#(none of this is necessarily 'canon' to my verse)
the-ninja-legacy-whip · 10 months
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*slams table*
Well thank you for the excuse to dump my brainrot–
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This is (a very quick sketch of) Cam. She is Jesse and Cole's daughter. She is the next Elemental Master of Surprise.
...wait, what?
Sometime Post-Legacy!Crystalized, the world is finally free of the influence of the Overlord, meaning that there's finally time for the Ninja for themselves. They all still live at the Monastery together, and train to remain vigilant for the next threat, but eradicating the most prominent source of all evil in the Realm kinda takes the sails out of anyone/anything else, so y'know. Things are calm. For now.
And Cole, now happily married to the "most perfect, most prettiest, most pizazziest, most pinkest person ever" (his words, not mine, and definitely not Jesse's), kind of longs for a kid. We already know he's got the killer dad instinct, is great with children, yadda yadda, it was all only a matter of time. Jesse knew this too, but is terrified of being a parent (although taking care of Miranda + his own inherent paranoia about things has made him rather attentive, if not a touch over-protective). And if Cole's with him, then...maybe it's doable.
So they try to adopt.
("There's so many orphans, Jess. So many orphans. Maybe we could just—" "We are NOT adopting them all." "But the guilt of leaving them all behiiiiiind..." "...oh no the guilt." "How are we both like this??")
("Just pick the cutest one, duh! Or the most talented! And stay away from the mean ones!" "We're choosing a CHILD here, Mira, not a damn pet!" "Can we get a baby though? I kinda want the baby experience." "...and now Cole sounds like he's shopping at a grocery store." "HEY.")
("Are we still going to that meeting today?" "Shoot, I forgot, I've got a show in West Haven tomorrow; I have to leave tonight! What about Friday?" "Can't, that's the day me and the boys are investigating a potential sting operation." "UWAAAAH HOW ARE WE THIS BUSY?!")
...so, uh, that kinda doesn't go well.
("...if we had a kid of our own, what do you think they'd be like?" "...Cole I think we're kinda lacking in the equipment for that—" "Humor me, Jess." "Well, uh, they'd obviously inherit your powers, so probably very strong, and brave, and would love music and art and can't really cook–" "...is there any of you in this theoretical child or are we just making a lackluster clone of me?" "...they could have my smile?" "Jess.")
("Too bad we can't just work a miracle, huh?" "..." "...Jesse?")
("...but what if we could?")
So three to four existential crises and one very heart-wrenching discussion later, Jesse uses Miracle Make to manifest their kid, sacrifices his powers (thinking they've hit a point where he's not really in need of them anymore anyway), and boom, they're parents of a beautiful baby girl now. Whee!
...except with Jesse sacrificing his powers in the very same instance that Camellia Brooke Marvell is born, she becomes "the most unsuspecting individual" at the time, and winds up inheriting the Element of Surprise. Uh, Surprise?
That little unexpected snag-or-maybe-not-a-snag aside, things are great! Cole was destined to raise this child and is utterly crushing it, while Jesse becomes okay with being powerless and a parent and gets excited at the prospect of teaching his daughter all his old tricks. Jesse's still not big on cutesy nicknames, but will call Cam 'our little miracle' or 'sweetpea' from time to time...while Cole calls her a list of fluffy nicknames but his favorite is "my little lily".
Cam calls Cole 'Papa' and Jesse 'Daddy', and while she's got Jesse's habit of catching people off-guard (i.e. seemingly disappearing and reappearing from sight, giving both of them heart-attacks at least once a day) and is also scared really easily herself. So loud sounds are a definite no around her, especially during nap-time (looking at you, Jay).
Jesse's family goes ham on making sure she's well-fed and "getting a well-rounded palate" while Miranda, a high-ranking member of Borg Industries' staff now, becomes the favorite "rich aunt with no kids" that spoils Cam.
("Happy First Birthday to my favorite niece...! Just a little something-something ;) " "MIRA DID YOU BUY MY DAUGHTER A PONY?!" "Nooooo! ....it's a unicorn!" "YOU TAPED A PARTY HAT TO ITS FOREHEAD?!" "Oh stop whining! Look she loves it!" "I'M NOT RAISING A HORSE!" "Calm DOWN I just rented it for a week!" "A WHOLE WEEK?!")
Grandpa Lou also spoils his granddaughter rotten, and very unsubtly tries to encourage her interest in the performing arts.
("Oh, look at how adorable she is in this tutu! I'll have to get express shipping on some ballet shoes for her—" "...Dad you are not about to make a dancer out of my daughter." "But what if she likes it?! We have to find out early! What if she's a born-performer like her daddy? Look, she's pirouetting around already!" "You swinging her around in the air is NOT dancing, Dad...!")
Either way, it's as delightfully chaotic as you'd hope raising a child to be, and Cole, Jesse, and Cam are blissfully happy just as they are.
Cam is only two when The Merge strikes.
. . .
Cam is seven going on eight when "the dragons began to rise", and rumors of the old Ninja Team along with a brand new one begin surfacing. She asks her daddy constantly if that means Papa is coming back, but he never gives her a direct answer. Daddy doesn't like to talk about Papa; only once bitterly mentioned that 'Papa went to fight The Merge when it first appeared' and...then never came home.
Cam doesn't remember a time when The Merge did not exist.
And now her daddy spends the days looking to the skies, waiting for another rift. Aunt Mira has their appearances above the remains of Ninjago City timed almost-perfectly now, and when another is set to strike, Daddy quickly pulls out his old weapon. The crystals it is adorned with have faded back to their natural blue. He curses, and regretfully turns back to his daughter.
("Are you gonna do your magic again, Daddy?" "...something like that, yes." "Yay! I like when you do magic!")
So Cam taps the crystals, feels a small portion of her own power seep into them (despite the lack of her own potential), and watches them change from blue to a brilliant pink. Her daddy thanks her quickly, then swings the wand out, shifting it into a naginata with a single wave. Cam gasps in awe, admiring as her daddy's eyes temporarily glow, and launches himself towards the sky, sealing up the rift with the strongest blast of "surprise" he can manage, even despite the meager amount. He doesn't want to siphon too much power from his daughter, but this isn't going to be enough–!
Suddenly the sky erupts in green and gold—Cam winces at the bright light, but the rift is sealed in an instant. Daddy returns back to the ground with a stunned flourish and sparkles, standing protectively before Cam, as the legendary Green Ninja appears as if from nowhere, eyes shimmering with complication.
But, he addresses her daddy like the old friend that he is.
"Hey, Jess. There's...something I have to show you."
. . .
They're whisked to the Monastery in a near-heartbeat, Uncle Lloyd guiding them up those almost-familiar steps and into a definitely unfamiliar courtyard with equally unfamiliar people. There's a beautiful golden fountain with a dragon and waterlilies that Cam immediately scrambles over to splash around in, if Jesse hadn't scooped her into his arms beforehand.
He and Lloyd have been speaking in very careful, very hushed whispers since arriving, and Cam desperately wants to know what the big dramatic secret is, if it's got nothing to do with Aunt Nya working with the cat-girl on a mech, or the dragon-girl gnawing on Uncle Kai's arm. Lloyd walks pass them all, leading them to the back gardens of the place.
Jesse stops as soon as he sets foot onto the cobblestone path. Lloyd bites his lip, and, as ever, quickly ejects himself from the impeding potentially awkward and/or emotionally charged conversation.
Cam peeks over Jesse's shoulder, watching as a large man in black and orange paces frantically back and forth across the garden, muttering aimlessly to himself and unable to keep himself calm. Jesse curses Lloyd's name under his breath—the other man picks up on the sound, marigold eyes instantly connecting with Jesse's.
"...Jess—" Jesse immediately takes a defensive step back. The other man's voice turns devastated. "J-Jesse, please, you have to hear me out. Just that, nothing else—!"
"...What's there to hear out?" Jesse's words are clipped as he clings tighter to Cam on his back. Cam shrinks under the thinly-veiled fury. "That you, once again, chose to do something reckless and endanger yourself when I begged you not to? That you, once again, left me to think you were dead? That's not something that should be a reoccurring pattern, Cole!"
Cam perks up at the mention of 'Cole'—that's her papa's name! Excited, she starts fidgeting, but Jesse keeps her still. She pouts; he gently quiets her down before redirecting his fury back at Cole.
"...and worst of all, you left me to raise our daughter without you! She...she doesn't even remember you, Cole!" Cole physically buckles at that revelation. "And now you're just gonna pop back up five years later like nothing's wrong?! And you dragged Lloyd into this–?!"
"In Lloyd's defense, he is a little familiar with growing up without a father that would have wanted to be in his life otherwise." Cole tenses, eyes glowing with despair. "So I knew at least he would have understood from the get-go."
That breaks Jesse a bit, giving Cole the opportunity to close the distance between them, just a bit.
"...Jesse, you know that this is the very last thing I wanted to happen." Cole speaks slowly, lest he break down crying otherwise. "And if I didn't help when I did, things could've ended up a whole lot worse. I've spent every single second since trying to navigate this new, crazy, giant, mixed up world to get back to you. And the thought of seeing you, Cam, and everyone again is the only thing that's kept me going."
