#🐉Creature Feature🐉
The only thing that keeps me from absolutely losing my shit on Hagrid's Motorbike Adventure is Hagrid himself tbh that is my Friend and I trust he will get us through this safely
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ventique18 · 4 months
🐉: "People used to make gargoyles with human features as well. Also referred to as Chimeras, these human-like gargoyles are famously known for being a hybrid creature with human faces or parts. Many common gargoyles are also called as such because they combine several different features from different animals such as its face, tail, wings, and body type."
🐉: "... But this is not your area of interest, so I likely must be boring you, no? Apologies. Let me instead think of something related to things you enjoy."
🌸: "No,
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storiesofsung · 27 days
'Spread Thyn Wings🐉',
Draconia Fam HC: where their wings went
The Draconia Family's real form is said to be that of a dragon (Malleus commenting that it is his true form and him being hatched as an egg AND being a baby dragon) the human version is idk more of an afterthought. That being said, the members (or what we've seen so far) of the Draconia family do like to show (dare I say flaunt) these features, with Malleus and his horns and Mallenoa (Mallenor??) with her thick booty tail:
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source: https://thenuitinthenorthernlights.tumblr.com/
Anyways that begs the question... why don't they (esp mama draconia i'll get to that soon) also show off thier magnificent wings? Now you can argue that "o h, it would be inconvenient since everything is human sized" nay I say, nay. This argument does make sense with Malleus since he is attending a school and there are many scenarios wherein a tail could cause hazards, so that I will give him a pass for hiding his glorious tail...However, Mama Draconia has no excuse, she's way past that high school nonsense and look at her, she's stupendous and should flaunt her magnificent wings..yet she doesn't, that's where my hc comes in
I hc that the backstory of Maleficent featured in the live action story (because the trad villains are shown to be more sympathetic in this game) is real and is part of fae history.
To give ygs a summary to catch up Maleficent falls in love w a human and gets her wings chopped off cuz he a greedy ass hole. Now I then hc that since this story is shown to vilify humans and make Maleficent the subject of tragedy, the future generations choose not to show their wings in public as a sign of respect for their gramama.
It's supposed to be a statement of "I will show you child of men that I alone have the power to do what I want with my body. This will prove that though you may try to take away my dignity, I am in control and still as strong as ever. You will never strip me of my right and will to thrive with the rest of the living creatures of this planet" to the humans.
Summary: The Dragon Fae did not pout and wail at their Mistress being disrespected, they held their chin up high. They are reclaiming the act of terrorism done on their queen and using it as self expression (and also as a sign of respect to the Thorn Fairy) to show their strength in spite of all their years of oppression.
But for Malleus the excuse of those wings would get caught in doorways is also lol valid
Am I looking too deep into this? Yes. Definitely.
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count-alucard-tepes · 5 months
Hi! Happy new year!!
