#(and also i just really wanted a separate account from my main to blog about taylor/sabrina/other musicians/celebs)
taylorsabrina · 6 months
HII !! omg i just wanted to say hello and wish you a lovely day and talk about how much i LOVE your user, it’s perfect omg 😭💗 (YOUR ICON TOO, AND YOUR BLOG AS A WHOLE TBH !!)
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OMG HI HI HIIII, SUGARPLUM!!!! gosh, i'm so sorry i missed this, i had quite the busy weekend, and i hope yours was every bit as lovely as you are!! i'm also so glad to hear how much you like my url, i had it stashed away in my back pocket for the holidays. i'm also just super happy to hear you like my account altogether... like.. 🥺💕
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aniesvision · 1 month
𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘥 (𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘰 𝘹 𝘧! 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)
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warnings: suggestive, implied sex, that's all I guess (tell me if I'm missing something)
a/n: hi! I'm posting this again because I wanted a new account just to post my fics and not just another blog with my main account (I don't know how to explain it but yeah) also, english is NOT my first language so if anything's wrong please correct me!!
synopsis: Chris accidentally sees his best friend naked.
One thing I hate about getting ready at the Sturniolo's house is how bad they are in keeping things organized. And I don't mean clothes or anything like that, I mean they just don't say what they're gonna do next and that leads to me being naked on Chris's bathroom without knowing that he has no idea that I am here.
And, of course, he just opened the door.
-Shit, I'm sorry. -He apologizes, quickly closing the door and leaving me alone, paralyzed and speechless.
I close my eyes, trying to forget the embarrassing moment, putting on my outfit. It takes me a few minutes to get over it and finally leave the bathroom, the sound of the door being opened making Chris look up at me.
His cheeks were red, and probably so were mine. My first action was to adjust my skirt and giggle out of nervousness, my eyes now glued to my shoes.
-You can use the bathroom now. -I say, cutting the silence.
He just nods, making his way to his bathroom and locking himself inside. I sigh, annoyed with the situation, making my way to Nick's room to do my makeup and finish the final touches.
After making sure I was ready, I decided on waiting for them on the living room. We have a birthday party to attend, all of us being friends with the person for a long time, witch is why we decided on getting ready and going together.
I was mindlessly scrolling through TikTok when I feel someone sitting next to me. I look to my side, seeing a guilty Chris.
-I'm really sorry for earlier. -He runs a hand through his hair nervously and I give him a small understanding smile.
Even though I was nervous and embarrassed too, I didn't want to make things weirder, and it was so fast he'll probably forget about it by tomorrow anyways.
-It's fine. -I breath out, turning my head back to my phone.
We stay a few more seconds in silence, my brain just now processing that one of my closest friends saw me naked, and I couldn't help myself from joking about it.
-Hey, at least you've finally got the chance to see a girl naked, right? -I tease, nudging his shoulder playfully.
Chris rolls his eyes with a smirk on his lips, my laughter making him laugh as well.
-Shut up, whatever. -He mumbles, resting his head on the headboard of the couch.
Nick and Matt finally got ready and we all get into the car, hearing Chris yap all the way to the party. It doesn't take long for us to get there, and it was even faster for us to separate and move different ways. I walk to the bar, ordering a drink and taking a few sips before exploring the party.
I find my friends after a while, sticking with them and hearing them gossip about random people. When I feel the alcohol kicking in and making me less shy, I drag them to the dance floor with me, moving my body along the beat.
Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to enjoy it, since I've been dragged out of the saloon where the party was happening and trapped by a wall nearby, my eyes slowly recognizing Chris.
-What the fuck, I almost had a heart attack. -I raise one hand to my chest, taking deep breaths and looking around, confused on why we were here and why he wasn't saying anything at all.
-Okay, are you gonna explain or...? -I ask, looking at him.
He looked like he was fighting a battle in his head, not knowing exactly what to say, probably dragging me here with him by some sort of impulse.
-I... I don't know, I just... -He shakes his head, taking one step back.
-Are you okay? -I ask, tilting my head slightly, trying to figure out what was happening.
-I'm fine, I just... I think... -He hesitates, sighning and looking around nervously before making eye contact again. -You look pretty.
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, giggling with his random compliment.
-Thanks, you look good too. -I smile, messing with his hair a little bit.
-No, I mean, I think you're really pretty. -He tries to explain, but it only makes me even more confused.
Chris notices my confusion and he starts tapping his feet rapidly, a bit anxious with what he was going to confess.
-I mean, I think your body looks great. -He says, making me laugh.
-Oh, so you think I'm hot? -I tease, his cheeks blushing.
-Alright, yeah, sure, you're hot.
We stay in silence for a few seconds, my smile never dropping as I studied him.
-You dragged me out of the party just to say that you think I'm hot? -I ask, crossing my arms over my chest, the cool breeze making me shiver.
-Not exactly. -He steps closer again, gently rubbing his hands up and down my arms to keep me warm.
-What else then? -I ask, seeing a small smirk on his lips.
-I think I want to kiss you. -He whispers, his eyes immediately dropping to my lips.
-What's stopping you from doing it? -I wrap my arms around his neck, his hands moving to my waist and squeezing it lightly.
-I don't want you to think I only want this because of what happened. I've been craving to kiss you for so long.
His words caught me by surprise, I've never noticed he wanted to kiss me. My only response was pulling him closer, showing him it was alright to do it. And he did. Our lips meet in a sweet kiss, that turns quickly into a heated and passionate one. His hands exploring my sides before stopping by my ass and squeezing it.
We were now just fully making out, but sadly we heard the door cracking open, making us separate. It wasn't the best place or moment to even think about anything that happened, so we walk into the party again.
Me and Chris didn't stop flirting with each other all night, but we didn't want to tell anyone about it, so it stayed in between us.
And now, a few months later, it's still our secret, but since that night we do a lot more than just kissing.
