#'wow it sure would be awesome if there was a fic where they have known each other but something turned them on eachother'
llitchilitchi · 5 months
would love to see a proper multichapter well developed manhunt fic with lore and slow buildup, the origins of the rivalry, the reason for Dream to be on the run, why George is hunting him, how and why each member of the hunters joins him on his quest. just a proper in-depth exploration of the reasons for the hunt
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allgremlinart · 2 years
Genuine question, since you seem to be a prolific Superbat enthusiastic. Why do so many Superbat fans disrespect Clark so much? 🤷‍♀️
Whenever I see Superbat posts in the Clark/Superman tag most of them ignore his history, his trauma, personality, his family/friends/allies [Lois, his parents, other Justice League members, Jimmy, Kara, Perry, John Henry, Pete, Steve, Cat and etc] his city, his children, [Conner, Chris, Mia, and Jon] and mythos.
It seems people are only interested in Bruce's character and his family. Also, most Superbat fans strike me as being an odd combination of being homophobic, heteronormative, and misogynistic and sometimes even abusive! Very crazy combo, but that's how it seems to me from looking at the majority of works.
For example, people typically make Bruce the bottom or feminine one. When realistically they would be switches. Yet, overwhelmingly all the work is dedicated to "Brucie Wanye." Even though most of the time his true personality is a cold, macho, caring man. Heck, I see Clark being more the bottom type, since he's a very loving partner, and he enjoys being taken care of. You know he's definitely getting pegged by Lois.
Which brings me to the lack of care towards Lois, where she is either villainized or not made to be an important person in Clark's live. Regardless of ships and platonic/romantic feelings, Lois is Clark's closest friend. Yet, none of that is rarely displaced in fanart, headcanons, and fics. Yet, Bruce's people are always made sure to be included.
Also, what's with the influx of evil Superman and poor innocent babyboy Batman. Look I like some dark tropes too, and I wouldn't mind so much if we at least kept the same treatment with both parties. Instead of only favoring one person.
It's deeply upsetting and disturbing to see the kindest original hero immigrant aka the champion of the oppressed. To be used for such weird, oc, fetishistic works. Again, it's odd to due Batman having so much privilege and is known for being very controlling, yet it's never displayed in these darker takes. Batman is a good man, but can have troubling qualities, as all good characters have. Clark has his darker attributes too, but that’s okay as long as it presented fairly.
Lastly, Clark and Bruce have a close friendship. Yet, again I see no one making art/fics about Clark's other close relationships. But, everyone seems to be a huge fan of being a multishipper for Bruce. Example being Selina, Talia, Joker, Harvey, Ghostmaker, Hal, Barry, Arthur, Diana, and etc. Seems to be to be a bit biased no, for fans that claim to love Clark and ship Superbat have no problem doing this for Bruce.
Where's the love for other Clark ships like Lois, Lana, Lex, John Corben, Brainiac 5, Hal, Arthur, Diana, Barry, Maxima, Volcana, Blanque, and etc.
Also, it's not really special that Clark recognizes Bruce's heartbeat as the go to Superbat trope. He does that with everyone like again to list Lois, his parents, his children, his villains, his friends both in the Justice League, at the Daily Planet, and in Smallville. Heck, he's even given Jimmy his own personal watch to call him!
Sorry, this is a lot. I didn't mean to type so much, but I didn't want to use multiple asks. I also want you to know I'm not attacking you personally. Some of the text posts and art I looked up on your blog are awesome! ❤️ Keep up the good work! I just sincerely want to know why there's such a strong bias in Superbat. I personally, do like the pairing as long as they are both treated like equals.  
Thank you, for reading this and have a great day! 🌟 
Ok uhhh wow this one is a lot. I’ll break it down under the cut.
But first lemme say that thanks for complimenting my blog! Glad you are enjoying it. But for future reference, if you want to complain about something you don't really like about a ship or fandom maybe consider making your own post about it. Cus I know your intentions were good but going to a superbat blog and saying “this is everything I dislike about superbat!!” comes off pretty rude. I could stop there but I’ll address your questions/points because why not and I’m a glutton for punishment,,
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So first off, and this is what I’m gonna end up repeating throughout this post, I understand your frustration at parts of Clark's mythos not being explored more in superbat fic/art but a lot of what it comes down is just that uh. Some people know more about batman mythos! And some people know more about superman mythos! It doesn’t really mean that they like/respect one character more than the other.. people are just interested in different comics lol. For example I rely a lot on my wonderful superman mutuals (hello @/blorb-el :] ) for info about Clark and his lore because I just haven’t read as many superman comics.. doesn’t mean I like Clark less. Just means I like sci-fi less…
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As for this I have no idea what most of it means lol but like I said, telling a blog that you know likes superbat that superbat fans are “homophobic and abusive” is pretty rude for obvious reasons…
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Now uh there’s a lot to unpack with this lol. Long story short, top/bottom preferences dont really have anything to do with personality. And as for “realistically they’d switch” yeah I personally see them as switches too! But there’s no “correct” way of imagining how a fictional character has gay sex lol. People are just gonna have their preferences for what they like to see and most of the times they dont have/need a specific reason for them. Also: this is gonna be a big theme when it comes to my response to you because my advice? Utilize tags. Cus uh if you check the tags for “bottom Clark” and “bottom Bruce” in the superbat tag on ao3 -
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There isn’t exactly a dearth of bottom Clark works. There’s plenty great ones out there 
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As for this, some of it is going to be because ppl maybe dont know as much about Lois as they do other characters, and some of it is yeah misogyny lol I won’t lie to you. But to be honest I haven’t seen any Lois bashing in fics or fanwork since like the mid 2010s. So I cant tell if this complaint is in good faith or not. Either way I still dont know why you’re telling it to me..
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Lmao this one. First rule of fandom is that people are going to write weird, ooc fetishistic fics purely for the sake of writing weird, ooc fetishistic fics. Its fanfiction, its not like they’re official DC stories - they dont have to be accurate. I understand your frustration if you’re seeing a dynamic you dont like a lot but, again, I would advise you to utilize tagging + filtering to your advantage. The reality of fandom is you’re going to see interpretations of a character that you don’t like. And what you do is simply don’t read what you don’t like. Its not always that deep. 
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Again! You just! Have! To look! For creators! That are more into! Superman comics! (@/sully-s has a lot of cute Jimmy + Lois/Clois art if you’re interested) Like I’m not a Batman multishipper because I want to personally spite Clark Kent, I’m a Batman multishipper because I’ve read a LOT of Batman comics lol. Like I’m gonna level with you I have no idea who John Corben or Blanque or Volcana even are. But I know there are probably plenty of people who ship superbat who have no idea who Minhkhoa Khan or Silver St. Cloud or Andrea Beaumont are!! And that doesn’t mean they hate Bruce it just means they don’t feel like reading 80 years of Batman comics which!! Is fair!!
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As for this part I dont have any advice or suggestions this is just rude. “Hey that popular trope you like is stupid!” Ok! You’re allowed to think that, I get it honestly. But, again, I don’t know why you felt the need to send that opinion to a blog that you know likes superbat. Like its not exactly a question, its just something you dont like lol
In conclusion my advice is: use filtering! use tagging! If you’re good at searching for stuff you can pretty consistently avoid ships/dynamics you dont like! I do this all the time. And for next time, maybe remember that fandom isn’t curated to your personal tastes automatically - you have to curate it yourself, and thats no one else’s job but your own. 
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eureka-its-zico · 6 months
Okay now that I’ve finally collected my thoughts..
This is going to be such a brain dump and I’m really sorry but I hope it makes sense 🫠
Chapter 8 surprised me in so many good ways and once again that shows how good of a writer you are. I don’t want to write any spoilers in case people who come here haven’t caught up so I’ll have to allude… but like
When people say that they’re going to write angst and hurt comfort and action with violence (some of my favourite genres don’t judge) etc I always expect these parts to be short and fast paced as that’s what I’ve usually come across because readers and writers alike, we just can’t wait to get to the happy part after a small dose of angst.
But I knew with you, when you said you were going to torture us you were not going to disappoint. And tortured I was but in the BEST WAY.
You didn’t rush anything, you went into so much detail, you made sure that we got everything with that build up (slow burn oh my gosh) before moving onto a happy moment (omg the first reunion with Z had me in BITS I was so on edge I wanted to scream which is exactly how this should be even if I was in pain - thank you and well done). I then thought, ‘okay wish we could have prolonged this but I enjoyed it for what it was’
And then we went back to angst??? And I thought?? ‘Okay okay didn’t see this coming I’m liking it okay. What other surprises am I gonna get’
And then we had another happy moment (my goodness the hurt comfort was THRIVING thank you for building that tension because my god did you deliver) so I thought again ‘okay that was a nice little surprise, so the MC is saved now’ and then you had that ending? That cliffhanger? When I tell you I screamed ‘YESSS OMG MORE ANGST MORE ANGST’ I was not kidding
I read someone say that they basically came here for Zoro and stayed for the fic and I’ve never related to something so much. What I thought I was going to get with this series compared to what we’ve got, has blown me out of the water.
If this was a book I would buy it.
You’ve just… yeah. I’m honestly blown away by your writing and how you’ve paced it (I know I keep talking about pacing but it’s something even well known published writers struggle with and yet here you are, doing it absolutely brilliantly)
I sent my friend a 7 min voice note the other day just screaming at her about how good this fic is to the point where she’s asked for the link (she’s a Sanji girl and mainly reads Sanji stuff so you know this fic has been sold well if she’s considering reading it) and honestly? After finishing chapter 8, I haven’t stopped thinking about it.
I just. I have nothing more to say. It’s incredible. So incredible I may even start rereading it. It’s just. You’ve ticked every single box for what I personally would want in a fic and that is rare and I know I’m not the only one.
Tldr; damn.
Sorry for the word splurge, I just needed to tell you you’re awesome
Osiyo, darling,
Okay. I’ve been disgusting this since you sent it because there is a lot of goodness in this that turned me incredibly soft. Please don’t ever apologizing for dumping on me about anything!
You are also incredibly sweet trying not to spoil anything. You are just a sweet and kind bean at this point who can do no wrong in my eyes.
There would never be any judgement here from me on what anyone likes to read. Just no judgement from me really on anything. My sister’s favorite things to read are far different from mine - she lives and breathes filth 🤣 - and that’s okay. As long as it gets someone reading and having a good time, it’s truly all that should matter.
As for the angst part, I can agree that we just always want to conclude the heavier parts faster to get to the good part, but that isn’t how I roll. I feel like it does such a disservice to the stories to not flush out characters and the scene. There is so much that can be explored in a moment and we shouldn’t be scared to do that in the slightest. I say this knowing very well I’ve been doing this with this next chapter 🙄
Angst is my bread and butter. I think, personally, I’m better at it than fluff or smut, although I work hard on these too, because I just want to grow as a writer, and not attempting them feels like a greater disservice to myself. So, just reading how much you enjoyed the angst throughout the chapter sprinkled in with all the other bits makes me feel thankful. I’m always hyper aware of this and making sure it’s always as balanced as I can get it throughout the story.
Ugh. To have two people tell me they came for Zoro and stayed for the fic makes me incredibly emotional. You don’t understand. Then to say if it was a book you’d buy it? Literally sobbing because it’s my dream one day to be able to publish something. Literal tears.
Add in the voice note rant and I’m hugging myself. This is so relatable. I literally do this exact thing all day. Just ranting throughout the day like a crazy lady about fic ideas or just things I see constantly. I’m truly humbled that my story is rant worthy to a friend 🖤🖤 the best compliment thank you so much.
I’m not sure there are any appropriate words to explain how much I loved reading this. How your comments truly impacted me in such a meaningful way. It isn’t enough, but thank you so so much.
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likeshipsonthesea · 2 years
dearest tell me about 'shannon'
the shannon fic is also known as the manny fic, which i'm sure you've heard too much about at this point, but for the tumblrinas the manny/shannon fic is a fic where buck ends up in el paso and becomes a manny for shannon when christopher is about 3 and eddie's still deployed. i've been having a BLAST writing it and i've posted like a million sneak peeks of it in the 118 discord server so sorry for the repeat but here u gooo
“You should listen to your mom, bud,” the guy says, when Christopher continues to pout. All in all, he’s being very cool with a toddler clinging to his leg. Way cooler than other young men his age would be, Shannon thinks. “I’m pretty cool, but not everyone’s as cool as me.” Christopher giggles a little. “Cool.” “I’m sure you know all about cool. I mean, look at that shirt! That’s a very cool shirt.” “Stegosaurus,” Christopher says, stuttering slightly but getting there in the end. He pulls away from the man’s leg far enough to point at the stegosaurus on his shirt, then points to the dinosaur beside it, announcing, “Triceratops.” “Wow, cool and smart, dude. That’s awesome!” The man uses the new separation between him and Christopher to widen the distance, quietly but effectively allowing Shannon to step in closer and settle a hand on Christopher’s curls, putting him firmly back in Shannon’s space. Shannon finds herself impressed. “I’m Evan,” the man says, smiling first at Christopher, then Shannon. “I’m Shannon,” she says, holding out a hand for him to shake. His large hand encompasses hers, warm and slightly callused. He squeezes her hand gently before releasing, then squats down to offer the same hand to Christopher, who giggles. “And you are?” Evan asks. Christopher wraps his whole hand around two of Evan’s fingers in a mock-handshake. “Christopher Diaz.” “It’s very nice to meet you, Christopher Diaz,” Evan says, and even seems to mean it. Shannon ruffles Christopher’s hair, forcing herself not to attempt to discretely hide her wedding ring from Evan’s view.
ask me about my wips!
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Hey guys!
So a while back an idea entered my head and I wrote a fic on it and decided to post it here...... mind you this is my first ever fic and I'm super nervous about it 😶
Also, shoutout to @khaleesiofalicante for helping me with this ❤
Anyway, hope y'all like it 😄
The doorbell rang, he was finally here. Alec opened the door and saw his parabatai standing on the other side. “What took you so long?” he asked Jace.
“What? I came here as soon as I could. What’s the emergency anyway? The party doesn’t start until later” Jace replied coolly.
“Yes the party doesn’t start until later," Alec said with a little exasperation “but there’s a problem with the cake”. He took Jace to the kitchen and opened the cake box.
“Um, Alec this is- “
“I know.”
“It’s explicit. Inappropriate!”
“I know” Alec sighed “I ordered a Smurfs cake and instead they sent this”. Ever since Max had watched Smurfs with his aunt Clary and uncle Simon, he had become obsessed with all things Smurfs related. So, getting him a Smurfs cake was a no-brainer.
Jace looked thoughtfully at the cake for a moment and then said “You know Magnus could just change this magically, you don’t need my help”.
Alec had considered this option but unfortunately for him, Magnus had gone to Queens to buy some potion ingredients for an important client. "By the time Magnus comes back, the party would have started and everyone will have seen this inappropriate, butt-shaped blue cake," Alec said.
Jace took out his phone and called up Clary. “She says she’ll be here in a few minutes, she’s an artist so she’ll know how to turn this cake around” Jace told Alec who now seemed a little relieved.
A few minutes later, Clary arrived with Simon in tow. “Simon was with me when you called so he tagged along. So there's a cake emergency I hear" she asked no one in particular and walked towards the kitchen so she could examine the cake. Simon followed her. She opened the box lid and peered inside. She looked up at the two men utterly scandalized.
"Wow, that is um… that is some cake I tell you," Simon said with a nervous chuckle.
“I ordered a different cake and the bakery sent this instead. Please just rectify it before everyone arrives” Alec pleaded.
Exactly at that moment, the doorbell rang again and Magnus entered. He was looking particularly majestic today, wearing a blue-green shirt with a peacock feather print on it.
He looked around and greeted them. “Hello angel-blooded ones, the party hasn’t started yet why are you here so early?”. He looked from one to another until his eyes fell on the cake. His eyes widened in horror/amusement.
Alec immediately jumped in. "There was a mix-up at the bakery and they've sent us this. I wanted to call you up but you were busy and I didn't want to disturb you and now we have this inappropriate-looking cake which will probably scar our son for life” he lamented.
Magnus looked pityingly at his adorable boyfriend. “Alexander dear, if something indeed scars our child for life, I assure you it won’t be this cake”.
Alec had an inkling that Magnus was referring to the treatment Max would eventually face in the future for being a warlock. He made a mental note to address it later.
Magnus took the cake out of the box. “Don't worry my darling, I will fix this cake in a jiffy". He rolled up his sleeves, took a knife from the knife stand, and got to work.
A few minutes later, Clary peered over Magnus’s shoulder. “Wow Magnus, you’re surprisingly good at this. Have you done this before?”.
Magnus snorted. “Yes I have biscuit, but it’s an old story involving me, a faerie, and a bunch of horny vampires”.
For some reason, Jace looked sideways at Simon when the horny vampires were mentioned.
Magnus stepped back and pointed at the cake with a flourish. The cake didn't exactly look like a Smurf but it was much, much better than the original. Alec could have wept tears of joy.
It had been almost an hour since the cake debacle. The living room was full of people. The whole gang was here along with Catarina, Maia, Bat, Lily, and his mother. Robert too had portaled in from Alicante. Jem and Tessa had appeared in projection form 10 minutes ago to wish Max and give him his present, which was a baby superhero cape.
They were currently cutting the cake. Izzy was clapping and hooting loudly, nearly scaring her mother and everyone was singing 'happy birthday’ in a slightly off-key tune. Magnus had picked up Max and was taking him around the room, helping him feed cake pieces to everyone.
Alec took a step back and looked at the room full of people with a warm feeling in his heart. Every person in the room meant a great deal to both Magnus and Alec. If 12-year-old Alec had known that he would grow up and fall in love with a warlock, much less have a family with him, he would have found it unbelievable. But then again, 12-year-old Alec had never dared to dream of having a future for himself. The Clave and its backward mentality had made sure of that.
They were all busy opening the presents and Max was joyfully squealing at the sight of so many gifts. Alec himself had spent days finding a gift for max and finally settled for a blue sailor onesie. Magnus, who always had a thing for giving the best gifts, had gotten Max a set of Smurfs plushies.
He was not as awesome as Magnus in the gift-giving department, but deep down he knew that the best gift he could give his son was acceptance and respect within the shadowhunter community. A kind of future where Max would not be unfairly judged for his demon heritage. That would require changing the Clave from the inside out. And he would do it. One day, Alec Lightwood would change the world for his boys. But that day was not today. Today was a day filled with laughter, joy, cake, presents and most importantly - love.
tagging a few peeps-
@khaleesiofalicante @readingwonders @josiecarstairs @lxdyblackthorn @youngreckless @lqdyofroses @beclynn-herondale @jesse-is-spiralling
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magnumdays · 2 years
Magnum PI 4.12 - Angels Sometimes Kill review
Where to even start with this one? There was so much good stuff!
Guys just hanging out and surfing.
It’s so nice to just see them doing something fun, teasing Rick about the baby thing (”You’re having twins?” cracked me up!) and TC about having the ‘talk’ and just some general comradery. 
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I also never say no to Hawaii scenery! Though did you need to wear a shirt Jay? I could have enjoyed some other things as well...
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Gordon and TC talking and it going badly.
Like I love the intention here. TC going to ask for advice and getting it and then it going pear shaped. But before that he was getting some pretty good advice! 
TC and Cade. Oh my heart.
I think it’s good that there was some consequence for just randomly letting Cade move into the hangar. I mean, it’s awesome that he got the Ohana looking out for him and a place to be but actually having TC as his foster dad - much better. 
So I TC deciding he gonna step up and be even more amazing, we approve. Now they can get a place, TC will be his guardian and Cade can go to school and be a kid. So everything’s working out (though I doubt this is the last we’ll hear of it, probably there’ll be a bunch of drama around social services and getting approved.) 
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These two just be so adorable. 
MI6 fixed Juliet visa
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Phew? I thought this story line kind of was already over but okay guess I’m glad they made it clear. Robin is back to being the owner of Robin’s Nest and we got a small callback to the MI6 story line. I mean I guess this makes sense they could pull some strings (I can’t complain as this was how I got Juliet blackmailed into doing stuff in my Marriage of Inconvenience fic. I think? I can’t quite remember.)
Rick being proud of Jelly-Bean 
I’m just happy for Rick and I love that the Ohana is being supportive. (I mean of course they gonna be). Also, wow, I am so happy I don’t live in America or other place where school costs money, that gotta be rough to be all “here is the ultrasound - let’s start planing on how we gonna save money enough to send them to college” :O I know it was a joke but still...
The Case
Shammy calling in one of the favors Magnum is sure to owe him... 
No, but it’s nice to have an episode where they’re helping out a friend and this felt totally plausible. And horrible. Money is the worst sometimes. The title gives it a way the tiniest bit, but I’d forgotten the episode title so I was good. And I like titles that make sense (last weeks did make sense, I just have no clue on church-y things...)
Over all the case was good. Poor Shammy and poor Dart and his wife. Real heartbreaking.
The trailer kind of gave away too much though, it’d have been better if we hadn’t known Dart was dead. And the end bit too when they went to the bad insurance dude’s house? We also knew he was dead. So yeah while the trailer was exciting but gave away too much. 
I did enjoy that Magnum is suddenly good at doing quick numbers in his head. Or maybe he can only do it with menus? Higgy was clearly impressed either way.
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(Okay, I know that doesn't look super much like her impressed face, but that’s just my bad for not screenshot-ing the right moment, okay?)
I had hoped a case with a vet would mean maybe just one tidbit of a military/spy story. But we didn’t get anything really like that for them or the guys, other than the nod to ‘we’ve all been there’. Which I think was a little bit of a missed thing, just one little thing would have been nice. But also I didn’t miss it in the ep, just thinking about it after.
In the end, Shammy showing up and meeting the wife and her getting to see that her husband had people that cared enough to go searching for him... it was nice. I felt less crappy and Higgy getting to give the ring back felt important so I’m glad they included it... 
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(Though missed opportunity when Magnum found it. He should have held it out to her all ‘look what I found’ and and had her take it. No because I want to see him give her a ring. No. For Other Reasons...I Just Can’t Tell You).
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Only problem I had is... well I’m a little annoyed everyone always end up dead. Like, come on! In almost every episode. I just want more cases where the stakes are high but people are not dying left and right. Is that too much to ask for? Maybe... 
Juliet Higgins the Best Friend Wing Woman of the decade. Seriously.
Her checking in with him, knowing when he’s lying about being fine and trying to get him to open up. She’s really learnt a lot about caring about someone and how to be nice about feelings. And that they’re important, especially with Thomas.
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Her trying to help and getting Lia to work with them after hearing things were tense and they hand’t talked. Especially as we know Juliet starting to come to terms with some of her own feels. But she wants him to be happy, even if that in this moment meant Lia...
And while she might be a bit awkward, she does get out of their first so Lia and Magnum can have their interrogation room talk (that they picked that set made me 100% sure this ep. was going to end with a breakup. because interrogation room... not good vibes.) and then at the end she leaves so they can break up. 
The break up was well done, even if I’m still a little iffy on ‘did Lia do something wrong by not sharing? really? they were not serious’ (not sharing with the HPD and Gordon, sure, wrong of her, but the guy she’s dated for 6 months? maybe wrong? yeah, I guess.)
So because I’m petty... I love Lia more now that she’s not with Magnum. I do hope we get her as Gordon’s partner now and again, because we need some more female characters around! Plus she’s adorable and a cop with a bad-guy dad is a pretty cool character to include. Lots of possibilities there.
Really liked the break up, it was nice (not something you say very often) and I appreciate that. Sometimes things just don’t work out and that’s okay. They can still be friends (and Magnum can ask her for favors...)
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I love that Juliet came to check on him as soon as Lia was gone, Higgy def. wanting to know what happening and then gauge his level of upset-ness with the break up.
“To being single!”
This just made me smile, because well...you be standing next to your soulmate being all “to us being single” and it was just perfectly perfect for me (yes, perfectly perfect.). Also both their expressions. They know neither one of them is actually single...
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So... All good this week. This is def. one of my favorites this season. Especially in conjunction with the trailer for next week. I can’t wait to see what crazy shenanigans our faves get up to that lands them in jail...
(Plus they look super pretty in their mug shots... then again, when don’t they look super pretty!)
Basically all of this episode just makes me go “please make 10 more season“ because when they get it right, Magnum PI really just hits the spot. Like all the spots. The Miggy banter/partner feels, the cases, feels, Ohana, the prettiness of Hawaii, he prettiness of Jay and Perdie, important topics YET not rammed down your throat, just the right amount of wacky drama for dramas sake, the Ferrari, the guest stars being varied and tugging on heart strings, the whole vibe it just works. So yeah, 10 seasons please - but for now I’ll take a season 5 confirmation.
(Anyone know how we’re looking for that? Rating are holding pretty steady aren’t they? For a Friday night show, I think we’re pretty good. And they want to do a crossover with NCIS Hawaii right? So I’m kind of hopeful for season 5.)
That the end of review. Now I’m just going to go full on Miggy dreams and wishes and speculations that this episode made my brain decide on. Okay? Good, just so we’re all on the same page.
Season 4 will end with Jelly-Bean being born + Miggy kiss. They’ve built it up too much for it not to happen (the kiss, not the baby). That’s my firm belief and if we don’t get it I will eat my hat. I mean, seriously just look.
Exhibit A
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“I had that dream again.”
Exhibit B
The whole freaking show, the latest being Magnum and Lia’s relationship ending.
So yeah, I think Higgy will realize and act on what she’s feeling. For Magnum...it’s been kind of obvious he’d be into something happening between them for a long while now. In a way he was just waiting on her. Besides, in romances, it’s the person who has protested and claimed it would ‘never happen’ and is the most emotionally held back, that has to make the move, else it won’t feel (as) satisfying. For these two, that is Juliet. So girl, make your move.
Post kiss/hookup, going into season 5 Magnum and Higgins are trying to figure out their changing relationship. Because seriously, we need that and yes, some viewers will drop off once they will or won’t is over with. But I think by keeping it as a “will or won’t they work out” because let’s face it, they might be perfect for each other they’re also...very different people, they could keep those viewers watching. And besides, show is about more than Miggy. They can be together and solve crimes and banter, not everything have to (or should) change just because they’re doing the devil’s tango, right?
(If they don’t get renewed, at least they’ll have given us a REAL kiss.)
Mean while Rick is trying to be daddy. I’m guessing Suzie (I’m sorry I spell her name differently every time, it’s just one of those names I can never decide on how it’s freaking meant to be) and Jelly-Bean will be a big part of Rick’s story line in season 5.
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And TC has Cade (and while I’m betting we’re getting a nervous TC for a interview or house inspection or something), it will all work out. By season 5, we’ll have both our best guys settling into their dad roles. I hope TC gets a girlfriend too, because dating with a teenage foster kid would be fantastic. And TC needs more screen time, he’s the best. 
Anyhow. This leaves the only guy around who is a hopeless romantic and has actually said he wants to be a dad - Magnum - as the only one (of the trio) without a kid.
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(I mean we all remember this? Right? My ovaries sure remembers it...)
So while 80s Magnum didn’t end specially well for Magnum, I don’t think they’re going to go down that route. I mean they MAY decide to end it really horribly with Higgins getting shot by Ivan and quite possibly dying and Magnum going of to shoot Ivan in cold blood. In a sort of homage to the original. But, I really hope that’s not how it goes. Because...well that would suck and break my heart.
So my theory for season 5 (and the series finale) ends with a real Miggy wedding. I mean we got the ‘fake wedding that never was’. We deserve a real one!
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And this scene with her returning the watch (3.02)...
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If this not a parallel for a proposal I don’t know what is. (And today’s episode means I need a Miggy engagement ring that says ‘Ditto’ on the inside. Because reasons.)
And them taking care of Hiapo - Higgy being unsure about the baby thing - maybe have them taking care of Jelly-Bean in season 5 will end with another talk where she’s more open to it? Is this just me being a a sappy fan girl who just wants my idiots to get their happily ever after? Maybe. Not that Magnum and Higgins need a baby to be happy (just each other).
