#'we say this is a false prophet!'
spiderfaang · 2 months
I still think it was a massive mistake to not have windclan take in frostpaw during the book called Wind. Like you had the buildup for it to happen. Why didn't you just put frostpaw in windclan.
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ceilidho · 1 month
take me home, country road
You have nothing on your person apart from a hastily packed suitcase and the dress you came into town wearing, on the run from trouble back home. Too bad John's missing a bride that matches your description. Or: the 1800s (mistaken) mail order bride au (chapter 11)
first chapter >> last chapter
Your heart could very well have stopped beating and you’d be none the wiser.
By now, you’ve experienced fear in all its varietals. The stomach churning and the latent, the languid; the swift moving silverfish slipping out of your grasp. The monstrous rising beast of it the day you turned around to find the master of the house turning the lock on the door and trapping you in with him. Then the delayed panic in the aftermath of bringing the bust down over his head and hearing his skull crack under its weight, the blood pooling around his body, almost aureole-like. Pondering the miraculous like, well, isn’t that just the devil of it. A halo for a man intent on your ruin.
 The fear washing over you now is entirely new though. Like a rapid exhalation. Of course you were right all along . Right to expect the devil showing up on your doorstep. The weeks of silence had imbued you with a sense of confidence. An arrogant, undeserved confidence that whispered in your ear to let your guard down. 
But you know now that the world is not large enough to hide in. It is a wasteland of false prophets and false directions. There are no second chances.
The only consolation is the silence from the man behind the counter as he studies the warrant. You imagine him standing there giving it a good once over, his face maybe scrunching up as it calls to mind the woman that just walked through his door. You wonder if they thought to add a sketch of your likeness, whether there’ll be a woman on the warrant that looks an awful lot like you. 
You stay put behind the shelf though, not risking so much as a peep. 
“Any information you might have would be much obliged,” Graves says, trying to coax an answer out.
After a few more seconds, the shop attendant answers with a rueful, “Can’t say I have, sir. You want me to leave this with the sheriff?”
Graves breathes out through his nose in frustration. “Now, are you positive about that? Take a closer look—I don’t mind waitin’ a bit longer for you to sift through your memories. I’m sure a town as big as this must get passersby from time to time.”
“No. I’m sorry, sir, but I’m certain. Never seen a woman fitting this description or name. Couldn’t even tell you the last time we had a stranger come through town and stay longer than a day.”
“I see.” It’s hard to tell whether Graves takes him at his word or not. The aura of menace that the man exudes suggests that anything said to him might rouse his suspicions. That they’ve already been roused, in fact. It makes even you second guess the man behind the counter, wondering if perhaps he knows and simply stays his tongue. 
“Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. Still want me to pass this along to the sheriff?”
The floorboards creak under his feet when Graves takes a step back. “If you don’t mind. Been having the darndest time tryin’ to track down the man and, frankly, I’ve got other obligations. I do appreciate your time though.”
You stay hidden behind the shelf, listening to the sound of the spurs on his boots rattling as he leaves. The chime on the door jingles when it slams shut. You flinch at the sound. For a minute after his departure, you wonder if the door will burst back open and he’ll come crashing in, heading straight for the back to haul you out by your hair.  
A minute passes and nothing happens. The floor beneath you still feels like it might give out at any moment.
When you take your first step, the nausea comes rushing up. 
“Mrs. Price,” the shop attendant says, perking up at the sight of you coming out from behind the shelf. “I forgot you were still here.”
You feel like an automaton or a ball-jointed doll, your movements stiff as you approach him. Morbidly curious as to what you’ll see on the warrant spread out on the counter separating the two of you. When you look down, your breath comes shuddering out. 
The sketch on the paper does bear a passing resemblance to you, but only if you squint. Nothing that anyone could point to and claim with certainty that it depicts you. Underneath the sketch, you balk when you see your real name. It’s jarring to even look at. Though you’ve gone most of your life answering to it, the past few weeks have disabused you of any connection to it. Now, you feel permeable, malleable—a substance that has been reshaped into something new. That girl on the warrant is gone now. Done and dusted. So detached from memory that even the sketch of her depicts someone else, proves false. 
Still, you’re shaken by how close he’d gotten. Supposing Graves had come in while you’d been within sight. Supposing he’d looked you in the eye and asked you directly, and you’d stuttered under his sharklike gaze and drawn further scrutiny. You almost can’t believe how close it’d grazed you. The sharp edge of fate like a blade now sheathed again. 
“Would you mind taking this to the sheriff?” he asks, not realizing the gift he’s given you. “I’m a bit tied up minding the shop.”
You nod wordlessly and take the folded up warrant from him.
It burns red hot in your hands when you step outside. You glance around nervously, unsure as to whether Graves had stuck around to question more people. You wouldn’t be surprised if he were still within earshot. 
You waver in the street with the folded piece of paper tucked in your hands. A horse pulling along a cart laden with firewood creaks as it passes, rousing you from the trance you’d fallen into. You flinch, raising a hand to shield your eyes from the sun. It’s blinding suddenly. A clear sky, the clouds long since taken away by the wind. 
John could be anywhere at this time of day. Despite the fear curdling in your belly, you can’t help the knee jerk reaction to go to him. That’s precisely what you don’t want to do though. You don’t want to be around the county sheriff on the day a bounty hunter came into town looking for you. 
A crow sitting on the roof of a building across the street caws and flaps its wings, taking off into the sky. 
You want to be anywhere but in town waiting anxiously for John to come find you. You don’t want to lay eyes on him and see that he’s found you out. The thought of John finding out about the man you killed back east is beyond contemplation. It nearly has you keeling over in the middle of the street. You can hardly bear the thought. How could you bear to live a moment beyond that, withering under his disapproval? His contempt? 
You don’t think you can.
Every shadow fills you with dread. A barmaid comes out to toss a bucket of dirty water in the alley and you flinch like you’ve been caught. You keep your head down as you walk, eyes straight on the ground. Someone calls out your fake name and you ignore them. 
Your instinct, as usual, is to run. Abscond from the scene of the crime. Even if the thought hurts. Even though you’d let yourself begin to hope that the times of trouble had passed you by. That perhaps you could’ve made a home out here in the middle of nowhere. You should have known that those dreams were just that. You should have known better than to want. These days, it is dangerous to long for anything.
It’s better if you fade from memory like a bad dream, you think when you spot Buttercup fixed to the post outside the sheriff’s office. Better if they think of you with a bad taste in their mouth and nothing more. A girl that came and stole their sheriff’s heart and his horse and then vanished into the night. 
When one of her black eyes fixes on you, you still in your advance. A horse can’t possibly read your intentions, but you feel like she does somehow. Like she knows you intend to take her and flee. She shifts, hooves coming up and back down, and you swallow the saliva pooling in your mouth suddenly, nerves taking on. You won’t let yourself be ruled by them though. There are bigger things to fear.  
“Come on, Buttercup,” you whisper, hesitating before smoothing your hand down her nose. You flinch when she nickers. “I just—I need you to help me, okay?”
It’s an outrageously bad idea. Even to you that’s obvious. You don’t have nearly enough experience riding solo or even with John trailing behind you on another horse to help offer correction if you falter on your own. You’re blinded by fear though, practically shaking as you undo Buttercup’s lead from the post outside the sheriff’s office. 
You’re clumsy trying to hoist yourself up onto her without John to boost you up and hold you steady. It takes a couple of tries before you manage to swing your leg over, and you curse under your breath when your dress bunches up around your waist, exposing the bare flesh of your legs. There aren’t many people roaming the street, fortunately for you.
Buttercup resists at first when you tug lightly on the reins to guide her away. She stomps her foot when you try again, giving a light whinny. Panic seizes you, a coil in your belly. You’ve only ever ridden her before with John at your side; you wonder if she’ll even listen to you in his absence or if even she can tell you’re about to do something foolish and wants nothing to do with it. 
“Please, girl,” you beg. “I promise—I’ll figure out some way to get you back.”
On the third attempt, she finally listens. The way she abruptly breaks into a fast trot nearly sends you toppling over. You catch yourself by clutching the horn, tight enough that your knuckles ache. Your forehead breaks out in a nervous sweat. Buttercup covers ground fast, and without John sitting behind you like a silent sentinel, you feel control slip out of your slippery hands, clammy with sweat too. 
“Whoa, girl,” you breathe, trying to calm her by stroking a hand down her neck. 
It does precious little to calm her down. You remember something John once said about animals smelling fear. They know it like your name. 
You lose control of her fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, you go from steering Buttercup towards John’s house to holding on for dear life. Your body rocks with hers and you’re forced to tighten your thighs around her midsection when she breaks into a gallop, your hands still clinging tight to the reins. Her hooves kick up dust and dirt in her haste, sending it flying behind you. 
“Slow down!” you shout, but the words are swept away by the wind, already behind you. 
Not once have you ever ridden a horse at this speed. Your direction seems like more of a suggestion to Buttercup, and not one she’s inclined to take. The town rapidly vanishes behind you, the vegetation sparse for the first few hundred yards, arid scrubland scorched by the sun and fed off of by the horses and mules coming in and out of town. The sun beats down hot on your head, no hat to shield you from the heat.
You can’t imagine you would’ve been able to hold it down though, you think wildly, mind still in a flurry of panic. It would’ve flown right off ages before. 
Your breath comes out in hitched pants as you clutch with all your might to the horn of the saddle, your hands soon transferring to her mane for better purchase. Buttercup moves like a rogue wave beneath you, like something sailors only speak about in hushed whispers. She takes a wide arc around John’s property, heading towards the mountains instead, and no amount of trying to steer her with your legs seems to work. 
Your head whips back to watch the house pass, the dark shape of it sailing past you, and it nearly causes you to lose your balance. Looking back in front of you only makes it worse. Panic courses through you when you stare ahead only for the world in front of you to spin. Bile creeps up your throat. You swallow it back, but only just.
The half-formulated plan you’d had in mind is long gone. All you can focus on now is remaining astride the horse beating dirt under you. Any thought of bringing her to a halt dissipates. Even the thought of escape evaporates into thin air. 
Only when you feel Buttercup slow to a trot do you peel open your eyes. The breath you let out as you look around is short, panic still churning in your guts.
Over the weeks since John married you and took you home, he’s taken you through the mountains a fair few times, familiarizing you with the land to the best of his abilities in such a short amount of time. But the wilderness stretches far and the terrain beyond John’s homestead is rough, treacherous. 
When you look around, you realize that you don’t recognize this part of the mountainside. 
The trail Buttercup takes you down is cut haphazard into the landscape—a crude, handmade path, not one seared into the ground from frequent travel. It feels distinctly wilder than where you’ve been before. Your head swivels around as you try to look for something that might jog your memory. The striated mountainside tells you nothing. The trees out this deep into the mountains are thicker and older, gnarled root systems bursting up from the earth and coiling around the nearby rocks like snakes winding around their prey. 
You sit up a bit straighter, still shaking when you rub your hand down Buttercup’s neck. “You know where we are, girl?”
She puffs out a breath.
That tells you nothing, but she keeps going down the same path deeper into the woods. No amount of squeezing your thighs or patting her neck gets her to stop. You should be thankful that she’s at least no longer sprinting, that you can actually sit up and catch your breath now, but the fear from earlier is but a paltry shadow compared to that which is brewing in you now. 
Every crick and snapping twig makes your head spin round. You stare intensely past the treeline, searching for the barest hint of motion. You don’t know much about these parts, but you know that this is no place for a woman by her lonesome. Even a man on his own out here might feel jumpy. This far out of the way, only cougars and bears take refuge, and the odd band of outlaws making camp for the night and taking advantage of the relative isolation this far out west. 
“Come on, girl, we can’t be out here,” you whisper, leaning closer to Buttercup to hopefully muffle your voice. Even as low as you speak, it still seems to echo.
You don’t know where you’re meant to go though. In the flurry of panic that had come over you at Graves’ arrival, you’d bolted without thought. Without a compass or map, you’re as good as lost in the unsettled land deep in the mountains. 
As that reality dawns on you, you realize that you haven’t had a drink of water in quite some time. 
An hour must pass with Buttercup stubbornly refusing to listen to your commands to turn back. Maybe longer. She resists even when you pull on the reins. In truth, you don’t blame her. Your commands come feeble, no strength behind them. The fear of being bucked off her back makes you soft. John would be gruff, unyielding—you can’t imagine him giving into fear.
That somehow upsets you even more. You can’t help but wish more than anything that he were here with you. 
The temperature drops as the sun begins to set. Without the sun beating down on you, you shiver in the cold air. There’s nothing to keep you warm other than the clothes on your back. Your lips smack when you part them, parched after hours without water. You haven’t stumbled across a river or stream in the hours since starting down this path.
Then, from behind you, you hear it. 
The name that isn’t yours. You don’t catch it at first until it comes again, louder this time. When you look over your shoulder and down the path behind you, John’s furious face stares back at you, his lips worked into a flat line. 
The way you gasp must spook Buttercup, because she abruptly breaks into a gallop, forcing you to hunker down and hold on. You want desperately to look back, torn between relief and distress, but you stare ahead instead. 
The black horse he rides gains on you fast, legs pumping beneath its massive body. It’s not a horse you’ve seen before. Maybe borrowed in his haste to chase after you. You don’t let yourself digest that thought though, too concerned with remaining astride. 
Despite its size, it collapses the distance between you two quickly, nearly on you now. Instinct has you leaning into Buttercup, trying to get as low as possible and let the air glide around you. Her gallop quickens into a sprint. You’re just holding on now, facing straight ahead, no chance of being more than a passenger on this trip. 
John shouts at you from your rear to bring Buttercup to a stop. You squeeze your lips together instead of shouting back that you can’t. If you open your mouth, you think your stomach will come straight out. 
Your body jostles around on top of your horse, on the verge of slipping off with every passing second. When she takes a turn too quickly down a trail leading up into the mountains and you slide a bit to one side on the saddle, only your foot in the stirrup catching you, your heart stops. Fear is ice inverted; poured over you. It drenches you in another layer of sweat that dries rapidly in the air whipping around you. 
Hot and cold. The ground seems to come towards you every time Buttercup’s legs kick up. Always on the verge of falling and breaking every bone in your body. You suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth so it doesn’t get caught between your clacking teeth and bitten right off. 
“Pull up on the reins!” John roars over the cacophony of stomping hooves. 
A glance to your right finds him close enough to graze with your fingertips. Your heart jumps in your chest.
“Pull up!” he shouts again, but all you can do is stare uncomprehendingly. 
You don’t know if he can see the terror in your eyes. It must be splayed clean across your face. He has to see the way his words mean nothing to you. Your panic effaces any meaning; all you hear is noise and anger pouring from his mouth, and trampled dirt and labored breath. 
When his horse pulls up alongside yours, he gets close enough to lean over and snatch the reins out of your hands. He pulls firm, tugging Buttercup’s head back until she almost rears up and you scream, hands fisting in her mane. 
