#+ going on a diet; cutting down on salt and overly processed food in the hope it’ll give you more energy
fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
2024 affirmation: I will not dislocate my knee
#genuinely will be my thirteenth reason if this happens again and i’m not joking#i don’t think most of the people in my life get it. they don’t get what it’s like for every single step you take to cause you pain#for MONTHS on end. this started in MAY#and they don’t get what it’s like to have pain when you’re just standing up. or to worry that your knee is randomly going to give out on you#and that that’s going to be it this time and you’re going to need a knee replacement#OR; maybe worse; that your Other knee which has never given you a single problem will suddenly decide to give out (maybe due to all the#strain that’s been on it) and you’ll have to walk like a crab until that one heals#or to wonder if you’re just malingering and being too lazy. meanwhile doing all the exercises that your physio recommends you#+ taking a pilates class + buying a walking pad and trying to walk on it 5 days a week#+ going on a diet; cutting down on salt and overly processed food in the hope it’ll give you more energy#so you can exercise more and drop some excess weight so there’s maybe less strain on your knees and ankles#(or at the very least build muscle rather than fat so that the muscles are just better)#not to mention that nobody knows what the fuck is wrong with me. x-ray came back clear apart from ‘fluid on the knee’#which by the way - has never actually gone away? that x-ray happened on the 5th of july. i’d been injured for 6 weeks already by then#i still get this godawful like.. almost Bubble of fluid on the top right of my kneecap whenever i’ve been walking a lot#coming up on five months and i still have swelling. why. i’ve iced it into fucking oblivion#my doctor thought i had a hamstring tear. nope. my physio can’t find anything structurally wrong with me#we fixed the quad lag and my complete lack of ability to straighten the leg#but i still have pain and i still have discomfort and i still limp and i still feel like my kneecap is floating in a fucking soup#at this point i wonder if i have arthritis and nobody has noticed. the knee is crunchy. 🥴#all of it just makes me feel like i’m going insane. i fell and i was like ‘oh i’ll be fine in two weeks’#two weeks later i couldn’t even walk unassisted. like.#what did i doooooooo. why does no one seem to know. why does nothing show up on tests. idgi#personal#rant
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maeriiberii · 1 year
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Interesting tidbits about Merry, and a couple about the future she lives in, from the Old Adam Bar short story that live rent-free in my head: (under the cut because long)
These snippets regarding alcohol:
“New-style liquor is what's commonly and widely drunk; it's designed so that you can't get horribly drunk from it. The chance of becoming dependent on it is low, and it's relatively harmless to the body. Old-style liquor is the kind that's been drunk since a long time ago, made by natural yeasts. Most such liquors include alcohol, but none contain enzymes or such things that help break down the alcohol. You drink it, you get sloshed.“
"Because this is an old-style liquor bar, I suppose... But with this, you can get more drunk than with usual, cheap liquor." "Hm, I wonder if you can actually get drunk and stay healthy at the same time." "Healthy? Reeeaally think about it. Liquor, oil, salt, sugar, caffeine, gluten... we're actually overly conscious of eating healthily, even though medicine has advanced so much that people won't actually die easily nowadays. Rather it's because of that that planned life expectancy is being put into effect, no? Like this you can't tell if society wants to keep people alive or to kill them, can you? People who spend so much to drink old-liquor are just realists."
This rumor regarding snakes on Mount Miwa:
“Snakes. Snakes! A giant mass of them, all squirming around... I figure they can't do anything about them, since snakes are one of Mount Miwa's gods and all. Just what could they be eating for there to be so many of them there? I'll bet you it's got nothing to do with how Nara prefecture's lifespan regulations are proceeding the smoothest in the country...“
Drunk Merry is apparently bashful, and Renko is a dunce.
"This'll probably sound rude, but we're watching a bunch of grown adults tell stories in this bar like it's a secret clubhouse..." "My, really? You're going to be sharing your story afterwards too, Merry." "Augh. I knew this was coming..." Merry knew that her own mysterious experiences were undoubtedly truth. However, she was somehow unable to believe these other extravagant stories. They just seemed like they were trying to con people. She briefly wondered why Renko believed her accounts. 'It must be because I'm such a good storyteller, after all,' Merry thought bashfully. "---Faith in hair has been around since ancient times, just like with snakes. Regeneration's got to have some involvement in the processes of human faith, huh?" Apparently Renko believed nearly everyone's stories.
This Neat Trick Merry Has Learned With Her Abilities:
Renko took out a hand mirror and passed it to Merry, who showed it to each person in turn. Thanks to Merry's ability, that same mirror began displaying the scenery of those other worlds.
The entire ending scene and confirmation that Merry Can Tell If You Are Lying To Her:
"How'd it go?" "Mmm. About half of the stories were just made-up." "It went really well, though. My plan to have you show each of them the other side of the barrier through the mirror, and at the same time make contact with them to figure out if they really had been to another world." Merry was deeply impressed by how Renko had come up with all that on the spot. Yes, Renko truly was intelligent and a quick thinker. "The stories about the snakes and hair cult were true, by the way." "Really? I knew it! Those two stories weren't told anywhere near skillfully enough to be lies. It's decided, then!" "What is?" "What do you mean, what? We're headed to Mount Miwa!" Merry, still hung over from the old-style liquor, immediately refused.
tl;dr, in conclusion:
Medicine and food science advancing so much that they’ve fundamentally changed the natural diets of the human population into ‘healthier’ synthetic parallels really puts into perspective exactly what sort of food culture she comes from, and what exactly she experiences with her sense of taste and how it differs to what we ourselves are used to. Also confirmation that Merry is so unused to Actual Alcohol that she can’t even handle hard cider.
If alcohol loosens one’s inhibitions, then Drunk Merry’s thoughts regarding Renko are probably her most pure of heart, honest, and true feelings... and if you’re drunkenly having bashful thoughts about why your partner in crime wholeheartedly believes you no matter what bullshit you tell her doesn’t read as gay, then i don’t know what does.
Seriously the sheer adoration in this girl’s thoughts and introspection regarding Renko. Girl. You are crushing hard.
Confirmed Weird Shit in ‘The Real World’ regarding a hidden mass of snakes on Mount MIwa and a hair cult of all things, huh?
What the hell is this about lifespan regulations and planned lifespan expectancy that are mentioned and then never elaborated on?
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
How would the demon brothers [+ undatebles if you can no biggie tho if not] be with an MC who is plus sized and is super insecure about it? Like they try to get skinnier but can't and they get upset about it or get teased by other demons for being bigger. Side note: your writings are INCREDIBLE. Just like you 🤗💜🎆⭐
Thank you for the request and the compliment! You're too kind!
Oof weight lose and being bullied for my size is something I know abit too well, I always feel sad when I see plus sized people Insecure about their weight
I'm all for people wanting to lose weight to be healthy or just wanting change but when it stems from self hated and an unhealthy mindset - I just can't stand it
Demon brother's with a plus sized MC who's insecure
Warning: angst with fluff
He isn't a man who's to shy away from being rude and blunt to people
He wouldn't date someone for pity or lie
When he learned you were trying to loose weight
He and the other brothers all treated it how Asmo's diets go, he tries and fails and everyone makes no real effort to not tempt him with food
When he found you crying in your bedroom however
"What's the matter? You're crying, what has upset you?"
"You." Was all you said, trying to calm yourself
He, of course, wanted to know what he did
He kept pestering you until you finally snapped at him
"You're treating my wants like it's a joke! I want to lose weight and none of you are being supportive of it! Why can't you just let me do something for myself?!"
He was taken back
He sat beside you, taking your hand in his
"Why do you want to lose weight? This plan has come rather unexpectedly."
"Because I'm too big! Everyone thinks so! No matter what I do all nothing works! Don't you think I'm ugly?"
"Since when did being big equate to being ugly? Are your height makes you ugly?"
"my height...? What does that-"
"Weight isn't something we can always change like our height, some people just can't change their physical appearance, it can only happen naturally and even then it may be a small amount gained or lost."
"I think I get what you mean."
"I hate admiting this but- I'm not good at this kind of thing but I think you look wonderful, if you really wish to go on a diet I'll support you but it needs to come from a healthy and non destructive mindset."
He poked. your forehead before kissing your hand
"Mammon? Don't you get embarassed when you're out with me."
"You are pretty embarassing sometimes."
He wasn't pay too much attention, not catching up on your tone
"Oh.....I see....maybe I shouldn't come out with you tonight."
You already didn't want to go out, the outfit Mammon got you - whilst it looked expensive - was tight on you
"HUH?! now what's this all about? You trying to quit on the great mammon?!"
"Well- I'm much bigger than the demons you hang around with, aren't you ashamed? They're way more attractive than-"
He rushed to your side, gripping your arms
"Don't even finish that sentence, ya hear?! Who told you - you didn't look fucking fantastic?! No one talks to my baby like that!"
"But it's true-"
"I swear on Goldie that isn't true! You are the most stunning jewel I've seen, I'm so lucky to be with someone that looks like you! You're personality is already top notch - your body is like a shiny bonus I don't think I deserve!"
He pulled you into a hug, holding you like you were the most valuable thing to him
"You're gorgeous, just tell me who's been bullying you and I'll make sure they know their place, I never want you to feel like that."
Levi was showing off this cast of anime style chatacters from the game he was playing
All of them were so thin and muscular
Everyone had the perfect curve and ideal bodies
"We should cosplay these characters! Don't worry, you don't need to know everything about them - I think you'd really pull off this one, you two already have the same personality."
You looked down at yourself and then back at the Character
You frowned, clutching your stomach
"Really....? But they're so- well look at me!"
He looked at you, raising a brow as he tried to find what you were getting at
"They're a warrior who saved the universe with a knife, it's not supposed to be realistic-"
"I'm talking about my shape, levithan! I'm fat! I'm disgusting! They're built like a god!"
"YOU'RE built like a god! There's plenty of Gods from your worlds stories that are shaped like you! What's the issue?"
"you didn't even deny I was disgusting, those demons were right-"
"What demons?! Are you seriously letting some normies tell you you're gross? What do they know? I'm the luckiest demon alive to be with you and those demons can choke on salt water - you point them out and I'll get my army on them!"
"you really think that? You wouldn't like more if I looked more like your smile chatacters?"
"Media is based of toxic media where they focus on only one type of beauty standard, it's a problem within the game world that they don't add plus sized chatacters."
"i- yeah I guess so....I didn't expect you to really care about that."
"of course I care!"
You both sat in silence, you were processing his words and leaned against his shoulder
"Do you still want to cosplay together?"
You paused before nodding
You both went through the game he's playing, whenever the overly vain chatacter came out levithan would argue with them
Claiming you to be the most gorgeous being in the world not them
"I heard some rumours today, have demons been bothering you about your weight?"
You froze as Satan closed his book, shifting in the seat
You stepped back, avoiding eye contact, regretting coming to your room instead of helping mammon with some silly plan
"No...there's been no issue."
"Oh? Then why is there laxatives and diet guides in your school bag? You know I don't like it when you lie to me especially if it means you could be putting your body at risk."
You noticed your bag beside his feet
You immediately grew frustrated as you knew you were being called out
"Why did you go through my bag?! That's my own bussiness-"
"you said I could get my textbooks back, I found them in your bag - I'm sorry I went through your stuff but this isn't fine! You're going to force your body to push itself unnaturally."
"I just- i just want to get thinner, no matter how many times I try it doesn't work! I'm tired of seeing myself in the mirror and people telling me that you don't actually love me-"
"Some people just don't have it easy when it comes to weight lose, going on a diet isn't the best - I can go on cooking duty more often and make sure you have healthier meals."
He was at your side now, stroking your face
"Do you love me....? Truely?"
"of course I do, I've never loved anyone as much as I love you - you make me feel things I never thought i would, your size is the last of my concerns, I'm just scared you're going to hurt yourself."
You nodded, tearing up as you let him hold you closer
You tried to apologize but he silenced you, telling you that your emotions are valid
"Darling~! Let's take a bath together, I just got a new bath bomb and some soaps!"
He shook the mini basket filled with bath product's
"really...? Are you sure you want to do that, I'm not sure, I feel really bloated today-"
You were desperate to avoid getting naked Infront of him
Every once and a while he would ask to take a bath together, he respects your discomfort but wants to keep the offer open
"Oh, that's no issue~ we can have some tea Barbatos gave me, it's great for bloating!"
"why do you wanna see me naked so much? I'm not anything to see - wouldn't you be uncomfortable?"
"Uncomfortable? Why would I feel that?"
"In not the smallest person around-"
"Means you got more to love! I love your body!"
"But you're so gorgeous and slender, why would you ever love my body?"
He couldn't understand your feelings; confused on how you could see yourself in a negative light
"because I love you more than myself, I'm still the most special demon around but you're just something else, something I could never stop adoring!"
"Do you want to go eat with me? hell's kitchen is having a party."
Beel peered into your room, showing the hell's kitchen site
"I'm not sure about that, I've been trying to cut down on my eating."
"what? Why? Are you sick?"
He immediately got concerned, shuffling over to you
He placed the back of his hand on your forehead
"No- I'm not sick, I just think I should loose some weight."
"oh....then you can still go eat with me, I'll just eat more of your portions."