But!!! It feels like a show that is all about Ohana should maybe end with more Ohana. Even if we don’t need an actual Miggy wedding or a pregnancy announcement for that to be a thing. But it seems everyone else is getting a kid, ending the show on the happy note that Magnum and Higgy are going to be parents too just seems like the thing to do. Coming full circle from season one where they’re all a bunch of single guys, who are Ohana for sure, but now they both have each other as brothers and their own families too, all whom they love very much.
It makes sense to do a parallel to the show’s opening scene...
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(Maybe even with a few additions, like Shammy, Gordon, Jin, Cade, and even Kumu and Suzie could be hanging out.) 
... they’re all having a good time and then Higgy shows up with the lads. But rather than be there to scold Magnum she’s there to join them or point out they’re going to be late for the X thing they’re doing for Magnum’s bachelor party. Or just anything. Or she’s there from the start. Or it’s Magnum, TC and Rick and then Higgy shows up and then everyone else, just dropping in?
IDK, I think that be a beautiful way to show the whole family that started out with these four guys, have lost one but they’ve still got each other and their Ohana has grown. They’re always changing but no matter what or how their lives change they’re always going to be there for each other. That’s the kind of ending I’d want and I think they all deserve! 
Yeah, that was a bit random, theorizing about the show’s endgame, but that’s what my brain wanted to do today so hope you enjoyed my ramblings a little bit!
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Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat [Spencer Reid x fem! Reader]
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Find my masterlist here. Requests are Open.
Based on a wonderful song fic request I received from @itsametaphorbriansblog for the song Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat by Del Water Gap. I'd never heard the song before but trust me when I say it's awesome and my head was full with these lyrics. And yes, Alice in Wonderland is my favorite book.
Requested: Yes l No
CW: swearing, mentions of drinking, mentions of smut but nothing too explicit, some angst but happy ending.
Plot: Spencer wants to believe he can have a casual relationship with you. But just the thought of someone else touching you the way he does sends him into a tailspin. He wants you all to himself.
WC: 3.9K
I do not want to fight this anymore
I just want to lay back
And watch you pin me to the bed
How he ended up here was somewhat of a mystery to Spencer but he had no intention of complaining.
He was sure he’d have time to think about it later, but right now all he was focused on was the way you pinned him to the bed, your soft hands wrapped around his wrists.
He was too enamoured taking in every beautiful curve of your body, the swell of your breasts and hips, the feeling of your silky thighs pressed against his own much hairier ones.
He drank you in as you kissed him, your tongue tasting like coffee and vodka. Your lips against his felt as though they’d found their rightful place in the world.
And when you finally lowered yourself on his throbbing member, everything else slipped away. The only thing in the world he could focus on was how fucking good it felt to have you wrapped around him.
It was as though all the stars had aligned and all his birthdays and christmases had come at once.
He never thought he’d have a shot with someone like you. This was better than even his wildest dreams.
I used to call you my best friend
Way back before you were my everything
Now I’m sucking on your neck
You’d worked together for several years and quickly became best friends. But there was always something more between you. Lingering glances, a few too many casual touches.
An odd tension that Spencer had never been able to put his finger on until the first time you saw each other naked and it vanished.
It had started after a few too many drinks at Rossi’s and ended in Spencer’s bed. That had been six months ago and since then the two of you spent all your free time between the sheets together.
It just made sense.
But you had made it clear it was simply sex, a means to an end. You were seeing another guy who knew about Spencer too. You told Spencer he was free to see other women.
He didn’t want to see other women. He only ever wanted to see you. He wanted to see you all the time, preferably naked and sitting on his cock.
He had agreed this was fine. He was ok with this arrangement. He’d told you he was fine with this other guy you were seeing if he was fine with you seeing Spencer.
Fine. Everything was just fine.
And you wrote my favorite song
Now I’m fucked up and carrying on
I do not know the words yet, oh
It had been a lie.
He thought he could separate the physical from his feelings but he wasn’t that kind of man. He wished he could be. But the idea of not having you all to himself made him feel sick.
And it hits me
I don't want anybody else touching you like I do
Like I do
Like me
He thought he was ok with it until he was lonely in his apartment one night. He text you asking you to come over.
Your response told him you were with your other man. And he spiralled.
He couldn’t help his mind wander over the things you would be doing together.
Did he kiss you on your neck the way you loved? Did he know the way you liked to be touched?
Did he make you feel the way Spencer did? Did he make you come the way Spencer knew how?
The thought of you naked being pleasured by another man made his heart ache. Images of you touching him, being fucked by him, screaming his name; it was too much.
He wanted to be the only one who got to touch you like that; to see you at your orgasms peak.
It really wasn’t fair. He didn’t want to share you. He didn’t want to be left alone in his room wracked with sadness at the thought of you with another man.
Is it okay?
That I don’t want anybody else touching you like I do
Like I do
Like me
“What did you get up to with Matt last night?” Spencer asked as he made you both coffees the next morning.
You rolled your eyes.
“Mark.” you sighed as you spoke. You knew Spencer knew his name, he had an eidetic memory for god sake. He was doing it deliberately.
“Matt, Mark same difference.” he shrugged, pouring sugar into his cup.
“We just hung out.” you took the other mug he’d filled and twirled your spoon around in it. “You know, usual stuff.”
You leant back against the counter, holding the warm mug between your hands and inhaling the smell.
Spencer turned to look at you.
You had a noticeable hickey on your neck, one he certainly hadn’t left. You must know he could see it.
“The usual stuff you and Morgan would do when you hang out or the usual stuff you and I do when we hang out?”
You rolled your eyes again and pushed yourself away from the counter and headed back towards your desk.
Spencer followed close behind you.
“Just because you don’t speak doesn’t mean you didn’t answer.” he whispered as he caught up with you. “Nice hickey.”
He practically stormed to his desk and threw himself in the chair.
You sighed to yourself. You should have known Spencer would be this way.
A little while later Morgan passed by your desk as you had your nose buried in a case file.
“Ohhh looks like pretty girl got some loving last night! The size of that mark on your neck Miss thing!”
You looked up at him, your cheeks stained crimson.
You made brief eye contact with Spencer. If you weren’t mistaken, his eyes were filled with tears.
He pushed his chair back and stormed away from where JJ and Emily were now getting a good look at your hickey too.
“What’s up with him?” Morgan frowned.
“I don’t think he’s feeling too good today.” You replied.
It wasn’t exactly a lie.
Tell me that nobody else touches you
Like I do, like I do
Oh, tell me that nobody else touches you like me
Tell me that nobody else touches you
Like I do, like I do
Oh, tell me that nobody else touches you like me
There was no case to take you out of the state and you were looking forward to going home.
Spencer caught up with you as you stepped in the elevator and shoved his way inside just before the doors closed.
“Do you want to come over?” he asked the second the doors shut behind him.
“Not tonight Spence, I’m exhausted.” you stifled a yawn as if to prove your point.
“Did you use all your energy on Mike?” he sounded so bitter.
“I did not use all my energy on Mark. I’m tired from dealing with a whiny, jealous baby all day.” you rolled your eyes yet again.
“I’m not jealous.” he scoffed. “Or whiny. Or a baby.”
“Sure you aren’t.” The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened.
You patted Spencer on his shoulder as you stepped out.
“Goodnight Spencer, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He pouted a little as he watched you go.
Maybe it was time to just let you go entirely.
You’re pulling on my habit lines
The more I smoke the more I find
I can’t just fall asleep instead
One am and Spencer’s phone startled him awake. He was used to being called in the middle of the night for work so he was wide awake in an instant.
He grabbed his phone from the nightstand and put it to his ear.
“Reid.” he spoke, expecting it to be Hotch calling about a case.
“Hey,” your voice was low and sultry.
Spencer swallowed.
“What?” he knew what. He knew exactly what you were calling for.
He had to say no. He had to stay strong. He couldn’t keep giving in to you. Not anymore.
“You know what. Don’t play dumb Spence, it doesn’t suit you.”
“I’m sleeping.”
“Well I’m touching myself.” you moaned softly. “But I do wish it was your hand between my legs.”
You heard a breathy sigh leave his lips. You knew that was enough to make him hard.
“Fuck Y/N,” he groaned. “I’ll be over in a half hour.”
You grinned as you hung up the phone.
Spencer wished he wasn’t so weak. He wished he could say no to you.
He wished he could tell you it was him or Mark. You had to choose.
He would if he didn’t fear the answer.
And you’re not my protector
I hope you know it wasn’t her
That kept me off your side of the bed, oh
He put his all in that night. He wanted to make you feel the best you’d ever felt so the next time you saw Mark you were thinking of him.
He made you come seven times, you honestly didn’t think you would walk for days after. By the time the sun came up you were so sensitive you didn’t know if you’d be able to dress for work without your clothes flustering your sensitive skin.
“Jeez Spence, I hope we’ve got another office day today.” You ached all over. “I don’t know if I’m going to be any good in the field like this.”
He felt an odd sense of pride. You’d remember this, you’d remember how good he’d made you feel.
He hoped he’d fucked Mark right out of your head.
And it hits me
I don’t want anybody else touching you
Like I do
Like I do
Like I do
Like me
“Jesus pretty girl, your hickeys have hickeys!” Morgan chuckled as you walked into the BAU with no sleep and only one coffee in your system.
Spencer tried to hide the smug look from his face.
“Another night with your lover boy aye?” Emily nudged you in the arm as you made a beeline for the coffee machine.
He felt very good about himself right now.
“Speaking of your lover boy,” JJ piped up. “You had some flowers delivered this morning.”
Spencer’s face fell. No. No that wasn’t fair.
You forgot all about the coffee and headed to your desk where a beautiful array of red roses awaited you.
Spencer wanted to take them and stomp on them. The way you were stomping on his heart.
“Oh wow.” You smiled as you read the note. “How sweet.”
“If you ask me he’s trying too hard.” Spencer tried not to sound bitter or sad as he spoke. He failed miserably.
“Well good job no ones asking you.” You shot him an annoyed glance.
The tension suddenly grew thick. You and Spencer glared at one another while Morgan, Emily and JJ stared on in confusion.
“We have a case.” Hotch’s voice broke the stare off.
Thank god you thought. Saved before you had a chance to say something you’d regret.
You put the flowers down and headed towards the round table room. You heard Spencer shuffling behind you.
“What was that about?” JJ frowned.
“Your guess is as good as mine.” Emily shrugged.
“I think I’ve got an idea.” Morgan smirked as the three of them started to follow. “Pretty boy has a crush on pretty girl.”
It is okay?
That I don’t want anybody else touching you
Like I do
Like I do
Like me
You barely said two words to Spencer in the four days you spent in Missouri unless it pertained to the case.
Everyone could tell something was amiss between the two of you. The team was so used to your playful banter and inside jokes you had with one another. It was painfully obvious something was going on.
It was late when you arrived back at Quantico so Hotch sent you all straight home.
Spencer caught up with you in the parking lot.
“Y/N, can we talk?”
“No.” You didn’t turn back to look at him as you headed to your car.
“Y/N please we need to talk.”
“I’m sick of this.” You groaned as you reached your vehicle. “You said you were ok with us seeing other people Spencer.” You spun back to look at him.
He was playing with the strap of his messenger back in an awkward fashion.
“Well...I’m not.” He shrugged.
“No shit.” You scoffed. “I’m sorry Spencer but I can’t do this anymore. I like Mark, he’s nice. We have fun.”
“So I’m not nice? You don’t have fun with me?” He stepped a little closer to you.
“You’re draining Spencer.” You confessed. “I once thought maybe you and I could be more than, whatever this is, but it’s exhausting Spence. With Mark it’s just easy. We spoke yesterday and he said he wanted us to get serious. No seeing other people. I told him I’d like that.”
Spencer’s heart felt like it had been ripped from his chest. He felt as though you had punched the air from his lungs.
He fought for a breath, stumbling on his feet a little.
“You’re...you’re choosing him?”
“Yes.” You chewed your lip guilty. “I’m sorry Spencer but honestly, you’re too much like hard work.” You turned away from him and opened the drivers door, closing it quickly behind you before you changed your mind.
You watched Spencer in your rear view mirror as you pulled out of your parking space.
He hadn’t moved. He just stood there, dejected and sad staring in your wake.
You were barely out of the parking lot before your first tear fell.
You’re in his living room
And it may not mean much you
But your plates are in his sink
And your sweaters on his bed
Won’t you text me when you’re home?
My baby, spare me all the rest
It had been little over a month and Spencer wouldn’t make eye contact with you. He wouldn’t speak directly to you. He wouldn’t even be in the same room as you if he could help it.
At this point the whole team knew something was up. Hotch had pulled you both up on it but you’d both lied and said everything was fine.
Everything was far from fine.
Every night for just over a month Spencer had cried himself to sleep. He’d spent his waking hours in his apartment imaging what the two of you were doing.
Were you laughing at movies? Reading together? Having romantic dinners or walks in the park hand in hand? Were you making love over and over again?
His sleep was haunted by thoughts of you too. No where was safe. He’d started wondering if he could even work with you anymore. Maybe it was time to go into teaching?
Being around you every day just didn’t seem like an option anymore because every time he saw you, his heart broke all over again.
Please just tell me
That nobody else touches you like I do
Oh tell me that nobody touches you like me
It wasn’t just that he’d lost the woman he had started developing feelings for, he had lost his best friend too. He wanted to talk to someone about the heartache he was feeling and usually that someone would be you.
He wanted his best friend back. It was killing him.
He didn’t know how to deal with losing you so he didn’t. He didn’t know how to talk to you anymore so he stopped talking to you altogether.
The flower deliveries stopped after a few months which made it slightly easier for him to forget about you dating another man.
After about seven months your demeanor shifted a little. You stopped talking about Mark as much and were more vague about your weekend plans.
By the time it was coming up to a year you stopped talking about him entirely. When Spencer overheard you speaking to JJ or Emily about your weekend plans it was always along the lines of “TV and pizza for one.”
For Garcia’s birthday the whole team was going out for drinks at a local bar. Since you ended things with him Spencer avoided hanging out with the team outside of work when you would be there. He would always come up with some kind of excuse.
But Garcia was not the kind of person to take no for an answer.
So reluctantly he went along. Emily helped him pick out a gift for her, a unicorn charm for her bracelet. Certainly not something Spencer would have chosen but Emily insisted the tech analyst would love it.
Whilst in the jewelry store a delicate silver necklace had caught his eye. It had an intricate charm of a bottle with a little label with the words “Drink Me” etched into it.
It had taken him back to a conversation from years past.
You were still new to the team and trying to keep your head down and not get in anyone's way. The team was all so close and you didn’t want to step on any toes.
On the way back from your latest case in New York you didn’t sleep like the rest of the team. You were wide awake, probably on a high from the adrenaline brought on by the case.
You sat at the back of the jet alone with your head buried in a book. You didn’t notice someone watching you or approaching you until you heard the leather seat opposite you squeak a little as your company sat down.
You looked up to see Spencer smiling softly at you.
“What are you reading?” he asked with genuine interest.
You blushed a little chewing your lip, turning the book over in your hands.
“Alice in Wonderland.” you slid the old book across the table to him.
He picked it up cautiously and turned the worn pages.
“First edition.”
“Yeah.” you nodded as he looked back up at you. “It was my dad’s. He used to read it to me when I was young. He passed away a few years ago and it helps me feel close to him.” it was the most open you’d been since joining the team.
Spencer smiled at you sadly and handed you back the book.
“I’m sorry about your dad. But that’s nice you have that.”
“Yeah I suppose it is.”
Emily had stepped out of the store to take a phone call and he had found himself purchasing the necklace. He didn’t know why. He couldn’t help himself.
Garcia had loved her charm, she’d squealed and hugged him so tightly Spencer felt the air being squeezed from his lungs.
She opened the rest of her presents while the rest of the team drank. You and Spencer kept making accidental eye contact and each time you would both smile awkwardly at one another.
You got up from the table to buy a round of drinks. Spencer watched you go. It would be his perfect chance to get to talk to you. He needed to know what was going on. Had you and Mark split up? And if you had, did that mean there was anyway he still stood a chance with you?
He’d wanted to ask for so long but every time he went to say something, the words got stuck in his throat, refusing to leave.
But this time he was determined. He needed to know where he stood once and for all.
At the very least could he get his best friend back?
And it hits me
I don’t want anybody else touching you
Like I do
Like I do
Like me
“Thought you might need a hand.” Spencer sidled up next to you. It was the closest you’d been to one another in almost a year.
“Thanks.” you smiled softly, a little awkwardly.
You looked at each other for a moment, neither of you sure what to say to each other.
Not so long ago the two of you could talk about anything and everything until you were blue in the face. You never ran out of things to talk to each other about. So much had changed.
Spencer reached into his inside pocket and pulled out the small jewelry box. He turned it over in his hand a few times before he held his hand out.
“I saw this when I was getting Garcia’s birthday present and I couldn’t help myself.” he shrugged like it was no big deal.
You chewed your lip as you cautiously took the box from him. You ran your fingers over it for a few seconds before you slowly opened it.
Tears immediately sprang to your eyes as you looked down at the little Alice in Wonderland themed necklace cushioned inside the box.
You looked back up at Spencer with a sniff.
“Spence,” a small tear escaped your eye. “You remembered.”
“I remember everything about you.” he shrugged again.
You sniffed back any more tears that might fall and gently lifted the necklace from the box.
“Could you help me?” you held it out for Spencer who nodded and took the necklace from you.
He unclasped it as you turned around. He gently draped it around your neck and secured it.
You turned back to face him, you fingers on the necklace charm.
“Thank you so much Spencer, I love it.”
“You’re welcome.” he smiled. “I hope Mitch doesn’t mind you wearing it.”
You couldn’t help but laugh.
“We broke up.” you didn’t bother to correct him on his name. “A few months ago.”
“Oh.” Spencer tried not to look too pleased about this. “Do you mind me asking why?”
“I think you know why.” you stepped a little closer to him. “He wasn’t the right man for me.”
“Oh.” he squeaked a little. “That’s uhm...I’m sorry to hear that.”
“No you aren’t.” you laughed, stepping even closer to him.
You placed your hands carefully on his shoulders and you felt him practically melt into your touch.
“Anyway I’m the one that should be sorry.” you whispered.
“For what?” he croaked, feeling weak at your proximity.
“For choosing the wrong man. I should have known better.” you wrapped your arms around his neck, your body so close he could feel your warmth. “I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this before, but I have a guilty pleasure for rom-coms.”
“You’ve definitely never told me that before. I would have remembered giving you a hard time for that.” he laughed a little and so did you.
“Yeah, I figured as much.” you nodded. “Anyway, with my extensive knowledge of rom-coms I should have known.”
“Should have known what?” he swallowed a lump in his throat.
“That the girl always ends up with the best friend.” and with that you pressed your lips against his.
Spencer immediately took hold of your face in his hands and deepened the kiss.
You didn’t care that your whole team was probably watching. You didn’t care the whole bar could have been watching. All you cared about was Spencer.
When the kiss broke you both had tears in your eyes. You kept your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist to keep you close.
“I never want to have to think about someone else touching you the way I do again Y/N. I want to be the only person who gets to touch you.”
“Ok.” you smiled brightly at him. “But only if I get to be the only person who gets to touch you.”
Spencer laughed, kissing you again.
“That my love,” he smiled. “Is all I’ve ever wanted.”
Is it okay?
That I don’t want
Anybody else touching you like I do
Like I do
Like me
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yungbludy · 4 years
the hills have eyes
plot ↬ being attracted to one overwhelming person known as yungblud is alresdy too much for you. adding mgk in the mix is even worse.
warnings ↬ there’s tension here yes yes, smut!! threesome!! fingering & handjobs, writing colson is so fun i didn’t realize how hot he was lol 😳, hint at something going on between colson & dom, dom & reader like each other, maybe a pt 2?
a/n ↬ i know y’all have been wanting this for the LONGEST, and it’s easily my most requested fic. enjoy it!
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When you left college with a degree in music production, you never would’ve expected to land in the studio of Yungblud, a young but upcoming artist with his own charm to set him apart from the rest. He was easily the most hyperactive artist you’ve worked with, someone with a truly pure heart that cared deeply for his music and his fans. It was a breath of fresh air, because out of all the artists you’ve worked with—big and small, you don’t think you’ve ever come across someone so genuine.
It was almost fate how you went from being in the studio with him every other week to nearly every day. He loved your presence; you made him see things differently, made him hear things he had never heard before. You made him feel smarter, more experienced.
A friendship blossomed. It was nice, because you didn’t have that many friends when you left college. Dominic introduced you to other people too, such as his band mate Adam, and they adored you. You were the calm before the storm of Dominic in their eyes. You balanced each other out, like some rock n’ roll version of a Yin and Yang.
Before you would hang out in groups. You, Dominic, and maybe a few other friends attending concerts or going to a restaurant together. You liked it—these people knew you and liked you, and you felt like you had a place.
You didn’t know when the... shift started. When it started becoming just you, and Dominic. When he texted you if you wanted to hang out at his place, (not a date or anything, just hanging out lol 🖤). When you still saw your friends, but you were seeing Dominic’s face more and more.
But you knew as soon as that started happening, that the feelings you had for Dominic—as a friend and as a partner, started becoming way too deep way too fast.
And honestly? It scared you. Your last relationship was in college and that didn’t go so well because you both had different outlooks on how you wanted to continue your life. You weren’t ever a relationship type of person and barely found yourself developing fucking crushes on people.
But you were crushing on Dominic. Hard.
As cliche as it sounds, being around him gave you literal butterflies. Seeing texts from him made you smile, and when his arms wrapped around you and he looked at you with all his teeth out, his eyes clenched shut—God. You were falling, and you were falling hard.
That was, until, Colson came into the mix.
You liked some of his music. You weren’t a big fan of “MGK”, and only really knew about him because of the whole beef he had with Eminem. You remembered that one song—fucking Wild Boy, being played in a few clubs and parties during college, but you didn’t have any liking towards him.
But... wow. He and Dominic together were a force to be reckoned with.
Colson was a good person. A loving father and a talented individual—not to mention he was also fucking hilarious too. Having him around in the studio guaranteed no bad days, because he could also make you feel better with a corny joke or a funny assortment of curse words.
You liked him, over time. Not to mention he was drop dead gorgeous, tall and tatted and pierced and just... fuck. It would be a lie if you said you weren’t intimidated by his presence.
But in reality, he was a sweetheart. A gentleman.
So why did you start feeling butterflies for him too?
Having a crush on two people just seemed so out of this world to you that you didn’t even understand it. It made no sense. You and Dominic had known each other longer, and you weren’t dumb—you knew he liked you back. But with Colson.. you didn’t know if those butterflies were in your stomach, or if they were somewhere were they definitely, definitely shouldn’t fucking be.
You were good at controlling yourself when it came to these two. It had been a few weeks since you’ve met Colson and two months since you met Dominic. They were working on music together—a song, that they didn’t know what to title yet, and you were right there, helping them with everything.
This also meant that they were together. All. Of. The. Time.
Having two extremely attractive men, men that you were also extremely attracted too together all the time was going to be very bad for your health. But all three of you had a main goal at the end of the day, and that was to make a song together. They wanted to make a song that pertained to them, that took both of their struggles and related them to each other. Being Dominic’s right-hand-man at this point, you were more than happy to oblige in helping.
But you just didn’t know what you were getting yourself into.
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“Maybe some shit that’s like, kinda emo, kinda not?”
“Kells, man... you need to /make/ that make sense.”
You can’t help the laugh that leaves you, smiling when both of their heads turn towards you.
“Y’all are just cute when you bicker.”
“Y/NNNNN,” Colson whines a little, his arms stretching to drape over your body. God, he has so many tattoos that you couldn’t possibly count them on your two hands and feet. “Help us. I’ve never been this stuck on a song.”
“Well, a mix of punk and rap, right?” You asked, humming as you scoot up to your monitor, going through a list of sample beats you always stored when songs were being made.
“That sounds ‘bout right,” Dominic spoke, both of his elbows being placed on his knees as he looked up at you. “Think that’s a perfect mix of us two, yeah?”
You picked out some beats—layering some, taking some away. While this process could be therapeutic to you, it could be also quite annoying, and it would’ve been if it wasn’t for the two grown men looming over your shoulder.
“What about this one,” you almost jumped as you heard Colson right near your ear, his voice powered into a whisper. He reached over you, his skin brushing against yours and you had to force yourself to look at the screen. Jesus Christ, you really needed to get laid. “How’s that?”
“‘ts good. I like it fo’ now!” Dominic joked, and a laugh rumbled in you stomach. “If we don’t like it, we could always change it tomoro or somethin’.”
“Okay, well, beats settled... now we need some lyrics.” you spoke, backing up a little—you would’ve backed up farther if Colson’s arm wasn’t on the back of your chair. “Got any?”
Silence. You rolled your eyes—you had told them days prior to come with lyrics. Nothing had to rhyme, but something to make an idea off of.
“Too busy clubbing to write lyrics-great.” you huffed, shaking your head as you stood to leave, but two hands reached out to stop you.
“Sorryyy, that’s our fault, really.” Colson spoke, locking eyes with you when you turned to look at the both of them. “Let’s make some together, yeah? All three of us motherfuckers. You know we couldn’t make up good lyrics without you anyway.”
You caved. Goddammit, he was so good at charming you and so good at fucking /flirting/. You found yourself sitting back down with a notebook out in just a few minutes of playful begging from the two of them.
“Since I watched The Hills Have Eyes for the first time yesterday with you two wankstains, I think that should be incorporated into here~” Dominic giggled, scribbling down the title of the infamous horror movie on a piece of notebook paper. “Where did all that shit happen, by the way? New York, Cali, Las Ve-“
“No, dipshit, Nevada. Did you watch the movie at all?” Colson huffed, reaching over to flick Dominic in the center of his forehead, in which the British male playfully bit down on Colson’s finger. The blonde grinned, and your eyebrows furrowed. What the hell?
“Nevada’s by Cali so we’re using California.” Dominic shrugged, scribbling more words down. “How’s... I wunna hide in the hills of California—but these hills have eyes, and I have paranoia?”
It took you a minute but you eventually nodded at it. “If we revise it a little bit then—yeah, that could work!”
“Awesome! Maybe you should get on your shit, Kells.” Dominic teased him, pink tongue pointing out at Colson, and your lips twitched.
“Fuck off.” Colson continued that grin—that little smirk, like they both knew something you didn’t. The day dragged on—more lyrics, more laughing, more inside jokes. By the time the session ended you were exhausted, your head kinda hurt, and you wanted nothing more than to head home and sleep, but Dominic stopped you before you left completely.
“Are you alright?” he asked, your hand in his as he looked at you with slight worry. His hair was pushed back, so he looked just too adorable with his forehead out and crinkled. He was worried. Worried about you, and that made your heart flutter.
“I think I’m good, just a little tired,” you offered a reassuring smile, lifting your bag up to your shoulder. “Why?”
“You seemed a little out of it,” he remarked, keeping your hand in his as he started to walk next to you. This was normal—Dominic walking you out to your car, then watching you drive to your apartment after he gave you a kiss goodbye, of course; some of them were on your forehead, some cheeks, and most recently, he’s teasingly brushed his lips against yours, only to see you blush and frantically push him away. “Just making sure you’re alright.”
“I’ll be okay, Dom,” you snicker, but you just love the fact that he can see through you. See when you’re uncomfortable or feel weird. “Thanks, though.”
“Of course darlin’,” his voice has dropped in volume and when you look at him, his eyes are boring into yours. You blink. “Drive home safe, yeah?!”
Both of his hands grab your face, squishing your cheeks—and you sputter a laugh as he kisses all over your face. Covering your forehead, your nose, your cheeks—and finally resting at your lips.
It’s like time has stopped. You smile, feeling warm—his hands haven’t left your face and you can feel his warm breath against your mouth. He leans in closer, and you feel that familiar thrum in your chest, his lips brushing against yours one, two, three times, before he only pecks you and pulls away.
You don’t even remember closing your eyes, but when they open, he’s walking back into the building, leaving you feeling lost.
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To make it up for you for yesterday, the dynamic duo wanted to spend the entire day getting a good portion of the song done. This meant you had to wake up at nine am to be at the studio, something you were definitely not looking forward to, but you couldn’t complain about it. You three had a pretty good work ethnic, so you knew once you would get there, time would probably fly by.
