#&even it i were not i would still starve because i live in a village in the middle of nowhere so it is either jungle river food or
comradekatara · 11 hours
On the topic of Sokka and failure and suicide: I think that it is probably rooted in the possibility that his failures, as a hunter and as a protector, COULD (and maybe did???) lead to deaths in his village. If he failed to bring home food or furs then people died, if HE failed to properly train the toddlers or watch over them properly during training then they could also get hurt or die, or themselves fail to bring home food or keep their people safe (which is to him obviously his fault as their trainer) and HE was the one who was meant to lead and protect and keep everyone safe.... It's so easy to see how that could spiral out into his severe deterioration after real failures during ATLA. Like, he is unique among the early Gaang that he is intimately familiar with the link between his actions and death, whether it's of people he cares about, animals, or eventually enemies. He's so painfully aware of it.
And speculatively, those toddlers would've all been born within a year of the men leaving! Which also means Sokka The Protector and Provider would've had no men (BC he wouldn't believe anyone else, they'd just be trying to make him feel better about being a failure) to reassure him that any pregnancies or newborns who didn't make it WEREN'T his fault and that he DID provide enough to keep mother and babe healthy. Or worse, he actually didn't do a good enough job and it did lead to close calls or difficult pregnancies or deaths. Either scenario would've fucked him up So Deeply.
yeah i talked about sokka’s perfectionist complex recently and also the fact that sokka is very much implied to be a good hunter, so like. yes. the stakes for any kind of failure are very high due to the nature of his responsibilities and what he believes he must excel in. he considers himself a provider and protector above all else. if he fails to provide for others, people starve. if he fails to protect others, people die. to fail to fulfill that role in any way is to be culpable for causing harm. and sokka never once considers whether putting that burden on a 13 year old was kind of unfair, actually, because he’s always been capable of excelling and thus it’s squarely his fault if he falls short in any way. but presumably, he doesn’t fail??
like, we really have no way of knowing, because so much of their childhoods and life before finding aang is framed exclusively from katara’s pov (she’s the narrator), but even what we do see is sokka holding the lantern for katara, sokka and kanna functioning as a unit when making decisions for the village, kanna trusting sokka more and telling katara to listen to her brother, sokka preparing to die a martyr. even the kind of “goofier” stuff, like katara soaking sokka with her “magic water,” or sokka trying to train a bunch of toddlers, or sokka’s watchtower getting destroyed, are all indicative of who sokka is and how he sees the world, in really fascinating ways.
obviously sokka’s reaction to katara waterbending is a complex one that we cannot fully understand when the show begins because we don’t actually know why and how waterbenders were targeted, so it reads as simple disrespect for something sokka doesn’t understand. and maybe it’s also jealousy, because i think literally anyone would be jealous if their little sibling had magic powers and you didn’t. but there’s definitely also fear there, fear that whoever informed the fire nation of there being one last waterbender left is still out there, that katara is still a target. it’s a fear informed by trauma, by sokka’s need to protect katara, to “keep his promise to dad.” it’s never outright spoken (unless you’re live action shein go girl give us nothing katara, of course), but it’s pretty obvious in retrospect.
there’s also the fact that katara is there with him in the first place. there’s never any indication one way or another whether katara and sokka going fishing together is a common occurrence, but i tend towards thinking it’s uncommon simply because sokka seems particularly pissed off by her presence, like she’s disrupting his peace. and i bet kanna is just sitting at home like “maybe i shouldn’t have let katara go fishing…” and then of course she comes home with a ghost and his flying bison, and kanna’s just like “goddammit. i knew this would happen. …..sort of.”
and sokka trying to train a bunch of toddlers seems funny at first, but is actually incredibly tragic, because sokka never actually questions the idea that the notion of childhood innocence does not exist, that from the moment you are born you must be prepared to die. it looks silly because he’s wrong, but it’s also heartbreaking because it’s all he knows. that scene is very explicitly establishing him as a foil to aang, setting up that deeper tension that underpins their relationship. katara immediately aligns herself with aang, recognizes the value of fun and the value of retaining one’s childhood, while sokka is positioned in opposition to this values from the get go. and sokka does eventually come around and embraces the value of fun, but he also embodies the burden (both material and psychological) that aang carries, and he functions as a sort of warning to aang to maintain his values, untouched by war, before it is too late. before aang lets his own burden overtake him and becomes what sokka already is.
and his watchtower is something i think about a lot too. it’s literally his only enrichment in his enclosure… sokka only lets himself practice what he thinks is useful, despite his love for all different forms of art and knowledge. so he can perfectly apply warpaint without so much as a mirror, and he can build a fucking functioning watchtower out of snow, but only because it serves a practical function. like, katara calls it “playing soldier,” because there is something sort of aesthetically childish about sokka building a watchtower out of snow like a glorified snowman and thinking that this makes him some kind of hardened general (we all start somewhere i suppose), but also, he is doing the best he has with the tools at his disposal, and he is in a war, and he is right to constantly be preparing for existential threats to his people, even if it does admittedly make him look kinda pathetic simply because his resources are so limited and he lacks the necessary experience to actually be successful in his mission. but also, that fact in itself is deeply tragic. this is what their once flourishing tribe has been reduced to; this child who thinks himself an adult is the first and last line of defense in their tiny, decimated village.
he thinks his purpose on this planet is so protect his people and his sister from a genocidal empire with basically no support and no resources at his disposal, and then he feels actively guilty when that situation is understandably difficult for him. so he probably always has been a proficient hunter (even as a 13 year old?? maybe he had help, but idk) because his reaction to that kind of failure (to protect & to provide) is so catastrophic during the show whenever it happens (most notably in the boiling rock arc) that there’s no way he has any sort of prior experience with that kind of consequentially devastating failure.
and not for nothing, but i do think the reason katara assumes that he’s fucking around and not doing real work is because unlike katara, he never actually complains about it, doesn’t struggle to do it, and in fact takes pride in it, is even a little smug about it. to the point that katara is like “why do i have to be stuck here doing tedious domestic labor while sokka gets to have fun hunting and fishing???” even though obviously sokka has never had fun a day in his life and deep down katara also clearly knows that.
but like, he really enjoys hunting because it’s the most literal realization of his role as provider. he loves being “the meat guy” because it’s a symbol of how he is able to embody this ideal of manliness through a practice he is actually good at (unlike a lot of other standards of masculinity he otherwise struggles to embody). he likes being the provider, caring for others in concrete, tangible ways, protecting the people he cares about. “oh sokka you really do have a heart,” katara exclaims, meanwhile his heart is and has always been the thing that defines his entire identity at the deepest, most fundamental level: his desire to put other people before himself every time, his need to be needed, the love he has for humanity that is so different from katara’s but in no way less significant. sokka will care for people, or die trying.
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derpinette · 2 years
i am dying from lactose deficiency
#coping by eating chocolates even tho i greatly would prefer eating anything else made of real dairy not this fake yellow crap#that tastes nothing like milk or cheese or butter#protip if you ever go to asia DO NOT order any food with cheese as the centerpiece unless mozarella. if yellow DO NOT GET IT#it tastes awful i thought it was just my country but apparently this is the same everywhere tastes like weirdly sweet vomit#nothing like cheese whatsoever absolutely putrid. feeling starved. cos i am due to being a poorfag#&even it i were not i would still starve because i live in a village in the middle of nowhere so it is either jungle river food or#fake microplastic food or no food at all so i choose no food at all Sorry about it ! well i eat mangos which are actually delicious#if sweet if not it tastes horrible &as long as the mango is not too stringy/hairy i can eat loads of them#anyway i was right i WOULD die without dairy that is the answer to the query ( haha ) ( sorry... )#i am disintegrating into dust canny even drink water because you will get diseases if you drink from the tap#am not posh enough to afford plastic bottles#also i know the reason why this is with the fake horrible dairy is cos like most of asia is lactose intolerant (i did not carry that gene)#( i would say thank God but i would be demolishing wheels of edam still even if i was )#&also they do not have milk cows. imagine living here &growing up here  i kiss my palm front &back that i was not this is hell#also there are no local tomato paste brand this is actually almost like a torture simulation made specifically for me#where would i be without dairy#now i know the answer. starved
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kirbyyuu · 2 months
IN ANOTHER TIMELINE? 🎐 [Suguru x NonSorcerer!Reader]
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Angst/no comfort, implied major character death, canonverse, no smut, gn reader
Desc: Suguru can't make any exceptions when it comes to his new world. Not even when its his lover.
A/N: literally my first time doing this and idk if i will continue writing or not but i had to get this out of my system, enjoy <3 feedback appreciated!
Not proofread yet
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The faint glow of the waning moon just might be the last light you see before you face your finality. 
Or would it be the unsettling glow of his eyes?
Your back pressed against the cold walls of the dilapidated building– your eyes darting far across the alley, scanning for any…. Any means of escape. Your breath uneven, throat dry– nobody would even hear you scream here. 
His face comes into view now, a pale imitation of your lover– your hands slightly tremble as it grasps the wall beside. You look him in the eye, feeling your heart drop with the realisation that things were gone too far now.
It’s too late….. Is it my fault?
“Love….” Suguru started speaking in his usual honeyed voice, “Love…. I have to do this. No exceptions.”
Was he as gentle to the others as well? His parents? The villagers? Or was this special weapon crafted just for you? 
“That’s what you keep saying to yourself. But you know– you know that's not true.” Your voice was high pitched, stark against the deathly silence of the night. “But you’re one of them darling, a–” his face scrunched slightly, as if disgusted or pained that he had to remind you of this crucial detail, “a monkey.”
You breathe in slowly, eyes set on the pale visage of the man you loved– the moonlight shining off his raven black hair– and for a moment you felt like you were starving for salvation and he was something holy. 
“So this is what conditions your love? And ideology? A stupid one too, in fact?” 
Maybe you weren’t quite the wordsmith, now that you're at the brink of death. Suguru’s brows knit into a soft frown, for a moment you think– This is it, this is how I go.
But he stands back, his lips tremble slightly for a quick moment. “I did– I do love you. Don’t you… don’t you want a better world? I thought you would understand– don’t you want me to be happy?” “A better world that I don’t live to see? How’s that fair?” He frowned even more, his eyes dimming. “I’m not allowed the luxury of love when the world is at stake.”
“So you’re the hero?”
“But heroes lose everything…. Suguru.”
He pursed his lips, eyes narrowing further at your words. There was the slightest hint of emotion on his face to be replaced immediately by resoluteness.
A familiar acrid smell suddenly invaded your senses, the temperature dropped as goosebumps adorned your skin. You couldn’t see it– but you knew he had summoned a curse. What a pity… you weren’t even privileged enough to see what’ll end you. 
Your time was running short, adrenaline pumping through your veins as your mind screamed at you to run– run anywhere, rationality overtaken by fear but your feet still rooted to the spot. You look at him again, his familiar presence shrouded by the peculiar clothing he donned as a mark of his new beliefs. And even then you couldn���t help but think– he looks almost divine. 
“If I have to….” his voice drawled, “I’ll be the worst person– to get rid of your kind. For the greater good.” 
That was the final nail on the coffin within which lay your last hope of convincing him otherwise. He slipped away like sand between your fingers– your desperate grasping was meaningless. 
But I still want to hold on. 
Suguru noticed your slipping form, how you seem to become smaller as the weight of your reality grew heavier on you. Your knees almost gave way. 
“I’m doing this because there’s something greater than just us. A purpose. Don’t you see the grand scheme of things? Wouldn’t you want things to be actually righ–”
“Stop lying!”
You weren’t fully in control now, your rage was bursting at the seams– ready to drown your lover in a torrential downpour of your hurt and betrayal. You were angry, you were so so angry. 
You were also so in love. 
A sob broke out, you desperately wiped away your tears. You don’t hear Suguru say anything–  or maybe he did but the ringing of your ears drowned out almost everything from your perceptions. 
A minute goes by, you don’t say anything more…. What’s the point? Your sobs get more controlled as you press yourself further against the moss covered wall. You hear Suguru tutting. “I tried to be patient with you. I thought you deserved it.”
You weren’t paying attention to his words anymore. Your heart beat was slowing down…. Or was it faster than ever? Your breath steadied….. Or were you just too afraid to breathe anymore? It almost felt like you were high, a dazed look crossed your eyes. 
Suguru scowled. Were you finally accepting your fate?
Slouching, your voice spoke to him again– faint. Defeated.
“Tell me something…..some-something Suguru. Do we… always end up like this? In every timeline?” 
The cult leader’s eyes widen at your sudden question, feeling a sharp unexplainable pain jolt his being. He gulped. 
His purpose… he had to remember his purpose. 
