kaitoshion-offical · 2 months
kaito i am a victim of the most heinous crime (sleepy but has to get up)
*sad sigh*
me 2.....waaaaaaaahh!!!
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tacticalprincess · 16 days
can’t stop thinking about older bf! König and I js know that’d be something he would be so cocky abt 😭 likeee he totally loves the idea of you always thinking about him let’s be honest
-🎶 anon
oh for sure! wholeheartedly believes your pretty brain should only have room for him, feels a dark sense of gratification when you text and call him while you’re out doing other things, like with your friends or in class, showing him that he’s always plaguing your thoughts. sending him things that you want his approval for or that remind you of him. you develop a bit of separation anxiety from him that he finds adorable, doesn’t have to worry about you straying from him for too long because you don’t feel fully comfortable unless he’s by your side. so sweetly dependent on him, just how he likes.
the fact that he’s always in the back of your mind makes you unable to register the attention you get from other men as anything but platonic, and he’s watched you cluelessly friend zone guys your age who were clearly interested in you more times than he can count, the pride it evokes in him rendering him unable to hide his smug smirk when you slot yourself right back into his arms afterward as if nothing happened. you don’t even consider anyone else as an option because your heads too full of him :(
you tell him one of your friends pointed out how annoying it is that you’re constantly talking about or texting him, making you go all pouty and quiet for the rest of the day. he’s quick to console you, telling you they’re just jealous they’ve never felt the love you have for him.
“such a perfect doll you are. so devoted me, aren’t you?” he strokes your hair lovingly while you smush your face into his chest. it shouldn’t even matter what they think, his opinion is what’s most important.
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realisticjupiter · 3 months
haihaii!! your profile has been like.... THERAPY to me bc the aib fixation is back AND ITS STRONG ESPECIALLY TOWARDS CHISHIYA 💔💔💔 i love the way u write as well !!
so with this could i request a touch starved chishiya... like a chishiya that needs readers attention so bad but is too embarrassed to downright tell them "I WANT CUDDLES" or smth... still he does everything in his power to get readers attention atp the only thing left is to just BEG
also could i be 🎶 anon ? i picture myself being very active here from now on... have a nice day!!
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Summary: Chishiya can't sleep without you.
Genre: Fluffy
Pairing: Chishiya x gn!reader
Warnings: None! :)
Word count: 784
a/n: Aghhhh i hope this is okay!!!!! That is actually so sweet of you, I'm so glad you've liked my account!!!<3 And ofc you can claim an emoji, hello 🎶!!
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Chishiya tried everything to get you into bed with him. He tried seducing you, gaslighting you, and of course his manipulation tactics didn't work either.
All you were focused on was trying to fix the phone from last night's game. It was still on, so you thought it would be easier to get into before it powered off.
Every time he'd call your name, you'd brush him off. Mostly because he always used a certain tone of voice you've become far too familiar with when he tries to get what he wants.
All he wanted to do was kneel at your feet to tell you exactly what he wanted. To tell you he just wanted you to hold him, to tell you all he needed was your attention.
But he couldn't. He never has been able to ask for help, or ask for anything without feeling vulnerable for that matter. He was closed off, that's what people knew about him; that he didn't show those types of emotions in fear of being belittled.
Chishiya could feel his eyelids getting heavy and his eyes burning from keeping them open, but he knew no matter how hard he would toss and turn; he wouldn't be able to sleep without you.
It was pathetic, he'd admit that. It was a loop he found himself getting stuck into, and found there was no way out of it. He hid it pretty well, though. Through late nights where you'd fall asleep alone and wake up to him beside you. You truly had no idea he struggled so much.
He was so tired. He'd do anything if you'd just stop and sleep already.
And he found his last option, the one thing he dreaded the most.
"Y/n?" Chishiya whispered, his voice husky as he climbed out of bed and walked towards you with slow steps.
"What?" You hummed in response, never peeling your eyes away from the task at hand.
"Please," He spoke underneath his breath in an almost incoherent whisper as he stopped to stand beside the chair you sat in.
