#-to see if my requests are open or closed at the moment
lxndonorris · 3 days
home race - Oscar Piastri
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Y/N x Oscar Piastri Theme: Smut (you've been warned) you're in a long-distance relationship with Oscar and surprise him at his "home race" x word count: 3250+ taglist: @game-set-canet open for requests :) EN: Another big piece and I hope you'll like it. My first time writing Oscar.
You sat in your living room, staring at your phone. The screen displayed a countdown timer you set months ago when you and Oscar, your boyfriend, decided you could handle a long-distance relationship.
Living in the United States while dating a Formula 1 driver based in Europe wasn't easy, but the two of you made it work. You spoke every day, sent each other thoughtful gifts, and cherished the moments you could spend together in person.
The countdown finally hit zero. It is time for your big surprise.
Oscar is in Monaco for the Grand Prix, and you planned to surprise him for months since the season started. You told him you wouldn't be able to make it due to work commitments, but in reality, you managed to arrange everything perfectly, with a little help from the Mclaren Team.
You had your flights booked, your accommodation sorted, and a special pass that would allow you into the Mclaren motorhome, where Oscar would eventually be.
When you boarded your flight, you felt a mixture of excitement and nerves. You knew how much this surprise would mean to Oscar. The past few months have been challenging for him, dealing with the pressures of being a professional F! driver while missing you. You wanted to make this moment unforgettable.
After a long flight and a quick check-in at your hotel in Monaco, you head straight to the racetrack. You are wearing a Mclaren team hoodie, jeans, and a fitting cap, blending in with the team. You find your way to the motorhome and, with the help of a team member who is in on the surprise, get inside and wait for Oscar.
The atmosphere in Monaco is electric. The sun shines brightly over the azure waters of the Mediterranean, and the roar of engines echoes through the narrow streets of the city. The Monaco Grand Prix is one of the most prestigious races on the calendar, and the excitement is palpable.
The qualifying session just ends, and he pushes his car to the limit and secures second place on the grid. The team is ecstatic, and Oscar feels a rush of adrenaline as he climbs out of the car, waving to the cheering fans. 
Inside the motorhome, your heart races as you finally hear footsteps approaching. The door opens, and you turn around to see Oscar standing there, a look of shock and disbelief on his face.
"Y/N? Is that really you?" Oscar's voice trembles with emotion.
You smile, your eyes filling with tears.
Oscar closes the distance between you in an instant, wrapping you in a tight embrace. He buries his face in her hair, inhaling your familiar scent, and holds you as if he never wants to let go.
At the same time, the faint scent of him swirls around you, and with a deep breath, you take it in, closing your eyes for a second to relish in this moment.
"What are you doing here?" He murmurs, his voice choked with emotion. "I can't believe you're here."
"I wanted to be here for you, at your home race." You say softly. "I've missed you so much, Oscar Piastri Leclerc."
Both of you pull back slightly to look at each other, your eyes meeting with an intensity that speaks volumes. Oscar cups your face in his hands, his thumbs gently brushing away the tears that escape down your cheeks.
"I've missed you too, Y/N. More than you can imagine."
You kiss—a tender and passionate kiss that seems to make up for all the time you spent apart. 
When you finally break apart, Oscar can't stop smiling.
"You look amazing in that Mclaren gear," he says, his eyes roaming all over you as they sparkle with admiration.
You chuckle, feeling a warmth spread through you. "I have to show my support for my favorite driver."
As you stand facing each other, the air between you seems to be charged with electricity. You feel the tension and excitement from qualifying still radiating off Oscar. 
Tentatively, you reach out, letting your hand run across his firm chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heaving chest beneath your fingertips. His whole body is slightly tensed, still buzzing from the adrenaline rush.
Oscar's eyes soften as he looks at you, a smile spreading across his lips.
"It's so good to see you," he murmurs, his voice filled with awe.
You smile back, your gaze drifting over his racing suit. "You look so good in that green and yellow racing suit, Oscar. Really, you do. It suits you perfectly."
The special suit, designed to honor Senna, clings to his frame in all the right ways, accentuating his athletic build. The vibrant colors contrast beautifully with his complexion, making him look every bit the star he is.
Oscar chuckles, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Thanks. I didn't think I could pull off these colors, but hearing it from you makes me believe it."
Your fingers linger on his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breath. "I missed you so much," you whisper, your voice thick with emotion. 
As your hand continues to stroke his chest, you feel Oscar's hands move to your waist, his fingers lightly gripping the fabric of your jeans. He pulls you slightly closer; your bodies now mere inches apart. The intensity of his gaze makes your heart flutter.
"Do you have some free time?" You ask, your voice soft and teasing, eyes glimmering with anticipation.
Oscar smirks, a playful glint in his eyes. "For you? Always."
The corner of your mouth lifts in a smile, your hand moving up to his shoulder. "Good." You breathe deeply, feeling the tension between you increase even more. "Because I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."
Unable to resist any longer, you lean in and kiss him passionately. The moment your lips meet, Oscar melts into the kiss, his arms tightening around your waist. The warmth and familiarity of the embrace make everything else disappear, leaving just the two of you in your own private world.
As the kiss deepens, you steady yourself against his firm chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath your palm. His hum of approval sends a thrill through you, and you take your time, savoring the moment, relishing the closeness you missed for far too long.
With a teasing glint in your eye, you reach for the zipper of his racing suit. Slowly, you begin to unzip it, feeling the resistance of the fabric give way. Oscar's breath hitches as you draw the zipper down to his tummy, exposing his tight black fireproofs beneath.
You let your hands slip inside, and stroke his chest. "You look so good," you murmur, your hands resting on the exposed fabric. The smooth, taut material hugs his body, accentuating his toned muscles.
Oscar's eyes darken with desire as he looks at your hands running across his chest, a mixture of amusement and longing playing on his features. "You're making it very hard to concentrate," he says, his voice low and husky.
You chuckle softly, your fingers tracing patterns on his fireproofs. "Good," you whisper, leaning in for another kiss. 
This time, it is slower, more deliberate; each touch and caress a reminder of the desire crackling between you.
As your kisses grow more intense, you feel the heat rising between your bodies. Oscar's hands roam over your back, pulling you even closer, as if he can't bear to let you go.
With your hands still roaming over his chest, you draw a line down to his abs, feeling the firm muscles beneath your fingertips. Each touch elicits several low growls from deep inside his throat, the sound sending shivers down your spine. As you continue your exploration, Oscar leans his head back, his eyes closing as he savors the sensation.
You decide to take things a step further. 
"Let me help you." You breathe deeply, gently pushing the upper half of his suit off his shoulders. 
Oscar obliges, his breath hitching as you peel the fabric away, revealing more of his muscular torso. The sleeves hang down from his waist, the tight fireproofs beneath barely able to contain the immense tension building inside him.
His muscles bulge with each movement, with each breath he takes, the strain and excitement of the day evident in every contour of his body. You can't help but admire him, your hands now tracing the lines of his arms, feeling the strength beneath his skin.
Oscar opens his eyes and looks at you, his gaze filled with desire and affection. "You're driving me crazy," he growls, his voice rough with need.
You smile with a playful glint in your eye. "Flex for me." You reply, your fingers continuing their journey across his entire upper body.
With a mischievous grin, Oscar obliges again, flexing his arms and chest, showcasing the impressive muscles that have been honed through countless hours of training. The sight makes your heart skip a beat; a rush of admiration and desire floods through you.
"Like what you see?" he teases, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You bite your lip, trying to keep your composure as you let your hands roam over his flexed muscles. "You have no idea," you reply, your voice filled with genuine awe.
He chuckles, the sound low and rumbling from deep inside his chest. "I'm just glad you're here to see it."
One of your hands traces the contours of his biceps, feeling the power and strength beneath your fingers, while you let your other hand roam freely across his chest and even further down to his crotch.
You feel his hunger building up inside his pants; the fabric bulges just along his member tenting visibly. With two fingers, you trace the tangible outlines of his lust again and again, eliciting more and more deep growls from his throat.
Oscar is thoroughly enjoying himself, responding to your teasing with a mixture of laughter and passion. You see the gleam in his eyes, the way he savors every touch and caress. 
Then, with a bold move, you slip one of your hands underneath his fireproofs, feeling the intense heat of his skin radiating against your palm.
Oscar's breath hitches at the sensation, his eyes so dark with desire. With a swift motion, he swipes the Mclaren cap from your head and lets it drop to the floor. A playful chuckle escapes his lips as he leans in, capturing your mouth in a deep, fervent kiss.
The kiss is electric, filled with a hunger that threatens to consume you both—the long separation and the yearning that built up between you. Your fingers splay across his warm skin, feeling the hard lines of his muscles beneath your fingertips. 
Oscar's hands roam over your back again, pulling you closer, before he takes the lead, guiding you through the room and across a huge empty wall. Gently, your back meets the wall, steadying the two of you fully. 
You feel the rhythm of his heartbeat, fast and powerful, matching your own. The world around you seems to fade away, leaving just the two of you locked in your passionate embrace.
His hands are now all over your chest, his touch both soft and possessive. Each caress sends waves of electricity through you, making your pulse race as far as his race car.
Oscar's kisses trail down your neck, leaving a warm, tingling sensation in their wake. His lips are gentle yet insistent, making a path that sets your skin on fire. The sensation is almost overwhelming—a perfect blend of tenderness and desire that makes your heart swell with emotion.
Amidst your intimate moment, you take in Oscar's familiar scent, a comforting aroma that envelopes you in a sense of security and belonging—a mixture of his cologne, mingled with the faint trace of adrenaline from the day's events, and the subtle hint of his natural scent.
Breathing him in, you feel a wave of warmth wash over you, and his scent is like a familiar embrace, making it even harder to concentrate.
Now, his hands slide underneath your hoodie, his fingertips dancing across your skin. You shiver at the sensation, your body responding instinctively to his touch. The contrast of his warm hands against the cool evening air heightens your senses, making every touch feel even more intense.
"You're amazing." Oscar breathes against your neck, his voice rough with emotion. "I need you."
Your breath hitches, your hands grip his shoulders for support as you tilt your head back, giving him better access. "Oscar," you whisper, your voice trembling with a mixture of desire and affection.
His hands roam freely now, exploring every inch of your torso with a reverent touch. You feel the strength and control in his fingers, the way he holds you as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
You arch into his touch, your own hands exploring the hard planes of his back, feeling the tension in his muscles. The fabric of his fireproofs is smooth and cool against your palms, a stark contrast to the heat radiating from his body.
"Oscar." You murmur again, your voice barely audible as you revel in the sensations he is creating. "I need you, too."
He lifts his head, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that takes your breath away.
"I'm right here," he replies, his voice steady yet husky.
Licking your lips in anticipation, you let out a long, exhausted sigh. At the same time, you feel one of his hands make its way down your chest and right to your jeans. In one swift motion, he unbuttons it, just to make way for his hand to slip inside.
Your breath hitches right away as you feel his fingers tracing patterns in all the right places.
Even though it's hard to keep your composure, you manage to return the favor, letting one of your hands run down his back, along his spine, around his waist, and between his legs.
As you touch him, Oscar lets out a low, primal groan, the culmination of all the teasing and desire building up between them. His response sends a thrill through you, igniting a fire that burns hotter with each passing moment.
The tension is palpable; both of you are aching for a release, craving the other's touch.
Together, you help each other undress just enough to make it work. Panting and growling, he tugs at your jeans until they are sliding down to your ankles, so his hands stroke your thighs delicately.
Then, it's your turn to help him. Pulling at the suit clinging to his skin, the two of you manage to pull his length out of his pants, just for you to hold it and play with it.
Exhausted, Oscar leans in, kissing you passionately. You melt into him, offering yourself for what's to come next.
The moment he slides inside your body, it sparks a tingling sensation inside your stomach, and you let out a low grunt. Simultaneously, he moans right into your mouth, making it even harder to keep a straight face.
He is the first to take the lead again.
With your back against the wall, he begins to grind his hips against yours, rhythmically, sensually, and it is easy for you to catch up. The two of you move in sync with one another, letting out low growls, moans, and grunts.
Your hands wander all over his chest, stroking him through his firerpoofs. Oscar's breath comes in ragged gasps, his eyes dark with desire as he watches you. 
The sensation of your touch through the fabric sends waves of heat through him, encouraging him to increase the pace and strength of his thrusts. In return, he steadies himself against the wall behind you while his other hand lingers on your breasts.
Your movements are slow and deliberate; you are fully aware of his most sensitive spots, and you encourage him more and more. Pinching his nipples, tracing the tangible outlines of his abs, and feeling his muscles bulge harder and hader.
Panting and moaning, Oscar's body grows stiff and rigid; unable to contain himself, he bites his lower lip before he grunts angrily.
You revel in the power you have over him and the way he responds so intensely to your touch.
With each stroke, you feel him growing even more aroused, his body still tightening instinctively to your touch. His hands grip your breasts tighter, sending waves of pleasure through your entire body.
The two of you move as one; every thrust sends you closer and closer to the edge, and the way he grunts deeply tells you he feels the same.
As you lose yourself in the heat of the moment, you know there is no turning back. Your passion burns bright, consuming you both in a whirlwind of sensation and emotion.
With one final, heavy thrust, both of you let go of all that pressure and tension and scream out in ecstasy.
Several exhausted moans leave Oscar's lips, and he leans forward, grateful for the wall steadying him. At the same time, you lean your head back, moaning deeply.
You rest your head against his shoulder, swallowing hard. His body embraces yours right away; his firm shoulder is the perfect place right now.
Out of breath, the two of you barely regain your composure before you lock eyes again, both of you smiling contently.
"That was so good." He moans, exhausted, before he leans in, kissing you deeply.
"Oscar." You breathe into him, kissing him back.
After your passionate moment, you share another tender smile, your hearts still racing with the intensity of your connection. 
With gentle touches and soft kisses, you help each other get dressed again, your movements slow and deliberate again.
As you adjust the sleeves of his fireproofs, you look up at Oscar, your eyes filled with affection. "You were amazing today," you say, your voice filled with pride. "I am so proud of you."
Oscar smiles back, his expression softening. "I am so glad you are here." He replies, his voice tinged with gratitude.
As he begins to change into fresh clothes, you watch him closely, unable to tear your eyes away. 
Oscar moves with natural grace; every movement is fluid and confident. You can't help but admire the way his muscles shift beneath his skin as he removes his racing suit and tight firerpoofs.
He catches your gaze, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. Sensing your admiration, he makes a little show out of changing, exaggerating his movements slightly as he slips out of his fireproofs and into a fresh pair of underwear you hand him.
You laught at his antics, enjoining the playful side of him that he reserves just for you. As you pull on the pair of jeans and the Mclaren shirt, you feel a surge of affection for him, admiring the way he looks in the team gear.
"You look amazing." You say. "But then again, you always do."
Oscar grins, his eyes shining brightly. "I have to look my best, especially with you around." He replies, his tone teasing.
With a final adjustment to his shirt, Oscar turns to you, his expression softening. "Thank you for being here," he says, his voice sincere. 
You reach out and place your hand on his chest again, gently stroking him once more. "I'll always be here for you." You reply. "No matter what."
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eddieandbird · 10 hours
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Slow and Careful —
You have your first time with Eddie.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for all the love on my last story! This one is a request by @wdsara48 and I hope yall like it! I got a lil carried away w this one so its a lil longer - Bird
tags/warnings: f!reader | smut | 3.2k words | inexperienced!reader | consent checks | slight humor | f*ngering | pinv | protection used | praises and nicknames
“Stop looking at me like that,” You grumbled with your knees pressed into your chest.
“What? I think you look pretty. I think it’s adorable you dressed up for me,” Eddie’s eyes glinted at you as he held his head in his hand, the other tracing small circles into the sheets beneath you.
“What are you talking about?” Your mouth hung open, feigning offense.
“This,” Eddie pulled your bra strap with his middle finger, lightly snapping it against your skin. “Did you buy these cute matching undies just for me?”