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familyvideostevie · 2 months
okay. hello! i'm back. :)
maybe you noticed, maybe not, but i have been away for a while.
i wish i could say i've been out living my life, so caught up in happiness and joy and loving each day that i've just not had time for tumblr. but....that is not true. i have been having a tough time! being away has been good, as i've had time to do other things that i like and to put energy into my own well-being, but it hasn't been the best time, I'll tell you that.
i peeked on the dash every now and then to keep my queue full and reblogged soothing things to my main blog and tried my best not to feel guilty about it all (i was also booping on April 1 lol). i just...I really needed a break. i've really enjoyed being here the last six or so months as i've changed my blog and entered the pedro/tlou space but i've also felt so, so alone.
and i know that it doesn't really matter!! like, we should all take breaks and go outside and all that stuff. and I know plenty of people are not very active, but this blog has been such a vital part of my life and happiness since I started it almost two years ago, so any lapse in activity feels like a loss. I've met lifelong friends and flexed my writing muscles and learned a hell of a lot. the fact that I have started to feel isolated and alone on here is a sort of personal betrayal, and there is no one to blame but myself.
So, I’m pulling back.
it means a few things — i don’t know how much writing I’ll be doing from now on. For Joel, especially — it’s been wonderful to meet folks in that community but it has also been really detrimental to my passion for both the game and writing. I’d like to return to some other characters on my masterlist, but we’ll see. I’ve got endless personal projects away from tumblr that I want to pour love and time into (my non-reader fics, my newsletter, a romance novel, a sci-fi novel, poetry, etc). I need to fall in love with my own work again.
it's a me problem, I want to stress that. i'm working on it! irl stuff has been kicking my ass. I've had a really, really hard winter and my mental health has suffered probably more than ever before. i let things I love -- like this blog -- fester and become negative and no longer being me joy. writing became stressful and difficult and I was focused on notes and interaction and looking around me and seeing success and then looking at myself and only seeing lack.
but that's why I took a break! i am getting help and support irl, i am putting in the time and effort to feel better about being alive and to be a better friend and person all around. And I want to tell you all about it because I am so grateful for your time and attention and support, even if we’re just strangers on the internet. i know this probably seems silly -- who cares about a fanfic blog? well, i care! i care a lot! it matters to me and therefore it matters!
anyway. on to the important stuff. here I am! and here's what's going to happen on this blog:
I am working on replying to asks and reblogs and comments I missed. Thank you for being patient with me! I don't know if I'll get to them all but know I see them and I am honored every single time.
I made a totally separate ao3 account with this blog url. I'm working on uploading everything I've posted here onto there and hopefully will continue to crosspost. It is going to take a long, long time, so please be patient! (you can follow my other ao3 here for my non x-reader fanfic).
I posted this fic! Jackson!Joel pulled me back into his world. It’s the first thing I’ve written in ages, so let me know what you think. as of now it's the last planned fic for that series, but who knows!
I hit a milestone while i was away that I am absolutely blown away by. I'm planning a celebration around it sometime this spring (hopefully) and I’d love to see you participate :)
lastly, thank you so much to my friends for letting me complain, whine, winge, etc. I am so sorry for missing all of your work, your celebrations, your bright energies, and all the rest. i am so sorry if it seemed like i was ignoring you. you are my guiding lights, my silver linings, my touchstones. you make me want to be here. i will try to make it up to you!
I want to be online less but make sure I’m connecting more in the moments that i am here. I want to pressure myself to write less and not feel bad that I’m not engaged all the time. I want this blog to once again feel like a place that nourishes me and not sucks me dry. i want to stop feeling like shit about all of it!!!!
so. come hang out in my inbox, my dms, let me know what you've been up to. I am really sorry for missing so much. thank you for sticking around. <3
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partyratt · 2 months
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I've seen a lot of people making their own MLP main 6, so I wanted to hop on the trend and make my own AU out of it! In this AU Nightmare Moon gets banished to the moon again, but takes the main 6 with her. Forcing Celestia to find another group to harness the elements of harmony, that's when my main 6 gets together. After I finish all their designs, I'd like to make something like a mini comic series about my AU and maybe even create a second blog page dedicated to it, but I'm not entirely sure where I wanna take it at the moment. I most likely won't reveal too much about my main 6 personality's until I start work on the comic because I want people to watch them develop there rather than in a post description.
Aside from everything previously mentioned, I also want to talk to you guys about some plans/ general things I want to do in the near future. Firstly, I'd really like to make a horror art account. Horror has always been one of my biggest passions growing up, and that's followed me into the present day. I have some artwork of creatures I've made, and even some fanart that I haven't posted here because, well it doesn't exactly fit the vibe I've created for this blog lol. I also have high hopes to make my own ARG or analog horror series, which I already have concept art, and a strong idea of what I want for it. That likely won't happen anytime soon, seeing as I do not have the resources, nor the funds for something like that, but my hopes are looking at sometime in a few years.
All that being said, I'm looking at possibly running three separate accounts. Which is a load of work I strongly believe I'm capable of managing now, but I'm unsure how sustainable that'll turn out to be in the long run. But I want to at least try it, and see if it'll work out, and if it doesn't I'll just figure something out then.
I greatly appreciate y'all who listened to my yappathon lol. Much love pookies ❤️🩷
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dreamteamemojis · 1 year
How-To Tumblr for Dtblr :]
So, I've seen a few newer blogs start arriving from people who have never used this site/app before and I just thought this might be helpful to get started because it's quite a bit different from Twitter.
To start, the dtblr community has dwindled since last year so there are literally only about 500 of us left I'd say and thats being generous and including lurkers. Speaking of that, lurking is a great way to learn how to use this site! Follow a few blogs or lurk in the main tags for a while to get vibe of how people use this app. When you find a blog you like, see who they are reblogging from and check out their blogs, its a good way to find people to follow since people like to keep their follow lists private.
Making your blog! First things first, get a pfp and a basic bio at least or people will assume you are a bot and block you if you follow them.
On tumblr we have Main Blogs and Side Blogs. Everyone has one Main Blog, and you can add a bunch of side blogs, people use them to keep their fandoms separate and to save urls (don't hoard too many urls on blogs you dont use, it kinda sucks and is technically not allowed, but around 5-10 isnt so bad). A lot of people also might use side blogs because they dont want to get blocked by someone they are following or liking from that is in a different fandom. Like, if you wanted to follow blogs from other mcyt communities, I would stongly recommend making a dtblr side blog instead of a main, because you will most likely get blocked. There are a couple of differences between Main and Side blogs though, here is a link to the main tumblr help post about them but a couple quick things here-
-Main blogs are where you (and everyone else if you don't turn it off!) can see your likes and follows. Everything that you like or follow will show up under your Main blogs url, so keep that in mind.
-Main blogs are what you send Asks off anon from, you cannot send asks using your Side blogs url, so again, keep that in mind.