“Y/N-- stop this.”
Oh how he hated the way that question made him feel.
“N-no tell me…. Do we always- always end like this? Doomed to belong but never find each other? 49%.... 51%-- we never meet halfway? Or-or Like Orpheus and Eurydice…. No– no…. I’m Icarus. I’m Icarus and I’ll love you even in my demise–”
Suguru’s voice held a newfound irritation– your words… your words were annoying, your words were like nails against a blackboard, your voice was too whiny, too desperate, you spoke like you could sway him, you were sickening, your very being was sickening and you were a plight on this world just like the other monkeys, you you you–
“I love you, Suguru.” 
A short pause.
“I love you.” 
“Just stop!”
He didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want to think about another timeline. He didn’t want to think about…. possibilities.
“Just– stop!” 
It seemed like his growing anger directly fueled his curse as you felt something suffocate you, crashing down onto you in waves and making you break out in cold sweat. You let out a small cry.
Suguru’s eyes flickered, he tried to recollect himself to not let you know of the tempest brewing inside, a constant chant of what ifs and what could have beens. But one question echoed within the walls of his conscience no matter how much he tried to stifle it– in another life, does he disappoint you again? Will you never be his again? You were perfect, only if you hadn't been a–
He looks at your cowering form, the pallor on your face, the sweat beading your forehead, your hair unkempt and your eyes bloodshot and tired. He sees you, he sees you be so miserable. He raised his hand. 
“Monkey, I’ve given you enough of my tolerance. You speak too much.”
And you were smiling....... smiling up at him– just like the day when he had first seen you as a mere teenager, the faint curl of your lips like a punchline to a grand cosmic joke. 
And then you closed your eyes. 
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blue-sadie · 9 months
Yandere Hope
Spider, Neteyam, Miles, Jake, Tonowari x Na'vi Reader
Prt 1. Prt 2.
Them being yandere for you
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Spider Socorro
His a jealous yandere your a na'vi and his a human people say it could never work but he'll make it, he gets irritated when other males try to court you even infront of him.
It all started when you became friends with him and the sullys you were one of the very few that treated him like a actually person and not some alien.
It took him a while of planning but when he does kidnap you he kinda starves you out so when he does finally feed you, you see that you need him to survive, he keeps you in a cage in a hidden cave far from the village so no one can ever find you.
If you escaped he'll become more desperate and manipulative he'll use the excuse of keeping you to himself because your the only one ever nice to him and guilt you into coming back to him.
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He's a possessive yandere, he fought to get where he is today he doesn't want to be seen like he gets handed everything because of who his dad is and he'll do anything to get you.
When he arrived at your village with his family you where the only to smile at him and not talk bad about him and his family, you also joined in on teaching them your ways.
He brings you back to his homeland because he knows of places he can keep you and he knows you don't know anything about the forest so he hopes the fear will keep you trapped.
When you do escape and he catches you he will take drastic measures and actually break your legs for punishment and when your sobbing he'll just pat your head while saying I fought for you now your mine.
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Miles Quaritch
He's a serious yandere he takes no jokes what so ever he doesn't like anyone other then him talking to you or even looking in your direction he'll take it as a threat and kill them on sight.
You were spiders adoptive mother and so you probably met when he held the sullys kids and spider hostage and he saw how spider responds to you so that also fuels his desire for you.
He probably also caught you after you followed spider down after he fell and decided you would be an excellent prisoner.
If you ever escape he'll use spider as bait and yes spider wouldn't mind it either and when you come back he'll put an electric collar on you.
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Jake Sully
Isolating yandere he'll do anything to make sure he's the only one around you, friends oh they just heard one really bad rumor about you he'll stop at nothing.
You were neytiris best friend and kinda hung out in the background of their lessons making sure he doesn't try anything on her but as he became more na'vi you opened up to him.
He got a small base made so he can keep you there he'll make sure there's limited resources for you and when you run out he'll make you beg for more.
If you escape all hell will break loose he'll threaten you by saying he'll give out important info to the sky people and when they destroy most of your home he'll tell the people you were the one to give that info out.
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He's a condescending yandere he'll make you feel low of yourself when you hang around other people and become a bit distant if you still carry on and make you beg for his forgiveness.
You are jakes sister and came with them to the village because quaritch was after you too, tonowari took it upon himself to teach you their ways.
He makes a hut further in the islands that no one knows about and keep you there but he'll still give you everything you need as long as you behave.
If you escape he'll turn into a mean yandere because why would you leave him how could you think you can live without him.
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chernabogs · 25 days
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Inc: Malleus (/Reader later on), Reader/Prefect, Lilia, Silver, Sebek, Ace, Deuce, Grim, and a lot of fae who should not be in this dimension yet somehow are. Wc: Roughly 9k (Currently sitting at chapter 2/23). Warnings: Violence, reference to war, kidnapping, rituals that fae allegedly did in mythology (wild), psychological horror, body horror (not until much later), and the boys are fighting... a lot. Relies heavily on ancient Celtic and Welsh lore (Tam Lin, Thomas the Rhymer, and Oisin I owe u my life) Summary: Your first encounter with the fae was not in Twisted Wonderland, but rather on the coast of a village your grandmother once lived in—where stones bit into your bare feet and the water poured into your lungs as you were pulled to a world so different from your own. It was by cunning alone that you managed to escape, having since pushed those memories aside. But the fae do not forget—not even when you cross dimensions once more—and as Beltane looms, the time for collecting is near.
Chapter 1 (Prologue) below the cut. Check out the work up to chapter 2 here!
I saw their starved lips in the gloam,
With horrid warning gaped wide,
And I awoke and found me here,
On the cold hill's side.
-  La Belle Dame sans Merci, Keats
19??, Dunhill, Ireland. October.
There is an unsettling truth behind the superstitions we hold. After all, why else do we face horseshoes upright, or close our blinds when the sun begins to set? We did not learn to play mute when we hear our names get called at night for no reason, nor did we discover on a whim that blackbirds circling are harbingers of ill outcomes.  
Your grandmother was a woman of superstition. Because she lived in Dunhill, Ireland, you very rarely had the opportunity to see her growing up. This didn’t mean that you weren’t occasionally shipped out to arrive at her doorstep for a few weeks at a time over the summer months.
Your memories of her appearance are mostly flashes of the few moments you saw her. Knotted joints on her body, silver hair hidden behind a headscarf she always wore, and the way her shoulders would stoop with each shuffling step she took. What you remember more vividly was the way she acted when the two of you went out. Her trembling hands—Parkinson’s, you think your parent may have mentioned—would always press an iron nail into yours to put in your pocket before you departed.
“They like to wait on the coastlines,” she had murmured when you asked why she gave this to you. “And they’ll like you the most.”
She would not offer any further information, nor would she let you out until the nail was securely tucked away. Despite how slowly she would move on your many walks along Benvoy Beach, you never once failed to miss the way her sharp gaze would always be fixated on the unruly seas beyond.
She dies when you’re ten years old. Her funeral is a vivid affair. Your grandmother’s humble home has been transformed into a centre of traffic within a matter of hours since her passing, barely giving your family a moment to breathe despite catching the red-eye flight earlier that day. People you have never seen before shaking your small hand and offering their condolences. The strong fragrance of unknown flowers and cheap perfume fills each room, suffocating out any last semblance of your grandmother that may have still lingered. It feels more like they’re spitting on her memory than honouring it. You know your grandmother—she is, was, a quiet woman, and not one for all this pomp and circumstance.
Perhaps this is why no one notices when you sneak out and down the rocky hills.
You slip on several rocks and scrape up your hands really good by the time your feet hit the familiar sandy beach below. With the way the sun is beginning to set, the waters seem to be a wine-red color, swirling in their chaotic fervour to reach the earth you stand on. You pause to take several breaths before kicking your shoes off and stepping forward into that hungry sea.
Your parent will be furious at you for dirtying up your formal garb, but this isn’t at the forefront of your mind right now as your eyes slide shut and you stretch your arms wide. You feel the wind rush along your body and the fragrance of salt overtake you as you spill your grief into the vast waters, letting it mix and swirl into that abyss for a moment of catharsis.
It’s when the wind carries the scent of something pungent that your eyes snap open again. The foulness is brief, and for a moment you write it off as simply a byproduct of the ocean, until it returns again stronger than before. It smothers the brine and has your head turning to look around for the source. You look over your left shoulder at the empty beach around you. The sun continues to set, and your gaze tracks the path of a gull flying overhead before you look over your shoulder once more.
This time, someone is waiting.  
There is an unsettling truth behind the superstitions we hold. The reason why we are scared of things that try to look like us, why we try so hard to ward them off, is because we know that anything that wants to be like a human certainly has no good intent in their heart. This is the case for the figure you see standing on the beach.
They’re wearing the same dark funeral garb you had seen the others in your grandmother’s home wearing. A wide-brimmed hat sits upon their head to conceal most of their features, although you can see scarlet hairs peeking out, and their hands appear to be clasped behind their back as they stand stoically ahead. Despite the winds that bite at your cheeks, not a single scrap of fabric on the figure’s body moves. It’s as though they’re cut from a painting and placed in real life.
You both observe each other in silence. You can feel your body locking up as your mind chants to you wrong, wrong, wrong, over and over again like a mantra. Your right hand drifts down to your pant pocket—you did not take a nail with you before you left the home.
They like to wait on the coastlines, and they’ll like you the most.
Your breath catches in your throat.
The figure smiles—black, sharp, and not quite human. 
Something in your gut tells you to run and you, even as a rebellious child, do as you’re told. Your body twists around to scramble towards the rocks as your feet slip in the wet sand. You completely discard grabbing your shoes in your haste to get away, fully accepting the agony that the stones ripping into your soles will bring as consequence.
You don’t get very far. Whatever is on the beach with you is far quicker than you will ever be. Within moments of you turning, its cold fingers dig into your shoulders. You scream—cry—as the figure leans down and the pungent aroma of rotting fish emanates with each breath it exhales. You thrash and twist in its grip until you face each other, and you lock eyes with her.  
She looks exactly as she did the last time you saw each other. Same knotted limbs, same silvery hairs, same stoop of her shoulders.
She stares down at you. The wind whips the loose strands of her hair around her face, and her eyes are the cloudy blue of the dead as something begins to claw in your mind. You watch as her thin and cracking lips form the syllables to your name—but it’s lost to the roar of an ever-cacophonous sea. The ground surges up around you, wrapping thorns—thorns? —around your legs. They bite into your skin, draw ruby gems from beneath your frigid flesh, and when you lift your head again, your grandmother merely continues to wear her blackened smile at the sight.
You cry out once more, but just like your name, your pleas are stolen away by the winds.
Everything lasts all but a few moments before the sea finally reaches what it has been clawing for. 
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mixelation · 28 days
(a)synchronicity - probably the very beginning
Tori was currently tied by the wrist to two other people, part of a chain of five civilians and one shinobi. They stood out in the rain, in a muddy field outside of Ame. Hanzo stalked back and forth in front of them. 
Needless to say, Tori’s day wasn’t going the way she had planned. 
“You are the absolute scum of the earth,” Hanzo wheezed out through the filter over his mouth. “You are traitors and usurpers. Did you really think we would let you get away?”
The Ame Tori knew– the one twenty or so years in the future– would have let civilians move out, if they could prove they needed to. She could have written herself a very compelling letter about having no familial or professional ties and no job prospects, laid out a plan for how she'd be so good at a job somewhere else in the country, and she would have gotten exit papers. 
Apparently in mid-Civil War Ame, even civilians were under suspicion of joining the rebels. Despite being homeless for the last month, despite not having a single thing to her name because she was not even from this time, despite not doing a single thing for Ame or its wars, Tori was meant to stay in Ame even if she starved. That was giving your life to a village, according to Hanzo’s ongoing mental breakdown. 
“I’d rather die here than live another day serving you,” the shinobi that was supposed to be guiding them out snarled. Then she spat into the mud. 
Why, Tori thought. There was no talking her way out of this, not with that attitude. 
“As you wish,” Hanzo answered. His hands rose towards his face. There was a shuffling around them as the Ame-nin holding their sad little group at sword-point pulled gas masks over their mouths and noses. 
Why would sewing a piece of salamander into yourself do that? Tori wondered as she watched purple fumes pour from Hanzo’s mouth. 
She didn’t have it in her to feel fear. She’d done nothing but squat in abandoned, cold buildings and beg for food for the past month. She probably hadn’t gotten properly dry the entire time. She didn’t even have the energy to feel angry. She was just annoyed and tired. 
