#<< for jonesy to block
they fucking phantom planeted my boy
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thekarvedummy · 9 months
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Meet Jon’sin part of the Mechs N Match set
He comes with the Smash and Pack backbling and the SmileSmasher harvesting tool
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intimacyequalsdeath · 4 months
Will you be my Valentine? Sugar Day 4 Lester Sinclair
Day 4 cuties!! As usual I hope you all are enjoying this very chill and casual mini series for Valentine's day! After this is over I hope to get back into regularly posting regular fics throughout the rest of the year.
Notes: Minors DNI (You will be BLOCKED), SFW, No specific descriptions or pronouns are used for the reader. If pronouns are used the reader will use they/them unless otherwise specified.
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"God Lester, How many times have I told you about blood stains?"
You mumbled to yourself while you scrubbed the stains out of one of Lester's shirts. He was out today as usual cleaning the roadkill off the backroads of Ambrose and you were at home diligently washing one of the only good shirts he had.
"Your daddy needs to learn to be more clean"
You said to Jonesy, who was laying next to you on the floor, wistfully gazing up at you as you scrubbed the shirts. Almost as if she could understand what you said she let out a sigh and rolled over on her other side.
After a few minutes and a lot more scrubbing you heard the rumble of the old pick-up truck approach the cabin and Jonesy quickly made her way off the ground and over to the front door to greet her favorite human.
"Well hey there little darlin'!" Lester greeted her when he entered the house. His eyes locked onto yours next and he grinned.
"Hey sugar" He greeted walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Hey Les"
"What's wrong?"
"You" You teasingly deadpanned. You could hear Lester audibly gulp from behind you.
'W-What did I do?"
"How many times have I told you to be careful with getting stains on your good shirts and to wear work shirts out of the house?"
"Well sugar that one was the only one I could find is all! It was dark out still and I didn't wanna cut the lights on and wake you up!"
"mmm I guess that's fair"
"I got ya somethin to make up for it anyway"
He said before removing his arms from around you and heading back out to the truck to retrieve your present. In the back of your mind you figured Valentine's day was approaching so it probably had to do with that, it's very hard to keep track of time in a ghost town with no internet or cell service.
Lester came bounding back into the house a few moments later with a bunch of flowers in his hand.
'Oh Lester their gorgeous!" You praised him as he approached you and offered them to you.
You took the flowers from him and inhaled their sweet sent. You shot him a smile and leaned over to peck his lips when you realized something, the flowers still had the clods of dirt from where they were ripped out of the ground attached to the stems.
You picked off a dirt clod and looked up at Lester while holding it in your hand.
"Lester honey, what's this?"
"Uhh looks like dirt darlin'"
"Did you go outside just now and pick these?"
"No sugar I got em from the outside of the wax museum."
He said starting to turn away from you and head back outside to get on with the rest of his day. You called out to him as he left.
"Did you pick these from the flowers I planted last year?"
Lester shrugged as he walked and you could see his shoulders move up and down with a chuckle as a smile beamed across your face and the hilarity of the situation.
"Lester Sinclair! You picked my flowers!"
"I'll make up for it sugar don't you worry!" He said out the truck window.
"Well how are you going to make it up? With more flowers?"
"Nah darlin, no more flowers"
"Why not?"
"I picked em all already"
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𝒮𝑜𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝓃 𝐻𝑜𝓈𝓅𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎
Featuring: Lester Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair
Word Count: 4.6k 
Warnings: don’t trust strangers, implied drugging, pretty tame until the end, you crash your car, don’t text and drive, watch out for animals on the road, yandere-ish themes, may be ooc but i tried my best, southern accent source: born in alabama, edited but i make mistakes so let me know 
It was nothing but in character for your friend to ghost you for a few days—phone going straight to voicemail until the small device was filled to the brim with your annoyed messages. You hated when she didn’t reply, but she would always text back, hungover and begging for a ride back home from miles out of town. 
This time, however, it had been almost two weeks with no sign of her. Sure, she made bad decisions, but you hoped that she would surface, maybe a little drunk but unharmed. 
You slid your flip-phone back in your pocket after checking for messages, the device barely fitting into your high-waisted shorts. You would one day find and murder whoever made the sizings on women’s pockets.
Rolling your eyes, you continued down the road in your beat-up car. It wasn’t much, but it got you where you needed to go and that’s all you could ask for. You just prayed it wouldn’t break down out here—you had been following a winding country road for miles, trying to spot any sign of your missing friend. There was some kind of party going on way out in the country, and of course she just had to go.
It was stupid—you shouldn’t be so worried, and you definitely shouldn’t keep acting like her babysitter, but you couldn’t just not look for her. 
Your eyes scanned the shoulders, checking for any mailbox or sign somebody actually lived out here. You’d never gone this way before—the highway was much quicker—but your friend couldn’t make it easy for you.
You closed your eyes for just a moment, letting out a sigh, before opening them again. 
You screamed as you slammed on the brakes, seeing a dog wander out into the road. It wasn’t on your side, but you couldn’t live with yourself if something happened to it on your account.
You slid harshly as you veered off the road, tires squeaking on the rough asphalt. You felt yourself hit dirt, and finally came to a sudden halt—the front of your car firmly dented with a tree blocking your vision. Smoke emanated from the hood.
Luckily, you didn’t slam your head into anything, but you still felt the force of the impact, letting out a breathless sigh as you fell back against your seat.
You switched the car off, wincing just thinking about the damage. Still, as you exited your now ruined vehicle, your mind was on one thing—was the dog okay?
You scanned the road, spotting the black and white dog sitting on the other side of the road, tongue out as it looked at you. 
“Oh, thank God,” you mumbled, clutching your head. You turned back to look at your car, not even bothering to attempt to open the hood. You’d need a tow, that’s for sure.
You pulled your phone out, popping it open. No signal. You groaned. This just wasn’t your day.
Stumbling to the edge of the road, you looked both ways before crossing. The dog had to have an owner somewhere—maybe they could help you out?
By the time you made it to the other side, the pit-mix was standing a few feet away, already trotting back into the woods.
“Wait!” you called after it, following the dog as best you could through the overgrown forest. Branches scraped at your bare arms and legs, and suddenly you wished you were in something other than a tank top and shorts.
Finally, you stopped at the edge of a precipice, looking down the steep hill where the dog was now trotting around a large pile of road-kill. You screwed your face up at the smell. You supposed it all had to go somewhere, but did you have to stumble upon it?
The dog sat patiently next to a beat-up truck, and you watched as a man exited the vehicle.
“Jonesy, there you are! Where d’ya think you’re runnin’ off to, huh?” 
The man looked like you expected someone who hung out next to a road-kill pile all day would look. Not that he was ugly, but he just—he had the look of someone who was always working and nothing else. His jeans were ripped and the t-shirt he wore had too many stains to count. The flannel he had on top was fraying at the edges, but his attire suited him. 
“Hey!” you called from the top of the hill, trying your best to work your way down without falling face-first into a pile of road-kill. “I wrecked a little ways away from here—anywhere you know that can give me a tow?”
The man met your gaze, a toothy grin on his face. He met you just before you got to the bottom of the hill, holding out a hand to lead you around the pile. You smiled back at him, taking it as he guided you back to his truck.
“Sure, I know a place. Just up the road. What’re you doin’ all the way out here?”
“One of my friends is missing—I’m trying to find her,” you replied, finally releasing his hand as you stopped in front of his truck. He smelled of dead animals, but you supposed that came with the job. You watched as he shut the trunk of his truck. 
He gestured to his vehicle. “Well, come on, then. I’ll give you a ride. Can’t have you runnin’ around out here gettin’ lost.” 
You hesitated only for a second but soon realized you didn’t have another choice. You took a deep breath, grabbing the handle and popping the door open. “Thank you, sir.”
“Oh, just Lester’s fine. I don’t look like much of a sir,” he said with a laugh.
Jonesy hopped in before you had the chance to slide in yourself. You smiled at the dog who was probably used to riding shot-gun. You climbed in next to her as Lester jumped into the driver’s seat.
You shut the door next to you, all the while trying not to startle the dog who seemed very much content with spreading out over the small seating space.
“Oh, don’t mind her,” he said, giving her a pat on her side as she lay against his lap. “She’s spoiled. Give ‘er a few pets and she’ll never leave your side.”
You smiled softly, reaching out to place a hand against her side. She lifted her head up, turning to look at you, tail wagging against your thigh.
“She’s a cutie,” you replied, beginning to pet her softly. For a dog out and about in the woods, she sure had some soft fur. You thought it was endearing she was better groomed than he was—what a kind guy, taking care of his dog so nicely.