"...I know." Cam's never heard her daddy sound so broken before. "But the fact that you've done this to me so many times and I know it's never really your fault and yet it still hurts! I'm allowed to be mad at the circumstances!"
"You are," Cole agrees, and Jesse's lip starts to tremble. "And I'm so, so, so sorry."
Things go quiet between the two, with half a decade's worth of more conversation to catch up on, and yet neither being sure of what move to make next. Cole, however, can't help but peek around at the little girl staring curiously right back at him. His heart clenches.
"I-Is...that her? She's...she's gotten so tall..."
Jesse nods, and, after thinking on it a moment, places Cam on the ground and encourages her to introduce herself.
"...I'll let her decide, then." Jesse clarifies, watching as Cole's heart now jumps into his throat. Cole's breathing goes still as Cam looks back with fuchsia eyes full of potential. She trots up to him; Cole crouches down on instinct, lowering himself to her level.
"...hi," he says, holding himself back from being an overly emotional as he'd like. The last thing he wants is a bad first impression. "I—um...it's nice to meet you. You're Camellia, yes?"
Cam nods. Cole smiles, though it trembles.
"Do you...know who I am?"
Cam puts a hand to her chin, wondering if she should voice her hopes. She glances back at Jesse; Jesse gives her an encouraging nod. Thus, she returns Cole's question with another.
"Are you...my Papa?"
Cole nods, curling his hands into fists to ground himself.
"I am, but...only if you'll have me."
Like a light switch, Cam plows into Cole's arms; Cole springs back up, hugging her with all the strength he's got (without snapping her tiny self in half, of course).
They laugh and cry and Cole can't contain himself as he whispers apologies and promises and a thousand questions into her ear that Cam swears they have all the time in the world to get around to.
Jesse watches them, a little overwhelmed by the sight, until Cole swings in front of him, freeing up a hand to hold out to Jesse. He smiles warmly, in the way that Jesse's missed for so, so long.
"Hey, I missed you too, y'know."
And then of course that's when Jesse starts crying and throws himself into Cole's arms too, the trio hugging as a family for the first time in forever...and then Cam gets to bear witness to her parents having a long overdue kissing session (read: ew).
But then again, she doesn't remember time when Jesse was this happy, either. So she'll let them have the moment.
. . .
Cam then begs to be a ninja and "join the cause" but while both parents at least allow her to train (as they both wished they'd been in the know about their powers when they were younger), she's not allowed on any dangerous missions until she's older (or at least, gets her True Potential). In the meantime, Miranda hooks her up with a bunch of video equipment to become something of an internet idol to "bring the people of all realms together" (as to Cole's somewhat horror, Cam indeed has the blood of a performer and has Jesse's ability to sing). It takes some getting used to (and a lot of hugs and probably therapy to comfort Cole on the fact that he missed five years of his kid's life), but...eventually, things do return to a state of normal.
(...And then maybe down the line they actually do adopt this time, and Cole gets to be around for it this time, and Cam's little brother willingly becomes the next Master of Earth once he's ready)
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thatbrokenpromise · 8 months
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I am posting this before I fiddle with it more and lose my goddamn mind: The Zelda Timeline, as I am using it for this Link's Meet 'verse.
Text description/summary under the cut as best I can do with how complex this is, but in brief this maps out the timeline order of events, languages, scripts, which events happen in which timeline, and mutual intelligibility.
The top portion is the "Origins" section, coloured green, and includes the entries: The First Hero Skyward Sword The First Hero of the Four Sword Minish Cap Four Sword
The First Hero of the Four Sword is marked as a separate language, because in this work he's Picori, so he speaks the Picori language not a version of Hylian.
The First Hero and Skyward Sword speak similar language, but not the same; Skyward Sword and Minish Cap era would also be similar, but some difficulty understanding eg. Spanish and Portuguese or Spanish and French degrees of separation.
Ocarina of Time is marked out separately as the spoke from which the rest branch off. It's of limited comprehension with Twilight Princess, Link to the Past, and Minish Cap, and none with Wind Waker.
In Adult Timeline, coloured blue (right hand side), there is: Wind Waker Phantom Hourglass Spirit Tracks
Linguistically, this section is isolated in every respect except for the script. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are isolated languages (which absolutely can happen while using the same script), and Wind Waker lost the language in common use in Ocarina of Time and therefore has no comprehension going backwards or across to Twilight Princess or Link to the Past, despite similar degrees of remove in time.
In Child Timeline, coloured yellow (center), there is: Majora's Mask Twilight Princess Four Swords Adventures Hyrule Warriors
Linguistically, this section is a gradient, disregarding Majora's Mask which gets a separate language tag bc it's not Hyrule. Twilight Princess is of limited comprehension to Ocarina of Time and Four Swords Adventures, but likely is unintelligible to Minish Cap and Hyrule Warriors and vice versa. In every instance, each entry on an orange line gets progressively less similar the more points you move away from the origin.
In Downfall Timeline, coloured red, there is: Rauru & Sonia's Hyrule Link to the Past Oracle of Ages (purple) Link's Awakening (purple) Oracle of Seasons (purple) Link Between Worlds Tri Force Heroes (purple) The First Calamity Legend of Zelda Adventure of Link Age of Calamity Breath of the Wild Tears of the Kingdom
Let me start with the BOTW/TOTK question. "10,000 Years" is the kind of statement that places the story in mythic history: whatever accurate information it may have, the time period is not necessarily one of them. As such, I match the Imprisoning War to the war referenced in LttP, and the FIrst Calamity to Hyrule's "Golden Age" post LbW and before LOZ, matching it up by a few generations to the original time period of AOL's Zelda.
Several locations here are not in Hyrule, and therefore get the purple marker for separate languages; several others are close enough in time to be considered the same language. LOZ/AOL and BOTW/TOTK are canonically less than ten years apart; LttP and LbW are presented as similar enough maps and worlds that it's likely been a century or less different. Similarly, due to the time periods likely matching up, LttP and LbW are comprehensible with TP , OoT, and FSA but not with HW and neither is LOZ/AOL. Finally, I consider the time period gap between LOZ/AOL and BOTW/TOTK to be signficant enough to render it incomprehensible, in much the same way OoT and WW are.
Other Language Matters:
Because several of my Links use sign language, I made notes about who, in what era, was using different ones. Because the notes are primarily for art purposes, I gave them as glossed entries, which is to say when I draw Kokiri signing, he will be using ASL as a stand in for Gerudo sign language; then I draw Prince or Rabbit signing, they will be using BSL for Hylian sign language. When I draw Hateno signing, it will be AUSLAN, which is derived from BSL (whereas ASL is derived from French Sign Language and therefore is not related.) This is not meant as an exhaustive list, but only as notes of the ones I have decided on.
With regards to the script notes, it is absolutely possible for them to both come and go in that way and to cross time periods. Marked are:
Ocarina of Time Hylian Ancient Hylian, as of WW Gerudo Script Twilight Princess Hylian Skyward Sword Hylian Link Between Worlds Hylian Ancient Sheikah script, as of Breath of the Wild Zonai script
I may or may not attempt to do something with the unintelligible scripts of LttP, LA, and HW but for now this is the extent of my decisions about timelines and languages going on! This will be relevant, to some extent, to who can read each other's writing.
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sagebaileyspeaks · 1 year
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It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been so moved by a piece of media (good or bad) that I just had to write about it, but that’s where we are this evening with Across the Spider-verse. 
There isn’t much I can say about this movie without delving into spoilers, so I’ll begin by saying that visually this movie is unmatched. There’s a reason that animation exists as a medium and that is because you can do things with it that you cannot achieve in real life. As much as I love No Way Home and that original Spiderman trilogy, the fact of the matter is, none of those films —no matter how spectacular—is doing what Into the Spider-verse and Across the Spider-verse have done. 
And while I could gush about the art style all day, the second most impressive thing is how this sequel manages to build on almost everything that was established in the first. Rio and Jefferson (Miles’ parents) have so much more to do here, they’re active characters who aren’t simply there to provide Miles with obligation and tragedy; Gwen, whose background was waved by in the first movie, has almost the same amount of screentime as Miles; and speaking of Miles, this movie allows him the chance to stand as Spiderman without Peter Parker. 
To be clear, I love Peter Parker as a character. In particular, I like what Into the Spider-verse does with Peter B. Parker because it’s really the only story that allows Peter to grow up. Much as I like Tom Holland’s take on the character, I’m very much tired of teenage Peter Parker and teenage Peter Parker problems. I want to grow with him, I want to see him advance to the next stage of life, which here: means divorce, reconciliation, even a child (who we’ll get to later). That is the Peter Parker I want to see. 
After this, I’m going to go into spoiler territory, but honestly my overall take from the film is that we have a Spiderman, an Afro-Latino Spiderman, who is standing his ground and making it clear that he is not Peter Parker. That’s not his struggle, his destiny or his story. Across the Spider-verse is making the statement that Miles Morales is here and he is here to stay on his own terms. And skeptics, well, they just have to accept it or move along.
And now….