"I don't know what you want, Chishiya. No one is keeping you awake." You sighed, watching from the corner of your eye as he stood by your side, rubbing his eyes with his palms.
"You're keeping me awake." He murmured, watching your hands as they played around with the device's motherboard.
"How?" You said in defeat, finally turning your attention to him. You looked up at him with your hands thrown in your lap, clearly waiting for his response.
He let out a huff as he looked around the room; avoiding eye contact. When he finally looked at you, his eyes were soft and glassed over.
His next sentence was incoherent.
"Chishiya. Speak up, please." Your words were soft as you stood up from your seat, placing your hands on his upper arms.
"I can't sleep without you." He finally spoke, his words finally registering in your mind.
When he realized you had finally heard him, he felt like he could say anything. And with his new found confidence he continued to speak.
"Why is it so hard to ask you to touch me?" He breathed, letting his head fall onto your shoulder.
You smiled at his soft demeanour. You knew how hard it must've been for him to admit something so close to himself, especially since it was about you. You've found a new side of Chishiya you haven't seen before.
You brought a hand to comb through his hair as the other scratched up and down his bare back, "I'm sorry, Chishiya. I should've just read your mind." You whispered against his shoulder as you held him close to your body.
Your words were an obvious tease, trying to humor the situation at hand. Which did make Chishiya snicker.
"You should have. You've always been able to." He muttered, wrapping his arms lazily around you.
You smiled warmly as he spoke, pulling away to drag his hand towards the bed. You climbed in with him closely behind you. He waited for you to get comfortable, before he joined you under the covers to tangle his limbs with yours.
"I'm proud of you, Chishiya." Your sultry breath hit his forehead as you mumbled against his skin.
He stared down at the way your bodies fit together, processing your words with a smile he knew you couldn't see.
"Now go to sleep, 'm here." You spoke once more into his skin, kissing his forehead and massaging your fingers into his scalp.
His cold fingers danced around your bare skin, trying to bring himself impossibly closer to you before his body fell limp into a night's sleep.
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reposts and comments are appreciated <3
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mournings-stars · 4 months
What's ur take on vox aftercare imagines? :3
tell me why i was so in love with this ask, wrote a whole fic and literally forgot to post it omg ANYWAY i love vox with aftercare cus that television does NOT know what he’s doing
yes he’s used to having to reign in val but convincing someone to not be criminally insane and telling someone they did a good job is a tad bit different yk (LMAO)
i doubt he’s ever actually received aftercare or given it before getting into an actual relation(situation)ship so he fumbles with it at first
he’d definitely get the hang of it tho! like i think in private he’s a very doting s/o (in his own way) like he gives you the princess treatment all day every day (as long as no one else is there to see it)
so i think despite that he kinda lacks in the aftercare department cus he literally doesn’t know it exists until you try to initiate it
anyway for this lil blurb my idea was that reader and vox have been hooking up for a while and have gotten closer (it’s not like vox would let just anyone sleep in his bed) so here u go
Vox would really try to give aftercare. Every time since you started spending the night, he’d clean you up and change the sheets. He’d get you something to wear before he took care of himself, and made sure you had anything you could physically need, but that was it. He wasn’t good at the rest of it. He didn’t think to get you tea (especially because he didn’t even like “leaf water”) or a warm blanket, he didn’t think to tell you how he was feeling or how well you did, and he certainly didn't tell you if he needed anything.
No one, before you, had ever even introduced the idea of aftercare. There was a night where you sleepily told him how well he did, and he told you to “go to sleep if you want to stay here tonight,” but you said, “I have to make sure you’re alright first,” like he was ridiculous, laughing as you kissed his shoulder.
“Of course I’m alright… Are you?” He asked awkwardly, thinking you were trying to hint that he’d done something wrong, maybe hurt you.
“Mhm. Just cold.”
“Then… use your blanket?” He pulled his sheets over you as you groaned, shaking your head at him. “What?”