Basing on the headcanons you previously made about if they’ll have a baby boy or girl, how are the OP hotties name their kid? ^^
Thank you ❤️
Happy new year, friend!💛 so I’m gonna take this as how they get names for their kiddos
Kizaru ✨: he got his kids names from books that he read
Akainu🌋: famous warriors in history that he looked up to
Ryokugyu 🌱: plants that he adored
Fujitora 🐅: names of swords who has significant meanings
Sir Crocodile 🐊: European architecture, music and art influenced his kids names
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: traditional Spanish names that he thinks his mother would have liked
Benn Beckman 🔫: his favorite islands that he visited
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: his favorite donut toppings
Killer🔪: people who impacted his life positively
Kaido🐉: they’re named after lands or islands where his children were born or conceived
King 👑 : unique names in his mother tongue with significant meanings
Queen👑: he names his kids after musicians that inspired him
Izou🔫🔫: he names his kids after his parents
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: he named his kids while he was hungover and he regrets it because his S/O loved his choices
Oven Charlotte 🍞: he named his kids after his favorite baked goods
Buggy🤡: he names his kids after Greek Gods
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: he named his kids after mythological creatures
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: he named his kids after famous scientists
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: he named his kids after their unique features but in different languages
Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹: his kids have names that he feels will be things that they achieve in the future
Gecko Moria🦇: he named his kids after characters in books he’s read
Iceburg💜: he named his kids after famous engineers and scientists
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: he names his kids after famous influential people who changed the world
Rob Lucci🐆: he had traditional Italian names for his kittens
Karasu🐦‍⬛: he names his kids after famous poets that he adores
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niteshade925 · 3 days
April 11, Xi'an, China, Xi'an Museum/西安博物院 (Part 2):
First up, the star of the museum, Tang dynasty (618 - 907 AD) sancai/唐三彩 pottery figurine of a rider on a horse (三彩腾空马):
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More Tang-era sancai pottery horse figurines:
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This one is a sancai figurine of a camel......screaming? That's a reaction pic worthy face right there:
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Another reaction pic worthy face.....this time on a small gold tiger figurine (the head looks more like a bat tbh lol):
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Qin dynasty (221 - 207 BC) kneeling clay figurine. This is how people sat before raised seats and chairs became a thing, and this position is called jizuo/跽坐:
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Bronze parts from a horse chariot (because the chariots were wooden, it decayed, leaving behind these bronze parts):
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Left: bronze crossbow (called nu/弩) trigger mechanism and arrow heads (may be from Warring States period, 403 - 221 BC)
Right: Bronze swords and daggers. If I remember right, the ones on the bottom left are yue/钺 heads
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Qin dynasty (221 - 207 BC) and Han dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD) wadang/瓦当, featuring various auspicious motifs and phrases. These are part of the roof edge in traditional Chinese architecture, as shown in the diagram on the right (wadang is on the bottom left in the diagram). Honestly I think at least some of these wadang designs can be used on mooncake moulds:
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A golden loong dragon, very fitting for the Year of the Dragon 🐉:
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A (giant) pottery brick decorated with two loong dragons:
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A pottery lantern, I believe this is specifically made to be buried in a tomb
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Green-glazed pottery dog from Han dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD). It's speculated that this actually depicts a songshi/松狮 dog, which was the breed that the chow chow was developed from. Note the wide head, small upright ears, sturdy protruding snout, stocky build, and the tail curved onto its back. This breed can still be found in China today:
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Left: pottery female figurines, probably from Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties/魏晋南北朝 (220 - 589 AD), since this cross-shaped hairstyle/十字髻 was one of the characteric hairstyles of that time period.
Right: pottery female entertainer figurines, judging by the hairstyles, these are probably from Tang dynasty (618 - 907 AD). The hairstyle of the musicians to the sides are banfanji/半翻髻, the musician to the left is playing a sheng/笙, while the musician to the right is playing a paixiao/排箫. The dancer in the middle has a feixianji/飞仙髻 hairstyle.
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Tang-era bronze mirror decorated with auspicious creatures and grapes. Traditionally, grapes motif symbolize longevity and wealth. This is the back of the mirror, the other side is the actual mirror, which is polished frequently and meticulously so that it may serve its purpose.
