#“wow you type so fast” yeah yeah can we get back to talking about things?
neverendingford · 4 months
#m afraid of things#surely there's no other aspects here at all at play#they always either jump on the depression or the anxiety train and they ride it into the sunset#and I“m sitting here like yeah sure explain this to me not like I've heard it before not like I”ve read fucking academic papers about it#therapists sitting at their desk typing with a single finger going “today I taught the patient that her anxiety is anxiety”#congrats I'm glad you're getting paid for this I'm not getting anything out of it though#also a half hour isn't long enough to talk about fucking alnything at all#an hour is barely enough time to explore a topic with any sort of thoroughness so a half hour? miss me with that shit#I'm over here like “hey I've never wanted to fuck someone more than twice and I move friend groups like I”m playing musical chairs#and I block five year friends with no emotional hesitation at all. maybe there's something wrong?#and the therapist perks up like “oooo maybe it's anxiety? or it might be your depression but it's anxiety I think”#if I had an autism diagnosis they would be just substituting the word anxiety for the word autism#useless useless useless#I know how to fix most of my problems I#m here to learn calculus cause I've already learned algebra don't fucking try and teach me arithmetic#ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so annoyed#“wow you type so fast” yeah yeah can we get back to talking about things?#was gonna talk about the year it's been since I tried to kill myself and she's like “now I know talking about your feelings can be scary”#I'm not fuc king scared of being open I'm usedto being open and easily read stop projecting and assuming ughhh hh foaming at the mouth rn#if anything it's a problem that talking about emotions isn't scary cause I'm so fucking detached from them they're happening to someone els#someone else not me it's not me who feels emotions its whoever else is in here I'm at the keyboard but I can't see the screen#life is just co-op gaming with myself and we share functions and we're so in sync we don't recognize the other as separate usually#but he's got the emotions today actually that's not true I've got the rage I've got the anger I'm going into self defense mode I can feel i#I#tag talk#vent#iteration- *checks notes* 5 of feeling smarter than the therapist I got assigned#today we spend thirty minutes going over how anxiety is actually a kind of fear. wow so amazing and cool#I'm really learning so much here about how Im here because I recognize I have patterns of behavior that I can't find the root cause of#Im going to leave before I just start ranting. anyway. I'm annoyed nobody fucking understands us when we're talking
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chrolloluvr · 3 months
May I request Mammon angst HCs please? Like the reader is possibly breaking up with him or something? (i love your HCs for mammon<3)
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Mammon Breaking Up Hcs
note: Thank you i'm so glad you like them pookie!! also yes i love this idea ❤️❤️
warnings: Cursing, creepy behavior, unbalanced power dynamic, killing. Not proofread!
Female!Reader, (no specific gender, so can be GenderNeutral!Reader)
It would be best to tell him over text, since he is guaranteed to throw a toddler like temper tantrum if you ever told him in person.
So you text him over text, what happens? He 100% thinks you're joking at first. He thinks you aren't being serious at all, and that wow babe, you might even be a bigger clown than I am.
But when he realized that you were being serious, he gets angry. How dare you? Why would you ever break up with him? He is the king of greed, he has trillions of dollars in the bank, so why don't you want to stay by his side? Did he do something? Did he hurt you? What happened? Baby, we can sort this out-
In a way, still doesn't think you are being serious, which is what he tries to tell himself. So he will let you leave, and will act like he doesn't need you.
Another author said this already, but he will 100% go through the stages of grief, (he will never go through acceptance, because in his mind, you will always come crawling back to him.)
He will be in denial for a very long time. Let's say you move out, and even start residing in another ring. He will send you texts. All. The. Time.
Your phone will mods likely have 103 Missed Calls, 986 Messages, and 37 Voicemails. He is crazy, and especially crazy for you. So when you don't respond to him, he does not understand why. He likes to think that you were just going on vacation for a while. He genuinely thinks you two are still together.
Anger- Once he sees that you have indeed moved on, and that he is no longer living in fantasy land, he gets extremely angry. His general mood spikes, he lashes out (wayyy more than he used to), and a-lot of his servants are scared to talk to him. Will absolutely keep bombarding you with texts every day. He will even get his servants to start texting you on his 100's of extra HellPhones.
Mamm 🕸️💚 11:34
Come hone ygu little cungt
Mamm 🕸️💚 11:35
Mamm 🕸️💚 11:35
Do ygu knoe how easily i can replaece yu
Mamm🕸️💚 11:36
Fine go shack uo with sorm dirty hoboes you little slut
Mamm 🕸️💚 11:36
I dont kneed u and youir mediocar holes
So yeah... thats just one example. He has so many spelling mistakes because he is typing so fast, and practically brekaing his phone from how angry he is.
But in reality he does need you. You are. the one thing that keeps him running. However he will never, over his dead body, ever admit that.
Bargaining- He will send things to your... new home... in gift baskets. Fizzarolli plushies, flowers, tickets to his live events, expensive jewelry, the list goes on. It gets to a point where (if you live in an apartment complex) People start stealing his gifts and start putting them up online to sell. (And they go for 10s of thousands of dollars.)
He send these to you so that you can hopefully come crawling back into his life, so that he can control you again.
At this point, you have most likely made it public about your distance between you and the sin. Your relationship was extremely public, and known by everybody.
He refuses to speak publicly, because he wants people to think he still controls you. And when i say your relationship was big, it was definitely the most talked about relationship in all of Hell. People will go nuts about you two breaking up. Another author said this as well, but people will go crazy with the comments.
"L Mammon fumbled so bad its actually wild."
"Bros got plenty other options 💀"
"Why tf would she/they break up w/ HIM???🤰"
"Now that hes single I call dibs 🙌"
You try your best to ignore the comments, but eventually you cant, its not just online, but in real life you feel cornered as well. You might even start to reconsider your departure with him. Which is exactly where he wants you.
Depression- He spirals into somewhat of an insecure man. He strives to be better. He ups his game for his big pageants, soon to be bigger, just to impress you.
He maaaay or may not have killed people in your favor. This is known, obviously, but his obsession along with his newfound insecurity has left him no choice but to show that if you dont want to come home, he will show you its safer than anywhere else.
Overall, if you do end up coming back to him, he is overjoyed with happiness, and will take extra precautions to ensure you wont ever walk out on him and his warm embrace again.
However if you end up never wanting anything to do with him, he will be devastated, but he will force himself to get over it. He is Mammon, he truly does not need you. In reality, you were somebody he felt an unexplainable feeling to protect. He absolutely can live without you, but for some reason, he feels like he cant. If somebody were to ever bring you up, he would lash out, and make his anger everybody's problem. He may get over you after a while, but he will never fully accept the fact that you left him.
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Firefighter!Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings: none, fluff
~ Been thinking about Eddie as a fire fighter after watching 9-1-1
Not proofread
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Eddie never had any real desire to get into this type of profession. The thought never even crossed his mind. After he got into some trouble with police. the judge gave him two options to pick from, which were. Spend a few months behind bars or community service.
After a while, he ended up failing in love with it. He very much liked uniform and riding around in that big truck. He loved helping people. He figured out that was his true calling. He's been caught in some very life-threatening situations. For the part most, he's getting calls for various things. Usually, they're just false alarms, or some kid got their head stuck in something.
Eddie's saved cats from trees and families from their burning homes. Every day, he goes home smelling like smoke. Eddie wouldn't trade this life for anything else. Not to mention, most of the town laid off his ass too. That was a big plus. No more harassment or being threatened.
His department got a call like normal early that morning. For a small house fire that got a little out of control. Eddie rushed with the rest of his squad and got his uniform on, hopping in the truck.
By the time they got their the fire was pretty much put out thanks to you. Your neighbor was in her eighties, and her cat had knocked her candle off the table. The fire lit up her shaggy curtains in an instant.
The entire squad rushed into her apartment anyway to inspect everything just to make sure it was safe. Eddie went in but came back out to talk to you.
"You put out the fire?" He walked up, taking his helmet off. His uniform stained in old soot. E. Munson was patched on his jacket at the bottom.
You had just helped the paramedics take away your neighbor. She had asked you to watch over her cat for the night. Which you happily agreed to.
You turn around. "Oh, uhh yeah, I did-."
"That could have gotten real ugly next time. Just leave and let us handle it." He walked a little closer. His tone wasn't rude, but it wasn't too friendly at first either.
You nodded, knowing he was right after all. That fire could have gotten really bad very fast. "Hopefully, there won't be a next time."
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck."So you live here long?" Eddie's tone changed to more a friendly one.
His eyes squinted a little as the sun beamed down on him.
You smile and begin to walk away, "Two years."
"Two years? Wow, we get calls here all the time, and this is my first time seeing you." He recalled raising his eyebrows.
Eddie has been called to this apartment building more than he can recall. He knows the people and the building like the back of his hand. One time, it was for a kid who stuck marbles up his nose. The others were for little none dangerous things. But he definitely should have remembered a face like yours by now.
You slowly side by side, "good or bad?"
He stopped walking, and a smirk played on his lips, "I guess in this type of circumstance good."
"So I should start calling for any tiny minor inconvenience?" You turned to face him.
He was about to say something else but was cut off when another fireman yelled for him. "Eddie! It's all clear!"