The poison made all her neurons misfire. Pain shot through random parts of her body, and her legs convulsed and knocked her over. She dragged down both the people she was tied to– or maybe they dragged her down? It was hard to tell. They were one twitching mass of limbs and shrieks of pain at Hanzo’s feet. 
“Tell your filth friends when you see them,” Hanzo said, voice no longer distorted by the mask, “that I will not stop even when Hell is full.”
Tori knew she was properly dead by then, because the gnawing hunger of the Shinigami spread inside her, becoming a part of her, driving out her own feelings. If Hanzo was going to fill her stomach, why wasn’t he? Why was he wasting her time with this measly meal?
It almost felt good to be one with the Shinigami, who did not feel cold or tired, just hungry, always hungry. Except, today she also felt… 
What are you? The Shinigami wondered. But gods did not have to experience time strictly linearly like humans, and it puzzled it together quickly. Disgusting, Tori thought of her own soul, and then suddenly had the very human instinct to vomit. 
She could feel the souls of the five other people in her stomach. She could also feel arms cutting her hands free and then dragging her through the thick mud of the field. Her nerves twitched. This was probably just what corpses killed by Hanzo did, because the person dragging her didn’t react. 
This is a vile feeling, the Shinigami thought. Or perhaps it was what Tori thought. How dare a human touch me?
Tori had to fight to stay limp as repulsion filled her. Then she was being dumped down a hill along with the other bodies. 
Ah, the Shinigami-in-her-head thought. The carcasses after a meal. And yet I’m still hungry…
Tori had been dumped into a mass grave, on top of a pit of rotting human bodies half-submerged in mud. Bile rose in her mouth, but she fought it back down, flailing for the edge of the pit. She refused to look down or think too hard as the Shinigami faded from her brain. 
It took a long time and many failed attempts to crawl her way up the muddy slope. 
Tori allowed herself to splay out in the mud for a few minutes. The Ame-nin were long gone. She hated dying, but it was a convenient little trick. 
The poison still had lingering effects, and she stumbled over her own feet several times as she headed to the forest at the edge of the field. Her vision was spotted. But she was alive, and she was getting the hell out of Rain Country. 
Tori was still in Rain Country. Travel was… challenging. Rain Country was at war with itself and its neighboring countries. Ninja occupied towns and roads and would randomly show up and kill you for no reason, or perhaps confiscate your supplies if you were lucky. The ninja came from every country, having made Ame the stage for their stupid Third War. 
She had money now, though, at least. Ninja here weren’t any better at not getting tricked than they were in her timeline. 
“What do you mean, kill them?” the farmer’s wife said. “They’re ninja!”
“They’re not even conscious,” Tori countered. She pressed the knife at the woman again. “They’ll die like anyone.”
The farmer’s wife seemed doubtful, her eyes nervously flickering over to her dining room where three young men sat slumped over their seats. 
“Fine, I’ll show you,” Tori said, turning on her heel and marching back into the room. 
It was nice of the farmer’s wife to let her stay with them, curled up in the dry hay of her barn. The ninja had been here since Tori had, because she’d stalked them here. 
The farmer’s wife had old medications prescribed to her husband, from before the supply shortages and before her husband had died resisting a ninja raid. It had taken very little convincing from Tori to get the woman to crush up pills into the food she served the ninja. And then it had worked, because ninja had a hard time believing non-ninja weren’t idiots. They hadn’t expected a young civilian like Tori asking a bunch of stupid questions to be a distraction for another civilian doing something dangerous. 
Of course, there was a period between being drugged and passing out where the ninja had realized something was wrong. There were several kunai in the walls and a huge scorch across the wooden dining table from them freaking out. This was probably why the farmer’s wife had refused to enter the room, despite being gungho about the plan just an hour ago. 
The drugs worked just as well as the warning label had promised, though. There were all out like alight, breath and limbs heavy
Tori hovered over the biggest of the three ninja with the knife. A Konoha headband glinted back up at her. It was funny. She’d always just assumed Konoha-nin would be kinder than everyone else, but they weren’t. They would barge into some lady’s house, scare the shit out of her kids, and demand free room and board, just like any other ninja. The farmer’s wife had no idea what village had killed her husband, and it didn’t matter. All ninja were ninja to someone like her. 
Tori fiddled with the knife. She wasn’t… she didn’t… well. She didn’t mind the idea of killing someone with a knife, but she had no idea how to do it cleanly. 
She ended up turning the knife on herself and making a little incision into the fatty part of her forearm for blood. It would take some extra time and finagling, but fuuinjutsu was almost always what she was most comfortable with. She patted the ninja down for a spare fuuinjutsu brush– a lot of them had them, even if all they knew how to do was re-ink storage scrolls– and set about making a seal that would disrupt the ninja’s chakra just long enough to kill them. 
It took long enough that the farmer’s wife regained the courage to creep into the kitchen.
“You’re one of them,” she gasped at the seal Tori had drawn in blood across the table. 
“Um,” Tori said, settling the third ninja’s hand into place on the seal. “No I’m not?”
She smeared the last character into place with her finger, to activate the seal. She’d drawn the seal imperfectly, as it was on a random table in blood rather than traditional methods, and a lot of very dramatic smoke escaped. 
The farmer’s wife made a lot of dramatic, outraged spitting noises. She didn’t even seem relieved when Tori confirmed all three men were dead now. 
She kicked Tori out, although she did nothing but stand around and accuse Tori of being a lying bitch while Tori patted down the corpses for useful things. Like more pocket change. Or travel supplies. Or– gasp!– sealing ink and a bunch of blank tags!
“Which village sent you?” the farmer’s wife demanded, waving around another knife she’d picked up at some point. “Don’t you dare send any more of your freak friends out here!”
“I suggest burning the bodies,” Tori told her and she packed up her new goodies to leave and wiped the table clean of evidence. She didn’t need any shinobi getting wind of her fuuinjutsu. “Or anything else to hide their identities.”
Of all the villages, Konoha was most likely to send people to investigate random disappearances. They liked tracking where their bloodline limits ended up. Or, at least, that’s what the Iwa-nin that Tori had failed to convince to go engage a Konoha team had said as his excuse.  
The temperature was dropping as she hiked away from the farm. Maybe there was a way to use fuuinjutsu to temperature-regulate her tent… no, that seemed like it needed a lot of testing to make sure she didn’t set it on fire in the night…
Tori’s hands balled into fists as she walked. Why was even finding a warm bed impossible? Or someone to just be nice to her, without suspicion and threats?
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The quiet of the Uchiha compound when Sasuke returns after he awakes is what sticks out to me the most.
Sometimes I think about how noise deprived Sasuke was after the massacre. The abrupt silence that suddenly filled Sasuke's life. The absence felt by the noises that were suddenly just not there. Noises of human activity, and talk, and daily living that had been present Sasuke's whole life, gone. In their place now just the noise of silence. A constant oppressive reminder that he was alone. This unrelenting, inescapable silence.
I think about the heavy weight of that oppressive silence. The weight of ghosts. How that unrelenting silence must have pressed down on him. And sometimes when it became unbearable he'd have to leave and take walks around the village, looking for living people and listening to the sounds of human activity around village and, unbeknownst to anyone, feeling like a starving beggar as he took it in. Anything to escape from the quiet for a bit. To reassure him that he was actually still alive himself, and not a ghost. And when their class is given forms to fill out to which will be used to create their profiles asking them to list their hobbies, 'taking walks' is the only thing he puts down because he had to put something and it's the only 'hobby' he has.
I think about how for the first few years he would dream of noise and voices. Because why dream of nightmares if he couldn't imagine anything worse than his actual reality? No, often his dreams were happy and the massacre was just an illusion or trick, and he would hear the old sounds of the compound. Voices greeting him. And he'd be happy. Until he would wake, and the overwhelming silence would be the first thing he'd hear, reminding him of his reality. And those were some of his worst nightmares because they gave him hope and then took it away.
I think about how Sasuke lost his voice as he understood the inadequacy of language. How there were probably days when he didn't interact with or talk to anyone at all when he didn't have school and how the dust and cobwebs would invade and he couldn't actually find any reason to do anything. And how unless it was about fighting, he realized the amount of work of trying to speak was just not worth the effort most of the time. How he realized he could no longer relate to his peers outside of the language of combat. He only could watch them and see them being happy and carefree from within his silence. But could not talk to them because everything they said was now mostly meaninglessness to him. As anything he'd want to say would be meaningless to them. How he discovered he could not understand them anymore. Couldn't connect. And he knew they couldn't understand him. And even if he tried to speak, as he sometimes couldn't stop himself from doing, he found he didn't have words to express himself anyway. Because such words do not exist.
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seoafin · 1 year
oop i wrote it
cw: sukuna. implied cannibalism.
A thumb roughly presses down on your bottom lip. “Open.”
You wordlessly obey, tentatively opening your mouth as Sukuna watches you, all four eyes trained on your face with an intensity that has sweat gathering at your temples.
There’s nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. In this large banquet hall filled to the brim with food (offerings from the terrified villagers he didn’t kill hours earlier on a whim), there is only you and him. Two hands gripping you by the waist, holding you in place on his lap, while another hand on your face commands you to open. The last hand is splayed across your back, the thin layer of the kosode Uraume had forced you into (the clothes you had taken to wearing too undignified, too unsightly for Sukuna’s gaze) barely offering any coverage.
You think it had been on purpose. If Sukuna kills you now, all the better for him. An eyesore like you who had appeared out of nowhere, tumbling out of the sky like a bird whose wings had been plucked, right into the middle of a massacre.
“After all that nonsensical squawking earlier,” he starts, his voice a deep rumble against your frame. “Suddenly so silent?”
He seems to find it funny when you don’t (can’t) respond, chuckling at his own joke when his thumb slips into your mouth, pressing down onto your tongue, and forcing your mouth even wider for his open scrutiny. 
You stay silent, mind racing with all potential avenues of choice, whether it’s remark on the lovely weather (it was raining earlier, but you figure the rain would appeal to Sukuna more than the sun, right?) or talk about how funny it was to see Uraume in the kitchen barking out orders to prepare the banquet all around you. There’s no possible way this could all be meant for just one person. You’ve never seen so much fish and meats and vegetables and fruits, and considering you know what a modern day supermarket is, it seems excessive. All this from an already starving village? 
Or you could just keep silent. Which seems to be the best option seeing as his thumb is in your mouth. You wonder, for what seems to be the hundredth time since you’ve landed in an entirely different era, if Sukuna is going to kill you for the perceived slight of drooling all over one of his hands. You'd say he doesn’t seem to particularly mind (in your opinion, anyway. But what do you know.)
You make a noise in your throat, muffled, and Sukuna blinks, as if he had forgotten you were a living breathing person. Two eyes slide to you, meeting your gaze as you compose yourself.
His thumb relents, just enough that you can still feel him hovering. But you can speak. You figure it’s his way of telling you that you can speak without the possible threat of mutilation. Actually scratch that. The threat is always there. Ever present. If you had learned anything, it was that all it took was a simple thought to be acted on, and the lift of a finger. 
“The food!” you exclaim (the best you can), all your anxious pent up energy making you seem eager. “It’ll…” you swallow, “get cold!”
So please just let me leave, you internally beg, to the Buddha, to your annoying kouhai Gojo, or whatever deity is looking down on you and laughing at this entire predicament they’ve placed you in. Please just let me leave.
The hand retreats from your mouth. You don’t dare breathe a sigh of relief, not when three hands are still holding you.
Then to your great surprise, Sukuna smiles, baring teeth, greatly amused, and the stretch of his lips reaches all of his eyes. 
You are equal parts confused and terrified, waiting for the punchline to drop like the axe of a guillotine over your neck. 
“Tell me,” he purrs, two hands bringing you close. Until you can trace every single line of the monstrous inhuman right side of his face and every marking. “Have you ever tasted human flesh?”
You hold your smile the best you can, but Sukuna must be able to smell your apprehension because there’s a glint of sadistic amusement in his eyes. “I…have…not…”
“Uraume is a fine cook,” he replies, turning his head towards the tables of food surrounding you, and your stomach plummets as understanding dawns on you. “To prepare human flesh for consumption is a difficult task, and yet he has not disappointed me once.”
You slowly look to the table closest to you, examining what you had previously assumed to be fowl. It’s charred, the same color as roasted meat, but upon closer inspection the shape resembles…
It looks like…a…limb.
You bite your tongue to keep your smile from faltering. He’s watching you now, a sharp eyed predator who has scented blood. If you show anything resembling fear, you know for sure he’ll kill you without a second thought.
He’s going to eat you. That has to be why he brought you here. He’s going to dismember you and then give you to Uraume who will gladly season and roast you like a pig.
You wonder if you should just give up and accept your fate now. You’ll die here, a thousand years into the past, alone, and nobody will have even known what happened to you.