You came to the studio in some fuzzy Hello Kitty pajama pants and a long sleeved shirt, not bothering to dress up too much since you would possibly be here all day. You didn’t look your best, but by the way Dominic’s eyes scanned you when you walked into the studio, you doubted he really cared.
“Well hello kitty-kat,” you heard Colson’s amused tone from the small couch by the door behind you, his body approaching yours to walk past you. His hand slipped over your waist, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. “Doesn’t Y/N just look the absolute cutest.”
“Shut up, asshole.” You grumbled, your cheeks hot as you ditched your slippers and made your way to your seat. You stretched, hearing some bones crack in your back, a tired yawn leaving your lips before returning to your sitting position and opening up your notebook. “So. Where are we starting today?”
When you looked up, both of them looked a little dazed—but the expressions disappeared in just a few seconds. That was weird.
“Welllll, I think I’ve got a title,” Dominic grinned cheekily, standing up with his hands clasped. “I liked what ya said yesterday... I think I’m good. That sounds pretty—American, doesn’t it?”
“Eh...” you started, but quickly took it back when Dominic’s face fell almost comically. “No! It’s not bad, but, I don’t know... how about another word, other than good?”
“Fine?” Dominic asked, looking at you with a smirk. Confusion racked through you.
“Okay,” Colson spoke up, reading over the page of lyrics with narrowed, concentrated eyes. “I think I’m okay.”
You contemplated it. It reminded you of My Chemical Romance, but there wasn’t anything wrong with that... their fans would probably like that, too.”
“I think I’m okay. Yeah, I like that.” you smiled, moving to your monitor to title the beats you already had. I Think I’m Okay.
“Perfect.” you beamed. “Now let’s get to work.”
The day went by pretty smoothly. Dominic and Colson worked better than you thought, and in your opinion, you were the icing to their cake. Being a producer meant you were there to perfect things—add something to make them sound just a tad bit better, to make the song flow just a little smoother. Perfecting the beats was something you absolutely adored to do, especially when you felt them both staring at the side of your face as you did it.
They admired you. And that sent shivers down your spine.
“Jesus fuck, ‘m hungry.” you grumbled. The clock above your head read two pm, meaning you had been here for six hours total. It wouldn’t have seemed like that if your stomach wasn’t grumbling like crazy.
“We can tell.” Colson joked, his fingers poking at your tummy. “Kitty’s talking to us.”
You knew it didn’t mean to be an innuendo, but you took it that way, and you’re sure Dominic probably did too with the expression that crossed his face.
“I’ll order some pizza.” Dominic sung out, British accent flowing through the air as he stood to grab his phone and leave. You had been alone with Colson once before, but that was before you recognized your attraction towards the male. Now, you were very, very aware of the fact.
“Cmon kitty, you’ve been sitting in that chair for hours and I know that ass hurts,” Colson smirked knowingly, grabbing your hands to lift you out of your seat. “Lemme help you stretch~”
“I don’t need help, you damn skyscraper.” You said stubbornly, but Colson paid no mind to you, grabbing both of your arms and lifting them above your head. It did make you feel much better, and you would’ve stayed in the position if his long fingers didn’t suddenly dig in your sides and under your armpit.
“I-get off of me!” you laughed loudly, squirming in his tight hold as he squeezed you even closer to his body. You could feel his chest press against your back, but you weren’t focused on it, just how much you were laughing from his antics.
“Hell nah! I’ve barely seen you laugh today, kitty~” he purred into your ear, and your thighs clenched. “Keep on fighting, nothing will happen babe.”
“Fuck you!” you shouted, successfully finding your way out of his grasp, but that didn’t stop him at all. He grabbed you again and while he did so, you were moving backwards—eventually landing you both on the small couch in the room. You wiggled your arms through his grip, letting your fingers dig into his sides in a similar manner—and your smile hurt with how loud he started laughing afterwards. You were sure after the short five minutes the tickle attack took that you were all over the place, and so was he—panting on top of you with both arms over your body.
“You’re an asshole.” you murmured against his shoulder, since his body was draped over yours. You wished it would’ve stayed that way, because he lifted himself, and you turned into jelly with how he looked at you—and that stupid fucking grin that spread across his face.
“Got you to laugh, didn’t I?” he asked, rolling off of you. The warmth that left your body—from your stomach, ribs, and a few inches below your bra, told you that the tickle fight was much, much more than that.
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A month had passed since that day. It was more then enough time for more tension filled encounters—more of Colson’s hands on you, more of Dominic’s teasing kisses. It had gotten so bad that you needed to excuse yourself in the middle of a session to calm yourself down in the bathroom, because holy hell. Those boys were a lot—and the fact you had the audacity to think about taking both of them at once. You literally could never.
The song wasn’t that hard to make. With a few more helping hands, plus your expertise and their work as well, it was nearly done. Final vocals just needed to be recorded and some cleans up—and then, I Think I’m Okay would be released to the world.
This Friday would be a night that all three of you would go out clubbing, but you decided to visit the studio to listen to the rough draft the two had recorded previously. You were in matching all black outfits which definitely wasn’t planned. The dress you were wearing was a bit out of your comfort zone, but you decided—why not? You wouldn’t be the only girl there and you knew you looked decent, at least.
“Wow,” you murmur, a little speechless as the rough vocals of I Think I’m Okay fill the studio at full volume. The lights are off because it’s dark, so the only source of light in the room is your monitor. “Wow. We fucked this up.”
“What?!” Dominic shouted, eyes wide. You laughed.
“Not in that way! I mean, we fucked this, in a really good way.” you said, excited, bouncing a little in your seat. “Fuuuck, can’t wait to release this shit.”
Colson’s hand is hot and heavy when you feel it against your thigh, playing with the hem of your dress. “Couldn’t do it without you, kitty.”
You swallow. No, not tonight. You were going to have fun tonight. Not be in a state of sexual frustration because of these two.
“Right,” Dominic hummed, and you freeze when his arm wraps around your waist, his chin on your shoulder. “Y/N, I never really thank ya properly for all you do for me, do I?”
“Huh? Of course you do.” you tell him, but you’re a bit distracted by Colson’s wandering hand. It shifts, moving to the inside of your thigh, rubbing softly at your skin. His thumb is close, too close to your pussy, but you don’t push his hand away, because you don’t want to.
You like it. You want his hand to come closer, just a little closer—
“I don’t,” Dominic whispers, those thick lips brushing against your ear, and you almost jump out of your skin. “I should.”
“Dom...” you whisper nervously, eyes widening when his hand slides to the middle of your back and up your spine, fingers locking at the zipper. The slide of your dress being unzipped goes along perfectly o the tempo of the song, and so does Colson’s molding of your thigh, his hand eventually finding way because your closed legs, pressing right up against your underwear.
“Think the kitty wants me,” Colson sighs huskily, and your jaw drops. Holy fuck. “Am I wrong?”
“Is he?” Dominic presses when you don’t answer, his hand somehow making its way inside your dress, finding its way to your sleeves and yanking them down. Oh, fuck. “Ya want us both, don’t ya darlin’?”
“Oh my god.” is all you can whisper, earning chuckles from both of the men who play so deviously with your body. Colson finds your clit with no help at all, pressing against the little bud, right as Dominic takes both of your breasts out of your bra and palms them hungrily. Two sets of hands touching you makes your head roll back, and you can only comply as one of Colson’s hands presses against your left thigh, spreading your legs open.
“Put your legs on the desk for me, pretty,” he whispers and you do so, heels still on your feet. “Mm, yeah, that’s good—damn, look at you. So fucking hot.”
To your surprise, it seems like Colson is doing most of the talking, since Dominic’s mouth finds itself on one your perked nipples. He sucks it into his mouth, making it all pert and wet and your toes curl against the velvet surface of your shoe.
“When I had you on that couch, I wanted to ram the shit out of you, even if you were wearing those stupid ass pants,” Colson tells you, slipping your panties to the side and dragging his fingers up your slit. You’re almost embarrassed from how wet you sound. “Had to remember the British cunt has a little crush on you, though. Didn’t wanna break his heart.”
“Fuck off, ya asshole.” Dominic’s mouth leaves your breast, cheeks red at the fact that he was just exposed like that. “I was gonna tell her that my fookin self!”
“You’re telling me she didn’t know?” Colson chuckled, one of his hands grabbing your chin to roll your head towards him. “Did you?”
“Mmf—I-I knew,” you murmured helplessly, your back aching as two long, thin fingers push inside of you, spreading themselves. “Always knew.”
“But I like you too, kitty, maybe like you even more than him,” Colson smirks, his mouth pressing against yours, and you bite down on his lip when Dominic bites down against your nipple. “Now we’re both gonna make our girl cum.”
Our girl.
You could cum from those words alone.
Colson’s fingers work magic inside of you, pressing further until you feel lightheaded, then easing themselves out and repeating the process. Dominic’s fingers find your clit, rubbing it quicker then the pink vibrator you used before even getting dressed. Your hands are against both of their thighs as your body grinds down against them, both of their mouths meeting yours at different times, kissing you or letting you moan out against their mouths. I Think I’m Okay plays over and over again with no one to stop it, hiding your loud sounds.
You’re close. So, so close, but you don’t want to cum without giving them some type of pleasure—so, to the best of your ability, you start to unzip their pants, bulges very angry underneath the fabric.
“Ooh, fook yeah,” Dominic whispers, taking his jeans off quickly and wrapping your hand around his cock, going cross eyed at the feeling. “Yeah, jerk my fuckin cock.”
Colson isn’t too far behind in revealing himself. You try to stroke them both, but you’re so overwhelmed that sometimes your pace quickens on one and slows on the other. Their bodies are pressed as tightly as they can be against yours, and sometimes wet fingers find their way against your neck, or grabbing at your chests—with wide open mouths against your face.
“I-I think I’m gonna cum,” your pant out, your hips rolling in circles and your grip on their cocks growing even tighter, causing them to make their own sounds of delight. “So close-“
“Cum, kitty kitty,” Colson tells you, his lips wrapping around your earlobe. “Soak this fucking chair, pretty.”
And that’s exactly what you do.
Dominic busts right after you, feeling your clit spasm against his fingers was enough to send him over the edge. Colson isn’t too far behind, getting extra leverage because of both of your cum covered hands jerking him off until he shoots his seed out as far as it can go. It’s a heavenly sight, and for the first time you hear him whimper—a sound that’ll be engraved in your mind for days.
You three sit there, panting, covered in sweat and cum. You lick your lips, your hearing picking up the two shifting to clean you up and dress you, much to your confusion.
“What? You think you were gonna cum once tonight and that would be it?” Colson chuckled, already helping you out of your chair.
“Just wait till we get to this club,” Dominic continues, his hand tightly groping your ass. “You’re gonna have the night of your fucking life.”
And you’re certain that you will.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Nosy Neighbors
Hey folks! This is a continuation of the Coops social media series, kind of like the boyfriend tag and the tiktoks. Let me know what you think and if you like these fics! Credit for Coops/ Sweater Weather goes to @lumosinlove, as always. Some parts inspired by the SW discord!
“Bonjour, everyone, and welcome back to the Gryffindor Lions Instagram! I’m Sirius Black and I’m here with my fiancé, Remus Lupin, to answer some questions you are sending in while we’re live.” Sirius set his phone up so both he and Remus could see it. “Alright, first question: what are our favorite colors?”
“Green,” Remus said, leaning over Sirius’ arm to see. “Specifically dark green, kinda moss tones?”
Sirius hummed. “I really should say red or gold, but I like blue a lot.”
“Don’t tell Coach,” Remus said to the camera. “Question—wow, these are coming in fast—question two: who kissed who first?”
“You did?”
“I think so. That’s right, I did, because we had the whole conversation beforehand and I just kind of went ‘fuck it’ and smooched you.”
“Shush, read another question.” Remus kissed him on the cheek as he looked back to his phone.
“Who is more romantic?”
“You,” Remus said without hesitation. “You’re so sappy.”
“That’s different than being romantic.”
“Either way, you can do it forever.” Remus scrolled through a couple more before pausing and bursting out laughing.
Sirius’ whole face lit up and he craned his neck to see. “Which one is it?”
“It’s not even a question, I just love it.” Remus took a second to collect himself. “All it says is ‘these bitches smitten’, and you know what? Yeah.”
Sirius laughed loudly, leaning against the back of the couch for a moment. “Merde, I’m using that forever. Thank you, whoever sent that in. Okay, what do we have next…who said ‘I love you’ first? Me!” He smiled broadly, looking very proud of himself. “I did.”
Remus peered down at the phone. “People think it’s weird seeing you actually answer questions for once.”
“Mhm. Apparently most of them didn’t know you could actually smile—that’s sad.” Remus looked back up and stuck his lower lip out. “Everyone who didn’t know that, I feel very bad for you. Sirius Black’s smile is a national treasure.”
“That’s an awfully smitten thing to say.”
“Turns out I’m a smitten bitch, did you know that?” Remus wrapped an arm around his waist and tapped the phone screen. “On the ice, both of you are pretty aggressive—aw, that’s such a nice way of putting it—and I was wondering if that ever translates into when you argue. Oooh, we’re getting personal now.”
Sirius cocked his head to the side. “I’m going to say not really? First of all, we don’t fight that much, and second of all, we both make an effort to leave any dickishness on the ice.”
“Dickishness is a highly scientific word, of course,” Remus teased. “No, in all honesty, hockey is the only place either of us get, like, aggressive aggressive.”
“Hey, this one is specifically for you,” Sirius said, leaning down to see it better. “Oh, I like this one. To Remus, how do you survive being around that accent all day? If it were me, I would spontaneously combust for sure. How do you survive, mon loup?”
Remus groaned and dropped his head into his hands. “I don’t. It’s so frustrating.”
Sirius sent the camera a smug smile. “C’est bien. Hmm, this next person wants to roast us both. Who is messier?”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“You just don’t want to admit it’s you.” Sirius raised his eyebrows when Remus scoffed. “You leave your socks everywhere.”
“At least I own more than one pair without holes!”
“That’s not part of the question. I win, you lose, your turn.” Sirius handed him the phone and Remus stuck his tongue out at him.
“Someone named Laila wants to know if we ever get competitive at home or if that’s another thing we leave at the rink.” Remus propped his chin on his hand. “I don’t know, baby, do we get competitive?”
Sirius struggled to hold back his grin. “I’m just going to ask the general public a question now: what do you think happens when you put two professional athletes in a house together?”
“Especially when one of them is the captain.”
“The short answer is yes, we do. I can think of three separate occasions in the last week where we competed over something completely pointless.” Sirius thought for a moment. “Wait, no, there’s four. We should move on before this spirals. D’accord, dinonuggets asked why our dog’s name is Hattie. Good question!” He whistled and Hattie wandered in a few seconds later to sit between them on the couch. “Her name is Hattie because she is our lucky third for a hat trick.”
“Woah, people really like that.” Remus poked the screen as hearts exploded across it. “She is the best girl. Babycakes, sweet girl.” Hattie rolled onto her back and put her head in his lap. Remus petted her absentmindly as he read through the comments, then swung around to face Sirius with a mischievous smile. “What’s the best and worst part about dating someone from Wisconsin?”
“The slang for both,” Sirius answered immediately. “Jeez is so cute, but I do not understand the obsession with ‘hold your horses’ at all.”
Remus shook his head. “Tsk, tsk, you have no culture. Alright, you’re up.”
“Oh!” Sirius slapped at Remus’ leg in excitement and Hattie made a grumpy noise. “Un bébé!”
“A baby?”
“This person is just starting to question their identity and wants to know what labels we use.”
Remus lit up. “Baby gay! Hello! Oh, this is awesome. To answer your question, I used to identify as bisexual but after college I started identifying as gay because I felt like it fit me better.”
“As everyone knows, I was closeted until about eight months ago, but I’ve known I’m gay since I was…oh, maybe 13? 14?” Sirius’ face turned solemn for a moment. “Please remember that your labels can change and you’re still valid. Stay proud.”
“We’re starting to run out of time here, so we’re going to do a few rapid-fire questions. First one: What’s your favorite thing about your partner?”
“Your heart,” Sirius said, turning to look at Remus with a soft expression. “You’re so kind to everyone and you have so much love to go around.”
Remus had one hand over his mouth. “That’s so sweet. I feel so bad now. Uh, my favorite thing about you is how adventurous you are, since I’m an introvert and we balance really well.”
“Why did you feel bad?” Remus didn’t answer. “Oh my god, you were thinking of something else. What was it?”
“Doesn’t matter. Next question—”
Sirius grabbed the phone out of his hand. “Oh, no, no, tell me. Was it my ass?” The mild flush that crept up the sides of Remus’ neck gave him away. “It was!”
“I do genuinely love how adventurous you are,” Remus defended. “Just read the next question before I embarrass myself even more, please.”
“You’re never living that down. What’s the best and worst part of playing on the same team?”
“I think having the same schedule and really understanding the hockey lifestyle helps us avoid a lot of disagreements that couples have, but if we have a bad game then we both come home grumpy and that’s never very fun.”
Sirius nodded. “When you were still the PT we hung out less, since you had to stick around after practice and get there early to set up. Now, we can spend more time together in the mornings and evenings which is just the best. I’d say the worst part is that people have started comparing us in the media, and that’s total bullshit.”
“Yeah.” Remus scrunched up his nose. “It doesn’t have any real impact on our relationship, but it’s irritating to see it circulating when there are so many more important things they could be focusing on.”
“Last question, make it good,” Sirius warned, leaning back so Hattie could stretch her legs further.
“Okay, from Lathan in Texas, how do you have such beautiful hair?”
Sirius seemed rather surprised and sat up straighter. “Really?”
“Well, Lathan, I wash it every other day with shampoo and conditioner and I don’t brush it while it’s dry. Once I get out of the shower, I just kind of…” he shook his head and the ear-length curls mussed a bit. “do that until the extra water is gone and let it air dry.”
“Godspeed, Lathan,” Remus said gravely. “Looks like that’s all we have time for today.”
“Thanks for tuning in, and see you later!”
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cg29fics · 3 years
Pick and Mix Collection
A selection of Little Tracy fics for @gordonthegreatesttracy and @psychoseal
All can be found with other short stories in my Pick & Mix Collection on AO3 & FFNet: CreativeGirl29
School Reports. Aged 8.
Scott Tracy:
Scott is a bright young boy, who is extremely popular with all his classmates. He is always first to put himself forward for team challenges and is a natural team leader. However, Scott tends to be impulsive and rush into an activity or challenge, which on occasions as cost him a higher mark. Scott excels in English, Geography and Physical Education but tends to struggle in maths.
John Tracy:
John is a quiet, introspective and intelligent young man, who excels in Science, Maths, English and Information Technology. John as the potential to go far in life and could be moved up a grade if he was to apply himself to what he once referred to as the ‘boring subjects’ and stop correcting myself and my other colleagues when we are trying to teach.
Virgil Tracy:
Virgil is a lovely, thoughtful boy, who always listens in class, speaks when he is spoken to, and on occasions has gone out of his way to support other classmates when they are struggling. Virgil has a gift for art, music and history. He also recently earned top marks when we taught first-aid in his class. However, I would like to bring to your attention Virgil’s tendency to day dream when he is not taking part in one of his favourite subjects.
Gordon Tracy:
Gordon is a conundrum and seems to have two sides to him. On the one side, you have the sweet boy who will always be there for his friends, excels in physical education, especially swimming and did surprisingly well when we did our big baking day. However, the other side of Gordon has a habit of constantly chatting in class, despite being asked to be quiet and as unfortunately become known as the school clown. If Gordon were to apply himself in all his work instead of drawing pictures of himself as a fish, he could gain good marks in all his classes.
Alan Tracy:
Alan is a smart boy who as always got a smile on his face. When he is interested in a subject, or as been caught by an idea he is an absolute pleasure to teach. However, like his brother before him, he tends to chat in class, and on many occasions, has had his portable computer console confiscated when he has been found playing on it, instead of learning. Alan struggles in History but excels in science and maths. I would also like to bring to your attention Alan’s report on ‘Our Heroes.’ All the children in his class decided to write about a celebrity, sports personality or historical figure. Instead, Alan wrote a fantastic and touching report where he named his older brother John as his hero and who he would most like to be like when he grows up.
5 more fics beneath the cut
"John you've been told not to run in the house." His father complained, catching his 4-year-old son in his arms.
"I'm not John." John answered with a serious face.
"Oh, you're not?" Jeff remarked, observing the cape John had attempted to make out of his comfort blanket. "Well, I must say, you certainly look like my John!"
"Shush! Daddy." John whispered. No one can know my secret ident…" John paused, thinking about the word he was struggling to say. "Ident…"
Jeff smiled. "Identity."
John grinned. "Yeah, my secret identity."
"So, who are you then?" Jeff inquired curiously.
"I'm Star Boy." John shouted, as he managed to struggle free and started running around in circles.
Jeff let out a chuckle at his son's exuberance. "So, Star Boy. What powers do you have?"
"Fly in space." John cried with joy.
"And what's your current mission Jo… I mean Star Boy?"
John ground himself to a sudden halt. "Find baby Virgie!" He stated with a thoughtful look.
"Virgil." Jeff corrected. "And he's not missing, he's nice and safe in your mummy's tummy."
John stared at his dad in confusion. "But I heard you and mummy say that he was late, and then mummy said if he didn't turn up soon she would…"
"Okay, John." Jeff said cutting John off. He would have to have a word to Lucille about what John had overheard. He knew she would be mortified but John seemed to have exceptional hearing and they both knew that their boy was very bright for his age. Jeff held his arms out for his current youngest son. John happily ran into them, and let himself be pulled up onto his father's lap. "Now, Virgil is still safe in your mummy's tummy, the reason he's late is because your mum has made it so comfortable in there that he doesn't want to leave yet."
"But I want to find him, cause then I'll get to be big brother like Scotty." John frowned.
Jeff pulled John into a warm hug. "And you will be a brilliant big brother just like Scott." He assured him.
As Jeff held John tightly in his arms, a shout from his mother came from in the kitchen, followed by his oldest son running into the room.
"Daddy, Grandma said to tell you mummy's waters broken!" Scott panted.
Jeff pulled himself to his feet, keeping John firmly in one arm, and taking Scott's hand with the other. "Well, my Star Boy." Jeff said, looking at John with pride. "It looks like your mission was successful!"
"It was?" John asked with a puzzled expression.
Jeff beamed as he stood John next to Scott, who automatically took his little brother's hand in his. "Yes, you did!" He added, with a concerned look towards the kitchen as he heard his mother and Lucille call for him once more. "Looks like baby Virgil is on his way!"
Several hours later:
John grinned with joy, as with his mother's help, he held his new baby brother in his arms. "Hey, Virgie." He said softly. "I'm John, your big brother… And my secret is I'm also Star Boy." He whispered. "I helped find you today!" John looked at Virgil who gazed at him with his big eyes. "And my next mission is to be your big brother." He said with a contented sigh.
4 little brothers.
12 year old Scott Tracy stretched out in his bed, enjoying the warmth from is duvet on a cold winters night. Yes, this was his time. His time to relax after a full on day spent with 4 hyper younger brothers. His time to bask in the peace and quiet his room provided…
… THUNDERCLAP … the pouring rain began hammering at his window …
Scott sighed, threw back his blanket and began counting "5, 4, 3, 2, 1…"
… THUNDERCLAP … 4 scared little brothers rushed into his room …
"Come on then, jump in."
… THUNDERCLAP… 4 scared little brothers scurried noisily into the bed.
Pulling the blanket over them all Scott smiled when he felt each of them snuggle up to him. 'Forget the peace and quiet,' he thought to himself. He would prefer to have his 4 brothers any day!
First Day.
“Don’t want too…” Alan whined, clinging desperately onto his father’s trousers.
“But you have to,” Jeff returned, trying to loosen his son’s grip.
“Because…” Jeff paused, then exhaled, he had no answer for his baby. Honestly, he was out of his depth, normally this was Lucille’s job, but she wasn’t here like she had been for his other boys… He glanced at his four sons standing close by, none of them had wanted to miss this moment, none of them wanted Alan to feel like he was missing out on something, even though they knew that he was. After all, it shouldn’t be them doing this, it should be their mother. They’d all had her here for their first day, but Alan wouldn’t… And even though he hadn’t said anything they could see it in his eyes that he knew he was different from all of the other kids who were being dropped off by their moms.
“Because,” Scott said, stepping forwards, “you will get to make some cool new friends.”
“I will?”
“Yes,” John replied, “and you can play with some neat toys.”
“And when I was here,” Gordon added, “they had some awesome toy dolphins, and a submarine…”
Alan scrunched up his tiny nose.
Gordon grinned. “They also had some cars and toy rockets!”
“Wow!” Alan exclaimed.
“You can also draw and paint,” Virgil informed him.
“Without getting told off for using your paints?”
“As long as you share with your classmates,” Virgil said with a big smile, “then you can use whatever you want… And maybe you could bring me a picture back of your favourite toy?”
Alan nodded enthusiastically, then looked up to his dad. “I’m ready to go now daddy!”
Jeff knelt down so his eyes were level with Alan’s. “Have a brilliant day son.”
Alan beamed, loosened his grip, then immediately ran towards his teacher.
Standing, Jeff reached out and brought his four other boys into a warm hold. Knowing that whenever he was out of his depth then his amazing sons would always have his back.
The Beast
It was dark. Only a few rays of sunlight managing to penetrate the lair he had entered. He had been warned on numerous occasions about the beast that inhabited this area and was known to attack when woken, but he had not believed. Yes, he had seen it on many occasions, but all of those times it had been funny, friendly and caring. Surely, just because it was woken early it wouldn't attack. Especially since it was him.
He creeped closer. Currently it was lying on its stomach, eyes were tightly shut, and bizarre noises were emitting from it. Finally, reaching his destination he leant towards it, his hand reaching out, but then a sudden snort from the thing in front of him was released causing him to jump back. Maybe it wasn't best to disturb it? Maybe Gordon was right, and the beast did attack if provoked this early? Although his brother was known to make things up. This probably was just one of his jokes and the usual encounter would be received. He had to be brave and find out the truth. Straightening himself up, he stepped forwards, and placed his hand confidently on the shoulder in front of him…
No movement, no signs of him waking, so he tried again…
This time a groan emitted from his brother, then once again he grew quiet…
"Virgie," he pushed harder on his shoulder, "please wake up."
A yawn, and a pair of bleary eyes opened, grumpy and nothing like the kind-hearted peaceful ones he was used to… He moved backwards… Maybe this was a mistake… But then there eyes met, and a soft gentle smile illuminated the features of his brother.
"Hey Alligator, what's up?"
"Nothing," Alan replied with a little snigger at the nickname.
Virgil regarded the three-year-old in front of him. "Nothing, really?"
"Well, Gordy said you were a beast in the morning, but I didn't believe him, so he said I should come and see for myself."
"Did he indeed?"
Alan nodded his head.
"Well, I'm not a beast."
"Knew it!" Alan cheered happily.
"But," Virgil looked at his clock, "when I am woken this early, I am known to turn into a bear."
Alan gasped in shock.
"And you know what bears do, right?"
Alan scrunched up his little nose and shuck his head…
"Well, they are known to attack."
"Yes, with…" Virgil paused for dramatic effect… "tickles!"
A fit of giggles erupted from Alan when Virgil pounced, flung him over his shoulder, then onto the bed where he began tickling him madly.
Baby Talk
"Hi, I'm Scott, I'm four years old, I love aeroplanes and jumping off the couch. Although mummy and daddy tell me off for that one. My best friend became a big brother to a little sister last year, he's really good at it, and I want to be the same. So, I will always cuddle you, care for you, and when you get bigger I will help you to learn all of the things I found hard. I promise that I will be the best big brother you could ask for…" He leaned in and kissed his mother's tummy, feeling a kick back in response… "Love you too!"
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Finally watching Goodbye Partner!  I’m watching the dub, but I have the subs on so I can read the date/location popups and signs, so I’m getting a bit of dialogue comparison.  I’ll probably go back and watch a few scenes with the original audio as well (Kiyoshi Kobayashi my beloved).
