yn-dere · 2 years
[2:14 AM]
TW: Extremely dark topics, please practice caution whilst reading.
The headlights of the car flickers softly, illuminating the bushes and trees spreading out across the dead end street. The crickets and the small croaks that I can only guess are coming from frogs, seem to get louder by the passing second. Roaring, almost as if they are small spectators tittle-tattling about this son of a bitch. The night black and bleak, the upended crescent moon frowning over my claustrophobic car. Droplets can be heard on the roof, even the clouds seem to be mourning.
I sigh as I cast my eyes upon the woman laying backseat, her eyes closed as the car lights vaguely reveals her face. My breath hitches as it has been my body's automated response to her for a long time. Along with the sweaty hands and stammering.
I wish it wasn't. I wish I wasn't such a loser. I wish I could conversate with her like a normal person without tripping over myself and falling head first. But it doesn't really matter... she understood me. She understood me and she liked me, she told me she did. Dates after dates, mostly her talking and me shyly chiming in at times. It was all that I treasured, really. At times she would be happy and I would be merry with her, other times I'd happily be her shoulder to cry on. She understood me... or at least I thought she did.
I didn't take her out to a concert for her to be making out with a nuance. I wanted to yell but I was confused! Why was she acting like everything is fine after flipping my entire world upside down? Smiling from ear to ear as we got into the puny car to drive back home. Why did she look so happy? Why kiss HIM on OUR date? Also, why didn't she care? Pulled up to a dead end street after gathering all the courage I had to confront her, and if the current predicament was bad..it worsened with an influx of questions thrown at me by her.
Why was I angry? Why did I care about who she kissed? Why was I acting crazy? We were just friends...?
Even through the dark lighting, I can still see the blood seeping in through the seats, creating dark parallel lines. The huge gaping wound at her neck takes nothing away from her beauty and I could almost swear that my hands were sweating like always, if it weren't for the headlights casting light upon the dark red colour coating them.
I take a deep breath as my thumb hovers over those three digits, leaving blood residue on my phone screen.
It's 112, what's your emergency?
Uhh, there has been a murder suicide at the.....end of poe street?
The end of poe street?
Okay, do you happen to know any of the victims?
Yes, her name's YN YLN and the perpetrator is uhm... choi-choi soobin?
Oh. Are there any signs of life? Are you sure they're both dead?
She is, yeah and I'll be in a few minutes.
( Leading on someone like yan!soobin wether by accident or deliberately, is not a good idea.. I'm sure you'll agree )
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Gif by @yeonjune
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yn-dere · 2 years
the romance between a girl and herself is so significant not in a narcissistic way but in a i sometimes hate you but i will always give you the world way
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yn-dere · 2 years
[01:18 AM]
TW: Extremely dark topics.
The forced air of sorrow suffocated me as the moon peeps in through the blinds, almost as if it's sneaking a glance at our current predicament. My eyes traveled through friend to friend, some looking more on edge than the others. I couldn't miss all the tense shoulders or the way Jay was playing with his ring, quietly waiting for one of us to speak first. Jungwon and Sunghoon both look so tired, understandably so.
Though the ambience was quite tight, I know we all shared a weird sense of relief. It's done. This has to be the last testimony of our friendship and love.Oh, the things we shared together. Dorms, clothes, friends, dreams.. everything. Though you could say it's because we cared for each other and you wouldn't be wrong but most of it had to do with us having similar tastes. All entirely different people but we harboured the same goals, chased the same dreams. We wanted the same things... and people.
So we learned to share.
And we loved her. I exhaled thinking about the sheer agony the past few months were. I can still hear the heartwrenching pain in heeseung's voice as he called me to stay away from "his girl" because she is the best thing that has ever happened to him. She meant the same to me as well. Riki apparently graffitied Jay's mum's car and he himself would find animal carcasses in his mail, possibly by Jay. Sunghoon would leave threatening voicemails for Jungwon everyday day and I, admittedly spread nasty rumours about sunoo when I saw him cosy up with y/n. It might've been quite the show but it was honestly painful and it was getting us nowhere as nobody was willing to give up. No more.
