#(I like the full version a lot better than the short version used in show)
izzyizumi · 2 years
mE: Everyone shut up "Hey Digimon" from the Digimon Adventure U.S. dub is playing
3 notes · View notes
Keep Moving Forward
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Pairing: König x Reader
Summary: You're determined to find out why everyone thinks König is so scary, afterall he's just some guy that's taller than most people right? He's probably harmless! Well, he's a little scary, but you still like him anyway.
(No use of y/n or mention of gender/race)
AN: Just want to say a massive thank you for everyones lovely comments on the last part, I can't believe how many notes that has now 😱 I've got a taglist so if you want to be added or removed (I just stuck down everyone that commented or reblogged the last one with tags/comments) lemme know! Also I've got my own version of what König looks like and I've been including details so hopefully you like my thoughts on him 🥰
Part 2 of A Rocky Start - Full Masterlist Here
A forbidden crush, a whole unit of men watching out for any missteps and a job that required you to be on your A game - it all sounded a bit like a bonkers netflix plot, but no this was your life now. You were desperately trying to hide your little (massive) König crush, while trying to get through your days and it was going horribly. The universe was working against you. 
König kept appearing for one. Now that he knew you weren’t talking to him just to fuck with him, you’d been meeting more and more and talking for longer each time. In fact, you’d come to learn a lot about the man in the short amount of time you’d spent together and unfortunately for you, nothing about any of it turned you off.  In fact, you were only falling harder for him. 
Every touch, every grazed hand when you were reaching for mugs and brushed sides when you sat together on the couch - they were driving you crazy. Not to mention catching little details about him here and there, painting a mental picture that rivalled the mona lisa. 
You’d caught a glimpse of a scar that snaked up from his lip and a few that marred his hands and arms, you’d noted bruises that carried back from missions and most of all you couldn’t help but think of the little birthmark on his left hip that he’d exposed when he’d been reaching for tea. You thought about running your fingers along them often, kissing them all better. 
You’d learned that it was pretty much pointless to make movie references to König because he barely took time to watch them. He was much more of a doer, he didn’t like to sit still for long and most film runtimes were over an hour and a half, which was no good for him. And so you’d slowly gotten a peek into his more active hobbies. Hiking, rock climbing and skiing, only to name a few. The man was an athlete that rivalled most of the soldiers you knew.  
“And this was the view from top!” he’d proudly said after he showed you another picture from one of his hikes.
“Woah, no wonder your legs are like tree trunks,” you’d murmured, raking your eyes over his thick thighs.
“What was that?”
“Oh! Just- you must get a good workout climbing all those hills.”
Just one of the many times you’d let your appreciation for him slip. You could barely help it most of the time, he had your words fizzling out like some kind of mentos and coke explosion. The highly trained soldier in you died the minute you were in a room with him. 
It was when he grabbed you that you finally went stupid for him. König was - as Captain Price had described him - a mammoth in many regards. You’d already taken note of his verging on monstrous height, but you’d come to learn a lot more about his strength. He could lift you like you were little more than a lap dog.
How had you come to find this out? Well -
“Watch out!”
Your head had been completely in the clouds, busy catching up with messages from your family, when suddenly you were in the air. You gasped as you felt a pair of hulking arms pick you like an apple from a low hanging branch and squeaked when you looked down and came to notice the pile of vomit that lurked below your flailing feet. Gross. 
Then you’d come to the slow realisation of exactly whose arms were wrapped around you. Suddenly the rising feeling of nausea was replaced by hordes of stirred up butterflies.
“Are you ok?” 
You blinked, still shocked that König was holding you like you were nothing.
“Uh- ah- yeah! Yup! All good, big guy!”
You’d hurried out your reply, sputtering out your words like a leaky tap. You felt like an idiot. Then the feeling intensified when he put you down and turned you to face him. In fact, you felt like someone had placed a heat pad to your face after running a marathon.
If he could lift you that easy when you were limp, imagine how easy he could lift you up against the wall and-
“Are you sure you’re ok? You look…not so good?.”
You gulped and offered him what you hoped was a reassuring smile and then - to make matters worse - a double thumbs up (who did that???). You silently cursed in your mind, but covered up your embarrassment by staring back at the sick pile for a second and then facing König again.
“Ew…thanks for saving me from that! I would’ve been throwing up as well if I’d had to clean that outta my shoes.”
“Any time, friend!”
It stung a little, but then you had to remind yourself you were both supposed to be acting professionally, this was a base afterall, and quickly righted yourself. Friend would do fine in a setting where Price would have your head for even looking at König a little flirtily. Especially when the resident gossips had continued to grass you in for any interactions they caught. 
“That was some amount of whitey those new recruits left all over the hallways yesterday,” Soap had remarked after finishing a set of pull ups. 
You hummed in agreement, remembering back to being lifted and growing quiet as you thought about Königs bulging arms. It had been a recurring thought for the whole twenty two hours since it had happened. Not that you were counting or anything, especially not being obsessive by any means. It was just that the electricity that had been sparked by that touch had been racing around your body and now you were stuck replaying the scene over and over in your head like an accursed rerun. 
“English, Soap,” Ghost grunted, from a nearby bench. 
“There was a lot of puke all over the place yesterday,” Soap sighed, rolling his eyes at the Lieutenant. 
“Oh yeah, I heard about that. Did you hear sneaky almost stepped in it?”
“Ooft, that’d be a shite shift cleaning that off.”
“I know. Luckily little sneak got airlifted to safety,” Ghost said slyly, giving you a pointed look. “Got snatched away by a certain giant before they stepped right in it.”
You froze in your spot, just about to curl a weight upwards before letting it crash out of your hands and onto the floor. That fucking, no good old dear prick! How had he heard about that? You hadn’t thought anyone else had been around when it had happened. 
“Careful, sneak. The German’s not here to stop that from stubbing your toe,” Ghost chuckled.
“He’s Austrian actually…And how did you know about that?”
“Oooh! Austrian,” Soap snickered.
“Well I do apologise. You should know by now that I hear about everything when it comes to our unit, sweetheart.”
You hated that. Whenever Ghost patronisingly called you sweetheart it made your blood boil and clouded your thoughts like a thick red mist. Though, there was nothing you could do about it. He wasn’t someone you could wage revenge on without being thoroughly outgunned in all respects. Plus, it would only make you look more guilty. 
“Well, you didn’t even know what nationality König was so you don’t know everything,” you muttered.
“Well, now that you’ve filled me in, I can go tell Price you were getting lifted up by the big Austrian cunt that he told you to stay away from,” he countered smugly. 
“What! I can’t help who snatches me out of the air from nowhere,” you hissed. “Have you seen the size of him? I can’t exactly stop him.”
He tisked. 
“Well then, soldier. Sounds like you need more training. C’mere, we’ll practise getting out of holds!”
You yelped as Ghost had come crashing toward you and dove out of the way just in time to miss his outstretched arms. Even if he was smaller than your new companion, Ghost was still built like a tank - and he would pin you down like a mouse under the wheel of a 4x4 if he caught you. 
“Stay away from me!” you’d squealed, running away from the gym. 
“Oh now you’re suddenly averse to getting grabbed!”
Essentially, you were discovering a new level of hell every day. Your entire unit had cottoned on to your little thing with König and now there was no escape from the jokes they made. Well that is until Price came along and no one was quite enough of an asshole to mention your activities to him. You all knew the consequences of getting his back up and it wasn’t worth the stress for anyone. 
Though, not everyone was aware of that - König himself for one. Unluckily for you, you’d found yourself in the kitchen with Price and Soap and just as the kettle was put to the boil, who should walk in but the Austrian giant himself. 
“Evening,” he murmured, barely loud enough to be heard over the kettle. 
Soap looked up from his phone as he noticed König and widened his eyes before searching you out and giving you a sly smile. Oh lord. You knew he was going to love watching you squirm. 
Suddenly your heart was thudding like a samba drum and your mind was racing to find your self restraint. Don’t let Price see you turn into a nervous fucking wreck! You repeated that over and over like a mantra, turning it over in the sands of your mind as if you might find some calm that way. 
“Evenin’” you smiled, feeling your voice lilt.
Oh god. 
You smiled at König as he approached the counter and promptly scampered away to the table, hoping that by keeping some distance you wouldn’t be so transparent. Fat chance considering the stupid smirk that was all over Soap’s face as he pretended to batter his eye lashes behind Price’s back. Asshole!
You knew you looked guilty as hell, even if you were walking away from König. However, any chance of not being caught ogling by Price was worth taking. So you figured you’d stare at your phone instead and prayed to all the gods you knew of that König was busy and he’d have to leave again after getting himself something to drink. 
Why didn’t he ever go out for food? There was a perfectly nice pub just over the road and he could easily go there instead of looking over you all the time - putting you in grievous danger of toilet duty. You’d have to tell him about it sometime, and hope that he’d ask to go with you. 
“Anyone else want a brew?” Price offered, in the midst of pouring his own cup. 
You looked up from your phone screen, darting your eyes over to the captain. Answer him! Speak normally!
“Oh! Yes, me please.”
Maybe that was a little more polite and nicey-nice than usual, but at least you were coherent. That was something, a small victory.
“Coffee for me, Price,” Soap grinned. 
You breathed out a small sigh now that Price was distracted by Soap and let your eyes wander over to König, resting your chin in your hand. He was so big, he towered over the two other men by a few heads at least. He could pin you down like a lion and there’d be nothing you could do about it, nothing you’d want to do about it. 
“That’s the wrong one.”
You jumped as König’s accented voice interrupted the thankful silence and widened your eyes as you watched him turn to Price. What was he doing? You sucked in a breath and watched as the two men became locked into an exchange and silently hoped a rogue sniper might take you out. 
“Sorry, what was that?” Price asked, frowning deeply as he stared at the masked man.
“That’s the wrong tea,” König supplied helpfully. “Sneaky likes this one.”
As if correcting Price on his choice of tea wasn’t enough, König went to the lengths of picking a bag of your herbal stuff out. He dropped it into the mug and stuck the other bag back in the back, tilting his head as Price stared at him with a raised eyebrow. 
“Well then…thanks for the advice,” he finally said, turning to stare you down. “It’s never nice when you expect one thing and get the other.”
You were in deep shit. 
He was giving you the ‘I’ve killed before and I’ll do it again’ look. You gulped and slumped in your chair, feeling like a tiny child that was about to get reprimanded. Price was going to learn all about your involvement with König soon, the game was up. 
“Oh yeah, no problem!” König said, sounding like he was smiling under his mask. 
That idiot! 
Though, in fairness to him he knew nothing about the toilet duty thing. He didn’t even have any idea that you weren’t supposed to be interacting with him, especially when you’d gone so out of your way to do it over the past month. It wasn’t his fault, but at the same time you could strangle his beautiful massive neck for what he’d done. 
“Sneak, would you mind coming with me for a moment? I think we should have a little chat,” Price smiled. “I’ll bring your tea.”
He was probably omitting that he was going to dump it over your stupid head, you thought worriedly. This wasn’t good at all. 
You gulped and nodded at him, slinking out of your chair like a dog about to take a beating. Though, you continued to follow behind him just as dutifully - Ignoring Soap as he gave you a little wave off and a snarky smile. You knew as soon as you’d left that he was messaging the group chat right then, and the whole 141 would know that you were getting pulled up for speaking to König. 
He lead you down the hall and into an empty meeting room, setting the two mugs down on the table, they hit the wood like death knells, and pointed to the chair in front of him. It all felt very formal, like this was going to be one of the worst telling offs of your life. 
“Don’t look so scared, kid.”
You bit your tongue and chanced a look in his eyes, seeing the glint that lingered within them. He didn’t look furious, but he didn’t look like he was going to offer you a cuddle and kind words either. It made you sweat a little less, but you weren’t dumb enough to completely untense your body yet. 
“Y-you’re not annoyed that I’ve been speaking to König?” You asked, chancing your luck.
“Oh, I’m annoyed, but I’m not going to kill you for it,” he laughed humorlessly, leaning back in his chair. “You look like you’re going to shit yourself.”
“I think I might,” you said, biting your lip and fastening your shaky hands around your warm tea cup. 
“See, that’s why I’m concerned about this…relationship you’re building with König. I worry about you.”
You frowned, thoroughly surprised by his reaction. He was being a damn sight more sympathetic than you were expecting. This wasn’t a bollocking, this was an intervention. 
“You don’t have to worry. We’re just friends - strictly platonic! We talk and have tea together, nothing more than that,” you explain breathily, hoping it’ll appease the captain.
He strokes a hand through his beard and eyes you warily. He’s clearly unconvinced. His jaw is set into a worried line. 
He doesn’t give much away. 
“Really, I’m not trying to take things f-further.”
You stutter like a liar. Really, that is what you’re doing if you’re honest with yourself. You might not be asking König out on dates and braiding flowers into his gear, but you have been shamelessly flirting with him and getting into close proximity with him at the slightest chance. Plus, Price practically knows you better than your own parents, he’d be able to tell when you were acting differently, like you were in terminal stages of puppy love. 
“Look, he’s not part of our unit, so really it’s none of my business, I can’t actually do anything about it - as much as I’d like to,” he says, glowering for a moment. “I just think that he’s dangerous and I don’t like the thought of you getting close to him. For all I know, he’s nice enough to you, but when he’s on the field that man’s an animal. There’s something wrong with him.” 
You gasp a little as he says it, shocked that he’d say something like that to you. What did he mean there was something wrong with König? Sure, you thought, he was quiet and intimidating but he was so polite and cheerful when you’d gotten to know him more. It’s not like most people were their best selves on a battlefield - it was in your training to leave all that behind. It was hypocritical to judge Königs actions given your experience with the 141 out on missions. 
“What do you mean there’s something wrong with him?” You finally asked, curious to know just what Price meant. 
“He takes too much pleasure in the work he does. He’s sick when he’s out there- like letting a rabid dog out of its cage. I worry about you getting involved with him and being at the mercy of a man like that. You wouldn’t have any chance against him, Sneak. I’ve seen him crush bones like they’re twigs, he’d snap you like a toothpick.”
You can feel your pulse in your ears, can hear it working away like a jackhammer. You don’t know how to respond. The fact that Price is this worried for you really does concern you, but on the other hand König has never given you any reason to be scared of him beyond that first encounter you’d had with him. Then again, you reasoned that that surely wasn’t the real him - that was guarded walled up version of him. Right? 