“You wish,” Your nose and mouth crinkled as you tried to fight a smile.
“Oh, whatever. You were the one who asked me to give you your first time,” He chuckled, scratching his stubbled cheeks.
“Because I trust you,” You said, slightly more serious. Your appreciation for him was clear in your heavy-lidded eyes.
Eddie moved closer to you, gently cupping your cheek and brushing his thumb against your jawline.
“You do?” he murmured, feeling his heart beat wildly against his chest as he admired your affectionate expression. He sprinkled kisses on your forehead, your eyelids, the tip of your nose, and finally, your lips.
You leaned into his fluttering touches with a silent laugh. “Of course I do, baby,” Your voice was sweet and breathy.
Even with the jitters of your first time looming over your head, it hardly threatened to ruin the moment. Something was intoxicating about being in his room, the faint smell of his cologne and weed smoke put you in a trance. Plus you knew Eddie would treat you with the utmost care.
He shot you a quick, mischievous look. His arms were placed on either side of your body, now towering over you. “So you’re saying I can do whatever I want?” He quipped, believing the joke was obvious to you.
Your breathing picked up as you watched him hover. It’s not like you didn’t trust him, but this was a big deal to you. It was no longer just an adorable conversation you were having with him on the drive home, you were actually in his bed, moments away from losing your virginity.
“Well, maybe not whatever you want,” A nervous laugh came out of you when you caught a glimpse of his strong gaze.
Seeing you suddenly grow tense, Eddie’s face quickly softened towards you. With a chuckle, he reached down and tapped his index finger to your nose. “Relax, sweetheart. How about this; When I touch you, I’ll keep checking in, yeah? And you can tell me to stop at any time, I promise,”
You closed your eyes and exhaled into a feathery laugh. “Okay, okay, fine,” You jokingly groaned.
“Let’s just go slow, yeah?” You had an encouraging smile on your face as you reached up to twirl one of his loose curls between your fingers.
“Slow and careful,” Eddie echoed, his smile growing as he admired the way your skin looked in the dim lighting. He loved the way the sheets pooled around your hips, and the thin fabric of your underwear made the shape of your legs all too obvious to him. His pupils dilated as he drank in the sight of you.
“Good,” You confirmed.
“God, baby, you’re so pretty,” Eddie’s hands moved down your body, tracing your skin with his fingertips and leaving gentle goosebumps in his wake. His gaze never left your face, checking for any signs of discomfort or fear.
“No, you,” You retorted with a bashful smirk.
“Don’t sell yourself short, now. We can both be pretty,” Eddie chuckled. The warm light of the room looked amazing against his skin, you were mesmerized. “You mind if I get rid of these?” he asked, referencing your underwear with a tug.
“Not at all,” You lifted your pelvis, helping Eddie with taking them off.
He made a shooting noise as he pulled the elastic of your panties and snapped it across the room, making it land in his hamper. You both broke for a moment to laugh.
“Oh my god, of course you made that,” You shook your head, still laughing.
“Hey, you gotta admit that was pretty cool,” Eddie winked before licking at his smile. He made a mental note that you were laughing more than usual, which he took as a sign that his efforts to keep you calm were working.
“Okay yeah, fine, it was kinda cool,” You playfully shrugged, not wanting to give him too much satisfaction.
He was so good at making you feel comfortable, he made you forget for a moment that your sex was completely bare in front of him.
“Of course it was,” Eddie grinned down at you. He slowly moved his body closer to yours, the warmth of his skin sending tremors across your body.
“Are you ready, gorgeous?” he asked, carefully placing his hands on your knees. He gently spread them apart, his breath becoming more deliberate as he got closer. “And remember our deal okay?”
You nodded rapidly. “You got it,”
You dreamily laid your head on your shoulder. A breathy moan escaped you as he lingered over your hips. You passed a hand through his hair, admiring his eager face as it was framed in your thighs.
“That’s my girl,” The grin Eddie gave you along with his sugary praise made your heart swell. “You ready for me to make you feel good?” Eddie mumbled before placing a trail of kisses along the inside of your thigh.
“Um, yeah. Yes,” You croaked, hiding the disappointment in yourself. You felt like dirty talk came out of Eddie so naturally. It all sounded so good to you, but when it came time for you to reciprocate, it felt like a flurry of awkward mumbles and head nods.
“Yeah? You’re so cute,” Eddie grinned, his nose ghosting over your skin. His hands slid along the backs of your thighs, rubbing up and down in soothing motions. He kept the pace slow, waiting for any sign that you wanted more. “Do you want me to touch you, baby?”
You nodded even more desperately now. “Please?”
“Your wish is my command,” Eddie’s voice was dripping with adoration as one of his hands left your thigh and started rubbing circles over your warmth, his chin resting on your knee.
Your eyes fluttered shut and a trembling breath followed. Before you came into his room that night, all you wanted to do was get it over with just to say you did it. Now with the way he was touching you, only made you want him to explore your body for hours.
“See? You’re doing great, baby,” He cooed as his fingers moved over your wet folds.
Eddie loved that your body was so incredibly responsive. The way you arched your hips towards him was incredibly inviting to him. He picked up the pace slightly, watching you closely to make sure he didn’t overstimulate you.
“Feels good, doesn’t it angel?” The teasing grin on his face widened as his eyes roamed over you hungrily.
“Really good,” Your laugh shifted into a moan as he repeated the motion with even more pressure.
“Are you going to come, pretty girl?” He lightly teased, his eyes roaming all over your body, taking in every twitch and tremble.
“I don’t know, what is it supposed to feel like?” You asked a bit frantically.
You knew of the concept, but you never made yourself come before. However, you were suspicious of a growing warmth in your lower stomach that built as he picked up his pace.
“It’s okay, angel. You’re doing so well, I promise you’ll know when it’s happening,” He reassured you.
He could feel your legs shaking more and more as you started to get closer to a peak. “You’re gonna feel it building, baby. It’s gonna get real overwhelming, but trust me it feels so damn good.” He wanted to keep you completely focused on that feeling in your stomach. “Just focus on my fingers, okay?”
“Eddie,” You gasped, grabbing him. You tugged lightly, your nails digging into his flexed arm. His tongue stuck out of his mouth in concentration as he kept running his fingers over you.
Waves of satisfaction and relief came over him as he watched you climax. His eyes locked on you, with his mouth slightly agape in a smile, mimicking your facial expression as you came down, the way your features trembled and twisted in satisfaction.
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbled under his breath as he watched you slowly come back down to Earth. “You alright?,”
“Yeah I’m okay,” You panted. Your shaking hand reached to cup his cheek. As much as you enjoyed it, you were amused to see that he was having an even better time.
“That was amazing,” You breathlessly complimented.
"Yeah? Well, you are amazing," Eddie planted a quick kiss on your palm, nuzzling a little into your hand.
He let out a low chuckle and he suddenly looked a little flustered from your compliment. "Did you think I did okay? I wasn't too rough or anything, was I?”
“No, no, baby it was perfect,” You stuttered urgently.
“I’m glad, Sweetheart,” He sighed in relief before pecking a few more kisses around your face. He lifted your chin. “Are you ready for more?”
Your enthusiastic nods returned. “I’m ready,”
Eddie's heart thrummed in his chest at your excitement, and a small laugh bubbled out from him. He could almost feel his pulse throbbing in his pants. "Absolutely, positively sure?" he asked in a tease
“Baby, c’mon. I really wanna do this,” You whined, covering your blushing face.
You knew he was joking but you were really not in the mood. He had no idea of the fire he started in you. Eddie's breath hitched at your desperate whine. He lurched toward your bedside table, pulling it open and rummaging through it before finding what he was looking for. He grabbed a condom and tossed it on the bed beside you, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "You want it that bad, huh?"
You scrunch your nose to hide your smile. “Shut up, you’re such a pig,” You joked.
You curiously looked at the black foil sachet he threw. You slowly picked it up with your hands and then examined it closer.
“Did you want me to put it on you?”
"Only if you want to, baby," He loved watching that innocent look you had as you spoke your mind.
“Will you show me how, babe?” You chewed your lip.
You took the corner of the wrapper and tore it off. You studied the clear disc of plastic, your breathing getting heavier. Holding it made it more real. You were sweating in anticipation.
"Of course, sweetheart," his voice was dripping with adoration as he watched you fiddle with the condom, his breath coming a little quicker than normal. It took everything he had not to just rip it out of your hand and put it on himself.
Eddie had no intentions of giving you a strip show, but you were entranced by him taking off his clothes anyway. You were amused by the way his hair whipped around as he pulled his shirt over his head. Then he took his jeans off. You were unable to take your eyes off of him, taking in the view of his length.
“Is this how you do it?” You asked, bringing it toward his twitching cock.
Eddie's breath caught in his throat as you reached for him, and he was suddenly hyperaware of the way the light hit the shape of his body.
You then placed the condom on him, slowly rolling it over his length. Your eyes were wide, not allowing you to miss one moment.
“Is that good?” You asked again, looking for his reaction.
"Yeah, perfect," Eddie exhaled, biting down on his bottom lip as he watched you.
He reached down and took your chin into his hand, leaning down to kiss you gently on the lips, moaning softly as his tongue slipped past your lips and twirled with yours. He laid you back once more, positioning himself in between your legs. You held onto his forearms as he leaned in closer, his weight pinning you a bit. You let him take over, following his touches as nonverbal instructions.
Eddie was in a haze of pure desire as he felt the heat of your body against him. "You ready, baby?" he managed to ask.
You gripped his shoulders, took a deep breath, then nodded. “Yeah, totally ready,” You exhaled loudly, trying to relax your body and surrender your focus to him.
Eddie was determined to make this experience everything you could have ever wanted. He took a deep breath of his own as he gently rolled his hips against yours. He watched your face intently to make sure you were okay. "Is it okay? Is it good, baby?"
As he pushed into you for the first time, you let out a sharp hiss. It was a pinch of pain that only lasted for a few seconds before you calmed back down.
“I’m okay, it wasn’t that bad,” Your voice shook but it was accompanied by a content smile.
Eddie noticed the way you grimaced slightly as you tried to get used to new sensations from inside. His heart twisted at the sight and he instantly slowed his movement, his hands moving to gently cup your face. "I promised I'd be gentle with you, right? I don't want to hurt-"
But before he could finish the sentence, he realized his worry was misplaced. He felt you relax under him, releasing airy noises in pleasure. You grabbed his face, bringing his forehead to yours.
“I’m okay, I promise, just don’t stop,” You pleaded, your heavy breaths tickling his lips as you spoke.
He nodded then brought his lips to yours, softly kissing you until he found a better angle to rock his hips into you. He rolled his hips against you at a steady and measured pace. Your high-pitched, yet quiet moans filled his room, competing with the low music playing from his stereo. Your hands journeyed to his chest, feeling the rhythm of his strokes as his body pressed into your palms.
A chorus of deep groans escaped from him as Eddie sped up, each moan was more desperate than the last as he lost himself in a haze of pure passion. He loved the view of your flushed cheeks and sweat-soaked body, Eddie’s hand trailed down your thigh and behind your knee. He halted for a moment to say
“I’m gonna try something, tell me if it hurts,” He pushed your leg up a bit higher, opening your hips up even more to him. He returned to his previous pacing, growling as he felt the new sensations.
You could only moan in response to just how good that angle felt.
"You like that, don't you, pretty girl?" He grinned down at you hungrily at the sight of you falling apart beneath him.
His body pressed closer in between your thighs as he pushed himself deeper. His breathing was coming in shorter gasps as the sensation pushed him closer and closer to the edge.
“I think I’m gonna come again,” You admitted quietly, your nails digging into the soft flesh of his arms.
You were surprised you could get any words out of you. It was as if with every thrust, Eddie was forcing your eyes to roll to the back of your head in pleasure.
He couldn't restrain the growl that escaped from his lips as your nails dug into his skin. The sharp feeling of the sting combined with the sweet sound of your words were pushing him further to the edge, and he forced himself to pause for a moment to collect himself. "Do it. Come with me, sweetheart," he managed to get out between harsh pants.
You gasped and scrunched up your face as the next few strokes took you to your peak. A squeaky yelp escaped your mouth as you came. Your legs repeatedly smacked at his hip bones as you shuddered from your orgasm.
"I got you, baby. I got you, angel." Eddie gently whispered his sweet words of reassurance as he felt his own composure slipping. Seeing you come for the second time of the night was too much for him. He immediately had to bury his head in the crook of your neck, moaning desperately as the feeling of you clenching around him overwhelmed him. The sweet sound of your shaky breaths and the feeling of your muscles squeezing him was enough to send him toppling over the edge with you. He rocked his hips with a few more slow movements as he came, moaning a shaky breathless groan against your neck.
Once you came back down, you urgently ran your hands down Eddie’s face, picking it up to study his exhausted but content expression. “Did you, um-“ You began to ask, but grew embarrassed by just the idea of the question.
After a few long moments to catch his breath, Eddie finally picked his head up to look at you. It took him a moment to even register your question. He gently wrapped his arms around your body to pull you into his chest.
He looked blissfully content as he laid on you, his hot breath coming out in ragged puffs. His face split into a wide smile when he heard the question you cut yourself off from asking, but his breath picked up and his cheeks flushed a little red as he realized what you were implying. "I did," he nodded, still smiling, "Do you want to see how much?"
“I don’t know, is it gonna be gross?” You covered your mouth, stifling your laugh that threatened to be way too loud for your liking. You looked down at where your bodies connected, curiously.
Eddie let out a deep laugh. He slowly pulled himself out of you, his muscles relaxing as he took some of his weight off. He reached down between you and gently pulled off the spent condom, his eyebrows raising as he examined it with a small smile on his face.
“Is that usually how much comes out?” You asked with a slight amused expression as you propped yourself up on your elbows. Seeing the evidence further made you satisfied that you finally got to experience this with him.
Eddie's cheeks flushed a bright red as you questioned him on it and he quickly looked away as he tied the condom off. "Jesus Christ, we don't have to talk about this," he mumbled, his voice cracking as he tried to keep himself from laughing. "The answer is yes, it's how much comes out," he admitted reluctantly.
“You’re the one who offered, you weirdo!” You gave him a swift, light kick to his butt as he got off the bed, before laughing and rolling over to your stomach.
Eddie dramatically groaned as you hit him. His act didn't last for more than a few seconds before he melted back to his affectionate state. He grabbed a t-shirt from the corner of the room to wipe himself off before turning back to you and gently throwing it at your head.
“Eddie!” You screamed.
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hoshifighting · 1 day
hey since requests are open could you do a Seventeen reaction to s/o crying while having sex, something where they haven’t figured out the reason for her cry and are confused?
(spoiler alert, her being deliciously split in half is the reason 😫?)
Seventeen reacting to you crying during sex (bc you're being deliciously split in a half)
Seungcheol: hates seeing people cry, especially you. he immediately stops, his face full of concern. "hey, babe! babe! what's wrong?" when you finally manage to tell him that it's because he’s making you feel so good, a cocky grin spreads across his face. "Is that so?" he says, resuming his movements with newfound confidence.
Jeonghan: his eyes widen, and he stops everything, his worry evident and kind of adorable. "shit, are you okay? darling did I do something?" You find his concern cute, and when you finally explain, he relaxes, a sly smile forming on his lips. "oh, really?" he says with a newfound vigor. "let’s see if I can make you cry even harder." he resumes with more intensity, determined to see u cumming with tear streaming your face.
Joshua: his reaction is tender. he immediately caresses your cheeks, his voice soft and soothing. "babe, it’s okay. what’s wrong? tell me.." even after you assure him it’s because of the pleasure, he tries to distract you, his fingers playing with your clit to heighten your experience. "let’s make you feel even better, yeah?"
Junhui: goes completely still, his eyes wide with concern. you manage to choke out that it feels so good, and a slow smile spreads across his face. "oh, I see," he murmurs, resuming his motions. "I’ll keep going, then."