-When you block someone, it will only block them from your Main blog, you have to manually type in their url to block them from your Side blog. You can also ip block Anons who are being shitty or harassing you.
Lots of people will have Pinned Posts that you can basically use a longer bio (I recommend making them non-rebloggable). You don't have to make one and it's not weird if you don't, but you have the option. Lots of people have 'Blinkies' in their pinned, you can make them here if you want.
Tips for your settings!
-Hide your Likes and Follows!!! Even if you come from Twitter and you think it's not a big deal, it's kinda seen as really weird here to leave them visible and it makes you stand out and people weary of you, plus you should enjoy the privacy!
-Under Account, turn off 'show top posts'. You can also choose whether or not you want to allow Anon asks from there. if you are getting hate, I recommend turning them off for a while.
-I recommend going to Dashboard Preferences and turning Off 'best stuff first', and then turning On'shorten long posts' and 'snooze Tumblr live' (you will have to snooze tumblr live every 7 days but trust me basically everyone does it).
-This is actually pretty important, go to Account settings and turn OFF 'let people blaze my posts'. That feature allows other users, without your permission, to pay to have your post boosted as an ad basically to a certain amount of random people. this can even be done with your asks, and it has the potential to cause harassment and I strongly recommend turning it off.
-Under Account setting and Content you see, that is where you will be able to filter out tags that you do not want to see. For neg I would recommend, #neg #negativity, #discourse etc. If you don't want to see certain ships you can filter those. For stuff like spiders, I would do a couple variations of #spiders, #tw spiders, #spiders tw #arachnaphobia, etc. because there are a lot of different ways people will end up tagging stuff like that. This is also where you can change your Mature Content setting. They default to Hide, so set those as you prefer. You can Hide, Blur, or Show.
This is a link to the x-kit extension, it has a lot of customizable settings for tumblr, but it can only be used on desktop and requires a little more knowledge about using the site but its here if you want it.
I think those are the most important things, other settings can be left up to your personal preference (try out the color palettes to find your favorite!!)
-Tags and Tagging are super useful on Tumblr! This post has a very good rundown of how Dtblr uses Tags to filter content for the community, pls learn these they will help you a bunch!!!
-When you make a post, the first 5 tags are the most important, they will show up in the tracked tags. So make sure you use community/main tags first if you want your posts to be seen, this is most useful for artists or gif makers etc.
-When you reblog a post, the tags are just for adding commentary and organizing your blog, you dont have to worry about your tags from a reblogged post ending up in the main tag searches. Talking in the tags is very fun and a great way for even shy people (me) to interact with the community. They are used a lot more than Replies, it tends to be mostly mutuals that use Replies on each other's posts, but it wouldn't exactly be weird if you did choose to comment in the Replies.
-You can use custom tags for your blog! Lots of people come up with custom tags for their asks, their personal posts, just pick your favorite variation of gnf, gogy, gogs, georgie, and many more to organize your george gifs! and its also pretty common to see someone post a . (just a lone period or comma) and then just rant in the tags. people do that if they want to vent or something but dont want it to be reblogged. - if someone reblogs a post and tags it with 'prev' they are referring to the tags of the person they reblogged the post from, the 'previous' tags. (tumblr recently nuked this feature with the new update but you might still see people doing it, its just super hard to find the source now)
-#709 and #404 are common tags that people will use on posts from outside of dtblr to stay covert/subtle so as to not get mass blocked when referencing our ccs. #709 refers to Dream and #404 to George.
-Tagging posts as #nsfw has the potential to get your blog restricted. I recommend using #nsft (not safe for tumblr) or #not sfw instead.
Liking and Reblogging- Tumblr does not have an algorithm, liking posts is basically just bookmarking them. If you want to support writers/authors/gif makers etc. PLEASE reblog their posts, it is the only way for them to gain visibility. You can even make sideblogs specifically for reblogging art or fanfiction if you wanted to.
We don't make call-out posts here. If you have a problem with a user, block them, end of story.
And we do NOT interact with Anti or Critblr posts. Critblr is tumblrs Leaktwt, do not interact with them, follow them, reblog from them, or bring attention to them, you will be blocked by the majority of the community if you do. We are very small, and interacting with anti posts will do absolutely nothing but bring us all mass harassment and invite them to start interacting with us. Pls do not screenshot their posts and share those either especially with the url visible. If you feel the need to have discussions with antis, do so on twitter. Please ask before screenshotting and uploading someone's post to twitter. A lot of us are not comfortable with it at all, and some of us are okay with it as long as you leave out the url but please ask because we generally dont want our stuff on that platform where CCs could potentially see it.
And I think thats all I've got i think, so I hope this post helps you guys with getting started on Tumblr! :]
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Bye to Wind and Lightning
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Did you know that in 2020 when the pandemic held us all in a chokehold I decided to reread One Piece and Bleach, but consciously decided not to touch Naruto, as if I knew that I'd be sucked in real bad if I read it again? I was right. In 2021, I randomly thought "No, I will read it now" and then I did and boom I talked about nothing else for that summer and to channel my thoughts I made this blog right here separate from my main and not as a sideblog. I wanted to start completely over at a different place.
I had a terrible summer in 2021, constant mental breakdown. I don't want to bore you with the details because you don't care, but just being back doing the stuff I loved when I was 16 was such a blessing. I was truly happy in the first months here, especially with the discord servers and the oc talk and the friends I made. My boyfriend commented on it all the time, that I looked so very happy. And I was! But these things never stay.
The problem with me is, I want community, I want to talk headcanons and to bitch about characters I don't like and promote ships I love and cry and laugh and hug all of you for liking the same things as me and at the same time I'm terrified of rejection, of people hating me, of people spreading lies behind my back. I guess school does traumatise you in some way.
I can't survive in a cutthroat fandom like this one, I take things too personally too quickly. I don't understand that if you, a normal person with your own wishes, likes a thing I don't like or dislike a thing I like it doesn't mean you automatically hate me. You are just a different person and that is ok! It's not you. It's me. NO I'm not just saying that. It really is me.
Did you know that when I started out here I didn't tag my stuff? Especially not my OC stuff (and I still rarely tag it). The fear that someone might find it, hate on it, send me hate, make fun of it etc, sits so deep that I rather have my work not be seen at all. Yet, I need the attention to keep going because without the reblogs and likes and asks I feel like an utter failure.