“I see,” you sighed, not able to come out with more. 
“I know you won’t want to take my word for it, and you’re going to keep doing whatever it is you're actually doing. I just want to know that you’ve been warned and you’re going to be careful.”
You took a breath and looked away, roving your eyes over the assortment of chairs on the other side of the room. Sure, you could take his warning on. Though, it didn’t feel like it was going to stick, not when you thought back to his arms wrapped around you and making you feel like a precious gem. 
“I’ll keep what you’ve said in mind,” you acquiesced. 
“Good soldier,” Price smiled, leaning over and patting your shoulder.
You swallowed thickly and stood up, feeling your breathing return back to normal. Well that was it then. You weren’t going to be killed on sight and you didn’t have to worry about staring down the bowl of a toilet for the rest of your miserable life. 
You both stepped out the doorway and into the light of the hall. You felt dizzy on your feet, but relieved that you were getting away without any punishment. Well, other than the fact that König might be someone to worry about rattling around in the back of your mind, that is. Then again, you had a sneaking suspicion that you’d forget all about it as soon as you were in his company again…
“Remember what I said, Sneaky! Otherwise I’ll let you think about it some more while you’re on your knees scrubbing toilets,” Price said over his shoulder, taking an indulgent sip of his coffee afterwards. 
You stopped in your tracks and shared a look with Soap, who’d poked his head out of the kitchen to check on you. Well, maybe you weren’t going to completely forget Price’s warning. His lingering threat would keep you on your toes. 
“It seems a little late for you to be out walking,” you noted.
You watched as König whirled around, and went wide eyed when he looked like he might hit you. His fist was drawn back and just when it looked like he was about to swing it - he stopped and let it fall flatly to his side. As soon as he’d scanned his eyes over your shrinking form he went limp immediately. 
“Scheiße! Where the hell did you come from?” he cursed.
You took a moment to recover but eventually found your heartbeat returning to its regular rhythm and swallowed, relaxing your shoulders soon after. That was close. You assumed he’d have known you were sitting there on the wall, he always seemed to have a hyper awareness of you as if he was some kind of bat. Though his echolocation must have failed for once, you’d been too obscured by the untrimmed tree branches that had surrounded you, most likely.  
“I-I come out and sit here sometimes, its nice to look at the stars.”
König regarded the wall you were sitting on, just a low down thing made of worn stone and his head followed where it stretched down the road. It cut off the pavement from the small scatty park inside. Then when he looked back at you with his twinkling azure eyes, those eyes that had you forgetting all about the near miss that just happened, you finally got to take him in properly. You watched him as he settled next to you on your makeshift seat. 
Two things struck you all at once. Firstly, König was wearing a neck warmer instead of his usual sniper hood, probably so he wouldn’t scare any civilians more than a hulking giant like himself normally would, it was drawn way up to the bridge of his nose, but nevertheless you knew it was him under there. And next - the mess of shaggy dirty-blonde hair on top of his head. You had to fight the urge not to ask if you could run your hands through it. It was like putting a moth in front of a thousand watt bulb. You ached to feel the fuzz of his faded sides and get to rearrange the chaotic locks above that sprawled in every direction.
“You’re staring.”
You bit your lip as he said it, and looked away guiltily. Oh fuck. It’s not like it could be helped though, this was the most you’d gotten to see of him. He was always so covered up and burdened by gear you could barely make out the man from the material - and now you were getting to see what was basically a visual buffet of König. It wasn’t fair. You could look at every inch of him that he’d let you see all day. 
“Sorry,” you finally breathed out. “I just- uh was surprised is all.”
“Why?” he smirked, eyes crinkling as he stared right back. 
“Didn’t think you’d be blonde,” you say, thinking blessedly quickly. 
“What is it they say? Blondes have more fun?” he chuckled, coming to sit on the wall next to you. 
You snorted and looked away from him again. Even though you’d been talking for a while now, his silly humour could still surprise you, especially when you recalled the way everyone acted around him, as if he’d bite them if they got too close. It was like getting to see a tiger roll onto his stomach when no one else was around. 
“How come you don’t wear that around the base?” you asked, tilting your head at him.
“Why would I? I can wear my hood there without getting questioned about it.”
“But isn’t it less stuffy with the neck warmer?” You ask, crinkling your nose at the thought of being trapped under that heavy material all day. 
“Yes, but it’s as though I can physically feel people's eyes cutting into me when I wear this - or nothing. The staring is too much.” 
You pause for a second and laugh at yourself, feeling a little more embarrassed.
“...Like I was just doing to you there.”
König laughs a little with you, but after a second he shakes his head and breaths out into the frigid night air. The skies had been dark for a little while by that point and the light of the moon was bright and shiny, reflecting in König’s eyes like a gleaming pearl. It was probably the first time you ever recalled admiring the moon that much. 
“I didn't feel like I was being dissected by you, no.”
You felt a little tingle run rogue down your arm. So he didn’t mind you looking at him? You smiled a little wider to yourself and tried to conceal it with a scratch of your cheek. 
“Really? Why’s that?” You asked, feeling a little brave. 
“You stare at me all the time, I’m used to it.”
Instantly it felt as if the air had caught fire and was charring you into oblivion. He’d caught you? Why hadn’t he said anything before? You opened your mouth ready to come up with some kind of silly excuse, too flustered to think of something good. Though he interrupts you before you can get a sound out. 
“I didn't mean to embarrass you, I find it endearing,” he soothed.
“What? Why?” you ask dumbly.
“The way you look - with your wide doe eyes…” he says trailing off. 
Now he cant look at you. His head turns away. You can't speak either, so you're both left frozen in place.
“The way you’re looking at me now,” he finally says.
“Maybe I just can’t stop staring at your messy hair,” you chuckle, trying to awkwardly change the subject. “Someone should fix that for you.”
“Does someone want to?” he asks, his brows setting as he tilts his chin. 
Oh no. You bite your lip feeling like your body’s going to astrally project onto another planet. Was this really happening? Did he actually just give you permission to touch him, no, run your hands through his hair? 
Part of you wants to laugh him off and prevent any embarrassment when he turns around and says he was kidding, says you’re a weirdo for wanting to touch him like that. Your mind starts going down avenues of all the awful things he could say about the little freak that looks at him too much, but then the sane part of your mind kicks and acts as a buffer stop, halting the run away anxiety train. König would never do that to you. 
You were far too used to dealing with Ghost and Soap, and all of their stupid teasing. But even then, not even they would do something so cruel. 
“I do,” you murmur. 
König nods and leans forward and closes his eyes, giving you what little advantage he can with the amount of height he has on you. At first, you’re incredulous that you’re in a real life scenario and not locked into a fantasy seven layers deep, but you quickly give up that idea and decide to tentatively reach out. You’re too excited not to take the opportunity. 
Your hand shakes a little at first as you make contact with his soft hair, and immediately you think of the devil dog your neighbour used to have when you were a kid. It was a huge old thing that barked like a foghorn, but once it got to know you, it would roll over and present its downy fur and you could spend hours at a time running your hands through it. Now, though, it’s not the scary shepherd you’re taming, it’s König. 
He sits perfectly still while you sort through all the strands, smoothing them back and fixing them into place. You swear you can hear soft groans coming from him, but they’re so quiet you could be mistaken. That, and you’re too mesmerised by the task at hand, forming his hood mussed hair into a style. 
When you’re done and his hair is mostly settled - apart from a small cow lick you can’t seem to fix - you can’t help but run your fingers over the fuzz on the side of his head. Immediately he shivers like a harsh breeze has rolled in, surprising you, but when he snaps his eyes open they don’t look annoyed like you worry he is, instead he looks ready to pin you down and take you right there against the wall.
“That felt very nice,” he said softly, blown out pupils shifting away from you as he straightened.
You’re not sure what to say, you just smile and bite your lip, keeping your eyes fixed on him. You know rightly that your pupils are just as wide as his, you can practically feel the explosion that’s going on. You want him. 
“König I… I uh-“ 
Footsteps sounding from nearby, crunching up the leaf littered pavement, interrupt all your thoughts and both of you turn your heads as someone walks up to you both. You hold in a breath, feeling like you’d scream otherwise and watch as a face comes into view from out of the shadows. 
Mercifully it’s not Ghost or Soap that marches up to you, it’s Gaz.He’d been the only one not to completely batter the dead ‘Sneaky and König up a tree’ horse. He stops when he sees you both and his eyes widen as he spots König, probably just as shocked as you were when he realised he can see his face. Though, he quickly averts his eyes and looks at you instead, awkwardly shifting his hands in his hoodie pocket. 
“Captain said to tell you we’ve got an early start tomorrow,” he says looking at you pointedly , “we’ve got a briefing at four. Said you best get all the sleep you can.” 
“Oh…do you know anything about it?” You ask, still feeling a bit breathless from before.
“From what I gather, the 141 and KorTac are heading out together, but I don’t know much beyond that,” he shrugs. 
You give a sideways glance to König and watch as he regards you the same way. That meant you’d be working together for the first time. You take a breath and look back at Gaz, finally nodding your head.
“Thanks for coming to let me know, I’ll head in in a minute,” you assure him. 
Gaz nods back curtly and turns on his heel, retreating to the base again and leaving you alone in the only silence. You finally look back at König, only once you’re sure there’s no one lurking around and looking to catch you with him, and smile softly. 
“Looks like we’ll be working together then,” you laugh awkwardly.
“Seems like it,” he replies, lowering his head. “Perhaps we should listen to the captain’s advice and head in.”
You feel a stab of disappointment tear through your heart immediately. You’d wanted to resume things from where you’d left off. You wanted to pull back the cloth from his face and kiss him under the stars as if they were watching and you were the only ones there. There were fireworks and sparklers going off in your mind, but now they were being snuffed out as you watched König stand up from your not so secret spot. 
“Come on, you need your rest,” he insists, holding out his hand. 
You raise your eyebrows, but put your hand in his and rise as he guides you up. Even with you standing, he towers above you. It’s especially noticeable as you stand so close to him, almost pressed to his big wide chest. There’s a snapping creature in your mind that distantly wishes to jump onto him and kiss him, but you beat the thought back and look away from König instead.
“Hey,” he says softly, tilting your head back with his rough gloved fingers. “I want to pick things back up too, but…not before a mission. We can do this again after all that. Yeah?” 
You gulp, feeling your spine light on fire with tingles. Did he just acknowledge that things were about to go further there? So he definitely felt the same as you…
“Makes sense,” you murmur, feeling your desperation roll off you in waves. 
He is speaking sense, but you don’t want him to be. 
“You can fix my hair for me again when we get back,” he teases, rubbing his finger against your jaw again. “I’m sure it will be very messy.”
“Am I your stylist now?” You smirk, feeling your mood lift. 
“Amongst other things,” he says, eyes showing the smile that was surely on his lips. 
You raise your eyebrows and just as you’re about to ask what things, he silences you with what he does next. He leans down and brings his lips to your cheek, and through his mask, kisses you. 
You freeze in place, your heart thudding like it’ll explode and close your eyes. You can’t believe what just happened. You laugh a little to yourself - letting loose a giggle and open your eyes, watching as he smiles back at you and gestures his hand back to base. 
“To be continued,” you whisper to yourself.
Next Part Here
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depressopax · 5 months
Being in a relationship with Jesse Pinkman would include...
SFW version only + extra headcanons (Smut version can be found here) Pairing: Jesse x gn!reader Genre: Fluff Warning(s): Breaking bad spoilers!  Mentions of alcohol, drugs and injury Mentions of trauma Words: 1336 Summary: What would dating Jesse Pinkman be like? English is not my first language so please let me know if I make any mistakes so I can evolve as a writer! :)
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He would just LOVE having you around. All the damn time.
For example: When he throws parties in his house, he’ll have you by his side all the time. 
“But Jesse… I need to work!” “Work can wait, babe. I’m having a party!” “But…” “Pleaseeee! It’s not a good party if you’re not around…” “...Fine.”
When he falls in love, he falls hard.
Even if you’ve dated him for a short while, he would express his love for you early on.
He would be very insecure at the beginning of a relationship, so he needs lots of reassurance that he’s doing the right things etc.
He’ll brag about you for everyone, ALL THE TIME.
Jesse: “I’m telling ya! My partner is the best. Skinny Pete and Badger: “...Here we go again.” Walter: “I literally don’t care. We have work to do!”
His love language is touch. Every opportunity he gets, he wants to touch you (with consent ofc) This includes:
- Holding your hand when walking
- When sitting down, he’ll either make sure your legs are touching
- …Or have his hand resting on your thigh. 
- He loves having you sit in his lap, so he can cuddle you and rest his face against your neck. It relaxes him.
Jesse doesn’t mind PDA. He likes showing his you off. He often feels like you are “too good for him”, and therefore wants to brag, because he has such a wonderful (and hot) partner. 
He tends to get awkward when you call him nicknames or show him affection around his friends, since they tease him for being “a simp”.
You like it tho. 
Sometimes you’re extra “lovey-dovey” towards Jesse when his friends are around, just to tease him and watch him blush. 
Since Jesse earns lots of money in the meth business, he would buy you expensive gifts. 
…And make lots of impulsive purchases. 
You try making him stop spending so much money on gifts, but even if he promises to stop, he doesn't… 
He LOVES seeing you wearing his clothes. And if you don’t, he would probably ask you to wear his shirts, when sleeping etc. He just enjoys the sight of it, and for him, it’s the most adorable thing.
His phone would be full of selfies of you and him, but mostly pictures of you. He’s the guy to make you his lockscreen.
The two of you have a playful banter. There’s lot of teasing going on, and you have inside jokes (most of them are mocking Walter together)
He likes playing video games with you. This would be the one of the few times he’s rude. He is very competitive and tends to take games a bit too seriously. 
If he wins the game, he won’t shut up about it. He’ll tease you for it, until you tell him to shut the hell up
…If he loses, tho… He’ll be a baby about it. 
“Impossible! You cheated!” “I’m just better than you, Jesse!” “Yeah, right…” “...Are you mad at me?” “...Maybe”
If you don’t like alcohol and drugs, he would try to not use it in front of you. He would try quitting, but it would be a long journey. He hates seeing you worried for him, and that would be a motivation for him to quit, or at least try.
When cuddling and sleeping - He doesn’t care if he’s the big or little spoon. Whichever you prefer.
