#<- happened accidentally with my flashlight
astral-from-afar · 6 months
Another rat infestation 👍
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sinnersweets · 4 months
DogDay x Reader part 7
<-----part 6, part 8——>
Start of a new week which meant time for me to bathe DogDay. Oh, right and it’s my birthday today. I would normally request to have my birthday off, but I’d rather go to work and spend it with DogDay and Damian. I got ready for the day and made my way over to the factory. 
To make sure I wouldn’t trip over anything like last time I turned on my flashlight. Since I knew where to go now I started to make my way to the washroom to prepare everything for DogDay. As I opened the door I was greeted by Bobby. “Hi Y/N.” Boy she couldn't sound any more fake. “Morning Bobby.” It looked like she was going to say something else to me but then her face completely changed as she said, “Good morning DogDay~” I turned and looked to see that DogDay was in fact heading towards us; and it looked like there was something all over his body. “Good morning BB and a special good morning to my Angel.” Immediate blushing. “What makes it a special morning for her?” Bobby asked with a hint of poison in her tone. “Well BB it’s Angel's birthday today which makes it a very special day.” As DogDay got closer to us I could now see what was on his body. Paint. A lot of paint. “Good morning DogDay. What happened? You’re covered in paint.” Paint would take much longer to get off him. “I can’t tell you that Angel, it’ll ruin the surprise.” He smirked at me. Is it getting hot in here? 
I cleared my throat before saying, “Well I’m excited to see the surprise but let’s go get you washed up.” DogDay nodded and kindly asked Bobby to move out of the way. “Oh of course, please head right in~” As we walked past her I couldn’t help but glare at her. What was she up to? 
“So, when do I get to see this surprise of yours?” “Later Angel, not till after your shift probably.” Dang. That’s twelve hours I must wait. “Sorry I got a little messy.” “A little? If this was a cartoon someone would think that you’re sick with all these different colors on you.” I nudged him lightly while laughing. We made it to his room and unlike last time DogDay seemed a bit calmer. “Alright mister you know the drill; strip yourself of your pendant while I find my apron.” “Haha yes ma’am.” He saluted me before removing his sun pendant.  
When I walked over to where my apron was I started to smell a familiar scent. It smelled like vanilla but mixed in when something. I tied on my apron and walked over to where DogDays shampoo scent bottle was. “What’s wrong Angel?” “Your shampoo smells different.” DogDay made his way over to me and I held up the shampoo bottle to him so that he could get a better sniff. “Smells like vanilla and-” He took another sniff before saying, “Rose?” Rose? In an instant it clicked. Bobby. She mixed in her shampoo with his. Great. “Looks like Bobby wants you to smell like her.” DogDay made a puzzled face. “I wonder why.” I closed the bottle and set it down by the trashcan. No way am I putting that scent on him. “Is there another vanilla scented bottle in here?” DogDay shook his head no while saying, “Afraid not Angel.” His ears then perked up. “Oh! But there should be an extra one down in the storage closet from here.” “Great, I’ll be right back.” As I left the room I heard DogDay say, “Hurry back to me Angel!” 
I found the storage closet after looking aimlessly around for four minutes. There were a lot of storage closest but none of them had his shampoo. I grabbed his shampoo and turned around to head back to him when I accidentally bumped into someone. “Ah! Sorry.” “Easy there Angel.” Oh you have got to be kidding me. I put a fake smile on my face before saying, “KickenChicken, I wasn’t expecting to run into you.” “I was hoping I’d run into you down here. BB told me that it’s your birthday today. Happy birthday.” I thanked him and started to walk away but he grabbed onto my arm to stop me. “What’s the rush Angel? Don’t you want to spend your birthday with the coolest Smiling Critter?” I yanked my arm away from him while saying, “Don’t call me that and yes I do which is why I’m trying to head back to him right now.” The look on KickenChickens face was priceless. I dashed away before he could say anything else to me. 
“Angel!” I shut the door behind me and walked over to DogDay. “Did you miss me?” I said playfully. “100%. Did you miss me?” he asked as his tail began to wag. “I did. Sorry to take so long; there were a lot of storage closets and none of them seemed to have your shampoo and then I ran into KickenChicken-” “KC? What did he want?” His tone shifted slightly. “He just wished me a happy birthday and then grabbed onto me and asked if I-” “He grabbed you?” I was starting to sense some tension. DogDay walked over to me and asked me where he grabbed me. I pointed to my wrist, and he took my hand into his paw and kissed where KickenChicken grabbed me. “Mwah, now you have my kiss there Angel.”  
I was starting to feel hot again. “Is it hot in here? Are you hot? I mean you are hot I-I mean-” DogDays eyes grew wide along with his smile. “You think I’m hot Angel?” If I could die now that would be great. “Um-well-” I looked down at the ground to avoid eye contact and on my shoe was a spider. “AH! SPIDER!! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!” I started shaking my leg but then ended up jumping onto DogDay. “Woah hey easy Angel, I got you.” I was shaking in his arms. “Is it gone?” I asked while I buried my head in his chest. DogDay then started to laugh. “Angel it wasn’t a spider, it was just some lint.” I sighed in relief and calmed down. “Oh thank goodness.” I pulled back to look at DogDay and then I saw that I was also covered in paint. “Oops.” “Oops indeed Angel, looks like I’ll need to clean you off.” I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying my birthday so far. 
It took me two hours to get DogDay all cleaned up while it only took him three minutes to get the paint off me. We headed back into Playcare to start the day. Since we had the play to put on all learning activities would be put on hold. Those who got casted had to be inside the theater room while those who weren’t were inside the school making the props and other stuff. 
The first day of practice was a table reading of the script. Everyone sat down at their assigned seats except for KickenChicken. He was supposed to sit over by Hoppy but instead sat down in DogDays spot. “Pardon me KC, but you’re in my spot.” “Am I? I didn’t even realize.” I saw a twitch from DogDays eyes. “Oh and would you look at that, I get to sit next to the beauty herself! How nice.” KickenChicken rested his elbow on the table while looking at me. DogDay started to growl but I stood up and took his paw. “Hey Hoppy, you don’t mind coming over here and having our spots do you?” I gave her a pleading look. “Not at all birthday girl.” She grabbed onto hers and KickenChickens name plates and hopped over to us. “Don’t let this bird brain ruin your day.” She whispered and smiled at me. I thanked her and grabbed mine and DogDays names and walked over to the other side of the table. 
We both sat down and I looked over to Damian and waved hello to him. He waved back before grabbing a tissue and blowing his nose into it. Poor kid looked sick. I was going to head over to him to see how he was feeling but then I heard Miss Delights voice. “Alright everyone! Time to get started!” I’d have to check on him after we finished. 
Table reading went alright....to say the least. KickenChicken kept trying to change up some stuff that way me and him could interact more than me and DogDay. Once we finished I went over to Damian to check up on him. “Hey kiddo, you doing alright.” He blew his nose before saying, “Hi Miss Y/N. I think I might have a cold or something. Oh here.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “A gift for your birthday.” I took it and opened the piece of paper. It was another drawing of me and Damian. My heart instantly melted when I read what was above the drawing. ‘Mom + Me.’ I pulled Damian into a hug and felt some tears fall down my face. “Thank you, Damian. I’ll cherish this forever.” Damian sneezed while saying, “You’re welcome.” I took his hand into mine and started walking towards DogDay.  
I noticed that Bobby was now in the theater room talking to DogDay. Oh joy. “Hi Mr. DogDay, hi miss Bear.” Damian caught their attention. “Hi Damian.” “Hey there Damian; and a good afternoon to you pretty lady.” DogDay pretended to tip a hat towards me. I laughed at his playfulness and did a little curtsey. “I don’t mean to interrupt but I just wanted to tell you that I’ll be taking Damian over to the infirmary.” “Oh? Is someone not feeling well? You better move along now and dont worry Y/N-” Bobby then linked her arm around DogDays arm before continuing, “I’ll take good care of him while your away.” I just watched as DogDay had an unpleasant look on his face before trying to pry Bobby off of him. “You need me to come with you Angel?” Right as I was going to answer Bobby cut me off. “No! I-I mean I need to get your measurements for your costume DogDay.” “I guess I’ll meet you later then Angel.” Even though Bobby had her arm around his I still walked up to him and gave him a hug. He returned my hug and squeezed me tight. “I’ll see you later Dogday.” “Bye Angel. Feel better Damian.” I pulled away and headed for the exit. “Bye Y/N!” I heard Bobby call out from behind me. She sounded so happy that I was tempted to show her my favorite finger, but I didn’t and continued to walk hand in hand with Damian.  
The doctor said he just has a little fever and should feel better by tomorrow. I sighed in relief and thanked Damian again before letting him get some rest. Once I exited Home Sweet Home, I saw DogDay standing at the bottom of the steps. “Hey Angel! How’s Damian doing?” “He just has a little fever. Doctor said he’ll be fine tomorrow.” I took out the drawing Damian did and showed it to DogDay. “Look what he drew for me. Isn’t that sweet?” DogDay smiled and wagged his tail.  
“That is very sweet Angel! He sees you as a mom. Hey, why not adopt him?" I think I got whiplash from how fast I looked up at DogDay. “Huh?! Adopt him??” “Why not Angel? You two seem so found of each other.” I laughed nervously before talking back. “Well yes, but- I mean- I don’t know...” I only just turned 21 today and I’m sure there would be a lot of paperwork to fill out and other legal stuff. “He’s a great kid, really but-” I couldn’t get anything else to come out of my mouth. “It’s alright Angel you don’t need to say anything else.” He patted me on the back. “Since we don’t have anything else planned for today why not head home early Angel?” “Really?” I didn’t want to leave yet. “Mhm, in fact you should head home right now. I already got your things.” He picked me up and started caring me to the cable car. “Wait- what about the surprise?!” “Oh don’t worry Angel, you’ll still see it.”  
We made it to the cable car and he set me down. I turned to look at him with a sad look on my face. “Believe me Angel, I would love to spend more time with you, but I don’t want you to miss your surprise.” He handed me my stuff and kissed the top of my head. “See you tomorrow, Angel.” “Bye....” I was stunned. I walked into the cable car and sat down as the doors had closed. As I was travaling up I stood up and went to the window and waved goodbye to DogDay. We both waved goodbye until we couldn’t see each other anymore. 
I made it back home and plopped down on my bed. I closed my eyes and sighed before opening my eyes and saying, “Wait...I didn’t see his surprise?!” I sighed in disappointment. Oh well, I could always see it tomorrow. I turned on my phone and saw that it was almost 8 o’ clock. I reached over for my TV remote and turned on the TV. I’m a kid at heart so when Damian told me that a certain channel shows all of the Smiling Critters cartoons, I knew I had to record them. Since I’m home around the time that they showed, I didn’t need to record this one.  
The intro started to play out and I smiled and sang along with it. Once the intro finished a little message appeared on screen. I got closer and looked at what it said. “To my Angel." I read out loud. I was confused for a second before it faded away and the cartoon version of DogDay appeared on screen. “Hey Angel, I hope you’re at home watching this now. You’re probably thinking that you missed your surprise but in fact you’re watching it right now!” My jaw was opened as DogDay continued to talk. He...he had an episode made for me....... 
I watched the episode play out and the whole time I couldn’t stop smiling. “And now it’s time to sing you happy birthday!” Out of nowhere a birthday cake showed up on screen. It had one candle in the center and was already lit. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday my sweet Angel, happy birthday to you~” I felt a tear forming in my eye. “Blow out your candle Angel.” DogDay then held the cake closer to the screen. I laughed and acted like I blew out the candle. In the cartoon the flame disappeared. “I hope your wish comes true Angel.” The screen then faded black, signaling that the episode was over. I grabbed my remote and rewind the episode so that I could tape it. Best birthday ever.  
A/N: DogDay just purposely got paint on him so that he and you could be together longer >:)
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junipers-archive · 1 year
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Word Count: 1.2k
Includes: fluff, fluff, fluff spencer x reader when a power-outage occurs and spencer being spencer and being adorably the perfect boyfriend
Dark. It is dark and you're alone and its honestly embarrassing how quickly you pick up your phone to call your boyfriend. I mean...who's still scared of the dark? What're you 5?
It's two in the morning and you shouldn't be calling, really. You've only been dating for a few weeks, but he's Spencer, he's technically been your best friend for 4 years, 3 months, 2 days. and...about 18 hours, but who's counting? You convince yourself you just need to hear his voice, his sweet, safe, angelic-
"H-hello?"his voice breaks from that of someone just woken up at an ungodly hour by his co-dependent girlfriend who so happened to have accidentally hit the call button while she was second-guessing herself.
Maybe he'll hang up? Maybe you can convince him you butt-called him in the middle of the night tomorrow at work? Or maybe-
"Y/n baby I'm really gonna need you to respond before i drive over there." he sounds calm, not at all agitated, not at all like someone woken up at 2 in the morning, he sounds...like Spencer
"Hi..." You exhale into the mic with relief. You should say something, really say something, apologize, yes that's what you'll do "I'm sorry I shouldn't have called, god I'm so idiotic...I just-well the power just went out and its 2 in the morning and I really should get some sleep but-"
You're cut off by the jingling of keys on the other line.
"Spence you still there?"
"I'm on my way." Was that a car door?
"On your wayy..." It takes you second, or it takes your un-caffienated and sleep deprived brain a second to realize he means he's coming over to your house. Your home. Where you live.
And yes you're bestfriends with him and you've had sleepovers before but that was when you were ready. That was when you had cleaned.
"No! Spencer No! That is completely unessecary! I'm fine! I just wanted someone to talk to and I thought-"
The engine of his car starts. You can hear him trying to repress the laugh that graces your ears every time he knows something you're trying to hide from his genius mind.
"I'm already pulling out of the drive-way, forget about it. Plus I know you're afraid of dark."
Maybe he'll turn around if you just- "Spencer. I am not afraid of the dark. That is childish and obsurd and I mean im not a little kid anymore! You can just go home, go to bed and forget this ever happened"
There's a silence on the other end, besides the hum of the car, absolute silence.
Until, "Do you still have the candle I got your for Christmas?"
Of course. Of course Dr. Spencer freakin Reid wouldn't believe you. I mean he knows you better than anyone. What were you thinking?
"Yea spence. Yea I have the candle"
He hums in response and you can practically hear him grinning on the other end.
You admit defeat.
"Can you at least bring over some marshmallows? I'm all out from our last movie night." You would honestly rather have him over as soon as possible if it weren't for your hideous room and the pile of "i'll get to it" in the living room haunting your mind. This will at least buy you time.
But again he's dr. reid. "I've already got some from my stash, jumbo and small and snowmen shaped. And of course hot chocolate!"
He's perfect. He's everything and more you could've asked for.
And yet. ANd yet. At this very moment you'd like to strangle him. And not that impersonal type of cowardly strangle like really just-
"Don't be embarrassed baby. I've already seen your room at its worst. I'll be there in ten, turn on the candle and read your books for now."
You hear him knock on the door a few minutes later, as to not disturb the neighbors. Because of course, he's Spencer and would've thought about that too.
You run with the only flashlight you have to the front door, and you're greeted by a ruffled, grinning and ever-charming Spencer with his satchel stuffed with god knows what and wearing his periodic table of elements pjs.
You mirror his grin almost immediately, albeit sheepishly and look down to hide your own embarrassment...only to find him wearing the pink bunny slippers he'd stolen from your house only a few days ago.
With that all or any ego-preservation skills were out the window. He was here already...right?
You let him in, still staring down at your shoes as he leads you two straight for the kitchen, opening and closing cabinets to find the ingredients and kitchenware as if he'd lived there his whole life.
You take a seat at the kitchen's island stool, and watch him work.
This should be embarrassing. I mean it is. It is!
That is, until he hands you a steaming cup of hot chocolate with little snowman marshmallows dissolving on top and smiling like he hasn't just driven 8 miles with these ingredients to make you happy because you called him.
You called him at 2 in the morning.
And with that the unease floods back. And you're hiding your face in your hands and mumbling something incoherent.
This is when he finally speaks. "So...you wanna build a fort?"
You rub your eyes and look up at him. "i-i'm sorry?"
"We should build a fort." He's assertive in this, something at another time you would've found very hot, but at this moment it concerns you. Because to any other person what you've just done would be unacceptable.
"You...want to...build a fort?"
"I find it helps, I mean...at least when I was younger my mom and dad, they used to help me build forts when the power went out. To distract me if anything. It was kind of the only time I remember them getting along."He chuckles and looks down bashfully.
And now all you can think of is building a fort with the beautiful boy in front of you.
"Yea, yea i'd really love it if we built a fort."
And you do, you build a fort with what now you deem as you're future husband. Lighting the other candle he brought you on the counter that fills the air with your favorite scent and finding battery power camping lamps in your closet to light up the room.
He tells you stories about the kinds of forts he used to build and to the best of both your abilities you try to recreate his favorite.
By around 5:30 in the morning the sun is rising and you're both past out in the center of the monstrosity you two created while high on a sugar rush provided by the hot chocolate and one two many marshmallow snowmen consumed.
But you'll remember this for the rest of your life you think. You'll remember Spencer for the rest of your life. Because no one, no one would understand how to make you forget your biggest fear like he did.
While surrounded by darkness all you could see was him.
He was your light.
He was your light, and for as long as he'd have you, you'd be his too.
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zhvakinnn · 2 months
They accidentally injured their s/o pt2
Warnings: angst to fluff?