“Nothing… Nothing.” You tucked the blankets over you, turning away from him as you shut your eyes. “Night.”
And it took him hours to fall asleep. Not only was he utterly confused by you, but he had a very needy feeling in his chest. He had half a mind to check and see if he was hard again, because he certainly didn’t feel it, but that was the only thing that made sense.
That is, until he looked at you, tucked into your blankets and finding himself thinking he would be much warmer than some stupid blanket. Why the fuck were you holding on to a blanket and not him—?
And then he had to pause and collect himself because who the fuck gets jealous over a blanket…?
He gently and reluctantly woke you up, feeling bad for it when he watched you blink your eyes open groggily. He came up with something arbitrary, “you’re pushing me off the bed, pretty.”
“Mmm, sorry,” you mumbled and scooted over. He took the opportunity to scoot closer, gently grabbing your waist to pull you against him. You turned toward him, assuming he wanted something else and sleepily bringing your mouth to his neck.
“As much as I like ‘sleepy sex’,” as you called it, “with you, I just want to — hold you.” You didn’t miss the way his screen glitched when he spoke, and he didn’t miss the smile that came to your face before you went back to sleep.
But of course all the niceties were gone the next day when you left before he woke up, which you always did because that was the agreement you had — but surely that didn’t mean things had to be the same in the bedroom.
So he started researching and apparently, “why the fuck is my… partner… being so nice after sex?” Was a commonly searched question in Hell, as it populated almost immediately after he typed “why.”
That led him to trying, really trying, to give aftercare. The first time, you were shocked, telling him you’d clean up, but he insisted and you relented. You let him do what he wanted, thinking he might just be in a mood, but when he very awkwardly asked if you were alright, you realized what he was doing.
“Why don’t I make us tea?” You suggested, getting up from his bed after he’d given you something to wear. “Is that alright? Or, do you want me to keep you company?”
You were much more attentive, and you always knew what to say. That alone made an error appear on his screen, but you didn’t joke or say anything about it. “That’s fine,” he finally brought himself to say.
“Alright. Be right back.” You gave him a smile, gently squeezing his hand as you passed him by and went to the kitchen.
He wanted to tell you to be quick, as he suddenly felt very lonely when he lost the feeling of your hands on him, but he stopped himself.
As if you read his mind, you came back very quickly, also bringing a bowl of fruit with you (and hot water with lemon and honey for him because, again, leaf water). “Blood sugar,” you said, making him laugh.
“So, you like to eat after…?” He concluded, because “blood sugar” was certainly not a valid justification in Hell. You nodded and he did the same in return. “What else?”
“What else, what?” You asked as you sat next to him in bed after setting the tea and fruit on his nightstand, tucking your legs beneath the covers.
“What else do you like… after?”
This time, you didn’t ignore the error screen, taking it as him pushing for too much. “Don’t worry about that — it’s more about what you need… Like, you like to cuddle,” his screen glitched as he cleared his throat, “because you need a little bit of comfort. I don’t need much; maybe, just, something to wear and sleep — but I’d rather not sleep alone.” He nodded along. “I’ll get everything I like; tea, fruit, whatever.” You gave him a very sweet smile, but he understood you were telling him to not ask any more about what you liked — or, he thought he understood that you didn’t want to get personal. “What do you like?” Then you caught him off guard.
No one had ever prioritized what he liked — or, rather, needed after sex before now, and he certainly never wanted to tell anyone. Who knows how they’d use it against him? But you… you just felt genuine.
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fcthots · 9 months
HAIIIIII IT'S ME the one who requested the angry sex fic 🎶 and I LOVED it but I'm here with a new request about- *ahem ahem* drum roll pleaseeeee
Can you make a fic where the reader has never met Bruce YET(but he knows the reader of course OBVIE)and he's just visiting Jason at ya'll shared apartment and he's screaming at Gus saying ''TRAITOR,YEAH GO RUN TO YOUR MOTHER'' (the line's already in one of the fics that you wrote about Jason and Gus and I legit can not stop laughing at that line,it's my favourite) and like how would B react?
