#[[ but he delivered well enough I think xD ]]
countlessrealities · 5 months
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New Year's Eve toasts || Accepting !
@shctupmeg sent: 🥂💋 for a toast with a kiss (for Morty)
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During the hour that preceded midnight, Morty spent most of the time glancing at the clock, to the point that keeping up with the ongoing conversations the people around him were engaging in. Summer and Rick had to elbow him a couple of times when he failed to answer a question or a comment he had been addressed.
Yet, no matter how embarrassed and even slightly humiliated he got by being called out for having spaced out, he couldn't really bring himself to focus on the present. Not when his heart was beating so loudly at the thought of what he was planning to do once the clock would strike midnight.
Then, there was the part of him that worried and hesitated, because the truth was loud and clear. He and Meg had gone on a few dates, but they weren't together. Not officially, not yet. And he had been the one to insist that they took their time, that they let their relationship develop. Slowly. So, maybe, he was making a bigger deal out of this than it had to be?
Hazel eyes floated towards where Meg was chatting animatedly with Summer. She seemed at ease, unlike him, and that just made his anxiety grow even more. For all he knew, the girl didn't even want to share a New Year kiss with him and he was just forcing his fantasies onto reality.
Or, maybe, she didn't think it was that important. They had kissed a few times already, so why being nervous about a repeat? Great, now he really felt pathetic.
In any case, he couldn't change his plans now. That would have been even lamer. And that said it all.
So, when the end of the day, and of the year, finally approached, he inched closer and closer to the girl, trying his best not to attract anyone else's attention. Thankfully, the rest of his family was preparing for the countdown, so they couldn't have cared less about paying attention to what he was doing.
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"Uh, h-hey, Meg? Come with me for a moment?" He asked in a whisper, leaning in so that just his almost girlfriend could hear him. "I-It won't be long, I-I promise. I...There's something I want to do."
He offered his hand to her and, the moment she took it, he tugged at her arm lightly, to coax her to follow him. As the rest of the family headed for the backyard, he pulled her in the hall, near the front door. His initial plan had been to get out of the house, but he decided against it. He didn't want the neighbours to whistle at them or worse.
So, they just sat on the stairs, as he produced two paper cups and a small bottle of fruity, alcohol-free champagne. He usually drank actual alcohol during the holidays, but he knew that Meg didn't like it, so he had been sure to pick a drink she could enjoy.
"I-I just wanted to have a moment alone with you," he explained, as he filled both their glasses. "B-Because...I know that we aren't together together, b-but I really like you. A lot."
He was stalking and he knew it, but he couldn't help it. The nervousness in the pit of his stomach just wouldn't settle and he was struggling hard to fight it. Then, the clock struck midnight and he knew that it was then or never.
"An-And...I...I really wanted to...to do this."
He didn't elaborate or wait for an answer, gearing that he would lose his guts if he had. So, instead, he just leant him and kissed her.
While he didn't deepen the contact past their mouths moving against each other, he was a bit rougher, a bit more passionate than he had been the previous times. He pressed in closer, hungrier even, taking as much as he could without crossing the lines he himself had set down.
Was he indulging too much? Was he pushing for too much? Asking too much? Especially when he wasn't ready to give what he knew she wanted from him. But he was too selfish to stop now.
When he eventually broke away, he was panting a little and his face felt too hot from comfort. Still, he managed to pour their drinks, just in time for the second round of fireworks to light up the sky.
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"S-So, uh, happy new year, Meg. I hope that it will be a good year for you. An-And that I'll be able to help making a happy one too."
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teecupangel · 7 months
I had a thought earlier: What if Ezio was Desmond's Sage?
Basically, the usual setup with Desmond using the eye to contact Ezio in the library and offering to send him back in time to save his family, but due to the damage he's sustained from the Eye, he can't come with. Once this moment in the Grey is over, he would die. Ezio begs him to come with him, through any means possible. He refuses to leave behind the divine being he is the chosen Prophet for. The being who is going against Fate itself to give him his family back. Desmond just can't say no to Ezio and tries to see if there's anyway he could come with Ezio. He doesn't want to die if he can avoid it. It's then, through the connection with the Eye and the Apple, that he learns about Sages. With a few modifications for Ezio's safety, that could work. Instead of consuming Ezio's mind to take over, he would just live alongside him. When he tells Ezio of it, Ezio accepts.
When Ezio wakes up, it is to his childhood bedroom. Everything is how it was when he was 17. Is 17. It worked! His family is alive and well! Did the Sage thing work?
"Desmond, are you here?"
'Yes Ezio, i am.'
Just a thought i had. I imagine that Ezio could let Desmond have control of his body, but Desmond is pretty chill with just watching though Ezio's eyes.
Ezio would have mind conversations with Desmond, which worries his family a lot when they catch him just staring emptily though the air. That and his complete switch in behaviour.
There's probably so many routes to go here, but i'm too sleep deprived to think atm. XD
It doesn’t take long before Desmond realized that all the modifications he made for his consciousness to become part of Ezio had turned him to be the least invasive Bleed to ever be conceived.
Did this count as possession?
Was Ezio even a Sage or was Desmond simply a sentient Bleed?
Did that mean that the Bleeding Effect mimicked the experiences a Sage goes through when they start ‘getting’ the Isu’s memories.
Didn’t that mean that there was a possibility that the Animus was based on the research the Isus made to create the-
“Desmond, as interesting as your thoughts are about this subject, I’d prefer it if you were to. Focus!” Ezio was unable to stop himself from raising his voice as he punched one of Vieri’s hired muscles as Desmond liked to call them. The man staggered as he took a few steps back and Ezio swiped his feet before stomping on his groin.
There was a few scandalous looks thrown his way at that attack and Ezio just shrugged.
It wasn’t his fault that Desmond’s skills in unarmed combat bled through to him during these situations and Desmond fought shamelessly dirty.
‘In my defense…’ Desmond quipped from his mind, ‘I was taught that honor and shame have no place when you’re getting ganged up by Templars.’
Ezio grunted as he dodged a punch aimed for his chest, quickly grabbing the wrist and pulling him forward to unbalance him before delivering a high knee strike, making the man gasp as Ezio kneed him on the throat.
Okay, that one was from one of Desmond’s Bleed, not Desmond himself.
But then again…
Desmond was his Bleeds and his Bleeds were him. When he thinks about it that way…
“Desmond…” Ezio gritted as he smacked an incoming kick from another man, quickly jabbing the man’s side before suckerpunching him.
‘Sorry, sorry. My brain’s wacky at the moment.’ Desmond said.
That was an understatement.
Desmond had been in Ezio’s body for only a few hours. They had went outside to try and get a lay of the land and found out the date by Vieri throwing a rock at Ezio and giving Ezio the scar on his lips.
So yeah…
Desmond was still not used to being this… entity inside Ezio’s mind.
“Don’t think too hard.” Ezio backhanded a goon’s cheek hard and fast enough that he was able to topple the surprised and hurt goon with his mind quickly making it known that it was a common technique Altaïr used to do. Ezio tried to focus as he said, “Let’s just get this over with then we can have our mental breakdown in our room, okay?”
‘Yeah, okay.’ Desmond answered and Ezio felt Desmond focus.
It was like his senses became clearer.
His body became lighter.
He could predict everyone’s next move.
To borrow Desmond’s expression at the moment.
Holy shit.
(Desmond doesn’t know it but because he made Ezio his Sage, he is technically a being that has access to Isu senses which he can pass down to Ezio. Ezio’s human body can’t take much of it though so there’s a time limit and that is how Federico comes in and save them because Ezio and Desmond starts getting a headache after using it too much.)
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rayroseu · 10 months
💚 Mallevan/Levanoa Headcanons (Part 3/3)
PART 01 PART 02 PART 03⬇️
the last one from these series of doodlesss ✨✨✨ I cant wait for malleus mama reveal JSJAJJA 😭💖💖💖 we're going to see where that draconia rizz originated from 😂
• • • Headcanon 3
Levan was interested in Architecture so that he could build a castle which would never crumble under his wife's "little tantrums." 
Its said by Lilia that Malenoa when angered would really destroy her own castle. (i fear for this woman's period mood swings😂 (if female dragon faes have that))
So, I like to believe that for Malenoa to be "herself" (or not containing her emotions just so she wouldn't be harming anything), Levan aspired to build a strong castle that would withstand his wife's strength.
Its also a nice gift for Malenoa since he wanted to build their home as well— Since he's the husband and father of the strongest fairies, its just sensible to gift them something crafted and durable, could be with them their whole long lifespan, and can shelter his family. 
Its also nice to have an unbreakable castle so that the servants wouldnt live in anxiety about having to repair half their castle for the 60th time this century.
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For Malleus, his tantrum can summon an instant storm. For Malenoa, her tantrums can summon a super typhoon. That's why there's an enormous amount of gargoyles around Briar Castle because it strengthens the drainage system so that it wouldn't flood because of the excessive rainstorm. 
(From someone who lives in a typhoon-prone/flooding-prone country (philippines yo), I can't stress enough how valuable it is to have good drainage system😭)
Also, I imagine that the current Briar Valley Castle (named as Black Scale Castle according to Silver) was the castle he designed for Malenoa and Malleus.
The original name of the kingdom that the Draconia rules is Land of Briar and they used to manage the entire continent (Baul protested that no land is owned by Silver Owls, the entire continent is of Land of Briar) but now they're just situated in a portion/valley of it, presumeably because Silver Owls keeps claiming their land and also because Land of Briar seemingly lost to the war.🥲
That's why I believe Briar Valley's Castle is like a lesser version of the Wild Rose/Briar Castle (Malenoa's castle). They're kind of near from each other as well??? I think this "castle that Levan designed" acted as a refuge for the Land of Briar when Silver Owls ambushed Malenoa's castle.
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Speaking of servants fearing Princess Malenoa....
I think its only the regular folks or servants that has an anxious time approaching Malenoa. For other soldiers, they don't fear her like that since they encounter her frequently as the military strategist of their kingdom.
So, most often......
The servants particularly always approach Levan as much as they could in matters of pacifying the princess or delivering a message that they would assume she wouldn't take well. 
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Because Levan looks more approachable and knowledgable with dealing with the Princess given that his job is to literally talk to people based on politics.
Also, headcanon that at one point, Malenoa and Levan paralled that scene from Malleus Dorm card where Malleus was upset his smile was terrifying that's why people don't approach him, but Lilia just says "No such thing! You have such a lovely smile you know!" but Malleus actually smiles terrifyingly XD but Lilia doesn't fear it because he knows Malleus... 🥲💖💖
Like, how no matter how terrifying Malenoa is to others, Levan will never be afraid of her.
actually going to die if malleus' parents are not narrated as sickenly inlove with each other 😂
plus!! it just makes sense for them to be expressive in their devotion yk since their dynamic literally revolves around "dragons only love one person" and "they can't mate with another if there's no love".