Character's: Tyler, Taylor Ashlyn
Part 1: Logan, Aiden, ben
✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨
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Tyler Hernandez
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You were all in Ashlyn's house taking his parents car keys to drive the Jeep
When we walk inside we heard a loud thud coming from the roof and you, Ben, Taylor looked and saw aiden and Ashlyn
"uh help"
When we help them tyler bust in the room saying that we should hurry up
As we got down a phantom attack you tyler was gonna attack the phantom with his weapon, only ended up hurting you
A light suddenly shine towards you causing the phantom to evaporate and tyler cutting your arm
(you still have an arm its just a big ass scar)
Tyler's eyes widen and saw aiden he was the one who light the flashlight towards you he wanna burst to anger but he was worried about you
He holds you and your arms to stop bleeding and went running to the jeep
As you all got there Taylor was driving crazy, if only I'm not injured I would scream so loud
I heard some scream as we got there tyler gave me to Ben while he puke
"what happened to her?!" Logan said looking at you, then tyler wipe her mouth
"you!" Tyler said looking at Aiden, then Aiden look at Tyler confused
"if you hadn't shine the flashlight to them they wouldn't be in this situation" tyler said starting to walk towards aiden then Taylor stopped him
"maybe his just trying to save (name) lets just calm down and go to (name)" Taylor said holding Tyler's shoulder
He grumble and nodded when he got there you were already patch up then you look up to see Tyler you stand up only him saying that you should sit down and kissed you're fore head and hug your head you let your head fall in his chest
"I'm really sorry if i was careful and not act to fast i wouldn't hurt you"
"it wasn't your fault tyler, and if you're asking for another sorry i forgave you already"
You two sat there in a comfortable silent
Taylor Hernandez
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You two are at the top of the wall just relaxing you two were laughing, chatting you two were a perfect couple
You two were keeping an eye on the phantom until one of the light went off
'what?!' you thought then you saw a phantom going up you two were running towards the phantom while shouting
"HEY HELP THE LIGHT WENT OFF THERE ARE PHANTOM!" everyone look up and saw many of them
Everyone got they're weapon and went up while you and Taylor was struggling
Suddenly a phantom jump on Taylor causing her to fall down
Once you jump towards her she kick the phantom causing you to meet the back of the phantom and you well into the buses
"oh no oh no (NAME)!!"
She went down towards you hugging you then the light was fix thanks to Logan's science
"ARE YOU OK?! IM SORRY IM SORRY I'M SO-" "shh" you cut her off and telling her you were fine
"can we just.. rest my back hurts" then she noticed a scratch on your arm and face her eyes started to tear wiping you're cheeks then hugged you
You saw where she's looking earlier you had a big fat scar on your hand
Her head was on your shoulder "dont worry.. I'll be fine i promise"
She smiled and so as you
Ashlyn banner
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She was so focused to get the jeep she hadn't noticed you
You were running behind her but as you were running a phantom attacked you pinning you down all of them got in the jeep not noticing you were left behind
You're eyes were widen when you heard the jeep start and left you
You thought they abandoned you
But as soon as they got there Ashlyn was looking for you
"(name)?..(name)?... Were are they"
They all looked around and like oh shit we left them. Ashlyn push Taylor not hard but enough to get out of her grip
"open the gates.."
"i said open the fucking gates"
Logan nodded as he press the button then Ashlyn went inside the jeep
"w..wait you still not look feeling well-'
Taylor was cut off when Ashlyn close the door and went driving towards the gates they close the gates behind her
When she saw you she stopped the jeep and attack the phantom she kept stabbing it
When she finally got to kill it she scooped you and went to the jeep
As soon as Ashlyn got there she took the bandaids and wrapped you Taylor help her because she was shaking so hard
"please wake up please wake up" she kept mumbling hold your hand tight
Then an alarm clock was beeping she wasted no time to get ready for school even her own parents were confused as soon as she got in the bus she didn't saw you on your spot
She was panicking then a hand suddenly grab her it was Ben then he pointed were you are you were lying down
She suddenly felt relief your ok
When she sat down you felt her presence
"Taylor?" You said as you sobbed in her chest " i thought you abandon me because you hate me" your words hit her so much
Then she cupped your face " i would never abandon you I love you so much, I'm sorry i didn't notice you i really had a head ache causing me not to realize you were left behind"
She explained as you hugged her tightly "then lets rest for now"
Damn Ashlyn's part is so long
Masterlist | about me | rules
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echobx · 12 days
Rafe x reader request:
In episode "Parcel 9," the group plans to cut off a house's power, but they accidentally alert the elderly resident, who defends her home with gunfire. Reader gets injured, and despite objections, they're forced to leave her behind. Later, Rafe overhears their conversation, outraged by their abandonment. Determined to make things right, he enlists Barry to rescue Reader. Rafe finds Reader injured but alive, becoming her unexpected hero, and they bond through the ordeal.
Sorry it’s so long Xx
The Cellar - Rafe Cameron × fem!reader
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summary: see ask
warnings: mention of reader's leg being injured, other than that none
word count: 1k
author's note: idk why it took me so long to finish this 😭 and now the formatting is (imo) bad bc I don't have my laptop here with me but I wanted to post this anyway. it's roughly edited but not much.
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“We don't have a choice,” John B yells and pulls Sarah with him, leaving you stuck under the wooden pillar.
“Sarah!” you cry out but her boyfriend has already pulled her away, out of the cellar and away from you.
You do your best to contain your sobs and cries of pain, not wanting to alert the old lady again. Time passes slowly and you feel yourself growing weaker.
Unbeknownst to you Rafe has his ears perked, listening to John B promise Sarah to go back later that night to get you, but he doesn't sound convincing. Rafe quickly pulls out his phone and texts Barry to meet him at the Crain house.
When they get there it's already getting darker, and they have to use their flashlights to see around the garden and find their way into the cellar.
“John B? JJ?” you whisper as you hear someone enter the cellar, but the voice that answers is not one you are familiar with.
“You really think those two are gonna come back to get you?” Barry laughs quietly before you can see him.
“How'd this happen?” Rafe asks, reaching over to brush over your cheek, removing your tears.
“The old witch shot at us and then this thing fell on my leg and-” You stop before you start crying again and Rafe nods.
“Gonna get you out of here, love,” he promises and turns to Barry. They lift the pillar and you manage to scoot out from under it.
Rafe picks you up and carries you out and towards his car. He saved your life and you don't even know how he knew where to find you. But most of all you wonder why he cares enough to do it.
The ride is quiet, apart from his rather aggressive taps against the steering wheel, or the fact that he's 10 mph over the speed limit.
“Why did you come and get me?” you ask quietly after he puts you down on the couch in his home.
“Because you deserve better to be left alone and all,” Rafe runs his hand over the back of his neck. You have never seen him nervous. As a matter of fact, you have never seen much of him at all, especially not on your own. But now that he's standing in front of you, you get a clear look at him; furrowed brows, lips pressed to a thin line, his hair hanging into his face.
“The doctor will be here in a bit to check on you,” Rafe pulls your attention back to the present.
“Oh, I'm fine, really,” you lie and try to get up, but he catches you just as your legs start to give out from under you.
“I can see that,” he huffs and puts you back down on the sofa.
The doctor comes and leaves rather quickly, only prescribing bed rest and a special ointment for the bruises on your leg, as well as pain medication.
“Maybe I should get you cleaned up before we start the bed rest part of this,” Rafe mumbles and picks you up to go upstairs without you being allowed to say anything about it. It's like he has taken over and you're unsure if you really want to complain about it, about giving parts of your freedom away to him.
He helps you undress with his eyes closed. It's a funny game because he really doesn't want to cross a boundary with you, but he also can't see which makes you giggle when he accidentally grabs your boob instead of your arm and then he jumps back and nearly falls over all by himself.
“I didn't mean to do that,” he apologizes but you keep laughing.
“It's okay.”
His eyes are still closed when he helps you in the bathtub, only opening them after you have confirmed that your bubble bath is covering you completely.
“You can open your eyes again,” you giggle, and he peeks one eye open before looking at you fully. “Didn't think you'd be so weird about potentially seeing some boobs.”
“I'm trying this new thing called, being respectful. Apparently, girls are into that kinda shit,” Rafe says and flashes his eyebrows at you while pulling a small stool over to sit down next to the tub.
“No way!” you fake a gasp and he smiles. “Yeah, you would be surprised how well it's working.”
“Is it?” you ask and he nods, gnawing at his bottom lip.
“Can I be honest with you?” you ask and he nods. “I always thought you were worse. I mean, you're not the best, still-”
“Not my fault you hang out with assholes,” he shrugs and you roll your eyes.
“I hang out with Sarah, and Sarah has friends who are not always as bad as you think. I know JJ would've come back to get me,” you argue.
“Did he, though?” Rafe remarks snidely.
“Eventually they would’ve.” You are sure of it, your friends had never left you behind before, surely it had been a mistake.
“I can bring you back there if you're so sure,” Rafe suggests and you shudder.
“No, thank you. The old witch had a fucking rifle.”
“See,” Rafe chuckles softly and you can't help but gaze at him, at how pretty he looks.
You keep talking, getting to know him better, really. You learn that he, just like you, doesn't have the best relationship with his dad, always trying to get approval from the parent. And you learn that he likes bikes, and only golfs to annoy the old fuckers on the course.
And after you're done bathing he gives you some clothes he found in Sarah's room and you lie down on his bed, eating pizza and watching a movie.
“It's the best because they are both doing the same thing and in the end, all their efforts go out of the window because they realize they belong together,” you sigh happily as the movie starts playing. Rafe pulls you into his side, and you let him. And although he's not a fan of rom-coms, he sits with you, more focused on your reactions to the film than the actual screen.
And while he's watching you, he can't help but thank your dumb Pogue friends for leaving you behind and giving him a chance to win you over.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @princessmaybank @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender @julczimozart @notdxbya
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nvnvmi · 4 months
little secrets ᡣ𐭩 minors dni
cw: smut!!! fem reader, mentions of oral (f), fingering, overstim, (and they were) roommate!nanami, not proof read (pls be nice)
an: my first jjk fic <3 pls enjoy my word vomit
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It was smaller than the length of your pointer finger. Tiny, pink, easy to tuck between your fitted sheet and the bed. Stowed away, hid so that nobody would ever know about it other than you. The hiding spot was also convenient — easy to grab while you’re kicking the comforter off. Too hot. Too pent up. Just stretch your hand back behind your pillows and there it is. The tiny pink toy in a gold silk bag. Charged, happily humming in your hand with the click of a button.
Your perfect little secret. A reliable one, something you know that is always there for you.
Until it’s not.
The bed frame, four posts and all, shakes as you tear it apart. Pillows scattered across the ground, sheets crumpled up and thrown at the foot of the bed. You’ve lifted the mattress, shone a flashlight in the spaces underneath. Not a single glimpse of it.
Panic starts to set in your chest. It weighs heavily on your stomach, which has started to flip. Could you have left it in the bathroom when you went to wash it? Was it accidentally thrown in with your laundry? Though you know all these possibilities are unlikely, you find yourself desperately trying to cling to them. To justify the disappearance.
There’s no point in destroying your room even more. It isn’t here. It had to have been misplaced. There’s no other explanation for what could have happened. It seems in your frantic panic and annoyance at what could have been, you forgot an important fact.
You’re not the only one that knows about your little pink secret.
But don’t worry — you’ll be reminded half past midnight, a hand clasped over your mouth and core vibrating violently.
It did end up in your laundry basket, tangled in your sheets, tagging along for the weekly wash. The second you had everything set up is when your phone buzzed. How could you have forgotten that you were supposed to meet a friend?
“Kento?” You called the second you hung up the phone, completely abandoning the sheets. The golden bag that didn’t catch your eye.
“Hm?” He responded, not bothering to look up from his book.
“I have to leave, like, now. Can you start my laundry for me?”
With a huffed laugh, he rolls his eyes. You couldn’t just toss it in quickly — no, he knows once you’re set on something, all other tasks cease to exist. It’s endearing. “Sure.”
“Thank you.” You’re not projecting your voice anymore, passing by where he’s sat in the living room. “I owe you.”
It was careless not to notice the golden bag against your white sheets. How did you miss that? Such a stark contrast, it should have been easy to catch your eye. Kento clicks his tongue, gently grabbing the bag by the drawstrings and pulling it out of the heap of sheets. He places it on the dryer, trying to figure out where he should put it. On your bed? Maybe back in the basket, once the sheets return?
The tension in your house was thick all the time. An obvious attraction between roommates that shouldn’t be there. For months, you both lived with it, ignoring the feelings that would bubble up when he loosened his tie after a long day, large hands flexing around the knot. Or when you would walk out of your room in the morning, stretching, tee shirt hiking up your thighs. The day Kento caught a glimpse of your panties — white and sheer — was when he realized he wasn’t as strong as he thought he was. Though his expression remained neutral, eyes flicking up quickly, he knew he was weak. Unable to resist.
It wasn’t until one night. Too many glasses of wine, giggles in the living room as you both watched some shitty movie after a shitty week. You watched the lights from the television dance on his face, sharp nose more prominent than ever. What must it be like to sit— “Ken?”
He hums softly, head rolling towards you. “Yes?”
“I’m really hot.” You say. It’s true; the alcohol went straight to your cheeks, and the blanket you’re under felt suffocating. But god, there was this heat in your lower stomach. The one you feel every time you touch the gold bag, butterflies scattering as the sun pounds down on them. You get that feeling when you look at Kento. When he’s this close, the smell of red wine and a woody cologne makes your body feel like summer.
Eyes flicker to your lap, his hand following. He pulls the blanket away. “Better?”
You shake your head. “No. Not at all.”
“I can see what the thermostat is set on—“
Thank the heavens for wine, and the unbridled confidence that comes from it. That night you straddled his lap, fingers carding through his perfectly styled hair. That night he got to taste you, words slurring when his tongue worked over your folds. That night was a pivoting moment, and Kento wasn’t just your hot roommate that you fantasized about anymore.
It’s been almost a year since that night, and you two have found yourself craving each other far too often. He’s stopped dating, noticing nobody holds your attention quite like you. It’s hard to acknowledge anyone else when you’re around — and he doesn’t want to, either.
The bag ended up in his room. He knows you haven’t been using it as often anymore. Just like him, you’ve found yourself far too enamored to even want anything other than him.
He walked by your room as you were searching for that toy. Mumbling in frustration, huffing and puffing as you came up empty again and again. Maybe it’s time to return it.
You like the third highest setting. Intense, but not overwhelming, pressed right to your clit. He watched as your eyelids fluttered at the first brush of it, a hand softly placed over your mouth. Thumb stroking your cheek. Only a few more seconds before he gets to see your pretty eyes, brows furrowed in confusion. Blinking up at him.
It’s an alarming sensation. Rem ripped away, you wake with a gasp. The inside of your thighs are already quaking a bit, held apart by his knees. Keeping your legs nice and spread for him.
“Hello, sweetheart.” He says in a low whisper. The distress starts to melt once you recognize it’s him, sinking into the feeling. “Sleep well?”
You moan against his hand, eyes rolling back just slightly. God, the knot in your stomach is so tight already. Has the vibratior been on you that long? Or was it being woken up like this that’s rapidly pushed you to the edge of your cliff.
Either way — you can’t guarantee you’ll last much longer.
“You’re so pretty when you sleep.” Kento whispers, pressing a gentle kiss in between your brows. “I couldn’t spend another night away from you. I hope you don’t mind.”
It’s impossible to argue with Kento even when he doesn’t have a fucking toy pressed to your clit. The feeling starts to get more intense when you feel a hand on your inner thigh, slowly working its way up.
“You must have gotten hot again. Sleeping in only your panties? It’s like you were trying to provoke me, darling.”
The hand ghosts over your folds, tips of his fingers barely even touching you. Even in your tired, dizzy state, you quickly realize what he was going for. Your hands come up to his arm, nails digging in as you shake your head. If he presses that button—
Too late.
Not one click. Not two. Three. The second highest setting, the vibrations ripping a raw scream from your throat. He chuckles a bit, fingers going to plunge inside you.
“Oh my.” They slid in with ease. His pace is brutal off the back, quickly moving in and out. Brushing against every part of you that craves him, that needs him. “See, this is why you should stay in my room. I’d never let my girl go to bed so worked up.”
Tears sting. Sweat forms at your hairline. Ecstasy building so fast and so relentlessly that you have no time to think. The world is Kento — nothing else matters.
You grunt against his hand, panting pathetically against it. Your nails draw blood, bruises sure form. Good. You hope the marks never fade.
A fat tear rolls down your cheek, quickly brushed away by his thumb. His smile is gentle, warm. A contrast from how roughly he’s treating your cunt. He’s filthy, rough, treating you like the little pink vibrator stuffed against your clit. A toy. His toy.
But, god, it’s the affection in his gaze that sends you to the brink. Raw screams, tears that are quickly wiped away. Your body twitches as you soak the clean sheets, his sweatpants. Everything covered in you.
Kento quickly withdraws his fingers, moving the vibrator from your clit. His hand properly cups your face, unrestricted moans filling the apartment. You’re fisting his white shirt, hands so small compared to his large frame.
“Easy, sweetheart.” He peppers kisses across your cheeks, licking the salty tears away. “There you go, there’s my girl.”
His girl. You’re hoping that one day, you truly will be — Kento knows you are already.
You look up at him, the waves of pleasure finally starting to numb. With a smile, you hit your bottom lip out. Silently asking for a kiss.
He beams at you, very happy to fulfill the request. Lips pressed against yours, you hum happily into the kiss. Content. Wonderfully achy. A feeling that only comes when you’re with Kento.
As you lose yourself in the kiss, he reaches for the little pink toy, and clicks it on again.
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forlorn-crows · 1 month
𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚 4: 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈/𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒊𝒅
+ 𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒖𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕 #10: "𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒕 𝒖𝒑 𝒊'𝒎 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖"
pairing(s): omega/cowbell words: 512
notes: cowbell is written as nonverbal but possessing his own language consisting of human & inhuman sounds.
Omega tuts at the earth ghoul, turning his hand this way and that. “How did you even get a splinter that big, you clumsy thing?” 
Cowbell trills and shrugs, chewing on the cuticles of his free hand. A normally anxious activity, he’s instead the picture of nonchalance—boredom, even.
“At least it isn’t in your mouth this time,” the quint ghoul mutters.