They’ll think you disappeared, that you deserted, and they’ll only be half right.
You can’t let it end like this. You won’t let it end like this. The first thing a jujustu sorcerer learns is that hopes and dreams are dangerous. Regrets even more.
When you die, you won’t regret a single damn thing.
That’s why you can’t die here.
You straighten, forcing yourself to relax despite the anxiety churning in your gut. “Are you going to eat me?” You ask him pleasantly, lips curved.
“You would offer yourself so easily?” You see the unpleasant set of his lips, the dismissive tone of his words, and feel a cold sweat envelope your body. The sheer power of him would have you buckling to your knees had you been standing. You’ve lost his favor, and the only thing awaiting you unless you act now is death.
“I would not,” you say, momentarily glancing down in a demure move. “I would offer you something else though.” A pause. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, drawing yourself closer, meeting his gaze straight on. “I’m sure I can interest you in it.”
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Have I tried to do research on incubuses to write this, yes...
Did I not like the research I did and made it all up in my head, yes again....
Well, although this is an incubus ask is there any proper sex in it, unfortunately no
Will I send this anyway, absolutely yes...
Tim has been an incubus since birth
The magic emitted from the parchment found by Jack and Janet in one of their excavations entered the body of Janet, who was pregnant at that moment, causing some changes in the fetus
Fearing that something would happen to their baby, they talked to the elders of the village where they found the scroll and tried to get as much information about it as possible
The spell was created by a man who found the person he loved in someone else's arms. According to the idea in the mind of the person who created the magic, his lover had been captured through sex and removed from him. In order to correct this, he tried to turn his body into a soul that would be desired by everyone, but he died before he could fully succeed
The point where he failed was actually too simple. Normally, Incubus souls are desired by the other side, and the soul would fulfill its nourishment with this desire, even though it did not need it very much. However, although the baby formed as a result of this magic would be desired by the other side again, he would not be able to live long enough without introducing the fluids formed from people's ejaculation into his body
Jack and Janet didn't quite know what they could do. Their son had been born with a pair of black wings that suited him very well and a long tail that moved depending on his emotions. As parents, they did not want their baby to try to taste semen or orgasm fluid at an early age from strangers, so they continued to stay with Tim for several years and tried to feed him every time their little baby sat on their lap and started to put his teeth on their skin
Within a few years, Tim began to slowly learn to control himself. When he was old enough to go to school, he was able to hide his tail and wings and continue his life without feeding for several weeks
And Jack and Janet, every time their son grew up and learned to control himself more, they increased the duration of their trips abroad a little bit and left Tim alone in the big mansion
It wasn't because they didn't like their little baby, but being trapped in Gotham for years to satisfy Tim's hunger was suffocating them now, and they wanted to get back to the excitement they had experienced thanks to their archaeological excavations
On one of the trips where they left Tim alone, the little incubus accidentally discovered another of his powers when he felt that he was going to starve to death
To be able to enter people's dreams...
The first dream he entered was none other than Dick Grayson, who was living in the Wayne Manor at that time and his hormones were through the roof as a result of puberty
Tim had learned that he could also take on the images of different people during that first dream
After that, he began to spend his time usually entering Dick's dreams. Of course, there were also times when the young boy followed Batman and Robin using his little wings to fully understand the time of his sleep and learned their identities, but this information did not interest Tim so much at that moment
Dick's departure from Gotham after a fight with Bruce led to a new discovery of Tim
The more distance there was, the harder it was for Tim to enter into their dreams
In response, he began to find himself in Bruce's dreams. Probably due to the fact that he was older, Tim did not have a lot of opportunities that he could use for sex, but he still managed to get enough semen into his body to feed
Maybe that's why Jason's young body's arrival meant that he was having a really good amount of food
However, everything began to mix up with the murder of Robin by the Joker. Tim had been unable to reach his parents for a long time, Dick had an even bigger fight with Bruce and said he would never return to Gotham again, while Bruce had begun to see nothing but dreams of losing Jason which caused Tim to cry from the pain
Perhaps that's why his purpose of being Robin was different from everyone else. For normal incubuses, maybe the person they wanted didn't mean anything, but for Tim, connecting to certain people meant not being able to get food from anyone other than them that would help him survive
His body could also choose to accept different people, but this was a complex process(If there is a first-degree kinship to the person he first connected with, sudden attachment would occur) and would be impossible to do after a certain age
The murder of his family, Jason's coming back and him trying to kill Tim which in a way would get Tim out of his dreams, Bruce's death which even though he knows he's alive, and where Dick took Robin away from him and Damian's threats on Tim's life...
The soul inside Tim refused to have desires for people who refused to desire him in a sense, but there were no other people Tim could feed on. He was 17, so the last age he could choose someone different and connect with, even if by force, he spent proving that Bruce was alive
His body was burning, and during the slightest carelessness, his wings and tail would have appeared. Although Tim could have sex in real life until the distrust between them decayed, he didn't want to bother anyone, and the thought of other people touching his body made his stomach uncomfortable
One of the times when he masturbated to eliminate the pain in his pussy in his own apartment and did not need to hide his normal body, Dick caught him in this state
Thinking that his body had been seized, his older brother immediately took him in his arms and tried to take him to the cave
Under normal circumstances, Tim would have tried to get rid of his brother's arms, but right now he wanted to live his last moments happily without anyone finding out his secret, because that little touch ignited the desire in his body
He remembered that his parents had said at the time that it was dangerous for other people to realize that he was an incubus, and he wept into the heat that he would never experience again, while tears soaked Dick's uniform
It was only a matter of time before they kicked Tim out of the family. They would realize that he was really an incubus and they would hate him for using them
But that didn't happen. On the contrary, his family looked at him with sad expressions in their eyes as they listened to what Zatanna was telling. They squinted their eyes with regret while listening to how Tim could not enter their dreams due to the problems that had arisen between them and that he would die if he did not feed decently for a while
And this made Tim very angry. He didn't want their pity, or the thought that they would show him love and desire his body just because he was going to die made him sad
As a result, he fled from the manor...
Others were feeling extremely frustrated over this escape attempt. Even if Tim couldn't get into their dreams, especially as an incubus how could he not feel the desires that kept them up every night? Hunger should have dulled his senses
And even if they caught Tim, what were they going to do? They didn't want to try to force sex and further increase Tim's already insecure feelings, but if they waited any longer, it might have been too late
As a result, after bringing Tim to the manor, they began to prepare drinks consisting their semen
And since Tim got into the habit of drinking it constantly, after a certain period of time, he began to lose control over his movements due to a state of excessive satiety, just like in his childhood with his parents
While Bruce was working in his office, he ignored the meeting opened on the computer, went under the table and started sucking his dick, which he pulled out of his pants
He ignored the image that was open on TV while the movie was being watched and covered himself with the veil he shared with Dick, bringing his little pussy together with his big brother's cock and letting everyone hear the dirty sound caused by sex
He let Jason fuck his pussy hard by decking him between the wall and his muscular body or made Damian's first experience by sitting on him and jumping on his little boy's dick
He felt relieved. The pain in his body disappeared, and he even began to be able to re-enter his family's dreams
It was a complete feast...
the LORE packed into this yesssss!!!!! incubus tim is so good especially his family realizing they've been starving and neglecting him and tim FINALLY getting his fill of all the cum he needs!!!!
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emerald-antssss · 1 month
“Hey guys! Look at this stick I found!”
Sonic turned, and laughed. “Tangle, that’s not a stick, that’s a whole tree branch.”
Tangle waved the birch branch in the air with her tail, its remaining leaves falling to the ground. “If there were any badniks around, this would be a great weapon.” She thrust the branch forward as if she were fencing.
Whisper opened her eyes slightly to glance in Tangle’s direction, but what really caught her attention was Tails.
The kit’s orange fur was bristled, his small frame ready to run. Tails’ ears were flattened against his head, and his blue irises had taken over most of his eyes, as his pupils were shrunken in fear.
Whisper had seen Tails when he was afraid before, like when he watched Sonic get badly hurt by Surge. But nothing like this.
Never like this.
The fox did not move. Not even an ear flicked.
He stayed focused on the stick.
Whisper raised her voice.
Tails turned his left ear toward her, but no other movements were made.
And then he turned and ran into the forest.
“Tails! Tails! Wo bist du?”
The blue hedgehog was met with silence, and he groaned. He didn’t know where his little brother had run off to, but it had to be because of something traumatic.
He knew some of the things his village had done to him, but not all of them. But he knew they were all bad.
Sonic had been told that kids called him a freak and a curse. People beat him up, tried to drown him, burned his flesh, ripped his fur, starved him…
Heck, the poor kid still had a bullet in his chest because somebody shot at him. It all made Sonic angry.
The hedgehog sighed. “Tails! Little buddy? You can come out now! Kleiner Kumpel! Hallo?”
He heard whimpering and crying from a bush. Sonic split it so he could see inside.
The kit had tears streaming down his face, and he was asking in big, heaving breaths. They were so… irregular. When Tails saw Sonic towering over him, he froze. And he stopped breathing. Sonic hated when the kid did that, but it was a habit.
“Hey little buddy,” Sonic said softly.
Tails just pulled his knees close to his chest. “Hallo,” he whispered.
Sonic carefully sat down next to him. “Geht es dir gut?” Tails closed his eyes and whimpered. “Ich weiß es nicht.” And Sonic hugged him.
And Tails began to sob.
They sat there like that for a couple minutes until Tangle and Whisper came crashing through the brush.
“Hey… what’s wrong?” Tangle inquired.
Tails cleared his throat. “W-when…” The kid hesitated.
Sonic gave him a soft smile. “Take all the time you need bud.”
“When I l-lives on West S-s-side Island…” The kit sickens in a big breath. “They liked to beat me with sticks. W-well… not really sticks. Um…”
“Branches?” Whisper asked.
Tails whimpered, and nodded. “They would beat me with them. Hard. A-and they would d-do it u-until I bled. Or…” Tails began to cry harder as he tried to finish his sentence. “T-they w-w-would k-keep going…”
Sonic growled. Tails had never seen his big brother so angry, but that was to be expected of Sonic.
“I found a scar this morning… and Tangle had t-that branch…”
Tails flopped down into Sonic’s lap. The trio surrounded him, and hugged him.
And they stayed like that for a while.
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kebriones · 9 days
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I get where you're going with this but they very much did have extreme stress back then. Usually about if they were going to have enough to eat
(summary of my ramblings at the bottom!) I apologise in advance for the essay, I might be in the wrong here, i'm not an anthropologist or a historian but I do have strong feelings about how all humans around me are stressed out of their damn minds to the point of being empty husks so here goes. i'm also posting this in case anyone has a different opinion/more knowledge. My grandmother was raised in the german occupation. Famously a period when people here starved to death. But it was mostly the people in Athens who did. My grandma didn't have proper food as a kid, but she ate weeds and slugs and fruit. And when the occupation ended, they were still dirt-poor, but there were legumes and chickens and bread to eat, even though our agriculture was obliterated by the war. I'm sure this differs from place to place, but for people in rural areas, living off of the land if they know how to grow a few crops is very much possible.
My parents are working all day at jobs that demand them to be mentally there at all times and behave a certain way, they often work during their free time at home, and they're still stressed about how to afford groceries and rent and bills, and they owe thousands to the bank. My great-grandmother had time to weave, take care of her garden and animals, go to church as much as she wanted, get a full night's sleep and have friends. She couldn't read or write but she didn't have debts to anyone nor any bills to pay (because that village got electricity only in the 80s). the pace of life and the amount of responsibilties we have to keep track of now is a constant source of stress that never ever stops. Not to mention the constant influx of information about everything, which we are not made to handle. I'm not saying it's a bad thing that we're always aware of what's going on in the entire world, I think it will bring about necessary social changes one way or another, but it has to get evened out and reduced at some point. There is always, constantly, many things to worry about. How many people have the luxury of letting their mind wander during their work hours? how many people have the luxury of saying, I am not feeling well today and it's raining, I'll just nibble on some bread and veggies and stay inside and not work? I absolutely wouldn't want to live back then because I do like running water and toothpaste and modern medicine and electricity, but specifically for the stress and anxiety, I believe we're at a very bad place right now.
This is why I mentioned other animals. They might struggle to find food and go hungry often in the wild, but if you put them in a limited space with constant interaction not on their own terms or crowded conditions or lack of peace and quiet or disrupt their natural day-to-day cycle they will 100% be miserable and die faster than they would in the wild, especially "smarter" animals.
TLDR: occasionally going hungry isn't the same as living your every day full of comparatively milder stress without breaks ever. our lives are way too full of responsibilities and keeping track of things now.