... Plus its another factor why Lilia seems tired of these two, theyre like lovebirds and you know how Lilia hates all those domestic sappy stuff like family... children... and love... aha 🥲💔
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skyward-floored · 4 months
I think I’m coming down with a cold again and possibly have a fever but I’m here to scream about the update some more anyway! (and analyze a bit but mostly scream). Dawn part 7 here we go!
(All images belong to @linkeduniverse <3)
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First off I have to say this was my favorite panel I think, it’s so pretty. The faint glow! The colors! The cape over his shoulder! Amazing. This truly was Sky’s update, I loved every bit of focus he got. Jojo fed us well :D
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So it looks like I was wrong about Sky reading everyone’s mail. He just immediately took off after the mailman instead (and spent all morning chasing him ha!),
Side note but I love the npc guy. He’s simple but still Zelda-y. the character design in this comic is just👌
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Looks like the mailman has a list of who he’s supposed to deliver to, or at least that’s my guess. It could be a map maybe, but that probably wouldn’t do much good since he’s time traveling?? How does he do it. Don’t question the magic of the postman I guess.
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*green hill zone music intensifies*
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Shoutout to Sky’s face here, I make the same expression when I’m trying to chase after my nephew and stop him from eating crayons
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This looks like a postcard no joke, I'd frame this and put it on my wall. Plus the way the trees were done in the background is really neat, there’s something just really pleasing about this panel. Also the return of Sky: Just Standing There
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They’re all bein silly <3
...except for Four. Because I think him and Warriors both realize that Sky isn’t just telling them what he was doing all morning— he’s got something important to say, something they all actually need to know.
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(Downfall duo laughing together I love them)
Also I agree with everyone saying Warriors is close to snapping— they’ve all had a pretty stressful 24 hours, but Warriors has been breaking up arguments and repeatedly checking on everyone while they’re struggling, and... I don’t think he’s had a break. Take a nap bud, please?
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SKY TALKING TO FI MY BELOVED he's hoping there’s enough of her aware to help him dowse hhhhh. And then he’s so sad she didn’t seem to hear him waahhh 😭
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It doesn’t look to me like she truly helped much, but maybe Fi gave just enough of a nudge for Sky to find the postman’s footprints? Even in her sleep? She is glowing just a bit there... Interesting to think about.
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It’s confirmed that the postman uses the portals! And that the Shadow is alive and kicking! Uh-oh! (Also does anyone else think this one seems more... firey? Then the last one? Maybe it's just me).
And the chopped-off darknut head is still there too.... and I’ll bet you twenty rupees somebody is going to kick it when the Links go through the portal later. (My guess is Wild but I’d put my money on Legend or Wind too).
I’m also really curious where that portal leads... My guess is either Twilight’s Hyrule or Sky’s, based on what hints we’ve been getting, but I really don’t know. It’ll be fun to see!
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*Wind rapidly thinking of at least three conspiracy theories*: SUS
Also an amazing expression from him I’m laughing so hard, he really said 3:<
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Tag yourself I’m Four
Also Sky just chugging away at the stamina potion, poor guy XD he must be beat from all that running around, I hope he has some more time to sit before the Links get moving.
(And I mentioned this in another post, but Legend looks so alarmed at this information, as does Wild... it’s not going to be pretty when they cross paths with the Shadow again, that’s for sure)
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I love when Time breaks out the dramatic language... makes me remember that this guy is going to be the Hero’s Shade someday (who’s speech is 99% dramatic things).
Now the Links just have to decide what to do next... will they stay another day at the inn for Twilight’s sake, or get moving right away? Is Four going to confront Twilight about the dark magic he uses to turn into Wolfie?
So many questions... but in the meantime I will gladly continue to reread this amazing update, I really loved this one :D
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criminalskies · 8 months
The Aaron Hotchner mega-masterlist part 2/?
Hi!! I wanted to make a sort of recommendation list for some Aaron Hotchner writers in this gorgeous community and what makes their work so special in my eyes. Please note this list is not exhaustive by any means. If you would like me to add you or your work to this list, please just fire me a message and I'll run through your masterlist or fics to see what you're all about <3
please note, this is a way to support writers on here. So play nice.
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@tinyluvs - cait - does a great job of writing hotch x gen z type reader, without making the two seem out of place. The dialogue always feels like two real people having a very raw, in-character conversation. No matter the context, cait's delicate descriptions of the scenery and actions in every scene feel so soft and intentional. *note that cait also has an equally excellent characterisation of spencer* cait's masterlist.
@htchnr - aurora - beautifully places readers inside the mind of the main character, showing, not telling you how they feel, each and every sensation adding to their frustration or contentment. It really feels like I am in reader's shoes in each and every story. aurora is also working on minecraft hc's of reader teaching hotch how to play and that old man is struggling. the nostalgia mixing with my love for him may kill me. Aurora's masterlist.
@supercriminalbean - Al - writes some of the sweetest requests, and some very original ones at that. Most of their requests are in gender neutral reader and they just love to write pure comfort, which I adore. Mostly much shorter works which are just perfect after a long, hard day. Al's masterlist.
@spacecowboyhotch - Arson - has written an abundance of hotch fics, both sfw and nsfw, but all written with the same sophistication and beautiful imagery throughout. Arson does an amazing job of describing feelings I think we've all had but lack the words to explain, and it slots perfectly into the stories, really helping you understand how reader's feeling. Arson's masterlist.
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Note, Arson @spacecowboyhotch has their own masterlist of Hotch writers on tumblr, which I will link here and here. It has been a massive help when exploring this beautiful community. <3
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@ddejavvu - daisy/mei - has amassed over 10,000 followers here on tumblr alone with their multifandom works, her characterisations of every character never seem out of place. Despite having written enough hotch fics to fill up five entire masterlists, she still captures every beautiful aspect of him every time. Mei never ceases to surprise me with the shear creativity and inspiration she's able to deliver in each and every request. Mei's masterlist.
@moonlightspencie - Luna - Luna's shorter drabbles and longer fics are nothing short of inspired. she's created standalone fics or even her beautiful series from as much as a single song lyric. The character's battles between logic and emotion all play out right in front of your eyes as every fleeting thought and moment is captured in each story. Luna's masterlist.
@eldrai - Sam - works are more easily found over on AO3 where he writes an abundance of standalone aaron hotchner fics, all of which so elegantly portray Hotch's very logical way of thinking and how genuine he is in every aspect of his life. Sam also writes a lot of hotchgan (hotch/morgan) fics, which I think capture their dynamic so well, the ways they equally challenge and support each other, always there when they're needed. The way they communicate feels so real, I feel like a fly on the wall in their house xD.
@84hotpockets - this blog does that which is the backbone of fanfiction, filling the plot holes and the character backstories which were left untouched by the show's original writers. They do a fantastic job of diving into the untouched corners of hotch's psyche, how he felt about things like Roy's death or how he worked himself to exhaustion in season nine. They really make me feel for his character in ways the show didn't bother to in some plotlines, and it feels like closure to really consider the things that led to Hotch... being hotch. A wonderful read. Hotpocket's masterlist
@yuly - This writer really appeared on my dash one day and I'm yet to look back. Their series Child's Play broke my heart, stomped on it, and mended me, all in under 10k words. Her oneshots never fail to leave my heart reeling for Hotch, written so elegantly and descriptively, my poor heart is putty in her hands every single time. Yuly's masterlist.
@jaspxr - Jas - makes moodboards for our beloved old man, and I often find myself actually gasping at how beautifully made they are. I just cannot get enough. So, so well done.
@softhairedhotch - Casper - writes a wonderful mix of headcanons, blurbs, oneshots and thoughts, mixing between gender-neutral-reader and male reader, but one thing stays the same, this boy can write hotch beautifully. Soft!hotch is his specialty, I think. Noting every blushed smile, every appearance of his dimples and every time your long-time-boyfriend is shy to hold your hand Casper's masterlist
@ray4hotchner - Ray - has only written a few fics for aaron hotchner, but oh boy she has a wonderful grasp on who he is and he makes us tick. Ray's fics are fast-paced but never lacking in emotion. Ray's masterlist.
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please feel free to submit yourselves or another hotch writing blog you know to be added to any future mega-masterlists, but make sure your blod has a masterlist or a collection of your works somewhere as this makes it 100x easier for me to navigate your blog and get to see what you're all about. :D Happy reading!
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Mer fic has been read and thoroughly enjoyed!! \o/
I simply love how you adapted the world to an underwater environment! From the weapons and the ways of life, to the way the vocabulary shifts in the vigilante’s inner dialogue that reflects how they perceive the world!
Of course, we start off with y/n being very smug about sabotaging Eclipse hehe XD Which thankfully, despite his later arrival, was not in vain since the weapons seem to be now unretrievable. Too bad this deal was important enough that the boss himself arrived to see it through.
And oh. My goodness.
Mer Eclipse does not hold back! However, he does indeed hold, as the vigilante can attest to gflñghfd I mean, tentacles are after all pure muscle. And this guy has no problem showing how strong he is, seeing how he both just outright threw his trident so hard it got stuck into a rock wall, and then effortlessly got it out of it too. (I am very normal about that by the way glfkdgjl) And I have a feeling Main verse Eclipse would be ecstatic to leave as many marks as this one did in one go oof. 
(sidenote: I love that he refers to them as Pearl, because it makes so much sense with their pearly scales! Oh and I love that you kept the black and white color scheme so characteristic of them!)
And ahhh it fits so well that he is an octopus like mer! With how touchy he is, and I’ve said before how he is so imposing and takes space and attention, so this form definitely lets him do that physically at a next level! But I also kept thinking how an octopus can technically fit itself into very tiny spaces! So what if y/n at one point is fleeing from him and gets through a tiny fissure that they are sure Eclipse’s massive figure couldn’t go into, but then surprise! Not only is he squeezing through, he’s doing so with ease and there is a wide sharp grin approaching very fast as he claws at the walls for momentum and y/n can only hope there’s an exit they can find at the other side… 
(But I digress, back to the fic XD)
He seems even more willing to use lethal force against y/n too!It really seemed he was going for a join me or die approach, even if the vigilante was assuring themselves that he wouldn’t. Even I was unsure for a moment there, whew!
And oh, that was so smart how they used their own blood to entice him into listening to them. With how blood stays in the water I can only imagine Eclipse has had more than enough encounters with y/n to grow addicted to the smell of theirs. Freaky but useful to entrance him enough to make him more agreeable. Though I can’t see that working next time with the way he delivered that ultimatum.
And then aaaahh!!! Sun and Moon!
(Oh but before I get to that, I really like the way you handled the conflict of the two sides that were originally humans and animatronics, with the humans being the sunlight mers, and the animatronic being the twilight mers, though that really has me itching to know the backstory for the celestial trio!) 
