#*elle woods voice* what like it's hard?
sadhorsegirl · 1 year
aes sedai: do you swear to speak no word that is not true?
moiraine, who grew up in a culture that required all participants to constantly obfuscate their true intentions and carefully manipulate others to try and avoid being assassinated by a paranoid member of a rival house before they reached the age of eleven: sure lol why not
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layla-carstairs · 1 year
Tessa having the whole crisis over loving both Will & Jem and being unintentionally cruel to either of them is a bit funny considering it's highly likely Mark Blackthorn is her direct descendant. not that it's a laughing matter but like. he did what they couldn't lmao
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
Me at any point during my life: how did Eris catch azriel in the woods??? How does he know about daemati???
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valkyrjah · 1 month
gwyn dissing the rite and being a carynthian is such a vibe.
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inkdrinkerworld · 19 hours
You're little corner of the world seems so cozy! I love your background pic 🫶🏻
If you wouldn't mind, could you write a polymarauders story with an autistic female reader? Where she shows autistic traits but doesn't realize what she's doing until Remus asks her about her autism and she's like "what"? Symptoms shown are stimming and going nonverbal whilst watching a movie at home with the boys.
Thanks love!
You’re wringing your hands to all hell as the movie plays on the tv screen. Your boyfriends had wanted to watch an action horror and while you weren’t opposed to horror, this one had your heart racing.
Remus is in the kitchen getting you more kettle corn, James is laying on the loveseat waiting for his return and Sirius’ head is in your lap.
You’re all a picture of cosiness, the rain outside beating down on the roof while you’ve all opted for long sleeved sweaters and fluffy blankets across your laps. Still, the comfort of both the weight of Sirius, James near you and your blankets isn’t enough to help you not twist and pull at your fingers.
“Doing alright, doll?” Sirius asks, turning in your lap so he can look at you. His question isn’t loud enough to pull James from the macabre scenes on the tv; at least not yet.
“Mhm,” Sirius’ eyes narrow as you push the joint of your thumb.
“Need me to find something else for us to watch?” That would honestly be ideal, but you’ve all been wanting to watch this for weeks.
“No, I think it just needs to get past this part and I’ll be okay.”
Remus comes back just as Sirius sits up, changing his position so you’re laying in his lap instead.
“Everything okay?” James asks as Remus keeps hold of the popcorn bowl.
“Fine, think she’s just overstimulated with the scenes right now.” Sirius says softly, not wanting you to feel bad but also not wanting to hide anything from your boyfriends.
You’re not upset by it; though you do wish James wouldn’t look at you in as much horror as he is now.
James is ready to flick off the tv and find something else for you to look at when you shake your head.
“S’okay Jamie, I’ll be better once this is over.” You sound less sure than you’d like to. James pauses the movie anyhow.
Remus sets the kettle corn down and kneels in front of you, holding onto your ankle.
“Dovey,” his voice quiet but not one you can lie to. It’s hard to lie to any of them, but Remus is even harder to lie to. “If you need us to change the movie it’s no biggie. We can watch it another day.”
You’re thankful Remus doesn’t say ‘on a better day,’ today hasn’t been bad, this was just a sudden shift.
You hold his eyes, Sirius stroking your cheek as James stands, not able to bear the fact that he’s the only one with his hands off you.
“Can we look at something else?” James breathes a relieved sigh, looking through your favourite set of movies.
“Thank you,” you say quietly, not wanting to look at any of them in their eyes. There’s a little bubble of shame, that you can’t sit still for a two hour movie because your mind is whirring and overstimulated.
“Stop it, baby.” James says, opening his arms to you and you rush over. James lets you tuck your head under his chin, his big arms holding you close to him as you relax. Sirius and Remus cuddle up next to the two of you, not even minding that you all hardly fit on the loveseat.
“Legally Blonde okay, poppet?” you nod, stretching to kiss all your boyfriends on their head, cuddling right up between them as Elle Woods braves your screen.
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yesimwriting · 3 months
Elle!! You should post more best friend!Felix I’m so obsessed with it❤️❤️
hi babe <3 i have sm best friend!felix in the works/drafts,, i've just been busy with midterm,, but i'm finally recovering from a violent case of frat flu so i finally have some energy
and i love you all and best friend!felix very much so have a drabble
Felix presses a nail against the wrapper's edge. The waxy paper bends upwards, giving him the leverage needed to tear it off the hard candy. He parts his lips, pressing the lollipop against his tongue.
Cherry. An entire pack of just cherry.
He came close to purchasing his usual variety pack at the corner store while picking up cigarettes, but at the last second, he saw them there. Next to the cashier.
It had been an impulse to trade out the candies. Felix read the word cherry in cartoonish cursive and was immediately reminded of you, of your soft laughter breaking up tipsy kisses. The taste that lingers on cigarettes when you're both drunk enough to convince him to let you try a few puffs of one. It forced him to feel the phantom residue of your lipgloss, to taste it as his lips pressed together.
As if sensing the direction of his thoughts, you finally look up from the notes in front of you. He can feel a smile tugging itself into place and the warmth that's beginning to tinge his skin. "What?"
You tilt your head slightly, like something about the question's surprised you. Not unusual, sometimes if you study for too long you get a little spacey. He makes a mental note to suggest getting something to eat soon.
You lift your pencil, using it to vaguely gesture in the direction of the wrapper that's still pinched between his fingers. "Those things will rot your teeth."