We all loved her but alas, sunghoon got her heart. Upsetting but still less cruel than possibly having to see her love another man. Sunghoon has a slight smile as he's the one who's getting her heart but that was the deal, the one who does the toughest job gets the biggest reward. The rest of us will just have to do with the rest of her body. I personally love her lean arms and small hands never mind how cold.
(So what do you think love? I personally think yan!enhypen were extremely selfish in this one. They could've easily shared their beloved with a few more guys, considering the amount of organs and limbs one has!)
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Gif by @racha
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yn-dere · 2 years
[6:44 PM]
TW: Extremely dark topics.
The slow ticking of our grandfather clock alongside my son's sprightly voice is what an weekday's evening sounds like to me. Colourful publications scattered all across the coffee table as he tries to figure out the words in his chosen nursery book. Though he reads enthusiastically, I was informed by his teacher that he seldom pays attention in class unlike how he used to be. Maybe it's because of his mum's lack of involvement in his studies nowadays so I try to make up for it as much as I can. Listening to a child rhyme baa baa black sheep for the umpteenth time might not seem like the best way to spend your leisure time but I wouldn't trade this for anything else.
"That was great, love! Can you rhyme the next one once for your old man?"
Peter Peter pumpkin eater~
As his voice began to fill the atmosphere again, I subconsciously rested my eyelids as my chest heaved deep breaths. My mind soon found itself pondering over the pleasant former years, a reminder of what it used to be like. From the day that we met, it was clear to everyone that we were meant for each other. She was the fresh wind that pulled me from the banal structured life that I lead. I was the security she craved when her lifestyle got a bit too crazy. I somehow convinced this fickle woman to settle down with me, never bothered by the effort I had put in to do so. With the addition of my friends complaining about me being too docile with her. Labled Henpecked, whipped, submissive, dominated etc. I couldn't care less even if I tried, as long as I had her... I was fine.
Had a wife but couldn't keep her!~
But even after the birth of our son, I would still notice that one brief look whenever life got a bit too stale. Her eyes, that were always seeking.. seeking for more pleasure to devour. I tried to ignore and act oblivious for the sake of my happy family, wishing it would fleet away as the years go by. But soon, her once tempting eyes started to look more guilty. I clenched my fist as my mind illustrated the messages I saw between her and her old neighbour. My once calm breathing turned into a series of shallow inhales and exhales. When confronted about it, she threatened to leave. Leave the family, the sole reason for me to keep on living. Leave the life, which I carefully crafted for her comfort. Looks like it wasn't enough.
He put her in a pumpkin shell~
She might not need me, but I need her. We both need her. And she is too oblivious to notice how her flighty heart, restless and reckless behaviour is ruining her own life. So after some careful consideration, I decided not to just give the neighbour a visit. He isn't spared from the consequences but a fickle mind might even be distracted by lowlives and there are plenty of them running around. A birdy can only fly if she has wings, right? And I desperately need her to be here with me, with us. The chains gives both of us enough time to forgive each other, one for betrayal and the other for captivity. I hate to keep her away from our son but this is the only way.
And there he kept her very well~
I hope we can go back to being happy. I hope I get my fairy tale ending
"Good job! Doesn't sweet peter and your father have a lot in common? The next one is 'Mary, Mary, quite the contrary.. do you know how to read this one, love?
(Yan!Sunghoon finds himself relating to a nursery rhyme character. Does anyone want a tutorial on how to build a pumpkin house to cage keep your wife in when she threatens to leave?)
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Gif by @chenleyah
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yn-dere · 2 years
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yn-dere · 2 years
You're back ! !
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yn-dere · 2 years
[01:18 AM]
TW: Extremely dark topics.
The forced air of sorrow suffocated me as the moon peeps in through the blinds, almost as if it's sneaking a glance at our current predicament. My eyes traveled through friend to friend, some looking more on edge than the others. I couldn't miss all the tense shoulders or the way Jay was playing with his ring, quietly waiting for one of us to speak first. Jungwon and Sunghoon both look so tired, understandably so.
Though the ambience was quite tight, I know we all shared a weird sense of relief. It's done. This has to be the last testimony of our friendship and love.Oh, the things we shared together. Dorms, clothes, friends, dreams.. everything. Though you could say it's because we cared for each other and you wouldn't be wrong but most of it had to do with us having similar tastes. All entirely different people but we harboured the same goals, chased the same dreams. We wanted the same things... and people.