Comforting each other. 
Whenever you’re sad or angry, Jesse does everything to cheer you up. He tends to get awkward when someone cries, so he doesn’t know how to react. But he always does his best to cheer you up. 
He would want to introduce you to his friends. He wants everyone to know how amazing you are. 
He also likes the idea of being able to hang out with his friends and his partner at the same time.
But this would also include jealousy and Jesse being overprotective. 
He doesn’t like being the possessive boyfriend type, but if one of his friends tries hitting on you, he'd stare them or “playfully” threaten them. 
If someone flirts with you when he’s around, he either gets really insecure, or will just simply walk up to you and be affectionate (basically his way of saying: “They’re mine, back off bitch”)
This also includes his work. In dangerous situations, he prioritizes your safety before his own. 
…Although you’d probably end up being the one protecting him.
He would probably try keeping the relationship with you a secret, since he’s scared you’ll become a target.
At first, Jesse tried to lie about his career, but him being away for such a long time everyday made you suspicious.
The last thing he wanted was for you to think he was cheating. Afraid of losing you, he decided to tell you the truth.
You were shocked, of course. 
…But most of all, you were concerned. Knowing how dangerous his work is, and how he risks going to jail or getting killed, you got very worried for him.
It would probably lead to arguments, since you both are so concerned for one another. 
Learning he’s too stubborn to quit, you give up the attempts to convince him.
But he would definitely make promises to you, that he will be careful, and not shut you out.
Jesse wants good communication with his partner, and the two of you would always be honest, and never keep secrets from each other. 
In his free-time, he spends a lot of time with you. 
If you guys don’t share the same interests, that’s ok with him.
He tries being a supportive boyfriend, and you’re the one to decide where to go and what to do. 
This includes small, simple things, such as: Food, movies, music and games.
Even if he’s bored, he’ll try to not show it. (...Although he would fall asleep against you when watching your favourite/”boring” movies)
Date nights include going to loud parties and getting wasted, going to a bar or restaurant etc…
But it can also be “calm” dates - watching movies at home and eating snacks or playing video games. 
This man gets beaten up ALOT. He tries hiding it from you (but fails in every way). You are the one that patches him up and cleans his wounds.
At first, he thought it was embarrassing that his partner had to take care of his wounds, but he grew to like it.
Having you tending him feels good.
…And he loves watching your focused face when you clean his wounds and patch him up if needed.
Jesse also enjoys hearing you mutter threats against the person that beat him up. 
He may be protective over you, but you’re also very protective over him. 
His “enemies” are your enemies. 
When moving to Alaska, you would come with him.
He refused at first, since he was scared that something would go wrong.
But it was the opposite. You both got a fresh new start, and under new identities, you guys could finally have a normal life.
He wants to take things slow, but he also wants to marry you one day.
And eventually start a family too, if you want to. He wants to have children with the person he loves, and be able to give them the life he never had.
He would be such a good dad omg
After all the stress and trauma he’s been through, he just wants to “settle down” and live a calm life together with you. 
He would also want pets lol
I see him as a dog person, so he would definitely, with or without your liking, buy a dog. 
(Going out on long walks at winter with the dog <3)
He has lots of trauma, and has moments where he doubts himself and has breakdowns, but having you around helps him alot.
Of course, you are always there to support him and help him through difficult times. 
…Basically: Your relationship would be so pure, dramatic but sweet.
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changisworld · 2 months
“Just don’t tell her” TEASER
Stepdad!Binnie x reader 🙈
Summary; You don’t get along with your mom since her & your fathers divorce since she cheated on him but luckily you got an easy escape when college rolled around. It’s now summer break & you head home, mostly to gather a few more of your things but also to use the pool in your childhood home’s backyard but you got more than you bargained for when you seen your moms new, younger boyfriend.
Binnie is 27, reader is 20.
This teaser isn’t exactly NSFW but the full version WILL have smut since that is what i write, MDNI.
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
as you take a few swigs out of the practically empty wine bottle, finishing it off before putting it on the counter. As you do this, you hear footsteps come into the room, beginning to recognise the sound of it. You turn around & unsurprisingly but happy at who it is in front of you, changbin is in front of you, curly hair on show & now in a loose white tank top & some baggy black shorts & you need to make a genuine effort to not drool all over yourself. "Look at us, matchy matchy." you tease as you touch his strap of his top, you both let out a small chuckle. "Yup, got the inspo from you, think you wore it better than me though. You cold, hmm? Shoulda took the blanket with you." He teases back, making you look down & you see that your nipples are poking through your shirt, extremely noticeable. Your cheeks go cherry coloured as you look back at him. "Why you staring hm? Mom wouldn't be happy." He scoffs, hand reaching out to play with the ends of your hair, twirling it in his fingers, the silence a lot more comfortable than earlier despite the contact being a lot more intimate now. "Hey! Don't blame me, who wouldn't look hmm? so p- don't act as if you didn't do it on purpose." he says, voice low & deep. "what were you gonna sayyy? What if I wanted you to see? Never said this before but your arms are so big, holy shit." you smirk as you prodd at his left arm, softly grabbing & touching at it which gives him goosebumps. "Was just g'na call em perky is all. Imagine your mom heard you talking to her boyfriend like this." You roll your eyes, trying to not to show the affect he has on your words. "Imagine my mom hearing you talking to her daughter like this.. Afraid you chosen the wrong one hmm? Incase you somehow haven't caught on, I personally, would do anything to make her miserable." You have no idea where the confidence has came from but you don't second guess what you're saying. Your fingers leave his arm as you let your fingers trail up past his jaw & up to his hair, playing with it, at the same time Changbin pulls you in closer by the waist, sharing breath. "Never knew I could only make one choice.. Could correct myself one day but what would you offer me, y/n?" he says to you, a different look in his eyes than what was there earlier in the day. "Would need to just find out now, wouldn't you?" You snap back, leaning in just enough to wiggle your nose against his, not breaking eye contact. As you do this you hear footsteps upstairs & the bathroom door opening & closing which makes you both semi permanently snap out of it. He sighs before looking at the direction of the door then turning back to you, hands not moving. "We can finish this conversation later mkay? Wanna gimme a teaser though before I need to go?" he whispers to you & before you can stop yourself, you lean in & kiss him. It only lasts a few seconds but you know you can both feel some sort of weird connection between you both & you can't help but think & admire how soft his lips are, like mini cushions against your own. You both break away at the same time & he playfully ruffles your hair, messing it up before stepping away from you. "Goodnight, y/n." He says nonchalantly despite his cheeks & ears blushing like crazy before leaving the room, leaving you standing there, taking in what just hapened.
Full oneshot will be released 28/04/24 -> 29/04/24🤍
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mysticmellowlove · 3 months
General Yandere hcs with us pregnant?
We’ve been married for a few years and we’re finally pregnant! How does he react and what does he do during the pregnancy?
note; they took away my yellow option, the bastards
warnings; fem reader, yan male, pregnancy, fluff, pov changes, manipulation inference,
With a perfectly placated smile he walked down the hallway of his newly built house, his perfect little slice of life with the white picket fence and all. It was a great neighbourhood, with lots of other parents around and a pristine record. Full of family gatherings and helpful neighbours who were so in love with each other they wouldn't even take a second glance over at his own relationship.
As he walked past one of his new favourite rooms, the nursery of course, he stopped abruptly. Standing in the middle of the room, her hands on her hips, was his heavily pregnant wife. With a giddy smile, he crept in and wrapped his arms around her, lifting up her belly gently to ease some of the stress. A satisfied sigh left her.
"It's not perfect yet." He could basically hear the tense tone roll off her as she surveyed the room. He'd spent endless hours with her in here organising the furniture, painting the walls and throwing down plush carpet. If his wife said it wasn't done yet then it wasn't done.
"What are you thinking?" He hummed as he also looked around. It looked fine to him but there was just something so fun about catering to his wife's whims. She had the right to be picky after all, he rubbed his fingers in small circles under her stomach.
A click left her mouth as her body shifted, her hand to her chin as she looked around. The room comprised of soft colours, soft surfaces and there was even a nice rocking chair in one of the corners, a little bookshelf full of educational baby books sat just to the side of it.
"I can't put my hand on it." She huffed. He laughed, that was a simple fix.
"Let's go browsing again, I have the day off after all."
After being together for over five years you had decided it was time for the next step, a little rascal to fill the small... gremlin-shaped hole in your lives.
Yan enjoyed the nights he spent trying to get you pregnant, it was one of his favourite parts of the day!
Of course, he always showered you in affection after, there was only one thing better than sex after all.
When he came home and found out that you were pregnant he basically fainted.
A little version of his favourite person was about to be brought into the world and he was going to absolutely coddle it.
As soon as you started to show he was like a hovering hen, fretting over your every move.
Something on the other side of the house, he's got it.
Other side of the room, don't even move!
Two inches to the left, he's wrapping his arms around you in a hug before dropping it off in your lap.
Do you have cravings, want to go for a walk, sleepy day? He can do anything and everything!
The kitchen was always stocked with your favourite snacks, he prepared some easy pot and microwave meals for you when he was out as well.
Want to work from home, he's buying an ergonomic desk, or maybe one of those lap cushions so you don't even have to move!
Don't move, and don't leave the house. He's got everything here already silly.
One of your family members is sick? They can't come over, he wants you in tip-top shape.
No stress is allowed, he will dispose of anything that comes even close.
Creepy men? Dead. Old neighbours wanting to see your belly? Threatened. Loud dogs? Relocated. Co-workers saying 'Of course she was going to get pregnant, she just wants the maternity pay'? Ruthlessly dismembered.
He does let one other lady come over, a short and abrupt older lady from down the road who just wouldn't budge. Luckily she has the same ideals as him.
Why would you go down the street if both your husband and the nice old lady say to stay at home and rest?
Are you bored all alone, how about a cat... or maybe an old dog from the shelter?
He'd talk to you through the nanny cams around the new build if he didn't think you'd be weirded out...
Anything you want, all you have to do is call him and he's there.
He just loves you so much, you're so pretty!
(you were right of course, the nursery wasn't complete... turns out you're having twins!)
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feralmoonlight · 11 months
Doordash AU Lore
Condensed Soup Version for your reading pleasure~ This was flailed over discord last night in a stream of consciousness into the delirium of sleep and goes from legible and readable to 'what are you typing??' levels of writing. Spellcheck was... not used a lot. Enjoy!
Sun survived the Fazbear Fire ending but was junked and picked up by random dude that tinkered enough to get him fixed to the point he could finish fixing himself. Sun and a very feral moon were... 'grateful' for being saved, but dude just wanted to use them as a side hustle for income basically and guilt trips them into working to 'pay him back for saving them and the electricity it takes to keep them charged'
Hence, doordash. Getting sun to be able to drive was easy enough, and dude just linked his own bank with the account so any pay out goes straight to him. The boys basically get pennies for their work because they don't really have a full sense of money or the outside world, but Sun 'likes' getting to explore while delivering and while they'd love to work with kids, well... Dude won't let them go until they pay him back. So they technically are under the assumption he owns them like fazbear did. A little pushback but 'if it weren't for him, they'd still be in the scrap yard'. And it's way better than being locked away in solitude again.
SO, one day they do a deliver for Reader, quiet anxious shut-in artist hermit type that thrives online but is basically terrified of the world beyond their home. Very relatable cough
BUT YN is like. Holy fuck that's a robot???
And Sun is like HELLO! Here's your food! Wanna chat? What do you do? How was your day?
To which anxiety YN blurts out they're an artist and Arts and Crafts King SUN is like YOU LIKE ART? I LIKE ART? and corners them for about 15-20 minutes talking their ear off while they're basically frozen because too awkward to tell him to leave, and he's not being WEIRD just REALLY TALKATIvE but it seems to be making him happy??
And then he gets another delivery and has to go anyway.
WhICH... OK cool that was weird but something to remember and forget about later.
Until a few weeks later when they order from a similar area restaurant and get Sunny as their delivery dude again, recognizing it immediately as him and actually having a more 2 way convo this time?
And it starts off slow, little short convos between drop offs and Sun wants to stay and talk more but it gets waved off at first. BUT YN keeps trying to work the system and get him back as a delivery dude for short chats.
Friendship builds and they start working out how to get the delivery as the last of his shift time so he can talk longer and longer, but he always leaves before the sun goes down too far, because Moon worries
Which eventually something happens and Sun knows he's not gonna be able to make it back home before dark, so he VERY anxiously asks if he can stay the night and makes up a thing about not functioning well in the dark. Sunshine and all that. 
SO he gets to stay and they have a longer chill evening and he watches YN work on some commissions, and then they watch a non-fazbear movie and just chill. Which he's ABSOLUTELY BLOW AWAY by a non-fazbear movie
and YN wants to introduce him to different shows and stuff, so these little sleepovers (lights on) turn into a more regular almost weekly thing.
But eventually the fun time gets caught and Dude gives Sun a call about where the fuck is he with the car? Where has he been? And sun apologizes and has to leave, but it raises questions about who that was.
WHich takes us to catalyst point 1, of 'man, that guys a dick. you don't take that much energy to charge -motions to electric bill that only budged a couple dozen dollars' and learning he takes all sun's earnings.
Now, you might be wondering... WHere's MOON in all this? How does MOON feel?
Well, Moon doesn't trust anyone at this point. Between fazbear, the vanny incidents, and this fucker, he is VERY skeptical there's not some ulterior motive, and he wants to test it. But Sun is getting very attached to YN
And he's already made moon lowkey promise to behave in case the lights go out from the first night, cause they haven't done anything bad yet. But he's still IFFY.
BUT LOW AND BEHOLD, the fabled power outage arrives, and YN doesn't know MOON is a thing.
It's a short one, and Moon POORLY tries to pretend to be Sun in the dark, but he's very... itching to fuck with YN. WANTS to harass them so bad, but... he said he'd behave.
But the lights come on, and Sun is a little panicked, but YN brushes it off like he was scared of the dark? Though he didn't sound scared a moment ago? Maybe it was something else that spooked him?
BUT things continue and the more YN hears about dude, the more they want to beat his ass(they wont, they're not bold like that) and get Sun away from him... which... he might have a gps on the phone and car that they use, but not on Sun. All he'd have to do is like... not go back? and he'd be free
which alarm bells MOON with the though YN just wants to use them the same way dude did to get more money cause at this point it's obvious to them both that the only things YN really spends their extra money on is food delivery and thats about it. they don't buy 'stuff' but they enjoy eating good food from different places, and they've been ordering a lot more lately as an excuse to see Sun.
