#...are there any fics like this already? o.o
firendgold · 7 months
Just wondering, how do you feel about roleswap aus?
Roleswap AU for Harry and Albus? That'd be delicious.
I think there's a fanfic that has a sort of similar premise (although they keep their memories and personalities), but a full roleswap where Albus is the hotheaded Chosen One and Harry is the experienced whimsical mentor would be so... yes. Giiiive it to me.
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fir3ylolol · 7 months
hi fir3y :3333 can we have more johnny cage x camera stuff (anything related, nothing specific; cameras in house, recording w phone etc) w him having a long time crush for y/n 😁 kind of like how you did w smile! you're on camera (i cant remember if i sent this if i already did im sorry 😥😥)
dazed and confused
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pairing: Johnny Cage x Reader
summary: it's been a while since you've seen your good friend johnny. but what happens when long-time crush mixes with weed?
tw: vaginal sex, vaginal penetration, oral sex, blowjob, eating out, cunnilingus, long-time crush, weed usage, intoxicated sex, loss of inhibitions, praise, filmed, sex tape, cumming inside, cum eating, putting on a show, whimpering men heheheh, afab!reader, gn reader
a/n: YAYYY finally another post!! its been forever. this was requested by @keiiikomegumi. gotta love men who fall hard and fuck desperately O.O also i think this is the longest fic other than we want you! ive ever written lol
word count: 2.65 k
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It’s been about 3 weeks since you last saw Johnny, which kinda sucks. He’s always a lot of fun, and you’ve been really stressed lately. So when you get his text reading, “come over 4 dinner, we can chill 0.o”, you quickly respond, “see u thennn”. You leave shortly afterward, excited to finally relax. You roll into his driveway after about 30 minutes of driving, seeing Johnny’s shadowed figure standing in the doorway. You hop out excitedly, walking over and capturing him in a tight hug. He laughs, hugging you back just as tight. “Hey! I’ve missed you, it’s been wayyyy too long. Come in, I’ve already got some food ready.” You walk in, drinking in the familiar sight of his home. You see the table set, two spots right next to each other, with a suspicious look on his face.
“So what do you have in store for me?” You sit down, watching as he disappears into the kitchen. “Well, I know you’ve been under a lot of pressure lately, and so have I. So…” He walks out, a large silver plate covered with a cloche. “I figured we deserved a treat,” he says with a smirk, lifting it and revealing two brownies. Realization hits you hard. You see, this is California, and if there’s any pastime Californians love, it’s getting high. Johnny is no different; in fact, he likes edibles more, since he says smoking will “damage his star-quality voice and flawless skin.” But he lives a stressful life, and he needs a break just as much as you. So seeing two, delicious-looking brownies on separate plates, you know exactly why you were invited. And you nearly cry.
“Johnny…” you smile up at him, “thank you. So much.” His eyes light up, placing the plates down for you two as he sits down next to you. “Yay, I knew you would be happy! Ok, I’ve got plenty of snacks in the fridge and cold ass water, so we’re set.” He picks his brownie up, and you follow, clinking them together like glasses before taking a bite. It’s rich, fudgy, and absolutely one of the best brownies you’ve ever had. With a mouthful of food, you try to speak, “Schit manm, ‘his is schoo good.” He laughs at you, finishing his bite before speaking, “It’s been barely a month and you’ve forgotten your manners?” You smack him lightly, before standing up and getting a glass of water, downing the whole thing. He follows you, giving you a big hug from behind. He’s rocking back and forth, face buried in your neck. He’s always been more touchy with you than his other friends, but you don’t mind. He’s warm and gentle and always smells fancy. But you laugh, rocking with him. “The room’s already spinning, oooooh.” He lifts you slightly, walking through the kitchen. “You’re so high, oh noooo!” He set you down, laughing still. “You’re so much fun, I missed you.”
You feel a slight twinge in your heart, the words must mean more to you than it does to him. You’ve been a little glad not to see him honestly, but only because your feelings for him have gotten that intense. A break was just what you needed, but now? When you’re going to be wasted and he’s just so nice and so close? You might break. But for now, you appear cool laughing as well before managing to say, “I missed you too” without seeming suspicious. And you start to fall into the same routine as usual, he leads you to the couch to chill together and watch something fun. He used to go to the cinema room, but once he got too high, watched Rambo on the big screen, and had a panic attack. Plus, you can’t cuddle in there, and he can’t stand for that, loudly declaring that he’ll rip the chairs out every time you two go in there. But he never does. You two end up talking about the weeks you didn’t see him. He’s been working on a new film, but won’t reveal any details other than it’s “based on a super true story”. And he laments how hard you’ve been working, trying to convince you again, “You should just quit and hang with me all the time. It would be awesome.” But alas, you turn him down again, as tempting as it is.
Before you know it, it’s been almost two hours, and you’re definitely feeling it more, the buzzing in your brain is a little louder, and Johnny’s touch gives you more goosebumps. But he leans back suddenly, looking you up and down. “Wait, I just realized, I can’t remember the last time you told me one of your famous bad date stories. What’s going on?” You fluster at his words, so direct and to the point that you can’t think for a second. You finally manage to speak again, your tongue feeling a little too heavy, “I’ve just been busy, man.” He scrunches up his face, thinking deeply. “When was the last time you got some? You know…” He nudges you, eyebrows raised suggestively. You take an embarrassingly long pause before speaking again. “...a year.” 
He leans forward, directly in front of your face. “A year?! How are you even alive??” You push him as playfully as you can, completely flustered by the whole thing. “Quit it, it’s not funny!” He sighs dramatically, splayed out across the couch. “So what’s up? Someone catch your eye or something?” You pause again, trying not to look at him, but your mouth betrays you. “Yeah, maybe. But it’s fine, he doesn’t like me like that.” He scoffs, head still tipped back, “What an idiot. You’re awesome. He’s really lucky I don’t just snatch you away for myself.” His whole body freezes as if he said something he didn’t mean to. You look at him, eyes wide and muscles tense. “W…what?” You ask tentatively. But he stands up, walking away while waving his arms around, “Nothing, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” But you can see the tips of his ears are bright red, and he’s tapping his foot on the ground, something he only does when nervous. You stand up and walk over, staying behind him. “Johnny, it’s something. Just tell me, it’ll be ok.” He takes a deep breath before speaking, still turned away from you. “I said he was lucky I didn’t take you for myself. I didn’t mean to say it, but honestly, it’s true. I mean, what kind of idiot doesn’t like the most stunning person alive? I just…I said too much, and I didn’t want to weird you out because you’re such a great friend and…” He’s babbling on, saying way too much and not making a ton of sense.
But you grab his hand lightly, which causes him to turn around. His eyes are watery, his cheeks and the tip of his nose are red, and his mouth is scrunched up in a frown. You can’t help but smile at him, squeezing his hand tighter. “Do you like me, Johnny?” He nods like a child, free hand coming up to wipe his eyes. “I like you too,” you say with a smile, no longer nervous or guilty of your feelings. He sniffles, looking at you with his wide brown eyes, “Really? You do?” As you nod, he sort of snaps back to usual, but not in a performative way, in a happy way. “Well of course you do! Who could resist all this?” He smiles before pulling you into a tight hug. “Thank you,” he whispers in your ear before he pulls away. But not fully, as you two lock eyes, and the air grows thick again. You swallow hard, eyes darting across his face nervously. He cups your face with his left hand, and slowly leans in, pressing his lips to yours. It’s exactly like him, warm and gentle, and it makes you dizzy. In fact, you feel your knees buckle slightly, which he laughs at into the kiss. As he pulls away to breathe again, you can’t help but feel hungry for more. You’ve only gotten a taste of what you’ve wanted for so long, and it’s very appetizing.
Johnny quickly pulls you back to the couch, barely able to think before you find yourself on his lap, hands wandering around your back, eyes locked onto yours. His touch is even more intoxicating than normal, with heavy breathing and racing hearts shared between you two. One hand reaches your neck, pulling you back in. But he’s not as gentle this time, like he’s trying to devour you whole. His other hand is on your hip, guiding you to grind against him slowly. Your hands wrap around his neck loosely. He groans into your mouth, squeezing tighter. You feel his tongue in your mouth, desperate for more of you, more than there is. You can feel yourself growing wetter, so high that your previous inhibitions are gone. Everything is happening so fast, and you’re starting to feel desperate.
He finally breaks away, panting heavily, before looking at you needily. And with how pretty his flushed face is and how badly he wants you, you can’t help but slide down to the floor between his legs. His pupils are blown out, a smile twitching at the corners of his mouth. He tries desperately to pull his pants down quickly, struggling slightly.  But he finally frees himself, cock bouncing out as the angry red tip leaks out. He’s embarrassed, turning his head away slightly, but keeping his eyes locked on you. You have no time to tease, absolutely hungry for him, for this. You take him in your mouth, getting most of the way down before you stop, looking up at him sweetly. He gasps, eyes wide and hands clutching at the couch cushions. You start to move, swirling your tongue around him as you keep a steady pace. His eyelids are fluttering, and very quickly he darts his hands out to grab your face lightly, bringing you up to face him. “C-can I film you? I just…I’ve wanted this for so long and you just look so pretty and I just…I don’t want to forget this, any detail of this.” 