"you don't have any issue with me losing weight?"
Your insecurities started to chew at you
You weren't really sure what you wanted; you wanted him to be cruel and straight forward about hating your body
It would make your feelings feel more grounded
But you couldn't bare it if he didn't like your body
"It's your choice - should I be concerned?"
"no way! It would be for the best anyway, right? Atleast then I'll look better-"
"What does your weight have you to do with your looks? I think you look fine."
"you don't think I'm too big? Wouldn't you prefer someone more petite? I know you like small things-"
"I like you, I don't see any issue with your body."
It did feel a little ridiculous to think the avatar of gluttony would be bothered by your size but you still couldn't help but feel worried
He suddenly picked you up, kissing your cheek
"I can hold you in my arms just fine, your size will never stop me from liking you, I think you're beautiful."
He was laying on your thigh's, watching a video comp of people falling over and getting hurt
"Should I loose weight?"
His phone was suddenly dropped on his stomach, staring up at with you surprise
"Why do you ask? Besides, it's not my decision to make - it's your body."
"yeah but wouldn't you prefer it if I was, ya know, thinner?"
He looked at you as if you just said something stupid
Adjusting his position snuggled against your thigh's
"Why would I prefer that? You wouldn't be as comfy."
"is that all you care about? If I'm comfy? Would you be upset if I did lose weight?"
"No, because I love cuddling you so I don't care about your size but I like you the way you are."
"it can't be that simple, there's no way you just like me when I look like this."
"I'm not sure why you're thinking of it like it's complicated maths, I like you- no I love you and very happy with the way you are."
You wanted to argue, trying to find a way to figure out how he's wrong
But you couldn't
"You're my favourite person in this house - don't tell Beel - I wouldn't trade you for the world."
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youthwhoscience · 3 years
We have all probably heard from others that having a high-sodium diet is bad for our health and eating overly salty or sweet foods constantly is harmful to us. This may be an easy fact to accept, since it is widely known that a high salt diet is linked to a higher blood pressure and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
However, what we may not fully understand is what exactly salt does to our body and why we can’t enjoy the taste of our salty ramen, pretzels and pizza without the feeling we are harming our body. Moreover, why do we crave such salty and sweet flavours if it is so bad for us?
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Firstly, it is important to recognise that salt, sodium chloride, is not inherently bad for us to consume. Sodium chloride is required by our bodies for metabolic functions in the body and helps to regulate fluid volume. However, like sugar, consuming above the recommended amount becomes a problem.
According to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey published by Public Health England in 2018 to 2019 , the estimated salt intake in England was 6.8 grams per day in women and 8.3 grams per day in men in 2018/2019. As astounding as this statistic is, this was about a 1g reduction from 2005/2006, where it was 7.1 grams per day for women and 9.3 grams per day in men. This survey was conducted on adults aged 19 to 64 years prior to the pandemic, but imagine the impact the pandemic must have had on our salt intake. Staying home all day, snacking on junk food and takeout has become more frequent for us all even with schemes last year such as Eat Out to Help Out. Eating high-sodium junk food has become more frequent, more convenient and a preferred option to vegetables and fruit.
Excess sodium increases our blood pressure when ingested, due to its nature of holding excess fluid in the body; this is why you may feel or see yourself bloated and weigh more after recently eating salty food. This is called water retention and this is why when you first start to try to lose weight there is a sudden decrease in weight...it’s just water weight!
Your body holding excess fluid creates an added stress on your heart, which has to work harder to pump your body around the body. This leads to a increased risk of stroke, heart failure, osteoporosis (bone disease), stomach cancer and kidney disease. Sodium in excess can increase blood pressure in those who have hypertension and furthermore, salty foods tend to be high in fat and calories so can also contribute to being overweight and obesity, which makes obesity a risk factor for CVD.
The answer is simple. But the execution? Not so much.
In a day and age where fast food and processed foods are the norm, it is difficult to escape the grips of high sodium intake, with just one slice of bread containing 58.9mg of sodium and the recommended intake of sodium intake being 2.4g for adults and 0.8g for children. 
Processed and prepared tend to be the cause of high sodium intake, rather than added salt in dishes, so a good habit to get into is to eat more fruit and vegetables, cutting out added salt, soy sauce and added condiments and focusing on eating fresh, whole and natural foods.
Furthermore, cutting out salty foods even just slightly can slow down the vicious cycle of craving more salty food. Salt is highly addictive, due to our primal instincts. It is necessary for survival but over the course of human evolution, finding salt was difficult so craving salt was a survival mechanism. However, now we tend to eat above the recommended quota.
Finally, salt and salty foods should never be feared. Not for their possible health impacts, for the fear of retaining water weight or otherwise. But we should monitor our salt intake carefully and look after our bodies and check what we are actually putting into them; our bodies are our temples after all!
Chrysant, S., 2016. Effects of High Salt Intake on Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Disease: The Role of COX Inhibitors. Clinical Cardiology, [online] 39(4), pp.240-242. Available at:Go to site [Accessed 12 February 2021].
Livescience.com. 2021. Why Is Too Much Salt Bad for You? | Live Science. [online] Available at: Go to site[Accessed 12 February 2021].
 nhs.uk. 2021. Salt: the facts. [online] Available at: Go to site [Accessed 12 February 2021].
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familycuisinee · 3 years
how to cut saltiness in sauce | Family Cuisine
<p>Is your gravy too salty? I feel for you! You’ve worked for hours on the perfect roast only to fall at the final hurdle. Don’t throw in the towel just yet. You can <strong>fix salty gravy</strong> with the addition of one or two everyday ingredients. By the end of this article, you’ll have a range of food staples in your arsenal to help reduce the saltiness of your jus, gravy, or reduction.</p> <h2>Watch a 90-second video for the answers</h2> <p>First, let’s dispel one myth before it spreads too far through the internet. There is talk that placing potato cubes into the gravy lessens the salt content. I tested this method twice; on both occasions, the potato reduced the liquid. However, what remained was still unpleasant to eat. Why waste delicious potato when you can ​use other methods that work?</p> <p>Now that we know what not to do, let’s look at some useful hacks that will work.</p> <h2>5 ingredients that will fix overly salty gravy</h2> <h3>1. Sugar</h3> <p>Salt and sugar are two opposing forces. Each of them is ready to come to your aid if you mess up using too much of either. If you have an overly sweet dessert such as caramel ice cream, a hint of salt works wonders to provide some relief.</p> <figure><img src="https://ift.tt/3BM7tsN" alt="Brown sugar in a jar" /><figcaption>White or brown sugar helps balance the salty flavor.</figcaption></figure> <p>The reverse also applies. Take that wicked gravy that’s had a sodium overdose, then add sugar. Go easy, adding a little at a time. I suggest adding no more than half a teaspoon then stirring through well. Before adding more, you need to do a taste test.</p> <p>Some argue that sugar gives an unpleasant taste to the gravy. That’s usually only the case when too much gets added.</p> <h3>2. Dairy</h3> <p>If your gravy recipe uses dairy, then dial up the dairy component. A dollop of cream, yogurt, or a couple of tablespoons of milk will help to neutralize the high salt content.</p> <figure><img src="https://ift.tt/2X10ihJ" alt="Milk splashing" /><figcaption>Dairy products help offset the saltiness.</figcaption></figure> <h3>3. Unsalted stock</h3> <p>Adding stock will help by diluting the salt. It’s crucial that you use unsalted stock; otherwise, your efforts will be wasted. All you’ll do is create a more atrocious gravy that will, no doubt, end up down the drain.</p> <figure><img src="https://ift.tt/3kVIBId" alt="Stock in a bowl" /><figcaption>Use unsalted stock to dilute the gravy.</figcaption></figure> <h3>4. Acid</h3> <p>Adding acidic ingredients like lemon juice or apple cider vinegar is an excellent option. The same rule applies as it does sugar. Add it very slowly and continuously taste test so that you don’t overdo it.</p> <figure><img src="https://ift.tt/3h6fMI5" alt="Acidic ingredients" /><figcaption>Ingredients high in acid counteract the salt.</figcaption></figure> <h3>5. Roux</h3> <p>A roux combines equal parts of butter (or margarine) and flour which is mixed together and then cooked in a saucepan until it starts to brown. You can then whisk this starchy mixture into your gravy to help counteract the salt. If your sauce is already sufficiently thick before adding the roux, you’ll need to add more unsalted stock or water.</p> <figure><img src="https://ift.tt/2Vhwj48" alt="Flour and butter on a counter" /><figcaption>Make a roux by cooking equal parts flour and butter.</figcaption></figure> <h2>Other potential problems with gravy</h2> <h3>Too runny?</h3> <p>A tablespoon of butter whisked in will give your gravy a deliciously silky texture and more body. If you want a less calorie-laden option try this: whisk equal parts of water and cornflour together then whisk that mixture (it’s called a slurry) into the gravy. As the cornflour cooks off the liquid will thicken nicely.</p> <h3>It’s flavorless!</h3> <p>Start seasoning with salt, a little at a time. Needs something else? Add a splash of Worcestershire sauce and see how that helps. Add more if needed.</p> <h3>Too lumpy?</h3> <p>This one’s easy. Use a stick blender or food processor to process the liquid. The lumps will disappear in seconds. If you’re feeling energetic, whisk the gravy to create a smooth texture.</p> <figure><img src="https://ift.tt/2Ywadw9" alt="Gravy in a jug" /><figcaption>Use a blender or whisk to fix lumpy gravy.</figcaption></figure> <h2>3 tips to avoid salty gravy next time</h2> <ol> <li>Take an approach of under seasoning your sauces until it is close to ready. Perform a quick taste test then add more at the end if needed.</li> <li>Make sure the lid of the salt shaker is securely in place. More than once, I have shaken half a jar of salt into gravy by accident. Don’t let that be you.</li> <li>Stop adding high-sodium ingredients like salt and stock cubes. It is an extreme option which I couldn’t do personally. But if you want to eat healthily, then this idea makes sense. Those on a low-salt diet always tell me how their tastebuds quickly adjusted to less salt. The best part is you’ll never have to eat salty gravy again.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Related reading:</strong> Demi-glace vs. gravy - what’s the difference between these sauces?</p> <h2>Final words</h2> <p>That’s all there is to <strong>fixing gravy that’s too salty</strong>. Choose one of these methods and run with it. If I were to choose the best option, I’d recommend adding sugar or adding some unsalted stock. There’s nothing to stop you from getting creative and combining these tips. For example, add the unsalted vegetable stock with a minimal amount of sugar, then whisk the liquid into a roux.</p> <p>Would you like to learn more about balancing flavor? Find out how the different tastes of ingredients work together by checking out our handy article on the flavor profile.</p> <p>Experiment with flavor and texture. Don’t be afraid to fail because it’s the best way to learn. You should also check out this sauce guide which will teach you how to make loads of different sauces!</p> source https://familycuisine.net/how-to-cut-saltiness-in-sauce/
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drlaurynlax · 6 years
21 Healthy Bed Time Snacks That Are Good For You
Are Bed Time Snacks Healthy?
To eat before bed or not eat before bed? That is the question…no longer with these 21 healthy bed time snacks if hunger strikes.
Many health blogs, bro-science and personal trainers will tell you that “eating at night is bad”—scaring you with claims that it “slows metabolism,” “makes you gain weight,” or “spikes insulin (blood sugar) levels.”
For instance, a 2013 study found that, out of the 420 overweight and obese participants enrolled in a five-month weight loss program, the ”late eaters” (people classified as eating their biggest meal after 3pm) lost “significantly less weight” and took longer to lose it, than the “early eaters”, (those who ate their main meal before 3pm).
Another study from 2005, found that late-night eating (within 3 hours of bed time) was positively linked to indigestion and acid reflux
However, many of these claims and “research” have been skewed!
The missing links the “Don’t-Eat-Late-At-Night” myth often fails to consider is the OVERALL intake of food and eating patterns of people—throughout the day—plus heathy digestion.
Were these people eating balanced, real foods throughout the day (or dieting all day long, to then “binge” or overeat at night)?
Did they support their digestion with probiotics, digestive enzymes and/or hydro-chloric acid, or were they 3 in 4 Americans who already had some sort of “digestive dysfunction” to start?
What were they eating for their late night meal anyways?—Pizza and ice cream, or salmon or chicken with veggies and sweet potatoes?
As you can see, research CAN be skewed. There are healthy bed times snacks.
Nevertheless, newer more cutting edge research—digging deeper—has found that late night eating is NOT as detrimental as once thought. 
In this research review, Kimsy & Ormsby, 2015,   of more than 70 studies, the authors sought to look at BOTH sides of the “late night eating” dilemma to understand the real truths.
Their conclusion?
Nighttime consumption of a small snack of both single nutrients or mixed-meals does not appear to be harmful, and actually may be more beneficial for muscle protein synthesis and metabolism.
In other words: The “don’t eat before bed” myth is so 1992. 
Other research confirms these finding, debunking many common myths about late night eating you, too, may have believed. For instance:
Myth: Carbs Are Bad to Eat at Night
Truth: Real food carbs—eaten with dinner, or a small snack—can promote more balanced insulin levels over night, improved sleep and boosted mood (raising serotonin ), greater fat oxidation (fat burning).  