My boyfriend says I am not good with the public eye on me and he is probably right. I envy those of you who can stand their ground and be self confident in their arguments. I envy those who don't care what others say, who can block and move on, who don't get a knot in their stomach when someone they had nice interactions with unfollows. I shouldn't care, but I do.
On my first tumblr blog I never looked at my followers, I never got asks either or was deep in fandom or anything, but I reblogged my stuff and posted my thoughts and was feeling good. I love tumblr, its the best social media out there for a reason. Yet, with this one, I got so self conscious about my followers, about what I can and can't say. If my presence would offend or not etc etc.
I was kinda looking forward to 1000 Followers because it is an insane number, but now at 997 I'm throwing in the towel. Isn't that like giving up before the finish line? Maybe, but I'm so tired and I want to be unknown again. I want to be nobody again. I want the naruto fandom to move on and forget I was ever here.
So I'm leaving! Sorry, I guess! At least for a good while. I might be back to finish the requests still pending on this account and then disappear again, but I don't know if I'll ever permanently come back. If you by any chance really, really really care about my presence, you can find me under @kikuneesama as a general spam blog with all sorts of things and under @konohamaru-sensei for anime-only stuff. This is also where my Naruto posting will be moving.
If you are a moot I will follow you from Kikuneesama again.
Thanks, I guess, for over two years of hanging out. I'm sorry I am such a lame loser.
One thing is for sure: Though I am moving to a blog named after Konohamaru, Kakashi will always be my love.
tschüss und auf wiedersehen, ~Nisi
PS: I'll q this a couple of times so I'm sorry if you have to see it a few times in the next few days. I swear I'll be gone after that.
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irbcallmefynn · 5 months
Pinned Post for 2024!
A new year calls for a new pinned! Hi! I'm Fynn (you can also call me Fynni if you want)!
Bigender Transfem Thing (She/He/It/They) furry, artist, almost certainly audhd+ocd+some sort of anxiety disorder (undiagnosed) so bear with me. I'm 20, so I may be adult on here sometimes! I do have an 18+ sideblog but I don't wanna tag it here. Find it yourself if you want it that bad (if you really can't find it but want to see it message me). I will tag things to the best of my ability when needed. If I have tagged something wrong, or forgot to tag something, Please Let Me Know. Send an ask or a message or something.
DNI if you're a piece of shit. Zoos, Pedos/Maps/whatever, Nazis, Queerphobes (any of them. No Arophobia allowed), Antifurs, Racist, Sexist, etc. Basically if you're on the DNI list of most queer furries you're on mine. So go step on some Lego someone spilled glass on.
I'd be careful if you're a minor. I'd suggest blocking "#nsfw" so you don't see things you shouldn't. Aside from that you're probably fine? Especially since I have a separate 18+ blog now. If I do slip up and either forget to tag something or accidentally reblog something to or from the wrong account please let me know so I can fix it!
I'm Aegosexual and Sex Repulsed (I experience sexual attraction but am repulsed by sex), Demisexual (probably), Polyamorous and Demiromantic (taken by two friends I will love forever, despite everything <3 <3 <3)
I'm Therian to some degree. I know I'm not a wolf or anything. Never have been. But I really wish I was anything other than a human. So Therian it is! I'm also Plushie-kin and Program-kin. Just feel like there's a lot in common between plushies and what I want to be like, and the dependence betwern programs and the machines they're on is my ideal type of relationship. I'm also Alterhuman, Please refer to me as a wolf or dog or puppy or bug or plushie it makes me happy :3 you can find my kinlist thing here
The U.S government sucks ass and so does the economy. Expect me to complain about that a bit on here I guess. Or at least reblog things with tags saying I hope the elite all explode.
I have three main OCs: Fynn is a he/him half demon wolf thing who magicked his mouth off and is basically the mascot of the blog. Nauno is a he/they avali and is extremely gay and very kleptomaniac and I love them. Euphi is a she/heart protogen that happens to be immortal for some reason. Click on their names to see their reference sheets! Click here for a link to the lore doc all about them and the world of Cosme! And click here for my truesona's ref sheet(s)!
And now, some tags. "#fynn art" is for all of my art things. Pictures mainly, little bits of music here and there maybe. "#oc lore" is for when I talk about the lore of my ocs (or worldbuilding for them). "#bedposting" is something I do every night, just kinda whatever's on my mind before bed (may be very weird so heads up). "#art rb" is just for when I reblog art, if I keysmashed a whole bunch in another tag it means I really love it :3
I am into weird shit but probably don't expect much here. Maybe some tagged Transfur/Plushification art. Most of that shit is going to the alt blog babey.
FAQ (frequently-ish asked questions):
Do you take Commissions? No, and I currently have no plans to. I don't want to make money off of my art. I create for the sake of creating, not for fame or fortune. Related,
Can you commission me? Also no. I have no means of paying people at all. On the topic, don't come up to people and ask them to commission you. That's rude. If they want to commission you, they'll come to you.
What does the IRB stand for? My real initials. My legal first, middle, and last name. It's a force of habit. If/When I get my legal name changed I will change the blog name.
Thanks for reading! Now you should hopefully be at zero risk of being blasted by my death lasers (the block button)!
If this site goes belly up maybe I'll make a Spacehey. More than likely though, I'd be giving up on social media. Sorry!
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Have you, like me, been submitting your favs to every poll you see only to pretty much never get in because you're, like, the only one to nominate them? If yes, then you've come to the right place!
This tournament is for underrated characters & ships (they will be separate polls within this blog) that you really want to have a chance but they just can't against the Doctor Who's and Critical Roll's of the world, all you need to do is submit them in one of the attached forms which you will choose based on what you want to submit. After that, when we've either reached the week mark or rounded up an appropriately daunting amount of submissions, whichever comes first, we will have prelims which will probably be the longest lasting round. All and I mean all submitted favs will be in the prelims pretty much no exceptions unless they break the rules. Speaking of!
~The Rules~
(sorry they're so long)
• While the media the favs come from doesn't necessarily have to be underrated the fav has to be. For example Ace Attorney in it of itself wouldn't be underrated but characters could be, you could theoretically submit Ron DeLite and have him get in but you couldn't necessarily submit Edgeworth and have him get in.
• That being said I will make some caveats for things from super popular media like Star Wars for example because while a character could be underrated when somethings that popular its bound to have a ton of people know it no matter how underrated or obscure, I may be swayed with some convincing but don't get your hopes up.
• Some things I will inevitably have to ask about, because while some things are super popular I inevitably will not know something, so if I ask about something that should be common knowledge please don't make fun of me.