He pulls the lollipop away from his mouth. "Oh, not for years."
"And by then they'll have invented something better than dentures." The comment is mumbled, your attention already shifting back to your notes.
Felix frowns. He knows that you're the kind of person that takes an invitation to study at the library with someone literally, and he's fine with that. You wouldn't be you if you didn't get caught up in homework every once in awhile, but you still need to come up for air.
He brings the lollipop back to his lips. "Exactly."
You glance again, the corner of your mouth angling itself upwards. It's a look Felix has learned to interpret as a smile you wish you could will away. The lack of intention in the look has him beaming.
There's never any double meaning in your actions. You're never trying to convince him of anything, you're just you. So genuine and warm Felix has to work at not melting in your presence.
"I like your smile." Your voice feels far off in a way that adds an absentminded quality to your voice. Felix can feel an uneasy warmth burning its way up his neck. You don't seem to notice, instead you focus on propping your head up one elbow. "I'd miss it if you got dentures."
Felix folds the candy wrapper between his two thumb and pointer finger. "Good thing you don't have to worry about that." He shifts in his seat, relaxing his back against hard wood. "You'd love me just the same though, right?"
You press your lips together, brow furrowing as you pretend to think about it. Felix rolls his eyes at the extended silence. He extends his leg, tapping his foot against yours beneath the table. You relax your arm, straightening your shoulders as you glare at him.
You hold your ground, pushing the side of your shoe against his. "Fine, I admit it, I'd love you the same."
"Admit it?"
"Well, I think it should go without saying that our bond is deeper than that."
He taps his foot against yours again. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," you agree, adjusting your hold on your pencil. For a second, he thinks he might be losing you to homework again, but then you say, "Even if you're rotting your teeth."
Felix counters your smug smile with an unimpressed look. "It's cherry flavored."
Your eyes fall back to your notebook. "Then I take back everything I just said."
Without thinking about it, he pulls the lollipop away from his lips. "Wanna try?"
You look up at him, eyebrows pinching together skeptically. "This is how people get colds."
He can't remember you ever worrying about anything like that before. You two have shared drinks, straws, food. This isn't that weird, is it? "We're around each other all the time." You blink, not grasping the connection. "We have to have the same germs at this point."
Your lips briefly part before pressing together. Your gaze shifts from Felix's face to the hand holding out the candy. "...Good point."
He leans forward, extending his arm further. You take the lollipop, popping it into your mouth. "You're why people think we're weird."
Felix scoffs, an attempt at a soft dismissal. He knows what you're referencing. There are comments every now and then, mostly lighthearted, usually mumbled by a girl attempting to make any hint of jealousy seem like anything else.
You two are just...so close. A favorite of theirs, always with a silent are you sure it's not too close tacked onto the end of their sentence. Some of them like to pretend that they're the opposite of bothered by the permanence of your place in his life. It's sweet that your best friend's a girl, most guys would never; or, I love that you guys are good friends, most guys are only friends with girls they want to sleep with. That one tends to make him feel a pinprick of guilt.
"Who thinks we're weird?" The question's lighthearted enough, but he means it. He doesn't like the thought of people making too many of those kind of jokes around you. You're prone to overthinking, and you don't need to start dissecting your friendship with him beneath that lens.
You shrug your shoulders once. "We gross out Farleigh."
The response is easing. Farleigh's opinions aren't much of a threat. You laugh them off or dismiss them with an eyeroll, even when he's not joking. "What isn't he grossed out by?"
"Nothing that falls within the spectrum of human emotion."
He taps his fingers against the table's surface. "And you're all emotion."
You frown, seeming to briefly forget the lollipop in your mouth and its ability to soften even the most withering stares. You must sense his amusement, because your fingers find the lollipop's stick, pulling it away from your face. "All emotion?"
Felix presses his lips together in an attempt to tamp down a smile. You don't fall apart at the slightest inconvenience, but it's not like you're exactly heart of stone. "Compared to Farleigh."
He extends a hand, stealing the lollipop from your fingers. You don't protest, but you do let your lips part in a mock gasp. "Stop. Y'know how I meant it." Felix sets the lollipop back into his mouth, more out of the desire to have something to divide his focus than anything else. "You're just trying to start an argument."
You sit up a little straighter, fingers curling around your pencil. "Am not."
"I think you're starting to feel a little moody." You throw him a dirty look, lips already parting, ready to protest. "Think we need a break."
"What has this been?"
His hand reaches forward, fingers brushing against the back of your palm. "C'mon, let's take a walk, get something to eat."
Your eyebrows pull together in contemplation. You tap your pencil against the side of your notebook. Felix can feel your resolve melting. "Okay..." You agree slowly, shutting the notebook and books in front of you. "We have been here awhile."
"Awhile," he repeats with an affirmative nod.
Before you can finish stacking your school supplies, Felix is standing. He pulls his backpack onto one shoulder before walking around the table. Felix picks up your books before you're fully standing.
"You don't have to carry my stuff."
Felix shakes his head. "It's not heavy, and we'll drop it off in my room before going."
You're a few steps behind him. Felix's gait is naturally longer than yours, and he had an unfair head start. "Then you should let me carry it."
Felix adjusts his hold on your things. "Focus on catching up first."
Even though you're now fully behind him, he can feel your irritated shock. "Lex."