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Various Tang-era hair ornaments made of silver, gold, or jade:
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Tang-era sancai pottery tomb guardians:
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Northern Zhou-era (557 - 581 AD) stone sarcophagus from Tomb of Master Shi/史君墓, also known as Tomb of Wirkak, dating from 580 AD:
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A close up at the epitaph on the sarcophagus, which is written in Chinese and Sogdian. Translation of the epitaph from Wikipedia:
(The period) Daxiang of Great Zhou, year 2, in the first month of a rat year, on the 23rd day. So: there was a man of a family from Kish, domiciled in Guzang. From the emperor he holds the rank (of) sabao of Guzang, in the land of the Sogdians, a landowner. He is named Wirkakk, the son of Wanuk, (namely) Wanuk, the son of the sabao. And (his) wife, born in Xinping, is named Wiyusi. And Wirkakk the sabao married (his) wife in Xinping in a pig year, on the 7th day of the 6th month, on a hare day. And afterwards, here in Xianyang (= Chang’an), he himself died in a pig year, on the 7th day of the 5th month. And his wife too died on the 7th day of the 6th month, on a hare day, in the same year (as her) marriage, the same month, the same day. There is no living being which is born which is not subject to death; moreover, it is hard to complete (one’s) period in the world of the living. But this is harder (still), that, without being aware (of it), a husband and wife see one another (for the first time) the same year, the same month, the same day, in the human world (and) also in paradise, (so that) the beginning of (their) life together (in each place) may be at the same period. This stone tomb was made by Vreshman-vande, Zhimat-vande (and) Prot-vande, desiring a suitable place for (their) father (and) mother. — Epitaph of the tomb of Wirkak. Translated from the Sogdian by Nicholas Sims-Williams.
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A clay model of a building for burial, if I remember right this is from Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), I'm not 100% sure.
Traditionally, Chinese people believe that spirits of the dead will continue to exist and "live", so the dead must be treated as if they are alive, a concept known as 事死如事生. This is why ancient Chinese tombs were often filled with belongings of the deceased, their favorite and most prized treasures, and (often clay) models of houses and possessions, etc. A very famous example of this is Qin Shi Huang's terra cotta army. This is also why Chinese people today still burn paper offerings in the shape of money (mingbi/冥币; colloquially called paper money/纸钱) and items (called zhizha/纸扎) for the deceased. The biggest difference is that today's paper offerings might take the shape of modern items like laptops or cars.
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Ming-era pottery figurines, arranged in a procession
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A landscape painting hand scroll, and if I'm reading the plaque right (there were a lot of people so I didn't get to take a picture of the plaque), it's by famous Yuan dynasty painter Zhao Mengfu/赵孟頫 (1254 - 1322). This particular style of landscape painting is called blue-green landscape painting (青绿山水画), and is so named for its characteristic blue-green color of the mountains. Since the color was produced by mineral pigments, it's long-lasting and does not fade. The most famous painting of this style is One Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains (《千里江山图》) by Wang Ximeng/王希孟 in Northern Song dynasty (960 - 1127 AD).
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And last but not least, this one surprised me too......clay water pipes from Qin dynasty (221 - 207 BC):
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luna-the-bard · 5 days
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
She likes music she can move to! Skeets dances frequently, and a great part of the music she listens to could be used for dancing. The other part is funky music with lots of nature-y sounds used creatively (imagine using the sound of a rock falling in water in a song, or imitating the pitter-patter of spring rain on tree-leaves with an instrument - or you could just listen to Cosmo Sheldrake and get a pretty similar experience lol).
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
She has two! One is a giant all-knowing turtle creature, that may or may not exist somewhere on Te’rra - but so far its only presence is in legend.
Another mythical creature is actually a people - as a child, Skeets always liked listening to stories about merpeople, an aquatic bird-and-fish hybrid race, skilled in pearl-fishing and building elaborate castles underwater and on coral reef islands. Their feathers were covered in oil and waterproof, and their bodies, although two-legged, were covered in scales; they were described to have transparent eyelids for seeing underwater, and sharp teeth to tear apart the fish they hunt. Their scales shined with colors, iridescent.
In reality, Te’rra’s main source of both river and sea pearls is a chain of cities along the coast some days of travel away from Chii’ziri; the people there are, in fact, resembling of diver-type aquatic birds, but they live on the shore and not at all underwater - despite their remarkable lung capacity and waterproof wings. A lot of their traditional jewelry features pearls for obvious reasons, but it works quite well to complement their skintones - which are a lot more coral-like, with pinks and reds and soft lilacs.