• Harry Potter isn't allowed here both due to the super popular media clause and also because I'm trans and don't want to worry about that stuff in my silly little tumblr tournament.
• Don't go ham on threats no matter how joking please.
• I am one person and also I've never done a tournament before and therefore know practically nothing about setting up brackets, please take this into account if you want to criticize however I end up doing it.
• Feel free to send propaganda in my asks! Also please tag me in it! Reading propaganda is my favorite part of other tournaments!
Additional notes - Macaque, Sun Wukong, MK, Mei, and Red Son from Lego Monkie Kid are all confirmed entrants as is Sebastian Debeste from Ace Attorney.
Confirmed ships are Shadowpeach, Spicynoodles, and Chimera also from Lego Monkie Kid if you want to submit other characters and ships from Lego Monkie Kid go right ahead!
Mod is @melodemonica
Character Form
Ship Form
Since a lot of other blogs seem to tag other blogs for reach I'm just gonna tag my favorites - @powerpolyculeshowdown @autismswagsummit @angerissuescompeticion @i-need-to-fuck-that-old-man @qpr-competition
tags are in order: underrated adversaries - main tag/for character polls, adversarial relationships - tag for ship polls, olly commentary - pretty self explanatory just olly's (the mod's) commentary, underrated advertisements - propaganda tag, askversaries - ask tag, alternate adversaries - other polls
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genericpuff · 7 months
Hi,I don't know if you've been asked this before but I'm prettt curious
Where'd your username come from? Is there a story behind it or did you pick it at random?
huehuehue so it's not really anything super crazy but there IS a story behind it
back when I was working on my longform dark fantasy series (Time Gate), I wanted to try and get back into doing gag strips (which is what I had started with when I got into webcomics) and so I made like, this really dinky little shitposting comic that I named after the cereal box that shows up in the first season of Family Guy-
Tumblr media
I think I only updated that comic maybe a handful of times, and then I just sorta left it. It was a very cringe unfunny comic, and I don't even mean cringe "offensive" unfunny, I mean just cringe "where's the joke even" unfunny LOL
Then YEARS later I was making an LO critical blog (this one!) and I was trying to think of a name, when I thought hey, what was the name of that shitposting comic I made years ago ?? and I remembered it was called 'generic puffs'
so I gave myself the name 'genericpuff' and it's not only since stuck, but it's become an ironic meta joke about how rekindled is seen as the 'off-brand LO'
you gotta understand, rekindled wasn't even a glimmer in my eye yet when i made this blog, i literally only set out to create a space for myself where i could dump all of my LO criticisms and panel edits separate from my main account (esp because at the time, there was a lot of sus behavior happening from the main subreddit, with people trying to dox users in the ULO subreddit, nasty shit like that that i didn't wanna press my luck with by doing it all from one account lol) and now it's just like. it's whole own thing and that's really neat but also holy crap i never knew that that old shitposting unfunny comic would end up coming in handy some day
but here's the thing about generic non-name brand cereals
they're often the exact same , if not better, than the original brand
hurhurhurhur i'mgoingtohell ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
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ufo-ikawa · 4 months
hi, this is me ari.
you’ll have seen that i deactivated my accounts, both my main and my personal. i ran away from everything as fast as i could which was cowardly, and i don’t expect forgiveness at all, but this is an attempt at exposing everything. please share with everyone who read the fics and/or interacted with me.
in november 2021, i opened up ufo-ikawa. i had originally started with writing my own works, because i just wanted to write and join a fandom i really liked— then it snowballed. i have always felt my own writing was bad, and could never live up to others so i did what any pathetic person would do. i stole works from people who’s writing i admired and wanted to be like. (i also had another blog onigiri-mia which was deactivated due to death threats i was receiving daily regarding old drama, and stolen works were also posted there). instead of gaining inspiration, and reaching out to the writers themselves for any meaninful conversations on how to learn to write, i stole them, rewrote them and claimed them as my own.
and as i did, i slowly started to believe in everything i was saying or doing. i did it so much i felt like i was performing an act whenever i did and convinced myself that it was right. in real life, i am just a person who wanted attention so bad, to be liked so bad, to be part of something that i did one of the worst things just to gain it. i guess in a way, identity theft, and then plagiarism.
which i know is absolutely wrong of me. i have also reached out to the creators separately and said my apologies, except for nine3rds who i have been unable to message. i can’t make them accept any apologies and i take 100% accountability, and it doesn’t lessen any guilt i have now that the truth is out or all the wrongs i did, but i thought that was the first step.
the second step is owning up to it and cutting through all the bullshit lies i’ve told myself. this year, one of my goals was to achieve something good for myself. idk about you, but i truly do believe in karma. i will of course get it no doubt, because of all the bad i’ve put out, but i’m also hoping that by being honest and righting my wrongs that even if i’m at rock bottom right now, i can still start somehow. not relevant but something i just wanted to say.
i just wanted to apologise to everyone who i’ve talked to here personally or formed close friendships with. it’s hard to believe me, but just know that when we were talking about our lives that was all real and not fake. i am still just a person, a shitty one at that, but those irl experiences and thoughts i talked about were real. I’m genuinely so sorry for deceiving you in some way. i will never interact again, i will stay off of this site for good, and i will also never try to write and post anything again, so i hope u get some peace of mind out of that. i’ve tried to apologise as best as i could to the close friends i made on discord— i have also disabled that account to let them see, and will eventually be deleting it. thank you for talking to me and making me laugh and just listening to me, even if i didn’t deserve it.
if you’re angry at me and resent me, i completely understand and will not try to speak further. i’ve tried my best to explain it all above, but i won’t open my asks because i hope this post explains it all enough. you can say anything you’d like under this post if it helps.
i’ve deactivated my account but i know the fics stay there so please delete any reblogs and unlike any fic. i am genuinely sorry for deceiving everybody for selfish reasons (that absolutely do not excuse anything). i have a lot of work to put into myself to try and fix things, but i hope this is a start.
now for the most imporant part, i wanted to link the original writers’ work. they are all incredible, and if you liked what i stole then of course you will like them even better as the original. please give them the love they rightfully deserve but please also respect their rules on who interacts:
AO3 lovelanguages
AO3 softbeoms
AO3 nine3rds
that’s all i have to say. thank you, and please share.
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yfm-confessions · 10 months
I'll be completely honest, I think telescope was good but there's just something about YFM as a whole now that...I am just gonna rant about here.