You watched him throw a thumbs up and look back at you. The sun, his eyes, made his brown eyes almost glow. His hair was tied in a low bun, and he had slight stumble. You noticed a tattoo on his neck peaking out from the collar of his jacket.
He chuckled and went back to your conversation, "If I got to see that pretty face, I think I can let it slide."
Your felt your face get hot, and you cleared your throat. "I bet you would."
Eddie looked down at his hands, taking his gloves off, revealing a few fades scars more tattoos. His voice got a little low, "are you by chance single?"
"I am." You eyed him curiously. "Why do you ask?"
"Jus' wanted to go on one little date." He shrugged.
"Only one?" You questioned. You didn't want to sound offended, but why one date?
"Oh yeah, only need one to convince you in seeing me again." He kept his tone playful and light-hearted.
Eddie can tell he probably insulted you. He definitely didn't want to do that. He was just trying to be flirty.
"You think you can win me over with one little date?" You crossed your arms over your chest.
He stepped closer to you. "Oh, absolutely." His demeanor full of confidence. he was so sure he could woo you into as many dates as you wanted.
"Fine, we'll see if you're right then, Eddie." You bit your cheek trying not to laugh. You took what he said as a challenge. You also won't deny you did like him. You only met him an hour ago. For such short interaction, you felt drawn to him. He this twinkle in his eye that made you want to get to know him.
You and Eddie exchange numbers before you watched him hop back into that big firetruck parked out. He sat in the front seat with an arm hanging out the window. You couldn't look away. You saw him tip his helmet toward you as they pulled off and back to the station.
You hope your first date goes well because you're already planning the second one.
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seramilla · 1 month
Vaggie: What do you mean you knew it?! How?!
Clara: You act a lot like Mama does when she gets growly and protective! Plus you look way too much like mama did when we were alive! I can't believe I was right though! I get to finally be a big sister!
Odette: This explains mama crying...we had all been devastated when we died and thought we'd never get to meet you...But it's nice to officially meet you hermanita.
Carmilla: Sobs and gathers her babies close.
Vaggie hasn't been hugged many times in her afterlife. The first time had probably been Charlie, when her princesa first found the lonely new "Sinner" extremely weak and fighting for her life on the streets of Pentagram City. She'd taken Vaggie home, and nursed her back to health. Her hugs are like a fluffy cloud, or a warm blanket. Welcoming and inviting in their embrace, if not a bit pressurizing and forceful when her bubbly personality starts to come on a little strong.
The second had been Carmilla, of course. Unexpected, and at first overwhelming, it had been entirely different from Charlie's hugs. There had been a sense of protectiveness there, and also a desire to comfort and console. Vaggie had never experienced Carmilla's type of maternal love before -- it was similar to Charlie's way of showing affection, but not controlling or demanding to be felt.
Clara's is somewhere in the middle -- a bit more forceful than she normally likes, but once experienced, Vaggie can't help the lump from forming in her throat. Clara almost threatens to lift her off the ground, she's holding onto Vaggie so hard. Vaggie facilitates it; she has to reach up, but puts her arms around Clara's shoulders. She's standing on tiptoe to do so, but she suddenly wants to be even closer to the girl. She doesn't even care if Clara starts to spin her a little. The demon is happy, and laughing. It starts to rub off on Vaggie, too.
And then Carmilla and Odette are added to the mix, and they're all hugging her at the same time, and wow! Vaggie decides right then there's nothing else like this feeling in the world. Vaggie had once been lost. But now, like the Heavenly song says, Vaggie feels found. Not by one, or even two, but by four entirely different souls who love her, all in their own unique way. Vaggie had never even known there were so many types of ways to be loved. Now that she's had them all, she never wants to let any of them go.
She does have to let go, eventually, however. But of the three of them, Clara is the one who holds on the longest. When she and Vaggie finally step back from each other, there's a genuine smile on both their faces. Vaggie doesn't cry again. It's a near thing, but she's honestly too exhausted to shed any more tears. She's more curious than sad at this point. So before any of them can change the subject, she looks at Clara, because she just has to know.
"How? How did you know?"
Clara laughs again, like Vaggie has just told her a joke, or is trying to pull a fast one on her. When she realizes Vaggie is completely serious, she motions up and down around the angel with her hands, like the answer should be completely obvious.
"Look at you!" Clara exclaims, continuing to motion with her hands. "The hair, the eyes, the way you fight! Even your complexion is the same! Also, you look just like Mama did when she was your age. We had pictures we could show you, if we were still alive...but you'll just have to take my word for it."
Odette steps in, as if to interject, also wanting to say her piece.
"We didn't think much of it when Lucifer asked us to give a sample to see if we were a blood match. Everyone at your Hotel did, too, by the way. Clara said that wasn't what tipped her off...it was just the way Mama acted around you after the fact. She spent an entire day with you at the hospital. You're all she's talked about for days now! Honestly, I feel pretty stupid for not realizing something more was going on here."
Clara nods, and continues on from Odette's line of reasoning. "Yeah! And I overheard Lucifer telling Mama about what Exorcists really are. After that, it was obvious!"
"You didn't tell me that!" Odette accuses her, crossing her arms, and shooting Clara a death glare, like she's just been thoroughly betrayed.
Clara gives Odette a cheeky grin and sticks her tongue out. "You didn't ask!"
Vaggie chuckles, holding her hand to her face to try and hide it from the squabbling sisters. Is this what it feels like, she wonders? To argue? To bond? To throw around silly quips at one another without getting offended, because you know it's all in good fun?
Is this what it feels like, to be sisters?
Carmilla decides to move into the sisterhood circle just then. Maybe it's her maternal instincts doing damage control, putting a stop to Clara and Odette's verbal and physical sparring match before it unfolds on the floor right in front of her. Or maybe she just wants to hug Vaggie some more. Because she does. Vaggie finds she doesn't care about the actual reason. The way Carmilla pulls her into her embrace now is far less strained and awkward, and much more natural, than before.
She falls into it like a habit; like she's been doing it forever. Carmilla's hugs are just as warm as Charlie's. She could definitely get used to this, Vaggie thinks. For the rest of her afterlife, if not longer.
"My girl," Carmilla says softly into Vaggie's ear, starting to choke up all over again, breathing softly into her hair. Seeing the overlord Carmilla Carmine cry for her, with her, will never not be novel for Vaggie.
Carmilla, her mother, is practically lifting the fallen angel off the ground, to draw her in even closer.
"Mi hija. My baby. I'm so glad that I've found you at last. Welcome home, mi hermosa."
"Gracias, Mamá," Vaggie responds, and fuck, if that doesn't sound so odd and foreign rolling off Vaggie's tongue. But it also feels so perfectly normal, and so right. Just like Carmilla, Odette, and Clara's hugs, she could easily get used to saying those things, as well.
Vaggie sends a message to Charlie later that evening, to let her know she's staying at Carmilla's overnight: "Don't wait up for me, hon. We have a lot to catch up on. I'll be back home in the morning. Love you!
Charlie responds with an ungodly barrage of heart and smiley face emojis, followed by an enthusiastic string of letters in all caps: "I LOVE YOU, TOO, SO MUCH, VAGGIE!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, SWEETIE!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT!!! YOU BETTER TELL ME EVERYTHING AND NOT LEAVE ANYTHING OUT!!!"
Vaggie smiles. She won't leave anything out. She has a lot of firsts to catch up on with her family in the coming days, so she puts her phone back in her pocket, and takes that first step.
She quite literally has all the time in the world now. But being the impatient individual that she is, she'll see how much of it she can cram into that first night. Carmilla had mentioned some of Clara and Odette's embarrassing baby stories earlier, when they'd all been around the dinner table. Thank Heaven, Vaggie thinks, that she doesn't have any of those.
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walrus150915 · 9 months
Since you liked my rambling abt my random Nimona headcanons, here's part 2
- Starting off with the queen (rip), I think her white hair is actually a wig and she has some gorgeous greying tight curls under it
- There was a thingy "the Boldheart project" which was created when Bal got accepted into the Institute's knight program. "The project" followed his progress in training to figure out if commoners were able to train as good as nobles. If he completed the course successfully, the reform would be set (sry I like talking abt fantasy politics- yea, putting responsibility on a literal child to become a figure of "equality" is... Sure a strategy)
Let's stop with the politics amirite
- Ambrosius sings in the shower. First it was like quiet humming n stuff but when him and Bal start living together this guy's shower was akin to opera (hah- soap opera- get it-)
- Ambrosius would be a type of a rich dude who fantasizes about living on his own and providing for himself and having this sweet humble suburban way of life with his husband until he actually starts living this way (he's a literal nepo baby- cmon the habits will be there even if he tries being independent)
Ambrosius: Bal, I don't get why I keep burning my bread! It's the second time I fail!