You nod lazily, a smile spreading across your lips as you watch him scramble for his phone. He holds it up, hands shaking as he starts filming. You decide to put on a show for him, looking up through your lashes as you go down again, able to get almost all the way down, gagging slightly. He white knuckles the phone, staring at you intensely. His other hand comes up, grabbing your hair in one hand. His voice rasps out, “Wanna see that face, all of it. God, you’re so good at this. Fuck…” He sighs as you reach your hand out, starting to stroke him as you lean your head down, licking at his balls. He jumps slightly, but the most lovely whine escapes his lips, so you continue, trying to overwhelm him with pleasure. And overwhelm him you do, as he starts squirming back and forth at the intensity of it all, more heady whines. He finally remembers to hold the camera steady, trying to still himself. But as you go down again, rapid and sloppy moves, eyes watering as you look up again, his grasp on your hair tightens. He cries out as he cums, shuddering as you keep going, swallowing it all. You pull off with a pant, looking into the camera and sticking out your tongue to show what you did. He’s breathing hard, letting go of your hair and going slightly slack on the couch. But he tugs at your shirt, pulling it over your head. Even fucked out, he wants more.
You stand up, half-naked, and he tries his hardest to get your pants off too. But his hands are too shaky, and he’s trying to keep his grip on the camera. So you step back and slowly peel them off for him, and you can see his cock twitch slightly at the sight of you. You climb back on top of him, kissing him gently. But he leans to the side, propping the phone against the arm of the couch, and flips to the front camera. He shuffles down a little, leaning slightly to pull his pants down further as you pull his shirt off, wanting to feel his warm skin against yours. He kisses your cheek, and down your neck, reveling in the way you arch your back at the feeling. He whispers out shakily, “You ready? Gonna put a show on for me?” You nod, head dizzy again, as he rubs himself against you, audibly groaning at the feeling. He has no time to waste, sinking into you with a heady whimper. You gasp, taking a second to adjust to him, feeling his hands cling to your hips.
But it’s not long before he’s bucking up into you, using his grip on you for leverage. He’s bit down on your shoulder, whimpers slipping out. Your arms are behind his neck, clinging to him like your life depended on it. You feel him let go, raspy whispers in your ear, “You’re so hot, shit, so tight around me. You like putting on a show for me? Yeah?” You nod, moans pushed out at the force he’s moving now. His voice is shaking more now, but he can’t stop talking, “Shit, I don’t know if it’s the weed talking or what, but you’re so fucking good. Can’t believe I didn’t tell you sooner-” He’s cut off, a whimper as he manages to push deeper, completely enveloped in you. He’s losing his mind, hands wrap around your back for more leverage. But it’s not long before he’s cumming again, a whine as he pushes you down as far as he can. He’s trembling more, heavy pants in your ear. But finally, he’s lifting you and setting you down on the couch. Both of you are breathing heavily, trying to calm down after everything. 
That is until he grabs the phone and puts it in your hands. Confused, you look at him, but suddenly, he’s between your thighs, kneeling on the ground. “Can’t leave you wanting, especially after all that.” He dives in, with no sense of patience, as he sucks at your throbbing clit. His fingers pump inside you, your wetness mixing with his cum. You keep the camera on his face, legs pushed apart as you flinch at your sensitivity. He’s looking up at you, sweet eyes locked on you. He lets go slightly, mumbling into you, “Good job, baby, you’re doing such a good job.” You’re moaning, high-pitched, and slipping from your lips. He’s whining into your sopping cunt, vibrations against your clit causing more jumps. But you cling to him, eyes screwed shut as you cum hard, feeling his tongue lapping everything up with fervor. He finally separates from you, sitting down on the couch with an exhale.
He takes the phone, stopping the recording as he puts his arm around you. “I’ll save those for later,” he says, making you giggle slightly, but you’re quite tired. “We should get high more often, huh?” You snuggle into him, enjoying the feeling of his heartbeat under your ear. “Maybe. But hey, those videos better not get leaked or anything.” Your words cause him to whine out, slightly annoyed. “Come on, you know me! I would never. Besides…it would make too many people jealous, you know? Such a pretty thing like you, all for myself.” You laugh again before looking up at him, sleepy but happy eyes. “You’re stuck with me now, by the way.” He hugs you tight, squeezing you with a wide smile on his face. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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harmonysanreads · 2 years
Do you have any yandere blogs to recommend?
Oho, you just gave me an excuse to fangirl >:) I took my time with this ehe
Note : You might already know some of these blogs if you've been in the yandere genshin community for some time but here we go! Please read their dni/byf/rules before you decide to follow or interact with them, too.
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@ddarker-dreams [Yandere multi-fandom]
If it wasn't for Miss Lock's writings I probably would still misunderstand the yandere genre lol, she just makes it AN ART. You can tell how much effort she puts into her work, too! She makes me want to both be an obedient housewife towards the characters and to strangle them ;—; Her Deep Sea is such a masterpiece—I've literally never seen THIS much cultural accuracy in any fanfic and it inspired me to do my own research, too!
@yandere-romanticaa [Yandere multi-fandom]
The face of Yandere Tumblr tbh. Her works always make me end up hanging by the brainrot cliff for days and even WEEKS lmao and I respect her so so so much for helping smaller blogs <333
@bye-bye-sunbird [Yandere Genshin Impact]
The legend, the pioneer of The Capitano Agenda™️!! I personally really love her Spoil of War series—somehow, she makes me think twice about characters I wouldn't have otherwise given much thought towards. (*cough* osial *cough*)
@glimmeringtwilight [Yandere Genshin Impact]
There's just— I can't quite explain it but their writing is just so beautiful??? They can take some of the simplest stuff and execute in such a demure manner o.o
@shumidehiro [Yandere multi-fandom]
I'm a big fan of her Yan!Pantalone works, the way she writes him is so charming<3
@chococolte [Yandere Genshin Impact, sagau]
Her Yan!Al haitham works are something else honestly, easily intensifies my alhaitham brainrot. (help me)
@jessamine-rose [Yandere multi-fandom]
Complexity through simplicity, she'll easily charm you with her writing. She loves tender but twisted endings and executes them wonderfully through her works. I have immense respect for not only her magical prose, but also the fact that she can write so much about characters with little to no screentime xD
@yestrday [Yandere multi-fandom]
10/10 AUs! Very easy to follow but delectable nonetheless<3
@amarias-yandere-genshin [Yandere Genshin Impact]
They've been offline for some time now, I believe, but I still recommend checking them out! They've got some really good content
@moyazaika [Yandere original]
They create some of the most jaw-dropping, heart-stealing Yandere ocs and their prose can easily keep you hooked. My personal favorite is their Yandere!King OC. I must say, Genie writes fear really well <3
@teabutmakeitazure [Yandere multi-fandom]
If I had to recommend one writer who could transform someone into a Childe simp, it'd be her. She comes up with the most creative and delicious brainrots that keep me up at night <3 I particularly admire the way she weaves dialogues :>
@wishluc [Yandere multi-fandom]
I find the reflection of ‘brevity is the soul of wit’ in their writing — how they express so much in such short drabbles is beyond me. Her Yandere!Lilia works are my favorite :>
@throwaway-yandere [Yandere multi-fandom]
Reading Ansy's works is like watching a cool science experiment unfold (I'm not joking). From absolutely show-stopping fics to a literal game — they can do it all. I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to read their works for free <3
There are many other talented blogs out there, of course. These are just the ones I'm most familiar with :>
Last Updated : May 2, 2023
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everlastingdreams · 6 months
The Weeping Monk x Reader : Born In The Dawn Chapter 9
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Story Summary: Locked inside a dark room in a dungeon, kept alive only for your power, you believed you’d never see the daylight again. That is until the Weeping Monk finds his way down and steals you from your captors. It is the beginning of a journey that leads you through hardship and newfound hope, but nothing is assured in a world that is changing for the Fey. The magic that runs in your veins is drawing out the worst the world has to offer, does it include the man who pulled you from the dark?
Chapter Title:  In Sickness And Health
Notes: Just a heads up, Mentions of menstruation in this one. Btw, is my tag list working? O.o
Warnings: Violence. !!Menstruation mention!!. Torture. Sexual Assault. Rape Threat. Gore. Enemies To Lovers. Pining. Trauma. Flagellation. Manipulation. Strong Language. Blood. Gore?. Misogyny. PTSD. Spicy and smut parts. Slight redemption arc.
Other warnings: Jealousy. Forbidden Love. Romance. Slow-burn…
Word count of this fic: +190K
Chapter:  9/ It’s a secret.
Things could not have gotten any worse than they already had, that was what you thought until the first sign of the dull pain settled into your abdomen.
After trying to ignore the cramping, the reason for it had shown itself after all.
One day you had begun to bleed, and by lack of a better option you had ripped a piece of the wool blanket to offer some protection to your trousers.
By doing so, you had believed it would have gone unnoticed to others.
But not by the Monk.
That first day you bled, he had all but barged into the tent only to look confused.
After his eyes had scanned you, they inspected the place.
