#//great job anon. you terrified her. /j
mews-chosen-child · 5 months
Pelipper Mail! The sight of a planet of awesome size, lit by no sun. An invisible titan, all thick black forests and jagged mountains and deep turbulent oceans. Spinning. Soundless. Forgotten. It's so far away. So desolate. And so impossibly, terrifyingly dark.
I- um... I don't like this at all...
It's just so...
Just... no.
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inknopewetrust · 3 years
Hey, I was wondering if i could request either javier peña or din djarin ship/x reader oneshot type thing? Mostly just (one of) them comforting reader who has really low confidence and doesn't believe they are good at anything. x x
Little Miss Perfect
Pairing: Javier Peña x Fem!Reader
Word Count:1.3k 
Warnings: language. Don’t doubt your abilities loves–you are more than capable of doing anything you set your mind to. 
A/N: thanks for the request Anon! Sorry for the long wait, these things just take a bit of time! Ah, how I missed writing for Javi. Did you know Javi was the first character that mustered up a following for me on here? Now, nearly 1000 followers later, here I am still writing for him. I felt this request would work best with him :)
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It was either the loud yell or the slamming of the telephone that caught Javi’s attention, he wasn’t sure which had come first. At the desk across from him, Steve sat disengaged from your internal struggles that were beginning to bleed out into the small office you all shared and diagonal from him, you had your head being cradled by your hands in frustration. 
Javier kicked Steve’s shin from under the desk and with an audible “ow,” Steve gave Javier a look of disdain. The thumb pointed in your direction changed his demeanor from one of annoyance to one of concern. 
“You alright, L/n?” Steve set down the report he had been reading to focus his attention onto you, but you didn’t look him in the eyes to answer, just mumbled a barely heard: 
He didn’t push any further, but it had to have been something serious to have you react in a way that made Javier concerned. If there was anything to know about you, it was that everything you ever did–whether it be work, play, or what not, you always put in 100% effort. When the reactions to your work were less than spectacular, a depression-like slump followed because it wasn’t what you were hoping for. You strived to have your superiors and partners know that you were the best person for the job and when you failed on occasion, it stung like a sting from a hornet. 
“No... No, I’m not alright. I’m not fucking alright!” The burst came out of nowhere and startled the two men. It got even worse when you rose from the seat and practically ran out of the office with your jacket, the chair spinning rapidly in your wake. 
“What the fuck was that about!?” Steve asked Javier with an exasperated gaze, but Javier didn’t know the answer. He thought he could deduce the reaction to the problem, except he was never certain in his abilities to read your physical reactions. Neither man readied themselves to follow immediately. Though after a few minutes, it was Javier who made the effort to find you and get to the bottom of your obvious despair. 
Not in the courtyard and not in the smoking room. There was no sign of you in the file room, printing room, with the CIA guys and gals, or with Noonan. Based on Noonan’s dismissal of Javier, Javi was sure the conversation that was had between the two of you is what made you so upset. 
It wasn’t until he got down to the bottom floor and into storage that he smelt the distinct smell of camel cigarettes filled his senses and he followed it down the dimly lit aisles of boxes filled with completed files. Down the one labeled G-J, you were sat against the rack with a few burnt cigarettes on the ground. Javier’s footsteps were not quiet, so you knew he was there when he turned down the aisle. 
“Come to gloat for Carrillo? He fucked us all over.” 
“It’s not your fault we didn’t catch him alive.” Javi told you and sat down across from you. One of his legs bent up towards his body and the other stretched out just enough where it rested itself on the other side of your foot. You handed the cigarette out to him which he gladly took from you. 
“It’s always on my account. Noonan always thinks it’s my fault and I just can’t convince anyone that I’m good at this. Every time we get close to catching one of them, they die or go MIA or I don’t know... fly off to Mars.” 
“Mars? Shooting a little high there, don’t you think?” The smirk on his face was welcoming but you were still angry at that fact that everything you did was never good enough for the DEA. 
“Why don’t they get angry at you and Steve? Why is it always me?” 
“You think you’re the only person who gets chewed out around here?” You shrugged at him but the foot that had been resting beside yours tapped it harshly. You looked at Javi with a helpless face. 
“Noonan isn’t a field agent. She doesn’t understand why Carrillo made the call, but he shouldn’t have. That was your member to catch.” 
“And it’s my fault that he’s dead!?” 
“I didn’t say that.” Javier handed the cigarette back to you and you took a long, much needed drag before restarting the conversation. 
“Sorry. I don’t mean to be ridiculous about it.” 
“You’re not being ridiculous. Not many women would have the gall to even take up a field job here and let alone be good at it. Noonan’s position was handed to her... she doesn’t know what we’re dealing with out there.” 
“But it doesn’t mean that she isn’t right. Every time I got a lead something would happen to change the course. That isn’t what they look for in agents so what is keeping me here? Optics?” 
Javier shook his head and furrowed his brows. Since the moment you stepped off the plane in Colombia, you’ve been nothing but a valuable asset to their efforts in catching Escobar. Every piece of information that you provided was essential and that is why they had put you on Gustavo Gaviria’s case in the first place. If it weren’t for Carrillo, you would have had him in American handcuffs right now but operations weren’t easy when five different departments of justice are fighting the same fight. You were a brilliant co-worker, a great person, and more than capable to be here working with him and Steve. 
“Don’t say that...you are one of the best agents we have.” 
“Not everyone thinks that way, Javi.” 
“Well I do, and I know Steve does too. Plus, the CIA guys and the girls that work in the office, they know how hard you work. AND! I’ve never seen a woman kick as much ass as you do when we go out on the field. Anyone who doubts a woman who has no qualms about holding a gun to your head should be terrified in their assumption.” 
You scoffed but it was enough to draw a little smile at the corner of your mouth so Javier knew he was getting somewhere. He was cracking the façade even if some of those thoughts would return from time to time. It wasn’t often agents were praised for their good work, so he took the chance to do it for you in a moment of need. 
“Do you remember the night we had to survey the bar where there was that shootout?” You nodded in remembrance and he continued with a story that you could have predicted. 
“You were the only one to think of-” 
“I know, I know.” you shrugged off the surging compliment of a good days work but Javier shook his head and laughed. It was a laugh of sheer lack of understanding as to why you wouldn’t want to hear compliments. 
“You deserve to be recognized for your work. Noonan might not see it but we all do here. Here is where it matters and on the field and when you go home at night and see the positive impacts on the news. When this is all over and you return to the States, wherever you end up, those people are always going to remember you for the good deeds you’ve done here.” 
“You’re a good man, Javi. You know that right?” 
There was a shared, true smile between the two of you in that moment. 
“I think some people would disagree but if you say so, then I’ll think it.” 
“I’ll remember that mantra the next time I don’t think I belong here.” 
With that, Javier helped pick up the burnt nubs of cigarettes from the floor and together you returned to the office where you would help make a difference and remember that the two people who matter most to your job thought of you as essential to the process. For that, you would be forever thankful for. 
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jawabear · 3 years
Hi~ Can I request a fic? for season 3 Javier Peña. Maybe some soft Javi. With y/n being a colleague, but struggling to get back to work because of mental trauma. If that's ok with you.
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Don’t leave (Javier Peña X Reader)
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Not my GIF
A/N: Hey! Here’s another request for my sweetheart Javi. Thanks to anon for helping out a little more. However, I feel like this isn’t great? But I really hope you like it. Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: Angst, fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, injury detail, mentions of blood, violence, tears, mental trauma, comfort
Summary: After a mission turns south and months of being off work, she has to face the reality of going back to work.
She didn’t know what came over her.
Everything moved in slow motion as one of the men lifted their gun and pointed it over at Javier. She wasn’t in control of her legs as she ran between them.
Her blood seemed to run cold when the gun went off. There was a ringing in her ear. She could hear another muffled gun shot and the muffled call of her name but she couldn’t move. She couldn’t do anything other than fall to the ground.
“Fucking shit (Y/N)!” Javi yelled as he crawled over to her lifted her shaking torso into his lap. “Why the fuck did you do that, you idiot!” he scaled her. He pulled his radio from his belt and gave an order to call for an ambulance before he threw his radio to the ground.
She looked up at him with wide eyes full of fear. She was barely breathing and her lips were trembling. He looked down her body to her stomach that was flooding blood that was seeping into her blue shirt. “J-Javi..” she whimpered. Her voice was barely there though.
“The ambulance is on its way (Y/N). You’re going to be okay” he told her trying not to cry at the sight of her lying petrified in his arms. “You’re gonna be okay (Y/N)”
Javier didn’t move from her. He held her almost lovingly in his arms, gently stroking her hair as he whispered the same words to her over and over again, it got to the point where he was more convincing himself than her was convincing her. But she never responded to him. She just continued to stare at him with the same terrified eyes.
“Peña, la ambulancia está aquí” (Peña, the ambulance is here) a voice came over the discarded radio beside him.
He picked up the radio and put it back on his belt. “Hold on (Y/N)” he whispered to her. He slipped one arm under her knees and the other under her torso and carefully lifted her into his arms as he stood and walked as quickly as he could outside where the ambulance was waiting.
The paramedics raced over to him seeing the state that (Y/N) was in. He walked her over to the ambulance and placed her onto the bed on the inside. She gripped hold of him like her life depended on it, because it felt like it did. She felt that if she let go of him, that would be it for her. “Don’t leave” she whispered desperately.
“I won’t leave you (Y/N)” he told her as he managed to pry her arms from him “I’ll come see you. But you need to go right now”
“Javi..” he had to ignore her as he jumped out of the back of the ambulance. He took one last look at her, tears beginning the fall down her cheeks, either from pain or from the fact he was leaving her. He felt unbelievable guilt wash over him but he had to close the doors.
(Y/N) drew in a sharp breath as she splashed water over her face bringing her back into her equally painful reality. She looked at herself in her bathroom mirror and hated the sight. Seeing how her eyes were red and puffy for her uncontrollable tears of fear. Seeing dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. Well, peaceful sleep. The sleep she had been getting was plagued of the memory of the event or nightmarish versions of it. Although she still hadn’t come to terms with the fact it was a reality.
But the scar on her stomach was evidence enough.
Taking in a few deep breath, she turned off the tap stopping the water. She stood there for a moment longer, griping the sink in both hands as to try and ground herself. She was trying to brace herself for today.
She knew it wasn’t going to be easy. She would most likely suffer for the whole day. But she had to go back at some point, and if she didn’t now, then she never would.
(Y/N) let out a slow breath and pushed herself off the sink and slowly made her way out of her bathroom. She now face a new challenge; getting dressed. She already had her clothes laid out on her bed, but she didn’t quiet know how to go about it. If she were in any other state, it would be simple. But the injury to her stomach made it all the more difficult.
It had been six months almost to the day since it happened. She had been at home for those six months, bored out of her mind and in incredible pain. She spent most of her day in bed for it was too much to move. Only getting up to use the bathroom, get a drink or make some food. But even doing that let her in excruciating pain and short of breath.
The highlight of her week would be when Javier would come round to visit her, to check on her. He always brought over some ice cream because it was easy to eat, plus she loved it. But since he had been delving deeper and deeper into the Cali Cartel, he had been flying between Bogotá and Cali quite a lot so his visits became less and less frequent, leaving her all alone with her nightmares.
But she didn’t blame Javi for leaving her alone. He was doing his job and she wasn’t prepared to get in the way of that. She was convinced that if it wasn’t for him, she would be dead anyway. She was immensely thankful to have him as a friend.
(Y/N) was also thankful that the ambulance showed up when it did. Not just because it meant she got to the hospital quicker, but because she was a second away from confessing how much she loved him. She believed she was in the verge of death and didn’t want to go without telling him, but she knew if she did, she would have to live with the embarrassment that he did not feel the same. They were friends. Just friends.
Somehow she managed to get changed into her fresh clothes. Today she was returning to work. Ambassador Crosby had warned her against it saying she still needed time to rest both physically and mentally, Javi said this too but she couldn’t spend another minute at home on her own. She had to get back to work.
The journey from her apartment to her car took twice as long than it should have, and the journey from her car (in her car) to the embassy was just the same, but that was partly due to traffic.
When she finally made it to the embassy, she couldn’t bring herself to get out of her car. She sat and watched people walk in and out of the building. To them, everything was normal. But to (Y/N), having to walk back into the building was like walking into the jaws of death.
(Y/N) leant her head on the steering wheel and squeezed her eyes shut, drawing in shaky breaths as she tried to calm herself down and hype herself up for going back inside. “Come on (Y/N)” she whispered to herself “you got this far. Just a few more steps and you’ll be there”
She drew in a few more breaths before grabbing her bag and pulling herself out of her car. She took her time in walking to the embassy, those who were outside gave her looks as she walked past them but she tried her best to ignore them. But when she got inside it was no better. Everyone looked at her and whispered amongst themselves. She was the desk agent that got shot. Thats what she was known as now. Not the smiley, happy, caring agent she was before. She was the one who got shot.
To get to her own office she had to walk past Javi’s. She looked into it and saw it was empty. She also noticed that Van Ness and Feistl’s desks were empty too, meaning they were all out scoping for leads in the Cali cartel, most likely in Cali.
Finally she got to her office and saw a pile of papers on her desk. At least she would have something to distract her. At the top of the pile was a note from the Ambassador welcoming her back and telling her to take it easy.
She sat down in her chair and let out a sigh as she examined the stack of files she had been left to deal with. She grabbed a pen and the top file and began getting to work trying to focus only on the paper rather than the nightmarish visions at the back of her mind crawling closer and deeper into her.
It can’t have been any more than ten minutes before she got a sharp pain in her stomach causing her to stop and sit back in her chair. She was overcome by sudden frustration at the fact that she couldn’t even do her work.
“What are you doing back?” Came a voice form the door way. She looked up and saw Javi standing there.
“Working” she mumbled picking up her pen again.
“Clearly you’re in a fit state to be working” he said.
“I cleared it with Crosby”
“And he told you to take another few weeks off” Javi stepped into her office and closed the door before taking the chair opposite her and crossing one leg over the other “like I did. Why didn’t you listen?”
“You can’t say that” she said with a slight smile “you didn’t listen to me. You remember when we were still in training and you literally shattered your leg? I told you to rest but you came back way too soon”
“That was different (Y/N)” he told her “that was my own fault”
“And so was this” she told him “I’m the one who jumped in front of the bullet after all...”
There was a heavy silence over the two of them as she just stared at the piece of paper on her desk. There were so many thing Javier wanted to say to her. So many things he could’ve said to break the silence but he was scare the open his mouth. Scared that everything he wanted to say would just tumble out of his mouth in a mess that she couldn’t understand and he’d embarrass himself in front of her. But it was selfish of him to be thinking about his own stupid problems when the woman he loved took a bullet for him. But there was one question that was at the forefront of his mind.
“Are you okay?” He asked quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. He watched her as she dropped her pen again and her bottom lip trembled. She brought her hand to her forehead and turned her head from him slightly.
(Y/N) drew in a sharp breath before she started to cry quietly. She didn’t want him to see but there was nothing that could stop him considering he was sat right in front of her. Javier stood from his chair and pulled it round to her so he was sat beside her. He rested his hands on her thighs, rubbing them in a loving manner.