Myth: Eat Your Biggest Meal at Noon
Truth: Ever wonder why you feel sleepy after lunch time or why that 3 pm energy slip hits? Digestion takes lots of work (on all your body systems) , and when eat a larger meal mid-day, or don’t balance our meals throughout the day, our digestion can take energy away from your other energy needs. Eating lunch is not a “bad” thing, but strictly aiming to eat a “bigger” meal mid-day and restrict calories at night can leave you feeling lethargic. In addition, since cortisol levels are higher typically during the day (when you’re in “go mode”), this can equally slow down the rate at which you digest your food (since your body is more stressed out with higher cortisol patterns). Eating at night can allow you to absorb and fully digest the nutrient rich foods you eat. 
Myth: Late Night Eating Makes You Gain Weight
Truth:  The real reason people “gain weight” when they at at night? They typically restrict their food during the day, setting them up for more stress (cortisol) and metabolic dysfunction, plus a feeding frenzy or “earning their food” mentality at night after “being good all day.” There is not ONE optimal time for every human body. Since our schedules, genetic makeups and lifestyles are all completely different, the ideal times of day we eat are different too. Whereas a 23-year-old fitness enthusiast may thrive upon eating three meals and a snack or two during the day, another person may thrive upon intermittent fasting—eating their food for the day in a 8-12 hour window, and another person, say an emergency room nurse who is up at 5 a.m. for her shift thrives off of eating earlier in the day.
Myth: Late Night Eating Gives You Acid Reflux & Won’t Digest
Truth: Not necessarily. While, optimal digestion DOES happen in “rest and digest” mode (i.e. sleep) and eating too much or too close to bed can negatively impact the quality of your sleep, for others, eating a bed time snack or meal before bed actually improves their ability to sleep (especially if it has the amino acid Tryptophan or Magenisum in the meal). Moreover, digestion doesn’t suddenly stall if you eat at night—(particularly if you’re not overly full). Ultimately, this is where self-experimentation happens. Do you feel worse or better if you eat close to bed? Let that be your guide.
Bonus Digestion Tip:  If you DO eat closer to bed, or feel fuller prior to bed, try propping your head semi-upright to rest can be beneficial for supporting the “north to south” process of digestion. In addition, healthy digestive practices can help promote improved digestion if you eat closer to bed as well, including: taking probiotics and eating fermented foods daily, chewing your food well, digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid (if you get ‘reflux’ or have low stomach acid) and/or apple cider vinegar, etc.), and, of course, eating real foods. 
What matters more than eating at night or not?
What you eat over the course of 24-hours in a day (consistently); and
Your digestion—Are you digesting the foods you eat (regardless of whether or not you eat at night)?
In other words: If you are eating appropriate amounts of food, for your body type and health (no matter the time of day), PLUS digesting your food well, then “late night eating”  is not a bad thing.
So should you eat before bed? 
Yes and no.
The bigger question is: What type of hungry are you?
Are you just eating or snacking because it’s a habit or a craving?
Are you hungry—at a cellular level—because you ate at 6 p.m., and it’s now 10 or 11 p.m.?
Did you not fuel your body with enough fuel throughout the day?
Did you have a tough workout today or yesterday, and your body is needing some extra replenishment?
Some days will be “yes” and some days will be “no.”
If you are hankering a bedtime snack, reach for foods with:
Magnesium—Mineral that relieves insomnia, relaxes muscles, calms you, decreases cortisol—your “stress hormone”, or
Tryptophan-Amino Acid that calms your brain and helps you sleep
Need some ideas for Bed Time Snacks:
Some optimal bed time snacks at night (for boosting sleep hygiene) include:
Herbal or Cinnamon Tea (optional stir in MCT oil or 1 tbsp. Grass-fed Butter)
Coconut Yogurt
Homemade Avocado “pudding” (link to recipe)
Avocado & Grapefruit with sea salt
Goat’s milk yogurt or fermented plain, full-fat yogurt
Kefir or Goat’s Milk Kefir with frozen blueberries
Grass-fed cottage cheese
Chia-seed pudding (link to recipe) 
Baked apple slices with cinnamon and coconut oil
Beef isolate protein powder or collagen protein + carob powder blended in almond milk or coconut milk
Homemade spinach dip (link to my recipe ) with cucumbers
1/2 green tipped banana with coconut butter or almond butter
Canned wild salmon and wild caught tuna
Pastured eggs (scrambled)
Turkey roll-ups
Homemade kale chips with dried cranberries and olive oil
Handful raw soaked cashews, almonds or walnuts
Toasted pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds
Square 80-100% dark chocolate
Pumpkin Muffins (link to recipe)
Turkey or Beef Jerky (nitrate-free)
Spinach Dip
14 oz. artichoke hearts, drained
3 cups baby spinach, wilted (steamed)
1/2 yellow onion, minced
6 cloves garlic, minced
5 thick slices of bacon or turkey bacon, diced
½ cup full-fat coconut milk
Sea salt and back ground pepper
Fry the bacon in a skillet over a medium- until the bacon begins to brown. Add in onion and garlic and sauté for 2 to 3 minutes. Add in the artichokes and spinach and cook for an additional 3 minutes. Remove from heat and let it cool. Pour in the coconut milk and combine well. Refrigerate for at least 30 min.
Chia Seed Pudding
1 ripe banana, peeled
1/4 cup full-fat coconut milk
2 tbsp chia seeds
Dash of vanilla extract, alcohol free
Blend banana and coconut milk and vanilla in blender, then add chia seeds and blend further.  Pour into a container and chill for an hour to let the chia seeds expand.
Chocolate Avocado Pudding
1 medium ripe avocado
2-3 tablespoons carob powder (for AIP) or organic cocoa powder
1-2 tbsp. maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
3-4 tablespoons of coconut milk OR almond (carageenan free)
1 scoop (2 tablespoons) collagen peptides (optional)
Add avocado, carob (or cocoa), maple syrup, vanilla, and salt to the bowl of a blender. If using espresso powder, dissolve it in milk. Add milk to blender. Blend until very smooth and creamy. Taste
Pumpkin Muffins
3/4 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup organic pumpkin puree
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
6 pastured eggs
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line a standard muffin tin with 12 parchment or silicone baking cups. Combine all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir well with a whisk to break up any clumps.Spoon in to muffin tins and bake 25-30 minutes until golden brown on the edges.
The post 21 Healthy Bed Time Snacks That Are Good For You appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/hormones-metabolism/21-healthy-bed-time-snacks-that-are-good-for-you/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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fit1health · 3 years
5 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Dieting
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Excluding the wrong foods and sticking to overly strict eating plans can do more harm than good.
If you've ever made a New Year's resolution to eat healthier, you know how tempting it is to fall back into bad eating habits. "People go into these plans with the best of intentions," says registered dietitian Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital (www.brighamandwomens.org).
It's important to consider the little factors that can throw you off track, whether you've selected an eating plan to lose weight or to fix a health issue (for example, a low-salt diet to help reduce your blood pressure).
Check to see whether you remember any of the following popular blunders, and use McManus' advice to help you avoid them.
1Consumption of a diet that is too restrictive
It's difficult to adhere to diets that require you to eliminate foods in an unreasonable manner. For example, if you swear you'll never eat another sweet again, you're more likely to give in to cravings than if you gave yourself a fair treat every now and then. "Restriction isn't a long-term solution. You must consider the long term implications of your decision "According to McManus.
She advises that you stick to your new diet plan for the rest of your life. "Balance it out so you don't feel cheated," she advises. If you want a treat, keep in mind your daily calorie intake (which should be adjusted to your health and weight), and note that a small amount of added sugar is appropriate — the American Heart Association recommends no more than 24 grams per day for most women and 36 grams per day for most men.
2. . Cutting out the ingredients that aren't good for you
McManus cautions against avoiding nutritious foods because you believe they are unhealthy. Yes, artificial trans fat (found in packaged foods, which increases "poor" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while lowering "healthy" HDL cholesterol), saturated fat (found in foods like butter and red meat), and refined or packaged foods should all be avoided (which are typically high in salt, sugar, and trans fat). But don't overlook the following:
Fats that are good for you. Some people may have a fear of dietary fat since the no-fat eating craze of the 1990s. While fats have more calories per gram than carbohydrates and protein, unsaturated fats are important for heart health. When saturated fats are replaced with unsaturated fats, LDL and total cholesterol levels are reduced. Avocados, olive oil, almonds, nut butters, and seeds are all good sources of healthy fats.
Fruits are a type of food. Sugar is present in nature's sweet treats, but the body processes it differently than added sugar because of the fiber in fruit. Don't forget the fruits are high in vitamins and antioxidants as well. Berries, in particular, have been linked to weight loss and a reduced risk of heart disease.
3. Keeping unhealthy foods close at hand
It's more difficult to stay away from unhealthy items if you have them in your pantry, even if they're only for special occasions. "The only thing you can do is eat nutritious food," McManus advises. "When you're in need of a snack, that's what you'll reach for. If you buy a half gallon of ice cream, though, it will inevitably make its way into your stomach."
Instead, go out and buy it when you want a great cake or something you shouldn't have every day — not well in advance.
4. Eating at night
It's not a good idea to eat late at night. Maintaining a habit of eating while watching TV, for example, can lead to overeating. It's also unhealthy to save your daytime calories for a nighttime meal.
"During the day, when you're expending energy, you need calories," McManus says. "And if you don't eat enough during the day, you could overeat at night if you don't eat enough during the day." Furthermore, eating too close to bedtime can cause heartburn, which can make it difficult to get a good night's sleep.
McManus recommends that you reconsider your meal schedule and spread out your calories during the day. If you're hungry late at night, a snack (such as fruit or a handful of nuts) might be appropriate if it's part of a balanced meal plan and falls within your calorie targets.
5. Not keeping track of your food intake
"It makes you aware on a regular basis of what you're putting in your mouth and how much you're eating," McManus says. "It makes you aware on a regular basis of what you're putting in your mouth and how much you're eating." She also points out that keeping track of your diet gives you a big picture, allowing you to see what's working and what isn't. "Maybe you'll notice you're overeating at night because you're starving," McManus suggests.
Keeping a food diary is one solution to this issue. Using a pen to jot down notes, or an app (for an electronic device) like My Fitness Pal (www.myfitnesspal.com)
which links you to applications that aid you manage weight goals and physical activities.
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dr-vaidyas · 3 years
Top 19 Home Remedies For Piles
Piles, also known as Hemorrhoids, is a painful condition where the veins in your anus and rectum swell up.
The common symptoms of piles include pain, itching, and rectal bleeding. The swollen veins can be located inside or outside the rectum and are called internal and external Hemorrhoids, respectively.
This problem is also a common one with over 1 crore Indians suffering from Piles every year.
Fortunately, for most cases, a few weeks of discomfort and mild pain is all we have to deal with until the swelling reduces naturally. However, in severe cases, you may need to contact a doctor for a medical diagnosis and treatment. That said, there are also plenty of ways that you can use to deal with piles.
Here are the top 19 home remedies for Piles (Hemorrhoids):
1) Apply Tea Tree Or Coconut Oil
Tea tree oil can help cleanse your anal area of germs and bacteria while acting as an anti-inflammatory agent. Coconut oil can be used as an anti-inflammatory oil which also provides analgesic properties while speeding up the healing.
2) Try Ayurvedic Triphala
Triphala powder is a herbal solution for constipation, a major cause of Hemorrhoids. Drinking Triphala juice can also boost your digestion.
3) Take Frequent Breaks
Sitting down for too long can worsen your piles and make the pain unbearable. The simple solution is to get up (every hour at least) and move around for five minutes or so.
4) Wear Loose Clothes Made Of Cotton
Wearing loose clothes made from ultra-breathable materials like cotton can help keep the anal area dry and clean. So, if you have Hemorrhoids, wear cotton underwear.
5) Don’t Eat A Heavy Dinner
Most of us end up eating a heavy dinner which can result in several health problems, including piles. So, heavy foods that are fried or spicy should be avoided. Try salads that aren’t overly fibre-rich for dinner and you should see an improvement fairly quickly.
6) Take Stool Softeners
Stool softeners are fibre-rich supplements that can help your stool softer. They contain ingredients like Psyllium and can help make your stool pass quickly and without pain.
7) Drink Organic Radish Juice
Drinking organic radish juice can help cleanse your digestive system while relieving your constipation and pain. This is a home remedy that you can integrate into your routine as a preventative measure against piles.
8) Take A Warm Bath
Harvard Health found that taking a 20-minute warm bath after every bowel movement helps reduce irritation caused by Hemorrhoids. You can also add some Epsom salt to the bath to lower the pain.
9) Eat More Salads
These days, we eat more fried and processed foods than healthy foods like salads. If you want a home remedy for piles, I suggest you start eating more salads.
10) Apply Cold Compresses
Applying an ice pack or cold compress to the area can help reduce the swelling. This home remedy is especially effective for large piles that can be very painful.
11) Drink More Water
Water is a vital part of the digestive process and not drinking enough regularly can disrupt your digestive system. Drink plenty of water (around 8–10 glasses a day) to ensure your digestive system is running smoothly.
