karli-loves-jesus · 5 years
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
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Are you the leader that spends time with your followers? Or Are you the leader that lacks communication and hides from your followers as if you were a celebrity? In leadership, you are leading people. People that have to have a relationship with you in order to complete the end goal. So many times a unity that is bonded together by responsibility lacks the proper relationship between leader and follower. The responsibility collapses and is not achieved. So many times leaders make the mistake of not making enough time for their followers. In this instance it allows for the spirits to devour and take over leaving people not only the leader but the followers as well - selfish, blinded, not speaking to each other, anger, wrath, strife, moody, etc. I have seen many people in a leadership role doing the wrong thing and others doing the right thing. And I've seen how the followers were affected. And I myself had been a leader and have tried both ways. Not only were my people unmotivated but they hated me because I didn't invest in them as people. My second chance as a leader overseeing 300+ employees - i was more diplomatic. I still got the job done, and there are always people that won't agree with me 100% on some things you can't please everyone. But my numbers were better. My team was more motivated. And the goals were achieved. Every where you go you will have a leader to follow. And in some instances you will be a leader yourself. One of the leaders in my life right now, has me discouraged. Lost sight of what's important in ministry. And it's sad. I just know one day in my ministry I will make sure to look at that as the DONTs of leadership 📖‼️
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
Jesus is still King - no matter who the president is!
I will be happy either way no matter who is employed as the president of the US. The reason is because if they are successful at making the world a better place - then that's great! Just know it's already prophesied. Eventually someone will come into office and they will be the anti-Christ. If it isn't our current president it will be one following him years in the future. It is written! I can't wait to see the anti-Christ come into politics! I know I sound crazy but I am holding on to one of the many promises of God. He will come back for me whether I have passed away or still living. And I cannot wait to be with Jesus for the rest of eternity. (1 Thessalonians 4:16 -17 ) "...For I am going away to prepare a place for you. And when I have gone and have prepared a place for you, I will come again and take you to Myself so that where I am, you also will be" (John 14:2-3). Jesus is coming soon. Believe that. These posts about it's never too late to get right with God. Don't buy into it! There is no time to waste. I know they mean get right with God today by saying it's never too late. But one day it will be too late! Eternity is a choice. Choose carefully. Eternal damnation or Eternal Salvation
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
Doer of the Word of God
How do you become a doer of the word? You must first learn the word. This takes time and progress can take time. Just know that while you are reading the word of god you will gain new revelations and new things will be revealed to you. Once you have these revelations it is a privilege that you begin to apply them in your relationship with Jesus and with those closest to you. Apply the word. If the Lord shows you scripture about prayer, spend Time in prayer. Apply it. So many people get complacent with everything else drowning out the sound of Jesus' voice and prayer time decreases if at all. The substance of their prayers becomes low quality. When they study it is a non productive task since they finally get up from this place of learning and they refuse to apply, this is concerning. Do you stay the same? Do you not want more? Is there no more increase in Jesus? Of course there is! Continuously seek him. Fight the complacency because we have a ministry and we need to save the souls that have no chance of making it into heaven.
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
Talking vs Praying
As a conscious Christian, when we talk about our problems or shortcomings we are giving them power over all else including Jesus. Even if it's just something we having a hard time understanding. To the lost souls, we are more lost than they are. Sometimes you may feel you are bringing ppl closer to God with certain things you're sharing about your life. But you are really just pushing them further. As Christians we know that with every testimony there comes a test. Jesus will allow this test to help us grow and be stronger. When ppl who are not saved, see this they are thinking I don't want To go through the trouble. And they start to compare your problems with theirs. Even if you are talking to another Christian, not every Christian is right with God. They may look the part and represent themselves very nicely as the part, however, they are not saved and they have bitterness in their heart for whatever reason. Don't give them something to talk about. The Bible says to trust no man. The Bible says to trust in Jesus and to cast our cares upon him. To pray to him. To tell him about our troubles! No one else. He is the only one who will never use it against you. He is the one that has proven he IS truly for you. He died for you! He loves you. Pray and seek him. Pray about things and keep your testimony covered by the blood of Jesus. The devil is always trying to knock you into the place he once had you. And it is important you push back and fight in the spirit. Talking about your problems can cause drama and will also hinder your walk with God. It shows you do not trust In God. And when you doubt God you are doubting the blessings he has already given to you. And all is in ignorance. It is not fulfilling. Praying edifies Jesus. It places him above your problems because he is worthy. Be a prayer warrior and watch your ministry transform!
