his head.
Buck tells Hen that it’s going to be easy and gives a break down about how Athena will get to Bobby. Buck and Ravi are guiding Athena up the ladder, towards the burning building. They hop on top of the roof.
On the roof, Hen also climbed up on the roof.  They dress Athena in the firefighter uniform, Buck tells her that he’s going in too. Athena immediately telling him no, because she can’t protect him.
Specifying that the shooter is targeting firefighters.
Buck points out that she is dressed like one. She points out that she has a gun.
Shooter is dead. Bobby is saved.
Buck is at his apartment. Taylor knocks on his door. He’s surprised to see her. Taylor admits to running away, but brings up that he didn’t run after her.
Buck vocalizes that he spent along time not feeling like he was enough. He doesn’t want to do that anymore. So he puts his cards on the table and basically tells Taylor, that if she wants him it is up to her.
Taylor gets closer to Buck, wrapping around her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss as she says “I do. I really do.”
Eddie is sitting up on his hospital bed. His arm in a sling and he’s lost in thought. Buck walks in telling Eddie that the nurse is getting his medication and discharge paperwork ready.
Buck is obviously there to take him home.
Eddie wants to address something, Buck is concerned, asks if everything is alright. Eddie tells him everything is fine, that he’s just been meaning to tell him something.
The first time I watched this, I thought Eddie was going to confess his feelings. Ana wasn’t in the room with them, so in the few moments before Eddie started elaborating, I thought he was going to admit to breaking up with Ana and being in love with Buck.
I actually told myself that it’s going to be awkward when Buck reveals he’s dating Taylor. I wish I was joking, but this was my actual thought process when I watched the first time.
Buck sits down on the hospital bed, there is some distance between them.  Eddie starts off by awkwardly mentioning almost dying, again. Buck is looking over at Eddie confused. Eddie continues to speak.
Eddie goes on to talk about his multiple close calls, and how this wasn’t even the worse of his near death experiences. Buck tries to cut in, but Eddie asks him to let him finish. Eddie is making direct eye contact. Buck is concerned.
Eddie talks about his last near death experience when he was buried alive. Buck chiming, “ that he survived.” Eddie continues, he admits to thinking about what if he didn’t survive, what would have happened to Christopher. So, he met with his attorney and had his will changed.
Eddie reveals that if someday he doesn’t survive another tragedy, Chris would be taken care of, he would go with Buck. Buck is confused and Eddie makes it clear to him, that if he were to die, Buck would be Chris’ legal guardian.
Buck is processing this new information, asking how that would even work. Would Eddie need Buck’s permission to do something like that. Eddie mentions his attorney bringing up that Buck could always refuse guardianship.
Okay so I’m going to mention another post I read a long time ago, about how Eddie approached the topic with his attorney about making his best friend a legal guardian.
How the attorney might be thinking best friend is just code for lover. I may have read that in a fic, I just know this isn’t my original idea. But it is another fun thing to think about.
Buck vocalizing that Eddie knows him, and how he wouldn’t refuse something like that. Eddie repeating back to Buck that he knows he wouldn’t refuse.
Buck continues to analyze the situation, brining up the fact that Eddie’s parents are still alive, wondering if they would try to fight for custody.
Eddie goes on to describe how his family tried to guilt him into giving Christopher to them when Shannon died. He didn’t what that for Chris then and he doesn’t want that for him now. Eddie wants someone that will fight for his son, and he knows that person is Buck.
Buck realizes that Eddie changed his will last year, so why is he only now just finding out about it now.
“Because, Evan,” Eddie explains that after hearing Buck state that he should have been the one that was shot, that he needed to hear he mattered. Eddie wanted Buck to know he was wanted and needed.
“You act like you’re expendable. But you’re wrong.” Buck looks up at Eddie.
My pinned post is about this moment and how Eddie basically confessed to loving Buck and giving him his heart and how Buck didn’t realize it.
But now that I’ve rewatched the scene, I believe Buck knew Eddie was telling him he loves him. I just think Buck assumed it was a family kind of love. Eddie most likely believing he was only confessing a family kind of love.
Regardless of if you think there was romantic undertones to this moment or not, the one thing that can’t be denied is that this moment establishes Buck as a member of the family, specifically a parental figure in Chris’ life.  Buckley-Diaz or Diaz-Buckley family unit is basically canon.