Pebble definitely reamed Cowbell a new one when he caught his kin chewing on the discarded, broken stage sticks. There was a lot of scratching involved, of which Omega is not proud of himself for taking part in. 
Cowbell, however, is definitely proud. A flicker of mischief flickers across his face at the memory of them all squabbling like women in a trashy romantic comedy. 
He’s thankfully quit the juvenile earth ghoul habit of gnawing on splintered wood. Apparently impaling it accidentally into one’s hand is still on the table, though. 
Cowbell hisses when Omega pokes the point of entry on his finger, forked tongue flitting out between his stubby fangs. 
“Hush, I’m taking care of you,” the older ghoul chides. “We have forty minutes ‘til curtain, and if you insist on wriggling, it will be left until after the show.” The threat earns him a grumbled clicking noise that can only be translated as something akin to asshole or bastard. 
Omega shakes his head and laughs to himself, picking up the long-handled tweezers. “You can swear at me all you like,” he lilts, pressing the slanted twin ends to his skin to gauge the depth, “if it lets me get this out faster.”
Cowbell rolls his eyes. He whistles two tones through his teeth: whatever. 
The quintessence ghoul ignores him as he squints at the injury. Somehow, the wood piece slid perfectly into the side of his finger between the second and third knuckles. He can only see the first millimeter or two before it disappears into his light, glamoured skin. 
“Had to be in the skin that matches the color of the drumstick, hm?” 
Cowbell shrugs and returns to picking at his cuticles. He trills when Omega lets go of his hand and shoves his shins apart to rummage in the equipment case he’s perched atop. 
“Did you pick a case to sit on that happens to have a—ah ha.” When he leans back, he produces a small, gaff-taped flashlight and a wide, charming smile. On top of the black tape there’s neon green, and written in permanent marker on top of that reads: TECHS ONLY, GHOUL PAWS OFF. 
The earth ghoul snickers and makes grabby hands at it in perfect defiance. 
“Yeah, they definitely meant ghouls like you.”
Cowbell gasps, holding his good hand to his chest and batting his eyes like a flustered maiden.
“Yes you, you creature,” Omega says, exasperated. “Now give me your hand back, I am not going to sacrifice my five minutes of pre-places quiet time.” He clicks the flashlight on, sticks it in his mouth, and gets to work prodding and plucking at Cowbell’s finger until the offending splinter is forcibly vacated.
𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✿
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stayteezdreams · 6 months
Snowed In
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Plot: You and Seungcheol head to a cabin in the woods to prepare for a winter get away with the others. But plans change when a storm hits and the two of you get snowed in together.
Pairing: S.Coups | Seungcheol x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Mildly suggestive content (kissing)
Words: ~2.3k
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Worry sat heavy in your chest as you stared out at the heavy snowstorm outside of your cabin. Seungcheol chatted nervously in the background with the owner of the cabin you were renting. From their conversation you knew there was a chance the power could shut off at any moment. You hoped you would have the heat running long enough to warm the large house before that happened.
You and Seungcheol made the decision to come to the cabin a day before the others so you could get everything ready for your winter vacation. You arrived late in the day due to traffic delays, and now the sun had set and the storm was getting stronger each moment. Now, you feared the trip might not happen at all.
You had texted the others, telling them to stay put until you knew how the weather would play out. The storm could last the night and be over by the morning, or you could be stuck the whole weekend, just the two of you. You felt anxious butterflies fill your stomach at the thought.
Seungcheol groaned as he hung up the phone. "This place apparently doesn't have a backup generator so lets get some stuff ready in case the power does go out."
You nodded as you ran to unpack and fetch any light sources and blankets you could find. Eyeing the small stack of wood by the fireplace you bit your lip.
"I hope that's enough wood."
Seungcheol looked over as he heard you, his own chest tightening with worry as he saw how small the pile of wood was. He knew with how bad the snow outside was, there was no way to make it to the storage shed to get more.
"We'll be alright." He said encouragingly, and you smiled at him in response with a nod, hoping he was right.
After you brought out some candles and flashlights, as well as locating all of the blankets in case you would need them, you made your way to your room to unpack your things.
Now alone in your own room, your thoughts began to wander. Not too far, but instead to the man you heard rummaging a few rooms away.
It wasn't a secret that you had feelings for Seungcheol. Not to you, not to the others, and not even to Seungcheol himself. You also knew he had feelings for you. But it was an unspoken agreement that nothing would happen.
It was never discussed, but you two knew each other well enough to know you were both afraid it wouldn't end well. Not to mention the fear of it accidentally becoming public. There was too much to worry about for you to really commit to a relationship, so one never formed.
Sometimes you regretted it, well, a lot of times you regretted it. And honestly, if he made a move, or confessed you wouldn't run from it. You'd be more than happy to be with him, but you had decided to never make the first move. There would be more risk for him in the relationship, so you left the final decision to him, as much as it hurt sometimes.
Your body froze as the lights flickered. You eyed them suspiciously as the wind outside blew harder, almost shaking the window panes.
"Uh-oh." You muttered to yourself, your heart dropping as the lights shut off, leaving you in pitch darkness.
Feeling around blindly for your phone, you had the sudden realization that you left it downstairs in the kitchen.
"Damn!" You cursed as you made your way slowly to the door.
"Seungcheol?" You called out, but heard nothing in response, sending an uneasy chill down your spine. "Where did you go?" You muttered as you stepped out into the hall.
As you collided with something you yelped out, as you felt an arm wrap around your waist to steady you.
Seungcheol's voice instantly soothed your alarm as he chuckled "Its just me!"
"God, Seungcheol! Why didn't you respond when I called out to you!"
"Sorry, I was trying to get my phone from my pocket."
"I left mine downstairs."
He chuckled softly under his breath as you suddenly saw his face light up in front of you as he turned on his phone screen.
Your breath caught as you realized just how close he was. Your hand was flat on his chest from when you collided. His eye caught yours and you saw a smirk playing at his lips, causing you to remove your hand and step away as his hand fell away from your waist.
His hand took hold of yours as he turned towards the staircase with a smile, "Let's go downstairs."
You followed him closely, stepping just behind him as you stayed in the light of his phone.
Once you retrieved your own phone, the two of you gathered in the living room, a faint white glow filled the room as the bright snow from outside reflected eerily into the cabin.
You could hear the faint padding of snow hitting the window among the howling wind as the storm raged on outside. Sitting on the couch, you leaned against the back as you looked out the window, seeing nothing but the violent swirls of white.
"It didn't get too warm in here but at least it's not freezing." He muttered as he turned on a few small lantern lights. After he lit a few candles he settled beside you.
You nodded as you hoped the temperature wouldn't drop too quickly. Putting your chin on the back of the couch, you stared out into the snow, unaware of Seungcheol's gaze as he studied you.
The dim light from the room lit up your face enough for him to see you clearly. He rested his head on his arm as he watched you watch the storm. He was filled with nervous excitement the whole way to the cabin. A feeling he was used to when he was around you.
Now, as you were snowed-in together, just the two of you, these feelings heightened. He could sense the tension of unspoken feelings between you, and the urge to act on said feelings grew stronger each moment.
He felt his heart jolt when you suddenly looked over at him, and smiled when your eyes met.
"I'm hungry."
He chuckled at the sudden profession, "Well we've got plenty of snacks. And if we make a fire we can heat the water for some noodles."
You hummed, "Snacks first, noodles later, I don't want to to use up all the wood." He nodded in agreement as he made his way to the kitchen to grab the snacks the two of you had brought.
As time passed slowly, the temperature in the cabin dropped, leaving you two no choice but to start a fire. You sat on some blankets close to the fireplace, as you set up the kettle. The warm glow and crackling wood, cast a comforting atmosphere around the cabin, and you momentarily forgot about the harsh storm outside.
"This is kind of fun." You admitted as you prepped some hot chocolate.
Seungcheol grinned as he prepped the noodles, "It is isn't it?"
You giggled softly and Seungcheol felt his chest clench. The longer the two of you were here together the harder it was for him to hold back. He knew he was tired of resisting his feelings, and avoiding a relationship, but he wasn't sure how to bring it up.
Earlier when you had run into him in the darkness, he didn't want to let you go, and now he wanted to hold you close and keep you warm. But would that be too much too soon?
Your heart rate began to rise as Seungcheol scooted closer to you, his knee pressing against yours. You distracted yourself by making two cups of hot chocolate, as you tried not to focus on his gaze as he watched you.
Handing him his cup, you noticed how he took the cup from you, his own hands caressing yours almost purposefully. The two of you sipped on your drinks in silence, before a sudden chill crawled over you.
Seungcheol didn't miss the shiver that ran through you, and immediately scooted closer, his shoulder now against yours. Taking the blanket he had draped over himself, he draped part of it across your back so you were both wrapped in it.
Your eyes shot over to him at his actions and he smiled almost teasingly, "I don't want you to get cold."
"I can just get another blanket." You mumbled out of nervousness as you gestured at the pile of blankets behind you.
Seungcheol glanced at them before he met your eyes again, "But I like this more."
He didn't miss the slight widening of your eyes as he said this and he smiled, his eyes glancing to your lips almost instinctively.
Looking back to the fire he cleared his throat. "I'm kind of glad this happened."
"You are?"
He nodded his head, "I miss spending time with you, just the two of us I mean."
Your heart was pounding heavily in your chest, as your gut clenched. "It has been a while hasn't it?"
Silent tension hung between you. You both knew the reason you hadn't spent time alone was due to your mutual feelings. The two of you were mutually and unconsciously avoiding each other for fear of giving in to your attraction.
"Do you miss it?"
You nodded in response and he smiled softly before nodding once and returning to the noodles he had been preparing before.
As you ate, little conversation passed between you. Both of you were lost in your own thoughts about each other as you both silently struggled with the same fears and reservations.
You timidly set your empty noodle pot aside as you felt Seungcheol look over at you. When he continued to stare, not looking away, you slowly looked over.
The look in his eyes made your breath catch. His gaze was soft, yet intense, and you could feel the emotion pooling behind his eyes.
Slowly, he reached over, and placed his hand on your cheek. "You're cold." He mumbled softly.
As he suddenly stood up, allowing the blanket that was draped across the two of you to drop, you stared at him in confusion. Picking up the blanket it, he draped it over you before he began grabbing the other blankets and lying them down on the couch.
Is he going to sleep out here?
"What are you doing?"
Seungcheol didn't respond as he grabbed some pillows and placed them on the couch as well.
You watched with a curious gaze as Seungcheol walked over to you before reaching down and scooping you into his arms.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he lifted you, alarmed at his sudden actions.
He smirked as he plopped you down on the couch. You blinked in surprise as you stared up at him as he squeezed into the couch beside you before pulling you into his arms.
"We should sleep here. It will be warmer out here by the fire."
You attempted to get out some words, but apart from some bewildered sounds, nothing came out. Seungcheol grinned before he adjusted himself so he was lying face to face with you.
"We?" You finally muttered.
He nodded his head, grin remaining. Grabbing a blanket, he covered the two of you before he continued to stare at you.
"I'll put some more wood on the fire before we go to sleep but-...but for now I just want to stay like this."
As you stared at each other for a moment in silence, he slowly brought his hand to your face and caressed your cheek.
"I don't think I can do it anymore."
"Do what?"
"Avoid this. Avoid us. The reasons we had before... don't make sense to me now. I just want-"
As he paused with a soft sigh, your heat skipped a beat.
"Want what?"
"I just want you. I want to be with you."
Reaching up, you took his hand from your face and held it. You fiddled with his hand as you thought fr a moment. Seungcheol's chest tightened as he prepared himself for you to list of reasons why it wasn't a good idea.
"I want to be with you too."
His eyes bulged out for a moment as you spoke, making you giggle.
"You do?"
"Of course I do, you knew that well enough didn't you?"
"Well, I mean, yeah, but I- I meant I want to be with you now. Forget the reasons and excuses why we shouldn't, I don't care about those, I want to be with you."
You smiled as you nodded, "That's what I meant too."
He paused as he processed your words, and with a sudden boost of elation he leaned forward, pressing his lips against yours as he pulled you closer by the waist.
After a moment of surprise, you melted into the kiss as your hand gripped his shirt. He deepened the kiss with a sense of desperation, as he finally gave into his desires.
A sudden wave seemed to rush over the house as the lights turned on and the cabin came back to life.
You both pulled away with alarm before you locked eyes and chuckled. You hadn't noticed the snow outside was only soft snowfall now. As heat began blowing through the house Seungcheol shook his head.
"That didn't last long."
You grinned a him as you cleared your throat softly. "Can we still stay out here?"
He grinned as he kissed you again, before peppering a few kisses on your cheek and neck.
"Yes, absolutely."
xx End xx
I didn't know how to end this lol. Hope you liked it! This was my first time writing for S.Coups
General Taglist: @otsilliak, @brattybunfornct, @bahng-chrizz, @otakutrash669
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starlostastronaut · 6 months
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PAIRING: lee minho x reader
GENRE: spy au
WC: 1.14k
CW: blood and injury, reader is shot, brief crossfire (nothing is too graphic but its there)
PROMPT: "this is going to hurt like a bitch but i have to stitch up that wound"
soft minho hours! well, kinda lol (you'll see what i mean haha). he fits the spy au so much, i'm honestly happy i have one more spy au with him to do, because spy!minho is my new favourite thing. anyway, second post of the day, enjoy <3
title from meet me on the battlefield - svrcina
general masterlist here
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"Fuck!” Minho yelled, ducking back behind the wall. He gripped his gun tighter, pressing as much of his body into the wall as he could. He looked to the side, where you were in a very similar position. He immediately noticed the grimace on your face. “Are you hurt?” he whispered, looking at your hand that was pressing on your other arm unusually strongly.
You swallowed a curse and shook your head. Minho shrugged and didn't question it further, deciding to check how many bullets he had left.
Once he turned his head away, you let out something between a sigh and a moan. Your arm was on fire, and Minho couldn't know. He would worry too much, and you wouldn't complete your mission. You had to just suck it up and not let him know you were injured. Which was easier said than done when there was a bullet in your upper arm, but you would manage. You had worse injuries. After making sure Minho was busy, you checked your bullets too, hoping you didn't smear too much blood over the gun.
Next to you, Minho stood up again, firing back at your opponents. You joined him, and after a successful hit that incapacitated two of their shooters, you saw a chance to run. And Minho did too. He looked around for any snipers, but it seemed nobody was there. “Let's go before they start again,” he said, grabbing your arm and dragging you away, retreating to an empty office building nearby. You had to bite the inside of your cheek to not cry out in pain because his hand wrapped around your arm exactly in the place where the bullet was. You couldn’t hold a pain hiss, but you convinced Minho that he just grabbed you too strongly. He loosened his grip but kept his hold on you. You knew he just wanted to make sure you were with him and that he hadn't lost you when you were running, but your anxiety worsened with every second. You prayed to everyone who would listen to not let him discover the wound.
Once you were inside, he let go of you, and you sighed in relief, both at the pressure being gone and at being safe. Or, as safe as an agent hiding from their enemies can be. Minho eventually turned on his flashlight as he led you further into the building to the basement. It wasn't accidental that he chose this specific building. One of the many tunnels had an entrance in the boiler room. You stayed close to Minho, covering him from behind, your uninjured hand ready to pull out your gun at any moment.
Inside the boiler room, Minho locked the door behind you, letting his guard down a little. He hid his flashlight and turned on the light in the room. And then he froze, looking at his hand. You looked over to see what happened, and your whole body tensed. On his palm, there was a smear of red. Minho turned his head toward you.
“They got you, didn't they?” he asked, phrasing it more as a statement than a question. You knew there was no point in denying it now, not when there was clear evidence all over his hands.
You nodded. “In the crossfire. I didn't duck fast enough,” you murmured. “But it's fine, it's not even bleeding that-”
“Sit.” Minho pointed to an iron table pushed next to the wall. The room was old and no longer in use, so the agents brought in several things, such as medical equipment, weapons, spare gear, and all other sorts of things, using it as storage for everything they might need when using the tunnels. You rolled your eyes; you were perfectly fine to make it back to the base, where you could get proper medical care. But you knew that arguing with Minho was pointless, so you hopped on the table, waiting for him to find what he needed.
As your center of gravity moved, though, your head spinned. Oh. Maybe the wound was worse than it seemed. Minho came back soon, setting a few bandages and a bottle of alcohol next to you. He carefully took off your jacket, exposing your arm. Blood was smeared everywhere, drying with sweat mixed into it. Out of the darker spot, fresh blood was coming out, but there was less of it than before. Minho took a good look at it, cursing under his breath. He was running high on adrenaline and worry, but he still touched you with the utmost gentleness, being very careful with your arm.
“I need to get that out,” he decided. “It will hurt like a bitch, but I can't have you bleeding out on the way back to the base.” You knew he was right, though you were pretty sure you wouldn't bleed out. Either way, more blood loss only meant more complications. Minho reached for the bottle of alcohol, pouring a bit of it on the surgical forceps he found in the medical supplies kept in here. “I'm sorry,” he said, and then, without a warning, he poured at least half of the bottle onto your arm. Unprepared, you cried out, immediately covering your mouth with your other hand. You were safely locked in here, but the other agents could be scouting the building, and you couldn't let them discover the tunnels. Biting on your fist to keep yourself from making any sounds, you let Minho carefully take out the bullet stuck in your arm. He was as gentle as he could, but it still hurt. Closing your eyes, you let him work, focusing on your breathing to keep yourself occupied.
“It's done,” Minho announced after a while, finishing wrapping a bandage around your arm. He wiped his hands on his trousers, then looked at you, cupping your cheek with his hand to swipe his thumb over the single tear falling down your cheek. You let your head fall forward on his shoulder. Minho let you stay like that for a moment, but then he helped you back down on your feet. You still had a long way to the base, and you weren’t safe here. 