The dull continuous pain in your abdomen had worsened by the stress his presence brought.
You sat on the bed, back against the fabric of the tent and legs hugged to your chest to suppress the pain.
With a hand on his sword, the Monk had walked around the tent in silence for a moment, then slowly turned to face you.
“What are you looking for?!?” You had asked annoyed.
He took just one step closer and then his expression changed a second later.
He had blinked a few times and turned his head towards the entrance, “Are you wounded?”
You noticed how slow that question had come out, like he was unsure of how to word it.
The answer was a cold, “No.”
His fingers tapped against the pommel of his sword.
A cramp surged through your abdomen and you focused on breathing through your nose and staying composed.
But his eyes missed nothing now, the tensing in your jaw gave it away.
“You are… bleeding.” He tried to state it like a fact, but there was a nervous undertone in his voice.
“Piss off.” Your glare warned him of the thin ice he had decided to tread on.
He sounded like it was a discomfort to him that this was happening, “What do you need?”
You arched a brow. “For you to leave me alone!”
The Monk waited for an actual answer. He was probably not keen on the idea that the blood could taint the ‘holiness’ of the paladin camp.
“I could use a knife.” You tried.
His wit could not have a worse timing. “You are bleeding enough as it is.”
You gritted your teeth in anger, the pain and fury were a dangerous combination.
Something in your eyes must have changed, because the Monk wisely took a step away.
“Linen rags will suffice.” He said, it still sounded close to a question.
And with the look he send your way, it confirmed that it was.
“Clean ones.” You made the demand.
The Monk did not object, it was perhaps a small flicker of humanity left in him.
Another cramp surged through you, telling him of the pain would not help, you would still be forced to heal the paladins.
It bothered you to no end when he stopped only a few paces away.
He took something from behind the sheaths of his swords and held it out for you.
You frowned at what was offered, “Willow bark? Doesn’t the Church forbid Fey medicine?”
The Monk said nothing, and you took it from his hand and popped it in your mouth right away. It was possible that he did not mention using willow bark himself to the paladins or Father Carden.
The situation was uncomfortable, but at least he was not trying to shame you as you would have expected.
“Do not mention this to others.” He said.
“About bleeding, or the willow bark?” You frowned.
He gave a look, then clarified, “The willow bark.”
You half-rolled your eyes but complied. “Fine.”
The Monk stood there for another awkward moment before finally heading towards the entrance of the tent. “I shall return in a moment with what is needed.”
You wouldn’t thank him for doing the bare minimum and said nothing as he left.
Days of cramps and being constantly weakened overall, ended as one could expect.
Those last few days had been filled with healing that drove you to the edge of your abilities. The bleeding had stopped, maybe it was because your body was too weakened.
It wasn’t until you began to behave oddly that they decided that maybe it was a good idea to grant you some rest that evening.
Apparently, a paladin had asked something and you had replied with gibberish.
The sweat running across your skin was a contrast to how cold you felt.
No, you were not of use to them like this.
They brought you back to the tent and considered that a mercy.
You were trying to sleep on that damned cold floor, it felt more like you just lost consciousness for minutes at a time. Had you gotten sick?
Had that fever filled red drape infected you yesterday?
Not even a drip of water was near you to have a sip.
You switched between covering yourself with the wool and throwing it off continuously. Too hot, too cold, there seemed to be no in between.
Your muscles shivered, shaking your whole body under the wool.
Had those shivers been what woke you up from another shallow slumber, or was it the faint concerned whispers of the Hidden?
You peeked with one eye, groaned, and turned over on your other side.
The voice of the Monk came from behind you, “You have a fever.”
Like you were not aware of that fact by now…
You mumbled your annoyance, “That’s what happens if I am pushed towards sick people all the time.”
You felt something being placed on your shoulder and froze completely.
It had been a test of him to see how you would respond to him touching you when it wasn’t to drag you off somewhere.
The weakness that had overtaken your body made you far more vulnerable than you’d want to be.
So when he brought his hand to feel your forehead, you squeezed your eyes shut and even that hurt.
He sounded quite pensive. “They said it sounded like you were delirious.”
You shrugged your shoulders, feeling too weak to converse.
He moved his hand away from your forehead.
A second later you could smell the warm scent of a pastry right in front of your nose.
Never before had you snatched food from someone’s hands so quickly.
You pulled pieces of the pastry to carefully eat it, not risking to upset your already upset stomach further.
Whilst you nibbled on it, you could feel his eyes on you.
You said nothing and ignored him whilst eating.
Minutes went by and the only sound in that tent was of your chewing.
You wondered why he was still here. “Staying here to make sure I don’t die? We both know who will be blamed if I do.”
Your voice sounded stronger already. A good sign.
He all but admitted to it. “Letting you die would be a terrible loss.”
A healer capable of saving even those on the verge of death was of the greatest value.
You continued to tear pieces of the pastry and put them in your mouth
The Monk stated why he was there, “I will watch over your health here tonight.
He reached over and caught the rope on your wrists between his fingers, it took him only a moment to free you from them.
The pastry was forgotten by you. “Aren’t you worried I will attack you?”
His brow arched high. “You can barely eat. I will take the risk.”
You scrunched your nose, bothered by how obvious it was that you were too ill.
The Monk stood, went over to the entrance of the tent and plucked the tankard of water he’d placed there earlier up from the ground.
You tried your best to sit up, your muscles protested against it.
He offered you the water and you did not refuse it.
It was empty within seconds, like your body was the dry soil accepting the long awaited rain.
The pieces of pastry went down your throat much easier now.
Your eyes followed him around the tent. “Is the priest telling you to bring me these kinds of food? He’s more the kind of person to bring stale bread.”
He was quick to hide that curve of his mouth from your sight. “He ordered me to keep you alive.”
So, he was breaking a rule here and there.
You couldn’t hide how you saw right through it. “Uhuh.”
And he was keeping you alive.Afterexcursions he did not return with heavily wounded anymore, not after he had seen the brutal toll it took on you.
Those who would have died quickly without being healed were often already declared dead by him. Even if he could feel their heartbeat when inspecting them, if they were not conscious anymore, they were left behind.
You didn’t flick the remaining crumbs from your hand and nipped them off your fingers instead, “Is this the part where we try to have a friendly conversation and forget you’re armed to the teeth?”
The Monk faced you now and calmly folded his hands behind his back, “Are you capable of friendly conversation?”
You rolled your eyes at that wit he displayed.
“I have questions.” He began.
“Ask the god you pray to.” You passed on the task.
With the patience of a saint, he rephrased it. “Questions for you.”
You muttered an annoyed curse. “What is it?”
He dared to ask, “You have family. Why is it then that you were the only one down there in that dungeon? I believe those men would have preferred to have more of your kind.”
You weren’t willing to answer questions about them.
He took something from at his side, where he had kept it hidden and safe. A vial with a small amount of greenish liquid inside.
You eyed it with great suspicion, “What is that?”
He came closer while studying the vial. “Considering you cannot heal yourself, I brought something that will.”
Medicine… something that would help you feel better…
“You’re bribing me with it?” You were disappointed to see it happen.
He knelt in front of you and held it up a little. “You know more of me than I know of you. Shall we make it even?”
The urge to snatch it from his hands was strong. “I never told Ives and Hutch that I had family.”
It was all you answered before trying to steal it from his hands.
He held it out of your reach faster than you could take it. With a slight tilt of his head, he was quietly encouraging you to give him the answers he sought.
You really wanted that vial… “I have not seen my family in months. I walked away and didn’t turn back.”
Immediately he fished for more information, “Why did you leave them?”
You scooted back and further away from him. “There was a disagreement.”
Again he prevent you from taking the vial.
It was getting on your nerves. “Alright! They wanted me to be someone I’m not.”
Finally, he let you snatch the damned thing from his hands.
You opened the vial and smelled it, “Why does it stink so much?”
Suddenly you became rather reluctant to drink it.
The Monk noticed it. “It is not poison.”
Swiftly his fingers stole it from yours and he took a tiny sip of it, then handed it back.
Your response to his mouth having been on the vial was, “Yuck.”
He was trying not to look insulted. “Just drink it. It will help lower the fever.”
You sighed and took a sip. “This is disgusting…” Another sip. “Manbloods and their medicine.”
He watched you drink. “Better than dying.”
It was to be debated. “I wouldn’t say that.”
Once it was empty, he took the vial back, like you would try to stab him with it or something…
He went over to the entrance of the tent and took place against it’s fabric wall next to it.
A silence passed between you.
When you looked at him, he said, “To have sympathy for the enemy, is a complicated matter, is it not? "
You laid back down under the wool. “At least I know what sympathy and true kindness is.”
Hearing it stung at him.
“True kindness?” He repeated.
You did not hold your tongue, “Not the sort that is meant to keep a prisoner pliable. I know it when I see it.”
So this was a personal shot aimed at his actions.
Another sting was fired. “You even refused to give me something for the fever unless I told you what you wanted to know.”
He protested, “I would have given you the vial-”
You refused to let him say it. “But I do not know that!”
The strength the words came out with caused you to cough.
Did you think him so cruel?