“I’m sorry Javi” she sobbed into her hands “I’m so sorry”
“Hey,” he said softly as he reached out to grab her hands to pulled them from her face making her look at him. His heart sank when he saw her bloodshot, watery eyes. A similar broken look in her as to when it happened. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for” he said rubbing the back of her hands with his thumbs.
“I was an idiot...” she sniffed.
“Yeah, you were” he agreed with a nod making her laugh slightly. “But I would’ve done the same for you” he told her quietly.
“I’m serious (Y/N). Had it been the other way round, I would’ve taken a bullet for you”
“I wouldn’t want you to do that for me”
“And I didn’t want you to do it for me” he said “and...I’ve never been more scared in my life” he paused for a moment. His grip on her hands tightening as he swallowed thickly trying not to cry himself. “The thought of loosing you...I couldn’t do this without you (Y/N). I couldn’t live in a world without you. You mean more to me than you will ever know...”
He saw tears fall to her hands and heard her drew in shaky breaths. He moved further to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. She gripped his suit jacket and sobbed into his shirt. “I’m so sorry Javier. I don’t want to live without you”
“You won’t (Y/N). I’m going to help you get through this. You will get through this” he told her placing a soft kiss to her hair “I’m not going to leave you. Not this time”
Taglist: @linkpk88 @phoenixhalliwell @lunaserenade
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dontcare77ghj · 4 years
Breaking the News
Natasha x reader x Bucky
Note: Direct sequel to Witches. Honestly want to start a series in this universe and the Parenting universe. Requested by anon.
"There you are. I was just about to get Clint to check if you were dead." Tony said, raising a mug in your direction.
"Like I would go up there without warning them." Clint snorted. "I don't need to be permanently scarred."
"Didn't Tony you walk in on a naked, drunk Tony once?" Wanda asked the archer.
"How did you know about that?" Clint spluttered as Tony turned his attention to his drink.
"Telepath, remember?" She reminded him. "The only person's thoughts I can't hear are Y/N's."
"I think Occlumency could help you with that." You hummed. "Guess you already know the news?"
"I do." She grinned, moving over to hug you. "I'm so happy for you. All of you."
"You feel left out, Barton?" Tony asked the archer, watching as Wanda hugged Bucky and Natasha too.
"Can we join the party, or are Tony and me just going to sit here wondering?" Clint asked, watching the four of you intently.
"You're going to be an uncle, Barton." Natasha shrugged, struggling to keep her expression blank and the smirk off her face.
"Nat, you better not be joking," Clint said, looking between the three of you suspiciously. "I've already been fooled once."
"That was your fault for eavesdropping." Bucky shook his head. "But it's not a joke."
"We're pregnant." You grinned, gaining matching grins from the men.
"That's fantastic, Y/N!" Clint cheered, moving forward and pulling you into an enthusiastic hug. "Remember, Clint is a fantastic name." He said, pulling back and nodding at you.
"Nowhere near as good as Anthony." Tony scoffed, stepping towards you. "Can even be changed to Antonia."
"What makes you think we're naming our kid after any of you?" Natasha scoffed. 
"Clint is a great name! And one of my kids is named after you!" 
"You could convince me to have it as a middle name, depending on what you've made for lunch," Natasha smirked, leading you over to the kitchen table.
"That is considered bribery, Romanoff." Tony scoffed as he and the others joined you at the table. "I could be extorted for much more."
"The only thing I want is for James and I to be relieved of duty for the next year minimum," Natasha said, taking yours and Bucky's hand as she stared the billionaire down.
"You don't need to give me the assassin stare," Tony said, raising his hands in innocence. "Honestly, you could say you're out entirely, and I wouldn't say a word."
"I would like to add as a request, Wanda comes to visit at least once a month." You said as Clint placed a plate in front of you. "Even after the baby's born. They'll need to get to know their big sister."
"Big sister?" Wanda asked, eyes going wide.
"If you want the job, that is. No pressure." You told her with a smile.
"No, I'd love to. If that's okay with you all?" She said, looking between the three of you.
"Wanda, Y/N already wants to adopt you. And at this point, I'm inclined to agree. We'd love for you to be apart of the baby's life." Bucky assured the girl.
"Y/N, I want joint custody," Clint said, sitting down. "I already promised Laura that she could meet Wanda, and I refuse to anger her." 
"Wanda lives with me. That means you need to include me in this custody agreement." Tony announced. "Give me your lawyer's name, and I'll have my people contact them. We can have the papers drawn up within minutes."
"Are either of you idiots going to ask Wanda's opinion?" Natasha raised a brow. 
"No, because they know she likes it here best," Bucky smirked.
"Says who?" Clint and Tony exclaimed in unison.
As the four continued their playful banter, you snuck a look over to Wanda. The girl was watching the exchange with a wide grin and slightly misted eyes.
'You alright?' You mouthed as you caught her eye.
'Never better.' She assured you with a bright smile.
"Okay, I think that we've practiced enough for today." You said as Wanda finished her spell. "I think we might have to get you another year level's books." You smiled.
"Really?" Wanda questioned you. "You really think I'm ready?"
"I think you're as ready as a house-elf is to clean." You told her. "And I want to talk with you anyway."
"What's up?" Wanda asked.
"I wanted to see how you really feel about what we talked about yesterday." You began. "I wanted to see if you were actually okay with being apart of this child's life."
"I wasn't lying when I said I want to be around," Wanda told you. "I lost my entire family. I thought I was alone, and then I got the team. And I was so happy because they were becoming my family, I was getting control of my powers, and I thought everything was finally working out. But then my inner witch was spiraling, and I thought everything was going to disappear. I thought they'd all hate me, and I'd end up alone again.
But they didn't, and instead, Bucky and Nat invited me to your home. Introduced me to you, and you have not once acted like I'm, like I'm a monster. You've taught me I'm a witch, you taught me what it means to be a witch. That I don't have to be scared of any of my powers, or who I am. I want to help pass that along to others." Wanda explained with a soft smile. "I want to be around and help you teach your child that message."
"I don't know if I've said this before, but you are too sweet for this shitty, shitty world." You said, making the girl giggle. "You remind me of someone I knew long ago."
"Is that a good thing?"
"The best thing." You said, moving next to her. "And Wanda? You're never going to be alone again. I swear to you. You have so many people in your corner, and we might not be your biological family, but we'll be your family as long as you want us to." You told her, wrapping your arms around the girl.
"Thank you."
"Are you sure it's okay if I come?" Wanda asked, chewing her lip nervously as she looked at the three of you.
It had been three weeks since you'd announced your pregnancy to your partner's family, and now it was time to tell yours.
The war had left you an orphan, but you still had family you wanted to tell. 
It was time to tell the Potter's and the Weasley's.
"Of course it is, Wand." Natasha smiled as Bucky handed her her coat. 
"I've been talking everyone's ear off about you, and I think Hermione will wack me if I don't bring you along." You said, causing Bucky to chuckle.
"That woman is terrifying." He shook his head. "I'll never forget the donkey incident."
"To be fair, she was pregnant at the time." You defended your friend. "And Ron was kind of asking for it."
"Do I even want to know?" Wanda asked with a smirk.
"No." Natasha shook her head. "You really don't. Now put your coat on, it's cold."
"And it's going to be colder at the Burrow," Bucky added.
"Where exactly are we going again?" Wanda questioned as she did what Natasha asked.
"England." You told her. "Molly and Arthur still live in the Burrow and have invited us all there."
"But they don't know me. What makes you think they will be okay with me coming?" Wanda insisted.
"Hon, Y/N has been talking everyone's ear off about a little witch who is the brightest, sweetest, and the kindest person she's met. Everyone wants to meet you." Bucky said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"Plus, Molly loves having new people to smother and feed." You smirked.
"Expect a jumper come Christmas," Natasha told her. "All right, is everyone ready to go?"
"How are we getting there? Plane?" Wanda asked as you and Bucky nodded.
"We're witches, Wanda." You reminded her. "We have a better way." You said, holding a hand out to her and Bucky as Natasha took your hand. "Hold my hand tightly, keep your eyes closed, and don't let go." You instructed as Wanda took your hand, and Bucky placed his on your shoulder.
"I hate apparating," Bucky whined.
"Do you want to try the floo again?" You raised a brow.
"Just apparate already." He shuddered, causing Natasha to snicker.
Closing your eyes, you let out a deep breath, and within seconds you were all in front of the Weasley family home.
The tall, spindly, home, which was only held up by magic, was still standing as tall and proud as it had been in your childhood.
The land had not changed much, despite the tragedy of your sixth year, and it brought you a feeling of nostalgia.
"Aunty Y/N! Aunty Nat! Uncle J!" An excited voice squealed and was followed by pounding footfalls.
“Lilly-petal!” You grinned, kneeling to hug the red head. “Look how big you’ve gotten.”
“I missed you, Aunty Y/N.” She said, squeezing your neck.
“What no hug for your favorite uncle?” Bucky asked, drawing her attention to him. Lilly giggled and moved to hug him.
“Y/N!” A male voice called as you stood. You grinned widely at the sight of the man before you.
“Hiya Harry.” You chirped as he brought you into an embrace.
“You know you’re late, right? You’re just lucky Molly knows you’re always late.” Harry smirked, causing you to wack him in the head. “Blimey Y/N!”
“He’s not wrong, dorogoy.” Natasha said. “You’re always late.”
“Nat.” You groaned, watching as she hugged her niece. “You’re supposed to defend my honor.”
“He’s still right.” Bucky agreed. “You’re rarely on time to anything.”
“I will divorce the two of you.” You deadpanned.
“No you won’t.” Natasha and Bucky replied in unison, causing Wanda to giggle and you to sigh.
“Harry, this is Wanda Maximoff.” You said, pulling Wanda to your side. “Wanda, this is Harry Potter and this is his daughter Lily.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Potter.” Wanda stuck her hand out.
“Nope, none of that.” Harry said, pulling her into a quick hug. “It’s Harry, and if Y/N considers you family, then you’re my family too. Okay?”
“Okay.” Wanda smiled.
“Great. Let’s get the four of you inside, everyone’s waiting to see you.” He said, taking Lily’s hand.
“Look what the Hippogriff dragged in.” Ron smirked, holding an eight year old Hugo in his arms. “Is this the brilliant witch you’ve got ‘Mione so excited to meet?”
“Yep, Ron this Wanda Maximoff.”
“Nice to meet to meet you, Wanda. We’ve heard a lot about you.” Ron smiled at her.
“Y/N has told a lot of stories about you all too.” Wanda told him.
“Oh God, you’ve heard some shit then.” Ron chuckled.
“Ronald, you better not be swearing in front of Hugo.” Hermione scolded, entering the hall with her hands on her hips.
“No, never. I would never swear in front of our son.” Ron stammered as Harry laughed. “Uh Hermione, Y/N has someone for you to meet.”
“Oh Y/N, is this Wanda? You must be Wanda! Oh it’s so nice to meet you, I have so many questions for you.” Hermione said almost in one breath as she launched forward and embraced Wanda.
“Nice to see you too, Hermione.” You shook your head.
“Oh, it’s good to see you three too.” Hermione said, pulling back. “Now, Wanda, would you like to sit so I can ask you some questions? Is that okay with you? Y/N?”
“Breathe, Hermione, you’re going to scare her away.” Harry laughed.
“Oh I’m sorry, it’s just so nice to meet you.” Hermione sighed. “Y/N has told me so many things about you, your magic, and your other powers. I just would love to talk to you. If you want, no pressure.”
“I’ll sit with you if you want.” Natasha said as she took Hugo into her arms. “Just in case.”
“I’d like that.” Wanda smiled.
“Excellent! I have a whole list of questions for you. Oh Y/N! Molly’s in the kitchen and wants to see you.” Hermione said, before pulling Wanda and Natasha away.
“Your wife is a tornado.” Bucky said to Ron.
“Don’t I bloody know it.” Ron smiled. “You better get going, mum’ll throw a pan at you.” 
“She loves me.” You shrugged. “You want to come see nanna, miss Lily? Maybe we can find chocolate frogs somewhere.”
“Chocolate frogs!” Lily exclaimed, latching onto your hand and began pulling you towards the door.
“Have fun boys.” You laughed, following the little girl. “Hi, Molly.” 
“Oh, Y/N! It’s so nice to see you.” The short woman said, giving you a hug as Lily searched for sweets, having no interest in the conversation. “How’s my newest grandbaby?” Molly asked, placing a hand on your stomach.
When you first suspected you were pregnant there was only one person you could think to ask for help. Molly had been the first to know you were expecting and promised to keep your secret until you were ready.
“They’re doing really well.” You promised. 
“Have you told Natasha and James? And how’s my other grandchild?”
“Tash and Buck both know along with their family. And Wanda’s amazing. I would’ve brought her in with me, but ‘Mione snatched her up.” You told her.
“I’ll get to meet her at lunch.” Molly waved you off. “Sit! You’re carrying precious cargo.”
“I’m not an invalid, Molly.” You said, still taking the seat.
“Have you thought about how you’re going to tell everyone else?” Molly asked as she returned to making lunch.
“I have. I’m going to say during lunch. Gives everyone a chance to settle and I have the perfect way to say it.” You told her.
“Am I going to be included with everyone or can I know before?” She raised a brow.
“I want you to be surprised.”
“I’m not a fan of surprises, dear, but I suppose I can wait.” She sighed. “Go join everyone else, lunch will be ready in ten.” She said, shooing you out of the kitchen. “Lily, go with Y/N. No sweets before lunch.”
“Okay, nana.” 
You led Lily into the living room where everyone, bar Arthur, was sitting.
“Have they scared you away yet?” You asked as Lily ran to her mother and you took a seat next to Wanda.
“We’re not scary, Y/N.” Hermione rolled her eyes.
“Well you have your moments.” Ron smiled, receiving a thump to the arm from his sister. “Bloody hell, Gin.”
“Everyone’s been very nice.” Wanda assured you. “Hermione says she has some books she wants to send me.”
“Of course she does.” You grinned. The fourteen of you were continuing your light conversation when you were summoned into the kitchen where Molly and Arthur were waiting.
You all served yourself lunch and continued with your conversations.
“How is the Avengers?” Ginny asked Natasha. “Driving you up the wall?”
“Always.” Natasha chuckled, sipping her wine. “It’s like being stuck with a group of children.”
“You must be itching for a vacation.” Ginny smiled.
“They’re about to take one.” You told her.
“Y/N bully you into it?” Harry asked Bucky with a smirk.
“Harry James Potter, you take that back. I am not a bully.” You gasped.
“You hit me in the back of the head not even an hour ago.” He pointed out.
“You were being a bloody git that’s why.” You grumbled. “But I did not bully them into taking a vacation.”
“Did you miss aunty Y/N too much?” Lily asked as Ginny cut her meat.
“We always miss aunty Y/N.” Bucky smiled at her.
“Actually they’re taking a vacation for other reasons.” You told your niece. “They want to be around when the baby’s born.” You casually said, drinking your water.