Here begins the liveblog, but all in one post and under a cut so it’s not as insufferable:
Starting strong with a heist escape sequence as per usual!  As far as openings go, it’s hard to go wrong with that.
Oh, hello, literal actual Chopin courtesy of a timeskip/flashback.
What are these RWBY-ass CGI piano hands??  Y’all warned me and you were not kidding.  Traditional rotoscoping would never hurt me in this way.
Lupin playing in those see-through inflatable “hamster” balls skdfjskjdflsl
Intricate Rituals.  Jiglup gunplay confirmed
Epcar’s delivery here was so much more aggressive than Kobayashi’s.
“Area 61, Colorado” just say Cheyenne Mountain
Fujiko really is terrible with kids
Listen, I love a good Dutch angle, but I’m starting to feel like I should set up a CinemaSins counter at this point.  I’m glad to have some shot variety but there are other compositions, you know.
Motorcycle Jigen returns!!
Loving this little Morricone shoutout, which I unfortunately cannot seem to find on YouTube.
[strangled Goemon voice] “MISTAKE.”
God. GOD. Tony Oliver’s delivery in the betrayal scene is so good.  Lupin is clearly not buying it at all and is quite willing to play along with whatever the hell this is - until Jigen shoots him right in the heart.  That’s going to hurt a lot more than literally when he wakes up, though 1) given that the movie’s barely begun, I’m guessing he’s still not completely buying it (rightfully so) and is gonna look into this and 2) unfortunately this franchise isn’t known for actually digging into all the delicious angst and implications it likes to sling around.  Cowards.
Also, I like that Lupin seems to be wearing a navy shirt and pink tie like he had in early Part 2 instead of the blue shirt/yellow tie he has in the other Red Jacket movies.  Not sure why that’s what they went with but I’m down.
Okay, I went back and watched the betrayal scene in Japanese and OOF, it hits DIFFERENT to hear Kiyoshi Kobayashi deliver those lines.  He’s so utterly casual about it and it’s all the more angsty since he’s, y’know, a million years old, so here his Jigen sounds much more tired/resigned compared to Epcar’s brasher gunman.
The way that the shots focus on not only Jigen, but also Fujiko when the boss asks about the betrayal...nice.  Fujiko doesn’t know for sure if Jigen killed Lupin, but I imagine such a possibility would shake her at least a little - not just because she cares for that silly monkey man, but because that partnership has been a surprising constant in her life.  If even that could finally crumble, her natural cynicism is about to get a whole lot deeper.  Morbidly, she wants to know if Jigen had the balls to do it.  It’d be a hell of a lot more kindred spirit between them than she ever expected if so.  It’s a shame this plot wasn’t used in a Koike movie; it would’ve been great to see the deliberate parallel/foil from TWCFM continue.
“Why don’t we talk about your future?” the boss says as Jigen’s whole demeanor screams What future?  Even though Lupin isn’t dead and Jigen has his reasons for why he did this, Jigen hardly expects forgiveness after all this.  Lupin may be alive but Jigen has just killed the best thing he ever had and he can never get that back (except he can, because movie and long-running franchise, but y’know, Watsonian vs. Doylist).
The Dark Crystal (1982)
HATSUNE MIKU???  ACTUAL HATSUNE MIKU????? (just her voice but aksdjfkajsdkfjaklsjdfljasjdflajsdf)
Ohhhh, the Lupin & Clarisse / Jigen & the kid’s mom (still haven’t heard her name lmao) parallel was just uncalled for, my heart
Let Jigen wear burgundy more often
...Mr. Epcar, I love and respect you, but is it too much to ask that you vary your inflection a little more?  Where’s the PATHOS?
Slightly cried instantly, “The Wendy lady lives.”  Then Peter knelt beside her and found his button.  You remember she had put it on a chain that she wore round her neck.  “See,” he said, “the arrow struck against this. It is the kiss I gave her.  It has saved her life.”
Burgundy suit + round glasses Goemon!!!
There’s no way Pops is getting his job back after this one
Goemon: [turns his usual hot girl swordsmanship up to 11]
Lupin: Well mark me down as scared AND horny! dot jpeg
Again with the CGI hand crimes.
Wow he straight-up said Jigen was cheating on him
Ah, see, that “waste of oxygen”/“huge mistake” bit of dialogue is the kind of inflection I like to hear.
WarGames (1983)
It took me entirely too long to realize the president was supposed to look like H.illary.
Goemon: [slices open a door for Fujiko]
Fujiko: “Oh, you.” <3
This is all very action-heavy and surprisingly decent for a Lupin film so far, but uh. why is Jigen once again a side character in his own movie?
Ayyyy, nice reference to Zantetsuken’s composition from Part 1.  Still insane that they melted down three awesome swords to make a different sword though.
Goemon snarks back to robots confirmed.  Not that Lupin would ever be stupid enough to buy an Al3xa/etc. but can you IMAGINE
JAZZ PIANIST FUJIKO!  Fujiko having actual interests and hobbies!!!
Comrade Emilka
They just?? left Jigen in the middle of the desert after the absolute minimum discussion of All That????  That’s...on-brand actually but give me the angst this plot device deserved >:(
Michelle Ruff I would die for you
This variation on the main theme is my favorite.  I’ve probably listened to it about a thousand times at this point but I finally got to hear it in context.
Welp, that was one of the better Lupin movies I’ve seen, but I do wish they’d done more with the whole Jigen betrayal thing that ended up being more of a subplot.  Thank goodness for fics that do the work.
Edit: “There are about four different plots going on at once in this movie, and they forgot to focus on the one that’s in the actual title.” - @theimpossiblescheme
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phlox238 · 3 years
i wrote a pretty long rymin fic and half of it is min being anxious and getting advice from a lesbian at a gay bar,,, it sucks but here it is anyway
2.5k words this is the most ive ever written
"So," The girl began, gesturing wildly with her hands. "You think you're in love with your best friend, who you've known since you were born, and you're in a band and traveling across Canada and the USA with. What did you say your name is?" 
"Oh, fuck." Min-gi sighed, letting his head rest in his hands. "This is weird, isn't it? I barely know you."
"Nah, I just thought that, if we're going to have a slightly drunk chat in the back of a gay bar, then we should know each other's names. I'm Eryn, and you?" Eryn stuck out her hand, the many bracelets she wore on her wrist clanking together. 
Min chuckled a little, then took her hand and shook it. Her dark skin was warm, which was surprising, since this part of the bar was near freezing. "Min-gi. But you can call me Min." 
"Awesome. So, tell me about it, Min." Eryn tightened her ponytail, leaning forward on her arms. 
"Tell you what about it? There's so many things that I could say." He was so caught up in this gay crisis stuff that he hadn't even considered stopping for a moment to really think about it.
Eryn shrugged. "Whatever you want to say. Get stuff off your chest, just let it out, if you want to. There's like, nobody else back here. Doesn't really matter, right? I'm not judgy." 
"Okay...well, he has a girlfriend, first of all; has had many of them. So he's not into dudes." Min crossed his arms. 
"Hey, he could still be. Just because he dates women doesn't mean he's straight. Could still be into guys. Don't give up hope just yet, okay?" Eryn laced her fingers together, as if she was planning something. The dark lighting of the bar didn't help anything.
“Damn,” Min rubbed his eyes. “I didn’t know you could like both.”
Not without laughing at him first, Eryn started to explain. "Oh, wow, you really are new to this, huh?" She chuckled a little more, shaking her head. “That’s okay. There’s a lot of different ways to love people, you just gotta figure out what works for you. Oh, also; it isn’t just both. There’s the genderqueer people, too, don’t forget about them!” She smiled. 
Min didn’t quite know what genderqueer meant, but he figured he could find out later. He was asking too many questions already. "Damn...how do you know all of this? I only realized I was, er, gay, like six months ago."  Min marveled at her, the same way a nerd at school would marvel at the 'cool kids.' And honestly, she really looked like one, with her ponytail and undercut, her yellow, patched leather jacket, even the flashy jewelry she wore.
It made Min want to start dressing differently. Dressing cooler, like Ryan, like Eryn. Maybe he could.
Eryn grinned wider. "Oh, you know. It's just things you pick up along the way. I've known that I'm lesbian for a long time, since I was like 11. And I'm 21 now, so that's a long time. Lots of experience." She shuffled a little in her seat, taking another drink of beer. "Anyway. We're getting off track, aren't we? Keep talking, man." 
Min laughed, a real laugh. "Okay, okay. A year ago, we, er…" He reached desperately for an explanation for the train, but decided that, just maybe, he could tell her. Really, the worst that she could think of him is that he's a drug user. "Can I tell you something? It's going to sound absolutely insane, probably, but I just. Need to tell someone." 
She looked concerned, her dark brown eyes wide, but nodded anyway. "That's real ominous. But sure, go for it."
"Okay. So. Stick with me, here. A year ago, him and I got on a train, right? But then, there was another train door within the train. We just...went into the door. Well, the bastard threw my keys into it and then ran in, so how could I not follow?" Eryn was looking at him intently like she understood. Min could tell he was pretty drunk by now; he'd never be able to open up to someone this much sober. But that's okay. More than okay, really. 
"It gets even weirder from then on. Ryan- that's his name, by the way- and I woke up on a giant, infinie train in the middle of nowhere. Gotta be pretty unbelievable, though. You probably think I'm on drugs." Min sighed.
Eryn was silent for a moment, but it was obvious she was getting ready to explode. "Dude, no fucking way!" Yep, there it was. "I got on that train! When I was eleven. I was super conflicted on my sexuality, had a shit ton of internalized homophobia as a result of having homophobic family. I felt like a disgusting person. So I got on the train, and it actually helped me through it." She'd completely lit up when Min mentioned the train. Looked like she was going to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. 
For a moment, Min was speechless. Soon, though, he regained his voice. "You're kidding," was all he could muster.
"Nope." Eryn's grin nearly reached her ears. "Did you have someone to help you along, too? There was a white cat named Samantha for me. She was French, for some reason. But I miss her." 
"Oh! Yeah, Ryan and I had a floating, talking bell named Kez. Weird, right?. I miss her, too. Wonder how she's doing." Min thought for a second, completely and utterly relieved to have met someone else to share an experience with. Then something clicked. "Hold on...I might have met this cat you speak of. Yellow eyes? Uh, blonde...hair?" 
"Blonde hair? Well, she didn't have that. But yeah, yellow eyes, French accent." Eryn nodded. They were silent for a moment. 
Min chuckled, suddenly getting the urge to continue on with their story. Telling someone about the train would feel wonderful. "We had a lot of...issues...regarding our friendship, at the time. That's why the train picked us up in the first place." He fiddled with the hem of his shirt. "The train did help us. But we had a lot of weirdly intimate moments on it, and that's where my sexuality crisis started. Like, there was a car where we had to perform a song with each other to get out of it, and of course I got stage fright right before it. I left him alone on stage. Again." Min paused, the guilt almost making him feel like he was living through that moment again. 
Eryn nudged him. "And? That doesn't sound intimate. What happened next?" 
"I hid in the bathroom. So he came in, and at first he was angry, but I was having a full on anxiety attack. We sat in the bathtub, hip to hip, knee to knee. It was weird, but nice. He helped me calm down. And like...in our last year of Highschool, I gave him a shirt with our band name on it. In that bath tub, he had it with him. He kept it. Said he'd never done a show without it." Min laughed, but there wasn't much humor about it. "Man, I wanted to kiss him so bad right then and there. But I didn't." 
Eryn had a soft look in her eyes. "I dunno about you, but that sounds pretty damn gay to me. Maybe he's just dating other people to distract himself from his crush on you, who knows! All I'm trying to say is, don't give up on this, Min. You two have something going on, I don't know what, but it could blossom into a relationship." She patted him on the shoulder, then took another drink of her beer. 
Min did the same. "What if he's not gay?" His voice was small. "Worse, what if he's homophobic? I don't know...fuck, it's terrifying. I could lose him because I'm gay." 
"Well," Eryn paused for a moment, "you could try and subtly bring it into conversation. Maybe, like, bring up a celebrity who's gay. See his reaction." She gestured with her hands a lot, Min noticed. 
Min nodded. It seemed simple in theory, but he knew he'd manage to fuck it up somehow. The logical part of his brain knew Ryan wouldn't leave him for being gay, but at the same time, there was this voice in the back of his head. Irrational thoughts, irrational fears; that's all it spoke of. 
"Thank you. Really. It's been nice to talk about this, especially with someone who's been on the train. That thing is...a freak of nature. Maybe not even nature, I don't know. I'll try that with him, too." Min said finally, after some silence. Eryn laughed. 
"Yeah, it absolutely is." She smiled widely. Eryn glanced around, her eyes finally landing on the only visible clock in this part of the bar. Her eyes widened. "Shit, I should really get going! Sorry. I told my girlfriend I'd be back around now." She, out of nowhere, gave Min a hug. It'd been a while since he'd hugged anyone, he realized, and it felt nice. Although, very unexpected. 
Min hugged her back, sort of awkwardly. They separated soon after.
"That's okay. Again...thank you, so much. I should get young too." By now, it was almost 11 pm, and he figured he should leave as well. Ryan should be back at their apartment soon enough. 
Min was about to turn and leave, but Eryn stopped him.
"Hey! How about we exchange phone numbers? This was a good chat, eh? I'd like to stay in contact." Eryn searched her pockets for a pen and some paper, but only found a marker. "Can I, like, write it on your arm and you can do the same?"
Min knew Ryan would tease him over it, but oh, well, he made a new friend. "Yeah, that's fine." He laughed, offering her his arm. She quickly scribbled her number on it, and honestly, it was barely legible. But he could read it, somewhat. 
He then wrote his number on her arm, they exchanged goodbyes, and were on their way. Min dreaded returning to Ryan, who would definitely start to go on and on about his girlfriend, and just prove to make Min feel worse about his stupid crush.
But maybe, just maybe, Eryn was right. Maybe things would finally go his way for once. 
Min's walk home was quiet (as quiet as New York can be at night) and cold, it being the middle of November. Snow was just beginning to fall. Being outside Eryn's words stuck in his head like glue. Talk to him. As if he could do that. The idea of even just mentioning anything close to being gay made anxiety rise in his throat like bile. 
He couldn't. Probably.
Before he could think much more on it, he was home. Home. Back to the decent one bedroom apartment they'd scraped up all of the money in their pockets to buy. Back to the scent of cigarette smoke in the air, back to the strange stains on the carpet in the hallway. Most importantly, back to Ryan. No matter how much resentment Min-gi might hold to him for having a girlfriend, Ryan usually made things better. 
He walked up the stairs and down the hall to apartment number 202, ironically. Unlocked and opened the door to find it dark inside save for a single lamp. Min walked in, curious, just to find Ryan curled up in the fetal position on the sofa. That really made him anxious.
"Hey...Ryan? You good, man?" Min sat on the empty portion of the sofa, near his head. 
Ryan stirred, rolling over onto his back. His head was resting a bit on Min's thigh, and it felt kind of nice. 
"I dunno…" He mumbled. "She broke up with me." 
"What?" Min looked down at Ryan, surprised. "Lisa? You're kidding." 
"Nope, not kidding." Ryan laced his fingers together over his stomach. "The thing is...I'm like, kind of relieved that she did it? How fucked up is that?"  
Min tilted his head in confusion. He really wanted to run his hand through Ryan's hair, but that was a really inappropriate thought for the moment. 
"She, uh...said some things. When she broke up with me." He sighed. "Called me a fag." Ryan laughed, like he found it funny. Min didn't. 
"Dude, what? Why?" Min's voice was a little shaky, for no other reason than that they were talking about gay people. 
Ryan sighed. "Take a good look at us, Min." He brought his forearm up to cover his eyes. "We're two dudes, living in a one bedroom apartment together. We do everything together. Of course she's gonna think there's something going on." 
Min felt like he was going to fucking disintegrate. "U-Uh...and that's a bad thing?"
"I mean...no. It just kind of clicked that...maybe she's right. Maybe I am gay." Ryan sat up, his back facing towards Min. He didn't look back. " I always assumed that I'd be straight, but this...it makes sense. None of my relationships have ever worked out. With women." 
Min reached out and gently touched his shoulder. "Ryan...it's okay." 
Ryan looked back, now, and his eyes were watery. Min frowned.
“How could it be okay?” His voice cracked as he spoke. “It’s just another reason for people to hate me. For my parents to hate me. Hell, maybe even you.” By the time that he finished talking, his voice was almost inaudible. 
"No!" Min almost shouted, jolting forward. "No. Ryan, I could never hate you." Fuck, how was he supposed to tell Ryan he's gay now? Part of him wanted to shout it out impulsively, but the other part, it just wanted to keep hiding. Because what if something goes wrong? What if Ryan's in love with someone else? All what ifs. He really needed to stop. 
Min inhaled deeply. Here goes. "This is gonna sound really coincidental, but...I'm gay too." 
Quickly, Ryan turned around to face Min. His eyes were wide behind his glasses. 
"What? No fucking way. You're kidding." Ryan was leaning forward, using his fists to prop him up. 
Min shook his head. "No...I'm not. I was gonna tell you soon anyway, but now seemed like a good time." He scratched his head awkwardly.
Then, Ryan launched at him, hugging him. Arms wrapped around his neck, knees touching Min's thighs, the whole package. Min was sure he'd die with how flushed his face was; but thankfully, he didn't. 
After what felt like a while, Ryan finally spoke. 
"I love you." He mumbled into Min's shoulder. 
Min paused. "In a gay way, or…?" 
Ryan laughed. "Yeah, you idiot." He shook his head in amusement. 
"Good. That's...great." He hugged Ryan tighter, finally letting himself run his fingers through his hair. It was soft, just like he expected. "I love you too." 
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cherryyjjk · 3 years
forever rain [2]
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summary: to greek gods, it was a well-known fact that the fates liked to play tricks. but was this too far? what would happen when they made two unlikely gods have a tugging string in their hearts, yearning for each other?
pairing: hades!jin x persephone!reader
genre: fluff / angst / greek god! au / black swan! au
word count: 18.3k
warnings: the use of the word “whore” / cursing / snake mention
a/n: WOW this is the most i’ve ever written for a fic. please check out both pt 1 and the note about this series in my masterlist before reading! i know this is SO overdue like a year overdue. i’ve been writing it in the last three months bc school <<. anyways, thanks for reading and enjoy!! :D
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By the time you wake up, he is gone— not that you had known he sat next to you. But when you rose up from your slumber, a coat fell from your shoulders.
You looked at it and wondered if he had given it to you. It was a thoughtful gesture, and a necessary one as your hands were getting numb. Before wrapping it around your shoulders, you stretch your hands above you. Blinking the drowsiness out of your eyes and sitting up a little further, you yawned and decided to stand up. Your feet hit a softer material that you weren’t expecting, making you look down. The cold floor that was there yesterday was covered by a soft gray rug and you moved your toes to feel it more.
Him and his dark colors.
You rolled your eyes at the color palette of the entire room and thought that maybe the guy hadn’t decorated in a while. It made you think of Yoongi's liking for dark colors even though he was viewed as basically the opposite— the god of love. If you were going to live here for the rest of your life, a thought that made you sigh, might as well change the place a bit. Adding tones of lighter colors would not be so bad, maybe brighten up the room and seem less like a cave and more like a palace. You looked around the room to the lanterns on the wall and decided that you would have to do something about that.
It didn’t even light up the room! What was the point of lights if you can’t even see the floor?
The air seemed less tense than when you entered the palace and you were definitely feeling it. The entire palace was suffocating when you walked inside, cold and sharp as if to hurt you. But now, it seemed different. Maybe not soft or lush like your home— or what was your home in the mortal realm. It was rather empty instead of spikes, a little bit better, but not great either.
You continued to look around the room before your eyes landed on a small nightstand and saw a few warmer clothes. You walked towards it and with one hand, as the other was tightly holding his coat, you felt the material. It was a lot thicker than your chiton and was a dark green, reminiscent of the forest trees back home. Your lips lifted up in a light smile at the thought and decided to change into it. Before removing your current dress, you saw that there was a flower. You didn’t understand how flowers could grow in the Underworld, and when you picked it up and realized it was a silver color, but fake. Not the color of jewelry that you often saw other mortals wearing, but like a coin. It was pretty.
A piece of paper fell on the floor that had been next to the flower. Picking up to read it, you were surprised by the penmanship.
My apologies, Persephone. I have some duties I must attend to in Olympus. This palace is yours as well, ask for anything to the ghosts and they shall bring it.
You grimaced. While it was a thoughtful gesture in any other circumstance, you still were wary of this God. Putting the flower back on the table, you changed. The dress made you feel a lot warmer and the cloak was quickly discarded.
What time was it in the mortal world?
You wondered how time seemed to simultaneously slow down and speed up. Slowly tip-toeing out the room, you closed the door behind you very softly and continued through the hall. The hall seemed a little more lit up but it was still darker than usual. You wondered if you could use your powers to grow a bioluminescent lily, and light up the hallway. But after squeezing your eyes shut to concentrate, holding your palms out, and thinking heavily about life, you could not do it. You couldn’t even produce a regular lily. You didn’t understand.
Where did my powers go? How would I go back home? Was I.. not a goddess anymore?
You took a few deep breaths and reminded yourself, relax, it’s fine. But it seemed far from fine, you would just have to ask Hades when you saw him. You roamed around the hallways, finding winding staircases, huge rooms, empty rooms, rooms that weren’t empty but you wished they were when you saw inside, and all filled with the scent of death. You quickly turned away from those rooms and opted to keep walking.
It seemed that minutes turned into an hour, an hour and a half, then two. You brought your hands together and rubbed them together. The hallway seemed to never end and you wondered where the door was. You just wanted some fresh air, you tried convincing yourself. It’s not like I’m trying to escape..
“Excuse me,” a voice called out. Your eyes widened and you whipped your head back to only see more darkness, and heard it continue, “but who are you?”
“Don’t come closer! I might seem weak but I could knock you out with one punch.” Your voice was a lot steadier than you let on. You were tired of being afraid all the time.
“..I’m sure you can but you didn’t answer my question. I don’t care what type of hero or princess you were as a mortal but you’re dead now. Listen up, I’m in charge here.”
“Yes, didn’t your mother ever tell you not to get a God angry?”
“..I’m Kore, the daughter of Demeter. Goddess of the Spring, flora, and fauna. Whoever you are, know this. I am in charge here.”
The hallway suddenly brightened up and you lifted yourself with your head held up high. While the light was too bright for your eyes, you tried not to let it phase you and faced the figure that revealed itself in the light. You glared at the man in front of you, he was wrapped in a black cloth— seriously, what was up with the color scheme here?— and wouldn’t meet your eyes. He quickly glanced at you with a grimace but kept his head down for the remainder of the time as he felt utterly embarrassed. His scythe that was on his back made your eyebrows raise.
“Look, I’m sorry—“
“You better be, and you better tell me quickly why you tried to trick me before I turn you into a cactus.”
“..I’m Thanatos, the God of Death, the one who reaps the souls. I..I come here to report to Hades. I didn’t know his wife was here.”
At the word wife, you twitched. You weren’t just someone’s wife, you were your own goddess. Styx, the gods needed to learn some manners. You stepped up close to him, still with a serious gaze. Grabbing his shoulder, you speak coldly.
“Don’t call me just his wife. I’m more than that.”
“R-right, sorry. Kore.”
“No, not Kore. That is reserved for my mother and the nymphs. Call me, Y/N.”
Thanatos looked at you quizzically. You seemed so calm and usually this was where the other gods would punish him. You gave a small smile before complimenting on his scythe. He had never encountered any god that was so carefree and kind. You looked young, maybe a few eons old, yet your eyes held a soft wise look that could only come with experiences.
You asked curiously, “Did you make it so that these hallways are so dark?”
Thanatos answered quickly and rushed over his words, “Um, yes. I apologize. It’s much brighter because Hades sometimes mirrors the daytime of the mortal world.”
“Hm, so you’re the one who made me lost!”
Thanatos tried to test his luck, he was a God he couldn’t possibly die, right?
“..You’ve been wandering in circles for the last half an hour.”
You scoffed at his continued rudeness but it seemed more playful than last time. It was better than being alone all the time, sure, but you wanted to ask someone who didn’t know what was going on like you. Couldn’t the Fates just help you out here? But truly, you were happy to smile and have a friend.
“It gets kinda lonely here, doesn’t it?”
“..Yes. Hades often works until he collapses.”
“You don’t have to be so formal with me, please let us walk.”
You pondered over Thanatos’s words, did he really work like that? That wasn’t healthy but you wouldn’t fret over it for too long, he could take care of himself. Switching to think about yourself, you realized you didn’t have any contact with Jimin, your mother, or anyone else you knew. It was just you in this huge palace, and the guy in front of you of course.
“Hm, Thanatos?”
“Is it.. just you here?”
“Well, mortal souls come and go. Some heroes test their luck with Hades but he’s colder than Hera.”
“In that case, mind being my companion until I go home?”
Thanatos didn’t understand your request. Not only had you just asked the personification of death, the son of Nyx, to be your friend, but you proposed it as if you were leaving. No one but himself and Hades left the Underworld. Thanatos was baffled beyond measure and his face showed it completely. You tried not to get frustrated at his obvious confusion and waited patiently.
“Oh, um. Sure.”
“Awesome, now onto more important matters. Why the fuck am I here?”
“W-What? What do you mean? Didn’t Zeus—”
“Namjoon? I haven’t seen that old man in ages!”
Thanatos stuttered, understanding that you were a powerful Goddess was one thing but talking about the King of all Gods so casually was a whole other. “Well, Hades has visited you once, when you were younger. He asked Zeus for your name and Zeus told him that you and your mother would have wanted this union.”
“When I was younger? OH!”
Suddenly you remembered when you had first come down to Earth to live with your mother. She was busy the first few months and had let you wander off (with nymph supervision of course) but as the mischievous child you were, you had run fast away until you hit a river. At the river you distinctly remembered a young man, the same age as you practically, that held out a purple flower. Entranced by the dark petals— usually only bright yellows and oranges were flowers— and by the dashing young man, you had become friends. Rarely speaking about yourselves, you would talk about flowers. Something both of you really liked. Now that Thanatos mentioned it, the black messed up hair seemed to resemble Hades, and his love for dark colors— something that you didn’t quite agree with— was evident too.
“Oh..I see. Well, my mother would never give me off to someone! She’s wonderful and very protective so Joon’s lied to you. But I guess that’s something to settle with Hades himself. Now, what’s something fun we could do around here?”
Thanatos slowly smiled at your enthusiasm, it was like a breath of life into his life. He had lived most of his life in the shadow of his mentor, Hades and although he enjoyed Hades’s company..it was hurting him. Thanatos wanted to be known for his own thing, why didn’t he have altars or temples in the mortal realm? Though that question was probably fruitless since mortals didn’t know what they were doing most of the time.
For the next few days, or weeks— you couldn’t really tell— you spent your time with Thanatos when he was free. He was free almost all of the time, showing many new rooms and how to not get lost through the hallways. He also let you vent about your worries. You worried that your mother must have been saddened without your presence, and maybe even Jimin was missing your short talks. Hopefully the flowers in the meadow had fully bloomed by now. All of these things, and more, kept running through your head and you liked that Thanatos had basically nothing else to do but give you advice. You appreciated his company but you wanted to see the person that brought you here too. Hades— Seokjin you figured out from Thanatos— was apparently extremely busy with human deaths. Maybe there was a new sacrifice that Zeus was putting them through? Or maybe another war? You didn’t really care too much until you realized that Seokjin would have to stay up there, counting and making sure that everyone and everything that died was in place before coming back. That’s supposed to be Thanatos’s job but apparently even he couldn’t round that many people. Strange.
A conversation with Thanatos also raised your frustration.
“So Tan-Tan.”
“..Can you please just call me Thanatos, Y/N.”
“You call me Y/N! Come on, let me give you a nickname.”
“Y/N is the name you chose. That’s different and no.”
“You’re literally so boring. Anyways, when’s Hades coming back? I’m getting tired of your face.”
“I am literally not boring! I’m Death, how can I be boring? aND MY FACE IS PRETTY WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!”