Ballister: Practice makes perfect, darling
Ambrosius: But these KitKoters make it look so easy😭😭
- He catches up gradually tho. Bal is very understanding, Nimona is having a lot of fun with this
- Does fun include bullying Ambrosius for not knowing how to remove plants to the bigger pots?. Yea kinda
- Nimona's hanging out with the kingdom's kids from time to time. She goes out of her way to make them laugh or make them feel happy in general. It heals her inner child, in a way
- Even though she hangs out with them from a perspective of a cool older shapeshifting punk sibling, she still feels like their peer and can't help but transform into her child form sometimes
- idk I think Nimona shapeshifts into a child pretty often if she feels overwhelmed or emotionally devastated or just wants to be taken care of
- Ballister does take care of her
Wow this got sad fast. Anyway
- Ambrosius is left-handed but was forced to relearn because the perfect descendant of Gloreth cannot be left-handed, it's abnormal🤓
- Ballister can't help but go 😬 when either Ambrosius or Nimona take food with their left hand while eating. Yeah technically eating with his flesh hand would be easier for him. No he won't do that for the life of him (saying hi to all Muslims out there)
- Ballister decides to grow out a real beard and Nimona thinks it's the coolest thing ever to play with during their family quality time. Ambrosius also likes this change in his looks but for rather uh... gay different reasons😁
If we're talking about gay stuff I might just as well talk abt some Goldenheart hcs
- When they've only started dating Ballister had a really difficult time with the eye contact bc Ambrosius's loving gaze was too much to handle for him. He'd see how gentle and soft his eyes are and how they're filled with complete adoration to the top and just look away all blushy and smitten
- I think we as a fandom agree that Ambrosius's love language is arm chopping physical touch. Have you considered how important kisses can be to him in expressing his love tho
- Ambrosius LOVES kissing Ballister. He's probably kissed him everywhere if you think about it-
- But yea. He steals kisses from Bal as often as he can. Boo goes to work? Kiss him goodbye. Boo gets back? Kiss him goodhi - doesn't matter where😉
- His favorite place to kiss is probably Bal's neck bc he just likes nuzzling into it and making him all flustered
- Ballister loves kissing Ambrosius as well. His favorite thing ever is press kisses into Ambrosius's hair while they're lying down on the couch, Ambrosius's head on Ballister's chest n his arms around Ballister's torso. It makes them both feel very soft and warm and safe❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
- (teenage years) You know this type thing when kittens playfully fight each other and jump onto each other and bite and stuff? Yea that's teenage Goldenheart
- (a little older than teenage years) current sparring trend in the writer part of the fandom. That's it. You know damn well what I'm talking about
- At some point their private training sessions became the reason they succeeded in combat and got the highest of marks
Okay gay stuff is over
- Nimona has some pretty dark humor but draws the line at the things that could really trigger her or other people. Joking about burning everything down? Of course. Joking about... Well... The act 3 of the movie? Nope, never
- Nate Knight (do ya remember him?) does drag in his off-duty time haha RuPaul hi
- Ballister snores in his sleep bc he's a dad like that
- Ballister also is a type of dad to sleep on the couch while watching TV, and when you turn it off he wakes up and tells you he's been watching it this whole time
- Both Nimona and Ambrosius encourage Ballister to speak his mother tongue more often bc he used to hide it at the Institute
- Nimona scrunches her nose when she tries to remember things
- Ballister snaps his fingers while remembering stuff, especially in "Huh... What's the word for..." situations (he just like me fr)
- Nimona loves biting pencils and pens but sometimes she bites too hard and they break in half or something
- I feel like her stomach is iron. This punk can eat an eraser or swallow a knife or drink lava-hot water and all she'll do is burp maybe
- After leaving the Institute Ambrosius would have one hell of existential crisis. All he's dedicated his life to for all these years were lies and propaganda, what's the purpose of his life now? He tries out as many new things as he can - baking, painting, singing, playing musical instruments, photography, even science (with Bal's help ofc) my dude has tried it all. He sometimes felt worthless bc his life had no greater purpose but Bal and Nimona would reassure him that living happily with people who love him is more than enough and that you don't have to be the greatest person ever to live the best life. Find joy in the smallest of things n stuff😌
- Ballister has found ways to renovate his arm and made a bunch of new prosthetics for different purposes. I feel like he'd use a hook as well sometimes (as I've heard from the disabled community, hook is a very comfortable aid). No I'm not talking about that one post about his prosthetic's... renovations (😳) from the fan acc I follow
On this quite interesting note I'll end the post😁
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luvscrazy · 7 months
“If it’s meant to be it’ll be.” PT.1
Ex’s to lovers 🤍
Part 2 Part 3
Summary: You and Han have been dating for 3 months but have been best friends for a long time and one day while you’re getting ready you get an unexpected text from him.
Warnings: Angst (sorta)
Han Jisung x Fem Reader
Your received a text from Han while getting ready for his return after the tour. You picked up your phone instantly very eager to see what he had to say.
“Y/N look, I can’t do this anymore. I can’t handle your mood swings lately and overall I can’t handle this relationship and my career right now, so it’s best if we go our separate ways”. - Han.
She stared at the text in shock, tears streamed down her face with her mascara spreading all over her face.
“Really Han? 3 days after our 3 months? We were good this week! What changed?” - Y/N.
Her tears covered the phone screen.
“Okay well you know the girl who did my makeup for the tour? Yeah we hit it off and we have the same interest and she doesn’t piss me off like you do.” - Han.
She was furious and she started fast typing,
“I knew it! You told me I had nothing to worry about? Wow you said You loved me more and that you were the “loyal” one, while I’m over-here not talking to any guys nor am I interested! Even when they hit on me.” - Y/N.
“We’re just not good together y/n im sorry but it’s for the best.” - Han.
She looked at the text and didn’t wanna respond. Another text came through.
“If it’s meant to be it’ll be Y/N”.
She looked at it and left him on read.
“I hate you so much!” She screamed to herself and she threw her phone back on her bed. She went to take her makeup off and her outfit she recently bought for Han, she through that away asap. “Am I just that replaceable!?” She sat on her bed and thought to herself. “How could he move on that easily!” She yelled. She walked downstairs basically dragging herself to her fridge and binge eating cause that’s all she had to look forward to. She turned the tv on and look who it was Han. She closed the channel quickly.
Hans Pov:
I looked at our messages once again, still left on read.
“Dude are you really going out with this?” Felix asked.
“Yeah, why am I gonna be with someone who I don’t love anymore and makes my life harder?” Han replied.
“I don’t know but I feel like you’re making a mistake a really bad one.” Felix said.
“Well this is my choice and I feel like it’s the right one.” Han stared at Felix.
“Okay okay” Felix responded.
Han grabbed his things to exit the airport with the other members. Once they walked out paparazzi was everywhere. People had their cameras filming for them to appear on tv, He waved to them maybe hoping Y/N would see them on tv.
Their cars arrived to pick them up and during the car ride he was silent. He got a text from what he was hoping would be from you it was from the makeup artist. He smiled but he’d rather it be yours?. He shook it off and texted her back “Yeah I’ll be free later on I’m going to a hotel with the members.” - Han.
“Okay!” - MA (makeup artist)
He turned his phone back off with his music playing as he fell asleep in the car. When he woke up they arrived. All the members got thee luggage and Han and Felix shared a room. Changbin and Chan in the other. Hyunjin and Minho in another. Lastly Seungmin and I.N in the last room. They walked up to their rooms and got everything unpacked.
“Some of my clothes are missing” Han said to himself but somehow Felix heard it.
“Yeah cause you gave some to Y/N.” Felix replied.
“Oh yeah..” Han whispered.
“Well I’ll text her and ask to get them back” Han said.
“After all that!?” Felix said shockingly.
“Yeah?” Han said.
“Good luck.” Felix said.
Han rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone and went to your contact.
“Hey can I have my clothes back? Or anything you have of mine?”- Han.
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bronwiebear-brad · 10 months
Somebody to you, part 5
Warnings: this fictional story will include mature content, language, and themes including but not limited to violence and nsfw content. Storie line before covid. The male lead bears no likeness to the real Brad Simpson apart from PHYSICAL APPEARANCE. Please if you’re not confortable with this type of content, do NOT read. You were advised.
“Fuck, I need a drink” you said and he looked at you.
“Yeah” he humorously said.
“Come on then!” You said to him, unbuckling the belt and opening the door.
He raised his eyebrow, following you closely. Were you really inviting him to your house?
It was precisely 23pm and you two were coming up. The jazz music from the elevator disguised your fast heartbeat.
He was nervous and tried to hide it by tapping his fingers to the melody.
Once you were there, he left his shoes on the entry and followed you to the kitchen area.
You started to take out the cups from the cabinets and he talked.
“Are the drinks still in the living room?” He asked ready to help you.
“Yeah the one with-“
“The TV. Got it” he completed your sentence remembering where did you organized the bottles.
You smiled to yourself, luckily he didn’t noticed.
“Do you want to mixed it?” You asked as soon as he arrived.
“Sure.” He said. You were surprised to see that he kept it simple by making a simple gin, not that much alcohol and more sparkling water.
You took one sip carefully and it was really good.
“Oh wow “ you hummed. He smiled and took one sip aswell.
“I don’t want us to get wasted” he added and you smiled.
One year ago he would make some weird drink mix and likely would end the night very drunk, saying and doing things he shouldn’t.
After that you both sat on the couch talking. You shared funny stories of things that happened during the time you were apart and that made you feel close.
“So Jo said she needed to pee and started doing it in the middle of the street! we almost got arested in italy” you rolled your eyes.
“Thats wild. But at least you went to Italy. You’ve always wanted to go there” He remembered.
“Yeah. How do you remember?”