Your body lurches forward when she comes back down, slumped over the saddle horn. It digs hard into your stomach. There’ll be a bruise there come morning, but nothing like the bruises that’ll bloom between your thighs. Even now the ache radiates down your body. You look up at the sound of John’s breath panting out like a bull, and he glares down at you with undisguised fury, the angriest you’ve ever seen him. 
“What in the blazes were you thinkin’?” he booms. Even the horse he sits astride shakes its head at the sound. “There’s nothing out here but outlaws and predators!”
The hand fisted in Buttercup’s reins pulls her closer, and he guides both horses into a slow trot and then to a stop. You can feel the way Buttercup’s ribs expand and contract under your legs. 
“Stop it— don’t touch me!” you snap when he reaches for you, smacking his hand away.
“Darlin’, if you get off that damned horse—” John warns, but you’re already swinging your leg over the saddle as the words come out of his mouth. 
You almost trip over the stirrup when you slide off Buttercup’s back and take off on foot. You fist the skirt of your dress in both hands to lift it as you run, letting it swish around you with the force of your strides. A curse and grunt come from back behind you. The sound of John’s boots hitting the dirt is loud, and when he chases after you, his boots pound into the earth.  
It’s a desperate last move, but all you can think is that you’d rather be anywhere else but in his arms. You’d rather take your chances with the wolves and bears in the woods, or with the bandits and brigands on the trails leading to the next town. 
You barely make it past the next tree before he barrels into you and takes you both to the ground, the world spinning as you fall down. He angles his body to take the brunt of the impact, but you still cry out when your hip hits the ground hard. The way he pulls you into his chest just barely keeps your head from slamming into a rock. 
“Goddamn it, woman,” John spits. “Where d’ya think you’re even going? There ain’t nowhere to run out here!”
Your head spins. When you open your mouth, all you can taste is rust and salt, sweat dripping off your upper lip. You can feel the heat of his chest against your back and he doesn’t give you a chance to gather your bearings before hauling you to your feet, tugging both of your arms behind your back. 
“Let me go!” you scream, trying to wrestle out of his hold to no avail. 
You know he doesn’t understand, but you can’t help the way you try to fight your way out of his hold. There’s no explanation that’ll make sense to him other than the truth, which you clamp tight in your chest. There's no telling if he already knows, if maybe Graves finally tracked him down or if someone else brought their suspicions to his attention, but you won't go spilling the truth yourself. 
He’s a solid mass behind you, breath labored from hours spent tracking you. You wonder if he noticed mere moments after you took Buttercup and left or whether he came back to the sheriff’s office only to find the two of you gone. 
John holds your wrists in one big hand at the small of your back and gives you a mean shake. “I don’t know what’s got you so riled up, but you better fix this attitude of yours and explain yourself before we get home or so help me God, I’ll take my belt to your ass.”
The mention of him belting your backside makes your hands go clammy, but you must have abandoned your common sense a mile back because your mouth keeps running. “I’ll gut you like a pig if you touch a hair on my head!” 
“We’ll just see about that,” he grunts, and you can hear the raw edged smirk in his voice and the anger behind it. 
When he leads you stumbling towards the horses waiting in the middle of the trail, you realize that capture had always been an inevitability in your mind. Maybe it even comes as a relief to know that the jig is up. 
You just hadn’t realized that it would be someone else hauling you back by your hair.
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holybibly · 3 months
girl i really dunno how to ask but ummm i...i mean WE need more preacher/saint/priest content....oh i just thought priest yunho with some cnc and bdsm........and maybe some watersports....oh. my. god. i died. my eyes are only seeing some whips, punishment and a lot of sin. bye.
Hi, honey, how are you? I really spoiled you, didn't I? But it seems that everyone is just as crazy about hot priests/pasors,preachers, and nuns as I am. Woo was hotter than hell when he was a priest, don't you think, bunnies?
I've already mentioned that I'll be doing a sequel for each member, but I'll tell you more so you can look forward to my updates.
Below I mention religious, hierophilia and church related topics. Bunnies, please refrain from reading if such content makes you uncomfortable. You have been warned!
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Beware of False Prophets Demon San x Reader
Everyone in your town has been talking about the arrival of a new priest. The parishioners have been on their knees in praise of Pastor Choi San ever since he walked through the doors of your little church. He was devout, quiet, and, for a priest, incredibly handsome. He quickly became the object of admiration and wet dreams.
And you were not left out. The way his cat-like eyes would sometimes linger on you during Mass, or the way your name would roll off his tongue when he addressed you, made you blush with shame, not only at the dirty thoughts in your head but also at the fact that your panties were getting too wet just by looking at San.
But little did you know that Pastor Choi San had much more forbidden and depraved intentions towards you than that. Not all that glitters is gold, and not everyone is a saint who wears a holy robe.
It is said that one should beware of false prophets, for good intentions lead to hell. Or maybe the demon San will disguise himself as the new pastor of your church and try to tempt you into committing a sin.
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Are you callin' me a sinner? Priest Yunho x Widow Reader
It was never in your wildest dreams that you'd be a widow at such a young age. Less than three months had passed since you got married when your husband tragically died, and this became the talk of your small town.
People walked past you, looked at you with disgust, closed their doors in front of you, and pointedly ignored you as if you had committed some mortal sin, which is probably what they thought you had done. You were so young and too beautiful, and your husband... Your husband was a man much older than you. You loved him; you really did, and losing him destroyed you. Your husband left you a huge fortune to inherit, and people whispered that you killed him to get money and to take a lover. Some even said you made a pact with the devil by killing your husband in return for your unearthly beauty and money. They said that you were a sinful brat.
Your only comfort at that time was faith, and you spent all your evenings in prayer and penance. One day, your housekeeper advised you to contact the priest, Jeong Yunho, describing him as a pious, compassionate, and gentle person who always showed mercy to everyone and granted the desired forgiveness of sins to all the troubled hearts. But she neglected to mention that Yunho was also an incredibly handsome young man who was more likely to tempt you to sin than to help you atone for it.
"I will help you get rid of your sins, my child." His hoarse voice whispered in your ear as he let the dress fall from your shoulders and down your back.
"I am going to cleanse you of the sin and the impurity of this world." Yunho said as he put a blindfold over your eyes and tied your hands behind your back.
"The only way you will be able to atone for your sins is through pain, and I will help you with that, my dear." He said this, accompanying his words with a lash of his whip across your bare skin.
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Say yes to Heaven Pastor Yeosang x Libertine Reader
You never wanted to have anything as much as you wanted to have Kang Yeosang. He was handsome. He looked like an angel. He was everything that you ever wanted to sink your teeth into. He was your church's pastor. And that was what drove the hell out of you.
Yeosang was a simple man—an incredibly sweet and gentle man—who always helped his parishioners find the right path and to find God in their hearts. You, however, could brag about an endless list of sins and vices that you proudly displayed, like your favourite red lipstick. If given the chance, you would paint the whole town red, but mostly you wanted to see it smeared around Pastor Yeosang's handsome cock while you deepthroated him. The two of you came from completely different worlds—a saint and a sinner—but you had always believed that opposites attract.
Every mass was a game of seduction for you, and you wondered how far you could go before the angelic halo over Yeosang's head would crack and he would fuck you senseless. Although you had doubts that he could do it, you had a feeling that he was a virgin and would probably faint at the sight of a pink, wet pussy in front of his pretty angelic face. God, the boy was so holy and inexperienced about sex.
But how wrong you were about him! There are always two sides to every coin, and you will learn from experience that there are some desires that are better left as fantasies. Or the one where Pastor Yeosang fucks you to the last inch of your life and teaches you the concept of out-of-body experiences through orgasm.
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Me and the Devil Lucifer Seonghwa x Reader Nun
From the day your parents took you to church for the first time, you knew that your life would be one of devotion to God. Of course, this was not the destiny your family wanted for you, but they still supported you on your way to becoming a virgin bride.
The convent where you lived to prepare for your vows was far from home and did not have the best reputation. But the priest of your parish convinced you that it was there, and nowhere else, that you could know God. And he was right; you did know God, but it was not the God to whom you prayed every night of your life.
It all began with dreams. Dark and unholy dreams came to you more and more often. The cold hands of a stranger sliding over your skin, a hot tongue exploring your body and lips as if sin itself were branding you with kisses, all ending with the first rays of dawn. Then this strange cat appeared and would not leave your side for a minute. But what frightened you most was the disappearance of the other nuns. One after the other, they vanished without a trace, until there were only a few novices left in the convent.
The night you took your vows was dark and moonless. So were the eyes of the dark-winged angel who appeared before you. It was as if he were woven of pure sin, depravity, and rage, oozing from his skin like ichor, and the rustle of his wings was the very sound you would hear before your death. But Angel, Lucifer, Seonghwa—call him what you like—came here with one goal: to finally get his bride.
"Do you have faith that your God will be the answer to your prayers, my beautiful bride? Do you believe that he is going to save you?" Seonghwa's lips touched your cheek, and his burning breath flowed across your skin. "You belong to me. Your soul, your faith, your body—all of it belongs to me. And you will accept me as your husband, dear child. Or you will say goodbye to your life at dawn."
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There will be a separate post for Mingi, Jongho and Hongjoong. I am going to leave you in suspense, my little bunnies.
There's no harm in a bit of intrigue, is there?
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m1ssunderstanding · 3 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.3
Okay can anyone explain the “false hotel registration” thing to me? Does it mean they registered under a false name? So Paul registered under a false name so he could go fuck a girl in his room without getting in trouble with the press? I'm confused. Didn't they bring girls to their rooms all the time without getting in trouble? It doesn't make sense. Why did he feel the need to register under a different name?
Paul, talking about American conservatism, “So many organizations over here that are nuts anyway.” John, “Yeah, they're so far right they just–” tape ends. They really were brave, though. To say what they thought and risk losing what they'd only just got. I wonder who cut the recording. 
Journalist: Paul, are you planning to marry Jane Asher? John: scream ‘no.’ Go on. Lol John certainly says what he feels doesn't he?
Paul making fun of the racist question. Good job bud. 
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The whole “Yesterday” thing is crazy. Like, what a feat, first of all. I think we forget how unbelievably successful the song was.
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Second of all, I know John's reaction was childish and mean, but his feelings were valid if you just look at the treatment and reception of “Ticket to Ride”  (John's dead mum song). Like objectively yesterday is a better song, but still.
Oh, John. Poor thing. 
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If “Girl” is secretly about Paul . . . yeesh. It's so obsessive and adoring and simultaneously so disappointed and disparaging. John always has such impossible standards for Paul. “She promises the earth to me and I believe her, after all this time I don't know why.” Um… maybe because he literally did give you the world? At so many points I find myself asking, “what more could Paul possibly have given John?”
People always take this quote as a sexuality thing, but couldn't it also be a conscience thing? Revulsion at taking advantage of the fact that all these women are fans? At the scale of his infidelity? I don't know, am I giving him too much credit?
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The thing about Paul, John – and though it drives you insane, it's a big factor in why you love him -- is he's not going to be bullied into anything. If he decides to take LSD it's going to be on his own terms. And I know you think it'll bring you two closer, and you're right, but peer pressure just doesn't work on him. There's no point. You know that.
I LOVE Paul and the Indica. Designing the wrapping paper in secret up in his little attic room, covering over the shop windows so he can do his handyman work building shelves and painting in peace. It's Linda's Paul pre Linda, you know?
John is so good at PR as in making something sound as beautiful and important and powerful as possible. Which is something Paul absolutely relied on John to do and clearly could not do on his own after the break up. Look how John makes them almost into prophets here.
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"I really wanted to live in London but I wouldn't risk it." Another thing to make John envious of Paul and resentful of Cynthia. I really wish those two had just never got married. 
“I don't object to people having a lot of money, I never did. But I do object to people being stony broke and starving.” RIP John, you would've loved the American “left” of today. But you can't have the former without the latter, sorry.
This picture always gets me. It's ridiculous. Pattie and George. Mo and Ringo. John and Paul. With Cynthia awkwardly by herself. It's funny. It's adorable. It's crushing. And with that quote? It's impossible.
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I think Tara Browne is overlooked. Paul brought him home for Christmas. That's a big deal. And John hated him enough to laugh when he read about his death. That's also a big deal. Paul and his messed up social climbing obsession. I do think it's worth pointing out, though, the difference between Paul’s LSD trip with Tara and his trip with John. More on that later.
I really do think they were all staunchly anti-racist for their time, you know, besides John's racist jokes and drawings… but Paul particularly. And I have to wonder where that came from. Did he have empathy for people being judged on appearance and background? Was it partially due to his idolization of black artists? Did Little Richard maybe say something to him about racism in America? Anyone have any thoughts?
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Actually, same, John. 
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Okay and I have to share my hot take on the whole Jesus scandal. It's this: the American right doesn't actually care about Jesus. They care about protecting their hegemony. They didn't like that the Beatles were openly and stubbornly integrationist. They didn't like Paul's comment about their inhumane racism. But they couldn't openly counter that without showing their hand. So they used the Jesus comment as an excuse. If they play the religious persecution card, they get to paint themselves as the victims and therefore the good guys while they take down anyone who challenges the status quo that keeps them in money and power (aka the Beatles). 
Maybe I should've had a “poor baby” tally because the number of times I've said that about John in these comments has got to be tally-worthy. I would've driven around in a gorilla suit with you, honey!
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It is actually amazing that there hasn't been more speculation on Paul's sexuality with all these serious boyfriends. 
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Paul tells a story about a time he flew a plane, and how much better he liked it than being a passenger. First off. Imagine being a pilot and just being like “oh, you've never touched a joystick in your life, but you're Paul McCartney? Sure, go ahead. Fly the plane.” But also. His control issues and his confidence are both off unreal. No one in their right mind would feel more safe flying a plane – as someone with a complete lack of experience – than when a licensed pilot is flying it. 
Okay I literally JUST learned that Here There and Everywhere says, “how good it can be” not could. Can. And it's one of those in my "for sure this was about John" folder. Okay then. Wow.
The thing is they really did compliment each other's songs a lot more than modern Paul makes it seem like. So I wonder what it was about the “Here There and Everywhere” compliment that made it so special to Paul?
This footage where John is hiding behind McCharmley. I love protective Paul and how different he is to protective John and how much they needed each other. 
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Hall of Fame quote: “what composer do you respect the most?” “I dunno really. John Lennon.” “Paul McCartney.”
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katakaluptastrophy · 6 months
So, it's the last days and a weird-looking guy called John is yelling about the end of the world.
AKA, it's Advent and we've reached the stage of Alectopause where I'm apparently writing Bible studies for the weird goth teens that hang out in graveyards... So let's talk about portentious guys called John and why a nun might have joined a necromancy cult.
Anyway, you know Advent, the cheerful and cozy time when we all think about cute baby Jesus as we get ready for Christmas, right?