So we learned to share.
And we loved her. I exhaled thinking about the sheer agony the past few months were. I can still hear the heartwrenching pain in heeseung's voice as he called me to stay away from "his girl" because she is the best thing that has ever happened to him. She meant the same to me as well. Riki apparently graffitied Jay's mum's car and he himself would find animal carcasses in his mail, possibly by Jay. Sunghoon would leave threatening voicemails for Jungwon everyday day and I, admittedly spread nasty rumours about sunoo when I saw him cosy up with y/n. It might've been quite the show but it was honestly painful and it was getting us nowhere as nobody was willing to give up. No more.
We all loved her but alas, sunghoon got her heart. Upsetting but still less cruel than possibly having to see her love another man. Sunghoon has a slight smile as he's the one who's getting her heart but that was the deal, the one who does the toughest job gets the biggest reward. The rest of us will just have to do with the rest of her body. I personally love her lean arms and small hands never mind how cold.
(So what do you think love? I personally think yan!enhypen were extremely selfish in this one. They could've easily shared their beloved with a few more guys, considering the amount of organs and limbs one has!)
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yn-dere · 3 years
You're amazing!
Fall in love with your writings,
I know you're busy in your personal life, we understand, but I'd wanted to say
especially take care and be safe too, buddy.
This is... so nice, thank you so much love!! 🥺♡
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yn-dere · 3 years
Giving you cake 🎂!
It cause of your love?
Yes! Your love. :)
Had a pretty shitty day and this made it way better! Thanks love ♡
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yn-dere · 3 years
I just read the 2 new drabbles you posted and I have no words!!! Thankyou for blessing us with your writings! 💕
Thank you so much! I'm glad that you seem to have enjoyed them ♡
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yn-dere · 3 years
Little drabble #5
As I took another swig of my scotch, letting the bitter tang slowly melt into my mouth.. I abruptly discovered how alone I truly am and suddenly the alcohol wasn't the only burning sensation I felt. I could've swore that droplets on my hand were from my leaking grotty ceiling if it weren't for my blurry vision. I simply let my tears drop into my beverage as no one was here to judge.
Alone. I always wanted to be left alone. Not only was I not fond of people in general (that hasn't changed), I also relished in the power I felt as the lone wolf. The guy that lives next door who never talks, the guy that you've never seen smile, the guy in all black looking like he's about to rob a store any second, the guy who snickers at the children when they play too loud outside, the guy that etc etc... you get my point. As much as it was clear that my neighbors didn't like me, their fear made me feel like a maverick. In a way, I was also trying to fit into the presumptions they had of me even before they knew me. If only they knew how sensitive I can be. Either extremely dissociated or too emotionally invested. A true pisces. Wasn't one into astrology but she was.
Her. It's only been three minutes and I'm already thinking of her? Guess even the harsh drinks won't help your pompous narrator here. Anyway, she was the one who made me realize that we don't chase things, we chase the emotions it brings us. I chase shots but I don't enjoy being a raging alcoholic. These intoxicants are the only thing that help me cope and carry on. I chased her because I truly believed that having her as mine would bring me euphoria. Maybe I was right. I didn't enjoy being in love with her.
I didn't enjoy feeling like I can't even breathe each time she looked at me, like I was going to suffocate. I didn't enjoy daydreaming about her as I would get too carried away and it would end up hampering my work. Did not enjoy being crazy paranoid that she would find someone else, someone better. I didn't enjoy becoming weaker as each day, month, year passed by. I didn't enjoy feeling my walls chip away, my strong facade slowly turning transparent. I don't enjoy being as much in love as I was years ago and still being about to recall every little thing she did, even if it lasted for a milisecond.
The way she had her hair over one shoulder when it was a little too warm outside, the way she only wore dresses, the way she had a constant pout even when she was happy. She was a little too obsessed with her hands, always paying more attention to them rather than what was happening around her. She loved every new trendy artist that came around only to slowly loose interest. She would always forget to wear a jacket outside so her friend would have a spare one in her car at all times. The little anklet she had on would jingle, letting you identify who was coming even before you saw her figure. I can go on and on about my love but I'd rather not. It would not only bore you to death but I would also be weeping by the end of it. Am I pathetic? Don't answer that.