“Oh, and she knows it, too,” he said, shaking his head as he laughed goofily. He gave her head a pet.
“So,” you started, looking up from the dog to look at the road—well, dirt path, you should say. “What’s this place? I didn’t know anybody lived back here.”
“It’s an old town—used to be pretty popular ‘til that highway was built. Still, Bo’s in town—he should get you all set. Think he’s still got his tow-truck runnin’.”
“Thanks again for driving me,” you replied, any anxiety soothed by the happy dog who had now turned to place her head in your lap. You gave her a scratch behind the ear causing her leg to start thumping. You laughed. “Must not get many strangers around here.”
“You’d be surprised,” Lester replied. “Every now-n-then some new city folks come around, all off-put by what we do out here. They never stay long. It’s a real shame.”
You shrugged. “Might not be the best job, but someone’s gotta do it,” you said, hand resting against Jonesy’s head. She let out a soft whine, nestling further into your shirt. “AT least you don’t deal with people much. I’d prefer hanging out with this sweetheart than dealing with customers any day.” 
“Guess that’s true. Seems she’s takin’ a real likin’ to ya, too. Don’t steal her away from me now!” 
You laughed. “D’aww, plans foiled,” you joked. She was a cute dog, but you’d never take a beloved pet away from its owner. Especially when he seemed like a genuinely nice guy who was trying to help you out. 
You watched as he stopped in front of a rather large puddle in the dirt track, and you could spot the tire tracks running through it before submerging beneath the murky water. 
“That’s not good,” you replied. “Can you get through that?”
He shrugged. “Lemme lock the hubs right quick and we’ll see. Might take a few minutes but it shouldn’ be a problem.” 
You bit your lip, debating something. “Oh, it’s alright. The town is just up ahead, yeah? I’ll just walk. You’ve already helped me out enough. I don’t want to put you out any more.”
“You sure?” he replied. “I ain’t in any rush.”
“It’s nice out—some exercise will do me good anyway,” you responded. Jonesy whined, seemingly aware you were about to leave.
“Tell ya what. I gotta few things to do before I head in—why dontcha take Jonesy with ya—it’ll make me feel better that you’re not out here alone. I’ll meetcha at Bo’s shop in a few.”  
It was your turn to protest. “Oh, you don’t have to—” you were interrupted when the dog nosed at your hand. 
“See, she wants to come with, anyway. She’s a good girl—will even lead ya straight to the town.” 
You nodded. “Okay, if you say so. You said Bo is who I’m lookin’ for?”
“Yup,” he said, hopping out and walking over to your side. He popped the door open before holding out his hand. “Tell ‘em Lester sent ya.”
You took his hand, hopping out as Jonesy stretched before following behind you. She stuck to your side, taking a seat.
Lester bent down, giving her a kiss to her forehead. “You take care of the lil lady, gotcha? Go straight to town. No more chasin’ rabbits.” 
You smiled. “Thanks again. I’m (Y/N), by the way.”
“Nice to meetcha,” he said, tipping his hat goofily. “Now go on—just follow Jonesy.” 
You did as he said, looking to the dog as she stood up, now trotting along the side of the washed out path.
You followed, making sure to stay out of the mud as much as possible. You would hate to slip and fall, and this time there was no sweet man to guide you. 
Still, you managed to make it all the way to the town with no issue, tagging behind Jonesy as she pitter-pattered down the street, tail wagging behind her.
She looked like she was leading you straight to your destination, even now that you were within town limits.
Lester was right—it was quiet here. It was like a ghost town. Still, it was relaxing in a way. No traffic. No angry honking or screaming children. Just cute little shops and quaint houses.
You spotted a few sleeping puppies in a window of a pet store, but forced yourself to keep going. You had a wrecked car that might’ve been on fire by now—you didn’t have time to buy a dog.
Speaking of dogs, you noted Jonesy was now stopped in front of a body shop, paws scratching against the door. Music sounded from within.
You trotted up behind her, opening the door to let her in. She looked back at you before continuing deeper into the shop.
You cautiously entered, door shutting behind you.
“Hello?” you called, staying near the entrance as you paced around. You didn’t bother looking at the shelves—you knew damn well there’d be nothing you recognized. You weren’t a car person, but you knew when you needed a tow. So that’s what you hoped for.
“Is anybody here?” you called again, waiting in the now empty lobby. Jonesy had trekked off somewhere. Maybe to fetch your guy?
Sure enough, you heard the music shut off and the sound of boot steps coming closer, and you spotted a man come out from one of the back rooms.
He reminded you of Lester, though certainly more cleaned up. Clean shaven. Neatened hair that still fell messily against his face. A jumpsuit with a few stains on it zippered against him let you know he must’ve been working when you showed up. He still held a wrench in his hand.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he spoke, confusion in his words. “How’d you wind up all the way out here?”
“Umm, Lester sent me. Said to look for someone named Bo who had a tow truck. I crashed my car avoiding Jonesy here,” you said, reaching down to pet the dog who was now standing next to you. “But, she led me here so no hard feelings,” you joked.
“Well, you found ‘im,” he said, slipping the wrench in his pocket before taking off his hat, “And I did have a tow truck. As luck would have it, I’m tryna fix the damn thing right now.” He brushed his hair back with his hand before popping his hat back on.
You tried not to show your disappointment. Great. What the hell were you supposed to do now? “I see. . . Think it’s gonna be fixed any time soon?”
He gave you a half-smile. “Maybe—once I figure out what’s wrong with it. Thing just stopped on me.” 
You weren’t sure what to do, hands resting nervously on your belt loops. “Well, uhh, think I could borrow a phone? I don’t have any signal out here.” 
“Phone’s haven’t worked here in years,” he said, letting out a soft laugh. “Hell, this place ain’t even on the map anymore.”
You clicked your tongue. What now? 
He noted your dismayed expression. “Hey—don’t make that face, honey. Have a little faith in me. I should have it good-as-new by tomorrow.” 
You thought about your options—which weren’t many. The only thing you could think of was staying somewhere in this town until you could get your car towed, but who-knows how long it’ll be until it can be fixed, or if it can be. What then? Ask someone to drop you off at the nearest phone-booth? You were stuck. Still, you had to take it one thing at a time. First-things-first—”This town have a hotel?” you asked.
He stifled a laugh. “Sure—right next to the McDonald’s and the roller skating rink.”
So no. You shouldn’t have been surprised. You hadn’t seen but two people the whole time you were here—including the one you were talking to.
“There’s that frown again. Don’t worry about it. I’ve got a spare bedroom up at my place. Nothin’ fancy, but enough to get you through until I can get my truck runnin’.” 
If you had a nickel for every time you met a kind stranger who offered you help despite not knowing you or having any reason for doing so, you’d have two nickels. Which wasn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice today. 
That feeling of anxiety bubbled up again. “I don’t want to intrude—”
He waved you off, walking past you to open up the door. “What’d I say about worryin’ about things? C’mon. I’ll show ya. The room’s got a lock on it in case yer scared I’ll try somethin’.” 
“No, that’s not what I meant, I just—” he cut you off, giving your head a gentle pat as you walked out behind him.
“Just teasin’, sweetheart. I ain’t gonna mess with ya.”
You let out an awkward laugh. You certainly didn’t feel safe staying in a stranger’s home, but followed him, nonetheless, listening as he described the few places you passed on the way. Jonsey trailed next to you, bumping your leg every once-in-a-while. At least you had another girl with you—sort of.
Another girl. . . A sudden thought struck you. If something happened to your friend around here, she probably ended up here at some point.
“Hey, sir,” you said, causing him to slow down and match your pace. He walked beside you. “Was there a woman here any time in the past two weeks? Long blonde hair, brown eyes, attractive and also probably drunk?” 
“Two things, honey. One—just call me Bo. I ain’t yer teacher. And two—we haven’t seen anybody in at least a month ‘til you showed up. Sorry. I’ll keep an eye out, though.” 
You nodded. “Thank you, sir—err, Bo. For all of this. I was an idiot coming out here alone.”
“‘S’not so bad? Ya ran into me, didn’t ya?”
You laughed. “I guess I did. Y’all are good people. Thank you.”
“You can quit thankin’ me—I ain’t even done anything yet.” 
You didn’t reply and the rest of the short walk went in silence. You glanced beside you to look at him—Bo. This whole town was bizarre, and you wondered how he wound up here. You figured he had to be born here. You doubted this place was booming in the immigration industry.
Still, you didn’t pry, and before you knew it you reached a house. He reached into his pocket, grabbing a key and sticking it in the lock. You heard a click and the door swung open with a creak. Jonesy quickly trotted inside, vanishing behind a door frame.