The room went silent for several seconds before cheers rang out.
“How wonderful!”
“Bloody hell you three!”
“The kids absolutely love her.” Ginny said to you. Lunch had turned into dinner. The four of you had made no want to return to your home and decided to stay with everyone else. 
It was currently almost dusk and you had all made your way outside. The kids had dragged Harry, Bucky, Ron, Arthur, and Wanda to play while the rest of you sat watching.
“Everyone loves her.” Hermione corrected, smiling at her children. “She’s incredibly sweet.”
“Clint’s wife said the same thing.” Natasha said, squeezing your hand. 
“She’s so smart. For someone who never attended a school, and has only been learning a couple weeks, her progress is incredible.” Hermione added.
“Hopefully this ones the same.” Natasha commented. “Otherwise we might need to stock up on fire extinguishers.”
“They could come out muggle.” You reminded her.
“At least you’ll have plenty of help with the baby, magic or no magic.” Molly said. “For this one and any of kids in the future.”
“Definitely in the future. We’ve already got two.” You said, watching Wanda and Bucky laugh as Natasha kissed your cheek.
None of your family was actually related to you. None of your family shared your last name, but they were still your family.
It didn’t matter you were a L/N, and they were Weasley’s, or Potter’s, Maximoff’s, Barton’s, Stark’s, or whoever. It didn’t matter weather they were muggle, witch or wizard.
Your family was your family. And they always would be.
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partywithponies · 4 years
hi! i've only ever seen the bbc version of father brown and i've never read the books (i know, i'm so sorry), but i'm super curious about the different versions of father brown and you seem like an expert on each adaptation, so i was wondering if you'd be willing to give me a rundown of sorts on each version/series? i know it's a lot to ask and i may be opening the floodgates here, but there's not a ton of info online elsewhere and i'd love to learn more! thanks either way. ciao!
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As briefly as possible:
The books:
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Proof people who complain about the BBC show being “too political” don’t actually know the books at all
Father Brown straight up calls capitalism “evil” and “heresy”
Chesterton says that millionaires dying isn’t a tragedy
Inspector Valentin betrayed us and broke my heart, ACAB I guess
Since every police officer he befriends lets him down in some way, Father Brown’s only real friend is Flambeau, who he goes absolutely everywhere with. They only go on holiday with each other. They’ve been all over the world with each other. I love they
Book Father Brown pretty much never does his goddamn job. We literally never in all the books see him giving mass or taking confession. The closest we get is when he gives an impromptu sermon after seemingly coming back from the dead, where he literally only says "You silly, silly people. God bless you all and give you more sense." then runs away to send a telegram. Useless priest. I love him. 
Book Flambeau is. Incredible. Amazing. Iconic. None of the adaptations have been able to fully capture book Flambeau’s true energy, for he is a walking contradiction who contains multitudes. If all the onscreen Flambeaus fused into one being, THEN you’d have something vaguely resembling book Flambeau.
Book Flambeau is MASSIVE. He’s at least 6′4, he’s broad shouldered, has huge hands, and his super buff. He can just. Pick people up and throw them. He can knock people unconscious with one punch. He fills doorways when he stands in them. He terrifies most people just by drawing himself up to his full height. He also has a very short temper and a very short patience. 
He’s very agile and athletic and can move silently, despite his size. He’s also a master of disguise, somehow. (Explain, Chesterton. Explain. Is everyone in this universe apart from Father Brown, Flambeau, and arguably Valentin massively stupid? Actually don’t answer that I’ve read these books)
Book Flambeau has a habit of flinging people full-bodily down flights of stairs when they anger him or threaten him or Father Brown. Book Flambeau also carries a walking cane with him literally everywhere that has a sword concealed in the handle, plus book Flambeau insists on taking pistols on holiday with him, even when he was just going for a peaceful fishing holiday in the Norfolk Broads. King. 
(Which all makes it so iconic that Father Brown, described as tiny and meek and sensitive, saw this man when he was still a hardened criminal on top of all this and said “THIS ONE I LIKE THIS ONE. I JUST THINK HE’S NEAT” and went off on a jolly through London with him.)
Flambeau’s past is extremely mysterious. We no nothing about his family or his childhood or where he’s from or why he turned to crime. We know he used to be a soldier, and a part of him misses it. We know he used to fight duels semi-regularly, and liked them to be fought the very next morning after they were organised. We know he always used to make sure to visit the dentist on time, even when he was a hardened criminal. (King of good teeth.)  We know he was in a gang at some point. We know he was a student at some point. We don’t know what he studied, but we know he knew Leonard Quinton in “wild student days in Paris”  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). This is literally all we know about his past before he met Father Brown. The man is a riddle wrapped in an enigma. (That’s why Flambeau is so big. He’s full of secrets)
(Fun fact: in the book universe Flambeau is famous and popular in America, so you could say that in universe Flambeau is America’s Favourite Fighting Frenchman.)
Flambeau also loves cats and children, believes in fairies, likes pointing out rocks that look like dragons, and likes giggling and mucking about on the beach with Father Brown.  A baby.
One time Father Brown called Flambeau “full of good and pure thoughts”, but I don’t think that’s quite true, Father. I think Father Brown just has endless faith in Flambeau.
Another thing I think is really neat is that it would’ve been so easy to have Father Brown be the genius and Flambeau his dumb muscle sidekick but that’s not the case at all! They’re both geniuses and they’re both each other’s sidekick, and in fact it’s Flambeau who’s the famous professional private detective, Father Brown is just an amateur. Father Brown is often defined by his connection to Flambeau rather than vice versa, both in the text (the text will frequently refer to them as something along the lines of “Flambeau and his friend the priest”, and on two separate occasions a long list of Flambeau’s possessions is ended with “and a priest”), and in universe (Father Brown himself is massively famous in America in universe largely because of “his long connection to Flambeau). I don’t know I just think it’s neat. 
One time a man threatened Father Brown with a gun and Flambeau just beat him unconscious and then Father Brown and Flambeau just drove away and left him unconscious on the path. It was awesome.
(I’m sorry I rambled about Flambeau for so many words I just. Really really like Flambeau you guys. Father Brown and Flambeau are like two separate crime drama character tropes, the hard boiled cynical P.I. and the cosy eccentric amateur detective, but together as a double act, and I just think that’s really cool.)
Father Brown himself is if anything even more mysterious. He’s just “Father J. Brown, formerly of Cobhole in Essex, currently London”, and he’s “Flambeau’s friend”, and that’s all. That’s all he needs to be.
I also really really love Father Brown himself. I love that he’s allowed to be cheerful and optimistic and childish without any of this making him less clever, and in fact he’s shown time and time again to be cleverer than grumpy cynics who are scornful of childish things. Like, the whole giggling childlike thing isn’t even some kind of act, he’s a genius who understands true human nature, and he also really really likes puppet shows and building sandcastles who telling fairy stories, he really does get a “childish pleasure” from seeing Flambeau swing his sword-stick, and he really does have “strong personal interest in tomfoolery”. I love him.
I must share my favourite book quote about Father Brown himself: “But neither of them is very like the real Father Brown, who is not broken at all; but goes stumping with his stout umbrella through life, liking most of the people in it; accepting the world as his companion, but never as his judge.” uwu uwu uwu I’m cry.
Chesterton just subverts all the expectations character wise, the cheerful bumbling priest is a genius, the violent criminal is a true hero, the noble police officer is a corrupt self-serving murderer. It’s great. We stan. 10000000/10
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(I’m not very good at being brief, am I?)
Father Brown, Detective (1934):
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The first movie! It’s completely ridiculous. I love it a lot.
It was released just at the start of Hays Code, which, among other things, stated that crime and immorality should not be glorified or glamourised, and all crime and immorality must be seen to be punished by the end of the film. In practice in the case of this film, this means two things:
Paul Lukas!Flambeau is the only Flambeau to actually go to prison (and stay there).
He’s by far the Flambeau who deserves it the least. Lukas!Flambeau never hurt a soul. He just wanted to be loved. #FreeMyBoyHercule
Okay but in all seriousness. There’s a reason I call Paul Lukas!Flambeau “Himbo Flambeau”. Where other Flambeaus are violent or dangerous or geniuses, Lukas!Flambeau is just a big dumb idiot who respects women and has a great sense of humour and writes all his letters in the third person like Elmo for some reason. I would die for him.
At one point Flambeau in disguise is talking to the police, and when the police criticise Flambeau, disguised Flambeau says “Oh but I assure! I have read many things about this Flambeau! He is a fearless, handsome fellow!” The absolute idiot. I adore him with my whole heart.
The film is set in London, like the books, but an idealised Hollywood version of London, i.e., almost entirely unlike London.
Walter Connolly!Father Brown is also entirely lacking in braincells. Look at these two idiot men:
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I love them.
Oh oh! And the most important thing, the thing that carries over into most other adaptations? NEW ORIGINAL CHARACTERS!!
This movie invents a few characters that weren’t in the books, but the most important ones are Mrs Boggs:
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She doesn’t really add much to the plot but she’s funny and I love her so I’ll forgive it. 
She’s Father Brown’s housekeeper, she’s basically just the fussing maternal female character archetype who fusses around in the background, but she does it well and plays it with charm so I’ll allow it.
(Honestly this whole film is just. Not *technically* good or original, but just so charming and with so much heart that I unironically adore it.)
She tries to make Father Brown drink his milk because it’s good for him even though he doesn’t like it, and keeps checking back in on him to make sure he’s drunk it, it’s literally like a mother and her small child.
She objects to policemen in the presbytery because of their “big muddy boots on the carpet” but is fine with just letting Flambeau in whenever despite the prevailing rumour in London being that Flambeau killed a man. We stan a queen of having priorities. 
When Inspector Valentine summons Father Brown to the station, Mrs Boggs pops up in the background, assumes Father Brown’s being arrested, and says “Oh dear, I knew it!” and it makes me giggle like an idiot every time.
The other, more important original character invented for this movie is my girl Evelyn Fischer:
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I love her, I would die for her, she’s flawless.
She’s basically your typical bored and rebellious young aristocrat, but she has a chaotic streak that I adore.
She sneaks out of her family’s mansion to go to a seedy underground club/illegal gambling ring in Soho (I mean I assume it’s Soho, a seedy part of London in that general vicinity, at least. I’m not about to get bogged down trying to understand the geography of London according to Hollywood), flirts with a bunch of strangers for fun, then when the police raid the place and everyone else is panicking she stands stock still, cheerfully says “Oh goody, I shall probably get my name in the papers!” and has to be physically dragged out of the building by Flambeau.
Later on Flambeau breaks into her bedroom in the middle of the night and she’s just very calmly like “What are you doing?”, and even when she finds out it’s Flambeau, a man widely believed to be dangerous and violent, instead of being scared, she calls him an idiot right to his face.
She forms the third part of the main trio of the movie with Father Brown and Flambeau (RIP to Valentine, demoted to tertiary character in a loose adaptation of the one (1) story where he was the main character lol) and together the three of them share a single braincell and have to take turns with it, while Mrs Boggs fusses in the background at the trio’s increasingly bonkers decisions. 
The movie ends with Father Brown and Evelyn sharing an emotional farewell with Flambeau through the window of a police car and promising to look after each other until Flambeau’s released, wow poly rights.
The Adventures of Father Brown (1945):
The adaptation there’s the least amount of information about, but I’ve done my best to find everything I can find on it.
An American radio show made towards the end of wartime, it’s a bit of an odd one, and believe me Father Brown adaptations have gone some odd places.
Only two episodes survive, or at least if more do survive then whoever has them is being very selfish and hoarding them to themselves because only two episodes are publicly available anywhere, and the audio quality of those is a bit dodge. (Though that is to be expected, they do appear to be home recordings, from 1945. Honestly we should be grateful to even have two full episodes.)
If the actors I’ve found are the right people, this show featured by far the youngest Father Brown and Flambeau, at the start of the show the actor playing Father Brown was only 36 and the actor playing Flambeau was only 27. They’re BABIES. (Honestly I’d like to see more age variation in Father Brown adaptations, as I have extensively rambled about before, the characters have literally no canon ages in the books, I think people ought to be a little more imaginative instead of always building on the adaptations that came before, even if it is really cool to see traces of all the previous adaptations in each new one that comes along. It’s something I haven’t noticed as much in adaptations of other golden age detective novels, but the Father Brown adaptations do seem to be stuck in some kind of game of “yes, AND” with each other. I would REALLY like to see an adaptation where Flambeau is older than Father Brown though, it's just something we've never had before despite there being literally nothing in the books to suggest this can't be the case, and I just think it'd be neat.)
This show is really really painfully American, in a real old fashioned "golly gee whizz mister" kind of way, to the point it almost feels like a parody, and I honestly find it kind of endearing.
Even Flambeau frequently slips into a very American accent to the point that my affectionate nickname for him is "The All-American Flambeau", and it's great. He's great.
Honestly I could accept the accents and the slang, for some reason the only thing that really threw me was Father Brown referring to money in cents and nickels.
Needless to say, this adaptation is not set in London. It is instead set in Generic Unspecified Smalltown USA. It's fine. This is fine. I already have so many films and shows set in London, I can swallow my London pride and let America have this.
It's hard to get a real grasp on characters from just two episodes, but I like this Father Brown and Flambeau, even if they are a little overly serious, and even if Flambeau doesn't really do much. He may be a bit serious and a bit useless but All-American Flambeau stays up late anxiously waiting for Father Brown to get home safely and it's very sweet. What a good boy.
All-American Flambeau also carries handcuffs around with him for some reason? But no weapons? Why is All-American Flambeau one of the few Flambeaus not to have a gun? Oh well, he's still sweet.
The 1945 radio show also gives us some original characters, but they're very much side characters and not part of the main plot and it's very hard to get a good grasp on a character from just a few minutes of audio from just two episodes but here's what I could gather:
Nora is another fussing housekeeper! She seems younger and less maternal than Mrs Boggs, but I don't know if that's just because the whole cast was on the younger side. (Could the radio station not find anyone over the age of 40? Were they in short supply in 1945 or something? Ah well.) She seems dedicated to helping Father Brown get some peace and quiet that he never goddamn gets because someone always goes and gets themselves murdered. In both surviving episodes a knock at the door disturbs Father Brown’s rest, Nora opens it professionally, sees it's Flambeau, and immediately drops the professionalism and is immediately like "oh it's only you", so I can only assume every episode started this way. I do hope so.
Father Peter is a junior priest who answers to Father Brown and takes over his duties on his days off. He's implied by the dialogue to be considerably younger than Father Brown, Nora, and Flambeau, but if their actors are anything to go by then they're not that old themselves, and though Father Brown seems to talk to Father Peter like he's a literal child, he is still a priest so I very much doubt that's the case. He seems sweet and harmless, but he's only in one of the surviving episodes and only in that towards the end and mentioned briefly at the start, so it's hard to judge completely. It's highly unlikely that the reason he's not even mentioned in the later surviving episode is because he turned out to secretly be an evil murderer, but, this being a Father Brown adaptation, not entirely unfounded. (But no, he's probably just a sweet boy who exists to have exposition delivered to him.)