Lastly, I don't enjoy living in this one bedroom shabby apartment but I can't afford to live in that nice neighborhood I once did because I spent all of my money buying her gifts that costed a fortune. I also lost my job a few days after I lost her. So many sacrifices..
God knows I tried hard. That's one lesson I've learned. There's a fine line between trying to get it and grappling it. The more you try to grapple it, the harder it gets to get it. Whether it be happiness, peace of mind, love. If only I could go back to the day I met her... that one and only fateful day I actually had the courage to talk her. If I was a coward that day just like I had always been and somehow talked myself out of confessing to her.. I wouldn't have lost her.
Wait a minute, who's ringing the bell at this ungodly hour?
"Min yoongi, you are under arrest for the rape and murder of Y/L/N Y/N five years ago. Get your hands behind your back and do not try anything."
As I was saying, the harder you try to grapple the thing that you want.. the larger the distance between you becomes. It might even cause you forcefully clutch it even more. It has consequences that you won't be able to undo even if you tried, and trust me.. I tried
(I was prompted to write this when I saw some people glorifying stalking behavior. Most stalkers do not stay stalkers, they get more and more confident as time goes on and no, it probably won't end up with them kidnapping you and everything turning into a Stockholm syndrome romance manga. What yoongs did in this story is more realistic and happens quite frequently so stay safe, love.)
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yn-dere · 3 years
Little drabble #5
As I took another swig of my scotch, letting the bitter tang slowly melt into my mouth.. I abruptly discovered how alone I truly am and suddenly the alcohol wasn't the only burning sensation I felt. I could've swore that droplets on my hand were from my leaking grotty ceiling if it weren't for my blurry vision. I simply let my tears drop into my beverage as no one was here to judge.
Alone. I always wanted to be left alone. Not only was I not fond of people in general (that hasn't changed), I also relished in the power I felt as the lone wolf. The guy that lives next door who never talks, the guy that you've never seen smile, the guy in all black looking like he's about to rob a store any second, the guy who snickers at the children when they play too loud outside, the guy that etc etc... you get my point. As much as it was clear that my neighbors didn't like me, their fear made me feel like a maverick. In a way, I was also trying to fit into the presumptions they had of me even before they knew me. If only they knew how sensitive I can be. Either extremely dissociated or too emotionally invested. A true pisces. Wasn't one into astrology but she was.
Her. It's only been three minutes and I'm already thinking of her? Guess even the harsh drinks won't help your pompous narrator here. Anyway, she was the one who made me realize that we don't chase things, we chase the emotions it brings us. I chase shots but I don't enjoy being a raging alcoholic. These intoxicants are the only thing that help me cope and carry on. I chased her because I truly believed that having her as mine would bring me euphoria. Maybe I was right. I didn't enjoy being in love with her.
I didn't enjoy feeling like I can't even breathe each time she looked at me, like I was going to suffocate. I didn't enjoy daydreaming about her as I would get too carried away and it would end up hampering my work. Did not enjoy being crazy paranoid that she would find someone else, someone better. I didn't enjoy becoming weaker as each day, month, year passed by. I didn't enjoy feeling my walls chip away, my strong facade slowly turning transparent. I don't enjoy being as much in love as I was years ago and still being about to recall every little thing she did, even if it lasted for a milisecond.
The way she had her hair over one shoulder when it was a little too warm outside, the way she only wore dresses, the way she had a constant pout even when she was happy. She was a little too obsessed with her hands, always paying more attention to them rather than what was happening around her. She loved every new trendy artist that came around only to slowly loose interest. She would always forget to wear a jacket outside so her friend would have a spare one in her car at all times. The little anklet she had on would jingle, letting you identify who was coming even before you saw her figure. I can go on and on about my love but I'd rather not. It would not only bore you to death but I would also be weeping by the end of it. Am I pathetic? Don't answer that.
Lastly, I don't enjoy living in this one bedroom shabby apartment but I can't afford to live in that nice neighborhood I once did because I spent all of my money buying her gifts that costed a fortune. I also lost my job a few days after I lost her. So many sacrifices..
God knows I tried hard. That's one lesson I've learned. There's a fine line between trying to get it and grappling it. The more you try to grapple it, the harder it gets to get it. Whether it be happiness, peace of mind, love. If only I could go back to the day I met her... that one and only fateful day I actually had the courage to talk her. If I was a coward that day just like I had always been and somehow talked myself out of confessing to her.. I wouldn't have lost her.