With his back to you, he grins openly. "Way of the world, Lovie."
taglist; @vader-is-hot @spiritofbuddha @getosangie @freyafriggafrey @ilovehyperfixating @aryiannarae @willowpains @ker0senebunny
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simonsomeriley · 4 months
please would you write for Ellie x doctor!reader in Jackson who looks after everyone and helps Ellie out after a patrol one day!
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your wish is my command <3
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1.3k words | gn!reader
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You're walking on the slippery ice on the road of Jackson, you hear the sounds of children giggling through the streets, everything here just feels like home.
Even with the worries of whats going on outside, the little community you've all built together makes it at least a little bit better. Being able to help the people of your community, the children. Makes it all better, day by day.
In the morning, the elders go outside for their chit-chats and their coffee, watching the kids run outside. Playing football, drawing with chalk, finally being able to let kids be kids again.
The evenings are spent doing your jobs and your tasks, gathering supplies like wood, water refills, & food, the chefs are in the kitchen cooking up what they can make of what they have.
You, on the other hand, spend your evenings in the medical supply tent. Putting cartoon bandaids on kids' knees after they fall, stitching up some people who have fallen on the ice. And what you do best, take care of your self-proclaimed "hunters" after they've been out on patrol.
And the night time is spent with dim lights, cleaning up, & getting children ready for bed.
Your medical tent is usually up 24/7, just in case an emergency happens past usual work hours. If there has been a lot of cases in one day, usually the nice older lady that runs the bakery will get you a sweet treat as a reward.
You're just cleaning up the tent per usual in the afternoon, mopping the floor and sanitizing what tools you have. There had been Ellie's turn to go on patrol today, Ellie and Jessie together. They'd left a couple of hours ago, nothing seemingly out of order. Usually they'd stay out until it got dark, or in Joel's words "Testing God's patience."
You hear the sound of hooves, galloping, humans running to open the gates & lots of loud talking. It dies down after a while, you decide that it wasn't anything urgent. Assuming that if it was, you'd probably be called over for some look-overs for serious injuries.
You hear someone enter your tent, you look up from where you're sterilizing some needles. It's Jesse. He's alone. You'd just assumed Ellie came hand-in-hand with Jesse, realizing now that it wasn't the case.
"Anything happen, Jesse? Anything I need to get my emergency kit out for?" Jesse looks around, like he's familiarizing his surroundings, "Nah. To me? No. Ellie could use some help, though. Hopefully nothing too serious. She got some infected hangin' off of Shimmer,"
You stand up, gathering some items off of your desk and putting them in an over the shoulder bag, "She's fine though, right? No injuries, just some bruising I'm assuming?"
"If you're talking about the horse, Shimmer's fine. If you're talking about the human, Ellie's not lookin' too hot. Luckily the infected got off by the time we neared the gates. Think she hit her head pretty hard, though."
You walk over to the opening of the tent, where Jesse's standing in the makeshift "doorway", "I'll have a look at 'er. Make sure you get the horses in the stables, okay?"
Jesse backs up, walking out of the tent, "Sure, mom. Good thing there wasn't any major weather. The infected were hiding under the already fallen snow. No way to figure out whether there'd be infected under there or not. I'd say we made it out pretty good for how many of those monsters were out there,"
You're walking towards the gate now, some people are gathered there & discussing patrol curfew, horses & partners. You spot Joel by Ellie's side though, seemingly she looked fine a tad bit, bruised, with some minor cuts, you spotted no extreme injuries or anything major.
Jesse's walked over to the stables now, you approach Ellie with your bag over your shoulder, "How're you holding up, Ells? You aren't looking so hot,"
She whips her head around at the sound of your voice, from where she's standing talking to Joel. "I'm fine," of course. The default, tiring, awkward response. I'm fine.
"Really, I could take you to the tent and just get you checked over. Make sure you don't have any deeper-than-skin injuries that'll affect you later,"
She seems to nod and sigh in defeat, the all stubborn girl she is, and she walks with you by your side back to the medical tent.
"Jesse told me about the infected. Seemed pretty intense out there, huh? Glad Shimmer's alright and you aren't missing any limbs,"
She holds eye contact as you speak, looking away at the end of your sentence and widening her eyes, "Yet. Never know how many of those guys are out there, y'know? It's hard to tell in the winter time. S'like they run on freezing weather or something,"
You lift up the entrance of the tent for her as she leans down to get under it, "You're reckless, you know that? You should be more careful. Like Joel says, you only live once, at least make it worth the while," she winces as she bends down, and she tries to cover it up. You notice.
You sit her down at a chair with a pillow on the seat, "You're not very good at pretending, do you know that?"
The smug grin on her face tells you enough.
You dampen a washcloth in the sink, bringing it over to her and wiping at the dried blood stains on her face. Most of it disappears without trace. That's good, that means it's mostly coming from one place. Not many wounds.
She has an indent in her upper lip. You take note of it.
You ask her to take off her jacket, leaving her in just her band t-shirt and her jeans. You check her arms for any wounds, and once you reckon you've found every injury, you get out your needle and thread.
You figure the cut in her upper lip would heal on its own, recommending her some cleaning solution to keep on her bedside table.
You sew the cut in her arm together, from what looks like could broken glass or a hard slam against the ground.
You put a band-aid over the stitching, and you're now instructing her on how to keep the cut on her upper lip clean. She's completely out of focus with what you're saying.
You keep rustling in your stash, finding the cleaning solution and q-tips at last, demonstrating how to take care of it.