He waited until your cough settled down, “Have many treated you so illy?”
You turned over, facing the wall instead. “I have been hunted all my life for what I am capable off. By Manbloods, the Church and…”
Your clan rarely spoke the name of the Reaper, the leader of the Brotherhood, out of fear that it would bring the monster closer.
“And I?” He guessed.
Your eyes fixed on your hands. “No. There were others. They hunt the Dawn Folk for their value. Even the bones of Dawn Folk are worth their weight in gold, some believe even those have healing abilities.”
“Manbloods?” He asked.
Monsters more like. “Yes… Ives and Hutch were part of them, but they preferred to make their coin alone. They would have gotten very wealthy.”
Now their only wealth was the maggots eating their rotting corpses.
You warned him for them too, “I would be careful if I were you. I don’t think your kind is common here either. Or am I wrong?”
His question quickly followed up on it, “Have you seen others like me?”
There was no point to lie to him about it. “No. If those marks under your eyes are the sign of them, then I am quite certain I haven’t seen others like you before.”
The silence fell, telling you that perhaps he wished you had seen others like him before.
Why could you just sense that it had disappointed him to hear it? Was it because the Hidden linked themselves to you?
You waited for him to say something, then looked over your shoulder to see him with his attention fixed on his boots. “You’re not going to fall asleep, are you?”
His eyes rose to meet your face and he confirmed it with a smirk.
You had already turned your head when rolling your eyes. “Well, I am.”
It was quite odd how quiet he could be, like he wasn’t even there. It helped with falling asleep, and this time you did not wake up after only a few minutes. Whatever filth had been in that vial, it had worked it’s purpose.
The singing of birds woke you early, it was lovely to wake up without the nausea.
You hugged the wool over your body and rolled over.
There he was, still sitting where he had been hours ago.
But now his eyes were closed and a window of opportunity opened instead.
Those swords at his side sparkled in your eyes like gold to a magpie.
You moved the wool from your body and started to crawl closer to him, getting up to walk could cause a noise you could not afford to make.
Of course he would sit in a way that made it difficult to get to the swords.
A dagger would suffice too and you carefully moved his cloak aside.
You were practically leaning over him to try and steal one, your hand wrapped around the handle and slowly pulled it from the belt.
His hand shot out and caught the one stealing the dagger, you would have fallen flat on your rear had you been standing.
His eyes opened a second later and you realized you were far too close now.
Too close to his face…
The initial fright was replaced with a sudden shyness that you had to suppress to glare at him.
“That took you long.” It could not be more obvious that he had expected this to happen earlier.
You were close enough to feel his breaths on your nose.
He never looked away and quite patiently said, “Let go off the dagger.”
Your brain was slow now and he took it upon himself to pry the dagger from your fingers.
It was baffling how at ease he was. “I will overlook this. This time.”
When he released your wrist you pushed yourself away from him.
“Damn you.” It slipped out of you.
He questioned your trail of thought that had led to this, “What was your plan? To kill me in my sleep?”
You ignored most of what he asked on purpose. “The Hidden wouldn’t let me.”
You slowly moved back towards the wool.
A rooster sounded in the distance.
“Brother!” A paladin called out and startled you both.
The Monk did little to hide how annoying he found it and loudly called back, “What is it?”
The paladin explained from outside the tent, “Father is asking for you. There is a visitor!”
He stood up from the ground. “Tell him I am coming.”
You heard the paladin walk away from the tent and saw the Monk collect the rope from where he had put it down.
He looked at you expectantly, he did not even have to ask, you knew what he wanted you to do.
You held up your hands begrudgingly and he bound your wrists together.
“Feeling better?” He guessed.
“I think so.” You admitted.
He was not so sure of it. “I will come to collect you at midday.”
Was this his way to let you rest some more? You didn’t comment on it.
With an awkward nod your way, he turned and left the tent.
It was not difficult for the Monk to find Father, a group was bundled together and he went over to the crowded area.
Paladins stood around, watching Father who appeared to be in conversation with a man.
A man who could pass for a mercenary, but who sounded to well spoken to truly be one.
With a set of thin knives, so stained from extensive use that he could still smell the blood present on them, on display on the leather strap that went across his chest.
This man was far outnumbered, even with the few in his company. Still there was not a sign of fear in his expression.
The men with him all shared a symbol that hanged around their neck, a golden cross with a sword in it.
Father beckoned for the Monk to come closer and excused himself to the man for a moment. “My son, that man is Soran, a former Trinity Guard who still serves the Church in other ways. So are the men with him.”
The Monk kept his voice low. “Why are they here?”
The man, Soran, had heard the question. “It has come to my attention that you are in the possession of a Fey girl. Dawn Folk to be precise.”
“Nothing but rumors.” Father Carden denied it.
Soran approached the both of them. “I do hope not. I have been searching for the last four of the Dawn Folk.”
There were only four of your clan left?
How did this man know?
“Four?” The priest’s curiosity was piqued.
Soran told the gruesome story, “Only the strongest survived the enslavement of the Dawn Folk. They have been hunted for centuries because of their magic. Even the bones of the youngest were sold to those who believed it could heal them still.”
These were the Manbloods you had spoken off… and now they were here.
This was not only a threat to you but to himself as well.
Soran presented himself as an ally. “Show me this girl, Father Carden. I will confirm if she is Dawn Folk for you.”
He could not tell Father that he already knew this information. Father would not be pleased to hear he was withholding information.
When the priest was reluctant, Soran casually said, “And Abbot Wicklow will not hear from me that you are using Fey magic for your purpose.”
It was a blatant blackmail attempt.
Father Carden could barely hide his irritation towards the former Trinity Guard, he turned to a paladin and gave the order to bring you out.
Soran did not even bother to take a step aside to let the paladin pass, forcing him to move around him instead. “If this girl is who I think she is, she is of great value to us all. Especially to the Church. With my influence the Abbot will come to see the benefits of one such as her.”
This man knew more of you, off your clan.
What had you been hiding? Why were these Manbloods so eager to find you in particular?
Father Carden was quick to try and get advantage out of this. “Are you willing to commend our efforts to the Holy Father too?”
Soran knew that the priest was willing to bargain. “Getting the Abbot on your good terms is the first step of it. The Holy Father will listen to us if we present him with evidence together.”
The Monk gave the silent sign that he wished to say something to the priest in private.
Soran saw it and took it upon himself to move back to his following for a moment.
“Father, we do not know if we can trust this man.” He expressed his doubts over it.
The priest quietly answered him, “He can help us with the mission! Perhaps even find the other Fey like her. She can be our weapon.”
The Monk spoke the word that one should avoid saying when in conversation with the priest, “But-”
Father Carden would not hear the protest. “It is your failure to kill the Wolf Blood Witch that forces us to this! With Soran as our ally, the Abbot will put in a good word for us with the Holy Father.”
After the explanation was grumbled at him, he watched Father Carden return to Soran as if the man was a long lost friend.
He disliked how this stranger looked at him as if he already knew the secret he kept.
Nothing good could come of this.
You were really getting sick of being dragged around by those stinking red drapes all the time. More than once you ‘accidentally’ bumped your elbows into them as they led you to what looked like a gathering of red drapes.
The sunlight reflected on something and it caught your eye.
The closer you got, the more you were able to distinguish the men present. Some of them were not dressed as paladins, were they new?
And then you saw it, the large ring around the finger of a man who seemingly had his eyes locked on you.
You recognized the symbol it bore…
There was only one known in the Brotherhood to wear such a ring among them.
The Reaper, their heartless leader.
By some even referred to as the Angel Of Death, for the handsome appearance cloaked the darkness that filled the void where a heart should have been.
It was the first time you had seen him in the flesh, he matched the description the Dawn Folk had spread of him perfectly.
Black hair with shimmering streaks of grey that nearly touched his shoulders and sharp features. Eyes with a stare cold as ice that chilled your skin at sight.
Fear wrapped it’s claws around your heart and you struggled against the paladins leading you right to him. “No!”
You tried to strike anyone who got near to help keep you in control. Adrenaline had taken over, all you saw was danger and enemies.
The Monk was on his way upon seeing the paladins struggle terribly.
Soran reached you first and his way to take control of the situation was a violent one.
The fast and rough hold on your throat filled you with dread, you could not get enough air in your lungs to let out a single sound.
“Quiet now, dove.” Soran’s eyes were cold, his tone condescending.
The hands responsible for murdering so many of the Dawn Folk were on you now.
The Hidden’s whispers were full of contempt towards him.
Soran drew one of those thin knives from at his chest and sliced the skin of your hand open.
The sudden burst of pain made your eyes flicker green.
He confirmed his believe loudly, “She is Dawn Folk.”
The hand was ripped away from your throat by the Monk, who placed himself between you and Soran.
“Cutting her skin will weaken her! I thought you said we needed her?” He coldly gave the reason for his reaction to Soran and Father Carden.
The Reaper looked highly offended by the intervention. “Her healing hands will weaken her faster than that cut ever could.”
The Monk looked towards the priest. “Father?”
Not even Father approved of the unexpected action, Soran could have killed you that very moment.
The priest commanded the paladins, “Return her to the tent.”