Hoshi: is immediately worried and slides off you, his face a picture of concern. "Y/N-nie did I do something wrong?" when you beg him to be inside you again, his worry turns into amusement. "alright, but you asked for it," he says, thrusting deep and sharp, finding your pleasured tears a fucking tease.
Wonwoo: goes still too, "what did I do wrong babe?" he needs a few moments to process when you explain it’s because of the pleasure. "oh," he says softly, starting to move again. "I didn’t realize you felt that good."
Woozi: holds your hands, his eyes wide with confusion. "why are you crying?" he never thought seeing you cry in this moment would turn him on so much. when you tell him it’s because it feels amazing, he bites his lip, clearly affected.
Minghao: immediately soothes you, his voice calm and gentle. "darling, hey, look at me, what happened?" when you explain, he lets out a relieved breath, resuming his hips, cock stretching your wet pussy. "good to know, baby" he says with a smirk.
Mingyu: looks like a worried puppy, thinking he hurt you. "oh my god, baby, we should stop–" when you grind on him, urging him to continue, he relaxes a bit. "okay, if you say so," he murmurs, resuming his movements still a little concerned.
Seokmin: is surprised at how pretty you look while crying. he never knew he’d find it so arousing. "hm, babe? are you crying? why?" when you tell him it’s because of the pleasure, he grins. "the more you cry, the harder I’ll go," he says, and you cry enen harder, just to feel his cock splitting you open.
Seungkwan: almost panics at first, thinking he’s hurting you. "oh my God, are you okay?" "babe don't stop! please!" you beg and he coos at you, his worry melting away. "hm? it's that good baby? huh?," he whispers, resuming his movements as you roll your eyes at the back of your skull.
Vernon: is the most confused from all of them. "why are you crying?" even though you tell him it’s because it feels good, he resumes with uncertainty. "babe? are you sure? it's not hurting you... it is?" he says, watching you closely until he gets used to seeing your pleasured tears.
Chan: stops immediately, his concern evident. "what’s wrong? should I...stop?" when you squirm and tell him to continue, he resumes, determined to make you cum around his sore cock. "I’ll keep going," he says, his voice soft. "but I’m going to make sure you’re okay." He dries your tears during it, his movements precise and caring.
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uzurakis · 11 hours
doing an ugly makeup look to see how the jjk men react? pretty please and thank u pookie pie 🙂‍↕️
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featuring: fushiguro megumi. gojo satoru. itadori yuuji. geto suguru.
n. ngl nonnie i had to spend a full ten minutes in front of my laptop thinking how to do this interesting request (i didn't immediately have an idea to write it down but got the hang of it later on). no problem pookie pie, i hope u like it :0
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI. you decided to have a little fun and see how megumi would react to an intentionally ugly makeup look. after spending some time in front of the mirror, you admired your creation—a mix of clashing colors, exaggerated eyeliner, and over-the-top blush. satisfied, you headed to your boyfriend’s room, where megumi was waiting.
as you walked in, megumi looked up from his book. his eyes widened slightly, and he stared at you for a moment, clearly puzzled. he opened his mouth, then closed it, trying to find the right words.
"uh, you look… different today," he finally said, after simulating a hundred different words and scenarios to say in his head, tone cautious but polite; as if he’s walking on eggshells. "did you try something new with your makeup?"
you struggled to keep a straight face. "yeah, i wanted to experiment a little. what do you think?"
megumi tilted his head, examining your face with a mix of confusion and concern. "it’s… interesting. very bold," he replied carefully. "is this for a special occasion or just for fun?"
you could see he was trying hard not to offend you, which only made it harder to hold back your laughter. "just for fun," you said, unable to hide your amusement any longer.
the guy nodded slowly, still looking unsure. "well, if you like it, that’s what matters. but, um, maybe next time you could try something a bit more.. subtle?"
you burst out laughing, unable to keep up the act any longer. "baby, it’s a prank! i wanted to see how you’d react."
relief washed over his face, and you felt his tight shoulders slacking off. “god, i didn’t know what to say without hurting your feelings. don’t do that next time, babe. i was really scared to say anything.”
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GOJO SATORU. his eyes opened theatrically as soon as he spotted you, and an immense grin became apparent on his face. "wow," he exclaimed, standing up and dramatically clapping as well as placing a hand over his heart. "you look absolutely stunning! ravishing! this is the new trend, right? you’re always ahead of the fashion curve, my darling!"
you tried to keep a straight face, but his over-the-top reaction made it difficult. "aww, you really think so?" you asked, playing along with a mock-serious tone.
your boyfriend, your number #1 supporter nodded enthusiastically, stepping closer to get a better look. "absolutely! i mean, just look at those bold choices. the color contrast is so… avant-garde. you’re a true trendsetter." (not the big words, guys..)
"you’re so ridiculous, satoru," you laughed at his theatrics, shaking your head.
he winked at you, his grin never faltering. "ridiculously lucky to have such a fashion-forward girlfriend, you mean. seriously, you could start a whole new makeup revolution with this look."
you playfully smacked his arm arm. "okay, okay, you can stop now. just tell me it’s ugly and i pranked ya.”
"oh, i knew that. but you know me, i can’t resist playing along. your creativity never fails to amaze me." you rolled your eyes, still smiling. "thanks for being such a supportive boyfriend."
gojo pulled you into a gentle hug, his arms warm and comforting around you. "my job, darlin. but next time, let’s try a look that doesn’t make me feel like i’m dating a clown, yeah?"
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GETO SUGURU. "well, well, well, what do we have here?" you made your way to where geto was lounging when he teased, raising an eyebrow. "are we auditioning for a circus today?"
"very funny, suguru. do you like my new look?"
he grinned, stepping closer to inspect your makeup with exaggerated scrutiny. "hmm, let me see… it’s definitely… something. and colorful. very circus-ish."
you gave him a friendly slap on his ribs while rolling your eyes. "huuh, i know it’s terrible."
geto chuckled, pulling you into a hug. "hey, i love you no matter what you look like. even if you do resemble a rainbow clown."
"but seriously, let’s go wash that off before anyone else sees you. i can’t have my girlfriend looking like a picasso painting gone wrong."
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ITADORI YUUJI. "ah, interesting look, babe. what inspired this? are you trying out for a new role or something?"
"nope, just felt like experimenting with makeup today. what do you think?" you chuckled at his inquisitive nature and the fact he’s totally not aware being thrown to the oblivion.
itadori blew an air inside his mouth, examining your face with genuine interest. "well, it’s definitely… unique. did you follow a tutorial or come up with this on your own?"
you shook your head, unable to hold back a smile. adorable, that’s what you wanted to say. "this was all me. just wanted to see what i could come up with."
your boyfriend reflected the smile, leaning closer to get a better look. "well, you’ve definitely succeeded in making a statement. it’s bold, to say the least."
“thanks for being so nice about it. i promise i’ll go back to my normal makeup routine tomorrow." a warmth feeling spread across your chest, relieved he was taking it well.
he chuckled, reaching out to gently touch your cheek. "hey, you do you. i love you no matter what you look like." your heart warmed at his words, and you leaned into his touch. "i love you too, yuu. you always know what to say.
"yeah," he replied with a smile, pulling you into a warm hug. "now, how about we go wash that off and spend the rest of the day doing something fun together?"
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jakesangel · 3 days
jake finding you crying - requested
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it's usually at night, day finally over, that we can all finally settle down, n realize that we aren't that okay. and the same goes to you. life is though : too much drama in your school/work place, to much work to do, problèmes in your family and/ or your friends. things are too munch to bear and the only thing steady left in your life, your most needed person at the moment, your lovely jake. so you call him, not knowing what to do but you know his presence will soothe you down. that call would wake him up, him being an early bird, and would be a bit confused as to why you suddenly call him but hearing your sobs would wake him up right away. what's wrong, angel ? did something happened ?, he'd voice to you w nothing but worries. as you ask him to come over, he would already be getting ready, leaving the dorm in roar.
as he arrived, he would knock lots showing the panic filling his body, and as you open the door, he will immediately engulf you in his arms. my baby, i'm all here now, he would murmur, one hand softly stroking your hair, shhh, it's okay baby it's okay, he would add if you start to sob in his embrace. he wouldn't stop hugging you until you're the one leaving his embrace, even if you guys are in the hallway. do you wanna talk about it, angel or do you want comfort tonight ? he would ask you, taking your face in his hands, his eyes reading yours trying to convey you support and steadiness's in your shaky breath. as yous amswers, jake would kiss your forehead and/or your lips, okay whatever you want baby. i'm staying tonight yeah ?
if you want to talk about it, he would make you sit on your nearest surface, it could be the sofa or the bed or even the kitchen counter, and would then make you talk. he'd face you, eyes on your teary face, holding your hand, a small display of the immense support he has for you. just breath my angel, or you're safe here, are words spelled from him as you struggle to let your words out. and the second he sees your eyes waters, words too hard for your own mental health, he would drop your hand immediately to take you in his arms again,baby if it's too munch, you don't have to tell me right now, he'd shush you as his hand would smooth your back, you can cry all you want in my arms, i'll be here for you all night long. as you guys stay close to each other, he would keep comforting you, i know things can be too much right now baby, but everything will work out at the end i promise you. ill be here with you through out this journey as close or as far as you want me to be. but i want you to know, that no matter what you will not lose me. i'll forever be here for you, my y/n, he would say as he put your hair back in place, eyes searching for yours. remember that i love you my angel and that you are okay. keep thinking about those two fact, especially when you feel like it's too munch, okay baby ? he'd finally finish his face now right in front of yours, kissing your lips.
if you don't feel like talking, everything being too munch for your, he would hold you, your legs around his waist, walking the both of you to your bedroom. he would then place you on top of him, under the covers, your face prettily crying in the crock of your neck. he'd have one arm around your waist the other in your hair. from time to time he will, wipe your tears away, or kiss your hand on his chest. he would stay awake until you fall asleep of exhaustion. he wouldn't stop his shh during the whole cuddle session and would even hum or sing you a song. when he sees you asleep, he will then place you on the bed, so that the both of you have a more comfortable position to fall asleep to, him spooning you. good night my angel, he would say sadly before going himself to the arms of morpheus, kissing the top of your head.
notes : hai anon, here's your request >< tell me what you think in the inbox <3
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @stwrjvke @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey
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doumadono · 3 days
Hi baby!! Mwaaah! I have an emergency request if it’s okay? Can you have either Bakugou or Touya (maybe him as just Touya or maybe Dabi? You can decide) where the reader is having such bad flashbacks of their abusive relationship before them that they can’t get out of bed and every little thing set them off in a way they starts to get worse with them flashbacks?
Touya & Bakugo with gn!Reader who deals with flashbacks of past relationship
A/N: I hope you'll enjoy these two short stories 💋
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Touya sat by the edge of the bed, his pale fingers tracing absentminded patterns on the sheets. His partner, Y/N, lay beside him, their body curled into a tight ball under the covers.
It had been a rough night. The nightmares that haunted them were growing worse, and Touya could do little more than hold them as they trembled and cried in their sleep. 
Now, as they lay still, Touya watched over them with a heavy heart. ”Y/N," he murmured softly, brushing a strand of hair away from their face. "It's morning. You should try to get up."
Their eyes fluttered open, but the vacant, haunted look in them made it clear they were still trapped in the grip of their past. 
Touya’s heart clenched at the sight. He had seen that look before – in his own reflection, back when his life was consumed by pure pain and hatred.
"I can't," they whispered, their voice barely audible. "Every time I close my eyes, I see him. I feel his hands on me... I can't escape it. I can’t believe I spent so much time in such an abusive relationship… I should have tried to escape but I felt weak."
Touya’s jaw tightened. He understood the feeling all too well, the relentless grip of trauma that refused to let go. Leaning down, he pressed a gentle kiss to their forehead. "You're not there anymore, Y/N. You're here, with me. And I won’t let anyone hurt you again."
They shook their head, tears welling up in their eyes. "It's not that simple. Everything reminds me of him. The sound of the door, the creak of the floorboards... even the way the light filters in reminds me of being trapped in his flat."
Touya’s eyes darkened with anger – not at them, but at the monster who had done this to them. "We’ll make new memories to replace the old ones. If you still feel trapped, maybe you should consider moving to another town, to leave the past behind?”
They looked up at him, hope flickering briefly in their eyes before being extinguished by fear. "What if it doesn’t work? What if I’m broken forever? And I distinctly remember you saying that “the past never dies”, Touya.”
Touya's breath caught at the mention of his own words, thrown back at him like a painful echo. He closed his eyes for a moment, steeling himself against the rush of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. When he opened them again, his gaze was steady, intense. "I did say that," he admitted, his voice a low, steady rumble. "The past never dies. It’s a part of us, a shadow that follows wherever we go. But that doesn’t mean it defines us." He leaned closer, his forehead pressing gently against theirs. "I know you feel broken. Hell, I’ve felt that way for years. But look at me, Y/N. I'm still here. Still fighting. Because even though the past never dies, it doesn’t mean it wins. We get to decide who we become, every single day."
His fingers traced gentle patterns on their arm, a calming, grounding touch. "I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. It’s not. There will be days when it feels like the shadows are winning. But you’re not alone in this. We’ll face those shadows together." He paused, searching their eyes for any sign of understanding. "You’ve already survived so much, babe. You’re stronger than you think. And if the past tries to drag you down, I’ll be here to pull you back up. Every single fucking time."
Touya cupped their face in his hands, his touch gentle despite the callouses. "You’re not broken, Y/N. You’re healing. And healing takes time. Allow yourself to heal.”
They stayed like that for a while, the silence between them filled with unspoken words of comfort and solidarity. Slowly, they began to uncurl, their breathing evening out as they leaned into Touya’s embrace. "Okay," they whispered finally. "I trust you. Thank you for being here for me, Touya.”
Touya smiled, a rare, genuine smile that was reserved only for them. "Always."
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Katsuki Bakugou was not a man known for his patience. His explosive temper and brash demeanor were infamous, but when it came to Y/N, he was willing to wait. Wait for them to feel safe, to heal, to trust. 
Today, however, his patience was being tested to its limits.
He stood at the door of their bedroom, hands clenched into fists at his sides. Y/N lay in bed, their body trembling under the blankets. It had been a bad night, and the morning wasn't proving to be any better.
"Y/N," Bakugou called softly, trying to keep his voice gentle despite his frustration. "You need to get up. You haven't eaten anything for nearly two days."
They didn't respond, their eyes fixed on a spot on the wall as if it held the answers to their torment. 
Bakugou took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. Losing his temper wouldn't help them at all.
He walked over to the bed, sitting down beside them. "Hey," he said more softly, reaching out to touch their shoulder. "Talk to me."
They flinched at his touch, a reaction that sent a pang of hurt through Bakugou’s chest. He pulled his hand back, clenching it into a fist to keep from lashing out. Not at them, of course, never at them – but at the memory of the person who had hurt them.
"It’s him," they whispered, their voice shaking, "I can’t get him out of my head. Every sound, every shadow… it’s like he’s still here, watching me."
Bakugou’s eyes flashed with anger, his mind filling with violent thoughts about the man who had done this to the person he loved the most. But he knew that wouldn’t help right now. What they needed was reassurance, not rage.
"He’s not here," Bakugou said firmly. "He’ll never hurt you again. I swear on my life, Y/N. You’re safe with me."
They turned their head to look at him, tears streaming down their face. "But I don’t feel safe! Can’t you understand that?! Everything reminds me of him. The way the door creaks, the shadows on the wall... I can’t escape it! I know I’m no longer in his hands, but goddammit, I feel like he still owns a part of my soul!”
Bakugou’s heart ached at their words. He wished he could take away their pain, fight off their demons like he did with villains. But this was a battle that couldn’t be won with fists and explosions. He took a deep breath. "Then we’ll change it," he said finally, determination in his voice. "We’ll get rid of the shadows, do whatever it takes to make you feel safe. We’ll make this place your little haven, does it sound okay?”
They looked at him with a mixture of hope and doubt. "What if it doesn’t work? What if I’m always scared?"