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
The best skeets can do is basic percussion on a tambourine, and even that is just because dancing and music are so ingrained into terranian culture. She can sing and dance pretty well tho!
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
Before meeting Samus, skeets has only killed animals for food and heavily wounded one of the Space Pirates during their raid on Te’rra. After entering the relationship with Samus, however, she made a habit of following her girlfriend/wife on missions, and thus sometimes has to kill hostile wildlife (or Space Pirates) - although Skeets avoids the former as much as possible, not wishing to interfere with the ecosystem (not that one person could make much of an impact).
She’s never broken someone’s heart or trust in a way that matters.
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yan-snowcave · 1 year
🐉 Yan!Dragon AU 🐉
[ This is an AU about a Dragon Virus that changes people who experience strong emotions for a long periode of time into dragons.(More info below)]
[TW: Breaking bones mentioned,Transformation mentioned, Teeth falling out mentioned.]
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The dragon virus is an airborne disease that is mostly considered harmless since it only really affects the patient in its later stages. Which most people won't ever reach unless they experience prolonged strong emotions for a minimum of 1-2 months.
After the 1-2 months of daily, strong emotions that the virus would feed off of and help cultivate with its ability to manipulate hormones. The patient's body would experience sudden mood swings, migraines, growth spurts and dry skin patches around their body. These are the first signs of the virus taking residence inside the patient's body.
At this stage the virus can easily be destroyed by searching for professional, medical help. If no help is sought during this time, the virus will grow stronger and evolve at a rapid pace which will also affect the patient's body & mind in more severe ways.
These changes include;
• Inflamted skin
• Dry & Cracked skin
• Teeth falling out & re-growing sharper fang like teeth
• Severe tooth pain
• Agressive behaviour towards any other living being. (Exlcuding pets & significants others)
• The sudden urge to hoard items (changes from person to person)
• Bones breaking and re-shaping themself (causes patients to blackout 9/10 times, patient who were awake during the process report feeling high. Almost as if on some sort of drug or anesthesiac?)
• Body temperature suddenly dropping and/or raising below/above normal body temperature levels
• Severe Migrains
• Extreme pain around the head, shoulders, tailbone, arms and legs
• Intrusive thoughts of stealing items, animals and on some occasions kidnapping people
When these symptoms appear, it's already too late and the virus has succeeded in fusing with the patient's body. And is now in its end stage,  preparing the body for the final transformation where the patient will lose all of its humanoid features and change into a Draconic creature.
These changes don't impact the patients ability to speak with humans but new instincts and urges will arise that will make living around other humans harder to near impossible. 
Which has led to multiple facilities being opened around quiet areas far away from human civilization, where patients with this virus can live in peace and live out their draconic urges. 
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
Self-Ship Ask Game ~ Pokémon Types
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🐾Normal Type🐾 ~ Is there anything that you find particularly interesting about your F/O, despite them not thinking it’s a special feature of theirs?
🔥Fire Type🔥 ~ What’s something you do that automatically gets your F/O flustered?
🌊Water Type🌊 ~ What would a beach date/hang-out look like with you and F/O?
🌿Grass Type🌿 ~ Let’s say you and your F/O, for some random reason, had to have a garden. What would your dream garden be, in that case?
⚡️Electric Type⚡️ ~ Do you and your F/O like going to parties? If so, what’s y’all’s favorite type of party to attend?
❄️Ice Type❄️ ~ You and your F/O are trapped at home during a snowstorm; how do you pass the time?
🥊Fighting Type🥊 ~ You and your F/O are playing the Wii Sports Resort swordplay mode against each other. Who’s winning the match?
☠️Poison Type☠️ ~ Oh no, you got sick! What does your F/O do to take care of you?
🏜Ground Type🏜 ~ What would a camping trip look like with you and your F/O?
🪶Flying Type🪶 ~ What’s your favorite weather condition to do outdoor dates with your F/O in? What do you like to do?