You can skip this,it kinda lame
You also asked “Can I request the reader giving a bow to Gus one day to see how Jason'll react and they'll just keep dressing up Gus in different ways//how would Jason react?”
Jason didn’t think to tell you that his dad was coming over today. To be honest, he forgot that Bruce was coming. Bruce texted him a couple hours ago saying he was going to stop by to pick up some paperwork for a case. Normal things.
Jason walks in the house to see a large bow around Gus’s head, covering his ears. You were laying on the ground taking pictures.
“What are you doing?” Jason walked into your field of vision, waiting for an answer.
“He’s so handsome!” You couldn’t stop laughing… and maybe that why neither of you heard Bruce walk in. Bruce just watched the two of you staying silent, yet to notice him.
“Take that off.” Jason apparently did not find it as amusing as you.
Bruce flicked his eyes over to you when you spoke. “Why?”
“You’re torturing him!”
“He looks distinguished!”
“He looks miserable! Look at his sad little face!” Jason walked over to Gus and took the bow off while Gus hissed at him.
Finally Bruce cut in. “Ahem.”
You screamed, Gus ran, and Jason shot out in front of you before he realized who it was.
You flicked your eyes between them, still on the floor as Jason spoke. “Oh my God, Bruce! Fucking knock!”
“I’m sorry. I was unaware your partner was home-”
“You should still fucking knock,” Jason interrupted him.
Finally you got up and walked around Jason so you could hold out your hand for Bruce to shake. If anyone said you were bad at first impressions, they were a liar.
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genius-daddy · 6 months
I wonder... if you'd like someone to distract you during that meeting~? take your cock in my hand and suck at the tip nice and gentle, force you to try and stay composed so nobody knows I'm there, under your desk...
wonder how long you'd last, or if you'd come in front of your coworkers...
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niki-phoria · 1 year
hii hope you’re doing well and taking care~ sorry I haven’t been able to check in lately, congrats on your summer break!! Sadly I’m still drowning in finals but your fics have been really comforting especially the jungwon en o’clock fic and all the txt reactions you’ve been posting, tysm for writing 💜💜💜
Can I req txt babying or spoiling their 6th member maknae bf? Just fluff and cuddles and kisses and cuteness 🥺 It can be ot5 reaction or just the hyung line, whatever u decide~ ty again!
⋆。°✩ txt reaction - sweet moments with them
includes: 6th member au, established relationship, lots of fluff lol, replaced the gifs with photo sets but they take forever so i don't think i'll keep them tbh
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i hope you like it :))
6th male member reader (he/him pronouns)
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⋆。°✩ yeonjun
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(word count 304)
yeonjun blinks the lingering sleep out of his eyes in an attempt to wake himself up as he sits up in your shared bed. sunlight streams in through the windows, illuminating your sleeping form in a gentle golden glow. 
yeonjun smiles to himself at how peaceful you look. a small smile graces his features as he shifts to lay a little closer to you. his hand ghosts against your waist as he tugs your body backwards so his chest is pressed against your back. 
you flinch slightly when yeonjun brings a hand up to gently rake his fingers through your hair. he twists the newly dyed strands, silently admiring how soft they feel despite the years of continuous bleaching, curling, and straightening. 
yeonjun’s hand falls to your jawline, gently tracing along the features of your face. his thumb runs along your bottom lip as he debates leaning down to kiss you before a knock at the door interrupts him. it opens with a soft click before soobin cautiously looks into the room. 
he softly smiles at the sight of your body curled up next to yeonjun. “is he awake?” he whispers. 
“not yet.” yeonjun turns his attention back to you, unconsciously smiling at the way you subtly move into his warmth. “i was just about to wake him.”
“taehyun’s making breakfast. we’ll see you two in a few minutes?” 
yeonjun simply hums in response as soobin leaves the room, closing the door behind him. now in a tranquil silence once again, he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. then your cheek. then nose. and finally, your lips. 
you smile against his lips; eyes fluttering open when he pulls away. “good morning, jagi,” he smiles. 
you tug him closer, pressing a chaste kiss against the exposed skin of his neck. “morning hyung.”