“It’s dark in here—old house ‘n all. Lights don’t work like they used to. Just watch yer step.”
You nodded, but almost as soon as you entered, your foot clipped against a stray shoe, and you let out a gasp as you tripped forward, bumping into Bo. Luckily, he’d turned around to shut the door behind the two of you and he steadied himself in time, arms wrapping around you to stabilize you. 
You were met with the smell of gasoline and oil as your face pressed against his chest. You quickly held your hands out, pushing against him as you backed up. Your face burned.
“Careful, now,” he chastised, hands moving to rest on your shoulders. He moved a finger to tuck underneath your chin, pulling your head upwards to look at him. He smirked. “Wouldn’t wantcha gettin’ hurt. ‘Specially that pretty face.” 
“Sorry,” you stuttered out, eyes avoiding his gaze. “Didn’t mean to bump into you.”
“Never said you did,” he teased, winking before turning back around after shutting the door. The whole house was engulfed in darkness. “Now c’mon. I’ll show you the guest room. If you can make it there without killin’ yerself.” 
Face burning from his teasing, you didn’t reply, too embarrassed. Your hands were out on either side, trying to feel for the walls. He carried on confidently, seemingly used to the dark hallways. Finally, he stopped at a room, swinging it open. Light flooded in through a window, and you spotted a few matching furniture pieces along with a small bed with floral bedding. It was cute. And also dusty. Like it hadn’t been used in years. You supposed they didn’t have many guests.
“Make yerself at home, sweetheart. I’ll be back. I’m gonna wash up. Want any coffee, tea?”
You shook your head. “No, thank you.”
“Alright. Bathroom’s down the hall if you need me.”
You nodded, watching as he turned and vanished down the hall. You took a seat on the cozy bed, bedding sinking underneath you. You felt a thin layer of dust coat your hands when you pressed into the fabric. 
Deciding to do a little cleaning, you stood back up before grabbing the blanket and sliding it off the bed, shaking it off as you held it out in front of you. You watched the dust fly off, floating in the air as it caught the window light. You scrunched your nose. It was a solid minute of shaking before no more dust fell, and once you were content, you lowered the blanket back down, only to scream.
In front of you was a man—a tall and strange man, with long black hair and a pale mask covering his face, mimicking his features. He stared at you, a clay-working tool in his hand as he stood in the doorway.
He took a few steps forward, leading you to toss the blanket back on the bed and scramble away, shooting past him and running down the hall. 
“Bo!” you screamed, spotting the door in which steam was cascading out from under. He must’ve been in the shower. You knocked on the door hurriedly. “Bo! There’s someone else in the house!” 
You heard the running of water shut off, followed by the sound of the door creaking open.
You stared at the wet face of Bo, hair drenched and dripping down, splattering against his bare chest and shoulders. “What’s all the fuss?”
You almost forgot why you knocked before realizing the stranger still lurked just out of arm’s reach, standing down the hallway. You looked on the verge of tears.
“There’s a man,” you said, pointing a finger down the hallway.
Bo opened the door wider to peer out, spotting the looming figure, still clutching his tool. He rolled his eyes, frowning. 
“Vincent! What do you think yer doin’, scaring her like that! She’s our company. Now get outta here and make yerself useful! Start dinner.” 
The masked man didn’t reply, only tilting his head slightly. His shoulders were slumped like a child scolded. He began to lift a hand, but Bo’s glare stopped him.
“What are ya, deaf? I said get to makin’ dinner! And feed Jonesy, too.”
The lumbering man turned around slowly, making his way back down the hallway and away from you. You let out a sigh, hand on your chest.
“Didn’t think to tell ya about him—that’s my brother. Doesn’t get out much. Hell, I don’t see him most of the time—he’s always workin’ on something up in that house of wax.” 
You had no idea what he was talking about but hummed in acknowledgement, anyway. As long as you weren’t in danger, you didn’t care.
“It’s okay, just scared me,” you said. You stepped away from the door. “I’ll let you get back to your shower. Sorry.”
“Don’ worry about it. Yer my company—I’m here to help ya. Need anything else or he becomes a pain in the ass, just holler.” With that, he shut the door again, though not enough to click it shut. “I’ll leave it open just in case,” he said with a wink.
You forced yourself to turn away from the slit in the door, instead nodding. You trotted back to the guest room, but spotted Jonesy turning a corner and decided to follow. You’d rather hang with her than be alone.
You wound up in a living area and kitchen, seeing the dog curled up on a well-used couch. You started to make your way over but paused when you spotted the masked man in the kitchen, large figure reaching to grab some spices from the cabinet. He carefully seasoned a pot of something on the stove. 
You didn’t know if you should say anything, and so sat silently down next to Jonesy, giving her a few pets. 
Without hesitation she clambered onto your lap, and though you couldn’t breath nearly as well now, you forced yourself to remain still as she made herself comfortable. You weren’t about to disturb her.
You absentmindedly combed through her fur, eyes closing as you leaned against the couch.
You hadn’t even realized you’d fallen asleep until you awoke to Jonesy clambering off of you, tail wagging as a metal bowl was placed down in the kitchen.
You opened your eyes, looking around. You spotted Bo and Vincent in the kitchen behind you, talking about something you weren’t close enough to hear. Lester was there, too, though he was preoccupied with feeding Jonesy, who was digging into some kibble.
The smell of warm spices filled your nose, and you stood up from the couch, slowly walking towards the kitchen.
“Hey, sleepin’ beauty,” Bo commented, leaning against the kitchen counters as he shooed Vincent away. “Have a nice nap?”
Your cheeks burned. “Sorry.”
“Don’ apologize, you didn’t do nothin’ wrong. In fact, Vince just finished cookin’ up dinner. Take a seat.” He pulled out a worn chair from the dining table, gesturing for you to sit down. You thanked him with a nod.
“You guys are the perfect picture of southern hospitality,” you said, watching as a plate of wonderful smelling chili was placed in front of you. “Glad I stumbled onto the good kind of strangers.”
The others took their seats, and you couldn’t help but wonder if Vincent would remove his mask. Maybe he was self-conscious about something? You’d been there. 
Bo and Lester each let out a laugh. “We’re far from angels,” Bo quipped, sticking a spoon in his chili. “But it’s nice to have some company around. Well, company that’s not a douchebag.” 
“Well thanks for having me,” you replied, lifting your utensil to your mouth. It was seasoned beautifully, and you had to stop yourself from slurping the whole bowl down, taste warm and homely on your tongue. “This is really good,” you complimented. “You’re a good cook, Vincent.” You nodded in the direction of the man.
He made no move to touch his food, mask still firmly on his face. You frowned. “Are you alright?”
“He’s a shy bastard,” Bo chimed in. “Hates to be seen without that mask on.”
“Is it because I’m here? I can go somewhere else if you’re—”
Bo cut you off. “You don’t gotta do that. He’s just a baby. He’ll get over it.”
You shot Vincent a sympathetic look. It seemed like Bo was the one in charge of things. You wondered if that contributed to his secluded attitude. 
“He made the food,” you replied. “I’d just hate for him to not eat because of me.”
“He’ll live.”
You went back to eating, but occasionally looked to the quiet brother, still sitting frozen in his seat, fiddling with his long sleeves.
“So,” you started, “What’s this house of wax that you mentioned earlier? Like a wax museum?” 
“Pretty much,” Bo replied. “The whole damn thing’s made a’ wax. Somethin’ of an engineering miracle. Not that anybody comes ‘round to see it anymore.”
“Could I see it sometime?” 
“Vincent’s up there all the time. Sure he won’t mind if you tag along. Hmm?”
You watched as the pair stared at each other until Vincent finally nodded gently. 
“It’s a little late for it tonight, but you can go up there tomorrow. I’ll see if I can get my tow truck up n’ runnin’.”
You nodded in agreement, pausing as a yawn left your lips. “Sorry. Been a long day, I guess,” you said, covering your mouth with your hand.
“Don’ worry about it. Go ‘head and get to bed. We’ll clean up, darlin’.” 
You wanted to argue, but suddenly felt too tired to do so, barely able to support yourself as you stood from the table shakily. You wobbled only a few feet before collapsing onto your knees. 
Lester got up, hand on your back. “‘Ey, you alright?”
“‘M fine. . .” you slurred, vision going black. “Just. . . tired. . . “
With that, you slumped completely forwards, leaving Lester to pull you against him. 
“That worked fast,” Bo commented, standing up from the table. He kneeled by you, hand sneaking into your back pocket to pull out your phone. He stashed it away in his own pocket. “Put ‘er in the spare bedroom. But don’ be rough with ‘er.”