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It's currently the second Sunday of Advent, and in lots of churches that follow the liturgical year, people will have been hearing about John the Baptist today (Me: "John". My phone: "Gaius?". Me: "John the-". My phone: "Necromancer?").
Without going into too much detail, John the Baptist is important because he's a prophet that points to the coming of Jesus. He first does this rather impressively in utero, but is probably best known for wandering the wilderness wearing camel hide and eating locusts, shouting about how the end is nigh and, hence the name, baptising people to cleanse them from their sins. People are pretty impressed by all this and start asking him if he is the promised messiah or one of the great prophets come again. He answers no, his job is to point towards one greater than him. He baptises Jesus, the heavens open, and not long afterwards John annoys the authorities and ends up with his head on an ornamental platter.
Now John the Baptist obviously isn't the main Biblical John evoked by John Gaius. That dubious honour probably goes to the beloved disciple John the Apostle, also known for The Gospel According To and The Apocalypse Of, aka the Book of Revelation, the Bible's account of the end of the world.
But John the Baptist (no, autocorrect, not "John the Necromancer") is relevant too, and not just because he's a guy called John, chosen by a higher power to lay the groundwork for better things to come and who falls afoul of the authorities with dramatic consequences.
Let's cycle back round to Advent for a moment. The reason Advent can both be aww cute little baby Jesus and also WHERE ARE YOU GOING WHEN YOU DIE?! is because in Christian theology, Jesus' birth and the end of the world are linked: the first and the second coming of Christ.
In Nona The Ninth, we learn that John and his friends are living in a world on the edge. Without some incredible plan - the cryo ships, the promise of FTL - everyone is going to die. Humanity has rendered the world uninhabitable. Although we get very few details of the broader geopolitical situation, we have to assume it's one rife with natural disasters and conflict.
In the Bible, Jesus talks about a world with famines and earthquakes, wars and rumours of wars, where to find yourself in those days with children would be a tragedy and to be pregnant even worse (maternity problem, anyone?). Specifically, this is when he talks about the signs of the end of the world and his second coming.
So what about M-'s nun? The first time we meet her is when she's advising John against his all-day Jesus Christ Superstar healing ministry.
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And John's anxiety about meeting her is pretty apt. He says: "I was worried I was going to get the Antichrist bit from her too". Note the "too" - by this point, John has already been accused of being the Antichrist. Why? Because alongside those rumours of wars and earthquakes, Jesus gives another sign to watch out for: false prophets.
But M-'s nun saw John and his powers and - for reasons we never learn - believed they were miraculous, a gift from God. She appealed to the Vatican to investigate and recognise this. And her presence and this campaign apparently made a significant impact in reducing some of the issues they were facing. Somehow, she met awful, smarmy John and his corpse buddies and thought she was seeing the hand of God miraculously at work in the last days.
This bears repeating, because I've seen suggestions that she believed he was God, or was somehow converted to the cause of necromancy, but at least by John's narrative it's much simpler than that: right to the end she's praying for him in very Catholic terms to find clarity in his purpose.
This is the last we see of her:
She just smiled at me. She said, John, don’t misunderstand. I want to help you. I truly believe that in our most terrible hours we don’t instinctively reach out to God; we push ourselves away from Him. Don’t feel bad for not rising heroically to the occasion right now. Fear doesn’t help us achieve a state of grace; it deafens the heart. John, I truly believe you can save everyone. So concentrate, please. She said, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. And she shot herself.
While obviously you are probably not walking a straightforwardly orthodox path if you're shooting yourself to help the leader of a self-proclaimed necromancy cult locate the soul, her language here is very focused on the Catholic understanding of sin and death. A "state of grace" refers to the condition of your soul when it's not burdened with serious sins. It's the state you're in after you're baptised or after you've been to confession. Being in a state of grace is one's soul being on a wavelength with God; it's the necessary state to enter heaven.
And the Hail Mary? Catholics believe that Mary has the power to intercede for them with God. And the most important moment at which she could intercede would be at the point of death where the state of your soul determines your eternal destination. This isn't a wacky necromancy cultist talking. I suspect she sees this less as a suicide (which the Catholic Church has historically not had the most nuanced views on...) than a fulfilment of Jesus' teaching to keep his commandments and that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends.
We're not privy to exactly what she thought, and I don't think anyone's suggesting her approach was entirely orthodox, but if he's not the Second Coming, and he's not the Antichrist, and there are wars and rumours of wars and floods and earthquakes...did she see him as a prophet of the apocalypse? A sort of John the Baptist of the end times, who in demonstrating the reality of the soul would bring people to Christ before He came again?
Unfortunately for M-'s nun, John was not what she fervently believed him to be. And unlike John the Baptist, who said no when asked if he was something he was not, John used M-'s nun's death as a springboard to claim the trappings of both divinity and Catholicism for himself.
Unfortunately for John, judgement is coming in the form of an angry teenager Harrowing Hell and the very power he usurped, armed with a very big sword.
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inkdemonapologist · 4 months
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[BatIM Cthulhu AU] A couple of doodles from session two, which UNSETTLED SAMMY A LOT ACTUALLY...
There have been small changes, throughout New York -- doors opening on the wrong side of the street, houses ending up just a block away from where you remembered them -- but the only people who can even tell seem to be those who remember Carcosa. Joey, Sammy, Henry, Jack, Peter, and Norman all experienced the strange shifting realm when a Mardi Gras party attempted to bring dread Carcosa to New Orleans, but Susie wasn't there. She can't see the changes we see, and the entire rest of the city agrees with her. That door was always there? The car was always that colour. That's where I remember the address being before, and there's no record it was ever different.
She trusts what the boys are reporting must be true, that maybe there are changes she can't see or remember, and both she and Sammy are terrified. These are only little things, but as more and more of the city slips into the world of the King in Yellow, what else might be rewritten...?
Anyway EVERYONE'S HAVING A GREAT TIME. If you're here for Out Of Context Quotes from our session, I have some of those too, here, under the cut!!
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Jack] I love how detective Pete is for a guy who is NOT a detective. [Sammy] He just got assigned that by Joey Drew and now it's true. [Joey] Exactly! That's how it works.
[Sammy] The idea of JDS having its own employed detective is really funny to me. "Why do you need that? You're an animation studio." "Well, you know, things come up,"
[GM] Everybody went home I believe, except Joey went to the Studio, which is like home,
[Sammy] Do we have any plan, other than just go in to work, [Jack] I though you were gonna say "other than go insane"...
[Joey] If Prophet's not the one going for the ink, then why is Sammy going for it?! Do they have a SECOND prophet situation??? [Jack] PROPHET...... TWO!!! [Henry] Prophet 2: Electric Boogaloo [Sammy] *tiredly* We don't need any more Prophets..... We don't need any more Sammys..... we have enough.....
[Jack] You just need to sip some ink and tell them it's the wrong number. Like, you've got the wrong guy. [Henry] New stone, who dis?
[Sammy] It was the false king who called through the ink, not our Lord! [Joey] Interesting... [Joey] Joey's going to ask Bendy if he can... feel this? Is he getting calls? *dad voice* Is someone calling you? Don't put your number on the internet!
[GM] Bendy says he wasn't made to be a receiver the same way Sammy was. [Jack] So technically, it's "New Sam, who dis"!
[Joey] Okay, Joey's going to note this all down in his... Notebook Of Nonsense That Plagues Them,
[GM] I'm choosing to believe that whenever Norman called in, he gave some sort of outlandish excuse, and whoever answered the phone didn't... write it down... [Sammy] Like the heckin', grian excuses-- [Joey] "I'm cutting my grass, with scissors" [Jack] Yeah!! He's cutting his grass! With scissors! In winter!!! [Sammy] And then Sammy's like "Do we know why he called out?" and the receptionist is just like "No We Have NO Idea" [Jack] With the most tired sigh. Second only to Grant.
[GM] Fun fact, Norman would answer the phone. [Sammy] Norman actually was just like, "ohhhhhhh i know THIS is some supernatural bullshit happening, I'm gonna stay home"
[Joey] Joey's going to ask Estelle if he looked like-- and give a vague description of Avedon. [GM] .............................. [GM] She is SO impressed that you knew this. [Joey] *delighted cackling*
[Jack] I love how cute Joey is about this kid. Just like... the cool Bendy Uncle! He's not related at all, but, [Joey] I feel like this is kind of how Joey just gets around kids? Maybe Joey does really want kids, just, y'know, doesn't know how to do it when gay? [Sammy] Obviously that won't happen, so-- [Joey] Yeah, [Sammy] --so then you START AN ANIMATION STUDIO, that's the only other option! [GM] Yeah, then all kids are your kids!
[GM] Alright, you've made many phone calls. [Joey] Yeah, [GM] And you only rudely hung up on one of them!
[Sammy] Sammy can surely track that down; he's used to digging up musicians. [Jack] Jack's there to assist with the Talking to People in a way that makes them want to cooperate with you, and not run in fear!
[GM, speaking for Peter] *lists all of the information Peter's dug up* And that's about what he managed to get, today! [Joey] And nothing weird has been happening... to him? [GM] WELL, OKAY. ABOUT THAT,
[Peter] Could you describe again, the strange person who was at the party? What was that guy like? [Joey] *thinking very hard* Which... strange person...? I mean... Denis was there?
[Norman] Try not to fall in a swamp this time. [Joey] I'll let you know if I find one! [Sammy] There's fewer of those in New York, so, I think we're good. [Jack] I mean, you never know,, [Sammy] ...yeah, that's true..... [Joey] HEY, Joey will let him know if he finds one!!! [Sammy] If LAKE PONCHARTRAIN opens up in the MIDDLE OF NEW YORK CITY, that will certainly be something to let all of our friends know!
[GM] Make a social-type checks to have a word with them beforehand! [Sammy] I don't know, if I should do that,,, [GM] SAMMY can make an Appearance check! [Sammy] *laughing* LETS SEE IF IM HANDSOME ENOUGH to get let in!
[GM] Everybody's like "You guys!" You're greeted with nostalgia, and eagerness! and people are trying to small talk you, I'm guessing Sammy's not going for that. [Sammy] I mean, you can try to small talk.... AT him... [Sammy] He doesn't... y'know... it's like playing a game of catch where you throw the ball to somebody, and they just hold the ball. [Sammy] Like.... okay! [GM] I did the thing! [Sammy] Cool, catch successful. [Jack] No give, only throw!
[Sammy] Look, I was trying to drink ink this morning, so I feel like this is a step up.
[Sammy] Sammy will enjoy it! We should do this more often! [Sammy] "We should do this more often" says man who will always be too busy to do this more often,
[GM] They're impressed that, at a job where there was a gunshot right in front of the stage, the thing you want to ask about is where they sourced their music. [Sammy] I LOVE that Sammy's reputation is such that this makes perfect sense to them.
[GM] His name is Alan Leroy. [Sammy] Okay, Leroy works, because then I'll remember it, because of Leroy Jenkins. [GM] This is what's been going through my head the entire time, too...
[GM] They say he's a crazy-talented musician who blew into town a year or two ago? He's really nice and easy to get along with, and when he really gets going he can make sounds come out of his instrument like you've never heard! [Sammy] These... are all.. compliments that would be really impressive except that they can all be interpreted in really concerning ways.......
[GM] If Jack wants to look harder, he can.......... [Jack] I'm doing it, Jack can make little a bad decision! He hasn't made any yet this season!! [Jack] *rolls* That's an extreme success. How much sanity do I lose!!
[Henry] We're ghost hunters. The, the pale guy is a ghost, we're goin' after him. Ghost hunters. [Henry] ...This is why you don't let Henry lead the conversation!!
[Jack] It's occurring to me that we don't know if this guy is alive??? [Joey] YUP! This is a good time to find out! [Henry] Fun! [GM] When have you EVER gone up to somebody's house and found them dead inside? [Jack] Jack hasn't yet... [Henry] The very first scenario! [Sammy] Yeah it was a pretty bad situation as I recall, we were briefly accused of being involved! [Jack] Maybe you guys. Jack's different, though.
[Joey] We wanted to make sure he was doing alright. .....does that need a Fast Talk roll? [GM] Yeah, I was about to say-- [Joey] *rolls* *STARTS CACKLING* [GM] What did you do, do you roll a three again? [Joey] I DID ROLL A THREE! :D THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I ROLLED! [GM] I thought it was the Three Laugh!
[Henry] Henry is tired. Henry rolled a 93. [GM] Well he's out late, you know, he's a family man! He has normal hours, he hasn't been staying up late, living at the studio for the last few years! [Henry] He's regretting not accepting Joey's offer to just go home. [Joey] *muttering* See, Joey knows best!
[GM] Okay, so you guys notice, right off, that the car isn't there. [Sammy] UM. HM. [Jack] Which car did we take again? [Joey] The Mercedes... [Jack] *relieved* Okay good. [Jack] .... I MEAN, NOT GOOD, BUT...
[Joey] No, no I think it's OUR car... it's just... more yellow now... [Jack] I don't like that that means it's getting yellower... [Joey] ...........................So when do we take the sanity hit? [GM] Yeah, that would be now!
[GM] The woman says she's looking forward to when he has his own ship, and they can sail away together! [Henry] [Henry] ...I'm married,...
[Joey] Joey has his face pressed to the window-- no, he probably has the window down, it doesn't matter how cold it is -- and... CAN the window go down? Hold on. [Joey] *sounds of typing* "Car... door... window... down... history... when."
[Henry] Okay, these dice are BANNED. I rolled a 90! [Jack] What if you subtly replace the dice...? [Sammy] With slighty yellower dice!
[Joey] OKAY! There ARE rolling windows, so Joey does have the window rolled down, and he's intensely watching the colour of the car. [Joey] AND ALSO, he's STILL sitting in the middle seat, he's just going to lean over someone to do this. [Sammy] Ah. It's probably me.
[Jack] No, no, Pete and Jack can get kidnapped later and take some massive sanity damage together. ✨Cute date ideas!✨
[Joey] Joey's going to inform Norman that they're going to come over, they need additional eyes on something, [GM] Well, he's good at keeping eyes on things! [Joey] So they'll be over soon. [Sammy] I like how Norman gets a heads up, but with Peter we just show up at his apartment. [Joey] Exactly! [Jack] That's because Joey's kissed Pete. When Joey and Norman kiss then that's -- not good for Sammy, probably. [GM] At least Pete and Sammy are neutral. Non-reactive. [Sammy] Norman and Sammy are "it's complicated" on Facebook.
[Sammy] Okay, we gotta go get Linda, so Susie's not alone, [Jack] We're just playing "how many NPCs can we force Thren to play at once!" How many can we shove in the back of this car.
[Jack] Jack's gonna get home and find out his cats are different colours, [Sammy] Oh NO, [Jack] Comes back and Beans is a tortie now. [Sammy] Or Beans is just an orange cat, [Jack] Oh no! Her braincells! [GM] She needs those! She has all of them!!