⋆。°✩ soobin
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(word count 346)
soobin lets out a small yawn as he sits up in your shared bed, slowly stretching his arms out. he shifts to lay on his side, glancing at your still-sleeping form. he smiles as he reaches over to brush a stray strand of hair from your face. 
soobin reaches over to grab his phone, turning it on quickly to check the time. he sighs as he sits up fully, rubbing the remaining sleep out of his eyes as he carefully crawls out of your bed. he glances back at your still-sleeping form one final time with a fond smile before he leaves the room and heads into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. 
it isn’t long before you join him; sleepily wandering into the kitchen and lazily pressing your body against his in a backhug. you lean forwards to rest your head in between his shoulder blades. soobin chuckles, pushing the cutting board back and carefully turning around to face you. he wraps your blanket around your shoulders so it covers you completely. 
“you’re making breakfast?” you ask. your morning voice comes out deep and raspier than usual. it makes a small flush spread across soobin’s cheeks and a familiar swarm of butterflies invade his stomach. 
“i am,” he hums. “is there anything you want me to make?”
you debate for a second before shaking your head as best as you can with it still pressed against his back. “i’ll eat anything you make.”
“okay,” soobin chuckles. he raises his hands from comfortably resting against your hips to wrap around your waist. he gently coaxes you towards the living room, guiding you away from the counter to the couch. “come on,” he whispers. “you need rest.”
you whine but let him push you down onto the cushions regardless. soobin adjusts your blanket so it’s fully wrapped around you. he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. “wait,” you whisper when he pulls away. you pull him back down into a sweet kiss, both of you smiling into it before you let him pull away again.
⋆。°✩ beomgyu
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(word count 322)
beomgyu chuckles as you excitedly swing your arms as you continue walking through the empty seoul streets. streetlights and the occasional light from still-open businesses are the only thing illuminating your path as you continue walking towards a nearby convenience store. 
you glance back at beomgyu when he tugs you closer so his arm is wrapped around your waist instead of holding your hand. your lips quirk into a soft smile as you lean against him. “what?” 
“nothing,” he says, but a smile of his own spreads across his features. he rubs his hand against your back through your thin t-shirt in a faux attempt to warm you up. “you just looked cold.”
“cold?” you laugh. “hyung, it’s the middle of summer.”
beomgyu playfully rolls his eyes, but the smile never leaves his face. you simply shake your head, pulling him into the convenience store with you. a small ding from the door and a small, blinking red light from the cameras above announce your arrival. 
you scan through the multiple shelves in front of you filled with various products until you find the skincare section. a variety of masks and creams line the shelves. “you can pick the skincare and i’ll get the snacks?”
“as long as i get to pick the movie,” you tease. beomgyu scoffs but doesn’t protest, instead pressing a chaste kiss against your cheek as he momentarily leaves your side to pick out a few bags of chips to bring back to the dorm. you do the same, picking up a few masks that catch your attention and restocking a few products you know need to be replaced. 
you jump when a hand brushes against your side, tickling you before you’re pulled backwards towards someone’s chest. beomgyu chuckles at your reaction as he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. “hyung!” you whine.
“sorry love,” he chuckles in faux remorse. “come on. let’s go home.”
⋆。°✩ taehyun
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(word count 336)
“y/n,” taehyun whispers. he kneels down so he’s at eye-level with you before brushing your fringe out of your eyes. you stir slightly in response, eyes slowly fluttering open. 
you squint at the sudden sunlight hitting your face before groaning as yet another wave of dizziness hits you. taehyun gives you a sympathetic smile, reaching over to place a hand on your back and helping you sit up. the simple action feels like it takes everything out of you, but you push through for the sake of your boyfriend. 
“hyung?” you rasp out. your throat aches with each attempt to speak. taehyun reaches over to cup your cheek, gently stroking the skin. he furrows his eyebrows before raising his hand to brush against your forehead. 