Montage of the 118 being surrounded by family/friends and each other as Bobby narrates about survival.
Buck and Eddie are outside Eddie’s apartment. Buck opens the door to a surprise welcome back party. Taylor, Carla, Ana, his Abuela, Tia Peppa, and Chris are inside screaming surprise or clapping/cheering.
Eddie walks up towards Chris, crouches down and kisses him on the forehead. Chris is ecstatic, smiling ear to ear. Buck looking over at them from the door frame smiling.
Eddie greets each and everyone of the guests. Kissing his abuela, Ana, and Peppa on the cheek. Giving Carla a hug. We do not see him interact with Taylor individually, but we see him give a big laughing smile to the group.
Albert passes his fire fighter test. Everyone from the 118 is celebrating on the roof. Bobby in between Eddie and Buck. They are all clapping and cheering. Buck looks towards Eddies direction.
Out of all the Season finales, this one is my favorite. The story doesn’t feel rushed, each person in the 118 basically gets a decent place to end their stories if they weren’t renewed for another season.
It’s emotional and powerful and we get to see individual character progress as well as team dynamic.
 I specifically can’t stop myself from comparing it to Season 6th finale. Everything Season 4’s did right, Season 6 lacked. But I’ll discuss that when I get to Season 6th finale.
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magical-mistakes-vm · 3 months
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TW - physical violence description, violence against women, choking, abuse, physical harm, injury
Vollrath, Elmar, & Baldur discover what happened to Mahala when she was alone in the office with Jonathan...
Before he sat down at his desk, Vollrath took a bottle of water over to Mahala, who told him she was now just feeling tired.  Baldur and Elmar watched as he said something softly to her and kissed her forehead, then closed his suit jacket over her again.  During it all, she hadn’t moved.  Jonathan was lucky she was alive, they were both sure.  Vollrath was never gentle with anything, yet he was handling her like she was made of the most fragile mercury glass. There was a look on his face, when he looked at her, that they had never seen before.  Since both had known him since they were all children, that told them a lot about what was going on with him.  Neither had a doubt now that she WAS the Lioness. “Okay, let’s see what really happened in here.”  Vollrath said as he took a seat in his office chair, and letting out a heavy sigh.  Baldur and Elmar grabbed chairs from the still overturned conference table and rolled them over, sitting so they could see too. None of them were particularly looking forward to having to watch her be attacked, but they all had to know what happened before the Council meeting. So, Vollrath hit play on the downloaded video, and they all waited.
They watched as the recording showed the three of them leaving, then Mahala unsteadily making her way to the bathroom. The heavy exhale from Vollrath had his two friends looking over at him, a bit nervously.  He was obviously still upset at the way she had staggered as if drunk, leftover side effects of his anger.  The guilt on his face was an unusual sight, and was one more clue that there was definitely something going on between Vollrath and Mahala that they had never witnessed before between him and another woman.  He was now holding his chin in his hand, obviously tense already and nothing had happened; they hoped that when it did, he would be able to contain it.
It was shortly after that point in the video when Jonathan entered the frame.  He sat down what looked like some reports on Vollrath’s desk, as he said he had.  Then he seemed to be looking for something on the desk, moving some files and looking through others.  There was some more shuffling of papers that were randomly on the desk until he froze, that was when the door to the private office bathroom opened and Mahala exited, still a little shaky and with a hand to her temple.  The audio hadn't been downloaded but from the gestures, there had been some kind of conversation about who she was.  The fact she had on Vollrath’s suit jacket apparently did not make it obvious she was somehow connected to him.  Jonathan’s head started shaking and he grabbed both of Mahala’s upper arms and slammed her into the wall.  There was a slight crack as Vollrath had a death grip on the arms of his office chair, and something plastic had broken. “Easy big guy, look over there.  She’s fallen asleep, nice and easy.  She’s fine.”  Elmar tried to reassure his friend, keeping his voice calm.  Or maybe he was reassuring himself, he was no less enraged.  The devastation in the room, and the way he’d just seen Jonathan handle the woman, concerned him, a lot.
The video continued on to her trying to get away, obviously saying something.  Mahala was once again slammed into the wall, then Jonathan had let go of one of her arms to choke her.  There was about 5 seconds of that, with all three of them growing increasingly tense and enraged, and they watched as she put her hands on Jonathan’s chest and shoved once, and the second time it was like the room exploded in a white light.  When the camera focused once more, the room was how they had found it when they rushed in.