You found it sweet, the way he worried about you. It was sometimes dangerous out in the field because Minho would drop everything the moment you were in life-threatening danger, but it also made you stronger as a team because you knew you could trust him with your life.
He pressed a quick kiss on your temple. “You'll be okay. Let's get you back to the base where Seungmin can take care of you properly,” he said, placing one hand on the small of your back to support you, ready to catch you if you fell. Together, you made your way towards the entrance to the tunnels.
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taglist: @stayconnecteed @saintriots @vivioluh @ivaneedssleep @jazziwritesthings @darkypooo
©starlostastronaut 2023 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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dudeitiskarev · 9 months
Accidentally In Love | Part Two
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x florist female reader
Summary: Penelope’s first attempt to get you and Hotch together.
Content/warnings: none.
Word count: 1.1k
Author’s note: this is a short one but it’s definitely my favorite part! Hehe
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Friday came with a thunderstorm. The kind that hasn’t happened in over ten years. The sky was falling and yet…
“There are a lot of people out there.” Penelope peeked through the big theater curtains.
“So? It’s not like this hasn’t happened before.” Derek massaged her shoulders to get her attention. “You got this.” He encouraged her, turning her to him by her hand. He scanned her face and gave her those perfect furrowed brows tainted with concern that would’ve melted any other girl. “Hey.” His hand cupped her cheek. “You got this.”
“I know, I know.” She took a deep breath and peeked outside again. “Is Hotch here?”
“He is. The entire team is, don’t worry.”
“And did you make sure to leave an empty seat next to him?” She was having a hard time trying to find him in the sea of people.
“What are you planning?”
“I’ll tell you as soon as it works.”
“Okay, what is goin–” Derek was interrupted mid-sentence by pitch darkness followed by a bunch of surprised gasps behind the curtain.
The power had gone out.
“Oh, no. This is bad.” Garcia took her phone from her cleavage and turned on the flashlight that landed straight in Derek’s face.
“Ouch! Penelope—”
“This is so so bad.”
Meanwhile, just a few feet away, you’d just made it to your row when the darkness caught you off guard. Your clumsy feet almost made you fall over the first person on the row of seats, so you used your phone flashlight, too, to avoid any accident and lit up your path until you reached your seat—113-D.
Right next to Hotch, as Penelope had planned.
“Excuse me,” you said softly, unfolding your seat to sit down.
“Sure,” Hotch responded, too quiet for you to hear.
You settled still on your seat with your eyes wide open, waiting for them to adjust to the dark. You hoped the power would come back soon. Not because you were scared of the dark, but because you’ve been dying to watch Penelope’s play since the moment she sent you the invitation.
A loud thunder roared around, making you jump and gasp like a child.
“Sorry,” you whispered to your left. You’d barely grazed Hotch’s arm with your elbow.
“That was a loud one,” Hotch tried to comfort you. Plus, he thought it was adorable so it really was no bother.
A text from Jessica stole his attention from you. He’d immediately texted her asking if the power had gone out at her place too since Jack was still scared of the dark.
The entire city is in a power outage. But he’s okay. We lit up some candles and now I’ll stay with him until he falls asleep, Jessica texted back, so that left him more at peace.
“Is the play gonna happen anyway?” You asked into the dark.
Hotch wasn’t sure if you were talking to him or Reid—who was on your other side—so your question remained in the air for a few seconds until JJ was the first one to answer.
“Garcia just texted me. She says it will, as soon as the power comes back.”
“The backup generators should’ve kicked in already,” Reid said, “They often take only a few seconds. She’s probably freaking out.”
“I know, poor thing,” Emily added. “We should do something.”
“Like what?” Hotch joined.
Your head ping-ponged from one side to the other trying to get some information. These people clearly knew each other and you wondered why Penelope saved you a seat in between them. You couldn’t help but feel like an intruder, but you didn’t wonder much.
“We could block the exit so people won’t leave,” you answered confidently, and it was followed by a small laugh from Hotch. “Not a good idea?” You added.
“It is, actually,” he answered.
“Yeah, it’s a great idea,” Emily agreed.
“Alright,” Hotch rose from his seat. “Reid and JJ, go to the left exit,” he started as if he was assigning tasks in the field. “Prentiss and I will go to the other one.”
“What about me?” You asked with a sweet tone of concern, standing up, too.
“Stay here and make sure Penelope won’t notice we’re basically keeping people hostage,” he continued.
You really really liked his voice, and it sounded oddly familiar, so you didn’t hesitate to obey as long as you could get to see the face attached to that voice later.
“Oh, okay. I’ll do that, then.”
Not many people decided to leave, and those who made it to the exits were successfully stopped by Reid’s convincing speech and Hotch’s intimidating stand.
The backup generators kicked in moments later, and the first thing Hotch did was search for you in the sea of people from afar. His eyes landed on yours right away—you were already looking at him.
The pretty butterflies in your stomach went wild. You looked away—red-handed—and sat down, waiting for Hotch to come back next to you. Your body stiffened when Hotch made it next to you.
“Good evening.” Penelope’s voice came loud from the theater speakers. “Thank you all for coming. So sorry about that, we’re working on a few last-minute details but the play will start in about… ten minutes. Go grab a snack, take an early bathroom break and we’ll be all yours.”
The attraction between you and Hotch was palpable, and throughout the entire play, there were accidental elbow touches that made your heart drum hard against your chest. There would’ve been more if it wasn’t for a phone call. It was one of those calls that needed Hotch’s full attention so he excused himself and never came back but he made sure to send an apology text to Garcia for leaving earlier, even when he knew she’d understand.
She replied late, but he was still caught up with work so he took the chance to call her before it got too late.
“Sir?” she picked up after the first ring.
“I know what you’re doing,” Hotch replied with a bit of humor in his voice.
“I– I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she hesitated.
“I appreciate your concern and interest in my… love life, but—”
“It’s not a concern or interest,” she began explaining, pacing around her apartment and moving her hands around. The sound her bracelets made was audible even from the other line. “It’s a… necessity. I’ve always had it. Making sure people have love is crucial for me, and I have a… talent—or so I’ve been told—when it comes to pairing people up.”
“So you’re like Cupid?” he said jokingly.
Thank god he wasn’t there to see how she froze.
“Something… like that,” she gulped.
“As I said,” Hotch continued. “I appreciate it, but it needs to stop.”
“I can’t!”
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Hope you liked it! And as always I’d love to know what you think ♥️
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queers-gambit · 1 year
When It Rains, It Pours
prompt: ( requested ) after a long hike, you and Joel find a rundown motel, and after finding the cleanest room, there's only one bed.
pairing: Joel Miller x female!reader
fandom masterlist: HBO's The Last of Us
word count: 4.4k+
note to requester: i know i said i'd get slutty but it wasn't going the way i wanted it - so, we've come to this. i'm so sorry 😭
warnings: cursing, we all pretend like we're not all dirty and disgusting from the apocalypse, mild mild mild smut but still NSFW [female-receiving fingering]. OC Joel who has a thing for pet names. author doesn't know what this is and promises she normally writes better.
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The night was pitch ebony, swirling thick darkness making it hard to see in the absence of the silvery moon. There had been a wicked storm that brewed quickly overnight, and being as you and Joel were making a supply run into an area you don't often venture, it was easy to lose yourselves in the wilderness. If it wasn't the night that disrupted sight, it was the sideways rain that pelted over you two; and no matter a functioning compass or not, it was still hard to fucking see, let alone gage where you were.
"Joel!" You snapped, "This is fucking ridiculous. We're either going to wonder into a fucking trap or catch pneumonia. In case you're not paying attention, we're not exactly strapped with penicillin right now!"
He sighed, the two of you huddling under a tree. "We're almost there," he told you gruffly after hours of silent hiking.
"Yeah? How's it you know that? The rain is washing out the trails, Joel, we're kinda stuck out here with no real indication of where we are or where the fuck we're going!"
"No, we keep heading West - "
"How can you even determine which way is which!?" You snapped. "Our flashlights went out an hour ago, we should've made camp to wait out the storm."
"So the rain water could wash us out? Or so Infected could accidentally stumble upon us? Oh, wait, I know! So the other humans could come and rob us blind before leave us for dead, right?"
You offered a mocking look, "Then what do we do now, genius?"
Joel sighed heavily through his nose, shaking his curls out and spraying water all around. He tried to look through the trees but it was difficult to see three feet in front of yourself. "We should keep moving," he decided.
"I agree but our dilemma is, which way?"
"Uh," he tried to wipe the compass clean but in reality, he simply couldn't see from lack of light. "Shit."
"Yeah! Shit!"
"Don't get snippy with me - "
"I told you at least three miles back that this wasn't doable nor smart," you glared. "We should've been better prepared. So, where to now?"
"Well, I mean - "
"Fuck's sake, Joel, are we lost now?"
He paused, "Not exactly lost..."
"Just unsure, right? A little misplaced? Confused, even?"
"Just - c'mon." You glared at the back of his head but pushed off the tree trunk to follow him. "Bill said there's an old motel 'round these parts. With luck, we can crash there."
"If we're even in those parts," you growled.
"Well, keep an eye out."
"Have I slapped you today?"
Joel hummed, "Nope."
"There's still time," you huffed, yelping slightly when your foot stepped into a thick mud hole - tripping you into the flooding mud. "Ah, fuck! Ow! Hey, Joel?"
"What happened?"
"I'm stuck," You grit, trying to yank your leg free. "Fuck's sake, it's really in there. Joel, c'mon, help me out. What the fuck is this new Earth made of? Bastard ain't budgin'!"
Joel had to pause and double back to simply kneel, soaking his knee with mud, and after three good yanks, there were two pops: a loud one from freeing your foot (with your shoe still on) and a small one from within your ankle.
"Shit," Joel panted, wobbling for balance with a small pant. "You all right?"
"My fuckin' ankle," you breathed. "God, I twisted it real good, 's throbbing and swelling already."
"Think you're good to walk?"
"Gonna have to be," you used his offered hands to help you to your feet as you refused to be left behind as dead weight. In this day-and-age, you understood that injury would often get you left behind because nobody had the strength or ability to support the weak and injured. You tried a few slow, tentative steps but they were decently painful, so, Joel sighed and let your one arm sling around his neck to aid you as a crutch. "This is not ideal."
"No shit," he breathed, trying to keep hold on you, his gun, and keep his head on a swivel.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, what's that?"
"What's what, where?"
"Just pause, Joel, hang on, hang on," you snipped, tugging his shoulders You took a full minute to retrain your gaze, but then, you saw the outline of a building. "There," you pointed through the trees. "Do you see that?"
Joel squinted for a long moment, then nodded, "Could be the motel."
"Oh, thank you, God," you sighed, the pair of you moving for the motel as the storm drowned out any grunts of exertion. Bolts of lightning flashed to only confirm the building's appearance, and thunder seemed to reach into your bones. When closer, the building came in clearer view - shadowed, rundown, overgrown with vegetation... But with a few opened room doors.
"Here," Joel panted, leaning you on a thick tree trunk along the tree line. "I'll check it out - "
"Like hell you're going alone," you shook your head, pulling your hand gun out. "But it's also cold as shit and I'm drenched, I'm more than willing to help search the area if it means I lay down. C'mon, I can go slow on the ground floor."
Joel paused for a moment, then nodding slowly, "I'll check out the top. Shoot first, ask questions later," he reminded with a meaningful stare - as if he wanted to say more but couldn't. "And fucking run if you have to."
You offered a tired look, "Still givin' me that advice, all this time later?"
"Someone has to, you're chaotic and reckless."
"It's gotten me this far!"
"With bullet wounds."
"Flesh wounds," you instantly corrected, limping across the car park. "C'mon," you muttered, the two of you spacing out and slowly checking out the motel. Without your flashlights, it was ten times as difficult, but you had a little bit of a system.
Any door that opened, you tossed something into the room to rattle any Infected from rest. You'd wait at the open door, hoping the bolts of lightning were enough light to guide you. Some rooms were bolted shut, some literally fell off its hinges. Some were ransacked, some looked torched, others seemed... Lived in.
"What?" He asked, appearing behind you so suddenly you jumped in fright. The man should often wear a bell, he was too sneaky for his own good.
"Fuck you," you sighed, shaking your head, "you know I'm jumpy."
"What is it? Why'd you call?"
"What's this look like to you?" She asked, pointing into the room as she stepped back. He offered a confused look before glancing in, then doing a double take.
"Gun up," he nodded, slowly taking two calculated steps inside to reach for the oil lamp he saw through the flashes of lightning. He got it lit using the leftover lighter, amazed by the way the lamp provided the room with warm light and also how nothing moved in the room.
It was almost suspicious after years of 'worst case scenarios' coming true. I mean... Look where you were! In the Wastelands of stupid-fucking Zombie World. Doesn't really get more 'worst case' than this!
Slowly, Joel checked out the closet and bathroom as you looked under the bed - wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on a second.
Freeze frame.
Back up.
Record scratch.
One bed? Just one?
And as if that wasn't bad enough, it seemed to be unusually small. There was no way this bed belonged to this room, making you wonder from where the old inhabitants came from... Local, perhaps, if they transported a fucking mattress. Looking around, you realized the bed wasn't in the best condition, but there were blankets and thin pillows left behind.
Trying not to worry about the single bed, you poked around the materials in the room, Joel exiting the bathroom.
"We're alone," he nodded, looking skeptical.
"What do you think happened?"
He toed a few empty old cans, sighing, "Probably went out to find food. Not much other reason to leave." He picked up a child's stuffed animal, nodding, "Guess they just didn't make it back."
"All right, well," you shrugged, setting your gun down to lock the bolt on the door, "help me out here."
Joel stepped up and helped you move furniture in front of the door for added protection; then drawing the tattered curtains over the lone window to try and provide comfort in solidarity.
"All right," Joel sighed, staring at the bed like you had. "Hm, all right. Well... Let me get a blanket or two and I'll crash in the tub - "
"Like hell you are," you scoffed, shivering from the freezing rain water. "I'm not listening to you bitch and gripe and moan about your back all the way to Bill and Franks - and then all the way back to Boston."
"So, what? You think we're both gonna fit in that bed?"
You eyed it for a moment, but the cold was settling into your core. "You afraid to touch me or something?" You asked sarcastically. "Oh, right, I forgot, God forbid you get close to someone!"
Joel sighed your name in reprimand.
"What's the issue?" You whined, hands shoved under your arms. "I'm freezing, man, can we make a decision so I can at least have the decency to pass away in my sleep? Fuck's sake."
Joel glared, "That's not funny."
"What's your issue!?"
"It's not so much as us sharing the bed as it is we'd have to strip and share the bed," he tried to explain.
"You're almost 60-God-damn-years-old, but you're nervous about seein' me without clothes on? Are we in 6th grade again? Did we go back in time and I missed it!?"
"You've made it clear since day one you didn't want nothin' to do with me - "
"What the fuck are you on about?" You snapped. "Joel, honestly? You're the most important person in my life. I care about Tommy, I care for Tess, sure, but I wouldn't be gutted losing them. I would be if I ever lost you. So, shut the fuck up about how I didn't want nothin' to do with you, we share a fuckin' apartment - "
"That's because of space issues," Joel sighed.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," you took a long breath. "Joel?"
He rolled his neck out, "What?"
"I care about you," you simply said. "And I'd much rather lay in that bed awkwardly without clothes on, sharing body heat, than stand here another moment. We're both drenched, my ankle is throbbing, and you know what? I'm tired. I'm really fucking tired and that rain isn't letting up."
He sighed, nodding, "We might have to keep shelter for a day."
"So long as I can get warm, that's fucking fine," you shrugged. "Now, are you good? Is it okay to try to rest?"
Joel sighed, glancing at the bed and feeling his throat tighten. The bed was smaller than he hoped, and in honesty, you two would be lucky laying on your sides, pressed against one another, and not fall off. "Fine," he agreed, seeing how you were now trembling without control. "Fuck, I'm sorry, look at you, you're shakin'," he sighed, approaching you with rushed steps.
"Just cold, Joel," you complained, stiffly letting your pack fall off.
"No, you're fuckin' frozen," he sighed. "C'mon, get this jacket off."
"I-I'm tryin'."
"Want help?"
"Please, I'm just fuckin' tired," you groaned, letting your forehead fall to his shoulder as he worked to shed your outer jacket.
"Work with me, sweetheart, lift your arms, there you go, that's it, good girl," he whispered, trying to help you peel more layers off. "You look like hell," he frowned, the flickering oil lamp providing minimal visuals from the shadowing, but in a warm, honied light.
"Feel like hell, too," you looked down your leg, sighing at the mud caked up them. "You look at peachy as ever," you tried to tease, but it came out in a shudder from a shocking wave of cold.
"Sit," Joel directed, turning you to lean on the bed's edge. He knelt to take your boots off - taking care of your injured ankle - and left your shoes at the bottom of the bed. He peeled your socks off, sighing as your toes were turning a slight shade of blue. "All right, quickly now. Lift your hips, let me get your pants off."
"Tryna get me naked, huh?" You grunted, flopping backwards on the bed.
"Keep talkin'," he grunted, unhooking the button on your jeans to start peeling them down. It turned into more of a shucking, and he tried not to notice how your panties tugged down, too.
"This is stupid."
"Mhm. Bill gave us fried information, Joel, ain't shit out here."
"He was right about the motel, though. Maybe we get a fresh start when the storm clears."
"Maybe we just say fuck it and go live with Bill and Frank."
Joel chuckled, "Yeah? That's what we should do?"
"Yeah, fuck people."
"All right, now," he sighed, successfully getting your pants to your thighs without your panties following. "So, fuck people, we go live like hermits?"
"Yep, better than under FEDRA's heel."
"They pay good money for pills," he reminded, sighing deeply. "All right, little one - "
"I hate that nickname."
Joel sighed, seeing your eyes closed but brows crinkled. "Peach?"
"Yeah, that's the one I like," you hummed with a soft smile.
Joel allowed himself a solemn chuckle, "All right, peach, let's get you under the covers."