Lester did as told, Jonesy whining behind him as he carried you down the hall.
Vincent remained seated, eyes glued to his brother’s back as he left with you in his arms. He turned to look at Bo, head tilted. He didn’t speak, but it was obvious he wanted an answer.
“What? I ain’ gonna kill this one. I like ‘er. ‘sides. Might be nice with a lady around here.” 
Vincent sighed underneath his mask. Something about you intrigued him, but unfortunately, it seemed like his brothers had that same feeling. 
He just hoped you’d stay with them willingly. He would hate for more drastic measures to be taken.
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Hi there! I don’t know if you write poly Sinclair or not but if you do could I get a poly Sinclair x reader (female or gender neutral is fine) where the reader gets really mad at someone for not understanding what they want despite how many times they explain and so the boys comfort her/them and calm them down?
I’m getting really frustrated with my counselor for basically ignoring what I’m saying to the point where I want to scream and cry and I just really need some x reader comfort right now lol, but no pressure of course! Sorry if this is over stepping anything! Have a lovely day/night!
pairing: poly!sinclair x gn!reader
summary: when you get back from a difficult counsellor appointment, the sinclairs try to offer you some comfort
warnings: minor injury detail, blood
a/n: this isn't overstepping at all, i'm happy to write this for you! thank you so much for requesting, sorry it took a while, and i hope you enjoy! <3
also, sorry to hear your counsellor's being so difficult, i know the feeling when people don't listen to you. if you ever need to talk, my dms are always open :)
word count: 905
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You were so frustrated you felt like you were about to explode as you walked through the front door of the house, Bo lounging about on the couch, Vincent clearly elsewhere.
It didn't take Bo long to notice something was up, as he stood up from the couch, proceeding to follow you into the kitchen. "The hell's wrong with you?"
"Nothing." You muttered, getting a glass of water as Bo stood beside you, leaning against the counter.
You'd just come back from a counselling session, and they hadn't listened to a word you'd said. You might as well have been talking to a brick wall.
"Well I think we both know that's bullshit, sweetheart." Bo argued, watching you as you leaned over the sink. "So what's the matter with you?"
"It doesn't matter."
Before Bo could say anything else, the front door swung open, Lester walking in with Jonesy happily circling his feet.
He was covered in dirt and smelled like wet dog as he walked into the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge. He didn't even register you and Bo at first, as he sat down at the table with a bottle of orange juice, gulping it down like his life depended on it.
But once he finally acknowledged you both, he became mildly concerned by the agitated look on Bo's face. "You alright, (y/n)?"
"Fine." You answered, turning from the sink, only to crash into Vincent, the glass in your hand falling to the floor.
And that was the final straw, the thing to completely shatter the wall you had put up.
Tears burned your eyes as you bent down to start picking up the broken glass, and you wanted to scream, you wanted to yell at everyone in the room right now.
But all you could do was try desperately to hold back tears as you focused on picking up the glass.
Vincent was soon kneeling in front of you, attempting to help with the cleanup, but if you were being honest, you just wanted to be left alone right now.
All your frustration was bubbling up inside of you now, and you were worried you'd end up taking it out on the brothers, which would've been awful considering they'd done nothing wrong.
You picked up another piece of glass, adding it to the small pile you were creating in the palm of your hand, desperately trying to block everybody out as you did.
But the second Bo's hands came over yours, you were unable to keep yourself calm, turning and shoving him away from you, forgetting about the broken glass that was now enclosed in your fist.
You winced when you felt the glass pierce your skin, warm blood beginning to run across the palm of your hand.
Bo immediately spotted the blood seeping through your fingers, urging you to drop the glass as you opened your hand.
You practically stayed there in silence as Bo helped you up off the floor, instructing Vincent to go and get the first aid kit, telling Lester to clean up the mess.
"And make sure you keep the damn dog away from it. We don't want no more injuries around here." He'd added, as he guided you into the living room, sitting you down on the couch and kneeling in front of you, his hands still cradling your injured one.
"You gonna tell me what's wrong?" He finally asked you, concern in his eyes as he looked up at you.
Silent tears were staining your cheeks as you looked at him, all the pent up emotion finally spilling out of you.
You eventually offered him a brief explanation, to which he was surprisingly understanding.
"Alright, well let's take care of that hand and we can all relax, okay?" He told you.
You gave him a quiet nod, just as Vincent returned with the first aid kit.
He quickly looked you over, his rough hands carefully wrapped around your own as he inspected the injury. And he concluded that it wasn't serious, deciding to simply clean it up and wrap it.
Once he was finished, Bo joined you on the couch, Vincent coming to sit on the other side of you. And you were even more shocked when Bo handed you the remote, considering he never let anybody touch the remote.
A few moments passed and Lester finally arrived in the living room, carrying a slightly stained mug in his hands.
"Thought I'd make you some herbal tea." He smiled, handing you the cup. "Heard it's good for stress and stuff."
You offered him a small smile, before taking a sip of the tea. And it took everything in you not to visibly cringe from the taste. It was fucking digusting, but you still appreciated the gesture.
Lester then joined you all on the couch, his eyes never leaving you as he watched you sipping the tea.
To be completely honest, Bo and Vincent couldn't stop their gaze from wandering to you either. They all just wanted to make sure that you were okay. You meant so much to them, and despite their callous lifestyle, they couldn't bear to see you hurting.
But as you sat with them in front of the TV, a cheesy romance movie playing on the screen, you found that you were at peace. Being here, with your boys, you were home. And you wouldn't want it any other way.
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[Main Masterlist]
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staox · 5 months
My my! Well hello hello there!! Guess who's awake from their quite long hiatus slumber!! Oh dear, I know I haven't posted much!! (My art block was quite huge this year..) but I've found my motivation once more!! <:o) I'll try to post alot more often!! But for the meanwhile.. enjoy a doodle of Wally and Jonesy I did during my break!!
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eclecticupdatex · 7 months
Welcome to my Blog 🖤:
Warning: Minors, DO NOT INTERACT! This is an 18+ blog and not intended to be viewed, followed, or interacted with by minors, you will be blocked.
Consent and after care are key. I do not condone any real world abuse of any kind.
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My name is Jonesy 🖤
Native, Mid 20's, He/Him & They/Them, 5'10, Slim/Toned, A lot bigger than you may think ;), Pansexual, Top-Verse, Kinky as fuck. Polyamorous & Partnered (open to flirting, but not sure how serious I'll take anything, I'm here for fun and to make kinky friends 🖤)
Past kink related stuff, I love music, film, video games (PC, PS4, Nintendo systems, and Xbox in the past!), and books. I also love to read about philosophy, science, and history in my spare time as I love to learn and share what I learn!
DMs/Asks Open
Flirting is ok, just be aware I'm partnered and may not always have the time to respond!
Please be kind 🖤
BDSM (Light, open to explore)
Passionate Fun
CNC (light, open to explore, (aftercare is super important after))
Degradation (giving, occasionally receiving)
Impact play (giving & receiving)
Domination (giving, occasionally receiving)
*Oral (giving and receiving, love hard core oral (face sitting/forced face sitting/face fucking/etc.))
Praise (giving & receiving)
Choking (giving & receiving)
Intox (weed)
Hard Limits:
Scat, Snuff, Feederism, Diapers, (the basic ones)
Please be Respectful, no bigots, MAPs, zoos, etc.
Only here for fun and community, I may not always be active as I have a life outside of this, it's never personal, I may just be busy!
❤️ Please understand that and be respectful ❤️
Enjoy my blog, and feel free to follow ❤️.
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sawyer-house · 10 months
Howdy 🤠 this blog is to ask all the sawyer family questions! Please only use the inbox, if you do not see it then it has been closed. Also please no NSFW asks and no spam liking/re-asking questions you will be blocked. Do not Dm us for questions inbox only please.
Some of our friends- @beauregard-sinclair-ask @ambroseartist @roadkillerx @queen-jonesy-sinclair-blog @ask-the-sinclars
Please use the emoji so we know who’s the question is for! Thank you 😊
Bubba 💄
Alfredo 🔫
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darkenedreaper · 11 months
Pairing: Ellen Ripley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Summary: When you're sick, she's always there to comfort you
I'll Take Care Of You
It was dinner time in the Sulaco. You, Ripley, a repaired and new model of Bishop, Newt and Gorman were sat at the same table after picking your food up from the makeshift canteen. Some of the Marines were still in medical, still healing from being in the heart of the Xenomorphs nest on LV-426.