🔮Psychic Type🔮 ~ What’s your favorite thing to daydream about with your F/O?
🐞Bug Type🐞 ~ What would you do if your F/O turned into a worm?
🗿Rock Type🗿 ~ Find us a (gem)stone that has the same vibes as your F/O!
👻Ghost Type👻 ~ You and your F/O are dared to investigate a haunted house. How does it go?
🐉Dragon Type🐉 ~ What creature from cryptozoology/mythology do you associate with your F/O?
🌘Dark Type🌒 ~ You and your F/O are out on a late-night through the town. What’re y’all gonna do?
🔩Steel Type🔩 ~ Have you ever made something for your F/O, as a gift? Or, have they ever made something for you?
🧚Fairy Type🧚 ~ Describe to us a moment with your F/O that just felt magical. Ya know, the type of moment that’d have a sparkle-filter over it if it was in an anime!
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god, saw someone say “transphobe down” in response to robbie coltrane’s death and. motherfucker you do know not everyone, and in fact most of the cast as far as i know try very hard to distance themself from r*wling, involved with harry potter is anti-lgbtq+, right?
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ventique18 · 10 months
Papa 🐉 with triplets HCs
When going overseas for official duties, he prefers not to be cooped up in that weird iron bird creature (it's an airplane, hun). So he instead flies to the country in his dragon form. Imagine people's awe when this gigantic, magnificent creature lands gracefully, lowers his head down carefully, and out of his mouth hops not one, not two, but three little dragons. They're so tiny you could swear they're cute little dogs.
He always goes to meetings clad in heavy robes. More often than not though, his mysterious cloak has a peculiar feature: it produces three sets of giggling voices every once in a while, especially when the room goes deadly silent.
Once an hour passes though, three little tykes get magicked out of the cloak like how a bunny hops out of a magician's hat. The wyrmlings like to climb on and off papa's back and munch on his horns. Everyone could only glance in amazement at how strong their Majesty's neck muscles must be to withstand the weight.
The three siblings still have very small wings but would always attempt to fly. 🌸 always almost has a heart attack when they inevitably come crashing down from their disproportionate weight, but 🐉 would save them the last second with his magic. He'd laugh loudly and hug 🌸 to reassure them none of their babies would get into accidents while he's alive.
I say accident because the three would frequently get hurt on purpose anyway. Their parents don't understand why, but one of their hobbies seem to be beating each other up in any way they could think of. 🐉🌸 would often wake up in the dead of the night because one sibling hurled another off the bed, simply because he/she was hogging 🌸's chest apparently. 🌸's chest is their favorite snuggle spot.
While 🐉 frankly doesn't have all the time in the world, he strictly employs a 8-5 work hour like a regular person. He doesn't really mind working but ever since he's started a family, he believes this is finally his god-given grace so he'll do it properly. His spouse is very capable in assisting him so they never really had problems with this arrangement.
So he likes to be closer to his babies and feeds them personally while it's still normal. He kinda just force-feeds them mashed food with a spoon in a row though. "Can't you make it more fun? Like, open wide, here comes the flying broom!" "I am simply not a sappy person." "You feed me while saying cheesy shit though..." "I cannot very well say those kinds of things to my children."
When he bathes them, he makes them line up and dunks them into a pool one by one. When they're in their dragon form, he scrubs them with a brush like he's doing laundry.
He hangs them on a clothesline to dry them on a sunny day lmao. "What are you doing to our babies??" "What? They enjoy it." Fair enough, the little gremlins are giggling.
When 🐉🌸 gets one those snazzy refrigerators with a water faucet and ice dispenser in front, the siblings like to sit on top of each other's shoulders so they could steal ice cubes for themselves. Or lap at the running water like thirsty dogs.
Grim has dedicated water bowls all over the place because he finds it hard to pour from a pitcher, and the feral siblings actually prefer lapping from those than go to the refreshments table to fetch a drink. The first time 🐉🌸 saw this, they were so shocked they kinda just stared blankly.