I laughed at Sun’s exasperation at having a wide open entrance but y/n chooses the cool risky one XD I know they were trying to not get detected, but to Sun it must look like so extra for no reason other than to show off (and you just know he loves it all the same >:3c). And he glows gold!! That’s so fitting and so cute and he really shines like the Sun!! And smart as ever, he does not let the vigilante brush off what happened so easily, and even manages to get them to rest when they obviously wanted to go in and out. But also as fluster-able as ever too with that cheeky bed comment gfkdhgkfdjhg
And oh my gosh, the part that caught my attention the most with Moon was when he was warning y/n about getting involved (more than they are) with Eclipse and y/n responded that “he can’t hold me”, while guiding Moon to hold them. And ahhh that means so much, because it’s a silent way of telling him “you can, though.” Him and Sun, because Sun was also asked to stay when they were lying down for rest and aaaaahhh that has my heart melting into a puddle. But also Moon’s defeated “you are going to leave” had me clutching my chest a bit. I know he probably knew that the moment he went for the snapper they would be gone but aaagh you can just hear the yearning and so many things unsaid in that statement.
As a final note, I adored how you incorporated the similarities between the three brothers! The fact that Sun shares the same venomous spikes that Eclipse does (and yet they do not worry y/n as Eclipse’s do), and that Moon has a crown of tentacles he hides, that Eclipse also has (and I wonder if he hides them specifically to not make their familiarity obvious, since spikes might be common among the mer, but maybe tentacles surrounding the head is a bit more specific?), and not to mention the photophores that are in a similar pattern to Eclipse! Since they are organic in this Au, this means they very well can be birth brothers, with Eclipse inheriting both the traits of which Sun and Moon got only one each. But since he has the octopus theme and Sun and Moon have tails, I wonder if in this one he also did adopt them at first and they are just similar species and the photophores sync with those they have chosen as family? Hmmmm, this au has me thinking so many possibilities about how they grew up!
…And god dang it now I have the image of a baby octopus mer Eclipse and then an older but still young one being responsible for baby mer Sun and Moon and why does my brain give me cute when I just read this man do what he did XD
Anyways, I loved reading SJ mermaid style, Naff! Amazing work as always! <3
Ahhh, Chaotik! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, babe! ♥
Thank you! I love writing about a mer Y/N, especially with the vigilante, and it was so fun to figure out the little tidbits in the ocean.
Ah, yes, unfortunately for the vigilante, twilight mers have great strength. I didn't work this line into the fic, but Y/N would never dare try to throw their trident for the fearing of not having it in their hands and that they don't have the strength to throw an object like that through the water at a strong enough speed. Eclipse, however, can.
EEE thank you! I wanted to keep the vigilante's essence as much as possible hehe
Oh gosh, with Eclipse squeezing into a narrow space because of flexibility, your comment made me think of this meme:
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Eclipse was a bit upset when he found out what the vigilante had done, to say the least. He wanted to make it known how he felt. You're right to be concerned about the same trick not having the same effect next time around ;-;
Ahhh, I'm really glad the human/animatronic conflict translated well to the sunlight/twilight mers! I had to think about how to go about it to keep the prejudice against the boys and figured that would do the trick.
Sun and Moon are doing their best, and oh, how they endure their sweet little vigilante! I'm glad Sun's light hit well and Moon's little comments had an impact, ahhh!
Okay, I'm so glad you're curious about the boys' backstory and talked about their physical similarities because I've been itching to talk about it! I'm going to tuck it under the read more as I warn that it involves Death and Sickness.
The boys' mother is Comet and the boys' father is Quasar.
Comet is an octo twilight zone mer. She has deep purple and dark blue flesh and yellow suckers. She also has heterochromia eyes, one of red and one of blue, and black sclera. She has tentacles on the back of her skull and her face has a crescent marking.
Quasar is a fish twilight mer. He has pale yellow and silver flesh, broad fins adorning his long tail with a crescent-shaped tail fin, golden scales with scarlet patches like stars, venomous spikes crowning his head, and yellow irises and pale sclera for his eyes.
The twilight zone is a dangerous place, even for the mers that inhabit it. Predators, wicked mers, and the darkness prove lethal to even the most skilled and adapted.
Comet and Quasar loved Eclipse, and he was so clingy as a babe. He had the rare inheritance of both of their head features. Eclipse doesn't remember this time except for the vague care and tenderness that permeates dreams. It was happy.
Quasar was killed by a gang of twilight zone mers before Sun and Moon hatched. Comet did everything to take care of her children alone, at times going hungry but ensuring her little ones had full bellies.
Comet taught Eclipse to always take care of his little brothers. She made certain that he knew that he and Sun's venomous spikes could never hurt anyone they were related to by blood. She also showed Eclipse how to tuck away his head tentacles and that one day, they'll show Moon how to do the same as well.
Eclipse always had a deep connection to his baby brothers, gazing at them in his mother's arms as she cooed and sang lullabies. Eclipse missed his father terribly, but his mother's expectations made it clear that they would make it, they would survive.
A few years later, Comet became deathly sick while they were still young. She instructed Eclipse to go to the Reef to ask for aid. He took his still baby but not-so-small brothers with him. When they ventured to the edge of the corals, they were met with scorn and chased off before he ever had a chance to beg for medicine for his mother.
When he returned, she was laying still, cold, the current tugging on her weightless body.
Eclipse took care of his brothers, finding food and shelter, keeping them safe from dangerous mers and hungry predators alike. His hatred for the Reef and the sunlight zone mers festered, and Sun and Moon longed to escape the darkness, and at last, things changed. The twilight zones could live among the sunlight zone mers.
Eclipse couldn't stand it. Sun and Moon tried to convince Eclipse to leave the darkness behind and stay with them, but he wouldn't.
Tragic backstory aside, baby octopus mer Eclipse is very cute, and oh, he did take care of his younger brothers. Though they have different body types, that never separated them. It was Eclipse's choices later in life that tore the family apart, but they all survived. Eclipse made sure of that.
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access--granted · 9 months
Too Slow
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Anon asked: how about a drabble with reader x luis in another apocalypse universe of your choice? they're just regular, run-of-the-mill people trying to survive a sudden outbreak of some kind, scavenging in a crumbling grocery/convenience store. maybe something angsty happens at the end? idk i just think it'd be interesting to see luis in a different zombie apocalypse universe xD A/N: Hoo boy, anon, do I have something for you 😂 you asked for angsty, and I think I delivered on that pretty well 🤭 I hope you like it because it hurt to write and they're thrown right into the thick of it 🥹 I didn't choose a specific zombie apocalypse universe for this, they're just out here trying to survive. Also, since no gender was specified, I've gone with gender-neutral and friendship rather than romance. I hope that's okay! :) TW: Angst, Implied major character death, mentions of blood and mild gore, use of guns. Pairing: Luis Serra x GN!Reader (Friendship) WC: 1,169
“Luis, can’t you at least try looking for something useful?” You poke your head over the counter, watching the Spaniard rifle through the cigarette kiosk, throwing empty cartons on the floor, his search for an untouched box, so far, unsuccessful. 
“I don’t know what you’re trying to get at,” Luis responds, turning his head to look at you with a playful smile. “Cigarettes are vital. Without them, I might lose my mind.”
You scoff, leaving it at that as you return to what you were doing just a second before. You’re on the floor, searching all the bottom shelves in this tiny convenience store. The area had been quiet when you first arrived, and it had felt like a miracle you’d even come across this place after several days on the road, passing nothing but abandoned homes and stripped cars. It’s clear this place has already been scavenged and gutted of its stock at least a dozen times before, but you and Luis are willing to take your chances, having gone hours without food.
So far, all you’ve found are a few expired cereal bars, some painkillers from the medicine section and a bottle of lukewarm mineral water. It’s not much, but it’ll do just fine until you find somewhere else to raid. You stuff your findings into your satchel, running the back of your hand across your forehead to wipe away the sweat beading from your pores. The air is humid; a storm is coming as thick grey clouds sit stagnant in the sky outside.
“A-ha!” A triumphant Luis draws your attention back to him, and you scramble to your knees before standing up, patting the dust off your knees. When you look his way, he’s holding up a carton of cigarettes like they’re a goddamn medal of honour. They’re perfectly unopened– still in their cellophane wrapping, even. “It seems the universe is on my side,” he remarks, looking so proud of himself. It makes you laugh, shaking your head.
“How do you always manage to get exactly what you want?” Swinging your satchel over your shoulder, you watch him. He’s already torn the cellophane off and popped a cigarette between his lips.
“I guess I’m just lucky–” 
It all happens so fast. One second, Luis is proudly showing off his found treasure, about to relish in his first smoke since a few days ago, and the next, he’s grappling with an infected that came out of nowhere. Turns out the corpse hunched over in the far corner hadn’t been dead when you checked upon arrival.  
You scramble to your back pocket for your pistol– knife, anything. A blood-curdling scream bounces through the store, a chunk of flesh ripped from Luis’ shoulder, your eyes wide and pupils quivering as you watch, mindlessly taking shots at the monster, blood splattering out of bullet holes in rotting flesh until you focus enough to aim for the head. Bang. Thud.
The walking corpse crumples to the floor, and Luis staggers and falls on his backside, blood flowing consistently from the wound in his shoulder. Somehow, that cigarette is still perching perfectly between his lips. You’re too stunned to speak, to move. Instead, you stand frozen in place and watch your friend bleed out, cussing under his breath. He doesn’t seem scared, though, at least not to the naked eye. 
Luis clutches his bleeding shoulder, using his free hand to dig his lighter out of his pocket. You’re still standing across from him, the realisation of what just happened dawning on you, hitting you like a truck hurtling down the highway.
Luis lights his cigarette, taking a long drag while he rests his head against the side of the counter. His face gets lost momentarily in a plume of smoke as it exits his lungs. His eyes meet yours, his voice pulling you out of your stun.
“Well… shit,” he says, voice strained and face twitching with pain, “I guess I ran out of luck– too slow.” He grits his teeth before bringing the cigarette back to his lips. Tears start spilling from your eyes just as the rain begins to fall outside; the first sound coming out of your mouth is nothing but a sob while you stutter towards Luis and kneel at his side. Your trembling hand rests on his leg. 
“This– it’s my fault,” your voice gets stuck halfway up your throat, “I should’ve put a bullet in its head before. I should’ve–”
“Don’t. This isn’t your fault, my friend. It wasn’t moving. You weren’t to know.” Luis looks at you, keeping the cigarette between his lips. He reaches up to ruffle your hair and sweep the tears away from your cheeks. “Sneaky little bastard, eh?”
You choke on a sob– and a bit of a laugh, and you hate it. You and Luis have been surviving together for months. The idea of having to carry on alone terrifies you. The fact that he won’t be around anymore utterly shatters you.
Noises arise from the surrounding area, bringing your and Luis’ attention to the door at the front, then the one at the back. Trash cans clatter, and feet start dragging. The screaming and gunfire likely drew attention. You need to get out of here.