Father Brown/The Detective (1954):
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The Alec Guinness movie! The one haters of any of the other adaptations complain that adaptation isn't more like, but in my humble opinion, actually the worst adaptation.
Like, I don't hate it! The cast is mostly stellar actors and if I just saw it as a movie on its own, it'd probably be fine. But as a Father Brown adaptation watched in context of the books and the other adaptations, it has a few issues imo.
Most glaringly it has Tone Issues. This film cannot decide if it's a comedy or not. The original posters certainly marketed it as one (see above) and half the cast are noted comic actors who were famous at the time for comedy, goddamn SID JAMES is in it, but the entire third act is played painfully straight, half the cast is mugging for the camera and trying way too hard to be funny while the other cast is giving extremely serious and subtle performances, like. I have no problem with a Father Brown adaptation being played for laughs, and I have no problem with a Father Brown adaptation being played for drama, both can work beautifully, but just PICK ONE, PLEASE
All of my other gripes with the film are very petty and nitpicky, this film calls Father Brown and Flambeau "Ignatius Brown" and "Gustav Flambeau" even though Father Brown has the canon first initial "J" and Flambeau has the canon first name "Hercule", and I hate it a lot. "Ignatius and Gustav" is the second worst thing any Father Brown adaptation has ever done to me.
My other petty nitpick with the movie is that it makes Flambeau literal nobility. The man is a duke. In my opinion Flambeau should always either have a completely mysterious past or be a nobody who came from nothing, someone who grew up with land and title and many servants and a family coat of arms, living in a whole entire castle with his family name and coat of arms engraved into the side of it, growing up and stealing from people, is a whole lot less sympathetic in my opinion. Like to be fair his parents are dead which is sad I guess and his castle has seen better days, but dude. You still own a castle. People who live in castles do not get to lecture other people about materialism.
THAT SAID, Peter Finch is still the best thing about the movie. I love all Flambeaus dearly, even the ones that are little bitches. He’s a bit of an emo “oh woe is me” sadboy, but he’s very charming, and actually good at disguises and being undercover, get dunked on Lukas!Flambeau.
Guinness!Brown likes to feed ducks and Flambeau calls him “the angel with the flaming umbrella”, which makes my inner Good Omens fan who loves finding parallels between Aziraphale & Crowley and Father Brown & Flambeau go 👀
There is one really good scene, in the Paris Catacombs. And by “good” I mean “really really bafflingly gay”:
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I truly, truly do not understand how this scene was written, directed, acted, filmed, and edited without ANYONE saying “hey lads does this seem a bit gay to you?”
Father Brown, literally lying on top of Flambeau and pinning him to the ground, whispering: “I would like to set you free.” Flambeau, softly, gently smiling while his face is literal inches away from Father Brown, who is still pinning him to the ground: “Ah, now I begin to understand what you are.”
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What the fuck, you guys. What the entire fuck. This scene keeps me up at night.
This film is also not set in London. It is instead mostly set in a rural English village, and partially in Paris and partially in rural France. Paris is fun but I miss London.
This film also has some original characters. I should probably talk about them. 
This is Lady Warren:
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She’s Father Brown’s friend, and she’s a Lady, and that’s all I can really tell you.
She’s very well-mannered and dignified and sophisticated.
She gives me the vibe that she exists solely because the writers decided they needed a female character but then remembered at the last minute they had no idea how to write women, so as a result she is almost entirely irrelevant to the plot. I don’t want to say I don’t like her, because she’s done nothing wrong and it’s not her fault, but like. Why is she here? Poor thing, she deserved to be plot-relevant, really.
She lives in a big mansion and owns some very nice things, and she gets annoyed when she invites Father Brown to lunch but he just stares blankly into space thinking about Flambeau the whole time. (Mood honestly FB. Me too.) 
She flirts a bit with Flambeau in one very pointless scene that came the hell out of nowhere, went nowhere, and was never mentioned again. It was like the writers realised how gay the previous Flambeau scene was and suddenly tried to convince me this man is a hetero. Nice try, writers. You can’t fool me that easily.
The other main original character is Bert:
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Alright, own up, whose bright idea was it to put Sid James in a Father Brown movie?
Bert is a smalltime criminal who’s a friend of Father Brown, who Father Brown protects from the police, but tries to convince to get on the straight and narrow by getting him as a job as Lady Warren’s chauffer. 
This is would be fine, were it not for the fact he’s played by Sid James, who only knows how to play Sid James, and is just Sid Jamesing it up in every scene. I don’t have anything against Sid James. I like my fair share of Carry On films. But Sid James does not belong in Father Brown and I want to fight whoever decided he did.
Father Brown (1974):
LADS LADS LADS! It’s time for the first TV show, and it’s time for my favourite boys:
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Oh! OH! How I love Kenneth More!Brown and Dennis Burgess!Flambeau. They’re just. So cute. My two special boys.
Not only that, but LADS! We’re finally back in London!
A gritty, dirty, London in the 1930s no less, with cool London buses and political unrest and grimy pubs and the constant threat of world war. Alexa this is so cool play London Calling.
In one episode Flambeau gets verbally abused by an anti-immigration right-wing zealot. :( My poor boy. :( 
(But it’s okay, shortly after Father Brown witnesses this, the racist shows up dead in exactly the place Father Brown earlier said would be a good place to commit a murder. Now I’m not accusing Father Brown of murder, BUT)
This show made the bold but valid decision to skip Flambeau’s redemption arc and start the show when Flambeau is already a seasoned and respected private detective who’s lived in London and been Father Brown’s closest friend for many years. As a result this Father Brown and Flambeau are ridiculously domestic with each other. Look at this peak Old Married Couple energy:
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Oh! I just love them.
I would love to know how Burgess!Flambeau’s redemption went down though, because Burgess!Flambeau is BY FAR the least repentant of all the reformed Flambeaus. He proudly boasts about his crimes, he still believes he “deserved to succeed”, he still proudly talks about how “daring and outrageous” he was, which begs the question of why did he stop at all? Literally the only explanation I can think of is that he’s literally only doing this for Father Brown’s sake, which. uwu
Oh GOD I love Burgess!Flambeau. Obviously I love all Flambeaus a lot, and choosing a favourite feels like choosing a favourite child, but let’s just say: if the Flambeaus WERE my children, Burgess!Flambeau would be quite spoilt. My ~ Daring And Outrageous ~ boy.
More!Brown and Burgess!Flambeau are both really really socially awkward, uncomfortable in crowds, and nervously say “oh dear” a lot. They really are ridiculously cute.
They also only giggle and joke and act silly when they’re together, when they’re apart they’re both sort of sad and quiet and withdrawn. (This makes episodes Flambeau isn’t in a bit harder to watch because Father Brown is just kind of lost and lonely without his emotional support Frenchman, with three notable exceptions: that time Father Brown infodumped about the mating habits of whales at the Father Superior for a solid minute, that time Father Brown met a dog and reacted with unrestrained delight, and that time someone mentioned former criminals in passing and Father Brown’s whole face lit up and he started gushing about how Flambeau was living in London now and doing very well as a private detective, completely unprompted.)
This show also brought back book!Brown and Flambeau’s habit of always going on holiday together! Wonderful! We love to see it!
This show is also the first time in the entire Father Brown franchise where gay people are overtly acknowledged to exist! And Father Brown is non-judgemental! A roman catholic priest written in the 1970s and living in the 1930s who canonically isn’t homophobic! I have no choice but to stan forever!
You remember what I said about liking to point out Good Omens parallels? WELL
Kenneth More!Father Brown and Dennis Burgess!Flambeau both live in London
Burgess!Flambeau lives in a brightly lit, pale walled, airy and spacious, modern (for the time) London apartment, while More!Brown prefers gothic architecture and lives in an old, grey, cramped, stone building absolutely full floor to ceiling with books
They go out for intimate candlelit dinners for two at very fancy London restaurants 
Desperate people come to Flambeau because he “knows the game on both sides of the fence”
Father Brown responds with a quiet and miserable “oh dear” when asked to actually do his job instead of just watching plays and drinking wine
Father Brown calls Flambeau “my dear” at times and it personally kills me
I mean. I’m just saying.  👀
Now, isn’t there a third important character in the books? 
Oh yes of course:
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(Nobody understands him! IT’S NOT! EVIL!)
This show is the literally only adaptation to include the Valentin betrayal and I’m not gonna lie. It’s a very difficult episode to sit through, it’s far darker and grimmer and more depressing than you would ever expect from Father Brown, but my god it’s done so well. Especially considering the teeny tiny budget they clearly had, only four sets are used the entire episode and the whole thing takes place inside Valentin’s house, but even that adds a certain claustrophobic atmosphere and just. It’s done so well.
I think the entire budget went on gore effects because the decapitated heads in this episode are disturbingly realistic for the time the show was made and genuinely grim to look at. Not to mention the intense downer ending.  Not to mention this was THE FINAL EPISODE OF THE SHOW
God it hurts so much but I lowkey love it. 
Father Brown Stories (1984):
The second radio series, and the first BBC adaptation! 
Thrilling times for fans of actors being the right nationality for their characters, because after previously being played by a Hungarian, an American, an Englishman, and a Welshman, Flambeau is finally being played by a Frenchman, Olivier Pierre!
Father Brown himself is played by Andrew Sachs, Manuel himself. 
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Not gonna lie. It’s kind of hard to figure out how to explain the radio show.
We’re? Maybe back in London? Honestly it’s really unclear.
Pierre!Flambeau is kind of adorable. He’s described as looking like book!Flambeau physically, huge and buff and terrifying, but he has literally none of the temper or predisposition to violence. 
Pierre!Flambeau doesn’t speak very good English at all, and oftentimes will react with “...What?” when he hears a strange English idiom or turn of phrase.
One time he says “Perhaps we should.. push on? SEE HOW I AM MASTERING YOUR ENGLISH IDIOMS” and it’s the cutest thing that’s ever happened.
To try and get better at understanding both the English language and the English people, Flambeau starts obsessively reading Alice in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass, massive giant adorable boy.
One time Father Brown gets complimented of being academically minded and well read, and then asked if Flambeau is also a keen reader, and when Flambeau tries to say no, Father Brown interrupts and proudly and earnestly says “Oh yes! Monsieur Flambeau is one of our top Lewis Carroll scholars!”, it’s honestly adorable.
This adaptation finally uses “John” as Father Brown’s first name, as it should always have been! I love it!
This series said FUCK Father Brown having a mysterious past and no former friends or relatives! Now he has siblings, and friends who knew him before he was a priest who still call him “John”!
Father Brown himself speaks in a very sweet and soft and wavering way that makes my heart melt.
Sadly and unfortunately, I have to acknowledge the final episode of the show, which is the top worst thing any Father Brown adaptation has ever done to me.
It’s. It’s a crossover. With Sherlock Holmes. Actual goddamn Sherlock Holmes is in it. I hate it. I hate it so much. “Elementary, my dear Flambeau” shut the hell up, if this Flambeau won’t fling you down a flight of stairs then I will.
I deliberately avoided all Holmes-related media for THREE YEARS only for the awful man to spring up on me in Father Brown?? How could you do this to me???
I’m going to yeet myself into the sun, bye everyone.
(On the plus side, the Sherlock Holmes episode does have one of Father Brown’s parishioners recognise Flambeau as “a close friend of Father Brown and a frequent visitor to his room”  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), so that’s nice I suppose. I’ll still never forgive the writers of this show for putting me through this.)
Father Brown (2013):
I kind of see the current TV series as a culmination of all the adaptations that’ve come before? I can definitely see echoes of all of them in it.
And it’s great! I really really love it. I love it a lot. 
I think about it daily.
My one and only complaint I would have is that Flambeau isn’t in it enough. Not just because he’s my favourite, though I’d obviously not be fooling anyone who’s read all this if I said he isn’t.
And it’s not that I don’t love the show as it is, and find the one Flambeau episode a series always something really special, so I don’t know what I’d have the writers do, exactly. 
But it’s just. In literally every other version of Father Brown, Flambeau is the second most important character and the second main protagonist, and to have him in this show so little that some fans or reviewers call him a “minor character” and others call him a “recurring villain”, though I myself don’t see him either of those ways of course because he’s still Flambeau, it’s just kinda sad and painful, y’know?
I don’t know. Maybe I’m just being silly.
Hopefully he’s a regular in at least the final season of the show. If I don’t get my favourite partners in crime solving I’m rioting. 
Anyway that’s my “””brief””” rundown on all the main versions of Father Brown!! I hope you liked it!!
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stalksbyakuyatogami · 3 years
Thank you for doing my 'summoning ancestor' request for the V3 cast, they were great. Could you do one for the girls of sdr2, please? If you don't want to do another one, then I completely understand and I'm sorry for bothering you.
Summoning An Ancestor With Goodbye Despair Girls!
No problem, anon. I enjoy making them, even though it takes hours xD
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Akane Owari
•She thinks summoning an ancestor sound really cool! Do you have to offer food? She'll have to ask Teruteru then. An excuse so she can eat even just half of it. Nonetheless, very excited to do it with you.
•She suggested that you do it on the shore so it's wide open. But it was too wide open and very bright, so you performed it in the building beside Mirai Hotel.
•The event hall was quiet. Looks like you were the only people there. She then asks how you'd do this ritual and you presented her with all of the tools. "Aren't these too dangerous to have around?" Nevertheless, she helped you and did what she can.
•She got bored of waiting for 8 seconds. She walked away, picking her ears and saying something about having Teru cook her food. That is until something ascended from where you performed your ritual. She quickly posed in a defensive way, emphasizing her "claws" and all that. She was ready.
•She stood there standing. She was curiously eyeing the spirit. She's a bit bored though, so she'd pick her ears every so often. She was mostly quiet the whole time. She wanted to take your time and she doesn't want to disturb you. Escaping this killing game was the top priority.
•When you finished, she helped you gather all the things you used. She was talking about how it was pretty enjoyable, and she won't hesitate to join you again if there is a next time. For now, though, you should eat. The whole session was tiring!
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Chiaki Nanami
•Summoning an ancestor? Well, that's new. What for? She's pretty chill about it. She actually likes to see how it would play out. It was intriguing but a bit creepy at the same time. But given the number of games she played, she's probably already used to this.
•And as expected, she blabbered about similar experiences in games. Does the ritual even come close to those of the games? When you arrived, she was low-key surprised by the tools you had. Sure, there were familiar ones, but also tools that she didn't know about. But still, she helped you on how to properly handle those things and how to do the ritual properly.
•She wondered why the spirit hadn't shown up yet. Did you use something wrong? Did you mess the order up? She approached where the spirit is supposed to pop up. But then stopped when the spirit really did appear. Shock. She slowly backed up and positioned herself just a bit behind you. No, she wasn't afraid.
•She joined the conversation between you and your ancestor. She helped you ask important questions. The spirit wasn't bothered at all, it's actually curious. And thanks to her, you got a lot more than expected.
•Tells you that you did a great job and that she would join yoi again if there's a next time. For now, though, she needs to rest. So why don't you join her and cuddle? Hm?