[Joey] Depending on who's the affected party, Susie or them, it is actually useful to have a second, like, [Sammy] Someone to compare with? Yeah. [Henry] We don't know WHO the control group is, but ONE of us is the control group!
[Joey] As trusted as Norman is, he isn't one of Joey's... white-knuckle-clutched-keepsakes of a person,
[Sammy] *sarcastic* Okay, everyone ready to go to sleep? That's not a scary prospect right now, right? That's something that we're all really confident about doing? Cool, that's great. [Henry] Yeah, yeah, that's definitely not gonna, it's gonna go great...! [GM] Nobody's even cut their hand on a slick stone! It's fine! [Henry] NO ONE BETTER CUT THEIR HAND ON A SLICK STONE! We got enough problems!! [Joey] (Looking at you, Prophet!)
[Henry] Is Joey,,, sharing this plan with anyone? [Joey] ouo Has anyone asked him?
[Joey] Let's send Henry then! [Henry] Alright. Send Henry to Carcosa! [Sammy] *exasperated* yeah that's fine.... [Joey] It's not FULLY sending him there! It's just making a connection. [Joey] A little bridge! [Sammy] Uggghhhh... Sammy doesn't think we need any bridges to Carcosa. [Sammy] We've got enough Carcosa. [Sammy] Put some back.
[Sammy] This is what happens When You Give a Joey a Dream Spell.
[Sammy] We can't actually guarantee that New York isn't going to sink. That's not out of the question. [Jack] Is the Joey Drew specialty NOT "promising things that aren't necessarily things you can promise??"
[Henry] Actually, before Henry leaves he's going to give Joey a hug. [Joey] He doesn't get to leave. [Henry] Oh. [Joey] But Joey will take the hug!
[Henry] You know this man gives good hugs. You're getting a good Henry hug. [Jack] Gonna crunch all of Joey's terrible, very bad bones. [Henry] He's gonnna try not to crunch all of Joey's terrible bones! [Henry] But, I dunno. [Henry] Roll for damage.
[GM] The lurker knows this is serious, but he's also excited, because he has heard what a slumber party is from Henry's kids.
[GM] Now it is Friday, the 28th of December. [Sammy] Okay. Cool. Let's all make an effort to not ring in the New Year in Carcosa. That's MY New Year's Resolution: Don't Be In Carcosa.
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fdelopera · 7 months
I’m Christian but want to challenge what I’ve been taught after seeing your posts about the Old Testament having cut up the Torah to fit a different narrative. Today I was taught that the Hebrew word Elohim is the noun for God as plural and therefore evidence of the holy Trinity and Jesus & Holy Spirit been there at creation. Is that what the word Elohim actually means? Because I don’t want to be party to the Jewish faith, language and culture being butchered by blindly trusting what I was told
Hi Anon.
NOPE! The reason G-d is sometimes called Elohim in the Tanakh is because during the First Temple period (circa 1000 – 587 BCE), many of the ancestors of the Jewish people in the Northern and Southern Kingdoms practiced polytheism.
(A reminder that the Tanakh is the Hebrew bible, and is NOT the same as the “Old Testament” in Christian bibles. Tanakh is an acronym, and stands for Torah [Instruction], Nevi’im [Prophets], Ketuvim [Writings].)
Elohim is the plural form of Eloah (G-d), and these are some of the names of G-d in Judaism. Elohim literally means “Gods” (plural).
El was the head G-d of the Northern Kingdom’s pantheon, and the Southern Kingdom of Judah incorporated El into their worship as one of the many names of G-d.
The name Elohim is a vestige of that polytheistic past.
Judaism transitioned from monolatry (worshiping one G-d without denying the existence of others) to true monotheism in the years during and directly after the Babylonian exile (597 – 538 BCE). That is largely when the Torah was edited into the form that we have today. In order to fight back against assimilation into polytheistic Babylonian society, the Jews who were held captive in Babylon consolidated all gods into one G-d. Shema Yisrael Adonai eloheinu Adonai ehad. “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.”
So Elohim being a plural word for “Gods” has absolutely nothing to do with the idea of the Holy Trinity in Christianity.
Especially because Christians are monotheists. My understanding of the Holy Trinity (please forgive me if this is incorrect) is that Christians believe that the Holy Trinity is three persons in one Godhead. Certainly, the Holy Trinity is not “three Gods” — that would be blasphemy.
(My sincere apologies to the Catholics who just read this last sentence and involuntarily cringed about the Protestants who’ve said this. I’m so sorry! I’m just trying to show that it’s a fallacy to say that the Holy Trinity somehow comes from “Elohim.”)
But there's something else here, too. Something that as a Jew, makes me uneasy about the people who are telling you these things about Elohim and the Holy Trinity.
Suggesting that Christian beliefs like the Holy Trinity can somehow be "found" in the Tanakh is antisemitic.
This is part of “supersession theory.” This antisemitic theory suggests that Christianity is somehow the "true successor" to Second Temple Judaism, which is false.
Modern Rabbinic Judaism is the true successor to Second Temple Judaism. Period.
Christianity began as an apocalyptic Jewish mystery cult in the 1st century CE, in reaction to Roman rule. One of the tactics that the Romans used to subdue the people they ruled over was a “divide and conquer” strategy, which sowed division and factionalization in the population. The Romans knew that it was easier to control a country from the outside if the people inside were at each other’s throats.
Jesus led one of many breakaway Jewish sects at the time. The Jewish people of Qumran (possibly Essenes), whose Tanakh was the “Dead Sea Scrolls,” were another sect.
Please remember that the Tanakh was compiled in the form that we have today over 500 years before Jesus lived. Some of the texts in the Tanakh were passed down orally for maybe a thousand years before that, and texts like the Song of Deborah in the Book of Judges (in the Tanakh, that’s in the Nevi’im) were first written down in Archaic Biblical Hebrew during the First Temple Period.
There is absolutely nothing of Jesus or Christianity in the Tanakh, and there is nothing in the Tanakh that in any way predicts Christianity.
Also, Christians shouldn’t use Judaism in any way to try to “legitimize” Christianity. Christianity was an offshoot of 1st century Judaism, which then incorporated a lot of Roman Pagan influence. It is its own valid religion, in all its forms and denominations.
But trying to use the Hebrew bible to give extra credence to ideas like the Holy Trinity is antisemitic.
It is a tactic used by Christian sects that want to delegitimize Judaism as a religion by claiming that Christianity was somehow “planted” in the Tanakh over 2500 years ago.
This line of thinking has led Christians to mass murder Jews in wave after wave of antisemitic violence over the last nearly 2000 years, because our continued existence as Jews challenges the notion that Christians are the “true” successors of Temple Judaism.
Again, the only successor of Temple Judaism is Rabbinic Judaism, aka Modern Judaism.
This line of thinking has also gotten Christians to force Jews to convert en masse throughout the ages. If Christians can get Jews to all convert to Christianity, then they don’t have to deal with the existential challenge to this core misapprehension about the “true” successor to Temple Judaism.
And even today, many Christians still believe that they should try to force Jews to “bend the knee” to Jesus. When I was a young teenager, a preacher who was a parent at the school I went to got me and two other Jewish students to get in his car after a field trip. After he had trapped us in his car, he spent the next two hours trying to get us to convert to Christianity. It was later explained to me that some Christians believe they get extra “points” for converting Jews. And I’m sure he viewed this act of religious and spiritual violence as something he could brag about to his congregation on Sunday.
Trying to get Jews to convert is antisemitic and misguided, and it ignores all the rich and beautiful history of Jewish practice.
We Jews in diaspora in America and Europe have a forced immersion in Christian culture. It is everywhere around us, so we learn a lot about Christianity through osmosis. Many Jews also study early Christianity because Christianity exists as a separate religion within our Jewish history.
But I don’t see a lot of Christians studying Jewish history. Even though studying Jewish history would give you a wealth of understanding and context for your own religious traditions.
So, all of this is to say, I encourage you to study Jewish history and Jewish religious practice. Without an understanding of the thousands of years of Jewish history, it is easy to completely misinterpret the Christian bible, not to mention the Hebrew bible as well.
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Round 5 - Catholic Character Tournament
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Jason art credit @Reincao
Propaganda below ⬇️
Okay it's cannon but like in an alternative universe because Comics. I just think the fact DC made Known Murderer and Reblious Teen with Daddy Issues a Catholic priest in a different universe. Just. Casually.
Jason Todd is may or may not be Catholic in the main timeline of DC Comics, but I the Flashpoint storyline, my man is a priest! He was a drug addict, thief, and in the Blood Brother cult before dying, only to come back to life and decide to become a priest in the hellhole that is Gotham. In the main timeline, he comes back after dying and stuffs a duffel bags full of heads! The common trait before all Jason Todds is that they all have to be as dramatic as possible. Dying and coming back as the most unexpected thing. Unbelievable. I love this man.
In sonic destruction (the AI generated fan thing snapcube made a while ago) shadow was catholic or something which I think is reallyyyyyyy funny
Ok listen. I know this is a stretch but hear me out. He says “oh my God” in the Twitter takeovers so we know this is a possibility. I see him as a Christ-like figure because I saw his whole confrontation with Mephiles and was like “this is a thing that happened in the Bible??” and the pose Mephiles shows him in is literally like a crucifixion and Mephiles is meant to be a demon / false prophet reference. And also he’s called a demon in Shadow The Hedgehog 2005 then the guy who calls him that is like “I was wrong I’m sorry” and that also reminds me of a thing with Jesus in The Bible. But the biggest reason is his whole thing with Maria cause I think he’d come to earth and hear Ave Maria once and convert to Catholicism idk he’s like we’re comforted by a female familial figure named Mary sometimes called Maria?? And her color is blue????? Heck yeah I’m in because I Will Cry. Also feel free to share this as propaganda obv even if he doesn’t get in the bracket just. It’s funny.
I feel like he’d battle a lot with being seen or portrayed as a demon and how the aliens he’s related to very much look and act like demons idk lmao- and also I feel like confession would just be good for him I think he needs it for his mental health
There is a debate on the lovely website tunblr that Shadow T. Hedgehog is an allegory for Jesus Christ.
He is Jesus, idk what to tell you. He lived, he was sealed away, he was awakened again and deemed the ultimate lifeforms, he’s angry but not evil, does what he believes is best for people and the world at any given time. Total loser.
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anamericangirl · 3 months
Hi, you are aware 99% of ppl condemning the colonizers are also condemning past colonization yes?
I condem the settler state of Israel. i conem them for what they have done to Palestine,i condem them for how they treat holocaust survivors.
I condem them for using the genocide of their ppl as a reason to cause genocide.
I condemn them for Bombing hospitals full of the sick elderly frail and young. Saying that a building AT OR BELOW SEA LEVEL can have tunnels. (Fun facts we all have “tunnels” it’s called SEWWERS)
You know that they have indiscriminately killed off some of the oldest CHRISTIAN bloodlines yes? Because your savior, the prophet son of god, Jesus was a Palestinian. A middle eastern man. So Ofcourse his first followers, and their descendants would be living in Palestine.
Jews and Muslims and Christians lived and coexisted in PEACE for millennia. And then Israel was formed as a way to get rid of the Jews from Europe in a “humane” manor. As a way to put a western agenda in the Middle East.
I condemn what Jesus would condemn.
And this is not to say I’m gungho Hamas. But if you were constantly being curb stomed. Killed starved imprisoned. You too would get to a point where you would consider violence.
It's amazing how you guys manage to get literally every single fact wrong. It's ok not to know things or not even to know everything, but to know nothing about a cause you are advocating for? And more than that, every single claim you make is false? That's inexcusable.
"I condem the settler state of Israel."
They aren't a settler state. You don't know what a settler state is so you should not use that term until you can do so correctly.
"i conem them for what they have done to Palestine."
What have they done?
"i condem them for how they treat holocaust survivors"
How do you think they treat them?
"I condem them for using the genocide of their ppl as a reason to cause genocide"
You are a massive fucking hypocrite. You acknowledge their people are under threat of genocide without condemning Hamas for trying to genocide them and then you condemn Israel for a genocide they aren't even guilty of.
They are not causing genocide and you're pretty rotten to condemn them for a genocide that's not happening while you refuse to condemn the genocide that you admitted was being attempted.
But I guess you don't care when it's a genocide of Jews, huh?
"I condemn them for Bombing hospitals full of the sick elderly frail and young"
They didn't do that you moron. Hamas, the terrorists you simp for, LIED. That is a verifiable fact.
"Saying that a building AT OR BELOW SEA LEVEL can have tunnels"
lmao glad to see you condemn Israel for this but not Hamas for lying, attempting genocide or using children as human shields you ignorant little terrorist apologist.
"You know that they have indiscriminately killed off some of the oldest CHRISTIAN bloodlines yes."
Prove it.
"Because your savior, the prophet son of god, Jesus was a Palestinian. A middle eastern man. So Ofcourse his first followers, and their descendants would be living in Palestine."
Jesus wasn't Palestinian you ignoramus. Palestine didn't exist. Jesus was a Jew.
"Jews and Muslims and Christians lived and coexisted in PEACE for millennia"
That's bullshit. Muslims have been starting wars with Jews and Christians since they came into existence.
"And then Israel was formed as a way to get rid of the Jews from Europe in a “humane” manor. As a way to put a western agenda in the Middle East."
Again, that's bullshit.
"I condemn what Jesus would condemn."
You don't condemn what Jesus would condemn because you're lying about a country and people under attack and supporting their genocide and Jesus wouldn't do that. Don't use the name of Jesus to try and justify your filth and lies. That's blasphemy.
"And this is not to say I’m gungho Hamas. But if you were constantly being curb stomed. Killed starved imprisoned. You too would get to a point where you would consider violence."
You are gungho Hamas. Everything you accuse Israel of doing to them they have done to Israel and you justify their unjustifiable violence and then lie about Israel. What Hamas does to Israel on the daily is magnitudes worse than anything Israel has ever done so shame on you for standing behind them and lying about Israel to justify the slaughter of Jews. Hamas is lucky to have a moron like you at their disposal to spread their lies and anti-semitism for them.
If Hitler was alive right now you'd be kissing his ass too.
You got nothing right. You are a liar. You are just a nasty, repulsive person who hates Jews and supports terrorism and genocide.
So, from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.
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thewordfortheday · 10 months
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Jesus said, "By their fruit you will recognize them." (Matthew 7:16 NIV) The Saviour knew that many false prophets and teachers would try to deceive us, and that's why He warned us to put people to the test by examining their actions. He told us not to just pay attention to their words, but to look at how they live. He said: "Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep, but are really wolves that will tear you apart. You can detect them by the way they act, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit." (Matthew 7:15-16 ) Jesus goes on to say: "Not all people who sound religious are really godly. They may refer to Me as 'Lord,' but they still won't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The decisive issue is whether they obey My Father in heaven." (Matthew 7:21)
No matter how good or convincing someone sounds, if he is bearing bad fruit, his message should be rejected. Godly teachers will display good “fruit”.
