practicalpriestess 2 years
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Unconditional love, forgiveness and gratitude are high vibrational feelings with tremendous healing power. Our emotional body can be exercised like our physical body. We can learn to lift our spirits up to these elevated emotions even under heavy loads.
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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Doing open eye meditation helps you bring that state of peace and awareness with you throughout your day. Practice this like a standard meditation and slowly incorporate it into your day.
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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This is my current sound healing set up. From left to right there are Koshi chimes, a crystal harp and a crystal pyramid. Will be posting sound baths online coming soon 鉁煉椻湪
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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Positive reaction positive result means no matter what happens to you if you view it as a positive then it will be a positive. How we experience life is up to our perspective. The basic math of reality is you get back what you give. Exuding positive energy will attract positive things into your life. Remember your power. You create your reality.
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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When we pull back anger and sadness we find fear. Fear of the unknown and fear of judgement. When fear is pulled back we find love. Love is always there because it is all that is. Everything else is a distortion of love your consciousness is perceiving to help you grow.
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practicalpriestess 2 years
We are already in heaven. It is simply our judgement of reality that tricks our awareness into perceiving anything less than divine.
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Corinne and I am so excited to share my journey with you. I am in the process of writing a book called the practical priestess about reclaiming our sovereignty and curating our own spirituality. Locally and online I host sound baths and do private sound healing, as well as vegan health coaching, life coaching and tarot readings!
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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We have the ability to live a magical life; One filled with joyful coincidences and divine opportunities. The choice is ours wether or not we want to experience magic. Because we create our reality simply not believing in or accepting magic is enough to keep it from you. However if we want to explore the yet unexplained all we have to do is trust that magic is all around us and to look for the signs.
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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Be gentle with yourself. Whatever you are experiencing is worthy of love. What you do is worthy of love. There are many layers to our perception and each one is worthy of love. The excited, joyous, happy us is worthy of love. The frightened, pained and sorrowed us is also worthy of love. It鈥檚 up to us and love the inner child or the wounded spirit inside. Love may be unable to express itself from the external world if we don鈥檛 love ourselves first. Unworthiness is one of the biggest and most common limiting beliefs held by humans. No matter what, you are worthy. So remember to be gentle and send love to yourself 馃尭
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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Space and time a constructs we use to create our reality. However the only this we can prove exists is our consciousness. The architecture of form only exists in our awareness of it. The cosmic ocean is this formlessness of form or the source energy that creates and animated all that is.
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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Koshi chimes make an angelic sound that bring ease to slipping into deep meditation.
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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Your higher self is always with you. In this incarnation we have free will. If you don鈥檛 ask for assistance your higher self and guides will sit back. Actively asking the universe for guidance and assistance opens the door to divine intervention.
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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When you start seeing others as one with yourself the way you experience the world will start changing.
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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We can harness the power of love to move ourselves into divine bliss. Tapping into the highest frequency of love brings harmony to our being.
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practicalpriestess 2 years
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The crystal pyramid is one of the most powerful sound healing instruments I鈥檝e had the pleasure of playing. Coming soon I will be hosting sound baths locally and online.
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