SO moon convinces Sun to let him 'test them' and their resolve
Let him out, let him have some fun. And hoo boy. He definitely makes himself a threat, but he did still promise not to HURT hurt them.
BUT he has to test limits. Push buttons. He doesn’t really want to hurt YN cause they have genuinely been nice and he wants to think they’re being sincere in their attempt to help them, but there’s always that grain of salt. They thought the other human was trying to help them but they were just getting used for free income. What’s to say this 'starving artist’ won’t do the same? So he does the chase song and dance, the threats, minor injuries to see if it’d be enough to scare YN into showing true colors…  And they ARE scared, but they also know Sun at this point. Even if Moon is gonna be shitty, and they say as much, Sun is their friend, and they aren’t gonna let him go back. Even if it means putting up with Moon.
WHICH HURTS, but in a way that warms his heart sorta. Like.. OK OW? But also deserved. He’s not done poking the bear, though, but again, bit by bit he goes from full gremlin mode to spikey roommate to soft nap lord. With gremlin habits still. He wouldn’t be moon if he wasn’t a pest sometimes.
and he's surprised YN has so much... pushback to not let him get to them, but also seems to have this genuine urge to help Sun just to help him?
Which means now Moon has to repair the relationship, but Sun is also excited that Moon is going to TRY to be nice now, not just because he asked him to, but because... If they ARE gonna be trying to live with them, as friends, that first impression needs to get undone
Which he points out also it's NOT their first meeting, but... YN doesn't pick that up at first
SO we have the 'become friends with Moon' arc starting as well as the actually stealing Sun... which is easy enough. They drive back to dudes house with YN and just... leave the phone in the car, and take the bus back home.
which leaves YN in a lowkey panic because agoraphobia
BUT they'd do it for their friend. The injustice of what happened is stronger than their own fears, and getting back home results in a nice little cuddle session because yes. Which also would end up in them falling asleep and sun shifting over to Moon and moon basically having a 'I WILL NOT ADORE THEM oh fuck' moment too
WHICH brings us to the midway point... Sort of.
Because now YN is taking care of them, or rather, giving them somewhere to live, rent free, and eating the cost of their electricity upkeep which is... not horrible but more than expected... so they're now having to go grocery shopping regularly (ew) and essentially cutting their food budget in more than half to make that difference, cause taking on new commissions is already stretching their work load.
There's a small talk of why YN doesn't have a different job, and there's some talk of... not trauma, but just... really bad experiences? They wouldn't call it trauma, but they DO NOT want to have to get a 'normal job' again. Which is hard for them to understand from an AI perspective, having job stuff programmed into them with the daycare and security things
BUT then YN talks about how if doordash felt 'right'... and it did not. it was 'ok' but it wasn't what they were made for
But they're also realizing that they ARE sort of... taking up a decent amount of what was YN's 'spare money'. which was NOT safety net worthy but it was enough for them to be comfy
SO they start feeling guilty. Doing little tasks around the house, but it's not enough, TO THEM, to make up for the new burden they're putting on this FRIEND that CARES about them.
SO... They want to get a job.
But how
Their options are VERY limited, and probably gonna have to be under the table
They don't need to make a LOT, but YN basically tells them they will NOT do doordash shit again.
There's the possibility of doing private babysitting? But getting parents to agree is... weird...
They do the random attempt of going to a few parks and letting sun do his thing with the kids, but there's a mixed response of 'what the fuck, a robot?' and 'ok who's the freak that brought a bot to a playground? is this some kind of sick joke?'
But there are a few parents that don't immediately freak out.
YN talks to some of them and explains that he used to work with kids until their daycare burned down and he was thrown out, a bit of a twist on the official happenings but believable enough.
And one parent takes the bait,  agreeing it'd be nice to have someone watch the kids after school for a bit before they got off work some days, so they'd try it out. For a very cheap fee, but still.
It's a step in the right direction, and their kids area already on board with having Sun as a temporary caretaker. YN is gonna be with them, but they can take their art shit wherever so Sun handles this kids and YN just babysits the babysitter XD
They let sun and moon keep all the money they make and only take what's offered from them, and insist they should hold on to some of it for anything they  might need for future repairs. There's a lowkey friend argument but agreements are made
They gather a few families that are on board with their services, and eventually things even out. But one parent mentions the daycare their tiny child goes to is actually pretty short staffed. They can't afford to hire on anyone else at a normal pay rate, but if they treat it like 'renting a piece of machinery' a phrase YN is pissy about, then they could probably pay a similar rate to the babysitting gigs but as a 5 days a week guaranteed time thing?
Which there's a back and forth on how that might be risky, but the fucking starry eyed glee from Sun, and moon actually, about getting to work with a daycare again is something they can't fight against. And so the approach is made.
And accepted
As a trial run, at first, but things go well and they become a welcome part of this little daycare, and can handle the tasks of two or three employees easily. It's far less chaotic that the sugarhigh crazed children of Fazbears, and it's the happiest they've been in a long time
what's that?
everyone is
fazbear still owns them
Sort of
Fazbear still owns 'Sun and Moon' as trademarked entities.
Dude still owns them legally as salvaged scrap.
And Moms just LOVE posting weird shit on facebook.
Knock KNock we're here for your robot
Time to RUN from THE MANZ
Thankfully still no tracker, and THANKFULLY Fazbear isn't actually as invested as the news would lead people to believe? But that dude? oh that dude is PISSED as FUCK
He ends up being the more unhinged danger time for YN, because it was DEFINITELY YNs FAULT 'their robot went rogue'
Fazbear's is lowkey keeping tabs, but after that plex burned down they'd already gotten the insurance from the BS that happened, and technically getting such a... mmm 'tampered with' AI would be a pain in the ass to recode
They're lowkey interested in him as spare parts, but the news media covering this from the dudes side, and then eventually uncovering the harrowing rescue and plight of the 'mistreated robot that just wants to take care of kids' has the story quickly turning on it's head.
Fazbear's watching all this too, and they're... intrigued that Sun and Moon still have such a strong drive to care after the incident... they're swapping to wanting to study this...
They weren't the only bot that 'survived', but they're the only one that made it to the 'outside'
they study
they watch this drama unfolding with the curiosity of a cat watching a mouse in a maze
they COULD pounce, but... they could also learn from this. they see money in them hills
ANd the media is EATING this shit up
but it does come down to it that Dude finds YN and Sun/Moon (time undetermined at the moment) and they're... separated enough that he CAN rough up YN a bit. Not enough, but enough that it sends YN off running and Dude books it cause he doesn't want the police involved after making a BIG no no of assault
he knows he fucked up, but YN is now hella shaken and Sun/Moon shows up shortly after. MOON is very livid and wants to go hunt this dude down like a dog. Sun ALSO is on board but... that would not do any of them any good, so it's comfort the reader time.
Little bit of wound tending, mostly bruises and a fucked up wrist.
That one. They aren't drawing for a while because fuck you thats why
But again, the place YN went to for safety is on the phone with police and the media hears about this dude attacking them, and HOO BOY... BUT yn doesn't press charges because...
MOSTLY they dont wanna deal with court shit?
BUT his own actions are enough to kind of scare him off from intervening again
he knows he fucked up, and the info is ON the NEWS now, and he's waiting for the arrest warrant to get served but it never does.
This is now a bigger issue and not worth the hassle
he's got a nice fucking chunk of change though from them doing door dash for like 10 hours a day for.... months?
just sitting in his bank
which mF is gonna have to pay taxes on lmao
bitch doesn't know it yet cause he didn't think that far ahead. he's an asshole. a clever one, but not a smart one.
SO it's into the wind down of wondering when Fazbear is gonna try to come swoop in and steal Sun/Moon back from YN. or rather, back from their freedom. And it's NOT long after that they do get a knock on the door from a fazbear rep...
This is about where the end gets hazy though. Cause I don't wanna do the whole convo, but it boils down to, they're very intrigued that 'the ai,  Sun, and Moon, have adjusted so well to life outside of the plex.'  And they want to use that. The knowledge that they can expand outside of just 'entertainment'.
This isn't the 'birth of the ai revolution' of sorts where robots are everywhere... they already are somewhat, but very... simple versions. More advanced things like the animatronics are few and far between, and highly monitored in their selected environments (the pizzaplex). But letting the more sentient ones adapt to working at things like stand alone daycares, theme parks, maybe as traveling shows that go on tour, or other possible branch locations with different uses is very interesting to the higher ups
They want to monitor Sun and Moon, how they conduct themselves, and how people respond to them 'out in the wild', so to speak.
"This new idea is... groundbreaking. And we just want to observe... For now."
The long side eye is LONG, but... LEGALLY they could snatch the boys up without a second thought.
So they take the offer.
Fazbear is gonna offer no help, aside from possibly medical costs because they want to build a 'friendly face for the enterprize' as well as feel slightly responsible for YN getting hurt by not stepping in sooner and making their presence known to The Dude TM that he was out of his realm from the start.
There's some wariness from all parties, but...
It seems things will work out
The end.... ?
Possibly the end
it has room for expanding into the actual watching portion but that's what I have so far and is a POSSIBLE stopping point
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Support differences of the Hoshidan siblings from the Original script vs the English localization
They say that in the Original Japanese version of Fates there are many changes that were different from what we got in the English localization. So I wanted to see for myself if that was true, however, I don’t know Japanese yet, I’m still starting. Very fortunately, I found a translation mod and this is the closest thing I could feel to the original.
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And when I played it, I did not expect differences in the script and supports, they are not just mere translations or rewording. And the whole time I was like “WHY DID THEY REMOVE THAT?! It makes more sense and flavour for the story, and without it, there would be gaps in the story. But on the flip side there are things I like in the localization and funnily it added more flavour too.
Thus, I would like to share what I noticed with the support differences with the Hoshidan siblings in my Birthright run.Mostly the main theme of the supports are the same however the mood, feeling and tone would be changed if some lines are removed or changed, I notice the changes could affect  Corrin/Kamui’s relationship with his siblings.
--Very long post ahead--
Note that I would use Corrin’s Japanese Hoshidan name, Kamui interchangeably for flavour. I would use Corrin for the EN while Kamui for the JP.
Let’s start with Hinoka, because I noticed a few differences.
 Hinoka’s support’s seems to be the same in both version but in the localization it feels worded better since in EN she felt relieved and proud to be Corrin’s big sister but in JP she still feels guilty of what she did with Mikoto and doesn’t feel she deserves to be Kamui’s big sister. This is one of the few times I prefer the EN version, however this is one of my least favourite supports so I can’t impartially look at this.
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For the rest of the siblings,it is way longer and I will go through every little detail I noticed.
Sakura and Kamui
Besides some changes in the wordings and such, I could not notice major differences in tone or mood of the script that changes the flavour of the conversation even though the Japanese script seems to be longer.
In the EN version, the conversation starts with Corrin asking Sakura questions right away about why she wanted to become a priestess, it’s more like an interview. However, in the JP version it is longer and feels like a conversation— Kamui starts by discussing a book on History and gods which was cut out in EN, here Kamui tries to connect with her anxious and awkward little sister.
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This may be minor or not, and the localizations may not be translated word for word, but I noticed the differences between the portraits of the two versions. It seems that Kamui is more direct and Sakura is more anxious or uneasy in the EN ver than in the JP where Kamui is more patient and Sakura is calmer. We can also notice these portrait differences with other supports.
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This part is very noticeable, the EN version is so condensed than the Japanese version that it lost meaning than the original where it shows a lot why Sakura she is now— the causes of her anxiety and overthinking. The JP version expanded Sakura’s overthinking that shows her scenario of what-ifs, like if she was the one who was actually kidnapped, Big brother Kamui would be the one would be worried, and she really feels bad about Kamui’s kidnapping and fears Kamui would not be kind to her which this leads to her more anxiety. Kamui reassures his little sister Sakura that it’s all okay and he will always be there for her.  
You can see that the EN is awfully shorter than JP. And JP Kamui’s words are more caring and worried while EN Corrin feels pity.
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As you saw,the EN version is awfully short and many parts were cut/condensed that it paints that Sakura is just very anxious and Corrin is direct with his words and looks at her with pity making her more anxious. Compared to the JP version, it gives full context and story why she’s so anxious, socially and mentally. It shows the whole story why she is an overthinker, and the whole reason why is scared of facing her lost sibling knowing she was originally planned to be taken according to rumours and she feels guilty to be not taken. I also like the flow of their conversation because it shows Kamui is trying to connect with Sakura and not scaring her too much with questions compared to the EN version. I especially love the last part of their A-support where Kamui says that he will protect her as a Big brother and never leave her precious little sister’s side. Most of all, I love the JP version because it made me appreciate Sakura a lot more because honestly when I first read the EN version it felt lacking.
The EN version is so short that I suspect: Do they have a word limit counter?
Takumi & Kamui
In EN Corrin wants to connect to Takumi, but his response is hostile and they’re being sarcastic with each other due to Corrin’s background with Nohr. Corrin wants to learn archery to prove his loyalty and dedication to Hoshido, to gain trust and give him a chance to prove himself in battle his loyalty.
In JP, Kamui wants to connect with Takumi like in EN BUT because he wants to bond with him. Takumi isn’t fully trusting him but he is open to bond with Kamui unlike his reactions in EN. As Kamui didn’t grow up with Takumi, he didn't know what to talk about and it became awkward. As Kamui sees that Takumi is into archery, learning through him would be a good place to start bonding.
Comparing the two versions, you will see that EN’s theme is all about loyalty, while the JP version is about sibling bonding. [Skipped lines means they are exactly the same]
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Like I said, EN Takumi is more sarcastic and hard on Corrin versus the JP version. Also take note of these closing lines of the JP version because it will appear again in their A-support and it’s worth mentioning.
In this support, it shows Takumi teaching Corrin archery, then taking a break. When EN Corrin says that Takumi makes it look easy, he does not take this well and sees it as sarcasm and when talking about archery they both just brush it off as effortless. But in the JP,when Kamui expresses that archery is harder than it looks. JP Takumi gives his insights about the beauty and effort of archery which was cut out in EN. Kamui praises Takumi how amazing Takumi is and Takumi didn’t expect such praise that it caught him off guard other than the sarcastic remark in EN.