“That’s all you could talk about when you read that Sally Rooney book” he dramatically said and you punched his arm gently.
“Yeah right“ you rolled your eyes and laughed.
A few seconds of silence and you were felling good. Talking with this new Brad. You could tell that something was different. You guess it was the non alcohol influence in him. He was so much more enjoyable and social that way. You wished he could realise that.
“This is nice” he said looking at his cup.
“What do you mean?” You asked after taking a sip on your drink.
“This. Us. I like being with you like this”
“Just talking and not fucking?” You said trying not to laugh. He almost spit his drink.
“Wh-wow” he said between coughs.
You noticed his cheeks turning red. “But yes”
“It was not that bad” you said proudly.
He liked this bold you and wanted to challenge it.
“It wasn’t” he added.
Silence fell between you two and the blush on your cheeks gave away the thoughts of you and him.
“Its a big house!” You said excited while he guided you through the house halls. “Tris has a mansion!”
“Its his stepfather’s house. They travel a lot so he trows parties every week.” He said unbothered.
“Oh” your mouth parted as you listened Brad. “Can we try the pool?” You asked.
“Obviously, I want to see that bikini of yours” he looked back and blinked at you.
“Come, babygirl” his hand on yours. He entered a bedroom and closed the door after you.
The room was big. A big bed in the center plus a big closet and a massive window showing the purple pink sky above the mountains.
“Why did you..” you started but got interrupted by Brad’s lips and he started to kiss you passionately.
You returned it smiling. His body pressing you softly against the wooden door and his hands gently around your neck. You felt his knee coming up and touch you between your legs.
“Up. Up.” He demanded as he grabbed your tights and you jumped. Putting them around his waist.
He took advantage to press his body into yours. Your denim jeans could already feel below his swimming trunks how bad he needed you.
“I want to try something” you said between kisses and his eyebrow lifted. You continued. “I want to make you feel good” you said and your legs slowly fell of his waist.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“Do you trust me?” You asked and moved in front of him.
His back against the door while he smiled.
“With my life” he said and you kissed him sweetly on the lips. You could see he wanted more when you pulled apart by his face.
“Take your shirt off” you said.
His hand raised to take of his hat but you stopped.
“No no no. Leave it” you smiled. you loved to see him with it backwards.
After he took of his shirt you kissed his chest. Your mouth was slowly moving down and he only realized what you were about to do when your knees hit the floor.
“Love” he grabbed your hands. “Are you sure about this?” He looked down adorably.
“Yes. You always make me feel so good. Its my turn babe” you blinked your lashes a few times smiling and he softly laid back. He couldn’t take the sweetness.
You swallowed and your hands moved to unzip his trunks. When you did it he gathered your hair with one hand and gently put it in a ponytail.
You looked up at him and he blinked at you giving you the confidence you needed…”
“See, I can tell that you’re remembering it right now”
“What??? No!” You huffed lying.
“Oh really?”
“So the red on your cheeks? The way you clenched your legs together? Your troat dry as a desert?” He lifted one eyebrow. A smug smile on his face.
“Did you forget that we used to date? … cleary not because you were just thinking about that right now!” He said laughing and you wanted to disappear.
You two looked at eachother and couldn’t contain the laughter.
“What you said back there in the car… was it true?” You asked curiously. The change of subject made him look you.
“I meant every word” he answered.
“So why didn’t you tell me?” You asked serious.
“You changed your number. You weren’t opening th-..” you interrupted him.
“I wasn’t here.” he got muted. “I went to my parents house”
“I tried. I stood 3 days outside your door hoping you would leave or arrive. By the fourth Tris came and made me realise maybe you weren’t home. I left my door opened for one month in case I might heard you” he paused. He humorously said that last part.
“I started drinking everyday. Took some pills that made me feel kinda awesome because I couldn’t think of you. I left my apartment next door because it became expensive for the lifestyle I adopted.” He looked at his cup and wet his lips.
“Gave up eating. Gave up sleeping. All my thoughts went to that little pink pill… “ he rolled his eyes at himself. “I couldn’t get it. It became an expensive hobby so I started working for this guy…”
“To do what?” You interrupted him.
“I went after people who didn’t pay him” he simple say.
“He pay me enough and I got to try all the shit I wanted, so I stopped thinking of you”
You were listening carefully.
“And thats when it got scary” his eyes looking at yours serious. “I couldn’t remember your face, didn’t recognize your voice in my thoughts. And everytime I was sobber I was desperate…” your hand immediately hold his as he smiled at you, he gently caressed it back. The warm made you calm.
“Eventually I found an old friend of mine, James, he’s the owner of the gym.. he helped me. He said I could crash at his place, he took me out of the shithole.”
You were listening carefully.
“So you sobbered up”
“Yes. The night we met again was the first in a long time that I took that shit again”
“And you-“
“And I came back to you, yes” he completed your sentence.
“Wow” was all you could say.
“So how’s your year so far?” He laughed.
“Not that frenetic as yours. But spent some time with my parents recovering because I couldn’t be alone” you said and he felt guilty. “Went to italy with the girls. Started my last year of college. Girls wanted me to go out again… “ you laughed remembering it.
“Oh you need to tell me that!”
“It was weird. I met this guy in my class and we ended up having the same project”
He smiled looking at you explaining.
“So we spent a lot of time together studying and shit. He asked me out and I said yes. He was cute and-“ you stopped realising that maybe you shouldn’t be telling this story.
“No no no! go on… seriously it’s totally fine” he calmly said. You found intriguing that he was okay. The Brad you remember was the jealous type.
“Okay… and we ended up at his apartment..” you tried not to mind.
“So no experience?”
“No. He came in 2 seconds” you rolled your eyes and he laughed.
“Poor guy” he said. “Probably the situation was too much for the lad”
“Yeah the little lad”” you joked
“No way??!?”
“Yeah…” you looked down. “And you any dating stories?”
“No.” He simple said.
“Really? No hookups? No one night stands? No dates?”
He balanced his head no.
“Okay who are you and what have you done with Bradley?”
“Ouch” He pretended to be offended but laughed as well.
The living room went silent.
“I wasn’t joking when I said that I couldn’t stop thinking about you” he said smiling and looking down. You saw his cheeks turning pink and that gave him an adorable look.
“So you’re…” you joke to light the moment.
“Yes, darling” the way he said darling in his acent, brought you back a few moments. The exact same tone you heard long time ago and you couldn’t stop smiling at that.
At first you felt bad for letting him into your house again. Due to the first circumstances but now you were feeling quite happy to be spending quality time with him.
“So what kind of classes you give on the gym?” You changed the subject again.
“The ones where I train people to gain strength“ he proudly said.
“Oh that’s nice “ you smiled.
“Yeah you should stop by! On tuesdays we give defense classes for woman”
“I always wanted to try” you said excited.
“It’s settled then” he said smiling.
A few minutes went by in silence until he talked again.
“Look I have to go, it’s pretty late” he said looking at you.
“Oh…” you said checking the time on your phone. “its okay if you don’t want to go”
“I don’t want to bother” he said ready to stand at the same time as you. So you both stood up really close to each other.
“You don’t” you said low to his face looking at his lips, while he licked them nervously. You looked at his eyes and his gaze was on you. you smiled.
“Oops” you said not moving.
“Yeah” he said smiling as well.
“You’re nervous” you said noticing his breath.
“You’re breathtaking” he respond. His hand grabbed yours and place then above his heart. You felt his fast heartbeat and your mouth opened in awe.
“You want to kiss me” you said biting your lip. You wanted too.
“Since I bumped into you in the street” he said.
“So do it” you challenged him and close the gap between your bodies.
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limitless-rose · 1 year
Stray Kids as weird habits/quirks of mine:
Yes, that's how I act, I'm sorry 🙃
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˚ ♡ ⋆.˚ Bang Chan: Randomly flirting on accident but unable to actually flirt on command. I can openly make 'flirty/suggestive' comments and throw 3 (very) inappropriate jokes in a row to casually respond in a conversation, to the point where my male friends keep assuming I'm flirting with them (I'm really not, that's how I act around people In comfortable with). But if you put me in front of someone I have a crush on, I become hella awkward, I can't even ask them a casual question without somehow messing up, make it make sense 🤷‍♀️ (why did Daddy Issues start playing while I was typing this last part, ffs)
˚ ♡ ⋆.˚ Lee Know: Passive aggressive, semi offensive, sarcastic but still caring comments. Well, just being 'cold' and moody in general. At this point, I get a genuine compliment and turn it into a self depricating joke. Even in deep, meaningful conversations, I tend to throw in dark comments. My fellow STAY friend has actually said that I give off Lee Know energy sooo here it is, I guess 😅
˚ ♡ ⋆.˚ Changbin: Talking loud and fast when I'm excited. Like, I could just be casually talking to my friends about, let's say, cartoons, and once I find out we all watch the same thing, I verbally keyboard smash, lol (you should see me when I find out people I hang out with listen to artists I really like, the other day I found out a girl we met recently is a fan of Weekend and Chase Atlantic, and the scream I let out, gosh). I also do this when I'm really irritated, annoy me enough (or talk shit about something I'm passionate about) and I'm competing with Jisung Changbin Seungmin on who can talk the fastest. I'm talking angry rapper Kim Seokjin level, that's how I am 😂
˚ ♡ ⋆.˚ Hyunjin: Doing my makeup and dressing up when I'm home alone for no apparent reason. Mainly during spring/summer, because in the winter I'm a depressed potato sack, mood so low I procrastinate getting out of bed 🤣 But yeah, it makes no sense, I take my time to get dolled up just to take a hundred selfies (half of which I hate and probably delete) and then go back to watching dramas while eating takeout in my hoodie. Stupid but honestly a nice little confidence boost, a fun activity between crying sessions imo.
