#[ sv. Rick Double Morty Megyhem ; timeline split & shctupmeg :: Morty ]
countlessrealities · 4 months
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@shctupmeg sent: “Sorry I haven’t been around in awhile. Can we talk?” for Morty
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Morty's eyes went wide when Meg approached him, leaving him looking like a deer caught in the headlights. Many emotions flashed over his face and, for a second, it even looked like he might have turned on his heels and fled.
And in truth, the option was tempting, but he stomped down the urge anyway. The girl deserved better, especially after how their last conversation had gone. He still felt guilty for having upset her, but he also believed that it had been the right choice. After all, he had no rights to come between his counterpart and her, not rights to be so selfish.
Not that he would have done it, even if he had been allowed. He loved his other self too much to hurt him, and he liked Meg too much as well.
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"I-It's okay, I figured that you would be...y-you know, busy and stuff," he finally answered, rubbing the back of his neck. However, his tone was a little uncertain and he didn't meet the girl's eyes as he spoke. "An-And I haven't been around either, s-so you have nothing to apologise for. I-It's on me too."
It could have been easy to blame it on all the extra adventuring he and Rick had been doing lately, but the truth is that he had been the one to prompt the scientist to take so many trips. He would knew that he had been sort of avoiding both Meg and his counterpart.
"B-But, uh, sure. Let's...Let's talk."
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countlessrealities · 2 months
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Even more incorrect quotes || Accepting !
@shctupmeg sent: ✏️ for Meg and Morty
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Meg: Remember everyone, violence is never the answer. Morty: You're right, Meg...Violence can't be the answer. Meg: Correct, Morty. Now, on to the next lesso- Morty: Violence is the question. Morty: And the answer is yes! Meg: Morty, no!!
*Morty and Meg are in Paris.* Morty: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny? Meg: But... Morty: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and... Meg: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception? Morty: Yeah. Meg: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe. Morty: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION. Meg: Okay, alright.
Meg: Do you have any idea what you’re doing? Morty: Why start now?
Morty: Everyone has a toxic trait. Except Meg, they’re perfect. Meg: Wrong! My toxic trait is how badly I want to domesticate a raccoon.
Morty: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much. Meg: Oh, you’ve been? Morty: Once. In Monopoly.
Meg: Stop doing that. Morty: Stop doing what? Meg: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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New Year's Eve toasts || Accepting !
@shctupmeg sent: 🥂💋 for a toast with a kiss (for Morty)
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During the hour that preceded midnight, Morty spent most of the time glancing at the clock, to the point that keeping up with the ongoing conversations the people around him were engaging in. Summer and Rick had to elbow him a couple of times when he failed to answer a question or a comment he had been addressed.
Yet, no matter how embarrassed and even slightly humiliated he got by being called out for having spaced out, he couldn't really bring himself to focus on the present. Not when his heart was beating so loudly at the thought of what he was planning to do once the clock would strike midnight.
Then, there was the part of him that worried and hesitated, because the truth was loud and clear. He and Meg had gone on a few dates, but they weren't together. Not officially, not yet. And he had been the one to insist that they took their time, that they let their relationship develop. Slowly. So, maybe, he was making a bigger deal out of this than it had to be?
Hazel eyes floated towards where Meg was chatting animatedly with Summer. She seemed at ease, unlike him, and that just made his anxiety grow even more. For all he knew, the girl didn't even want to share a New Year kiss with him and he was just forcing his fantasies onto reality.
Or, maybe, she didn't think it was that important. They had kissed a few times already, so why being nervous about a repeat? Great, now he really felt pathetic.
In any case, he couldn't change his plans now. That would have been even lamer. And that said it all.
So, when the end of the day, and of the year, finally approached, he inched closer and closer to the girl, trying his best not to attract anyone else's attention. Thankfully, the rest of his family was preparing for the countdown, so they couldn't have cared less about paying attention to what he was doing.
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"Uh, h-hey, Meg? Come with me for a moment?" He asked in a whisper, leaning in so that just his almost girlfriend could hear him. "I-It won't be long, I-I promise. I...There's something I want to do."