“You talk like— never mind. Ignoring your pretty obvious questions, I asked, why is Seokjin taking so long?”
Thanatos paused, Zeus had warned the minor god that if he told Y/N what was happening in the world above, he’d be cursed. Being cursed as a God was the farthest from good.
“Mortals..have been in a war recently.”
“Oh, whatever for? They have food, warm weather, sunshine, and plentiful water. There shouldn’t be anything missing…Right?”
Good thing that he would be able to escape your line of questions by just disappearing in a fit of smoke. You glared at Thanatos and when you started seeing smoke forming. You lifted your hand to stop him but it passed through the air like nothing was there.
Stupid Thanatos, thinking he can trick me. I’ll figure out what’s happening up there!
You tried to be determined but you were scared too.
You reached for the front door of the palace, somehow making itself very easy to find, and you pulled on the handle. It didn’t budge. You pulled harder, it stayed the same. Realizing that you were still stuck here, you tried punching the door. But that only left you with a hurt pride and a bruised knuckle. Groaning loudly, you dragged your feet back to your bedroom and decided to take a nap.
Better than waiting for him to come back.
By the time you woke up, an empty gold plate was left on your nightstand. You rubbed the drowsiness out of your eyes and reached for it. Ghost servants usually came to give you your meals this way. An empty plate where you can think about what you want and it’ll appear. It was pretty nice but you were getting more tired about the fact that no one would eat with you.
You finished your lunch? Dinner? You didn’t know and didn’t bother figuring out. A few days ago, Thanatos had shown you a library and you had been encouraged to use it. You had picked out a few books and was still reading it. (F/G) was by far the best genre and you always liked authors that wrote about it.
While reading on the bed, you decided to move around for a change of scenery. Wandering the hallways alone, you stopped in front of your favorite room. The throne room. Also the room that was “off limits” but you lived here so you didn’t really care.
The warning was for a reason. Hades didn’t think you would be there and so when he first shadow travelled there, he was surprised. Finally, the person that plagued your days and nights had come home. But he didn’t look great.
You had heard his footsteps before seeing his face, thinking it was just Thanatos. You sat on Hades’s throne, as it was the only one there. It looked a lot like a hard brick of marble, and definitely felt like it, but it was a lot softer than you imagined too. Not nearly as soft as the meadows back home. It was cold and smooth, like the freshwater rivers.
Soft footsteps grabbed your attention from the book and up to the person in front of you. Your feet that were haphazardly thrown over the throne quickly turned around to the front. The book once in your hands dropped to the floor but you didn’t rush forward to meet him.
“What happened?” You asked breathlessly, your hands fumbling with each other but your feet didn’t move. Hades’s shirt was soaked with gold and he was limping towards you.
Was this a trick? To make you vulnerable?
He looked at you and you could only comprehend the soft murmur of your name on his lips before he fell forward, his eyes closing shut.
You’re here...Y/N..
Running towards his side, you caught him as he landed on your chest. You felt a blade handle on his back and held back a scream.
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Hades had gone up to Mount Olympus the very next morning after your arrival into the palace. His brother Namjoon had looked at him in confusion, Seokjin never came late to their monthly briefings, opting to come on time and leave as fast as he could, but usually they would take a few weeks to finish. His hair had been tousled through several times and he kept clutching his feather necklace when listening to Namjoon, Hermes, and the other gods and goddesses’s discussion of famine, war, and other things that were troubling mortals.
They only knew this because mortals just loved to blame the gods for not being able to do anything to save them. But, when in peril, their curses turned into prayers and while it annoyed the everliving Styx out of all them, it made sense. Deities that were supposed to be all powerful couldn’t even get rid of a simple plague or bug that was absolutely destroying the population and food? Seemed sketchy.
Namjoon wanted to ask what his brother was thinking about but whenever he looked at the feather dangling from his neck, he shut his mouth. When the Gods were first born to take care of the world, Namjoon had banished Seokjin to the Underworld. Only giving a necklace with a black feather before doing so, saying that his miseries would be fulfilled when the necklace was put on its rightful owner. What authority did he have on his brother’s life if he was the one who made it so horrible?
No, Namjoon would keep his bruised ego to himself and stay silent. He did not get the right to ask him what the matter was— it just seemed wrong and distasteful. So, he turned a blind eye and let Seokjin leave in a rush. Jin always left in a rush, he didn’t like sleeping in Olympus for so long. Namjoon was so preoccupied with his thoughts, that he didn’t notice his brother stopping at the foot of Olympus and meeting her.
Unfortunately for Seokjin, it was only the mother of who he was so concerned about. He wondered if the Fates had just thought it would be funny to pair the quietest god with you. He had heard wonderful stories of you, Kore. The original reason he was so attracted to you. Zeus himself had told him that you were the strongest and kindest Goddess there was, sprinkling in your humor and beauty to try and make you seem more appealing. But Seokjin had met you once, you had mistaken him for a minor god. That was eons ago, you probably didn’t even remember but the way you had walked towards him, with such confidence and power.
God, he really liked you.
He felt bad at the same time, here he was, this lovestruck God, for a Goddess that probably despised him from taking you away from your home. Did the Fates hate you so badly to let Zeus convince him to take you? Jin was about to greet your mother but the slap to his face certainly made him backtrack.
Demeter slapped him and the fury she brought with her made all present in Olympus tremble. She spoke with such power, it was clear where you inherited your confidence.
“Are you happy? Now that you have my daughter all to yourself?”
Jin gently touched his red cheek, confused at the sudden aggression and onslaught of questions.
Didn’t Zeus say that Demeter and you were glad to be offered a proposal from him?
“She’s the only thing that kept me alive, the world spinning, and here you are, not even at her side! You fool! Don’t take my status among the Olympians lightly, I am still powerful and if you cross me I will make you regret it.”
Demeter yelled out in one breath, as if she had been waiting years to say it. Her frustration and anger was evident and the icy tone could easily cut harshly into the heart, “Does it bring you so much joy to have Persephone all to yourself? My most precious possession—?”
“She is not an object.”
Demeter paused, then scoffed at Seokjin’s quiet but confident interjection. She glanced up at him and almost gasped at his eyes which had a purple fire burning in them.
Instinctively taking a step back and crossing her arms around her shoulders, she continued, “..Obviously. But you’re still in the wrong. How dare you take her! I’m her mother, you are nothing.”
The fire in Seokjin’s eyes simmered down but were still clearly there, and he responded with a level tone, “It doesn’t matter who I am or will be to Y/N. You or any other living, dead, or immortal being can not talk about her like that.”
“Stop talking like the hero, you stole her!”
“Stole her? Zeus said—”
“Zeus is a liar. You, of all people, should know this.”
Seokjin fell quiet and his eyes returned to their normal color, he couldn’t bring himself to disagree now that he knew the truth. He had stolen you, and he laughed at himself in his thoughts. Who was he to defend you like this when he treated you the same way?
He was not your husband, whether or not the Fates tied your strings together, whether or not Zeus had assured him that you were happy to be with him. He had witnessed the marriages of his siblings and their respective significant others. The Olympians were famous for their affairs, demigod children, and stupidity. He had promised himself that he wouldn’t end up like that, or force his significant other to love him. No, that would be your decision and your decision only. But the moment you step into the Underworld, there was a rule that applied to everyone except himself and Thanatos. No one could leave.
“..Goodbye Demeter.”
Seokjin kept his head down and vanished with only a black smoke left behind in his wake. Demeter folded her arms and tapped her foot impatiently.
“You’ll regret this, God of Death. Mark my words, she is not yours.”
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Seokjin appeared in the middle of Demeter’s palace, somewhere completely different to where he was aiming. He should work on his powers.
What type of god (a bumbling idiot for sure) couldn’t even control his powers? He wasn’t a few eons on for Styx sake! But he definitely acted like a blushing teenager when around you— again, another thing he sincerely had to work on.
He looked around the white, marble balcony he was standing in. He could feel you. But you weren’t here…right? Where was he? He willed himself to shadow travel again and landed in the middle of a town. If he could still call it that.
It was destroyed.
By war, famine, or a plague, even Seokjin would never know. It was barren, but he heard coughing in a few huts. The crops in the field nearby had dried up and the river that used to flow was only a trickle. He walked through the paths and found a family of two bundled together trying to fight off the cold— cold?
Now that he thought about it, it was freezing. There was frost on the ground. Usually the mortal realm was flourishing in either Spring or Summer but it was neither right now. What was this cold, soul-less feeling? Something was terribly wrong and Seokjin was sure Demeter should have fixed it back to Spring.
Was this her anger?
Seokjin shook his head in confusion. Obviously, Demeter was angry that her only daughter was taken from her. The thought made Hades nauseous, how would he fix this? Better question, shouldn’t Namjoon have said something in the meeting?
Seokjin’s ears burned red when he realized that they probably did. It’s just that he was too preoccupied by the thought of you and your enchanting eyes, and soft lips— oh shit, shit, shit. Trying to snap out of it, Seokjin failed to hear the small footsteps of a child behind him.
Not that it should matter, mortals couldn’t see him. Right? The Fates were probably laughing at him, one of the Big Three yet he was dumber than a skeleton.
Seokjin whipped his head around so fast that he was sure he heard a crack. But he was more focused and confused on the little child staring up at him in curious wonder. The kid had matted hair and a cloth dress that was barely thick enough to keep her from getting goosebumps on her arms. She was staring up at him but the dagger in her hand radiated power, but not just any power.
Godly power.
It flowed through the dagger into the surrounding air and Seokjin was sure that at this point there was no way this child wasn’t a monster or a god in disguise.
Her eyes suddenly rolled back and turned white. With her mouth open, she started to chant ancient Greek at a speed even Seokjin couldn’t keep up to, but he picked up one phrase.
Περσεφόνη νεκρός, άνοιξη νεκρός.
Everything clicked in his head just as the girl seemed to vanish.
Persephone is dead, Spring is dead.
Seokjin felt an electric shock in the middle of his back, intense heat, and then he doubled over from pain. He hadn’t experienced such scalding and burning feelings ever. His legs collapsed from under him and when he looked at his hand covering his midsection, he saw ichor, the golden blood of all immortal beings, covering his hand. He looked behind him to see the young, mortal girl.
The young girl transformed into the goddess in an instant and the dagger in her hand was coated with ichor. Looking at it made him queasy— ironic because he’s the god of the dead and he’s getting nauseous from blood. Poseidon and Zeus would surely laugh at his deplorable state if they ever saw him. But Seokjin was still more concerned about why Demeter had stabbed him.
Demeter may have been angry but not enough to kill— even she had principles. But, nonetheless impressive, he’ll give her that. But the pain was making him see black flecks in his vision— poison perhaps. It made him more worried than he should be.
“You were foolish to think that I would let you get away with this. Truly, is there anything in that head of yours?”
“You— why? I didn’t take her on purpose!”
“LIES, you men are all the same! But, don’t you like my little toy? It’s wonderful, truly. Hephaestus must’ve pitied me, not that I care as he has his own problems with Aphrodite and Ares, but he made a weapon that even a God could get hurt from. Zeus said I had one chance, but judging by the fact he lied to me, I don’t care. Now, this. THIS is for Persephone. DO NOT FORGET IT.”
With that, Demeter stabbed Hades in the same wound and Seokjin yelled out. The tip of the blade sank deeper and Demeter twisted it to make sure the blade touched every part of his wound. She jerked it out only to push it further, making Seokjin choke and roar in agonizing pain. Demeter saw the ichor flowing freely out of the wound and stepped back. She disappeared into the night, leaving Seokjin alone. He had one thought in his mind while the pain took all energy out of him to do anything else.
His form was gone with a flash and all that was left of his presence was the pool of ichor on the ground. Even that faded into the ground.
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“Styx! Hades, Hades, stay awake!” You screamed while trying to see how to pull out the dagger that was inches deep in his back.
His breathing had slowed down and your hands were frantically trying to keep him up. The bedroom was way too far so you would have to set him down on the floor. Trying to be careful, you made him lean on you and sit on the floor. His head was on your chest and his eyes were closed. There was a bit of gold on his lips and you were getting increasingly worried.
You looked around, “Shit, this is bad. Thanatos! How did this..” You tried not to shuffle Hades around but your arms were weak with worry.
Thanatos immediately appeared in front of you at your request and the scene made him startled. His hands were shaking and he didn’t understand what was happening. The words you were saying were muffled and his eyes were blurred. He could only look at the deep gash and the skin cut around it, a horrible shade of green.
“Thanatos! Pay attention. I need you to stay calm and get me some bandages, okay? Can you do that?” Your voice was shaking but you tried to keep it level.
His head nodded slightly and he instantly disappeared. He’d have to find mortal supplies because there was no reason to keep medical supplies in a palace for a god. Something was very wrong. Gods couldn’t die, right?
“Okay, okay Y/N. You got this, just put pressure on the wound and seal it shut. Okay, how hard could this be?” You reassured yourself in frustration, you were scared beyond belief.
You hesitantly put your hands on the dagger’s handle and when you touched it, a blood curdling scream left Seokjin’s mouth.
His breathing was getting shorter and faster, but he was still awake. You had nurtured a squirrel back to life after it fell down a tree but that was basically all the experience you had with medical equipment. You reasoned that until Thanatos brought back bandages, you wouldn’t be able to securely stitch up his back wound. A thought entered your mind, Why are you helping him?, but you shook it off as soon as you thought about it. It didn’t matter, Hades didn’t deserve to die.
“O-okay Hades, I’m gonna need you to stay calm. Okay? I’m flipping you on to your stomach, just keep talking to me okay?”
“I.. okay. I’ll keep talking..”
“Good, that’s good. You’re doing great.”
“You can call me Jin, you know.”
“Oh alright, Jin. You can call me Y/N, just keep talking.”
You slowly put your hands on his chest, trying to ignore how your left shoulder was numb from his weight, and slowly focused on the dagger in front of you. You could see the wound was ghastly. Green and gold colors mixed, as if it was poisoned. Poison. You hoped you would be able to save him. The ichor had finally clotted on the dagger, but the green foam seemed to keep stopping Jin’s body from regenerating. You remembered when you fell once and got a scratch, it instantly healed.
“Shit, shit, shit. This i-isn’t working. I-I need to—“
Jin frowned, “It’s okay Y/N. Don’t…worry. I’ll be fine.”
“You’re not healing, you are not fine!” You insisted. “I wish I had my powers, then I could do something. Ugh, this is so stupid.”
Jin paused, thinking over your words. “They don’t work here? That’s odd. My palace..should let you have everything.”
You huffed. “Uh-huh, you’re telling me. Look, just…don’t die, alright? We’ve barely met and I’d like to be friends.. again.”
“Did..Thanatos tell you that we were friends?”
“..No, I remembered it on my own obviously. It’s not like it’s been eons since then.”
“Y/N,” Jin’s clammy hand found your open one. “You’re really…something.”
You grimaced when he squeezed your hand from the pain. You were pleasantly surprised with how this conversation was turning out, it didn’t seem too forced. But it was almost like the Fates were tricking you again. Probably laughing at your naivety and hope.
Jin groaned and particularly squeezed your hand tighter, making you yelp in surprise. He apologized softly but even you could see that the poison was seeping through his shirt more and making it lighter somehow— possibly from the golden color of his blood.
You’re losing time, and Jin is not getting better. You really don’t want him to die, and you’re not really sure why either.
What has Jin done for you? He’s taken you away from your home, forced you to live in his palace, and for what? To be his ever loving, loyal, and submissive trophy wife?  
Whispers in your mind keep telling you, don’t care! But you can’t. You can’t just leave him here, hurt and poisoned. You won’t.
Maybe that’s your fatal flaw. Helping everyone without actually considering if they deserve it. Maybe your mother was right, you aren’t ready for this world. But it didn’t matter. Jin needed your help, and you were going to help him. Somehow.
Looking down at Jin’s body, he was still breathing but definitely labored. You didn’t know how to help him other than try to put pressure on the wound. Recounting words from a friend, you decided that a certain god might be able to help you.
“Oh Apollo, God of Immeasurable Light, the Healer of Sickness and Diseases. Please, I ask you to heal Hades for he has done no wrong where this poison should have befallen him. Please, listen to my prayer.”
Kore, daughter of Demeter and Goddess of the Spring, flora, and fauna. You ask for too much. What has happened to Hades is of his own doing.
“Who has he hurt? Let him live and I will see to it that they are reimbursed for his sins.”
Oh, Y/N. You do not understand. He has hurt someone that is insatiable. What they want will never be allowed for.
“Who? Who has he hurt? Surely I can convince them?”
You will do it? For his life? What has he done that makes you compelled so? Saving his life is not simple. My powers may not curse you but you will be eternally bound to your duty after he has been healed.
“Do not ask a question that is none of your business. I shall complete your task when he has fully healed. Now, heal him!”
Alright. But do not beg me to undo this.
You didn’t think about what would happen to you. Hoseok was usually kind and the task would not be so heartless. You’re sure he was only being so formal because of pleasantries..right?
As you questioned your intentions, you saw that the green foam was becoming concentrated into a glass-like orb. It was the potent poison that the blade had been coated with. You carefully took it in your hand and stuffed it in one of the pockets of your dress.
Lifting Jin so that his face was facing you, you realized he was unconscious, probably from the pain. His eyebrows furrowed, and lips in a thin line made you think of how much stress he was in. But a more pressing matter plagued your mind.
Who did this to him?
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After asking Thanatos for help, the two of you were able to lift Jin into his bed and let him rest there. The entire time Seokjin couldn’t bear to remove his hand from yours and you could practically see Thanatos’s eyebrows moving up and down in a suggestive manner. That god was basically a man-child at this point.
“So, what do we do?”
“We have to wait, Y/N. There’s not much else we can do.”
“Right, right..He’ll be fine, right? Like nothing will happen to him that bad, right? Maybe I should try praying to Apollo again, yeah—“
Thanatos put a hand on your shoulder to stop your rambling and look up at him. His eyes tried to tell you to stop but you could see the pity in it.
“Y/N. It’ll be okay. You did the right thing by praying to Apollo. You should probably be more worried about yourself and what duty you have to follow than Hades. Hades is the God of the Dead, he’ll be fine.”
Your heart twisted and you could feel your hands becoming clammy. You wondered why you kept feeling so anxious, hoping that it would go away if you walked around or something. You didn’t like the antsy feeling, wanting to get rid of it by all means. The duty Apollo had asked of you didn’t even register when you were praying, you just were too preoccupied with Hades almost dying.
“Right, right..But maybe I should stay here? To make sure he’s okay?”
“..It’s your choice, but don’t let it overtake you. I can’t help both of you if you collapse from exhaustion.”
“Haha, yeah..”
Thanatos disappeared quickly after, saying he had some work to do. Taking a seat, you brushed a piece of hair out of Jin’s face while trying not to disturb him in his sleep. His left hand was still holding onto yours, not letting go anytime soon. Gently trailing over his knuckles in an effort to soothe yourself and hopefully Jin, you started thinking about your stay here.
It was shit. You had been taken from your home, the Fates had told you that you got married to the God of the Underworld, who apparently was one of your oldest friends, you were stuck in a really dark palace, and now your spouse is resting in bed from almost dying. And you’re indebted to Apollo.
Swarmed with less than kind thoughts about Seokjin and how you managed to get here, you didn’t take notice of him stirring until his hand squeezed yours slightly, “Hey sleepy head..”
He blinked lethargically, raising his right hand to stretch,“..How.. how long was I out?”
“Not long, just a few hours at most. Are you feeling any better? Need anything?”
“No.. Um, why are you helping me?”
You paused, so maybe the thoughts that plagued your mind weren’t just in your head. Not knowing how to answer— because you had been beating yourself about it too— you shrugged your shoulders.
“You don’t deserve to die, no one does. The person who stabbed you.. should watch their back. I’ll personally give them the worst harvest for the rest of their life.”
Jin laughed abruptly but the pain in his chest didn’t subside, making him cough. You lifted him up more and patted him to try to calm him down, which worked for a while. The tips of his mouth were upturned, as if he didn’t just almost die, and his ears were turning red.
“I don’t understand you, Y/N and I don’t think I ever will.”
“No problem but you got to answer me this, what in the everliving Styx happened?”
Jin’s happy expression dropped for a second and you thought it was your imagination but you could feel that the atmosphere had changed quickly.
“..Humans have been starving recently, I was afraid to tell you because you have such a close connection to them.”
“So it’s not a war, like Thanatos told me?”
You sighed a shaky breath, as this majorly concerned you. Your mother was very strict in making sure everything in Spring was correctly taken care of and nothing was out of place. If it had become so bad where people were starving, well something was wrong. War wasn’t exactly starving people, sure it could lead to less food and things but the real problem here was why everyone kept hesitating to tell why this was happening. Was Zeus mad? Was Apollo mad? Who the fuck was mad to make the mortal world so bad?
“So..you’re not going to tell me who started this?”
Instead of fidgeting with your hands, you fully sat down on the bed. You looked at the bandages on his back and decided to redo them because they had already soaked through. Carefully unwrapping the bandages, you tried not to fluster at how close you had to be to unwrap the from around his body. While rewrapping the cloth and your hands were basically hugging his torso at one point to get them all the way, Jin gently put his hand on yours.
You stopped, suddenly too aware of how you were almost cuddling Jin and how he was soothingly rubbing your hands. You could already feel your face getting hot and you desperately tried to think of anything except his hard chest or his broad shoulder you kept brushing over.
“No..no, I can’t..”
You tried not to let his words have too much of an effect on you, it’s not like he couldn’t have some privacy from you. But this was different, his life was on the line a few hours ago. You hoped you would be able to persuade him later. Right now, you had a bigger responsibility to take care of. You tightened the bandages on his torso, causing him to yell in pain.
“HEY! What was that for?!”
“You’re not.. very nice, you know that?”
The moment you said the words, your entire body sagged and Jin could feel your hands slowly pulling away. But he didn’t want to let go, they were much too comforting, much too soft for him to let go of them. Jin tried to speak but your response cut him from doing so.
“Whatever, just go to sleep Jin!”
Jin heard the crack in your voice and got ashamed of himself for not being able to answer you. He didn’t want his relationship with you to be any more strained and telling you that your mom almost killed him would definitely screw it up. While your hands had stopped and your head was down, Jin slowly turned around so he could face you. You were so preoccupied with what he had said that you didn’t realize he was facing you until he cupped your cheeks.
Your eyes were glistening a little bit, which made Jin’s entire body soften and feel helpless, but you didn’t even know why. This didn’t even happen with your mother yet when Jin was hesitant to say who hurt him, you naturally started to feel sad and uncomfortable. A few tears started to fall down and Jin softened even more, wanting to try and help you or comfort you in some way. He brushed his thumb over your cheek to get rid of the tears and you closed your eyes at the movement.
“Why can’t you just tell me? Weren’t we friends once? I’m not that kid okay! I can handle it, I’m a lot stronger than I look.”
Jin’s heart breaks at your questions and he can’t even explain how the string in his heart starts to feel strained— you feel it in your own too. Taking his hands off your cheeks and holding yours, he swiftly puts a kiss to your forehead before you can even realize. It was soft but it burned into your memory. You could feel his eyes on you but the kiss was quick and yet your cheeks felt like they were on fire from the sweet gesture. If Jimin had done it, you wouldn’t have felt anything but now that Jin did it, you definitely were feeling something.
“I want to, I do! You’re not that kid anymore, you’ve definitely grown up. But, it’s complicated and you really wouldn’t believe me.”
While you were still reeling at the revelation that Jin kissed your forehead, the god in question started feeling immensely proud of how he was making you flustered. It was a much more welcomed look than you in tears, that sight would always hurt him. He smiled lightly at your shocked expression before feeling extremely drowsy from all the events.
“..I see, alright then. Tell me when we’re better friends.”
God, they’re really cute. I wonder if..
Taking another risk, Jin settled his head into your lap and you almost stopped breathing.
Never thought I’d say this but my husband is going to be the death of me.
“It’ll take a while but I will. Eventually.”
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After that day, the two of you kept getting closer to each other. Whether that be when you woke up and saw that he had draped a blanket over you. Or when you found his office room, after a long time trying, and pushed his hair out of his face when you saw him trying to take a nap. You also helped redress his bandages because they seemed to wrinkle more often than usual; believing that Jin had something to do with it, you didn’t bring the question up.
Why would you not want to see your husband shirtless?
He even had another throne built for you beside his own, decorated with lighter colors which had made you laugh as it stood out so much in the dark room. The two of you would eat together in a dining room you didn’t even know existed. There were two big chairs on either side, but the table was so long so you opted to move it closer to him. Seokjin tried to play it off as if he was cool about it but on the inside he was screaming about how sweet the gesture was. At one point you even had the idea of making rings for each other. Seokjin was also the God of Wealth—since jewels are created underground— and so had an advantage, making two gold rings. While you tore a small piece of cloth of your green dress to make two cloth rings. Each of you wore both a gold and a cloth ring, symbolic for the friendship (and later love) you shared.
Once, he even showed you a large library, full of books about, death for sure but many others about adventures, myths, romances, fantasy, and some new ones about (F/G). You spent most of your time going between the bookshelves trying to find something to expand your knowledge on godly powers. For some practice with your own, you had asked Jin to get some seeds or plants down to the palace. But, the moment he did, they were instantly killed and even then, your powers couldn’t revive them.
“This is so useless!” You groaned for the umpteenth time, “How is it that my powers just disappear?”
Jin looked at you and hummed in solidarity, “I’m not sure, I’ll check the library for some books about godly powers and um, maybe Demeter..”
At the mention of your mother, you stiffened but forced yourself to loosen your limbs. You shook your head from the intrusive thoughts and nodded towards Jin, allowing him to lead the way to the library as you thought about what your mother had taught you about your powers.
They are an extension of yourself, Kore. If you’re uncomfortable, it’ll become jagged and out of control.
Jagged and out of control was certainly the emotions and atmosphere you had when you came into Hades’s palace.
You have to control your powers just like you are able to control your emotions.
Your environment is important. Olympus is not a place where your powers can work because Spring does not touch it. Only the mortal realm does.
Maybe the Underworld wouldn’t let you have powers either.
Be careful! When you get upset, those plants can grow thorns rather than flowers.
“Are you alright? You seem..disturbed.”
“Disturbed?” You came back to the present and raised your eyebrow as if the adjective Jin said was the most illogical word, “I’m fine, just a little confused.”
“Fair enough, but I think I know what book you need.”
You looked at the seemingly never ending shelves and rows of bookcases. The books in here defied time; there were section of ‘past’ books which were finished, ‘present’ books which added a new page and words every time the author wrote in real time, and ‘future’ books which had books with blank pages without titles but the date they would be finished was already printed on the cover. It was magnificent, you could find any book and read it as it was being written, and if you cracked the intense magic that protected the books, you could even read the literature that hadn’t even been written yet.
Jin sighed, running his fingers through his hair and taking one look at the library before fixing on you, “It’s in the past section which is good but the title escapes me, probably having something about godly power or an index of their abilities.”
“Who wrote that?”
“Athena, she’s a bit too enthusiastic when it comes to things like this.”
“..Did you just call Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, a nerd?”
“Well-I mean..am I wrong?”
You laughed loudly, echoing across the long walls and between shelves. Your head tipped back and your arms hugged yourself to keep your frame from shaking. Jin’s ears turned red with embarrassment, for he had no idea why you were laughing so much. To be honest, you couldn’t either. It was just so funny that one of the most formal of gods talked so normally, a happy accident truly.
“It’s alright,” You were still giggled a little bit and by this time Jin was chuckling too, “Let’s go find this book. Split up?”
Jin nodded and went to the right part of the ‘past’ section while you headed over to the left. The two of you looked at the titles of each book but none of the key words or phrases in them matched. The search seemed useless.
Seokjin couldn’t find anything in his section, and even after having several ghost servants to help him— Thanatos showed up for a few minutes too— there was nothing to be found. Deciding that working together or at least being in the same company as you would be more beneficial then the current strategy, he headed to you.