First of all, Hobie is the fucking best. I am not exaggerating. He’s one of the first (and only) Spiderman to not necessarily be on Miles’ side but also not be against him. He warns him upon entering Spider society that he shouldn’t become apart of something without realizing what it is, helps him break out by telling him how best to use his power and then gives Gwen the tool necessary to further assist him.  
To that end, with the exception of Jessica Drew, Miles is assisted almost entirely by the Black Spiderpeople who have known him less than a few hours. . .as opposed to Gwen and Peter B. who knew him a couple of days. I’m not saying that I no longer like their characters or even that they’re somehow intentionally racist, but there is something to be said that Gwen and Peter joined this society made up of mostly white Spiderpeople and then decided to side with said establishment over Miles who they had known personally (and who saved their lives). 
Migel O’ Hara, aka Spiderman 2099, is a terrifying Spiderman and honestly his canon logic is flawed. He’s essentially surrounded himself with Spidermen who prove him right, which feels like confirmation bias but also, if you even think too hard about the established “canon” of Spidermen, it falls apart. In No Way Home (which the movie establishes is canon) all of the Peter Parkers rehabilitate their villains and while we’ll likely never receive confirmation, I’m fairly certain that those universes didn’t fall apart after they did so. Gwen’s father in this very movie, quits being Captain which means that he has avoided this canon. Peter B. tells Miles that it’s because he met him that Mayday (an absolutely ADORABLE future Spidergirl) exists. Not to mention…the Spidermen from No Way Home would most certainly not agree with that, “let one die to save many,” considering their actions and I’m fairly certain there’s a number of other Spidermen who wouldn’t. 
The villain in the movie, or the main villain I should say, is named The Spot and things escalate there in a hurry. He seems relatively harmless at first but it takes ONE time for Miles to write him off as insignificant and this man loses his mind. Decides to take it incredibly personally and show Miles that he is a worthy foe. Kodos to the team for making a joke villain legitimate.
The ending where Miles goes to Earth-42 and meets Miles Morales is EPIC. I honestly cannot tell which way Prowler Miles will go considering when our Miles told him that their dad would die, he said, “your dad.” Miles isn’t necessarily a threat to him at all and maybe he’ll want to see Miles’ universe, but I can’t say one way or another.
Which is, I suppose, the best part of the movie. While I was able to call that that wasn’t Miles’ room and that Miles was probably the Prowler, there is so much more that I didn’t see coming. I don’t know how Miles will get out of the situation he’s in (though it seemed like he was going to use his venom strike) and I don’t know if he’ll be able to save his dad, it’s such a good cliffhanger because the only given at this point in time is that Miles Morales will return.
All in all, I give the movie ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ out of 5 and I am counting the moments until Beyond the Spiderverse comes out next March.
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the-cryptographer · 10 months
Went on some deep dive on the debate on the archive's 'Creator Chose Not to Warn' tag and ended up feeling kinda disgusted with people on multiple ends of the debate.
I admit I really don't like the archive's warning system. I know I'm a pedant but it feels very... imprecise to me. A lot of people are arguing that people overtag with the violence and choose not to warn tags when the contents are 'mild' but... what makes something 'mild'? It's not 'mild' if it can trigger someone, and most if not all things can. I've been sent on upsetting intrusive thought spirals by something the author considered fluffy and I considered deeply dystopian. So what makes something a 'graphic depiction of violence'? Does the act of violence have to by physical in nature to be graphic?
This feels like the debate about the distinction between 'dubcon' and 'noncon'. A distinction I do actually think is valuable in a literary sense! I definitely feel there is a difference between erotica where the characters entering into an iffy or under-negotiated sex act seem to be having fun (dubcon, imo), verses something that intends to ask a lot of questions about the boundaries of consent and and what is or is not a valid reason to choose to offer sex (also dubcon, imo), verses something where one character is actively coercing someone they have social power over into presumably unwanted sex acts (noncon, imo), verses someone violently disregarding another character's verbal or physical nonconsent (also noncon, imo). But at what point is the archive warning encouraging an environment where like... we are not acknowledging that many flavours of dubcon are just a flavour of rape fiction, and aren't necessarily less triggering, and should probably be warned for and tagged as such - not living in this grey zone that exists between the rape/noncon warning and no archive warnings apply.
And also how much does this go for like... things that are implied as a major part of the backstory? Or fiction where no rape occurs literally on page, but the story uses violently sexual imagery that is evocative of that? This is literary fiction. None of it is real except what it invokes in us as writers and readers. So if I write something to be evocative of a purposefully upsetting theme, I feel that deserves a warning for it in a way that the standardised archive warnings don't really express.
Also, what is the relationship between these tags and the fandom's original canon? Like, if I'm writing a fic for a video game where characters routinely get splattered up to their eyeballs in gore, at what point am I expected to warn for 'graphic violence' that is entirely canon typical? Presumably you wouldn't be here in this fandom's tag if you couldn't stomach characters getting splattered in gore. Does that require a special archive warning? 90% of the fics in this fandom tag should have it then! How is that helpful for sorting out which ones are next level violent?! But would it be right to leave that warning out, when compared to the fics in your feed that you wrote for softer canons, it is excessively violent? And the same goes with canons that deal heavily in themes of sexual violence. At what point do you need a warning that a character who was raped in canon may have flashbacks about that?
idk, just do not think these tags have nuance or clarity of purpose and i do not like using them. and maybe that's silly of me - to 'choose not to use archive warnings' and opt out of using the tools the site has available. But... I will warn in the additional tags or the author's note for what I think needs to contextually be warned for in a fic so as to best help readers make an informed decision. And if i mess that up, like... I can take responsibility for that on my own terms at least, instead of the terms people read into the existing archive warning system.
But it is vaguely upsetting to me that to see takes where 'choosing not to use archive warnings' is a button for opting out of the social responsibility of at least attempting to label your work for what it is, because it would be an, uwu, 'boner killer' to acknowledge you're writing about sexual violence. Because it ruins your day to try to put into words what you're writing and for what purpose. Like, if you can't do that, yeah, maybe you shouldn't be posting in a public/semi-public space (depending on whether you're posting it locked or not). And, like, yeah- I can't stop you. And I wouldn't be comfortable making the call to do so even if I had the power to. But don't expect me to clap for what is unpleasant, irresponsible, antisocial behaviour.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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tagged by: @dynamoprotocol [[ thank you 🖤 ]] tagging: @imprvdente @omniishambles @misstantabismuses @bossblitzy / @lankybirdy @vastayan--vigilante @halfghcst @hclluvahctel @treasurechcst & whoever wants to steal it !
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[[ half of it is under the cut because it got long ^^" I guess it comes with being a multimuse with quite a few muses xD ]]
If we're talking canon x canon ships, I have a few, but not for all my muses, also because some of them are OCs. To mention some: Adrien/Cat Noir & Marinette/Ladybug, Mabel & Pacifica, Blitzo & Stolas, Millie & Moxxie.
For what concerns ships that I've developed through RPs, that list is much longer and I've built quiet a few of very meaningful dynamics that I love and cherish, just as a I love and cherish the RP partners I write them with:
@advnterccs / @thcpresidcnt / @mcltiples: Rin is that RP partner with whom I have a lot of ships (some on Tumblr, a lot others on Discord) and I love each one to bits (yes, I consider them all OTPs of mine). I suppose that our main ship here on the hellsite are the Ricks (who are self proclaimed soulmates and act obnoxiously about it, followed closely by Evl Rick & Weird Rick (whose relationship is messed up, twisted, unhealthy, unbalance and yet perfect for them), but they are hardly the only ones. We also have our Mortys (who are too cute to be legal omg), whatever it is that there is between our Evil Mortys (that's another twisted interesting relationship right there x3), her Evil Rick with one of my OCs (AR) who have this very playful fling (until it's not), and we've been plotting a dynamic between two of our OCs (Mercenary Rick & Vampire Rick)...another weird one xD The funniest thing is that none of these ships developed as we were expecting and I'm really glad for it because they are even better like this! We also have not fully established ship ideas, for example Rick & Verosika being fuck buddies, or we're still deciding what to do with Adrien & Marinette. And of course, just as important, we have a good list of platonic ships! To mention a couple, our Summers are BFF and her Evil Rick is the best friend of one of my OCs (SR). Also there's that real freaking odd thing between my Evil Rick and hers, which I wouldn't know what to call.
@imprvdente / @hvbris: Chloé is one of my oldest RP and shipping partners and there hasn't been one time when we haven't come up with some, at times unexpected ships x3 We ended up with her demon OC Salomé and Bill being engaged in an arranged marriage, which was the last kind of plot I had expected to write for Bill xD But they are amazing and I love them! In her human verse, Salomé is also my Summer's girlfriend. Then we have her main OC Fish (in her main verse) being Rick's fuck buddy and ex-wife (yep, sonone ended up getting drunk married and it was hilarious), while in her teen verse she's Morty's classmate, close friend and secret crush x3 We some great platonic ships too, like the GIdeon twins & the Pines twins, or the Gideon twins & Bill (not a friendly bond as you can imagine xD). In the verse where FIsh has a thing with Rick, she's also Summer's mentor figure and she's friends with Morty. And there's more to come!