You were whisked away instantly, blood ran down over your fingers.
Once back in the tent, you realized how badly you were shaking.
The countless stories of the Reaper’s reign of terror flashed through your mind.
He knew of your existence now and you’d spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder.
@ourlazydetectivekitten​​ @the-great-adventures-of-me​ @linkpk88​​  @fxrchxldws​​  @elenaoftheturks​​ @slytherlight​​ @beananacake​​    @crystallizedtime​​  @moonlightaura03​​  @angrygardendeer​​  @have-aheart​​   @5am-cigarette​​ @arcanenature​​  @thewinterskywalker​​ @notyourwildestdream​​ @coloursforyourportrait​​ @koressecretidentity​​ @nike90​​ @n1ghtlux​​ @rachlovesactors​​ @luckyzipperscissorsbat​​ @morena-doing-stuff​​  @the-fangirl-diaries​​ @gipsydanger17​​ @heavenly1927​​  @phantasmalbeiing  @labyrinthonmymind  @asarcastic-thiamstan​​  @rainyv-skies @kissingandromeda @stclairesplace​​
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist of this story.
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redpiperfox · 15 days
was rereading rosette, and your author's note mentions that you chose specific characters for specific roles. i am VERY curious about All Of Them, i cant pick just one, so i'll leave you with the jurisdiction of choosing which ones to talk about? or you could mention all of them... haha jk unless
Just so you know how much I waffled this answer, I've currently been text-character-limit blocked on my response O.o Did not know there was a limit, but uh, I reached it trying to reply >.<
Will give you the answer over a couple of reblogs!:
I saw Rosette and my heart started racing, I clutched my pearls, I needed to sit down, I AM NOT NORMAL ABOUT THAT FIC ToT
I could Actually write endless essays about so many little details of that work... so much went into it, and I have to remind myself that I need to remind myself that the streets aren't aware of how Insane I am, and that is probably for the better XP
Hwang family: other than the obvious of all the characters featured in the extended family home 2hwang grow up in sharing the surname "Hwang," I picked dancers and the sort of connections that reflect canon. Niki looking up to Hyunjin and following in that legacy (yeah, I know he's not a "real" Hwang, but my au so I do what I want XD), SinB [Hwang Eunbi] as the kindest to them as the pioneer in 4th gen dancing gems. Also, the name Eunbi gives me mother-hen visions from my time knee-deep in Iz*one so XD
Hometown village: I had decided I needed to save all of SkzItzy for the new village they move to, which left me with the current village to fill of good friends, but not found family people. Aespa was an obvious choice as Itzy's irl friends, and I decided to dust in Enhypen members since I already had Niki. "Taeyhyung" was a generic enough name that I didn't feel like I was villainizing any particular boy group member XD Picking 2PM's Wooyoung was probably my favorite part of the hometown village-- it's been so sweet watching him be this JYP mentor figure for all of skz publically since Kingdom, and for the group personally since much before from what Chan's told us. This "respectable gentleman" figure who's removed enough from current happenings seemed to fit him really well.
Foster family: [giggles] Okay so SeungBin being siblings? Absolutely completely canon, Seungmin is such an annoying younger brother and Changbin takes the preachy protective older brother so well, and making them the first thoughtful and concerned people 2hwang meet was the perfect way to build them into the new village. I built the rest of the family around them: Chaeryeong is already Changbin's annoying baby sister confirmed XP Sunmi was easy to fit next to them, I think of Chaeryeong as sort of the next generation Sunmi performance wise, and Seungmin is always joked as being the role Sunmi was in teasing the company and JYP himself. Younghyun I knew needed to be central in someway, and as a very involved, very well known and respected idol of his generation who has so much history and present influence in the company, I put him right in the center as an older adult who makes the village feel like home.
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teejaystumbles · 1 year
WIP game
tagged by @landwriter , thanks!! <3
rules: list your WIPs and describe them
Flatter the Mountain Tops - my beloved dragon AU! It started as a wild idea on the Discord friend server where dragons were trending LOL and when I started writing it it turned into something at least twice as long as originally intended (like my fics often do because I have a wild idea and run with it and then... I start to want to get things right, background, landmarks and maps in my head, possible historical or canon references, fucking medieval music and swear words, DRAGON SEX ANATOMY and... STUFF O.O - and sooner than later I am in long-fic hell. Again.) It's about finding - and accepting - love and finding the heart to accept the other's differences, also learning to accept your own faults and overcoming them without losing yourself. I've never had therapy but I'm kinda trying to treat myself here LOL. If it's no good in the eyes of a therapist, well. I write it for myself first and foremost. I have a clear outline and even chapter number already figured out, now writing the second half of it is the only thing that remains. @amielot has been a blessing with their art for my dragons and I couldn't hope for a better incentive. <3
A Friendly Heart - my Last Unicorn AU that is on ice at the moment because I'm writing the dragons. I am a bit stuck in the depth of describing detailed events in this, and while I know where it's supposed to go, I haven't figured out all the details in the middle yet. I hope to return to it once the dragons are done. :)
Go Forth - This is just a collection of ideas I am assembling at the moment. It may never be a written fic, I want to draw a lot for this, so maybe it'll only ever be a handful of illustrations, but in my mind they are connected by the following idea: Dream is stuck in the depths of the Dreaming, either self-inflicted or through some event I haven't decided on, and Hob tries to find and help him. He has to traverse the Dreaming or rather, the dreamscapes Dream is hiding in, which turn out to be fairytales, mostly. Cast in a role, he has to figure out how to carry on through the story, find Dream and hope to wake him. It doesn't work well the first times and Hob is lost in the narrative that Dream unconsciously controls. With time he begins to realize what Dream is actually looking or hoping for in these stories... I'll share a few WIP drawings with you, as a treat! :3
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I could also call this one a part of it, I'll probably use it for something or other where Hob gets the princess role LOL
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I'm not tagging anyone because I can't keep track of who has already done this (multiple times like me), any of my mutuals who haven't done this in a while, feel free to share some stuff about your WIPs!!
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elvenbeard · 1 year
I have too many VP ideas HELP. I need to write them down somewhere where I'll find them again so here we go, what is a blog if not a notepad?
part one of an attempt at making a big edit - gonna be a set of four pics, revolving around Vince's Arasaka past and how merc life is honestly the same shit, just a different packaging (the project I mentioned earlier this week that I needed a lot of pics for XD it's also inpsired by a song that fits him so well that I've been listening to non-stop on repeat basically for two weeks now xD) ✅ done!!
the harness photoshoot: gonna make two photosets here too, one a bit more clothed than the other xD ✅done!! :D
Currently in progress/still need to edit:
A photoset of V through the years (inspired by several other's amazing takes on this <3) - headcanon/lore posts for the most important moments or timeframes in his life -> pics taken, still need editing and writing though xD
V showing Kerry some of his favourite places in the city and vice versa -> started this, but now I wanna write something for everything too and aaahh xD
Some pics to accompany the post-canon fic I spontaneously started writing -> have a couple taken already, need editing still
Part two of the big edit thingy from above: with more song lyrics that just hit the spot XD -> have a few pics taken but might scrap and redo them
Currently not started on these yet, but the ideas are not leaving my head and/or have been with me for a bit (some a lot more complex than others):
Dirtbike tour through the badlands, because hell yes - would like to incorporate this in a little fic somehow, post-canon but not too far in the future
Just V chilling with Nibbles in the penthouse garden - the grass may be fake, but I think it's been a while for both of them since they touched grass and they deserve some peace and happiness XD (might incorporate this in the same story/ time frame as the idea above - we'll see!)
V and Kerry hanging out, listening to music
Kinky Kings (I am tempted to change their ship name ngl xD but I think I'll keep it and do a cool photoshoot instead)
Some promotional pics (sorta) for Kerry's new album (potentially in black and white? I'm not sure yet but I'd really like to do a bw set!!)
Not really a big VP thingy, but I've wanted to do a headcanon post about Kerry's cyberware, what all of it is and does and when/how he got it/ had to get it - need close up pics for some of that though (and any excuse to look at Kerry for prolonged periods of time honestly)
V and Kerry on a bike tour through the city at night - no deeper meaning here other than "let's blow off some steam" "okay :3" *five minutes later* "okay, this is not what I had in mind o.o but still fun!" (also Night City at night <3 but I have no idea yet how to pull it off with traffic and all probably running me over repeatedly as I set this up, but we shall see xD gonna be an interesting challenge for sure!)
More photo stories with V and Jackie, but no concrete ideas here yet
A photo story/ fic with pics of "that one perfect morning" I mentioned in a oneshot once, meaning the morning after Boat Drinks - also ties in a bit with the "favourite places" idea) - I am also tempted to do this as a comic instead, but don't even get me started on my comic ideas and all that's in progress there... the day needs more hours!
Also I wanna do more spicy stuff :3c but no concrete ideas here yet (maybe I'll redo the window photoshoot some time because with the graphics update their reflections might look even nicer... we shall see though!)
Road Trip with V and Kerry!!