Vasquez, Hudson, Drake and Ferro were all finishing up their meals while playing with a deck of cards. Frost had just come back from taking food to the Marines that were conscious in MedBay. Newt was sat close and huddled up to Ripley while eating her meal in small bites. Ripley was finishing off the rest of her meal and was engaged in conversation with Bishop, listening to him talking about a new line of 'Artificial Persons' that were due to come out. Gorman, sat with a bandage still around his head, sat quietly in front to you, meal finished and drink gone. You were sat in front of Ripley, Newt, and Gorman beside you was Bishop who occasionally turned his head, making sure to include you in the conversation.
However, you were sat with your head down, staring at your food, humming now and then when Bishop said something interesting. You were really playing with your food rather than eating it. You rested your head on your balled up fist and started to daydream, only being interrupted when Hudson or Vasquez yelled for winning or accusing each other of cheating at cards. You really weren't feeling well. Your head was burning up, the thumping headache made it difficult for you to concentrate, and your aching and cold bones were begging you to go to sleep anywhere; the table, the chair, even the floor.
Ripley noticed you weren't yourself. Even Newt noticed it when she sat down opposite you. Ripley saw you pushing your food around, letting it go cold. Of course, she was still listening to Bishop but by the time she saw you sneezing she knew you were coming down with something. You sneezed a few more times causing the marines to place bets on how many more times you'd sneeze. Newt jumped off of Ripley's lap and ran round the table to hand you her own napkin, she even lifted her arm up and wiped your nose for you. You gave a small laugh and bent down slightly whilst sitting down to kiss her cheek, thanking her; "Here you go, Y/N I'll do it", "Thank you honey".
Ripley felt her heart skip when she watched the sweet interaction between the love of her life and the little girl who now calls her 'Mommy'. When Newt reached Ripleys side again, she kept a close eye on you. But her watching was cut short when you excused yourself, interrupting Bishops story, "Hey, sorry but I'm gonna get ready for bed. Been a long day", you only looked at Ripley and Newt when you spoke, wanting Ripley to catch on to your apparent illness. Gorman and Bishop said their polite goodnights to you and you walked over to Ripley, bending down to kiss her cheek, "Don't be long down here, it's getting late", "Alright honey", she replied, indulging in your kiss, even if it did last for one second. Newt tugged on your shirt, not wanting you to forget about her so you bent down to kiss her forehead and said, "I'll see you before bed". "Affirmative", she replied. As you walked out of the canteen area the Marines all gave you a hearty goodnight, even getting up to do handshakes with them all that you came up with.
If you were told it took you hours just to change from your uniform into your sleepwear, you'd believe it. You slowly placed yourself onto yours and Ripleys shared bed and crawled to get under the covers. You left a dim light on and the door to the bedroom open slightly. With a blocked nose, blocked ears and a banging head, it wasn't long before you heard Newts giggles from outside your mini apartment of the ship. Newt had the small spare bedroom in yours and Ripleys apartment. Earlier when you arrived in the apartment you fed Jonesy who was now curled up on the pillow beside you. Ripleys gentle hushes to Newt could be heard right outside the door. All of a sudden you felt gentle pokes on your cheek and it was the small blonde haired girl wishing you a sweet goodnight and a kiss from her new teddy-bear Ripley found her. When you smiled sleepily at the girl you heard Ripleys quiet laugh as she ushered Newt into her own room to get her ready for bed.
You felt sorry for yourself, lying curled up in a ball, sniffing every 10 seconds, breathing with your mouth open, making your dry and sore throat worse. All you wanted was Ellen next to you. Your wishes were heard when you felt familiar fingers brushing away a few sweaty hairs that covered your face, "Y/n, sit up for me and take these, they'll help you". She spoke in a tone gentle enough to soothe your headache. Doing as you were ordered you tool the tablets she offered you with a long sip of water from a straw. She let you rest your head back down to the pillow before rushing herself to get changed and get to her lover.
She stood at the bathroom door watching as you wriggled a little, she knew you were waiting for her. She quietly walked over to you, now in her sleepwear. "Poor baby", she spoke crawling on to the bed and rubbing a soft hand over your back soothing any aches. She settled down next to you and it didn't take you long before you turned yourself over and let her welcoming arms embrace you. Your head was resting on her chest, one of your arms tucked into yourself and the other laying on her hip. Her strong arms were wrapped around your back, and she had a hand in your hair, stroking it, no matter how damp it was. As she stroked your hair her other hand ran up and down your back and her lips landed on your forehead. You sighed deeply, finally getting to sleep in her arms but before you slept you told her, "I really don't deserve you", she quickly but softly replied, "You deserve the world, and I love you. Very very much". Tucked into her you muffled a response, "I love you more, and thank you, I feel a little better already". You felt her lips that rested on your forehead curl into a smile as you told her you loved her. She told you, "You'll feel worse in the morning. Now sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up. I'll take care of you.
Indeed the next morning, you woke up feeling 10 times as worse. But as always, she kept her promise, She was there. Every second, every minute, every hour and day she was there. As soon as you recovered it was your turn to look after both girls after them catching your cold and getting sick. It didn't matter, because you loved them.
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lacunajulie · 10 months
Ask Lacuna!Julie(open for asks)
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if you see (this) that means I’m talking or narrating an action. And if it’s in pink Lacuna is talking then.
Expect some mentions off some characters during this blog or for them to appear on here. All the Rules for the blog
Follow my boundaries(check my main account for them) and Clown’s, anything that goes against ether could results in you being blocked
Keep any asks SFW, no proshipping allowed here, pretty nothing inappropriate.] character Death will be mentioned or show here. I try to make sure that anything gorely is have a warning on it and will be tag, is there word for when it’s with puppets?!?! Is Puppets gore even a thing? Idk
keep in mind to be patient with me as I have a life outside this and it will could me a while to answer you]
ocs and your aus are allowed to interact with this blog, honestly would love to see to.]
if you sees you see anything weird on this blog, no you didn’t.]
sometimes other characters will appear on this blog, you might be able to ask them questions. A character you currently can ask question to, is Jonesy.]
Last but not least just have fun]
You what, ahead and use magic ask. We need some chao on this blog:). magic ask can not bring people back from dead byway, I wanted to to slate this
random things about Lacuna!Julie and her au:
Lacuna’s horns are taller than og!Julie, her hair is also fluffier than og!Julie
Lacuna would eat most food you give her, I don’t think she would like coffee for whatever reason
If you were to go to the neighbourhood you would see that it is pretty overgrown but you could also tell that it’s still being taken care off, as it’s not overgrown in the way it would be if it would’ve been Mother Nature has taken it and no one was looking for the place.
In the middle of the neighbourhood is where the others lay:)
the flowers and moon on her outfit are small weights
this ask blog has nothing to with the canon of the actual Welcome Home website or the story of Welcome Home, it’s au I made that all
my main blog is Annelostshoe
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sketchy-rosewitch · 2 years
A Sin Great Enough to Feel Holy: Bo Sinclair x afab!reader
18+ minors dni
Warnings: Abuse, religious abuse, religious trauma, religious imagery, p in v sex, oral both male and female receiving, fingering, age gap implied.
A/N: Again with the soft Bo. Can’t help myself. Sorry but not really :)
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You never had friends growing up. In fact you didn’t have family either. Well you had a mom and dad, but you hardly call them that. They were anything but parents to you. I mean other than the life lessons and lectures on various topics… mostly having to do with your body being a temple and to have any sex before marriage would mean you’re a whore, a disgrace in God’s eyes.
So once college came you went and packed up everything and left as soon as you could. Though, you dropped out after about a month and decided to hit the road. See the country for a bit. Maybe somehow find your own family.
And find your own family you did.
You’d first met Lester: kind, absolute sweetheart, matched your personality perfectly. Your car broke down and he told you about a mechanic in a nearby town that could help you out. You gladly (and very naively) got into his truck and he drove you to the town.
You thanked him generously before getting out and making your way to the shop a few blocks away.
Then you met Bo: charming, flirtatious, tall. You had stepped in to the shop and called for him. He had quickly come out in a stereotypical mechanic uniform. His smile, perfectly straight white teeth took you in immediately. But you didn’t act upon it. In fact you nudged away his advances. You didn’t want God to get pissed at you. There was a church in town after all so he was watching over your every move very close by.
Lastly you met Vincent: Shy, timid, gentle giant. Well except the obvious killing he does. But he was always gentle with you. You met him a few days into your stay. You were absolutely hooked on this family. They treated you with so much love, though sometimes they’d have their own arguments it wasn’t as bad as at home. Well old home. This place was now your home.
Bo had taken a liking to you immediately. Something about your presence was angelic, ethereal, celestial. God he’d never used any of those damn words in his life. But there was no other way to describe you. He knew he was damned to hell the moment he first started killing. But you? Killing one of God’s greatest warriors? It felt worse than sin itself.
