#( mun ramblings. )
curseleads · 2 years
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i have no tags and my psd lackin but - 
Yuji does have a few ‘red flags’, but it’s mostly just tiny little red flags he places on himself. His fated death when he consumes all of Sukuna’s fingers, that countless people will die from just being around him, the curses flocking to him and putting friends and loved ones in danger - you know. 
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shkika · 8 months
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Moonie! A small and friendly critter.
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nugsters · 1 month
Rewatching Mob Psycho 100, and I feel like Reigen would accidentally blurt out, "Oh thank god you're not ugly" when meeting someone for the first time on a blind date.
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misteria247 · 2 years
I love how in the Tmnt franchise it's always an indisputable fact that Splinter will always take care of the boys. Like he'll literally have his life turned completely upside down by being mutated into a rat and then he'll see these four infant mutated turtles and literally go-
"Babies?? Babies for me?? Babies for me to adopt and cherish and teach??? Yes???? Guess I'm a dad now."
And he just rolls with it, no questions asked he just becomes their dad and honestly it's quite sweet and wonderful when you think about it.
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
Ganondorf Designs Ranked
(Part 2 here)
Ocarina of Time (Young)
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I like the outfit a lot. It compliments his buff body, the armor acts as protection, and some parts of it allow Ganondorf to be more mobile, which if fitting since he’s a theif. Also the Gerudo markings on it complement the outfit very well. However the head seems… off, mostly the hairline. Ah well we only see him with this design three times in the game anyway. 9/10 
Ocarina of Time (Timeskip)
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AH NOW THAT’S BETTER BY A LONG SHOT! The cape and newer headpiece makes the rest of his outfit seem more regal, while the yellow eyes make him look more demonic! Not to mention his head got fixed! His ears even got pointier in the actual game to further emphasize on how Ganon changed into a demon king! Also, can we please point out the long slicked back red mullet he has? 10/10
Wind Waker
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His armor got traded in for some regal robes, he’s still built like a tank, his eyebrows are smaller, and overall he seems less of an open menace compared to before. It’s more subtle now, which is fitting, since Ganon is a defeated king trying to revive his dead empire and restore Hyrule, just to take it over. I also really like the face shape he has. 10/10
Twilight Princess
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Regal, powerful, and commanding. Fitting for who Ganondorf it, but WHY is his hair curlled up? WHY can’t his locks flow in the wind? Still, Smash resued this design for a reason. 10/10
Hyrule Warriors
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I miss the cape, the Gerudo markings and the black armor on the Twilight Princess design, but DAAMN this is a glow up. The longer hair, and the golden gauntlets make this design for Ganondorf more regal than the Twilight Princess design, and helps it embody a lot more of Ganondorf’s traits. 10/10
Super Smash Bros. Melee
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I’m sorry, but the face somehow looks uglier than the OG Young Ganondorf. I like the realistic textures, but a lot about this design feels off. 7/10
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
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This is the Young Ganondorf design with the face shape, headpiece, and cape of the timeskip design. AND IT WORKS. Also the addition of more black and grey on the outfit makes this design as good as the original GOOD OOT Ganondorf design. 10/10
Tears of The Kingdom
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A true tribute to a lot of Ganon’s past designs, and he looks more in touch with his Gerudo heritage than before. Also, I like the Wind Waker inspired face shape, the long red hair, and the samurai look. 10/10
Mummydorf (TOLK)
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He has the same outfit as his hydrated self, except it’s all torn up. His hair is longer too, and he looks gaunt as hell. Still this was a creepy as hell appearance. 10/10
Demon King Ganondorf
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This design embodies what Demise was, but at its core it’s still pretty much Ganondorf. The horns, water-like hair, yellow and black eyes, and gloom/malice robe that’s merged onto his skin all look demonic, but every other feature he had cement that it’s still Ganondorf. 10/10
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thotsforvillainrights · 2 months
Look, say whatever the hell you want about AFO but don't you ever say he's not a good villain. That motherfucker is down right DEVIOUS! He's sinister! He's the most evil piece of shit, bro listen...
I cannot stand him. As a villain fucker, I wouldn't and couldn't have him in my roster for favorites. That being said, in my book he's truly what a villain should be: PURE FUCKING EVIL. Dawg just out her fucking stuff up for the hell of it at this point.
No spoilers, I just wanna say from what I've been seeing here lately with the manga he's absolutely the number one best villain (in terms of: he knows how to make you hate him).
If I had a gun with only 2 bullets and I was in a room with AFO and Danzo from Naruto (*another villain I absolutely fucking hate), I'd shoot AFO twice...
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And, unfortunately, that's on gang😖
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ryathenaughtykitsune · 2 months
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@abalisk child, I love you but *dies by sheep*
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fat-slobby-hunks · 4 months
Getting hypnotized into seeing all food as sexual... unable to eat a sizeable sandwich or sausage without getting hot and bothered. Just the sight of a thick loaf of bread is enough to get you going and the act of sucking grease and sauces off your digits makes your head spin...