Bakugou leaned in, pressing his forehead against theirs while rubbing their shoulders. "Then I’ll be here, every step of the way. I won’t let you face this alone. We’ll fight it together.”
They took a shaky breath, their body slowly relaxing against his. "Okay," they whispered. "Together."
Bakugou nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Together."
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bitethedevil · 2 days
Okay, you know the idea of tieflings having the "fuck me tail"? Well, what if Raphael did that in front of Tav without realizing it at the time and someone like Korrilla and/or Haarlep alerts the cambion that he had essentially been sporting a boner during the whole conversation with his favorite misadventure (if Raphael is unsure if Tav is aware of what the lifted tail meant, then even better)?
(AN: I get a LOT of asks about bathing and Raphael's reaction to seeing Tav naked, so I added those things into this one as well. Tav is Raphael's warlock. Loved this prompt btw anon. Thank you <3)
Tails (Raphael x Warlock!Tav)
Slight NSFW
“Do you care to explain why you are bleeding on my expensive Halruaan carpet when all I asked of you were to speak to Lord Caldwell?” Raphael said with a sneer as he studied her bloodied body. “If you are this incompetent at following orders, you will go back to dealing with clients in the Lower City again.”
“I can explain,” she wheezed. “And I did get him to sign, by the way.”
She was barely standing. Her clothes were bloodied, and she was holding a hand over a rather large gash on her stomach.
She handed him the contract. There were a few bloodspots on it, but it had the signature of Lord Caldwell as he had requested. He looked it over and it seemed to calm some of his anger, though he still seemed annoyed that she had not followed his orders.
Raphael groaned and started walking. He beckoned her to follow.
He led her to the boudoir. Haarlep was lounging on some of the pillows that laid on the floor near the pool, smoking from a hookah. They looked up at her with a sinful smile and lazily waved at her.
Raphael tugged on Tav's shirt before passing her.
“Strip,” he commanded.
Haarlep’s eyes lit up and looked hungrily at her before adjusting themself amongst the pillows to enjoy the show. Raphael kicked Haarlep’s leg in passing and gestured towards the other end of the room where the bed was.
“Leave us,” he said to Haarlep.
“Oh, she doesn’t mind if I stay and watch,” Haarlep said and looked from Raphael to her with an exaggerated pout. “Do you, mouse?”
Tav looked at the both of them with a confused expression, as she clung to one of the pillars around the restoration pool to not fall over.
“I’m not taking off my clothes,” Tav said.
“Your clothes are in tatters, and you look as if you are on the verge of fainting,” Raphael said and gestured to the water of the pool. “You will get in or I will throw you in.”
“Can’t I just keep my clothes on?” Tav whined. “I don’t want to get naked in front of you.”
“Oh please,” he said with annoyance in his voice. “The novelty of seeing a naked body somewhat fades after you have been alive for thousands of years. I could not be less interested in what you keep under there. Get in.”
She sighed and started taking off her clothes. Haarlep was quiet and hoped that Raphael had forgotten about them. They devoured her with their eyes while she took off her clothes.
Tav slipped into the pool and the water's restorative powers quickly worked its magic on her. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the pools edge for a moment as all the pain finally left her body.
Haarlep discreetly let one of their legs drop into to the water and started slipping their harness off. Before they could even make the move to slip out of the little clothes they were wearing to join her in the pool, Raphael’s hand was around their neck. Haarlep made a slight choked yelp as they were lifted to their feet and given a push towards the other end of the room.
“I said leave,” Raphael growled at them before turning his attention back to Tav. “A report, if you would be so kind, mouse.”
Tav opened her eyes again and sat up more. She noticed that Haarlep had not left them, but had instead simply taken a seat behind Raphael where they were out of view from her annoyed patron.
“Right,” she said and began washing off all the dirt and blood off her naked body with a sponge.
She began explaining herself to him: How Lord Caldwell had gotten pissed at her after she had not reciprocated his flirtatious advances after he had signed, as he apparently must have thought that him signing meant that he was free to feel her up and do as he please. How Lord Caldwell had called on his guards after she had, accidentally, of course, punched him in the face. How she had barely escaped with her life.
She wasn’t looking at Raphael as she was explaining. She kept her eyes down and kept focusing on washing herself, avoiding the wrath that would no doubt be in her patron’s eyes as she told him how she had escalated the situation by using violence.
She had only dared to look up at him briefly every now and again. She saw that he was leaning up against a pillar close to the pool, watching her as she explained.
Surprisingly, he did not have much to say other than a few sounds of affirmation that he had heard what she was saying, which made her even more nervous.
Suddenly she heard an odd noise. A high-pitched muffled sound that made her look up for a moment. It came from Haarlep. It looked as if they were near pissing themselves with laughter as they kept a hand over their mouth to contain the sounds. It wasn’t directed at her though, but rather something going on behind Raphael it seemed.
“So yeah…that’s…that’s it,” she looked up at Raphael, fully expecting to see him pissed off.
He quickly averted his gaze from her body and back up to her eyes, as it looked like he had been staring. He cleared his throat and made a sharp turn with his body. She could have sworn she saw a bulge in his pants before he did so. When he turned, she noticed that his tail was in a weird, almost heart-shaped position as well, which made her raise an eyebrow.
“Good,” Raphael said quickly. “Dismissed.”
Raphael snapped his fingers once and she was out of the pool, fully dressed. Another snap and she was sent back to where she was before she was whisked away to his house.
Haarlep started audibly laughing now that she had left.
“The novelty of seeing a naked body somewhat fades after you have been alive for thousands of years,” Haarlep mocked in Raphael’s voice and with his mannerisms.
Raphael glared at Haarlep.
“Oh, what a gift,” Haarlep said with tears in their eyes. “She really is something, your little mouse. To make you wag with both tails like that.”
Haarlep burst out into another laughing fit. Raphael’s eyes widened at their words, and he instantly became hyperaware of the position of his tail.
No, Raphael thought with horror, and a frown fell over his face at the embarrassing realization. It was a loss of control, and it was completely unlike him to forget himself like that. What was he? A hormonal boy who had barely grown into their immortality?
His eyes narrowed at Haarlep who was still filling the room with their high-pitched laughter. He was still painfully hard despite their taunting, and he had just the thing for shutting them up.
“Yes, please Haarlep, laugh while you still have vocal cords and a tongue to do so,” he threatened and pointed on the floor in front of his feet before undoing his pants. “On your knees, now.”
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𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧
Pairing: Seungmin x fem!reader (college au) Genre: fluff IMPLIED smut hehehe Word Count: 2.9k Warnings: jealous seungmin implied smut, player hyunjin, drinking, party games, making out
A/N: This request is really new but bro code is actually frying my braincells as I'm tried to string together the plot sooo this is my rescue.
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You were bickering with your friend, Felix as your professor entered the classroom.
"Settle down class." The teacher said. "I'm going to hand back your tests now."
You perked up at this.
"Best score." Felix nudged you and you hummed.
"The top score was a 97%," your teacher said, taking one last look through the tests. "Oh excuse me. 100%," She stared at the paper for. a moment and raised it, "Kim Seungmin."
Your mood crumbled. "Of course." You muttered.
The dark haired man smiled at you and walked down for his test. He took it and smiled as he went back to his seat. "#1 is really a pipe dream, huh, Y/n?"
You gripped your notebook tightly and exhaled slowly.
"L/N Y/N." Your teacher held out your paper and you grumbled as you went to collect it. Staring daggers at Seungmin you crushed your test into your bag as you sat.
Felix got called a moment later and came back to sit, beaming at a 79%, "As long as it's not a fail." He smiled.
You hummed softly. "You wanna go get food?"
He nodded and you got up to leave, as you packed your things, a lot more neatly than you had your test, Seungmin came up to you.
"It's an A right?" He shrugged. "Maybe next time."
You looked at him. "You really revel in seeing me anger, don't you?"
He raised a brow and fixed his glasses. "Yeah," he leaned in close, breath grazing your ear as he whispered, "I adore it."
You wanted to throw our bag at him but Felix dragged you away before you could do anything. You and him walked to the cafeteria, scanning around the food selections before deciding to eat off campus.
You were about to exit the cafeteria before someone squealed and you turned. Chris and his minions had entered the room. The men looked around before sitting at a table and one, a man with long dark hair, Hyunjin, looked at Felix then at you, then back at Felix before waving slightly.
Felix waved back and smiled. "Hyunjin is really so nice no? Come on I want chicken." He dragged you out of the cafeteria, you looked back just in time to see Hyunjin watching you. And you smiled.
You had finally found a seat in the library, sitting with your textbooks ready to study, you cringed a you realized you left your tumbler in your last class. You got up to get it and ran off to get it, but when you came back you sucked in a breath to see your things by the door of the library. You picked them up and went back to your seat lip pressing into a thin line at the sight of Kim Seungmin sitting in your seat typing away on his computer.
"Seungmin." You said.
He looked up, "Can I help you?"
"You moved my things. I was sitting here."
He smiled. "Those were yours?" He knew damn well they were... "Sorry, but there was no one sitting here."
"KIM SEUNGMIN-" You started before glaring at a book he had on the table, bookmark sticking out innocently. You grabbed the bookmark and threw it, making the man lose his page.
"Y/N!"He stood, fuming.
"Was that yours? I didn't realize." You took a sip from your tumbler and walked away. As you left the library you looked at your phone, and crashed into someone. You stumbled back, dropping your phone and literature textbook, a few of your papers cascading around the sidewalk. "Sorry." You muttered, going to pick up the things.
"It's fine." The guy said, kneeling to help you pick up your stuff.
"Thank you-" You looked up at Hyunjin as he handed you the stack of papers.
"No problem." He nodded, tilting his head. "You're Yongbokkie's friend?"
Your mouth opened then closed.
"I saw you earlier." Hyunjin clarified.
"Oh. Yeah! I'm Felix's friend." You took the papers and opened your textbook, tucking them carefully in between the cover and the first page.
"I'm Hyunjin..." He extended his hand out to you.
"Y/n.." You fumbled with the stuff you were carrying for a moment before shaking his hand.
He smiled slightly. "You need help?"
"Uh... Yeah." You laughed in defeat as he took the textbook from you.
"Where're you headed?" He asked, walking with you.
Seungmin bit his lip as he watched you walking to the cafeteria with Felix and Hyunjin. When did you entertain people like that? A guy who was a notorious player? A guy who made other men look away from you with one glare? A jerk like that? With you? Since when?
Seungmin thought nothing of it until he saw Hyunjin waiting outside of your class that afternoon. He tapped his pen against his desk, anger boiling as you came out of your class and Hyunjin put an arm around you, sweeping you away.
"Seungmin?" Jeongin tapped his friend's shoulder, before looking and seeing you and Hyunjin. "Just tell her."
"How?" Seungmin muttered.
"I don't know. But it looks like Hyunjin might actually be serious about her."
"Is Hyunjin serious about anyone?" Seungmin rolled his eyes. "I don't want him to mess around with her too."
"Then get to her first."
"HOW?!" Seungmin groaned.
"I don't know!"
Seungmin walked down the hall and sighed. "He's not good for her."
"She looks good right?" Hyunjin asked his friend, Chris.
"Very nice." The older man nodded, looking at the picture.
Changbin looked over his shoulder, "Isn't that the nerd?"
"She's fine though! Bin look." Hyunjin showed the shorter man another picture.
"You think she's better than the last one?" he asked Hyunjin.
"Of course," Hyunjin shrugged. "It's always the nerds."
"I bet 50 bucks I'll get her before you." Chan said, looking at Hyunjin.
"Not fair."
"Come on... You scared?" He challenged.
No... Hyunjin thought, I just don't want you fucking her over... "Nah. Bet 100."
"Greedy." Chan rolled his eyes. "You got it. At least introduce us. Level the playing field."
"Y/nnie." Hyunjin said, hands in your hair as you sat between his legs on the floor, munching on your chips while watching something on the TV.
"Huh?" You looked up at him.
"You should meet my friends." He smiled.
"Why so suddenly?" You popped a chip into your mouth.
Hyunjin turned your head to the TV, "Don't do that with your head back, you could choke. But I just feel like you'd fit in with them, y'know?"
You made a face and actually almost choked.
"Woah, woah-" Hyunjin handed you your drink.
After a few gulps you looked at him. "Me? The schools nerd girl? Fit in with you jocks?"
"Uh- Well-"
You turned and looked at him, raising a brow.
"That's not the only thing they say about you.."
Your eyes widened. "HUH!?"
"Nothing! Never mind. I just think you'd like to meet my friends though." He turned away, ears red.
You hummed. "Okay. I'll see."
"Yes!" Hyunjin did a small jig before smiling at you.
You rolled your eyes. "When do you think I can meet them?"
"Well there's this party..."
"It's only right that the best guys in school," Jiwon said, twirling her hair around her finger.
"Yeah." Minsi added, smiling at Seungmin and Jeongin.
Jeongin looked at Seungmin before whispering, "We're the best guy on campus?"
"Not just you two." Jiwon sighed. "Changbin and Hyunjin are going to be there too. And Chris!" She and her friend squealed.
"Hyunjin's going." Seungmin hissed to Jeongin.
"Y/N might go too!" Jeongin hissed back.
"When's the party?" Seungmin smiled.
"Friday night. Fraternity house."
Seungmin hummed. "I'll be there."
"Yeah." Jeongin nodded, "We'll be there."
"Awesome!" Jiwon and Minsi clapped their hands before going off somewhere.
Seungmin saw you in the hall a while later and cornered you when Felix went to class.
"Y/n." he called.
You looked back and made a face. "Seungmin."
He pursed his lips. Tell her.. "Can you not look at me like you despise me?"
"But I do." You pouted slightly and rolled your eyes.
"You know I see why Hyunjin would go for you. Your ego is just as big as his and I really hope when he's just messing wwith you, you stop your power trip." He snapped before he could stop himself.
"Go fuck yourself Seungmin." You started walking away, something about him saying that tearing your insides apart.
PANIC! He thought, Save it! "Y/n!"
You looked at him.
"He's going to hurt you..." Seungmin said quietly.
"I'll trust him until he does." And you left him standing there..
You were sitting on the couch in Hyunjin's apartment, staring blankly at his TV.
"Something on your mind, pretty?" He asked, sitting next to you.
"Not really.." You muttered.
"Y/n.." He faked a crying face. "Did I do something??"
"No-" You started, "Well yes-"
His brows furrowed. "What?"
"Are you messing with me?" You asked bluntly.
"Why are you asking so suddenly?" His eyes narrowed.
"Well some dick sad something..." You sighed.
"Who?" He asked, sitting up straight now.
"It's not importan-"
"Who?" He pressed.
"Kim Seungmin." You relented.
He looked at you for a long moment. "Don't believe him... Why would I ever hurt you y/n.."
You smiled at him slightly.
He hugged you and smiled. "I'm not messing with you..." I like you too much...
Seungmin was studying in the library when he heard the library volunteer girl shriek.
He looked up and was met with the dark gaze of Hwang Hyunjin.
"Can I help you?" He asked.
"What are you telling Y/n?" Hyunjin stared at Seungmin.
"It wasn't a lie." Seungmin shrugged.
"Kim Seungmin." Hyunjin slammed his hand on the desk and glared at him.
"Hyunjin." Seungmin stared up at him.
The people were gathering now, looking around the shelves at the men.
"Stay away from Y/n." Hyunjin said lowly.
"But I saw her first so-"
"You think Y/n is just something you can see first-"
"You think Y/n is something you can just fuck and drop. Hwang Hyunjin. Steer clear of her?" Seungmin snapped back, standing. "Or I don't think you'll like me."
"Are you threatening me?" Hyunjin moved to grab Seungmin's collar.
"What do you think?"
Hyunjin was about to punch him when hi phone rang. He paused and took it out before smiling at Seungmin. "Guess who's calling." He turned away and pushed past the people who had been watching while he answered the phone. "Hey Y/nnie."
Seungmin felt his stomach twist.