Just some nice aesthetic model-y shots with Vince because he's pretty xD
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hollywoodsargeant · 10 months
There's a part of me that feels really bad for Mia and Ben because they just want it to work out and are probably trying to not be jealous because they are just "best friends" but yeah I'd probably be a bit weirded out if my partner admitted to having kissed/made out/had sex with their best friend and like pretty recently too.
There's also a part of me that's happy that they understand that their friendship is not exactly conventional but I'm just like boys come on, I can't even say "JUST KISS EACHOTHER" because THEY'VE ALREADY DONE THAT!!!
I'm nervously awaiting the college/uni time where the boys have to say goodbye to eachother unless miraculously they end up going to the same uni (O.o) but there's a part of me who just feels like they won't do that (or you won't write thay) because absence makes the heart grow fonder (though if their hearts grow any fonder they might explode)
This is by far one of the best stories I've ever read I think about this everyday, every second of the day. I'm always thinking about Loscar and how they're so stupid but I signed up for a slow burn. I can wait (shaking in excitement)
i said it earlier but REST IN PIECES MIA AND BEN </3 but yeah like. again mentioned it earlier ben specifically being under the impression that oscar hadn't seriously kissed logan in a While (spin the bottle doesn't count. all jokes) only to find out they had not only kissed but had sex recently... probably not the most spectacular thing to hear. clearly we as a collective are all rooting for oscar and logan to get together which makes ben (+ mia) an obstacle but still rip. you will be missed. i'm partial to ben bc i gave him my coming out story lol
but we are not done with giving them exes. logan is fr about "not for a while" or whatever i made him say BUTTTT... yeah we all know. at least i know. somebody knows. har har
i have been excited to write college since chapter one like i have. some scenes i wrote forever ago that are yet to see the light of day... excited. and yea they do go to different colleges. that fucking. it'll be fourteen years at that point and neither of them can properly remember a day where they didn't see each other? surely that will go well
and thank you so much <3 i too am always thinking about loscar and their idiocy but i signed myself up to write a slow burn... even if i might have severely underestimated the length of my own fic at the beginning there. shoutout to chapter one for being less than 5k words long. in my defense meddling with teenagers is way more fun than 4 year olds
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lilolilyr · 6 months
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@viharistenno answering your comment on this ask here because apparently there’s a text limit to replies and I wrote too much!
SIOC stands for self-insert original character. As in, you end up in the world (in this case twilight), either stuck in the body of the main character or as yourself… and I’ve seen too many twilight memes around and ended up reading fic again and I think being stuck in the twilight world would be an unholy mix of hilarious, fucked up, cool, deeply sad (bc it’d also mean being forever away from everyone and everything I’ve known here - sth lots of SIOC fic tend to ignore but I think it’d be interesting to explore) and also I can’t decide whether, if I ended up in the twilight world forrealsies, I’d try to meet vampires and get vampireimmortalized immediately or try to stay the Fuck away from them and their idiotic conflicts and problems. Also do I want to be a TwiPire? I mean I definitely don’t want to be a classic vampire but twilight vampires are also all levels of fucked up and canon doesn’t really make it clear How many levels of fucked up and I guess if I was a twilight SIOC I’d not know that either until it was too late… anyway, interesting thought experiment :D but I probably won’t write any of it into an actual fic
Ohhh you also like Milippa? I didn’t know! You’re not in the discord are you? I think I’ve only seen you in the B&W one before but maybe this is my bad memory at it again o.o
Anyway yeah I’m writing the dream sci-fi dystopia as Milippa but more just because out of the ships I ship, they fit the characters I dreamt up best? I mean in my dream I saw Rosamund Pike and Jean Smart take that as you will lmao, but I’m changing stuff to turn it into a proper Milippa fanfic anyway. Probably mostly prime/mirror Milippa vibes, but some mirror Michael ish backstory and Philippa character wise bit of both? They’re both AU anyway so who cares, but idk how to character- tag it on Ao3 yet xD haven’t gotten around to write more to it yet anyway bc I was busy writing 2k for one of the Bering and wells advents ficlets yet, and it isn’t even finished yet!
Dreams definitely can do weird stuff! Yesterday I dreamt I was in a forest and poisoned chocolate grew on trees or something xD but usually it’s just weird shit like that, not whole damn storylines!
Yeassss same! It’s so great that it’s coming together so nicely, I can’t believe we have writers through to day 10 without any gap days, we might actually manage to have a full advent calendars without skipping over some days! When I made the first post only two days before December started I expected to get sign up for maybe half the days max!
Re:target audience for weird fanfic ideas, Yeah that’s also true :D but I already told myself the story didn’t I? I don’t need to write it down for that! I mean, most of the fic I write is still very very self indulgent, but it’s really more that all the stories I tell myself are for me, and out of those self indulgent story ideas I write down the ones I want to share with the world and think I might have a nice audience for! Stories that would need 50k backstory on how the Fuck I ended up with this crossover AU headcanon bullshittery don’t really make the list xD
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diorsbrando · 2 years
sosa ! hi ! ! i was wondering, do you have any aki fic recs ? (o.o ;) i've been craving some aki smut lately and feel like you might have some great recs hehe <3 even fluff or angst or really just abt anything, as long as it has aki, i'm all ears
GYUUU MY DARLING HELLOOO!! first off i really love ur theme and new aesthetic it’s so cute !!!
also i am HONORED you’ve come to me asking about fic recommendations for my boyfie mr aki hayakawa <3 that man has a grip on me since i picked up the manga alll those months ago and hasn’t let go since :) not that i want him too
but YES i do have a couple of recommendations for you, but ima come back and edit this for you when i find more, these are just off the top of my head ❤️ ( i was gonna recommend my little drabble but then i remembered you already read and rb it LMFAOOOOOOO )
literally anything by @cyancherub that has to do with aki. CASSIE IS LITERALLY HAYAKAWA CENTRAL LIKE OKMFFFFGG even the asks she receives are so amazing. but gyu listen…u NEED to read her series menthol like. YOU JUST GOTTA!!! from the snippets ive seen, it’s toe curling, gut wrenching, stomach tighteningly good. let me stop fangirling PLEASE
also anything by @akicore !! i don’t have a specific fic but any drabble or ask or whatever about aki is worth the read <3 SO SOO GOOOD literally anything in the csm that violet has written is good
there’s this one fic by @venusflytrapstar that’s sooooo…. UGHHHHHH OMFMGGG it’s called “a sin to know” DEFINITELY U SHOULD READ THIS TOO 🏃🏽‍♀️ very smutty
shameless self promo— i have a fic about aki coming out hopefully today !! so ill be sure to tag you when it’s done :))))
umm like i said if i find anything else ill come back and it here !!❤️
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lurking-latinist · 1 year
character meme - six; cally & vila; uljabaan, katrina & lucy! (just to be greedy - you can just answer whichever set you prefer tho)
I will be greedy too!
Sixth Doctor <3
Could you take them in a fight? Absolutely not in a million years. He wouldn't, but I couldn't.
Would you let them cook for you? ...Yes, because I want to see how he managed to burn Peri's cold supper. I would not then eat it.
They give you a haircut! Is it any good? I feel like if the Doctor felt the need to give someone a haircut, it would be for a Reason. So it might actually be quite good!
What would they get you for your birthday, if anything? I feel like he would be a book-gifter. Goodness knows what book. Perhaps something from the future. I'd enjoy it!
If they were a YouTuber, what sort of content would they create? Would you be subscribed to them? I've been sitting here for several minutes trying to imagine Six on YouTube. You'd think he'd enjoy it, it involves talking and being looked at, but I think he'd find it unrewarding to be talking to people who aren't there. So I think he'd interview interesting people. I might subscribe! Or perhaps he would interview animals with a tiny mic, a crossover which has just occurred to me and which is now filling me with delight.
Cally & Vila
You have to choose one to erase from their series! Who do you pick? Oh that's tough. Vila's more central to the plot but Cally is my number one favorite whom I love the most. Sorry, I think I'll have to get rid of Vila; perhaps without him they'll have to let the women do more things. I hope he was erased from the series by never being caught in the first place.
Who would you rather run into in a dark alley at night? Well, Vila is definitely there to pick my pocket; Cally could kill me, if she had a reason, but she might not. (This is quite a dangerous meme for me!) So I'll pick Cally.
Who would you save from a burning building? Who would be more likely to save you from a burning building? Why do I have to choose?? Is Blake's 7 not tragic enough yet??? Well, as mentioned, I love Cally the most of all. And I think maybe Vila would be more likely to find a way out. But on the other hand, Cally absolutely should be able to find her way out (and is more likely to save me), I just don't trust anyone's luck in this show.
Who would win in a dance-off? Definitely Vila.
They swap bodies for 24 hours! How badly do they mess up (or improve) each other's lives? ...O.o Cally might be fairly relaxed about it; stranger things happen to her on the regular anyway. Vila would hate it so much. Presumably her telepathy is involved in some way... I can imagine the fic, you know!
Uljabaan, Katrina, and Lucy
Who would you rather swap aesthetics/outfits with for a day? I have no actual idea what any of them dress like, you know! But I imagine Uljabaan wears either a uniform or boring suits, and I don't really need to dress like a teenager from 2012 (I did that once already, I don't wish to relive it), and I've always imagined Katrina being quite stylish, so I guess Katrina.