“it’s okay, jagi,” he whispers. “i’m here.” 
he pulls back just enough to reach over, holding a spoonful of freshly made samgyetang out for you. you watch as taehyun blows on it just enough to cool the steaming soup down slightly before he holds it up to your lips. its warmth feels good against your sore throat. a soft smile tugs at your lips. despite being confined to your bed - at the request of your boyfriend - you can feel the love in each one of taehyun’s actions, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. 
the dizziness and nausea slowly subside as you finish the rest of the samgyetang. “thank you,” you whisper. 
taehyun sets the now-empty bowl aside before reaching over to press a kiss against the crown of your head. “of course.”
you reach up to grab his arm, gently tugging him to sit at the edge of your bed. a smile graces his lips as you shuffle over to the side to make room for him to lay beside you. “stay?”
taehyun playfully shakes his head but slides underneath the covers nonetheless. you bury your face into the crook of his neck as he rubs his hand against your back, slowly lulling you back into a peaceful sleep.
⋆。°✩ huening kai
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(word count 317)
“moa, did you like our performance?” yeonjun asks, tilting the phone slightly so taehyun has a better look at the flowing stream of incoming comments. they’re filled with various emoji strings and excitement that’s expressed as much as possible through text.
soobin chuckles at the responses before he reaches up to take the phone from yeonjun. he adjusts the angle once again so the camera is filming towards the back of the car where you and kai are sitting. you sleepily wave towards the phone, exhaustion finally hitting after a long day of performing.
kai startles slightly when a weight falls onto his shoulder. his eyes widen as he looks over to find you sleeping on his shoulder. a small smile tugs at his lips despite the deepening blush that spreads up his neck to his ears and across his cheeks. 
a small chuckle from beside you breaks kai out of his flustered trance. “cute,” beomgyu murmurs. 
“aw, look at our maknaes,” soobin chuckles, tilting his phone so the two of you are more fully in view. kai turns to look at the camera with wide eyes for a few seconds before turning his attention back to you. 
“we’ve had a long day,” he chuckles as he explains. 
kai raises a hand to brush a few stray strands of hair out of your eyes; adjusting your somewhat disheveled hair in the process. his smile grows as you unconsciously lean even closer to his warmth, nuzzling your face into his neck as much as you can despite the confined space and moving car. 
still keenly aware of the ongoing live stream and members surrounding you, kai leans forwards to press a small kiss against the crown of your head. he reaches around you to pull you as close to your body as he can, keeping your body as steady as he can. “sleep well, y/n,” he whispers.
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harlowcomehome · 8 months
“No more Halloween decorations, and I mean it!”
You walked up and down the Halloween aisle, pushing the cart mindlessly as you looked for something for Hazel's class.
She was having her Halloween party at school in a few days and you liked to go all out, hoping you’d be able to find bone-shaped sprinkles.
Your phone began to vibrate as it sat in your purse, Jack finally got a break at the studio and wanted to check-in.
“Hey handsome” you rasped as you answered the phone.
Jack heard the music playing in the background, realizing it was some sort of music you’d never willingly put on.
“Baby? Switch to FaceTime.”
You knew he was going to roll his eyes once he saw where you were.
You switched to FaceTime and he saw the costumes behind you immediately.
“We have enough decorations!” He began to laugh, knowing you couldn’t stop yourself the last time you went in.
“I’m not here for decorations Harlow! I’m here for Hazel's class!” You laughed knowing he didn’t believe you.
“Mhm, if you come home with another giant skeleton me and the girls are moving” he teased.
“Don’t play because you know damn well you aren’t going anywhere!” You teased in response.
“No more Halloween decorations, and I mean it!” He tried to speak to you sternly but his smile broke the facade.
“I promise that I’ll try if you try to wrap up early” you winked.
“Ooooh, deal” he nodded making you both laugh.
October fics/concepts!