“How did she do that?” Baldur asked incredulously.  If she was untrained as Vollrath had said, how could she have commanded that much power into someone else? He was still staring at the screen where Vollrath had frozen it, trying to wrap his head around what he’d just seen.  Nothing was making sense.
“She is untrained, she was terrified, and she probably didn’t mean to.  Think about it.  Her mind would have been focused on getting him away from her.  She’s been in the company of the three of us this morning for a while.  Three powerful warlocks, one being the Master of a whole Coven.  It is going to call to her dormant powers, which are damn strong, Bal.  Depending how much time she spent with Vol last night, could be a damn strong pull by now.  Not to mention whatever residual magic was floating around from Vol losing his temper over jealousy, and then having to help her feel better.”  Elmar laid out everything he was thinking.  He waited for Vollrath or Baldur to correct him if he got something wrong.
“She slept in my arms on my couch last night.” Vollrath caught both of them raising their brows as they looked at him. “You can judge for yourselves our level of affection and how close we were.  So, with the two of you both around her this morning, I’m sure that Elmar is correct.  Which is why her training has to start immediately.  It saved her life, but she could hurt someone on accident as well.” He looked at the two of them in turn before scrubbing a hand over his face and up into his hair.
Baldur considered it all. “She definitely shouldn’t be alone.  Elmar or I should stay with her during the Council meeting tonight.  You have to talk to them.  The video will speak for itself, I’ll call down to security to have them get us a copy with audio.  We need to protect her till you leave for your cabin with her.  She doesn’t seem the kind to attack someone else, but Jonathan has friends that might not listen to the truth.  Another incident like this one, even with provocation and you know that someone will be out for blood.”
Elmar nodded in agreement.  She also needed to be protected from anyone that Jonathan might know that would seek retribution.  She had not acted wrong, but others might not see that. “I’ll stay with her.  Bal, you figured out what was wrong first.  You can speak to the bruises we saw.  If they want to hear from me, they can send you or Vol in.  I can’t add much that you two wouldn’t be better for.  But if they come for her, they aren’t going to fare well.”  His tone and expression were serious.  There were times that he didn’t trust the Council and this was one.
“El, don’t start a fight where there isn’t one.” Baldur warned.  He knew exactly why he felt that way.  “Vol and I got this.  No one is going to come for her.  This isn’t the same situation as your sister.”  The growl that came from Elmar told him that he might have stepped on a nerve he shouldn’t have, but he didn’t flinch.  “It’s not.  Neither Vol or I are going to let them come for her. You just keep her company and make her tea, if she needs it, with some lemon.  Her throat has got to be killing her.”  He glanced in her direction, concern evident across his face.
“NO. ONE. is going to come for her.” Vollrath stated absolutely.  “We are not going to mention the level of familiarity between her and I, nor that she spent last night in my company.  She came here this morning to meet with the three of us after I confronted her on my property last night preparing to do a ritual she is not trained in.  I convinced her to hear the three of us out about her abilities, and the ritual she clearly did not understand.  That is all that they need to know.  Or do you gentlemen feel differently?”  Vollrath looked at both of them, as they agreed with him.  He too knew the Council often stopped listening when they heard something that they thought was the “real story”, and were wrong.  Limiting the story to just what happened in his office would prevent that.  “How do we explain her having your jacket?”  Elmar asked.  That was the only flaw he could see in the explanation that Vollrath was suggesting. “Everyone knows Vol’s temper.  She wasn’t understanding and accepting what was being said, and he started to lose his temper out of frustration.  She didn’t know about shielding and he didn’t think about that.  He caused her to pass out.  We’ll leave out the real reason: she didn’t understand that you and I were flirting with her just to piss off the big guy, and Vol was actually jealous and about to hit one of us.” Baldur gave a tight smile.  Not one of any of their finer moments and he would be happy to leave it out from anyone ever hearing about it.
“Yes, that would be the better explanation for that.  And we WERE making her tea so you both could tell me what an asshole I am, and how I need to control my temper.  So, it’s not like they will question that.”  Vollrath sighed.  He still felt guilty about that, and now more so that she had been hurt when he left her alone in the office. 
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