Who do you team up with in a 2v2 volleyball match? Which side wins? I team up with Lucy and I think we have a chance! (For once.) I'm not very good but she might be, and she's younger than me, and Uljabaan and Katrina will not work together well.
If each of them got one million dollars, who would waste/spend their money the fastest? You'd think it'd be Lucy but it'd be Uljabaan. On Schemes. Even if all of them have access to outside-the-village purchases; if Katrina and Lucy are stuck trying to spend theirs at the charity shop, there's even less competition.
Who would die first in a horror movie? Who would be the survivor? You know, I think Lucy's periodical genre-savviness might take her a long way. So if she's the survivor, her mentor is definitely killed early on--sorry Katrina!--and Uljabaan lives to go into dark rooms, suggest splitting up to investigate, and generally plague Lucy.
They're all on the run from the law! What crimes did each commit and who is most likely to get caught? Katrina and Lucy are on the run from Uljabaan, I should think, for Resisting, who is himself on the run from the Geonin military police for Being Very Bad At This-related crimes.
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
Kiki! Every time I see a post with capybaras I think of you now and that makes me 🥺🥺🥺 even harder than I originally was because of the capybaras themselves. And I'm on capybara tiktok, so it happens quite frequently.
Also completely unrelated lmao but about your question about long smut scenes. I personally like to read lengthy scenes with a lot of detail of any variety, so that includes smut too. I've yet to read from an author on here who has bored me by making a scene too long tbh. But I feel like that's all up to personal preference.
I'm sure anything you write would be amazing, so I hope you just write what you want!
Sending you lots of love and energy to finish The Weekend 💞💞💞
when you look for capybara's they start appearing literally everywhere it's actually insane-
i also personally like long smut scenes! however, i like them from a reader's perspective yk? when it comes to my own smut things get a lil dicey lol. especially now that i have 4 fics with smut out already i'm kinda like.... how am i supposed to write this different than i did the other 4 times i wrote ? o.o
all that to say, the smut ended up being like 5k words so YIKES I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT LMAO!! thank you for all the love and support u mean sm to me u precious bean :') <3
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zeawesomebirdie · 2 years
Tomas I just realised I didn't rec you that one back when you asked for Tomarrymort fics, not directly at least, but I just remembered it and it's a delight so! The Marry-Harry Incident by (dearly beloved) Anna Hopkins!! It's short it's good the sequel is dope too, if you haven't read it go for it (as well as all the other fics by this author I swear they are so good I already said it but my god)
The summary to reel you in: « "Why, is that an engagement ring you're buying, Harry? Who's the lucky witch or wizard, hm?" Harry... panicked. "..You. It's for you." Or: When Voldemort shows up at a Muggle department store, Harry blurts out the first explanation that comes to mind. » literally in love
That's all for my nightly genius strike bye bye love you
Ram my beloved, this is such a delayed answer (though not as delayed as the other will be o.o) but omg this fic!!
I'm still making my way through your tomarrymort recs, so I haven't gotten to any Anna Hopkins before reading this one, and by the Force this fic (and its sequel!) is so damn good! I love a good idiot!Harry just trying his best! And the way Voldemort just rolls with it is so !!!!!
And then the "i have plans but actually i'm here at the wedding" thing, like! Ahhh!!!! The romance!! The appeal! The everything!!!
Thank you for this rec! I hadn't seen it come in (somehow) and by the time I noticed it I had no idea how long it had been in my inbox, but when I did manage to see it, it came a great time! These little lighthearted fics are everything sometimes, and they're great for little bursts of creative energy!! I just love themb so much, how can the they be so stupid (affectionate) all the time?
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aubzikins · 10 months
Alaskan Darkness - Chapter 2 Writer's Collective Discord Shenanigans Pt1
We have many POVs for our lovely Rah's fic. I figured I would give yall an insight on the craziness of our little Collective. ENJOY! PSA... This is all fictional... mostly.. shenanigans
After talking to Rah about logistics of the KCONers getting up to Alaska, we got to work on prepping the houses in our neighborhood for incoming company. Nick and I were able to find some abandoned stores that had a ton of winter gear of all different sizes. We loaded up our two SUVs and determined to use the middle house of the neighborhood as a “processing” center. This allows everyone to come into the neighborhood, get a set of keys for a house, some food and pick up some winter gear.
Dealing with a zombie apocalypse where they seem to not like Alaska, is kind of boring. We are in a smaller town which means we don’t have to deal with a whole lot of people. This leaves me with some extra time on my hands. After getting everything prepped, we still had a couple days until the KCONers were due to arrive. I decided to get onto Discord and check in with everyone.
Writers Collective Discord – Chaotic-Main:
Aubz: Hey y’all!!!! God, the one good thing about being up here is that no one bothers me. Everyone doing okay down there?
Rah: Were good.
Rayne: Just hanging out…
Bella: All good here, getting to know everyone.
Aubz: Hey @Rayne, have you tried to “seduce the Jinnie” yet?
Rayne: I…
Aubz: Oh Shit!!!! *Deletes the previous message* SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aubz: Um… So, @Rah @Bella, I am making a new role and a private channel. Also, please next time WARN me before we invite a bunch of idols into the server. Everything has been muted since we were out and about collecting supplies…
CaptainsEyepatch: wtf? I thought Rayne was into Woo??????
Aubz: o.o Um… Whatcha talking about? I’m Aubz Snow… I know nothing.
**creates a private channel and the role of WC Ogs**
Aubz: Ok, so when the FUCK did they all join???
Bella: *hysterically laughing* The Kids joined as soon as we got internet back, the pirates joined after the military announcement.
Rah: Yeah, figured everyone should be in the server so we could communicate better.
Jennen: Theres the lightbulb…
Shai: Yeah… about that… I have already had to talk to Bin and Cap about it. That was a fun convo *rolls eyes*
Kel: They have seen all the pictures as well..
Aubz: *dies dramatically* oh fuck… All Channels?
Bella: Yeah
Aubz: and y’all have the pirates HEADING MY WAY?
Rah: *nods* Yes…
Aubz: omfg omfg omfg…. *finally meets Seongwha* “Hi im the middle aged married woman who has been thirsting and writing about yall for years… Welcome to my humble abode.”
Rah: *laughing* I love Aubz meltdowns!
Kel: me too
Aubz: Question…
Bella: possible answer?
Aubz: Do they by chance know about our personal servers?
Kel: I know they know about them but none of us have sent them any invites…
Aubz: Oh thank god…
Rayne: Also… no I have not seduced the Jinnie. Although he's trying to seduce me it seems... *winks*
Bella: I may or may not have told the demon Bunny about your server name.
Aubz: *Embarassed face* WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT???
Bella: Because you have been paying a monthly fee to call him Meow Meows everyday. Also he admits that he saw those messages AND all the messages that you had sent about DnD, fics etc
Rah: Basically, if it was put into this server... they know about it...
Aubz: Ok… so I am gonna start heading for the arctic circle, its been nice knowing y'all.
Rah: it gets better…
Bella: *sends laughing Ezma Kitty gif*
Aubz: oh fuck…
Jennen: Just take this as payback for your years of shenanigans…
Kel: Its okay Aubz… its good…
Rah: I will send you a DM
Aubz: *sends a Chan hiding gif*
Rah: Check your DMs
Aubz: I am so fucked… figuratively…
Aubz: o…m…g… I am um gonna go hide now. Also just remember, I am gonna be able to tell the pirates ALLLLLLLL ABOUT YOU GUYS! So no telling the Kids ANYTHING
Rayne: I will just message Seongwha on the side and give him a list of all your side comments in your server… Like tagging Peach trying to get her to stan Ateez… the tongue pics
Shai: Remember we have access to your server too.
Aubz: oh god…
Shai: If I have to suffer, everyone is suffering…
Bella: Might wanna check the main chat guys..
Writers Collective Discord – Chaotic-Main:
CaptainsEyepatch: wtf? I thought Rayne was into Woo??????
Aubz: o.o Um… Whatcha talking about? I am Aubz Snow… I know nothing.
Rah: Don’t mind the Aubz, she’s been isolated for a while
WoosFoxEars: Cheating on me already Rayne?
CaptainsEyepatch: Wow, I thought I told you guys that you can only stan us?
BinniesCake&Biddies: Its not our fault that they found better? *winks*
WoosFoxEars: Better? I’ll remember that Binnie
ChickieYongbok: I think it’s cute!
Ferret&Flames: *sends a drama gif*
Rah: …
Bella: Now Now Guys…
ChrisHasRizzButCannotFlirt: …
SURPRISE!_ImLINO: Let them fight it out Bella… I need some entertainment…
MamaHwasTongueTamer: Where did Aubz go?
Jennen: She is hiding, she is our chaos starter…
OGMaknaeOnTop: That is an understatement from what I have read..
DobermanInTheDiscord!: oh @Aubz where are you… it shows you online!
Aubz: … New Discord, who this?
Bella: *facepalms*
Rah: *laughing*
Jennen: Didn’t you rant about FicJinnie setting you on fire in the fic @Rayne???