12) Sit On A Pillow
Sitting on a hard surface like an office chair or bench can aggravate your piles. Instead, opt to sit on a cushion to help ease the swelling and bring you relief.
13) Take Castor Oil
Castor oil is rich in antioxidants, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties. Drinking 3ml of Castor oil every night can help reduce the size of the piles as well as the associated pain.
14) Include Asafoetida In Your Diet
Include Asafoetida (Heeng in Hindi) in your diet for a home remedy for piles. You can drink milk with Asafoetida or include it in your meals. Either way, it works to help reduce piles while improving your digestion.
15) Try OTC Ointments
OTC ointments and creams from your local chemist can help give you some quick pain relief. These can also help reduce the swelling but avoid using creams with Hydrocortisone for more than a week at a time.
16) Apply Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel is a natural anti-inflammatory that will help reduce the swelling caused by the Hemorrhoids. You can get Witch Hazel in liquid form that can be easily applied to the Hemorrhoids.
17) Use Soothing Wipes
Toilet paper can aggravate your Hemorrhoids. So, use water or soothing wipes to clean yourself instead. Some wipes also have anti-haemorrhoid ingredients like Aloe vera and witch hazel.
18) Apply Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel has cooling properties that can help reduce the itching and irritation caused by piles. It’s also been proven to be safe for topical use in sensitive areas.
19) Consider Medication
While modern medicine has chemical-rich painkillers to treat piles symptoms, Ayurvedic medicine is also effective. Depending on your dosha, the Ayurvedic doctor can give you a natural solution to your piles. You can also try new age Ayurveda products like Herbopile Pills as these are said to work well and have zero side effects.
How To Prevent Piles?
While the mentioned home remedies may help you deal with piles, we can all agree that its best to prevent getting them in the first place.
So, here are a few ways to help prevent Hemorrhoids:
· Staying physically active will help regulate your bowel movements, reducing the risk of piles.
· Eating a healthy diet with plenty of high-fibre foods can help support your digestive system and prevent constipation and Hemorrhoids.
· Drink plenty of water to support a healthy bowel system.
· Go to the bathroom when you first feel the urge to go. Don’t delay this as it can lead to Hemorrhoids.
When Should You Go To The Doctor?
For most cases of piles, you can expect it to go away naturally in a few weeks.
But there are cases where it’s advised to visit the doctor:
· If you experience chronic blood loss due to a haemorrhoid.
· In case of extreme pain that lasts several minutes without going down.
· In the case of strangulated Hemorrhoids, when blood supply is cut off to the internal Hemorrhoids.
· If the home remedies don’t deal with the piles for over two weeks.
Your doctor will be better able to diagnose your piles and provide the best solution for your problem. The doctor may recommend rubber band litigation or surgery in extreme cases.
But if your symptoms are mild, you may be prescribed medicated ointments or creams. Suppositories are also prescribed for some.
However, it’s always best to pick a natural treatment for such problems. It’s why I recommend taking Ayurvedic medicine for Piles to anyone struggling with Hemorrhoids. According to independent reviewers, Dr. Vaidya’s Herbopile is a popular Ayurvedic supplement to combat Piles. You can even get their Piles Management Pack for a full anti-piles solution.
· Dnyandeo, Narkhede Yogesh. DIFFERENT TREATMENT MODALITIES IN ANORECTAL DISEASES-A REVIEW ON AYURVEDIC AND MODERN ASPECT. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/DIFFERENT-TREATMENT-MODALITIES-IN-ANORECTAL-REVIEW-Dnyandeo/762c7f796941f8485b10a0883feadc31be9b6a32. Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.
· Gupta, Meva Lal, et al. “Comparative Clinical Evaluation of Kshara Sutra Ligation and Hemorrhoidectomy in Arsha (Hemorrhoids).” Ayu, vol. 32, no. 2, 2011, pp. 225–29. PubMed Central, doi:10.4103/0974–8520.92591.
· Mahapatra, Anita, et al. “Management of Internal Hemorrhoids by Kshara Karma: An Educational Case Report.” Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, vol. 3, no. 3, 2012, pp. 115–18. PubMed Central, doi:10.4103/0975–9476.100169.
· Dudhamal, T. S., et al. “The Role of Apamarga Kshara in the Treatment of Arsha.” Ayu, vol. 31, no. 2, 2010, pp. 232–35. PubMed Central, doi:10.4103/0974–8520.72406.
· Surjushe, Amar, et al. “ALOE VERA: A SHORT REVIEW.” Indian Journal of Dermatology, vol. 53, no. 4, 2008, pp. 163–66. PubMed Central, doi:10.4103/0019–5154.44785.
· “Treatment of Hemorrhoids | NIDDK.” National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/hemorrhoids/treatment. Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.
· Hemorrhoids — Diagnosis and Treatment — Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hemorrhoids/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20360280. Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.
· Publishing, Harvard Health. “Hemorrhoids and What to Do about Them.” Harvard Health, https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/hemorrhoids_and_what_to_do_about_them. Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.
· “7 Best and Worst Home Remedies for Your Hemorrhoids.” Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic, 19 July 2019, https://health.clevelandclinic.org/7-best-and-worst-home-remedies-for-your-hemorrhoids/.
Lohsiriwat, Varut. “Treatment of Hemorrhoids: A Coloproctologist’s View.” World Journal of Gastroenterology : WJG, vol. 21, no. 31, Aug. 2015, pp. 9245–52. PubMed Central, doi:10.3748/wjg.v21.i31.9245.
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signbrake9-blog · 5 years
Virtually fat-free and crazy addictive, Som Tam Thai salad, with Granny Smith Apple
The other day as I watched again, sneering, yet another TV documentary made in the frantic, nation-wide hunt for the next revolutionary diet that is going to save America from drowning in its own fat — the Atkins, the keto, the 5:2, the Paleo, the HCG, the Zone, the Jenny fucking Craig, you name it — I reached down to my bag of kettle-cooked Texas BBQ potato chips with a grin before I glanced at the clock in wrenching gasps.  Holy mother of god it’s past 9 o’clock?! the feeding window has closed on my 16:8 intermittent fasting diet!
We all do it.  We all do it.  Twitching and turning in an endless cycle of struggles in order to stay in the balance between emotional sanity and the general shape of a socially acceptable humanoid.  So much deliciousness, so little fat cell allowance.  It’s almost as integral a part of the First World Problems as knowing how not to lose it when asking “What do you mean there’s no wi-fi?” at a beachside cafe on a Caribbean island.  I get it.
Having said that, I have to admit my general confusion at America’s difficulty in meeting such task, the final switch from consuming overly processed foods to fresh produce or simply just freshly prepared foods.  I feel this way because I think deep down, I know the answer to this question.  Deep down, I know how to save us all.
America just has to eat as good as A Third World country.
Look, I think we have grown so privileged, so involved with exhausting the last possible way to pair caviar with fried wagyu steaks or stuffing lobsters into a pig that we have, perhaps irreversibly, forgotten how to make poor foods taste good.  Not poor foods as in fast foods, but cooking with cheaper ingredients such as vegetables that is a major part of the diet in less privileged countries where meats are considered a luxury, where eating vegetables is not a choice, but a necessity, and as a result, where they taste really, really, really good, because they have to.
Take Thailand for example, where they have taken a virtually fat-free salad to the brim of an art form — som tam, or better known as Thai green papaya salad.  Som tam comes in many shapes and styles, depending on the region, ranging from mild and friendly to deeply funky and challenging to the foreign tongue, all of which will eventually compel their subjects to succumb to inevitable addiction.  Consider som tam Thai, the focus of our current interest, as the gateway drug.
Without the use of deeply fermented crabs or fishes like its other peers, som tam Thai is as friendly to the untrained tongues as it is delicious.  A mixture of ruptured chilis and garlics, bruised tomatoes and green beans with thinly shredded green papaya, and an acutely savory, sweet and tangy dressing, all pounded under the gentle urgency of a wooden mallet, ushering them onto the way to becoming something greater than the sum of its parts.  Perhaps its greatest wisdom is standing against the western practice of keeping the vegetables as un-wilted and perky as humanly possible in a salad, knowing that the partial breaching of their exterior defenses allows the exchange and absorbance of flavors to deepen.  Practically fat-free but incredibly robust, a celebration between a spectrum of textures, a push for the limit of human sensory, burning, salty, sweet, crunchy, sour, som tam Thai has boldly gone where no American vegetables have gone before.  The only thing standing in our way is perhaps that its main ingredient, green papaya, is somewhat of a tropical monopoly.  But please rejoice in knowing that it works just as beautifully with Granny Smith apples that are more abundant to us than we know what to do with.
So people, put down your kale salad and eat this one.  Feel alive again.  And maybe once in awhile, go get some fried chicken.  Just not a whole bucket.  You see.  It’s not that complicated.
Som Tam salad, with Granny Smith Apple
Serving Size: 2
2 tbsp (32 grams) seedless tamarind pulp
3 tbsp boiling water
1/4 cup fish sauce
3 tbsp dark brown sugar
2 tbsp lime juice
2 tbsp dried shrimps (see note *)
5.3 oz (150 grams) extra fine haricot verts, or fresh green beans if unavailable
2 medium-size Granny Smith apples
2 cloves of garlics, peeled
2 Thai red chili
8 cherry tomatoes
PREPARE DRESSING: In a blender or the tall cup that comes with immersion blender, soak the seedless tamarind pulp with 3 tbsp of boiling water for 10 minutes until softened (Meanwhile, you can prepare Step Two). Once softened, add fish sauce, dark brown sugar, and lime juice (reserve the lime rinds for later), blend until the mixture is extremely smooth. The dressing is enough for two salads. If you'd like, you can also make a larger batch and keep in an air-tight jar in the fridge until needed.
Saute dried shrimps with 2 tsp of canola oil in a skillet over medium-high heat until lightly browned, set aside. (If you don't mind raw beans, you can skip the next step. But I like to take the raw edge off of the haricot verts). Wash and cut the haricot verts into 2 1/2" segments. Add 1/4 cup of water to a shallow skillet and bring to a boil over medium-high heat, add the haricot verts, cover the pot, and cook for about 1 minute until cooked. Shock in iced water until completely cooled down, set aside.
Peel the Granny Smith apples, then slice each sides into very thin slices, then cut again into very thin strips. If you want to keep then from oxidizing, you can submerge them in salted water. With a large mortar, add garlics, Thai red chili, and the reserved lime rinds (I used lemon because I didn't have enough lime), pound the garlics and remove the skins, and continue pounding until the ingredients are smashed to small pieces (but not ground). Add the dried shrimps and pound again, not to grind it but just to release their flavors. Add the cherry tomatoes and pound ruptured and broken. Add the haricot verts and pound each beans are cracked and bruised. Finally, add the apple strips (drained well if previous soaked) and 3 1/2 tbsp of the dressing, and mix well *(I had to transfer into a large bowl because my mortar wasn't big enough). The salad should taste quite heavily seasoned and robust.
Som Tam usually has crushed roasted peanuts in them. I'm not a big fan. But you can do that if you want to. Serve the salad with steamed sticky rice or just as is as I do.
* Dried shrimps can be found in almost every Chinese grocery stores or Chinatown. Nowadays they can be easily sourced online as well. Keep them in a zip-lock bag in the freezer and they last an eternity.
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Source: http://ladyandpups.com/2018/09/11/virtually-fat-free-and-crazy-addictive-som-tam-thai-salad-with-granny-smith-apple/
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
How to Get a Picky Eater to Try New Foods
At my house, dinner often looks like grass-fed rib eye, grilled to medium rare with salt and pepper, and broccoli roasted with avocado oil and cooked ‘til crispy. It’s satisfying, satiating, and metabolically in line with the way I like to eat.
Dinner probably looks fairly similar at your place too. Only while grilling up your perfect cut of steak, you might also be firing up a big pot of mac ‘n cheese or popping some dino nuggets and waffle fries into the oven for the picky eaters in your household. Especially if your kids are used to conventional, Standard American Diet type fare.
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Aren’t Kids Supposed to Eat Kid Food?
This is a question I get a lot from my health coaching clients. And my answer typically sounds something like, “only if you want them to become part of the growing epidemic of folks struggling with obesity and type 2 diabetes2 before they even move out of the house.” I realize that sounds harsh, but honestly, you know all the fake ingredients, sugar, and additives that manufacturers put into overly processed packaged foods. You won’t eat it, so why the heck would you feed it to your kids? Okay, rant over.
Anatomically speaking, we all have the same taste buds. Unfortunately, if your kiddos have spent most of their days being spoon fed something that comes out of a brightly colored box, how easy is it going to be for them to choose different foods? Not very. It’s kind of like when you first started eating Primally. The cravings. The longing for your old friend, fast food. The preference for salty, sugary, and crunchy snacks. Then, little by little, you started to notice that when you ate better, you felt better. Same goes for your kids.
Can You Change a Picky Eater’s Preferences?
There have been a ton of studies on this topic, and you’ll be happy to know that the answer is a definitive YES— you can change a picky eater’s preferences.Research done by Yen Li Chuand Paul Veueglers from the University of Alberta3 showed that children who were involved with food prep were more likely to make healthy choices at mealtime.