He offered his hand to her and, the moment she took it, he tugged at her arm lightly, to coax her to follow him. As the rest of the family headed for the backyard, he pulled her in the hall, near the front door. His initial plan had been to get out of the house, but he decided against it. He didn't want the neighbours to whistle at them or worse.
So, they just sat on the stairs, as he produced two paper cups and a small bottle of fruity, alcohol-free champagne. He usually drank actual alcohol during the holidays, but he knew that Meg didn't like it, so he had been sure to pick a drink she could enjoy.
"I-I just wanted to have a moment alone with you," he explained, as he filled both their glasses. "B-Because...I know that we aren't together together, b-but I really like you. A lot."
He was stalking and he knew it, but he couldn't help it. The nervousness in the pit of his stomach just wouldn't settle and he was struggling hard to fight it. Then, the clock struck midnight and he knew that it was then or never.
"An-And...I...I really wanted to...to do this."
He didn't elaborate or wait for an answer, gearing that he would lose his guts if he had. So, instead, he just leant him and kissed her.
While he didn't deepen the contact past their mouths moving against each other, he was a bit rougher, a bit more passionate than he had been the previous times. He pressed in closer, hungrier even, taking as much as he could without crossing the lines he himself had set down.
Was he indulging too much? Was he pushing for too much? Asking too much? Especially when he wasn't ready to give what he knew she wanted from him. But he was too selfish to stop now.
When he eventually broke away, he was panting a little and his face felt too hot from comfort. Still, he managed to pour their drinks, just in time for the second round of fireworks to light up the sky.
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"S-So, uh, happy new year, Meg. I hope that it will be a good year for you. An-And that I'll be able to help making a happy one too."
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countlessrealities · 1 month
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Send a ‘👄 + name’ and my muse will talk about that character || Accepting !
@shctupmeg sent: 👄 Meg for Rick
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Rick rolls his eyes so hard that it must have hurt. Or, at least, that's what whoever is looking at him would think. He has plenty to say about Morty's latest flight of fancy, but he knows that the little shit would get upset if he voiced all his true opinions on the girl.
It's not that he cares about making the boy upset. They fight and bicker most of the time, it's part of their dynamic. However, a genuinely pissed Morty is a Morty hellbent on spiting him, which means a lot of bothers and way less adventures. The scientist has learnt to pick his battles, even if, of course, that's something he'd deny even under torture.
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"T-The fuck do you want me to say about her? S-She's unnecessary," he states in a disgruntled tone. "M-Morty was fine before she showed up. B-Both of them. T-They don't need a girlfriend, or whatever. E-Especially one who has life plans tha-that aren't compatible with w-what our Mortys want to do with their life."
If Meg thinks that either for his grandson is going to settle down and marry her, she's in for a huge disappointment. It's never going to happen.
"W-Whatever. If Morty really wants a distraction, f-fine, I'll allow it. E-Especially if she makes him more agreeable."
As much as he'd love to, he can't argue that the girl puts the boy in a better mood.
"B-But she's better not get any idea, b-because she will always come second. I-It's Rick and Morty a hundred year, n-not Morty and what's-her-name."
He's willing to stay out of whatever the two teens have ongoing as long as it doesn't get in the way of what he has plans. If Meg can follow that rule, they can co-exist in Morty's life. If not...He'll make sure she has never been part of it to start with.
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countlessrealities · 1 month
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@shctupmeg sent: "Morty!" She exclaims before grasping at his hands in excitement. "I'm glad you're here. You get to witness my greatest culinary achievement yet!" She dramatically unveils her cake. "It's a chocolate lava cake that not only looks like a volcano but works as one too!" Then she takes out her remote. Pressing a button making the chocolate sauce shoot out like real lava. "It's pretty great right?"
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When Meg had called to tell him that he had to get to her house as quickly as possible, Morty had gotten reasonably worried. The girl's voice hadn't held any trace of fear, quite the contrary. If something, it had sounded full with glee. However, all the time he had spent adventuring with Rick had taught him that i was always best to be wary of unclear situation.