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falseclosure · 10 months
let the games begin - part 1 (fem!oc x fem!oc)
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part 1/?
summary: the one where they fall in love (kinda) in one of the biggest stage of their lives.
pairing: fem!oc (auswnt) x fem!oc (usa swimming)
warnings: none
word count: 2.8k
a/n: hello! it's my first story here! this has honestly been sitting in my drafts for a year. i'm back in my swimming phase so it has sparked some inspiration hopefully someone will like this. not proofread btw! also, there's a hint of kellex in there somewhere :)
July 19, 2021
Kaiden (kay-den)
We just arrived in Tokyo after our Pre Olympics training camp in Nara. Even though I slept the entire time we were traveling, I'm still exhausted, so it's a good thing our coaches offered us a day off tomorrow. I'm ecstatic to be participating in the Olympics. I'm not sure if I'll start any games, but I'm happy to be a substitute when my team needs me. My seniors are incredible; they have supported me when I was first called up to the senior team. This Olympics, all I care about is gaining experience with my teammates.
“Hey Kai, let’s go explore the village with the others!” my ‘mom’, Chloe Logarzo, said touching my shoulder to divert my focus away from stowing my belongings
“But I still have a lot of things to put away and besides I’m really tired. Do I really have to go with you guys?” I answered her while pouting and scrunching my eyebrows together.
“You’re cute, almost gave in. But you know we’re leaving the village after a few days because we’re gonna transfer to another venue for the final group game right? Don’t take everything out of your bags, you're the only one that’s gonna have a hard time.” 
“Okay, I guess my signature pout did not work.” I said with a shrug of my shoulders. I straightened my face and nodded, indicating that I would be joining them.
Chloe tugged me towards the lift entrance with her right arm across my shoulders. We went downstairs and waited outside our apartment for our other teammates so that we could explore the village together.
“Hey bitches!” Sam Kerr yelled at us while obnoxiously flailing both of her hands. Steph Catley tried to put Sam's hand down because a number of people were looking at her; while Emily Van Egmond slapped her mouth. Soon after, Ellie Carpenter and Caitlin Foord trailed behind the three of them.
“Where are the others?” Chloe asked the five of them after observing that no one was following them anymore.
“They said they’ll follow behind.” Ellie, who was engrossed in her phone, answered. I went up to Ellie to see what she was up to because the other four women continued bickering as we were walking.
“What’re you doing?” I asked Ellie, leaning in close enough to see her phone screen. 
“On Bumble trying to look for hot Olympic athletes.” Ellie replied in hushed tones, fearful that the older women would hear her. I just chuckled and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.
“Don’t curse in front of the kids!” Ellie and I heard Emily say behind us scolding Sam. 
“You guys know we’re not kids anymore right? I’m like 19 and Ellie’s 21.” I said. 
“But you’re still our baby!” Steph stated, and I just rolled my eyes as she said it. I'm not sure if I enjoy it or not that they continue to treat me like a child. It can work in my favor sometimes because they do what I want, but when I want to do 'adult things,' they always become protective for some reason.
"Yeah, right. Please, let's go eat first; I'm starving. I think the last meal I ate was breakfast." I remarked, dragging Ellie after me as I hurriedly proceeded towards the dining hall, oblivious to the group of athletes from various countries who were walking around us.
"Do you know how to get to the dining hall?" Ellie inquired from beside me, her right hand now held in my left. 
I looked back at her while still walking and said, “I’m sure it’s this- ow!” I crashed on someone's back and came to a halt; Ellie almost collided with me since I was dragging her.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I apologized to the girl. 
“It’s alright. I also wasn’t aware of my surroundings.” she replied with a smile. She caught a sight of my hands intertwined with Ellie's, which I noticed. She looked up and smiled at Ellie and Ellie returned one back.
“Uhm, do you possibly know the way to the dining hall?” I awkwardly asked her since I think she was also on her way there. 
“Yeah! I'm on my way there. Do you want to walk with me?" she asked me and Ellie. I turned around to check whether Chloe and the others were following us, but I was dismayed to see that they weren't. I returned my gaze to Ellie, who was watching the person I had collided with. I tugged on her hand to see whether she agreed to go with the stranger. Ellie gave me a little nod and let go of my hand.
“Sure! I can’t see our teammates behind us and we don’t want to get lost. We should just meet them there." I replied, gazing down at her a little because I was a few inches taller. We began going in the direction of the dining hall, with her leading the way. Ellie was standing right alongside me, observing the woman in front of us.
"What sport do you guys play?" she inquired, her gaze returning to us as she listened to my response.
"Footy for Team Australia." I said, peering into her light brown eyes.
Before responding, she returned her gaze ahead of her. “Oh! So you're on the same team as Sam Kerr?" I was taken aback when I heard that, but not for long because I knew our skipper is a well-known football player all over the world. Nonetheless, I asked how she knew Sammy.
“Yeah, how’d you know her?” She looked me in the eyes once more before responding,
"My cousin’s also a football player. I know Sam since I've watched a couple of games." I nodded and didn't press the issue any further because I realized we were getting close to the hall.
"This is it," she said as we approached the doors. "Are you guys waiting for your teammates to arrive before you come inside? I think mine are already here.” She questioned and informed me at the same time.
"We should, but I still don't know your name or what event you're participating in. I'd like to support you." I told her with a smile.
She smiled brightly at me. "My name is Raegan, I swim for Team USA." she said, shaking my hand. 
"Oh, Team USA!" I exclaim. "I’m Kaiden, and this is Ellie." Ellie extended her hand to Raegan to shake. 
"It's great to meet you, Raegan, and thank you for accompanying us to the hall. You'll undoubtedly have a tough time against Team Australia, but I'll be rooting for you." 
"That's cute," she remarked with a playful smirk. "We'll see about that." Before entering the hall she looked back at Ellie and me and said, “It was also nice to meet you guys too!"
“Ells, why were you like gawking at Raegan?” I looked back at Ellie and questioned her after Raegan went into the dining hall.
“Girl I was not gawking at her,” she answered with an eye roll. “She looks familiar. I can’t tell where I saw her before though.” Ellie’s phone rang after she told me why she was looking at Raegan.
“Hey, Cait.” I heard Ellie say, letting me know that it was Caitlin who was calling her.
“Yeah, just in front of the right-side entrance.” I was trying to look for them while Ellie was talking to Caitlin. As I spotted Emily’s short ponytail I raised my hands so they could see us. Chloe spotted us first and ran towards me.
“Why didn't you two wait for us? What would happen if you both got lost? " Chloe questioned us right away. 
"It's fine, Chlo, and we met someone on the way here. She helped us in getting here without getting lost." I tried to hide my smile but failed miserably because Chloe saw and teasingly smiled at me. I looked at her sternly and signaled her to keep her mouth shut.
"Just for now, Chlo?" I pleaded with her. She gave me a nod of her head. I adore Chloe for this reason. She simply understands what I'm thinking and feeling, and she always respects my decisions. She's a little protective of me, but I don't mind. We went inside together after we had all gathered at the entrance to eat.
Raegan (ray-gan)
Oh my gosh. Did I just meet Kaiden fucking Moore? The Kaiden Alexandre Moore (yes I know her middle name), the girl I've had a crush on for the past year? I believe I did, and I'm currently floating on cloud nine. I'm not sure how I kept my calm as we were talking and heading towards the dining hall together! 
When I walked into the hall, I dialed my best friend and teammate Emma's number, and she answered on the fifth ring. “Oh my gosh! Where are you? I just met-oh my gosh I can’t do this over the phone!” I said when she picked up.
"We're near the Filipino food bar because we figured you'd want to eat Filo food. Who did you meet, though? " Emma calmly said, as I examined the map on the side of the doors to determine where they were.
“I’ll tell you in person, oh my gosh I don’t even know how I managed my cool. Can you stand and wave your hand? I'm on the escalator and I can already see the food bar, but not you guys." As I approached the top of the escalator, I surveyed the hall for Emma, who was standing and waving her hand to attract my attention. I dashed up the remaining stairwells till I reached her.
“You know you could’ve walked right?” I heard Emma exclaim as I approached her. “I-i just met Kai-Kaiden Moore.” I told Emma while catching my breath. I saw her scrunch her eyebrows but smile at me after she realized what I said. Emma drew me down to a chair and demanded that I tell her everything that had happened during our encounter. I told her about how Kaiden had bumped my back and how I tried to hide my surprise when I realized it was my crush who had done it.
After informing Emma what had happened, I took her to the food bar with me so I could get something to eat. “I was about to scream at her when she bumped into me because I was still upset at you for leaving me in our room. But oh my gosh I don’t know what to say. I didn't expect to meet her here.” I told Emma while we waited in line at the food bar.
“I’m sorry about that. I didn't want to wake you up because you were sleeping soundly and I didn't want to dist—wait, don't you follow her on Instagram? " Emma inquired, interrupting her explanation. Gosh, she’s so random sometimes.
"Yeah, I follow her. Why? What's wrong with that?" I replied. "By the way, she was with Ellie when I saw her, and they were holding hands." 
"What's wrong with that? Rae! Are you kidding?!? She'll think you're odd because you pretended you didn't know her. You need to unfollow her or it'll be awkward the next time you see each other." she reasoned, “And Ellie? Ellie who? Carpenter?”
"If we see each other again and yeah, Ellie Carpenter, their hands were like, linked." I remarked, a bit confused and sad. I took my phone from my back pocket, went to Kaiden’s profile but contemplated on unfollowing her or not.
"Well, the odds of you seeing her again are high, you know, considering Kelley's playing against them; aren't you planning to watch that game?" Emma inquired as I surveyed the food bar for possible options. I saw grilled pork and it made my mouth water, but I decided to go with the fried tilapia because I had a race coming up in a few days. Of course, I got some rice with it and a delicious squash soup.
“Yeah, I am. Our teammates are only swimming heats that afternoon and we would be done with our event before the 27th so I decided to come and support my dear cousin. Do you want to come with me?” I answered Emma after I got out of line with my food.
“Are you sure you’re coming for Kelley and not dear Kaiden?” Emma teased, a knowing grin on her face. I pretended not to hear what she said and continued walking towards where our other teammates were. I sat down in front of Katie, the youngest swimmer out of all of us. 
“Hey Katie! How’s your day so far?” I asked her so that I could continue avoiding Emma’s question. I think Katie knew what I was doing because she was holding a laugh in while she gave me her answer.
“Good! So excited to be here! How about you Rae?” She questioned me back. I smiled a bit but that faded when Emma answered for me.
“She met Kaiden!” Emma blurted out. Everyone at our table heard what she said and looked at the both of us. Some of them gave me teasing gazes and smirks. I immediately felt my face heat up. I felt my phone vibrate saving me from this embarrassing moment caused by my best friend. I took my phone out and saw that Kelley was calling me. I excused myself and went out to the outdoor seating area of the food hall to answer Kelley’s call.
“Oh my gosh! Thank you for saving me from that embarrassing moment!” I told Kelley.
“Why what happened? You seem a bit nervous. You’re on speaker by the way. Alex is here” I don’t lie to Kelley, so I was contemplating if I was going to answer her question. But in the end, I took a deep breath before revealing the reason behind the nervousness in my voice.
“I met Kaiden before lunch today.” I kind of whispered to the phone afraid that people would hear what I just revealed to Kelley. On the other side of the phone I can hear Kelley trying not to laugh at how I told her what happened. 
“Babe!” I heard Alex shout at Kelley, a bit of disappointment in her voice.
“Don’t fucking laugh at me Kelley Maureen! That was the most nervous I’ve been and you know how nervous I get before my races.” I rant out to her. I can hear Alex scolding her a little bit on the other end of the line and I can’t help but smile a little bit about their relationship. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop teasing her now.” Kelley replies to Alex. I heard her shuffling around followed by the door being slid shut. “Sorry Rae, just really love to tease you.” 
“I know. I need your opinion, by the way.” I asked her. 
“Go on.” She replied.
“Emma said I should unfollow Kaiden on instagram because she’ll think I’m weird. I acted like I didn’t know who she was when she bumped into me.” I said with a sigh. Looking back at our interaction, I really think I was a bit stupid for acting like I didn’t know her. It’s just that I felt an overwhelming feeling in my heart. You know when people say that they have butterflies in their stomach? I felt that but I felt all those butterflies fluttering their wings around my heart.
“Well, she can just think that you followed her after your interaction earlier. From what I've heard from Sam she’s really not that big into social media she probably won’t care either way.” I groan at her answer. I really feel stupid right now. I don’t really know how to explain how I feel. I’ve had a big freakin’ crush on that girl for the past year. I never thought I would meet her even though the odds are huge with KELLEY O’HARA being my cousin. Am I in a state of gay panic?!?