In the study, one-third of the kids surveyed said they helped their mom and dad up to 3 times per week, while one-quarter of them helped about once a month, and 12.4% didn’t help at all.
While the frequency of involvement differed (3 times per week vs once a month), the result was the same. Kids who helped their parents in the kitchen were more interested in eating healthy foods like vegetables than their non-helping peers.The data also showed that kids who participated in meal prep were more confident about the importance of making healthier food choices for themselves.
Does that mean that once you start cooking together they’re going to be begging for an extra serving of kale salad before bed? No. But they might start asking for full fat yogurt instead of ice cream. Or enjoying roasted chicken instead of the processed nugget variety.
My How-to Guide for Getting Picky Eaters to Eat
So, how do you do it? Check out these 9 strategies for turning a picky eater’s habits around. These are the same tips I use with my health coaching clients to make mealtime less stressful. Give them a try — I’m confident they’ll work for you too.
1. Don’t force it
No one likes to be pressured into trying new things, especially if they’re someone who already has a preconceived aversion to it. It might be tempting to force-feed your family, after all you are the parent, but there’s a good chance it will backfire. Studies show that kids who have a history of being pressured to eat continued to dislike those foods long into adulthood.4 Just some food for thought…
2. Time it right
You obviously don’t want to feed your kids when they’re not hungry, but waiting ‘til they’re starving, grumpy, and feeling the effects of a drastic blood sugar dip will make them less receptive to eating what’s on their plate. Time it right and you’ll be more apt to get picky eaters onboard with healthier choices.
3. Be understanding
While we all have the same taste buds, some people do have a heightened sensitivity to bitter and sour foods. This could be genetically based or due to years of eating a highly processed diet. Regardless, it’s important to understand that your kids might not jump at the chance to scarf down a plate of wild caught salmon and asparagus. At least not right away.
4. Pair new foods with familiar flavors
Studies show that you can trick pickier palates by pairing flavors they prefer with new ones. In one experiment, researchers gave kids sweetened vegetables a number of times. When asked to taste and rate veggies in their natural state afterward, they reported liking the unsweetened versions more than they did originally.5 Dips and sauces are a great way to combine an unfamiliar food with something kids know and love.
5. Walk the talk
I’m assuming that you’re well-versed in the benefits of the Primal lifestyle, but if you’re doing more talking than walking, your kids could be getting mixed messages. Notice the foods you keep in the house and what your meals look like. Be a positive role model whenever and wherever you can.
6. Avoid being too strict
It’s easy to go overboard in the all-non-Primal-foods-are-evil department, so you’ve decided every processed food is off-limits, you might want to back off a little. Make simple swaps like fresh fruit instead of juice or an occasional treat made with better-for-you ingredients.
7. Try new things
There’s a correlation between the number of new foods you feed your family and your picky eater’s willingness to eat them, so keep at it. Repetition and continuing to reintroduce foods (without force or frustration) has been linked to an increased liking of those foods.6
8. Get kids involved
As I mentioned above, kids who help out in the kitchen have a greater interest in eating healthier foods. So, look through recipes together, chop veggies together, and have them set the table. Being a part of the prep process gets kids’ curiosities piqued, which makes them more interested in participating in the end result — eating dinner.
9. Keep it simple
I’m not a fan of fussy meals anyway, so I always recommend keeping things simple regardless of who’s at the table. Remember that sometimes kids aren’t being picky, they just prefer simple and separate foods. Instead of serving up a complex flavor-filled recipe, keep it plain and simply prepared without a lot of sauces or seasonings.
Wondering what to do with your picky eater?
The main idea here is to take the stress out of making healthy food choices for your family. That means stop forcing, worrying, controlling, restricting, or walking on eggshells around your kids. Make it less of a battle and more of a fun, engaging experience. After all, no one chooses to be a picky eater. They’re not trying to make dinnertime a daily struggle. You just have to use the right strategies. Keep in mind that your kids’ eating habits won’t change overnight, but they will change. Just remember these 9 tips:
Don’t force it
Time it right
Be understanding
Pair new foods with familiar flavors
Walk the talk
Avoid being too strict
Try new things
Get kids involved
Keep it simple
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The post How to Get a Picky Eater to Try New Foods appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
How to Get a Picky Eater to Try New Foods published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
How to Get a Picky Eater to Try New Foods
At my house, dinner often looks like grass-fed rib eye, grilled to medium rare with salt and pepper, and broccoli roasted with avocado oil and cooked ‘til crispy. It’s satisfying, satiating, and metabolically in line with the way I like to eat.
Dinner probably looks fairly similar at your place too. Only while grilling up your perfect cut of steak, you might also be firing up a big pot of mac ‘n cheese or popping some dino nuggets and waffle fries into the oven for the picky eaters in your household. Especially if your kids are used to conventional, Standard American Diet type fare.
Instantly download your free Guide to Eating Out
Aren’t Kids Supposed to Eat Kid Food?
This is a question I get a lot from my health coaching clients. And my answer typically sounds something like, “only if you want them to become part of the growing epidemic of folks struggling with obesity and type 2 diabetes2 before they even move out of the house.” I realize that sounds harsh, but honestly, you know all the fake ingredients, sugar, and additives that manufacturers put into overly processed packaged foods. You won’t eat it, so why the heck would you feed it to your kids? Okay, rant over.
Anatomically speaking, we all have the same taste buds. Unfortunately, if your kiddos have spent most of their days being spoon fed something that comes out of a brightly colored box, how easy is it going to be for them to choose different foods? Not very. It’s kind of like when you first started eating Primally. The cravings. The longing for your old friend, fast food. The preference for salty, sugary, and crunchy snacks. Then, little by little, you started to notice that when you ate better, you felt better. Same goes for your kids.
Can You Change a Picky Eater’s Preferences?
There have been a ton of studies on this topic, and you’ll be happy to know that the answer is a definitive YES— you can change a picky eater’s preferences.Research done by Yen Li Chuand Paul Veueglers from the University of Alberta3 showed that children who were involved with food prep were more likely to make healthy choices at mealtime.
In the study, one-third of the kids surveyed said they helped their mom and dad up to 3 times per week, while one-quarter of them helped about once a month, and 12.4% didn’t help at all.
While the frequency of involvement differed (3 times per week vs once a month), the result was the same. Kids who helped their parents in the kitchen were more interested in eating healthy foods like vegetables than their non-helping peers.The data also showed that kids who participated in meal prep were more confident about the importance of making healthier food choices for themselves.
Does that mean that once you start cooking together they’re going to be begging for an extra serving of kale salad before bed? No. But they might start asking for full fat yogurt instead of ice cream. Or enjoying roasted chicken instead of the processed nugget variety.
My How-to Guide for Getting Picky Eaters to Eat
So, how do you do it? Check out these 9 strategies for turning a picky eater’s habits around. These are the same tips I use with my health coaching clients to make mealtime less stressful. Give them a try — I’m confident they’ll work for you too.
1. Don’t force it
No one likes to be pressured into trying new things, especially if they’re someone who already has a preconceived aversion to it. It might be tempting to force-feed your family, after all you are the parent, but there’s a good chance it will backfire. Studies show that kids who have a history of being pressured to eat continued to dislike those foods long into adulthood.4 Just some food for thought…
2. Time it right
You obviously don’t want to feed your kids when they’re not hungry, but waiting ‘til they’re starving, grumpy, and feeling the effects of a drastic blood sugar dip will make them less receptive to eating what’s on their plate. Time it right and you’ll be more apt to get picky eaters onboard with healthier choices.
3. Be understanding
While we all have the same taste buds, some people do have a heightened sensitivity to bitter and sour foods. This could be genetically based or due to years of eating a highly processed diet. Regardless, it’s important to understand that your kids might not jump at the chance to scarf down a plate of wild caught salmon and asparagus. At least not right away.
4. Pair new foods with familiar flavors
Studies show that you can trick pickier palates by pairing flavors they prefer with new ones. In one experiment, researchers gave kids sweetened vegetables a number of times. When asked to taste and rate veggies in their natural state afterward, they reported liking the unsweetened versions more than they did originally.5 Dips and sauces are a great way to combine an unfamiliar food with something kids know and love.
5. Walk the talk
I’m assuming that you’re well-versed in the benefits of the Primal lifestyle, but if you’re doing more talking than walking, your kids could be getting mixed messages. Notice the foods you keep in the house and what your meals look like. Be a positive role model whenever and wherever you can.
6. Avoid being too strict
It’s easy to go overboard in the all-non-Primal-foods-are-evil department, so you’ve decided every processed food is off-limits, you might want to back off a little. Make simple swaps like fresh fruit instead of juice or an occasional treat made with better-for-you ingredients.
7. Try new things
There’s a correlation between the number of new foods you feed your family and your picky eater’s willingness to eat them, so keep at it. Repetition and continuing to reintroduce foods (without force or frustration) has been linked to an increased liking of those foods.
8. Get kids involved
As I mentioned above, kids who help out in the kitchen have a greater interest in eating healthier foods. So, look through recipes together, chop veggies together, and have them set the table. Being a part of the prep process gets kids’ curiosities piqued, which makes them more interested in participating in the end result — eating dinner.
9. Keep it simple
I’m not a fan of fussy meals anyway, so I always recommend keeping things simple regardless of who’s at the table. Remember that sometimes kids aren’t being picky, they just prefer simple and separate foods. Instead of serving up a complex flavor-filled recipe, keep it plain and simply prepared without a lot of sauces or seasonings.
Wondering what to do with your picky eater?
The main idea here is to take the stress out of making healthy food choices for your family. That means stop forcing, worrying, controlling, restricting, or walking on eggshells around your kids. Make it less of a battle and more of a fun, engaging experience. After all, no one chooses to be a picky eater. They’re not trying to make dinnertime a daily struggle. You just have to use the right strategies. Keep in mind that your kids’ eating habits won’t change overnight, but they will change. Just remember these 9 tips:
Don’t force it
Time it right
Be understanding
Pair new foods with familiar flavors
Walk the talk
Avoid being too strict
Try new things
Get kids involved
Keep it simple
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The post How to Get a Picky Eater to Try New Foods appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
How to Get a Picky Eater to Try New Foods published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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thecooksjournal · 4 years
Dining with the Dragon
“Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity”
Hong Kong takes the subject of its food extremely seriously. There is no other place in the world quite so passionate about good food and the experience of dining. Food is viewed as much more than a practical solution for a hungry stomach, it is regarded as a way to bring friends and family together for a social occasion. Dining out for Hong Kongers is a pretty common occurrence, mainly because eating at home can often be a pretty cramped affair and almost impossible for large families. Housing space is at a premium throughout Hong Kong with new construction constantly going upwards rather than outwards producing an abundance of smaller compact apartments. The Kwun Tong area of Kowloon as an example is reputed to be one of the most crowded places in the world with in excess of 54,000 people living and working in a square kilometre. Just take a walk around Kowloon along Canton Road or Nathan Road and you will soon become aware just how densely populated this area is.
The hilly terrain of the main island makes housing development very difficult, so the only way to build on suitable sites is upwards. The vast majority of accommodation is in small high-rise apartments with some of the smallest kitchen spaces ever created. Imagine trying to cook a meal for your family and friends in an area the size of a small bathroom and you will know why so many families relish the opportunity to eat out. This means a large family meal can often become a regular occurrence and with over 6,000 eating establishments to choose from it is unlikely that anyone will ever go hungry. It is this freedom of choice that keeps the quality of restaurant food in Hong Kong consistently high and the prices down, because if an establishment is not good and does not provide the service or the food that customers want it will not survive long. The restaurant business can be exceptionally ruthless for the unwary but in the end if you offer a good product at a price that pleases your diners then you will do well.
Meals are very noisy occasions as it is a chance to catch up with the latest news from family and friends. The atmosphere is generally informal with everyone welcome to share the table and the food. There are several traditions and superstitions surrounding dining, which I will tell you about later but generally dining is a relaxed affair. For the Cantonese good food and good conversation make a great meal and in Hong Kong there is always enough of both to go round. As a nation the Chinese are very wary of strangers at first but prove yourself friendly and honourable and you will find that without exception they are embarrassingly generous hosts at mealtimes. A friendly smile and an offer to yum cha means you are highly regarded and welcome to eat at their table. Yum cha literally means to ‘drink tea’ but it also implies to eat well while drinking tea. Traditionally yum cha is associated with the Cantonese speciality of Dim Sum (more on that later) but nowadays it is applied to any meal.
If you are lucky enough to get an invite to dine with the locals it is really the best way to appreciate the food and culture of a very friendly and family orientated society. Cantonese meals are often very noisy affairs with the most popular restaurants nearly full to bursting point. Food really brings the people together with being part of the meal regarded as an honour. Strangely to Westerners the biggest honour is to be the host and the one to pay the bill. It is often quite comical to see the lengths people will go to, and the friendly arguments that ensue over who has the honour of paying the bill. I am sure that is one tradition that we won’t see adopted in the UK!