You can see how the EN version again condensed the JP script comparing the two. In short. The EN version shows Takumi doing it effortlessly while the JP version shows beauty and perfection in archery.
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At the end of the B support Corrin injured his hand and in this A support he still strives to learn archery despite his injuries.  
In EN, Corrin says that Takumi is a strict but a good teacher and he hoped that Corrin was worth his time. Then Takumi admits that he is good but doubts him. This shows that he’s truly dedicated and loyal to Hoshido and wants to continue to train him.
But in JP, the whole time Kamui is genuinely excited to learn, you could tell he wants to bond with his little brother Takumi, and compliments him how amazing he is. And in turn, Takumi is liking Kamui and sees what a gentle and kind person he is and now sees him as a sibling and enjoying his company. This recognition makes Kamui very happy.  
The major changes in themes you would notice is that in EN Corrin is doing it as an obligation/business to prove his loyalty and dedication. And in JP that Kamui wants to connect and know more about Takumi who once was hostile to him, it is a true sibling bonding and to have connection.
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Remember those final lines in their C-support, it’s cute in A-support there’s a call back to that in the JP version: “Please treat me well, big brother Kamui”.
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 Takumi and Kamui’s relationship is interesting because it had a rocky start. I always find their dynamic interesting and I am curious how their support would play out. When I first read the EN supports, it didn’t feel like they’re connecting, it felt more like a business relationship and just doing it to resolve things. When I read these supports in JP, I LOVE IT! It mending their relationship, it felt more meaningful than the EN version, and it felt like a genuine sibling bonding.
 The whole time I was reading the JP version , I was like “WHYYYY???????!!”. Why the heck the localization team rewrote this from a nice bonding/connecting to just doing it to prove loyalty. In the original Takumi is more receptive and I love the final lines of Takumi, “please treat me well, Big Brother” because he also said that in C-support too, I love that call back it shows that Takumi has trust with Kamui as a sibling. The JP version shows Takumi’s passion and love for archery through expressing the beauty and striving for perfection.  While EN Takumi is just reactive and too proud. Dammit localization team! 
In short EN version made it about duty, dedication and loyalty vs JP version’s sibling bonding and connection.
Ryouma and Kamui
In this support Kamui wanted to know about his Hoshidan siblings when he was taken away and wanted to connect. In JP Ryouma looks forward to talking and excited to connect with Kamui and he even has a gift that has a lot of meaning to him. It felt more sincere and warm . He is accommodating, and even tells Kamui that they, his siblings,  have a good opinion on Kamui. However, EN Ryoma tells Corrin’s situation is just sad or unhappy and his conversation felt short, and he is too busy that they’ll talk in another time.  
As you can see again that EN is shortened and condensed again than the original which loses the meaning and expression of desire of Ryouma to get close with Kamui.
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In this support Ryouma is describing his siblings, both versions felt the same but EN Ryoma is shown to be very busy again and when he talks about his siblings it’s brief and it seems that his mind is somewhere else. But in JP he is very eager to talk to Kamui and takes his time. You can see in the first part of this conversation he does not imply he is busy unlike in EN, and when talking about his siblings it felt more detailed. However it’s too long that I couldn’t add the screenshot here. The huge difference can be noticed in the last part of this support.
 When Kamui feels left out from Ryouma’s stories, it feels more depressing with his reply in EN where he reiterates that his background is troubling and sad— “Your story is troubling one”. In contrast to JP Ryouma, He comforts Kamui and is very thankful and happy that Kamui is back to them safely and he values his moments with Kamui — “I am grateful you treasure our moments together”. 
Notice the contrasts with their portraits:
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Corrin felt left out and melancholic when Ryoma was talking about their siblings, in JP version the way he handle it that he is more caring, concerned and brotherly which makes Kamui very happy and comforted, which the conversation again is longer and meaningful than EN, which is short and condensed.
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Little detail I noticed comparing the two: It felt out of place with the Ryoma shouting in this part which didn’t happen in the original version.
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Later in the support, Corrin is given a ring from Ryoma and their siblings. In JP there's additional information, the ring is a prayer ring for self-defence particularly. Comparing the two it seems lines in the EN  are condensed vs the original with Corrin’s reaction when given a ring. Also take note of the closing part of the JP version it says that link as siblings vs ties of EN.
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Again, I noticed a little detail with the differences with the portraits:
 “Happy to have you”, frown portrait lol
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The EN version seems to lean more about Corrin’s background and more of how sad his situation is while the JP version is more on sibling bonding and connection. The JP version is what I had expected of their supports,as the long lost sibling I am sure the eldest brother would be very hyped to connect with Corrin/Kamui, but in EN and it doesn’t feel that way and I even didn’t like their supports at first in EN  as Ryoma felt a bit distant and  it felt something was missing and now I found out that many was cut out from the original. Now I love their support more, especially that in JP that it felt more caring and there is brotherly bond and connection that was lost in the localization.
Also another thing I noticed, it seems JP Ryoma seems calmer and nicer than in EN, in the supports and in the main story. In EN it feels like he’s rash, tempered or temperamental. I have a conspiracy theory that the localization team is trying to do a character assassination attempt with Ryoma. Though I have no solid proof at the moment but if ever in the future when I am fluent with Japanese, I’ll do a deep dive into how they changed the characterization of Ryoma and the rest of the cast.
I always thought that there would be few differences between JP vs EN but now see is that is not the case, there are many changes made for the international audience, both little to huge. I didn't even expect that they would change small details like portraits that would make subtle changes.  
Is there a word count limit for the localizers?
As you can see time and time again,  EN is way shorter than JP that results in meaning and sincerity gone, and warm interactions become cold. Cutting the script made it bad. Are they lazy?! Or were they rushed?  
Most of all. Why am I fussing about these? About Corrin’s/Kamui’s relationship with the Hoshidan Siblings?
Because I was expecting that the siblings would be very welcoming to Corrin especially as a long lost sibling and eager to reconnect . I was so disappointed in the EN version that it seems that they aren’t much interested and Corrin doesn't feel welcome. It is upsetting especially that’s one of the reasons for choosing them and to be at their side and the whole theme of the plot is which family would you be with.
When I played the original/ JP version, albeit with translation mod, I am so happy to find that in the original JP version that they are warm, welcoming and want to connect with Kamui, and it feels like they have a genuine sibling bonding, making choosing them very worthwhile. It did improve my opinion of them and I love them more.
I have a hypothesis, why EN toned down the sibling bonding due to S supports. Probably it would be awkward with all that sibling talk, afterwards to marry them. Personally I really don’t like Corrin marrying the siblings, it ruined the story for me. I pretend that those S-supports never existed and that is why I didn’t include those in this write-up.
So does this mean I’m one of those “the Original is better” persons, NO. I’m more into good writing, it so happens most meaningful interactions are in the JP script. And to be fair with EN, there are things I like with the changes like Corrin’s supports with Hinoka, Rinka, which surprisingly feels better than the original.  
I could go deeper if only I knew Japanese so that I could notice the nuances and subtleties which were lost in translation. For now I’ll make do with these translations and hope that the translations are accurate. And hopefully someday I could look back with this write-up and make improvements.
 That’s all and THANK YOU!! Thank you for reading this long essay. This took me months to write and I truly appreciate you taking your time to read this. I hope it sees the Hoshidan siblings in a better light. 
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adobe-outdesign · 1 month
in honor of international women’s day, could you review some royal neopets (since all women are queens?)
(Royal has a lot going on with it, as there's not only the usual customized vs UC designs, but also the royal boy vs royal girl designs on top of that. For purposes of this review I picked out royals where both genders look great, but let me know if you guys would be interested in seeing a royal girl/royal boy-specific review.)
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Royal is one of the more complicated Neopets colours, having special art and poses pre-customization and having a gender split on top of that. Normally I'm not big on gender splits as a whole for being overly cis, but I'll forgive it in this case because it is actually possible to get a female royal boy pet and vice versa through lab ray shenanigans. Customization also allows for clothes to be swapped around at will.
One thing that I always found strange about royal as a colour is that it oftentimes doesn't really match up with anything lore-wise. For example, Blumaroos come from Roo Island, and their leader, King Roo, is vaguely dressed like a jester because Roo Island is the happy-go-lucky fun land. Makes sense! But then the royal Blumaroo colour is... space themed, for some reason?
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It's not that the colour literally needs to match up with actual Neopian leaders all the time, of course; it's just that sometimes the choices made feel random and ill-fitting for the species.
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Another instance of this is in the royal pets that are based off a specific country/region. I do like the diversity in not having all pets share that Meridell-esq European look, but sometimes it does make me raise my eyebrow. Like, where in Neopia is "Mongolia", exactly?
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And in terms of customization, royal pets generally got hit pretty hard. Previously, royal pets were bipedal, and many of them had subtle anatomically changes to give that them royal look. It's not even that royal pets just got converted in general, but many of the conversions seem very poorly done—such as the poor Aisha above, which inexplicably lost an entire set of ears. Like I said, I like the ability to trans our Neopets easier, but that's about the only benefit.
Favorite Species:
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Skeith: One common problem with royal pets tends to be that the royal girl and royal boy look completely different, with one of them (usually the male) looking significantly better. Thankfully, the royal Skeith do not have this problem, with both male and female sharing a white base with a subtle accent color and similar-but-distinct sets of clothing. The Alice in Wonderland inspiration is also very fun, and feels supper fitting for the species. Great stuff.
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Kyrii: I already went over these designs in my Kyrii review so I'll keep this short, but the UC/styled royal Kyrii are just fantastic designs all around. The squarer head shapes than normal give them a very elegant look, and the designs make full use of the Kyrii's distinctive long manes (not to mention the old BD poses, which were just delightful). The only drawback is that the converted versions are particularly bad, to the point where I'm not even bothering to show them here to save space.
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Peophin: Something about underwater royals just tend to hit, and the Peophin is no exception. The species already has their distinct head ornamentation, but the royals take it a step further by adding extra jewels and extending it over the ears and head fins, then accenting it with even more additional jewelry. I also really like the robes, which feel surprisingly natural for their body shape. Beautiful all around.
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BONUS: Remember how I was saying that a lot of royal designs feel random and ill-fitting for their species? The royal Koi avoids this completely by basing the royal boy design off of King Kelpbeard, the ruler of Maraqua. Once again, both designs here are well balanced and go well with each other, and I like the degree of underwater elements—coral crowns, seaweed accents, and pearl necklaces.
(Side note: a very honorable shoutout goes to the royal Mynci and Flotsam, which didn't quite make the cut but are still excellent designs.)
Least Favorite Species:
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Moehog: Most royal pets are at least interesting, but I can't say that about the poor royal Moehog, which is mostly forgettable; just the standard clothing that you'd expect from royals. The royal boy is slightly better, at least sporting a nice dark blue base, but the royal girl has a very "cheap" design, like it's wearing a Halloween costume instead of actual royalty. The royal Moehog never got a UC option, but they did have pre-customization designs that were slightly better–but only slightly.
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chiakery · 8 months
There's new version of the intro so here's new translation (my screenshots are mostly shit so I can't make a lot out of them, if anyone manages to take better ones, please feel free to send them my way and I'll try my best to translate more!!):
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A - We've got "Ilościowa" in bold (tr. quantitative) B - handwritten part is hard to decipher but i think the first word is "klosze" (tr. shade, as in lampshade), underneath it is "nazwa" (tr. name) and underneath that is "miejsce przechowania" (tr. storage point). C - this one's interesting. We've got "Przychód" on the left side (tr. revenue) and on the right we have "Rozchód" and "Zużycie" (tr. expenditure and wear, as in how much something was used) Additionally, a moment later than I took this screenshot, the down left corner of the card becomes visible and you can make out words "Rodzaj i numer dowodu". While you can translate "dowód" as evidence, the translation that makes the most sense here would be "The type and number of the ID".
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Here's the second one (that's actually connected to the third one): A - for some reason it's funny as hell to me that they took care to barely show us any other text but here we are, with a perfectly visible word "Wałek" (tr. roller) lol I mean, they probably meant is as "arbour", the kind you'd use in a lathe, but still. B - "Decyzja kier. wydz." is short for "decyzja kierownika wydziału" (tr. head of department's decision) and "Orzeczenie DKT" (tr. DKT's opinion) but it's more like ruling than someone's view on something. No idea what DKT is supposed to stand for. C - written sideways and partially obscured "Karta" (tr. card) with the second word completely covered and underneath that once again "nazwa" (tr. name). But we get to see more details in the next shot that shows the same card from a different angle!!
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A - now we can see that the full phrase is "Karta zwrotu" (tr. return card). How do we know it's the same one as previously? Simple, once again we've got "Orzeczenie DKT" in B.
Unfortunatelly I couldn't make any other words on this one or the next one - they were just too blurry.
Hope some of you found it interesting! Oh, and what the fuck is up with the change in the eyes when Aabria's name is shown? Why did they change them??
(Sidenote: for a moment when i heard about 12 symbols and what they were supposed to mean I thought it was "Idź do światła", but that would translate only to "Go towards the light")
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skysometric · 1 month
Zeta - As Complete As It Gets
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Zeta was my "magnum opus" back in 2014… the pinnacle of everything I had learned with level design in Mari0 1.6. Everything about it is as grandiose as possible – colorful levels made with an omnipalette tileset, unique challenges that blend Mario and Portal elements in fun ways, a plot holding secrets close to its chest. I released about half of it in various demos up until mid-2013, getting lots of praise and attention from the community! I was quite proud of myself and my work…
But I had ambitions to use features that hadn't even been added to the game yet, like a full custom music album, water tiles, custom enemies, cutscenes. I decided to shelve the project for a little while, at least until later versions of the game gave me more tools to work with. Those new versions came and went… yet I never returned to Zeta, instead embracing other big new projects like Retrush and Floating Isles. Zeta faded into history, left unfinished, a casualty of ADHD novelty-chasing.
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Many of the ideas that were planned for Zeta would later find their way into my other projects, but the idea of returning to Zeta itself has always been daunting. Despite the fact that I was so proud of it in 2014… it's a little uneven looking back on it now. In addition to finishing the existing levels, there's a ton I'd want to rework from scratch! That would practically be a new project in its own right.