"Are... Are they actually dogs..." "I do not know, at this point." "Did you do this too when you were little?" "We did not have any semblance of a pet so I do not think so." Lilia reveals later though, that 🐉 drank from the damn toilet once.
He likes teaching them all manners of things. He gets a bit too intense sometimes though, what with them failing over and over again on what he thinks to be simple tasks, so 🌸 has to remind him gently that they are not him and shouldn't ever be him. He lets up and smiles. Yes, this is what children are supposed to be.
He legitimately doesn't have any ounce of experience with fatherhood and was suddenly thrust with three, so 🌸 honestly thinks he's a bit clumsy when it comes to taking care of them. Really clumsy and callous, actually.
But when 🌸 chances upon their three babies curled up against him, with him napping soundly and still holding an illustrated book on gargoyles and their history (goodness, he never changes), they thought he wasn't so bad after all.
Thinking harder about it though, what with him carrying the weight of the country while carrying the weight of three chubby babies and a feral cat, he might be the best father ever, after all.
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lcproductshop · 2 months
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🌟 Step into the enchanting realm of LC Lifestyle, where magic and compassion intertwine in the most breathtaking ways. 🐉
Imagine a scene crafted by the masterful hands of Anne Stokes and Magali Villeneuve – a young woman, adorned in a delicate pink dress, cradling a baby dragon with soft, ethereal features. In this moment, mythical creatures come to life with a realism that takes your breath away, thanks to the cinematic perfection of ultra-detailed digital art.
But beyond the stunning visuals lies a deeper message: the importance of caring for one another. Just as the woman tenderly holds the baby dragon, so too should we nurture and support those around us.
LC Lifestyle isn't just about the awe-inspiring artistry; it's about fostering a community where empathy thrives. Let's create a world where every act of kindness echoes like an award-winning photograph, capturing the beauty of humanity in ultra-high definition.
Join us in embracing LC Lifestyle, where empathy and connection shine brighter than any global illumination. Together, let's make caring for others the cornerstone of our journey through life. 🌟 #LCLifestyle #Empathy #MythicalCreatures
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the-dragon-grasp · 5 months
Happy Appreciate A Dragon Day! 🐲🌈
Another day trying to change the world.
Another evening of well-deserved rest.
To celebrate #AppreciateADragonDay, discover a new concept illustration by @halybs ! 🎨
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This illustration features:
a new early look at Ukurendal, our most important dragon character (the big one in the back)‼️
a first look at the Hero (the one with the scaly hand)‼️
and a first look at some companion concepts (everyone else) ‼️
The Dragon Grasp Project is about the fantasy of befriending large creatures, most of them dragon-like. Thanks to our recent playtests, I've been working on redesigning several features so you'd spend more time with them (especially Uku) and appreciate them even more :)
As always, all of these concept visuals we're sharing are pre-production docs, so character design changes are likely to happen - but we wanted to show you more on this special day! 🐉✨
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Since there is a non-0% chance that you and/or someone may buy that book based on my ask, wanted to do a disclaimer. it’s a collection of completely different short stories each featuring different monsters. The bird creature stories are mainly what I read.
However! ( disclaimer) there is also a short story abt an inhuman flower creature which has some stalker, obsession, murder, elements. Nothing is really shown but it’s implied. And I don’t want to surprise/trigger anyone!
It’s in the table of contents so it’s very easy to skip if needed.
-🐉 anon
Ah, thanks for this info! I noticed there might be some centaur stuff too which I'm also quite excited by. Thank you for the added content warning, its very kind of you to do that!
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tamiisnthere · 1 year
Hello! Welcome to my Blog! 💚
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I'm Tami! (She/Her, 23, Demiheterosexual, Slovakia 🇸🇰, Amateur Hobby Artist & Altaïr's simp 💕)
Welcome to my stupid and cringing world! :3 I'm shy and childish gal who love animals (mostly cheetahs 🐆), dinosaurs & other creatures and old-school video games.