The cuisine of Hong Kong is rich and varied with influences that come from all over the world. Eastern and Western ingredients combine in dishes that are perfectly balanced creations that excite all your senses at once. Asian people in general are not overly concerned with the nutritional aspects of food but despite this they enjoy a diet that is in most cases extremely healthy with instances of obesity and high blood pressure remarkably low when compared to Western society. Food for the average Asian is not just about taste; it must be enjoyed by your eyes and your nose as well as your palette.  In Hong Kong there isn’t one individual dish that captures the essence of the local cuisine; it is just that everything is done so well. The secret of Hong Kong’s culinary success is that it takes only the best of everything and adapts it to meet the demands of the customer. Situated in the heart of Asia obviously the Asian influence is predominant but look closely and you can find almost any meal you can think of within the confines of the island. If your preference is Asian, Mediterranean, African or American fast food there are restaurants to suit you. In fact you could eat every day for a month in a different restaurant serving a different type of cuisine without a problem.
The Chinese influence is everywhere embracing a cuisine which has evolved over the course of several thousand years. Chinese food is traditionally about sharing and making a little go a long way with very little if any waste. Most food items are cut into small portions and cooked quickly to seal in the flavour and retain the natural freshness. Stir-frying, deep-frying and steaming are the most popular cooking methods with the philosophy being to bring the flavour out of the freshest ingredients without compromising the integrity of the food. There is an old saying that says ‘the only four-legged thing that the Cantonese people won’t eat is a table and the only thing that flies they won’t eat is an aeroplane!’ Hong Kong actually consumes more protein per person then any other region in the world, which is quite staggering really for what, is essentially a small island. Nothing is ever wasted and scraps for the dog’s bowl are in short supply because if it is edible they will find a way to cook it. Some of the best meals I have eaten have involved things like feet and entrails, items that would be thrown away in the vast majority of restaurants in the UK.
The best known cuisine of the region is unsurprisingly Cantonese which traditionally uses ingredients that are purchased and prepared for eating on the same day. Cantonese cuisine is one of the most widely known and loved of the regional cuisines, so much so that the Chinese proudly declare that ‘Eating is in Canton’. Cantonese dishes tend to be on the mild side using a simple combination of spices that do not overpower the delicate flavours of this style of cuisine. Garlic, ginger and spring onions are the staples in many dishes along with rice wine, sugar and soy sauce, lightly thickened by the addition of a little cornstarch. Light seasoning is the key with the Cantonese people believing that the freshest fish and meat needs no further embellishment other than the simplest ingredients to make a truly good meal. Highly spiced and over seasoned dishes are treated with distrust and suspicion, as it is believed that the chef is hiding something about the freshness of his produce beneath the spices.
The one exception to fresh ingredients comes with the Cantonese love of preserved foods, which are often preferred to their fresh counterparts because of their more intense flavours and interesting textures. Items such as salted dried meats, black mushroom, abalone, shrimp and scallop are all much sought after dried produce. One of the most popular dried ingredients is fish maw, which is used extensively as a flavouring agent. It is actually the dried stomach lining or air bladder (sometimes called swim bladder) of a large fish most commonly the conger pike. It is used predominantly for texture as it has no strong taste and will readily absorb the flavours of any dish it is used in. It is most often dried and then deep fried to make it puff and expand. The drying process really intensifies the little flavour it has and gives it a much longer shelf life. They are usually soaked in water prior to cooking to re-hydrate them and then cooked in a soup or stock over a long period.
The slow cooked soup is a speciality of Cantonese cuisine; it is usually a clear broth which uses any available meat or vegetables often combining fresh and preserved foods which are simmered for up to 8 hours to produce a liquor that retains all the essence and flavour of the ingredients. It was at one time regarded as a staple part of the Cantonese diet but because of today’s busy life style and the long cooking time it is more common in the restaurant than in the home. Quite often Chinese herbal medicines are added to the pot so families use it as a dish to help you recuperate from illness. Chicken soup is regaled across the world for its medicinal qualities and according to food historians even in Ancient Egypt it was frequently prescribed as a cure for the common cold. In today’s society the humble chicken soup is often given the nickname of Jewish penicillin because of its restorative merits. While in China a slow cooked soup is regarded as the basis of all good marriages with Cantonese women in particular believing that ‘cooking a good soup is the way to win a man’s heart’.
Rice is a staple food of the Cantonese and of all of the regional Chinese cuisines and as such is regarded as an extremely important part of the average Asian diet. Half of the world's population actually live on a staple diet of rice and it may be compared to the importance of the potato or pasta within a Western diet. White or polished rice is the type most frequently eaten, with the Vitamin B rich brown rice traditionally associated as a staple food of the lower classes. Southern China including Hong Kong consumes by far the largest amount of rice while the north consumes more noodles. Every grain of rice is regarded as important as a single grain is a symbol of the toil and labour in the struggle for survival in life. It is believed that one grain of rice on its own may appear insignificant but join it with others and it can feed a nation.
In Cantonese cuisine rice is regarded as the unifier of the table adding harmonious balance to any meal. Long grain rice is most commonly used throughout the homes and restaurants in Hong Kong although short grain, sweet and jasmine rice are also used. Cooking rice was once regarded as a delicate art with skilled chefs stirring bubbling pots for hours over open charcoal fires. Nowadays most restaurants and families possess an electric rice cooker which has simplified the process somewhat. The rice is religiously washed to remove any sediment left from the polishing until the water runs clean. It is then placed into the rice cooker and covered with fresh clean water up to a depth of the first knuckle on the index finger. Then the rice is covered and the rice cooker takes over and produces that clean fluffy rice that is so indicative of the region.
My favourite Cantonese rice dish has to be Congee or Juk as it is also known locally. It is a traditional rice porridge eaten in many Asian countries but particularly famous in Hong Kong where it is served throughout the day. Congee is traditionally a breakfast dish made by simmering a flavoured broth and rice in a 12:1 ratio for over an hour until the starch breaks down and produces a thick viscous porridge. Ginger, spring onions, shredded lettuce, peanuts and bamboo shoots are sometimes added along with minced beef or fish. Sometimes a sweet version is made by adding red beans and sugar making a delicious sweeter alternative. Congee can be eaten thick like Western porridge or as a thinner broth served in earthenware dishes which retain the heat very well. The Japanese produce their own version of Congee which they call Okayu. It differs from its Cantonese version in that it uses less water and is cooked for only thirty minutes. Miso stock, light seasoning and maybe salmon, fish roe and beaten eggs are commonly added.
To produce the best Congee the rice must be constantly stirred, while cooking slowly so that the rice is not allowed to stick and burn. Nowadays the modern rice cookers take a lot of the strain out of cooking Congee with some even having a separate Congee setting allowing the cooking to be done overnight. The resulting porridge is often eaten at breakfast the next day with a youtiao which is a long golden brown fried breadstick often called yau ja gwai, which literally translated means ‘oil-fried devil’. Youtiao are lightly salted and produced so that they can be torn apart lengthwise into two strips. The strips are said to represent a corrupt Song Dynasty official, Qin Hui and his wife who plotted against General Yue Fei who was a much respected symbol of patriotism in China. Tearing the bread became an act of contempt towards the couple and symbolic of pulling them apart. Congee nowadays is eaten throughout the day and is often the first food served to Asian infants as they progress from milk to solid foods.
Noodles are another significant staple food that has an elevated status in Cantonese cuisine. They are found in various shapes and sizes and are much loved because they are cheap, nutritious and can be stored for a long period of time. Marco Polo was credited with introducing the noodle to Italy in 1295 but it is thought to have originated in China as early as 25 CE during the days of the East Han dynasty. The Cantonese word for noodle is mein familiar to most Westerners from the most famous Cantonese stir fried noodle dish chow mein. Noodles can be served at any time of the day but are particularly sought after on special occasions such as birthdays and New Year. The length of the noodle signifies longevity and as such it is considered bad luck to break or cut the noodles. This is why it is quite common to see people noisily slurping long noodles out of bowls in restaurants.
The types of noodles used are numerous ranging from egg and wheat noodles to rice and mung bean noodles. Rice noodles or bijon are often referred to as glass noodles as they are translucent and glass like in appearance. They are most commonly eaten as flat noodles resembling Italian tagliatelle, whereas egg noodles are most often served in the shape of thin spaghetti. The wheat noodle is frequently used in a Cantonese speciality called lo mein or stirred noodles. Eaten outside Hong Kong this is often a dish with carrots, bok choy (Chinese cabbage), spring onions, and pork, beef or chicken stir fried in a soy sauce, sugar and corn starch broth. Eaten in Hong Kong lo mein will often be served with the noodles and broth separate giving the diner the option to drink the broth, dip the noodles or mix according to taste. There is no right or wrong way it is just personal preference and you will undoubtedly see many people eating the same dish in different ways.
In Cantonese the word yu means fish but also plenty and abundance so it is no real surprise that fish and seafood form the basis of numerous dishes. The preference is to steam the fish whole with freshness the key, so fresh in fact that many restaurants have tanks with live fish to ensure the freshest supply. Even filleted fish lying on ice at the wet markets are often so fresh and skilfully filleted that you can see the heart still attached and beating, now that is fresh! One of the most popular fish in Hong Kong is the Grouper which is a member of the sea bass family well loved for its lean firm flesh. It is most often brought in from Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia and the Philippines in huge quantities. Prawns, mussels, crayfish, lobster are also frequently used along with abalone which is a highly sought after mollusc very reminiscent of scallop.
One of the most famous ways to try Cantonese food is through the dai pai dong food stalls once hugely popular over the whole of Hong Kong. Dai pai dong means literally ‘big licence food stall’ a reference to the large operating licence that was required to operate legally. Nowadays the government no longer issues licences as the dai pai dong is viewed as unhygienic. Current licence holders can pass the licences down to their children but not to future generations so their outlook is not secure. In essence a dai pai dong is an open air or street food stall selling a wide variety of cheap everyday dishes at low prices. They may not be the cleanest of places but if you are sensible and eat where you can see the locals eating you can’t go wrong. I have been eating at them for many years and have never had any problems. If you want to appreciate the real taste of Hong Kong then these are your boys and all for a few dollars at the most.
Traditionally the original dai pai dongs were mobile handcarts, which moved location to find the crowds and then moved again to avoid the police. Nowadays a few handcarts can be found but the majority have semi-permanent stalls, which remain fixed in the same location. Try visiting Stanley Street, Gage Street, Mee Lun Street, Gutzlaff Street, or Elgin Street in Central or Ki Lung Street, Shek Kip Mei Street or Yiu Tung Street in Sham Shui Po for a nostalgic trip back to Hong Kong’s past. The Temple  Street night market in Kowloon is famous for its food stalls as well as the usual shopping bargains and the dai pai dongs here are some of the best around. There is a permanent dai pai dong at 429 Lockhart Road, one on Tin Lok Lane in Wanchai near the crossroads and another in Times Square. These last two are my favourites selling the one thing that I crave whenever I visit Hong Kong. It is the legendary Egg Roll or dan zai, as it is known locally, a sweet pancake like waffle, which is absolutely delicious. A batter like mixture is poured into a hot waffle iron and cooked until golden brown and even the smell is enough to make you hungry. The finished dan zai looks like a sheet of the bubble wrap used to pack fragile goods but made out of pancake. Luckily that is where the similarity ends, as it is an almond flavoured crispy bite of heaven and one that has to be tried at least once. On numerous occasions I have brought one to take back to my apartment but the combination of the tempting warmth issuing from the brown paper bag it is served in and the delicious aroma has meant that I have never once got one back in one piece.
Typical fare at these stalls are rice, noodles, congee, fish ball curry, roasted chestnuts and sweet potatoes, siu mei (roast meats), steamed fish and shellfish but generally it varies from stall to stall so it is advisable to look around. Some are full blown restaurants with patio chair style seating while others are just small stalls selling snacks like the ones in Tin Lok Lane and Times Square. Try the octopus tentacles on a stick, the bright orange pig intestines, a pot of steamed clams or even the local favourite a slice of toast smeared with condensed milk and you will have experienced a part of Hong Kong’s historic past and sadly one that is fast disappearing.
No so long ago dai pai dongs were hugely popular so much so that they were often the cause of huge congestion and traffic problems, nowadays they are becoming less common with only 29 retaining the original big licence. In the early part of the twentieth-century unlicensed food stalls were found all around Happy Valley near the famous racecourse with a large concentration residing along the old Wong Nai Chung Road. It is rumoured that the great fire at the racecourse in 1918 was caused by a dai pai dong set beside the podium. Sadly nowadays they are no more at the racecourse and at trackside you will find a MacDonald’s or a Kebab replacing these vestiges of Hong Kong’s past.
On your travels around Hong Kong you may see or hear people talk of restaurants called cha chaan teng or tea restaurants to give them their literal translation. These affordable inexpensive restaurants serve a vast variety of quick and easy foods from noodle and rice dishes through to egg tarts and sandwiches.  The tea in these restaurants is usually weak low grade tea, which you will find, invariably presented to you as soon as you sit down. You may observe some of the older customers using the tea to wash their chopsticks which is an accepted practise although seen less and less due to the advent of disposable wooden chopsticks which are found in most premises nowadays. Set menus are common in these restaurants with often a soup or drink included in the price. A waiter will take your order and present you with a ticket, which you take to the cashier at the end of your meal to pay the bill. They are usually pretty crowded and it is accepted practice at these restaurants to table share with strangers, sometimes with up to three separate couples sharing a six-seater table.