Or maybe the scientist's paranoia has rubbed off on his this much by now. That's just equally possible.
Just in case, he grabs on of his weapons before being on his way. Better safe than sorry, as they say. And he would rather feel an idiot later on that take the chance to be unharmed when it was needed. Especially since Meg would have been in danger too in that scenario.
Thankfully, it quickly becomes obvious that all his concerns were unfounded the moment he is greeted by an overly enthusiastic Meg and dragged into the kitchen. Hazel eyes go wide at the beautifully built cake, the resemblance to the real thing uncanny, if not for the size and some of the colour scheme.
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"W-Wow," the boy manages to say in obvious awe, just for the feeling to grow deeper the moment his almost girlfriend shows off what the sweet volcano can do.
His gaze follow the cascade of chocolate, fingers itching to reach out and touch, but he doesn't dare. The last thing he wants is to accidentally damage Meg's masterpiece.
"T-This is amazing, Meg! I-It's incredible, I-I bet most people wouldn't even know where to begin with t-to make something like that!" He exclaims once he has recovered from his wonder, turning towards the girl with the brightest smile, full of admiration. "Y-You're so good! S-So talented! One day you'll be famous, I-I'm sure! How...It has to happen with how amazing you are!"
He gets a hold of her hands again, giving them a light squeeze before leaning in an pressing a sweet peck on her lips.
"An-And I'm the luckiest guy of the world h-having someone as awesome as you w-wanting to date me."
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countlessrealities · 3 months
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@shctupmeg sent: "So, um, my grandparents are throwing me a birthday party. It's kinda gonna be this big event and I was hoping you guys could come. It's on the 23rd in case you forgot." Meg explained as she handed them their invitations. (for Morty and Summer)
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Summer lets out a huff, shooting Morty a glance before taking her invitation. Her brother has been insisting that they wouldn't get to go through with their plans for Meg's birthday on the actual day and, as it had just turned out, he was right all along. She has no doubts that she will be hearing about it all night.
It isn't that she wasn't expecting her friends's grandparents to want to celebrate her special day. The two have done nothing short than spoiling Meg rotten since she has moved in with them. However, she wasn't expecting the other girl to go along with something that grand.
Perhaps Meg has been settling into her new wealthy life much better and more quickly than she thought.
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"In case we forgot? Are you kidding me? How the hell could we forget your birthday? We started looking for your gifts, like, weeks ago!"
The look she shoots Meg could have incinerate plenty of people...but in this case it's obviously an empty threat because, while she is genuinely annoyed by what the other has hinted at, she gets a pass because they are close friends.
"This party has better rock the whole city, and that's how you make it up to me for even just thinking that."
Morty winces a little at his sister's harsh comebacks, but he can't really blame her. He too is a little hurt by Meg believing that they could forget about her birthday, after everything they have gone through together.
However, unlike Summer, he bites his feelings back and clears his throat, looking just a tad uncomfortable. Better just move on and pretend that his almost girlfriend hasn't worded the invitation like that.
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"Uh, w-what Summer means is that of course we'll come! W-We wouldn't miss it for the world!" He tries to make up, even if the cheer in his voice comes out a little forced. "An-And I'm sure that it will be a great party an-and that we'll have lots of fun. E-Even if, well...A-All we really care about is celebrating with you an-and make sure that you'll have an amazing day, y-you know?"
Reason why they have been planning activities for a whole day, just in case. He is still hoping to get to do everything on the 24th, though. He is sure that Meg would love what they have organised for her.
"W-We'll see you at the party then. B-But if you or your grandparents need any help, w-with the setting up and stuff I mean...L-Let me know and I'll gladly come to help!"
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countlessrealities · 3 months
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Send ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse || Accepting !