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
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Some times we feel like God isn’t there. That He isn’t listening… He is. Draw close to Him and stay in relationship with Him. Give Him your cares and concerns, your heart and your troubles. Stay with God 🙏 Keep going, stay in the fight!
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
What voices are you listening to?
Not all things that come from our adversary sound like this. Sometimes it can sound so good, like everything we ever wanted. Sounds like music to our ears. And other times we can see satan coming from a mile away. Jesus is talking to you all day (whether you can hear him or not is dependent upon your relationship with him) the devil talks to you all day as well. Discernment and faithfulness to Jesus will ultimately reveal things to you as long as you are seeking after Him.
Understand that Jesus did not give you this negativity or form of depression and it will Never come from Him. Even when He is chastising us, He is still so gracious and long suffering. Thank Him for His loving kindness. This is why we MUST stay prayed up. This is why we must stay in His word. "...Put on the Whole Armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil...."
Ephesians 6:10-18
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
Women of God?
Do you consider yourself a woman of God?
What does this entail in its entirety?
I consider myself a mighty woman of God. There are always areas to improve in. Everyone has their giants and weaknesses. Things that they will struggle to overcome and things that they overlook and cannot see as needing improvement. Are you selfless like a woman of God should be? This is the test. When was the last time you were in church and you did more for someone, let's say a woman who is younger than you or newer in the spirit etc? We all know we are called to be baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost (the Holy Ghost being a promise from God). But what happens after that? Are there no elders in the church? Are there no true dedicated lovers of the Lord who will not only give a fish for someone to eat but will also teach them to fish?As women we should be finding the weak links in the chain and restoring them, giving them newness in the Spirit. To bring Glory to God. You see a sister who is complacent and lost passion and you keep going. Why? So many women want to be used of God but they don't know how to get started. They see the things that other women do in the church (announcements, teaching, children ministries, choir, ladies planning, cooking, etc.)
Many people want to be recognized by being placed on top of the mountain. On the platform for all to see. But it is not their ministry. Why are you trying to be the finger when you are the toe? These individuals are lacking a relationship with God when they don't feel satisfied in their faithful church attendance alone. If they stayed prayed up (praying through to the Holy Ghost daily), if they spend time with the Lord seeking him and reading his word, if they tithed their first fruits, if they fasted, --- they wouldn't feel empty - They would be overflowing. When someone is not overflowing this is how you know they aren't investing much private time with the Lord. But this is the most important thing. Seek Jesus Continually. Focus there first. Make that your ministry. Once you are faithful to him in private he will bring you to a place of KNOWING your ministries and where he can place you. (John 14:1-6) This is so disturbing to see churches collapse spiritually only because the leaders and elders are not stepping up and recognizing gaps in their own ministries. Those who claim to have the Holy Ghost and yet they walk about as if they have no responsibility to anyone that they are just there to show up and look pretty. 
It is time for you to be honest with yourself and with Jesus. Take a fine tooth comb and a microscope to your walk with God. He is calling His true saints to increase in Him continually. We all move at a different pace, no matter where you are in Him he is calling for an increase. It's up to you how much of an increase if you only want a corner or if you want a triple portion. You decide. Stay prayed up. Read your Word. And seek Jesus continually. That is all you need to focus on. 
ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES WOMEN OF GOD. REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THE EQUATION AND BRING SOULS CLOSER. It doesn't matter if they attend your church or not. Pray for the Lord to show you who needs to be uplifted and guided. PRAY FOR JESUS TO BRING YOU SOULS for you to minister to and do your part there all in Jesus and for His glory
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
Cutting you out of my life was as painful as ripping a band aid from an infected wound. An inevitably bitter action, yet mandatory if you were to stop the pain from getting worse. To my surprise the moment you left my skin the world began to show colours I’d forgotten it existed.
it’s taken me this long to do something as necessary as breathing (via fallsed)
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will.
(via motivated-mindset)
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what we want most for what we want at the moment.
(via motivated-mindset)
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
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My happy baby 😊
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
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I finally made a Facebook page for my photography venture. It's very exciting to start working with people and meeting their photography needs. I have done a lot of work for many families and their special events. I also have experience with family portraits. I love what I do and I am excited. I can't wait to see how this is going to continue. I thank God for all of the gifts he blessed me with m. Use me Lord for the furtherance of your kingdom for your glory.
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
Sometimes it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not always need an intelligent mind that speaks, just a patient heart that listens
(via motivated-mindset)
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
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Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
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karli-loves-jesus · 7 years
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