˚ ♡ ⋆.˚ Han: Platonically calling my close friends 'babes', 'honey', 'lovely/my love', 'sweetheart' etc (I have also considered using 'papi chulo' as a joke 😂) It just happens mid-convo, especially when a friend can't decide on something. Usually in a passive-aggressive tone, like "Sweetheart, we talked about this a million times already, can you shut up?" or "My love, can you please wait for ONE fucking moment so I can finish doing this?" (and then I use 'dude' and 'bro' romantically, wow Noni, you and your weird brain 👏)
˚ ♡ ⋆.˚ Felix: Baking sweets out of the blue and sharing them with friends/family. I find it surprisingly relaxing compared to cooking (why does it feel so fast paced, lol) and seeing people enjoying what I've made makes me really happy 😊 Not saying I dislike cooking, I'd just rather make chocolate chip cookies at my own pace than stress over the second failed fried egg and the burned bacon 🙂
˚ ♡ ⋆.˚ Seungmin: Jotting down my dreams either in my notes app or in a journal (if they're interesting enough) mostly because I leave sarcastic remarks on them in the margins (might make a post about that) So when I want to have a laugh, I go back to them because they're so random and stupid but they always crack me up 😅
˚ ♡ ⋆.˚ I.N: Collecting plushies. Listen, I'm a simple person; I see something adorable and really cuddly, I buy it (if only it was this easy with relationships too, lmao). I can't help myself when I see cute things, especially with stuffies, like look at their eyes and their small smile and their fluffy bodies and their little arms, so cuteeeee 🥺 Yes, I already have a bunch of teddy bears and other plushies but that won't stop me from getting more of these cuties (also I really want a SKZOO? Like look at them, they're adorbz 💕 but I can't choose between Wolfchan and PuppyM 😭)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Hope you enjoyed this post 🖤
Feel free to drop post ideas in the comments ᵔᴗᵔ
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6 & 8 for the Cursed and deranged fanfic writer Q&A? Super curious!! <3
anon is talking about this ask game (still open)!!
number 6 (What nasty/evil/maladjusted character traits do you enjoy exploring in your little meow-meows?) has already been answered, but to make up for it i just picked another one at random that hadn't already been chosen - i hope number 4 is okay!
4. Do you write in public? Like where people can see your screen?
oh yeah absolutely - not on purpose, but it's just convenient sometimes! i've written on the train, on the tube, on the bus, in the library... and while i generally try to keep my screen away from anyone's line of sight, especially during the more explicit bits, my philosophy is that if they're sneaking a look at my screen without me knowing, they should be prepared to be surprised!
(i mean, it's not like i'm watching videos or anything - i'm literally just sitting there typing away on a google doc, so you couldn't just accidentally catch a glimpse of something bad from all the way across the room or something!)
(fun fact: i was writing part of kingdom come on my laptop while i was on the train back to university, and the poor ticket collector (who was clearly just trying to be nice) asked me what i was working on and looked down at my screen - i shut my laptop screen as fast as i could, but i'm fairly sure she saw what it was bc she immediately went 'ohokaythat'snicethankyouhaveaniceday' and moved onto the next person in the carriage - and i do not blame her one single bit because i too was [head in hands] at that moment)
8. What internet research have you had to do for a fic that's most likely to have put you on a watch list?
oh there has been a lot yikes um
(gore + cannibalism + immolation warning under the cut!)
for a (currently untitled) vincent and alexis wip, i fell down a quite disturbing internet rabbit hole about what different human organs taste like - all i can say is that wow when we get to that bit we will be glossing over it with NOT a lot of detail wow
the ending of wrapped up in clover was originally going to be a LOT more graphic - however i got about ankle-deep in web pages about what exactly happens when a human is burnt alive and quickly decided that maybe it would be better to leave it a little more open-ended!
for resist and elongate i spent quite a while looking up things about prison layouts, structures, break-ins, break-outs etc etc - which by itself is not THAT concerning, but combined with the simultaneous things i was looking up about what a human body looks like when it's sliced in half, i think that might have put me on a list somewhere
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safyresky · 1 year
Bernack! Fusion Lawyer
A late night treat for u all that I promised AGES ago, please enjoy the most unhinged instalment of Fusion AU: Bernack (have yet to think of a decent name for them u just cannot mix Jack/Bernard's names it just does not work. Jernard? BACK?!?!?!? BARACK? OBAMA?!?!?!?!!?!?!?), Fusion Lawyer.
I have barely edited these notes. I have only made them legible (3am Dani has bad spelling which is funny bc it's already atrocious with how fast I type) and I am NOT joking about the time this was originally written at:
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Please note that these are like BARE BONES ideas. LORD KNOWS (now that I have reread it) if this is still the situation I'd have fucking bernACK appear in, but A TREAT FOR U ALL ANYWAY. I HOPE.
AHEM. Let's begin.
It starts with a dare to Jacqueline, with love, ur horrible friend Charlie
they're chatting about some odd and strange magical things, and Charlie cracks a joke about Leprechauns and gold
to which Jacqueline replies "dude. that's legit. And you know gnomes? garden gnomes? yeah they're accurate to size you see in stores and they constantly throw hands with the leprechauns about who owns the gold
Charlie is like. ur fucking me
Jacqueline's like I am NOT! I will even bring you over and SHOW U
Charlie's like BET!
And Jacqueline goes AIGHT CHOOSE A DAY
Anyway Charlie ends up being unavailable but he has activated his pal's trap card and Jacqueline, of course, hunts down Elle
"hey dude," she says, once she finds Elle. "wanna go stake out some gnomes and leprechauns so I can win a bet against Charlie?"
And Elle is like "It's March. OF FUCKING COURSE I DO. Nothing's happening round these parts rn let's fucking GO BESTIE
So off they fuck!
And after a very strange series of events, Elline is around, and she is fucking RUNNING from the leprechaun authorities bc they think she is stealing the gold
She fails and is captured by them
They think she is a gnome spy
Elline is like "I'm really not? I'm a sprelf, and I'm just tryin to prove a point to my horrible friend Charlie who constantly makes silly challenge bets with me and they end up like this
which is funny bc we're always like "wow our legends need to stop having silly contests that end with trouble"
"I'm half hypocrite on the sprite side"
Elline is like really I'm not a spy. not a gnome spy. i swear. i dont even want the gold. i get paid v well and have so much pirate treasure it's fine honest
and the leprechauns are like THEN WHY ARE YA COMING OVER FROM THE GNOME FRONTIER?!@?!?!
Elline is like.
This is a goddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation dot jpeg
Charlie runs into B, who's like, hey, have you seen Elle?
And Charlie's like maybe! I think she's out with Jacqueline. See, Jacquie and I were gonna do a thing, but I had another thing, but I finished the thing early and was going to call Jacqueline out on the gnome and leprechaun thing, but she's not around at all
and nor is Elle! So I'm guessing she took Elle with her instead!
Bernard, knowing full well how those two magibeans be: oh FUCK
Prior to this, Charlie ran into Jack who was like hey junior. you seen Jacqueline around
and he said the same thing to Jack!
Jack, also knowing full well how those two magibeans be: OH FUCK
are they talking about elle/jacquie or the gnomes/leprachauns? we'll never know (it's the latter but this works for the former too I am realizing)
And Elline is like I HAD A POINT TO PROVE
so off they fuck and go to post bail and the leprechauns go oh no no NO. THEY are getting a TRIAL. We can't let the gnomes think we don't know. They need to know. They need to know we know their TRICKS.
And the front desk leprechaun goes "oh NO you do NOT. closed court, only the plaintiff, defendant, lawyers, etc. no visitors. unless ur their lawyer which i KNOW ur not. so BYE."
Jack and B are FUMING
B: I'm head fucking ELF I know enough about magibean law to be a LAWYER.
B: you did-you-what? why?!
Jack: long story. got bored, needed to make the law work for me, went to law school.
so anyway. some kinda crazy discussion happens for sure that ends in ELLINE NEEDS A LAWYER
They're like this is batshit insane. absolutely crazy
but you know, so is leprechaun court, and gnome court???? gods forbid
they have a brief discussion about concerns given that when jack fused with elle, they had to get separated by force courtesy of berline, v scaring and scarring, very jarring, do NOT want a repeat of that
but in the end they can put aside their differences/worries/concerns bc their loved ones are in TROUBLE.
so they do it. they fucking fuse.
you know slannen the elf from ella enchanted? yeah. That's basically bernack
he appears, he looks SO normal. It's actually surprising.
he has a briefcase
he knows a LOT about LAWYER STUFF
they are the ULTIMATE lawyer
they have the boston accent
they shove over some leprechauns like IM WALKIN HERE
they go BACK to the front desk, put their card down (which somehow they have an official business card???)