You weren’t having any luck either, but hearing footsteps, your mood turned for the better. After spending some time with your husband, you had realized he had a lot of endearing qualities to him. He always took care of you when you were missing home, opting to bring fake flowers, like the silver one from your first day here, that wouldn’t die but would remind you of your home back in the mortal realm. They were delicate all the same, but you liked holding them and imagining yourself back in those fields.
You missed it, a lot. You missed your mother even more.
But you couldn’t deny that Jin’s company wasn’t delightful. He never made you do anything or feel afraid, his presence was calming and when you were together, the string in your hearts felt connected and alive. The two of you were unfortunately way too shy to admit it but, there was definitely some sort of love between you two. The way your heart soared when looking at each other or laughing at the most unfunny jokes. You hadn’t missed the red ears he had when you complimented him and he definitely didn’t miss your stuttering when he called you loving names in front of his servants or the inevitable mortal or “hero” who wanted something from Jin.
Since gods were not permitted to directly help mortals, often blessed or favored mortals called heroes emerged. They were given unimaginable powers and strength to fight off evil monsters or save villages. Once a man endowed with superhuman musical skills came to the two of you, asking for help. His singing moved the ghost servants and the gray horses that were outside the palace. The two of you were no match either.
“Oh God who rules the dark and silent Underworld,” The man sang with his lyre, tears in his eyes, “I beg you to help me. All lovely things at last go down to you. But I seek one who came to you too soon. The bud was plucked before the flower bloomed. I tried to bear my loss. I could not bear it.”
Seokjin knew that Orpheus was seeking out his wife, Eurydice, and the prominent aspects of love in the song tightened the string in his heart. While Orpheus sang for his dead wife’s revival, he glanced at your face and the refusal suddenly got stuck in his throat.
You looked longingly at Orpheus as his song for Eurydice’s freedom made you feel drowsy and heartbroken. Here was a newlywed couple, both full of joy that they could marry the person of their dreams, but then disaster struck. The woman had unfortunately died on their wedding day and here was her husband, traveling fearlessly through the depths of hell to beg for her back— all for love. A few tears escaped your eyes as the desire to resonate with the man was so strong. You wanted to feel as loved as Eurydice did, wanted someone to love you as strong as Orpheus did for her. Did Hades even know what love meant?
Seokjin could feel your pain, the string that connected your hearts often shared those strong emotions. He liked sharing the happy ones, when you were laughing at something he said or smiling brightly because of his cheesy and old fashioned jokes. Not because you didn’t feel loved. It was breaking his heart to know that you wanted to feel this love and despite his own insecurities of being unlovable, he promised himself that he would love you fully. He would love you as much and more than Orpheus loved his wife, and even more than that. Seokjin felt so heartbroken that you didn’t feel loved already and made it his mission to show you just how much he cared.
“My love is too strong. So I beg of you, King of the Dead,” Orpheus was on his knees and looked at only Jin, “Help me so that I may hold my Eurydice!”
Seokjin raised his eyebrows by the blatant disrespect that Orpheus showed by ignoring you completely. You most likely did not notice it but the clear distinction the man had from you and him was a glaring red flag. But Seokjin could also sense that you were too swept up with the song that you would want to see the couple reunited despite the rudeness.
You put your hands on the hand-rests of your throne to lift yourself up when Seokjin put his hand on yours to stop you. Setting yourself back down, you looked in confusion up to him whose eyes did not stray from the man in front of him. Although Orpheus’s story was tragic, he had heard of many before. As the overseer of the Underworld, his heart had to be hard as steel, and so it was— until you of course. You had softened him by doing practically nothing, but the thought of you continued to melt him. Many mortals had approached Hades to beg for loved ones back and all requests were always refused. No doubt, Orpheus' music was sweet and very moving, but the look in your eyes and tears that dropped down your cheeks were much more convincing; anything to see his wife happy.
Seokjin slowly rubbed your knuckles before finally answering Orpheus, “Your music is ever so moving, but you must know that many couples have begged for their lovers before. I have refused all.”
At the statement, you had gasped and swerved your head to your husband trying to comprehend how someone could refuse so many heartbroken lovers. Orpheus is distraught and close to sobbing harder, dropping his lyre to the ground. But ignoring it all, Seokjin gently chuckles at your expression and strokes your cheek.
“However..” Seokjin starts with a twinkle in his eye.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you ask, “However?”
“To my right side is Persephone, Goddess of the Spring, flora, and fauna. She is my equal, my other half, and the love of my life. Her presence moves me to help you more than your music. For that, I shall grant you your wish of seeing Eurydice again.”
There is that familiar blush Seokjin has witnessed almost everyday, that adorns your cheeks again. Your eyes bulged out at his words and you couldn’t help but lean over to his throne and kiss his cheek in appreciation. He snickers lightly but in reality, his heart almost beat out of his chest. He’s as smitten with you as you are with him. A loveless King had turned sweet for his Queen.
But Orpheus does not seem to care for the intimate words between the two of you. For he seems angry, possibly envious of the love you two share, and resentful that his music that could move rocks on every hillside and turn the course of all rivers was nothing compared to what you could do. The loving look you two shared made him more furious that Eurydice was not beside him at the very instant. Unfortunately, having such wonderful musical abilities often followed with instant compliments and help. For that praise to be lacking from the Gods hurt Orpheus’s pride, and would eventually lead to his demise.
Orpheus snatched his lyre from the floor and said, “My music.. did not move you? I am appalled.”
You tilt your head in confusion, still with a smile on your face you turn to face the man. Seokjin looks at you when you ask, “Appalled? What for?”
“How has a whore been able to influence you, my King?”
At the comment, your smile falters and you see Jin’s eyes light up with the purple fire you saw when you met him. But instead of being a warm, welcoming and even comforting flame, it is chaotic, burning, and seething. He doesn’t need to see your face to see the crestfallen look, but instead whirled around to walk towards Orpheus. Jin’s anger was immeasurable and Orpheus was alarmed at how his eyes seem to flicker brighter with every passing moment. Glowering down at the man, the god was Hades, not the Jin you were used to. His eyes flashed and Orpheus saw every moment in his life up to then and what looked like an older version of himself. Only later would he realize that the God of the Dead had shown him his life in only a few flashes to humble him of his worth and his insignificance.
Realizing that the man may be scorched by your husband’s anger alone, you gracefully walked up to them. Your presence eased Orpheus’s mind for a split second before his eyes flickered back to Jin’s, it was obvious that Jin would not back down. Showing disrespect to you would result in nothing less than banishment to the Mourning Fields of unrequited love for the rest of eternity, or even a trip to Tartarus, the deepest abyss known to all deities.
But he really should have paid more attention to the scowl on your lips.
You spoke with a steely, calm tone, but it reeked of annoyance, “Who are you, a trivial, fleeting thought for me, a Goddess? You are nothing. Mind your tongue and consider yourself lucky that I do not turn you into a corn plant right here.”
After summoning Eurydice with a wave of your hand, you continued, “As you ascend, do not look back as she follows you. Like the explicit disrespect you showed me today, I will take Eurydice away from you.You will lead a desolate and lonely life, as your music will never be heard again.”
Without waiting for a response, you sent the two on your way and sat back down on your throne. Jin sat next to you in utter disbelief and awe of how you commanded respect in the room. He would tease you about it later but it truly showed you how the two of you were so interconnected with one another. Many other challengers would come to try their luck with the softened God, but he didn’t accept all of them— only the ones that you also approved of.
“Hey,” Seokjin started and you only just noticed how dangerously close he was to your face, “Is everything okay? You zoned out for a while.”
Coming back to the present, you realized that you were still in the library trying to find a book to help you with your powers. You had opened one that was clearly not what you were looking for, as the title had something related to (F/G) instead of godly powers. Snapping the book abruptly shut, dust swept up into the air and you coughed up a bit. Seokjin leaned away while you put the book back into its rightful place and tried to clear the air.
You sighed, “I haven’t been able to find anything even remotely related to what we were searching for.”
“It’s alright,” Jin said as he placed a hand on your shoulder in comfort, “I haven’t either. Maybe we should look for a book about you specifically.”
“Me? You think I would be in a book?”
“Well, you are the Goddess of Spring.” He chuckled and patted your head, “Pretty sure that’s important, baby.”
“Did you just call me..?”
“Shit, I didn’t know if nicknames were okay. Are they okay? I’m guessing they’re not okay? Are you not okay with them? Can I call you something else? Should I just stick to Y/N? Or Persephone? Wait, what about Kore? Or is that only reserved—”
You stopped his rambling by grabbing his hand and interlocking them. Looking up to gauge his reaction, you were pleasantly surprised to see that his mouth was upturned and he tried to turn away from your gaze.  
“It’s perfectly fine, my love.” With your term of endearment, Jin groaned and shook his head, “Now what should we do next?”
“I call you something cute like baby and you call me my love? Are you trying to open up my wounds?”
“I’m sure your heart will stay intact, what you should be more worried about is your lips!”
“..My lips?!”
You giggled at his star struck expression before you realized that you may have come of as too strong. Deep in thought, you caress his hand with your thumb before grabbing the black feather necklace he’s always worn. It takes Seokjin by surprise and he leans towards you, his face only a few inches from touching yours. His eyes flicker to your lips then back to your eyes and your smile slowly relaxes. He subconsciously licks his lips, and you were so close to just capturing them but you think again.
Did he want you as much as you did?
Seokjin could cut the tension with a knife, and he was going crazy not being able to kiss your lips. He internally groaned because his shy side was poking at him to run away and hide in a corner while the confident side of him wanted to do nothing but kiss you.
God he wanted you, he hoped you did too.
“Can I kiss you, Jin?”
“Please do, you’re going to kill me if you don’t.”
“I think I’ll kill you either way, I’m a pretty good kisser.”
His eyes fluttered closed, and then your lips were on his. Unlike you had imagined— because yes, you had been dreaming for this for a while— he tasted like nothing but everything at the same time. Fireworks and bursts of warmth burned in your hearts and the string in your chest seemed to tie with Jin’s. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he gripped your waist, the both of you wanted to get as close as possible. You let go of each other eventually, and could only stare at each other in awe of what you had done. Glancing at his ears, you immediately grinned seeing them completely red and his flushed expression. Not that you were doing any better, the color tint on your lips was smudged and your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath. It may have been your first kiss but it definitely would not be your last.
You eventually found the book you were looking for in the first place and Jin would help you control your powers until you could blossom flowers and fruits from the dead seeds he brought when he would go back up. It was a team effort and it definitely earned you some kisses whenever you were successful.
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Almost six months had passed since your arrival in the Underworld. After Hades was poisoned, he did not show up to the meetings in Olympus, believing that he knew he was not welcome. Nor would he be able to clearly face Demeter, his mother-in-law, and not absolutely go ballistic. The love for his wife had increased one hundred fold since the last time he saw Demeter and any type of insult to how he cared for her daughter would surely set the deadly side of him off.
But many things happened in the mortal realm. Orpheus looked back at his wife just as the two were leaving the Underworld, and he would live in eternal sadness without his other half. The rest of the mortal realm was not faring well either. While the two newlywed Gods were happy, things like famine, drought, and death plagued mortals. Spring had not come, but was replaced with a harsh, cold winter. Diseases and frostbite was common since Demeter had no intention of changing the season until her daughter was back at her side. Since Hades was not the bringer of Death (Thanatos was), his job was maintaining a record of who died, was alive, and where they would spend their rest of their lives in.
The Fields of Punishment for eternal torture or The Fields of Elysium for rebirth?
The paperwork was clogging up as Hades had renounced his duty and was so lost in his love for his wife, that he only tended to his wife’s needs and taught their three-headed dog Cerberus how to fetch a bone of some unfortunate skeleton than anything else. At one point, your Seokjin had even gifted you a garden full of pomegranate trees, the only real plant that could successfully grow in the Underworld, to you as a sign of his love for you. You were overjoyed by the garden but he had warned you about something, but it all fell on deaf ears.
“You’re kidding..Jin!” You gasped, twirling around and noticing all the blossoming flowers and the vibrant colored plants in your garden.
“It’s for you,” Seokjin looked at you lovingly, seeing you so happy and bright made his heart and face glow too, “An entire garden of pomegranates for you. But be careful alright? They have powers that can make you stay here. So don’t eat them or then—”
“You’ll stay here for that many months and I doubt that your mother—”
“Yeah, yeah, enough talk! Oooh, that one looks pretty.”
Seokjin’s face softened at your giddy expression and he couldn’t help but admire you from afar. But as he realized what your true intentions with the fruit were, he became worried.
“Y/N, wait! Don’t—”
Before Seokjin could finish his sentence, there you were, grabbing a pomegranate that split open with a gentle, magical prod by your finger. You took twelve seeds and threw them into your mouth with a smile on your face. Looking towards Seokjin, or at least where he was last, you saw that his eyes flamed with purple. He looked terrified.
Before you could even bite one of them, Jin was kissing you feverishly. His lips molded against yours and before you could blink, the gentle but insistent press of his hand on your waist made you part your mouth. He slipped his tongue past your own lips and while you were too distracted by the passion behind his actions, he had another thing to worry about. Finally when you parted, both of your lips were stained red with pomegranate juice and were breathing heavily.
Still reeling and drunk on his lips, you only barely noticed his frown and furrowed eyebrows. Jin licked his lips and you blinked slowly before wondering what he could possibly be thinking about. On your end, you definitely enjoyed that heated makeout session, and you were pretty sure his urgency was a good sign.
“Fuck, only got six seeds out,” Jin cursed, before looking at your satisfied expression, “You still ate the other six!”
“Uh, what?” You said lethargically, holding on to Jin’s arms to balance yourself.
“I tried to warn you that pomegranate seeds are dangerous, Y/N! If you had eaten all twelve of the seeds, you would have stayed in the Underworld for all twelve of the months in the year.”
Jin cupped your cheek and sighed, “I tried to kiss you to take them out but I only ate six so you still ate the other six. Now you’ll have to stay with me for half the year.”
“What? That doesn’t sound bad at all! I’m not regretting that kiss because, wow Jin you really know how to kiss someone, but I feel like I should have eaten all of them. What’s so wrong with being bound to you for all eternity?”
Everything, Jin wanted to say. But he could not get his lips to move for the breathless expression you had was too alluring. He stroked your cheek and wished that he could stay by your side but he knew that would not be good. While his ghost servants, Thanatos, and surely all the other Gods in Olympus believed that Seokjin had completely forgotten about his duties, he had not. He was too swept up with the thought of you to do anything about it but he knew that the mortal world was failing.
“It might be safer.”
“Bullshit! I would be much safer, here, with you.”
“I’m the God of the Dead, I doubt your mother wants a son-in-law like me.”
“And? She’s not married to you.”
“My kingdom, it stinks of death. You’ve lived all your life with the beauty of life, are you sure?”
“More than sure, my King. This kingdom is also mine.” You smirked, putting your hands on your hips, waiting for the next thing you would defend.
“The deaths that our love has caused? I’m sure Thanatos has slipped that by now.”
“He has! But what happens to mortals is not our fault, that’s someone else’s fault.”
He knew that. But he also knew that while he was in that poisoned, dying state, you had prayed to Apollo for help. Jin cursed himself for not being stronger so that you would not be indebted to the Hoseok, but he could not change the past. In his own time, Jin had asked Apollo for what you would have to do, and the answer made him scared beyond belief.
“She must go back home, that is her duty.”
“Home? Hoseok..”
“You and I both know that Demeter is mourning for Persephone. Without her daughter, she has put an eternal blanket of winter on the mortal lands. Even Hestia’s hearth in Olympus flickers away at times.”
“She won’t leave, Y/N will be suspicious of my intentions. She’s not some dumb deity that is oblivious to everything around her, she will ask why I am making her do this. I cannot do this.”
“Then lie to her. Tell Persephone that Demeter asks for her or that the mortal world is falling. Or better yet, betray her—”
“I cannot— no, I..I can’t.”
“Please, for the sake of Demeter and the sake of all mortals, force her back. If you must trick her into thinking you don’t..care for her— do it. Even Namjoon has tried convincing Demeter, she won’t budge.”
It was heartbreaking for him to know that Seokjin would have to hurt you like that. But he couldn’t allow himself to go against your duty and responsibility as the bringer of Spring and life. Your mother would not budge without seeing you, it was stated by the Fates too. Maybe if he betrayed you, then you would be safer and wouldn’t be with such a wretched god like himself.
Who was he kidding?
The God of the Dead with the Goddess of Life? It seemed like a cruel joke, especially because of how much he adored you.
Not wanting to worry you, Seokjin kissed your forehead and smiled as best he could. He realized that this might be the last time he could be honest with you, and so took off his black feather necklace and placed it on your neck. You grinned and pecked him on the lips.
“Maybe you’re right, Y/N.”
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The Underworld had only one connection to the living world and that was by a boat ride on the River Styx with the reaper of souls. Unless you could play music, then you might be able to charm your way through like Orpheus, but even that was unlikely. In that sense, there are a few ways to get to the underworld but for a normal person, it was impossible.
But you were far from normal.
You were the Queen of the Underworld, Persephone or Y/N, alongside your king, Hades or Seokjin. It was nice having a title to yourself and not Kore, which was just ‘maiden’. It was yours and you loved it.
You couldn’t feel the sunshine on your face, the dewy breeze of a spring morning, the crisp droplets from a rainy night, nor anything else that you usually felt. Only the emptiness from the souls that were reaped, dying to be put back into the world above. But even that beautiful to you, the beauty of death often allured you. The dead stayed dead but even some of them were happy to leave their suffering above.
You wondered why your Jin had taken you for a walk around his palace, he hadn’t spoken a word to you the entire time either. Thinking it was just him being a little distant, you didn’t find anything weird. Seokjin wasn’t the most extroverted so instead of getting caught up with what his silence may have meant, you instead thought about the events that had happened in the last few months. Things had moved so fast, almost as if to compensate for your still life with your mother.
Originally, you had felt that she had done nothing but kept you inside like a prisoner but now you could clearly see why. The way Jin treated you was the biggest indication but you’ve realized your self-worth. You matter to both the mortal world and the Underworld, you’re a powerful Goddess, and you feel lucky that your first love was such a sweet, kind man. Mom wasn’t trying to force you into solitude, but she never trusted any of the Gods in Olympus and that’s why you didn’t even live up there anymore. It wasn’t like she forced you to stay home but the restrictions and ‘protection’ she gave was stifling.
You missed her so much. You missed the sunshine and you missed picking flowers and making flower crowns. You missed feeling the grass underneath your feet and how the Spring would hug your body.
You closed your eyes while taking a large breath in before opening them and smiling, anyone looking at you would have wondered in curiosity or more so horror. Who would smile in the Underworld?
You would, for multiple reasons but mostly because it was more of a home that any place you had lived before. You looked at your bare feet and the black rocks beneath it. They were sharp unlike the grass above, but there was no pain due to the increase in your powers. Having always walked through fields and meadows, you were used to walking without any protection on your feet— though scorned and scolded by your mother.
“Jin, where are you taking me?” You asked at last, giggling a little but your patience running thin.
Seokjin did not answer nor did he move his head in your direction. He kept walking with longer strides, heading to the River Lethe. You had hated that river, a river to make those who touched it forget their memory. You had always expressed your disgust with the concept but Jin usually just laughed at the thought.
“You are the Queen of the Underworld, love.” He said, with a slight smirk on his face.
Jin cradled your chin and looked into your (E/C) eyes with a softness the other gods would’ve laughed and mocked. The god of the Underworld, your Hades, was happy and smiling with such adoration at your face that your cheeks started to heat up. You were a goddess but that didn’t prevent your heart from twisting when he said such sweet words.
He closed his eyes and touched your foreheads together, saying, “You shouldn’t be afraid of it, not when it’s yours.”
You smiled, closing your eyes and reaching out to hold his face in your hands. You weren’t afraid. As long as Jin was there with you.
You remembered the moments that you shared, when you’d be paranoid about your identity and your husband would reassure you that you did have a place in his— our world— he would say. That you were in the right place. A lot of things had happened in the past six months. But none of that could have prepared you for your husband’s next words.
“..You need to leave.”
“What? Seokjin, this isn’t the time to make jokes.”
“I’m serious, leave.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, you felt dizzy, as if the entire world was spinning. You couldn’t breathe for a moment, and then you took a shaky breath in before shaking your head in dismay, smiling to try and fight the large tears in your eyes.
But he continued, “This..isn’t right, your mother was right. We can’t be together.”
Your mother had warned you to not fall for such a man. Yet you had, for a man that you believed loved you back— no he loved you. A few tears rolled down your cheeks and you hurried to brush them away. You walked slowly towards your husband, your bare feet scraping against the dark rocks and your fern green dress trailed behind you.
You held out your hands in a comforting manner, trying to hold your beloved in your arms. In an instant, he shoved them away with his hand, his knuckles scraping against your arms. You winced but held your ground. “What are you saying? My mother was..right? Right about what?”
Jin’s resolve could have broken right there, but he stayed true to what he was told to do. He had to do this quick, or the tears in his eyes would fall and there would be no way to send you away. It hurt every fibre in his body to know that you were hurting because of him.
You looked up to try and find some sort of sign in Jin’s eyes, only to be met with dark purple ones— the very same that burned Orpheus only a few months ago. They looked empty yet were surrounded by that fire you hated.
“She told me this would never work out. And then poisoned me.”
You shook your head again, chuckling softly to yourself, trying to convince that this wasn’t true. You tried to speak confidently, but your voice started to shake after seeing his entire form move away from you.
“Do you truly think I’m so stupid to believe that lie? My mother may be overprotective of me and may have said this wouldn’t work out, but that doesn’t mean you should listen to her! And she would never hurt a God.”
At your words, Seokjin gets uncharacteristically angry at you, “She almost killed me and you defend her? Before me? When I have protected you—”
“Protected me from what?! Orpheus?! I am a Goddess, I do not need your protection!”
“You don’t need my protection?! Then leave! Stay with that mother of yours, even though we both know I’ve shown you more care than she ever will.”
He stated, turning his back to you and chucking the gold ring into the River Lethe. His ashy gray coat that covered his shoulders fell to the ground, at the feet of his dark robes. He didn’t even flinch, a tell-tale sign of him teasing or lying to you.
He wanted to forget you.
“Please,” You reasoned, “don’t send me away for such a stupid argument.”
“You’re right, I won’t be. You’ll leave on your own because you don’t belong here.”
Only then did you break into full sobs, you fell to the ground, clutching your heart in pain. This wet anger made you curse the Fates. Why did you have to be so weak in front of him?
You couldn’t believe it, the one man you had ever loved, threw you away. As if all the kind words, light kisses, and soft touches were worthless. He had lavished you with affection, even in front of disapproving others. From the day he unknowingly rescued you from a hell to now, he had always looked at you like you were his world.
You hadn’t said a word the night you had left with him, too much in shock with your future. But you couldn’t bare to let yourself ask him to take you back.
Anywhere was better than up there.
You had foolishly thought. And during that time you stayed with him. Fell in love. Thinking you would finally get a happy ending, one where the love of your life loved you back.
“Goodbye,” He stated, without looking back at you. All you could see was his tall figure in front of you before you disappeared. He was standing in front of your home. Or what you thought was. But home is where the heart is.
And yours was shattered.
He snapped his fingers and you were gone in a puff of dark black smoke. The feather on the black necklace that he once wore so diligently close to his chest, vanished with you. There was silence in his world for a few moments, after long months of happiness and joy. The flames in his eyes faded, for how could he be angry?
He had just screamed at the one he loved most.
You didn’t see the tears that fell from his eyes without stopping, wetting his cheeks and the ground in front of him. You didn’t see how his shoulders shook with the thought of your absence. You didn’t see him scramble from his hunched position to the River Lethe. You didn’t see him dive in to try and find his ring and realize that it vanished. His legs started to burn from the river’s powers but he stayed in it, thinking that this was nothing to what he deserved. The green cloth ring that you had once put for him, kissing his hand and saying your vows with a happy voice, was still on his finger.
“I’ll stay with you, Seokjin, as long as you want me to. For you are my friend, my companion, and my truest love. I trust you.”
You didn’t see how broken he was when he came back to the palace only to collapse in front of your shared bed and scream until his throat went dry. You didn’t see that his heart was shattered too.
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It wasn’t long until you made it back to the meadow, a small walk away from your mother’s palace in the mortal realm. It was dark, and you felt no sun on you. It was a different type of dark, rather than being ominous and mysterious, it held a type of serenity you weren’t ready for. But looking around, you felt empty.
The meadow was covered with some sort of cold, white fluff (snow, you would later find out) that pinched your toes. The once vibrant meadow, filled with plants of different colors and sizes, no longer welcomed you. The soft grass between your toes was now frozen ground and had grown into a long grass that reached your chest.
The world around you was imprisoned in a deafening silence, nothing was awake, nothing sang. The nightingales and woodpeckers were silent, there was nothing. It felt like the world above had stopped living the moment you left. Gashing winds had stripped the once bright green leaves from the trees, leaving them vulnerable and groaning from the cold.
You had never seen such coldness, felt such coldness.
Where am I?
The dark green dress you wore held up well, while the Underworld did not have as the biting cold as you experienced now, it was too similar for you to believe that you had really left there.
The stars twinkled sadly, as if crying out for someone. The moon waned brilliantly and yet everything felt dull. While this world seemed beautiful when you first entered, even though goosebumps had erupted on your limbs, it felt colder than you think it should have. The loneliness you felt was something you had never felt before, nor did you want to. The trees moved as if mourning and you felt like it was your death they were mourning.
Was this why people were dying..?
You turned around. Squinting to see the far-away figure, you realized it was your mother with her (H/C) hair in long locks, tumbling down her back— an unusual sight as she hated keeping her hair down— but she was hesitant to come to your side. She was looking at you differently, like she used to when you were a child. Not like how she pretended to when you got older but different. Better.
Like a mother should.
“Mom..” You whispered, but she heard it.
A flowing stream of tears started down Demeter’s face, and she made no move to wipe them away. Demeter held a hand out to her daughter, silently calling out to her. You slowly walked through the field to your mother’s side until finally putting her chin on her mother’s outstretched arm. As you saw your mother’s happy expression, you started to shakily smile and a few of her own tears started to drip down your cheek. Demeter stroked her daughter’s cheek and kissed your forehead in joy.
The mother and daughter were finally reunited.
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Quickly after you reunited with your mother, she interlocked your hand and led you back to the palace. Your home. But even saying that had a sour taste in your mouth, because all you could remember was the dark walls and soft smiles of your husband. The walls of your room were just as blindingly white and clean and smooth as you remembered it. But, you remembered what you used to think in the Underworld. As much as you had loved it and the people who came with it, it wasn’t what you were used to. You loved the mortal realm much, much more, and finally seeing the lush vegetation wherever you walked, the pretty flowers sprinkled here and there, the ponds of clear water, and the countless species of animals was both a shock and a blessing.
A few days after you arrived, the winter and snow that had swept through the mortal realm was finally vanquished. Your mother held your hand and simply waved her hand, causing Spring to come back to the world. She was glowing, much more than before you left. You wanted to both strangle her and hug her.
You even asked her about the poisoned dagger and she confirmed what he had said, she did poison him. It made your stomach squeeze and feeling uncharacteristically angry and snappy, you conveyed your concerns to your mother, but she didn’t brush it off like you had feared.
“Mom, I won’t get mad if you tell me the truth.” You sighed out one night.
Demeter raised her eyebrows and laughed merrily, “Oh? This is new Kore, usually I would say that when you were younger!”
Your throat was feeling dry and scratchy but you pressed, “Heh, right, um. Did you.. poison him?”
“Don’t speak of that monster! I—”
“Whether you did or not, please answer me.”
Demeter looked at her only daughter. Her wonderfully talented, intelligent, witty, and beautiful daughter. She couldn’t imagine the emotional manipulation that she went through in the Underworld. Demeter wanted her daughter back and she was afraid of how you changed. That time when you were gone was over.
“Please, Mom.”
Your eyes pleaded and shined in the moonlight and even Demeter couldn’t hold back, “I didn’t have a choice. Even Zeus approved of it, but you have to realize that you were gone.” She poked your chest with your finger and you felt small, like a mouse in the presence of a hawk.