@shctupmeg sent: 💋 for Morty
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Morty fidgeted in his spot, trying his best to hide his nervousness. Meg was talking about...something, but the truth was that he hadn't been paying attention to what she had been saying for the last ten minutes. He felt bad about it, because he wanted to be a good friend and a good almost boyfriend, which also meant listening to her, but his mind was stuck on one thought and he couldn't focus on anything else.
He wasn't sure of what had prompted it. Maybe it was the way the sun made her eyes shine and underlined the rosy hint of her cheeks. Or perhaps it was the extra sweetness in her voice, brought out by the fact that whatever she was telling him obviously made her happy. Or it might just be that she was there and she was sweet and cute and he was a little smitten by now.
Whatever the reason, one thing was for sure. He really wanted to kiss her.
Steadying himself, he reached out, taking her hand in his. He didn't want to tell her to stop talking, that would have sounded rude and uncaring, but he needed her to. At least for a few minutes.
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"Uh, h-hey, sorry, I just...I mean, c-can we...can I..." He stuttered, unsure or how to word the request.
It wasn't such a hard thing to ask, but the words just wouldn't come, so he decided to skip them and act instead. He didn't think Meg would refuse him, but he still made sure to give her the time to understand what he was doing and to back away, had she wanted to.
Looking at her straight in the eye, he slowly cupped her cheek with his free and and then leant in, until his lips touched hers.
The kiss was mostly sweet, even if the press of his mouth betrayed that he was holding himself back. All the hesitancy he had shown so far was gone, replaced by ill-concealed eagerness. He was still planning not to take things too far, not until they would be officially dating, but in times like this it was just so hard to resist.
His cheeks flushed light and his fingers squeezed her as he allowed to be a little bolder. His teeth grazed her bottom lip, lightly and for the briefest moment, followed by a quick touch of his tongue.
After that, he lingered for a few mere seconds and then pulled away, a small contented smile on his lips despite his obvious awkwardness.
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"Uh, s-so...what were you saying?"
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countlessrealities · 4 months
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@shctupmeg sent: "Hi Morty. I brought over lunch if you're hungry. I hope you like spaghetti."
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The word echoed in Morty's head, over and over, poking awake some memories he would have rather not relive. The tale of an involving, moving lifetime that had left him filled with guilty and revulsion for that particular dish. On the other, the feeling of perfectly cooked pasta under his teeth, its flavour complimenting the thick sauce, and damn if that didn't make his mouth water.
After that episode, he had sworn spaghetti off and he had meant it. However, it seemed like his trauma-induced disgust wasn't as permanent as he had assumed it would be. It was the curse of having gone through so much. Nothing ever stuck, not unless it was deeply personal.
And now there he was, torn up over the reminder of having eaten people and the alluring smell of the plate that was being presented to him. This was just his luck. Of all the things Meg could have decided to cook for him...
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"Uh, I...I-It was very nice of you to make me...food, b-but I'm not that hungry right now, y-you know?" He stuttered out, eyeing the pasta as if it had been the weirdest things he had ever seen. "M-Maybe later? O-Or next time or..."
He wanted to say "never", but he was distracted by the unpleasant sensation in the pit of his stomach. Not nausea, not the urge to throw up, but hunger.
...Oh, fuck it. These spaghetti weren't even people. And, even if they had been, he had done worst things than eating someone who was already dead.
"...Y-You know what? I-I changed my mind. I-I could eat," he ended up saying, taking the plate from the girl. "Thank you, Meg. Y-You're always so thoughtful!"
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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@shctupmeg sent: "Yeah, it's how I ended up on tv that one time. I used to be the lead singer of my family's band. I just looked a lot different back then cause that's when they gave me a makeover. Like I used to be a blonde." for Morty and Summer
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Summer rose a brow at Meg's story, trying to imagine how her makeover persona had looked like, without really managing to. She would have to google it up. Morty had told her about the asshole who had tricked their friend into losing her virginity to him, and also that he had been taken care of, so she knew what to look for.
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"I can't picture you, like, blonde," she claimed pursing her nose a little. "That's so not your hair colour. It doesn't go with your palette. Even an idiot could see that."