“Come on, we’ve gotta go,” you sniff, moving to bring Luis to his feet again, but he pulls away and gives you that look. The look you’ve been given far too many times by too many people you’d grown fond of throughout this whole fucked up apocalypse. With Luis, though, it hurts a million times more.
His smile is genuine, yet so sad, as he says, “We both know I’m not going anywhere. I’m a dead man walking.” You shake your head, about to protest. You’re not having any of this– “Y/N, I mean it. You need to get out of here. Now.”
A door handle starts rattling in the back of the store, out of sight, but the clock is ticking. Moans of the infected start multiplying, filling the air that had been silent moments ago. Your eyes meet with Luis’ again. You’re pleading with him silently, but his fingers are curling around the grip of his handgun, easing it out of his belt, his cigarette having already burned down to the butt.
He has accepted his fate.
“Go. Run, and don’t look back.”
Thorns squeeze around your heart, piercing it, tearing it to shreds. Lips quivering, you lean in to press a single, lingering kiss on his forehead. For a second, you think you hear Luis’ breath shake as he leans into your lips.
You stagger to your feet, pistol in hand, and turn to the entrance. ‘Run, and don’t look back.’ Quaking legs carry you forward, gaining speed clumsily as you burst through the door, cold rain hitting your skin as a gunshot resonates from inside the store, and your blood runs cold.
Oh, how one moment of misjudgement can turn into such agony.
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awkwardtickleetoo · 7 months
Invisible Instigators
hello everyone :D we’re back with another edition of the “things that were supposed to be ficlets but aren’t anymore” series wooooooo who cheered i cheered (from this post)
this one was actually a request from the one and only @mushiewrites !!! from this ask :D so i hope you all like this as much as mushie did <33
this is also my first time ever writing HD!!! which is pretty awesome. i’ve written XD a couple times before, but never HD, and he was super fun to play around with!! so i hope everyone likes him and i did him justice
this is also the last of the “ficlets” that are actually planned out in full rn so if anyone has any requests they are still open!! but there will be probably a couple more anyway in the future
lee!georgehd, ler!dreamxd, 2.4k words
“H. Stop.” XD spoke quietly, running a hand through their hair before dropping it onto the pillow next to their head. HD felt a smile tug at the corners of his mouth and he bit his bottom lip, taking a slow breath to calm down the butterflies in his tummy before continuing to relax against the couch. XD relaxed as well, letting out a content sigh as he let his eyes slip closed once again.
The quiet environment lasted all of ten seconds, before the taller God felt another harsh poke to the side of his stomach. His breath caught in his throat, and he let out a strained exhale through his nose, managing to keep his cool once more.
“HD. Stop it,” He warned again, keeping his eyes closed but hearing HD shuffle from the other end of the couch.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” HD replied, but his voice shook with poorly concealed laughter.
“Right. Sure you don’t,” XD replied, a small smile sitting on his face, knowing exactly what would happen next.
And, sure enough, only a few moments later, their prediction came true. Another poke, right into their side, above their hip this time.
“HD,” XD said firmly, his voice booming slightly, playing it up to make his point more clear.
“W-what?” HD’s voice was still trembling, but this time it didn’t sound like laughter to XD. They could tell HD was growing more nervous with every passing moment.
“If you keep doing that, you’re going to regret it.”
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about! I’m- I’m not even doing anything!” HD defended, a few stray giggles making their way into his words, telling XD that he did, in fact, know exactly what they were talking about.
XD knew damn well that HD was trying to be sneaky with his words. Both Gods were aware of what HD was aiming for in that instance. He wanted tickles. He had never been good at asking for them, he always went about getting them in other ways, always provoking– tickling XD or 4K first in hopes of retaliation, taking their things, instigating a playful fight, anything he could think of to get the others to tickle him without having to actually ask the others to tickle him.
Technically, HD was telling the truth- he wasn’t doing anything at all. It was his invisible helper hands delivering the pokes, sent out through the power of HD’s own mind alone, making it impossible to predict them or to call HD out on his provoking.
So, he didn’t. He waited, patiently, for the next poke to come so he could truly catch HD off guard.
And sure enough, less than five minutes later, there was an invisible hand attacking their tummy, and XD knew it was the perfect opportunity to flip the switch and give HD exactly what he wanted.
Not without having a little fun himself, though.
The second he felt the hand touch him, the faux-scratching of nails on his skin, spreading in and out in a circle right in the center of his tummy, he struck. He threw himself forward, launching himself into a sitting position and then up onto his knees to loom over HD. HD jumped and screamed at the sudden movement, comprehending what was about to happen approximately three seconds too late, once XD was already grabbing his ankles and pulling him to be flat against the couch with their bottom set of arms.
“NO–” The smaller of the Gods yelled out, fighting back as well as he could, but he knew his squirming and protesting were no match for XD. They were taller than him by a little over a foot, and no matter how strong HD liked to believe he was, there was no way he could overpower them. They also had four arms, which didn’t help, and which HD thought was completely and utterly unfair. This fact was only solidified in his brain when XD clambered on top of him, settling on top of his thighs just above his knees, using their top set of arms to wrangle HD’s wrists and pin them against the couch on either side of his head, rendering him completely helpless. And they still had a completely free pair of arms to do whatever they wanted with. “XD, DON’T! X- XD, plehease, you- you don’t have to do thihis-“
“I haven’t even done anything yet, H,” XD began, a smile spreading across their face from where their mouth showed beneath their mask, revealing their sharp white teeth and subtle dimples. HD dropped his mouth open to speak, but nothing more than a small sound from the back of his throat escaped, making XD smile wider. “You don’t even know what I’m going to do.”
“I doho!” HD replied, much whinier than he expected to sound, his fingers curling up into fists and as he messed with his own fingers to expel his nervous energy.
“You do, do you?”
“How do you know, exactly?” XD asked, and HD clammed up again, long enough for XD to continue. “Maybe because you were instigating it by tickling me first?”
“WH- I was not! I didn’t even do anythihihing!” HD stood by his lie, swallowing around his nervous giggles and squirming his hips as XD tilted his head at him.
“No, you’re right, you weren’t. It was your little helper hands, wasn’t it?” They observed, not giving HD time to respond before continuing. “Your helper hands, which… weirdly enough… are nowhere to be found right now?” They pointed out, and HD’s breath hitched, his squirming increasing tenfold at the words, at being called out, at being read so easily. “Isn’t that strange, HD? I have you pinned, completely at my mercy, and your helper hands aren’t even trying to get you free. What’s that about, huh?”
“Ehehex– XD-eheheheeeee…” HD whined, squeezing his eyes shut, even behind the dark, wide-rimmed goggles he wore that covered them. He tilted his head back and to the side, hiding in the cushions as much as he could manage, the blush on his cheeks bright enough that XD thought he might be developing a fever.
“What’s wrong, tiny?” XD teased, knowing how much the nickname flustered the smaller God, how nervous and excited it made him. “Did something happen?” XD chuckled as the other let out another groan, squirming once again and turning his head to the side, closing his eyes.
“Ugh, X…” HD whined, shifting his back against the couch below him and trying– very unenthusiastically– to twist his wrists out of XD’s hold. He tried this for all of ten seconds, before his arms went limp again, essentially allowing XD to keep them pinned down. He let out a soft whimper, not knowing what XD wanted from him, taking in a breath and sighing it out, nervous giggles making their return. “Just… c’mohon.”
XD decided to be slightly merciful, ending HD’s suffering and finally moving forward, giving him what he actually wanted out of all this. They curled their bottom set of hands around HD’s sides, their fingers pressed into the back of his sides and their thumbs resting just under his ribs, swiping gently over the flowy fabric of his robes. They felt HD tense under their touch, sucking in his stomach and letting out high pitched, nervous giggles, his eyes squeezed shut. XD giggled along with him, already excited for his next move.
“You’re so cute, HD,” They mused, and suddenly dug their fingers into the backs of HD’s sides, making him arch his back with a loud squeal, and using their thumbs to scratch lightly at the front of them at the same time.
“AH– ahahaha, Ehehehex Dehehehe! Nahahaha–!” HD broke out into loud, happy laughter, his squirming kicking up involuntary as his whole body attempted to throw XD off.
“Say you’re sorry,” XD said calmly, though he spoke slightly louder than usual so HD could hear him over his own laughter.
“Ihihi– I’m sohohorryhyhy!” HD obeyed easily, having lived through this exact scenario with XD enough times to know that wasn’t what would make him stop. He would keep tickling until he could tell HD had reached his limit, or until HD specifically asked him to stop, both of which usually happened within a few moments of each other. At this point, HD would usually be pretty well behaved, happy enough that he’d gotten what he wanted, and feeling safe enough with XD to know they wouldn’t push him too far. In all honesty, XD cherished that more than anything, knowing that HD felt comfortable enough with them to let himself completely enjoy the tickling without a care in the world.
Although, the actual ‘wrecking HD until he’s bright red and teary and pleading a little bit’ kept him going just as much as the sappy thoughts did, in true honesty.
“Good,” XD praised, making HD roll his eyes through his laughter and tilt his head back into the pillow again. XD shifted their hands up, now cupped around HD’s narrow, boney ribcage, tugging his robes up ever so slightly with their movements and exposing a tiny sliver of HD’s pale stomach.
“Oh, nohoho, Ehehex Dehehee!” He watched the smaller God suck in his stomach at the touch of cool air that hit his skin, puffing his chest out and biting his lip before falling into more breathy laughter. XD giggled at his reactions, slipping his hands back down to hook his thumbs under HD’s robes entirely, pulling them the rest of the way up when he returned to his previous spot. He gently pressed his thumbs into his ribs, warning HD of his presence, making him whine and squirm as much as he could in his completely trapped position. “Noho, dohohon’t! Dohon’t, plehehease–” HD attempted to plead, but was cut off when all ten of XD’s fingers dug right into his ribs, vibrating between the bones. “NAHAHAHA– EHEHEX!”
“Say you want the tickles,” XD instructed, and HD was already shaking his head the second they finished.
“NOHOHO?” HD denied immediately, curling his hands into fists and attempting to pull at his trapped wrists, although the pulls were very weak, and XD could tell it wasn’t from lack of stamina just yet. XD smiled again, their sharp teeth and dimples making a reappearance, suddenly coming up with a new idea. He switched from drilling harshly against the bones of HD’s ribs to swirling and digging in circles with his thumbs and first two fingers, hoping to keep his laughter up but not deplete his resilience too quickly.
“Admit you want the tickles, or I’m gonna bite your tummy,” XD threatened, scrunching up their nose to flash their teeth even more when HD looked up at them with wide eyes.
“WHAHAT?! N-Nohoho! Noho, no, nononohoho!” HD continued to deny, shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut once again. “Ahabsolutelyhyhy nohohohot! Yohou wohohon’t!”