“Kels I think I’m gay panicking.” I tell her as I feel my heart beat faster. I could feel my breathing pick up a bit and Kelley noticed it too.
“Okay, Rae calm down. Deep breaths for me please I don’t want you to go into a full on panic attack. Inhale, Exhale.” I followed her instructions. “That's it, very good sweetie. Again. Inhale, Exhale.” It took a while but I felt myself calm down a bit. 
“Thanks Kel. You’re the best cousin ever. I might have to end this call now though I still haven’t finished eating my lunch. I’ll see you soon.” I heard Kelley sigh a breath of relief after hearing normalcy in my voice.
“Don’t let Erin and Jerry hear you say that. Love you kid! See you soon!” I laughed and ended the call with a sigh of relief. 
[raegan.gvr]: Kaiden Moore (kai.mooreee) started following you.
Oh. I guess it’s too late to unfollow her now.
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slutforkakashi · 22 days
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Warnings: SMUT with slight plot, cumming untouched, story testing?, MDNI‼️
A/N: tbh I can't exactly give you a summary cause I don't even know what I made here but I hope you enjoy
Word count: 3.1K
Long ago lived a clan so powerful they could almost be considered demigods. Although wanting to do good, people saw them only as a danger to the balance of life itself.
One night, many years ago, began the rebellion and war against this mighty clan, a war that took years to end. Nations across the land came together to defeat this clan and succeeded. Every member of this mighty clan... gone... but one…
~Several Years Later~
The sound of wind filled the peaceful and serene streets of Konoha as the people of the Hidden Leaf went peacefully about their lives. No worries, no stress, no annoyance, no-...
"Ugh! Why is Kakashi sensei always late?" A young Naruto Uzumaki groaned at the absence of his sensei.
"He probably just saw a black cat and had to take the loooong way around," Sakura Haruno remarked sarcastically, annoyed too her sensei was late.
Sasuke Uchiha stood near his teammates, leaning against a tree, not saying a single word. Unfazed by his sensei's constant tardiness, he felt no need to speak.
Just then, Kakashi Hatake, their sensei, finally showed.
"Kakashi sensei, what took you so long?" Naruto asked.
"Today's training will have to be skipped. Some important business came up. The Fifth Hokage has called all chunin and jonin for an urgent matter. You can all go home" And with that, Kakashi left.
"Aw, man! This stinks! I was looking forward to training today.." Sakura said.
"Yeah right, Sakura. All you do is focus on Sasuke" Naruto exclaimed. A light blush appeared on Sakura's face as she turned to look at Sasuke, only to see that he had already gone.
Naruto rested his hands behind his head and began to walk off. "I'm gonna go get some ramen. I'm starving!"
~Meanwhile In the Fifth Hokage's Office~
"I have called you all here today because there is a possible emergency... There have been rumors going around that a ninja from a clan that was defeated long ago has come back. We don't know their intentions so everyone must be on their guards" The Fifth Hokage, Lady Tsunade, informed the ninja in her office about the clan's only ninja that is alive.
The rumors were true, yes. The ninja from the clan long ago has come back, but not for the reasons people assume...
~Time Skip~
After dispersing all the capable ninjas throughout the village, Lady Tsunade got to thinking of a way to stop this ninja in case things were to go south.
No one knew what this ninja looked like. They only knew of the tales told by the few ninjas still alive today after fighting in the war with the powerful clan.
They say there was once a very powerful child within this clan that surpassed even the elder's powerful might. This child was the last of the clan to survive. People assume the child has come back after all these years to seek revenge on the nations who fought the clan.
There was one man who knew the truth about this clan, who knew that they never wanted war but peace among the people. He was the Third Hokage.
The Third Hokage not only knew of the child's existence but practically raised the child in secret. He knew that if anyone were to know of the child's location they would try to do to them what they did to the clan... or perhaps try and claim the child's power for their own selfish reasons.
The Third Hokage only wanted what was best for the child. As the child grew they understood why the Third Hokage hid them from the rest of the world. They agreed with him that it was best for everyone.
After hearing that the Third Hokage had passed, the ninja was devastated for he was the only person they had. He was the only person who truly understood...
The ninja from the powerful clan sat in the middle of a field with three logs, leaning against the one in the middle, deep in thought when suddenly their thoughts were interrupted by a frustrated Naruto groaning in annoyance.
"Why can't I get it?!"
Curious about what they heard, the ninja jumped toward the noise. They hid up in a tree, looking down at the boy with spiky yellow hair.
Naruto seemed to be trying to hit a target with a kunai but was unable to do it. Entertained, the ninja kept watching as Naruto failed countless times but kept trying.
Everything was calm until a kunai was thrown in the direction of the ninja, aimed straight for their back. The ninja quickly moved out of the way, sensing the kunai coming their way.
They looked around but saw no one, but sensed more than one person in the area. At first, it was just one but now there were two.
"You there, up in the trees... show yourself!" A man shouted up at the ninja, somehow knowing they were there.
The ninja closed their eyes and tried to locate where the two people went. Once they found them they grabbed the kunai that was thrown at them and threw it in their direction. The kunai landed right in front of them, startling them but not harming them.
The ninja had no intention of harming anyone, so they jumped out from the trees and landed on the ground almost perfectly.
The ninja wore a mesmerizing white and gold dress with little fabric. This was the style of her people who were pretty free spirited, and she wore it proud.
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She stood there not saying a word. The two strangers came out of hiding and revealed themselves to the ninja. One was the spiky yellow-haired boy, the one practicing with the kunai. The other was a taller, white-haired, mask-wearing ninja. It was Naruto and Kakashi.
"Who are you?" Kakashi asked the strange yet beautiful woman, but she didn't speak.
Then, none other than Master Jiraiya, the Toad Sage, appeared out of nowhere behind the ninja, but she did not flinch, not one inch.
"Hey, you, the Fifth Hokage would like a word with you," said Master Jiraiya to the ninja. She turned to face Jiraiya, one of the three famous Sannin she had heard so much about.
The ninja didn't want any conflict, she didn't want to fight. She bowed her head to Jiraiya as a sign of respect and peace and Jiraiya picked up on this so began to lead the way.
"Oh, and Kakashi," Jiraiya stopped and turned to him "the Fifth Hokage wants you there as well."
And with that, the three of them proceeded to walk toward the Hokage building. Of course, Naruto wanted answers but before he could ask anything they all vanished.
~Time Skip~
Lady Tsunade filled them in on who the ninja was and how she found out about her. The Third Hokage had documents of the ninja explaining everything about her and her abilities, her Kekkei Genkai. The ninja stood respectfully in silence as Lady Tsunade explained everything she found about her.
Lady Tsunade assigned Kakashi, one of the strongest ninjas in The Leaf, to watch over the ninja. Tsunade might have found the documents of the Third Hokage about the ninja but she still didn't trust the ninja herself.
~Time Skip~
Kakashi and the ninja walk around The Leaf Village looking for a place to eat. Lady Tsunade guessed that the ninja was hungry so she ordered Kakashi to get them something to eat. They decided on Ichiraku Ramen.
They sit down and take their orders. The ninja still hasn't spoken a word, only pointing to what they wanted to eat.
"So, Akari, is it?" Kakashi asked the ninja, Akari. She shot him a glance with her shiny gold eyes peeking through strands of her raven hair.
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Kakashi's POV
Her eyes were so bewitching, captivating, attracting, enticing, and almost tempting. Her gaze made me feel... things.
Before I could make any sense of what I felt, her gaze fell back to the table. There rested her elegant, delicate-looking hands. Those hands, who knows what things they committed. Perhaps I'm looking at this through the eyes of the frightened people.
They say those hands committed carnage and manslaughter... but this ninja seems far too relaxed to be some kind of killing machine. Although she did not speak, her poised complexion spoke deep.
A gust of wind flew past and I caught a whiff of her scent. She smelled like a cherry blossom tree. I don't know what came over me but I inhaled her scent once more and I got a hint of... lemon? Strange, but very alluring.
I don't know what's come over me but there is no doubt in my mind that it's connected to the mystery that is sitting beside me. The clans Kekkei Genkai, along with their abilities as a ninja, are unknown to me.
Who knows? Maybe it isn't their Kekkei Genkai that's doing this...
Narrator's POV
Naruto Uzumaki strolled along with Iruka sensei and came into Ichiraku’s. They took their seats, Naruto sitting to the right of Akari, Iruka sitting to the right of Naruto. He sees the mysterious ninja and remembers the brief encounter they had.
"Hey, it's you!" Naruto exclaimed, turning to face the ninja "Oh-.. Kakashi sensei?"
"Naruto, I trust that you completed your training today," Kakashi stated, almost as if he knew Naruto didn't complete his training.
Naruto put a hand behind his neck and laughed nervously "So, who is this anyway?"
"That's classified," Kakashi told Naruto.
"Aw! C'mon Kakashi sensei pleeeeeeaaaase??" he pleaded.
Akari's head turned slowly toward Naruto, her golden eyes peeking through her hair again. Once Naruto caught a glance at her beautiful eyes he calmed down. It was as if the ninja's eyes had comforted him into being more relaxed. And just like magic, Akari pulled a piece of paper out of thin air. She gave it to Naruto and he read it out loud.
She looked at Naruto for a second longer before turning toward the table and seeing her bowl of ramen placed down. Next to hers was Kakashi Hatake's bowl... empty. Akari grabbed some chopsticks and ate her ramen peacefully and elegantly.
~Time Skip~
It was dusk now, Kakashi and Akari walking through the dimly lit streets, trying to reach their destination. While on their walk they strolled past a place of sweets.
Akari stopped in her tracks and stared into the sweets store, slowly walking in, Kakashi following after her. She peeped around and saw a sweet snack she craved.
Kakashi's POV
The sweets that she picked out... lemon mochi. That explains the unexpected smell of lemon earlier today. Of course, I paid for the sweets. We started to make our way to the place I rented. The reason I rented out a place was that I didn't want to take her to my home. It would be inappropriate and unprofessional.
As we walk there she slowly eats some of the lemon mochi balls she had gotten. In a way, it was kind of cute and... sweet.
We get to our place of stay for the night and Akari takes her time settling in. I watch her as she ruffles pillows and eats more of her lemon mochi.
Akari walks past me to the bathroom to shower and I get that fragrance of cherry blossom and lemon again. My body takes over me and my eyes close as I silently inhale, taking in the stimulating aroma. I turn toward her as she walks away and watch as she enters the bathroom. She looks at me with those mesmerizing golden eyes just before she closes the door. It was as if she knew why I was watching her every move.
What is going on with me? Why am I acting like this? It's as if she was charming me, attracting me towards her.
A few minutes go by and I took off a few layers of clothing, getting relaxed.
I made my way onto a very large and comfortable couch. I pull out my book and start reading, waiting for my turn to shower.
I hear the bathroom door open and I look up to see Akari walk out ever so elegantly.
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I scan her body up and down beholding what she was wearing. The Fifth Hokage warned me that the style of her people was more on the... free spirited side... but I didn't think it would be like this.
I can't take my eyes off of her. I've never seen such beauty in a woman. Though most of my face is covered, I look up at her and see her face and it's as if she knows... as if she knew what I was thinking and... how my face looked?...
She slowly approaches me where I sit and moves onto my lap, straddling me. I did not resist. I couldn't. I don't know what has come over me but I just can't resist her... and I can't restrain myself.
My hands move and rest on her thighs, almost as if they had a mind of their own they start to move upward. My hands trace her body's silhouette, her skin, her body, so soft and supple.
I look up at her and she's looking down at me through the strands of hair on her face. I slowly raise one hand and move the strands of hair out of the way.
At last, I see her full complexion for the first time. She's... beautiful... she's stunning... she is extraordinary. And those honey golden eyes that lured me in...
I place my hands behind her neck and slowly pull her in, our faces only mere inches apart, the both of us not pulling back.
I take it as a sign and pull her face closer to mine. Our noses were touching and our lips were centimeters away from one another. She was looking directly into my eyes as I was looking into hers for any indications of discomfort but I saw none. She parted her lips slightly and I could feel her uneven breaths on my mask. I couldn't help but smirk at the feeling, noticing I was affecting her just as she affected me.
With one swift movement, I wrapped my hands around her waist and stood up making her wrap her legs around my hips and her arms around my neck. I moved my hands down her body till I got to her thighs, holding her up with a better grip.
I walked over to one of the beds and slowly climbed on, laying her outrageously gorgeous body down on the soft fabric of the bed sheets. I hovered over her warm body, looking at the mesh black fabric.