"I'm here to represent elline. it's non negotioable"
and BARGES into the courtroom
And Bernack is like this is me slash us getting your asses out of LEPRECHAUN jail. this was so stupid. why did you do this.
Okay shut up, don't say ANYTHING. let me do the talking
Elline is like. I am concerned about this but also, intrigued
She like. does the thing where u zip ur lips and throw away the key
Bernack is like good choice. Also, keep an eye on me, if this goes south we'll need to pull a jackington
Elline (unzips lips) how would u like your death
Bernack: the less memes the better
Elline, the meme loving fuck: i make no promises (rezips lips, folds hands, sits and smiles)
Elline is basically ready to stab That Bitch at any given moment, but also, living for the chaos that is about to ensue
and chaos DOES ensue
the trial is stupid. it's rigged. bernack has to run loop holes around loop holes around loop holes. That's okay tho that's his specialty, loopholes and clauses
there is an ace attorney reference. multiple maybe even
this is SPARTA reference that ends with Elline kicking someone
but ANYWAY the trial is beyond frustrating because the leprechauns are STUBBORN and WANT to make a big move like showing the gnomes their spy apprehended, and so finally bernack is like I am AT my LIMIT and snaps their fingers or something and suddenly, fire!!
Of course, Bernack immediately thinks ARSON?????
He's perturbed but also. Intrigued. And also, burning the courtroom sounds great at this point it's been HOURS
And Elline thinks back, thrice as loud, ARSON! BURN IT DOWN! DO IT! LET'S BUST OUR ASSES OUT OF HERE. AHHHH
You'll never guess what they do
FIRE. That's what
And they trash the courthouse and book it
They win the case by default
Bernack's like TOLD YA I'D GET YOU OUT OF THERE as something explodes
Bernack's like COOL GUYS DONT LOOK BACK AT EXPLOSIONS as he pulls out shades and rushes away without looking behind him
I don't THINK they'd need to be forced apart. Pretty sure Jack and Bernard would be like "I've had enough of this guy" and just like. poof back to themselves
But not before giving Elline a piece of their mind
they high five and get iced cream or something.
idk man.
I feel like these are the most chaotic fusions that could exist. Chaotic in positive???? ways?????
Anyway back at the NP Elline kicks down the door to Charlie's room like GOT UR PROOF BUCKO, AND WE GOT TO DESTROY A COURTHOUSE!
And Charlie's like ): NOT because he was proven wrong but bc he did not get to destroy things with them ):
and that's the story of BERNACK! FUSION LAWYER!
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awigglycultist · 2 years
I'm finally finally watching it, it took me nearly two weeks but I'm finally rewatching Solve It Squad Takes A Chill Pill. I loved this episode when I watched SISBIB when it first came out. It was easily my favorite, and sitting here now typing this out just before I press play on the video thinking back to it, I still think it was an amazing episode. Do I don't really know why it took me nearly two weeks to rewatch it. Does have something to do with Robert Manion being in the episode? Yeah sure maybe. But, I'm pretty okay with watching stuff he's been in bc I'm easily able to look at it amd separate him from the character. So I don't know what happened this time. But I'm watching it now. So here we go: SIS Takes A Chill Pill rewatch thoughts
And uh warning: I'm gonna be talking about Robert's characters, and I will be calling things he does/his characters do funny and such
"oh I love my some of Sugar Daddies tasty holes!" "...I'm sure you do Keith."
I don't think interrupting their REM cylce would be the only way to get Esther to kill you
"Ha! Got em!" Keith they're talking about all of the team, you included
The growing emptiness deep inside :)
God Keith's blinding love for Gwen you stupid stupid idoit
"uh actually I'm gender no-conforming" "and Keith is gender non-coherant" still absolutely gets me
"we all got what we wanted! 'Cept Scrags!"
Also Scrags' face throughout this whole opening nddjdj
Just. Once again. The theme song >>
"Dark and edgy reboot of... The Magic School Bus."
Scrags folding clothes isn't gonna take all day you can get to that later
"hey their gals and non binary pals!" implies this place only serves women and enbies or that Taylor just immediately clocked Esther
"mm yum!"
Goth Jojo Siwa!
"do you have kids Uncle Scrogtaski?" "uh well I used to have a dog so :).. No." "did the dog die? Did you watch? When was the moment you knew its soul had left its earthly meat sack?" sjdodk also I forgot how terrifying Paris also also I still think Scrags' full name should not be spelled like that
"well I think society sets unrealistic expectations for women and because men are threatened-" "how fast can you drive?"
Back to wives :)
"people 👏 do 👏 this 👏 in 👏 movies 👏 sister!"
Molly isn't drugs!
Jeez I forgot how gross the gas station bathroom was
"soo. You are. In school :)..."
SCRAGS FACE DURNING "wether you think we should abolish the police?" SJSIDJDJ
Aw I forgot about about this little moment with Keith and Cam
Nice try Scrags.
"he can try :)"
"you need tiny hands to make tiny phones." djdj
Jddkdjd I kinda forgot about Gwen making fun of fanfiction
YEAH WOO NICHOLAS IS CRYING I love Corey smiling everytime Nicholas cries
Bleach your asshole!
How rich is Gwen exactly? Bc. They've touched a lot.
Scrags my beloved
"I pooped" "congrats don't take that for granted as you get older"
Do 8 Yr olds still poop their pants? I feel like they shouldn't still be pooping their pants? But idk much about kids
The lengths Keith will go to win over Gwen's kids is really sweet
"and bring a bucket and mop for the wet ass plushies" idc how dated some of the jokes and references in the episode (and the others as well but especially this one I think) are and how in the future that's going to date the even more. I still think very much think it's funny and enjoy them
Paris thinking Keith and Scrags are engaged also the fact that Scrags nods in agreement with this
I forgot just how much the episode said Esther x Gwen rights
On boy stocks!
"you knooww?" I doo :) " "yeahhh :)"
Pizza Rat! Genuinely shocked no one's talked about the Pizza Rat mascot bc. Wow
"fuck Scrags are we old?"
"no the arcade version is totally different!" "how so?" "it's bigger!"
"and with your brain and my.... brain?"
Dreamy Creamy :)
Keith says ACAB!
Taylor you dummy
"those shitty kids look an awful lot like my shitty kids"
"but we're gonna rough him up at the station!" "uh we're not gonna go for that" "we'll barely touch him!" sbdjdb
"it'll be like we're dealing with a caplist insurrectionist!" christ. I very much forgot that was referenced.
Ew god this flirting
"Nicky? Nick? Bro am I getting off? Am I free to go??"
The episode ending with Keith singing a Blink 182 in a prison cell. Is great.
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fr3akinthecorner · 7 months
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hey do u remember when u came over to my house a couple of months ago? yes i do remember that how in the fuck did u do that? the thing u did? my secrets! don't tell anyone i won't i promise u should come back it was fun! and i'm less scared of u now u were scared of me? yeah only bc u are really famous i was sad when u didn't walk with me to the store :( u are a cute guy please come back to my house ok that's enough begging ill leave u alone no! don't stop u have a wonderful singing voice btw but wait hahahaha i wasn't singing that night? i know ;) interesting ah hahah lol i liked your green and blue shirt u were wearing thank u! ok so him? yes him ok well ur a baddie i have to come back i think u do! we talked for awhile yea we did what are u doing now? just this and i might listen to p1harmony rn oh my group?? yes ur group ok so u like us?! yea i do cool ok so how many guys have u fucked? omg ok well like 9? that many? really really really? were they good to u? no ok so do u know what we call it? yea ywa i know that it's not real sex it's little flickys retard nation WHAT THE FUCK yea ok i was gonna say something like that ok but no when we fuck its gonna be fantastic like diamonds hmm really? diamonds? ok i believe u cute boy i said no!!! you're the cute boy i'm gonna fuck u into eternity when tho? that doesn't matter we can talk forever were never gonna die omg no way?! were not gonna die... that sounds fair for having to live across the world yes it does! where are u from? texas oh god i'm gonna cum omg im gonna cum how if you're typing? omg i can't believe this is going on my tumblr but don't get me wrong i don't mind talking to u this way ok well i'm a super fast learner and you're making me wait so long when are u gonna cum? i don't do that lol... u don't little flickys retard nation? no i do not hahaha wow! ok well we have seem to run out of things to talk about? not really this could go for longer... ok so u like him?? not the other guy the 3rd guy in the black shirt is cute too i can't believe i didn't scream when i saw u just sitting in my room i should have asked u more questions why? to get ur phone number oh no no no no! i will be coming back! ok wow that's wild well i'm usually home ok so don't move houses? like how u just did when we got married? sorry i called u btw bitch!!! i just said that we got married oh yea hahahaha :D marriage... so funny and cool u don't take anything seriously do u? I know it's serious but I want ur phone number! omg im gonna cum baby I love you ily 2 u love me too? yes! ok post it post it post it
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only444namjoon · 8 months
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Connie x black reader
Summary: Connie was always the gangsta type dude never got a lot of love from others but when you came along you showed him that there’s always a good ending.
Waring: cussing , sad , nsfw
Connie never got a lot of love, he was always the one to initiate everything so he stopped dating for a while cause he was just tired of being the one doing everything.