@dynamoprotocol: Where can I start to describe the pit of endless ask and past bliss that Rick and Clarissa are? It started off years before the series are a passionate but unhealthy romance that ended in a disastrous break-up, and is currently a bitter, painful relationship made of constant fighting and playing the guilt game. Locke and I have discussed possible plots that could lead them to reconcile (not necessarily getting back together) and I'm really looking forward to explore those! Just as I'm really excited about Clarissa's transition arc and Rick and Chance's rebuilt, healthier relationship. Not to mention that Clarissa / Chance exists in a variant of my and Rin's shared verse and she's dating her Rick x3 But our endgame is a poly relationship with the three of them! Also Clarissa is starting to befriend Morty and Summer too, and Chance's relationship with Morty is just beautiful.
@technodromes: Let me start saying that the developing ships I have with Saby were born kinda by chance, because she sent a meme in which I mentioned that Rick would fuck everyone of the Technodrome crew (aside from the manchildren ofc) and all of a sudden Rick was flirting / teasing / messing with all three her blorbs (Krang, Subprime, Bishop). For now, nothing is really officially established, but it's pretty obvious that they are (sometimes reluctant) friends who are attracted to each other...in some way xD In any case, all those relationships are hilarious, but I'm also waiting for the parts were they will not be -insert evil laughter- Also BIG shootout for Morty and Bishop's friendship because it's one of the most wholesome platonic ships I have on this blog! Also, I'm curious to see what will happen between Summer and Subprime xD
@moonspower: Virote & Rick are another very fun pair. Looking at them, you would expect them to get along because they are extremely different, and they do butt heads a lot. However, they also relish said differences, because they allow each other to experience a completely different lifestyle and view of the world. Not to mention that, under their personas, they are both flawed, traumatised individuals who struggle a lot with everything they have gone through. Rick at times resents how much more put together than him Vi looks and Vi is a little envious or Rick's apparent freedom, but the truth is that they are more similar than they realise. By now Virote is a family friend, and he has a good amical bond with Morty and Summer too.
@misstantabismuses: Jinx and Summer started as a crack ship, but it turned out that they work really well together, so Miss T and I decided to let them live their mutual (still unconfessed) crush on each other x3 Summer provides a somehow healthier, stabler point of view for Jinx, while Jinx pushes Summer to believe more in herself and not to fear her wilder side. I think that they make a really good pair. And speaking of being good for each other, Morty and Jinx are each other trauma support group. Their experiences are very different, but at the same time they can understand and relate to each other. They feel appreciated and accepted for what they are and I love how they have come to always have each other's back. It's a beautiful friendship / kinship right there.
There are a few others relationships I'm enjoying, but they are still at the early stages, so I still need to get a proper vibe out of them. But I'm looking forward to see where they will go too!
Honestly, most of my muses don't really consider age as a factor that can stop them from being attracted to someone else and, personally, I don't have an issues with large age gaps. As long as it makes sense for the character and as long as it's mutual and consensual, then age isn't really a deal breaker for me.
Of course, if it is for my ship partner, I do respect their boundaries and let them choose what gap is too large for their comfort. I just roll along with it.
The biggest, clearest example is the ships I have with my Ricks (also because they get engaged with aliens, non-organic beings, etc, so age becomes an extremely relative concept)...C-137 especially, since he's the muse who has more relationships than anyone else on this blog.
As I mentioned, among his main ships there are Clarissa [@dynamoprotocol] who is roughly 30 years younger than him, Virote [@moonspower] who is almost 40 years younger than him, Fish [@imprvdente] who is immortal and has been around for more or less 400 years. And then you have Saby's blorbs [@technodromes] who are like...5000 years old? And same goes (to quote a more recent sexual relationship he has acquired) with Petal [@petalsxfallen] who is even older than the Utrom trio.
So yeah, I think this proves that no age gap is too large for me, as long as what I said before about consent (for both muns and muses) is respected.
This kind of depends. I always tag threads that can't be considered PG-13 as "suggestive tw", to allow people who don't want to see the slightest hint of steam to curate their content. So, like, even just a make out session that isn't going to turn into an intercourse but that's written with some details, that gets tagged as "suggestive tw".
As for when "suggestive tw" turns into "nsft tw", I usually draw the line at when certain words start being used (mostly words to explicitly describe genitals) and when clothes start to come off in a sexy way (if that makes sense xD). At that point, not only the threads is labelled as "nsft tw", but it also gets shoved under "Read more". Or moved to Discord, if my writing partner prefers not writing this sort of content on Tumblr.
Yes, in the sense that I ship with chemistry. I have to feel a good connection both between the muses and between me and the other mun, otherwise it's really hard for me to get involved and attached to a ship. That considered, some basic but more or less regular OOC communication is strongly prefer, because it allows to keep the interest alive and the dynamic evolving. There's nothing worse than a relationship grown stale and static, if you ask me, because it gets boring very, very fast.
That said, some of my muses are pretty easy to engage in casual, strictly sexual relationships (even if, in that case too, there has to be sexual chemistry between them and the other muse), and I'm always happy to play long with that. Rick, AR, Stan and Blitzo are absolutely open to have fuck buddies and friends with benefits, not to mention short flings and one-night stands. On the non-sexual side, Morty and Mabel crush on people very easily, but on the other hand said feelings are usually also very superficial.
However, when it comes to actual, stable ships that involve feelings, then I tend to be selective because I need the chemistry and the communication I've mentioned before.
It's also worth to mention that some of my muses are almost unshippable, so building a ship with them is hard and requires a lot of discussing / plotting / commitment. I headcanon both Evil Morty and Jinx as ace and greyromantic, which means that they won't be attracted to others' looks and it takes a strong connection with the person for them to develop feelings for someone (and even when it happens, these feelings are going to be twisted and unhealthy and definitely not the sort of love normal people would feel, due to their traumatic pasts and upbringings). The only other muse (who's not my Evil Rick), my Evil Morty has connected so far is his timeline split counterpart [@thcpresidcnt] and it's very hard to tell what that relationship is about. Then there's Bill, whom not only I headcanon as aro-ace, but who is a dream entity with no real interest or understand for sex and romance. I'd say that he is unshippable if it wasn't for the "business marriage" turned into real partnership I'm building with him and @hvbris's Salomé. He eventually becomes pretty fond of her, but it's an attachment purely based on respect and intrigue, so nothing to do with love or sexual attraction.
All the other muses are more or less approachable, but the rule about chemistry still applies to them all, no exceptions.
I tend to be a picky shipper even outside RPing, so I tend to have few pairings for each media to which I'm extremely attached. Aside from the pairings that I've already mentioned in the answer to the first question, there's very few other ships I like / don't mind, even if they aren't ships I spend time and efforts on.
To make a little list:
I want Morty to get a boyfriend / show interest in a male-identifying individual at some point, because no one in that family is straight and it's very obvious, but he's the only one who still hasn't shown open attraction to anyone who's not female.
I'd also love for Summer to have a not-guy love interest, because she deserves someone who can treat her well and who can keep up with her. I've seen around some art of her and Jessica and I think that they are pretty good together and could make sense as a pairing.
In my own personal canon (which I usually don't apply to RPs unless previously discussed with my writing partner), AR and Rick have known each other for a while, do business together and are also fuck buddies (no romance involved, even if AR probably has a mug that says "C-137's #1 fan" xD), so I guess that counts as a ship I like...?
I sort of like the idea of Blizo & Verosika going through a "bitter exes to having hate sex to friends with benefits" kind of arc. They hurt each other badly, but it's also obvious that they still care for each other. I don't think they could function as a healthy couple, but with some (a lot of) work they could definitely become good friends.
Millie & Verosika could make an interesting pair too. I have a soft spot for badass queens couples, sue me xD
There's probably more that I can't think of right now and I'm always open to suggestions, so don't hesitate to come to me with ideas!
Tendentially yes. As I said, I need chemistry between both the muses and the muns to get involved in a ship, which means that I require at least some basic communication, or I end up losing interest very quickly.
This doesn't mean that it can't happen that our muses can't grow attracted to each other through interactions, even if the ship hasn't been discussed yet. Tbh, some of the most interesting pairings I ended up writing have built themselves on their own xD However, to "seal the deal", I do require that the other mun comes to talk to me about the ship...or that I go and talk to them about it. I'm more than willing to do the first step in that sense if the chemistry between the characters is good and I can see them working well!
This goes for requited feelings. If you want your muse to crush on / be attracted to mine, you can totally go for it, no need to come and ask me about it! Unless you want to. Unrequited crushes can be really fun to play out and so is making laughing at our muses x3
I love shipping and I make no secret of it. If I feel that two characters have chemistry and I like them together, then I do pursue the pairing. However, I wouldn't say that I'm strictly ship obsessed.
When I read / write fanfictions, I tend to focus on shippy ones, even if the ship isn't always the focus of the plot. I like having it in the story, but I'm also more attracted by stories that also explore other things or that have a more general context. And that's what I try to give when I write a long fic (for one-shots it's different, mostly because there's not enough space to explore too many themes).