The perfect excuse to return to Zeta came when I started streaming all of my Mari0 mappacks in a retrospective series. Most of them I was content with showing as they were released… but with Zeta, I specifically wanted to show it in its best light, as close to its original vision as possible. So, using modern tools in AE, I added all of the music I wanted to add from the beginning, added warps between areas of unused content, and even finished the final boss! The stream itself went great, and I had a lot to say about development of the mappack – you can watch it in full here:
The short version is that Zeta is honestly better than I remembered! Even though there's still a few rough edges, and the blend of Mario and Portal elements gets kinda wacky at times, it has a cadence to it that's genuinely unique and fun in its own right. It's a lot more mature than I expected, and getting to revisit it was a joy.
And since I already have all the materials ready… I'm releasing this version of Zeta to the public! This version has a little more work done on it since I played it on stream, including the addition of water tiles in some areas and fixed time limits in most levels. There are still a few unfinished levels, but otherwise… this is how I wanted Zeta to be, ten years ago. This is as complete as that original vision gets.
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I have to make the distinction that this is the "original vision" because there's SO MUCH I would change these days. Before I did the stream, I had to mull over just how extensively I wanted to change things up – but I decided that preserving the original vision was most important… and if I want to change things more extensively, that will be a separate release. I guess let's say that a Zeta DX isn't off the table~
For now, though, here's that original vision preserved as faithfully as possible. It doesn't run in the original Mari0 1.6 anymore due to the music and the final boss, so you'll have to use Mari0 AE. A decade later, please enjoy Zeta as it was meant to be played!
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beevean · 9 months
Comparing CV and NFCV designs
I was having thoughts about how game designs were translated to the show. While I'm not a character design expert, I ended up having a fair bit to say, because most of the changes are fascinating, for better or for worse :P
1) Sypha
She's the only character I would say that was improved over the game version.
While Sypha never starred in any game post-CV3, and wasn't redesigned by Ayami Kojima like Trevor and Alucard were (excluding a cameo in PtR), we know what she looks like by her ending sprite of CV3 and the Fake Sypha of SoTN:
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Yet another long-blonde-haired woman. Like pretty much every other woman in CV with few exceptions. She's carried by her mage outfit and her big hood that give her a mystique air, but I don't blame the showrunners for redesigning her.
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Giving her short, reddish hair was a great choice IMO. It's a very cute haircut that doesn't fall into the "Stronk Female Character" stereotype (think Zafir essentially lol). Too bad they didn't even attempt the whole "secretly a man" plot point because it would have worked pretty well. Her clothes are simple, and I wish she hid herself in the hood more, but they work for her character. Full thumbs up!
2) Dracula
I'll use the Dracula from SoTN and CoD as reference, since those are the designs that inspired the one from the show.
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His SoTN design is iconic, a true classy villain that inspires awe, and surprisingly faithful to the description in Bram Stoker's book. His CoD design isn't bad, very similar in features to the previous one, but with clothes more inspired to his "Classic" style, which makes sense. (the spiked wings are particularly cool)
... but I must confess that I prefer Dracula with black hair rather than white:
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I know that LoI didn't happen in NFCV, but it would make more sense for the original Dracula. He could have looked like an older Mathias by the time of CV3... then the grief of losing Lisa would turn his hair white, as we see in CoD and after. Also it's just aesthetically more pleasing lol.
I like the outfit as well. The top is inspired from the CoD outfit, where he looked like a sorcerer, and the bottom is inspired from the SoTN outfit, where he looked like a noble (he wears boots, hidden here). Not particularly elegant, but then again this Dracula is neither of those things, so it works well enough.
It's ranked below Sypha simply because, well, it's just Dracula with a dye job, not much effort went into here. Hell, Kojima herself considered the idea first:
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But it's a small change that works wonders and I like him a lot!
3) St. Germain
In CoD, St. Germain was meant to look very out of place:
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He wears anachronistic clothes, and even his body build is unusual for the style. You can tell before he opens his mouth that something's up with him.
In the show, having a different background, he had to be redesigned:
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He looks more time appropriate and stockier, but still recognizeable as the original character in physical traits. They even kept the hourglass!
I have little to add. The two characters serve different purposes, so they have to look different, and both work. I don't prefer one over the other, which is good enough. It was also a cute easter egg that N!St. Germain at one point wore the original outfit.
4) Trevor
Now we're getting into "obvious downgrades compared to the original" territory, but Trevor still looks fine for what he is:
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Handsome in a scruffy way, combat ready (especially after ditching the cape), and with noble heritage. Nothing near as iconic as his CoD design, which looks both elegant and as combat ready as a veteran vampire hunter should be...
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... but again, it's fine for the kind of character this Trevor is, and he's still aesthetically pleasing.
I do question, however, why Trevor starts out with his scar. In CoD, he got the scars on his eye and chest after the fight with Dracula, to mark him as a survivor of the Dark Lord at the peak of his strength. Giving it to Trevor simply because he got in trouble with humans is cheapening it.
5) Hector
Hector has the dubious honor of being one of the few characters who looks nearly identical to his game counterpart. As you can tell by the placing of the designs, I don't like this choice (Dracula notwithstanding because the black hair really is an improvement IMO), because they end up looking like discount versions of the beautiful Kojima designs.
Still, what more or less saves Hector is that his design had to be simplified, because man there is a lot going on here:
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Hector's design conveys two important factors: he's a knight, and he's proficient in combat. The outfit's not elegant, but it's protective - look at the armor on his chest, his boots, and the guard on his left arm. His clothes overall look sturdy and comfortable enough to run and fight. He also has a ton of details that would be a nightmare to animate, such as the holes in his sleeves and pants, the chains, the skewed belt...
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The simplification here was done with the right amount of care. The holes have become a motif, and the sleeves are no longer asymmetrical in color; same for the holes in the pants. The armor and boots still share the same motif, even without the detail that made them look protective (in fact, the armor is more visibly made of metal here, while in Kojima's style it's hard to tell if it's metal or leather). The belt has become a singular object, and most importantly they removed the black ribbon wrapped around the sash - it was most likely an accidental choice, but since that is Rosaly's ribbon, and ofc Hector wouldn't have it in this version, it was the right call.
There are, however, some problems with this. All these compromises make for a weird design in the context of the show: no other character has this extravagant design, even with all the simplifications. I'll explain later that he's especially jarring contrasted with Isaac. Also, it simply doesn't fit the character: this version of Hector is infamously completely ineffectual in battle, spends most of his screentime being used and tortured, and never once swings a weapon at an opponent (perhaps this is why he looks like he lost all muscle mass lol). Just look at the glove on his right hand: the reason the real Hector wears it is as protection when he uses his sword. Hector from the show doesn't even have a sword! That glove is completely useless for a blacksmith like he's supposed to be!
As a plus, this is what Hector is supposed to wear when employed under Dracula:
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They gave Isaac the correct uniform (and I will have words about it). Hector started to wear his CoD clothes after he decided to run all over Wallachia to chase Isaac. Again, the outfit is not for work, it's for combat.
But it's not just the clothing that changed. On a positive note, I like his darker skin: Hector here is canonically Greek, and I appreciate it. I would like to see this bronze skin tone with game Hector's silver hair. On a negative note, however, this Hector's hair is very bad: not only it's a dull grey and not shiny silver, but the haircut is simply unflattering - why did they cut off the tips like that? It falls very badly around his face, it looks like a cheap, static wig.
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(i'm not even going to deign words for how they drew child hector. that thing has suffered enough)
Overall, I don't know why they bothered to recreate the same design when it simply doesn't fit the character, and the character in general just looks like a downgrade, but I can accept the compromises in a vacuum. It helps that Hector's original design is just that good.
6) Lisa
Lisa also looks identical to her game counterpart, perhaps because there was no need to waste time for a minor character.
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She's female Alucard with a typical mom ponytail. Nothing much to say.
And I will only say one thing about Lisa in the show.
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Man is the style so damn unflattering for her.
She can look better depending on the artist...
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But I'm not giving points for literally copying Kojima's design and doing it poorly.
7) Alucard
Alucard's design by Kojima is one of the most iconic in videogame history.
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Look at him. Pure, effortless elegance. An absolute prince, graceful and deadly. The sheer amount of detail in his clothing are a fashion designer's dream. You cannot top this. Which is why I imagine the show didn't even attempt to.
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... but what the actual fuck am I looking at here.
Again. Simplification was in order, I get it, I understand. But... really? Really. You did this to Alucard. You gave him the shittiest V-neck shirt and pants I could buy at the thrift store? Where is the elegance? Where is the nobility? Just having a long coat isn't enough to recreate the same style!
I also resent the scar on his chest, given to him by Dracula (unlike Trevor). That is the true reason he wears the shitty V-neck shirt. His S4 design all but proves it:
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Now this is just nonsensical. What's the point of wearing a cape and a coat, but still going around with your whole chest out? I mean. We all know why. But it's ridiculous.
This is why Alucard ranks far lower than Hector and Lisa: his design has cheap fanservice as its priority, and I find that disrespectful towards the character and the audience. Plus, much like Lisa, the style is very unflattering to him.
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I don't know what to tell you, guys. I just find him ugly, even in the best shots.
8) Carmilla
Comparing the two Carmillas isn't even worth it, but then again I could say the same about Isaac, and I don't want to be unfair :P
This is the most famous design for Carmilla in the games:
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A giant, masked, naked woman riding a skull crying bloody tears. Nothing like any other foe in the series, and absolutely raw.
We also have "Camilla" from CotM:
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Aww, she's cute. She's so pink and frilly! She has fins in her hair! Hard to imagine her as a villain. But don't worry, she also turns into a giant naked demon lady riding a skull:
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So the showrunners had some good ideas to transport into the show.
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... And they went for the most generic "sexy female villain" design they could.
She's not ugly, but... she's just boring. This design fits her to a T because her whole character is boring. They didn't even give her a mask, or a skull motif. Nothing. It's just a forgettable sexy #girlboss. Disappointing. Even the dress is boring - does this thing even have shading?
I guess they recycled the idea of a cute vampire villain for Lenore, but she's outside the scope of this list, so.
9) Isaac
And finally we get to the worst downgrade in the whole show :)
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Where do I even begin with this guy. He's unlike any other character designed by Kojima, but not to the point of looking like he doesn't belong. What matters is that you can tell everything you need to know about him at first glance, and first and foremost: he's the peak of flamboyancy and insanity. You are not going to forget Isaac very soon lol.
But it's all the details that make the picture. He's red and black, marking him as a foil to Hector who is blue and silver. His outfit is obviously similar to Hector's, but fallen off of him and rotten (the "armor" on his chest resembles Hector's own, just stripped down). He has long forgotten anything resembling "sturdy and comfortable", but the bloodied spear tells us he's still a formidable fighter. The hair is anachronistic to say the least, but the way the bangs cover a side of his face contrasts Hector's billowing hair and draws attention to the tattoo on his face. He is covered head to toe with intricate tattoos, that must have been painful to get: a show of strength, loyalty, or masochism, you decide. Among these, he proudly displays a tattoo in the shape of the Devil Forgemaster crest on his back: this, along with the collar, tell us that he's slavishly devoted to his master.
This is Isaac's character, and the design does a fantastic job at telling us everything we need to know without even needing him to move or speak. I would say that his main characteristics are the color red (the hair, mostly) and the tattoos.
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Yeah, good job not keeping a damn thing that made him recognizeable.
This is a dude. This is a completely average dude who rolled into the set and stole a costume for the role. No, giving him red eyes and a few dots on his face is not enough to give him an unique, memorable design. He's bland... neutered. And they absolutely did it on purpose, because this design is the complete opposite of the controversial original above - this Isaac is serious and "deep", not a gay clown, duhhh.
They don't even deserve credit for the uniform:
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And may I say that Kojima, being an artist on a whole different level, was able to make the cossacks look elegant and dynamic, while N!Isaac above looks flat and boring.
Also, in PtR, Hector and Isaac match:
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Because they're wearing a uniform. They have the same job and the same role, so they are wearing the same clothes. It's common sense. (it also makes more satisfying when at the end they diverge, displaying more of their personalities)
In the show, they do not:
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Why is Hector, the ineffectual non-fighter, wearing combat clothes, while Isaac, the sharp and strong fighter, is wearing a full vest? Why is Hector wearing blue and Isaac is wearing black? Why do they have different crests on their armor???? IT'S A UNIFORM!
This is what happens when you browse the wiki without actually doing research on what the elements you're referencing mean.
Also, blue and black? Nowhere near as striking as blue and red. Isaac has something of a red motif in the show, only in his magic, but his personality doesn't match it. Even worse, Isaac wears blue in S4. Because he's not a foil to Hector, he is Hector but worse.
As for the tattoos, obviously I would never expect all those intricate tattoos in an animated show, but it would have been cool if he had at least the Devil Forgemaster one (even the extremely simplified version on this Hector's back), since even this Isaac starts out as being blindly loyal to Dracula. Instead, they thought that Isaac has a fetish for pain, and they gave show Isaac the habit of flagellating himself... which then got attributed to religion, and then was dropped lol. His actual tattoos are... weird? And overall they hardly matter, since they're concealed most of the time. Unlike game Isaac's tattoos, they don't convey anything about his character.
As you can guess, the reason Isaac is my least favorite design is that he's not just a downgrade: he's a downgrade that pretends, and is accepted, to be an upgrade. You can feel the contempt against the real Isaac, by showrunners who didn't bother to understand the character and hastly rewrote him to "fix" him. Isaac was deliberately neutered because the show thought itself too superior... although in retrospect it's funny, since they allowed a pink haired BDSM vampire in Nocturne...
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cookii-moon · 11 months
So fam, you seem to like to talk about ghost Cole. So tell me, how would you rewrite dotd? :)
I love talking about ghost Cole you are correct
The obvious first step is make it a season like it was supposed to be. DotD was just too short to set up much and the filler fight scenes didn’t help it. You could also have a longer special or a movie. Either or works.
The second is we should’ve gotten to see more of Cole BEING a ghost before we got to see him not being a ghost. I think the Chinese version did some parts of DotD better in that regard because we did at least get to see an exclusive intro where the ninja are training together. Cole gets knocked into a rack and suddenly they leave without him. We also get to know it’s happened before because if iirc he says smthn along the lines of “not again..” which did a better job of setting things up than the English version.