Akari's POV
Kakashi leaned over me, his arms beside my shoulders, his arm muscles apparent and mesmerizing.
I reach a hand up to his face, wanting to pull off his mask, but he grabs my wrist and pins it above my head grabbing my other hand and pinning it above my head. He held both my wrists with one hand, the other roaming my body. It feels as if this all came out of nowhere. Then I had an idea...
My Kekkei Genkai.
I mentally smirk at the thoughts running through my head.
Let me elaborate a little. My Kekkei Genkai is having all types of Kekkei Genkai. From Byakugan to Sharingan and my own unique Kekkei Genkai I developed by having all types of Kekkei Genkai.
My clans Kekkei Genkai is not having all types of Kekkei Genkai. My clan consisted of numerous people with different kinds of Kekkei Genkai but for some reason, I was born with the ability of all the Kekkei Genkai.
My unique ability is being able to control chakra, not just my own, and it doesn't just end there. I can form a... how can I put this... special kind of chakra. I can make people feel certain things and create other things out of thin air like magic.
I look up at Kakashi, my hair out of my face. My eyes start having a light glow. The expression on Kakashi's face changed slightly underneath his mask and soon after, out of his mouth comes out a sound of the heavens...
Kakashi shuts his eyes lightly as a deep, breathy moan escapes his lips. My eyes twinkle in excitement, knowing I caused it, knowing I could do more without a single touch.
"What are you doing to me?" he asks. I speak not a single word and just tilt my head to the side, still looking at this beautiful man straight on.
His hand starts to grip my wrists as I use a little more power, making him feel all kinds of things. He moans more and more as I keep going.
I see an opening... I take the opportunity and speak. My voice holds more power than anything else. I lift my head closer to his ear and I whisper...
Kakashi's POV
"Cum for me..." I hear Akari's quiet, raspy voice in my ear, and my body loses control. It's like my body is listening to her command. I feel a strong sensation rising in my body, coursing through my veins, and just as she says I feel something exhilarating, and my pants soak with the hot liquid I know all too well.
I lean my head back letting my body feel the euphoric sensation burning through it. My mask slowly slides down revealing my face in pure ecstasy, my mouth open, my eyes tightly shut. My body releases a moan I've never heard come from myself before and I feel Akari lightly shift under me.
As I come down from that invigorating high I look down to face Akari but she's nowhere to be seen. Suddenly everything goes dark and it feels as if I'm falling from the top of a cliff.
I awaken, shooting up from my bed breathing heavily, my heart beating rapidly. I look around my room and there is no one around. Then as I'm breathing I smell a familiar scent... cherry blossom and lemon.
She's back…
A/N2: okay so I had no idea what I was gonna do with this idea I had but I did something with it somehow. Think of it as a test run or something idk. I'm not taking this too seriously. It's really only to see what people think I guess. Although I could make this plot into a story of its own? That would be cool I think. What do you think? Pls let me know cause it is actually tempting to make it into a whole story
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merakiui · 1 year
That vampire Azul thought. I can't help but feel like when Darling puts her hand in his instead of the book, it makes him feel a certain way. Can you give us some thoughts on that?
It’s the first time he feels human warmth, so it definitely makes him think twice after he’s shooed you out of his study. I imagine he stands there in the dark and just stares at his palm and tries to recreate the handshake with his other hand, joining them together in a weak hold that produces no such warmth. Azul has actually never encountered a human so closely before; he’s only ever relied on animal blood to keep his strength, but even that’s becoming less appetizing by the decades. And he only ever travels into human villages when it’s late at night and certain underground establishments open for mythical creatures and beasts alike to convene.
I like to think that, though you’re the one meant to be a captive, Azul is the most trapped. He doesn’t try new things; he lives by routine. He stays locked away in his study and only ever leaves if he must, otherwise he’ll send the twins to retrieve his next meals. He spends his life brooding in the darkness of his study, surrounded by all of these curiosities but never doing anything beyond his usual schedule. Azul probably took you not because he loves you, but because he’d seen something in you he does not have: humanity.
Even though the castle is huge and lined with many rooms and layers, he can actually pick out your presence right away. His senses are heightened and finely honed like a hunter’s. You could be in the underground levels of the castle, lost in one of the tunnels, and he’d still hear your pulse from way up in his study. Azul doesn’t seem dangerous, but he is still a predator and (defined by most frightened humans) a monster. But he doesn’t want to show you monstrous sides of him. For that reason, he is incredibly awkward and shy when it comes to you. He usually lurks in the shadows, observing from afar, always wearing a long, dark cloak because it hides him well. The twins can sense his presence and they try to get him to come out of his shell more so that he can interact with you. After all, he was the one who kidnapped you to begin with. It feels a little anticlimactic to just let you exist in this castle when your captor isn’t doing anything to bond with you.
Although it’s probably for the best that you’ve earned the twins’ favor. They can protect you from him. He knows he ought to eat soon—he’s been starving for years—but he can’t bring himself to do so. It doesn’t help that if you accidentally cut yourself while cleaning the castle the scent of your blood stains the air so thickly and tantalizingly (and if you’re female your menstrual cycle will always test his restraint). He doesn’t want to hurt you and he doesn’t want to view you as food either, so he refuses to drink from you. Most of all, he’s scared that if he were to attack you out of mindless hunger he would just be confirming the suspicions most humans have: that vampires are monsters. And he does not want to be a monster.
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valkyrievanessa · 1 month
Ok, all this talk about Jet and Hama from avatar made me think a lot about this trope, the "opressed that hates their opressors are evil", specially what Arknights does with this trope in the Reunion arc (but is really different, like a lot, i don't even know if i can say that is the same trope).
In Arknights, the Reunion are a group of infected that appeared in a country called Ursus, a really old empire that was made and defined by their wars. The Infected are not considered humans in Ursus (actually, this also happens everywere in Terra) and so, the country use them as slaves in a job with a suvival rate of 0%.
The Reunion was born to fight against this opression, Patriot, an old general of the empire started the movement with his loyal soldiers, but when talulah appeared the movement really actually had a real goal.
Talulah and the Reunion were noble, fighted the soldiers and government of Ursus in order to make a place where the infected could be free, she was very firm on her ideas and morals and everyone in reunion respected her for that and obeyed her, she was the leader they needed.
Everything went to hell after Alina died and an expecific event happened, that was when Talulah went into a village nearby, searching for missing infected, the village people were civilians, normal and common people of Ursus, that lured the missing infected into a granary, locked them there and let them starve to death, Talulah burned that village to the ground and killed everyone.
After that her adoptive father took over her body and made the decisions for her, so he also took over of the reunion movement. He did things like transforming Eno, a infected child into a war monster that made a concetration camp with students, set a plan that killed the Patriot and his daughter, and he would create a valid motive for the Ursus Empire could start a world war (you know, helping the opressors, Ursus needed that war).
I keep thinking about Arknights everytime i think about Hama and Jet episodes, because in Arknights, Reunion hatred against the non infected are totally justified in the story and the thing they really did wrong was helping their opressors without knowing, and the concetration camp that Eno created with the non infected children of the city of chernobog, but he is also shown as a victim in the story and the story wants you to feel bad for him, because he is a child that suffered racism when he was younger and after being infected was treated as something not human, the story really goes all over their way to tell you, Eno was created by the world he lived.
Like, i think why avatar jet and hama episodes bothered me so much is because is too simple, in avatar the soldiers of the fire nation are bad people, but the civians that are also part of the opressors government are innocent just like the opressed... yeah, if someone in that fire nation village knew Hama was a waterbending she would be totally dead, like, really dead, because that's how things works.
In the end of the Reunion arc, the Reunion still exist by the way, with the protagonists agreeing with the movement, but still wanting to try something different, the plan was stopped and the war, prevented, but the movement was still there, free to act for the future they want, Talulah was protected by rhodes island and hidden from Ursus and Yen, that wanted her dead, but reunion itself, their hatred towards non infected was justified, quite literally.
We have in Rhodes island Eno's victims by the way, we have an event about them, is one of the hardest to read event in the game and the story talks about how eno, a victim, created a lot of victims, a big spiral of people that suffers making other people to suffer. Eno was a monster created by tragedy and no one was there for him in his last moments, only to kill him and is really sad, even the infected hated him in the end and Eno was just a child that wanted to sing, but his future was taken away from him and then he went there and did the same thing with other people.
So what i understand of what arknights are trying to tell is that the civillians of the opressors are part of the problem and is understandable if a opressed hates them too, but making them the target of your revenge will not help anyone and just make more victims, because despite being part of the problem, they are not the source of it
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tartrazeen · 5 months
Why am I making myself sad 😭
I've had this really nice (sad 😭) head canon about Angus and Rohan growing up. I could write it as fanfic...
... or I could just barf it into a post like I'm doing now.
So this is about the two of them when they were very young.
Basic backstory: in my head, when they say they've known each other for "practically all their lives" and "as long as either of them could remember," they mean it: I have Angus as being a year older, and the two of them meeting when Rohan was six and Angus was seven. Both orphans. Both without a home. Rohan woke up from where he'd fallen in a forest one day, and Angus was the kid standing over him, the first thing Rohan saw, who was waiting to see if he was dead or not lol
Angus took enough of a liking to Rohan when they were in that forest that when Angus went to leave, and Rohan sort of baby-duck'd onto him and followed along, Angus mostly just shrugged. There was a village nearby, after all, and that's where Angus had been headed anyway, having just been passing through that forest when he saw a maybe-corpse. When Angus goes to leave that village a few days later, Rohan continues baby-ducking and following his new best friend. Angus, being seven and not thinking any further than his next meal, shrugs and accepts that he's got a buddy now. He has no idea that he's just signed up for a life-long commitment.
Skip ahead to their present day, or maybe a few months after the finale. Maeve's exiled, Nemain hasn't started her shenanigans yet, so there's a decent sense of peace over Kells.
Rohan is telling the others about how he and Angus grew up. In this particular version of my daydream (I like changing it), it's because Rohan's still trying to bond with Lugad but doesn't know how to be an older brother to him. Ivar explains that an older brother's supposed to protect his younger siblings, guide them through life, keep them happy, and help shape them into who they are as adults. And Rohan's miffed, because Lugad's already grown, so it seems like the ship's sailed on that.
Deirdre tries to think of ideas for Rohan to try, and eventually asks how it was for him and Angus. Rohan does his little scoff-laugh, saying he doesn't see what that matters. When the others push, he says Angus is his best friend...
... but to be honest, he wouldn't say Angus was 'protecting' him. Rohan was usually the one getting Angus out of trouble, and Lugad isn't antagonizing every guard in every village. In fact, Lugad grew up in one place. It might have been on a horrible island, but at least Lugad didn't make Rohan move a hundred times because of some tiny thing he didn't like about where they were one morning.
This gets into him explaining that when they were boys - Rohan being seven, Angus being eight - they'd had some rough times trying to survive by themselves. They did take care of each other, but Angus would... well, he'd be a little selfish from time to time. Rohan doesn't blame him because they were both so young, but he says that's the difference between being brothers and being best friends. Rohan loves him and obviously Angus is his family now, but back then, they were just two kids that happened to meet one day.
He gives examples when the others ask. For instance: food. There wasn't much of it. Sometimes, they'd be close to starving. And sometimes, Angus would let the hunger get the best of him, and he'd eat his whole share - more than that - before Rohan even got back to split it. And then Rohan would be stuck eating whatever happened to be left.
It was almost funny, because Rohan could even see how bad it was. Sometimes, Angus would get caught by the guards for stealing and be gone for a few days. Magically, there'd be enough food the whole time that Angus was gone. No hard feelings, Rohan stresses, but it was entertaining to look back on it. Angus had never lost that appetite either; even now, he'd eat everything around him.
The most frustrating part was how Angus always had to complain about where they were living. It'd be over something small, and so small that Rohan can't remember now that nearly fifteen years have passed, but Angus would think it was more than enough reason to pack up that very night and head onto the next village. Eventually, they got to the village closest to the castle, and they had to stay there because where else were they going to go? Rohan had genuinely been afraid when he first became Cathbad's druid, thinking that in the meantime, Angus was going to head off again - without Rohan.
He hadn't. :) All was well.
Anyway, that was why taking lessons from Angus wasn't the best approach.
There's dinner in the throne room later on, and Angus is here now. There's a light conversation and Rohan idly laughs about having to move from village to village so often. Angus rolls his eyes and laughs like he agrees the whole thing was a chore, and Rohan says that at least a lot of good came out of it: if Angus hadn't been so picky, they would've never been where they needed to be for Rohan to become Draganta.