Her eyes are only focused on you. She watches you like you hung the moon and the stars up in the sky.
You come back to your senses after ranting about cleaning wounds & how to do it at home, and you realize that she's closer to your face than what you remembered. You could almost feel her cold-minty breath on your face if you focused hard enough. Her pupils are dilated.
It's been quiet for a while. Neither of you notice or bring it up. It's a comfortable quiet. A shared silence.
You feel her lip graze yours. You want to stop her. You want to tell her off for this so bad, you'd say, "Ellie, you have a fresh cut on your lip. This isn't a good idea," but still. You can't bring yourself to say it. Not when her closeness feels this good. This right.
She asks permission. After sitting in silence for the past couple of minutes, she asks permission, "Can I?" you freeze. You don't know what to say.
Her eyes are on you. You feel her heart rhythm. Her breathing. You nod your head to the best of your abilities when your head feels this clouded from her attention.
She leans in close, and the gap between your lips closes. You feel her lips on yours for long, a sweet, heart-warming kiss. You can practically feel her smirk against your face before you pull away.
"Might have to be reckless more often if this is what I get out of it,"
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pastel-peach-writes · 11 months
Caitvi x reader who's basically a dumb blonde (and very clumsy) at points but is smart in a few specific things you wouldn't expect (you choose what they are^^) they're kinda like Elle woods from legally blonde if yknow what I mean,! Thanks for doing caitvi requests they hardly exist!^^
Hi! This request is no problem and of course! I started making these caitvi posts because they barely exist and i was DYING for content. love to hear that you're enjoying them!
"How Do You Know That?" | CaitVi x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Headcanons of Caitlyn and Vi with a clumsy, ditzy, yet smart in unique ways partner <3
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Cursing, Clumsy Ass Reader, A Lot Of F-Bombs(Vi), Cute Ass Reader, Sleepy Vi, Hard-Worker Caitlyn, Not Proofread, No Y/N
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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– okay, caitvi would never call you dumb. never.
– they like to think of you as, maybe a bit ditzy and a klutz. most definitely a klutz.
– you can't even make a pot of coffee without spilling the coffee ground everywhere.
– and don't get them started on how many times they found a sticky counter and had to clean it after you poured juice into a cup.
– they didn't mind your clumsiness though.
– it was cute and endearing and you were their klutz. (and the audience awhs.)
– anyways
– the only time they may get upset at your clumsiness is when you three are on stealth missions.
– for vi, it was like working with powder again.
– she had to make sure you were okay and preferred to walk behind you. however, she hated when you walked too far.
– "hey, be careful. you never know who or what's out there." "I'll literally be fine. you worry too much--" and there you go almost falling into a manhole.
– thank god for vi's fast ass reflexes.
– while it reminds vi of simpler times, (working with you on stealth missions), it reminds caitlyn of the painful days when she had to train trainees.
– most were incompetent, clumsy, and downright scaredy cats.
– no judgment to you if you're any of those things.
– it was different with you of course. but the slip-ups often reminded her of a trainee who made the same slip-up you did and suddenly she turned away trying to maintain her composure.
– anyways, your ditziness
– i personally believe everyone has their dumb blonde moments. some just have more than others.
– you have yours over the most basic things
– like almost taking a hot pan out of the oven or letting a plastic utensil sit dangerously close to an open flame.
– if caitlyn wasn't in the kitchen working, she was sure you'd burn the house down.
– another ditzy moment would be drinking a water bottle upside down, going to eat a random piece of pie because a man gave it to you, and running headfirst into a room full of mirrors.
– yeah. that shit hurt.
– adding onto your clumsiness, you'd trip and fall on your own two feet
– though your ditziness often shows in your actions and not your words, caitlyn and vi found themselves shocked on a random tuesday night at three am when you're asking them questions only a 7-year-old would think of.
"do you think dinosaurs poop? what color would it be?" you asked. you were in the middle of the bed with vi on your right and caitlyn on your left.
vi was resting on her side, seemingly knocked out cold. caitlyn was reading a book with her personal book lamp on. she made sure it was on dim so she wouldn't disrupt your sleep. you can imagine her startle when you spoke out of the blue.
"wh-what?" caitlyn stammered. she glanced over to you. maybe you were sleep-talking. sure, that's a weird ass phrase to say while asleep, but every sleep talker says dumb shit sometimes.
you glanced back at her, eyes wide open and dazzling with curiosity. "i mean, each dino species had a different diet and habitat. do you think based off their diets and habitats, their poop would smell different and have different colors?"
caitlyn couldn't even fathom an answer. her mind literally went blank. luckily for her, vi chipped in on the opposite side of the bed. her voice raspy and low. she was obviously asleep, but the quiet chatter woke her up. "babe, what the fuck are you talking about?"
"dinos!" you exclaimed. vi shushed you as she turned over to face you.
"why the fuck are we talking about dinos?" she squinted in your direction. even though caitlyn's light wasn't bright in the slightest, it was like the fucking sun compared to the darkness that was previously behind vi's eyes.
"and why do you know so much about their habitats and diets?" caitlyn chimed. she closed her book, but kept a hold of her light. she loved seeing how your eyes sparkled with wonder and how the corner of your lips upturned as you spoke about your random dinosaur inquiry.
"um, because it's common knowledge."