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Ibuki Mioda
•Eh?! A summoning?! Sounds kinda scary... But I guess it'll totally rock! Still doubting whether she should join you. But if it's her S/O and one of their special moments in life, she won't hesitate to join. The ghost part is still a bit creepy though.
•She was anxious, asking you all the things you'd do while you were on your way to the summoning area. She thinks the tools are quite bizarre and she's a little bit freaked out. She tries her best to help you though.
•She was actually relieved and ready to go out when suddenly your ancestor's spirit appeared. She immediately hid behind your back, eyes still on the spirit.
•She was fiddling with her fingers the whole time you tried to communicate. If she did have something to ask, she'd whisper it to your ear. Too afraid to ask the spirit directly. And plus! It's your ancestor, how can she meddle?
•By the end of the session, she took a relieved sigh, thankful that the event was over. She had to admit, the experience was terrifying. But maybe she'd get used to it the next time you do it again.
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Mahiru Koizumi
•She thinks it's too dangerous, but worth it at the same time. You could get information about this supposed killing game and end this as soon as possible. It took time for her to think about it, and finally, she agreed.
•She is always watchful of you handling all the tools. She's ready whenever you're injured or something. And she does her best in helping you too!
•She was patient enough to wait for the spirit. This is probably the first time she's seen one since fear and anxiety were evident on her face. Still, she fought the urge to run away. And instead, firmly stood by your side. This is important in solving this killing game, after all.
•She was the most questions asked. She eventually got accustomed to it. And honestly, the ghost had no complaints. It thought that Mahiru was entertaining.
•When it finally disappeared, she sighed in relief. Damn, that was nerve-wracking! She probably got carried away by adrenaline, but she did such a beautiful job, you just had to hug and thank her. She said that she can accompany you again, but she won't go overboard next time.
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Mikan Tsumiki
•Poor girl was actually terrified. But if it's for her S/O she guesses that she can't back off. Maybe it'll be like talking to people you've known for the first time. Except that it wasn't a person, but a ghost. An ancestor.
•Mikan was Science all the way, so she really hoped that doesn't happen later. Rather it would happen when she's finally mentally prepared. The tools you had all laid out reminded her of the tools she used. But of course, it was very different from the ones she maneuvers. She helped you as much as she can. She made little mess-ups but it's all fine, you assure her.
•She was ready to tell you to leave now. Until the spirit appeared anyway. She squeaked at the sight of it. Impossible... She felt like she could faint, but she tried her best not to.
•She was standing beside you the whole time, timid and making herself small. She was once again startled when the spirit called her. She swore to God that she won't commit anything sinful next time just don't let this phantom murder her. /j
•It was quite a frightful experience. She tells you that you did a good job. And that she'll do her very best the next time you do this.
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Peko Pekoyama
•She sweatdropped at the statement. Sumonning an ancestor? Isn't it dangerous and a bit odd? Maybe you shouldn't do it... Oh, it's for the killing game? I'll accompany you and do what I can.
•She wanted to know all the details about this so that she knows what to do. She knows that she can't attack a translucent creature, but who knows what'll happen, right? She's impressed with the items you had. She warns you that those are dangerous but you assure her that it's all fine. No need to worry.
•She stood there, patiently waiting for your so-called ancestor to come out. Once it did, she didn't feel any fear. But she was indeed alarmed. His hand shot up to her sword on her back, attempting to grasp defense. But before she can grab it, the phantom warned her that it meant no harm. No need for hostility. She calmed down.
•She was beside you, arms crossed and eyes intently at the ghost. Never letting her guard down. She would slip in questions randomly which was a big help. And the ancestor didn't hesitate to answer truthfully.
•She's thankful that no trouble appeared while you were doing the session. She had to thank the ghost for that at least. You got a lot of information, so she hopes that this happens again.
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Sonia Nevermind
•You thought she would never in a million years, but she's actually excited! She can't stop talking about it to others. Thinks of potential scenarios that could happen. It's a bit odd, but it's a new experience, so why not?
•She talked about what she knew about summonings from the books she read. It was helpful to have someone know a lot about this. But unfortunately, among the tools you had laid out, only 2 of them were familiar to her. You presented her with the book you had. No wonder she doesn't know how to use the others, she hadn't read this yet! Helped in every way she could though.
•She panicked at the first appearance of your ancestor. It was more frightening and menacing than she expected. She hid behind you for a short time and only came out when she gathered enough courage to.
•She asked relevant questions too, but some of them are the origin of the spirit. The phantom was weirded out but answered nonetheless. You had to apologize for her.
•She obviously enjoyed the whole session; she had fun. She had to admit, it was quite scary, but what an experience! Wouldn't hesitate to join you again next time.
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Eeeeeeee sorry this took so long, anon!! I hope you like it though, thank you for requesting!
-Mod Toko
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
Alone in the Ashes {16}
 A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfction, characters belong to Sarah J Maas. Modern au. Revolves around Nesta x Cassian, Feyre x Rhysand, and Elain x Azriel. Other characters appear throughout. Based on multiple prompts sent in by anons tbr below.
Warning: Mature content. Alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, drugs, sex, language, eating disorders.
For summary & chapter index, click >  Alone in the Ashes {Acotar}
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: It may be short but it’s still a hot mess. I should start naming my chapters like Friends episodes. This one is a tie between “The one before the weekend away” and “The one where Mor ships Elriel.”
Comment to tell me what you think, or to be tagged! x
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“The marks humans leave are too often scars.” ― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
Cassian had called to tell his coworkers that he couldn’t come in, but neglected to tell them it was because of a massive hangover. It didn’t help, either, when he decided to take Bryaxis for a walk around noon and found Tomas leaving Nesta’s apartment.
“Later,” he grinned, leaving Cassian staring at Nesta’s door.
He should have just walked away, should have let it go.
But he couldn’t.
He slammed his fist against her door, over and over again, until she opened it up. She wore an oversized hoodie and a pair of jogging shorts. Her golden-brown hair was in a high pony-tail, her feet bare.
When she saw Cassian, she hesitated, but the look of surprise quickly faded and was replaced with something hard and dismissed. “I was just leaving.”
“I’m coming in,” Cassian grunted, and as she was protesting, he stormed past her. “Have fun last night?”
“You don’t want to know the answer to that any more than I want to answer it,” Nesta said. She left her door open and didn’t stray from the threshold. 
Cassian turned to look at her and shrugged. “Well?”
“Well, what?” she asked, exhausted. 
“I deserve an explanation,” he said, as if it were obvious. 
Nesta sighed, rubbing her temples. “Look, Cassian, we hung out, we had fun, and now my boyfriend is back. Okay?”
Cassian chuckled, shaking his head. “I know you, Nesta, and you can’t hide from the fact that you just cringed when you said the word boyfriend. The guy’s a jackass, Nes.”
Nesta’s eyes narrowed. “Says you of all people.”
Cassian stilled. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You just wanted me for sex!” she said, throwing her hands in the air. “You’re just like every other guy I’ve ever been with. Try to impress me, fuck me, call it a night. It was only a matter of time before you got bored. Trust me, I’m doing you a favor. The sex was great while it lasted, but you’re free now.”
She stepped aside.
The way out was clear. 
Cassian didn’t move. “Do you seriously think that’s what I think of you? That you’re a fucking sex toy?” 
Nesta wouldn’t look at him as she said, “Don’t make a scene, Cassian. You look ridiculous.”
Cassian’s jaw went rigid. Bryaxis looked up at Cassian, noticing his change in posture. “Nesta…”
She stared at the floor. “Please leave.” 
Cassian stayed where he was. He had to say it, had to confess. What she did after was up to her. “Nesta, I love y-”
“Stop!” she cried, and when she looked up, her eyes held such pain and misery that Cassian thought he’d been punched in the gut. “Don’t. Shut the fuck up. Okay? Stop. Just...Just. Fucking. Go. Please.”
Cassian’s lips snapped shut as he nodded, slowly. Bryaxis whined at his feet. “Fine. Alright. Whatever.”
He walked toward the door and when he had met Nesta where she stood, he took a step closer to her, took her face into his hands, and brought her mouth to his. He kissed her slowly, savoring every second that passed, every second he got to taste her lips.
Nesta didn’t fight him.
But she didn’t touch him, either. Her hands stayed by her sides.
When he pulled back, Nesta’s eyes were shut.
Cassian dropped his hands, whistled for Bryaxis to follow, then he was out the door, walking away.
He didn’t look back.
Nesta closed her front door, quietly, and leaned back against it, slumping down until she was sitting on the cold, hardwood floor.
She knew she was crying, knew there were tears streaming down her face, but she was grateful she held it in until he left.
He was going to tell her that he loved her.
And oh, what a mistake that would have been.
Nesta knew who she was.
She was a bitch. A no-good, personality-less, empty bitch. She had done horrible things throughout her life. She knew where her place was, knew what to expect out of this life. 
As she wept in the entryway of her apartment, Nesta knew she had done the right thing.
Her heart was broken, shattered, but she had done the right thing.
She would have given anything to be loved by Cassian, but he deserved better than her. Women like Nesta were meant for men like Tomas.
Not men like Cassian.
Cassian was caring, thoughtful, kind. His heart was pure. A true gentleman...until that dark, seductive glare formed in his beautiful hazel eyes. And when he did make love, he made it well. 
Cassian was a good man.
The best.
And Nesta Archeron didn’t deserve a good man.
Because even though she loved him, too, she would never be able to admit it. She loved him too much to make him spend his days with her. If she let it continue, the days would pass, then the weeks, the months, the years. Eventually, he’d propose. And, being in love with him, she would say yes. And as time went on, she would find a way to mess it up. He would grow to resent her.
He would become unhappy, because who the fuck could be happy with a woman like her?
Nesta wouldn’t do that, not to him.
He deserved better. He deserved it all.
Better to break his heart now, before his love could be declared, then to let it go on and disappoint him, later. 
Even though breaking his heart meant breaking her own.
But, she had done the right thing.
Even if she regretted making him stop. She should have let him finish, should have let him say it, just once.
Nesta, I love you.
Nesta wiped her face with the back of her sleeves before picking herself up off the floor, her run long forgotten as she slumped down the hall, to the bathroom.
She opened the top drawer.
Pulled out Tomas’ pain pills.
Using the glass toothbrush holder, Nesta ground the pills into a fine powder, once again.
Cassian deserved better.
The bell rang as Azriel stepped into the fancy children’s boutique. His jeans were splattered with paint, although his black tee was clean. He hadn’t been wearing it while he painted, hopeful that Elain would get off early and catch him.
She didn’t.
True to his word, he went to her work, ready to pick her up for lunch. When he walked through the door, she caught his eye and smiled while she was talking to an elderly woman. He let her do her job and started to wander around. He had never seen so much pink, frilly shit in his life. He picked up a dress, one that he thought Mila might like, and looked at the price tag.
He quickly put it back. 
Suddenly, he was terrified to touch anything. 
Just as he thought to wait outside, Elain called his name.
He spun around, smiling when he caught her smiling up at him. She must have run home after he left, because her makeup was flawless and her hair hung in loose waves. She wore a little black dress with tights and ankle boots.
That morning, when he left, her face was bare, her hair a mess, and she was still half-nude from their almost-love making session in the middle of the night.
Her cheeks turned pink, as if she knew the thoughts that were running through his mind, making his heart beat wildly.
He kissed her on the cheek. “You look nice.”
“Thank you,” she said, quietly. “Lunch?”
“Anywhere you want,” he said. “That...can fit into the one hour slot that is your lunch break.” 
She laughed and nodded. “Perfect.”
After grabbing her bag, clocking out, and telling her boss she’d be back, she was walking down the sidewalk, hand in hand, with Azriel. 
“What are you hungry for?” he asked.
She thought about it for a moment before suggesting, “Tacos? There’s a food truck just up here my boss goes to all the time. She says it’s amazing.”
“Everybody loves tacos,” Azriel said, fingers tightening around her hand. “I should bring some home to Mor. She took Mila to school this morning which means she had to put a bra on before noon. She always gets cranky when she has to put a bra on before noon.”
Elain laughed, voice bright. “Ah, every woman gets cranky when they have to put on a bra. It’s truly tragic. The worst part of womanhood. Well...definitely in the top ten.”
Azriel chuckled. “I’m not sad to say I wouldn’t know.”
Elain rolled her eyes and nudged him in the side. “Men.”
Azriel grinned as they came up on a row of food trucks near the heart of the city. Azriel asked Elain to find a seat while he ordered. And once he did, and was carrying boxes full of tacos, he found Elain sitting beautifully by a fountain of the goddesses. Water was pouring from their mouths, in true fountain-fashion. 
He set a box in front of her. “Chicken and rice.”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he murmured, opening his own box. He got one for Mor, too. He’d bring it to her once he walked Elain back to work. 
Elain told him about her day as she ate, and he told her what he’d done that morning to finish up at her dad’s.
“Oh! Speaking of that, I have exciting news, I completely forgot,” she said, setting down her fork and clapping her hands.
Azriel raised a brow.
“That townhouse I applied for? I got it,” she beamed. “I can move in this weekend. I was...hoping you could help?”
“Of course,” he said, smiling. “That’s great, I’m so happy for you. I’ll get Cassian to help, too.”
“Thank you,” she said, eyes soft. She reached across the table and squeezed his hand.
They ate the rest of their lunch in easy, light conversation before Azriel walked her back to work and kissed her goodbye before hopping into his truck and driving home. 
Mor was doing yoga when he walked in.
“Good, I just started,” she said. “Put on your yoga pants, Az. Join me.”
Azriel snorted. “No, thanks. I did bring you lunch though. Tacos. Really fucking good, too.”
“Aw,” she smiled, moving into her next pose. “Aren’t you the sweetest?”
“Yes,” he sighed. “I am. How did Mila do this morning?”
“Awesome,” she said. “She really seems to like it there. She introduced me to her teacher, her friends, the class hamster, and every one of the dolls and stuffed animals in the play area.”
Azriel laughed. “Sounds right. You’re lucky, though. I only got to meet Deano the dinosaur. All the other stuffed animals were too important for me.”
Mor grinned, falling onto her mat. “So. Elain-”
Azriel groaned. “Stop asking me about my sex life, please.”
“We all know this is much more than just sex,” Mor crooned.
Azriel plopped down on the couch and popped open a can of Coke. “Fine. Stay out of my….”
“Love life?” Mor implied, eyebrows wiggling. When Azriel didn’t reply, she rolled her eyes. “Az, you’ve never even said that word to a woman, have you?”
“Haven’t found a woman I’ve loved. No need to say it if it’s not true.”
“Before Elain?” Mor asked.
Azriel shot her a glare. 
Mor’s eyes softened as she said, “You two are really good together.” 
“You’ve mentioned,” Azriel muttered.
“Look, on Saturday night, I’m taking Mila to the movies. And you, Azriel, are finally going to make love to that sweet, amazing woman.”
Azriel choked on his drink. 
Mor just patted his knee until he was done. “Great. It’s a date night, then.”
She left him on the couch, still halfway choking, to eat her tacos.
“He didn’t go to work today?”
“No,” Amren said, voice hard. “And he’s gone jogging three times today. I’ve tried to go talk to Nesta twice today, but she keeps telling me to fuck off.”