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inked-dnd-doodles · 2 months
You know what babes I've been having a ton of artblock the past couple weeks. Most of my drawings have been going straight to wip hell.
I'd be down to do a couple (maybe 3-4?) of sketches for peeps if anyone is interested. Reblog with a character or concept and I'll pick a couple <3 I'll just post them back onto here and tag you.
Love ya'll!
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ask-thesparedau · 10 months
Hi I just wanted to say im obsessed with your iteration of the Macaque I've been thinking about him for so long. I love his passion for theatrics and acting and how it plays into his reflection/shadow thematics, with him playing the role of the "false mind" for Wukong. I love how he's so kind and patient but also such a little bastard. I love how he at first tried to steal enlightenment by imitating Wukong but now that he's spared, Tripitaka is offering him a real/true path to enlightenment by actually joining the group and helping deliver the scrolls as HIMSELF because cultivation of his own identity is so important to him and hhhhhhhbhmdhgbf this au is destroying me thank you for posting it ur amazing and so talented
In all seriousness, it’s an honor. Spared!Macaque is my homage to the book, a reason to study it and the culture just enough to at least give some sense to my au.
He is so vastly different from the other demons we encounter in their journey because of his role as Sun Wukong’s darker counterpart. His goal was never to eat Tripitaka, it was to replace the king.
Allegorically it makes sense, as he is the embodiment of Sun Wukong’s violent nature, keeping him stuck in his ways.
Story wise, I had to ask ‘why’?
His motive is never explained, so I pieced together my own interpretation.
With the main mental question being: Who is he without Sun Wukong?
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petals-and-ink · 4 months
Oh Vanilla Orchid, your eyes betray your very smile
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What are you if not a serene being?
Are you truthly who you appear to be?
Or are you just a being sinking into it's own regret and shame, unknowingly dooming itself to a constant pain lurking just around the corner?
Do I you shield my your soul away, wishing for it all to leave my your mind someday?
Or is it a self inflicted punishment against what I you abandoned?
Is this truthly how I you wish to live?
Should I you speak up and tell the truth I you claim to be oh so important?
How could I risk loosing and hurting the ones I care for the most again?
After my failure, what would it do? How would it even turn out?
I can't live another tragedy, I can't fail everyone all over again, what would the two even feel if they were here?
Gods, they would be so devastated..
I must keep this to myself, it would be only fair wouldn't it? No one will get hurt if I keep quiet for now, after all.
I'm guilty of not reaching them in time, and this is my price to pay.
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nugsters · 1 month
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Legit I started barking with Laios when this scene played meanwhile everyone is making "He got that dog in him" posts and memes.... So what does that mean for me?
Am I... Doge?
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misteria247 · 1 year
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really called smn a ho
This gives me the vibes from that one vine that goes-
"I said whoever threw that paper, you're mom's a hoe."
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urfavoritewizard · 6 months
It’s been 10 years since TAZ: Balance came out and I’m still having such big feelings about Lucretia (I relistened to the entire season and it crushed me as always)
Anyways I need you all to imagine what Lucretia went through after the Stolen Century bc a lot of y’all still demonize her for what she did not realizing how young and scared she was bc y’all keep imagining her as a wisened 50-something
But she’s not actually in her 50s, that’s just how old her body ended up after her time in Wonderland
She and Magnus are around the same age, which means that before she spent that decade trying to find the Grand Relics by herself, she and Magnus were in their early/mid-20s
Imagine Lucretia falling in love with Magnus during the stolen century and not saying anything bc she spent so much of that period being shy and just taking notes on everything that happened around her and not really doing anything or actively spending time with anyone
Imagine Lucretia at 25 panicking about the Hunger and realizing that the only way to keep her friends safe was to make them forget about the Hunger and the relics they made, and make them forget about *her*
Imagine Lucretia at 25 meticulously choosing where to put her friends so that they’d live good lives, blissfully unaware of the oncoming apocalypse
Imagine Lucretia at 30 (now physically 50) learning that Taako’s career as a professional chef was cut short bc Sazed sabotaged him and poisoned and killed 40 people
Imagine Lucretia finding out that Merle was in a loveless marriage and walked out on his family, something he never would’ve done during the Stolen Century
Imagine Lucretia finding out that Magnus fell in love with someone *who wasn’t her* and got married and saved his town and then lost everything
Imagine Madame Director Lucretia looking him in the eyes, acting like she never knew him, crushed by the weight of the knowledge that he can never know who she is or how much she loves him, and that even if he remembered her, he would never love her the way he loved Julia
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thotsforvillainrights · 3 months
And tomorrow I will once again become the most annoying person you know...
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izunias-meme-hole · 10 months
Everyday, despite the amount of Kid Icarus stuff I see on this hellsite, I rarely see Hades content. I’m not complaining, I’m just shocked because it seems like he’d be praised on this hellsite with his personality alone.
Then I remember his designs
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Yeah, I can see the challenge.
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