Another common Chinese cuisine is Chiu Chow also known as Swatow cuisine, which is renowned for poultry and seafood dishes with often sharp and contrasting flavours. The cuisine originated from the Guangdong province of China and has become one of the most popular styles in Hong Kong. A typical Chiu Chow meal is rich in protein and would serve duck, goose or minced pigeon with water chestnuts wrapped in lettuce leaves spiked along with a piquant plum and vinegar sauce. The cuisine is known for its abundant use of vegetables, which are often carved into intricate designs of flowers, birds and even dragons. It is also the region famous for the much maligned shark fin and bird's nest soups, the latter using the dried saliva, from the edible cave swiftlet's nest as the basis for the soup. The meal is normally finished with desserts made from taro, water chestnuts, and sugar-syrup, followed by cups of pungent and bitter oolong or Iron Buddha tea to aid digestion. The tea is supposed to cleanse the system but drink too much and you will be climbing the walls and watching a lot of late night TV.
If you like rich and sweet flavours then Shanghainese cuisine may interest you. Strictly speaking Shanghai does not have its own indigenous cuisine but absorbs the influences of the surrounding regions. Compared to Cantonese food the dishes are richer and heavier using a lot of garlic, sugar, soy sauce, and Shaoxing wine giving a distinctive sweet, zesty taste. The region is famous for steamed hairy crab, braised eel and hot and sour soup, which is a vegetarian or meat-based soup with wood ear fungus and bamboo shoots. It also produces the wonderfully named drunken chicken; a cold steamed chicken dish that has been marinated in a rich Chinese wine. The chicken is served with a glorious gelatine jelly that results from the chilled mixture of the wine and the cooking juices. Shanghainese cuisine is probably best known for the legendary thousand-year egg (century egg), which are the rather scary preserved black duck or chicken eggs often seen at the market stalls. I will tell you more about these bad boys in a later chapter when I recall my first encounter with them in Hong Kong.
Hakka cuisine is a relatively unknown cuisine from the New Territories but it originated in Northern China and made its way south as the Hakka people migrated. Hakka uses a predominance of pork along with a wide variety of dried and preserved ingredients. Fried pork with fermented bean curd is a favourite New Year dish in Hong Kong. Other favourites include sliced pork with preserved mustard greens, salt baked chicken and tofu soup. You will also find Hakka embrace offal and dishes such as braised chicken's blood or pig's brain stewed in Chinese wine are common.
A more familiar cuisine is from Peking originating from the imperial courts of northern China and said to be fit for an Emperor. Peking food is flamboyantly presented and often extremely rich and spiced using coriander, peppers, and garlic. Noodles, bread and dumplings are commonly served with some traditional restaurants still demonstrating the art of noodle pulling in front of the diners. The most famous dish however is the legendary Peking duck, which is an elaborate dish, prized for its crispy skin. The duck is coated with a mixture of soy sauce and sugar and then air dried to retain the crispiness. The meat and skin are served wrapped in thin pancakes along with spring onion, radish and plum sauce. Generally Peking food is heartier and richer than Cantonese food with peppers, coriander, garlic and ginger used in dishes that keep the body warm. Another dish that is found in Peking cuisine is beggar’s chicken. This consists of a whole chicken stuffed with mushrooms, pickled Chinese cabbage, herbs and spring onions, which is then wrapped in lotus leaves sealed in clay and then baked for 24 hours. The clay is broken by the guest of honour at the table to reveal what in reality is anything but a beggar’s meal.
The spiciest food comes from the Sichuan cuisine using the fiery Sichuan chilli. The influence of Burma and Tibet, which border the region, can be seen in the dishes creating some of the hottest dishes in China. Garlic, ginger, coriander, chilli paste, peppercorn and various spices all fire up these dishes, which are simmered and smoked rather than stir-fried. The most famous dishes are pan-fried Sichuan prawns, sour and peppery soup and smoked duck which is seasoned with peppercorns, ginger, cinnamon, orange peel and coriander, marinated in rice wine, then steamed and finally smoked over camphor wood and tea leaves. Noodles and steamed bread are often preferred to rice
Hunan cuisine is very similar to Sichuan cuisine but is often spicier and contains a larger variety of ingredients due to the high agricultural output of the region. Chilli, garlic and ginger are balanced by the use of honey with sweet and sour dishes characteristic of the region. Hunan is landlocked and as a result absorbs a lot of the cuisine of its neighbours and so is often regarded by many as the culinary centre of China.  Notable dishes include hot and spicy chicken, sweet and sour chicken, orange beef and desserts such as cassia flower cakes and lotus seeds in sugar candy.
The cuisine of China is rich and varied due the geographical and climate differences between the regions. Northern China experiences extremes of cold so hot and spicy food proliferates in order to increase circulation and keep the body warm. In the South the climate is much warmer so milder cooler dishes are preferred to prevent overheating. This is where the yin and yang or balance of Chinese cuisine emerges with the aim of creating a happy and healthy state for the body. The Chinese believe in the power of both positive and negative energy with too much of either creating an imbalance in the system and leaving the body open to disease. Yin represents the positive energy and foods which belong to this group are known as ‘cold food’. These are foods such as melon, bean sprouts, soybean, mung bean, cucumber, coconut, cress, bananas, clams and oysters which if eaten excessively can cause stomach aches, dizziness or diarrhoea. Foods that belong to the Yang or negative side also known as ‘hot food’ add balance to the yin side. These include such foods as chilli, garlic, ginger, onions, beef, turkey, pineapple, mango, aubergine and peanuts. Over indulgence in this group is thought to result in gas, indigestion, skin complaints and constipation.
The Chinese do not place much faith in nutritional balance in their diet but concentrate more on the balance of yin and yang. High importance is put on freshness and flavour and if the yin and yang are in harmony then the belief is that your body will be in harmony too. Food is about choice and moderation in everything, an idea that perhaps the Chinese understand and something that we should at least look at in the West. In Hong Kong the discerning diner has a vast choice and although everything will not be to your liking by rolling that dice you can take a chance and occasionally those sixes will come rolling back to you.
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peacekaleandyoga1 · 5 years
Weight loss is one of the most talked about fitness topic among individuals who strive to lose weight. Losing weight can be a walk in the park. Read on for some great advice that will make weight loss goals.
Drink green tea to help you lose some weight. Green tea is linked to metabolism boosting and is a natural energy booster. Enjoy a mug before your morning workout.
A great weight is to monitor and keep track of caloric intake on a daily basis. Cut out fatty foods you can.You can also substitute fattier foods with other options.
TIP! A healthier food alternative is to discard the egg yolk and just eat the whites. Although there are some healthy ingredients in egg yolks, they’re also loaded with cholesterol and fat, and that likely makes them a bad fit for your current diet.
Do not buy overly tempting food around the house. If you don’t have candy and chips, you will not have to face them every time you go into the kitchen. For instance, make a healthy amount of fresh vegetable and store it in a container or stock up on some whole-grain crackers which you can eat for a fast snack.
Eating chunky soup instead of a meal can help you lose weight. It’s an unwise choice to drink all of your calories.Soups with large chunks of vegetables and legumes will satisfy your hunger more quickly than soups that are pureed or creamy.
By reducing your foot intake and drinking a half gallon of water every day for an entire week, you will shed water weight. This is not fat loss, but you could use it once to kick-start a weight loss plan.
TIP! If your main purpose in exercising is to lose weight, you should focus more on cardiovascular exercise than on weight training. Cardio training will help you lose fat and slim you down and is essential for losing weight.
Finding a workout partner can help keep you in remaining committed to your routine.
A great weight is to ensure that your dishes aren’t too big. When you serve your food on large dishes, you can inadvertently overeat due to dishing up larger portions. Your meal should fit on a nine inch plate. Any bigger and you are using a plate will hold far too large.
If you seem to have plateaued in your weight loss journey and cannot lose additional pounds, now is the time to intensify your workouts. Your body tends to adapt to a workout routine and stop reacting positively if there’s little variation.
TIP! Adding whole grains to the diet that you follow will help you shed pounds. A dietician can help you learn to make the right choices, or you can do your own research.
Reducing your salt intake is an excellent way to lose weight successfully. When you stop consuming salt, you will soon be able to taste the natural salt that food already has, too. Fast food is loaded with salt, so avoid it.
Try talking as much as you can when eating at a restaurant.You will be able to digest your meal that you are eating and control how much each.Engage in serious conversation to reduce food consumption at a meal.
There are a number of diets out there that fail to help you to lose the weight. Join a gym or commit to an exercise class. Any diet you do should always be accompanied by exercise to work. This will allow you to burn off the calories than you consume.
TIP! Exercise regularly to lose weight. If you have time and money, become a member of your local gym.
These beverages are loaded with carbohydrates and sugar and can make you crave food even more. Try choosing bottled water to reduce your body.
A great way to shed those pounds is to consumer cereal at least 5 days a week. Cereal contains great amounts of calcium and healthy fiber. Not every brand is suitable for weight loss, so don’t go reaching for Cap’n Crunch.Stick with healthy, like Total and Bran Flakes.
You have to work on convincing our mind that it is very achievable and you have the power. Once you are confident that you can do the task set in front of you, it becomes much simpler to achieve.
TIP! It can be tempting to eat at a restaurant even while dieting. Watch out, though, for the way restaurants often provide super-sized portions.
Losing weight through dietary changes is only one part of the foods that you eat. You should also have to exercise. You have to move all day long and trying to keep your heart rate as frequently as you can.
You can usually find low calorie alternatives for your favorite foods with reduced calories. Consider cutting the amount of cheese on pizza when out, or switch to low fat ice cream.
Try to have an upbeat attitude when you are losing weight. If you can start thinking positive thoughts about exercising and making healthy changes to your diet, you can do what you need to do to lose weight. This can help keep you motivated on those hard days.
TIP! A really good way to help you lose weight is to run along the beach. In fact, running on sand offers more resistance than other surfaces like sidewalks or grass.
Make yourself a grocery list comprised of nutritious foods, and most importantly – stick to it. You might find it beneficial to set a limit how much time you spend at the supermarket. This will prevent you from browsing the tempting processed food aisles.
If you’d love to be slimmer, or have recently put on some weight, then this article has given you just what you need. Just get started, apply the new information and you will see some trim results before you know it.
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princesfitness · 5 years
New Post has been published on My Fitness and Nutrition Store
New Post has been published on http://myfitnessnutrition.princefamily33.com/2019/03/21/create-your-own-weight-loss-program-with-the-help-of-solid-advice/
Create Your Own Weight Loss Program With The Help Of Solid Advice
TIP! If you are going to lay out a diet plan, avoid the weight loss drinks and bars. Shakes and diet bars are very calorie dense and do not satisfy hunger for long.
Unfortunately, weight loss is not a simple process for many people. As a matter of fact, most say it’s harder than you might believe. Weight loss can prove the most difficult feat you ever accomplish. If you are committed to shedding the excess pounds, use what you learn from this article to get going.
TIP! One good way to lose excess weight is by joining an organization such as Jenny Craig. There are others who are on the same journey and you can also get meals delivered.
Keep your house free of high fat and overly sweet snack foods. If you don’t bring junk food into the house, you won’t be tempted by having it available to you. Instead, keep healthy snacks and foods on hand. For example, keep a veggie tray with your favorite veggies and some crackers made of whole grain to eat when you want a quick snack.
Weight Loss
TIP! Would you like to drop five pounds really fast? If so, drink lots and lots of water. Quick weight loss plans usually result in weight gain.
A good way to shed some pounds is to join a weight loss club. Organizations like these offer not only support, but a myriad of resources to help in your battle. If you are able to afford it, joining one of these organizations can really help to make weight loss easier.
TIP! When trying to lose weight, be sure to keep healthy snacks at home. Store these in a plastic container so that you can see them when you walk by.
Weight loss doesn’t stop after exercise; focus on losing weight while you are at work or at a party. You should eat fruits and vegetables first while at a party, even if there are cakes and cookies you want to try. That way, you’ll stand a much better chance of not sabotaging your diet. Don’t make a big deal about your diet while at the party; just work around it.
TIP! While trying to lose weight you should always pack your lunch. You’ll cut down on your expenses and have more control over what you eat.
If you want to lose weight, try to avoid using your car as much as possible. In addition to cycling and walking, rollerblading and running can provide enjoyable and calorie burning means of travel. Your body stores the calories that you take in throughout the day. By shedding these calories you will be losing weight much quicker.
TIP! Find things to enjoy other than food. A lot of people love to cook and eat.
Yogurt is a good weight loss treat. Yogurts that are plain or low in fat are your healthiest choices. Yogurt can be added to a salad by using cucumbers and salt and pepper for a tasty snack. Buy plain Greek yogurt and add your own fresh fruit for a healthier alternative. Yogurt also contains calcium, a necessary nutrient for bones.
TIP! Avoid eating fried food if you want to succeed at losing weight. Other methods of cooking exist that provide tasty results as well.
Eat a variety of foods to stay satisfied. Eating the same things often will lead to boredom and a sense of deprivation. To keep yourself satisfied and avoid feeling deprived, it is important that your diet consists of many different foods.