While we can never know anyone else’s heart, we can make wise assessments by observing the fruit of their lives. . We can definitely identify those whose hearts have been redeemed, by the fruit we see in their lives.
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catwouthats · 10 months
I want to preface this by saying I have a really good pattern recognition and took a film class before .
Anyways, because people are confused about the theory of Gabriel somehow having the second coming of Christ (and also why I think some of the book of Revelation will be included in Good Omens 3), I thought I’d put my evidence here.
Once again I’d like to formally apologize and this is your last warning.
You will lose all sanity past this point just like i did.
(TLDR; only read what’s in bold and look at the pictures)
When it comes to why I think season 3 might be based off of Revelation slightly, there isn’t that much evidence. (Unfortunately there is more evidence for the other part.)
First of all we have Metatron mentioning the second coming of Christ before they get on the elevator. Now for those of you who don’t know the second Coming of Christ is part of Revelation! (Also, Metatron did not bother to try and stop Gabriel from leaving… which I find suspicious…)
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Where “Christ 2.0” is mentioned in Revelation? Well the Revelation is not straight forward. Some think of the Second Coming of Christ as whom was mentioned in Revelation 14:14-16 (in this chapter he comes down from the heavens and chops off heads) and some think of The Second Coming of Christ as who was mentioned in Revelation 19:11-16 (in this chapter he comes down from the heavens and helps put two of the false prophets in hellfire). For Chapter 14, they call the being “the son of man”, which is the same title people use for Jesus. For chapter 19, there is “King of Kings, Lord of Lords” tattooed on his thigh, which is what some people call God.
Luckily, considering the main point of Good Omens is to show that love and life matters most, I don’t think they will do exactly what those chapters say.
Neil also said that he got inspiration from Genesis and Revelation here: https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/728173029401788416/hi-neil-gaiman-i-would-like-to-know-if-good-omens
Side note, another reason I feel they will use some of Revelation:
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Now on to the Unfortunate truth. Proof/foreshadowing that Gabriel will have the Second Coming of Christ. (Again I want to formerly apologize to both the fandom and Neil Gaiman.)
So what started this is Chapter 12 of Revelation. In chapter 12 someone is pregnant in the sky/heavens/space and gives birth to a special child. Before that child is eaten by a monster, an Angel comes in and takes the Baby away and brings the baby to God. This is why I think this is the same being as the second coming mentioned before. He was taken care of by God and raised in Heaven.
But he was also born in space…
And unfortunately for us ineffable bureaucracy is in space. And although they aren’t human, there are actually a lot of references throughout Good Omens 1 and 2 that associate Gabriel with birth and sex.
But before i get into that, I want to preface all this. I know this might upset some of you all because you might also have had the head cannon of them being asexual. To that I say, don’t worry I don’t think anything sexual will actually happen. They are kind of dumb (when it comes to human affairs) supernatural beings whom can perform miracles. A lot of this is just dramatic irony used to make us laugh and to possibly hint at the future.
So here is all the evidence of Gabriel having a kid so far (I will edit it if more comes up):
1) When he says he was there for the creation/birth of Eve in the garden. Why in the world would that be an important thing to mention? For what reason did God want him there? Why did God want him to see how to make a human?
2) The fact he is the same Angel who delivered the message to Mary that she was pregnant with Jesus. You can see this in Luke 1:26. While, this is not mentioning Good Omens I feel it is important to point out. Also, I think it would be funny if Mary was able to pull an Uno reverse card (and a +2 card because it would be the 2nd coming) and tell GABRIEL that he was gonna have the child.
Not to mention there are even more similarities between the two of them (which I mention later.) I think it shows them as having something more in common rather than just being in eachother a story…
3) The fact he was also there for the “birth” of 3 of Lot’s kids. Yet another moment of human creation that God insisted he’d be a part of.
6) The tomatoes falling in front of him as he walked to Aziraphale’s Bookshop (they did a close up which usually is a “pay attention” sign) because apparently tomatoes are a sign of fertility. (Also if you look at the extended edition of Gabriel’s arrival you will see that the tomato pile seeming bubbled up like it was multiply as he walked by.)
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Not only that, but some studies show that tomatoes can cure infertility. And considering we know that angels do not at first have any reproductive organs, I think it’s safe to say that this symbolism could show how he is no longer infertile. (Link: https://www.nicswell.co.uk/health-news/tomatoes-and-fertility )
7) Everyone assumed he was a stripper that Aziraphale hired. Nina thought it was Aziraphale’s ”naked man friend” he hired. And the people around him even took pictures of him nude. They didn’t even bother to call the police they were in such awe.
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The fact that they didn’t call the police or weren’t really disgusted (but rather many were quite turned on if you look at the symbolism) is very interesting to me. It reminds me of the story of Lot in the Bible. Two Angels visit Lot (in sodom and Gomorrah) and a huge crowd of people forms outside his house. The angels were so charismatic and hot that everybody wanted to do them, and that is why they were crowding around Lot’s house. I wish I was joking, but I’m not!
8) All the people that flirted with him at the ball to which he said something along the lines of “I learned something new about this body last night in bed” and also “want me to show you?”
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As my friend on tiktok (cloverthegrand) said “something something Gabriel was [probably] purposefully made to be very attractive to attract a partner to fulfill the second coming requirements.”
9) He likes hot cocoa and chocolate is sort of an aphrodisiac, which is something that supposedly “turns you on”. And yes, chocolate is still a symbol of love even without it’s aphrodisiac qualities.
(Link: https://www.simplychocolate.com/learn-chocolate-aphrodisiac )
10) When they have sushi (fish), Gabriel is always(?) there. When they are in he restaurant in season 1 and at the Ball in season 2. Fish is a sign of fertility in a couple cultures like in judaism, some Native American tribes, and Celtic culture. 
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(Links: https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/an-abundance-of-fish/ and https://www.atshq.org/fish-symbolism/ )
11) This is quite controversial, but the fact that Gabriel planned basically to show up to beelzebub completely naked is quite… odd. He probably doesn’t understand the complexities of this and what it means (or would mean to humans), yet it is still an odd flag that I feel could show us a hint. And once again, I would like to remind you all that this is not me saying that they aren’t asexual. I still firmly believe that they are both aroace spec because they are/were Angels!
12) The “I’m in the fly” on the bottom of the box that Gabriel brought is also quite funny to me. Gabriel and Beelzebub sure did not get the joke, but I know some of the audience (including me) had one Hell of a time laughing at that dramatic irony/pun! And once again it is another this that associates Gabriel with the creation of kids.
13) “Everyday” being beelzebub and Gabriels song -despite also being described by Terry and Neil as an apocalyptic song- is also interesting to me. I feel it could show that somehow their love and their romance is the start of this second apocalypse or maybe even the center of it. It’s slightly scary to me that Neil didn’t wait to use Everyday for season three, yet instead started using it here for a romance.
14) All the good luck symbolism for Gabriel.  Gabriel got really lucky the season. Whether with a Aziraphale and Crowley and his memory or how everything around him went. It was as if it was perfectly planned. And it was! There were a lot of symbols for good luck, always surrounding Gabriel to make sure no harm came his way (such as the Garlic, onions, cabbage, and plum tree at Gabriel’s arrival. Also the color blue, hearts, and lions.) I feel this shows just how important and essential Gabriel is to SOMETHING. Something probably bigger than he knows.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure I remember Neil Gaiman once saying on Tumblr that he made Gabriel more of a character in season one of good omens because he was important to the next part of the story. This season definitely showed us just how important Gabriel really is (to my unfortunate mental decline.)
15) Cows. This one isn’t that big considering it is just two framed images of cows in the background while Beelzebub and Gabriel order at the bar, but I included it anyways. Cows represent fertility and strength (yippee 😐)
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16) Gabriel is wearing the same blue at the Ball as Sitis(kind of) and as The Virgin Mary! They all have big blue thingy. This shows they are similar… somehow (*cough* miraculous births/“births” *cough*)
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Bonus: The Proof is in the Pudding!… or at least the side dish. Here is some evidence from the extended editions/cut scenes:
A) In the extended edition of Gabriel’s arrival:
Aa) Lemon symbolism. In the extended edition, you can see an old man holding a lemon, while standing in front of a pile of tomatoes on the table. The pile of tomatoes then later, bubbles up, as if multiplying, and falls down on the floor, overtaking him and his lemon.  lemons can symbolize loyalty to one other person in a sexual or romantic relationship and they were also used as a form of birth control, but consider the tomatoes -what fixes infertility- went past that man I think it’s safe to say that is no longer a thing.
Ab) Flowers. Honestly this is not that important because flowers have many different meanings (I mainly did this for fun; not all of the flowers support this theory). But mainly people use flowers to give to someone they love. Also, flowers in General (specifically Lilies and Roses) are commonly associated with the Virgin Mary. Let me quickly go over the flowers/plants in this shot that I could identify.
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Black eyed Susans - encouragement, motivation, endurance, and justice
White Roses - purity, youthfulness, innocence, eternal loyalty, and new beginnings
Yellow Roses - friendship and joy
Pink Roses - elegance, refinement, sweetness, and femininity
Green Roses or Green Chrysanthemum? (I can’t tell which it is from a distance) - chrysanthemum-good fortune, rebirth, renew, and good health. Rose-renewal, fertility, growth, abundance, and rejuvenation
Eucalyptus - strength, protection, abundance, and the division between Heaven and Earth
Wreaths - not a flower I know, but they do symbolize some important things. Fertility, life after death, life, and Jesus dying and coming back
(Links (This is not all of them because I got tired): https://fiftyflowers.com/blogs/flowers/rose-color-meanings#:~:text=White%20roses%20symbolize%20purity%2C%20youthfulness,for%20weddings%20and%20romantic%20occasions. And https://blossmcart.com/blog/chrysanthemum-meaning-and-symbolism/#:~:text=Green%20chrysanthemums%20symbolize%20good%20fortune,love%2C%20longevity%2C%20and%20joy. )
Ac) THE HOSE POORING WATER INTO THE PURSE! OH MY GOSH DID THIS SHOT SURPRISE ME IN THE EXTENDED EDITION! Also they even did a close up of it so you know it’s important! This is on the nose fornication. The hose representing a pp, the purse representing somethings that “purrs”, and the water representing… human male milk. The hose fills up the purse and makes it wet in these shots.
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This could just be them showing more of how everyone is thirsting after Gabriel, but than again… why specifically Gabriel? And why something so specifically representing conception?
B) In the cut scene at The Ball
Ba) The nut allergy. In one of the cut scenes Justine has a nut allergy and asks Gabriel if any of the appetizers have nuts in them. I love to interpret this as them saying they are a lesbian because of their emphasis on all nuts. I especially love this because (assumingly) the people before them were flirting with him and they weren’t (probably because he looks like a male human.)
Bb) The fact Gabriel has no idea what nuts are and asks what they taste like. It seems very innocent in the scene, but if I saw that scene back to back of the “I learned something new in bed last night” I would definitely assume that was on purpose for many reasons. And considering all the other times Gabriel is associated with sex, I think I am gonna interpret it this way. He is a very innocent Angel though (literally).
[EDITS: The bit on the side (more evidence that I unfortunately can’t add imagery for because I’ve reached my limit on this Tumblr post):
-the pornography bit in s1
-the fact Gabriel is sort of fixated on having a nice body (exercising, looking at the statue of himself)
-the way his statue holds a cross the similar to how The Virgin Mary holds a cross in images (at least at times where she is holding one)
-The fact that there is also a lot of imagery of the Virgin Mary putting her hands cross over her chest, which is similar to how Gabriel does when Aziraphale and Crowley ask to hold his hands in s2
-him “being a Virgin” being the butt of a lot of the sexual jokes. I put being a virgin in quotes because I actually have a very depressing theory about this. He most definitely did not just miracle genitals right before seeing Beelzebub, otherwise the Angels would’ve gotten a notification as he was leaving that he did that considering they were looking at his file. That means he’s had that for a while. We know he has something down there because of the crowds reaction to him being naked after he puts down the box. 
-Neil said “we will never know” when asked if Gabriel made “the effort” down there… this isn’t evidence I just find this hilarious (Link https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/725238480054239232/hey-neil-i-dont-know-if-this-question-has )
-Neil offered the name Gabriel to someone that was naming an incubator in their lab https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/727942479466430464/i-need-help-naming-lab-equipment-i-work-in-a-lab
Do I think all of this evidence means Gabriel will give BIRTH? Not exactly, I mean he could just miracle a child by pulling of one of his ribs and gathering Star dust around it to shape the body. However, I do think there is a high possibility that Gabriel will somehow raise or make The Second coming of Christ (or just any child) in Good Omens 3.
And on the contrary, to all of what I said, some of the other angels and demons could also be associated with fertility (ex: stars, sand and fish as symbolism for fertility. Aziraphale has scenes with stars, sand and fish). However, in my opinion, it is not to the degree that Gabriel is associated with things like sex, birth and the Virgin Mary. He is CONSTANTLY being associated with it (even if it’s not on purpose) throughout the series. They could just be making sex jokes with Gabriel because it’s funny (and because it’s John Hamm who is/was apparently a sex symbol), but we’ll never know until season 3 I guess!
I doubt this all will help in my plea to be not weird on tumblr, considering I shared the evidence now, but it’s better than sounding like somebody who just said “archangel Gabriel mpreg” just for the fuck all.
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mdhwrites · 5 months
Can you explain to me how the Titan enforces Christian Fundamentalism?
The Titan makes the only crime Belos committed be that he was a false prophet. Luz is beyond reproach though because she is a true prophet and a true believer. She is then sent to murder a men, blessed with holy power and strength in her convictions, by that God... And we are supposed to cheer.
This isn't even much of an exaggeration or dramatization. The Titan's answer to Luz's fears about justifying horrible acts in the name of protecting others is essentially this. That Belos' true crime wasn't in wanting to kill, oppress or lie. It's that he did it for selfish, self aggrandizing reasons. That if he'd simply been honest and earnest, he might feel a little bad for a mistake or two here or there, like the Titan is about the Collector, but he would have been entirely justified in his genocide. Just like they are beyond approach for wanting this man dead.
As the show says "He wants to be a hero and have the power," but then Luz comes in, trying to have a badass one liner for her return and even says "Darn it, I still can't think of what to say" which isn't even a reference to an earlier part of the show (I don't think at least). It implies Luz waited to come back when it would be the most dramatic and when she was most ready to look the part of the hero. She even references Azura, the FICTIONAL HERO, in her last speech and goes back to the catchphrase she wanted for a hero just nuking a bitch. She TOOOOTALLY doesn't care about being a hero though and because of that, she's all good to be doing all of this. That's what the Titan claimed at least.