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theredengineapologist · 7 months
🎶 Somebody has to be ❤ BETTER THAN THE REST ❤ ~ 🎶
🎶 Somebody has to be ✨SO GOOD 💋 THAT THEY'RE 🌈 THE BEST 💅✨🎶
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kaionyx · 6 months
Hi! I jus wanted to say that I like loooove your blog and I get all squirmy and needy whenever I read it. Sometimes your posts make my head all fuzzy and I just wanna get on my knees and bark and whine for you. I was also wondering about your thoughts on needy leaky puppy girldicks >///< (also if its still free I'd like to have the 🎶 anon please)
Such a good girl telling me how easily spaced out I make you feel by my posts, I’m glad you enjoy my blog though darling. Heh, I adore puppygirls so much. The way they whine and squirm when telling them how pretty they are while you play with their sensitive girltits, how embarrassed they get seeing their girlbulge from popping out under their skirts knowing their panties are already ruined for the day. Watching them look up to me with those dazed eyes as they suck mindlessly on my fingers, mocking them about how much of a mess they made just from rutting and grinding their needy little girlcocks so desperately against my boot like bitch in heat.
Do I need to keep going?
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kaitoshion-offical · 3 months
kaito if you don't need water why'd you jump into the ocean
(jumps at a hardware store)
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(same anon as the previous ‘video killed the radio star’ ask, if it isn’t too much of a hassle, may i claim ‘🎶 anon’?)
“Vox?” Alastor called out into the empty hall. He couldn’t find Vox in the kitchen, or the bathroom, or the bedroom. Did he just disappear? Alastor couldn’t sense the frequency that usually entertwined with his own.
Alastor traced a hand against the hallway’s wall, crossing the corridor to continue his search. Vox left sometimes after their fights, but it wasn’t common enough for him to think to look for him outside the house.
Alastor idly picked at a tearing piece of the wallpaper as he came to a halt — there was music playing somewhere further into the house. The living room, perhaps?
One of his ears flicked as he tried to focus as to hear what was playing. It was gradually getting louder as he neared.
And now I understand the problems you can see.
Alastor could pick out Vox’s frequency among the loud song, fainter than usual.
I met your children.
He stopped right at the door leading into the living room, left open, and was met with Vox sitting silently on the middle of the couch. Glaring at the floor like it had personally wronged him.
What did you tell them?
Alastor opened his mouth to say something, then promptly shut it as the volume spiked.
Video killed the radio star.
Was Vox threatening him? What was the point of blasting this music? Vox didn’t move to look at Alastor, though Alastor had a suspicion that he already knew he was in the room.
Video killed the radio star.
Alastor took a step back, then another, and another. Maybe he could do this later, when Vox wasn’t intent on trying to murder him. Again, at least.
This community so wonderfully creative I love it so much
Also "again, at least" that was so much more funny than I expected
Post(s) this is referencing: 1
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hazbinhotelie · 6 days
Yep! That works great! I look forward to it. 🎶
“Wonderful! I’ll see you then, darling.”
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More than undressing you himself, Bakugou loves watching you get undressed on your own, not having the patience to wait for him to do it.
One second your mouth is pressed against his in a sloppy, desperate kiss, and the next, you’re hovering above him. There’s a hand on his chest to keep him in place while you peel off your shirt, as if you’ll die without his hands on your bare skin that instant, but he’s not going anywhere.
Not with a view like that.
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fcthots · 8 months
How would Gus react to reader and Jay fighting?Like WHILE they're arguing
- 🎶
He meow-screams over your voices like he's part of the argument until you both can help but laugh and it breaks the tension.
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roselind-neigeux · 2 months
how to: get your food to stop doing leg exercises in the pan
1) look at the food angrily.
2) say in a very angry 'mom' tone, "if you don't stop embarrassing me, ill drop you back at the factory you were processed at".
3) pretend to call the factory
4) bring in the rest of the toast in the package and show it how they all behave, unlike them.
5) glare at it
6) if your food doesn't end up normal, just give up. the food owns the house now, not you.
-🎶 anon
The food did not end up normal. Does this mean that this piece of failure now owns the entire fucking pomefiore dorm
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