"no, the fuck it's not." "who said that?"
you blinked. all your life you knew just about everything about dinosaurs. you knew their DNA buildup, and bone structure, which dinos had more genetic tissue than the other. you were asking them a simple question and they didn't know?
sat up, your eyes shift between them. Vi is on the urge of falling back asleep and caitlyn is patiently waiting on the answer to her question. with a giggle, you shook your head. "you guys are so funny. anyways, i think the herbivores' poop is more green than the others because of their plant-based diet-"
"ugh, just go to sleep!" vi wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled down. with your back now on the mattress and giggles escaping from you once again, violet puts her head on your chest. "you talk too much. it's sleepy time and caitlyn, turn off that light for the love of god."
not phased by her sleepy crankiness because she's in love with her, caitlyn turned off the light with a slight chuckle. she's finally snuggled under the covers and joined the cuddle pile.
– since then, caitlyn and vi discovered you know a lot about some random shit
– (and that your interesting factoids were attractive as hell)
– the random shit includes space (most specifically black holes and speed of light), color theory, engineering but with the most unethical supplies, and murder mysteries (real and fake).
– you always surprise them with your random thoughts.
– sometimes you're trying to share knowledge and other times you're asking questions to see if they have the answer.
– no matter the question, no matter the topic, they're amazed you know all of this crap.
– this person who falls up the stairs, chokes on mouthwash, and literally wore their pants backward for a full day is asking their partners if they know about the space-time continuum.
– in vi's words, "um, what the fuck?"
– that being said, they love that big clumsy, ditzy brain of yours with random facts.
– vi call your their "fun fact calendar" because every day, you have a new fact about your selected topics.
– i've said this before and i'll say it again, they absolutely adore you and your wackiness
– it even helps when finding jinx.
– "yeah, it was easy because she used these colors, and while this means one thing in color theory, in color psychology it actually means--"
– "-- wait, wait. when did you pick up color psychology?"
– "last week! :D"
– both, in perfect unison: "you never fail to amaze me."
WC: 1,126
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catsaysmlem · 11 months
seems like a popular interpretation of ice post tgm is this overly ambitious compulsive schemer whos been grinding and hustling his way through a whole 35 year plan to get to the top (because he's secretly really insecure. or something.) but personally my favourite theory is that ice coasted through his entire professional life, an internal elle woods voice in his head going "what like it's hard" while everyone around him was left staring at his cartoon dust cloud as he breezed past them and insane career milestones.
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absentwriterdoll · 10 months
Beautiful Oblivion
"Do they remember?"
Celestice turns, the unusually wide brim of her hat wobbling slightly. It never fails to catch my eye, her hat: I've never seen her without it. I wonder if she ever finds it cumbersome...
"Remember what?"
"Sorry, remember who they used to be."
She leans back into her chair, the wood creaking. She raises her cup to her lips absent-mindedly - then pulls it back, gazing at the dish as if it had offended her.
And she leans down to hand the cup to a doll that I hadn't even noticed approach.
A smile spreads on its face before it turns away.
She folds her arm as she waits, clearly somewhat miffed, as the doll disappears nearly as silently into the kitchen.
It looked so happy when Celestice gave it the cup...
"Well. It depends on the doll."
Silence passes between us. I can hear the stove being lighted. 
A fresh cup every time she asks.
"How about that one? The one that took your cup?"
"Rhodon? It remembers. It used to be a lawyer."
An image of a doll questioning a witness flits in my mind.
"... Do you think it could fight a case if you asked it too?"
A chuckle escapes from her. A sweet dulcet tone. I never get tired of her cadence.
"Without a doubt. Granted, it probably wouldn't understand as much of it, but I'm certain it could."
The doll, Rhodon, returns with a cup in hand, its steps much less quiet for the weight of the cup. Celestice reaches down and takes it from the doll, patting its head, whispering "Good doll", and its smile this time is bigger than before.
And my heart yearns.
"Would you like a refill, Elle?"
And her voice returns me to the present.
To some degree, at least.
"Oh, yes, please."
Far from myself, I reach down and hand the cup to Rhodon. That same smile, that same eager gait, that same enthusiasm.
I bite the inside of my cheek.
"Why do you ask?"
"Oh, I'm just a bit curious."
It isn't just curiosity - but I can't admit that.
"Well, if you're a bit curious, I could let you experience it first-hand."
My heart stops.
I know my face just paled.
I know my expression just changed.
...but she's drinking from her cup, her eyes are closed. She didn't see.
I remember to breathe.
"Isn't that a lot of work? I know that magic's always been hard on you..."
I just realized I'm gritting my teeth.
"You're not wrong. Guess we shouldn't."
Silence splits the space between us as she nurses her drink.
The tiny footsteps of Rhodon bearing a cup with tea.
Celestice takes the cup from it, and places it nearer to me.
Then she leans back over.
She pets the doll.
A whisper.
"Good doll."
The doll smiles.
"Doll, send Ytrei to my study. I'll be along after I finish talking with Elle."
"Yes Miss!"
That happy enthusiasm.
I'm jealous of a doll.
"Oh, and take your time!"
"Yes Miss!"
She raises her cup high as she drinks.
It is empty when she sets it down.
Then the silence between us disappears with a snap of her fingers - along with sounds I didn't realize I could hear.
Her voice is vivid in the absence.
"We've known each other for years."
I can feel myself shaking.
"You never turn down a chance to see my magic."
"What happened?"
I breathe deep, the effort more laboured than I'd like.
But... That's my normal, isn't it?