“I didn’t even know where you were and to learn that, the God of the Underworld had taken you..It wasn’t okay and I’m glad that you’re back. That’s all that matters now, don’t worry about it, okay? You’re safe.”
Demeter combed through your hair and smiled at you but her eyes didn’t crinkle up like usual and you knew that she wanted this conversation to be over. But you’d test her limits.
You continued, “But it could’ve killed him, Mom.”
Demeter didn’t miss the flinch at the raise of her tone and she instantly regretted her actions. She didn’t want to be like her siblings, loveless of their children and so enraptured by mortals. But at the same time, she wanted to protect you. Why couldn’t you see that she didn’t want someone like the God of the Dead, an emotional manipulator and kidnapper, to be any of your concern. It tore her heart in two.
“You are the most important part in my life, I used to only live for you. Obviously, that doesn’t mean your life should revolve around me but you were kidnapped!”
“It was Namjoon’s fault though, he told him that we wanted this.”
“You’re right, Zeus is just as punishable for this crime. But if he wanted your hand so much he could have easily come to us formally. Where was the need to capture you like that? None.”
But that wasn’t it either. Sure, you were upset that Seokjin had taken you away. Sure, that seemed logical from your mother’s perspective, realistic. But that’s not what happened. Namjoon was a drunk idiot and had told Seokjin a lie which caused all of this. But even with that figured out, you were still angry that you didn’t see the color black more often or you didn’t have a library full of books to read, or someone that would keep your head in their lap as you slept.
You missed him the most, and that’s why it hurt the most.
No, you repeat to yourself, You aren’t going to be caught down by someone you’ve only known for a few months. You’re better than this, Y/N.
So you busy yourself with other things that need your attention, like the new plants that are popping up in villages. It helps with the loneliness that seems to have taken you captive, even though your mother smothers you with affection. She wanted to celebrate the way you’ve finally come back to her, from that monster.
The new plants seem to have medicinal properties and you keep record of them in a small journal. In the same journal, you’ve been writing down your feelings as a way to cope with the environment changes. You’ve been liking the cool shade and swift breezes that come rather than the blinding sun that you were so used to. You often nestle between a few apricot trees, and would stare blankly at the fruit. It was so close to pomegranates but entirely different. The red color hurt and even the nymphs could see it, often asking you to pluck flowers with them far, far away.
Jimin visits you and the two of you spend an entire day in each other’s company. He talks about how he wasn’t able to visit you in the Underworld and missed you. You find comfort in his words and you confess that you miss Seokjin. Terribly. He’s the only person you have that won’t go to your mother and snitch on you.
“It hurts, Jimin. But I am afraid that you.. will not like what I have to say.”
“What does, Y/N? Don’t be afraid.”
“My heart..it misses him so much.”
Jimin had furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, he couldn’t understand why you would miss such a horrible God. He tried to comfort you about the matter, but it was stiff and rehearsed. When you had cried yourself to sleep that night, Jimin had quietly snuck out of your door only to see Demeter wiping her tears. Your mother had heard your pleas and she broke.
Why did you have to love such a disgusting monster?
Six months have passed and the world has been recovering. You don’t forget the black feather necklace on your neck and almost daily, you rub it to make sure it’s still with you. Your mother had asked what it was and Jimin had saved you before you could stutter out a response, saying he gifted it as nostalgia for being nicknamed pretty bird. Even the rings you had were considered a gift from other gods.
Demeter had looked at you in fear but hid her emotions well enough with a smile that you thought she wouldn’t ask again. She didn’t.
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Seokjin couldn’t bear it anymore. Ever since you had left, his heart was heavy with the fact that he had pushed you away. Not even telling you anything and you just had to go.
Thanatos could see that his friend was drowning himself in his work, checking and double checking who were coming into the Underworld. Even Cerberus was ignoring Hades in fear of making him angrier. The dead souls rarely would see their king and while that usually did not worry many, those in Elysium were confused. Sometimes the two of you would visit their houses and get togethers, and even then they could make out his lovestruck expression whenever you talked. He looked at you like you were the moon, made of wonder and beauty, and had painted the stars in his world with small kisses.
Thanatos has gotten angry at Seokjin and forced him out of the palace, locking his office to be extra sure. Walking around aimlessly, everything in the palace reminded him of you. When you would walk next to him and talk about the most useless topics, it was the first time he noticed the sharp rocks on the floor. Instead of creating shoes or anything that a logical  God would’ve done, he offered to let you get on his back while you walked. At your shocked expression, he was sure he embarrassed himself more than he thought was possible. But you quickly grinned and jumped onto his back while he held on tight to your legs to keep you steady.
At the memory, Seokjin smiled bitterly and scoffed at the tears that escaped. He wished he was stronger. You were probably going through something a hundred times worse, the love of your life just randomly banishing you must have hurt.
It was to protect her.
Either way, it made him curse out the Fates for even allowing him to meet you once. It wasn’t fair, for either of you. He even cursed his brother Namjoon, he would never listen to his brother again. It wasn’t fair.
The pomegranate trees in front of him made him stop. He wanted to break down in tears and throw his life away for what he had done to you. The brightest red fruit was on the lowest branch, but it was open. With twelve seeds missing, Seokjin shook with fear.
Six months was almost up.
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You walked through the meadow, somehow leaving the safety of the nymphs that followed you on Demeter’s request, and brushing through the flowers. You twirled around, feeling free for once. Not in a palace, under someone’s watchful eye or endearing gaze. You loved both of them dearly, but it was hard for Kore, the Goddess of flora, and fauna to be expected to stay in the same place. You felt lost everywhere but here, with nature, was where you felt at peace. There was some substance in what your mother said. Nonetheless, your duty as Persephone, Goddess and Queen of the Underworld, stayed the same. You would have to leave soon, but that made your stomach twist and turn.
While preoccupied with your thoughts, you failed to notice the grass parting behind you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw something long shoot through the field. You froze, knowing that it was too late to move and your body felt on edge, the feather on your neck started to heat up and become uncomfortable. Another quick movement and—
Something grabbed your arms and the intense motion made your eyes squeeze shut. You were shaking, and spots danced behind your eyes. It took you a few moments to realize who had grabbed you, and now shielded, sporting an all-too familiar clothing color palette.
“..Jin,” You whispered breathlessly, “You’re here.”
Worlds away from each other, lifetimes away, or in different versions of reality, Seokjin heard your words as if it burned in his mind, clear as day, your presence bringing him back to life. You could only stare at him as he stroked your cheek, probably because there was some dirt on it because you had fallen asleep on the crumbling soil before walking around.
“I ask you to go away,” He starts calmly, looking at your dumbstruck expression  “And you actually left, huh?”
Your growing smile for him saving you quickly falls and you roll your eyes with a hard frown on your lips. You push him away in annoyance and hurt, and walk away from him with your arms crossed. You tried to tamp down your irritation but you were fed up with Gods trying to take your life and just throw it around.
“Why,” You asked, seething with anger, “did you come here?”
You didn’t even turn around but with the way your fists were clenched, Seokjin knew that you were not feeling happy about his presence. Better than utter despair that he had thought of, you hitting and being angry at him was infinitely times better than you being sad.
“That snake wasn’t any ordinary one. I..” Seokjin said slowly, looking back at the dead reptile, “I was cursed by a God once that I wouldn’t be able to protect someone I loved from one of my own. And well, snakes are my sacred animal so..”
“So you think that I needed your protection again?”
Seokjin felt at odds with your response. Of course you could protect yourself, it was just his wish that you didn’t have to. That he could do so instead. He knew you were smarter than you let on, you knew exactly why he had sent you away and were angry why he couldn’t have just communicated it.
“I’m sorry,” He relented, putting a hand on your shoulder before you brush it off, “I was rude and disrespectful. You didn’t deserve that. I thought that you would leave and I was scared what would happen if you didn’t. The mortal world was dying—”
“So? I would’ve come up if you had just told me! It’s really not that hard,” You finally faced him, “especially when you’re supposed to be trying to be everything that my mother thinks you are, you shouldn’t have shouted.”
“Well.. you shouted too.”
“Yeah, to make sure I was heard over your voice!”
“I just wanted to protect you.”
Of course he was. Even when you had snapped at him, he was protecting you. Seokjin had promised you that he always would take care of you, and here he was, doing just that. The more you thought about the day you were forced to leave, you realized that Seokjin had tears in his eyes.
“I know but, there’s better ways to do it.”
Seokjin’s voice wavered with sadness, “I hope that you can forgive me for the stupid things I said. I promise I’ll work harder to show you that I deserve to be your partner and that I can take care of you.”
He was scared, afraid of your reaction and how you might refuse him outright. A figure in the distance, behind Jin, captures your attention and you’re thinking of them while Jin continues.
“I wanted to make your garden a little prettier,” He admitted, his thumb stroking your finger were both the golden ring and your makeshift cloth one was tied together, “I added flowers and different fruits that reminded me of your aura. But much of them are made of jewels since, well, you know, you can’t have live plants in the Underworld.”
“Mhmm, yeah.”
“And that ring I tossed into the River Lethe,” Your ears naturally perked up at the river’s mention, “was my ring and I found it just as soon as you left. I would never mean those things I said and I’m sorry you had to hear them.”
“Right, well,” Your eyes shined with excitement and giddy, “My mother is coming, so you better be able to convince her.” You quickly removed your hand from his before your mother burst in.
Oh shit.
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“So you’re saying,” Demeter’s eyes burned into Seokjin and he could feel his mind turning to shreds at her words, “ you want my daughter to go back with you into that wretched palace?! She won’t return as long as I’m her mother and she has no obligation to leave. Kore will stay here.”
“Persephone is the Queen of the Underworld,” Seokjin looked at you tenderly, “it’s her duty now.”
You cringed at his wording, that was not the way to convince your mother. If anything, talking about duty would bring up the fact that she’s the Goddess of vegetation in the mortal realm. And mentioning her other name? Total loss.
“Do not defy my Hades. She will not leave my realm.”
You butted in, “I ate the pomegranate seeds, Mother.”
“You— what?” Her fiery anger dissipated into a tame flame, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears, “No, no. You,” She pointed straight to Seokjin, “You did this, didn’t you? Tricked her into eating the flirt of the Underworld to where she must leave me, her own mother for you? A lying cheat and disgusting, dishonorable coward!”
“I am no coward. I warned her and she said she wanted to,” He interlocked your hands and it made Demeter angrier, “She won’t be away for long. Only half of the year.”
“Half of the year?!” She moved towards Seokjin at a pace that even made him panic, “If you want my daughter’s hand, then propose to her properly. If she accepts, fine. She’s her own person and she had the right to choose her partner. But if she doesn’t, I will make sure your life is living hell.”
Kinda already is, Seokjin wanted to sarcastically comment but kept his mouth shut. But he reasoned that this was the best he was going to get. He turned to you and saw your wide smile and twinkling eyes. To him, you were the only person he needed. If he must, he would scourge the four realms and more to find you and even just hold your hand. With you, he had nothing to worry about.
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So the two of you got “engaged” and you reapplied rings (different ones because your mother wanted you to have only the best) at the very place your mother met Seokjin. He summoned the most beautiful of jewels to make the rings and many other riches when he saw how Demeter’s eyes bulged and gravitated towards the power. She was warming up to him alright.
The night before you would leave, you held a celebration— the wedding— in a small gazebo that your friend Chan, or Hephaestus, happily built for you. He started crying in the middle of building it because his own partner, Yoongi or Aphrodite, seemed to have no interest in doing the same— but another story for another time!
Celebrating with your nymphs and other Olympian Gods and Goddesses that you had befriended long ago, it was a magical experience. You saw Jungkook, or Hera, and his husband Namjoon, or Zeus, arguing animatedly in the gazebo that you had proclaimed your love for each other earlier in the evening, something about how Namjoon never made any romantic gestures for him. In another place you saw Yoongi and Hoseok, or Apollo, sharing drinks with each other while Jimin, or Hermes, was flying around trying to meet everyone. Even Seokjin, basically the God of Shyness, was smiling and accepting praise from Irene, Wheein, and Taehyung, or Ares, Athena, and Hebe respectively.
You casually walked around, the rich purple wedding gown that you wore dragged through the grass but stayed dried, magical powers were always nice. Talking with some people, drinking and eating with others, it was wonderful. At the end of the night, Demeter came up to the two of you with flower crowns, and all the Gods watched with curiosity, except you and your mother of you knew what was to come next. The crowns were beautiful and matched your auras perfectly. One made with pink lilies, purple lavender, and white baby breath, while the other was made of cress, ferns, black and purple roses. The lighter one was for you and the darker for Seokjin.
“It’s tradition,” Demeter’s voice wavered with sadness and her hands trembled as she continued, “When a nymph is married and leaves my care, she is given a crown to remind her roots and to be happy in her new life.”
Demeter turned to you, the tears in her eyes finally came pouring out and she tried her best to allow this day to be a happy day. You looked ethereal in your dress and your expression made everything she had sacrificed worth it. Cupping your cheeks, she lovingly gazed at you and put your heads together. Your own tears were coming down and you held back a sob.
“Be powerful and strong, my Kore. If anything happens, I will always be waiting here for you and you can come back, alright? It is your duty in the next six months to take care of the Underworld, rule it with a wise mind and even sharper mouth. Many will test you but prove them wrong. Your husband’s duty is to take care of you, you are equals in love. Never forget my teachings and that I have and will always love you.”
You kneeled down to your mother and touched her feet in a sign of respect, and she crowned you with all the flowers you loved most. Standing up, you saw Demeter’s eyes stare at your husband. She looked neither happy nor angry, and everyone in the room held their breath.
“It is your duty,” She started as she firmly grasped the other crown, “to protect and take care of my daughter. She rules beside you as equals and you must treat her as such. When you are troubled, find peace in the fact that she can calm the ground we walk on from rumbling, a panther from pouncing, and my very nature. After seeing your love and hearing about it from Kore, I trust you and bless you to be a good King for the Underworld and a better husband to your Queen. You are part of my family now, Hades.”
Demeter looked pleased at how her heartwarming words touched Seokjin and made him weep as well. Maybe it was her own power, because all the deities present were desperately wiping their tears so others couldn’t see. Even Jimin, both known to be lighthearted and not as sentimental, had burst into tears when he saw his best friend crying and getting crowned while Taehyung tried to soothe him.
Seokjin kneeled and did the same as you when Demeter crowned him. Seokjin mouthed a ‘thank you’ to his mother-in-law and held out his hand for you to grab. You smiled and interlocked your fingers together before looking at your mother and then the rest of your guests.
“All hail, Persephone and Hades,” Your mother continued, “The Gods and rulers of the Underworld!”
The other gods and deities, and even nature itself seemed to bow down. But the two of you were so immersed in each other, that you only waved goodbye before Jin kissed you and the ground broke beneath you and went home.
© 2021 by cherryyjjk ;; all writings and other content on this blog are my intellectual property. you may not reuse, reprint, translate, repost, steal, or any other type of stealing of my works.
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johobi · 4 years
Falling, Falling, Gone
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Word count: 5.8k
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: None really, it’s my first ‘SFW’ fic, though there is some extremely bad language in here. And there might be an erection because I can’t help myself.
A/N: This is the fourth and final ‘drabble’ for the drabble game I ran ages ago. Prompt: “The thought of me making out with someone else is ruining you.”
Music inspo: Don’t Be So Serious, Baby Don’t Stop, Waste It On Me
AO3 link:��https://archiveofourown.org/works/23477485
Taehyung. Captain of the soccer team. Master of your heart. You'll never tell him for fear of rejection.
So why the fuck are you about to do it in front of dozens of his peers?
Banana and peanut butter become pulp in your mouth as you glare out the kitchen window. It's so grey out there. Greyer than it has any right to be. As if your dour mood has polluted the very atmosphere. Rain lashes the exterior in leaden pellets, each one compounding your headache like a rap on the head. Don't be so serious, your bluetooth speaker croons as you chew and chew, unblinking. The bridge of your glasses slip further down your nose but you don’t correct them. Don't be so serious.
Oh, but it's all so serious. 
Your final portfolio lacks in ways your mentor is incapable of articulating, and you only have so much time to fix it. Your college life is coming to a close. There are frighteningly few opportunities out there and they’re sure to spurn a sham like you. What do you do now? Where do you go from here—
"God, you listen to such depressing music," a husky voice sounds. It’s thick with sleep and horribly attractive. You hear his feet next; big and bare as they slap the tile floor and disrupt the ambience. 
Yes, dismal is an ambience. 
Before you glimpse the interloper himself, his fingers pilfer your next mouthful of toast. His other hand has your phone and is skipping through your carefully curated playlist of moody tunes. With all the scant energy you can muster, you glower at him. 
Soccer captain. Campus celebrity. Doofus.
Unlikely friend and unlikelier crush. But life is strange, and he is both these things. Indeed, he proclaims himself your best friend to all who will listen. As for the matter of your tender feelings, however, he is oblivious. And will remain so.
Taehyung is long-legged and limber-bodied, but round of face and feature. A kitten in a tiger’s pelt. Will mew for affection and roar when angry. Has quite literally nudged your hand for pets and raged at referees in the same afternoon. There is usually no in-between. 
Your scowl goes unseen. He sidles past like the oblivious buffoon he is and continues to tamper with Spotify.  Smears his peanut-buttered thumb around your phone display. Ugh. You brush back your hood and fix him again with extra scorn.
"Actually, douchebag, it’s good music for thinking. And I have a headache. I hardly wanna listen to something like—no, don't you dare put fucking Party Rock on right now. Tae!"
It’s too late. The lanky idiot is already gesticulating to the beginning beats. Your phone is an unreachable hostage in his flapping hands. You’re about to lunge for it but he preempts the attack by smothering you with your own hood. “Tae.” Your whining sounds all the more pitiful muffled. “Everyfing hurfs. ‘m hungover. Pleathe.” 
Taehyung relents after further, strangled pleas. Unwraps you with a grin that grows like the sunrise. For a moment, you’re dazzled. “Sorry. No more torture,” he chuckles all low, hair in his eyes. His locks are long and always untamed. An aureate crown befitting of his celebrity status. 
One swipe and he’s muted the racket and returned your phone. You turn the sticky thing over in your hands, rueing the day you met the overgrown imp. “How did you get it this dirty…?”
You go ignored and Taehyung gets closer. He scrutinises your hunched and hoodied appearance with a thoughtful hum. “Headache?” A rounded nose and two brown eyes come into focus. "Hungover? How? I didn't see you go out last night."
Averse to such study, you shy away. "Well, I did." You did not. You stayed home and guzzled $4 Prosecco while lamenting your trash portfolio. But you aren’t about to regale him with that pitiful tale. The sheerness of shame prevents you. Taehyung would be so sweet about it, too! So buoying, with his sunny smiles and fervent encouragement: "Why were you crying over that?!" He'd ask. "Your work is amazing. Seriously amazing. I love everything you do!" He'd gush. "People will be stumbling over themselves to hire you!" He'd continue, naively. And that hurts the most, because he just doesn't get it. Taehyung is a sponsored, collegiate athlete that's graduating into a guaranteed draft. He is—and always has been—praised widely as up-and-coming. The kid has had scouts scrapping for him mid-way through high school!
You, however, are small fry, swimming in a shoal of other unknowns, leaping for the hook of internship. Your dreams of animating for Disney died long back. They dwelled with Walt now.
But you don’t resent Taehyung for any of it. Ever. He’s a paragon. Born for the limelight. Has sweat and bled oceans for it. And for some reason he insists that you, too, are deserving of that same renown. Why? He’s ridiculous. Far too kind. And—Christ, he has a big dick.
"Taehyung, can you please not shove your tiny fucking penis in my face while I'm trying to eat? I'm nauseous enough as it is."
The soccer captain rests a foot on the seat next to you, giving you ungainly insight into his crotch. Taehyung, as he often, inexplicably is, is clad only in his boxer-briefs. This would be alarming were it not so goddamn commonplace. He is allergic to clothes.
According to him, he’s a naturist. 
According to you, he’s an attention whore.
Taehyung points to his elevated foot, but it's a little difficult to ignore the bulge he's brandishing. "Do you understand the concept of inappropriate proximity and your current state of undress?" You rattle on, words slurred half by OJ, half by fluster. He simply points again, and with more insistence. Relenting, you follow the line of his finger to his pretty, if gigantic, foot. Then notice the ink around his ankle, black and fresh. "Oh, wow, you got a tattoo? Cool!"
"Yep! I didn't ever really think about getting one 'til I saw yours. They were so cool I became kinda obsessed with getting one. So I finally did it last night."
‘Til he saw yours? Your stomach flutters. It's not the nausea. You smother it with more orange juice. "Well, that's awesome, Tae. You'll probably want more eventually. I would've gone with you if I'd known you were gonna go alone."
Finally, he lowers his leg. It’s a small mercy. But then, for no discernible, earthly reason, Taehyung begins flexing his many defined muscles. His calves in particular catch your attention. They’re so goddamned thick. They ripple. Fucking soccer players. "Hm? Oh, I wasn't alone. I went with some guys from the team." He ogles his reflection in the microwave door.
How can you avert your eyes when his pecs dance so compellingly? It all becomes a bit too much. "Okay, what are you doing? Seriously, what? I know you're into yourself, but this is ridiculous.” He stops. Snorts. Thank God. “If you were with the guys, why did you come back here last night? I thought you’d go back to your dorm."
Finally Taehyung sits, but he’s spread-legged and that’s perhaps worse than what he was doing just now. He’s 6ft of pure, hewn sex and just so fucking casual about it. He reclines. "Some of them took girls home last night so I needed somewhere to go and you're always an open door." Finger guns follow a cheesy wink.
You scoff, but he's right. You’d do anything for the big-hearted clown. Open door? You'd be the doormat under his soccer cleats, licking them free of dirt— "You're lucky Areum isn’t here right now. Don't think she’d take kindly to having some almost-naked oaf clambering into her bed."
"You say that, but she’s tried to hit this several times.” Taehyung is smug, brows high on his forehead. Yours lower harshly. “Tell her I slept in her bed last night. She’ll cream herself thinking about it later, I guarantee you."
“You’re gross. And can you stop—why do you keep flexing? There’s just me here.” You peer about for emphasis. Taehyung is again admiring his form in some burnished surface. “No-one is looking. Or cares.” Contrarily, you’re doing both those things. But he needn’t be privy to that. 
"This is serious. I need to work on my angles.” He contorts himself into something of a pretzel to peek at his back muscles. “We're holding a hook-up auction at our dorm to raise money for a graduation blow-out. And I'm on sale. Do you think I need to work on my back?"
You ease into a squint. "When you said serious, I thought serious words were about to follow."
"I am being serious!" Again Taehyung flexes, biceps bulging by his ears like an overfed turkey’s thighs. "How much do you think I'm worth?"
The world.
"I dunno. I'd take you for free, I guess, if you were the last one left."
Taehyung is unperturbed by your acerbic wit. It ricochets off him like rubber bullets would a muscle-bound ox. He is your greatest adversary. The bastard lacquers his lips until they’re plump and glossy and boasting a smirk. 
He’s always doing this. 
Always moistening himself. 
"Oh yeah? Well, I think you'll be disappointed." A boxy smile emerges. "I got girls and guys already approaching me about it. Some of the guys literally just wanna buy me for mentoring. I mean, that’s more effort than kissing, but—" He shrugs. The thought goes unfinished.
"That makes sense. You are a God among these mere mortals, Taetae." It's not sarcasm this time. Taehyung senses it. The grin he returns is life-affirming. You're so close to reaching across the table and squeezing his hand. Telling him you're proud. Telling him you most likely, maybe, love him. But you notice you've dragged your sleeve through peanut butter—”Ah, shit,”—and you can tell him how you feel some other day.
Some other day.
"Some of them just wanna make out too, of course, and, like, I'm happy to comply. It's all for charity." His altruism knows no limits.
"Charity, huh?" You snort. Taehyung's mouth grows more square at your incredulity. "Who else is up for bidding, then?"
"Mostly guys from the team and dorm. There are some mutuals who just wanna get in on the action, too. Uh, you know Kim Namjoon?" He measures your reaction. When you give none: "Jeon Jungkook?"
Disinterest mellows your features. "Oh, right. Cool."
"So you don't like Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung's eyes are eager, his body poised. Anticipating.
"What? No. What gave you that idea? I've talked to him, like, twice." Your face crumples as you towel your soiled sleeve. The peanut butter smears into a tragic, shit-brown stain. "Damn, that's never coming out."
"He's gonna be so disappointed. He might even cry." Taehyung heaves a hammy sigh and clutches at his breast. There’s nothing the captain enjoys more than clowning his subordinates.  "Kook likes you so much. He's really into your whole androgynous fuckboi thing you got going on. He literally said, 'She's like a mystery, man. I'm not sure if she's a girl or a guy and—like, I'm not like that, but that's hot.'"
If your eyes could roll past the bounds of their sockets, they would. "Wow, what a poet. He sounds like a douchebag and I'm even less interested now. Fuckboi? Is that really the vibe I give off?" You don't fuck full stop. Nor were you aware you could dress like you do. 
"I dunno. You just seem kinda like a gremlin to me. Or like that weird guy from Death Note," Taehyung is quick to reassure you. Cool. You’re fucking overjoyed that he perceives you that way. Not as a goddess, or his beautiful, sexy soulmate, or the princess that wanders the spires of his captive heart. No. A gremlin. Or L.
"Well, you got me there, son."
"What about Kim Namjoon?" Taehyung presses, urgent again. He picks at your bread crusts with one hand, head cradled delicately in the other. The boy could be a world-class model, too. His loose, dark curls hang like a Van Gogh nightscape, framing the planes of his unmarred face. It hurts to look at him. It hurts to be looked at.
A self-conscious shuffle. "What about him? I don't know who that is." You flick away his foraging fingers but he draws you into an impromptu game of thumb-war in retaliation. It's the only thing to extract a smile from you today.
Taehyung looks sceptical. "He's the physio student with our team! You literally talked to him all day during this season's semi-final." His lengthy digits best yours easily. But though the match is won, he doesn’t withdraw his hand. Instead he encroaches further. Thumbs your wrist. Encompasses your knuckles in a soft, warm palm. He’s clasping you like an enamoured suitor might their bashful sweetheart, and it’s very strange. What is he doing? His mind looks to be elsewhere, now.
"Uh...—oh. Oh." Yours ambles back to you. "Yeah, he was really nice, but you know my rule. No—"
"—dating in final year. Yeah, I know. I'll tell him that if he asks about you again." Taehyung has returned, too. His hand is gone. Your gooseflesh ebbs with it.
With a cough, you sober. "I think the auction's a bit stupid, really, Tae. You sure you wanna do it?"
"Stupid? Why?" He shimmies in close, smug on his face and intolerably naked the rest of the way down. His skin is hot and golden and just far too close. "You're only saying that because you're jealous, right?" He tickles your chin to keep you honest and your eyes on him. You seize and squeeze the offending hand because he might be right and now you’re embarrassed. "The thought of me making out with someone else is ruining you," he goes on to say, brazen as the smirk defiling his cherubic cheeks.
"Some rather large conclusion-jumping going on there," you smile, sweet as sugared cyanide. Your vice-grip tightens until he’s pouting in repentance. "I meant it's stupid to put yourself in a potentially uncomfortable situation if you don't want to kiss that person." 
"I'm just joking!" he whimpers like the overlarge puppy he is and you free him of his snare. Because you would die for this big, soppy boy and his big, soppy eyes. “You’re so grouchy today.”
‘The joke won’t land if it collides with the truth, Taehyung,’ you muse. You expect him to know this despite never having apprised him of your situation. You’re jealous and cowardly and completely unreasonable. You want him for yourself but you never want him to know that. 
If he wants your candour he should be a telepath. Simple.
Irritated by your own nonsense, you lash out at the unsuspecting boy. "You know what? I was joking, too. I remember Namjoon, he was hot. And smart. I think I'll cheat on my dating ban this once and bid on him. He has super nice lips, so." 
Taehyung simply smiles. "Oh, okay. Cool! Glad you’re gonna come along." 
Your threat proves ineffective because he doesn’t like you like that. Wouldn’t give a shit if Namjoon rawed you on stage while you stared him down. You stall on that thought because it’s kinda hot. “It’ll be great. Can’t wait to get my tongue down his throat.”
