ms-dead-inside · 3 months
Whenever someone either says it loud, or posts in a comment section: "You can't ship them for X, Y, or Z reason," it makes me want to laugh until I pass out from the lack of oxygen.
Ships are (usually) between fictional characters. Who gaf if if they don't interact much? If they genuinely hate each other? If one of them canonically isn't into the other's gender? If the only reason why they're shipped is because people think they look aesthetically pleasing next to one another? That's not going to stop fanfiction writers, and rule 63 exists for a reason.
It's okay if certain things aren't your cup of tea, but that doesn't mean a person gets to dictate what types of ships people like.
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ms-dead-inside · 5 months
Shin Soukoku sugar daddy au, but Akutagawa denies that he's a sugar daddy by trying to excuse it for increasingly flimsy reasons.
Akutagawa: Here. *Hands Atsushi the newest iPhone on the market, easily over $1300*
Akutagawa: This is so you have no excuse to text me back...for missions from Dazai-san.
Atsushi: Um, what?
Akutagawa: I'm also paying your phone bill and giving you unlimited data and the best coverage here in Japan so you have no excuse to not get my calls.
Atsushi, talking to himself: Man, I wish I ate breakfast today.
Akutagawa: God, you're insufferable.
Akutagawa: And weak, if it bothers you this much. I have to do everything myself.
Atsushi: :/
*40 minutes later*
*Akutagawa comes back with food from a Michelin star restaurant he threatened employees into making despite company policy banning take out*
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ms-dead-inside · 5 months
fic where 18 yrs old dazai meets 14 yrs old atsushi (right after leaving the mafia ig) and w/o thinking takes him with him and they spend the two years on the run together (dazai becuz anytime he tries to abandon the orphan he picked up w/o thought oda flashes into his mind and ultimately he grows to care for him) (atsushi becuz the weird bandage guy pinkie promised he could ride on one of those trains he's seen in books)
dazai and atsushi dont look alike or have the same name so the ada picks up they arent related by blood real quick
anytime anyone asks how they met, they honestly answer "i/dazai kidnapped him/me" but everyone thinks its a joke
atsushi wins dazai over gradually, like small moments, small moments of kindness shown for dazai, small moments of seeing atsushi's real non-trauma made personality seeping through , he doesn't even realize it until it hits all at once how much he cares for atsushi
atsushi on the other hand was sold because dazai could make him laugh
also sskk where atsushi takes his bf to meet his brother and akutagawa and dazai do the spiderman meme
also dazai finds out atsushi's ability becuz at some point he comes to their hideout or whatever and a giant tiger is sitting there and before he can even panic it happily jumps at him and boom atsushi
in this particular au, dazai lets atsushi doodle anywhere like dazai's bandages and his books becuz its better than having to actually engage with the child and eventually gets atsushi an actual sketchbook and the two spend their time drawing, atsushi's sketches get better dazai's get worse but atsushi sometimes thinks its becuz dazai's silly and scary sketches make him laugh
there has to be a scene where someone asks atsushi what he's doing here, after dazai's joined the ada, and atsushi's like "im here w/ my brother" and looks at dazai, sees him poorly flirting w/ kunikida and irritating him and gets so much second hand embarrassment he points at ranpo instead
atsushi knows dazai was in the mafia but he thinks double black was just dazai's cringy ship name for his ex boyfriend
okay thats all i can think of now ill add more maybe
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ms-dead-inside · 6 months
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ms-dead-inside · 6 months
Sofia: Mr. Cedric, why does your bucket list have ‘Die’ on it?
Cedric: So I can die feeling at least a little bit accomplished.
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ms-dead-inside · 6 months
Headcanon that Sofia gives a card to both Roland and Cedric for Father's Day.
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ms-dead-inside · 6 months
"I care about the royal family equally, Sofia and non-Sofia alike."
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ms-dead-inside · 7 months
I've only started The Apothecary Diaries, but Maomao x Jinshi have me in a CHOKEHOLD!!!