"I'm just a little scared. Or maybe excited. I don't know."
She stares at me, waiting, expectant.
Her gaze is piercing - just like the lavender of her irises.
"But I've... I've got a time limit now."
I put forward a smile that I know is a nervous reaction from a hope to appear strong to avoid making anyone feel as if they need to help me because I can't pay them back.
An irrational smile.
"So... Yeah. That's it."
My hands fidget for something, anything distracting, and I find the teacup.
It's still warm. A little too warm.
It will be perfect when the time comes.
"The dolls... They all asked for this, didn't they?"
She nods, the brim of her hat waving.
"I wouldn't do it otherwise."
And we settle into rhythm.
"Has one ever come back?"
"Twice, actually."
"What happened?"
"Well... Hm. The first, nothing big, just not a good fit. Caught it early before he spiraled. Called the experience refreshing but not for him."
"What about the second?"
"Didn't catch her before the spiral... And I'd like to leave it at that."
"That's fine."
"Would I be a good fit?"
"In most cases, I'd pass that kind of question off. I can't think for anyone, after all."
"Oh, sorry-"
"But you."
She stands and strides over to me - and she takes my cup and drinks from it.
"I'd take you."
She places the cup down half-full in front of me.
And I can see my reflection. 
Tired, unkempt, eyes red from crying.
And I can see the brim of her hat over me.
I look small compared to her.
And I can't help but smile at that thought.
"Besides. I'd do a much better job at keeping you alive than literally the entire world apparently."
I struggle to stifle a laugh, and it comes out in sputters anyway.
But it yields a smile from her.
"But... You know how I work. Even if I really want to break from my code right about now."
She was always so certain, so confident, so right, so knowing. As if she knew everything about everything and then some.
Everything about me and more.
But she always went by my word.
Always let me have my own voice.
Always let me find my own way.
Always let me have a say.
And now I don't want it anymore.
"What will you name me?"
Oblivion and forgetfulness.
"A wonderful name for a doll."
I raise the cup to my lips -
And it returns the cup to the table, empty.
A wonderful first tea party! 
“Now... To my study! Ytrei is waiting.”
It happily follows in Miss’s steps.
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feelbokkie · 9 months
felix: I found the bakery y/n works at
chan: in under five minutes?
felix: [elle woods voice] what, like it's hard?
SRN!Felix is just doing side quests like it's nothing (in reality all he did was type in espresso cupcakes Seoul in google and found it immediately)
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gayboymint · 3 months
climbing out of a month and a half of heavy duty heavy detailed trauma processing tear stained blood stained mud stained: *Elle woods voice* what like it's hard
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 2 Side B
What is This Feeling? - Wicked Musical
"What is this feeling? Fervid as a flame Does it have a name? Yes! Loathing Unadulterated loathing For your face Your voice Your clothing Let's just say, I loathe it all!"
There! Right there! (Is [blank] Gay or European?) - Legally Blonde the Musical
"Gay or European? It's hard to guarantee Is he gay or European? Well, hey, don't look at me! You see, they bring their boys up different In those charming foreign ports They play peculiar sports In shiny shirts and tiny shorts"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
What is This Feeling? - Wicked Musical
it is PEAK enemies to lovers material. doesn’t even need to be lovers, it can be friends, whatever it doesn’t matter cause this song works so well and it’s so good urg
i just think it's neat
Animatics with the song:
Good Omens Ineffable Wives
MDZS Wangxian
Danganronpa V3
SVSSS liujiu
There! Right there! (Is [blank] Gay or European?) - Legally Blonde the Musical
I promise you that any anime (or other show but I swear it is mainly animes) with two or more male characters will have an animatic for this song. It just will, of is the natural part of the process of a fandom becoming popular. People know this song even if they think they don't know this song. It is so catchy it eats you from the inside out.
It's legally blonde and a musical which is prine queer culture. Fandom is queer culture. Plus it's a banger song with a lot of fun animatics. A lot of other "fandom" songs are kinda really sad (Two Birds cough cough) and this one is just silly goofy. It's also just the right decision.
There were SO MANY of these back in the day like i swear no m/m fandom ship was immune. Extra points if the character was actually european
look, it's a classic. try and find a fandom without an animatic to gay or european. you could find one for nearly any fandom for multiple characters even. the "i thought you said...best friend" set of lines is used in incorrect quote posts to this day. it's iconic, it's a classic, we all know and love it
Every piece of media has at least one (1) character who is very gay (usually for another) and this song shows that through desperate self denial but they get there eventually. Even now I see new animatics with this song I love so dearly, demonstrating the power of this song and icon Elle Woods. You search up “is __ gay or European” on YouTube and videos from years past and mere moments ago will cover your page.
Animatics with the song:
Demon Slayer Giyuu
Room of Swords
Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Genshin Impact Pantalone
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. If a ship animatic included is about an adult and a minor, do tell me and I'll take it out of the post
ALSO keep in mind that I don't know all the artists submitted; in fact, even if I do know them I do not know absolutely nothing about them as people (I do not have twitter nor tiktok) and I could not POSSIBLY have the time to research ALL of the artists' controversies and what came of them so PLEASE don't flood my inbox with the artists' entire crime list.
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izzyspussy · 2 years
Ed: You made Izzy accept affection?
Lucius: [Elle Woods voice] What, like it's hard?
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Tag You're It
Synopsis: After Kite's death and seeing just how much trouble you all were in, you part with Gon to go find your dad. It doesn't take you long to find him... Much to Ging's displeasure.