Have him use his ghosty powers for stuff to showcase the positives before having the ninja forget about him more and more as the episodes go on until the viewer is firmly aware something is VERY wrong and this isn’t just a cute holiday season. It starts with minor things you wouldn’t notice and gets more and more intense as the show goes on until Cole is forced to recognize he’s being forgotten.
It then becomes a race against time for Cole to find a way out of it before it’s too late, perhaps along with some of Yang’s trickery along the way? He also slowly grows to have a spite for Yang. Maybe you could also explore some of the duality between the side of him that’s used to being a ghost and the side of him that wants to be human again. Maybe the lines of life and death have blurred for him now that he’s fading, and Morro is trying to guide him (he probably has no clue it’s Morro until the end lol) to make up for his mistakes. Mostly because I think Spirit/Sandstorm duo would be fun to explore plus Morro shouldn’t be gone from DotD completely.
Obviously eventually he’d break and go to Yangs temple again. Morbid curiosity? He finally found a way? He’s just salty? Who knows!
I don’t think releasing the villains would serve any real purpose tbh. The ninja have already forgotten him and having former enemies pop up would only cause suspicion, plus it leads to the filler fight scenes, their only real purpose in the story anyways was fan service.
Anyways I want the fight scenes with yangs students to be more exciting. I want full on ghost brawls where they’re flying all over the place and fighting mid air and zipping through obstacles and walls and possessing weapons n stuff like cmon. We were robbed!!
As much as I love Ghost Cole I don’t think he’d stay a ghost. They had a point it DOES make him too overpowered in the long run and kinda means you have to write around it all the time when introducing stakes. It’s kind of already showcased a lot in the fandom where people will write fics in which he’s in a situation that shouldn’t really affect him as a ghost at all, but he’s still affected since you can’t put water everywhere and it’s hard to account for everything.
I do think he deserves the right to be permanently AFFECTED by his time as a ghost and it should be addressed more often. I want Cole to have a full blown panic attack when he and Jay go in the swamp to rescue the workers in S7. I want his lava arms and their connection to his time as a ghost and how he feels about them to be explored. I want various side effects to rear their head like him collapsing from exhaustion in the middle of a mission because he’s not used to sleeping or him struggling in a fight because he has to completely relearn his old fighting style. I want Vangelis to use his past to toy with him via necromancy and he’s absolutely terrified of going back to that life again or being stuck under his control because of the stupid leftover ghost traits.
Obviously this is just a concept, though who knows, maybe there’ll be a Spectral Flight sequel some day when I finish writing it. It probably wouldn’t be canon, but it’s a fun idea 👀
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me and the devil / hotch x reader / chapter one
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Summary: It seems like another night at work, but will the dark-haired man Y/N keeps eyeing finally say hello to her?
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x AFAB Reader
Word Count: 2367
Warnings: strip club, cursing, hotch being kind of creepy, pole dancing
Key: y/n = your name
me and the devil series masterlist
This work is meant for readers aged 18 and over. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
The drive to the club is short, as it’s only fifteen minutes from my apartment, but I drag it out as long as I can, driving under the speed limit with all my windows down, blasting music trying to drown out all my thoughts. I get to the club only a few minutes later than normal, park, roll up my windows, and rest my forehead on the steering wheel. Dancing is the last thing I want to do after the day I had, but I have to make money. I hear a tap on my driver’s side window, and groan, sitting back up. It’s just Tia, grinning at me. I smile back. Tia’s one of my closest friends at the club, seeing as she took me under her wing the first time I showed up to start dancing. I motion at her to move out of the way, grab my bag, and get out of my shit-box excuse of a car.
         “You okay today, Y/N? Bad day at school?” Tia asks, slinging her arm around me as we make our way to the side door of the Cat Scratch Club.
         “Something like that. Do you know how many of my patients vomited and or shit themselves today?" Tia fakes a gag.
         "Do I really want to know?”
         “No. I’ll spare you the details. But hey, just one more semester, and I graduate with my BSN. Then it’s off to take the NCLEX and find a job in a busy city’s emergency room.”
         “That’s my Y/N, thriving in the chaos!” Tia exclaims, and I chuckle. The bouncer, Alex, waves us in and we make our way back to the locker room. Tia takes a shower as I get ready. It’s a Friday night, and even though we’re just a shitty town in Virginia, the local FBI agents tend to come out in droves tonight. They’re most likely tired of the stressful jobs they keep and look to us girls for a little bit of excitement in their routine lives. I go through my skincare routine and start on my makeup. Even though it’s usually fairly dark in the club, it’s important to wear makeup, just as an enhancement of our natural beauty. I’m finishing up my eyeshadow, today opting for a smoky look with a dramatic cat eye when Tia returns from the shower.
         “Damn look at you!” She says, sitting down next to me to start her own makeup routine. She likes to wear a lot of fake rhinestones on her face, and they look so pretty on her. She’s been begging me to let her put some on my face.
         “Think it would look better with some rhinestones?” I ask with a sly smile, and she squeals.
         "Yes, bitch of course it would! Let me do my makeup first, and then I’ll put some on you!” She rushes through her makeup, as both of us are very practiced at this routine. I put on some false eyelashes while I wait and then Tia asks me to face her so she can put gems on me. She settles on a half-moon of star rhinestones along the outline of my eyeshadow. I look at myself in the mirror and my jaw drops a little bit. I look sexy – very much unlike the day version of myself.
         “What are you wearing tonight?” Tia says, slipping into a see-through purple dress and a matching G-string.
         “I actually got something new!” I dig around in my bag and pull out my newest set – it’s a black corset top that I almost spill out of and a high-waisted black satin thong to go with it.
         “You’re gonna make so much money tonight,” Tia says as I slip out of my sweats and cropped tank and into my outfit.
         “Hey bitches! We’ve got a full house tonight!” Gina, the house mom, shouts as she makes her way into the noisy locker room. “Lots of FBI agent’s girls, you know the drill.”
         “Get them drunk and bleed them dry!” We shout back and she chuckles.
         “Think your guy is gonna be here?” Tia asks as I slip into my heels.
         “I don’t know. He doesn’t show up every week,” I say, buckling the left shoe before moving onto the right one. “And he hasn’t even approached me yet so I wouldn’t call him ‘my guy’.”
         “Whatever you say, sugar. I see the way you literally undress him with your eyes every time he’s here.” She says, winking at me.
         “TIA! SHUT UP!” I say, smacking her shoulder before getting up and putting my stuff in my locker, locking it with a red lock when I’m done. We make our way out into the main area of the club after that, and split up, each having our regulars to deal with.
         I just finished giving Edward a lap dance when I see him. “My man,” as Tia likes to call him. He’s leaning against the bar, sipping what looks to be whiskey and our eyes lock. He’s been coming for about four months now but has never gotten close enough for me to say hello. I don’t know if I’d even be able to say hello if I got the chance. To say he’s intimidating is an understatement. The man oozes power just in the way he holds himself. He’s over six-foot, with dark hair and dark eyes to match. Something about him makes the alarms in my head go off, he seems dangerous, someone I shouldn’t mess with, but I feel drawn to him all the same. I’m about to get up the nerve to go and talk to him when a man with a goatee approaches him. Wait, I know him. Derek Morgan. That’s his name. He’s a regular here, and he’s nice and always pays well. He’s definitely a player though. The dark-haired man’s eyes never leave me despite talking to Derek, and Derek takes notice of this, following the man’s line of sight and grinning when he sees me. I’m saved from any interaction when my stage name is called to get ready for my set on the pole. I wait for Tiffany to bag up the money from her set and fling my hair over my shoulder. I look out over the crowd and see several people turning their attention from each other to the stage. I get butterflies in my stomach, just like I did when I auditioned, but I shake them off. I’ve done this too many times to get nervous. I make a show of fixing my shoe (that didn’t need fixing) bending over slowly and fidgeting with it, giving the club a generous view of my backside. Someone hoots and I bite back a grin, trying to maintain my image of a sensual seductress. I slide back up, running my hands over my hips and my chest, then to my hair, under the guise that fixing my hair again was my only intention. A brief glance at the crowd shows that even more people are watching now, and Tiffany’s done, so that’s my cue.
         I stalk onto the stage; people cheer, and I walk right up to the pole waiting for my music to start. “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails, starts playing and I sway my hips to the beat. When the words start, I grab the pole, swinging around with ease, wrapping one of my legs around it. I hear Tia cheer from somewhere in the club and I smile at that. When the chorus starts, I place both my arms on the pole, supporting my upper body as I contort my body to show off my assets. I dismount with ease, the crowd cheering and throwing money as I reset my position on the pole, now walking my way up it. My core burns, but I know I look hot as fuck when I do this if the money being thrown on stage is any indication. When the second chorus starts, I dismount getting on all fours and crawling towards the end of the stage. Several men come up to the end of the stage, all holding money, and I slowly make my way up, arching my back and putting on a show. Thankfully, these men are all respectful, tucking money into the sides of my thong and under the straps of my corset. I blow them a kiss and go into a floor routine. Those years as a competitive dancer really paid off, it seems. It’s getting closer to the end of the song, and I can feel his eyes on me. I easily spot him in the crowd, standing with his friend Derek and watching me with dark eyes. I put my all into the rest of my routine, coy yet lustful. On the last note, I blow him a kiss and the corners of his stern mouth actually quirk up in a smile. I blush at that, and Gina hands me my money bag to collect everything I earned. It’s a lot and takes a couple of minutes. I take my bag back to the locker room and lock it up quickly.
         “BITCH I SAW YOU WINK AT HIM!” I hear Tia shout from behind me, and I chuckle. “Feeling bold tonight, are we? Now all you have to do is actually talk to him.” I groan at that. “Hey, it looks like he’s friends with our very own Derek Morgan, maybe that’s your ticket in?”
         “Could be. If I’m going to talk to him, I need a drink though.”
         “Well, you’re in luck.” Tia rustles around in her back and pulls out two shooters.
         “Bitch, Gina will beat our ass if we have a drink that’s not from the bar!” I whisper, grabbing the shooter from her.
         “Then drink quickly! Drinks here are expensive as fuck!” We crack the caps off and down the shooters quickly. She takes the little bottle from me, shoving them back into her bag. I don’t drink that often, so I always feel it quickly. My body is warm, from the alcohol and the general heat level in the locker room, and I sling my arms around Tia.
         “Love you, girl,” I say, kissing her cheek.
         “Save it for your man! You’re sappy as hell when you drink.” She chuckles, removing my arms from her. “Come on, let’s go make some more money!” I laugh and we head back out into the club.
         I try to approach the man, but every time I try, a customer comes up requesting a dance, or a private room, and I have to oblige them. I mean, it’s literally my job. It’s nearing 2 AM when I finally decide to call it a night. I’m exhausted and I’ve been here since 9 PM. I tip the DJ, and bartender, and then pay the house before slipping back into my sweats and cropped tank, not even bothering to take my work clothes off. I put everything I need into my small red backpack and bid goodnight to Gina and Tia. I wish Alex a good night, and he tells me to be safe. I’m almost to my car when I feel it. Someone’s following me. I’ve got another ten feet, and though the steps behind me sound leisurely, I know better than to assume that. All the hair on my body stands up straight. I have a choice to make – sprint to my car and pray that I make it or take on whoever is behind me and make enough noise to alert someone. I quicken my pace, and the steps behind me quicken as well. I make my decision. I stop abruptly and whirl around, not looking at who is following me before grabbing their shoulder, moving my hips against them, and flipping them over my shoulder and onto the ground. Then I see who it is – the dark-haired man. He looks a little dazed and I feel like shit.
         “Well, hello to you too.” He says, looking up at me.
         “Don’t you know not to sneak up on a woman??? You could’ve said something to me rather than following me like a creep!” I exclaim and extend my hand to him helping pull him up from the pavement.
         “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that.” He looks embarrassed as if the thought truly didn’t occur to him. Men, they’re unbelievable.
         “Of course, you didn’t,” I mutter. I watch as he rubs the back of his head. “Sorry if I gave you a concussion. Just a precaution.” I say, shrugging.
         “I’m glad to see you’re capable of taking care of yourself.” Cryptic. “Where did you learn how to do that?”
         “Can’t a woman have her secrets?” I say, smiling at him, and he grants me a smile in return. My stomach does a somersault at that. “I’m Y/N, by the way.” I stick my hand out and he shakes it.
         “Aaron. Aaron Hotchner, but my friends mostly call me Hotch.”
         “Your friends, such as Derek Morgan?”
         “I assume you’re familiar.” I grin.
         “He’s quite a regular here. But you? Not so much.”
         “It’s not really my scene.”
         “Then why come in the first place?” I ask, and he says nothing, just looks me over and I blush.
         “I have my reasons.”
         “Oh.” I push my hair behind my ears awkwardly. “Sorry, but I have to go, I have homework that’s due on Monday.”
         “You’re a student?” He asks.
         “Nursing student. It’s my last semester. That’s why I dance here – so far, I haven’t had to take out any loans and I intend to keep it that way.”
         “Makes sense. Well, have a good night. I hope I’ll see you again. And maybe not get flipped onto my back.”
         I wince at that, but he chuckles. “I hope I’ll see you again too. Maybe you can actually come and talk to me instead of just staring.” I wink at him, and his cheeks grow pink.
         “Goodnight, Y/N.”
         “Goodnight…Hotch.” I say, getting into my car. I lock the door, throw my bag in the passenger side seat, and let out a deep breath. Aaron Hotchner. What a pleasure to meet you.
chapter two
want to be tagged in future parts? click here!
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cryptiids-au · 5 months
Any other salt and pepper things? :P
salt and pepper's names in this au are harp and lyre :] their full names are S.S. Harp and S.S. Lyre (like boats. i thought it was silly)
they are both sirens!! i tried making their designs similar but also kind of different.
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this is a small doodle i made of them :]
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these are their tail shapes, without the wings!!!! (pepper/lyre is on the left, salt/harp is on the right!) harp's tail/webbing is sharper and stricter, sticking closer to the tail and ending in a lot of points while lyre's tail is rounder and more show-offy, going farther from the tail base with more dips!!
OH OH AND!! THEIR SHAKER TOPS!! i turned the holes into slits for their gills!!! i thought that was very clever of me
i named them that because those are the instruments they play!! originally s.s. harp was a placeholder (stood for siren salt harp) but it stuck with both harp and lyre so i thought it would be better to not have any meaning behind it :]
(harp is still obsessed with oj [named op here] which is what the whiteboard doodle is about)
OH OH OMG. this is gonna be long buuuuuttt they also have non-tail forms! it's very painstaking and slow, but both harp and lyre are able to morph their tails into scaley, webbed legs!