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ms-dead-inside · 7 months
Me, every time AO3 is down:
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Please I cannot keep going on like this. I need my daily fix of gay fanfiction. I hope they will be able to fix it soon. I cannot stand being alone with my own thoughts for so long 🤣
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ms-dead-inside · 7 months
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Top-quality romance
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ms-dead-inside · 7 months
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whenever I see someone being sad over Akutagawa being "dead" and not coming back this is what I picture btw
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ms-dead-inside · 7 months
atsushi at some point gets a jar/piggie bank that he fills with spare change all the time and it's to save up to buy something he wants but has no need for - since he doesn't want to just buy it since he has other important things to use his money for ya know
what atsushi doesn't know - because it's not a clear material so he can't see what's on the inside - is that he is not the only one filling it
kyouka makes sure he's out the room before adding her spare change to it
dazai comes over for breakfast and goes to the bathroom (he sneaks into atsushi's room and adds change... is it his own change? um... anyway)
kunikida gives some of his extra change to kyouka to add
when the tanizakis and haruno r over to hang out, they add some change in it too
yosano and ranpo give kyouka their spare change to add too
hell even fukuzawa has set aside some spare change to add to atsushi's jar
and what atsushi doesn't know is that one time kyouka was home alone and she heard a sound from the bedroom so she grabbed the closest knife and summoned demon snow and went to investigate only to find akutagawa pouring money into atsushi's jar
they stared at each other and then kyouka nodded and left
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ms-dead-inside · 8 months
One of the saddest things about the Black brothers relationship never improving was the fact that we were robbed of this dynamic duo of brothers who were both morally grey and dramatic as fuck.
Remus, watching as Regulus frantically tries to shove a dead body into a suitcase before the Aurors got there: So.... What'cha got there, Pads?
Sirius: . . .
Remus: . . .
Sirius: A smoothie.
Sirius: *sips strawberry-banana smoothie loudly*
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ms-dead-inside · 8 months
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Look at him adding war paint because he knows his bf is a fucking tsundere who will never admit when something is bothering him and doesn't want him to feel weird about his scars. I love him so much.
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ms-dead-inside · 8 months
Lily: Seriously, Regulus. How many people would you have killed if we asked you to?
Regulus: That's not important.
James, frantic: I disagree!!!
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ms-dead-inside · 9 months
"Shipping Regulily is the same as shipping Snily."
No, it's not. And here's why:
Snape and Lily started out differently than Regulus and Lily. Snape was her childhood friend. While Lily probably had muggle friends, he was the only one to understand what she was going through when she had bouts of accidental magic. He showed her she wasn't a freak like her older sister was saying. Which is why what happened between them was a betrayal. He was already her friend, and he called her the worst racial slur possible against muggleborns (in public, no less), because he was embarrassed when she stood up for him like the good friend she was. Because it wasn't just about calling Lily names. It was the fact that he thought poorly about muggleborns, and Lily was just the exception.
And instead of taking that moment as a learning experience and turning neutral, at the very least, with the hope that they could restart their friendship if he shows he's actually changed, Snape doubles down. He joins Voldemort and moves up the ranks. There's a train of thought that if Voldemort hadn't killed Lily Potter, then Snape would have remained a death eater, and I agree with it whole-heartedly.
Compare that to Regulus, who was canonically kind to his house elf, a creature most are dismissive of at best and downright abusive to at worst, despite growing up in the Black House with Walburga of all mothers. Would he have ingrained prejudices due to his upbringing? Of course. But he is willing to change, and that is the difference. He sacrificed his life to betray everything his family wanted for him in order to help stop Voldemort.
The best part? He wasn't Lily's friend originally. Their relationship could start of with cool indifference and being coldly polite with each other. It's only after spending time with Lily does Regulus start to critically think about his prejudices. And Lily, who realizes this, is more than happy to show him that there is more to muggleborns and muggles than his family thinks.
Regulily is different than Snily because when Regulily gets together, whether romantic or platonic, Regulus has already faced his internal prejudices. There isn't an undertone of, "I dislike muggleborns, but I like you."
Of course, this is simply my opinion.
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ms-dead-inside · 9 months
‘that ship doesn’t even make sense they never even interacted in canon!’ have you considered that i ship characters based on their dynamics and the potential they could have had if they did interact
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