"Poor excuse for 'em," you grunted, rolling over a bit to shuffle under the blankets. "They're scratchy."
"They're wool," Joel noted, petting the blanket. "They'll warm you up."
"Can't feel my toes."
"Let's hope your lips go numb soon."
"Fuck off, I blame you for this."
"You blame me for the storm?"
"Yes," you grumbled, shifting under the blankets to take your last layer off - your tank top - and tossing it at Joel. Your bra followed. "Lay those out for me, will you?"
"Mhm," he grunted, doing as you bid, but also laying out your other clothes. Your eyes didn't open out of pure exhaustion, and after a few minutes, Joel's weight was dipping the mattress. "Feelin' all right, peach?"
The oil lamp went out, and Joel shifted in bed. "Fuck's sake," he muttered, trying to adjust, but every movement jolted your body. The mattress was worn and old, sinking under your weight but still loose enough to jostle you around. "Sorry, sorry."
"It's all right, but just settle down, Joel, please," you sighed, eyes cracked as he still twitched around. "Oh, my God, please, just - spoon me or something. Just whatever gets you to lay still."
"It's just too small a space."
"Then get closer."
Joel sighed and shuffled once more, but then, his chest was pressed right up to your back and soon, you were being cocooned in his warmth. Another readjustment, and his legs were forming around yours. "All right?" He checked again.
He sighed, "Can I lay my arm down?"
"Yeah," and now, your eyes were wide open, but in the pitched darkness of the room, Joel couldn't tell. His arm, thick with undefined muscle due to natural age-deterioration, laid over your hip and waist - trying to find a comfortable angle. "You're warm. Feels nice," you mumbled.
"I'm... Sorry?"
"No, no, it's good," you assured, trying to throw him a bone and took hold of his arm to pull him the last inch closer. You cradled his arm to your chest, and Joel sighed almost in relief. He soon started to relax - but you couldn't help but notice he still felt tense.
"You're shaking."
"I'm cold, shut up and go to sleep," you snipped, but your lips stretched in a smirk. His nose slowly traced the skin of your neck to rest just by your ear, pausing, and then tightening his arm to let himself rest in the crook of your neck. His breath was warm over your skin, and oh, fuck, did it feel good. In fact, you even hummed, mumbling, "Warm."
"You sound drunk."
"You fucking wish."
Joel sighed, his other arm easily sliding under the skimpy, thin, decaying pillows you used. For a singular, secular moment: everything was normal. There were no Infected. There was no end of the world. There was just you and Joel, maybe on a camping vacation and this was your night in a motel before hiking into the wilderness. He was warm, he was alive, he was breathing against your back and neck that you couldn't help but give a brief moment of thanks for the gentle reminder you two were okay for the present.
You were alive, and that was a huge relief.
Things seemed to quiet for a moment, until Mother Nature made her cruel reminder that She was the only force on Earth to be reckoned with by cracking a large boom of thunder. One so loud, it rattled the window. One so loud, it created small tremors in the pooling-waters. One so loud, soaking-wet leafs dropped from branches. One so loud, it made you jump and recoil back into Joel.
"You're okay," he eased in your ear, cracks of lightning flashing behind the thin, moth-eaten curtains. "Scared of thunder or somethin'?"
"Then why's your heart racing?"
It was only then you became acutely aware that when you jumped, you had subconsciously pulled Joel's arm in and his hand was nearly pressed over your entire breast. Just a hair's adjustment and he'd have hold of your nipple; the feeling exhilarating but also somehow forbidden. "Oh," you flinched in embarrassment, "sorry, I just... I'm not the biggest fan of thunder when it cracks like that."
"You're breathing funny."
"All right, this isn't gonna work if you're just gonna keep pointing out shit. I can do it to you, too, you know."
"But I'm not - "
"You're hard," you pointed out smugly, Joel going silent.
But then, you didn't expect him to gruffly reply, "Can you blame me?" Your breathing stuttered when his hand freely moved up to palm your breast tightly; kneading as if holding a fresh loaf of French bread. "Got the prettiest thing pressed against me, bare fuckin' naked, it'd be impossible not to be hard," he all but growled in your ear, you trying to clear your head as his actions were mesmerizing you. "Don't even know what you do to me, doll, do you?"
"No," you squeaked, gulping to clear your throat. "Gonna tell me?"
He chuckled, "Remember that real bad fight between Tess and I? Few years back? When she stormed out and slammed the door so loud, it knocked over those books?"
"Yeah?" You panted, slowly pushing your hips back to let your bottom grind into his bulge. You wore only your panties, feeling Joel hot and heavy against the curve of your ass through his thin and wearing-out boxers. He usually only liked wearing them for hikes for chaffing, so, most days in the QZ, he forwent boxers.
"It was cause of you," he whispered, both hands sure to leave bruises behind as he let his hips meet yours.
"I didn't - "
"No, doll, you ain't do nothin'," he cut you off, grunting slightly as he dry humped into you. "But I fucked up. I was so stuck in my head, it was durin' that heat wave. You wore that fuckin' grey tanktop and I was done for, girl. Hear me? Fuckin' done." You shuddered against him. "Felt like a God damn teen again, not sure what to do when he saw a woman's skin."
"What's you do?" You wondered.
"Might've said your name," he admitted, the hand not palming your breast snaking under your form to wiggle between your thighs. "Women don't like you bein' balls-deep in them, sayin' another woman's name."
"No, we certainly don't," you mused, reaching back for his neck.
Joel took this as invitation and rutted harder into you, letting your breast go to guide your leg back over his hip. Then, it darted back to grope the warm flesh. He grunted in your ear, "You were in my head, darlin'. Always have been, but it was real bad back then."
You remembered, "Because I was seein' that guy? Oliver?"
"Think so," he panted.
"Terribly," Joel growled, toying with your wet (from rain) panties for a moment before easing his hand into the front of your panties. "Jesus fuckin' Christ, girl," he noted in appreciation.
"It's from the rain."
"Yeah? That so?"
"Even down here?" He smirked, middle finger ghosting over your slit to make you twitch with the smallest of gasps. Long forgotten were your freezing cold state, finding Joel similar to a personal furnace.
Okay, time for a little bit of truth. Ever since you started having "regular" sex, you learned that while cocks are nice, it's so much more pleasurable for you to have a man with skilled fingers. You liked that stimulation so much better for some reason - but hey, hey, hey, if Joel wanted to offer you a romp in the sheets, you wouldn't say no.
"Yep," you gulped, answering your companion and reaching for his other hand to forcefully grope your breast. It'd been far too long since you were intimate with another person, so, you didn't want nice and gentle. You weren't even sure if this thing with Joel would (or could) ever happen again, so, you really didn't want it nice and gentle.
"Darlin'," Joel warned, moaning in your ear as he slipped his finger inside you - wetness welcoming him like a vortex into your unknown. "I don't think I can stop - we should stop now. We should stop now, doll, c'mon."
"I'm not doin' anythin'," you whispered, whining when he pushed a second finger in.
"So fuckin' good for me," he grit.
"Joel? Joel?"
"What's wrong - "
"No, nothing, I just - I want this, too. I don't want you to stop."
"You don't mean that - "
"Joel, however long you've wanted me is probably almost as long as I've wanted you. Please," you whispered your beg. "I just want to feel you. Give me a bit of life, Joel, baby, please, I just want to feel alive."
Joel sighed your name, and you pushed his hands off to lift onto your hands and twist around. He looked up at you for a moment before reaching up to hook his hand around your neck and pull you forward until your lips collided in a frenzy of lips, teeth, and tongue.
Joel knew kissing you was a bad idea, but he was out of fucks to give at the moment. He wanted this, so, he'd relish in it.
He had you, he finally had you - and he wasn't about to give you up for the fucking world. He sighed before completely submitting himself to your charm; to you.
Knowing he had fucked someone more recently than you, you reached for the outline of his straining member and reacquainted yourself with the feel of a cock - of a hard cock hidden beneath fabric. Joel was right, you were starting to feel that juvenile excitement as if this was your first time again, and how you loved it.
Your lover moaned into your mouth, nearly hissing at the feel of your hand over his hot cock; trying to gulp down the feeling and not bust his load right then and there. "Can I take these off?" Joel asked, toying with your panties.
"Please," you breathed, helping him shed your last layer of decency before hitching your leg up his hip again and exposing your cunt to his wondering hands. Your moan was broken and whimpered when he pushed two fingers in again, letting go of him for a moment before latching onto his arm when Joel increased the speed of him tempo.
You begged his name for reprieve, but there was no mercy to be found in Joel's actions. You whimpered and shoved your face in his neck, unconsciously humping into his ministrations as Joel slowed himself into sweeping motions to search for you G-spot. You couldn't remember the last time you had such a diligent love, most simply thinking the clit was enough - and while it was with a vibrator, it wasn't if your sexual partner didn't know where the fucking clit was!
However, Joel proved he was well-versed in how to please a woman, and while he wasn't a regular Casanova, he was determined to bring you to your peak. "There, there," you jolted when his finger pad found that spongy-good spot inside your inner walls that, when stimulated, had you seeing stars. "Oh, my God, yes, yes, fuuuck yes," you whimpered, needing to open your mouth to latch onto his shoulder as your climax reared its white-hot head.
"C'mon, darlin', lemme feel you," Joel muttered, his Southern accent coming out into play more as he reached for your clit at the same time. The combined efforts had you ready to cry. "I know you're there, c'mon, c'mon, baby, want you to cum all over my fingers, c'mon - yeah, like that, good fuckin' girl, there it is," he coached, watching you closely as you briefly forgot to breathe.
You would've been ashamed of the moan you let out if anyone else was around, and if the storm didn't drown you out; Joel praising you for doing 'so good' for him as he stared down to watch you twitch and cum - coating his hand.
You didn't usually squirt unless your G-spot was hit, and Joel seemed mesmerized by the messy action as well as the sight. It made him feel both prideful and primal to see himself splattered with your juices. However, it wasn't enough to distract Joel for long - who didn't let up. He kept you going by never removing his fingers, and instead, watched as he coaxed you through your epic ride. "That was better than I imagined, baby," Joel admitted quietly.
"You might change your mind before the sun comes up."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yep. I wanna be on top."
Joel paused for a moment, blinking at you, then decided, "Maybe for one of the rounds - but the first one, I'll be the one fucking you."
With a growing smirk, you taunted, "Bring it on, cowboy."
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author isn't very confident writing NSFW, but hey, practice makes perfect, right?
requesting rules and masterlist
TLOU masterlist
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ritsusakumawife · 6 months
Rejected Male Yandere x GN! Reader
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Warnings: Use of profanity, mentions of murders and kidnappings, yandere content, not proofread, and bad grammar
Words: 1654
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Quiet footsteps can be heard until they stop and a door opens and closes.
"Why'd you do it?"
"Well, they kept bothering you, so I-"
"I told you, they kept bothe-"
"Not that. Tell me a good, fucking valid reason. You can't just say it's because they were bothering me. They..Those people you killed were my family, you bastard!"
"So tell me, why did you kill them?
He bows his head in what seems like shame.
"Hah! Just as I thought, you can't give me a good reason because there isn't one! You killed my family just because you wanted to!"
"You didn't do it for me or your twisted sense of love. You just killed them for fun, didn't you?"
"No, that's not-..I- I'm sorry."
"Darling, you know how much I love you, don't you? I just couldn't bear to see them use you and treat you like shit."
"Believe me, I truly didn't want to kill them, but they just left me with no choice. I had to do it. I'd go insane if I were to watch them trash talk you for even a moment longer.
"After all, I know how much their words hurt you."
"Even if their words hurt me, that doesn't give you any, ANY right to end their lives."
"Just… what happened to you..? What happened to the man I knew?
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Everything was fine four years ago.
You'd wake up, get ready for the day, and meet up with your best friend for your guys' daily morning coffee.
You'd order his and your usual and go on your separate ways once you've got your orders.
But then on one Saturday, your guys' schedule aligned perfectly, and you guys decided to spend it together, catching up.
You guys promised to meet at 11:00 a.m. He was running late, which was unusual, but you didn't mind and decided to continue waiting.
After an hour, he finally arrived.
He apologized for being late and reasoned that he had some last-minute work he had to do
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It was quite a chaotic day, but you had fun. It was one of the rare times you got to hang out together after all.
You were currently walking back home.
Once you had arrived, you prepared to unlock the door, but to your surprise, the door was already unlocked.
'Maybe they accidentally left it open, or dad just got home. Oh well.'
Upon stepping foot into your home, you felt a sticky liquid cling to your shoes and a strong metallic smell enter your nostrils.
"Mom, are you there?"
You begin to take careful steps forward; your feet hit something laying on the ground, and if you weren't going so slowly, you would've for sure tripped.
'What the heck did I hit? '
You feel around your wall, hoping to come across the light switch and finally see what's happening.
"Where the heck is it? It should be here somewhere. If only my phone didn't run out of battery, I could just be using the flashlight feature right now."
After feeling around for a couple more seconds, your hand makes contact with the light switch, and you turn it on.
"Finally! Now just what did I trip o-"
There on the ground lies your mother's body. Still, cold, and lifeless
You stumble and quickly check your mother's pulse.
Nothing. There's nothing.
You scramble towards your house phone and quickly dial 911, but before you could hit the dial button, you felt something hit you on the head before falling unconscious.
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You awoke in a dark room, your hands and legs chained to the wall.
Once your eyes have adjusted to the darkness, you see your best friend sitting in a chair across from you. He looks at you intensely. Like a predator to their prey, he observes you.
He doesn't do or say anything. Just watches
You collect your thoughts.
From the look of things, he kidnapped you and was probably the one who killed your mom, or maybe even your entire family, seeing as no one found your mother dead on the floor.
It would also explain why he was late for your meeting earlier. He killed them before meeting up with you.
Once you've answered all the questions pouring into your head, you speak up.
"Hey, what do you want from me?"
It was clear he had no intention of harming or killing you; if he had, he would've already killed you, but instead you're here chained up in what you assume is his basement. A classic place to keep kidnapped people, or well, in some cases, but not all the time.
"You're not going to ask if I'll kill you or let you go? That's surprising; usually people would already be screaming and moving around as if it'd help improve the situation."
"No. It'll be useless to do that. It won't help me get out of these chains."
"So? What do you want from me?"
"What I want is simple: your love. That's all I want."
"Pfft, my love? And you expect to get it by killing my family?"
"You truly must be insane."
"I'm sure it'll work out, right? After all, you've always liked the insane characters in those shows and games you play."
"I think you forgot about one teeny tiny important detail Mr. Kidnapper, those shows and games are fictional, while this situation I'm currently in isn't."
"But..I'm sure that if we talk some things out, like, let's perhaps say, taking these chains off, we can start anew and develop our own love story." You say teasingly.
He chuckles. "Sorry, dear, but the chains stay on at least until I'm sure you won't run away."
"Boo~ These chains hurt, y'know? Wait, don't tell me you're actually into that kind of stuff" You say in a fake shocked tone.
'Even if I'm talking to him casually, it seems that he still isn't letting his guard down at all. This is troublesome."
'But it's fine. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I will get out of here, you murdering bastard. I swear, I'll have you put behind bars.'
'I know just how to get behind those walls you put up. I didn't spend all those years with you for nothing.'
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While it was easy to gain his trust, it seems like his careful nature just didn't allow himself to be easily swayed by your charming words.
And in the end, it took one and a half years to get out of the chains, but you were only allowed to stay in that room.
It took six months to be allowed to wander outside that room. But only on the condition that you were to have your hands tied up when outside the room in the basement.
It took a year to be allowed to do your own things around the house.
You had thought of escaping while he went outside, but you knew better than that. He set this up; he'll let you have your way around the house to see if you'll try to escape from him.
He's left you multiple chances to escape throughout the years. Chances that would surely not happen due to coincidences. It was all bait, a trap.
So you just did what you had to do. Act as his lover; act on this never-ending stage.
And finally, in the fourth year, something changed. Something he didn't notice, but you did. He has truly let his guard down.
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After days of planning, you finally did it. You can escape. But it's too soon to say that everything is over.
He was still in there, sleeping peacefully. If you were to leave now and call the cops, then he could wake up before the cops arrive and escape somewhere far away.
So you stayed. You called the police, made sure he wouldn't have any escape routes, made breakfast, and waited for him to wake up. Right by his side, just like he has always wanted
After a few minutes, he woke up. You gave him a little kiss on the head and gave him breakfast in bed, like it has always been.
Everything seemed normal until a knock on the door interrupted your guys' lovely morning. Naturally, he answered the door since you're technically a missing person.
Everything went by so fast after that that you don't even remember what happened after he opened the door.
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And now you find yourself walking towards his visiting area.
You have so many things you want to say, but all you can muster up is ask why he did it.
While it seems like you're asking why he killed your family, It's moreso, why is it me? Why was it me?
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June 6, 20XX
You stare at a note that was put on your desk.
'Meet me on the rooftop after school'
"Ooo~ Looks like Y/N has a secret admirer~!"
"Heheh~ I bet it's that guy Y/n always hangs out with."
"Eh? That dude? Eww, you better reject him, Y/N. I heard that guy's a creep. Yuck."
"Hey! That's mean, he isn't a creep, ok? I don't know who started the rumors, but it's not true. I've known him for practically all my life! He isn't that kind of guy."
Your friends snicker, "Look at Y/N defending their little boyfriend!"