He made sure no harm ever came your way. He slowly fell in love with you too. Something he thought would never happen in his life.
You hum softly tracing over your latest line work with a black thin marker. The drawing was of Jonesy and the brothers. They’re all smiling. Lester is sitting with his legs out, arm around the handsome dog, while Bo and Vincent stood there. In the picture for your reference you made sure they put their arms around each other and smiled like they meant it before snapping the Polaroid.
You finish up the tracing for the day and close your drawing pad before going up to yours and Bo’s shared bedroom.
He had to convince you to share the bed with him. As when you grew up your mama and daddy never shared a bed. They both slept in twin size beds in the same room. Bo told you that was old fashioned thinking. You had let out a snort at his fact.
You put both the photo and drawing on your vanity and then moved across the room to your dresser. You pull out a nightgown as it was getting late. One at a time you take your clothes off and toss them in the hamper before slipping on the dress.
The front door clicks open, a creak, then it shuts. Boots then come thunking up the stairs. You adjust your nightgown to look more modest before going to your side of the bed.
Bo comes in, a low whistle escapes his lips. Your face heats up and you look away from him. Being flustered by Bo was always an understatement. You look back at him and smile shyly.
“You look gorgeous.” Bo says unbuttoning his top. He slides it off, then his jeans. You look away. “Baby, we’ve been together how long now? You don’t gotta look away. Devil ain’t going drag you down to hell for starin’ at me.”
Bo shakes his head and removes his t-shirt before slipping on some pajama pants and a different t-shirt. He tosses the old clothes in the hamper (something you had to teach him.. and his brothers)
“Sorry.” You mumble. He lets out a scoff before getting in bed.
You kiss him gently, but he always kisses you back harder.
You hold his face and smile into the kiss. It doesn’t take long for Bo’s hand to touch your thigh and try and sneak it’s way up.
You jolt and back up. “Bo we aren’t married yet!” You shout. You don’t mean to. It startles Bo and he backs up off of you. “I’m sorry.. I…”
“S’okay. Don’t apologize.” Bo sits up.
“I swear I want it. But that’s bad. Swearing is bad, wanting to have sex with you before marriage is bad. I- ugh. I’ve never had sex, I’ve never even masturbated.” You admit, you look down at your hands and fumble around with them about as much as you do with your words.
“It’s just… I always tried to talk to my parents about how I was feeling. About love, how come I felt weird down there. Why won’t it go away…They- they said all I needed was God’s love and a good man. In fact they had one lined up for me as soon as a graduated college. They used to dunk me into the bathtub when they thought I had impure thoughts- said every time I do the antichrist is forming in my womb. I had to be blessed so the devil couldn’t put a baby in me.”
Your voice trembles and you let out a forced laugh but it really was silly and stupid thinking from your parents. “They even brought an exorcist for one of them. He blessed that ice and water and I was dunked in. My lungs always felt on fire after those sessions sometimes they held me under, sometimes they’d dunk me multiple times. Not even a second of air between me going up and under again. Then they’d take ice, some salt and put it on my arms. Said it would keep the demons away. I don’t know how sex works. I- ugh I don’t know what pleasure I’m supposed to feel.” You look at Bo and hug yourself before looking back down at your lap.
“We can have sex whenever you want. You say the word. As far as I’m concerned it’s not sin. We’re practically married. Your parents are damned to hell as much as mine are. You though? A fuckin’ Angel. My Angel. You belong in heaven more than anyone.”
Your whole body feels hot. He didn’t have to say any of that. He didn’t have to make you feel like you’re everything but a sinner. Yet here he was. Doing exactly that. You can’t help my crack a smile.
“Can we go slow?” You lean forward and crawl on your knees towards him. He connects to you like a puzzle piece. There’s not a verbal answer. But you know he will. He took everything slow in your relationship. Made sure you were alright. He didn’t want to scare off a timid creature like you.
He takes your hip and lays you back on the bed gently and kisses you. He’s gentle this time, almost as light as a feather. He goes down your neck. Tingles run throughout your body and you make a small noise. Bo smirks against your skin. He just needed to hear more of that.
You nipples harden and you feel Bo’s thumb brush over one of them. You jolt and arch your back. He pinches both of them and kisses your neck more roughly this time. His tongue grazes over your neck before he gently bites your skin.
“Bo~” You whine. You don’t know what to do with your hands. They kept moving. Your body decided they were going to grip the pillow.
He lets go and stares into your eyes before moving down your body. The silky baby blue nightgown you wear gets pushed up until a pair of cotton underwear shows. You instinctively go to cover yourself but Bo is quick to grab your hands and tsk at you.
“Don’t go hiding yourself on me. Too beautiful for that.”
Bo kisses your thighs as he spreads your legs out. He buries his face into your cunt and kisses it, making you whine and writhe. The sensation sends tingles all over your body, you’ve never felt this before.
The cotton slides slowly down and off your legs. You watch as Bo throws it behind him. He kisses your thighs again. This time leaving a mark. You watch as he licks once between your folds. It’s enough to make your hips buck into his face, for you to whine and crave more.
“I- Bo I want more. Please keep doing that.”
You turn your face away in the pillow. Your legs tense as Bo delves into your cunt. He licks and prods his tongue at your clit, even sucking on it while you became a melting mess underneath him. Your legs were on his shoulders, numb, but at the name time on fire.
“It- Bo! Ngh~ it feels so good! Please! please…”
You didn’t even know what you were pleasing about, for more? For this sensation to never stop? You then feel a finger, no two enter your hole and you yelp as they stretch you out.
Bo takes his mouth off of you for a second. “That okay? That feel good?” His fingers curl and hit a spot in you that you didn’t even know you had. You cry and nod. He continued working his tongue and his fingers.
You stare at the ceiling in some other head space. Everything about this felt so good. You had this love and desire inside you that your parents tried to wash away so many times. Yet it always came back, this time it was here to stay.
Your body suddenly heats up and you cry out, vision turning white, back arching. You squirm and moan. Bo continues to eat you out, you ride his face through your orgasm, then push him lightly off of you. You curl up for a second, a whining mess and Bo comes up and kisses your shoulders, touching you gently. You whine more and turn your head to him.
His face and chin are wet. You reach up with your hand and sit up. Kissing him roughly. You taste yourself on him. Your hand brushes against his thigh and you hear a light groan as you brush against something hard.
You look down and see a bulge through his pants.
Some demon must’ve taken over you. You’re rough with grabbing Bo and making him stand up up and you roughly pull his pants and briefs down. He just lets you. You watch as his cock springs free and bury your face between his thigh and shaft. You kiss the bottom of it lightly. Bo takes your head in his hand, gently holding your hair.
You kiss his head and lick the precum coming from his tip before sliding him into your mouth. He groans loudly and grips your hair a little tighter.
Your body seems to know what it’s doing. Like some instinct kicking in. You suck, hallowing your cheeks and bob your head. You try and take him all but gag.
“Baby take it easy. S’your first time. You’re doin’ alright. Just take your hand if you wanna and use that on whatever you can’t swallow. You’re doin’ so good.” Bo explains, the praise makes your heart flutter, you nod and do just that.
You wrap your hand around the base of his cock and continue to bob your head.
“Fuck. You’re so good. You’re a good girl. Such a good mouth.”
Whatever warm feeling you felt in your heart drops to your cunt and you squeeze your thighs.
“I’m gonna cum, baby fuck. You want that down your throat don’t you? Such a good girl.”
Bo’s cock twitches and you can’t help but moan. Hot salty liquid fills your mouth, it takes you by surprise and you gag, not at all getting used to the taste. You don’t swallow any, instead it spits and drools out of your mouth.
Bo is immediately on the floor next to your coughing form. “You alright? Wasn’t too much was it?” You shake your head no and look at his concerned face. You smile gently and kiss him.
“Did I do alright?” You ask, an innocence to your tone.
“You did good baby. Do you need anything else?”
Had you known what he meant by that you probably wouldn’t have answered the way you were about to.
“I want you inside of me.”
Bo is taken aback by the statement and laughs a little bit. His cock already hardening back up. You look away a little embarrassed and he helps you up onto the bed then moves your chin so you’re looking at him. “Anything for you Angel.”
Your hands tingle. You kiss his cheek and begin moving up his jawline with your mouth. Kissing and licking his sweat beaded skin. His hands roam your body, touching every curve and bump there was to you. Bo pants and kisses your shoulder blade and collarbone. You let out a small squeak.
He felt like the devil in the garden, you were Eve, and sex was that goddamned forbidden fruit.