A/n: no ships here. Just a sassy reader... this stems from this post:
BTW If you read her response in the voice of Elle Woods we can be best friends "What. Like it's hard?" 🤣🤣🤣
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Your foot tapped impatiently against the marble floor of the office. It seemed that your father was taking a break from his normal expeditions to work on something far less exciting. Your eyes wandered to the clock, how long has it been since you left Gon with Killua? 20 hours? It felt like a life time had passed, the image of Kites dead body all sewn up burned into your eyelids.
Every time you closed them you saw him like that... And you fucking hated it....
The sound of shuffling caused you to break your hardened gaze from the clock, instead shifting it to the door where you knew Ging was standing just beyond the wooden frame. You could audibly hear a sigh and you in turn rolled your eyes at his stupid behavior. You tried your best to mask your presence, but all of the anger and sadness clouded your brain and you were sure your aura was easily detectable.
You heard him take a deep breath before the door opened, and there he stood.
The man you hated the most, but in the same vein he was the man you needed the most at this moment. You weren't sure what he could do, maybe give pointers or some comfort. Now that you were sitting here in front of him, you were trying to figure out exactly what you needed from him. Did you just miss him? No... That wasn't it, you hated your father.
But you couldn't help but feel slightly at ease seeing him in the flesh.
"How the hell did you find me" he grumbled. The door closed behind him as he stepped more into the tiny office. Your eyebrows shot up, and he knew what was coming next.
"What. Like it's hard?"
Your dad rolled his eyes at your sassy remark, you were like him in all the wrong ways and he had no one to blame but himself. You stood suddenly, hoping to ask him for some help- "Is Gon with you?"
"Does he know you were coming to find me?"
"Does he know you CAN find me? I mean how long has he been looking for me... 1 year-"
"2. He's been looking for 2 years. And telling him where you are defeats the purpose..."
The both of you stood in silence. For someone who didn't care about Gon, Ging sure did care about where Gon was, and if he knew where Ging was. It was ridiculous. "So what is it then?"
You let your eyes drift to his boots, lips pursing as you fought back the tears bubbling under the surface. "Kites dead"
The awkward silence grew tense at the two words you just uttered and something told you Ging wasn't aware of this fact, which was shocking. "Kite wouldn't allow that-"
"Okay well he is, Dad so... I need your help" you tried to stay strong, but the slight cracking in your voice told him all he needed to know about the situation. He bounced on his feet, mind reeling on how he can help - if he can help...
"Kid, I don't know how to help. What do you need?" Ging didn't like helping, he despised it. But you were his kid. He raised you by himself and he loved you. You knew that which is why he hated seeing you in the flesh...
Because you always got your way.
Your eyes lit up, telling Ging that you had an idea of how he could help. "Okay... This may sound crazy but... I have an idea"
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hyunlix-lover4 · 4 months
Lost in your eyes | Lee Minho
I was running through the woods with my sister in hand. Nine boys all around us. We just met them three hours ago, but they are the only ones we can trust…
------------------------------4 hours ago…. -------------------------------
"Chae get your ass down here! You gotta get to school and drop your sister off!" Mother yelled up the stairs, in her usual morning fashion. I put on my uniform and put my long, black hair, into a messy bun. I moseyed on downstairs and into the living room. My sister finished her math homework, and my mother braided her hair. My sister is at the top of her class but slacks off so hard on her homework.
"Finally, you're down here! Fuck! Now I'm late for work! I wish you were like your sister!" she shouted as she left the house. I grabbed my bag and told Elle to come. We walked out of the house, and I said, "Does mother want me to be smart or have cancer?"
I dropped Elle off at her school and headed to mine. As I walked a car pulled up beside me and honked its horn. "Hey, Chae! Get your ass in the car!" Lisa shouted at me. Lisa is my best friend, but also the richest and most popular girl in school.
I shook my head and said, "Not today, gotta get my steps in." She laughed at that and drove away. I arrived at school just as the rain started. Beomgyu ran up to me and hugged me. I pushed him off and said with a fake pout on my face, "Where were you yesterday? We had a test, and I couldn't cheat off of you."
He chuckled at my pout and said, "I had a dentist appointment. I'm sorry, I wish I could've canceled it, but my mom would've beat me if I missed it." I rolled my eyes, "What a lame excuse."
I walked into class with Beomgyu and he sat right in front of me as I sat at the back of the classroom right next to the window. The teacher walked in and cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention.
"So, class, we have a new student. Be nice or all of you will fail the next test." A few people groaned and some snickered. Soon after a boy a little bit older than me walked in. From the back of the class, he looked like a fennec fox.
"Hi…" the boy said in a quiet voice that was barely audible, "I'm Jeongin. I just moved here from Busan, I'm 17 years old."
A few boys laughed and one said, "Busan? Like the song? Everyone knows the song Busan Seagull" The whole class laughed, and Jeongin looked down feeling embarrassed.
The teacher cleared his throat once more and said, "Chae, would you care to show him around?" I nod softly and I smile at the boy. He quickly walks over to me and sits in the seat beside me, looking down the whole time, tears brimming his eyes.
"Hey, don't cry, it's not going to change how big of dicks the class is," I say softly, and I put a hand on his shoulder gently trying not to spook him. He looks at me, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. "I'm not crying," he said sternly.