“Hmm,” Rhysand said, into his phone. “I would ask Feyre what happened, but she doesn’t talk to her sister.”
“Something went down,” Amren said. “Something bad, Rhys. I haven’t seen Cassian this pissed in a while. He doesn’t handle this shit well. When I got back this morning from going out with my old work friends, at around two, he was passed out drunk in his bed, sleeping upside down with his socks on. He was sleeping with his fucking socks on, Rhys. He hates socks on when he sleeps.”
Rhysand sighed. “I’ll try calling him again but I doubt he’ll answer.”
“Well, try,” Amren muttered. “He’s a mess.”
“I will,” he promised.
“Thanks,” Amren said. “Tell Feyre I say hi.”
“Will do.”
He hung up just as the front door opened and Feyre came in. She smiled when she saw him sitting at the table, covered in food and candles.
“I wasn’t expecting dinner,” she said, slipping off her shoes. 
“Don’t get too excited,” Rhysand laughed. “It’s from the diner across the street.”
Feyre grinned, sitting in the chair across from him. “Either way, it looks delicious. I’m starving.” 
“Dig in,” Rhysand urged, gesturing to her plate of pasta.
He watched her while she took a big, obnoxious bite and laughed. 
“Why are you watching me eat?” she asked, covering her mouth.
“I love you,” he said, softly. “So much.”
Feyre raised a brow. “I love you, too.”
Rhysand cleared his throat as he picked up his fork. “I thought we could go away this weekend. What do you think?”
Feyre started chewing slower. “Really? Where?”
“My mom’s old cabin, up in the mountains,” he said. “We could leave Friday after you get off and come back Sunday night. It’s only an hour drive.”
Feyre’s smile widened. “Yeah, okay. That sounds nice.”
“Good,” he said, a breath leaving his body. His whole plan revolved around her saying yes to the cabin. 
Feyre took another bite. “You’re acting weird.”
“What?” he asked. “No, I’m not.” 
“Yes, you are,” she said, eyes narrowing. “What are you hiding from me?”
I’m gonna ask you to marry me. No big deal.
“Nothing,” he said, stuffing his mouth with pasta. 
“Damn it, Rhys,” she began, setting down her fork. “Rhys, you’re hiding something from me.”
“I’m not,” he said, swallowing his noodles. 
“I know you,” she said, crossing her arms. “Tell me now.”
“It’s nothing,” he promised. 
“Tell me or I’m not going this weekend.”
Rhysand stilled, sighed, and set down his fork. “Fine. I…...I went to see Tamlin today.”
He wasn’t sure why he thought that was better than telling her he wanted to marry her, but it’s what came out. 
“You did what?” she asked, softly. “Why the hell did you do that?”
Rhysand rubbed his temples. “Look. We can’t live like this, Feyre. I love you. I want to be with you. And I want Tamlin to back the fuck off...so, that’s what I told him.”
Feyre said nothing.
“Hey..” Rhysand breathed, reaching across the table to take her hand. “I handled myself. I was….nice.” Feyre rolled her eyes. “I told him that you deserved better. Okay? That’s all.” 
Feyre sighed, wrapping her fingers around his. “I guess I can’t be mad at that. Thank you.”
He nodded. “Of course. Now, eat. This pasta’s delicious.”
Feyre smiled, softly. A minute passed before she asked, “Do you think that’s it, then? That Tamlin is done throwing his hissy fit?” 
“Yeah,” Rhysand said, smiling. “I do.”
Hopefully she didn’t see it for the lie he thought it was. 
tag List (to be tagged, comment or send me an ask!)
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{ “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever met that asshole” - Feysand } -anonymous
{ “How about Nessian needing to fake date when they go home for the holidays?!” } - anonymous
{ “could u pls do like an elriel fic where azriel is like this mysterious bad boy and elain is a goody two shoes lik aaaaa i cant get that image out of my head” } - anonymous
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yikestripes · 5 years
Same old
A/N: Here you go anon!!! I hope you enjoy!!!!
Pairing: Bill x Reader
Request: May I request a fic with Bill Denbrough x reader that has Bill saving the reader from her worst fear that Pennywise is putting her through? (which can be something related to bullying or some sort of phobia). And I do think it’s more fitting as adults considering what happened in the second movie, but it’s also fine if they’re written younger—
(Y/D/J) = Your dream job
You swallowed hard, pulling up outside of the Chinese restaurant Mike had picked. You weren’t particularly prepared for the potential horrors waiting for you inside; you felt anxious as hell, being reunited with the people you’d called friends your entire childhood with barely any recollection of their names or virtually anything about them. As a matter of fact, you hardly remembered anything Mike had brought up during your brief phone call the night before about your childhood. You never had any reason to bring it up in conversation, or think about it for any other reason, so why would you remember? But then again, how could you forget? Isn’t that someone everyone does, forget? Especially when they grow up and move away? Apparently not.
You shook away the negative thoughts that swirled around your aching brain, and got out of your car as another car pulled into the parking lot. You paid no mind to the other car, too distracted by the restaurant looming overhead and what awaited you inside, when someone calling you from behind brought you back.
“(Y/N)?” You turned at the sound of your name being called by a distinctly deep, male voice, and were met with a man around your age squinting at you behind his glasses, seemingly confused. You stared for a second before it clicked; Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier stood before you, hands tucked sheepishly into his leather jacket, with his hair wild from running his fingers through it moments before.
“Oh my GOD! Richie!” You felt yourself running at him and attack him in a hug. He didn’t move at first, still slightly taken aback by having seen someone he hadn’t seen in 27 years look so painfully familiar but like a beautiful stranger. He moved to hug back but you’d already stepped back to get a better look at him.
“You look great, Trashmouth! What the hell!” You laughed and Richie’s awkwardness eased up as he smiled a bit.
“Look at you, you look gorgeous! What the fuck happened to me?” He glanced at his reflection in the glass of the window and shook his head a bit.
“Oh stop. When did you get in?” You asked, stuffing your own hands in your pockets, quickly becoming re-acquainted with the chilly air of Maine.
“Last night. You?”
“Earlier this afternoon. Have… have you seen anyone yet?”
“Nope. You?”
“Not yet. Wanna go in?”
“Not at all.”
“Alright, let’s do this.” You took your hands out of your pocket with a deep breath to calm your racing heart, and ripped the door open as Richie followed behind you.
The restaurant seemed nice and was brightly lit, which helped to relax you a little bit.
That might make it easier to recognize everyone.
The hostess led you and Rich to a private room aside from the main dining room, where 3 grown men near the fish tank, becoming readjusted to each other once again.
“Wow, take a look at these guys!” The shorter man in the red jacket said, attempting to relieve some of the tangible awkwardness.
You pressed your lips together as you made eye contact with the taller man, who seemed to be familiar in a different way than the others. His muscles contracted as he crossed his arms over his chest, his silver watch winking at you in the light. His blue eyes were bright, and full of hazy memory.
“Look at her TREMBLE girls! She’ll be a laughing stock by the end of the day!” Gretta Keene was cackling as you shook like a teapot, your back so far against the lockers that the locks were pressing into your back. You had no idea why Gretta was so terrifying, but she just was. There were no limits with her torment, and that certainly didn’t exclude you. She’d thrown wet trash on you, poured paint in your backpack in art class, and hid your clothes after gym class. She made you miserable at any opportunity, purely because she knew it bothered you; plus you were an easy target, you had no one to protect you. She had all the power. Especially since she found your sketchbook, filled with embarrassing drawings of one Bill Denbrough.
“Oh s-shut up, G-gretta.” The all-too-familiar lanky boy stepped out from behind Gretta, meekly followed by a few other boys you’d recognized from your classes through the years, who were always with Bill. Gretta whipped her ponytail around to look at who’d interrupted her fun, allowing you to sneak a bit closer to the boys.
“Aw would you look who it is, Stuttering Bill Denbrough! Coming to protect your little girlfriend, huh?” Bill’s blue eyes hardened, ignoring Gretta’s comment.
“Just leave her alone, she never did anything to you.” Bill crossed his arms over his chest.
“Oh yeah? Or what?”
“O-or I'll r-r-remind the w-wh-whole school a-about how R-Ri-Richie p-p-pulled up your skirt d-during the cl-class play i-in 4th grade.” Bill smirked as Gretta’s face turned a shade of pink.
Richie snickered as he adjusted his glasses, clearly still amused by the memory. Eddie glared at him and Richie shrugged.
“You win this round, Denbrough,” Gretta glared at him, clearly trying but failing to intimidate him. “Next time, Stuttering Bill won’t be around to save your ass, you little slut.” Gretta lunged at you and you slammed back into the lockers, trying to hide your wince after hitting a lock particularly hard.
She sashayed away as you recovered, rubbing the lower part of your back.
“Thank you.” You whispered to Bill, casting your eyes down. You were extremely shy, especially after Gretta’s torment had begun. You looked back up and Bill smiled kindly at you, extending his hand to help you up.
“I-I’m Bill D-D-Denbrough,” You shook his hand with a shy grin. “I-I know w-we’ve had c-cl-classes together f-for a few y-y-years, b-but I d-don’t thi-think we’ve e-ever spoken.”
“I’m (Y/N).” Bill nodded.
“I’m Richie!”
“Edward Kaspbrak, but you can call me Eddie.” “Call him Eddie Spaghetti, he LOVES that!”
“I told you to stop calling me that!”
“Alright Eds, have it your way.”
“I hate Eds too! It’s Eddie!”
“Calm yourself, Eduardo.”
“RICHIE!” Richie snickered again as Eddie crossed his arms, huffing in frustration.
“I”m Stanley, Stanley Uris.”
“Oh, yes! We have math together.” You smiled at the curly-haired boy. He sat behind you at math, always answering the teacher’s questions.
“Bill?” You whispered, frowning slightly. Bill broke out into a grin and approached you slowly, memories streaming back.
“(Y/N).” He said almost breathlessly, pulling you into a tight hug. Your knees almost buckled beneath you at his familiar scent and feeling of him holding you so close and so tight.
“I can’t believe it’s been so long, I just, I can’t believe it…” You trailed off, an eruption of memories causing your previous headache to return. You grimaced slightly, and shook it away, not allowing something so silly to ruin your evening.
“I know. It’s been what, 18 years? 17? Right after college, I believe, is when we last saw each other.” Bill took a step back, suddenly feeling like he was back in high school with the way his emotions were running so rampant.
“Something like that. How have you been?? What’s been going on? What do you do?” You became readjusted quickly, the other Loser’s looking on with a familiar feeling, as if they’d seen the same sort of interactions between the two of you. As a matter of fact, they had. When you were all much, much younger, and a lot more unable to speak your feelings.
You and Bill caught up very quickly as you awaited the other’s arrivals, one by one. You learned he followed his heart and became a writer, and you’d actually read a few of his books! Contrary to popular belief, you thought his endings were not that bad. He’d been married for a few years, but it never quite worked out, so they ended up divorcing on civil terms. He found out you hadn’t married; never quite finding the right person. Little did you know, the right one had been only a few hours away, subconsciously writing your personality into book characters. You’d become (Y/D/J), traveling the world like you’d always wanted to, and settling down in a place that was the complete opposite of Derry. Not that you’d remembered what it was like in Derry, but once you returned, you shuddered at how much the place had affected you.
You left the Chinese restaurant feeling a heavy weight on your shoulders, weighing down on you like never before. Between finding out about why Stanley hadn’t been at dinner, the fortune cookie massacre, and your feelings for Bill all coming rushing back at once, there was almost nothing keeping you from leaving. Almost.
“I-I’m gonna go w-w-with Mikey to the library, you o-okay to get back by yourself?” Bill asked, mentally cursing for allowing his stutter to rear its head.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay. I’m probably gonna go to bed and mull things over.” You rubbed your hand up and down his arm, watching as he untensed a little bit. Your touch was always enough to relax Bill, especially back in the days after the first battle.
You slept over his house pretty often, sneaking in and out of his window on the days you were afraid his parents would think you were spending too much time there. Half the time when you would wake up in the middle of the night by yourself, usually after a Gretta or Pennywise induced nightmare, and sneak over to Bill’s and climb into bed with him; your safe space. He would crack an eye open, smile, and open his arms to you. You climbed in and wiggled up next to him as he held you close, a smile gracing both of your faces.
“I’ll see you back there, then.” He smiled at you and his hand lingered on your shoulder for just a moment, before joining Mike in his car. You made it back to the motel without incident, and fell into a dreamless sleep.
The following morning, you woke up and found yourself shivering for the first time in years; and you knew it wasn’t because of any sort of draft. Along with the horrid memories that poisoned your childhood, the ones that remained untouched by the horrors you experienced also recurred. It was almost as if you were reverting to the person you were while living in Derry, complete with your need for Bill Denbrough to protect you.
“It’s only going to work if we split up,” Mike said, glancing at each Loser.
“No way, statistically speaking we’re much better off if we remain together as a group!” Eddie said, nervousness lacing his already edgy voice.
“W-we can’t. You w-won’t b-be able to find y-your tokens, it’s a sort o-of… personal journey. E-each of us h-has to par-partake.” Bill said, clapping a hand on Mike’s shoulder.
You shrugged and started climbing the ladder, squinting in the filtered light of the Barrens as you walked forward, feeling propelled by some unknown force. Just as Mike had advised, you all split up. You’d crossed paths with Bill a bit later in the day, who looked extraordinarily pale. Assuming he’d already grabbed his token by the look on his face, you just pulled him into a hug.
You pulled away with a smile, quickly realizing your mistake. A mangled sort of Gretta Bowie stood in front of you, hair matted and her typical blue eyeshadow was replaced by something red and gooey, assumably blood.
“Did you miss me, freak?” A voice that was only partially human seemed to be coming from Gretta, even though her mouth didn’t move.
You stood in frozen horror, mouth agape.
“I missed you, I thought you’d never come back to talk with me.” The creature that resembled your former tormenter remarked. “No one ever wants to talk with me.” The creature flipped its matted hair. “Look at you TREMBLE! The whole school is gonna know about your pathetic little crush on Bill Denbrough, the boy with the stutter. You know he never loved you, right? He thought you were a freak, like the rest of us. Just a quiet, little freak. He only pretended to like you, because he’s such a nice guy. Look at you now! All grown up and the same little crush on Big stuttering Bill Denbrough!” Gretta cackled in the most sickeningly familiar way, and you dropped to your knees in tears.
It’s not real.
It’s not real.
It’s not real.
It’s real.
You felt like you were going to throw up, all the anxiety and shame rushing back at you all at once.
Bill had crossed the street near his old neighborhood, still slightly unnerved by his encounter with Pennywise. Subconsciously, he had been hoping to run into you on the hunt for your token, looking for some sort of excuse to see you. He hated the idea of the whole group splitting up, despite the visions Mike had forced him to see the previous night. He knew it was the only way but the reality of the situation sat heavy like a rock in his stomach; he couldn’t stand the idea of losing another loved one to the goddamn clown that had been terrorizing him since he was just 13 years old.