With roleplay, it's more or less the same, with the exception that, more than being "ships driven", I tend to be dynamics drive, and that includes also non-romantic relationships. I like to build relationships, of every kind and sort, and to watch mine and my partner's muses walk along the road that takes them into becoming a stable part of each other's life.
It's honestly one of my favourite parts when it comes to RPing, and that's why, whenever the other person is open to it, I create a whole verse for us, so we can keep developing our muses' shared story through multiple interactions.
So, I'm a ships lover, but I also believe that there's a lot more than shipping when it comes to writing and roleplaying.
Fandom per fandom list? Looks like we're doing it x'D
Rick and Morty: Beth & Space Beth
Arcane: Vi & Caitlyn, Jayce & Viktor
Gravity Falls: Mabel & Pacifica
Helluva Boss: Millie & Moxxie, Blitzo & Stolas, Asmodeus & Fizzarolli
Miraculous: the love square (especially Adrien & Marinette, Cat Noir & Marinette), Alya & Nino, Rose & Juleka
There are other ships I like, but these are the main ones!
Come and talk to me. As simple (and complicated, because I know how nerve-wrecking it can be to approach someone, especially if you want to ask them to ship) as that. As I said, I'm selective when it comes to shipping, but I'm always open to new ideas!
This said, once again, your muse is welcome to be attracted / have a crush / falling in love with mine and act on it. Depending on the chemistry (between both muses and muns), this could either develop into something or remain one-sided. I personally like exploring unrequited love dynamics too, but I understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea!
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ikatako38 · 1 year
3. End of Part 2 Special:
TPWCH One-shot Requests!
Requests will be open until May 1!
SLOTS: ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( 5 )
Feel free to request any ship, AU, and/or tropes! Of course, I’m also free to reject a request if I don’t feel comfortable writing it. (For example, I won’t write things like incest, on-page non-con, gore, age gap*, etc. This event is also intended to be SFW.) You can be as specific or as vague as you'd like—I'll fill in the gaps! Each one-shot will be about 5000 words in length! (This is an estimate and not necessarily guaranteed.) You can make your request through an ask (preferred), as a reply to this post, or as a comment on AO3. Requests through reblogs will not be accepted.
*I’ll accept certain ships such as Agent 12 on the condition that they’re aged up
If you need some inspiration, here are some of the topics I��d be eager to write about! I want to get a good variety, so I put a cap on the number of requests I’ll take for certain categories. Vacant slots have a number in them like ( 1 ) or ( 2 ), and closed slots have an ( X ). Your request is more likely to be taken if you choose a ship/AU/trope that isn't already full. List items with no slots can be used as much as you want!
I will be taking 5 total requests, with a combination of first-come first-serve and which ones I like the best. So try to get yours in quick, but if you’re a bit late all hope isn’t necessarily lost so long as I like your idea! You can submit multiple requests, but unless I’m short on requests, I’ll only choose my one favorite request from each person. They'll be uploaded to AO3 in an anthology as I finish them!
If you already know what you want to request, you can stop right here and submit your requests! If you want some ideas, check under the cut!
Any of these can be platonic pairings instead! Just use an & instead of a / in the ask or specify platonic!
Agent 24 ( 1 ) ( 2 )
TurfTrio - Three/Eight/Seyu ( 1 ) ( 2 )
ApartmentTrio - Three/Eight/Lyle ( X ) ( 2 )
Thryle - Three/Lyle ( X ) ( 2 )
LoveSquare - Three/Eight/Seyu/Lyle ( X ) ( 2 )
Pearlina - ( 1 )
Cutttletavio - ( 1 )
SeyLeo - Seyu/Leo ( 1 )
SeyThree - Seyu/Three ( X )
SeyEight - Seyu/Eight ( 1 )
Lyli - Lyle/Eli ( 1 )
Yubrey - Four/Neo 3 ( 1 )
Lucilin - Lucía/Lin ( 1 )
Three&Tsuku ( 1 )
FourFam - Four&Kai&Miriam ( 1 )
Aubree - Aubrey&Three ( 1 )
Yukee - Yuki&Three ( 1 )
Or any other ship you want!
No non-TPWCH characters (Goggles, your OC, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc.)
Modern/Human/High School/College AU ( 1 ) ( 2 )
D&D/Fantasy Setting ( 1 )( 2 )
Royals ( 1 )
Soulmates ( 1 )
Generic Wizarding School ( 1 )
Riordanverse Demigods ( 1 )
The Hunger Games / Other dystopia ( 1 )
Werewolf/Vampire/etc. ( 1 )
Umm… anyone into ABO/Omegaverse? I can try lol ( 1 )
(No mpreg tho. Or fpreg, or any other preg for that matter.)
No Metro AU (Three never fell into the Metro)
No OE AU (Neither Three nor Eight were sent to the Metro)
Civilian Three AU (Three never became an Agent)
No IU AU (self-explanatory)
The Siblings AU (Three was raised by Kai and Miriam as Aubrey’s sibling)
The Good AU (The Siblings AU and No OE AU combined)
The Best AU (The Good AU and No IU AU combined)
Genderbend (whole cast or individuals)
Cis characters stay cis and trans characters stay trans. If Yuki is involved, just pick the presentation you want him/her to have!
Species-bend (whole cast or individuals)
Sexuality-bend (whole cast or individuals)
Age-up/age-down (whole cast ages the same)
Any combination of these
Any other AU you want
None of these (set in a copy of the canon TPWCH-verse)
Enemies to Lovers
Friends to Lovers
Strangers to Lovers / Meet cute
First date (or a subsequent date)
Party Game (Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle, Werewolf/Mafia, Cards Against Humanity, etc.)
Accidental kiss / Accidental physical affection
Drunk confessions
Adding a third
Blind date / set up by friend
Met while Turfing (same team)
Met while Turfing (opposite team)
Hero x Enemy Soldier
Anonymous Valentine / Riddle
Coming out
First day of school
Childhood friends
Holiday Special
Beach Episode
I don't know, be creative! It's your request, so why am I doing all the legwork?
If you're not sure, you can leave it up to me and I'll come up with something!
I also reserve the right to take your request and run with it by adding on other things! For example, if you ask for romantic Seythree, I may automatically sexuality-bend Seyu. Or if you want Thryle in the present day, I may decide to use the Civilian Three AU.
Now get requesting!
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fasterthanmydemons · 7 months
would pietro have TSA (twin separation anxiety) in the Sotg verse? after seeing those results for basch and noah I think pietro and wanda would also have it but mostly pietro. I could totally see him turning to rocket or mantis for comfort since they're the ones who are talking to him the most for now (as much of an asshole as rocket can be lol)
{out of breath} First of all, thank you for reading my huge headcanon post over on my other blog. You are awesome. =) For those who don't know what the Anon is referring to, I basically analyzed by muses' mental (and partially physical) health over on my other blog for their MCU verse, kindof as an evaluation report they would have done before they could qualify to do field work with the Avengers. If you're interested, you can read it here. I'll put the actual ask answer below a cut because long, heh.
TSA (twin separation anxiety) is a specific type of anxiety that happens to twins when they are separated from each other. It doesn't necessarily have to be under traumatic circumstances. It could be going off to separate colleges, moving out and having their own places, one twin beginning to date and the other feeling left out, etc. In other words, normal growing pains and milestones in life can contribute to TSA, and that's okay. It's when normal TSA isn't handled properly, or when TSA results from a sudden and/or traumatic separation, that it can have lasting detrimental effects on the twins' psyches, such as some anxiety disorders, insecurity, uncertainty about oneself and their future, fears of abandonment or of being alone, and even lashing out in the form of erratic emotional or physically violent outbursts.
Pietro and Wanda both have longstanding experience with TSA, unfortunately. They first experienced it shortly after their parents died and they were placed into an orphanage that separated girls from boys. Because of this and because the twins were said to have been "too dependent" on each other, they were kept separate a lot, which resulted in Pietro sneaking over to the girls wing to see Wanda, and then in them running away from the orphanage to avoid being separated again.
The twins' TSA only got worse once they volunteered for the Hydra experiments. They were kept in separate cells, were afraid for each other's welfare, but could not always see or communicate with each other. This was a serious shock to them, since they had always been so close before.
In MCU canon, Wanda experiences TSA to an extreme degree after Pietro dies. She also experiences what is known as being a "twinless twin," which is a specific type of grief and trauma response someone experiences when their twin dies.
In an AU where Pietro lives, they both still experience some TSA just from having their own separate rooms in the training compound, being trained separately and differently, falling in with different circles of friends, Wanda starting to date Vision, being sent on missions separately, etc. None of that is necessarily bad, but before that, they were extremely emotionally co-dependent on each other, so any kind of separation is going to cause anxiety at first.
And then once again, imprisonment in the Raft heightened the effects of TSA on the twins by physically separating them under stressful conditions. Not only were they worried for each other, but they were each under a lot of stress without the one person in the world they were most used to going to for comfort.
So by the time he gets to the SotG AU, Pietro's TSA is pretty damn bad. Wanda's... hmm. It's not that Pietro has it worst than Wanda, but Wanda has an easier time of it for a couple reasons. First, she has Vision to support her. Pietro doesn't have anyone but Wanda, to that degree at least, except in verses where he's shipped with someone. Wanda is a lot more mentally stable at that point in her life than Pietro is. He is more prone to emotional and violent outbursts, he either overshares or completely closes off from others and switches between those at random, he takes things very personally, and the more time he spends without Wanda, the more unhinged he becomes in a lot of ways.