When Seungmin and Jeongin got to the party, the latter was almost immediately dragged away by his friend Beomgyu, leaving Seungmin alone in the party.
It was that same solidarity that led him to Lee Minho, who according to Jiwon who Seungmin had met earlier was "10000% boyfriend material". Seungmin couldn't deny the man was fun to be around though, Minho introduced him to a living firecracker, Jisung, who was apparently very close friends with your "friend", Hyunjin.
After a few drinks, Seungmin felt his head going fuzzy but he only shrugged it off laughing. While watching Jeongin chugging his 9th red bull on a girl, Sumin's, request.
"We're going to play Seven Minutes in Heaven." Jisung said, following Minho to the basement, "Gonna join?"
"Sure." Seungmin said before realizing what he'd agreed to. It's the liquor talking...
Seungmin and Jeongin followed Minho and Jisung down the steps into the small space under the house where a few people had gathered to participate in the game.
He sat down on the floor, next to Jisung and Jeongin as everyone settled. Then he saw you, giggling with another guy, not Hyunjin but-
"Chris. That bottle empty?" A man with freckles and long bleach blonde hair pointed to the wine bottle behind the man you were with.
"It's glass, like hell I'm going to trust you with it., Yongbokkie." Chris rolled his eyes and tossed the blonde man a plastic two liter soda bottle.
He caught it and sat it in the middle of the circle as you and Chris sat, closing the circle. Hyunjin bite his lip, staring at you and Chris like he wanted to fight the man.
"Okay, you all know the rules." Felix said. "Changbin who should start?"
"Not it." a short, muscular man poked his nose.
"Not it." Felix followed.
Seungmin's brain took a moment to process what had happened but by the time his finger touched his nose everyone else had already made it to safety.
"You good sir," Felix said in very sophisticated accent. "Start the game." He handed Seungmin the bottle.
Hyunjin's eyes met his as he spun the bottle.
It turned once.. twice.. three times before slowing to a halt.. pointing right at you.
Seungmin looked at you.
"INTO THE CLOSET!" Jisung shouted.
"Come on let's go!" Changbin opened the door to the small closet.
Hyunjin gave Seungmin the scariest look he'd ever seen as Jeongin pulled him into the closet and Jisung grabbed you from Chan.
"Jeongin-" Seungmin started before his friend whisper-shouted.
"This is your chance." and shoved him in.
You followed and both men gave you thumbs up before closing the closet door.
"I-" Seungmin started.
"Save it." You cut him off.
He remained silent for a moment. "You know they're no good for you..."
"Uh huh, but they're nice, they accept me-"
"Y/n they look like they want to eat you. Like your prey or something." Seungmin sighed.
"Why does that matter to you?!" You snapped a bit loudly.
Seungmin opened his mouth then closed it.
"Don't waste my time Kim Seungmin." You leaned against the closet wall.
"You're right." He muttered, maybe the alcohol really had gone to his brain, he walked closer, and leaned into you, "I shouldn't waste your time..."
You stared up at him with wide eyes. "Seungmin-"
He leaned closer, caging you between the wall and his chest. "It matters to me because how could you let them ruin you..." He reached out a tentative hand and caressed your cheek. "So perfect. So smart and pretty. I can't just sit back and watch you lose that... that perfection..." He leaned in so close you could feel his breathe on your lips. "It's mine to ruin.."
You stared into Seungmin's eyes for a long moment.
"If you want."
You kissed his hard.
He stumbled slightly before catching up with the moment and leaning into your lips, pressing his tongue past your lips and into your mouth, groaning at the taste of you. He pressed you against the wall and you let out a small mewl that he swallowed and returned in a soft moan.
You pulled back for air and he stared into your eyes. "If there's any other way to say it. I like you, I love you, I'm infatuated with you, Y/n. I always have been."
"You.." You blinked in shock for a moment.
He kissed you again and his hand moved to your hips, lifting you up to grind on his knee, as he pressed it into your core, eliciting quiet cries from you, he smirked and silenced you with his lips.
Your hands moved to his shoulders and your fingers ran through his hair as your tongue fought his for a moment. His easily batting yours down before tasting inside your mouth. You moaned into the kiss as he pulled you up to thigh and you bucked into it.
"You want me to fuck you?" he muttered against our lips. "Want me to ruin you? Not Hyujin, me right?"
You nodded and whined.
Seungmin's lips broke away from yours before kissing and biting at your neck. You held onto him tightly and bucked your hips into him.
He pulled away panting. "Shit." He lowered you and fixed your hair.
Just as Felix opened the door, "Times up lovebirds-"
Seungmin grabbed your hand and dragged you out so fast you couldn't even protest.
Hyunjin stood in you way. "Y/n we need to talk-"
Seungmin stared at him. "Y/n doesn't need to say anything to you."
"Hyunjin-" You started but Seungmin squeezed your hand pleading before pulling you past Hyunjin.
As you passed him Hyunjin's eyes widened.
Seungmin woke up with his head pounding. He rolled over and almost jumped almost at the feeling of another person in his bed—then the memory hit him like a truck.
He looked at you with a soft expression before propping himself up on his elbow to look at you sleep, the way your chest rose and fell, the content look on your face, the marks he'd left on you the previous night.
"I can feel you staring.." you muttered.
"Can you?" he asked quietly, brushing hair from your face.
"You do it so often of course I can." You opened your eyes and they locked on his.
"I love you.." he smiled that puppy smile.
You rolled your eyes. "Take me to dinner first."
He made a face and you giggled, leaning up to kiss him.
"I love you too."
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© 2024 xxkissesforchanniexx. DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE MY WORK
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 if your name is blue i can't tag you very sorry
@asahisimpnation, @seolarsonlyloveisyou @leeknowsnot
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icallhimjoey · 2 days
More!!! More!!!! More bookstore!joe! MORE!!!!!!!!!! we've seen his erratic behaviour when he visits the store after not having been able to come in for a while, but what about the visit before he knows he's not going to be able to come in for a while?
omg im so here for the bookstore!joe requests, but the "i already miss you even though youre still here" somehow turned into whatever this is... idk why i went where i went, my apologies, and tw for vomit Wordcount: 3K
Lost Moments To Keep
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You hadn't stopped staring at Joe with the biggest eyes. You seemed confused and weirdly mesmerised. Your eyes tunneled a little, vision darker around the edges.
"That's Joe." Anne just said, and then your eyes moved to give her the same wild look.
"And I'm Anne. We like me, a lot. We don't like Joe. You've got temporary loss of normal brain function, look, Google says." Anne held her phone to your face, too close for anything to register.
"You're not helping, Anne." Joe scolded through clenched teeth.
Joe was on the phone to someone, and... you knew who that was. You knew who that was. What the fuck. What was Joe Quinn doing in your bookstore?
And why were you on the floor, exactly? Your left elbow hurt, but the back of your head much worse.
"Yea, she's awake. She hasn't lost consciousness at all." Joe said to whoever was on the other side of the line. "Confused, though. Brain's all scrambled."
"Do you feel dizzy? Google says you might feel dizzy."
"I... what day is it?"
"Oh my God, she's asking what day it is." Anne said, turning to Joe like she was blaming him for what you'd asked. In Anne's terms, she was panicking. Anyone who didn't know her, though, would think she was being exceptionally calm given she'd just witnessed her boss lift a box of books that tipped her over backwards.
Your head hurt.
And you did feel dizzy. And nauseous too, a little.
It made sense that you had fallen, but it was strange to not remember and to have two strangers fret over you in your own business.
Your eyes darted from the worried face of famous actor Joe Quinn who was stood by your feet, to the wildly uninterested face of a younger girl who sat next to you with her legs crossed as she scrolled on her phone.
"Any vision disturbance? Are you more sensitive to light than you'd usually be, do you think?" Anne asked, seemingly going down a list she'd found online.
"Okay, thanks. We'll make sure she doesn't move until you get here." Joe looked at you as he said goodbye and hung up. That looked like your phone.
"Her mum's on her way."
Why was he using your phone?
"Any mental fogginess?" Anne continued, ignoring Joe and additionally ignoring you, entirely unfussed that you weren't answering any of her questions.
"Hey," Joe softly said, catching your attention as he stepped closer and leant an elbow on the counter as he bent down a little. He smiled warmly at you when he asked, "How are you feeling?"
Joe Quinn.
Joseph Quinn.
What was he doing in your bookstore?
And who the fuck was Anne?
Your eyes moved from one to the other until you saw black spots and the pain behind your eyes grew. Your ears were ringing when you softly said, "I'm... I'm gonna throw up."
Joe almost hadn't gone in today. He almost hadn't, because he didn't really have any time to waste. But, Jesus, he was glad he was there.
God, imagine if he hadn't been.
When Joe had woken up that morning, he thought he was likely going actually insane. He was flying out for work the next day, and instead of preparing, of packing, of seeing family and friends before he'd be off for a while - instead of all that, he showed up on the bookstore's doorstep at 10 am sharp. Right when Anne unlocked and opened the door. Just because that was where he wanted to be. He kind of already missed the store, even though he was right there.
Anticipatory nostalgia; Joe could feel it in his bones.
Instead of stepping aside and letting him in, she gave him a deadpan tired stare and waited for him to take the A-frame from her hands to put outside on the pavement.
Joe happily helped out. Said, "Good morning, sunshine!" all chipper and laughed when Anne looked like she had to try really hard not to vomit.
He'd called a good morning into the store, got a faint "Morning!" in reply from the backroom where you were making yourself a coffee, and found his ledge... empty.
Anne saw him look at the spot where he usually left the books that he was reading. You'd granted him that small little surface area of the store so you wouldn't have to keep putting his books back on the shelves, and so Joe wouldn't have to go looking for those same books again the next time he'd come in. A win win little ledge of excuses for Joe to return to your store. A real privilege, Joe thought.
Except he'd left books there.
He knew he did.
Where had they gone?
"I tidied." Anne said unsentimentally and challengingly looked at Joe over her mug as she took a sip of hot coffee.
She loved being a little shit and inconveniencing Joe wherever and whenever she could. Tidying the store was part of her job, and Joe knew if he was to complain, she'd have the upper hand, because what was he even really doing? The store wasn't a library, no matter how much he had starting treating it like one.
So instead, Joe used her inconvenient power move as an excuse to take his time to browse the whole store and took care to be in the exact wrong spot at the exact wrong time.
You secretly smiled every time you heard Anne sigh with frustration and heard her mutter, "Move!" under her breath before using a shoulder to push him aside. Every single time, Joe pretended he was totally oblivious. Would go, "Oh! Sorry! Was I in the way?" all innocently, but you could see how his mouth was fighting to keep his own smile hidden.
It took maybe forty minutes for Joe to have built up a little stack of books on the small sidetable next to your granddad's armchair in the window, and then Joe sat and read undisturbed for an hour and a half.
You loved it when Joe was in.
Just sat there.
Absolutely engrossed in his own little world.
The faint feeling of envy was always overshadowed by the joy of being allowed to unashamedly stare at him from the counter, leant on both elbows.
You'd brought him a coffee after those 90 minutes of silent reading, and he'd given you a quick wink and a smile as a thank you.
Customers filtered in and out, and you went from moments of it just being Joe in the store to having eight people needing your attention simultaneously. It was both busy and not, and the switches in energy had left you in a weird spot mentally.
You hadn't realised you'd fully skipped lunch.
You'd seen Joe dart out for some pastries, and you'd ordered Anne to get her ass into the back to go and eat something, but you never followed up on your "I'll take my lunch after."
It was why, in a moment of quiet, you'd picked up a box of books from behind the counter that had sort of been in the way the whole morning, you been unsuccessfull.
Maybe you'd gotten up too fast.
Or maybe the box was just too heavy.
The entire thing had taken you down quicker than you'd been able to get it off the floor. It didn't help that the box was open. The reflex of your body became about making sure none of the books would tip out and hit you in the face, when the reflex should've been about cushioning your fall.
You shot no arms out.
You didn't drop the box.
You just... fell.
The weight of the box pushed the air straight from your lungs and left you gasping.
The back of your head had hit the wooden floorboards so hard, you immediately saw stars.
After impact, for a short moment, it was pin-drop silent. Anne froze, pausing for a moment, listening. She was waiting for you to go "I'm all right!", but that never came.
Joe was ripped from his book at the sound of the fall, but was confused. One moment you'd been there, and then now, you were gone.
When a soft wincing gasp was heard from where you were hidden form his view, he was on his feet in an instant, rounding the counter and finding you there on the floor, box of books heavy on your stomach, eyes completely glazed over as you rapidly blinked up at the ceiling in an attempt to erase the fuzzy bits in your vision.
"Oh my G– Anne!" Joe was quick to remove the box and the books that were tumbling out. "Breathe. Careful, don't move, just focus on breathing." Joe advised as he watched you struggle.
"What dropped?" Anne asked, getting closer now and trying to find the source of the whack.
"She did."
"I know she did, but what was that–"
"That was her." Joe tried to make eye-contact. "Hey, just breathe, all right? Are you hurt?"
The eye-contact failed, as did answering Joe's question.
You hadn't even properly heard him it felt like.
Anne and Joe shared a look, for a moment both unsure of what to do. Who was going to take the lead on this? Joe didn't work there, but Anne was a literal teenager.
Before they could even think of discussing a game plan, you incoherently asked through a constricted panicked voice if anyone had thought of the fire escape. They both turned to look at you, both faces frowning in confusion.
"What was that?"
Joe and Anne spoke at the same time.
"I think I forgot. Are the bugs gone?" you winced as you moved a hand to where your head hurt, and Joe was quick in deciding he was going to have to be the one to call the shots on this. He'd clearly chosen to spend all day at the bookstore for a reason, so it seemed.
It took a little while for you to return to normal.
You babbled through some more disjointed chat whilst Joe carefully checked with his fingers if your head was bleeding. It wasn't, which was good. But you did wince in pain as he slowly felt around in your hair before you tried to sit up and take your shoes off.
Anne had to fight you back down onto the floor and sternly told you to relax whilst Joe slid his folded jacket underneath your head.
When your consciousness returned into the room, you were met by a girl sat by your side who was scrolling through concussion symptoms, and a guy stood up by your feet, talking to someone on the phone.
"What's going on?" You'd asked, and Anne had just casually said, "You fell."
Joe'd called your mum on your phone. Anne knew the code. Joe told himself he'd give her a stern talk about normal-people things like privacy later. Priorities lied elsewhere right now.
And then you'd thrown up into the box of books that had taken you down earlier.
Served it right, Joe thought.
Joe'd held your hair through it, and kept brushing back little pieces that kept falling into your face. His touches were so tender and gentle but they still hurt, and you were absolutely mortified. So fucking embarrassed. There was a fucking celebrity in the store and you were vomming into a box of books that, halfway through, got swapped for an empty bucket.
It smelled awful, and it probably was the most unattractive thing in the world.
You felt like the most unattractive thing in the world.
"Sorry you had to see that." you croaked when Anne handed you a glass of water to rinse your mouth.
"We think you're concussed."
Somehow, that made perfect sense.
"You took quite the tumble. The back of your head must be hurting."
You moved to sit with your back against a cupboard door, careful to not lean your head back too far, and Joe decided to stay put next to you. Keep an eye on you. Hold your hair back in case you weren't quite done throwing up yet.
Meanwhile, Anne had moved into the backroom and did her best in trying to save whatever books she could from where you'd thrown up over them.
"Do you have any pain anywhere else?"
You paused a second to focus on the feelings inside of your body, and then moved an arm to touch the opposite elbow.
"Your elbow? Are you bleeding?" Joe used a soft hand to move your arm so he could have a look. "Does it hurt a lot?" No broken skin. Joe hoped that maybe the blow he'd heard had been your elbow, and not your actual skull.
"Stop asking her a million questions!" Anne shouted from the back, like she hadn't been doing the exact same thing before.
"You'd tell me if you weren't okay, wouldn't you?" Joe's voice remained soft and warm for you. All kind and gentle.
For a moment, you just looked at him.