"Wha, he isn't my boyfriend! Besides,"
"Yeah, yeah, just get going. Now you're going to be late for your meeting. Bye bye~"
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"̸̮̀Ì̴̫'̴̢̂m̷͉̈ ̴̹̃s̸͙͂o̶̞͑r̸̢̚ȑ̴̹ý̷̥,̶͈͆ ̸̦͝b̴̘̈́u̶̬͑t̸̮̆ ̷̩̄Ï̶͎ ̵̹̈́ĺ̸̯ĭ̷̥k̶̯̀e̸̢̾ ̶͓͐ÿ̸̦o̶̜̎ù̷͕.̷͔͝ ̴̠͒Ȉ̴̪ ̴̻̅t̶̪̉ȓ̴̬u̵̞̅l̴̪͐y̸͎̾ ̷̨̈ḋ̷̫ǒ̴̫.̴̫̇ ̷̘͝B̵̩̍u̷͝ͅt̷̖́ ̷̦̀I̶̪̐ ̴͎͂d̸̰̑o̸̙͗n̵̳͑'̵̤͝t̴͉̓ ̸̧̍l̵̘̏i̴̪̿k̷͈̐e̵̡͊ ̴̜́y̷̼͑o̶̯̍û̴̢ ̶̀ͅi̷͙̔n̸̤͋ ̵͔̑t̴̟̽h̷̻̋à̶͕t̸̡͆ ̷̯͐w̷̬̅a̴̯̿ÿ̸̮.̸͇͠ ̴̫͐Ï̶͜ ̸̻̂t̷͘͜h̶͕͝i̴̭͆n̸̞̂k̶̨̈́ ̶̳̕ó̸͎f̶͓̏ ̶̺̂y̶̛͓ö̸̟́ū̷̪ ̶͖͐a̶̢͝ś̷̝ ̷̪̓m̶͍̉y̵̞̑ ̶̗̅b̷̥͝e̷̳͝s̴̮͠t̸͍͆ ̶̜͝f̵̭͆r̵̡̾i̸̺͊ë̸̖́n̴̤̑d̸̗͑,̶̲͌ ̴̖̈a̶̹͝ ̶͉̑b̸̝͋r̴̻̈́o̶̟͂t̵͖͂h̴̠͌e̷͒͜r̶͙̾.̵̢̓ ̴̩͊I̴̗̐'̴̢͆m̷̼̃ ̴̯͘s̸̘̊ö̸̜r̷̳̎r̷̛̗y̴̦͘,̷̲̆ ̵̻̕b̶̘̔u̶̩͒t̴͚͋ ̸͉̀I̶̠͝ ̸̰̀h̶͙͒õ̶͖p̵͈̐e̵͕̐ ̷̪͝w̵̟͑e̶͕̓ ̸̻̊ċ̶̜ḁ̶͛n̴̨̏ ̸̪̎s̷̤͂t̷̰͂i̷͌͜l̷̮͘l̴͓̃ ̶̰̓b̸̖͒ę̷̄ ̷̯͝f̸͈͋ř̷̤ǐ̷͜e̶̺̋n̶̢̒d̵̘̀s̷̼̎.̴̻̽"̷̙̽ ̵̉ͅY̶̩͒o̵͎͑u̶̠͐ ̸̠͛b̷̰̈o̴̤͑w̷̼͊ ̴͇̏d̴͝ͅo̵͚͝ẇ̸̗ǹ̶̟.̴̛̣ ̷̡͊"̴̨͠A̴͖̿h̵̢͊,̵̟̋ ̷͈̋n̵͇͗ö̶̩,̷̛͖ ̴͈̽i̴̔ͅt̸͕̀'̸̦̀s̷̫̅ ̴̻͌a̵̠͛l̵̲̈r̴̪̽i̴̗̎g̴̡͆h̶͖̀t̶̹͋.̵̑ͅ ̶̦͌I̴̗͐ ̸̝̿k̵͖̍ṅ̷͇e̶͊ͅw̶̭̏,̶̧̒ ̷͍͒b̵̕ͅu̸̗͌t̴͙̃ ̵̢̽I̶̥͛ ̷̺̈́j̸̰̏ű̵̜s̷̨̾ẗ̵͍́ ̶̟̀w̵̫̍a̶̗͗n̴̨̏t̴̿͜e̸̺͆d̸̼̿ ̵̗̂t̷̞̅ó̷̜ ̶̗̕l̷̢̊e̴̦͝t̷̙͌ ̷͙͌ÿ̴̞́o̵̬͐u̴̼͝ ̴̺͌k̶̪̾n̶͎̄ȍ̵̙w̴͎͘.̸̪̚ ̷̝͋S̶͕̄o̸̩͑,̷̽ͅ ̵̗̔f̶͛ͅr̸͖̿ì̷͜ë̴̢́n̷͉̏d̴̹̑s̸̓͜?̸̠͒"̸̘̇ ̴͓̍H̴͍̔e̴͜͝ ̵͉͂p̶̘̒u̴̯͑t̴͖͠s̸͍̉ ̵̰̑h̷̏ͅi̷̢̊s̵̰̆ ̷̜̅h̷̜̀à̷͓n̴̫̑d̸̰̋ ̴̼͛ô̴̡ų̵͝ẗ̴̡́.̵̤̍ ̶̤̄"̸͘ͅŸ̷̲ṳ̷̊p̶̲̊!̴͖̉ ̵̹́Ḅ̷̅ẽ̸̮s̸̜̋ṫ̸̖ ̸̖̅f̷̺̕r̸̫͌í̵̻ê̶͉n̸̻͋d̷͚̅s̶̩̽!̵͔͗"̸͕̔ ̷̖͝Y̷̘̊o̴̯̾u̷̙͋ ̸̭̈́ȟ̴̗o̵̜̾l̵̬̈́d̴̝͘ ̸̺̽ḫ̵̄i̷̧̓s̵͎̏ ̷̢̈h̴̡̑a̴̫͑n̷͙͆d̸͓̄.̵̮͛
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This did not turn out how I wanted it to, and I am cringing so bad. I'm so so sorry for this abomination.
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kawaiijohn · 7 months
Dipper accidentally summons King Phantom to Gravity Falls to help against Bill?
okay never thought i'd write anything with GF buttttt here ya go @guardianrex <3
And Happy super late tenth birthday gravity falls. Hope this rocks.
"You're just a teenager!" Dipper pointed at the lanky boy from behind the table turned cover. His finger shakes a little as he wills himself to be brave.
"You're just a teenager!" Dipper pointed at the lanky boy from behind the table-turned-cover. His finger shakes a little as he wills himself to be brave.
"And you're just a kid," said teenager yawns, rubbing sleep out of heavily bagged eyes. "Is there a reason I'm standing in my living room with some kid I don't know at ass o clock in the morning?"
Dipper swallows. He'd meant to summon the 'Infinity King', a figure Grunkle Ford had found information on during his travels. The King of All Reality was supposedly an eldritch being of unknown origin and deathless power, one that could possibly be asked to help deal with Bill and his crap.
And his research was going perfectly! The texts Ford had shown him a few weeks ago- the very same texts that Dipper had stolen while Ford was asleep, were translated quite easily (who knew Pig Latin was a viable language in some realities?) and used without his Grunkle's knowledge. Against said Grunkle's warnings.
But ignoring warnings could have gone much worse. At least the figure floating three inches off the floor looked about as human as Dipper did. He knows from personal experience (what a weird summer) it doesn't mean much, but at least the King's skin wasn't like, inside-out or something gross. He shudders at the thought of the possibility.
Although the King looks nothing more than a teenager who just woke up, Dipper could still sense something about the guy was... off.
Dipper realizes he's been staring for a while, and that he's being stared back at. He points more confidently at the King and swallows his fear.
"Takes one to uh... takes one to know one!"
The Infinity King sighs and pinches his brow. "Look, kid. I don't know how you summoned me or why you summoned me, but I'm very tired. I have no money, and I would like to go back to bed before the test I have tomorrow."
"Oh man, is it not summer break for you? That stinks."
"Buddy I'm in summer school, it does stink. So I'd appreciate being able to leave. Please."
"Oh yeah let me just-" Dipper almost falls for the believable performance before catching himself. "Wait a second, that's dumb. I'm not gonna fall for that, Infinity King!"
Dipper shines his flashlight into the King's eyes and is on the receiving end of a very angry stare. "Ancients help me..." the King sighs.
"Nobody can help you! Those sigils are for trapping ghosts and spirits! So now you gotta listen to what I say."
"I really don't have a choice, huh?" The King crosses his legs and places an elbow on his knee. "Alright, shortie. What did you summon me for? Need dating advice? Video game level can't be beat? Annoying sister?"
"I'm not so dumb to summon a powerful being for petty squabbles or whatever!" Dipper grumbles. "I'm dealing with something really really bad, alright?"
He walks up to the border of the circle and shows the King the journal, specifically the pages on Bill Cipher.
"What the hell is this thing? An evil triangle?" the King asks and begins to read. "Don't like how that page gives me goosebumps."
"He's an inter dimensional demon and a jerk. He's also evil and messing with my family."
"Well, I don't know what I can do, but inter dimensional jerks happen to be what I fight most." the King sighs. "What can I do to help?"
"First you gotta make me a-a deal!" Dipper's voice squeaks, realizing what he's said aloud before looking around to make sure Bill isn't going to pop up out of nowhere.
"Kid, I don't think deals are a good choice for someone your age, nor with an inter dimensional being like me."
"Yeah, but like, your kind is kinda all about deals, right?"
"No, but I guess if it makes you feel better... how about you buy me a pizza when this is over. A pizza, and a milkshake of my choice."
"You're serious?" Dipper squints.
"Deadly." the King grins.
"Alright, deal then-"
"Okay, drop the shield and we'll shake on it."
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seongminiz · 8 months
hotdemonsummoner . com - kang minhee
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minors dni ; demon dom!minhee x human sub!reader ; 2.4k words
warnings : fem reader , dubcon , not rlly proof read (thats my trademark atp) , reader is an idiot and a monsterfucker (just like me fr)(very mild monsterfucking btw bc he literally looks human with horns like ..) , crack-ish in the first half but i swear it gets smutty quick , minhee is kinda mean , spit (minhees spit works as an aphrodisiac ehegegheh), its just messy overall , unprotected sex , breeding but its not rlly breeding but ,, whatever , possessive minhee [pretends to be surprised] , manhandling , size kink , strength kink (reader is referred to fragile/small but its just in proportion to a literal demon n has nothing to do with how she looks !), oral (f receiving) , biting , marking , dumbification ? , praise , dacryphilia , minhee calls reader 'little human' (giggling kicking my feet) . hopefully i didnt forget anything
tagging my lovely @ajaxsbeloved hope u like this 🫶🏻
the warning list is ,,, long . it might be a little cringe but i literally give zero fucks‼️⁉️ but i do feel like the smut part kinda sucks but also it might be that im just sad while posting this n its affecting how i view my work idk ANYWAYS wrote this while i had a cold n then a mosquito bit me on the eye so any and all mistakes r bc of that real no clickbait . had so much fun writing this uhhh happy spooky season idk i want demon!minhee in a way that is concerning to feminism lesbianism and my gender identity amen
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demon!minhee whom you not so accidentally summoned in your room one uneventful night.
you're bored to death. your favorite show hasn't had a new episode in weeks, all your friends are busy - studying for exams, working, on dates while you're sitting in your lonely bedroom, staring at the ceiling as if it'll solve all your problems in life.
you start considering it might be able to do that when, out of nowhere, you're reminded of the stupid website you visited a few days ago with your friend when she was sleeping over at your place. something about the occult, hot demons and summoning rituals. you grab your phone, opening an incognito tab and typing the link you somehow remember by heart (hotdemonsummoner.com? seriously?)
if this was a horror movie you'd probably be dead in the first ten minutes. you grab a pen, paper and a candle - the tutorial talked about multiple small ones, but you'll have to make do with the cinnamon scented ikea christmas candle that has been sitting on your desk for at the very least three years. and once you're done, you wait for the magic to happen.
five minutes later, there's no sign of any hot demon summoned instantly in your room. you're pretty sure- no, you're certain the problem was the candle. either that, or the site is complete bullshit, but you refuse to believe that. there's no other explanation, screw ikea and their stupid christmas candles.
you sigh, placing everything back where it belongs and letting yourself fall on the bed, picking up your phone just to be met once again by no notification, no nothing, just that stupid 'SUMMON A HOT DEMON INSTANTLY!' title in neon pink with a little devil gif floating right beside it, mockingly staring back at you.
that's when you see something from the corner of your eye, a shadow sliding across the wall. it's probably just the light outside hitting a tree weirdly and casting a creepy shadow, no big deal. but there's no trees outside your window, you're a broke college student who lives in a sad gray apartment complex in an equally sad and gray city.
you gather enough courage to look up from the screen of your phone, your eyes slowly adjusting from its blinding brightness to the darkness of your surroundings. at first you don't see anything, half tempted to turn your phone flashlight on. and then you make eye contact.
he looks just as confused as you are when he quite literally spawns in front of your bed. the normal human reaction would have probably been to scream, instead you just gasp in surprise, followed by a small 'oh.' as you look at him with wide eyes. he takes slow, calculated steps towards you and you have half a mind to hastily turn off your phone, hiding it under a pillow.
'what the fuck?' you say under your breath, studying his figure. if this isn't some extremely technologically advanced burglary and you're not having an expired candle fumes induced hallucination, then this is the demon you tried to summon. and he's actually hot, which means the website was not a scam and the candle is the problem. he seems to read your exclamation and general confusion as a question on why he's there. 'you summoned me.' he explains, taking yet another step towards you.
'no! wait! don't get close!' you order, your self defense weapon of choice being the pen you used to summon him. 'listen,' you start, raising your hands defensively 'i did not think the random summon a hot demon instantly tutorial i found on a sketchy website would actually... well, summon a hot demon instantly.' the creature - minhee, you don't know how you got his name, if he telepathically shared with you or what - raises an eyebrow, amusement clear on his face. 'so you think i'm hot?'
'no! i mean yes! but like not in a i want to fuck you way! just in a... you're an objectively beautiful man- demon, sorry, way...?' you can feel your body temperature rising, getting restless under his unwavering stare. and minhee can feel it too, he can hear the way your heartbeat hasn't calmed down for a second and he can see how your thighs have been clenched together ever since he appeared. his eyes linger for a few more seconds on them, observing the way your shorts ride up everytime you anxiously squirm under his gaze.
'so, little human, why would you want to summon a hot demon instantly? is there anything in particular you need from me?' the nickname has your stomach doing backflips, you swallow thickly before speaking 'will you steal my soul if i say yes? take it as a payment for whatever favor i may ask?' the demon laughs, leaning down so his face is just a breath away from yours. 'not really. i could make an exception for a pretty girl like you,' his eyes flicker to your lips for a split second, so fast you don't even notice it.
thing is, minhee usually does feed off of human souls, but there's something about you that's telling him to not do it just yet, wait it out and see how it goes. maybe he could feed off of something else, something he doesn't get to do that often nowadays. surprising, but the monsterfucker demographic - even the milder ones who would only ever go as far as fucking his semi-human form - is basically an endangered species nowadays.
before you can answer with what favor you actually need (not that you'd actually know what to ask.. what, were you going to offer him to play UNO or something?) minhee's hands are on top of your thighs, spreading them slightly as he presses his lips to yours. you shiver at the cold sensation of his skin, way too cold for a human, and minhee can hear your heartbeat quickening, as you weakly grab his wrists in a failed attempt to get him off of you - or at the very least slow down the process of whatever is going on.
minhee finds your fighting amusing, he knows no human could ever overpower him physically, let alone a little fragile thing like you, but he still indulges in giving you the small hope you could break free from his hold, just to take it away immediately after. one of his hands leaves your thigh to grab both of your wrists, pinning them over your head, the other one staying on your thigh, pushing it to spread even more as his thumb runs along the hem of your shorts.
his mouth is on you once again, and this time minhee forces his tongue past your lips - the tip of it is slightly pointed, not enough to actually hurt you in any way but enough to make you wonder what exactly it could do. you panic for a second, just for everything to slow down, your body relaxing under minhee as the arousal between your legs grows tenfold, you can feel your panties sticking to you and minhee doesn't give you an answer once you look up at him in confusion, your eyes welling up with tears. you can barely come up with a coherent sentence, 'wha- what did you do?' you manage to stutter out, every word getting harder to say as your mind slips, you don't even know where.
minhee's hand leaves your thigh, going to gently wipe the tears that started running down your cheeks. 'mh, that's interesting,' he says, more to himself than to you, fingers sliding down your face to lightly brush against your lips. 'i've used this on other humans before, but their reaction was never this strong.' you don't have time to ask what exactly 'this' is - you don't even know if you have the brain power to do it, really - as minhee forces your mouth open and spits in it. you gasp at his action, but still end up swallowing, your body shuddering with another wave of what could only be described as raw pleasure.
you don't know how he's doing that, but you feel pathetic, getting this horny over someone who hasn't even touched you yet shouldn't be normal. but, honestly, what exactly is normal about a demon appearing in your room and trying to fuck you?
your shorts have been discarded somewhere in your room, and your panties are quick to encounter the same fate - not before getting ripped off of you, to which you whine in disappointment, but minhee cuts you off saying something about you 'not needing them when you're with him' you don't really pay any mind to.
he takes his time with you, biting your thighs to the point you're sure you're bleeding, and then running his tongue along the small cuts he caused, letting whatever the obscure substance mixed with his spit is enter your bloodstream in a matter of seconds, reducing you to even more of an incoherent mess.
when minhee finally gets to eating you out, it all escalates far too quickly for your slowed down brain. for a second he's sucking on your clit, and then he's fucking you with his tongue, reaching spots a human could never dream to reach with their mouth alone. the stimulation is too much, your hands search for any kind of support, something you can grab onto, your fingers running through his hair and pulling slightly before minhee grabs your wrists, moving your hands to hold onto his horns instead and letting out a groan when you do so.
he works on you until you're on the brink of consciousness, until you've lost count of how many times you already came - around three, probably, but they feel like ten times that when each orgasm is more intense than the other and your perception of reality is fading with it. minhee notices it, ignoring your pleas about it being 'too much' and how u 'cant take more' and slipping two of his pretty slender fingers in your sopping cunt. you sob, shaking your head as you uselessly try to squirm away from his touch, subsiding to the unbearable pleasure just a few seconds later.
