#(looking in the mirror)
peaceinthestorm · 8 months
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Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema (1852-1909, British) ~ A Knock at the Door, 1897
[Source: collections.currier.org]
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vaxolang · 5 months
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•Looking in the Mirror•
acrylic painting on canvas
size 23x23
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pelicandensity · 8 months
while watching the 
quiet colorful sunset
with open eyes
I wait for the lighthouse
to show me the way
a tall silent sentinel
that never disappoints me
its brilliant beam of clarity
is my salvation
helping me to rise up from 
the watery reeds of despair
and find my way in the world
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euesworld · 1 year
"Happy Monday!! May you look in the mirror today and see someone worth loving.."
Look in the mirror and love who you see, cause you are a beautiful creation.. the only one of you that will ever exist, there will never be another person quite like you and it's such a shame cause you are amazing, unique, and so you in every single way.. you deserve love, why not love yourself and see what happens? - eUë
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charmspoint · 3 months
Preparing for friday: cringe is dead cringe is dead cringe is dead
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the-enders-nest · 6 months
hi, im emrys, host of the Mirror System. when i post ill tag w/ #looking in the mirror, followed by the names of the system members. so, for example
#looking in the mirror and #emrys tag
my pronouns are he/him and they/them.
for the most part, my active alters rn are different fictives of MCYT, and select others.
if you give us hate for any alters, myself or the Hotel System, i am very liberal with the block button. thank you.
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karihighman · 1 year
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CASSIE HOWARD (Euphoria s2) 💘😪
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beemintty · 8 months
I was thinking what a weird thing it is for me to look in the mirror. I have a really neutral image of myself. I think I'm neither beautiful nor ugly, I just am. I think that's really really healthy tbh. And I mean sure I have my days where all I see are the flaws or the days where I feel like a goddess but most days I'm just like "eh. It's not important."
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gildass · 2 years
My first erotic drawing 😁 • © Gildass (2022)
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Aurora Headcanons ~
((YOU WANNA KNOW ABOUT THIS BLONDE BABE??? look no further but know she's not some seductive smooth talker all the time --))
~ Aurora LOVES waking up early. Meeting the sun, watching the sunrise, whatever you call it, she loves doing that snuggled up in a blanket and coffee in hand to start her day.
~ AURORA LOVES PLANTS. I thought this was obvious, but she's always trying to grow and buy more plants. Herbs, flowers, ivy, fruit, etc. she's sO INTO AND IT'S A SIGN SHE'S ATTRACTED TO YOU IF SHE TALKS ABOUT HER PLANTS TO YOU. They mean a lot and she's gauging your interest subtly. Is she expecting you to love her plants as much as she does?? Absolutely not, but a little interest and memory doesn't hurt.
**DESPITE THIS, she can not keep succulents alive. Ever. SHE'S TRIED SO MANY TIMES ((rip Casey the Cactus I~VII and various others she'll never admit to)). They just don't thrive with her even though she can take care of some of the most particular/meticulous plants to care for and they'll thrive. ~ Suits??? Three piece? Well fitted? Hell, bowtie or normal tie?? FUCK AURORA'S SO ATTRACTED TO THAT SHIT NO MATTER THE GENDER. A well tailored, good looking suit and a good looking person is a vain pleasure of Aurora's.
~ You like movies??? GOOD. SHE LOVES THEM. but she will talk. THE ENTIRE TIME. ALSO if you haven't read the books she'll make you read them first. "SO YOU GET IT. YOU GOTTA GET IT." Also hope you like bad sci-fi, supernatural or 80s movies because she'll make you watch it.
~ She STRUGGLES with technology besides basics so if you're asking her to take notes/remember something, she will physically write it down. She has sticky notes, calendars, and sometimes even separate notebooks for certain people she's with a lot so she "doesn't forget anything important!"
~ Based on her past and family, she's used to being an "black sheep" or being viewed as "just the pretty one". Because of this, she's very insecure about her looks -- of course she's pretty/attractive, she's been told that her entire life and most of the time, it's all she'll ever amount to. She developed her magic a lot later and can feel like she's late to so many things and can't really adapt to normal life in the "nonmagic world" or the "magic world".
~ Speaking on this, her mother is renowned in the magic world as a powerful sorceress, her father is a high standing member of the Fae Court and her siblings are super remarkable in their own rights. When Aurora was born, she never showed any innate ability, just a ordinary child despite her family's lineage. She was constantly compared in all aspects, though one she did stand out in: her looks. So she would constantly change/alter her appearance to be the prettiest in whoever's approval she wanted most. Nowadays she's better about this, but honestly she craves being called pretty/beautiful as herself -- oh bUT IF YOU COMPLIMENT HER IN OTHER ASPECTS??? bitch she's yours put a ring on it sign the papers no returns.
~In modern/nonmagic verse if needed, Aurora's mother is a well known socalite and dad is a foreign country prime minister's son. Her siblings all get known for SEPARATE things outside of their parents, while Aurora is documented as the "picture perfect/gorgeous" child of the two world-known figures. Because of this, Aurora just assumes her looks are all she's good for and just switches it up for others/to make sure she's loved by whoever's most important to her or who's attention she wants. **Basically, tell her you love her as she is as she might malfunction/not know what to do with herself.**
[okay BYE she's really cute and just super horny which is aokay lmao y'all should interact with her out of smut sometime lol]
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doodoocumfart · 1 year
It’s okay….don’t cry….Marcia ftw season 4 okay?
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I’m sick of looking in the mirror and acting like I’m ok with my decline
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 months
And you wonder if this seems to be a dilemma with the Cattanooga Cats, Kitty Jo in particular, from time to time:
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bebemoon · 2 months
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mirror palais "laces and silks" collection .
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novakiart · 3 months
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spideypool but it's a comedy of errors
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