Connie pov
Putting the blunt to my mouth “ I’m kinda hungry “ I sigh putting my blunt out and putting some grey Nike shorts and white tee and Nike slides so I can just hurry and get some food, I wanna sit down and eat
I finally picked Texas Roadhouse “ hey is it just one” I nodded “ okay follow me sir “I followed this girl she just winked at me, she look ran through tho and her ass fake I chuckle to myself “ okay this is your seat your waiter is gone be here any minute now bye cutie”
She winked again, I’m kinda happy she left. “ hi sir” I looked up and I saw the prettiest girl I ever seen, I smirked “ hey mamas” I see she blush “ w-what would you like to order s-sir”
Reader pov
“ w-what should you like to order s-sir” he was really cute and I never got flirted with before, “ umm I would like some steak and a side of mash potatoes and also a Pepsi " he looked back up at me, goshhh he was sooo fine " I'll b back with your order sir":
Connie pov
I looked at her while she walked away and I seen how her dress moved up everytime she walked, I smirked a bit "damn she fine" I looked back and I seen that girl that was flirting with me, she waved and smiled
I rolled my eyes and looked back, then I finally spotted my future girlfriend again serving another table, only thing I seen was her smile and I almost fell in love again. She looked at me and started to walk over here while pulling her mini skirt down
" hii s-sir, I'm sorry that's it's taking long the cooks are trying there best" she smiled " it's fine, but hey" she looked down at me " would you like to go on a date with me pretty mamas" she blushed again " s-sure I'd love to" she smiled again
" here's my phone my phone number" I slide her my number "oh wow I never had someone asked me out , kinda nervous but thank you I'll call later!" She walked away kinda fast her skirt was riding up and took her hand to put it down, she so cute " just my type" I smirked
Reader pov
" AYYYY BESTIEEEE LOOK" My bestie turned to me " HIIBESTIE WHAT HAPPENED" " I got some dude number and he was so cute" I giggled " who was it" I giggled again " come look " we both walked out the back and I pointed " I didn't get his name thoo " I looked back and I didn't see my bestie" w-what "
"Bestie" I looked for her, I seen her looking a little mad " heyy what's wrong?" She side eye me " move bro. Just leave me alone " I was confused " okay" " ORDER 255" I went to go get the order and it was that cute guys order, skip over to him " here's your order" putting down his Pepsi
Connie pov
I was watching TikTok then I looked and and seen the girl pointed at me showing me off but the same girl that winked at me and flirting with me was the one with her she looked mad, mm I don’t care. She finally started to walk over again with her cute ass I smirked
“ here’s your food and here’s your Pepsi” she smiled and me and I smiled back “ do you wanna sit and talk for a bit ma?” She smiled again “ yeah ofc “ I smiled at her “ I can’t believe a cutie like you agreed to date me “ “ ha date you , you just asked me on a date like 2 minutes ago” she giggled
I love her laugh it’s just so cute
After a few months Connie and reader finally started dating, and Connie was SOO nervous when she moved in
Connie POV
I just got done doing my drug deals, I still didn’t tell my princess about it but imma keep it in till I know we locked in. I stepped in the house and put my keys down “ HIIII BABYY I MISSED YOU SO MUCH” she hugged me and kissed my face I giggled “ hey mamas why are you so happy?” I was just waiting for her to say she wanted money or something cause that’s what all my past relationships were
“ I was waiting for youuu~~ I have a special gift for you baby” I was shocked “ really mamas” she looked into my eyes “ really “ she smiled while holding my hand leading me to the kitchen with these tight ass shorts ughhh she so fine “ I cooked for you baby” she looked back smiling hella hard
“ mhmm baby it smells so good “ she jumps a little because of excitement “ aww thanks baby come sit “ she pulls the chair out for me, a women never did that for me. She walks over the her seat “ let’s pray before we eat baby” I smile “ yea”
Reader POV
After the food I had a big surprise for Connie, everyone sense I got with him I couldn’t let go of him he is just so cute and nice and handsome “ Connie come upstairs I have another surprise” he smirked “ I’ll wait baby” you giggle “ DONT SPOIL IT “
Connie POV
I never felt so loved before I was always hurt, it became normal for me to not feel loved I’m literally a drug dealer I’m so scared to tell her I don’t want her to run away like most of the people I was with “ BABY CAME HERE” i ran as fast as I could, https://pin.it/3pq3Nys
To be continued….
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ngmn2002 · 9 months
Ch 106: Random thoughts part 1
Ok, here we go!
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It sounds like a little spooky rumor, doesn't it?
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And here I was excited to see who the colored first page would feature… it seems it's just Akane and Teru getting these lately… how lucky.
So, Akane can still move because he is a clock keeper, Teru can because he is a strong exorcist? That's what I still get from what's happening. Hanako moved again... how? Was he helped off screen by Akane or Teru or just moved again... somehow? out of literal shock? or maybe Tsu/his yorishiro being in No.1's boudayr that isn't affected with time
Ok.. I'm done with thinking about these stuff of catching the bad guys or whatever, until some action happens with the one who did it... it will be years. I'm leaving this thing behind.
The way they talked about honorable No.7 with though… poor boy…
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Really poor boy, Tsukasa really went a bit too far… huh? Hang in there. Lend him your hanky for a sec Hakujoudai or wipe his tears for him...
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…… he looks like he is done with everything… but really… the way Teru is treating him with is just rude. Can't you see the state the boy is in? he is even not a part of the chaos this time, he did nothing wrong. Spare him this time.
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I see, so this another reason Tsukasa and his lackeys as Kou puts it had the clock destroyed. Nice way of thinking.
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So yeah, I was a bit right, we got Nene monologuing about what happened last chapter. Nine.
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What a cool chance to wake up to Tsukasa of all people asking you if you're awake. Look at…?
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At this point and after seeing stuff like this for the past few chapters… I didn't go "wow" or anything of that sort... the boundary looks a bit normal, later in the chapter it starts getting interesting, though.
Also, adding this... Tsu...! Tsu...!! Tsu...!!! His level of self-confidence, boldness and capacity... uhhh!!! He [No.7's yorishiro, mind you] is in No.1's boundary as if it's no big deal, having a full day and posing as if he was home. in Hanako's boundary. This boy goes by his own rules, his own vision, he is so free willed and I LOVE THAT!!! HOW COOL!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!!! HE IS A TRUE FORCE!!!! TELL ME SOMEOEN CAN BE A MATCH TO ALL THAT GRACE?! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!! 💜✨💜✨💜 Not to add he already did this before wit No.3's case, to the point we got a nice shot of 2 yorishrios together, hmm... will we see that happening again with No.1's as well. Gotta look forward to that!
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How radiant. Wow… a cool view to wake up to… just saying…
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Teach us, Tsukasa-kun! I love it when he gives little lectures!
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What a cool face! ♡ wow… right into business… what to do Nene-chan… oh! pretend to be dead! I had a little thought someday of... why not get Tsukasa taking Nene to destroy a yorishiro himself? here it is. all real.
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So funny. Love Tsukasa's reaction. That reminds me of this time she pretended to be fast asleep with Hanako back in the p.p arc. Maybe having flashbacks to that thing… I think she wouldn't like to do it again in fear of what might come next?
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Tsu!! Uh… I can't stop laughing! You know that isn't the case! You're such a little cutie!!!
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Twins… haha. If she was truly asleep, don't think that will wake her up, at least when the reason behind her falling asleep is you, Tsu. ~
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absolutely don't waste your time on other unimportant things.
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Hmm? Yeah, sure. You're not thinking about other things at all. ~
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Ohhh... didn't think Nene perspective- ikemen Tsukasa (+ Hanako) would show up in the chapter... is it just me or whenever I give him a closer look he starts looking more like Teru? Ok, love her little imagination, though I see Tsukasa won't say these things… Nene-chan is so much into manga of such types it seems.
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Though, I will say I like Tsukasa's cool looks and moves in her little fantasy, really capture the vibe of "bad boy" have to say. Who does he think he is you said Nene-chan… well, it's really easy.
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He is Tsukasa-kun! I guess we all know what it means to be Tsukasa, huh? So, good luck, Nene-chan. ~
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Uhh... she is too much into manga... she is imagining a whole scenario in there… This "be my assistant".... seriously… so now this word is equal to "lover/girl" it seems? ……. Imaginary Hanako... wow... love how they look and holding into each other... manga way. as if JSHK is not a manga oh... my... love her words at the end, too.
This Tsukasa however, how he is posing... what he is saying… my honest reaction to him is…
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I don't like the pose or facial expressions at all. He already said that… didn't look this way at all.
Though, I might believe Nene-chan is putting a sense of reality and a bit of personal life experience into her little fantasy. I mean…
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… … … so, he is a cat. Does he see her as a cat, too? I mean… I believe cats bring their close ones gifts like these… well, a nice gesture…
Love the face she is making! Going dead again to think more. Let's see…
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A nice way of thinking I must say. Though… Tsukasa did actually speak to her about the yorishiro when she woke up, guess she couldn't help but think about the other thing first. lol
Also, really love how they are walking while holding hands all childish & cheerful. how cute and funny.