As to say that whoever had given her a makeover was even more stupid than your standard idiot. And incompetent, fashion-wise.
"But hey, it's a good thing that you didn't look like anything you usually do. This way people don't, like, recognise you and can't give you shit."
While his sister's reaction had been mostly casual, Morty had instantly tensed up at the mention of that particular episode. He hadn't snapped because he didn't want to risk upsetting Meg, but that didn't make the rage that had climbed in his throat less scorching.
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"Y-Yeah, Summer is right. G-Giving you a makeover like that was dumb," he spoke up, more because he felt like he had to give his opinion than because he wanted to. "An-And you don't need a makeover. U-Unless you want to change your style. B-But if you ask me, y-you're pretty as you are. F-Fuck who disagrees with that, t-they don't know shit."
With the corner of his eye, he could see Summer smirking at him teasingly, but he pretended not to have noticed. If his sister wanted to poke fun at him, she was welcome to do it...after Meg would have left. Hopefully.
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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@shctupmeg sent:
Once she’s let in the house she just charges in with a big sack of Christmas presents. “Merry Christmas! Just call me Santa 'cause I got you guys so many presents!” She announces before dumping presents from said bag.
Each sibling was given at least seven gifts each. For Summer, it was various articles of designer clothing, jewelry and also some handmade stuff such as a friendship bracelet and a picture frame with a picture of her at Meg's at one of their sleepovers. For Morty, he got a collection of different comic books, video games and a photo album, which had pictures of the two of them on their dates, but also them with their shared boyfriend as well.
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After all the presents Meg had been showing their way in the days that preceded Christmas, both Summer and Morty thought that they would be prepared for what would come the day of the festivity. After all, it wasn't like the girl could get too many things, considering what they had already received.
Or, at least, that was what they had thought, at least until their friend barged into their house, looking very much like a pink Santa Claus with the big sac she was carrying with her. Apparently, whether she knew it or not, she had been hellbent on prove them wrong, and she had chosen to do it with style.
Summer was the first one to recover from the surprise and she managed, once again, to catch her part of the gifts before they could drown her, but her eyes still remained a little too wide, betraying how she had gotten caught off guard yet again.
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"Wow. Don't take this the wrong way, Meg, 'cause I totally appreciate it, but...you've, like, bought me more stuff in the last few days than Mom has in the last few years," she commented, sounding a little astonished. She picked up one of the designer skirts the other girl had gotten her. "And it's all stuff I like. Maybe save something for my birthday too?"
She knew that Meg would have gotten her plenty for that occasion too, of course. The younger girl had made how she was planning to use her newly acquired wealth very clearly. Hers was more of a subtle way to tell her not to go too much overboard.
As much as she liked being pampered and spoiled, especially considering how rarely it happened, Summer didn't want her friend to end up using all her energies and resources on others, while neglecting herself in the process.
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"Uh, y-yeah, Summer is right. T-This is all great an-and you're been super generous...too generous," Morty agreed shuffling in his spot. One of the gifts had hit him in the face, again, but this time it had hurt a little more since it had been way less softer than a sweater. "I-I'm glad that you appreciate us so much, b-because you're really important to us both, b-but...you don't have to do all this. W-We like you already, w-we're not going anywhere, s-so...don't feel obliged to be like this every holiday, a-alright?"
He rested his hands on the bunch of gifts that were filling his lap, his fingers lingering especially on the photo album. He loved everything else she had gotten him too, of course, but that particular item felt more special. Both because it was something Meg herself had made and because of the sentimental value it had.
Inside it was their little world, a universe made of the two of them and their boyfriend. Their metaphorical secret, happy place, in a way.
"B-But thanks, for all this. Y-You're amazing," he added, taking her hand and pressing a kiss on her check. "H-Happy holidays, Meg. An-And I'm really glad to be spending them a-as your almost boyfriend."
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countlessrealities · 6 months
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@shctupmeg sent: "Happy holidays guys!" She exclaims before a little violently throwing their presents at them. A yellow sweater for morty and a light purple sweater for summer. Both hand-knit by meg. "Don't worry! There's many more presents coming. Just you wait!"