So, first of all we should address the elephant in the room: the AI art that was used. Honestly, It was a terrible decision because indifferently from your views, it cheapened the music video; it was still, there wasn't any kind of action and I think that the fundamental issue is that it could have worked if they did something like what they did for a section in "damn I am ugly" (I believe) aka change their art style and animation style.
And it would have been MILES better AND it would have given actual artists/animators work, thus making for a much more compelling work with actual human contribution which would have given YFM more positive press, expecially counting how the other videos were of very varing qualities and the fanbase has been dissolving with the time (which also happened in gen 1.5 so history repeating itself ha ha (pain)). Because there are some actually decent visuals that could have been improved (like the stars in Deejay's hair) that I think are really cool but lack... humanity in them.
So now there is the other (baby) elephant in the room that are the new voices, and while I like Ben's voice replacement (I am the minority ig) Axel's is too...ooc??
It doesn't fit him at all, and I think that someone with an higher voice would be better in the role because it feels like RWJ just went "Well Axel is a strong, big guy so he must have a deep voice" and like no Ray. Not at all. He sounds more pop??? Jazzy??? Idk just one of those guys who do song covers on the clock app and that's not a bad thing, but it's AXEL!!! His whole personality is liking metal and he should have an higher voice, like Billie Joe ig??? I know that there are metal singers with deep voices, but his voice is not deep in YFMTS, and even if it was lower when singing, like Ben's, it would be THIS low.
Anyway sorry for ranting so hard about Axel, I just have really strong feelings about him and his impact on the song. But moving on, the rest was pretty alright and actually enjoyable; like yeah it's a pretty standard rap beat I suppose but it scratches your brain, the hook might be repeatable, but it's a hook that's kinda it's point. Steve saved this song honestly, if Axel was the only one singing the chorus or all of the guys togheter/separately, I would have like it WAY less.
I am so sorry for making this a confession but I honestly did it because I wanted to talk about how YFM I'd tiktok-fing itself and I got lost ranting (you have every right to delete this ask for it lol), but I think that the whole AI art and hook and lyrics and everything is more because YFM is kinda losing it's identity. I already touched in another ask about how YT shorts (which is Ray's main platform now) is full of AI art content, and while I think that it was actually used because Ray was actually trying to experiment, I can't but think that there is a deeper reason that is ingrained in the amount of AI art there is on the site. And I think that the reason is how yfm is becoming way less Ray's music project and more Ray's vtuber account; with the few releases and the yt shorts etc.
And I think that that's also represented in how the songs are becoming more pop sounding or catchy or smth, idk how to explain it but they feel more corporate? Which it's dumb, I know, but bear with me. When you listen to something like my balls, you can still feel the silliness that yfm was born from, just dumb meme rap. But it's kinda getting lost, the song aren't really that jokingly anymore I suppose, they take themselves more seriously and that doesn't really jive with YFM presentation imo.
I am gonna make an actual post with organised thoughts on my blog after I realise what's bugging me, but yeah I wanted to make a small ask and it turned into a long ass rant. Sorry I promise I won't do it anymore, I got carried away <3 /p.
i was actually gonna mention the whole corporate feel too. like there’s little humor in it, telescope is a prime example of that. it’s not like they’re trying to be more serious and have passion like some songs in gen 1.5. and they’re not trying to be silly either. it feels fake as hell a lot of the time, but usually the visuals make up for that. like in everyone clapped even though the songs kinda meh (BESIDES JESSES PART HE COOKED.) the animation is very silly?? so it makes up for it. but with telescope it’s just lifeless. but i hope it gets better. like i’m praying. i’m also hoping they stop making the ugliest merch ever holy shit it’s bad. what even are those hoodies.
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marzipanladyart · 5 months
I think you're a really talented artist and reblogging art from other artists you like would benefit your account - people would follow because you offer a varied feed and you'd create connections with other artists who also need a little push.
Just a suggestion! I'm not familiar with any of the fandoms you create for but I follow because I think your art is really good.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my art.
Tumblr is a place where you create your own space and vary your feed. This is a blog made for my art only (and my art related things, like talking about ocs, so ppl know what's going on) cause I didn't want to bother people with random non art related reblogs. I do not intend to reblog other people's art here (unless it's a gift) cause it's for my art to be in focus only. I want people to follow for my art, that's why it hurts when they unfollow after I share my art.
Sorry if it seems harsh but a lot of artists have separate blogs for art and for reblogs. So, if you want variety you can follow my main blog - @marcepanowapani
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cyncerity · 3 months
ok this isn’t really a post about the situation but it is a minor update to how i’ll be handling a few of my aus:
the whole rant is under the cut but tldr: the aus i talk about here are Store Shifter, Dad’s Troubles, Flubber, and Epic. Store Shifter and Dad’s Troubles are getting left alone, Flubber is getting a minor recast, and Epic is getting more majorly reworked (mostly character wise, kinda plot wise). As of right now, Wil/crimeboy centric fics are on pause. Not cancelled, but i’ll see later down the road if they need changed or if i can learn to separate the character from the creator. I will be updating the Epic au soon with said reworkings cause i really really really wanna finish that story. I have yet to start and actually finish a chaptered fic and I want this to be my first.
most recently i’ve been posting a few updates on mainly the Store Shifter and Flubber au, while i’ve been kinda working on the Dad’s Troubles and Epic AU in the background.
For the most part, these aus will remain unchanged because you know who either isn’t in them or isn’t a main character. For the Store Shifter, i’m not changing it for now because he isn’t and was never planned to be an important character. I’m just gonna ignore him in that au. Dad’s Troubles he just straight up isn’t in, so that one is unchanged.
Flubber au is a little different: i’m just recasting. He doesn’t have a huge part, but it is a lore important one, so from now on in that story the main antagonist will be Dream (1: he’s easy to stick in the “Tommy’s antagonistic boss” role and 2: i need at least one au where Dream is an antagonist lol). So yeah i’ll make a more official post for that au later.
The main reason for this post tho is the Epic AU, which is one of my personal favorites and i have so much that I want to talk about it for and even a whole bunch of new characters and concepts and world building that I want to post about. However, this au faces a problem for me at this moment: it’s crimeboy centric.