"Hi," he smiled, and he saw how you were trying to puzzle the situation together. "I'm Joe."
"I know who you are."
"Oh, that's great!" Joe exclaimed.
"Were you... did you happen to just be in here to buy books, or..."
Not so great.
You knew who he was, but you didn't know who he was.
"Um, no, not really. I actually come in here a lot. I um... you let me hog one of the armchairs where I read books."
"You do?"
"Yea, it's awfully rude of me." Joe smiled. "But I'm lucky. You're very cool about it."
Joe could feel his chest swell at the faintest hint of a smile coming from you.
"He's your boyfriend." Anne bluntly interrupted as she stepped back into the storefront, and before you could even begin to process that wild bit of information, she added, "But not really. The two of you are... you're really weird about it."
It sounded like a weird joke, and you looked between the both of them to figure out what the punchline was, because you didn't get it.
Joe just smiled when you looked at him.
"She hates it."
"I do." Anne confirmed, walking across the store to move the sign on the door to 'closed'. Your mum was going to come by and pick you up to get your head checked and there was no way Anne wasn't going to go with.
Joe craned his head to watch Anne as she went to fetch the A-frame out front and then leant close and whispered, "We kind of like that she hates it."
That made you smile into your lap.
"Have you um..." you started, suddenly frowning. "Do you have a plaster for me?"
Joe's concern immediately grew again. He wasn't quite back where he was twenty minutes ago, when you'd laid right where he was sitting now, unable to catch your breath properly, but his eyes bulged like he was just as worried anyway.
"Why? Are you bleeding? Where?"
"I've not finished my homework."
"You've not..." Joe tried to make sense of something nonsensical before he realised he'd lost you again.
Joe wondered if he could let someone know he wasn't going to be able to leave the city tomorrow. Let alone the fucking country. The prospect of leaving you like this for a few weeks and having to actually do a job seemed impossible.
How was he not going to be thinking about you all the time?
To be fair, his life was already like that, a little.
But especially now; after all this, no one could expect him to not constantly worry if you were all right, could they?
"I don't think I've got any plasters for you, sorry."
"Oh," you seemed disappointed, but only for a second. "You bought Blindness from me."
There you were. Back again. God, he really did already miss you, even though you were right there.
"I did."
"You hadn't... you'd not read it, but you'd seen the film."
"I had."
"I remember."
"Read it in one day."
You'd likely be fine.
People got concussions all the time, didn't they?
"Sorry, I'm all over the place."
"You're not actually," Joe smiled. "You're right here."
Joe was going to leave the country tomorrow, and you'd stay with your mum until you'd be one hundred per cent again. You would keep the store closed, so there was no use in him hanging around anyway. And then, when you'd be all better, he'd pop back in on a random Tuesday morning without any warning, and then he could tell you all about today. You'd likely not remember a thing of it, all of it a lost moment to you, but one that he'd get to keep. Get to cherish. Get to share with you later.
"My head hurts..." you suddenly said like you'd only just realised it.
"Yea, you fell." Joe could go through this loop again, he didn't mind.
"I did?"
"Hmm, we think you're concussed. Your mum is coming to pick you up, have you checked out by a doctor to double check and make sure you're okay."
Joe saw how you went to reach for the back of your head again, but before your fingers could disappear into your hair, the bell above the door chimed and Anne said, "No sign of her yet."
"That's Anne." Joe calmly explained, and then reached to grab hold of your hand, protecting you from touching your painful bits again. He'd make sure to hold it until your mum arrived.
Joe saw your eyes grow wide as you recognised him again, and smiled.
"And I'm Joe."
The Taglisted
@ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson,
@choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @djoseph-quinn,
@dolcevit4, @eddies-puppet, @emma-munson, @emotionaldreamer, @everythinghasafacee,
@figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @hanahkatexo, @harringtonfan4,
@hazelenys, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @keikoraven, @kennedy-brooke,
@lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @mandyjo8719, @mexicanfolklore, @munsonluvrr,
@munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @nglharry, @notverywise, @pepperstories,
@phyllosilicate-s, @royale1803, @sherrylyn0628, @sidthedollface2, @solzi1420,
@songforeddiemunson, @sweetberry47, @take-everything-you-can, @thebellenouvelle, @tlclick73,
@werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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n0tamused · 17 hours
Hiya!! I have a WuWa request, how about Reader stargazing with Jiyan and them talking about some deep topic of ur choice while stargazing? Only if you’re up for it tho! Don’t push urself. Have a good day!
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A/N: Thank you for your request anon! I hope you enjoy this :)
Contents: Jiyan x GN!Reader, angst and sadness
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Low calls of an owl echo over the breath of the breeze, the soft sighs of nature enveloping you in its embrace. Your head is supported by the lush grass, and Jiyan’s bicep that he insisted you lay on. His tone was low and a soft timbre compared to its commanding tone when he was performing his duties. Jiyan’s body exudes warmth and comfort, and in all the ways you needed him, he was there.
“You shouldn’t be so reckless..” He’d mutter, golden eyes dark from drinking in the serene, dark scenery up above. Little stars were freckled across the sky like little faded droplets of milk, counting up to billions of the same, yet not one less beautiful than the other. 
The towering mountains sprouted from the ground so high, long rocks fingers reaching as far as possible, as if trying to grasp the fading lights and the moon itself.
“I know.. I try, Jiyan. Yet, I really can’t just stand by and watch, especially when I see you in the midst of it all, surrounded or cornered..” you respond back, quiet, not willing to disturb this serenity.
He hums, wordlessly in disagreement of your response yet he can’t bring himself to say anything in that exact moment. His mind is plagued by images of your exhausted form slumping behind a fallen tree trunk, and skin grimy with sweat and dirt. 
“I know you mean well, and you are doing your best. Yet, you are not a Midnight Ranger, love, you are not a soldier. This.. battlefield is not your place to be in” Jiyan says, his gaze leaving the midnight sky and falling on you, seeing the way your nose curved and how your eyes were much darker in the absence of a lamp or a fire. “I am the General, the leader of these men, and I don’t need you to step in for me, love..”
He sees your eyes lower to stare at nothing in particular, lashes fluttering while your throat bobbed with unease. His words rang true, but you couldn’t find yourself accepting them.  
“I need you alive... and I need you safe. While I can do my absolute best at shielding you while you are here, I cannot stand true to my promise to you if you’re jumping head first into hot water. Not when you do so behind my back”
“Jiyan… “ you sigh, trailing off, your lips opening and then closing as you try to pry your brain for a response that would get him to be more lenient, to see your side too.
“I know..” you say, your eyes finding his as you turn your face towards him. “I know.. I know you are doing your best, and I don’t wish to burden you with my-” “You are not a burden” “I know, Jiyan- let me talk.. please”
His lips press into a firm line and he gives you a small nod, encouraging you to keep going while his eyes apologize for cutting you off. One hand came to trace your cheek, he was almost laying on his side now.
“I don’t want to make your time more difficult, especially not when we’re in the middle of a battle. But don’t send me back to the city, please.. I can’t bear not being close to where I can see you. I am still useful here, perhaps not as a professional warrior or a soldier or a gunner, but I can help and I can learn too.. You talk about your promise to keep me safe, but what about our promise to stay alive... and with each other?”
Your question renders his thumbing of your cheeks slow before his fingers stop altogether in tracing your features, instead cupping the side of your face in his calloused palm. “I haven’t forgotten about that..'' he simply replies, the heaviness in his chest too great, making him unable to sigh to rid himself of it.  Fatigue hangs heavy over your heads, but neither of you are willing to cut the conversation or this moment short.
“Don’t send me back.. There is nothing for me there..” Not without you- it goes without being said, and he feels it in his bones that he can’t argue with you on this, you’ll both remain stubborn on your stances. He knows he’ll have to put restrictions on you, to keep you safe, but until then he’ll enjoy this night of reprieve with you. The tent he sleeps in feels like a bed of nettles without you, and the way he’s comfortable laying on nothing more but this lush grass speaks volumes of that. He does not feel cold or irritated. Jiyan is at peace.
But he has to send you back, he tells himself, but not yet.. Tomorrow, or maybe the day after, until you forget about this conversation, and until the next cargo drop off comes in. Then, he’ll send you back.
“And we will be together, my love. You must be patient. You are my northern star in these dark nights, are you aware of that? The most precious person to me, one I hold within my heart itself.. I can’t afford to lose you..” he whispers to you as you watch him with pleading and loving eyes. You tip your chin up, brushing your nose against his and with that simple motion he is leaning in to grant your wordless wish, satiating your desire for closeness with a kiss to your lips.
The arm underneath your head stirs and he wraps it around his shoulders, bringing you in closer, flush against him, and you’re wrapping your arms around him and kissing him with fervor and unspoken love. Closer, closer, stay with me, don’t leave..
He holds you with such tender touches, holds you like you may fade away like sunlight before the long night, feather light touches tracing your cheeks and chin and moving towards the back of your head. He pulls away for a moment, his forehead pressing against yours as you both inhale the same air. “I love you” - it’s you who blurts it out before he gets the chance to do so, and his eyes widen with surprise. His heart drums in his chest, and he presses his lips to your again, in search of water to quell his worry, and for a forgiveness. Every note of love is interwoven in his actions, his touches and his kisses. Were the world any less cruel, it would have granted you two the eternity of this night, to forever be here and watch the skies in tranquility. 
Black night covers you both in a blanket of stardust and far galaxies, bringing you safety if only but this night alone, undisturbed by monsters or people. And as Jiyan pushes himself to his elbow to loom over you, chasing your lips, a lone star flies across the vast sky, flickering out and leaving behind a silver fading tail.
Maybe.. just maybe, the universe heard your wishes. 
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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Truth Serum
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!cop!reader
Summary: While searching for an abducted child, you and Tim are abducted and injected with truth serum.
Warnings: fluff, angst, child abduction, drugging, Tim and reader make out while working
Word Count: 2.6k+ words
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“Bradford,” Wade calls over the radio. “We got an anonymous tip about the AMBER alert. The caller said a car matching the alert description was parked outside the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena.”
“We’re responding,” Tim replies. “Why the arena?” he asks you.
“It wouldn’t be very busy this time of day. Stay low there until there’s a crowd tonight and disappear with them,” you hypothesize. “Or something happened, and they had to stop.”
Tim nods as he turns on the shop’s lights. He doesn’t want to alert the abductor that the police are coming, but he needs to get there fast. Once you find the car, you’re a step closer to recovering the kidnapped child. The AMBER alert is several hours old, and the longer it takes, the more your chances of finding the child healthy and alive diminish.
“Take the next left,” you tell Tim. “If we can get in the back way, they shouldn’t see us coming.”
Tim takes your advice without argument, which surprises you. Calls with kids are some of the hardest, but when you know one’s in danger, everything changes. Part of what makes Tim such a good cop is his ability to separate his emotions, but the moment you got the AMBER alert notification, he tightened his grip on the wheel and told dispatch to let you and him patrol for the car.
“There it is,” Tim murmurs as he stops behind a partial wall in the parking lot.
The silver sedan you’ve spent the morning hunting for waits in a parking spot as if it’s just a normal day. You can’t see signs of anyone in the car, and Tim opens his door quietly and steps out. As you open your door, you notice something under the sedan less than 100 yards from you.
“Tim, it’s a trap,” you say quickly.
He turns toward you and gestures for you to get back in the car, but the car explodes, and you’re slung back against the shop before you take another step. You reach toward Tim where he lays behind you, but a booted foot kicks your hand away.
“Time to serve and protect,” the man standing above you says.
He drops a wet rag on your face, and you lose consciousness before you realize it’s not water.
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 “Hey, c’mon,” Tim whispers.
He jostles your wrist with his fingertips as he demands you talk to him. When you realize that he’s asking for a response, you squeeze your eyes closed and grunt. Tim takes it as enough of a sign that you’re still alive and stops talking.
“Where are we?” you ask, blinking slowly. “Are you tied up?”
“Welcome back,” Tim murmurs grumpily. “You don’t handle chloroform very well.”
“My bad,” you reply sarcastically. “Have they been back?”
“How mad are you?”
Tim makes a sound that you take as a sign to stop talking. For someone so eager to hear your voice a moment ago, your questions changed his mind quickly. Behind you, metal scrapes as a door opens. You hear heavy footsteps and assume that it’s the man who knocked you out.
“Glad to see you’re both feeling better. Need those minds as sharp and clear as we can get them,” he says. “I’m George.”
“And I’m the man in yellow,” you reply under your breath.
“Cute,” George murmurs. “You’re just here to help. If you found the car, you know about the kid.”
“The kid you abducted?” Tim asks.
“Details, details… Either you start telling me what you know, or I beat it out of your friend here.”
Tim’s fingers press against your wrist as he flexes beneath his restraints. George laughs, and you turn your neck painfully in an attempt to see him.
“You’ll get a turn,” George promises when he notices your movement. “If neither of you is feeling talkative, perhaps you need some courage.”
George walks around Tim, and you track him as he stops before you. He’s larger than he seemed in the parking lot. As he smiles down at you, you relax. If he thinks you’re intimidated, he has you where he wants you.
“Do you want to tell me anything?” George asks.
“Your right boot is scuffed,” you answer. “Little saddle soap would buff it right out.”
George clenches his jaw as he reaches into his pocket. He withdraws a syringe, and your eyes widen as you push back against the chair you’re tied to. His smile grows as he reaches for your forearm.
“Don’t,” you demand. “Don’t touch me.”
Tim moves behind you, but there’s nothing he can do to help.
“Don’t worry, Officer Bradford,” George calls. “You’ll get a turn too.”
George slides the needle under your skin and looks directly into your eyes as he depresses the syringe. He pulls the used needle out and tosses it into the corner of the room. After he pats your arm, he returns to Tim’s side.
“What was that? What is it?” you demand, pulling against your restraints.
A bead of blood appears on the surface of the skin. Tim is likely being injected too, but you need to know what George is pumping into you.
“Back up,” Tim growls from behind you.
“Gladly,” George answers. “To answer your question, sodium thiopental. Enjoy the next few minutes of control.”
As the door slams behind George, you exclaim, “Truth serum?”
“It doesn’t work,” Tim says.
“Yeah,” you agree. “But this idiot doesn’t know that.”
“And you want to pretend it does?” Tim questions. “For what?”
“He gets fed up and tells us what he knows… I hope.”
Tim hums and his fingers press against your skin. “Let’s try it.”
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“Hello again,” George says as he returns.
“Hi,” you blurt out.
“So glad to hear some excitement. We’ll start easy. Why are you here?”
“Because we’re cops and someone said the AMBER alert car was here,” Tim answers.
“Oh, so grumpy does speak,” George muses happily. “In that case...”
George grabs the side of your chair and spins it quickly. You’re beside Tim now; his arm is pressed to yours and you can look at him without straining. The plan is working already.
“Glad you’re okay,” Tim tells you.
“Not the truth we’re looking for,” George interrupts. “Tell me, what do the police think?”
“Lots of things,” you answer. “You-“ you interrupt yourself off with a giggle – “you have to be more specific.”
“Where do they think the kid is?” George clarifies.
“With the bad guy,” Tim says. “The guy who drives the silver sedan… Did you steal it?”
“Do they have a name, a face? Who is the suspect?” George is getting agitated, exactly as you hoped.
“A face...” you repeat. You look toward Tim and say, “You… you have the prettiest face ever. I want to marry you.”
Tim takes the confession in stride, likely assuming that you’re still playing I’m high on sodium thiopental.
“You’re the best partner I’ve ever had,” Tim replies, leaning toward you.
“Listen!” George demands. He places his hand over your jaw to direct your face toward his. “Where is the kid?”
“The kid?” you ask, your voice distorted by his grip on your face.
“Mmhmm. Where did they take him?”
George releases your face, and you stretch your jaw out as you turn toward Tim.
“Kids… Tim, I want to have your babies. You’d have pretty babies. And smart babies.”