“Alright, suit yourself,” XD said, leaning down to hover his face over HD’s wide open tummy, making the smaller God squirm wildly, attempting once again to throw XD off, with a bit more urgency this time.
“NOHO– noho, nononono– nahaha!” HD pleaded, his laughter kicking up again at the anticipation, even though nothing more was happening yet.
“I’m not hearing what I asked for,” XD moved down the tiniest bit further, enough that HD could feel their breath on his skin, letting out a squeal as he finally broke.
“OKAY, okahahay! Okahay, I wahant them! Ihihi want them, I wahahant thehem, I want thehehehem, plehehease dohohon’t do ihihit!” HD rambled, shaking his head and sucking in his tummy, squirming his hips as much as he could, genuinely trying to pull on his arms now. He knew how badly nibbles affected HD, so much so that even the threat was enough to make him lose his mind, even if the actual nibbling never happened.
He knew HD well enough to tell that the squirming was genuine, and decided he would only push a liiiiittle bit more before letting HD relax again.
“There we go, H. Good job,” They praised once more, dropping down to nibble, just twice, right below the tiny dip in the middle of his tummy, along the bottom edge. HD squealed, flinching harshly, his entire body jolting to the side as he fell into helpless laughter that continued even after XD pulled away.
“AH– nohohoho, Ehehex Dehehehe!” HD whined, and XD broke out into sympathetic laughter at how winded the other God sounded.
“Awww, HD,” XD cooed teasingly, using their bottom set of arms to pull HD’s robes back down and smooth out the fabric, while their top set let go of HD’s wrists and pulled back. They let one hand stay up to run through his hair, left one to rest flat on his tummy, and the others reached out to grab his hands and hold them gently, rubbing their thumbs along the backs of his knuckles. “You okay?”
“Mhm,” HD hummed with a nod, a sleepy smile still on his face as he closed his eyes and relaxed back into the pillows under him with a sigh.
“You liked that?”
“…mhm,” His reply was hesitant, clearly embarrassed to say so, but agreeing nonetheless.
“Good, H. I'm glad.” The room fell silent for a moment, the atmosphere calm, before HD spoke again, voice slightly raspy and words slow from sleepiness.
“Yeah, tiny?”
“Can we take a nap now?” XD’s heart fluttered at the request, and they smiled again.
“Of course we can!”
“And then you’ll let me get you back when we wake up?”
“Yeah, okay, that–“ XD paused, registering what the other was saying, his heart dropping instead now, feeling HD tighten the grip he had on their hands. “What?”
“You will. You’ll let me get you back when we wake up.”
“HD, I don’t–“
“Please?” HD asked sweetly, looking up at the other God, knowing how weak XD was to him when he acted sweet like that. XD sighed, letting himself lay down next to HD and pull him in to cuddle with, making him giggle softly and wrap himself around their torso. All four of their arms came to wrap around HD, holding him close, keeping him safe, before he finally let out his response.
“I suppose maybe I could allow that,” They agreed, and HD giggled happily once again, before they settled into the couch, into each other, and slowly drifted off to sleep.
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moodymisty · 6 months
yoo I see requests are open 👀 Grievous is currently living in my head rent free so feel free to ignore the Star Wars if you're not feeling it or ya just don't write for him yes.
hhhh anywho goodness not sure what to ask. maybe some headcanons on what Grievous is like when he falls for someone. he strikes me as someone who would be majorly in denial for a long time lol. gentler (for him) actions and protectiveness not always matching harsh words. like a majorly burnt, kinda stale marshmallow, with a gooey, mostly edible center XD rambling aside or maybe some jealousy headcanons? those are always fun. whichever one might strike your fancy at all.
well I never know how to end these things lol hope you're doing well ✨
Who doesn't love the Angry Lung Cancer Robot? Not me for sure, I love that ugly thing since I first watched the prequels. I'll always be just a lil' spiteful that TCW turned him into a running gag. Sorry if these headcanons are a little less 'professional' than my usual, I couldn't form my thoughts in a way I liked so I figured you'd enjoy it more if I just vomited them out wholesale. And you've waited long enough :'3
He definitely strikes me as the 'affection is when I stand 3 centimeters closer' type of person. Like it's going to be just sort of an undertone throughout the ship of like 'yeah the General prefers them/asks for them to do things instead of anyone else, we don't talk about it'. It probably persists for months before anything comes of it.
If you somehow manage to notice it, it's probably a battle of deciding what in the galaxy to do about it if anything. (is getting the attention of a warmonger cyborg a good thing?) If anything you might not do anything about it just so you feel a little safer on the ship. It's not like Grievous has the lowest causality rate, though it's mostly droids.
I don't think he would have the emotional intelligence to really ever realize, someone would have to point it out to him. Perhaps like you said maybe months later he would, but that would be a pipe dream. He's not an easy guy, that's for sure.
Perhaps he'll realize, but he'll excuse it more so as he prefers you for your competency, rather than something a bit deeper. Droids get programmed to report nonemergency issues to you, because not only does he not get infuriated by them as much, he trusts your ability to solve issues just a modicum more than others aboard. A good thing? Maybe. You can deal the negotiations, he'll just stand behind you, menacingly. If things fall through, then he'll be there to make sure you don't get hurt. For strategical reasons, of course.
As for jealousy? Given the previous points I made and your own I think it would be pretty obvious that a jealous Grievous is a Grievous you want to be miles away from. He's more than likely the type that would use violence or threats of in order to keep people away.
He might also deliver things to your directly, or even make your office/barrack/personal quarters towards the bridge of the ship closer to his. It's a mix of both subtle, and horribly unsubtle things.
Anyways, Grevious is a mess. But we never said we could fix him, and that's the fun part. (give the killer cyborg a smooch and tell him he's the best general in the separatist army, he deserves it)
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
My cat fell asleep on my arm and that got me thinking of you could write a fic about reader falling asleep on the various ozzies XD how would they react and what would they do?
(Btw I absolutely love your writing I check your blog everyday to see if you've written anything new and it's always such a treat when you do 💝)
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A/N: first off I am absolutely here for the cats invading everyone’s personal space and claiming human limbs as beds, as well as the fact there were two similar themed requests (same anon? Maybe possibly?) I hope y’all don’t mind I sorta combined the two of your requests because…yeah they were really similar rip. I will link the backstory to Farrell!Penguin’s drabble in his section, and the other Ozzies will be original.
Penguins Reacting to Reader Falling Asleep on Them:
Arkhamverse Penguin: 
Well, what was he to expect? That coat he wears is comfy inside and out. 
You were sitting beside Oswald at the head of the long dining table. 
You heard some parts of the conversation, but it didn’t take long between the dullness of the topic and the cacophony of voices to all sound one in the same. You barely make out what Ozzie’s saying as your eyelids eventually get too heavy to hold open any longer.
Oswald was in the middle of giving an order when he felt the slightest weight on his upper arm. Everyone grew silent when they notice you’ve actually nodded off. Some men stared in shock, if they were to fall asleep during a meeting…Oswald wouldn’t hesitate to knock them out for good. 
They weren’t you though. You had him wrapped around your finger like a vine to a branch. He glanced over to you. The scowl on his face perking up to a soft endearing smile towards you. He immediately lowered his voice, but still delivered the order in a stern tone. If any of his men raised their voices even the slightest, he’d shush them. 
“Keep your bloody voice down!” He hissed. “Can’t you see my love is sleepin?”
Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin:
Click on Farrell Oz's header for the full backstory on how the reader managed to pop a squat on Oz’s lap.
Needless to say, you got pretty comfortable in Ozzie’s lap. You reveled in the closeness, being wrapped up in his warmth and clean but not overbearing cologne. You even gained the courage in your newfound comfortability to put your hand over his that was cupped around your waist. Oz quirked an eyebrow at the gesture, but smiled and let you hold his hand. 
Once his friends went off to go dancing with their dates for the night. You enjoyed the one on one time with Oz.
Between the stories shared and the drinks sipped. Time passed faster and it got really late. You don’t remember how or what, but your eyelids were slowly closing like the red curtains at the end of a play. Oswald was so soft, warm, inviting. No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t resist. 
Selina walked passed handing Oz a wad of cash but not before giggling softly. “Looks like your date’s decided to take a cat nap.” 
Oz furrowed his eyes until he looked down. Sure enough, you were snoozing away. You hand on his chest, the hand on his hand slowly losing it’s grip on his. He couldn’t help but mimic the smile you had on your face. He moved his hand that was on your waist over your free hand, to keep holding it to your side. Oswald grew to like holding your hand. 
He chuckled softly. “Yeah, it’d appear so.” 
“You want me to clear a spot on the couch in your office, boss?” Selina offered. 
Oz looked up at her and nodded. “I’d appreciate that.” 
Selina nodded back with a smile, but not before stealing a glance at you. “I think they’re a keeper. I’ve never seen you smile so much in one night.” 
Oswald glanced back down at you. Your body completely lax against his, you’re breathing even. You must feel so content with him. He must make you feel safe…
He brushed a stray hair off your cheek and tightened his hold on you. “Yeah…I was just thinkin’ the same thing.” 
Gotham Penguin:
“What I’m trying to say is…this war CANNOT and should NOT persist. Why must we shed MORE blood, WASTE away more lives!” Oswald was on another passionate rant, to no one in particular but it always helped his mind come up with the solutions. 
“What, Butch?” 
Butch pointed to you on Oswald’s left side. He turned to you and almost jolted out of his skin. 
Y-You were asleep. Gently resting along his shoulder. Your steady breathing caused the tiniest of hairs on Oswald’s pale skin stand up. 
“H-How long was I talking?” 
Butch glanced at his watch. “A little over 2 hours, boss.” He gave his employer a lopsided smile. 
Oswald’s eyes widened. No wonder you dozed off, but he didn’t suspect…he never suspected. You would find him…cozy…inviting. 
“O-Oh…that..that explains it..” Oswald whispered, worried that even the slightest hitch in his voice or twitch in his body will jostle you awake. He can’t say he’s quick to remove you away from him though.
Butch chuckled. Fully aware of the feelings you and Oswald had for each other but refused to act on. Whilst it was adorable, it was equally infuriating. 
“Good night, boss.” Butch began making his way up the stairs to the spare bedrooms in the mansion. 
“W-Wait! B-Butch..” He hissed. “W-What do I do about them?” 
Butch shrugged, but continued to walk off. 
Oswald was about to yell at Butch to come back and help him, but the slight tension in his body caused your head to squirm on his shoulder. 
Well, this wasn’t one of the most uncomfortable places to fall asleep. He leaned back in the plush cushioned chair, your head still glued to his shoulder. Oswald reluctantly laid the side of his face on top of your head. 
He couldn’t help but chuckle in warm delight. 
Yeah, there were way worse conditions to take a nap in. 
BTAS Penguin:
“Oh look, my dear! A gorgeous little dove–oh!” 
He looks down to see you nestled into his chest, with one hand clinging to the lapels of his suit jacket. 