'already tired, little human? how are you going to take my cock if you can't last a few rounds with my tongue and fingers? maybe you don't want it that bad, then,' he's just fucking with you, deep down you know it, but the thought of minhee just leaving you like this after everything he's done is enough for you to desperately shake your head as you grab his free hand - a far too intimate gesture for this whole 'fucking a random demon you just summoned out of boredom' situation you've found yourself in - pulling him into yet another kiss that leaves the both of you breathless. you never knew it would happen in your lifetime, but you managed to make a demon, a being who doesn't need to breathe, breathless.
'is that convincing enough?' you whisper in a split second of lucidity, your mind and body already subsiding to the effects of his spit you might as well have grown addicted to, half tempted to kiss him again and only interrupted by minhee slowly slipping his fingers out of you. your complaints about it are short lived, so focused on the emptiness between your legs you don't realize minhee has pulled out his cock until his tip is pressing past your entrance.
the stretch is almost unbearable, despite all the time minhee spent overstimulating you he's still too big, and you tell him exactly that in an attempt to slow him down. it only feeds minhee's ego more, though, he chuckles as he pins your hips to the bed, telling you to 'stay fucking still and just take it,' forcing his whole size inside of u until he bottoms out. you've never felt this full, struggling to even breathe as the feeling of minhee inside of you overcomes all your senses.
minhee gives you no time to adjust to the way his cock is stretching you out, immediately thrusting into you and reaching even deeper. all your pleas for him to go slower fall to deaf years, quickly being replaced by the moans you're struggling to quiet down. it's not long before you're getting close again, still sensitive from all your previous orgasms.
'need to cum' you whine, your hips buck up to meet minhee's, feeling his tip hit spots you never knew existed. he chuckles, slowing his thrusts until a fresh wave of tears is filling your eyes at the idea of being denied of your release. 'you need to?' his tone is mocking, but you're so fucked out you can't notice it, quickly nodding 'yeah, need to cum all over your cock.' that's all it takes for minhee to pick up his pace again, aim even deeper than before and have you quickly approaching your high as you incoherently moan his name.
you feel like your soul has been ripped out of your body, gone through each and every layer of hell, and then put back where it belongs. your legs shake as minhee keeps mercilessly fucking you, mumbling something about how he's going to 'fill you up and keep you forever' that, even in your fucked out state, slightly alarms you, your hands pushing at his shoulders to no avail just to be once again pinned above your head.
minhee knows it's physically impossible for a demon to breed a human, and yet, the idea of somehow making you his through it sounds so appealing, as you sob in overstimulation and keep begging him to pull out. he might be aware of there being no consequences if he cums inside, but what would a human like you know? the way you squirm under him, trying to convince him to pull out is almost endearing.
'you're so well behaved, little human, it would be a shame to let all the results of your hard work go to waste, right?' you keep shaking your head, a high pitched moan leaving you as minhee finally cums deep inside of you, tightly pressed against your cervix to make sure you're marked by him, completely ruined for anyone else who'll ever try to fuck you.
minhee doesn't know why he did that, despite having no plans to keep you he still found himself desiring, needing to claim you as his little human. as he stills inside you, minhee thinks that maybe, just maybe, he might bring you 'back home' with him.
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whumpy-wyrms · 5 months
The Last Lab Rat #12: Fever Dream
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content: lab whump, captivity, fever, drugging, comfort, electrocution, parent death mention, winged test subject whumpee, scientist carewhumper
Dew was getting closer and closer to escape, and he couldn’t be more terrified.
The past week, he had been planning a real escape with his little snake friend. He and Sasha had been crawling through the vents every night, mentally mapping out every twist and turn, every exit and entrance, every dead end. It was hard without a flashlight, but they would make do. The two of them decided to take it slow; no use rushing something and risk being caught, having the entire plan ruined.
They weren’t in a hurry. They knew Dew’s escape plan had to be absolutely flawless, with no possible way of getting caught. So even if it took weeks, they would take it slow.
But after everything, lying to the scientist was taking a toll. Dew had accidentally constructed an intricate web of lies he had to constantly keep track of. If Anton confronted him on just one hole in his stories, Dew would be done for. He’d crumble, too scared for what would happen if he kept lying.
So Dew tried to avoid his captor growing suspicious at all costs with the only way he knew how. Dew hated talking to Anton like a friend, having friendly conversations with the scientist after experiments, talking about his life, laughing, smiling. But gaining Anton’s trust was a priority. Besides, if Dew did get caught in this web of lies, maybe his captor would go easy on him because of this.
It was about a week after he met Sasha, and Dew found himself with a terrible headache, right after waking up. The lights were off, so it must’ve been early in the morning. He rolled over and held his head in his hands, feeling the heat radiating off of him. His stomach felt like shit too. No. Was he getting sick? He supposed that made sense, considering how long he’d been here. But this certainly wouldn’t help things.
Dew laid there for hours, unable to fall back to sleep. Eventually, the lights clicked on, making him wince and squeeze his eyes shut. A little bit after that, he heard the sound of footsteps walking up to his room.
“...Dewey? Are you okay?” Anton asked, walking into Dew’s room and putting the tray of food on his nightstand. The truth was, Dew looked like absolute shit. He was racked with sniffles and coughs, with piles of used tissues littered around him. Oh. Anton’s lab rat must be coming down with something.
Dew only mumbled an incomprehensible response, curling into himself and moving deeper under the warm blankets, as if searching for a false sense of security. Anton walked closer, now noticing that Dew’s wings were trembling.
“Hey, Dewey? What’s wrong?” Anton’s voice came out soft, quiet, as if he didn’t want to scare the little guy more than he already was. “Are you sick?”
“What does it look like?” Dew hissed, but his voice came out groggy and strained. He sounded absolutely miserable. He looked miserable. “I’m sick, Anton, obviously. I probably have a fever or something.” The scientist tilted his head and reached out his arm to Dew’s forehead, trying to feel his temperature.
“Don’t touch me.” Dew flinched back and swatted Anton’s hand away with his wing. He turned his body to the other side and buried his face into his pillow. “Just leave me–” Alone. Dew shuddered. He didn’t want that either. His voice softened. “I mean… Can you um- j-just get me some water? Please? The stuff in the bathroom sink is gross.”
Anton stepped back, giving Dew space. “Uh, Sure.” When the scientist left, Dew had a sudden spurt of coughs and sneezes. He groaned into his pillow, wishing he didn’t feel like this.
“Here you go, Dewey.” Anton smiled and handed him the water.
“My name’s not Dewey,” Dew complained into his pillow.
Anton smirked. “What was that, Dewey? Your voice is all muffled.”
Dew immediately sat up and shot Anton a glare, then groaned in pain and held a hand to his head. Too fast. He sat up too fast and now the room was spinning and his headache was worse.
“Gimme the water,” Dew said, sniffling.
“Pfft, rude.” But Anton handed it to him anyway.
Dew flopped back down onto the bed when he was done, and rolled over. “My head hurts,” Dew said weakly. “Can you um, dim the lights a little more? It’s hurting my eyes.”
“Oh. Okay.” Anton turned the lights down until he saw Dew visibly relax.
“Thanks,” Dew said.
“Don’t mention it. But, Dewey. You can’t just stay in bed all day.”
Dew turned to look at him incredulously. “I… I have a fever I think. I’m sick. A-Anton, I can’t- I don’t feel good.”
“Well, yeah, but I can just–”
Dew squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. He didn’t want to deal with Anton’s antics right now, whatever that man was planning. Dew took a deep breath and opened his eyes, looking away. His eyes widened at something new. “...Wait, what is that?” He asked, surprised. He sat up and pointed to a bag that he noticed was sitting on the floor next to the wall.
“Oh,” Anton said as he picked it up. “It’s the night-light you asked for.”
Dew looked at him with a puzzled expression. “...Really?”
“Yeah, you wanted one, remember? I don’t understand all your silly fears, but whatever.” Anton tossed a strange object to Dew, and he scrambled to catch it.
The night-light in question was a little, round, white cartoonish ghost, made out of plastic with small LED lights in the middle. There were two little black dots for eyes and a small smile printed on its face. Dew turned the light on, and quickly squeezed his eyes shut at how bright it was. He turned it off, and rotated it around in his hands. It was cute, a bit silly, sure. But it was bright enough to light up the vents. It was perfect.
“Um, thanks,” Dew said. “I like it.”
“Cool. Oh! I got something else for you.”
“You did?”
“Yeah.” Anton smiled and pulled something out of the bag. Dew looked up, right as a blur of something fluffy and white was being thrown at him. He scrambled to catch it and get a look at whatever it was. Anton snickered, standing awkwardly next to his bed. “I saw it at the store and immediately thought of you.”
Dew looked down, and in his arms was a large, very fluffy and soft… chicken plushie? “What…”
“You both have wings! You’re like a giant chicken.”
“I’m not a chicken!” Dew said angrily, clutching his plushie in his arms anyway. He had to admit, it was really soft. He had a lot of plushies back home, and he missed snuggling with them. “What is this, um, for anyway?”
“I just thought you needed a friend. I suppose it gets lonely down here without me.”
“...Yeah,” Dew said quietly. “It does.”
Anton figited and walked closer, voice turning serious. “...Dew, how are you feeling?”
“Not good. I just wanna rest. …Please.”
“Hmm,” Anton hummed. Dew broke out in a burst of coughs. “I have an idea.”
“W-what kind of idea?” Dew asked miserably. “Can I just have some headache medicine or something?”
“Yeah yeah, hold on.” Anton waved him off while fishing something out of his pocket, seemingly not paying attention to what Dew was saying at all. The scientist pulled out a tape recorder, and clicked it on. “Alright,” Anton said. “The date is Saturday, October 12, 7:32am. Test subject seems to be sick with a fever. I’ll do some tests, and then–”
“Tests?” Dew asked miserably.
“I don’t feel good, Anton. Ca-can we just take a break? For one day?”
“You’ve had a lot of breaks recently, Dew. I wanna have some fun.”
“So do I.” 
Anton shrugged. “The experiments are fun.”
“They are not! They’re– They’re painful and traumatizing!” Dew wrapped his wings around himself and curled deeper into a ball.
“...What’s fun for you then?”
Dew furrowed his brows. Was Anton really asking what Dew liked to do for fun? Why did he care? “Um,” Dew began. “Playing video games, drawing, going outside, flying. Anything that, you know, doesn’t hurt.”
“Hm.” Anton sighed. He looked deep in thought, which never ended well. “There is this one thing I’ve been wanting to try out.”
“...Does it hurt?”
“It shouldn’t,” Anton shrugged. “If you behave.”
“Mmm,” Dew hummed anxiously, considering his lack of options. “O-okay.”
Anton smiled wide and ruffled Dew’s hair, who in turn, tried not to shy away from it. Behaving meant accepting Anton’s kind gestures, right?
“Okay, so I guess you wanna be healed from your fever, huh?”
“What? You can…?”
Anton rolled his eyes. “Of course I can.” He pulled out a flask of glowing fluid from behind his back, and held it out to him. “Drink this. You should go back to normal. In fact, you’ll probably even feel better than you did before.”
Dew eyed the flask warrily. It was no different from the other strange fluids the scientist makes him drink, but this gave Dew a weird feeling. It was a dark purple, with rivers of red and colorful specks flowing through it. It looked thick, with bubbles popping and floating upwards. Just looking at it made Dew more nauseous, the opposite effect it was supposed to have, Dew thought.
But he reached out to grab it anyway, like Anton said. But as he was about to grab the flask, Anton pulled it out of reach.
“Dew, your hands are shaking. I don’t want you to spill it.”
Dew glared at him. “What even is it anyway?”
“Medecine.” Not helpful. “I can’t let any spill and go to waste. This stuff is hard to make.”
The “medicine” became more and more unappealing the longer Dew looked at it. But whatever, he’d rather just get this whole thing over with. “Fine.”
Anton grabbed Dew’s chin gently, and brought the flask towards his mouth. “Open.”
Dew opened his mouth and allowed Anton to bring the flask to his lips. Dew drank it; downed it all in one go, despite the disgusting taste. Anton let go of his chin and blacked away, now looking bored.
Dew felt… wrong. The second he was done drinking it, he was hit with a wave of dizziness, and leaned back against the wall for support. His eyelids were growing heavy, and it was hard to stay upright.
“What’s… happening?” Dew asked worriedly, voice breaking.
“Shh,” Anton cooed. “Just relax. When you wake up, you’ll be back to normal.”
Dew blinked heavily and tried sitting up, but Anton firmly pushed him back down. “What–”
“Go to sleep, Dew.”
Dew shook his head lightly, trying to stay awake. But once his head hit the soft pillow, and he was wrapped up in cozy blankets, his eyes finally fluttered shut. Everything went black, and Dew drifted off into a short, peaceful sleep.
Anton stepped back and looked around the room. “Holy shit this place is a mess.”
. . .
Dew woke up to see Anton leaning over him, with his usual smirk on his face. Dew’s face scrunched up in fear and he turned his head away. He wanted nothing more than to disappear into this warm bed forever.
“How’re you feeling?” Anton asked.
Dew glared at him, but after thinking about it, Dew realized he felt better.
“Woah,” he breathed. “I feel… great.” Great as in, Dew wasn’t tired anymore. He didn’t feel sleep deprived at all, quite the opposite really. Of course, he wasn’t sick anymore either. His headache was gone and his temperature was normal. Besides the obvious, stagnant feeling of fear and dread that came with being kept captive, Dew felt okay.
“Told you.” Anton teased.
“Thanks for… helping me. Really. I felt like complete shit earlier.”
“Yeah yeah,” Anton waved him off as if it didn’t matter. “I need to keep you healthy, remember? And it’s no fun when you’re… down in the dumps.” Anton trailed off. “Just eat your food.”
Dew looked at the tray. Waffles again, an apple, and a banana. As he ate, the scientist watched him.
“So…” Dew thought about what Anton said earlier, giving the empty tray to him when he was done. “What are we gonna do now?”
“Follow me.”
They headed out of the lab and up the stairs, Dew following closely behind. The scientist said nothing as they walked, allowing tension to rise in the air.
Dew also remained silent, but his mind wandered. Whatever Anton wanted to do involved going outside again, which Dew was always thankful for. Although this time, his captor hadn’t put any restraints on his wings yet, like he always did when they went outside to keep him from flying away.
Dew looked at the scientist incredulously. What was going on? Did he forget? Was this all some test to see if Dew wouldn’t try to fly away and escape? Why?
Dew kept walking by Anton’s side, too afraid to question anything. Maybe Anton just forgot. That’d be unlikely, but still possible.
Once they entered the cabin and Dew got sight out of the window, his wings started flapping lightly, excitedly, apprehensively. He wanted to fly– he needed to fly. His captor was taunting him with this. He had to be.
“A-Anton?” Dew squeaked. He didn’t want to point out the obvious, but he’d rather Anton do something about it now, rather than find out when Dew inevitably tried to escape while out there. Because Dew already knew that he couldn’t escape with Anton around, not without being so easily mind-controlled. “You um, you for-forgot something–” He hated himself for this, but Dew already had an escape plan. This could destroy it.
“I didn’t forget anything, Dew,” Anton said smoothly. “Come on, let’s go outside.”
Dew stood, glued to his spot. “I’m not stupid, Anton,” He hissed. “The second I go outside, I-I won’t be able to resist flying away, you know this! I don’t want you to hurt me for trying to escape again! I don’t want to be mind-controlled or poked with a needle o-or never be allowed outside again, or worse, just because of a stupid mistake!” I don’t want this to interfere with the plan I already have.
“Woah, jeeze,” Anton laughed. “Relax. This isn’t a trick—”
“That’s what you always say!”
“Dew,” Anton grabbed his shoulders, making eye contact. “I can assure you, this will be fun for you. As long as you behave. You can do that right?”
“Y-yeah, I can.” But he really didn’t want to.
“I know you can.” Dew flinched when Anton patted him on the head, and then they walked outside.
When they hit the fresh, cool autumn air, Dew’s wings stretched out to feel the wind in his feathers. He wanted nothing more than to jump in the air and disappear into the trees, but he had to control himself. His wings fluttered lightly in the air, basking in the sun and savoring this new sensation of a fake freedom.
This was okay. As long as Dew focused on his sensations now, he could deal with being stuck to the ground. He could gain Anton’s trust, he could stick to the plan.
Dew followed Anton a few steps away from the front door, and then off of the porch and into the grass.
The word hit his ears like a truck. It was as if the entire world stopped, and all Dew could hear was his rapidly beating heart.
Anton laughed, stepping away from his test subject. “You heard me, Dewey. Fly!”
“You said this– this wasn’t a trick.”
“Not a trick,” Anton snickered. “I can assure you.”
The scientist motioned with his arms, a big grin on his face. “Go ahead, fly.”
Dew glared at him, but he didn’t waste a second. He flew. He jumped up into the air and flapped his wings rapidly, never taking his eyes off Anton and the sickeningly sweet smile on his face. Dew blinked back tears, knowing freedom was right there, in his grasp. The scientist was allowing him to fly outside unrestrained, but still, Anton would never let him go. Dew didn’t know what his game was, but he knew it wouldn’t end well for him. He knew he would lose.
Dew swallowed thickly, flying just a bit higher, expecting to be shot down by tranquilizer darts or told to stop like last time— those words flowing into his brain and controlling his movements as if he was nothing but a puppet. His heart sped up when that didn’t happen, and he flew higher. His captor wasn’t doing anything besides standing there and watching him, his figure getting smaller and smaller the higher Dew went.
Dew couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He couldn’t resist freedom being closer than it had ever been before. His wings flapped into the air with a hope that was almost too much to bear. Was he really doing this? Was this it? He reached the top of the trees, and was about to fly above the forest and into the clouds when he suddenly felt a sharp pain all over his body.
A faint “It worked!” could be heard from the ground, but that hardly mattered.