In AUs where Wanda dies instead of him in AoU, or if he's alive during the Blip but doesn't get snapped like she does, he spirals out of control very quickly and can becomes suicidal. Wanda never really got to that point until the end of DSMoM, after she'd lots not only Pietro, but Vision (like what, three times?), various friends, and her sons. So Pietro is actually a lot more emotionally fragile and vulnerable than Wanda is. It takes a lot more to break her down than it does him.
So at the time SotG is happening, Wanda is a lot better supported and more mentally stable than Pietro is, so that makes the effects of TSA worse for him. By that point he is very jittery, his nerve damaged arm and hand shake a lot worse and more often, he has even more trouble sitting still, and his behavior is erratic. He'll go from crying to yelling to shutting down all in one hour. And all those insecurities he's been picking up throughout his life (being the worse twin, his ADHD symptoms making him feel stupid and like he can't learn, and the times he couldn't protect his sister making him feel like a bad brother) are also amplified as a result.
These kinda of asks give me life, so thank you for asking! =)
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scngbard · 1 year
That Post Hoot was so heckin fun to listen in on x3 So happy I caught it! But, while we got a bunch of good deets, unfortunately didn’t get too much concerning Raine this time around. However, of the two things we did get.... One I’m entirely tossing out and the other is honestly. just gonna be plot dependent xD (altho, technically wouldnt matter too much on this blog as my Raine is canon-divergent already as is but)
Firstly; Dana had mentioned the theory that everyone had been handing around the fandom of Raine’s palisman being hidden in the scroll of their violin. And, while they had broken said violin MULTIPLE times throughout the show, it was essentially the equivalent of a staff being broken and not the actual palisman, and post finale Hunter and Dell both helped Raine fully restore them to their proper state... That’s getting entirely tossed. It’s a good theory, but it’s one I’ve always disagreed with and despite Dana saying that’s pretty much how it goes, my Raine still had never possessed a palisman until after the events of Belos’ defeat.
Secondly; Dana talked about how Raine did in fact move in with Eda at the Owl House and that, of course, they are together, however they aren’t necessarily married. (It was said/explained a lot nicer, ofc but!) I honestly really like that idea and oddly I think it would kinda fit for the two of them to be completely and fully committed to one another, but not needing it to be officiated by marriage or anything like that. Although, again as my blog canon is canon divergent in that Raine marries Lilith, this tidbit will only really be used with plots outside of their default verse setting and be up to the mun of the Eda I’m plotting with. If they follow Dana’s thoughts on the topic, cool! If not and they do get married, also cool!
So, in the end; I technically got the Raine info I wanted (except for the name of their palisman. apparently they were never given an official name xP), but none of it is going to be applied to this blog. KAJSNDFJKASNDJ
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streetslost · 2 years
i saw you’ve got a shapeshifter verse for cat so what would she think if she ever meets another shapeshifter? would she get along with them? or would it be the other way around?
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so i gotta be honest but whatever cat’s backstory is on that verse is probably no longer relevant because.  the thing i’ve discovered with the shapeshifting verse is her exact story depends on my partner and the world they exist in. thus this might sound like a cop out but honestly it depends on my partner and how i approach her story.  for the most part, i don’t think cat would really care.  she would treat another shapeshifter like any other person.  they’re not necessarily an ally just because of that commonality.  and her rough personality might not meld with them no matter what ( it’s easy for cat to come off annoying to others and them to her but ultimately she would make enemies of very few ). in worlds where shapeshifters are condemned/looked down upon or the like, she might be more willing to trust but.  she still wouldn’t just automatically trust or like because i would generally work with her backstory to portray her in a way where both humans and shapeshifters are part of the pain of her life.  i’m not a “one side is better than the other” mentality too often unless that’s canonical to the world i’m writing.  i and cat prefer to look at people as individuals.  so species/race/etc...  none of that means anything.  it will come down to character because, in the end, most everyone is capable of doing something terrible or treating someone awful. so this isn’t a super exact answer to you...  but she wouldn’t hate another shapeshifter or even like one just for that ability.  that isn’t a connection to her unless it’s a world of scorn.  then she might appreciate it more because cat doesn’t know what it’s like to really be herself, so she takes advantage of those moments when she can.
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webbedphantom · 8 days
Dancing in Starlight
So, I just got back from work and, for some reason, I was reminded of an old shippy headcanon during my shift.
See, I consider P5D to be canon to Aaron. At least in the closer-to-canon continuity. This doesn't typically mean much, as the entire game takes place in a dream that none of the cast will remember upon waking up. But it's that exact scenario that makes this little headcanon possible.
That being that in verses where Aaron is crushing on one of his fellow Thieves, I like to think he first confessed at the end of their particular confidant. Contrary to pretty much every other Joker, Aaron doesn't have much confidence outside of the mask, and that goes double for any affairs of the heart.
Generally, he assumes that whatever crush he has is one-sided, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary. He genuinely believes hell will freeze over before anyone on Earth finds him attractive. As such, 90% of his confessions happen because he accidentally hinted at his true feelings, and feels like there's no point in hiding them any more.
But the dream/Velvet Lounge or whatever its called (I honestly can't remember), is one of very few exceptions to this. Because he's getting to spend a lot of time with his crush, he's encouraged to flaunt his powers and truly be himself on the dance floor, and that combined with the fact he knows none of them will remember this, gives him the courage to actually tell her. No accidentally spilling the beans, no need for her to make the first move, he just tells her because even though he is almost certain she'll reject him, he just wants to be honest with her.
And even though they won't remember it, I like to think the emotions of the moment, and the dream as a whole, stick with them all. Which in turn will lead to him having more courage when it comes time to tell her for real, or give him more reason to keep it to himself if she doesn't feel the same way.
I also like to think that Ryuji (and Ann in cases where she isn't who he's crushing on, because just look at the way she reacts during Makoto's confidant when they talk about Sae and tell me she wouldn't) plays a key role in helping him build up that courage. Not necessarily playing "wingman," but just kinda being in his corner, encouraging him, and cheering him on when he finally makes that move.
Also also, this does apply to Sumi too because she would totally be included if the game had released after Royal. They even gave her a dancing outfit, you cannot convince me otherwise.
And she and Akechi should've been DLC for Strikers too, gosh dangit
Anyways, that's it. I'ma go pass out now-
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seathered · 1 month
rules.  ༄
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hi! i'm aurora (twenty three, she/her pronouns) and this is a heavily headcannon based interpretation of cj hook from disney's descendants. i've been writing cj for more than three years now, and her portrayal and world has become highly collaborative with some of the others in the descendants rpc, which features a much more adult interpretation of the movies, books, and miniseries. the isle of the lost is a dangerous place of extreme poverty and risk, and cj and her family lived their for the majority of their lives. this will always be featured in her portrayal. if you are uncomfortable with that, this is not the blog for you. unless said otherwise, all graphics on this blog are created by me. cj appeared in canon very minimally and inconsistently, which is why so much of her portrayal is my personal headcannons and creation.
content warnings.
this blog will have adult themes. trauma, violence, substance abuse, and abuse are all heavily featured in cj's biography and what she has endured has greatly contributed to her present state. please take care of yourself! no smut will occur on the dash as i'm just not comfortable writing it publicly. i think plotting nsfw headcannons between two consenting adult muses can be a great way to discuss dynamics, but i have a lot of anxiety about writing out smut in detail so i really only ever do it privately. i tag my triggers as trigger /. always feel free to let me know if you need something tagged.
activity + interaction.
my activity with this blog regarding actual in character content tends to fluctuate, but i am almost always available via tumblr ims or discord, and in general just lurking on the dash. somedays i can pump out 10 things a day, somedays i have a queue, but i can also go weeks without anything but shitposting.these days, i'm definitely more plotting based as i just don't have as much time or energy to write anymore and it's much easier for me to write with a plot, dynamic, or idea in mind. this isn't necessarily an issue, and i absolutely have fun winging things, but i do want to preface it here considering how low my writing content has been lately.all in character memes that i answer are always available to turn into threads, and none of the memes i have on my blog have an expiration date. i am so excited to write with you, i want to write with you always even when i'm a little bit slow to responding ic / ooc.i don’t believe in reblog karma, if we are mutuals, feel free to reblog a meme or anything else that is not stated otherwise. personals please do not reblog my edits or my promos, but mutuals are always welcome to!
i love shipping romantically, however, cj has proved to be a muse that i find difficulty shipping with due to how hard she fights affection in the long run, and her unhealthy and avoidant relationship tendencies. (of course, that doesn't mean i am not willing to try! we can wing things via memes or plot) platonic and familial connections are huge for her. she's also a known shit stirrer and takes most every conflict to violence, which means antagonistic dynamics are sure to be had.
i ask that homophobic, racist, xenophobic, transphobic, pro-incest, islamophobic and/or blue lives matter muns do not interact with me, you will be blocked. also, i will not interact with any cop muses as long as it is clear to me that you are looking at this profession through a critical gaze, i am comfortable with following, hp singles (i will be very selective with multis that feature these characters or muses that have a verse and most likely will avoid that verse or specific muse), historical/rpf muses, whitewashed characters, or any muse that follows the dni mun criteria.