“Hell yeah! I knew you liked him.”
Yep, Taehyung is oblivious to your pining. As he should be. Because outwardly, your pining consists of nothing more than the odd, lingering look here and there. The balled-up sketches of him he will never see. A secret smile if you’re feeling particularly sentimental. Other than that, you're steely. Poker-faced. Rarely blind-sided by his allure, especially now that you've acclimated to his penchant for exhibitionism. 
 "Thank you in advance for your patronage." Rising from his seat, Taehyung comes to a stand behind you and leans. Encircles your shoulders with his terribly athletic arms and puts his lips to your ear. You're like a feral cat in the arms of a senseless child. You're bristling. "If he turns out to be a jerk and tries something he shouldn't, I'll protect you." For a moment, you're touched enough to unclench a little. "With these guns." And then you choke between his straining biceps and vie to repay him in kind.
The common room of Taehyung's dorm has been crudely transformed. Some questionable construction has taken place in order to build the catwalk centrepiece. Sofas and tables line the walls, thrust from the limelight. You've occupied the drinks table for the last 45 minutes, from the second you entered this place. You harbour an intense dislike for the chaotic energy of Taehyung's dorm. Machismo rages noisily between these walls and you much prefer less testosterone-drenched environments. Nevertheless, despite it all you're here on an endeavour this evening. One your idiot, rampant mouth has obligated you to. To buy time with a guy that's perfectly nice and all, but isn’t Taehyung.
Kim Namjoon makes eyes at you from the head of the runway, awaiting his musical cue. The beer you just slurped down bubbles up. You have to look away. Unfortunately, when you do, Taehyung is immediately there, his face in yours, his thumb and fingers pulling at your cheeks. "Hey you, don't get too drunk, okay? I don't trust a single man here. Especially not nice-as-pie Namjoon." 
Nice-as-pie Namjoon has chosen some Bruno Mars track by the sounds of it. The auction-goers' excitement ramps up considerably.
Unable to move your captured face, your eyes sweep the room. "Not even your own teammates?" you scoff cynically, swatting at his hands until he’s baited into a game of slapsies. "Now who sounds jealous?" 
Taehyung stops for a moment, thoughtful. "You know, you're right. I'm extremely jealous. I want Namjoon all to myself. He gives the best massages. And a happy ending when I ask nicely." And then he's back to rough-housing you, slapping your upper arms to alternating beats. "You look cute tonight. Your outfit, I mean," he offers up out of nowhere, so quiet you almost lose it to the bass. "He's lucky."
But you look exactly the same as you did earlier that day. Exactly the same as that afternoon in the cafeteria when he ribbed you for raiding Billie Eilish's Good Will donations. "Um, thanks. I guess." You're genuine, but don’t sound it. You can't look at him for fear of revealing the dopey grin that has hijacked your face.
"You're welcome, buddy." A large palm flattens your hair. His fingers get all in there, ruffling it until it probably looks more akin a bird's nest. Is Taehyung trying to sabotage you? Also, buddy? "Look, Namjoon's walking." 
You turn and see that he is. Strutting, moreover, albeit awkwardly. It's obvious that the lanky boy is unaccustomed to the same attention the team he services is. Nevertheless, there are whoops and hollers aplenty for the handsome blonde dork, and you, too, catch yourself smiling. How can you not, when he pokes at his dimples so? The others seem captivated, too, though less by the  finger-hearts and more by his form-fitting tracksuit. 
“I’d wrap my car around a tree if he was the tree,” one auction-goer confides to her friend. “And then I’d wrap my legs around—”
“Yeah, we get it Lisa.”
Lisa quiets. 
Namjoon’s endless legs sidle to a stop at the catwalk's end, directly opposite you. His bespectacled eyes meet your bespectacled eyes. For one, long second, the interest is palpable.  But then he breaks, and casts his gaze down to his FILAs. 
"Okay, he's, like, in love with you, I think," Taehyung whisper-yells, hands aflurry in applause. "Are you gonna bid?"
Shouts puncture the cheering either side of the room.
Neither of them are you.
The evening’s auctioneer - Taehyung's partner-in-slime Park Jimin - echoes each cry that rings out, giggling into a tinny karaoke mic. "$20 for our team physio?! Is that all you got ladies and gents? Do I have to remind you this guy can grope away pain with his magic hands?"
Namjoon spins toward Jimin's makeshift podium of an upturned bookcase and menaces him with his eyes. Well, it would be menacing were the man not as threatening as a ribbon-wrapped basket of newborn sloths.
The striker backpedals. "Okay, the massage might not be included, but don't let that deter you! He kisses like a pro!"
Screams of how do you know that, Jimin?! erupt and the throng grows ever more wild. Namjoon is redder than the cup you're strangling.
"Are you gonna bid?! You're gonna miss your chance!" For some reason Taehyung is still here, harassment game still strong. He should be preparing to walk next, but sees fit to pester you instead. And because of that, he's caught you in your lie, bare-faced and blushing.
No, you are not going to bid on Kim Namjoon.
"Uh, oh no, I forgot my purse," you grumble around the rim of your next drink, gulping it down like the bottom is your way out of this God-awful situation.
Then what are you doing here?
"It's right there." Taehyung pokes the cross-body bag hanging traitorously by your side.
"Oh, is it?" You reach for another cup even while burdened with one. Anything to sidetrack this conversation.
Taehyung intervenes with a firm hand. Swaddles your knuckles ‘til the shaking stops. You’re shaking? Beer slops over the sides, unnoticed. “___?”
Stupid, warm hand. And why are his fingers so fucking delicate for a footballer? He should model jewellery. Wedding rings.
His ringless fingers close around your wrist when you persist in avoiding his gaze. The ruse is almost up. Fuck. There’s nothing left to do but to look at him. 
You do, ever so timidly. “What?”
"What are you doing?" Puzzlement becomes him well. Why is he so goddamn handsome? "If you aren't gonna bid on Namjoon, why did you come?"
Silence, but for the pump of background Bruno Mars.
‘You. I came for you. You were the plan all along. Not him,’ your mind screams.
You, however, just stare.
"Going—going—gone! Sold for $70! Come claim your kiss!" Jimin can hardly stop himself from squealing. For a guy that beds girls on the daily, his sincere excitement over simple lip-locking is amusing.
Taehyung's teammates hail him from the drapery behind the catwalk but he won't yet go. No, he insists on searing holes into the side of your face while you watch Namjoon get sloppy on-stage with some girl you don't know. They're really getting into it. Damn, he forgot about you quick. In  their fervour they edge towards the bounds of the catwalk, too absorbed in one another to notice. Thankfully, voyeuristic bystanders are on-hand to catch them before they fall.
"Kim Taehyung! How many times do I have to call you?! Get over here before I kick your fucking ass," Jungkook roars across the hubbub, halfway through the room. He  enacts the violent gesture for emphasis and knees some unsuspecting girl in the ass. Immediately the macho facade drops and he's all doe-eyed and buck-toothed, prostrating himself before the girl who actually seems grateful to have been assaulted by one Jeon Jungkook. Between his hushed apologies, Jungkook shoots Taehyung a look something murderous. And then he sees you and throws a shy wave, the kind a little kid might when cajoled by his parents.
"Ew." The word comes up involuntarily, like bile.
A deep cackle emanates from beside you. "Okay, guess I'm up." Taehyung squares his shoulders. His mouth, too. He's a very angular boy. "Better get my kit on. Cheer for me!" With a pat to your shoulder, he makes for Jungkook. Leaves you with an insidious dread. His soccer kit is your weakness. 
No, he is your weakness.
"Next up - and I'm sure most of you here tonight are anticipating this guy - our very own Team Captain and soon-to-be Major League Soccer player, Kim Taehyung!" Banshee-shrieking reverberates at Jimin's announcement. "Stick around, he'll be out in a few minutes!"
Oh fuck. Oh fuck. You turn from the catwalk and fully embrace the drinks table, supporting yourself with two hands and God's grace.
Nah, you aren't gonna do this.
No way.
This wasn’t an actual plan. Just a fantasy.
You're not gonna tell him like this.
You're not gonna tell him ever.
All you have to do is just say you turned out to support him. You rarely get to go out with him anyway, what with his ever-growing entourage. Taehyung would appreciate that, and he'd never have to know that you came here for cornier purposes.
You're not a big gesture kind of girl.
Nah, you aren't gonna do this.
Distantly, you wished Areum were here. She'd have slapped some sense into you, maybe even literally.
No. Wait.
The devious cow would've talked you into doing it. For sure. She has a flair for the dramatic.
"Sorry, can I just—thanks." Someone with offensively bony elbows bulldozes you aside and passes a drink to her companion. An apology is on the tip of your tongue but evaporates into the ether upon seeing the twosome in question. Both were complicit in the casual bullying you endured during your high school years. They don't appear to recognise you now. Not that they even spare your pitiful person a glance.
"Who's up next?" the worst one queries, cup snug to her bosom.
"Taehyung," the lackey answers, glee upending her petulant features. "Kim Taehyung."
An elbow jabs you again as the girl struggles with the clasp on her clutch. Her overlong claws impede her. "Oh shit, already? I thought we had more time. Shit."
"Nope. It's go time. Hurry up, girl, competition's gonna be fierce." The other one watches her digital acrobatics to get into her purse.
Oh God. She has so much money. There's no doubt in your mind she'll trump everyone present.
No. Oh, no.
Not her. Not with him.
Your mind flits through premonitions of the future. They’re all  rather grim. The last one is that of a wedding. A marriage between this dreadful bitch and your most cherished of friends, Taehyung. It's garish and tacky - she's denied him input, of course - and the ceremony is filled with faces that once mocked you mercilessly. None of Taehyung's friends are there; indeed, he is no longer even part of his team. Her possessiveness and his undying loyalty have put an end to his blossoming career. He looks sad beneath a mask of happy. Eyes that once blazed with the embers of ambition are doused by despondency. He is a husk.
And their first meeting is this auction, this cute anecdotal encounter of oh, I just had to have him, and when I kissed him I knew.
Just a glimpse at this dystopian future disturbs you silly. Conviction, while tentative, burgeons in your heart.
You can't let her have him. Anyone but this noxious cunt.
And suddenly you've money in hand, too. Bills you withdrew specifically for this purpose, and yet would sooner have left them crisp and cold in your purse than followed through. But public humiliation is endlessly preferable to damning Taehyung to a kiss with this serpent. Because it won't stop there. It won't just be a kiss but an appeal for more. She’ll say it’s no strings attached, but she doesn't attach strings. She weaves webs. You recall her high school boyfriend. He was a well-performing, jovial guy that always waved hi. And she consumed him, heart-first, ‘til he was naught but a sunken-eyed zombie. He took a leave of absence that never ended.
Sexy, dangerous synth sounds from the speakers either side the catwalk. Ah, shit. Not that song. Any song but that one. NCT U’s Baby Don’t Stop. Of course Taehyung picked that. It fills the air with a fatal drum beat and in he comes through the curtains, strutting like he is the rhythm. The room, rather than become uproarious, falls eerily quiet. Everyone breathes as one entranced being, and no one moves but him. Halfway down the catwalk he body-rolls with the fluidity of wind-rippled satin, burgeoning from his chest and snapping at the hips. Prospective bidders gasp, as do you. And then his thumb is in the hem of his shirt, luring it upwards, exposing his olive expanses inch by mouthwatering inch. You see his abs near every day, but in this context, backed by that song, you find yourself as winded as everyone else. His stomach tautens for show, feeding into loose-waisted shorts that sit far too low. Even you haven’t been privy to this much. And especially not the alluring trail of hair that thickens at his waistband.
Someone shatters the stupor and screams, “$80!”
“Geez, you’re a horny bunch.” Jimin’s laughter peals. “We already have $80. Any advance on—“
“$100!” Some breathless sap cries next. “Oh my God, look at his thighs!”
And look you do. Taehyung grooves at the catwalk’s end, shirt back in place but hiking up the hems of his shorts instead.  You almost glimpse groin. He’s absolutely shameless, straining the muscles of his thighs until they’re lewdly pronounced. They’re veritable tree trunks. His calves, too, defy belief. Rock-hard and rounded and begging to be bitten. The party-goers crowding round his feet must think similarly. 
What distracts you most, however, are Taehyung’s straying fingers. They skirt his crotch in a salacious manner, stretching the material where it shouldn’t. Accentuating things they shouldn’t. You may pass out.
All the while his eyes are down, maybe closed. You want to see his face more than anything. The playful smirk on his plump, wet lips and the focus in his brows. 
“$120!!” You almost lose your head to a cash-strangling fist beside you.
It's her. Pointy-elbowed bitch.
But you aren't thrusting your student loan up just yet. You're in the middle of an almost holy, revelatory experience. Taehyung is still undulating and provoking the crowd, who are no longer hushed but whooping like chimps in heat. His shirt is off and helicoptering overhead. He allows one overcome girl at the sidelines to verify the thew of his biceps and bags himself another bid. You, however, do nothing but gawp, bills clutched to your chest and your eyes affixed to the glorious grin that breaks across his face. His eyes open onto you and then it's you you see at his wedding, standing afore him, bouquet instead of a wad of cash. You want to be the one. Now is the moment, while he's watching you envision this.
"$200,” you splutter. Volume is difficult when your voice is a quivering inconstant.
"What was that? Did we just get another bid?" Jimin wavers too, out of disbelief. "Did someone say $200?!"
The room is a clamour of confusion but Taehyung watched you mouth the very syllables. The shock is such that it softens his salacious movements to a dance more modest. His eyes are wider than you've ever seen them; mouth too. It hangs agape and downturned, as yours does. Because you're not quite sure whether you said something else altogether. Maybe you hurled a cuss word out of frustration? Did you momentarily black out and proclaim Hitler did nothing wrong? Nothing else can account for the scrutiny with which he punishes you with now.
You actually did bid, and that's why he's walking over, to the very drop-off of the catwalk, no longer any swagger to his step. "What are you doing?" he calls down, the music still strong and now strangely inappropriate. You simply watch the mole beneath his bottom lip move, dumb.
Louder, now, you call again. "$200!"
"Oh! It was a bid! ____?!" The flame-haired MC shares his puzzlement with the rest of the reacting room. All heads turn toward you.
But yours turns nowhere but Taehyung, your expression an open book of long-hidden liking. You watch, suspended by dissociation, as he lays a palm flat against his chest. "Me?"
It could all still be explained away. A joke. You drank too much. You just wanted to see the look on his face. Instead, you grant him the minutest of nods. A simple tip of the chin. "You," you whisper, whether it's heard or not.
Taehyung sees it in the shape your lips make. And then his gaze sweeps back upward, his chest heaving far too much for a man standing stationary.
"What's going on?" The disgruntled echo each other.
Jimin is quick to make sense of things and keep it rolling. "Okay, so, a bid of $200! Anyone else?"
A new song comes on; it's gone on too long. Something with a cantering beat that's adequately sentimental.
So if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time—
Clambering atop the platform, you counter someone's desperate bid of $220 with a measured breath. "$250." You hold Taehyung at fingerpoint. "You."
Waste it on me.
For a pants-shitting second, nothing happens. Your outstretched arm gains a tremor that could crumble it. Taehyung sifts your soul with his big, dewy eyes and then he's walking. Stalking toward you. Knocks the money from your hands and seizes your shying face with both of his. The last thing you see is his nose mole before his mouth joins with yours. His grip is like a vice and his lips are no gentler. They pry you open with little effort and then you're flooded with wet heat. Taehyung is insatiable in pursuit of your tongue. His hands drop to draw in your waist, your chest, every inch of your overclothed form. He's underclothed but burning hot, planes of honed skin beneath your fingertips. It's all so right. Feels so good. Taehyung moans that much into you when he chances a breath of air. Applause starts up as the music swells. It's so cliche but you've never had a cliche of your own before and your gloom-ridden ass needs this.
"I didn't know. I wish I had. This would've happened sooner," Taehyung gasps between desperate, too-short smooches. It proves too difficult to resist the pull of your mouth and he captures it again, sloppier. Slower.
"It doesn't matter." You pull the oxygen in, impatient. "Doesn't matter." Your fingers are a tangle at the nape of his neck, tugging on his lustrous locks. "Make up for it."
"Gone! Sold for $250!"
The two of you won't be parted for a moment. Not even when dismounting the platform. There's ruckus around you but it's so distant when his lips are on you. You sink into him like you would a scalding bath. "You don't have to pay that," Taehyung tells your cheek, smearing his saliva-slick mouth back to yours. His greed for you manifests against your stomach, and you ache in return. "This is a freebie."
Your passionate clinch takes you to the sidelines, away from prying eyes. Most of them, anyway. "What about this?" Your hands are suddenly in unseemly places.
"Th-That's also free. Everything's free. Oh, God."
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yourfinalbow · 3 years
Loki Finale Thoughts: (Heavy Spoilers; Slykie negative & Pro FrozenInTime; Mostly positive, in case you want to stay away from anything Loki critical.)
[ It was better than Supernatural, so, slight win? ]
-First of all, the quotes during the opening was AWESOME?! I genuinely enjoyed those few seconds of listening to a lot of the more memorable Marvel lines.
-The clock jumpscare was so funny. With Scott Cawthon's recent retirement, that scene is the new face of horror. (Though yesterday a friend of mine actually suggested the "crack" theory that Ms. Minutes was behind it all and for a second there I was like 👀)
-I know a lot of other people did too, but I called Kang and the VINDICATION that brought. I literally yelled (in my house full of sleeping people) when he popped up in his purple cloak with his fucking apple.
-Jonathan Majors was the perfect choice to play Kang. His little giggle was my favourite thing and this specific version of Kang was so much fun to watch. (Kang isn't typically known to be the most entertaining character, (compared to, say, someone like Doctor Doom), so this insane version of him is awesome and I really hope he comes back. Within minutes he started climbing the ranks of my favourite MCU characters.)
-I'm going to gloss over the Loki/Sylvie kiss. I blinked and then they were kissing and I just. They're the same person. It’s not my cup of tea, nor one I would ever brew.
-I've had thoughts since episode one that Sylvie is actually The Enchantress. The powers, characterization, and how she interacted with Loki seemed to fit better. PLUS LADY LOKI ISN'T BLONDE. I stopped thinking too much about the theory after a few episodes, because narratively I didn't think it would fit well with the current lineup of episodes and plot reveals, but her line about "I'm not you" makes me want to revisit that. (Unless I misheard?)
-HOWEVER. They didn't kill Mobius off which is obviously awesome. I had matches ready to burn Marvel Studios to the ground if it came to that.
-HOWEVER AGAIN. No jetski. No "wow". 0/10 nothing else matters. (/j)
-I was really cheering for Loki to run to his husband at the end. (Before I realized what was happening, I was 100% stage-whispering "Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss" like a childish middle schooler while Loki and Mobius were face to face.)
-Not sure what to think about (plot wise) Mobius getting his memory wiped. I'll have to go back and watch when it's not 3am before I form any sort of proper thought around it/what it means. But in terms of what I actually think of it, MARVEL I'M STRIKING THE MATCH. YOU BRING HIM BACK HERE OR ELSE. Mobius deserves everything and more and he needs his memories for that.
-They're very clearly setting up for DSMoM/Loki Season 2 (Season 2!) and I think they did a good job of bridging the gap they needed to, without the cliffhanger seeming forced.
-I've seen a few complaints about it being rushed. I'll definitely have to do a rewatch where I'm not high on adrenaline and scream power. (Monster's Inc. style ofc ofc.) As your local research professor on Bucklemming, I can usually pick out things like bad pacing, but I actually didn't think it was too bad? (Considering there was a lot going on and considering a lot happened and considering this episode was only as long as the others.)
-Also! I didn't think the exposition heavy beginning was a drag. Learning about Kang/the multiverse/his hints at the other versions of himself were all easy to follow but still very compelling. And especially with the cuts to Mobius (my beloved) and then back to Kang (my other beloved) it went by rather quickly and wasn't boring.
-Then again you could show me Jonathan Majors!Kang buying oranges at the grocery store and I would be entertained.
-I'm curious what Ravonna's up to. Since she talked about finding free will, my prediction is that she'll find another (darker) Kang and meet up with him. In the comics she starts out as his enemy but eventually becomes an on again off again love interest. (Yes, you head me right. A slowburn enemies to lovers fic.)
-It'll be interesting to see where we go from here! I actually really enjoyed the show, and I'm one of the trashcan blogs who didn't think Loki was super ooc in the series. (Though I am Ragnarok critical.)
Just my thoughts! (Come tell me yours?)
#LokiLiveBlogging was my disaster tag for the night.
I was on a ft call with my best friend @p0is0n3d-r4ts and we woke up both of our houses together. (They're currently passed out and still on the phone as I'm writing this.)
There was a lot of screaming and a lot of confused shouts and a lot of snorting, and if you want to do any of those things, (or all three!) definitely feel free to hit me up! My askbox is always open, and anon is always on!
Now I'm going to read Loki AoA or continue writing my Loki/Mobius fic until I pass out.
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Those Damn Freckles
A/n: okay so I may or may not have like the biggest crush on charlie weasley right now so I'm going to write this fic. This is defiantly going to be a series, three or four parts, maybe more. Hope you enjoy!
To say that charlie weasley and you were best friends was an understatement. You two were practically soul mates, platonic of course. However you were starting to wonder if there could ever be more. Ever since you had stayed at the burrow for like a week over summer, you haven't been able to stop thinking about those damn freckles.
You descended the stairs as the clock struck one am, the short shorts clinging to your legs nicely. You couldn't sleep for hours, tossing and turning in the worst way. You decided to finally get up and get some water, thankful that no one else was awake. You went to the sink and grabbed a glass, pouring water and looking at the vast fields in front of you covered in the moonlight.
The feeling of the water slipping down your throat brought you a strong sense of calmness. You felt as though the craziness of your life, such as your family, your future and the upcoming tests in your 5th year at Hogwarts, had all paused even for a split second and you felt good.
You were brought out of your daise by a noise behind you, you whipped your head around and saw in the dimly lit kitchen charlie weasley's silhouette standing on the last step. The sudden movement of your body caused the glass to fall and shatter on the ground. "Shit charlie, you scared the crap out of me." He huffed humorously.
"Sorry, I didn't think anyone was awake." I pulled out my wand and repaired the glass.
"Yeah, I was enjoying the silence, this house is never silent." He walked over to you and took the glass out of your hand.
"Yeah, these hours of the day are some of my favorite." He smirked at the light blush on your cheeks as he thought of how pretty you looked in moonlight.
"I will admit it is peaceful here, thanks for inviting me." He chuckled.
"Of course, I wish you could stay longer." You smiled.
"Yeah, I bet you do." You chuckled. He stepped closer to you, your bodies inches away.
"Want me to show you how much I want you to stay?" Your cheeks were definitely a crimson color now.
"Ch-charlie, what're doing?" You whispered. You were staring at his freckles, thinking about how much you loved them. You looked into his eyes as he towered over you and swore he could see directly into your soul.
"I can't stop thinking about you y/n. You're my best friend and I can't live without you."
"Charlie, I- i don't know what to say." His smirk faltered.
"I'm sorry y/n, I don't know what I was thinking." He started towards the stairs before you could stop him.
"Charlie, wait I-" he ignored you and continued up the stairs to his room.
Now, as you were boarding the train to your fifth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you felt a subtle stress settling on your shoulders. You sighed and looked through compartments, smiling when you saw your best friends Nymphadora Tonks and Ben Copper sitting in a compartment.
"Hey! I missed you guys so much!" They both smiled as they saw you put your trunk into the overhead compartment.
"Hey y/n! How was your summer?" Your smile subsided. "Great, how was yours?"
"Awesome, I went to new york of all places, saw the empire state building-" you smiled as tonks recounted her summer to you and Ben. You sat back as the train pulled away feeling more than content.
As the train pulled up to Hogwarts and students got out, you and tonks made your way to the platform, Ben left to go with Barnaby Lee and Andre Egwu, both of whom greeted you with hugs. Now it was just you Tonks and your friend Tulip Kasaru.
Tonks wanted to make sure her dungbomb was secure in her luggage but you and tulip wanted to go with the rest of the leaving students to dinner in the great hall. You checked her luggage and went back to the platform where it was almost completely deserted. You both let out groans of annoyance.
"We have to hurry, we'll be late and thats not a great way to start our fifth year." Tulip said as you nodded. You three hurriedly ran to the great hall, getting death glares from Filch and Mrs. Norris. As you were sitting down at the Gryffindor table, you looked over and saw Charlie looking at you. You looked at him and blushed, going to ask him if you could talk later, just then Dumbledore's voice broke through the great hall. You turned away from Charlie to listen to the speech.
"Welcome, welcome, to another year-" you drowned out the speech and thought of that night with Charlie, you turned to look at him, seeing him looking at Dumbledore and Dumbledore only. You looked back at Dumbledore as first years began getting sorted into their houses and tried to stop thinking about that damn red hair you loved so much.
After dinner, you and your best friend Rowan went to the common room and sat down. "Hey y/n, how was your summer?"
"It was pretty good, how was yours?" She smiled and leaned back on the couch.
"It was amazing. Spending everyday with my family was wonderful. What about you what did you do?" Just as she said that, a certain red head walked in the common room.
"Well, this summer I stayed with a friend for a while, and honestly, things have been a little weird since." You said as Charlie walked by with Andre, you knew he could hear you. He sat down across the common room and looked at you. You smiled and he quickly averted his gaze.
"Really, who and how so?" Rowan asked, munching on some snack nuts. You looked back to her, making your voice a tad bit louder so the red head could hear you in the somewhat quiet common room.
"Well, this friend and I have known each other for years, and we're really close, but I think they have started to catch feelings. I have too, but the problem is over the summer, they tried to pull something and of course, I was too stupid to react in time. Hence the awkwardness." You took the chance and glanced at Charlie, whose gaze was directly on you.
"Damn, have you tried talking to them since?" You responded keeping eye contact with Charlie.
"Yeah, actually, I have, but I wish they would actually talk to me, I mean, I feel like an idiot because I'm not good at feelings, you know?" She nodded and smiled at the same time Charlie looked back at Andre.
"You know, any person is lucky to have you, you are the most generous and caring person I know, I'm sure it'll work out, you just gotta give it time." You smiled at her as Charlie went up to his dorm.
"Yeah I'm sure your right Rowan, thank you." You smiled. "Hey, I'm really jet lagged, or I guess train lagged, is it alright if I go to bed early?" She smiled.
"Of course, sweet dreams." She said as she made her way over to Andre. As you walked towards the stairs, you decided to take a huge chance and went to the boys dorm instead of the girls, specifically, Charlie's dorm. You prayed that he was alone, thankfully, as you opened the door soundlessly, you saw him sitting on his bed, head dropped between his shoulders in an empty dorm. You slipped in and shut the door.
"Charlie," you said in an unsteady voice. He shot up and turned towards you and you realized he was shirtless. He stared into your eyes for a second before he spoke.
"Y/n, blimey, this is the boys dorm," he said as he put on a shirt. You averted your gaze to the floor.
"I know, I'm sorry I just really wanted to talk to you, ever since summer, I feel we've been incredibly awkward in each other's presence." When he didn't say anything, you continued.
"Look, I don't know if you heard me downstairs, but I think you did and I meant what I said, all of it. The part about me being too stupid to realize how to respond, the part about me liking you back, everything." He walked over to you and you held your breathe.
"You mean it, you sure?" You let out a shaky breathe.
"Yes, I mean it i swear, I'm idiot and you're my best friend. Ever since that night, I swear I miss you so much and want you just as much as I miss you." He smiled and took your hand.
"I'm so glad, I've had a crush on you for years" you let out a laugh.
"So does this mean we're dating?" You asked sheepishly.
"Wow you really meant the part about being stupid huh?" You laughed and tried to look offended. Before you could say anything back, he brought his lips upon yours in a long awaited kiss.
Hi everyone! I hoped you like it and like I said I will write another part, probably going to be a few months into the relationship, but I am really excited to write this because I have a huge crush on Charlie. Please let me know what you think, it means a lot to me!
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