An ear piercing scream rang out suddenly, breaking Bill from his thoughts. A very familiar scream.
“(Y/N)!” Bill whipped around wildly, looking for some sort of direction to go in. Another scream rang out and he followed the sound to Jackson Street, where he found you on your hands and knees, screaming unintelligible words. It was almost as if you were screaming at someone, not just something.
“(Y/N)!” He yelled again. You hadn’t heard him, and just kept on screaming your head off. Suddenly you stopped, and curled up in a ball, sobbing uncontrollably. You were clutching something to your chest that Bill couldn’t quite see as he tried to ease you into sitting up.
“H-hey, it’s okay. It’s me.” You looked up at him, your face completely tear stained with mascara running down your cheeks. Bill’s heart clenched a little bit.
“What h-h-happened?” You jumped into his arms, and began sobbing all over again. “Shhh, it’s o-over now. T-the clown c-c-can’t hurt you any-anymore.” He whispered into your hair, trying to get you to relax a little bit. Your heavy breathing eased as your breaths became more even, and you sat back on your heels.
“It was Gretta.” You said, your throat feeling raw from screaming. “She was telling me all these horrible things, and I-I just lost it.” You hugged the book tight to your chest.
“Well,” Bill’s eyes darted from the book to you. “At least you got your artifact.” He smiled his same old smile, making you feel a little bit warm inside. That smile could make anything seem a little bit brighter.
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twdeadfanfic · 6 years
Bad luck Pt.1
Author’s note
I had an anon request  for a fic in which Daryl, Rick and the reader go out on a run, but the reader gets hurt. I got a little carried away and it ended up being too long to be a one-shot, so I divided it in two.
I decided to try and wite it from Daryl’s pov, it was quite challenging but I really enjoyed it!
I decided to post it on Sunday’s night since we don’t have twd nomore, second part will be posted next Sunday. My series “A not-so-quiet-life” will still be posted on wednesdays.
I hope you like this, and I hope the anon who requested it is happy with it!
As always, excuse me if there’s any mistake, English is not my first language.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Tags/Warnings: Daryl’s pov, established relationship, violence twd style.
Daryl looked at the perimeter around as the car drove fast, trying to find some place, anything, where they could find the supplies and food that day after day Rick and him went out looking for. Through the rearview mirror he saw Y/N on the back, blissful smile on her face.
“What’re you smiling about?”
“You.”  She replied, her grin growing bigger, and Daryl felt his cheeks heat up.
She did that a lot, make him feel like that, she was always able to make him blush and turn him all flustered and babbling. He’d have hated it, making him feel like an idiot, if it weren’t for the warm feeling that always came with it, spreading through him, making his stomach do weird things and his heart go crazy.
It wasn’t a feeling he was used to.  Most times, it still made him feel light headed. Sometimes it made him feel like he was floating. Other times it made him feel like running and hiding. He could never run away from her, though.
A low chuckle coming from the driver’s seat made Daryl come back to earth and he rolled his eyes at Rick, feeling like he was just blushing even more.
“I’m smiling at you too, just so you know it.” Y/N told Rick.
“Better smiling at me than glaring me down,” Rick replied, sounding amused, while he looked pointedly at Daryl for a second before training his eyes on the road again. Daryl just scoffed at him.
“See, that’s what I mean.” Y/N leaned forwards so she could look at them better. “You’ve been looking so stressed lately…I know we all have gone through a lot but it’s nice to see you smiling again. Both of you.”
Daryl felt Y/N’s hand at the back of his head, running her fingers through his hair and he couldn’t help his smile. He knew he hadn’t been doing great in Alexandria, but he also knew he would have done much worse without her there with him to help him through everything.
It wasn’t that he hated the place, like so many people seemed to think. It was more like the place hated him, no matter Y/N took the time to repeat him a million times how that was not true. People had been staring at him, looking at him weird since they arrived…because they were curious, Y/N would always say, but still it made his skin itch.
The place was the best chance of survival for his family, sure, with the tall walls and what not, but it felt strange anyway��the place, the people… he couldn’t fit in there. It felt like back in his old town, or in that quarry when he first met most of the people that strangely enough would become his family, even like back in the Greene’s farm. Back then he’d felt like an outsider, like he didn’t belong, like the people there didn’t want him around, and now all those feelings were threatening to creep back into his head day in day out, no matter Y/N always came to shoo them away.
Daryl had tried, for his family. They deserved that place, they deserved to be safe and fed, and sheltered from all danger, they deserved to have a life. They had gone through so much already.
His family liked Alexandria. They hadn’t trust it at first, of course, but eventually, they had settled in while it seemed he couldn’t. It’d worried him, even if he wouldn’t say it aloud, not wanting to make a fool out of himself. But some part of him had worried thinking that they were going to grow tired of him, or realize they didn’t need him, or wanted him, they would find better people, and he’d be forgotten. If that’d have happened, then he could have always taken his bike and leave that place, drive far away alone…but the idea made him feel like someone was ripping his heart out of his chest.
Somehow he had become dependant of those people, of who now Daryl called his family. Merle would have laughed at him for sure, at how weak he was, how dependent of others. Daryl himself still berated himself for it too sometimes, but those voices were getting weaker and weaker.
Y/N seemed to have noticed how he felt without him saying anything, though, reassuring him again and again how he had nothing to worry about until Daryl almost believed it.
Aaron, the Alexandrian that had brought them in, had tried to help him too, Daryl still didn’t know why. He would always say how Daryl didn’t belong out there but in Alexandria, though Daryl wasn’t sure he believed it. Aaron had found him a job that got him out of Alexandria, looking for people with him, and for that Daryl was grateful. Sometimes that place felt like too much, the walls felt too constricting, his mood would spiral down out of control and he feared he’d end up lashing out at Y/N when she was just trying to help or he’d push her away from him out of moodiness. Being out helped, made him feel better, and Y/N knew it.
He owed that to Aaron, he was a good man and Daryl had found himself thinking of him as a friend. Aaron’s boyfriend, Eric, too. And the doctor, Denise. Those were good people. They made it easier to stop feeling out of place, not matter sometimes he still woke up with the urge to just get on his bike and drive far away from there, on his own again.
But Y/N would be curled up next to him and he couldn’t leave her, couldn’t do that to her, couldn’t tear himself away from her, the thought of not being with her made his stomach clench. Couldn’t do it to his family, either. And if he was honest, he didn’t want to, no matter what Merle’s voice told him or how he laughed at him, the idea of never seeing his family again hurt. It made him feel weak sometimes, silly even, but most times the feeling kept him going, he had a purpose, to keep his family safe.
“You call that a smile?” Rick nodded at Daryl. “I know for sure that you can make him smile bigger when you really try.”
Daryl fought the urge to roll his eyes at his friend again. It seemed Rick had found an endless source of amusement at teasing him about his feelings for Y/N, even back at the prison, even before Daryl himself had made sense of what he was feeling and had come to terms with it. Granted, there hadn’t been much time for teasing and joking after the Governor came back to the prison, after everything that happened then…but Daryl didn’t want to think about it now and he focused on the feeling of Y/N’s fingers playing with the hair at the back of his neck.
It was then, after Terminus, after he almost lost everyone again after just finding them, and almost lost his own life, that he and Y/N had gotten together, officially together he supposed. He had “had a crush” on her, like Rick and Carol loved to say to tease him, long before that though.
But no matter if he tried, Daryl couldn’t really pinpoint the moment in which he realized his feelings for her were changing, growing in an unexpected way.  He caught himself smiling not only at her but at the thought of her, staring at her while she went with her life around the prison. His heart would skip a beat when she looked back at him, his stomach would do funny things when she talked to him, offered to help him around or just kept him company.
It had scared him and it had made him feel like an idiot. He had kicked himself about it, tried to get himself together, tried to stay away from her, but he couldn’t. Now he was glad he hadn’t, though, Y/N was the best thing that had happened to him and he knew it.
He still couldn’t make his head about Y/N feeling like him and reciprocating his feelings. Carol had always been telling him Y/N liked him too and to go for it, but Daryl couldn’t believe it and the idea of having to admit his feelings to Y/N made his mouth dry and made him want to hide in the woods. The fact that Carol and Rick seemed to have noticed it had been bad enough.
So, when that first night after Terminus Y/N had gone to curl up with him as she had done before a few times, but she had cupped his face with her hands to gently bring his lips to hers, Daryl couldn’t believe it. His heart had gone crazy, he had been paralyzed, couldn’t even kiss her back. He had been terrified, but when he had looked at Y/N, somehow his fear had gone away and he had found the courage to kiss her.  Her smile against his lips, the way in which her eyes lighted when she pulled back to look at him like he was something worth looking at like that, made  him feel like floating, gave him everything he needed to whisper to her all his feelings, all his fears, everything that he kept buried inside him.
They had done that for each other since then, taking care of each other, supporting each other. More Y/N for him than him for her, Daryl felt. She had made him keep going, he wasn’t sure if he’d have been able to do it without her. After he lost Beth, after he almost lost the others to thirst, starvation, exposure, walkers, without him being able to help them. He had had Y/N by his side and that had kept him going, had kept him sane.
Daryl couldn’t stop himself from turning his head to look back at Y/N with a growing smile on his face.
“No, see, he’s smiling too,” Y/N said, running her knuckles over Daryl’s cheekbone and looking at him in that way that took his breath away, made him feel more loved than he had ever felt, made him still wonder how someone could look at him like that. “But yeah, I can make him smile bigger, but you would have to leave us alone.”
Rick let out a big laugh at that, Y/N joining him. Daryl scoffed, embarrassed, shaking his head and pulling away from Y/N’s hand to slump into his seat. Still, when he heard Y/N’s giggle and noticed his hand sneaking around his seat to find his hand and squeeze it softly, he couldn’t help his own smile.
It took them a while of driving until Daryl spotted a warehouse ahead.
He pointed it at Rick, making him turn the car abruptly and speed up towards it. For someone who had been a cop, Rick liked to drive his car as fast as Daryl’d liked to drive his bike. Y/N had pointed it out once to tease Rick and since then Daryl had stolen it from her so he’d have something to tease him about when he was trying to embarrass him back.
The place seemed deserted when they parked the car, no walkers on sight, but still they looked around cautiously as they got out of the vehicle. Nobody seemed to be around, dead or alive.
Y/N came from behind Daryl, taking his hand to lace their fingers.
“Did I embarrass you too much?” She asked, a fond smile on her face, and Daryl couldn’t help but smile back.
“The usual.” He shrugged and Y/N giggled softly.
“I like to see you happy like this.”
Daryl pulled her closer to press a soft kiss to her forehead. Rick was right, she always managed to make him smile, no matter how down he might be feeling she always made him feel better.
“You two are gonna follow me and focus on this or what?” Rick called from ahead, amused. “I’m going to have to regret having told you to come with us, Y/N, you’re distracting him too much, I’m not taking you with us again.”
Daryl scoffed, hating how he was blushing once again and glaring at his friend, but Y/N just laughed and rushed to Rick, pulling Daryl behind her, still holding his hand.
“No! I was so excited when I was told to join the pros on a run! You can’t leave me behind, great leader!” Probably she was trying to sound dramatic but she just sounded amused, and if you asked Daryl, adorable. Rick snorted, rolling his eyes at her.“I was so happy to join you guys, you always go out only the two of you alone, I was starting to wonder if I should get worried…”
Daryl scoffed but Rick couldn’t help but laugh.
“Come on,” he nodded towards the warehouse, an amused smile still on his face. “This place seems empty and there are no walkers around.”
“Lucky us.”
They hadn’t been lucky, the warehouse hadn’t been as empty as it had seemed at first sight, there had been men inside, well hidden, waiting until they had them where they wanted them. When Daryl felt the barrel of a gun pressing against his temple he wondered if Rick had been right and he had let himself be distracted by Y/N too much. He should have been more careful, he should have checked the place more and better, he should have realized sooner that they weren’t alone, and certainly he shouldn’t have allowed them to split.
“Don’t you dare.” The man warned when he noticed Daryl trying to take his gun.
“Move away from him!”
All hope Daryl had had of Y/N being hiding somewhere broke when he heard her voice and saw her stepping in front of them, pointing her gun at the man. Daryl wanted to yell at her to run away from there but he knew she wouldn’t listen, he wouldn’t either if he were in her place.
“Sweetheart, lower that gun or I put a bullet into his head.” The man replied, his gun pressing harder against Daryl’s head. Y/N’s eyes were lit with rage but Daryl could see the fear in them too, the way in which her hand shook. “No? Are you going to shoot? See who’s faster, you or I? Alright.”
“No, no, wait.” Y/N said and Daryl shook his head no when she dropped her gun.
For a second, Daryl wondered about trying to fight against the man, though probably he’d be dead the second he moved. But he had to do something. Then, another man stepped in, gun pointed at Y/N and fear gripped Daryl’s heart. They’d kill her too. He had to do something, but he couldn’t think of anything, didn’t know what to do.
His last hope was Rick and that died too when a couple man walked him to them, guns pointed to his head too.
Daryl forced himself to keep it together, to keep his head cold, he needed it if he wanted to get Y/N out of there alive. She seemed to be holding herself better than him, though, he saw her looking from men to men, surveying them as if trying to make a plan on her head.
When her eyes landed on his, Daryl nodded ever so softly, trying to reassure her that everything would be fine even though he couldn’t believe it, even though he was scared to death thinking those men were going to kill Y/N and Rick in front of him and he couldn’t do anything to stop them.
Y/N nodded back before looking at Rick. It wasn’t the first time they had been attacked, they had gotten themselves out of similar situations before, they could almost communicate with each other without words, just by looks. But still, it had never been like this, with all them being held by gunpoint and without any backup.
Daryl didn’t have any ideas about how to get them out of there, but he had to do something.
He began to turn around to try and throw himself at the man, half expecting to be shot in a second, but instead of that he hit his head hard with the gun, making him feel dizzy, his vision going blurry, a trail of blood sliding down the side of his face, and then the man pushed him onto the floor.
“Hey! Leave him alone!”
Daryl heard Y/N growling and as his head stopped spinning he saw the man holding her pushing her onto her knees too. He gripped her hair, holding her in place and pressing his gun to the back of her head, looking at Daryl. Daryl was shaking of rage but he got the message and he didn’t try to move again. Tears of fear and anger burned his eyes and he bit his lip until it bled to stop himself from crying, from saying anything, from doing anything that could get Y/N killed.
“Stop!” Rick’s voice commanded. “What do you want?”
“What do you have?”
“Nothing, we came here to scavenge for things.”
“Bad luck.”
“We have a car.” Y/N interrupted the conversation. “Parked outside, full of fuel, you can have it, and the stuff we have inside.” Daryl looked at her, wondering what she was doing. “You can go and check.”
The men looked at each other for a couple seconds and then one of them nodded.
“Alright, you’re coming.” The man yanked her up onto her feet again and pushed her in front of him, holding the gun to her head. “If it’s a trap or something, I’m killing you.”
Daryl growled but before he could try to move again Y/N shot him a warning look and Rick shook his head at him ever so slightly. He tried to calm down, even though he was terrified for Y/N, but he also knew there was nothing he could do. At least now Y/N was taking away one of the men, Daryl could only hope he wouldn’t hurt her.