You and Oswald were taking a small rest on a park bench. You enjoyed these special little moments with Oswald. Just the two of you taking a stroll through the park, talking about nothing, looking at all the birds that come your way. 
It was still early in the evening, and it was fair to say you didn’t get the best sleep last night. 
Oswald gulped at the close proximity. W-Why would you sleep on him? Surely he wasn’t the most..comfortable cushion. You had a better chance leaning your head over the bench, or resting on the bench’s armrest. 
Yet, you didn’t do any of that. 
You sought out for him, resting your body into his without so much as a second thought. 
You…you really do like him.
Oswald couldn’t help but smile widely in glee. He could jump up in joy, but he will refrain so he won’t wake you up. He noticed the birds nearby chirping more than usual, as if they’re sharing in his delighted mood. 
He wrapped his arm around you and gently squeezed you, so you were closer to him. His heart almost swelled when he saw you smile and snuggle your head closer to him. 
Oswald kissed the top of your head before resting his chin on top of your head. 
TNBA Penguin:
The night was electric. It was a special night at the Iceberg Lounge. Oswald was premiering a brand new performance act for the club. It took months of preparation and discussions, but it was finally happening. 
The night couldn’t have had a better turn out. 
Oswald was seated next to you in one of the half circle booths facing the stage. Once the act was over, Oz couldn’t help but notice you went rather quiet and his shoulder felt more heavy. He glanced down to see you snoozing away. 
Any other time and if it’d been any other person he would be offended at such a rude display. However, he knew the cause, and how he was part of it. You put just as much hours into setting this up and getting this to work more than anyone. 
Plus, he couldn’t help but enjoy the small palpations his heart was doing. He always enjoyed the idea of having you by his side. The idea of you being intimate enough with him to hold his hand, kiss his cheek, or…doze off on top of him. 
This…this was a good start to making his idea…his dream of you two become a reality. 
Oswald leaned up slightly off the back of the booth. As gently as he could, he readjusted himself so that he was laying back into the booth instead of sitting up straight. He grabbed your spare jacket that you rested on your lap and wrapped it around your upper body. 
Oz gave you a small peck on your cheek. 
“Thank you, my dear…for everything.” He whispered softly in your ear, silently hoping you heard him. 
Telltale Batman:
You were so excited to see Oswald when he said he was coming back to Gotham City. Tossing and turning in your bed from excitement it was safe to say the rough three hours of sleep you got were finally catching up to you. 
You and Ozzie were hanging out in his new apartment. After getting him settled in to his new digs. You guys ordered take out and grabbed a couple movies to watch on the couch. The food was long gone and you were in the middle of the second film. 
Oz couldn’t help but notice you had gone uncharacteristically quiet. He glances down and sees you snuggled up against the pillow and his lower abdomen. Your breathing was even and your eyes were closed.
Always the one to mess with him, earlier you had rested a pillow on Oz’s lap and laid your head there to watch the films. Oz scoffed at you but didn’t make you budge. Now he was sort of regretting that decision. Only a little bit though. 
One of your hands was gripping the edge of his black shirt and the other was wrapped around his waist. 
God, you really were so adorable. Why the hell did you ever hang on to a low-life like him? No assets, no money, no estate…just a name that used to mean something…be worth something. 
Even if he never quite understood you. He appreciated your presence in his life all the more. Oswald did not ever want to think about a life without you. He’s already lost Bruce, if he lost you too…he really wouldn’t have anybody else. 
Oz leaned over you as best he could. Snatched the remote he turned the TV off and he gently slid his lap out from under you. He watched to make sure the sudden movement didn’t wake you. You ended up just nuzzling into the pillow. He chuckled. 
Oz scooped his arms under your body and slowly lifted you off the couch. He carried you into the one bedroom with a king mattress. He recalls the small argument with you over his sheet and comforter colors matching the pillow cases. It makes him laugh internally to himself. 
He pulls back the covers and sheets and laid you down gently into the mattress. Oz tucked you in, occasionally glancing at your eyes making sure you weren’t waking up. Before he left to crash on the couch, he took another glimpse of your sleeping face. 
Oswald smiled, brushing your hair gently out of your face. He got up to his feet, but not before kissing your temple. 
“Sweet dreams, love.” 
One Bad Day Penguin:
The Iceberg Lounge had just closed after another successful night. You were helping Oz with his book keeping. Everyone talks about counting sheep to fall asleep…but what about counting and crunching numbers. 
It had to have been about five in the morning, when Oswald all of a sudden felt a sudden weight on his back. You two were sitting back to back of each other, occasionally checking in on each other and making sure everything was in order and adding up. 
However, he never expected you laying back and nestling in his back. Oswald couldn’t help but admit, you were warmer and more inviting than any blanket he’s ever owned. 
“Hey, sweetie…you wanna call it a night?” He asked softly. 
Your only response was some slight squirming and wordless murmuring. 
“Ah..I see.” Oz responded sarcastically. In moments like these he wished he was more physically capable. He would carry you up to your room in the upper floors of the lounge. 
But maybe I can make it to that couch…
There was a violet loveseat on the other side of your office. As quickly but seamless as he could, Oz spun around on his chair to catch you before your body fell from the lack of support from his back. Oswald jumped off from his seat, and slowly used the wheels of your chair to roll you over to the couch. 
Once the wheels met the edge of the couch, Oz cupped his hands around your neck and lower waist. Using all his strength he moved you from the chair to the couch. Thankfully the transition didn’t disturb you. 
Oswald took a deep exhale in relief. Now he got to take a good luck at your sleeping face. 
It should be a crime to be this cute. It should be an even harsher offense to have someone so precious like you work for the likes of him. However he enjoyed your company too much, call him selfish but you made him happy. You made him feel like a human, deserving of happiness and love. Call him selfish if was ever going to give that up. 
He didn’t even notice him crossing his arms on the couch. Slowly, he lowered his head to rest on top of his folded arms. Just watching you peacefully sleep. 
You were able to peacefully doze off in his presence. Oswald began reminiscing on all his memories with you, and just how joyful and content he was in each one. 
Oz slowly drifted off to sleep too, dreaming of the past with you and the future that has yet to make itself known. But if you were there with him, Oswald was more than ready for whatever the future holds.
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redpiperfox · 15 days
was rereading rosette, and your author's note mentions that you chose specific characters for specific roles. i am VERY curious about All Of Them, i cant pick just one, so i'll leave you with the jurisdiction of choosing which ones to talk about? or you could mention all of them... haha jk unless
Just so you know how much I waffled this answer, I've currently been text-character-limit blocked on my response O.o Did not know there was a limit, but uh, I reached it trying to reply >.<
Will give you the answer over a couple of reblogs!:
I saw Rosette and my heart started racing, I clutched my pearls, I needed to sit down, I AM NOT NORMAL ABOUT THAT FIC ToT
I could Actually write endless essays about so many little details of that work... so much went into it, and I have to remind myself that I need to remind myself that the streets aren't aware of how Insane I am, and that is probably for the better XP
Hwang family: other than the obvious of all the characters featured in the extended family home 2hwang grow up in sharing the surname "Hwang," I picked dancers and the sort of connections that reflect canon. Niki looking up to Hyunjin and following in that legacy (yeah, I know he's not a "real" Hwang, but my au so I do what I want XD), SinB [Hwang Eunbi] as the kindest to them as the pioneer in 4th gen dancing gems. Also, the name Eunbi gives me mother-hen visions from my time knee-deep in Iz*one so XD
Hometown village: I had decided I needed to save all of SkzItzy for the new village they move to, which left me with the current village to fill of good friends, but not found family people. Aespa was an obvious choice as Itzy's irl friends, and I decided to dust in Enhypen members since I already had Niki. "Taeyhyung" was a generic enough name that I didn't feel like I was villainizing any particular boy group member XD Picking 2PM's Wooyoung was probably my favorite part of the hometown village-- it's been so sweet watching him be this JYP mentor figure for all of skz publically since Kingdom, and for the group personally since much before from what Chan's told us. This "respectable gentleman" figure who's removed enough from current happenings seemed to fit him really well.
Foster family: [giggles] Okay so SeungBin being siblings? Absolutely completely canon, Seungmin is such an annoying younger brother and Changbin takes the preachy protective older brother so well, and making them the first thoughtful and concerned people 2hwang meet was the perfect way to build them into the new village. I built the rest of the family around them: Chaeryeong is already Changbin's annoying baby sister confirmed XP Sunmi was easy to fit next to them, I think of Chaeryeong as sort of the next generation Sunmi performance wise, and Seungmin is always joked as being the role Sunmi was in teasing the company and JYP himself. Younghyun I knew needed to be central in someway, and as a very involved, very well known and respected idol of his generation who has so much history and present influence in the company, I put him right in the center as an older adult who makes the village feel like home.
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melimpostor · 19 days
Hello Meli!! Hope you're doing well :3
For the artist ask game: 1, 5, 7, 8, 16, 20
Hello Moon !! Thank you for your ask !! I'm doing fine, i hope you're having a good timezone ! ♥ ► 1. When did you start creating art? A while back ! I think this year marks 15 years which is wild when i think about it..
► 5. What piece of art are you still proud of to this day? (Show or describe)
Oh, since you like space i'll show you this one ! I made it for a drawing contest back in 2021. The subject was "Life in all its forms" . And yeah my entry was not subtle at all-
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► 7. Who are some artists that have inspired you? They are many ! I tend to find something inspiring in every artist i follow but i'll mention one i'm sure you know- Isayama Hajime Yeah- I mean it seems obvious right? I'm inspired by his path as an author. The dude had 1 story in mind (with several iteration yes, but it's one and the same) And it is that 1 story he delivered. He recieved backlash and criticism about his art, his takes , his ending from left and right... Deserved or not, in the end he stayed true to his vision, and i respect that. Also, that gigachad decided to retire after his grand masterpiece to make his little quiet onsen place? Hell yeah, that's the american dream equivalent for an artist right there XD Anyway, he inspired me to tell my own story as well. In a writing perspective, there is a lot of lessons in foreshadowing and worldbuilding we can learn from the guy. He also reminded me that you can't always please everyone, so might as well go for it, you know? . Then i'll make my little onsen business too- ► 8 and 16 I answered those ones here !
► 20. What motivates/inspires you artistically? (topics, emotions, etc) I would say that emotions is what starts my urge of drawing something. But i'm lucky enough to be easily inspired in general. I'm listening to a very catchy song? Boom ! i'll make a clip in my head. I'm watching a film? Boom! "i wonder how X would react in this situation" A meme is making me laugh ? Boom ! i'll slap charas on it I want to go somewhere but somehow can't ? Boom ! i'll draw charas doing it instead ! I read a very spicy meta on tumblr ? Boom- The amount of fic fanart i would draw if i had infinite freetime...