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Meg's voice exploded in the living room so abruptly and unexpected that it managed to startle even Summer. The Smith siblings hadn't been expecting any visitor that day, so the sudden appearance of their shared friend was a complete surprise.
Not that they were given the time to show it or even just react, because the next moment a sweater was being tossed in their direction.
The redhead managed to catch her own, even if at the cost of dropping her phone between the seatback and the cushions of the sofa. the boy, on the other had, wasn't fast enough and the piece of clothing hit him straight in the face.
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"Gee, someone's excited about the holidays," was Summer's amused comment as she set the sweater down in her lap and started to rummage around to find her phone again. "Didn't know you knitted too. Or is it a new hobby?"
A few steps away, Morty stumbled into the coffee table, managing not to lose his balance. He already made a fool of himself in one way or another whenever Meg was around. He really didn't want to add falling on his ass to the long list of embarrassing gaffes he had made with her.
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"Y-Yeah, lots of excitement," he agreed in a slightly forced cheerful tone, hugging the sweater to his chest, as if he had been afraid that it might have jumped on him again if he had let it go. "I-I guess you make up for any lack of it on our side, d-don't you?"
He cleared his throat, fingers sinking in the soft material as he took a moment to finally examine the sweater.
"T-This looks great, Meg. An-And I bet that it's v-very comfortable to wear!" The only sweater he had was old and full of holes. Now he could have finally thrown it out. "T-Thanks. Y-You're really spoiling us, b-but you don't have to try so hard really! O-One gift would be more than enough!"
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countlessrealities · 6 months
Hey what are you guys planning to get meg for Hanukkah and Christmas? (For summer and morty)
Unprompted asks || Always accepting !
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Summer scoffs from where she's lying in the couch, phone in hand as always. Her eyes remain glued to the screen, as to say that she doesn't deem the question worth of her full attention.
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"Are you seriously expecting me to share that information? Presents are supposed to be surprised, because if not then, like, what's the point?" She claims in a slightly annoyed tone. Who can be so dumb to ask this sort of question and expect a proper answer? "I already have her gifts ready. That's all there's to say about this."
From his spot on the other end of the couch, Morty just blinks at the question, looking puzzled and a little caught off guard. Under other circumstances, he would have rolled his eyes at his sister, but in that moment something else has caught his full attention.
For Christmas and Hanukkah? So it's supposed to be two gifts? Oh geez.
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"Uh, y-yeah, it's...S-Summer is right! P-Present are supposed to be a surprise, s-so we can't...you know, s-spoil it, right?" He rushes to agree, a second too late, forcing an awkward chuckle to try, in vain, to conceal his nervousness. "I-I want Meg to get her surprise. S-She likes surprises, so...I-I'll keep it a secret till i-it's time for her to open it. Uh, them. B-Both gifts! B-Because it's two of them, o-one for each festivity, you know, o-of course!"
He is keenly aware of how Summer is staring at him, obviously seeing right through his act, and he is so, so grateful that she seems to have decided not to call him out. That's the last thing he wants and needs.
Now, however, he really needs to get his hands on another decent gift before Hanukkah ends.
{ @shctupmeg - mentioned }
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countlessrealities · 6 months
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Personalised verse tags drop !
Closed verse with @petalsxfallen - Rick, Morty, Summer & Petal
Closed subverse with @advnterccs & @shctupmeg - timeline split ft. Meg
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countlessrealities · 1 month
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Send me ‡ for my character's reaction to yours climbing into bed with mine || Selectively Accepting !
@shctupmeg sent: ‡ for Morty
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Convincing Rick to let Meg tag along had been an Herculean task, but Morty had somehow succeeded. He was well aware that it would have eventually cost him, and dearly, but he was still very much convinced that it was worth whatever trouble his grandfather would have rained upon him.