As of right now, I do not feel comfortable updating any of my Wil/crimeboy centric aus/fics. This is not to say I’m discontinuing them, i’m personally very attached to my own fics and a lot of them were written to either help me feel better or to help other people feel better, so I don’t feel right just throwing them away. Also, i will never be deleting my fics or shutting down this account, so I don’t want people to worry there, either. However, I don’t know how comfortable I am with writing for c!Wil rn, especially since this situation is still so fresh and plenty of people haven’t shared their experiences/responses (not to say that I expect anyone to; i don’t expect everything to be handled publicly over twitter). I think in time i’ll be able to separate the character from the actor; unfortunately i’ve been through this before. i’ve seperated characters who were far more like their creator from said creator who had done far worse things (if anyone on this blog has watched TribeTwelve, you know exactly what I’m talking about).
However, even if I eventually decide that I can write c!Wil while separating him from his creator, i don’t know if i’ll ever feel fully comfortable incorporating him in stories with a bigger cast of characters given the cc responses to his actions. Any stories where I have him interacting with people like Ranboo, Tubbo, or especially Niki will likely need to be changed because i don’t feel comfortable portraying them like friends anymore.
I’ve kind of done this before, honestly, i just never posted about it last time: when beeduo first stopped talking publicly, i stopped writing for beeduo. To this day, i have a fuck ton of beeduo requests in my inbox that i never got to and may not ever write because i didn’t feel comfortable writing their characters being close when in real life they may have had a falling out or now hated each other (so, so sorry to the people that sent those btw). Over time, most people started to realize that it was because of the crazy amount of shipping. It was bad during the dsmp and only got worse when Ranboo came out and all the speculation over Tubbo’s sexuality hit its peak when he’d made it very clear that crossed his boundaries. After realizing their silence was likely just them trying to shut up a more toxic part of both of their fanbases, i became a bit more comfortable writing them as friends again. I still haven’t made any beeduo centric fics or stories since then cause i don’t know the full story of what happened between them, this is all just speculation, but i at least have them be friends as supporting characters in aus i’ve already made.
All this to say that the way i handle the rest of my aus really depends on how things play out more with the situation. Again, it’s still new and i’m still gathering my thoughts. I can think about it more clearly now that i’ve gotten over the shock, which is why i’m posting this, but not every decision will be finalized immediately.
However, back to the Epic AU, it will be getting a rework in a lot of ways. I’m changing up the cast, and i’ve decided to cut Wil entirely because 1: i’m impatient and this is an au that i really wanna start up again and keep working on right now and 2: in the au i have him being friends with Ranboo and Dream and Tubbo and again that’s just not something i feel super comfortable with rn. So, i’m recasting and minorly changing the plot so i can update that one soon cause honestly i just miss it. I’ve still got so many asks and art requests (Becky sent me an art request like almost a year ago now and istg i’m gonna fucking draw it if it kills me) and there was a whole nother species i teased a bunch and then just…never told you about.
So yeah expect an update on the Epic AU soon and thank you for reading this entire fucking essay. As a little bonus for taking your time to read this, i’ll give you a hint for the next au im working on: karlnapity and vampires >:)
Eat, drink water, and get a good nights rest, take care of yourself <3
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pomni-the-jester · 8 months
Welcome everyone!
Hi there! My name is Pomni, and I'm... Well, I'm not quite sure what I am. Some kind of cartoon jester, I think? I used to be a normal human... Or I think I was, at least. I can't really remember anything from before... this. Not even my own name...
But enough about that! Let's get on with the show, haha...!
So there are a few questions I'm sure anyone who finds this blog will have, and I'll do my best to answer them here:
Where are you right now?
Currently, I am stuck inside somewhere called The Amazing Digital Circus. A place I can only describe as a video game styled realm, with rules and physics to match - Nothing makes sense here. Trying to figure it out will only drive you crazy. And going crazy only leads to you becoming abstracted.
You've mentioned others. Who else is with you?
Currently, the main cast of the Circus is me, Ragatha, Gangle, Zooble, Kinger, and Jax. There's also the Circus ringmaster and effective god of this place, Caine, and a handful of 'NPCs' Caine has supposedly created - the most common of which (to talk with) is Bubble.
You're stuck? Why can't you leave?
There's not an exit.
I don't want to talk about this further.
Will the others show up on this blog?
Potentially! Not very often though, I don't think they're super interested in it.
How did you manage to get internet from inside the Circus?
I've got no idea. Caine set it up, and I'm not even sure he knows what's going on. Caine setting it up is also why my blog is titled @pomni-the-jester. I don't know what I would have titled it myself, but I feel like I could do better than that...
Any questions? Please send in asks and I will do my best to answer them all!
//OOC under the cut!
Hi there everyone! please call me mod!pomni. I use they/she pronouns. this is a general roleplay blog, on a sort of what-if idea - this means any blogs from any rp or non-rp circle can interact! do keep it completely nonsexual though.
I follow from @uhuh100 (because that's my main and also what this is a sideblog from), and also have several other rp blogs (though they're all specifically pokemon rp).
I ask you to call me mod!pomni because I am Pomni, but I am also not exactly canon-compliant even for this blog. also because I need some way to separate ooc mentions of me and ic mentions of me. because I'm literally Pomni.
if you have any questions for me feel free to ask here or on my main! ALL OOC HATEMAIL ON THIS ACCOUNT WILL BE DELETED. SO WILL ALL ASKS OF A SEXUAL NATURE.
please note that I am not specifying sfw/nsfw - there is a distinction between what is not safe for work and what is specifically sexual. I don't think being abstracted is exactly safe for work, do you? just keep it non-sexual.
and finally, I HAVE FINAL SAY OF EVERYTHING ON THIS ACCOUNT. it is my account, I decide what I do with it.
that is all, thank you!
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peachdues · 6 months
hiiiiii i have a VERY random question.. i know u changed blogs and i was wondering why? when i first got on here i chose a throwaway username not knowing if i would ever actually post anything but then i started posting fan fic and its been doing ok which is super cool! (still haven’t written much for sanemi bc im intimidated by how good your work is im like omg she can’t see… seriously u rock)
anyway i want to change my username bc i feel like if someone saw my username they would prob assume its a throwaway account but i am also literally learning to use tumblr in my mid twenties like an idiot and it seems like it might affect shit i’ve posted if i do??? SO i was wondering if that influenced your decision to make a new blog entirely
ok i hope that made sense i feel dumb
Put simply — I changed blogs because I linked the OG to my personal like a dumbass 😭 I couldn’t comment as my fic blog, and I think this was before tumblr allowed you to receive asks/answer asks under the alternate blog? Or I was just too dumb to figure it out.