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tarnishedxknight · 2 months
Headcanons: More About Gabranth’s Final Moments, and… the Guardians of Ivalice?
{out of dalmasca} Some more end-of-game headcanons coming at you below the cut, and I got weirdly inspired by a Guardians of the Galaxy gifset, so... be prepared for some random scenarios my brain ran away with from that. XD
Okay this makes absolutely no sense since there’s pretty much no way Mantis would ever end up “back in time” in the FFXII verse, but the left side of this gifset made me think of like… the insight Mantis might have had (if she decided to use her powers, that is) into Noah’s mindset during any of the times that he was injured and fell unconscious, whether after attacking Basch & Co. or Vayne. Earlier at the Pharos, or before he was ultimately fatally wounded by Vayne, if at any of the other times he’d fallen unconscious (there were at least two, heh) Mantis had looked into his mind, that first gif on the upper left could be… perfect? XD Mantis says, “He is anxious, angry. He feels tremendous loss and guilt.” If that… isn’t a way to describe Noah through the entire game, but especially after Drace’s death and he’s breakdown at the Pharos, I don’t know what is.
Also, Mantis would have been able to tell that he wasn’t dead after the Pharos. I can just see her matter-of-factly announcing that fact, as Basch is like mourning him and she’s all confused like why are you sad, he’s not gone. I can just see her pointing out that he’s still thinking things, so he can’t be dead, the dead don’t think, heh. And then… cue that gif where she proves it by telling everyone what he’s thinking.
Imagine a verse where the Guardians are sky pirates, heh. It would fit them… SO WELL, in my opinion based on the limited things I’ve seen with them. Mantis and Fran bonding over being empaths… or maybe being scared of each other because of that, heh. Everyone thinking Rocket is a Moogle every time they land and venture into a city, and it pisses him off. Kids call him cute and he gets homicidal, haha. Groot being this little hoodlum who steals stuff in every city they end up in and somehow always gets away with it. He’s the only one who’s told an Imperial off right to their face and gotten away with it because no one can understand anything he says. XD Like I said, it makes no sense and you can’t really take them out of their canon world, but… man it would’ve been some wild fun. XD
I guess if Noah got seriously hurt in the MCU verse on this blog, she could also do the same thing, but.. she doesn't strike me as a person to just automatically use her powers all the time. She'd need a specific reason to want to read him, and a reason why that wouldn't feel like invading his privacy. But if he were dying and wasn't necessarily expected to live, maybe she'd do so to let Basch or anyone else know what he's thinking? I could maybe see that happening.
Okay but having said that Noah had so much anger in him, I know I’m not wrong, and yet… his last couple scenes in the game kindof belied that. Those scenes will never not break my heart because just… Where is the anger? Literally where is that seething, enraged, homicidal hatred for Basch that was just there not that long before? Clearly he’s regained control over his emotions again, and whether that’s because he’s not in a Mist storm like he was at the Pharos, I have no idea, but… it’s like all the anger and resentment has just left him. There’s something so poignant and heartbreaking about that.
Death takes everyone and everything down to its basal instincts, and Gabranth knew he was dying. There just wasn’t a reason to keep being angry. If he was striving for anything, if he had goals, if he had injustices he wanted revenge for, none of that mattered anymore, because it’s all over. Not only that, but when taken down to the basics, what’s most important to Gabranth? 1) Stopping further war, and 2) his son. Or, if you don’t subscribe to my headcanon of Gabranth being Larsa’s biological father, then at the very least… the young prince he’d been charged with protecting and within whom he’d help foster various ideals of stability, peace, and the value of seeking diplomatic solutions… matters most to him. If you think Gabranth didn’t care about Larsa in a fatherly way, even if you reject my headcanon of him actually being his father, you’d be wrong. He absolutely did love Larsa in addition to valuing the hope he represented for Archadia’s future. And Larsa absolutely loved him back and looked up to him, there’s no question. I mean, he was cradling him with a worried look on his face after Vayne dealt that fatal wound, and during the scene I’ve been talking able, where Gabranth’s anger seems to have left him, Larsa is even holding his hand. You can watch it starting here and going until 6:18:30.
And then Gabranth’s death scene, where he’s talking to Basch calmly, respectfully, and Basch is doing the same back… it’s just… so… It makes my heart hurt. It’s sad that it took the death of one of them for them to finally reconcile even just a little bit. But Basch acknowledges Noah’s dying wish, and Noah even says something very telling right when he dies. He says, “Your words put me at ease, brother. Sorry to leave you.” Translation: “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay and at peace, but I understand that this is going to hurt you immensely.” Because Gabranth knows how much it would’ve hurt him if something had happened to Basch.
I know, a lot of you might say wait that’s a giant wtf, because hasn’t he been trying to kill Basch himself through the whole game? Not… really. He was lashing out, punishing, fighting, having tantrums, etc., but he never expected or wanted Basch to actually die. He said he’d kill him to Gramis, but did he actually then go and do it? No. I think he wanted to be able to kill Basch, because that would mean Basch meant nothing to him. But that wasn’t the case. Also, don’t place much stock in how battles look in any Final Fantasy game because they’re all overblown like oh lemme chuck a WHOLE BUILDING at you but then you walk away fine the next second. Battle in those games is… ridiculous, heh. SO you can’t go by the fact that Gabranth like… rained fireballs down on Basch or something, it’s all just FF ridiculousness, lol.
If Basch had actually died, especially from something Noah did, it would have fucked Noah up horribly. Irrevocably. It would have destroyed him. That’s his brother, his twin, his last link to what used to be home and any kind of innocence he remembers having. Basch is his only living blood family from his original childhood family unit, and at that point, besides Larsa, his only family period. He’d lost the father figure he had in Gramis when Vayne assassinated him. He lost Drace when he was forced to execute her. He’s got Larsa… and Basch. That’s it. And if he lost either one of them, especially due to his own actions somehow, it would break him. So I think as he dies, he understands what losing him will do to Basch, because he knows what losing Basch would’ve done to him. You can watch this scene starting here and going until 6:26:20.
Alright, I think I’m done rambling about Noah/Gabranth’s final scenes in the game, heh. Two headcanons posts about it seems good enough. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if something else ends up inspiring me because I’ve been gushing about these two tragic twins since 2006, why would I stop now? XD
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witchaotics · 9 months
answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
he's not a canon character so I guess none. I would love to explore ships with him with Las.zlo Cravens.worth of WWDITS and Henry Fitzroy of Blood Ties, and Ambrose Spellman of CAOS. Granted I am not gonna force ships or ship with every blog I find, but they are def ships I play around with in my head.
He's old af despite looking more late 20s/early 30s. I don't want to ship him with anyone under 21-ish in physical age.
It's nsfw once they're grabbing each other and any kind of sexual contact starts. /shrugs
Yes, I definitely can be with this muse. He vibes with certain people and I can't necessarily throw him into a ship willy-nilly a lot of times. Discussion can happen but nothing beats a ship coming together organically in RP. If it doesn't work in rp, I can't make it happen.
Not sure..
You can! I can feel a bit iffy if someone hasn't followed me long and would ask to ship right off the bat, now that has yet to happen. Sometimes I can def see a certain dynamic or potential for one and I do understand those feelings and I'll get eager.
I do want some prior interaction for shipping though.
Probably the latter. I've never been obsessed with shipping, and it's been a long time since I've felt REALLY passionate about a ship if I'm being honest. There are ships I liked but it's still been awhile since I've really shipped something, esp concerning fandoms.
Yup. Morgan's not really monogamous. I also don't care for the separate verse per ship thing, I tend to view his relationships as more open.
n/a. fandomless oc.
Ask me, esp if we're just starting out with rp. If we've been rping awhile and things seem to be headed that way, feel free to go ahead. Morgan is semi-difficult to ship with and I say semi- because it depends on the right muse but if given the right amount of effort, you can def develop something beautiful.
tagged by: stole it from someone.
tagging: @grievousomen @lotuskissed and anyone else.
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I am a multiship, multiverse blog. Every roleplay occurs in a separate AU. None of Arkyn’s relationships with other muses affect his relationship with yours. That is, unless you specifically want to share a verse with someone else. Related to this, if you want to roleplay in any AU aside from Arkyn’s ‘canon’ LoL verse, just hmu and we can plot something!
I am a semi-sfw blog, but the semi is only there for angst, violence, etc. While mun is in his mid-20s, I will not rp smut. Romance is fine (welcome, even). If our muses were to reach a point in roleplay where it would become intimate, the scene will fade to black.
Minors: Minors may send asks and interact with my posts, but I will not roleplay with any. The extent of interaction will be limited to answering questions regarding my muse with headcanons, etc.
I do not necessarily believe in reblog karma. While I would certainly love you to send in stuff if you reblog, do not feel obligated to do so. I won’t guilt trip you.