Thank you very much for your asks ! ♥♥
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dreaming-for-an-escape · 10 months
His Sweet Dream
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Summary: Aegon has an amazing sex dream about Adrian and her love for his ass.
A/N: Uhhhhhh, well, this happened. Just know this is dream smut from Aegon's end. But whew, what a dream this turned out to be. This will eventually be mentioned in the main story My Heart, My Body, My Soul later on xD
Warnings: SMUT. It's dream smut but smut nevertheless. So 18+ only. I will block your ass (haha) otherwise. There's a lot of ass play in this one. So if you like that then enjoy! Also Aegon has a huge mommy kink.
Aegon knew he must’ve been dreaming the moment Adrian sauntered into his chambers wearing the most revealing nightgown he’d ever seen. He didn’t think that to be possible after the many visits to the brothels in the Street of Silk he’d done over the years. 
Yet Adrian’s see through ivory nightgown left very little to his imagination. Her whole body was superb, the most tantalizing he’d ever seen. Her breasts were full enough to fit his hands, her legs long and smooth, and her ass… fuck. When she did a twirl for him he nearly released in his trousers. 
It was no wonder Aemond was possessive as he was with Adrian. Her Dornish beauty mixed with this modern world beauty had him drooling. And when she sat on his lap on his bed, pressing her soaking core against his hard clothed cock, Aegon nearly fell over the edge. 
“Gods, you’re so big, Aegon.” Adrian moaned sweetly into his ear, moving her hips faster against his. 
They were still dressed and Aegon was as flushed as ever. Her comment made him breathe shakily but he covered it up with a chuckle. “That gets you wet, doesn’t it?” He had his hands on her waist, but she wasn’t letting him take control, and honestly he was fine with that. 
Adrian pressed down harder onto his erection causing him to scrunch up his nose when moaning. She laughed. “That it does. Your big cock makes me wet and my nipples hard.” She took hold of one of his hands to put on her right breast.“Feel.” She demanded, and Aegon did just that. He ripped her nightgown for him to squeeze her right breast and pinch her already hardened nipple. 
“Seven hells.” Aegon moaned, almost spilling into his trousers when she licked his ear before whispering.
“It almost makes me want to let you fuck me silly.” 
Aegon was aware this was a dream, hence why he’d been going along with everything but he was curious, and so he asked. “What about Aemond?”
Adrian stopped rutting her hips down on his which made Aegon let out a whine. He tried lifting his hips up but halted when Adrian grabbed him by the throat. “Fuck Aemond.” She told him, squeezing enough for Aegon’s cock to get harder than fuckin’ Valyrian steel.  
“Doesn’t he already do that to you though?” Aegon croaked out. 
Adrian rather than getting angry with him, merely smiled. “Not anymore. Now I’m going to fuck you .” She sang, squeezing his throat one more time before getting off him. “So turn around and lift that pretty ass of yours.”
After hearing her say that Aegon no longer cared and was more than fine to go along with whatever she had planned. He, however, paused for a moment to drink in Adrian’s appearance again. He thought she looked wildly stunning in her revealing nightgown, with her right breast now out and her left breast barely covered. 
Apparently he took too long to do what Adrian said because once he turned over with his ass out of his trousers he was met with a few harsh smacks. Rather than telling her to stop, Aegon went cross eyed, and he felt his cock begin to twitch. 
“You listen to me immediately, do you understand?!” 
Adrian demanded, smacking his already sensitive ass twice more. 
Aegon brought the closest pillow near him to bite a moan into it before answering her. “Yes, yes, I’m sorry!”
Instead of delivering another smack, Adrian rubbed his ass. “There, there. Let me make you feel better now.”
Aegon licked his lips, wanting to tell her that she could smack his ass again. That left his head as soon as he felt Adrian licking all the way from his hard cock to his ass. 
The sound of her giggling filled his chambers. “You enjoyed that didn’t you?”
“Yes!” Aegon breathed rapidly on the pillow he laid his head on. 
Adrian ducked down to kiss the tip of his cock. Her fingers rubbed the rim of his ass. “How lucky for you that I find your cock and ass to be absolutely divine.” She licked from his cock to his ass again, this time pausing to nip whatever skin she could before sucking. 
Aegon’s thighs began to shake. “I think I’m gonna—” He shut up when Adrian suddenly took hold of his pulsing length, her thumb caressing his tip. His thighs were still shaking, and his moaning never ceasing. 
“No. You don’t get to finish just yet.” Adrian sternly told him. She pushed his head further down into the pillow before smacking his ass again. “Head down and ass up.”
Aegon was tempted to disobey her just to get smacked in the ass once more but he decided to just listen to her. He gasped when he felt her tongue explore his ass, even going as far as pushing her tongue into his hole. 
By the time she wet him enough to insert two of her fingers into him, Aegon was a weeping mess. Throughout this whole time Adrian had been holding on to his cock, slowly rubbing him. Aegon thought that was as far as she was going to go but was surprised, and disappointed when she suddenly stopped pleasuring him. Her next words nearly made him spill right then and there. 
“I’m going to fuck you with one of your wooden cocks now.” Adrian bent over him to whisper into his ear. Her hands squeezed at his ass, which only made Aegon eagerly nod his head.
“Gods, yes!” 
Aegon didn’t see which one Adrian had chosen but from the way she was caressing his sensitive ass with it he knew it must’ve been one of the bigger ones. He shivered from anticipation once she stopped caressing him.
“Now hold still and enjoy.” Adrian cooed before she pushed the tip of the makeshift wooden cock inside him. Aegon instantly let out a groan, eyes shutting. He thought she was going to take it slow but was pleasantly surprised again when she made one quick thrust, inserting the wooden cock all the way. 
Adrian never pulled the wooden cock all the way, just enough to push it back in him. It felt fuckin’ amazing because the pain mixed perfectly with the pleasure. The only thing that would’ve made this better was if he were the one fucking her, and he gladly told her this as she continued her thrusting.   
“I want to be the one who fucks you.” Aegon pitifully cried out. His eyes opened again, and he turned his head enough to look at her. “I’ve wanted to fuck you since I first laid eyes on you.”
Adrian suddenly stopped, and she laughed when she heard him cry out her name. She twisted the wooden cock, laughing again when he cried out her name more desperately. “Aww, I know but the only one doing the fucking here is me.” She reached under him to squeeze his throbbing member, liking the way he arched his back with a mewl. 
Aegon felt his eyes well up, head falling onto his pillow. “I need to…fuck! Please!”
“Please what?” Adrian asked, leaning down to blow into his ear. She made small thrusts now, hand rubbing and squeezing his member. “You know what I want to hear.”
Aegon hiccuped. “Please Adrian!” 
“Hmm, you almost got it right.” Adrian pulled out the wooden cock from him, tsking. From below her Aegon started crying at the emptiness. “Come on, you know what I like to be called.”
Aegon lifted his head from his pillow and turned to look at her. “Muña! Please let me spill already!”
Adrian pushed into him again, rubbing his cock much faster than before. Aegon moaned loudly to which she giggled uncontrollably. “My precious boy, go ahead and spill onto muña's hand.”
Aegon smiled in relief, and just as he was about to let go he awoke, utterly startled. He was drenched but not in the way he desired. He’d been pulled out of his amazing sex dream with Adrian by having a bucket of ice cold water thrown at him. And the culprit was none other than Aemond. 
His brother stood over his bed, empty bucket now in hand. “What the fuck?!” Aegon screeched at him, wiping his eyes. “Why did you throw water at me?!”
“Why were you moaning my wife’s name?!” Aemond thundered, wanting to hit him on the head over and over again with the bucket. He hadn’t originally come in with the bucket in hand, but as soon as he heard Aegon moaning Adrian’s name he left and came back with a bucket full of cold water. 
Aegon gulped, now seeing just how angry his brother looked. “No, I wasn't.” He lamely denied. He really could’ve said that in a convincing tone but it was hard to do so with Aemond staring as if he wanted to kill him. 
“I heard you, Aegon.” Aemond hissed.  
It was definitely because he got interrupted just as he was about to climax in his dream that had Aegon snapping at him. “Fine, brother. I was moaning Adrian’s name. Are you content now?”
“No, only crushing your skull with this bucket would make me content.” Aemond fired back, indigo eye blazing. 
Aegon swallowed hard. He really wished he could’ve used the photo of Adrian his brother had once taken as leverage but that wouldn’t work anymore now that they were married. Besides, he already knew Adrian hated his brother because of his possessiveness. 
But at least Aegon knew, as much as his brother wanted to kill him at this moment, he wouldn’t do so. That still didn’t mean he couldn’t suffer at Aemond’s hand. He narrowed his violet eyes at how tightly Aemond was holding the bucket.    
After what felt like forever, Aemond took a deep breath. “Mother wants you up. You’ve already missed breaking fast with us.” He told him with a scoff. “We all thought you were sleeping off your drunkenness from last night but clearly your depravity was getting the best of you.”
Aegon, unsure of what to say, gave him the middle finger, a gesture he learned from Adrian. Only after his brother began walking away though, and Aegon quickly lowered his hand when Aemond glanced over his shoulder to glare at him. 
“If I ever hear you moan my wife’s name again it won’t be cold water I’ll be throwing at you.”
Aegon kept his face from showing fear until his brother left his chambers. Once alone he was able to breathe better. After stretching his arms over his head, Aegon went to get up only to come to a stop. He stared down at his fully erect cock and huffed. 
The cold water hardly did any damage to it. And since this big problem of his wasn’t going away on its own he decided to handle it himself. 
Aegon licked his hand and proceeded to jerk himself off. It didn’t take long for him to release his spend all over his sheets, not when he thought back to his wonderful dream of Adrian filling up his ass. 
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Ohhh let’s make a letter where Bonten Mikey and Bonten Koko got their darling a rlly expansive skin product but ends up giving them hives or eczema instead of helping out their darling skin issues
💌 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 💌 -> 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 "𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐲" 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨, 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐢
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭: 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚞𝚙 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚑𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚜/𝚎𝚌𝚣𝚎𝚖𝚊
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: I did this as both of them sharing you cuz I thought it would be funny XD
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You blinked in surprise when seeing a letter on your desk, you did see Kakucho enter and leave the room so could he have delivered you something? It's such a strange thing to happen as you don't even get mail, even less so as Mikey and Koko prohibited you from talking to anyone.
Speaking of it, you haven't seen either of them since you got that cream... 'I'll yell at them later.' You huffed in annoyance and took the letter, squinting in irritation at the pain when you moved your limbs as you opened the letter, seeing paragraphs with two different writing styles and... Were those tear stains on the bottom part? There were a lot of hearts too...
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Hey sweetheart, it's Koko.
I, don't bring this up to anyone, am really sorry about what happened before, Mikey and I should've been more careful with what we bought you. Only reason I'm writing a letter and not telling you in person or texting you is because we're abroad right now, and when Kakucho told us the news of what happened to you while we were talking on the phone Mikey panicked and we lost our phones in the ocean.