Dew screamed, his voice a shattering shriek. He grabbed at his neck– his arms– his head– but the feeling of every fiber in his body being on fire wouldn’t go away. His eyes widened as he felt himself falling, trying and failing to flap his wings and catch himself. His wings had stopped working, going limp in the air while he cried. He couldn’t fly. He flailed his arms as he plummeted to the ground, down and down and down.
Dew landed roughly on a large tree branch, getting the wind knocked out of him and scraping his arms while trying to hang on. His body stinged, splinters digging into his hands and panic rising in his gut. Dew’s grip loosened and he tumbled to the ground, with no way to soften the landing.
He laid there for a few moments, his head pounding with a terrible ringing in his ears. His wings twitched as his muscles gained control over them and his body again. Dew’s hands curled into the dirt and he scrunched up in a ball, not caring that his hair was getting tangled in the autumn leaves. He didn’t move from the spot.
“Shit.” Dew heard the scientist curse as he ran towards him. Lying there would do nothing, Dew realized. He felt his blood boil, this time in anger as he turned his head to face him.
“Wh-what did you think was gonna happen?” Dew spat, still struggling on the ground, trying to sit up.
“I didn’t think you would try flying away, since I specifically told you not to,” Anton sneered.
Dew felt venom rise in his throat. “How could I resist? You told me to fly! Why the fuck wouldn’t I try to leave?!”
“Because you should have known I’m smarter than just letting you go like that. And because you should know you’re never leaving.” Anton sighed. “Come here, I’ll help you.”
“No.” Dew blinked back tears. His arm that he landed on hurt, bad. He needed help. But fuck, he was angry. Dew huffed in frustration and crawled towards Anton, letting the scientist help him stand. Dew leaned against him as they walked towards the cabin.
“W-what even happened up there?” Dew’s voice wobbled as he spoke. “What did you do to me?”
“Oh,” Anton took out the device he used for mind-controlling him. “If you fly too far away, there’s an invisible barrier that sends a shock through your nervous system to stop you from leaving.” Anton spoke as if that wasn’t completely earth-shattering news to his little lab rat. He set Dew down on the stairs, and took out a first aid kit.
“A-Anton,” Dew began, voice wavering. “Please, p-please tell me there’s a way to turn that off.”
“There is,” Anton replied simply. “But we’ll never need to use it.” Anton started looking over Dew’s wounds. He had a lot of cuts and scrapes from falling through the trees, but nothing that couldn’t be easily patched up. “I just thought it’d be fun for you to fly outside for once, safely, without risking you escaping.”
Dew ignored what the scientist was doing and stared at him, eyes burning with hatred. He could grab the pen from his pocket and stab it into the scientist’s eye and take the device that controlled his body. He could destroy it and fly away before his captor could catch him. He could be free. Right. Now.
Dew shook those thoughts away. It was the worst idea he had ever had, and he knew it would never work. He tried to calm his racing heart, and stop the fire rising in his throat. The scientist was just toying with him. He needed to calm down before he made things worse.
He hissed back a whine as his wounds were tended to. Anton didn’t seem to care about his pain, and held Dew firmly in place.
He looked at the sky, needing a distraction. But the sun was so bright and it hurt his eyes, so he looked away. He caught a glimpse of Sasha through the cabin window, and Dew tilted his head. They were watching him. Of course, Anton had allowed Sasha free reign of his house, probably even the outside too. The two of them stared at each other. Sasha knew what he was thinking, and the snake slowly shook their head “no.” Dew knew what they meant. Don't try escaping. It’s not your time. Stick to the plan.
Despite his friend only trying to help, Dew felt himself deflate, all the hope and fiery spark of adrenaline leaving him. His only option really was to comply for now, despite being so close to freedom. It would be hard; Dew would have to force himself to fly into the cool air while not going too far away. Whatever that meant.
“What now?” Dew asked begrudgingly.
“You and Sasha done with your staring contest?”
“Uh– yeah?”
“Then keep flying out here.” Anton shrugged and sat down on the porch stairs. “It’s what you always wanted to do, isn’t it?”
“W-well yeah, but—”
“I’m not letting you go. This is the closest thing you’ll ever get.”
Dew didn’t waste his time, he jumped into the air. He hovered in front of Anton for a few seconds, before darted away into the trees. Anton smirked and leaned back against the porch railing.
Dew flew over the cabin and landed on the roof. His heart pounded through his skull and he felt like it would explode. He wanted so badly to leave, fly away and never turn back. But he knew what would happen, so he would play Anton’s game. For now.
Dew sat perched up there for a few moments, looking around him. What were the limits? Dew questioned. Despite still being trapped, he wanted to make the most of this new development. How far could he fly without his entire body being electrocuted and cause his wings to momentarily stop working? Dew shuddered even thinking about it.
He wondered what his captor was up to. Dew slowly crawled across the roof and peaked over the edge directly above the scientist. Anton looked up, Dew scurred backwards.
…There always was the possibility of Dew being able to snatch that device away from him so he couldn’t be controlled anymore. He shuddered thinking about it. The chip in his brain that allowed himself to be mind-controlled, now shocked him whenever he went too far away. It was honestly impressive how much Anton could do to him now, just to keep him his.
But Dew knew that trying to escape would be futile now. He had a plan and needed to stick to it. But… Now there was a hole in their plan. Dew couldn’t actually leave. Shit.
He would have to tell Sasha about this new development later, and fit, “stealing the device connected to Dew’s brain chip from Anton,” into their escape plan.
So for now, Dew took advantage of his free time outside. He stood on top of the roof and spread his wings out, cherishing how relaxing and satisfying it felt to finally not have them restrained outdoors. He started flying again, careful to not go too high or far and hurt himself again.
He looked down to see Anton, nothing but a fleck of dust to him at this height. It felt so surreal, like a dream. Dew had dreamed a lot about days of flying freely, finally escaping the clutches of captivity and being kept as a test subject. This felt like those dreams, this felt too good to be true, even if he was still trapped. But it also felt so real.
…Because it was. Anton simply wanted to let Dew have fun for once.
“I’m going for a walk!” Anton called from below.
Dew stared at him, and then slowly made his way to the ground. He stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
“You can come with me, you know.”
Dew looked at Anton, then back at the cabin. “But–”
“The barrier isn't surrounding the house, it's around me. As long as you’re by me, you’ll be fine.”
Dew walked up to him. “Same, uh, distance?” He asked.
Anton nodded. “Same distance.”
With that, Dew darted up into the trees, out of his captor’s sight. Anton walked the same trail they always had, but instead of walking, Dew was hopping from tree to tree, taking the high ground. It was oddly satisfying watching the scientist from above, like he was nothing but a bug that could be easily stomped on.
As Anton kept walking, Dew kept following from above, sometimes gliding in a circle above the scientist, like a crow surrounding a decaying carcass. Anton paid him no mind, just kept walking at a leisurely pace, letting Dew explore the woods around him.
Then Dew sat, perched on a tree branch, when a squirrel scurried up to him. He went ridgid, expecting it to run away. But it sat there with him on that tree branch, doing its own thing. Dew stared, confused, but content. He and the squirrel were both just… existing. At the same time, in the same space, doing the same thing, but in far different circumstances neither of them could try to comprehend from each other. And that was okay. Dew liked existing with this little squirrel.
Dew sat there for a while, forgetting that Anton was still walking. After a few minutes, Dew realized that he’d get shocked again if he didn’t keep following along Anton. But he didn’t want to leave his new friend. He’d never see them ever again after this.
“A-Anton,” Dew said quietly, not wanting to spook away the squirrel that had curled up against his leg. The scientist was far up ahead of him, down the trail, probably assuming Dew would be keeping up. There was no way for Anton to hear what Dew was saying. He sighed, and called out a little louder this time. “Anton!”
That got his attention. Anton turned, looking around in confusion on where Dew’s voice was coming from, until he spotted him very high up in a tree.
“What?” Anton asked.
Dew gestured to the squirrel. “I, I wanna sit here for a little bit. With, uh, with the squirrel.”
Anton stared. “You do that then!” He called.
Dew sat up there for a long time, unable to tell if it was minutes or hours. But by the sun setting and turning the sky into bright hues of pink and orange, Dew realized that Anton had let him spend all day out there. He realized he didn’t remember the last time he watched the sunset with anyone. And now here he was, sitting on a tree branch looking over the forest, with his squirrel friend still by his side.
But he was getting hungry. Obviously, it must be around 6pm now. The days had been getting shorter as the weather got colder, but it wasn’t like that mattered in the lab.
Dew said goodbye to the squirrel once it became too dark to see it. He landed softly on the ground, and found Anton sitting in some grass under the tree.
Dew choked back a laugh. “What are those?” He asked.
“Night vision goggles?” Anton crossed his arms. “I don’t want to lose sight of you out here.”
“They look so stupid.” Dew snickered.
“Shut up,” Anton said. 
The two of them walked back towards the cabin, and Dew realized how cold it had gotten outside. Obviously, it was the middle of autumn. Dew shivered as he walked, socks getting wet from the dewy grass.
He walked inside without a fuss, wanting to warm up. As Anton kicked his shoes off, Dew took a look around his cabin, having never actually been inside this place much before.
And before Anton could escort him to the lab, Dew spoke up. “Where’s Sasha?”
“In their room.”
“Where’s that?”
Anton pointed to a door, “Over there.”
Dew nodded awkwardly and shuffled his way towards it.
“Woah, hey!” Anton stopped him from moving. “Why are you shivering?”
“...I’m cold?”
Anton rolled his eyes and stepped around the corner. He came back with a blanket and draped it around Dew’s shoulders. “You should’ve told me you were cold. I don’t want you getting sick again.”
“Oh. Okay. Can I go see Sasha?”
“I don’t see why not.”
The two of them spent the rest of their free day hanging out with Sasha in their enclosure. Anton had built a large enclosure, almost resembling a mini rainforest, inside one of the rooms in his cabin. It was a perfect habitat for his snake friend; their own little world to themselves. The scientist still gave Sasha free reign of the house, it was their home too, after all.
The three of them sat in a circle and talked for a bit. After a while, they sat in comfortable silence. It was peaceful, somehow. Dew felt safe.
. . .
It was getting late, and it was hard to believe that Dew had spent the entire day above the lab, without attempting any real escapes. It made Dew feel incredibly guilty, but he knew he had to wait it out. He had to gain Anton’s trust, and he had to wait for his plan.
Eventually, Anton took Dew back down the stairs. He said goodnight to Sasha, and walked down willingly. It was hard. Dew distracted himself by thinking of what’d it be like finally escaping this place, flying freely outside for real.
Soon, he thought. He’d get out of this place soon.
The lab was dark when they opened the door. As they were walking to Dew’s room, Anton spoke up.
“So, today was… fun. I suppose. I’m proud of you for not running.”
Dew’s heart sped up. “Um, y-yeah. Thanks.”
“I wouldn’t mind having one day of the week as a free day. As long as you keep behaving, I don’t see why not. I prefer to just always work on my experiments, but your needs need to be met as well, since you’ll be here forever. How does every Saturday sound?”
“G-good. Yeah. That sounds good.”
“Great.” Anton smiled. They arrived at Dew's room, and Anton opened the door for his test subject. Dew walked inside timidly, eyes downcast. He really was getting used to this routine.
“Goodnight, Dew.”
“...Night.” The lights flickered off and Anton was gone. Faint sounds of the scientist's footsteps could be heard walking through the lab and out the exit.
Dew sighed and laid down in bed. It was so quiet. Dew missed the sounds of the birds chirping, of leaves rustling in the wind. Dew missed existing in the same space with others in a way that felt safe. Dew missed flying outside. Holy shit, that was the best thing that had ever happened to him, despite falling to the ground and getting hurt.
It was surreal, the whole day. It would almost feel like a dream. His captor had not only agreed to give him one day a week free for him to do whatever he wanted, free from experimentation and pain, but allowed him to fly outside. Sure, there was now the threat of… being electrocuted every time Dew left the area around Anton’s cabin. That was bad. But it was progress. Flying outside was something Dew had always wanted to do since he got his wings, and he did it, just like that!
The only thing that would make it better was to fly freely. He’d get there, of course, once he escapes.
Speaking of escape, Dew sat up in bed when he heard the familiar rustle of the vents above his head, signifying Sasha was there. They were a better escape artist than he was, having already found a way down here from up there. Dew supposed that made sense; snakes were escape artists in nature.
“Hey!” Sasha said, opening the latch with their tail.
“Hi,” Dew said. He grabbed his new night-light and held it up to them. “Look what Anton got me. It’s a little ghost light.”
“That’s cool. What’s a ghost?”
“I guess you wouldn’t know, huh? Okay… Ghosts are spirits. Like, like the soul of a dead person, they don’t exist in the physical plane. Nobody can see or hear them, but they can haunt people. And they’re not real– obviously. I used to believe in ghosts and then… then my parents died. And uh, if ghosts were real, my parents would have probably found a way to contact me. But they’re gone. But that doesn’t matter!”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. Let’s just hope I can get outta here before Halloween. This little ghost would be perfect for that.”
“You’ll get out in no time, Dew.”
“Yeah.” Dew turned the light on, surprising them both with the brightness of it. “And look! It’s really bright so it’ll be perfect for mapping things out up there. You might have a good sense of direction, but I don’t.”
“Good idea!”
“Let’s go, it’s kinda chilly in here.”
Dew and his escape artist friend hopped up into the vents, using his night-light to make a windy and swirly map that was somewhat beginning to make sense. Their goal was to find the quickest possible route to the surface and map out a real exit. The steps after that, well… Dew just hoped he could finally get out of this torment, mostly unscathed.
Not to mention, they now had to find a way to get that device away from Anton. Escaping the cabin is useless when Dew can’t even leave without being shocked.
But they were sure they could do it, if they kept working together. Exploring the vents had been fun with Sasha. Sometimes Dew would bring his blanket up there and they would use his night-light to tell stories. Dew was thankful to finally have someone he could trust here, to finally have a friend he could talk to.
And that filled him with more hope, knowing that he’d finally be out of here soon. He would finally talk to his friends again, and spend time with his pets. He would finally sleep in his own bed and wear his own clothes. He would do whatever he wanted. He would fly, truly free.
Dew was getting closer and closer to escape, and he couldn’t be more excited.
This is Dew’s ghost light btw
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shubblelive · 2 years
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— summary : wilbur's next show is in three days, and he just so happens to be in the same city as you.
— genre : fluff
— warnings : literally just the word sex, one singular curse word, mentions of food/eating
— pairing : musicianbur x reader
— featuring : musician!wilbur soot, lovejoy (mentioned)
— pronouns : none (you/yours)
— word count : 0.7k
— note: reader is in early 20s in uni and still lives at home also i accidentally adhd coded reader
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you couldn't find your red pen.
you were colour-coding notes, and you had put your red pen somewhere and you couldn't keep writing your notes without it. your window was open, letting a light breeze in on one of the last warm nights of the year, and you were looking under your bed for the damn piece of stationary.
it was dark, and you were feeling slightly claustrophobic, phone flashlight in one hand the other pushing things out of the way.
"what are you doing?"
your head shot up, hitting the underside of your bed and making you swear loudly. you had to do the awkward reverse-army shuffle to get out from under your bed. it definitely wasn't dignified, and yet when you finally got to your feet the man in front of you couldn't be more enamored with you.
"wha- what am i doing?" you spluttered, diving into wilbur's open arms. "what are you doing? i thought you were on tour!"
wilbur chuckled and stroked your back. "i missed you,"
you buried your head in his neck. "i missed you." despite the fact that will only had a few hours with you and wanted to catch up on everything that you'd been doing, he let you hug him for as long as you needed.
"what were you doing under the bed?" he asked quietly, knowing your parents would be asleep.
"can't find my pen," you mumbled, not pulling away.
as much as he didn't want to, wilbur pulled back slightly so he could look you in the eyes. "it's in the fridge,"
"why the fuck would it be in the fridge?"
he took your hand, and gently lead you down the stairs. "well, if i know you, which i hopefully do, then i know you always forget to eat. and you know this," he gave you a look and you stuck your tongue out at him.
he reached your kitchen, letting you sit on the kitchen bench. he pulled open your fridge. "so, in an effort to remind yourself you put essential items with food," he tossed you your pen with one hand and held up a tupperware container of pasta you'd saved for dinner.
he was right, and you hated that he knew your weird little strategies. he saw your frown and put the container down, coming to wrap his arms around you. "darling," he said softly. "i love you,"
"i am embarrassing," you said decidedly, melting into his embrace.
"maybe," he mused, planting a kiss on your jaw. "but i still love you,"
"i think i'm done studying for tonight," you put a hand on his cheek. "let's go,"
will was lying on top of you in your bed, your fingers scratching gently at his scalp. "how did you get in, by the way?" you asked as an afterthought.
"window," he said simply. "the rest of the band booked a hotel, but i knew i had to see you," you kissed his forehead. "like i said. i missed you,"
"are you performing tomorrow?" you asked gently, almost scared to hear that he'd have to leave.
"nope," he sighed contentedly. "next show's in three days, and i don't leave 'till the afternoon before. so i am all yours until then."
"what do you wanna do?" his fingers traced along your arms with a feather light touch you'd missed so much it ached.
"we could have sex?" wilbur asked, and you couldn't stop yourself from giggling.
wilbur looked at you amused. "what's so funny?"
you snorted. "nothing, darling," you could barely get it out, wheezing. wilbur started laughing too until you both fell silent.
someone knocked on your door.
"everything alright?"
"mhm," you said. your parents understood you were an adult, and they adored wilbur, but you knew they wouldn't take too kindly to him sneaking into their house without them knowing. "yeah, sorry. just... on the phone to will. sorry, i'll keep it down,"
wilbur pressed his face into your sheets to stop from laughing, and as soon as your dad had gone he looked up at you. "god i've missed you,"
"ah shit," you said suddenly. "i forgot to eat."
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