Bo sinks his fingers back into your cunt and watches as your body arches against him. You love the feeling of your cunt being stretched. He can tell as you squeeze against his fingers and moan into his neck.
Bo slowly slides them out, craving to hear your sweet whines and moans.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
You look into his eyes and nod quickly. He grabs his shaft and slides it in slowly. You cover your mouth, eyes rolling to the back of your head. So many beautiful little squeaks and squeals come out of you. It feels as though you’ll be split in half. Your nails dig into his shoulders and he leans in to kiss your neck.
“Bo, ah~ it hurts but it feels so good. You feel so good! Please. Please fuck me!” You cry, some tears fall down your face. Bo couldn’t help but notice it was your first time ever cussing, he lets out a small chuckle. He corrupted his sweet Angel.
He pulls out before thrusting back in, fucking you deeply and lovingly. Your whines crack and shatter everywhere. He loves every sound you make.
Bo grunts in your ear which causes your walks to squeeze around him. It felt so right, he felt so right in you. You love him. Fuck you love sex with him. You’re dirty, disgusting. You ate the forbidden fruit proudly and Bo watched as the juice slid down your chin and onto your chest, the drops continuing to slide down only soaking into the skin and hair of your pubic area.
Bo begins a harder pace, the bed creaks and groans underneath you. You bite into Bo’s neck, leaving a huge mark on him. You curl around him and drool runs down your chin. “Bo! Fuck! Bo I’m gonna cum! Bo please!”
He thrusts faster, you feel as one of his hands moves to your clit and his middle finger rubs it in circles. This pulls you over the edge almost immediately.
You cry out. Your face scrunches, mouth left dumbly open. Your body arches and you squirm underneath him. He keeps fucking you making you whine more. He was getting you to ride out your orgasm.
You let go of him and drop onto the bed. He continues thrusting in your. “Where do you want it?” Bo asks, your cunt is sensitive as you wiggle helplessly. It still feel so good.
“I-in. I want you to cum in me. Please.” You let out.
He smiles and kisses you gently while thrusting faster and harder into you.
His cock twitches and you know it’s coming, your walls squeeze him and he cums. All of it hitting deep inside of you. You felt even more full than before.
Bo sighs and slides out. You whine at the emptiness and Bo is quick to grab you, turning you two over so you’re on top of him. You bury you face in the crook of his neck and can’t help but feel him all over.
“I’m here baby. I ain’t going no where. You did so good. You’re such a good girl.” Bo coos.
You can’t speak. You whine into him and nod your head. He runs his hands up and down your back.
You were still an Angel in his eyes and even angels needed to sin.
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MAC. MAC I LOVE THE SUCKEING. OH MY GOD. MOST UNSERIOUS CAMPAIGN EVER. one minute arthur is giving up his beauty and humanity in order to learn how to free himself from this curse and then the next he’s tearing off his shirt to show taylor lautner his abs so he won’t attack them. shilo tore out his own eye and emizel forgot how to do taxes. grefgor got a girlfriend and he wants to propose to her after less than a month of dating. he works at walmart now. taylor lautner’s willpower is nine and all it took for him to back down was for some fucking guy in a motorcycle helmet to rip off his shirt and show him his abs. i’m gonna LOSE it mac
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^how it feels to listen to the suckening. what the FUCK is going on <3
oh my god. if you're feeling like that NOW just wait until you get to the last two epiosdes. fucking WILD dude. this campaign is SO FUCKING unserious. MOST unserious longform campaign they've done and it's the fucking horror vampires one !!!!!!!!!! insane 2 me . hi Taylor lautner. oh boy you get to hear charlies horrible terrible awful dog impressions. how is he so UNNATURALLY awful at making dog sounds (you'll hear more of these if you end up listening to bitb. he's awful)
UM. YEAH SHILOS EYE HURT ME REAL BAD BUT ALSO THAT SCENE??? WHERE HE WAS DANCING IN THE SUN???? ughhh dude I genuinely teared up during that. where charlie asks "do you do anything else?" and bizly says no he just keeps dancing. yghhhhhh I love that part so much.
DO NOT . TALK TO ME. ABOUT GREFGORS GIRLFRIEND. I HAVE COMPLICATED FEELINGS ABOUT HER. every day is 9/11 for grefgor fans (me) (<< phrase I picked up after seeing this ep the first time and just kept repeating until it permanently got stuck jn my head) I hope she like. Becomes An Actual Character in season 2 . she's NOTHING. she's NOT EVEN GOTH. it's not the fact that he got a girlfriend randomly that bothers me it's the fact that this was just like. a convenient way to Get Rid Of Him so they wouldn't keep forgetting to put him in scenes and they wouldnt have to take him with them for the last couple eps. and this made me so sad because I love grefgor so much and I miss him every day and I want him BACK. he can bring his girlfriend with him I don't care I just want him back so badly -crying cat.jpg-
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Could you please write the sinclair brothers + thomas hewitt helping a autistic male reader with a meltdown?
I honestly wish I had someone to help me with my meltdowns when I get them. I know everyone's meltdowns look different because autism takes different forms in everyone so I'm using my experiences and how I get with melt downs for easier writing. I keep it generalized to make sure most people can relate to this. No pronouns used for reader
Includes: The Sinclair brothers and Thomas Hewitt
Warnings: Talk of overstimulation, distressed reader, strong language, talk of slight self harm in Lester’s part
Lester Sinclair
When you start to get very panicky and you can't really talk he starts to get worried. I feel like he himself has autism so he knows how to deal with this.
He's gonna get you to a quiet place and try to help you focus on breathing. He hates seeing you get very shut down or just crying in general.
He'll ask before really doing anything and won't get annoyed if you take awhile to respond.
He'll keep the lights low and natural, and make sure to keep quiet.
If you start to hurt yourself he's gonna hold your hands and try to get you to do anything else.
If you tell him you need to be alone he'll leave you alone. If you want him there he's there.
He might try to get Jonesy to try and help comfort you too.
When you're feeling better he's insisting you drink or eat something and will make you take it easy for the rest of the day.
Vincent Sinclair
He won't understand why you're so shut off and won't talk to him so he'll assume you're mad at him. I feel like you'd have to learn the meaning of sign language to talk with him in the first place so if you can't talk, sign to him the issues.
Like Lester he takes you somewhere quiet and comforts you there. He won't touch you unless you say it's ok and if you start crying he's there to wipe away your tears.
He’ll be very panicky himself because he doesn’t know what to do. 
He’ll be so thankful if you say you need space. Not because he doesn’t love you, he just doesn’t want to make it worse for you. 
He will be very paicent and gentle with you while you deal with this. 
If you get aggressive with him he might get a bit hurt but just apologize after that and he’ll feel better. 
Bo Sinclair 
He’ll be quick to pick up that you’re in distress. He might get annoyed if you’re shut off and not telling him whats wrong. 
“Darlin I’m just tryin’ to help ya. Just tell me whats wrong.” 
He’ll brush the annoyed feeling aside and will take you somewhere comfortable where you can relax and calm down. 
He will have to leave you for a bit to do work in town but will check up every so often to make sure you’re ok. 
I feel like he has ear plugs for when he does really loud shit with cars so he’ll give you a pair and hope it helps. 
If you need sweet touches or kind words he’s there for that too. 
Thomas Hewitt
Shockingly another person I head cannon as autistic (I need to make a list at this point) so he’ll understand the melt down. 
He personally isn’t super bothered by loud noises but he knows you are so he’ll take you out to the barn and keep you there while you calm down. 
If you let him he’ll put his hands over your ears and block out more noise. 
I feel like there are barn cats at the house that Thomas loves on a lot so don’t be shocked if he hands you one to pet and hold while you try and relax. 
Will leave you alone if you need it or could sit with you if you need it. 
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goliah0 · 1 year
I would love to hear one day Robert's comment on Ross Halfin because Halfin apparently didn't like him while considering himself close to the group and Jimmy. Halfin thought Robert as a jealous person (of Jimmy, of punk, etc.) and believed Robert and Jonesy were both pissed during O2 because his favorite was Jimmy. I found this comment interesting but Robert never commented on anything Halfin mentioned.
Also he's the only source we have about Robert was the one blocking all the new Zep materials for his own career, as well as they have some early 70 Japanese shows recorded. He said someone didn't want new Zep materials to be published because of his own solo career at leat twice in the past five years. Although personally I wonder how much of it was actually because the sound quality didn't meet the requirements. Those recordings couldn't be official, and not every bootleg has the quality of Listen to This Eddie, performance wise and recording wise. People love to think LZ materials as raw, simultaneous and without decoration; but the live music publications have been well-polished, modified and even Frankenstein-ed with no exception. I just count on technological development so maybe one day they can improve the recording quality of famous bootlegs, ie Blueberry Hill.