As they stepped out of the warehouse Daryl could hear the voice of the man loudly saying he’d kill Y/N if someone else was outside and tried something. When the door closed behind them Daryl felt his scared heart beating faster and faster until he felt it was going to jump out of his mouth. He couldn’t do anything, seconds felt like hours and he still didn’t know what to do, Rick wasn’t telling him anything, and he couldn’t take it anymore.
He was about to try to throw himself to the man again, not caring if it ended up with him being shot dead, when he heard a couple of shots coming from outside. His blood froze in his veins, fear gripping his heart as images of the man shooting Y/N flooded his mind, paralyzing him.
Rick’s voice, urging him, forced him back to his senses. The men had lowered their guard at the gunshots, and Rick had taken advantage of it to throw himself at closer two and was now struggling with them, skillfully disarming one of them and shooting the other with the gun he’d just taken.
Daryl moved just in time when the man holding him down pressed the trigger, the bullet just grazing his shoulder, but he didn’t feel the pain, tackling the man to the ground, hitting his head hard against the floor. The man stopped struggling and Daryl didn’t care if he was dead or unconscious.
He looked up to see if Rick needed any help just in time to see him shot dead the other man. Besides a bloody nose and a bruised cheekbone, he seemed good enough and so Daryl rushed onto his feet and run towards the door.
There was a gunshot behind him, Rick putting down the other man, and then he was running behind him too.
Daryl opened the door and found Y/N near the car, knelt down next the body of the remaining men, who was dead on the floor with Y/N’s knife embedded into his throat.
“Y/N! Y/N, you alright?!” He asked frantically, reaching out to help her up. “Are you hurt?”
“You made it.”
Y/N looked up, smiling weakly from him to Rick and then back at him. Daryl felt sick at the sight of the thin thread of blood that dripped from the corner of her mouth, his panic getting out of control as he noticed how weak she sounded, how pale she was, the sweat that covered her pained face. “It’s okay…I’m gonna need more than a band-aid, though…”
She groaned in pain when she tried to take Daryl’s hands and when she moved Daryl saw how the side of her shirt was wet with blood. He dropped onto his knees and lifted her shirt, horrified to find more and more blood pouring from a bullet wound at her side. The man had shot her, he had really shot her.
Daryl couldn’t breathe.
Thank you all for reading! If you have time, please drop me a comment and let me know your thoughts about this! Kind of nervous about the Daryl’s pov.
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yehetting · 7 years
EXO - Reaction
Anon: Hey! Can I request EXO’s reaction to finding out their S/O is unexpectedly pregnant but scared to tell them cause S/O is afraid that they’ll choose their career over a child? Thank you!
Of course you can! lol Its kind of nice to have a reaction in our ask box than the nsfw requests! (which we have like 2 left of and I’m working on rn) Also this kinda turned into a scenario/reaction lol sorry -Admin Sierra
He would find the test in the guest bathroom of your shared apartment while cleaning. He would wonder if it was yours or someone else. Once he realized that the only people who had been at your guys place where the guys he would kinda get frantic. He would wrap it in toilet paper and put it in his pocket.
As he cleaned he would silently ask questions on why you didn't tell him. If you where scared to tell him. Why you would be scared, he loved kids. He was wiping the mirror when he stopped. He realized he had been working a lot lately. Maybe you where scared because you thought he would choose his job over a family. Which made him sad. He was scared to bring it up though since you hadn’t said anything about it. He waited til that night, he asked you about starting a family which made your fear fade away. He did end up telling you he found the test in the bathroom though.
“Wait... you knew?” You would ask sitting up staring at him.
“Yeah, I thought it was someone else at first, but did the math and guys can’t get pregnant so....” He trailed off looking at you.
You nodded. He grabbed your arms and pulled you into his chest.
“Don’t worry love, I want this, I want a baby with you. I love you so much. We are gonna be great parents.” He said stroking your hair til you fell asleep.
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He came home early from practice wanting to surprise you with your favorite snacks and a movie. He had spent 90% of his time at work and the other 10% sleeping. He would actually overhear the conversation from you and your doctor outside the bedroom door confirming you where indeed pregnant. He was shocked, Whenever you to had sex you where always safe, to prevent this. Not that he wouldn't be happy and ready, Its his work and the fans, how they would react and treat you is what worried him. He hear you say your goodbyes and bolted to the living room when you walked out.
“Oh! you're home? So early.” you said kind of nervous of how much he may have heard.
“Yeah, I got out early... I picked up some of your favorite snacks and a movie, I figured since I haven't been home often I wanted to spend some time with you.” he admitted. You simply nodded and kinda rocked back and forth on your heals.
“Are you okay baby?” He asked setting the bag on the coffee table.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.Just a bit tired is all.” You lied. He just nodded and sat on the couch opening his arms to you so you could cuddle to him. He knew what you where thinking so he waited til you where ready to tell him.
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Junmyeon :
Being the leader of EXO meant he was hardly home, worse than the other members. He was surprised when he came home that you where still there waiting for him. He was so scared to lose you to his job that when he found the pregnancy tests in the trash can, hidden underneath papers in your shared bedroom, he would start crying. He knew why you had hid them. Or at least had a strong hunch. He would rush to the kitchen and make your favorite meal. You walked out of the guest bathroom to the smell of him cooking and your stomach churned. You walked into the kitchen and faked a smile as you hugged him from behind. He quickly turned around and wrapped his arms tightly around you and started to cry again.
“Junmyeon...” you where caught off guard at his cries and you tried to pull away to look at his face but he only held you closer.
“I love you so much.” He cried into your hair.
“I love you too.” You said holding him in your arms.
He finished cooking and you ended up telling him over dinner, and he explained that he knew and he didn't want to lose you or his baby to his job. He promised he would make sure he went to every doctors appointment and to be home as much as possible.
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Kyungsoo would find out from your best friend. They would tell him because they know your fear of him choosing his job over a family isn't true. No matter how many times they tried to convince you, you still didn't want to tell him you where pregnant. He would be mad at first because he was hearing such amazing news from your friend and not you. He would calm down once your friend explained why they where telling him instead of you. He was terrified to lose you two, so, he would drive home immediately ignoring the other members and his manager in the process.He was determined to show you how much you meant to him and how much he wanted this. When he got home he rushed into the house searching for you.
“(Y/N)?” He called through the house but got no response.
He ran up the stairs to your shared bedroom to find you sleeping in your guys bed. You face was puffy from crying. He crouched down, leveling his face with your sleeping one. H reached out and stroked your cheek causing you to flinch at the sudden contact. You woke up and stared at him for a second, then realized that he shouldn't be home yet.
“What are you doing home Soo?” you quietly questioned. Sitting up slowly and rubbing your eyes.
He just took off his jacket and shoes and climbed in bed with you. He pulled your body to his and ran a hand over your stomach. You froze.
“You know don't you?” you asked not looking at him. Cursing out your friend in your head.
“Yes, I do. (Y/N), why would you think I would ever choose my job over you. Our baby, a family?” he asked, using his index finger to turn your face to him. You shrugged looking at his nose instead of his eyes.
“I would never in a million years do that. You know me of all people, I would never do something so ridiculous, I want to be a farmer for heavens sake.” He said, causing you to laugh a little. He smiled and held you in his arms the rest of the day.
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He would be in China when he found out from Baekhyun. Baekhyun would congratulate him and you on the pregnancy and it would confuse the hell outta Yixing. Poor Baekhyun wouldn't know what to. He would apologize and quickly hang up the phone call. Yixing would call you immediately and question what Baekhyun had said.
“(Y/N)?” he said when you answered the video call. He looked worried and that worried you.
“Yixing? Whats wrong?” you asked squishing your eyebrows together.
“Is it true?” he asked.
“Babe, you're going to have to be more specific than that, Is what true?” you chuckled softly. Cocking your head to the side in confusion.
“Are you...” he trailed off taking a deep breath. “...Pregnant?”
You swallowed hard, Color draining from your face. You stared at him through the screen.
“Ho-” you started but he cut you off.
“Baek told me, he said he found the test on the bathroom counter he thought you already told me. You didn't. Why?” he looked mad. He wasn't he was just confused why you wouldn't share such amazing news with him, the father. You sighed and explained why, Slowly and nearly so quiet he almost couldn't hear you.
“Baby...” He sighed. “I would never choose my career over having a family with you. You're my everything! You keep me going when I want to throw it all away. I want to make a name for myself so we can be stable and raise a family. I’m doing this for us, but if it came down to choosing I would choose you over everything. I love you so much, Please don't ever doubt that or me.”
You had started crying but you nodded. “I love you, I love you so much Yixing, I was just scared because of the type of career you have.” you explained a little further.
“Don’t be love, listen I have to go now, but I will be coming home in 2 days, I’m cutting my time here short to spend it with you. I don’t care what anyone says. You need me there with you right now. Ill be home soon okay? I love you baby.” He said and you smiled and nodded. You two hung up and he was home the very next day.
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He would be terrified when he overheard you talking to your mom on the phone.
“I’m scared, What if he doesn't want this mom?”
He stopped in his tracks. Want what? he wondered.
“What if he gets angry and leaves me alone? He has a very important career, I am just a person.”
What? Why would I get mad? he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration listening further.
“I cant tell him...”
“I don't know what I’m gonna do that's why I called you, for help, some advice maybe...”
He shifted his weight to his other foot and leaned in further.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do maybe he wont care if I come see you for a few days while I try to figure it out.”
“I can fly, I’m not that far along, the baby will be fine mom.”
BABY?! WHAT?! His eyes bulged out of his head and he nearly dropped his phone.
“Okay I’ll text you later, mhm, Love you too.”
He took off towards the living room, tripping on the rug in the process. He tried to regain himself before you came out. He was thinking about what he had heard when you walked out. He propped an elbow on the counter top and pulled out his phone as you walked in.
“Oh. You're home?” you where shocked to see him. You shuffled to him. He kissed you and nodded. He didn't trust himself to speak yet.
“My mom called and wants me to come stay with her for a few days.She said she misses me.” You said very fast looking everywhere but his face.
“Okay, well Maybe we should make it a mini vacation, I have a few days off.” He said not waiting for you to answer when he called the local airline to purchase two tickets to your home town. He wanted you to tell him, but he didn't want you to be scared to so he figured being home with family would make you a little more comfortable.
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He would go quiet when Kyungsoo told him that you where pregnant. He would sit there and just stare at his hands.
“Why didn't she tell me?” he asked Kyungsoo.
“Because shes scared Chen, You have been taking more interviews and you even just came out with a song, do you realize how much promotion is going to take up your time?” Kyungsoo said.
Chen just covered his face with his hands and yelled into them. Causing Kyungsoo to jump a little. Kyungsoo put a hand on his shoulder.
“Go home, Ill cover for you, Make her dinner tell her you are gonna be home a lot now since our promotions for the comeback is over. Make her see that being scared to lose you to this job is ludicrous.” Kyungsoo stood grabbing Chen's arm and pulling him to the door.
“Okay, Um thank you Soo.. For telling me.” Chen thanked him and gave him a quick hug and left. When he got home you where washing the dishes from lunch. You where surprised to see him so early in the day.
“Oh?” You looked up and saw him enter the kitchen. “You're home! How was work?” you asked drying your hands off. He didn't answer, he took long strides to you and pressed his lips to yours. You where caught by surprise but kissed back.
“What was that for?” you asked a little out of breath when he pulled away.
“I missed you so much, I’m sorry I haven't been home enough, but that's changing today. Promotions are done and I’m not going to do any for my new song.” he stated taking your hands in his.
“What? No promotion for it? Chen are you feeling okay?“ you asked as you touched his for head. He nodded. He was attached to your hip just about all day until dinner when he forced you to stay out of the kitchen so he could surprise you with your favorite meal and dessert.
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He would actually be very pissed off. Not at you but at himself for making you feel this way. He spent most of his time at the studio or when he was home he was in his office working on new songs. When he did finally go to bed you where already asleep. Countless times he would notice you had been crying. He found out you where pregnant from the fans. They where mad at him for the same reason you where scared to tell him. One fan saw you at the doctors office, and overheard the news by accident. They took to Instagram spamming him with messages in his DMs. It was never posted, thank god.
“What do you mean you know (Y/N) is pregnant, shes not pregnant. Please don't spread rumors that arent true.” He responded to the fan as politely as possible.
“She is, I heard it, I was there. I didn't mean to hear personal information but she was crying in the room after. What did you do? Why did she not tell you?” The fan asked getting annoyed at him. He read it 5 or 6 times before it hit him. His job. That’s why. He decided seeing as the fan didn't post about it anywhere to confide in her.
“My job... That’s what I did, I think shes scared to tell me.” He said.
“Maybe you should spend more time with her, I understand your job is important but she’s your girlfriend, and shes pregnant, Imagine how she must feel right now! Chanyeol, Go to her. Don’t tell her you know make her feel loved and she will tell you herself.” She replied.
Chanyeol nodded firmly and took you out to dinner at your favorite place and went to the arcade and won as many plushies as he could. He made sure you felt every ounce of love he had for you that night, and forever.
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He was on your computer doing some work, You allowed him to use his when his would act up so it wasn't something new. He was typing away when he heard adding sound meaning you had a new email. Without thinking about it he opened it. Thinking it was just spam until you saw it was the doctors office he read it quickly thinking you needed to just make another appointment soon but it wasn't the case.
“Dear Ms. (y/l/n), The test results came back successfully, Congratulations! You're expecting a beautiful addition to the family. Please contact us to schedule a follow up appointment. -(D/n)” He read the email at least 7 times over.
“You almost done babe? I need to check my emails.” You snapped him out of his trance.
“Uh yeah hold on.” He said quickly closing the web browser and adding a few last words to his own email to his manager. He closed the laptop and handed it over. Not really looking at you.
“Thanks babe, Ill be in our room.“ You said kissing his head and walking away. He nodded slowly looking at his desk. He waited for you to come in and tell him what he already knew but you didn't. In fact you said you had a few errands to run and that you would bring back something for dinner. He was worried so he followed you. You met up with Minseok at a coffee shop. Sehun sat far away but close enough to hear. You told Minseok you where pregnant and when he tried to congratulate you you stopped him and told him you where scared to tell him because he might choose his career over a family. Sehun was shocked. He choked on his water and quickly ran out of the shop. He made it home before you and waited for you to come cuddle him on the couch when you walked in,
“Shoot, I forgot to grab dinner.” You said slapping a hand to your forehead.
“Don’t worry I ordered food for us, You always forget.” He chuckled patting the seat next to him on the couch.
“Thanks Sehun. I’m sorry I forgot... again.” You laughed grabbing a pair of chopsticks and grabbing a bite of the noodles. He watched you eat silently. The thought of you being scared of him leaving you behind, his family behind mad him sad. He held your hand causing you to look up at him.
“You know I love you right? You can tell me anything.” Sehun said out of the blue.
You swallowed your food. “I love you too Sehun..” You slowly said back realizing he knew something. You told him right after that.
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(I do not own any of these beautiful gifs)
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