Feel free to remind me if I take a long time in responding. I try to save everything to drafts, but if I drop a thread, hold me accountable. I can be rather busy at times so response time varies. If you’d like to continue a thread and you haven’t heard from me in a bit, just send me a PM.
I am semi-selective. There’s certain types of characters that I dislike writing with. Characters need flaws to be interesting, and not every orphaned assassin needs to be unstoppable. The more depth your character has, the more likely I am to engage with you.
Related to this - If you don’t credit the art that you use, or if you use AI generated images, I will not interact with you. AI “art” is made off of mass art theft. I refuse to engage with people who use it. If you use a large amount of icons, please have somewhere on your blog I can view the source of such icons.
I do not tolerate hate. Simple as. Bigots get blocked.
I am OC friendly. Should be a given, this is an OC blog after all.
Potential triggers: Please never initiate a scene where someone is about to commit suicide and/or has to be talked out of it. I’m fine with discussing suicide as a topic, be it something that happened in a character’s past, etc., just not that specific scenario a “talking someone off the ledge.” Related to this, I try to tag any obvious triggers that may come up, but if there is something specific you’d like me to tag which isn’t mentioned in your rules page, please let me know. My usual tagging system is TW / Trigger.
While it’s not a trigger, I’d prefer if you didn’t make jokes about brain aneurysms (such as “This video gave me an aneurysm.”)
Do not control Arkyn’s actions, etc. in your written responses unless we’ve discussed it prior. This is a back-and-forth, please don’t assume to control my character for me.
Do not godmod
Feel free to ship with me! If you’d like to explore a romance between Arkyn and your muse, send me a PM and we can discuss the ship and maybe plot and see how to advance it. That, or just give me a heads up in the tags of a reply.
You may ask for a roleplay any time you want. Just go into my ask box and throw stuff at me, I promise I don’t bite. You don’t need a prompt or an invitation. Most of the time I’m pretty open and happy to write with anyone, so don’t worry if we aren’t mutuals, just reach out if you’re interested in writing.
Have fun! Roleplaying is a hobby, let’s all enjoy it.
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@ahogedetective​ asked:  🖋️ : Do you find dialogue harder than prose or vice versa? How much? Are they about the same? (and!) 💫 : Have you noticed any large stylistic changes between your writing from when you first started vs how you write now?
Roleplayer Ask meme - Still Accepting!
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🖋️ : Do you find dialogue harder than prose or vice versa? How much? Are they about the same?
For Sonia specifically, dialogue is just about the same as prose for me. Where the difficulty comes in is usually the thread and/or the mun I’m writing with: if our writing styles click and we’re able to easily converse OOC, then I usually have no trouble writing, or at least knowing where a thread is going to go. I can get tired sometimes getting it onto the page, especially if it’s a longer reply with NPCs, but it’s not necessarily harder, just strenuous.
Where it gets harder is when I’m writing with someone I don’t have as much writing chemistry with, or it’s hard to get a read on their muse, or I’m not sure what they want out of a thread/interaction, or the reply I’ve gotten back doesn’t move the thread forward at all and I’m having to come up with new ways to move the plot/interaction along. Then both dialogue and prose are difficult (and I yell at my computer, distract myself from writing, etc). 
tl;dr - It’s less about the type of writing and more about the mun’s writing style, muse, and specific thread/interaction.
💫 : Have you noticed any large stylistic changes between your writing from when you first started vs how you write now?
Oh goodness, absolutely. When I first started, everything was in chat boxes or IMs. Actions were written in :: :: or * *. And none of it was in a para style: everything was one-liners or very short single paragraphs, for the most part.
 RP, in the places where I was roleplaying, was a relatively new thing. Not to say it hadn’t been going on in message boards, chats, ICQ, email, etc. before, but I got in on RP from the ground up on most places I was writing it, save for tumblr. I took a massive break during my university years (and glad I did! I’d gotten so burnt out by the end of high school), that by the time I graduated, I’d missed the Facebook/Myspace era of RP entirely. I also missed the beginnings of tumblr as I was more involved in trying to build my career and get into my local cosplay community. Tumblr has been the only instance where I came to RP a bit later, but I also came to the RPC a lot older than plenty of other muns I’ve written with and seen on dash, too.
Now, I aim for longer paragraphs. I like a literary style, I like multi-layered plots and muses and the various twists and turns that can happen in a thread or series of interactions with a character. To that end, at least with this specific muse, I’m far less interested in anything that unfolded in-game and most Hope’s Peak Academy-based stories (barring crossovers and OC muses, which can shake up the world quite a bit): I like exploring Sonia’s world beyond that. What happens after the canon leaves off, what happens in a Non-Despair verse after graduation, historical-based threads, etc. Anything and everything that broadens the Danganronpa world beyond what the games give us or suggest exists.
Not that those plots are bad at all. When I was younger and first starting to RP, I liked to keep to more canon settings and plots with my canon muses (and OCs for canon verses). I was excited by that and more comfortable writing that. But at this point in my writing, I like to push way beyond what canon gives us. I have with pretty much any muse I’ve written in the past 5-8 years or so.
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batmans-cheerleader · 2 years
i really love your fic and can’t wait more more!! in the meantime, you you have any recs? not necessarily jason and bruce but batfam
thank you!! and it was so hard to not make this list miles long but here it is!
Stargazer | rated M, 47k | LemonadeGarden
warnings: injuries, violence, ptsd, nightmares
Jason Todd is seriously injured during patrol one night, and is forced to stay at the manor to recuperate until his injuries are healed. To pass the time, he makes a list of things he never got to do before he died. Except there's one small problem: most of them involve Bruce, and Jason doesn't really think Bruce cares all that much about him anymore.
This is a story about how wrong he is, but I made it sad anyway.
Asimov's Integral | rated T, 18k | sElkieNight60
warnings: emotional whump, angst, character death/revival, mentioned/alluded abuse & neglect, abandonment issues
Tim is an unwanted android, a Robo-Child. After being sent back by his parents, his last and only hope rests in the hands of a man still grieving the loss of his own son.
“I didn’t ask for a replacement,” Bruce barked. “I don’t want a replacement! You can go back and tell the RCO I don’t need a replacement.”
Bruce Wayne didn’t want him. If Bruce Wayne didn’t want him, he’d be sent back and dismantled.
sometimes you make mistakes | rated T, 10k, WIP | MrMich
warnings: canon typical violence, blood, misunderstandings
The thing was, Duke was almost positive that his neighbors were criminals.
He wasn’t sure they even counted as neighbors. There were way too many of them to actually be staying in the tiny apartment next door and he could hear them coming and going at all times of night, so he was pretty sure about the fact that none of them actually lived there. Except maybe Jason Todd, but he was definitely a criminal, so that was a point in favor of Duke’s criminal conspiracy theory.
Or, In which Duke fights crime, wages a petty war with his criminal neighbors, and entirely fails to put two and two together.
Inbox | rated T, 9k | audreycritter
warnings: grief, loss, angst, canonical character death/revival
When Jason Todd died, Bruce Wayne had a hard time letting go or dealing with any reminders of his son.
When Jason Todd came back, what he needed to know was how much he had mattered. Fortunately, these things overlapped.
Or, the story in which Jason listens to some voicemails for a dead boy— the boy who was him.
Executive Assistant to the Batman | rated T, 76k, WIP | heartslogos
warnings: none
“So what’s someone like you doing working for someone like Wayne?”
“We’re star-crossed,” Tim answers, because clearly this job has only improved his ability to mouth off with a complete and total lack of self-regard.
(Rewrite of my old Assistant!verse)
ballare | rated T, 1.5k | Periazhad
warnings: canonical character death/revival
Jason thinks he's good at being scary by doing the unexpected.
A Meditation on Railroading | rated T, 24k | eggmacguffin
warnings: child abuse, gaslighting, homophobia, hurt/comfort
When he ends up ditched in Atlanta after a fight with his dad, Tim decides to do the only sensible thing: Tell no one and make the 800 mile journey back to Gotham on his own.
Because the "call Batman when you're in trouble" rule only applies when he's Robin, right?
cards | rated G, 1.8k | almondrose
warnings: none
steph has to make father's day cards in school & she doesn't care to make one for her own garbage dad, so she decides to do the next best thing:
make cards for batman.
sweet child o' mine | rated G, 4k | Nokomis
warnings: none
Steph said cheerfully, “Bruce, from now on, consider yourself in possession of one Steph-mom.”
“Absolutely not,” Bruce said.
Steph took a bite of her cake, undeterred.
Bundle of Joy | rated G, 7k | DawnsEternalLight
warnings: deaging
When Damian is accidentally turned into a baby each of his family members gets a chance to take care of him. Cue adorable baby faces, Dick being delighted, and Bruce surprised at finding out just how much all his kids have grown.
the scientific method | rated G, 20k | orphan_account
warnings: none
5 stupid ways Duke's siblings discovered how his powers worked, and 1 time he figured it out for himself.
"You have no idea," Dick said. "I had to live through all of their teenage years. They were each independently obsessed with Mythbusters at separate points in their life. I'm pretty sure Cass and Tim have wanted a meta to experiment on since they were 14, but Bruce always said no."
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