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this is generally what they look like when morphed they have webbed hands, and there's still a filmy web-like substance connecting most of their legs, so they aren't able to walk very well when they first discovered they could do this, it didnt go so well... (they had NO idea how to walk, kept stumbling and clutching onto each other for support)
also they do have wings!!! i based their designs off the dnd version of a siren, so they have huge wings connected to their tails that can help propel them through the water and they're able to fling themselves on land for short distances. when they use their wings on land, it's usually for grabbing prey quick enough so they don't have time to react! a system they use is when one catches food using that method, the other grabs them (usually by the tail) and drags them back towards the water. it's quicker than having them flop all the way back to their lake,,
they do like preying on the people who come near the water ofc :3 they have this kind of alluring vibe which makes them appear prettier and more approachable than their regular counterparts, and their voices are powerful and can carry far!!
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
What do you, OTNF, think of modifier tags? Not the full on Tumblr style chatty tags that would go better in the summary or notes, but little things like "kinda" or "in both ways" as a separate tag to clarify how the fic fits another tag.
Would you say those tags all right, since they give the reader a good idea what what to expect from the fic, or do they not belong there because filtering the "kinda" tag in or out has no purpose?
I don't mind chatty tags, actually.
I take the headers as a whole. What I want to see is a text block that is short enough and coherent enough that I can grasp it quickly. Number of tags is less important than the whole thing being fairly concise and listing the main important highlights.
Something that would be appealing to me would be like: [main ship], [trope 1], [trope 2], kinda, [funny chatty tag of no more than a couple clauses]
If the individual tags aren't too long, I'd be fine with a half dozen more trope/setting/etc. tags. More than that, and my eyes start to glaze over in most cases. And yes, this absolutely does mean that if your ship has really egregiously long names full of pipes and horrible AO3 canonical formatting, I don't want to see as many trope tags as if they're "Jeff/Bob". (This is also a good reason to sometimes not use the AO3 canonical if there's a current synonym that has nicer formatting and that will still make your fic show up in the right filters.)
I want you to balance visual impact with filtering. Both are important. The more real estate you need for the major tags, the less is left for the modifiers.
I class "kinda" with "the author regrets everything" or "no beta we die like wei wuxian" type tags: they give flavor, but I don't want to see more than one or two per header. (And putting them in the tags gives a slightly different flavor than putting them in the notes or summary.)
They do serve a purpose. That purpose is vibe.
What they aren't is all that informative in terms of plot: "Dubcon, kinda" is probably giving me the same info as "dubcon" plus other tagged tropes and a summary would.
"top/bottom, both ways" is probably better filtered for with "switching" or "top!X, top!Y" or some other set of tags.
"Character death, kinda" is far less useful than just using one of the canonical Not Really Character Death tags, which I often filter for intentionally. (They are Presumed Dead, Temporary Character Death, and Fake Character Death, if you're curious.)
There are also a lot of modified single tags that already exist for things like "mentions of X" or "light Y".
So I'm not against modifiers overall, but I think that the majority of them aren't really helping you. Include them if they're funny and your tags are short. If you genuinely need to clarify which version of a trope is in the fic and it's not something that can be conveyed in a few-word tag, put it in the notes or summary.
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bunny-lou · 2 years
The Black Phone details, part 3 - Character details
Warnings for a discussion of a film/short story called The Black Phone, which deals with a young boy being abducted and abused by a much older man. This response discusses the abuse toward the young boy.
Part 2 of my thoughts.
Finney Blake
There is so much shit going on that helps Finney survive that the other boys don’t have and you pick up on more of it the second time you see the film
The biggest difference between Finney and the other boys is that Max is around. Not only is the Grabber prevented from killing Finney right away, he is distracted from Finney. He noticed when Vance destroyed the wall to get to the freezer, but he doesn’t notice when Finney breaks the metal grate off the window or when he moves the carpets or when damages the wall. Max not only gives Finney more time, he keeps the Grabber occupied so that Finney gets away with more stuff.
Max being there also causes the Grabber to stress and lose sleep, which is why he falls asleep in the kitchen and allows Finney the first chance at escaping.
Finney has Gwen and her dreams on his side. She searches for him and works with the police. In the end, Gwen actually does very little to help find Finney. Finney saves himself without her help, but I believe that their bond and Finney’s love for his sister (and his fear of her growing up alone with their dad) motivates him to keep going
Lastly, it’s Finney himself. Bruce tells him that none of the other boys could hear the phone ring. Finney can hear it though. Just like his mom was special with what she saw and heard and just like Gwen is special with her dreams, Finney seems to have some supernatural ability to in speaking with the dead. He just needed the phone to channel it.
It’s also implied in the short story that Finney has a special connection with Gwen, who’s abilities are less impressive (but still exist) in that version
This boy loves space and it is so precious. From the rockets he sets off to the doodles of NASA to his space themed pajamas. Nice little background clues that tell us more about him.
Not only does Finney not stand up for himself to the bullies, he doesn’t stand up to his father either. When we compare him with Gwen, he’s much more...meek? We see Gwen rush to his aide when the bullies gang up on him, but Finney doesn’t have the courage to step in when their father is beating Gwen.
It is not Finney’s responsibility to stand up to a grown adult, especially his own father, and put himself in harm’s way. We see how far Finney goes at the end
He’s also much more fearful of the Grabber than Gwen is. Finney won’t even say his name in the beginning of the film.
Gwen Blake
Full name is Gwendolyn, as we learn in the principal’s office
Much more swearing than her brother. She is the feistier of the Blake siblings
She calls her father ‘daddy’ throughout the film, which is usually a term of endearment, but Gwen has a lot of resentment for her father in the film. Their relationship gets better as he takes her out to look for the house in her dream. I think maybe it’s a manipulation tactic on her end, where she wants her father to still think of her as a little girl who adores him, as if that makes his violence less tragic
Several scenes of her reaching out to Jesus, though she is the only one in her family to do so. I didn’t catch anything in the one scene at Susie’s house, but my idea is maybe Gwen picks up on it from Susie and her mom. Gwen’s father and brother don’t show any religious inclination
Much more social than her brother. Gwen has friends at the beginning in the bleachers of the game, she at least talks to Amy Yamada in homeroom and likes her well enough to confide in her about her dreams, she is close with Susie.
The Grabber
I only noticed it in one scene, but there are bolts on the temple of the mask. I think that's maybe how he connects the bottom and top halves.
He supposedly is a magician, but we never see him work. He does have a giant van advertising his business though
It’s also a good coverup if he ever got asked by the police about weird stuff he has. Black balloons? They’re for kid parties. A little boy’s shirt? It must have came from a kid at his last birthday party. They see his van around parks and schools a lot? He’s trying to advertise to parents.
He has to be making good money to have two houses though. He must be a great magician, or that’s not what he really does.
Towards the end, Max tells Finney ‘don’t worry, he [the Grabber] got called into work’. What party magician gets called into work on a short notice?
I think the van/magician angle is just a coverup.
He drops several eggs the first time he meets Finney, perhaps foreshadowing that scrambled eggs would be the only thing he gets Finney to eat?
Several small moments of him being gentle. He is careful with Finney when he first wakes in the basement, stroking his hair and promising not to hurt him, also being upset with himself having to kill Max
He’s not a good person deep down and he truly doesn’t care for anyone, but I think the Grabber wants to care for someone.
I thought his scariest mask was the one with no mouth. I wish we got to see that more in the film.
He usually wears his smiling mask around Finney. We see the scowling mask when he waits at the top of the steps for Finney to misbehave and the one time he knows Finney will lie to him. Otherwise, he wears the smiling mask because he’s happiest when he has someone in his basement
Robin Arellano
Robin mentions in his phone call with Finn that his father served in Vietnam and didn't come home
Robin learnt from his dad the importance of never leaving a friend behind and it's implied his dad died saving someone, which inspires Robin to not leave Finn behind
His line of ‘I want to have at least died for a friend’ is so precious and heroic. You can see how his dad having served has affected him
We hear in the beginning, in the bathroom scene, that Robin's uncle takes him to the drive in regularly. His uncle is possibly standing in for the father figure in Robin's life. But, we also never hear about Robin's mother, so there is a possibility Robin just lives with his uncle. He seems to have a safer home life than Gwen and Finney
Robin is first seen wearing a shirt with Cheech and Chong on it, famous cannabis lovers who were big in the 70's. Tommy Chong frequently wore a bandana, just like Robin often wears in the film.
After Vance Hopper goes missing, Robin becomes the toughest kid in school.
His address is 9901 Harper Ct. according to his missing poster
When Finney first tries to get access to the window and fails, he says if someone could have reached the window, they would have done so already, then he says "Robin would have done it". We hear later, during their phone call, Finney says he can't overpower the Grabber because Robin ‘couldn't even take him’. It seems Finney bases a lot of what he can and can't do off of what Robin did.
The line of ‘this is the last call, Finn’ is heart wrenching. He knows this will be his last chance to ever talk to his friend.
‘I miss you, Robin.’ ‘Then get out for me.’
Robin deserved better
Bruce Yamada
Bruce is seen as pretty popular as two girls giggle and say hi to him in unison in the beginning
During his first call, Finney asks if the phone rang for Bruce when he was in the basement. Bruce says the phone rang, 'but none of us heard it'. This is odd as it can mean the phone rang but none of them were 'special' enough to hear it and respond or maybe that even if they heard the phone rang, none of them could hear someone on the other side
Bruce has a younger sister, Amy Yamada, who has homeroom with Gwen. This is the girl Gwen tells her dream to, which gets back to the police.
We knew Gwen and Finn go to the same school and Amy has class with Gwen, but it doesn't seem like Bruce goes to their school. He only knows Finn from the baseball game and Bruce is on another team. It's possible Bruce is a little older and is in a separate building for high school, but that's odd that his older team would play against Finn's team. If sports aren't done through their school, it's possible Bruce and Finn go to the same school but have joined different teams. It's still odd that Bruce only seems to know Finn through the games.
I'm pretty sure his address 17 Wrangler Dr.
Billy Scholt
Finney only says it once, but I think Billy's last name is Scholt, maybe Scholtz.
They do make it clear that Billy and Bruce do not know each other, even in the afterlife. Or at least, Billy has no idea who Bruce is.
Billy calls Finney 'kid', but we don't know who is older.
Billy had ripped up a cable along the wall and spins the pop bottle so it points toward the window, but he never tells Finney to try and unlock the window. He actually does not say anything about the window at all. I think he knew Finney wouldn't be able to unlock the window and he just knew that Finney could use the metal grate in front of it against the Grabber.
I think Billy is the only boy Finney speaks to more than once.
Griffin Stagg
His last name is revealed on a poster in the trailer, but in the movie, it sounds like Finney says his last name is 'Stein'.
The phone rings for Finney to answer, but no one responds. We see shortly after that Griffin's throat is slit and he likely can't talk, but he is able to respond as long as Finney picks up the phone first, as long as Finney initiates the conversation.
Griffin is the only boy Finney physically sees. While we the audience see Robin, Vance and Billy as ghosts (but I don't remember seeing Bruce in the basement at all), Finney does not.
We also get a different position with Griffin, who is floating on his back with his arms and legs limp. I think it's meant to imply that he died on his back, probably with his head off the mattress. Or maybe he was collapsed in the chair upstairs with the Grabber, his back on the seat with his arms and legs and head not supported, as his throat was slit. I'm not sure, but that position has to mean something.
Griffin tells Finney the lock to his bike is on the door, but Griffin can't remember the code. Finney's exasperated "Griffin!" kind of made me laugh.
The same poster says he has blue eyes and says he's 5'10"? I think that must be a typo, that boy is not close to 6 feet
He is the only boy Finney specifically says he does not know. Finney knew Robin and Bruce, he knew of Vance, but he likely doesn't know Billy. Griffin is the only boy we get confirmation that Finney didn't know him when alive.
Finney reads the combination code to him to see if it's right and Griffin says 'if you say so'. Like, he does not remember at all. There's no 'yeah, that sounds right' or 'I think so'. He has no idea.
Vance Hopper
Gwen refers to Vance as 'Pinball Vance Hopper' in the very beginning
She also says Vance was the toughest kid in school until he was taken by the Grabber
Vance was taken 'last spring' and I think the movies takes place in early fall judging be the background, the kids being in school and it's still baseball season. If Vance was taken last spring, he was taken over a year ago, possibly the first kid to be taken. However, Vance still remembers his name, unlike Billy and Bruce
Vance says he tried to stack the carpets to get out too. He didn’t just use violence against the Grabber, he was smart. He’s more than just an angry boy.
Dude deserves sooooo much more screen time. Honestly, that may be my biggest complaint of the film.
Watching the film a second time, it's more obvious that Max is the reason Finn is surviving.
The Grabber says 'someone is coming' when he first has Finney, which means that Max isn't there yet, but he did call ahead of time to tell his brother he's on his way. The Grabber has to be upstairs waiting for him and can't use his time on Finney.
When Max is first introduced and talking excitedly to the police, he mispronounces Robin's last name
The Grabber isn't sleeping because he's stressed about Max being there. This is why he falls asleep in the chair in the kitchen and allows Finney the chance to escape at night
Max is wearing a very nerdy math shirt for his final scene. Which is nothing major, but it's an interesting choice as we see him right after Finney hangs up with Robin and the two of them would study math together.
After the Grabber kills him, he tells Max's body that he'll be buried with the others, and Max 'can finally find those naughty boys'.
I liked Donna more the second time around. We see in the first scene that Finney likes her as he keeps staring at her.
He's also very awkward when Donna asks if he needs a partner: "no I mean yeah I do need a partner"
Donna says she has a brother and she wishes she had a sibling relationship like Finney and Gwen have
She is noticeably upset during the school announcement that Finney is missing. Right after we see Gwen's face, we get a close up of Donna
Misc. Characters
Moose is the name of the bully Robin beats up in the beginning, He uses racial slurs against Robin and Gwen says he is the same boy who made Finney's nose bleed last year
The math teacher (who goes too fast for Robin) is Mr. Johnson
Samson is the name of the dog
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