Worse yet is that we only really have the Titan's word for glory and power being all Belos cared about. The fucker spent CENTURIES on the Isles. He deformed his body and probably doesn't believe he'll go to Heaven anymore with how much magic he had to internalize in order to pursue the goal of genocide. Even when alone, with no one to prove anything to, he still talks about saving souls and just needing to survive to do this. He's okay with dying afterwards because he DOESN'T care about the glory. Literally the only time he seems to give a shit about other people's approval and the status this might get him is the Witch Hunter General lines and you know what, I don't think it's entirely unfair for him to hope to get some recognition out of four hundred years of work, even if that work was pure evil. You could maybe say Philip's journal shows a hero complex but A: that still doesn't make his belief in protecting others a lie, just means that he has an ego about it, and B: is from hundreds of years ago and he literally abandoned the journal eventually. Abandoned his own heroic tale. By the finale... His intentions are pure. At bare minimum, that's how they are framed by the show itself with his desperation to do this, even at the cost of ending himself. So why does he deserve to die by the show's logic?
Well... He doesn't. He doesn't even deserve to be stopped because his faith is earnest. Except... It's not the right faith, is it? Belos doesn't believe in magic. Doesn't believe in the Titan. He is a blasphemer and false prophet. But now Luz has actually spoken with the Titan, been friends with his son and spread her ideals across the Isles, ideals which are strictly not the Isle's ways but that do theoretically make the basis of the Titan claiming she's a good witch (which is also referencing Azura potentially). The literal first person we meet on the Isles doesn't give a shit about things like lying, cheating, etc. and the early episodes give the impression that no one here does. That Belos doesn't force conformity on that matter even, making it so that these baseline morals that Luz disagrees with are earnest and honest. And yet, none of them are allowed to stay that way. They all enter her fold and listen to explicitly her morality. A morality that happens to line up with Christian morals and that the Titan seems to approve of.
And again, that's not interpretation. The finale actually straight up confirms this isn't the Isle's morality and REVELS in that fact. Belos begs for his life, saying they are not murderers, scoundrels and killers. That their culture demands better of them because they're human. Luz doesn't disagree... But she also doesn't do the act herself (unless you want to say she brought on the rain, but then you have her boiling a man to death which is just HORRIFYING.) Then, in a moment we're supposed to cheer for, Luz's closest connections with the Isles, and Raine tacked on, show up, proudly say they're not better than murderers, and stomp the fucker out. Not a quick mercy killing like a blast of magic or a magic scream might have done. Not the eviscerating explosion Luz had to do as a part of stopping him. No, instead, they brutally stomp out a defenseless, dying man before Raine literally says, "That was satisfying."
Our. Heroes.
And don't get me wrong: Belos needed to die. Thematically it's correct and narratively it's correct. The problem is how the show frames this final conflict. It literally asks if it's okay to kill him. What is a reasonable justification for murder. For even wanting another person to die. For a lot of kids, this might be the first time they hear ANY nuance on this topic. So what is the lesson imparted? Is it that sometimes force is necessary but we should only do it when we are certain that more lives will be lost otherwise and that there is no other option? That'd be a great way to show the Titan actually learned something from his mistake with the Collector. Is it that we can't show tolerance to the intolerant because they will only ever take and destroy? Refute an argument that modern racists use to allow hate speech and actions against others. Is it the simple fact that because Luz actually fears being monstrous, she won't end up the same way because that fear and hesitation will never let her commit the sort of genocide that Belos desires? Or heck, say they aren't racist without saying the word by going "We judge him for his actions and the cruelties he has committed, not by the cruelties of a people or the circumstances of their birth." All of which would be varying degrees of fine morality wise and are genuinely ways good people cope with having to commit horrific violence.
No. Instead, it's just that one did it while excusing it with lies while Luz will do it with pure faith in her heart. You... You do know that the VAST majority of Christians literally use this as a way to dismiss bad actors in the church itself? "He doesn't represent all Christians! He didn't actually hold the faith!" Do you think every brimstone and fire preacher is just a complete liar and not a SINGLE one of them genuinely believes what they preach? Because I'm sorry to break it to you but even as far back as the fucking Crusades, while sure the leaders were corrupt, secular men, most of the soldiers were genuinely god fearing people, terrified for their souls and seeking this as their only form of penance, especially as they saw it as protecting Christianity. It's one of the reasons they were able to do so much damage because the goal for the common soldier wasn't conquest or national pride. It was to murder the other culture who had taken sacred land. They believed earnestly... So were they justified in the massacres of civilians that they committed?
And this is without getting into how we have literally a Holy Trinity of the father (the Titan's corpse), the son (King, who is exceptionally self sacrificing eventually), and the holy ghost, in a very literal sense. Or how about the glyphs being called the Titan's Language and given to Luz to empower her? How invoking simply his words grants one exceptional power? The Hexside Squad in the finale use glyphs, half of them for the first time, to supplement their powers while dead exhausted and it doesn't seem to just be able to help them, it is still keeping them close to their normal power level and potentially energizing them with how not tired they appear to be while doing this. Almost like they're prayers, pulling on the power of a higher being.
But those elements don't matter. For the sake of the Titan supporting Christian Fundamentalism, all that matters is that he puts faith above what is morally correct. That you can excuse any action so long as you are genuine in the belief that you are doing it for the right reasons. Eda could be making this same argument and it would still be wrong and morally reprehensible.
It's literally "The ends justify the means," and how is that your final lesson, for your main character, in a KID'S SHOW? Let alone when that is EXACTLY the argument Belos, THE VILLAIN, has always made. Not just with wiping out witches but with petrification, lying to Lilith, manipulating Hunter, etc. etc. That it was all justified for his grand, 'good' ends.
I already stated arguments that could have been made, that wouldn't have taken much more time to do (if any), that would fix this so don't you DARE even consider bringing up the shortening with this. It is one scene that does the vast majority of this. Arguably, like five lines tops. Five lines that destroy the morality of your very show and any chance at saying Christian Fundamentalism is wrong.
All because its last message wasn't that prophets should be questioned. Only that there are prophets to listen to explicitly and that you should avoid false prophets... Somehow. Maybe just ask if they like anime I guess?
This was first written before I saw the finale, then I tried to make minor adjustments because of the better absorption of events but ended up rewriting the whole thing because I wanted to better focus on just the hypocrisy and god awful morals than talking about if the Titan counted as God or god.
Also, just for those curious: I was raised on Christian morals and did go to church when I was VERY young. My faith nowadays is that I consider there to be comfort in there being a higher power but that I do not care what form they take, nor do I really like organized religion as while it brings comfort and community to many, it also is all too easy to corrupt with personal greed and anger. I've been told the closest label to this is agnostic.
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mapsontheweb · 6 months
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The world of Abraham, 18th century BC.
via cartesdhistoire
Source: « Histoire universelle des Juifs », Élie Barnavi, Hachette, 1992
Abraham, the father of monotheism, is with Isaac and Jacob one of the three patriarchs who founded the Jewish people. The biblical story of Genesis describes the wanderings of the Patriarchs across the Fertile Crescent, from the mouth of the Euphrates to the land of Canaan. The Bible places the Patriarchs in space but not in time, even if we can assume that Abraham lived in the 18th century. av. AD
Judaism constitutes the first expression of monotheism, but this appearance, far from being sudden, was the result of a slow evolution. Already in Mesopotamia, each state favored one deity among the many that populated its pantheon. In Egypt, the pharaoh Akhenaten (1353-1337 BC) had decided to worship only the god Aten and to do so had launched a vast iconoclastic campaign intended to eradicate all traces of worship of the god Amon. Here we see the outline of a shift towards henotheism, namely the idea that if there are several divinities, one of them is superior to the others.
From henotheism comes monolatry, namely the fact of worshiping only one god without denying that there are others. The development of henotheism stems from a form of nationalization of the gods which was notably encouraged by the Achaemenid Persians within their empire. In the biblical story of the Exodus, the alliance that the prophet Moses concluded with Yahweh was conditioned by the latter on the fact that the people of Israel made him their sole and exclusive god and renounced honoring others, which clearly shows that the existence of other gods is then recognized.
It was only around the 6th century. av. BC that Judaism asserts itself as a monotheism, that is to say that it postulates the existence of a single and universal god and therefore considers any other religious belief to be false. The true innovation introduced by monotheism is not so much the idea of divine unity as that of exclusivity and, with it, of truth.
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iimr3 · 2 years
okay updated puppet theorizing
I WAS SO RIGHT when I was thinking about the professor egg. Cannot wait to see more of the professor egg.
The "Professor" is 100% a hologram. We have now seen him literally glitch (and say "fuck" in the funniest way possible)
He clearly compared himself to a "false prophet", which is interesting. I also think his wistful staring at the moon was REALLY interesting, because it seems to imply he feels... lonely? guilty?
I think Ryan is going to "win" every episode this season, but in the end it will be revealed that none of them actually counted- the most crushing payback possible.
Also ngl I think it's so cool we got a "post credits" scene. I love the weird meta they've got going on with Puppet History being a story from a channel that otherwise does not do fictional stuff and references it's non-fictional work.
Shane Madej continues to outdo himself
EDIT: also this episode seems to confirm that in-universe, the complex victory algorithm does exist, and every time ryan lost he was actually losing. which is funny
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hussyknee · 6 months
I'm wheezing. Israel is just a small US. No wonder the US spoils it rotten, it's just a chip off the old block! The US gave birth to...itself. 🤣😭🤣
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I haven't read them yet but there are two books about this in my Google drive. Yitzhak Laor, José Saramago, The Myths of Liberal Zionism, Verso Books (2017) and Tikva Honig-Parnass, False Prophets of Peace: Liberal Zionism and the Struggle for Palestine, Haymarket Books (2011).
I think it's past time we took Audre Lorde's "the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house" seriously.
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ashesandhackles · 7 months
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Chapter 1,2,3,4,5
I love this chapter for how much it pokes fun at politicians, particularly the political opponent saying, " a grim mood has gripped the country," barely concealing his grin or the detail of Fudge turning the PM's tea cup into gerbil and how it chews the corner of his next speech XD
Emmeline Vance seems to be put on guard for Muggle PM by the Order (Snape implies as much in next chapter), cos she was murdered on the PM's premises.
Kingsley is also assigned to protect Muggle PM, but by the order of the Ministry (perhaps also a move by the Order?)
meta for this chapter: democracy in wizarding world by @whinlatter
Love the moody opening shot of 2nd chapter: mist over a dirty river, the chimney: a relic of disused mill, and a scrawny fox looking for fish and chips. Bellatrix makes a quick entrance in the scene by killing that fox.
Love the juxtaposition of Narcissa's familiarity with Spinner's End to Bellatrix's utter contempt. (In this Muggle dunghill?)
Bellatrix does not expect Narcissa to hurt her: it reads both dismissive of the baby sister, but also an expectation of familial loyalty (your own sister?) She is so surprised by Narcissa jinxing her, she keeps sufficient distance between them later on.
the comparison to Narcissa looking like a "drowned person": a reference to myth of Narcissus.
Love how the narration makes a comment that Snape's childhood home is a "dark padded cell". It parallels Sirius being in Grimmauld Place, a place of childhood wounds. Both grown men in self-inflicted prisons.
Wormtail and Snape are flatmates, which is hilarious. Snape is the spy, and keeping Wormtail, his most inclined traitor in the flat is a way to keep both of them in check (Wormtail listens at doors to get information to curry favours). Of course, Snape uses this opportunity to humiliate Wormtail and make him an errand boy XD
Voldemort is really a cult leader: there is factionalism and resentment between DEs, as indicated by Bellatrix's jealousy of Snape's supposed favourable position. A feeling other DEs seem to share who apparently carry "false stories of treachery" to Voldemort.
Snape uses Bellatrix' high regard for Voldemort's capabilities against her XD most of my analysis of this interaction is here
the petty bickering Imao: Snape putting down Bellatrix for the Ministry fiasco, Bellatrix throwing Lucius under the bus and Narcissa shutting that down XD
I love the Emmeline Vance tidbit: we know she was murdered in the Muggle PM's backyard. Snape says it was on his information that Emmeline Vance was murdered, and Dumbledore says in DH: "To give Voldemort what appears to be valuable information while withholding the essentials is a job I would entrust to nobody but you." This gives an idea of how Dumbledore works: like in the Seven Potters plan - the correct date is given, but the Order having seven Harry's gambit isnt disclosed (Mad Eye dies in this ambush). I think Emmeline Vance incident worked similarly: the information given to Voldemort is broad details, and it puts an Order member in a life and death position - and unfortunately, she dies.
Narcissa and Snape, both on the floor, kneeling, while Narcissa kisses his hand and asks for an Unbreakable Vow. It is a pretty charged scene - where she is asking Snape to be Draco's protector and the vows almost read like a marriage.
Snape makes the Unbreakable Vow, knowing Dumbledore has asked him to kill him. But even then, Snape resists the idea of actually killing Dumbledore (and we know he hates doing it) - to the point the other alternative is death.
The newspaper opening of Ch3 to build details about the wizarding world is so cool. Also Augusta Longbottom giving interviews to Prophet after Neville helps Harry in OOTP lol XD she had stopped her subscription in previous book
Harry does not allow himself to hope that Dumbledore would come to rescue him and he hasn't packed. The only allowance he made to the possibility he would be rescued from Dursleys is shutting Hedwig in her cage :(
"long experience told him to stay out of his uncle's arms reach whenever possible"
"agapanthus is flourishing" - agapanthus are commonly known as Lily of the Nile. Interesting gardening note about Petunia, and memory of Lily that surrounds the house.
"we have corresponded of course" ah, Dumbledore reminding Petunia of the letter she had sent him, begging to be taken to Hogwarts.
Blacks are patriarchal. The houses are inherited via the male line.
Harry is so strikingly monosyllabic, more than usual at the discussion of Sirius' will. He really does not want to talk about it, nor think about it. But the bubbling grief within him, the anger - we see a glimpse when Harry stands up at the suggestion that Bellatrix will get Grimmauld place.
Dumbledore expresses his anger through coldness: there is a bit in the scene where he just raises a finger and strikes Vernon into silence (it could be just the power of his gesture and the dynamic in the room, it could be Dumbldore doing magic - but either way, its an effective way to show how much he controls the room).
Petunia, who had previously received kind response from Dumbledore and a Howler later when she changed her mind, is successfully guilted by Dumbledore over their treatment of Harry. She looked "oddly flushed"
The way the book begins with Dumbledore assuring Harry that he won't be attacked by saying: "You are with me" and one of the last exchanges Dumbledore has with Harry in the books is: "I'm not worried Harry, I'm with you." My heart <3
The difference in perception of Dumbledore's speed: Slughorn notices the lag, but Harry in the previous chapter couldn't tell when the wand moved. Nice way to illustrate Dumbledore's skill.
Notes from Slughorn about Lily: Charming, vivacious and cheeky. The cheekiness especially is very reminiscent of Harry.