And for Halfin to say "I hate Achilles Last Stand and Jimmy hates All My Love, that album sucks", man, you have no taste. No taste.
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jonesdel · 21 days
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“ heads up ; if you hear SEVENTEEN GOING UNDER by SAM FENDER blaring, it’s most likely JONESY DELMONT making their way down the shore ! they’re 25 years old and celebrate their birthday on 04/19 - i knew they were an ARIES ! especially since they’re very DAUNTLESS and UNINHIBITED. they are from BATON ROUGE, LA, staying in SILVER SANDS and are currently working as a MECHANIC @ HOT ROD AUTO SHOP, here at asbury park. They always did remind me of sunkissed skin stained with oil smudges, unwittingly following the footsteps that were determinedly dodged, and coconut scented surfboard wax. “
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: mentions of alcohol/drugs, child neglect, & death.
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FULL NAME.    jonesy wayne delmont
NICKNAMES.    jone , delly , jd
BIRTHDATE.    april 19th , 1999
IDENTITY.    cis man , he / him
SEXUALITY.    heterosexual
LINEAGE.    joan delmont nee baker  † ( grandma ) ,  boone delmont  ( father ) ,  delayne merlotte  † ( mother )
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boone delmont was a name well known to the authorities and, if anything, that only further coaxed the chief’s rebellious daughter into the dirtbag’s bed. was still just a kid himself at 15 years when jonesy was brought into the world.
unfortunately for the junior delmont, his mom passed due to unforeseen complications after giving birth, and so he was left with only his dad and paternal grandmother. considering boone was a deadbeat, on top of being in and out of jail, grandma delmont was the one to look after jonesy through his childhood.
so without having a hope in hell from the get go, jonesy was raised in the sweltering depths of louisiana in a household that always had some form of drugs or alcohol ( usually both ) at his family's disposal at any given time. therefore, he was exposed to these addictions at a very early age and would eventually follow the same path, but to a lesser degree.
as the apple of his grandma's eye, for some reason, he could do no wrong. when, in fact, he did very wrong, at any given moment. jonesy was labelled a problem child by his teachers. it started off with him being an annoying punk kid, disrupting class and clowning around with his friends. but as he got older, the problem grew with him.
fist fights were a common occurrence whenever he was in attendance at school. so if he didn't skip, he was sent home regularly. however, he never let his grandma know the difference ( if she'd even notice anyway ) and he'd stay out on the streets all day -- drinking, smoking, wreaking havoc on the city -- until school was let out and it'd be time for him to go home.
eventually, jonesy would flip a final fuck you to the system and drop out of high school. who needs big brains?? certainly NOT him. instead of pursing a fruitful career like every other kid on the block, he acquired the necessary license to become a long haul driver because 1) he wanted to travel and 2) what else was he gonna do.
rootin great rapport via walkie talkie channels with all his trucker buds, tootin his loud ass horn down the highway at every little car that tried to cut him off, jonesy was content with this way of life. until he met some guru at some bar, somewhere along the way home. then he was apparently motivated to turn his life around, going on to get his GED and then apply to a college in asbury park - a seaside town he'd stopped in between his routes to stay overnight and fell in love with.
when word spread of this, he inherited ( really was given ) a whole ass trailer home in silver sands from a relative. rumor has it some shady business was going on in there and so having jonesy live there was all a cover up to keep the cops from sniffing around. but whatever the reason, he didn't care. he got a free home, away from his grandma and dad.
without ever having any real big bills to pay, thanks to the inheritance, jonesy did well to save up a huge chunk of his earnings. he quit his long-haul job and was able to live comfortably until kicking off his new career. while attending college, he completed an apprenticeship at hot rod auto shop and then eventually got hired on.
having been a mechanic for hot rod for nearly a decade now, he's been through all kinds of ups and downs. his grandma passed away and nobody told him ( he found out by calling for a wellness check on her ), he lowkey became an alcoholic by trying to drink his sorrows away, and his house was broken into one night by a couple guys he used to run with ( he thinks ), which resulted in him almost getting shot for trying to fight off the assailants. safe to say now, he keeps a pistol tucked away for future intimidation ( which he may or may not legally own ).
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spitting image of his dad, much to his dismay.
while he can still be a troublemaker and smartass at times, jonesy has very high golden retriever energy.
homeboy has no qualms when it comes to protecting his territory and his people, and is no stranger to violence.
he has a soft spot for his co-workers aka his found family. to make up for being so shitty when he was younger, jonesy does his best now to help out where he can and looks out for his own.
drives an old volkswagen van to transport his surfboards and sometimes camp on the beach with, but also owns a loud af dirtbike that he rips around on at night to 'clear his head'.
checks in on his dad every so often bc as much as he tainted jonesy's childhood, the senior delmont also showed him some sort of love in his own fucked up way.
deep down, like way deep, jonesy knows he's toeing a dangerous line between maintaining his own path and veering onto the same road his dad went down. it's terrifying, but he won't speak a word about it bc talking about feelings and being vulnerable wasn't taught in his family. so he just bottles that shit up.
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seasonoftheslashers · 2 years
Hello there, I've been thinking for days about how the Sinclair brothers would act with a girl who has a truck driver's mouth. it would be funny to see
The Sinclair brothers with a fem reader who swears a lot
Warnings:foul and violent language, violence not proofread. (Please tell me if I missed anything
Bo Sinclair
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-Bo swears a lot himself so he doesn’t mind swearing too much.
-He is a bit shocked at first when he hears you say like a bunch of cuss words though.
-He chuckles to himself when you swear, he might jokingly tell you he’ll get soap if you start cussing more.
-Whenever you get angry and cuss he feels a bit amused. He might even try to piss you off even more to get a reaction out of you.
One shot
You stood in the kitchen washing dishes. When you went to put the dish down on the drying rack, you put it a little too close to the edge and it fell. SHATTER! The dishes were in a bunch of pieces scattered around the floor. Immediately you let out a loud “Fuck! Stupid ass dishes..” You carefully walk over to get the broom, avoiding each shard as best as you could when you turn around you see the one and only, Bo Sinclair. “You gonna clean that up?” He says nonchalantly, pretty used to you swearing. Immediately you feel rage bubble up within your chest. “Excuse me?” “You heard me, but I’ll repeat myself because I’m in a good mood. I said are you gonna clean that up?” He replies. “I am, now move your ass before I beat it.” You walk over to to broom but Bo moves in front of you blocking your way. You look up at him, beyond pissed. You take a deep breathe in and say “I’m sorry Bo, I’m just so fucking pissed.” He smirks “Yeah, I can tell darlin.” You smile up at him and kiss his cheek, you then grab the broom and clean up the mess. He takes a sip of his beer, walking over to the couch. You follow, then you two cuddle.
Vincent Sinclair
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-He’s pretty used to swearing considering he grew up with Bo and Lester.
-But that doesn’t mean he’s not shocked when he hears you swear up a storm because you stubbed your toe.
-He’s a bit though intimidated because it reminds him of the times that Bo yells at him.
-He gets a bit overwhelmed if you and Bo happen to fight because there’s gonna be a ton of swearing.
-If you get angry and cuss he does his best to try calming you down.
One shot
You were currently fighting a girl who got away from Bo. She punched you in the face, immediately you feel your nose..it was bleeding. “Fuck you, ya goddamn cunt!” You punched her in the chest and then again in the face. She fell backwards to the floor from how hard you hit her, but you weren’t satisfied yet. You straddled her, lifting your fist and punching her. Over and over and over, until your fists are covered in blood. You got up dusting yourself off. “I told you not to fuck with me. Stupid bitch.” You look over seeing Vincent. Your expression lightens into a happy one. You run over to him and hug him, and you two leave.
Lester Sinclair
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-You remind him a lot of his brother.
-He laughs a bit when you swear. He finds it quite amusing.
-He isn’t scared or intimidated.
-When you’re angry he does his best to make you smile and laugh, he’ll even take you for a drive!
One shot
When Lester came through the door you smiled, you instantly got off the couch and ran to him, hugging him. You pulled away and looked at him. He wasn’t very happy. “What’s wrong Les?” He sighs. “Bo’s been a bit cranky today.” You frown. “You want me to beat the shit out of him? Because I will absolutely do it for you, Les.” You brought both of your hands up, punching the other. He chuckles. “Nah, all I need is you and Jonesy.” The two of you go to the couch and sit down, watching TV with Jonesy.
I hope you like it! I can totally make another one if you want.
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