TIP! If you love coffee and need to lose weight, try drinking decaf. Drinking decaf is great because it has less calories.
A small plate can keep you from overeating. Research has shown we tend to eat whatever is on our plate no matter the size of the portion. Try filling a smaller plate with smaller amounts of food, and you may be surprised at how well this works for squelching any feelings of deprivation.
TIP! Use the time you spend working at your desk to tighten you abs. The primary muscle that we need to work on when we are focused on flattening our abdomens is the transversus abdominis.
Stay away from fried foods. Other methods of cooking exist that provide tasty results as well. Try poaching, steaming, broiling or baking. Using these cooking methods will help you maintain a slim figure.
TIP! Eating while distracted is the key to weight gain. When you are not focusing on what you are putting into your mouth, it is easy to overeat by accident.
Losing weight and feeling your best is now within reach for you. Using sound advice and dedicating yourself fully, your goals are achievable. By using the tips that you read in this article, you will soon find that you are much more active and healthier.
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gasofastindia-blog · 6 years
Fighting Acidity: Foods to Avoid and Foods to Consume
Acidity is one of the most common health complaints we hear. Nearly one in ten adults suffers from it, every day! Acidity occurs when the stomach produces an excessive amount of acid, far more than that which is ordinarily needed during digestion. A certain amount of acid is beneficial since it kills any germs you may have ingested along with your food. Excess acid, however, causes acidity. Acidity, in turn, causes heartburn - that painful burning sensation in your chest and throat after a particularly heavy meal. It also causes nausea, hiccups, and leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
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Lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking, living a sedentary life, obesity, stress, anxiety, and sleeping too soon after a meal are common causes of acidity. However, certain food items act as a trigger for acidity. They may have a high acid content or they might slow the digestive process down. To get an acidity solution, you should limit your intake of such foods as much as possible.
 Foods to avoid
Here are some of the regular offenders that you must stay away from, especially if you’re prone to contracting acidity problems:
·         Citrus fruits: Tomatoes, oranges, lemons, limes, cranberries and grapefruits and pineapples. Sauces, pickles, juices and salad dressings which contain these items should also be cut out
·         Beverages: Tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks, and alcohol (especially red wine)
·         Sharp spices: Raw onions, garlic, and black pepper
·         Chocolates
·         Meats: Lamb, beef, and pork prepared by deep frying. Also, lard, bacon fat and ham fat
·         Processed snacks: Onion rings, French fries, cookies, desserts, pizza, salsa and ice cream
·         Overly salted food
·         Condiments: Vinegar, mayonnaise and soy sauce
·         Sweeteners: Sugar, honey, and molasses
·         Processed grains: Wheat, rice, and corn
Foods to consume
These are foods which offer an excellent acidity solution:
·         Fresh vegetables: These contain essential vitamins and minerals, are low in sugar and fat and have a naturally high pH level. The best options are green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, and cabbage. Broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, cucumbers, green beans, Brussel sprouts, and potatoes come a close second
·         Whole grains: Oatmeal and brown rice absorb acid and are high in fiber content
·         Digestive spices: Ginger, parsley, turmeric, and fennel can serve as post-dinner aids to digestion
·         Lean meats and egg whites: Hardcore non-vegetarians can switch chicken, fish, seafood and egg yolks. These must be prepared by poaching, baking, grilling or broiling techniques
·         Healthy fats: Replace refined oils with sesame oil or olive oil. Also, supplement your nutrient intake by including walnuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds in your diet. These contain Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E, essential for overall health
·         Soothing fruits: Bananas calm the stomach lining. Fruits with high water content such as watermelons, honeydew, and cantaloupe are good options too. Apples contain a flavonoid, which is a natural acidity solution
·         Fermented foods: Probiotics such yogurt and sauerkraut prevent acid reflux and armor the stomach lining
 Apart from diet control, changing bad habits goes a long way in preventing acidity. Reduce or completely get rid of smoking. Keep yourself hydrated. Remember, your body can never have too much water. Moreover, eat smaller meals throughout the day rather than three large meals. Your dinner should be light, preferably consumed at least three hours before you go to bed. Above all, exercise regularly. Physical activity promotes effective digestion and keeps acidity issues at bay. For quick relief against acidity, rely on Gas-O-Fast, the natural acidity solution your body will thank you for!
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brian-cdates · 6 years
21 Healthy Bed Time Snacks That Are Good For You
Are Bed Time Snacks Healthy?
To eat before bed or not eat before bed? That is the question…no longer with these 21 healthy bed time snacks if hunger strikes.
Many health blogs, bro-science and personal trainers will tell you that “eating at night is bad”—scaring you with claims that it “slows metabolism,” “makes you gain weight,” or “spikes insulin (blood sugar) levels.”
For instance, a 2013 study found that, out of the 420 overweight and obese participants enrolled in a five-month weight loss program, the ”late eaters” (people classified as eating their biggest meal after 3pm) lost “significantly less weight” and took longer to lose it, than the “early eaters”, (those who ate their main meal before 3pm).
Another study from 2005, found that late-night eating (within 3 hours of bed time) was positively linked to indigestion and acid reflux
However, many of these claims and “research” have been skewed!
The missing links the “Don’t-Eat-Late-At-Night” myth often fails to consider is the OVERALL intake of food and eating patterns of people—throughout the day—plus heathy digestion.
Were these people eating balanced, real foods throughout the day (or dieting all day long, to then “binge” or overeat at night)?
Did they support their digestion with probiotics, digestive enzymes and/or hydro-chloric acid, or were they 3 in 4 Americans who already had some sort of “digestive dysfunction” to start?
What were they eating for their late night meal anyways?—Pizza and ice cream, or salmon or chicken with veggies and sweet potatoes?
As you can see, research CAN be skewed. There are healthy bed times snacks.
Nevertheless, newer more cutting edge research—digging deeper—has found that late night eating is NOT as detrimental as once thought. 
In this research review, Kimsy & Ormsby, 2015,   of more than 70 studies, the authors sought to look at BOTH sides of the “late night eating” dilemma to understand the real truths.
Their conclusion?
Nighttime consumption of a small snack of both single nutrients or mixed-meals does not appear to be harmful, and actually may be more beneficial for muscle protein synthesis and metabolism.
In other words: The “don’t eat before bed” myth is so 1992. 
Other research confirms these finding, debunking many common myths about late night eating you, too, may have believed. For instance:
Myth: Carbs Are Bad to Eat at Night
Truth: Real food carbs—eaten with dinner, or a small snack—can promote more balanced insulin levels over night, improved sleep and boosted mood (raising serotonin ), greater fat oxidation (fat burning). 
Myth: Eat Your Biggest Meal at Noon
Truth: Ever wonder why you feel sleepy after lunch time or why that 3 pm energy slip hits? Digestion takes lots of work (on all your body systems) , and when eat a larger meal mid-day, or don’t balance our meals throughout the day, our digestion can take energy away from your other energy needs. Eating lunch is not a “bad” thing, but strictly aiming to eat a “bigger” meal mid-day and restrict calories at night can leave you feeling lethargic. In addition, since cortisol levels are higher typically during the day (when you’re in “go mode”), this can equally slow down the rate at which you digest your food (since your body is more stressed out with higher cortisol patterns). Eating at night can allow you to absorb and fully digest the nutrient rich foods you eat. 
Myth: Late Night Eating Makes You Gain Weight
Truth:  The real reason people “gain weight” when they at at night? They typically restrict their food during the day, setting them up for more stress (cortisol) and metabolic dysfunction, plus a feeding frenzy or “earning their food” mentality at night after “being good all day.” There is not ONE optimal time for every human body. Since our schedules, genetic makeups and lifestyles are all completely different, the ideal times of day we eat are different too. Whereas a 23-year-old fitness enthusiast may thrive upon eating three meals and a snack or two during the day, another person may thrive upon intermittent fasting—eating their food for the day in a 8-12 hour window, and another person, say an emergency room nurse who is up at 5 a.m. for her shift thrives off of eating earlier in the day.
Myth: Late Night Eating Gives You Acid Reflux & Won’t Digest
Truth: Not necessarily. While, optimal digestion DOES happen in “rest and digest” mode (i.e. sleep) and eating too much or too close to bed can negatively impact the quality of your sleep, for others, eating a bed time snack or meal before bed actually improves their ability to sleep (especially if it has the amino acid Tryptophan or Magenisum in the meal). Moreover, digestion doesn’t suddenly stall if you eat at night—(particularly if you’re not overly full). Ultimately, this is where self-experimentation happens. Do you feel worse or better if you eat close to bed? Let that be your guide.
Bonus Digestion Tip:  If you DO eat closer to bed, or feel fuller prior to bed, try propping your head semi-upright to rest can be beneficial for supporting the “north to south” process of digestion. In addition, healthy digestive practices can help promote improved digestion if you eat closer to bed as well, including: taking probiotics and eating fermented foods daily, chewing your food well, digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid (if you get ‘reflux’ or have low stomach acid) and/or apple cider vinegar, etc.), and, of course, eating real foods. 
What matters more than eating at night or not?
What you eat over the course of 24-hours in a day (consistently); and
Your digestion—Are you digesting the foods you eat (regardless of whether or not you eat at night)?
In other words: If you are eating appropriate amounts of food, for your body type and health (no matter the time of day), PLUS digesting your food well, then “late night eating”  is not a bad thing.
So should you eat before bed? 
Yes and no.
The bigger question is: What type of hungry are you?
Are you just eating or snacking because it’s a habit or a craving?
Are you hungry—at a cellular level—because you ate at 6 p.m., and it’s now 10 or 11 p.m.?
Did you not fuel your body with enough fuel throughout the day?
Did you have a tough workout today or yesterday, and your body is needing some extra replenishment?
Some days will be “yes” and some days will be “no.”
If you are hankering a bedtime snack, reach for foods with:
Magnesium—Mineral that relieves insomnia, relaxes muscles, calms you, decreases cortisol—your “stress hormone”, or
Tryptophan-Amino Acid that calms your brain and helps you sleep
Need some ideas for Bed Time Snacks:
Some optimal bed time snacks at night (for boosting sleep hygiene) include:
Herbal or Cinnamon Tea (optional stir in MCT oil or 1 tbsp. Grass-fed Butter)
Coconut Yogurt
Homemade Avocado “pudding” (link to recipe)
Avocado & Grapefruit with sea salt
Goat’s milk yogurt or fermented plain, full-fat yogurt
Kefir or Goat’s Milk Kefir with frozen blueberries
Grass-fed cottage cheese
Chia-seed pudding (link to recipe) 
Baked apple slices with cinnamon and coconut oil
Beef isolate protein powder or collagen protein + carob powder blended in almond milk or coconut milk
Homemade spinach dip (link to my recipe ) with cucumbers
½ green tipped banana with coconut butter or almond butter
Canned wild salmon and wild caught tuna
Pastured eggs (scrambled)
Turkey roll-ups
Homemade kale chips with dried cranberries and olive oil
Handful raw soaked cashews, almonds or walnuts
Toasted pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds
Square 80-100% dark chocolate
Pumpkin Muffins (link to recipe)
Turkey or Beef Jerky (nitrate-free)
Spinach Dip
14 oz. artichoke hearts, drained
3 cups baby spinach, wilted (steamed)
½ yellow onion, minced
6 cloves garlic, minced
5 thick slices of bacon or turkey bacon, diced
½ cup full-fat coconut milk
Sea salt and back ground pepper
Fry the bacon in a skillet over a medium- until the bacon begins to brown. Add in onion and garlic and sauté for 2 to 3 minutes. Add in the artichokes and spinach and cook for an additional 3 minutes. Remove from heat and let it cool. Pour in the coconut milk and combine well. Refrigerate for at least 30 min.
Chia Seed Pudding
1 ripe banana, peeled
¼ cup full-fat coconut milk
2 tbsp chia seeds
Dash of vanilla extract, alcohol free
Blend banana and coconut milk and vanilla in blender, then add chia seeds and blend further.  Pour into a container and chill for an hour to let the chia seeds expand.
Chocolate Avocado Pudding
1 medium ripe avocado
2-3 tablespoons carob powder (for AIP) or organic cocoa powder
1-2 tbsp. maple syrup
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
3-4 tablespoons of coconut milk OR almond (carageenan free)
1 scoop (2 tablespoons) collagen peptides (optional)
Add avocado, carob (or cocoa), maple syrup, vanilla, and salt to the bowl of a blender. If using espresso powder, dissolve it in milk. Add milk to blender. Blend until very smooth and creamy. Taste
Pumpkin Muffins
¾ cup coconut flour
½ cup organic pumpkin puree
¼ cup pure maple syrup
6 pastured eggs
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground ginger
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
¾ teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line a standard muffin tin with 12 parchment or silicone baking cups. Combine all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir well with a whisk to break up any clumps.Spoon in to muffin tins and bake 25-30 minutes until golden brown on the edges.
The post 21 Healthy Bed Time Snacks That Are Good For You appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/hormones-metabolism/21-healthy-bed-time-snacks-that-are-good-for-you/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ 21 Healthy Bed Time Snacks That Are Good For You via http://drlaurynlax.tumblr.com/
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