Slughorn's casual bigotry and his token Muggleborn faves: Lily and Dirk Cresswell.
"it was hard to sympathise with Slughorn's cossetted existence when he remembered Sirius, crouching in a cave and living on rats". Stab me, why dont you:(
harry's first thought of seeing the Burrow, his second most favourite building: "Ron's in there..". Ronarry.
Harry spent two weeks in Privet Drive, refusing meals (his go to method of punishing himself), "full of chill emptiness" at the thought of Sirius' death. "It's hard, knowing he wont write to me again":(
Tonks had come in for "tea and sympathy" with Molly late at night. Molly tries to get her around when Remus and Mad Eye will be home, but Tonks declines the offer. Probably to offer Remus and herself space. She also could not quite meet Dumbledore's eyes - and I wonder if its her feelings about the mission Remus is going on speaking.
Harry spent two weeks at Privet drive refusing meals, and the moment he steps into the Burrow, he realises how hungry he is. It is very telling how much he is allowing himself to be cared for by Molly in this moment.
Molly illustrating what's wrong with Slughorn's old boys club by casually talking about how he never noticed Arthur (similar to how Slughorn would treat Ron in this book)
Molly is carrying around the clock of hers, now that wizarding world is in open warfare. The clock is in the wash basket:pleading_face:
Hedwig waiting for Harry before proceeding to go off hunting. What a cutie.
Okay, I love the scene blocking for trio here: Harry lies back down on the bed after greeting Ron, Ron pulls a cardboard box closer and sits next to his bedside while Hermione sits at the edge of the bed. There is a casual intimacy to this that I really love.
"we thought it'd be something like that?" "you did?" XD love how much Harry knows Ron and Hermione's silent language and is amused by the change of narrative tack.
the main love interest of the novel just slouches into the room looking irritable, lol. And she leaves the scene by trying to imitate Fleur's exit - "hands held aloft like a ballerina". XD
Hermione and Ginny being bitchy about Fleur is really telling moment of their friendship - especially Hermione dropping her voice to go, "She's so full of herself" XD. I love what Fleur seems to bring out in them - Ginny does not want to be patronised, and Hermione does not take kindly to what she feels is Fleur's unearned vanity. There is also an undercurrent of jealousy because of Ron's response to Fleur ("It's pathetic," Hermione says when Ron tries to tell Harry why he isnt used to Fleur's Veela aura)
"there isnt much to do here unless you like cooking and chickens" and Fleur indirectly slapping Mrs Weasley across her face with sheet of her hair lmao. Living for the pettiness.
"And she's more intelligent, she's an Auror" - Hermione backing Tonks as an option over Fleur is also speaking about her feelings about what she feels Ron should value in a girl (i.e her).
Harry coming in to defend Fleur and then immediately wishing he hadnt spoken when Hermione ("Not you too!") and Ginny (I suppose you like the way she says 'Arry do you?") descend on him : "I'm just saying Phlegm - I mean Fleur-" Poor boy.
Interesting use of silence when Ron and Hermione argue over Tonks' feelings about Sirius death: Harry proceeds to eat to deflect, while Ginny is observing the whole thing without interrupting the conversation. Harry only speaking up when he finds a point of connection with Tonks with his own grief and self blame: "She thinks it's her fault he died." No wonder he tries to open up to her later in the book: "I miss him too"
Hermione is really frightened by the implications of the prophecy, when Ron tries to bring up what the Prophet says, she shushes him, and when Harry finally confirms it, she squeezes the twins' telescope hard.
Ron just really thinks of Harry as a hero: he is amazed at the prophecy, and he assures Harry that dumbledore teaching him lessons means that Harry isnt a goner. "He must think you have a chance!" It's this tiny hero worship that is there, where he puts himself down in favour of Harry that gets equalised in next book, as Harry tells him - "Stuff like that has always been cooler than it really was. I've been trying to you for years."
Hermione's entire nervous meltdown in the kitchen over OWL results is so funny. "Hermione's hands were shaking so much she made her whole owl tremble" LOL.
ooh the sweetness of this moment. Ginny nervously asking how Hermione did, and Hermione is like "not bad" and Ron striding over to her in full confidence of her genius ("oh come off it"), announcing her results and teasing, "You're actually disappointed, arent you?" Romione <3
Chapter 6,7,8,9,10
Quidditch in Orchard, and triple helpings of food: Harry is happy :(cant do without mentioning @whinlatter fantastic fic Orchards here)
Also, Hermione is SUCH a sport for playing Quidditch with them lol.
Harry, in true runaway fashion, being upset about Florean Fortescue, the man who gave him free ice creams and homework help during POA :(
Draco's first dialogue is about his mother coddling him - he clearly wanted to do stuff alone for his mission, but Narcissa is hanging on.
Harry's Sirius grief and rage coming back again: he notices in the second meeting with Narcissa that she resembles Bellatrix. He doesn't lower his wand and steps forward to intimidate her. It's a tense scene where they both imply the other can't do much - but Narcissa picks at the wound that is propelling Harry: "I expect Potter would be reuniting with dear Sirius before I am reunited with Lucius."
Fred (and george) always being surprised when Hermione compliments their magic: "For that Hermione, you can have one for free." He respects her intellect.
Just Fred and George casually displaying their enterpreunership: capitalising on people's fears and making it funny, having a Muggle novelty section as well as the DADA line, drawn from their experience of Dumbledore's Army. Telling what kind of competence we are dealing with at Ministry if Fred and George are getting massive money for their DADA line.
Harry paying unusual amount of attention to Fred and George grilling Ginny about her dating life. We see how she is edging into the narration slightly in this chapter, on the periphery.
Ginny, the 'sporty' girl, loves cute Pygymy Puffs. <3
Borgin bowing to Draco as deeply as he once did Lucius Malfoy after Draco finishes his demands: showing Draco's status as a "man" (a status he seems to be negotiating with his mother, who he snaps at for treating him like a child)
Ron and Hermione bickering all the way to the joke shop and then presenting a united front in front of Molly about how they were not missing, but just in the back room XD
Harry and his obsessive spells and leaps of logic that neither of his friends appreciate: it was Malfoy this book, and Hallows in the next one XD he comes to the conclusion here, after pondering over Malfoy's behavior and Borgin's response- that he is a Death Eater
"I wouldn't go in the kitchen right now - there's a lot of Phlegm around" "I'll be careful not to slip in it" : there is a tenderness in how Harry responds to Ginny here, and I see it a bit of a charged moment. (@whinlatter noted how this scene is set with Ginny carrying laundry, and that would set the flowery scent association Harry would have later)
Harry wondering if Tonks would be part of his security arrangements - he is actively seeking her out, in the belief that they both share the same survivor's guilt.
Ginny's lower tolerance for Ron's crush on Fleur (she stuck her leg out when he goes to say goodbye to her): I've seen fics take it as her loyalty to Hermione and her annoyance on her behalf that her brother is behaving like this when Hermione is right there.
Harry actively seeking adults out with his suspicions and threats he feel is looming is a direct response from the communication break down from last year, when he didn't go to anyone and then Sirius died. He collaborates with adults this year to ensure those kinds of mistakes don't happen.
"Harry please. You're talking to the man who raised Fred and George." lol
Neville's new wand is made of cherry wood and unicorn hair: both emphasising his pure soul, but what I found interesting is that it matches Harry's holly with associations to immortality/ eternal life. @saintsenara noted: "cherry is associated in lots of British and Irish folklore with the infant Christ and Mary, and I love it as a reference to Neville's own motherlessness, and the fact he could, as we know now, also have been the Boy-Who-Lived"
Harry coldly refusing Romilda Vane by saying Luna ("looking like a multi-coloured owl") and Neville ("whose bottom was sticking out of his pants") are his friends, is a direct contrast to the last time he was in a compartment with them and was embarrassed that Cho saw him with them.
Slughorn missing out Belby while handing out pies after Belby revealed that he is not all that well connected to his uncle, oh boy. Anyway, this is a good meta to have as reference for Slughorn's old boy club.
Zabini is so pissed off at Ginny's intervention on Harry's behalf ("Yeah Zabini, because you're so talented.. at posing") that he actually gives Harry a "filthy look" once they leave and Harry "returns it with interest".. the understated sexual rivalry Imao.
How interesting that how quiet Neville's story is - even Malfoy can't guess at what could interest Slughorn. Given that it is essentially what his aunt went to Azkaban for.
"I wouldnt touch a filthy blood traitor like her, whatever she looked like" Blaise is still burning from Ginny's insult XD He doth protest too much. And Pansy is threatened enough by Ginny to actually watch Draco's reaction about her.
This meta by @indigo-scarf breaks down Draco and Blaise interaction better.
The brutality of Draco's ambush at the end of the chapter. It felt more personal than it had ever been before.
I love the illustration of Tonks' competence even while she is very clearly "unsmiling and miserable looking". She finds Harry because she noticed he hadn't come down from the train, and she checked the compartment where the blinds were drawn. (Although she very obviously does not care about appearances - her own, or Harry's in the moment. Hermione cleans up the dried blood on Harry's face later in the chapter and it just shows how much energy Tonks has in the moment to not think of this).
Harry's keenness to leave the "new, gloomy" Tonks behind shows how much he is avoiding his negative feelings (there is a self aware moment from him later in chapter where he admits he clings to blaming Snape for Sirius' death, because it feels satisfying. The weight of what happened in OOTP is too much for him to bear alone). This is the year where he redoubles his focus outside of himself - the obsessive spells over what Malfoy might be upto, trying (in his own way) to take care of Ron and Hermione.
Snape disparaging Tonks' Patronus while his own Patronus is a reflection of his love for Lily: classic Snape lashing out at anything that reminds him of himself lol. But ofc, he intends for the jibe to be his opinion of Remus.
Snape taking the Unbreakable Vow, Dumbledore giving him the jinxed DADA post. They both have really prepared for this year lol.
So begin the Lavendar shenanigans. Rowling sets up the teenage drama by having Lavendar interrupt the usual Ron-Hermione back and forth over free periods and Fanged Frisbee, with a "loud giggle." It's an interruption in their usual conversation rhythm, but Ron, who feels unseen and is insecure, is pleased with her attention.
Last book, Neville kicks away his father's wand in shedding of his legacy. McGonagall steers further away from the family legacies and expectations by asking him to drop Transfiguration (which he doesnt enjoy but is asked to take cos of his Gran), and do Charms instead. McGonagall reaffirms this with: "It's high time your grandmother learns to be proud of the grandson she has rather than the one she thinks she ought to have." (I also love the suggested familiarity of McGonagall going to drop a line to his gran about her failed Charms Owl)
Parvati is "crestfallen" that Firenze is no longer taking Divination. Lol, woman has her priorities straight.
Love the tiny moment here in Snape's class where Snape makes an implied jab about Harry's mind power and looks at Harry, and Harry looks back. And Snape has to look away - uncomfortable most likely by Lily's eyes glowering at him for too long. (I must say, Harry's redoubled antagonism for Snape is actually quite enjoyable to read, it lends an intensity to their scenes, plus it is also the year Harry "befriends" teenage Snape via his book and by the end of HBP, culminate in what I think is among the most complicated scenes in the series)
Hermione drawing parallels between Harry and Snape's words ("Isnt that what he is saying? That it comes down to being brave and quick thinking?") and the narrative will even more parallels by Deathly Hallows, setting them up as fellow abandoned boys, like Tom Riddle.
Amortentia is in a gold cauldron. Aesthetically pleasing as well for Harry XD While Harry is like, "it has something that I might have smelled at The Burrow", Hermione already knows her answer. She turns pink and does not complete her sentence. The reaffirmation of her attraction to Ron by a love potion nonetheless, is among other things that propels her to make a move.
In close proximity to Amortentia, Ron's feelings for Hermione is also on the surface and he gets annoyed when Hermione is radiant that Harry told Slughorn that she is the best in the year. There is a subtle element of competition from Ron for Hermione's attention/validation even in the beginning of the chapter. They both are not outwardly doing anything about it, but their feelings are bubbling to the surface even more this year.
In OOTP, Harry was so disconnected from Ginny's inner life that she had to remind him about her possession. Here, when she is alarmed and angry about him "taking orders from a book", he knew "what was on her mind at once." Speaks to the comfort and wavelength the dynamic reached over the summer.
The theme of competition is really strong in this book, with neither Ron and Hermione appreciating Harry's top position in class. Although, Harry astutely read it as Hermione thinking that what he does is akin to cheating, but not only is cheating is aggravating for Hermione, but cheating is even more aggravating when he gets to be top of the class (a position she does enjoy, and only gives up "coolly" if the win was fair). She becomes "increasingly bad tempered when her Potions yield poorer results than the Prince." For Ron, however, Slughorn increasingly treats him like he is invisible.
I also love how resilient the trio friendship is that they snipe at each other, but it immediately swings back to "ooh tell us what Dumbledore says! We will wait up for you." It shows a very healthy tolerance for conflict and tension between them (a point even Harry has reached after much development), even though fandom fixates on the dsyfunction lol.
I wonder what Harry thought when he recognised the graveyard - the place Voldemort was resurrected and site of his trauma - from a distance.
The setting of the Gaunt house is such that the entire house is hidden beneath the tangle of trees (probably to hide from 'busybodies, intruders, filth'), and it even blocks the light out. What a miserable sounding place to grow up i.
"now i come to think of it, i have seen noses like yours in the village" "i dont doubt it, if your son has been let loose on them" I love the humour in the proceedings, the beginning where Harry is wondering why Odgen is not understanding Morfin when he is perfectly clear by brandishing a knife in one hand and wand in the other XD
Merope's abuse is being illustrated so clearly in this chapter: her fear of her father, who keeps berating her and calling her a Squib (and also by the end of the scene nearly strangles her). And her brother, who attacked Tom because she was attracted to him. And of course, her cooking for them while they do nothing in a largely neglected home. It paints a stark, gendered picture. (as both @whinlatter and @saintsenara - there is a deeply troubling implication of incest here. I would also refer to @saintsenara top tier works on Merope Gaunt here)
Tom and Cecilia pass by, and while Tom shows his class snobbery, it is juxtaposed with the Gaunts being proud of their heritage and heirlooms that come from Slytherin himself.
"The shock of her desertion lead to his early death - or perhaps he simply never learned to feed himself" lol
Harry is so quiet after Dumbledore declares how Tom Riddle never cared to find out about his son. There is a lovely pause in the scene here, and a mood setting. But Voldemort's abandonment by his father is something Harry understands. He is also eager to know more, and seemed reluctant to leave the office. A new mystery.