Of course, he hadn't told any of that to Meg. He hadn't lied to her, but he had mellowed the tale a little, to make sure she wouldn't get worried or feel bad. The whole reason why he had been so hellbent on bringing her was because he knew that she would have loved that planet and he didn't want to ruin it for her.
The world they had landed on was famous in that whole galaxy for the sweets they baked. That wasn't the reason why Rick had dragged them there, of course, but the moment Morty had heard that particular piece of information, he had known that it would have been the perfect place for Meg to explore.
And that was what he had made happen. While he and the scientist were busy getting whatever the man wanted, the girl had had the chance to explore the city at her leisure, safe and sound.
Morty had hoped that they would be back before the end of the day, to have a chance to spend at least a couple of hours with Meg, but of course that hadn't been possible. Not only did the adventure leave him dead tired, but he was finally allowed to trudge back into the room of the inn they were staying at only way past midnight.
The boy went straight to bed, not even bothering to change out of his clothes, meaning to pass out the moment his head would hit the pillow. And he almost did, if not for the mattress dipping and a soft, warm form settling beside him.
The teen didn't need to crack his eyes open to see who it was. The fruity perfume that reached his nostrils was enough to tell him that it was Meg.
Morty's cheeks turned red and hot and he was extremely grateful that the room was dark enough to hide it. The only two people he had shared a bed with were Rick and his boyfriend. He and Meg weren't even dating officially. Yet.
Trying not to be too obvious, Morty sucked a slow breath in, trying to calm himself down. This wasn't bad. Quite the opposite. It was nice...more than nice. Despite his awkwardness, her familiar presence instinctively made him relax, filling his chest with a soft warmth.
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Morty's lips curled in a little smile and he subtly scooted closer. It was this sort of moments that made him look forward to when Meg would be his official girlfriend, because they could have been normal for them. He was very well aware that he was the obstacle standing in the way, but for this one night, he allowed himself to forget about it.
He wanted to live in the moment and let the longing of what would eventually be.
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countlessrealities · 1 month
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@shctupmeg sent: “I’m starting to think Morty doesn’t want me to be his girlfriend. Like maybe he just wants something more casual?” for Summer
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Usually, when she sasses someone, Summer doesn't bother looking up from her phone. She finds that the air of disinterest adds insult to the injury and she's all for delivery the worst blows with the smallest effort.
However, there are times when what the other person says is so stupid that she can't stop herself from staring at them. She needs them to see exactly what she thinks of the utter bullshit that has left their mouth.
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This is one of those times. Summer looks up towards Meg, the most unimpressed and judgemental expression on he face. She wishes she had heard it wrong, but considering whom she's talking to, that's a very unlikely possibility.
"Yeah, sure, and my Dad is the smartest, most accomplished man in the world," she deadpans in a flat tone. "You need to get your shit together. Both of you."
And with that, she drops her eyes back on her phone, as to say that, for her, the conversation is over. She has offered her two cents and that's all that needs to be said on the matter.
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countlessrealities · 2 months
Morty are you worried meg might run into rick prime one day?
Unprompted questions || Always accepting !
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It takes Morty an inhuman effort not to show how much the idea bothers him. Just thinking about his original Rick being anywhere near his almost girlfriend makes him sick in the pit of the stomach. The man is unpredictable and he has no idea of what he would do to her, even if he didn't know that she's tied to him.
Best case scenario, he wouldn't even acknowledge her existence. Worst case scenario, he'd kill her on the spot just because he's bored and he wants something to do.
And if he did know that she is his love interest? He can't really picture what might be more likely. He could just laugh at her or he could use it against him to get to Rick.
In any case, one thing is sure: any scenario in which the crazy bastard ends up near any of his loved ones is something Morty doesn't want to happen.
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"S-She won't run into him," he claims, sounding more sure than he actually feels. He's avoiding the real question, but fuck that. "I-I'll make sure of it. An-And when Rick and I find him, h-he'll be done for, s-so that's not even a question."
He will keep her safe, no matter what it takes. Even if he has to steal a page out of his grandfather's book and put a spy device on her.
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