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how adorable! I really wished to see them this way as Nene & Tsukasa now, and I got it. can't be happier. Next time I would love to see it for real. ♡
And wow, a nice prank she was planning to pull on Tsukasa! though, knowing Tsukasa… I assume she should give much more thought into it? I mean she saw how 'powerful' he can be. Still, a funny little plan! I love how he looked once No.1 supposedly electrified? Him? she actually got that plan coming true herself at the end of the chapter, didn't she? He looked even better than in her imagination. Haha.
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Uhh… so funny!! She took lots of steps back!! Hmm… you got that to yourself, dear. if you didn't pretend to be 'asleep/out of it' that wouldn't have happened. I woke up this morning to find my cat staring at my face this way... it was pleasant. not scary at all. At least I love how she didn't give him a headshot like she once did to someone. lol
Seeeee? He is just Tsukasa-kun!
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Nene-chan acting smart on Tsukasa-kun! Let's see how the show goes down!
"I don't want to. you destroyed all these other ones,now it's a problem?" pfffft. let's go! I will mention quickly… paying attention to the translation of dbs/manga up... it seems Tsu is saying she destroyed "Some"/"all" yorishiors we got so far... depending on each one I can guess a different case of his current knowledge about No.6's yorishiro destruction.
"you want me to destroy the yorishiro, right? well, I don't want to! – fine, don't. it's your choice, right?~" This thing is actually too funny. So casual and easy-going! Yes, that's the way of talking I love to see him going with! and that gave the girl some serious errors I'm telling you! who is more incomprehensible while speaking with Nene? him or his assistant?
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Haha, after getting her that way, he just went...
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and here where you know it's gonna go down quickly. ~
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lol. This boy this boy this boy!!! How much more amazing can he get? Seriously? That way of talking… oooh… playful manner… moves… facial expressions… oh, yes!!! who wants to run away from you??? if I was in Nene's place I would run right into his arms and say you got me! not kidding. also, good it didn't come to her mind he is a "yorishiro" as well. at some point he will want me to destroy him?!
This boy never disappoints me with his way of talking or unusual (impressive) way of changing the flow of the conversation to his benefit. Admirable!!! ♡
Even if it was just like "you fight for what you want, I will do, too. Mr. You're free to do whatever you want. The choice is always yours." That thing actually reminds me of a movie series I watched in the past... it had this "live or die, the choice is yours" thingy going around in almost every "game". remembering it kinda makes me shiver.
I feel a bit sorry Nene didn't even get a chance to speak in there. At the end, she had to do what Tsukasa wants… hmm… who was going and saying "you'll do what I want"… lol. Playing with Tsukasa is a bit tough, you have to follow 'his' rules. Love that!~
Though, the hand thing he mentioned, I believe he did it just to get Nene to give her best. He won't do that. I mean, surely he is sure he can catch her. he is so good at games, isn't he? Just wanted to have some fun with Nene-chan. How sweet. Tsukasa seems to like these games that take the form of little fun "bets" doesn't he? thinking about that one fic I wrote wizard Tsu this way with fun bets.. haha
Sooo... have to stop here due to pic limits... part (2)
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brainrot-yumm · 11 months
PR ep7 play-by-play
I won’t be able to do this for a few days cause things are picking up a bit so let’s make this count hell yeah
whoops got distracted for 40 minutes by Spotify playlist organization. You don’t understand how elated I am over the fact that I’ll be getting assessed for ADHD soon
also my mom thinks I definitely have anxiety which was a wild thing to think as that’s the one thing I was 100% certain I didn’t have
g-gozar? Is that it? Gordon? Gorzon?
“I just wanted to get your attention” “maria just be yourself” maybe she’s the type of kid that wants to turn off the hot water to the showers. Actually how did she find that though? Is that supposed to be in public? 
Trini does good voice acting but not the best physical acting. I mean, it’s been decades since this show came out, I’m sure she’s better now, but
p-power eggs?!
hey it’s that same cave from two episodes ago!
“Only a child can open this box” ??????????????? why
oooh putty stopmotion I think! Actually no I think machines made those goobers move!
wh. why did you want a chunky chicken. After last time you think you’re gonna kill the rangers with that? Seriously?
that girl is definitely voiced over by someone else doing a kid voice. Why did they do that. Was there a sweepstakes.
stop talking about friendship god
“This is really turning out to be more than just a bad hair day” lets keep that one for the pillows
how could you possibly steer a car going that fast
woooOOOOOoooWOOOoooAHHHhhhAHAAAAhhhhpowerpoint lookin ass animation (lovingly)
you know it really wasn’t that hard for Rita to locate the power eggs
“Why can’t we do the cool car thing again?” “Because, we ran out of budget.”
hit them with the car. Do it.
Man I’m so fuckin hungry I ate at 5 and it’s 3 in the morning
wait what the fuck are the blaster pyramid they’re doing??!??!?! Don’t remember that??!?!?!
I still just love how Kim very obviously doesn’t know how to use a bow
 wait I’m so confused why is Rita on an old fashioned bike????? Why does it feel like we skipped ahead???????? DIdi they think the kids wouldn’t notice????
It’s Rita Repulsa alright
aight I remember the crystals at least. I have some hold on this world which is no longer my own
you know it’s so sad they can’t make the pterodactyl pink for Kimberly because then the chestplate of the megazord would be pink and pink is for girls or something
you know wait I don’t think we’ve ever seen Rita on Earth yet this is crazy
god it’d be so cool to own one of those helmets
wait rift scissors?! SVTFOE RIPPED OFF POWER RANGERS>!?!?!?!!
“Yeah guys we got it!” “MORPHIN’!” I’m gonna start using “morphin’“ as a positive response from now on skfhas;dg
Ayo wait people know it’s Rita Repulsa doing this shit? It’s not just “alien fuckwads” no it’s “RITA’s alien fuckwads??” Man that changes stuff everyone has the full hot goss except for who the rangers do be
oh bulk skull hi!! 
oh I can’t tell what’s gonna happen since you just showed the bullies (with the goofy bully theme in the back) and then made Kimberly hold a hot bowl of chili over her head I couldn’t possibly tell you
you know it wasn’t even like he was doing anything. You weren’t even making a fat joke about him he was just having a regular bowl of ice cream. What the hell Kim give him $10 or something for being forced to deal with that. He’s still a regular paying customer somehow despite this being a terrible place for him and his shit ego so if he wasn’t doing anything shouldn’t the owner do something? Bitch ass kids
bitch ass karmic retribution
also if I was a kid still I can just tell I’d probably have a crush on Skull or something. These days I’m just like “wow that is dope character design I love the bandana/chain mix that’s cool”
alright I have to get up in 4 hours so night I’ll try to sleep at a normal time (4 am is not a normal time)
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
The're a lot of things to report.
I made progress today real progress we collected tons of land huge areas and yeah we cordoned It off and the s left. And some acres beforehand but now we have a lot of land they have a real a real large amount.. it's several States an area.
That's what a lot I lost a lot of people and still going on. They keep on running off to the destinations mentioned.
Weve had several successes. One of which is the bullet train has reached Northern Japan and Morpheus has disembarked. Is there a case left for Europe and traveled in coach. And it made it out there into the movie Ronin. And their ongoing shortly it will return and find their way to Utah.
The blockade held. It was bolstered from space and yes by Tommy f and the other side is by forgieners.. Mac was able to pull his forces and he's fighting Tommy f on planets.
Forests are broken through several locations and Tommy filled in the blockade
They're a huge number of people trying to get in Florida I mean beefed up the defenses and it's working out very nicely we have a lot of people considering asylum here. And we don't offer it.
In the Pacific we have several announcements. Firstly we have won an award for being out the rest of the world I'm being free from satanists no that's not true they're still there in the Pacific fighting and worrying and really big huge ships. The giant amount of excitement out there because the blockade has been posted by Tommy f is it's not my Empire ships that's my new family and they don't think that they're from space because there's no markings. The check in the northern hole and looking at other caverns and they are curious as to where they came from and they're doing it now
Huge bands of military type people went after round basis they're gigantic and mostly did not succeed but they're huge. There's several other things to report.
My son was sleeping restfully this is not normal it's only for a couple hours. And it's because he was required to use his rearrange anything sore and they knew he would be sore so they're trying to injure him by doing that.
You should know that I tell you about what they're doing so I'm quite often and I'm looking for assistance.
We have a lot going on a lot more to talk about but it's not priority right now he needs to take a shower
Thor Freya
He is use losses by s. Is and that coming back and a nasty people but wow that's a huge loss report huge let's just try to get it numbers and lots of them went to Tortuga and saw the attack and the method and decide they wanted to go there literally it's one of the biggest places for them to die I see the Giants too they're very impressive. We'll discuss more later of course
Thor Freya
The other items for building those factories in Africa on a block and they're going up very fast at least a lot of them to build a lot
The bill is a lot of places in Florida and in the United States as well all over Earth but here are building a lot of places. Huge numbers of apartments and giant numbers of factories. Tired of this rule of dog dude on purpose. We have more construction starts in Florida now then almost any other place is a huge place for construction starts. And what's the planning board so what we can do and we're doing it.
Well people are in and out of prison people next door are going in and out all day long and today is no exception will soon be in prison full time as today it started laying people off and I was it was midterm elections and Trumpsters I mean ousted all over the Earth
It's a huge number of times they've done this the above is a statement from earlier that we actually posted
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