Tim nods along, but there’s a faraway look in his eyes that you don’t recognize. He’s either playing up the truth serum bit, or something else is happening. George slaps the side of your face before he storms out of the room. You smile at Tim, despite the deepening hand print covering your jaw.
“Pretty and smart babies?” Tim asks.
“You weren’t giving me anything to work with,” you point out with a shrug.
“I like listening.”
“Well, it is truth serum,” you murmur.
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When George returns, he shoves a picture in your face.
“My son, where did they take him?” he demands.
“Son?” you and Tim ask together.
“Oh!” you exclaim when you see the picture. “George, listen, we can help. But you have to let us go.”
“Why would I do that? You people are the reason he’s gone!”
“George,” you repeat softly. “We know that the man who reported his abduction is really his stepfather, and half of the LAPD is looking for your son, but we don’t know where he is yet.”
“He never would’ve disappeared if you hadn’t taken him away from me!”
“Then let me help,” you implore.
George stares at you for a few seconds before he nods. He cuts your restraints and steps back as you stand. You pull Tim’s handcuffs from his belt as you move, just in case.
“Let’s go,” he commands.
You shake your head and point to Tim. “Both of us.”
“No,” George answers. “Help me and I’ll let you come back to get him later. We’re going.”
George grabs your arm and shoves you harshly toward the door. You could fight back, but without Tim to back you up, it would go poorly fast.
“Tim, I’ll be back,” you promise.
“Be careful,” he mouths silently.
You nod and hold his eyes until the door closes. As you follow George through the underground tunnel, you watch him closely.
“Dad!” someone yells deeper in the tunnel.
“George,” you say lowly. “What did you do?”
“He’s my son!” George bellows.
He turns toward you with your gun aimed at your chest. You raise your hands and maintain eye contact with him.
“This doesn’t end well for you,” you tell him. “What was the goal?”
“His stepdad is looking for him,” George explains. “I can’t lose my son again.”
“So… what?”
“You would bring him here, lure that monster here, and I would save my son!”
“George, it doesn’t work like that. You kill his stepdad, you injure me or my partner, and you go to prison. So that little boy in there still loses you. You’re stuck, George.”
“No!” he yells. “No, I have the gun and my son.”
“And when you have to run? You drag him with you?”
“I- we-“
“You didn’t think that far?” you guess. “You don’t get out of this, George. Not like this.”
“Dad!” his son yells again.
“He needs you right now. If you let me go, surrender, and return that little boy to his mother-“
“The court takes him again.”
“But you still get to see him. What’s better, George? Taking him from everything he loves or seeing him when it’s good for him?”
The gun falters in George’s hand, and when he begins to lower it, you surge forward. As your shoulder collides with his chest, you pull your gun from his grip. It fires into the tunnel as you wrestle George to the ground. The moment you push him to the concrete and secure your cuffs on him, George begins crying.
“Save the tears for your court date,” you respond. “Where’s my radio? My phone?”
George shakes his head, and you sigh in exasperation. You pull his shoulders to help him into a seated position against the concrete wall.
“Stay here,” you demand. George nods vehemently, and you ask, “Where’s your son?”
“Third door on the left,” he answers through sniffles.
You walk to the third door and open it carefully. The little boy runs to you and hugs your legs as he rambles about how his father took him from his mom’s house and won’t tell him anything.
“It’s okay, buddy,” you assure him. “Here, can you hold my handcuffs? I need someone to keep them ready until I come back.”
He nods and accepts the handcuffs. As he sits on the thin mattress behind him and toys with the mechanical lock, you return to the main tunnel. George doesn’t speak as you pass him, nor when you take the knife from his side.
You open the door to the room where Tim is waiting and step inside. He looks up quickly and blows out a large breath. His jaw tightens quickly, and you notice blood running down his left hand.
“George is in cuffs outside,” you say. You squat before Tim and begin cutting his restraints. “And his son is fine. Babysitting your cuffs at the moment.”
You set the knife aside and focus on gently freeing Tim's bloodied wrist, oblivious to how he watches you. His skin has been scraped raw from tugging against the rope to get out and get to you. He heard the gunshot and assumed the worst, then you came in like nothing happened.
The moment Tim is free, you stand and offer a hand to him. Tim knocks your hand out of the way as he stands. You begin to ask him if he’s okay, but his hands rise to your shoulders, his thumbs against the pillar of your neck. Before you finish the question, Tim presses himself closer to you and kisses you. You blink in surprise but melt into his affection quickly. As you slide your arms over his shoulder and move with Tim, you wonder how much of his action is adrenaline and if there’s anything in this that he means.
“Officer?” George’s son calls down the tunnel.
You step back and Tim drops his hands to your waist.
“That was…” you begin.
“Truth serum,” Tim finishes. “Let’s go.”
He brushes past you, trailing his right hand over your waist. Outside, he leads George out as you carry his son back into the sunlight. The young boy clings to you, and you comfort him as Tim uses the radio in the shop to alert dispatch and request backup.
“Where’s our stuff?” Tim asks George as he shoves him against the dented back door.
“Threw it in here,” George mumbles against the glass.
“He may be a kidnapper, but he’s no thief,” you murmur.
“You see those dents?” Tim asks lowly, so George’s son doesn’t hear. “Those were made when you tried to kill two cops. All of this for a little boy you’re never going to see again.”
George begins crying again, and Tim rolls his eyes as he looks away. Tim may be good at hiding his emotions on the job, but you know better than anyone that he still feels them and feels them deeply.
The first of many patrol cars pulls into the parking lot, and you nod at Tim before you’re pulled away in the hectic moments that follow your heroic recovery.
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You knock on the door once, then pull your hands behind your back. Part of you expects that the door will remain closed, but Kojo barks as Tim opens the door.
“Hi,” you greet, rocking back on your heels. “I- uh- I just wanted to thank you for everything today.”
“Come in,” Tim invites.
You walk past him, remembering what it felt like to have his hands on you and his lips against yours. As you turn back to Tim, he steps into your space.
“Was any of it true?” he asks.
“It’s called truth serum for a reason,” you whisper.
Tim fails to hide his smile as he says, “Then you think I have a pretty face?”
“The prettiest ever,” you agree.
“And you want to have my babies.”
“I’m pretty sure I said I wanted to get married first,” you point out happily.
Tim’s hands raise toward your face, but he stops when he sees the bruise along your jaw. You catch his left arm and kiss his bandage, the injury underneath caused by concern for you.
“I was going to say I love you,” you murmur. “But I didn’t think you’d believe me.”
“It’s truth serum. I wanted to believe it all,” Tim answers.
“Then kiss me again,” you request softly.
Tim does exactly as you ask, takes your face gently between his hands, and kisses you. It’s just as shocking and enlivening as the first time, and you smile against his lips because it was true. It was all true.
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poisonedapples · 2 days
Consider: Husk and Angel have been dating for not long, but they’re working on figuring out what physical affection would look like between them since their Situations make everything regarding touch and boundaries different than an average relationship. But Angel is Angel, so he fully expects Husk to bring up sex any day now. Because they’ve been dating for a month and clearly that means they’re long overdue for a fuck, promises of taking it slow be damned. Husk is a man so it must be what he wants most, right?
And as the days go on, Angel realizes that Husk is just. Staring at him at times. Looking shy like he wants to ask something, and Angel’s thinking yeah, this is it. He’s gotten impatient, Husk is gonna make a move any second now. Which is fine! Angel expected it, really. He’s hard to resist, it was only a matter of time before Husk got bored and wanted to move on. He’s already been much more gentle than any other lover he’s had, so he can just suck it up. It’s fine.
Eventually, after Husk staring at him and opening his mouth a dozen times before closing it again with Angel pretending not to notice, Husk finally actually speaks up. He’s practically whispering when he finally goes “…Angel?”
Angel tries to act like his heart isn’t beating out of his chest. “Yeah?”
“Can I-…” Husk swallows. “…Can I pet your hair?”
Angel just blinks at him for much longer than he’d care to admit. “Like…pull it?”
Husk looks completely baffled by the response. He shakes his head, and Angel can barely see a tint of red underneath his fur. “No, just…pet it. It looks so soft, I wanna run my fingers through it.”
Angel takes a moment to process the request, but he’s smiling wide when he nods in agreement.
And that’s how Angel ends up with his head in Husk’s lap, half asleep as Husk lightly scratches at his scalp, with only the faint sound of purring traveling through the room.
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i-care-4u · 1 day
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you were invited to pablo’s party alongside his barcelona teammates and a few others. as you entered, you were immediately greeted by pablo and his sister, aurora.
at this point, you and the gaviras were like family. ever since meeting them because of your guardian’s interactions with their mother, you and the siblings got closer as the ages pass by. although things have changed because of career choices, one thing you can agree on was that barcelona is the move. you love barcelona as much as they do.
“hey guys!” you waved at the gavira siblings and they exchanged a smile towards before coming up to you.
starting with the left cheek, aurora exchanged kisses with you, “you finally made it!”
“i did!” you posed.
pablo joined, “thanks for coming in tonight. feel free to serve yourself some food, and drinks will be right in the fridge.”
you nod to pablo, messing up his hair, “thank you pablito!”
after greeting everyone inside the party, you decided to sit down and listen to the recent gossip. you were accompanied by pablo’s friend group.
as people slowly got off the couch, you saw that as your cue to leave somewhere else. however, fermín desperately asked you to stay.
“where are you going?” fermín asked you, “you’re going to miss the best part of the story!”
“i’m going to grab a drink and go outside.” you said as you start making your way into the kitchen. you opened the refrigerator and grabbed one of the drinks. afterwards, you closed the door and made your way into the backyard.
the backyard view looked very beautiful at night. however, there was no one there, or at least you thought so. walking towards the pool, appeared a guy sitting on one of the chairs.
“is someone sitting there?” you knew the answer is no, no one is sitting there, but you used that question as a way to start a conversation with the guy.
“no, you can sit there if you want.”
as you sat down, you started to examine the guy’s face. you were already familiar with his face, although you were unsure if that was his name.
“you must be…”
“pedri, no need to pretend.”
you raised your hands, giving him a sarcastic dirty look, “wow, okay. i was just making sure i was looking at the right person.”
“and you must be y/n. gavi tells me about you.”
“oh, he’s so sweet. you should be lucky to have someone like him.”
“and i am.”
for a brief moment, silence fell between you, with the peaceful sounds of the night wrapping about you like a comfortable blanket. the cold breeze rustled through the leaves, instilling a sense of serenity in your bones. pedri interrupted the pause, his voice soft but full of inquiry. "so, how long have you been friends with pablo and aurora?"
you chuckled quietly, remembering your closeness with the gavira siblings. "we have a long history together. our families have been close for years, and we almost grew up together. it's like they're my second family." pedri nodded in agreement, his face thoughtful. "that is nice. family is vital." you couldn't help but agree, a warm emotion flooding your chest as you remembered your relationship with the gaviras. "oh, definitely. they've always been there for me, through thick and thin."
as the night proceeded, you found yourself deep in discussion with pedri, the words flowing effortlessly as if you had known each other for years. his presence gave you a sense of calm and ease, allowing you to forget about everything else. you were lost in the moment, telling stories, laughing, and even pausing to contemplate quietly. it felt as if time had stopped and the world had shrunk to just the two of you in the black of night.
“so you’re telling me that you never wanted to approach me?” you asked pedri, being in disbelief.
pedri shrugged, “seeing you and the group of girls, i’d say out of everyone, you were the most intimidating.”
“gavi tells me all about you,” you repeated the words pedri said earlier. “don’t tell me he influenced you.”
“he didn’t…clearly you were just out of my league.”
“out of my league as in?”
“one that is getting the people in telling me that i pulled the impossible. one that i can show off to everyone. one that got me looking like the average person when standing next to you, a supermodel-like appearance.”
as the hours went, you developed a peculiar fascination to pedri. there was a magnetic draw between you, a connection that appeared to transcend words and actions. and when you looked into pedri's eyes, you noticed something flicker beneath the surface: a spark of something unsaid, something that mirrored the feelings running through your heart.
"may i?" pedri asked you. you drew in closer, absorbed in the moment's intensity, the distance between you narrowing with each passing second. and when your lips came together in a deep, delicate kiss, the world around you seemed to drift away, leaving only the warmth of pedri's touch and the hammering of your pulse.
lost in the heat of desire, you felt pedri's fingertips trace patterns across your flesh, sending chills down your spine. his touch was electric, setting off a fire of desire that grew stronger with each passing instant.
the need for air eventually separated you, leaving you both breathless and overwhelmed with want. but, even as you gathered your breath, the desire in pedri's eyes indicated that this was far from over. without saying anything, you both rose from your chairs, hands interlaced as you headed towards the house, the anticipation of what lay ahead hanging heavily in the air between you. however, as you approached the door upstairs, a voice shrieked from behind you, stopping you both in your tracks.
"since when were you two a thing?" fermín's voice burst forth, full of wonder. you turned to face him, hot cheeks and beating heart, wondering how to react to his unexpected interruption. but as you met pedri's eyes, you shared a wordless understanding, a mutual acceptance of the emotion that had developed between you.
"we'll talk later," pedri muttered softly, kissing your lips before turning to face fermín, whose expression was unreadable. and as you entered that room together, the anticipation of what was to come hung heavily in the air, a tempting reminder of your love for one another.
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thatdammchickennugget · 12 hours
Hey! First off, I absolutely ADORE your theo nott & slytherin boys writing, its just like WOW. Second, i was wondering if you could take my *very* complicated request for theodore :). What if, after the wizarding war the ministry comes after all the death eaters, and theo is scared that they'll do something to the reader, so he fakes his own death. A year later, the reader is still in a dark place and she comes over to Mattheo's place (he somehow escaped going to azkaban) without notice and sees theo. Sorry if this was too long or complicated I just needed to get that out of my head :D.
Lost And Found
pairing -theodore nott x gn!reader
warnings - angsty with a happy ending, faked death, mention of y/n
a/n - omg thank you that's so sweet I love you 💕 and I love this request so much, sorry I'm responding to this so late 💕
wordcount - 1.4k
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The smell of rain clung to the night air as you stood on the doorstep of Mattheo’s small, dimly-lit flat. The cold, grey drizzle of London had become a familiar companion over the past year, a fitting backdrop to the constant ache in your chest. You hadn't planned on coming here, but tonight, the weight of your grief was unbearable. With a deep breath, you knocked, hoping for solace.
The door creaked open, revealing Mattheo’s tired face. His dark eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he quickly masked it with a smirk. “Y/n, what a surprise,” he drawled, stepping aside to let you in. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You forced a small smile, the first in days, and stepped inside. The warmth of the flat contrasted sharply with the chill outside, but it did little to thaw the ice around your heart. “I just…needed to see a familiar face,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Mattheo nodded, closing the door behind you. “I get it,” he said softly. “It’s been a rough year.”
Rough didn’t begin to cover it. After the war, the Ministry had been relentless, hunting down every last Death Eater and their associates. You’d been lucky, your connections and actions during the war protecting you from suspicion. But Theodore Nott hadn’t been so fortunate.
You’d mourned him deeply, the memory of his warm smile and steady presence haunting your every step. Theo had been your anchor, the one bright spot in the chaos of your world. And then he was gone, ripped away in a cruel twist of fate that left you reeling.
Mattheo led you to the living room, where a fire crackled softly in the hearth. The room was cozy, filled with mismatched furniture and remnants of the life he had built away from his dark past. You sank into the worn sofa, exhaustion seeping into your bones.
“Can I get you something? Tea? Firewhisky?” Mattheo offered.
“Tea would be nice,” you replied, your eyes drifting to the flickering flames. The silence that settled over the room was heavy, filled with unspoken words and shared pain.
As Mattheo moved to the kitchen, you glanced around, taking in the scattered books and papers, the signs of a life still moving forward. It was then that you heard it—a soft rustling, like the whisper of a ghost. You turned, your heart pounding in your chest.
There, standing in the doorway, was a figure you thought you’d never see again. Theodore Nott, alive and very much real, his eyes wide with shock and something else—fear, perhaps—mirroring your own.