Rayne: … I hate you…
Aubz: um… did yall seriously use the fic Discord usernames?
Bella: They did it so we knew who they were.
Aubz: I feel like I was set up… *nervous laugh* Don’t mind me as I go and delete ALL previous messages and start walking towards the arctic circle like ive been exiled.
MamaHwasTongueTamer: @Aubz don’t do that! I am on my way up to you, Tongue and all *winks*
Aubz: Rayne… Please see other chat…
Rayne: Nope say it here Aubz
Aubz: Rayne… Not in front of guests.
Bella: *insert popcorn gif*
SURPRISE!_ImLINO: Bella share the popcorn, this is getting good.
Rayne: Aubz… I DARE you to say it in here…
TheFaeKingsCrown: @Aubz No strangling the Rayne…
MamaHwasTongueTamer: @Aubz calm down…
Jennen: Bold of y’all to assume Rayne would not enjoy Aubz strangling them…
Aubz: *facepalms* and I just swore in front of them. *cries* I am gonna go die now.
Rah: Not allowed Aubz
Aubz: On that note… I am gonna go finish prepping for the KCONers arrivals. If y’all need me, tag me *kisses* *inserts Homer Simpson disappearing gif*
MamaHwasTongueTamer: See you soon Aubz *winks*
Writers Collective Discord – Chaotic-Main:
Aubz: btw I hate y’all and fuck my life…
Rah: Nope! You love us!!!
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friendlystarfruit · 2 years
would you ship yourself or your own oc with a canon character that is already in a relationship with another canon character?
That is the great thing about fanfiction you can ship whoever you want as long as the characters are consenting adults .
It is isn't something I have done but I would do it if I wanted to too or I felt comfortable and somebody else wanted me to .
Like if somebody wanted a f/o x reader fic killing off or breaking up a relationship could make a powerfully emotional way to set up reader , like imagine f/o spouse dies and reader is there to help them through things and help them find love again and not feel guilty about it. *awwwwwwwwwwwwww I bet a writer as done that so cute*****
Breaking up relationships and can even be a way for fanfic writers to repair toxic or problematic relationships in media or let lgbt folks have a chance in a fictional world they feel left out of.
Because it is fiction there is no moral issue with breaking up or killing characters for your own personal fictional drama whether you own those characters or not fanfiction is the art of the people.
It can be creepy doing it with real life couples though and if you write about somebody's person ocs without permission or any reason to find them (like say they post their oc on their personal facebook and find fanfics and they are like cus they will be like who are you o.o ........whereas if it is established fiction it isnt stalkery.)
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cutelittlevamp · 2 years
Hello, I loved reading all of your fics! Especially the yandere dionysus one. Could you do one about yandere hermes or maybe yandere apollo?
First of all, I'm so sorry o.o
You have every right to be mad at me. This took me ages (not to write but to start writing it ._.)
Now, thank you uwu and I chose Hermes for your Oneshot as I prefer him over Apollo and I have another ask with Apollo so, that's that
I hope you at least like it a litte but I won't be mad if you decide to never read it at all. You really had to wait long
Also, just wanted to mention, this oneshot goes into a direction I normally don't write or - more precisely - have never written before (meaning suggestive/implied content) and I hope it's readable o.o
TW: implied content; suggestive content; getting tied up; captivity
and just to get this off my chest: in my mind, he actually stops after the last sentence
He was fast. So incredibly fast
Not just his movements but also how he talks. He also builds relationships fast - from his point of view, at least. There was no slow approach to anything he did, it seemed.
Right now it was more the movement speed that worried you though. You had just gotten out of the house that had been your personal golden cage for quite some time now and you really weren’t keen on getting dragged back there. Not to say Hermes had been rough with you - he was suffocatingly sweet normally - but he’s extremely pushy not to mention the fact that you never wanted to be here in the first place. Or be with him at all. Yet it didn’t matter how often you told him that, he just laughed it off.
‘I’m not a hunter but a good hunt can be quite thrilling if the prey is worth it’ or ‘It’s alright little strawberry. If you want to play hard to get I’ll be the perfect suitor just for you’. It seemed he had a whole list of sentences he could say if you told him you wanted to leave.
Any misbehaviour - or more, what he deemed was misbehaviour - was tolerated to a certain degree and most times he actually seemed to enjoy your ‘rebellious streaks’ but you had certainly pushed past his limit by leaving the house.
He wouldn’t like it. Not one bit.
That’s why you had to be the fast one this time. You never knew when he’d return once he left the house but he could be back any second. All you had to do is be a little faster, a little smarter than him. Well, that was easier said than done.
You had known before you left your ‘home’ that you’d have to cross a river at one point. It was visible from the windows. Yet you could find no way to safely do so. There was no bridge nor a boat and trying to swim through that current would be suicide. Still, there must be some way to cross it. Why else wouldn’t Hermes want you to leave the house? If you couldn’t get across the river then there would be no reason to contain you inside. It didn’t matter much though if you couldn’t find said way.
Frustrated you let out a low grumble and pulled at your hair. You had been out here for far too long already. “This really can’t get any worse now, can it?” “Sure it can. Just give me a minute.”
Hearing his voice - still sounding as chipper as always - right next to your ear made you tense up immediately which caused him to sigh. “I really thought we were past this.”
Then he simply picked you up and carried you back inside, going straight to the bedroom to place you on the bed. You didn’t fight back knowing quite well that it was futile and simply remained where he placed you, waiting to see what he was going to do next.
Normally he’d start lecturing you. Telling you that there was no reason to leave, asking how you could leave him alone, stating that you never even tried to understand his point of view or how he would feel when he came home one day to find you gone. Trying everything to guilt trip you. Sadly, that actually worked sometimes.
Today though he didn’t say anything. He just stood in front of the bed and looked at you. Whatever was going through his mind you couldn’t tell but he really took his time. It unnerved you, to say the least.
He wasn’t patient. Everything needed to go fast - not end fast, but go fast nonetheless. Seeing now that he did nothing but look at you while knowing he was going to do something eventually was scaring you more than anything he had ever done before. It felt like hours had passed before he finally started to move.
Agonisingly slow he removed his brightly coloured scarf, then he just held it in his hands while a small smile started to show on his face.
Before you could even comprehend what was happening Hermes was back to his signature speed, tying your wrists together with his scarf before securing it to the headboard of the bed. Still not fully understanding what just had happened you looked from Hermes to your wrists and back again a few times, a look of open confusion on your face.
Tugging on your restraints the truth finally settled in: he had actually tied you up.
“You … you tied me up …” saying it out loud didn’t help make the situation less bizarre. He had never done anything like this before. “Why would you tie me up?”
Right now you weren’t sure what upset you more: being bound to a bed or the strange way Hermes smiled at you. “It’s so you don’t run away again, strawberry.”
“So what if I do? We both know you’re faster than me.”
He hummed in agreement while slowly moving towards you.
Somehow he seemed to enjoy the slow approach today or probably just the way you reacted to it. It unnerved you just as much as the unfamiliar situation. Hermes had always been very touchy-feely but more in the way of hugs and quick soft pecks.
Now he suddenly decided to tie you to the bed and crawl on top of you? You definitely preferred hugging over this.
“Hermes please -” you started but he quickly shut you up with a kiss that made your eyes go wide with shock. He had never kissed you on the lips before.
“Don’t beg, little strawberry. It’s unbecoming for you. Also -” he paused, smiling brightly and started to play with your hair “you can’t exactly blame me for the situation, can you? It was your mistake after all.” Again with the guilt trip.
He sat back up, his eyes never straying from yours. You hoped he’d just move to sit or lay beside you but he remained on top of you, straddling your hips, restricting your movement even further with his weight.
His gaze remained fixed to yours while his hands moved to reach under your shirt and gently caress your sides. You let out a gasp of surprise at his sudden unfamiliar touches and he smiled a bit brighter in return. He wasn’t normally like this so why -?
Hands travelling further up your torso he leaned forward again so he could bury his head in your neck to shower it with kisses. That was when you finally snapped out of your freezed state and started to move beneath him. Kicking your feet and pulling at his scarf binding your wrists you tried your best to get him off you or at least to make him stop.
You did not want this. To be touched by him like this.
Yet when your movements started to annoy him Hermes simply bit down into the tender skin of your shoulder. The action made you cry out in pain yet it seemed there was something in your voice that made the god let out a content hum.
“You know, you don’t have to love me” there was sadness in his voice but it also sounded … heated. Not chipper as usual. “I love you enough for both of us. But, you know -” he moved his head so he could look at you. There was a strange fire in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine and caused a lump to form in your throat. “I really hope you’ll love me one day, my strawberry.”
Then he kissed you. Not like the quick kiss from before but passionately and heated. Almost as if he was starving and he wanted to devour you.
When you had to open your mouth to try and get some air he shoved in his tongue, deepening the kiss even more. Once the two of you finally separated you were gasping for breath.
Hermes looked down at you with a lovestruck expression on his face.
“You look so cute all flushed like this.” You could feel tears sting in your eyes as you looked at him, unable to say a word.
“I wonder how you’ll look if we go all the way.”
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