To be honest, there were fun moments while they were moving, too. Angus would whine endlessly about how much he hated the forest, which would shut him up when they finally got to their next village. But despite that, Angus would tell Rohan story after story. They'd be made up, but Rohan still remembers some of them. They were vivid - Angus has always had a way of spinning a tale, and those would lull him to sleep under those trees. It was peaceful. Rohan kind of misses it. Too bad Angus hates sleeping on the ground.
Deirdre asks what sort of stories these were. Rohan says they'd be ones about a clumsy bunny who kept dropping its magic rings, or even one about the princess herself, trying to pluck a silver plate from a waterfall of plates, and only having one chance. Or there'd be a field of grass made out of gold, and a knight having to stomp through with his armour, trying to stop the sheep from eating all the golden grass. Cute things like that.
Angus is a little impressed that Rohan remembers those. Rohan shrugs, saying he's always enjoyed Angus' stories. But now that they're talking about it, and knowing that Rohan did appreciate getting to be in the forest enough to hear them all, what did Angus hate about all those villages?
There's a thoughtful silence and smirk from Angus like he thinks Rohan's making a joke, but Rohan insists he's serious. Angus decides to only half-joke back, glibly replying that it mostly had to do with all of them getting burned down.
Rohan's confused. The others are more surprised, and are able to ask Angus what he means. Angus says that each of those villages were attacked by Temrans. There was a war, after all.
Rohan's very confused.
Not about the war - yes, obviously, there was a war - but about being attacked. They never got attacked by Temrans.
Angus says yes, that's true. Because Angus got them out of the village when he'd heard enough rumours to predict an attack was coming. So then he'd get them both out of there.
The others start asking Angus what it was like, growing up like that. Rohan is quiet as Angus brushes it off and says it was fine, that's how it used to be by the border, and the trick was to keep moving deeper into Kells - towards the castle. In fact, that's how Angus met Rohan: he'd been leaving one village that'd just been attacked, and found this lump of a boy lying in the middle of a forest between the next one. And so a friendship was born.
Rohan says they were never attacked.
Angus agrees again, saying they always stayed a night ahead of it.
Rohan asks how Angus could know.
Angus says they could hear it from the forest.
Rohan says he never heard a thing.
Angus squints at him.
The stories, Angus explains, still kind of smirking because he thinks it's funny that he has to spell this out, were him trying to cover it up. He makes Rohan go through the ones he remembers. What did they have in common? Metal. Crashing on metal. Angus barely remembers any of them, but he's sure there would've been a few to cover any screams.
Rohan thinks.
In the awkward silence that Angus is trying to break for the others, Rohan brings up that one story about the wolves that were terrible at howling.
Angus grins. Exactly his point. One of them had to get some sleep, so it might as well have been Rohan.
The others start to chat excitedly about this, Ivar even alluding to Rohan being wrong about Angus looking after him, until Rohan interrupts again. He's beginning to frown.
Rohan asks what Angus means by 'getting some sleep'. He remembers Angus sleeping all the time back then. It was partly why it took so long to leave the forest.
Angus says he'd tell Rohan stories to get the boy to sleep, but Angus himself would be awake to keep an eye out for Temrans. They liked to attack at night back then, so night-time was all he'd been worried about. He'd take naps throughout the day to get some rest in. Which was fine. It helped with the hunger anyway.
Rohan calls Angus out on that, saying Rohan never took naps and he'd have even less to eat than Angus would. That earns him a look from Angus, so he explains how there'd be times where someone wouldn't stick to eating their fair share.
Angus is mildly outraged by the accusation, asking when that had ever happened. Back then, he clarifies. He sneaks a bit now 'cause Rohan always puts the good stuff in his half.
Rohan says that when they were boys, Angus would wait until Rohan was out and then help himself to the food. There'd barely be enough for one of them, and Angus decided to take the first bites anyway.
Angus squints at him.
Rohan frowns back.
Angus asks, starting to smile, like Rohan is playing a trick on him, if Rohan had ever seen Angus this so-called 'share'.
Rohan says no, and that was the point. Angus waited until Rohan had left.
Angus says yes, that was the point. He'd wait for Rohan to go, then wait for him to come back so Angus could lie. There was barely enough for one of them, after all, and Rohan would always make them split it evenly. Angus starts joking about it with the others, bragging about how he'd let Rohan split the food, then just hide his own share and give it back to Rohan at night. There they were, starving orphans, and Angus still had that boy eating twice a day. Better to spread it out like that, obviously.
Rohan doesn't believe this. He can't quite argue it, but he wants to. Eventually he says that if that's true, why would there be food to spare whenever Angus got taken away by the guards?
Angus laughs outright at that, but not at the part about food. The part about the guards. They were living in villages - what guards? Rohan's been living in a castle for too long.
Before Rohan can ask about that, Angus answers his first question with a question: what exactly did he get taken away for? Stealing, was it? And what did he steal? Oh, there was food to spare? Funny, that.
Garrett asks who took Angus to jail, then. Angus says there was no jail. Whatever villager he'd taken food from would find out, beat him half to death, and then he'd need a few days to come limping back to Rohan. He means it light-heartedly, but it's a little more bitter than the rest of what he's said, and the meaning of his words bring an unmistakable sense of pity to the table.
Except for Rohan, who is deeply confused and a tad angry.
Rohan asks if Angus is saying that he wouldn't eat, just give Rohan his food, then sleep through the hunger as they ran from village to village, always only barely ahead of the Temrans.
Angus says yup.
Angus says he's also surprised that Rohan's only figuring this out now. He thought Rohan had known from the beginning. Why else was he following Angus around?
Rohan says it's because they were friends.
Angus shrugs and says that's fair enough.
Rohan can't stomach what he's been hearing. This is news that's come crashing onto him, and Angus is happily chatting with the others and assuring them it was for the best - well, it was horrible, but at least it got them Draganta. Small price to pay for a kingdom, isn't it? And Angus gives a innocent bat of his eyes to the king and says, "You're welcome."
Which is when Rohan leaves the table. Not consciously, of course, but steadily. His ears are ringing at this point. He's not sure if he's cold or sweaty and he doesn't understand why he'd be either.
Rohan doesn't answer when he feels someone calling him. Ivar, he imagines. Although these feel like Garrett's hands leading him to sit. After... months, it seems, his vision - which had blurred some time ago - starts to clear again.
He sees Angus knelt over him. One hand gripping Rohan's shoulder. Angus looks worried and even scared, so different from the boy who'd only grinned in amazement that Rohan wasn't dead in a forest.
Angus had been talking. Rohan hadn't heard. Eventually, the sounds around him returned, and Angus was asking what was wrong. The others were there as well, in varying states of crowding around or stepping back to let Angus handle this.
In my last version of this daydream, Rohan and Angus talk this out right now. In this version, Rohan's more emotionally stunted than that. He apologizes for a making scene, says he isn't feeling well, and then excuses himself back to the hut.
Angus arrives later in the night. By how sheepishly he enters, it's clear to Rohan that Angus thinks he's the one who screwed up. He says as much, apologizing for lying, swearing he thought Rohan knew or puzzled it out by now.
And Rohan breaks.
I mean, truly breaks.
His entire plan was to be stoic about this. He was going to solemnly thank Angus for taking care of them as boys... and still even now, with how much work Angus did to keep him fed and with mended clothes...
But he breaks.
Because Angus was his best friend and was eight and never once complained about the truth of what there was to complain about. And Rohan had complained about that, calling Angus selfish. In hindsight, it was all so perfectly clear that Rohan felt like an ass for not figuring it out. Angus was right to assume he would. So now Rohan was left with an overwhelming guilt of having put that all onto a child, who'd been barely older than him and who'd needed someone's care, but was stuck with Rohan instead.
He cries so hard, he doesn't even realize he's crying into Angus' shoulder or that he's clutching onto his friend as tightly as he is. And Angus allows it to happen, in a flood of patience that never appears unless it's as dire as this. Rohan can feel himself being carefully handled until he's sat on the edge of his cot. It's there that Angus asks if Rohan wants to hear one more story. Rohan agrees by not disagreeing, and Angus sits Rohan back until he's propped up against the thief.
It's exactly like they used to be in those nights: Rohan lying against Angus, curled up under him, and Angus gently holding him there. It isn't perfect, since Rohan's bigger than Angus now, but it feels like a home that Rohan didn't earn.
Angus, in his half-dream of a voice that would never fail to have Rohan at ease, tells a story about a little boy named Schmangus.
Apparently, Schmangus had a hard life growing up. It'd been filled with war and hunger and cold and all the awful things those would do. He doesn't mince words, because he says Schmangus was terrified. Every corner had something new to fear, and he knew he had no choice but to face them anyway if he wanted to live.
One day, Schmangus found a corpse in a forest - only it wasn't a corpse, and it had a name: Schmohan. Schmangus and Schmohan - Rohan would've hit him if this dumb name wasn't so badly what he needed right now - became best friends and went everywhere together. Schmangus never asked him to, but Schmohan always followed along.
The trouble was that Schmohan had all the brains of a child who would drop dead in a forest, and was always trying to share food that wasn't enough to share, and fight wars with a dinky sword that hadn't helped against whatever had knocked Schmohan out in the first place. That meant it was up to Schmangus to keep them alive, and that meant Schmangus had to lie about it.
It wasn't so bad the first time. Or the second. By the third, it had become a pattern. And it got harder and harder to do. Schmangus felt like everywhere he went and everything he touched was cursed, and Schmohan hadn't asked for any of it. Schmangus wanted to keep that curse away from Schmohan for as long as he could; just like food, there was only so much peace to go around, and with how terrified Schmangus was, it only made sense to give that peace to Schmohan.
Stories turned the sounds of war and fire into a melody. Pockets turned a meager scrap into a meal for later. Sleep and water from the river, plus whatever he ate right from a villager's home, got Schmangus through most of it. The villagers didn't catch him often - sometimes Schmangus would just be hiding - but when they did, it was still worth the risk.
He only needed the peace to last until they were somewhere safe. He didn't know where 'safe' was, but now he was making an effort to look for it. Before, Schmangus would simply wander around. Now, he had Schmohan to care for.
Rohan says that Angus was only eight.
Angus says yes, he was, but this wasn't about him, it was about Schmangus, and also, shut it, he isn't done yet.
Schmangus felt a new kind of fear: one of failure. He knew he was only eight, and he knew he didn't know what he was doing. But if he could keep Schmohan from hating him for - shut it, Rohan - for dragging him all over the place like this, he'd be satisfied.
And he was. When they eventually made it to the castle, Schmohan had simply teased him about living in there. It was the best thing Schmangus had heard. It was like everything he'd gone through was worth it. Maybe he'd gone through it alone, but Rohan would always try to split everything - he meant Schmohan, shut up Rohan - and now one of them had enough of a peaceful life to share.
The story used to end there, Angus says, but there's a new ending to it now. Rohan is utterly relaxed into Angus, and at any other time, would have been dozing off already. He asks Angus for the new ending, and Angus provides.
Schmohan, as he'd said, was the sort of boy who'd fight a tree and have it topple over and crush him, so of course he grew up and never figured out any of this until Schmangus told it to him outright. But Schmohan wasn't a fool. Schmohan had become the best warrior of a kingdom named Schmells - Rohan did shove him a little for that - and had figured out many things, even if he still held a spoon like an angry rat - a lot of a shove from Rohan - so it had to mean that Schmangus was very good at lying.
Even on the nights where there were no sounds of war, Schmangus would lie awake worrying that Schmohan had enough. If there'd been any way for him to know that fifteen years later, Schmohan would still be looking back on those days as peaceful journeys with his friend, never aware of attacks, thinking food would appear by itself...
... that boy would've slept with a smile on his face, knowing he'd saved his friend from so much, so completely, his friend would long for those nights. He'd remember the stories as stories alone, and remember what they'd been about. He'd be happy. Still, obviously, very hungry and cold and awake, but happy for what it did.
Rohan asks if it's because Schmells got Schagmanta.
Angus says that's a dumb name, and everyone knows the champion of Schmells is called Footsy O'Bigtooth, and no, that's not why. It was worth it for Rohan alone. And he knows that isn't much, what with how upset Rohan is, but Angus was eight and trying his best. He would've done everything differently if he'd had a way to see their fate, but he didn't. So he doesn't regret doing what he could.
Especially not when it brought them here.
It sits in Rohan's mind for hours. Angus doesn't budge him, save to settle them better on the cot. Eventually, Rohan hears the steady, telltale breath of sleep brushing the top of his head.
He very slowly and carefully chances moving to look up. There, as it'd been in the story, was the softest smile on Angus' face.
Rohan curled himself back under his brother's chin, and went to sleep as well.
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