I use XnaLara (XPS), Fire Alpaca, The Sims 4, Blender and sometimes Source Filmmaker (SFM) for creating my artworks.
You can also check my DeviantArt, Instagram & Pillowfort! ☺️
✦ Age range is 15+ ✦ NS*FW blogs, suspicious blogs, A*i "artists", discriminants and proshippers will be blocked! ✦ Scammers and p*rn bots will be also flagged/reported! ✦ Don't harass/troll/spam (spam liking and reblogging are okay)! Have some respect, please! ✦ If you want to use my artwork, always credit me, please! ✦ Don't send me asks about donating you, because I will consider you as a scammer!
This blog also features Crossovers with my favourite franchises, Canon x OC/Self-Insert CrackShip, and sometimes possible smut fanfics here! If you don't feel comfortable with this stuff, you can leave or block me.
💚 ⚔Assassin's Creed⚖ (most active) 💚 🔫Team Fortress 2🎩 💚 ☣Left 4 Dead💊 💚 ❌OFF👻 💚 📜Warcraft🐉
Favourite Characters:
💚 ❤Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad🕊 (Assassin's Creed) 💚 Red Scout (Team Fortress 2) 💚 Maiev Shadowsong (Warcraft) 💚 Night Elves (Warcraft) 💚 The Hunter (Left 4 Dead) 💚 The Batter (OFF)
💚 My Art 💚 My Fanfics 💚 My Thoughts 💚 My Asks
My AU & OCs:
Crossover Universe Lore (post)
Crossover Universe (Crossover AU)
TaE Family
TaE Family (Family Trees + some Lore)
Tami Fountain (persona)
Altami (Altaïr x Tami crackship/selfship)
Sabina Bint-Altaïr (daughter of Altaïr & Tami)
Emma Nambinga
Takuya Hidarihi
Gavin Fishrod
Talidea Teron (WoW Night Elf Death Knight)
Elphina Starfeather/Shadowsong (WoW Night Elf Huntress)
Taino Teron/Starfeather (WoW Night Elf Death Knight)
Talar Starfeather (WoW Night Elf Warrior)
Tarion Teron (WoW Night Elf Druid)
Tanisa Teron (WoW Night Elf Monk)
Relante Starfeather (WoW Night Elf Priestness)
Jarrod Fastrunner (TF2 RED Scout OC)
Lennon Baseck (TF2 RED Scout OC)
Clara Baseck (TF2 BLU FemScout OC)
Cleanth the Purifier (OFF OC)
Hoody Boy (L4D Hunter OC)
Ryland (L4D Hunter OC)
Northy (L4D Hunter OC)
Southy (L4D Hunter OC)
That's all! Thank you for reading and understanding! 💗
💚 Enjoy, have a nice day, be Fabulous people and stay safe! 💚
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fieryjeannearchives · 8 months
About the Hyakki Yako Collab✨
Hyakki Yagyō or Hyakki Yakō (“Night Parade of the Hundred Demons”) is a concept from Japanese folklore that refers to a parade composed of hundreds of types of yōkai.
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🧜‍♀️ Kohaku seems to be a Ningyo or Amabie
A Ningyo (“human fish”) is a creature with both human and fish-like features. Though often translated as "mermaid", the term is technically not gender-specific and may include the "mermen".
An Amabie is a legendary Japanese mermaid or merman with a bird-beak-like mouth and three legs or tail-fins, who allegedly emerges from the sea, prophecies either an abundant harvest or an epidemic, and instructs people to make copies of its likeness to defend against illness.
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👻 Suika seems to be a Zashiki-warashi
Zashiki-warashi ("parlor child") are spirit-like beings that are said to be yokai that live in parlors or storage rooms, that perform pranks, and that people who see one would be visited with good fortune.