But I did want separation from my main blog, since my main blog is over ten years old. I know i share a lot about myself on here, but I still have some boundaries (shocker, I KNOW because I never shut up).
Luckily, I decided to make this new blog before I really got big, and I took care to make it clear on my old blog that I had moved. That’s pretty much it!
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remedyxtragedy · 1 month
Hello!!! Pleasure to meet ya!!
I only really wanna go by RemedyxTragedy but you can also just call me Rem or Remedy, whichever you prefer. I've been posting on tumblr for a good few months now on my other two accounts, however I've yet to emulate the online identity I've always wanted on platforms like this and so I decided, why not start anew and see where I get?
What I really strive to accomplish here is sharing my work with the masses, in a way that's 100% better and more organized than my previous attempts. Before I continue on about my stories, however, some basic and completely relevant facts about me are--
I prefer a much darker and grim style of writing so fluff, heartbalm, and mushy light-hearted stuff isn't really my cup of tea, although I do like wholesome from time to time just as a refresher from the more serious themes and subjects I often entrench myself in, to an unhealthy extent, so if I'm in the mood for it I might post such a story or two
I'm still very much in high school, but writing has been my passion for many years now. I enjoy playwriting and the regular creative style of writing, but as I've stated before my work will most likely only ever consist of Horror, mystery, or Thriller--it's what I'm best at.
Yes, I make art. I'm a rookie, by all means, but it's a very precious hobby of mine and so I make the most of it. My main blog is where I post art showcasing my main art style which is pretty vibrant and colorful so if you're interested you can check that out, but on this blog I'll only be posting art using the particular art style I adopted for Idiosyncratic, my other big story (name to be decided), and any other story I come up with along the journey. You'll see what I mean
I have a kitty cat, Tsukiko, and she's my pride and joy. Probably the most unnecessary detail I've shared about myself but in my eyes this is absolutely vital information the world should know about
I'm a Christian through and through, though I'm quite interested in a variety of religious and philosophical concepts which I incorporate in my writing, including of course heaven and hell, morality based on what is religiously acceptable compared to moral relativism, solipsism, theodicy, eternal recurrence, and many, many more.
I've been working on Idiosyncratic since seventh grade, technically six, so what I have now is the result of more than three years worth of heavy revision, redrafting, and complete reworking of my original idea. And let me tell you, what I had before is like the ugly grandfather of my current version of Idiosyncratic and if you were to place the two together side by side, you'd have no idea that they're related. The juxtaposition would be jaw-dropping, but ultimately all of this is to say that Idiosyncratic is very important to me and I pray that the final product, whatever it becomes, gets me somewhere in this world
Now, derailing from the mini tangent and while we're on the topic of Idiosyncratic, I'll give you all a pretty detailed summary of my idea and I'll make another separate post about my other big story that I recently started working on since this introduction post is already long enough. So, without further ado--
Idiosyncratic tells the dark story of Calixte Stanhope, a rather callous but…ordinary enough young man who awoke in a truly bizarre dystopian world after being pushed in front of an ongoing train while escorting his significant other home, a faceless and nameless woman he remembers only by her mere existence in this vivid memory, and throughout his journey he's haunted by a deep longing for her that's seems to drive his quixotic incentive to do whatever he must to survive
Rather than being welcomed by either the pearly gates of heaven or the fires of hell, Calixte found himself standing in the midst of the very strange and deceptive town of Baltimore, where everything from the largest bank to the tiniest coin is made entirely of cardboard and plastic, like the set for a play—mimicking the real thing while not actually being it. One can say, a rip off of everything in our world.
The citizens of the town too; although they're quick to greet you with a warm smile and talk with such an enticing charm that is sure to ensnare anybody desperate for answers to their odd predicament, they are not even close to being as ordinary as first impressions suggest--first impressions of which Calixte, for whatever reason, could see straight through. And soon enough, those illusions of a society you could trust fades into ash and the true extent of the young man's situation is ever so cruelly unveiled to him, and this reality would threaten twist and pervert the perceptions of goodness and evil he long since held dear to his heart, or at least he thought he did--he can't quite recall where his knowledge of civility, law, and order came from as vivid as they are to him, they seem feel almost like the figments of a hazy dream or fanciful concepts from a child's tale...
Regardless, what's become absolutely and abundantly clear to Calixte is that this world seems to glorify the things we don't, endorse the activity we shouldn't, and corrupt the ideas of right and wrong we have used to scaffold our civilizations from the ground up. Violence and madness is the way, entropy and discord is the center of worship, and every sad unfortunate soul who's found themselves in this world must abide by the matrix of the daily grind as they do here. The citizens of this delightful world are diehard fanatics for this way of living, lusting for violence so much to the point where its broadcasted on television, discussed fanatically in literature, and any horrid death calls for a grand celebration. The more irredeemable and atrocious something is, the more the residents of Baltimore revere it like sacred scripture, and the man who proudly encourages and orchestrates this madness is none other than the eccentric mayor, referred to as just “Whitman Sedgwick"--his pen name, as he only seems to make himself known through various propaganda, manifestos, and biographies littered about the town.
The unlucky few who wound up in Baltimore under bizarre circumstances similar to Calixte’s, properly labeled as “actors”, have to routinely partake in abhorrent acts for the public’s sick entertainment otherwise more than just their dignity, humanity, and pride will be torn from them. And eventually, once you're fully proven yourself to be of no use to Whitman's design, you are properly "dealt with"
It’s a horrifying ordeal to most, but a paradise to some of humanity’s greatest degenerates, and that small minority is powerful, hungry, and determined to survive by any means necessary--no matter how low. Thus leading Calixte, an obstinate man with an ambition, to meet people he never would’ve otherwise, creating a fragile alliance that will either make or break this band of deplorable lowlives, all depraved in their own ways but alike in their desire for freedom and above all, answers.
As he begrudgingly adjusts his mind to this new world, he quickly realizes his dangerous willingness to do anything and everything he must in order to escape the clutches of the Hegemony and Craze and to reunite with the one woman so dear to him. However, Calixte never would’ve thought that the madness of this world stretch far, far beyond just the glamorization and capitalization of evil. It seems, there's more than one person pulling the strings--its just a question of, who exactly is at the end of the cross brace?
OOOOoooh so ominous
Also, PLEASE, give me feedback.
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