For a moment, the world stopped. The crackle of the fire, the distant hum of the city, even the sound of your own heartbeat faded into the background. All you could do was stare, disbelief warring with the desperate hope that this wasn’t some cruel illusion.
“Theo?” you breathed, your voice trembling with a mix of emotions you couldn’t begin to untangle.
He took a step forward, his expression torn between relief and guilt. “Y/n,” he whispered, his voice breaking on your name.
In that instant, a thousand questions flooded your mind, but only one made it past your lips. “Why?” The single word carried the weight of your pain, your loss, and the aching emptiness of the past year.
Theo’s eyes softened, and he took another step closer. “I had to,” he said, his voice raw. “For you. They were coming for all of us, and I couldn’t risk them using you to get to me. I had to make sure you were safe.”
The room seemed to close in around you, the walls pressing in with the weight of his words. You wanted to scream, to cry, to throw yourself into his arms and never let go. Instead, you stood frozen, your mind racing to catch up with your heart.
Before you could speak, Mattheo returned with a tray of tea, his eyes flicking between you and Theo. “I see you two have found each other,” he said quietly, setting the tray down and stepping back, giving you the space you needed.
Theo took another step forward, closing the distance between you. “I’m so sorry, love,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I never wanted to hurt you. But I couldn’t bear the thought of you being dragged into this because of me.”
Tears welled in your eyes, and you took a shaky breath. “I thought I lost you,” you said, your voice barely audible.
Theo reached out, his hand trembling as it touched your cheek. “You didn’t,” he murmured. “I’m here. I’m right here.”
Your knees buckled as the floodgates of your emotions burst open, and you collapsed into Theo’s arms. He held you tightly, his warmth enveloping you as sobs wracked your body. Every tear that fell was a release, a letting go of the pain and loneliness that had consumed you.
Theo’s voice was a soothing murmur in your ear, his words blending into a litany of apologies and reassurances. “I never wanted to leave you,” he whispered. “I thought about you every day. I dreamt of this moment, praying you’d find it in your heart to forgive me.”
You pulled back slightly, looking up into his eyes. The pain and regret etched into his features mirrored your own, and you knew that, despite everything, you couldn’t hate him. “I missed you so much,” you choked out, your voice breaking.
Theo’s thumb brushed away your tears, his touch gentle and tender. “I missed you too, more than words can say,” he said, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “I’m here now, and I promise, I’ll never leave you again.”
The sincerity in his voice, the raw emotion in his eyes, broke down the last of your defenses. You leaned into him, burying your face in his chest as you clung to him, desperate to believe in this second chance. The warmth of his embrace and the familiar scent of him enveloped you, bringing back memories of happier times.
The minutes ticked by as Theo held you, his arms a sanctuary from the storm of emotions swirling within you. Gradually, the sobs subsided, leaving a heavy silence filled only by the crackling of the fire and the rhythmic beating of his heart.
Mattheo reappeared silently, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he watched the two of you. “I’ll leave you two alone,” he said quietly, retreating to his room and closing the door behind him.
The absence of Mattheo’s presence made the room feel even more intimate, the fire casting a soft glow on your tear-streaked face as you pulled back slightly to look up at Theo. “Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked, your voice breaking the silence. “I spent a whole year thinking you were dead, mourning you.”
Theo’s face contorted with pain and regret. “I didn’t want to put you in danger,” he whispered. “I thought if they believed I was gone, they’d leave you alone. It was the only way I could protect you.”
“But I needed you,” you said, the raw truth of your words cutting through the air. “You were my everything, Theo. Losing you… it broke me.”
“I know,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “And I’m so, so sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I see now how much I hurt you. I never wanted that.”
The tears welled up again, but this time they were mixed with relief. “You’re here now,” you said, your voice soft but resolute. “That’s what matters.”
Theo nodded, his fingers gentle on your skin. “I’m here,” he repeated, a promise in his eyes. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
The weight of the past year began to lift, replaced by a fragile hope that maybe, just maybe, things could be okay again. “We have so much to talk about,” you said, a small, tentative smile breaking through the clouds of your grief.
“We do,” Theo agreed, his own smile mirroring yours. “But we have time. All the time in the world.”
As you sat together in the warm glow of the fire, the night’s chill seemed to melt away, replaced by the warmth of love and the promise of a new beginning. And for the first time in a long time, you felt a glimmer of hope that the future could hold happiness once more. With Theo’s hand in yours and the soft murmur of his voice grounding you, the darkness of the past year began to fade, replaced by the light of your rekindled love.
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Theo Taglist - @slytherinboysappreciation @dramaticals @urmomsgirlfriend1 @remussbitch @starsval @gillyweeds @hzstry8 @sir-elian @harryslittlebitch @Thatblackthorn @gayforyelena @whoreforfictionalmen18 @Littleraindrops @darkacademicvibes @marauderswhxre @ravenclawprincess33 @sbrn0905 @atadoddinnit @helpimhopelesslyinlove @carav4l @randomgurl2326 @Yhiiil @tristanswildcat @niktwazny303 @themarauderswife7 @moonlightreader649 @sherbysherbsworld @Topguncultleader @chgrch @nat1221 @thestarlithideout @iamaslytherin0 @bath1lda @pinkposttragedy @allshitsangiggles @hoeforvinniehackerrr @mildly-delulu @h3artz4soph @marsbars
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lilghostiequinni · 21 hours
After All...
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Verstappen!female oc x Lando Norris
Warnings: None really, Fluffy(to me)
Part Summary: The world doesn't know of his girlfriend. The grid doesn't know either, well not entirely. The grid knows of his girlfriend and suspects, but doesn't know the truth, only Oscar knows, Max too. But things get a little complicated when it's found out who she is. But all is known when it's accidentally known because of a maiden win.
Part One of the Wasn't Always series; prev. part & next part
Requested: NO / yes
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Kaarina sat in the McLaren garage watching the Miami Grand Prix. She had just assumed a guest, Oscar, was his best friend, which she was, but she was also the girlfriend of his teammate, Lando Norris.
She watched the race as it was a nail-biter; she watched as the safety car was pulled out onto the track to clean the track.
She watched as her boyfriend pulled ahead of her half-brother and stayed in first for the rest of the race; she was on the edge of her seat as her boyfriend led the race.
She fought so hard to not run out to meet him at the end of the race and give him the biggest kiss she could.
But what she did do was run out with the rest of McLaren, but she stood to the side as she watched Lando run to McLaren and jump into the crowd.
Lando sees her, and when he looks at her, she is already looking at him; she shakes her head and mouths, "Later," Lando nods at her and goes back to his team celebrations and does the typical stuff for after a race.
The next time Rina sees her boyfriend is on the podium, where she smiles more than she ever has.
Lando has to do media before she can see him again.
Lando stands in the Media Center to do interviews.
"Lando, is there anyone you would wish to celebrate this win with?" An interviewer asks the newest winner.
Lando gets this look on his face that isn't quite able to be deciphered, "Um... I mean, yeah, my parents mostly."
His answer may calm people down for the moment, but it's the fans who catch his look and try to decipher the look, and many try to connect the dots, many drawing the conclusion that him having a girlfriend.
Many don't know the truth, but that doesn't mean that the fans don't stop with the theories and rumors.
Lando finishes his duties and goes to McLaren; he sees Kaarina waiting in his driver's room, just sitting, doing something on her phone.
Kaarina looks up at the noise of the door opening and looks up to see her boyfriend. She smiles at him, that warm smile he's fallen in love with and continues to fall in love with every single day.
"You need to learn to keep your dirty thoughts to yourself. Even through your expressions, conclusions have already been thought of on many platforms," Kaarina says, standing up and going to him, hugging him even if he's covered in sweat and champagne.
"I love you, have for years," Lando says, hugging her close, kissing her head as he does.
"I love you, my race-winner," Rina leans her head back and kisses him on the cheek.
Lando smiles and pulls her in, further kissing her, with a smile and she pulls away, "You need to shower; my brother's already asked to go out tonight, and I've already agreed, knowing you would not want to but also want to, so I made the decision."
Lando nods and smirks at her, "You know, I've covered you in champagne too. Only fair for you to join me."
"No, I'm not, not here. It will be too long," Rina smiles, knowing that she's won the agreement as she steps away from Lando and out of his arms.
Lando groans as she steps away from him.
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Lando stands dancing in a club with Max not far away and Kaarina dancing with him.
There are, of course, some fans in the club who are able to get sneaky photos of Lando and Kaarina by extension, but it's assumed she's a friend because they have both said so.
Later, Max drags them to a different club that is a little more exclusive and a place where they can let loose.
But it isn't fans they should watch out for, but themselves.
The two wake up the next morning to chaos on social media because of a story they posted and Max too, but they can only blame themselves and the horrendous amount of alcohol they consumed.
So, they just let it fester for a few hours while they enjoyed the last moments of peace together before the world really knew.
When those precious hours were up, they made a post confirming their relationship on his account, or at least that's what the world thought, as they couldn't see her account as it was private.
The world knew of their relationship almost six years later.
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A/N: Yes, I am still dying, but painkillers are my friend. I do have some things planned, and I'm hoping to do them all. Also, this was just the world finding out, it's meant to be a little short.
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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iovebarca · 11 hours
hii, could you write something about the reader being fermins sister and is secretly dating gavi? they have these cute little secret meetups in her room but fermin then catches them and isn’t very pleased🫠 you can end the fic however you want:) (i hope for fluff tho lmao)
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Hidden Hearts - Pablo Gavi
Authors note: thank you for a 100 followers like thats crazyyy
Warnings: incorrect grammar (probably), my first language isn't english so if you notice any mistakes please tell me, not proofread
WC: 1350 ish
Summary: basically what the request says:))
The late afternoon sun casts a warm, golden glow through your bedroom window, illuminating the soft, pastel colors of your room. The air is filled with the scent of fresh flowers from the bouquet Pablo brought you earlier. He sits across from you on the bed, his hand gently holding yours as you talk in hushed voices, the familiarity and comfort between you undeniable. Every secret meeting with him feels like stolen moments of pure happiness.
You're both aware of the risks involved, especially living with your brother Fermín, who is not only overprotective but also Pablo's close friend. The thought of him finding out about your relationship has always been daunting. Yet, in this moment, with Pablo's warm eyes gazing into yours, the world outside seems distant.
Pablo leans in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss. Just as you're about to deepen the kiss, you hear the unmistakable sound of the front door opening. Panic sets in, but there's no time to react. Fermín's voice calls out, "Y/N, are you home?"
Before you can even think of an excuse, the door to your bedroom swings open. Fermín stands there, his expression shifting from confusion to shock and then to anger as he takes in the scene before him. "What the hell is going on here?" he demands, his voice low and dangerous.
"Pablo, get out," Fermín says, his tone brooking no argument.
Pablo looks at you, worry etched on his face, but he nods and reluctantly leaves the room. The silence that follows is heavy and uncomfortable. Fermín turns to you, his eyes flashing with hurt and betrayal. "How long has this been going on?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Fermín, I can explain—"
"How long?" he repeats, more forcefully this time.
"Six months," you admit, tears welling up in your eyes. "I didn't want to hurt you."
"Too late for that," he says coldly before turning and leaving the room.
The next few days are unbearable. Fermín barely speaks to you, and you know from Pablo that he's ignoring him at training too. The weight of the silence in the apartment feels crushing. You hate seeing your brother this way, but you also can't bear the thought of losing Pablo.
One afternoon, as Fermín heads out for training, you see him talking to Pedri. They stand by the door for a moment, and you can tell by the way Pedri glances your way that Fermín is telling him about you and Pablo. A little while later, you receive a text from Pablo saying that Fermín has been distant and cold during training, avoiding him completely.
The following evening, you’re sitting alone in the living room, the silence around you pressing in. You can't take it anymore. You grab your phone and text Pablo, asking him to meet you at the park. The same park where you shared countless secret moments.
When you arrive, Pablo is already there, sitting on the bench where you first confessed your feelings for each other. He looks up as you approach, his eyes filled with concern. "How are you holding up?" he asks softly.
"Horrible honestly," you admit, sitting down beside him. "I hate seeing Fermín like this. I hate that he's hurt."
Pablo wraps his arm around you, pulling you close. "We'll get through this," he says firmly. "We just need to give him time."
As the days pass, the tension between you, Fermín, and Pablo remains palpable. You try to go about your daily routine, but everything feels off. The laughter and easy conversation that once filled the apartment have been replaced by awkward silences and curt exchanges. One evening, you find Fermín in the kitchen, staring out the window. Gathering your courage, you approach him.
"Fermín, can we talk?" you ask quietly.
He turns to you, his expression guarded. "About what?"
"About everything," you say, your voice trembling slightly. "I hate this. I hate that you're upset and that you're hurt. But I love Pablo, and I need you to understand that."
Fermín sighs, running a hand through his hair. "It's not just about you loving him. It's about trust. You and Pablo kept this from me. That hurts."
"I know," you say, tears welling up in your eyes. "And I'm sorry. We were scared of how you'd react. We didn't want to lose you."
He looks at you for a long moment before nodding slowly. "I get it. But it's going to take time for me to get over this."
Meanwhile, at training, Pedri watches Fermín closely. He sees the way Fermín avoids Pablo, the way his shoulders tense up whenever Pablo is nearby. During a break, Pedri approaches Fermín.
"Hey, what's going on with you lately? You've been off," Pedri says, his tone gentle but firm.
Fermín sighs, running a hand through his hair. "It's Pablo and Y/N. They're dating. And they kept it from me."
Pedri nods thoughtfully. "I get that you're upset, man, but have you thought about why they might have kept it a secret? Maybe they were scared of exactly this reaction."
"They should have trusted me," Fermín mutters.
"True, but love makes people do crazy things," Pedri replies. "Do you really think Pablo would ever hurt her? And you know your sister better than anyone. If she's with Pablo, it's because she loves him. Maybe you should talk to them, understand their side."
Fermín looks down, the anger in his eyes slowly giving way to something softer. "I don't know, Pedri. It's just... hard."
"I know it is," Pedri says gently. "But pushing them away isn't going to help. You're all friends, and family. Don't let this break that."
That evening, Fermín comes home and hesitates outside your door before finally knocking. "Can we talk?" he asks, his voice much softer than before.
You nod, motioning for him to sit. He takes a deep breath, his eyes meeting yours. "I'm sorry for how I reacted. I just... I was hurt. But I realize now that I didn't give you a chance to explain."
You take his hand, squeezing it gently. "I never wanted to hurt you, Fermín. I love Pablo, but I love you too. You're my brother, and that will never change."
Fermín nods, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I just want you to be happy. Both of you."
Later that night, Pablo joins you and Fermín in the living room. The atmosphere is tense at first, but as the evening progresses, it starts to feel like old times. By the end of the night, Fermín pulls you both into a hug. "Let's not keep secrets anymore, okay?"
"Agreed," you and Pablo say in unison, relief flooding through you.
As the three of you sit together, laughter filling the room, Fermín suddenly turns to Pablo, his expression serious. "But Pablo, remember this: if you ever break her heart, I will break you. Understood?"
Pablo nods earnestly, "Understood. I promise I'll never hurt her."
Fermín's stern face softens into a smile. "Good. Now, let's order some pizza and enjoy the rest of the night."
In the days that follow, things slowly return to normal. Fermín starts to thaw towards Pablo during training, and the playful banter between them begins to reemerge. One afternoon, after a particularly grueling session, Fermín claps Pablo on the back.
"Good job today," he says, a genuine smile on his face.
Pablo grins, relief washing over him. "Thanks, man. Means a lot."
Back at the apartment, you and Fermín find yourselves talking more, sharing stories and laughing like you used to. One evening, as you're all sitting together, Pedri joins you, and the four of you share a meal, the camaraderie and bond stronger than ever.
As the night draws to a close, you look around at your brother, your boyfriend, and your friend, feeling a profound sense of gratitude. Despite the challenges and the initial hurt, love and understanding have prevailed.
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