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🦁🐶 Kinro & Ginro could be Komainu
Komainu, often called lion-dogs in English, are statue pairs of lion-like creatures, which traditionally guard the entrance or gate of the shrine, or placed in front of or within the honden (inner sanctum) of Japanese Shinto shrines.
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🦊 Gen looks like a Kitsune
Kitsune ("fox spirits") possess abilities that increase as they get older and wiser. They can shapeshift and some stories speak of them employing this ability for trickery, but others portray them as faithful guardians, friends, and lovers.
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👹 Senku could be an Oni
Oni are creatures from Japanese folklore that share many similarities with Western demons and ogres. Their function is to punish and torment those who are evil and unjust. Thus, there are bad Oni, but there are also good ones that symbolize protection.
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🐉 Ryusui seems to be either a Ryūjin or a Kirin
Ryūjin ("Dragon God") was the tutelary deity of the sea in Japanese mythology. Many versions had him with the ability to transform into a human shape, the knowledge of medicine, and the power to bring rain and thunder.
The kirin (qilin, chilin, or quilin) is a hybrid horned ungulate (lion body, fish skin, and deer horns) from Chinese mythology, which is said to appear in conjunction with the arrival of a wise man. He is often depicted as having flames all over his body.
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🦦Chrome appears to be a Kamaitachi
Kamaitachi appear riding on dust devils and cut people using their sickle-like front claws, delivering sharp, painless wounds. Their name is a combination of the words “itachi” (“weasel”), and “kama” (“sickle”).
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🐈 Ukyo looks like a Nekomata
The Nekomata (“forked cat”) is a cat with supernatural abilities. It imitates the actions of humans, standing on two legs and walking upright thanks to the support of its forked tail. However, they cannot transform into human.
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🐦‍⬛ Hyoga seems like a Tengu
Tengu (“Heavenly Dog”) are considered a type of yōkai or Shinto kami. The Tengu were originally thought to take the forms of birds of prey and a monkey deity, and they were traditionally depicted with human, monkey, and avian characteristics.
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💀 Tsukasa could be a Yūrei
Yūrei are thought to be spirits separated from a peaceful life after death due to something that happened to them in life, lack of a proper funeral ceremony, or by committing suicide; for which they wander like souls in pain.
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merakigoya · 9 months
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Hey there Mystic Escape fans! We've got some thrilling news for you today as we unveil the latest colored splash art featuring our fearless hero, Mainty, embarking on a breathtaking adventure with a colossal and majestic dragon. 🔥🐲
🖌️ A Visual Feast: Prepare to be mesmerized by the incredible artistry and attention to detail in this stunning piece of concept art. The vivid colors and dynamic composition truly bring the world of Mystic Escape to life.
🐉 The Majestic Dragon: The real star of this artwork is undoubtedly the majestic dragon! This awe-inspiring creature looms over Mainty, its scales shimmering with iridescent colors that catch the light. Its body outstretched, making it seem even more colossal and imposing. You can almost hear the rumble of its deep, resonating growl.
⚔️ An Epic Encounter: This art captures the essence of the Mystic Escape game – a thrilling endless runner where every moment is an adventure waiting to unfold. What could this encounter mean for Mainty? Will he befriend this mythical creature or face an epic battle of wits and strength?
🕹️ Stay Tuned for More: As we work tirelessly on the development of Mystic Escape, we can't wait to share more about the game and the world it encompasses. This latest splash art is just a glimpse of what's in store for you.
🎮 Get Ready to Run: Mystic Escape is shaping up to be an unforgettable gaming experience, and we can't wait for you to join Mainty on his incredible journey. Keep an eye out for updates, sneak peeks, and release dates.
🔗 Stay Connected: Don't forget to follow us on all our social media channels for the latest news, behind-the-scenes content, and exclusive sneak peeks into the mystical world of Mystic Escape!
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