Chapter 11, 12,13,14
Although Ron's "I'm tall" is played for laughs when Hermione is dispassionately listing out why Harry has become extra popular, there is a fluidity to Ron and Hermione's relationship this chapter which goes back and forth and is very accurate to teenage experience. Hermione didn't spare him her attention when he was seeking it, so when Lavender gave him a wide smile, he nearly "strutted" in his pleased confidence (a fact that amuses Harry and makes Hermione "cold and distant" to the point she doesn't wish Ron good luck). But when Ron makes it as a Keeper, he grins when Hermione finally comes and effusively praises him ("you did brilliantly Ron!" and we can see Lavendar leaving with Parvati looking grumpy) and Ron is specifically pointed out as being "taller than usual".
However, Ron's feelings of inadequacy around Harry rears its head again ("What are you two doing?" Ron asks suspiciously), when ironically Harry is confronting Hermione in private about Hermione confunding McLaggen - in her words, because a) he pissed her off by the way he was talking about Ron and Ginny b) realising he wont be a good teammate. And this feelings of inadequacy is exacerbated by Slughorn treating him as completely invisible by end of the chapter, so we see Ron staring over at Lavendar Brown before going to bed ("As I am not invited to any parties, I'm going to bed").
Harry immediately hoping for Bellatrix Lestrange's arrest. Again, the ripple effect from previous year.
Harry to Buckbeak: "How are you? Missing him? But you're Ok with hagrid, arent you?":( the way Harry opens up to the Hippogriff Sirius was on the run with as someone who'd understand what missing Sirius is like.
"Since when have yeh called me sir?" "Since when have you called me Potter?" The way he immediately knew how to turn tables on Hagrid when he shouted Potter, he deliberately emphasised the word "sir" to disarm Hagrid. The cheek (and slight manipulativeness) of this boy <3
Arthur actually acting on Harry's tip off and raiding Malfoy manor. As @messybutsheiskind pointed out- one of the first time an adult takes harry's suspicions seriously once confided in them, and checks it out. Harry later attempts to tell his (outlandish) suspicions to McGonagall.
Ron's exception for Hermione: "Reading textbooks in bed is an indecent behavior in everyone except Hermione, who was simply weird that way."
"Levicorpus" is a spell that caused Snape some trouble. I wonder if the non verbal modification came in later? It was apparently all the rage at some point in Hogwarts, per Remus. I cannot imagine the spell spreading unless it was performed verbally a few times, and then Snape revises it to a non-verbal spell.
I love the moment Harry wonders if the Prince is actually James (and actively pushes away the thought his father was a pureblood) - this is, once again, the loss of Sirius shining through. Sirius' letters can no longer bring him comfort, so could this funny, imaginative textbook be his new father figure?
Hermione makes a correlation between the spell and the one used by Death Eaters during the world cup, suggesting darker connotations not only for the spell, the Prince but also James himself. Harry gets a "sinking feeling" about not only his dad's use of it in SWM, but Hermione's judgement of it. You can tell this is one of the reasons he never tells Ron and Hermione about the memory.
Boy do I have feelings about Slughorn ignoring Ron as though "he were a display of Cockroach Cluster". Clearly, Harry also has strong feelings about it, which is why he schedules his Quidditch practices whenever he gets an invitation. (although hilarious that Ron, Ginny and him are merciless about Hermione spending nights with Zabini and McLaggen). I also like that both Harry and Hermione know that the encounter upset Ron, and they both try little ways to engage him (Harry showing extra interest in Sugar Quills, or Hermione asking Ron where he would want to go next).
Harry's Sirius wound bursts open in the Mundungus scene in a scary way. All my feelings about this very underrated scene that people should talk more about here.
Hermione thinks Harry is angry that Mundungus was stealing his stuff, when Harry is actually really angry about Mundungus disrespecting Sirius. It shows how much of his grief he has withheld from Ron and Hermione.
Ron attempting to get attention from Madam Rosmerta, and Hermione's waspish response to his "nothing" is : "I expect nothing's in the back getting more Firewhiskey" (related to the plot, Rosmerta is giving Katie the necklace). She is bothered by it enough that she keeps flickering her eyes between Ron and the bar. The kind of insecurity displayed here is very teenage-ish. (the author obviously finds jealousy very funny - given that she invokes it in Arthur/Molly next book, but I do kinda imagine older, more secure Romione being okay with knowing that they each find other people attractive and joke around about it. #bestfriend vibes)
Another effect of Sirius' death and the events of the previous book is that Harry is going to adults with every suspicion of his - unlike the last book where he keeps his thoughts to himself. From telling Arthur to check the Malfoy manor again, to telling McGonagall about his suspicions about Malfoy giving Katie the necklace, and even giving details like following Malfoy to Borgin and Burkes
Harry's conversation with Hagrid and how he outplays Hagrid. It is more of an honest disarming of Hagrid than outright manipulation, but it displays a streak of knowing people and knowing what buttons to press. He does this with greater effect in Felix Felicis with Ron (ofc it backfires on romione, but lol). It's why he recognises Tom's very subtle and careful manipulation of Slughorn in the Horcrux conversation.
Harry witnessing Katie incident and suspecting Malfoy, Snape and Dumbledore meanwhile conspiring to save Draco's soul and Snape saving Katie's life. For my feelings about the trifecta of Harry, Snape and Dumbledore, my meta covers this.
I think it was pointed out in this reread before, about how Phineas Nigellus' feelings about Sirius' death: "the last of Blacks is dead?" + how incensed he is about how a criminal is treating Black family heirlooms, vs Harry's grief is about someone disrespecting Sirius' memory: "What did you do, go back the night he died and strip the place?"
Harry's indignation that Burke paid only 10 galleons to Merope (and his immediate understanding of Voldemort's anger at Smith casually talking about his mother being robbed) and his pity for his parent's murderer ("She wouldnt stay alive for her son?") surprises Dumbledore. Striking parallel: Harry's rage at someone robbing Sirius' heirlooms vs Tom's knuckles whitening over the locket.
Merope refusing to do magic reads like guilt, her penance for her enslavement of Tom Riddle Snr. Dumbledore also proposes an alternate, and it is meant to parallel Tonks: "attendant despair sapped her of her powers, that can happen".
I like how comfortable Harry is getting - pushing boundaries with Dumbledore and his own surprise at Dumbledore welcoming it. ("Where were you this weekend?" and Dumbledore promising to tell Harry in due course and of course, Harry's unthinking "Nice suit sir" and Dumbledore merely chuckling)
I like the detail of Mrs Cole looking "anxious rather than unkind" and of course, she very much reads like a woman with too much on her plate and no time for herself (it's why Dumbledore's attention prompts her to relish telling the story). The place is shabby with mismatched furniture, but also spotlessly clean. There is sterility and functionality to descriptions here. (also love the detail of Dumbledore not only enchanting Mrs Cole with the parchment, but also sneakily placing gin and two glasses as suggestion).
"Funny boy who hardly ever cried": a baby that is uncomfortable expressing needs, because it might not be tended to, and the baby understands abandonment. Also Dumbledore's immediate wariness and interest in Tom, knowing that the child is a bully.
Harry is shocked that Tom would try to establish a power dynamic with Dumbledore ("Tell the truth!") and Dumbledore's complete unfazement by it (which is also a power move, which Tom recognises and gets warier). Tom tries again - "prove it!" and Dumbledore merely raises his eyebrows and asks for respectful honorifics when Tom addresses him. I also love that Dumbledore recognises Tom, who is not truly sorry, being manipulative with his "unrecognisably polite voice" and then Dumbledore does something that establishes his total power in the scene: he burns Tom's wardrobe and asks Tom to open it. Dumbledore doesnt like what he sees as "instincts for cruelty, secrecy and domination" and ends up dominating the scene.
Also Tom staring at Dumbledore's eyes "as though to catch each of them lying" - a perhaps underdeveloped leglimency skill that he will develop well in canon?
The moment Riddle says he believes he was special, Dumbledore stops smiling but watches him "intently". Another way that Dumbledore disliking seeing mirror version of himself in another person ("you disgust me" with Snape) and here, Tom believing himself special is a reflection of his own youthful self: "I was gifted, I was brilliant. I wanted to escape. I wanted to shine. I wanted glory."
The first time Dumbledore is gentle in the scene is when Voldemort asks about his father - he keeps the "irksome, common name" Tom in an effort for connection to his father. And his absolving (and dismissal) of his mother abandoning him: "My mother can't have been magic or she wouldn't have died."
The way Harry immediately understands that Tom is determined to impress Dumbledore with his disclosure of his Parseltongue abilities. And Dumbledore barely validates him: "It is unusual and not unheard of", but it invokes Dumbledore's curiosity in his parentage I suppose.
Harry wondering if Dumbledore would have the mouth organ. His mind already making links to what Dumbledore is showing him.
I really, really enjoy trio conversations in classroom set ups, and usually involving something weird. The physicality of the scene - the way they work together even when arguing says so much about their relationships. The Snargaluff stump set up is so much fun: you see Ron charging into protect Hermione when vines catch her hair, and Harry succeeding in solving the larger problem, which enables Hermione to get the pod.
Hermione is so pissed off: she turns bright, boiling scarlet because she had hexed McLaggen for Ron, and he is asking her to "get off" with McLaggen. So she does what she did at Yule Ball: angrily tells him that she was going to ask him. Meanwhile Harry is in the background, pounding his pod with a trowel so he doesnt have to hear them. XD Harry is ambivalent about the idea of Romione because he might either see trio falling apart or a scenario where "he was shut out for good":(
Dean Thomas, from the Muggle world with very little access and opportunity to be a Qudditch player, gets to be Chaser <3
"And Ginny, dont call Ron a prat, you're not the captain of this team" "Well you seemed too busy to call him a prat so I thought someone should" XD
Harry having the worst practices ever and telling his team, "good work everyone, I think we'll flatten Slytherin". What a cutie.
Ah the chest monster is here (which I find reallly funny device to allude to the sexual edge of his feelings)! Harry not returning Dean's shifty grin and Dean immediately being like, "lets go back to the common room"
Love Ginny and Ron fight: a lot of it speaks a lot of her friendship with Hermione. Her being privy to the knowledge that Hermione kissed Viktor Krum when the boys dont have a confirmation (Harry suspects it because in the end of GOF, Hermione returns from her goodbye with Krum completely smooth faced, an indication she is hiding something from them), her knowing Harry kissed Cho, her vicious deconstruction of how Ron behaves around Fleur (the heat and anger there could be on Hermione's behalf, apart from the fact that Ron is her brother).
I doubt Ginny knew that Hermione hasnt told the boys about Krum or of her own fight with Ron, because Hermione is "hurt and bewildered" by Ron's behavior the next day. Although it is the stress of the fight with Ron, it is interesting that when Ginny yells about how Harry's snogged Cho Chang, she sounds close to tears.
"Ron, you're my best mate, but carry on treating the rest of the team like this, I;m going to throw you off the team" love how maturely Harry handles this. Also this exchange" "it's a mental problem you've got!" "you calling me mental?" "yeah i am" XD these boys! My favourite part of this chapter is Harry's faith in Ron. He cooks up Felix Felicis scheme on the foundation of the fact that he believes Ron can save anything when he is in form. (It also shows how well he knows his friends that he works the initial scheme.)
lmao, "Hark who's talking, confunded anyone lately?" Harry's friendship with Hermione this book is so much easier and so much fun.
Harry initiates physical contact with a character and its Ginny. And I have a feeling she notices how "let go very quickly and avoided her gaze". Because that is not normal behaviour, Harry. Later in the chapter, she also tests the physical boundaries between them by patting him on his arm.
Harry darting after Hermione when he thinks she has seen Ron and Lavendar:(: (also love how Hermione brings it up with Harry, even though trio as a collective just walk around romione feelings. "Dont pretend you didnt see him, he wasnt exactly hiding it, was he?"). And Harry being horrified that it is the moment Ron walks in, how Ron cannot look at Hermione and both Harry and Ron are waiting for an imminent explosion. It is just..such a good depiction of an insular triad friendship.
Harry "thought his voice would vanish from lack of use":rofl: as he determined to be friends with both Ron and Hermione, and both are angry/defensive about what happened.
Ginny "kept cropping up in his dreams that made him devoutly thankful that Ron could not perform Legilimency":rofl:
lol @ Harry slyly telling Hermione that she knows a lot about Fred and George's Owl order service for their love potion, and she returns it with a jab: "I don't go around putting Potions in people's drinks.. or pretending to, which is just as bad" (But I love how the scene ends with them bantering about whether or not Filch and Madam Pince were in love with each other)
How interesting that Hermione views Love Potions as not "dark or dangerous", when we know in this book just how dangerous it could be. The enslavement of Tom Riddle Snr was done through means of Love Potion. As Slughorn says in the beginning of the book, that if students have lived as long as he has, they wouldn't underestimate the "power of obsessive love." Love as a weaponised thing, as something both that motivates dark things, while also behind Harry (and Lily's) sacrifice, seems to be theme in the books.
Harry goes after Hermione after she runs off to the bathroom after the Transfiguration classroom fiasco. Love that the boy could not think of any words of comfort, so he just got her things XD. And unlike the previous books, him standing up for Hermione is stronger than his quiet attempts in POA: "What did you have to imitate her for?" "She laughed at my moustache" "So did I, it was the stupidest thing I've ever seen."/ vs "Can't you give her a break?" "No- she acts like Scabbers has gone on a holiday" and Harry drops it.
Ginny is glad that Harry is taking Luna to the party, both because Luna is very excited but also because Ginny isn't threatened by Luna as a romantic interest for Harry. (lol @ the DH scene where she intervenes when Cho asks to take Harry to Ravenclaw tower and Ginny suggests Luna instead XD)
Parvati and Hermione's interaction is genuinely very sweet since Parvati felt guilty about laughing at Hermione in Transfiguration. Throughout the books, Parvati seems to be the one trying to connect with Hermione: she tells Lavendar about Hermione crying in bathroom back in PS, her attempting to tease Hermione about leaving Divination once Firenze comes along etc etc.
Hermione inviting Cormac McLaggen to piss Ron off is an A+ petty move (also the hilarious moment she tells Harry that she was also considering Zacharias Smith XD "You considered Smith?":rofl: ). She also gets a jab in to really twist the knife further into Ron (which suggests she had spoken to Ginny, who may have revealed that she told the boys about Krum): "I like really good Quidditch players"
Worple trying to manage Sanguini's blood cravings with pasty lol.
Slughorn thinking Harry's attempt at Draught of Living Death was better first attempt than Snape's. XD But interesting that Snape's first attempt wasn't as noteworthy - it shows he has really worked to get where he is at Potions.
Luna talking about Rotfang Conspiracy with Trelawney who seemed "sincerely interested" XD
The scene with Snape and Draco is great: Snape correctly reads that Draco is at this point, scared: "What thoughts are you trying to conceal from your master Draco?" and Draco's resentful bravado," I'm not trying to conceal anything from him, I don't want you butting in." he also loses patience after trying to negotiate with the said bravado when Malfoy accuses him of wanting his glory: "You're speaking like a child. " And it is around then, Malfoy, who does want to be taken seriously, leaves.
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