I remove my hand from his shoulder, taken aback by his sudden attitude. "Excuse you?! I'm being nice to you; don't fucking think you can be a bitch to me." I glare at him, and I look out the window ignoring everything going on around me.
The bell rings and everyone puts their things in their bags before leaving the classroom. I slowly put my things in my bag, when someone taps my shoulder. I turned to face the person, it was a boy about 5'10 with black hair, plump lips, soft brown cat eyes, and a soft smile.
"Hey, want to go to lunch with me?" he asks in a soft voice.
"I don't even know you, why would I go to lunch with someone I don't know?" I reply as I stand up putting my backpack on.
"Sorry, I'm Hyunjin, I'm in your Korean class," he holds out his hand for me to shake. I looked down at his hand it was covered with rings, and I slowly grasped it to shake it.
"I'm Chae, nice to meet you Hyunjin" I smile at him.
"So, do you want to go to lunch with me? You can bring Beomgyu and Jeongin, well Jeongin has to come either way" Hyunjin chuckles. I look up at him confused.
"What do you mean Jeongin has to come? Are you going to beat him up?"
"He's my friend, I would never beat him up" he chuckles at my reaction, and he grabs my hand bringing me out of the classroom where Beomgyu and Jeongin are waiting for us. Beomgyu pulls me away from Hyunjin wrapping his hands around my waist.
"What are you doing Chae? We never eat with other people," he whispers in my ear so Jeongin and Hyunjin can't hear him.
"Well, I think it's time to change that, it's getting boring just sitting with you," I pull out of Beomgyu's grip, and I turn to Hyunjin. "So where are we going to eat?" I smile causing Beomgyu to glare at us. He crosses his arms over his chest as he mocks Hyunjin.
Hyunjin chuckles, "We are going to eat with some of my other friends, and don't worry they aren't as shy as Innie here." He nudges Jeongin's shoulder with his elbow causing Jeongin to glare at him. I nod softly and we all walk out of the school and to the local park where 7 boys are sitting on the grass, 3 of them are wearing school uniforms and the other 4 are wearing regular street clothes. We walked up to them and Beomgyu and I bowed in greeting.
"Guys, this is Chae and Beomgyu. They are my friends" Hyunjin said, "Chae and Beomgyu, this is Woojin hyung, Chan hyung, Minho hyung, Changbin hyung, Han, Felix, and Seungmin."
"Hello," I bow and smile at them, Beomgyu bows but glares at them the whole time jealous that all my attention was on random boys I just met.
"Why did you bring the 20th girl Hyunjin? Why can't you just stick to one" Changbin asked jokingly. Hyunjin glared at him crossing his arms, "This isn't the 20th girl, she's the first girl."
"Bro it was just a joke, don't be so uptight" Changbin crossed his arms glaring at him. "It's not a good thing to fight in front of your girlfriend."
"Hyung shut up! We aren't dating! I don't even like her like that" Hyunjin yells. Beomgyu quickly goes to my side grabbing my hand and I squeeze it tightly, making his fingers turn purple. Han looked over at us confused and ignored it, for now, Minho looked over at us as well and walked over to us.
"Chae, you good?" he asked softly, rubbing my arm gently.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I smile.
"The way you're turning Beomgyu's hand purple doesn't look like it," Minho chuckles as the fighting between Changbin and Hyunjin gets worse. I look down at our hands and I let go of Beomgyu's hand.
"Sorry… but I need to go. Bye," I bow before quickly leaving, Beomgyu and Jeongin on my tail.
"Chae! Wait!" Jeongin yelled after me. We ran until we reached the school and I quickly walked to my next class just in time. I sit down quickly putting my head down on the desk. The teacher walks in with a gloomy look on her face as she sets her books down on her desk. She takes a deep breath before turning to the class, tears brimming her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out and she started to cry. Her light brown eyes are full of fear and sadness, something we've never seen in her eyes. She covered her eyes as she cried, shaking with fear she collapsed onto the floor.
"MA'AM?!" one of the girls ran up to her helping her up. "What's wrong teacher?" The teacher took a deep shaky breath trying to calm down.
"I'm sorry, but there's a disease going around with no cure, you guys have to go home quickly and stay out of contact with everyone." Everyone was freaking out asking questions and running around trying to find their friends and siblings. I quickly get up and walk out of the classroom, running to my sister's school. Once I arrive, I run to her classroom.
"Elle! Come with me, now!" I shout making the whole class look at me confused.
"Ma'am, what's the problem?" her teacher asks.
"I need my sister, now" I glare at the teacher.
"Fine, Elle you can leave."
I grab Elle's hand and I pull her out of the school and to someplace where there aren't many people. I turn her to face me, and I hold onto her arms tightly. "Elle, you have to tell the truth, how many people did you touch, how many people did you come in contact with?"
"What's wrong with you? I only touched my friends" she asked confused and slightly angry.
"How many Elle?!" I shout.
"5! ok?! I came into contact with 5 people!"
"You better not lie to me! Now let's get home" I grab her hand and I drag her to the house. Once we arrive, I lock all the windows and the door. I turn on my phone to the news as soon as I sit down on the couch with Elle. There were many things about the disease and how it was making dead people come back to life. I take a shaky breath and I hold Elle close to me afraid to let her go for even a second. Suddenly there was a loud banging on the front door….
Author's note:
this is my first fan fic please don't hate
all my own work
if you want all the details go to wattpad
my profile: lee_minho6
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