I'll... Do better next time [Y/N], we're trying to get home as soon as possible. I doubt Sanzu nor the others have been competent enough to take care of you and talk to a proper doctor about what you're going through. But just because of that don't think you're free to escape.
Sure we may have made a mistake but if we don't find you at the penthouse once we're back you'll get in trouble, Mikey is already overwhelmed about not being able to see you and the same goes for me, so if we find out you tried acting out you'll suffer worse than what's happening to you.
Anyways, I'll bring you some better gifts once we're back, here, Mikey has a few words to write about as well.
I love you, Koko.
Angel I'm so sorry I didn't expect for any of that to happen
We're finishing the mission right now and as soon as I get back I'm taking you to have a better treatment
Actually I hope you're still at the hospital right now and Sanzu didn't just take you back home when they said you could be discharged
I'll fucking kill him if he did
Koko said you won't die but I'm still worried so take it easy and don't move and if you need anything the other executives are there
I promise I'll make it up to you
I love you so much so I hate that this happened
When I get back home you can kick me or slap me to make yourself feel better
But until we get back you better not move and try to escape
Honest this was just a mistake and we didn't mean to make you suffer like that
So stay right there
Don't try to leave me
I'll come back home immediately. Koko too. I'll kill the entire employees of that place and close down the shop just watch.
I love you angel and again, I'm sorry
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leffee · 19 days
Day 16: Riptide
Ok, so, the "normal" definition of that word is different than what I wrote, but I had zero ideas for that normal definition and then I found this one:
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I decided to go with this definition of the word. Admittedly, I only found this sort of meaning for riptide on two sites, plus I have never heard of this word myself, so I'm sorry if this definition is wrong or doesn't really fit :') then again I really don't think you care that much about those prompt words, do you xd?
“So, because of this wedding, next week I am flying to India with my parents. Since the occasion arises, we decided that we might as well stay in our homeland for the next seven days too, reconnect with it for a week.” 
Ever since Sunil casually provided that information to their group his friends have known - for a while they would be treading on thin ice, and no one was quite sure whether to be grateful or worried that Vinnie just happened to be too busy that day to hear about his best friend’s departure.
“I think I should call Vinnie; he would like to know, I am sure.” Back then Sunil started reaching for his phone, but Russell grabbed his wrist in a flash.
“N-no, don’t worry yourself with that, you already have enough on your plate with that visit, we will tell him… later.”
It was a good enough solution for a while until the dreaded later came. After seeing Sunil off at the airport, who admittedly was surprised by the absence of his best friend, but Minka managed to rig up some half-believable excuse, the five friends gathered at the pink-haired girl’s house. One delivered message later they all became tense and, on their toes, dreading what might as well be considered as a small-scaled apocalypse.
“Alright, everyone,” Russell started with a shaky breath, sitting on the couch squeezed from both sides by his tightly packed friends, “knowing him, he will be here in a few minutes at most and then we will… tell him all about Sunil’s week-long trip. R-Remember, just be calm and it will all work out, he can’t smell fear if it’s not there…”
“We try that each and every time and it never works!” Pepper accused and shifted on the couch. “I don’t think this is going to work, Ferguson.”
“Maybe just this time it will, it has to one day, I mean, nothing else ever did!" Russell’s voice raised in pitch with every syllable. He tugged on his hair, redirecting his shaky gaze at Minka. “And Minka, please, this time don’t, let’s say, yell the news before it’s supposed to happen, alright?”
“Ahaha.” His interlocutor giggled hurriedly with an askew smile, “I know, I know, I won’t, promise. I just don’t think thisisgoingtowork…!” 
“Well, just don’t do that,” Zoe replied with downcast eyes, her hands playing with the rim of her dress. Her expression was the calmest out of the bunch, or well, has been until that moment. “Maybe we just shouldn't tell him at all? Maybe we can hide Sunil’s departure for an entire week…?” She finished; whatever crumbs of confidence were in her voice dissipated with each word.
“No! This will never work. I’m pretty sure Vinnie can smell Sunil and once he realizes that the scent isn’t there, he’s gonna freak! But… I've been thinking of an idea of sorts.” Before the group could question either of those claims, the creaking of the front door seemed to reverberate throughout the entire house causing the five individuals to either flinch or full-fledged jump on the couch and cling to one another.
“Minka!” Penny whispered through her teeth. “You didn’t lock the door?!”
“Guess not, I was too nervous, probably, and I must have forgotten.” Penny couldn’t even blame the other, all of their minds had been preoccupied with just one matter after all.
“Hi guys, there you are.” The new voice entering the room caused all of them to flinch again and turn slowly towards Vinnie. 
“Hi, darling!” Zoe quickly let out, with a bit too much enthusiasm penetrating her greeting.
“‘Sup,” Vinnie waved haphazardly and blinked at his friends’ peculiar positions. “Uh, okay…” His eyes scanned all of them in sequence. “Hey, where’s Sunil? You said that everyone would be here, and I knocked on Sunil’s door on my way here and he didn’t answer, so how come he is not here either?” His neck made a snapping sound as he quickly tilted his head to the side, his pupils appearing just a bit smaller than before.
Russell gulped, his shoulders rising up. He exchanged a rapid glance with each person on the couch before opening his dry-feeling mouth but in advance of any words coming out of his mouth, there came an impossibly high-pitched screech from the right end of the couch.
“Minka, no, don’t say anything-!” However, that’s not what happened. Instead, the girl got up and in no time made her way to the other room, disappearing quickly from the view. After they stopped gazing in the direction of Minka’s mad rush, everyone slowly turned back to now eye Vinnie. He stood there, seemingly rooted to the spot, staring in the same direction as everyone a second ago.
“Damn, Minka, you traitor, leaving us like this,” Pepper whispered through clenched teeth, her own legs shifting. Vinnie’s head snapped back to now look at the remaining quartet, breathing heavily through his nose.
“Vinnie, wait, I can, um, explain.” Russell swallowed, his flat hands moving in front of him. It was now or… well, not never, it was now or now. “You see…” He started but as soon as he looked at Vinnie again the words got stuck in his throat, “see… see… um… Sunil… he… he, he, he…”
This wasn’t getting anywhere, was it? With each of his stutters Vinnie’s hands got closer to forming into fists, his pupils becoming smaller, his teeth more bared.
“He’s not here, he’s in India this week,” Zoe finished for him, letting the word flow out quickly yet just slowly enough to be recognizable. Her squeezed-tight eyes throughout the whole sentence now snapped open, just in time to see Vinnie rushing at them. 
“AH!” They all gasped and clung immediately to one another as he jumped, all of their eyes now closed, getting ready for whatever was to come next. But just then-.
“STOOOOP!” Minka’s voice hollered. “Please, take this!” They took in a truly offbeat sight. At some point, Minka had appeared in front of them and was now holding something cardboard up in her hands, seemingly for Vinnie, who momentarily stopped in mid-air, his eyes losing their fire once they stopped on the item.
“Oh.” He allowed himself to fall back to the floor and eyed the object with a now curious stare while Russell, Zoe, Penny, and Pepper still clung to one another, exchanging unnerved glances.
“S-see?” Minka swallowed. “I know it’s not the same, but uh, how about you just take it for this week, or-or however long Sunil’s not here and, um, uh…”
Vinnie was completely silent once Minka failed to try to find her words, still staring at the same point. His expression was a poker face with a tinge of surprise and remaining anger, but just then as if someone flipped a switch a delighted smile grew on his face, and he snatched the cardboard from Minka’s hands.
“Sunil!” He squealed happily and hugged the thing, turning around with it and allowing the rest to finally see it from the front - it was a cardboard-cutout of Sunil…
“Is… is this one of those cardboard-cutouts you made of all of us when you said you miss us when we’re not all together?” Penny whispered as all of their eyes followed Vinnie’s every move cautiously.
“Yeah,” Minka replied in an equally hushed tone. “See, this is the idea I was talking about.”
The grip of the rest of the group loosened gradually from around each other until they were all standing free again, though remaining undeniably close. 
“I can’t believe that worked.” Zoe scratched her nape, all of their eyes on Vinnie who was now firmly squeezing “Sunil.” Next, he dipped the cutout and went for a kiss on the cheek.
“Uhm, Vinnie, maybe you shouldn’t…” Russell’s voice trailed off when Pepper put her arm in front of him.
“Would you really rather he started freaking out and possibly tearing Minka’s entire house to shreds?”
“No… no, I wouldn’t. I just wonder if this will be enough for an entire week.” No one tried to provide any answer. Only time would tell, but for now everyone’s sanity, and material goods, were saved.
Since I don't remember when I really started loving Vinnie I have a theory it was when he destroyed the daycamp in Sunil's sick day. I mean, what a man! Little freak <3
Yeah, that honestly only semi-fits even this definition, but I think it will do.
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aamy2100982 · 11 months
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe not, because I don't have enough evidence to say that what I'm going to write is true. Let's leave it as a HeadCanon
What I'm talking about? that I'm sure Symby from the comics is older than Venom from the movie.
I don't think it's ever directly revealed if Symby was one of the symbiotes created by Knull or is a child of one of those symbiotes. But al in me tells me that Symby was created by Knull. Which makes Symby almost the same age as the universe. Because actually Symby was part of the planet that kept Knull locked up until the Kree pulled it out of their deep sleep and took him to deliver to Tel-Kar. The closest I get to saying that Symby is a direct son of Knull is the 2020 "Venom Beyond" comics in which Symby says "I've never been this close to a symbiote hive since I was born" Which at least tells me that Symby was born on Klyntar and not on another planet.
Movie!Symby was probably born on Klyntar as well, which I assume simply because the Klyntars of that universe are an invading race that only goes to other planets to devour their living beings and then move on to the next planet. I don't know how mythology works on the movie, but I suppose there is a Knull, even though I doubt he's awake.
I would even go so far as to say that Venom may be the son of Riot, because Venom is a more childish character than Riot. I compare Venom's personality to that of Rascal or even Sleeper, who as babies are impulsive characters who act almost without thinking about the consequences of getting into a fight, just like Venom does. I'm not saying that Venom is a baby, but is a young Klyntar compared to others.
Symbiotes seem to mature much earlier than humans, so I'm assuming the actual Venom is no more than 20 human years old (of maturity. Of human years of maturity, I'm not sure, but it sure is fewer years). Although I'm sure symbiotes just stop maturing in their 30s or 40s (human maturity), or at least that's how mature I think Comic!Symby is.
The only thing that would make me think that Venom is a mature symbiote is that in the post credits scene of the second movie, it becomes "super smart" and "mysterious" talking about the hive and strutting to Eddie about how they are more aware of the multiverse and Eddie no xd
I know that Venom's personality was made so that the film has a character who makes jokes as often as necessary so that the film does not take on such a dark air and to be able to keep it in an age range for -18. But I feel that their personality is very similar to the few immature Symbionts that we have seen over time.
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