Wait a minute, who's ringing the bell at this ungodly hour?
"Min yoongi, you are under arrest for the rape and murder of Y/L/N Y/N five years ago. Get your hands behind your back and do not try anything."
As I was saying, the harder you try to grapple the thing that you want.. the larger the distance between you becomes. It might even cause you forcefully clutch it even more. It has consequences that you won't be able to undo even if you tried, and trust me.. I tried
(I was prompted to write this when I saw some people glorifying stalking behavior. Most stalkers do not stay stalkers, they get more and more confident as time goes on and no, it probably won't end up with them kidnapping you and everything turning into a Stockholm syndrome romance manga. What yoongs did in this story is more realistic and happens quite frequently so stay safe, love.)
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yn-dere · 3 years
3:32 AM • YAN!J.JK
Little drabble #4
You know, my mother used to remind me that common folks are easily forgotten. It was a quote repeated far too many times for the words to have any impact left. But as I stand here mum, retreating back into the corners of my own mind... I understand that it is true, not only for people but for everything in life.
The sharp croaking of the crows outside my window, no matter how annoying... will be out of mind in a twinkling.
The faint singing of our upstairs neighbour will be forgotten, even by her own toddler as he drifts off to sweet slumber.
The girl that my friend seems to be crying about at this time of day will be bygone as he graduates and finally gets his life together.
Every insignificant thing will be lost in the void of past but isn't it easier to forget someone who was never known to begin with?
No one will remember him. No one even bat an eye because they don't know him. Because he is nothing.
The painters called to do a rush job tomorrow won't question anything because he is no one.
My dorm roommate from whom I got a car ride home at 2 in the morning isn't half as suspicious because he is nothing.
Jesus, even his own friends won't bother checking up on him when he fails to show up at work because who cares about him?
Everyone overlooked or slept through his cries of help because he is insignificant.
He is nothing. He is no one. A contemptible pest who's life didn't even amount to a shit stain. Hell, even those black little screeching spawns of satan seem to be more merrier than that wet piece of rag who's out to make everyone else's life distasteful.
This moment will be forgotten by that lady who just stopped the lullaby, her child, my friend who is probably sleeping as we speak, my roommate, and everyone else in this world. 3:32 am was either disregarded or simply slept by.
Those blood spatters on the walls will too vanish if the painters do their jobs right. Everyone will overlook the fact that the bedroom is painted a different color compared to the rest of the apartment. Everyone but my fiancee who's all but drenched in her "lover's" blood and sweat. I hope it is forever etched into her mind as it helps me drill the same lesson my mother taught me time and time again... Common people are easily forgotten, people like him and her.
(You don't fuck with no man's girl if you don't have a death wish, especially with someone like yan!fiance!jungkook who's more than willing to show up unannounced at his s/o's residence at the middle of the night. You won't get a second chance like the babe you fooled around with)
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yn-dere · 3 years
3:32 AM • YAN!J.JK
Little drabble #4
You know, my mother used to remind me that common folks are easily forgotten. It was a quote repeated far too many times for the words to have any impact left. But as I stand here mum, retreating back into the corners of my own mind... I understand that it is true, not only for people but for everything in life.
The sharp croaking of the crows outside my window, no matter how annoying... will be out of mind in a twinkling.
The faint singing of our upstairs neighbour will be forgotten, even by her own toddler as he drifts off to sweet slumber.
The girl that my friend seems to be crying about at this time of day will be bygone as he graduates and finally gets his life together.
Every insignificant thing will be lost in the void of past but isn't it easier to forget someone who was never known to begin with?
No one will remember him. No one even bat an eye because they don't know him. Because he is nothing.
The painters called to do a rush job tomorrow won't question anything because he is no one.
My dorm roommate from whom I got a car ride home at 2 in the morning isn't half as suspicious because he is nothing.
Jesus, even his own friends won't bother checking up on him when he fails to show up at work because who cares about him?
Everyone overlooked or slept through his cries of help because he is insignificant.
He is nothing. He is no one. A contemptible pest who's life didn't even amount to a shit stain. Hell, even those black little screeching spawns of satan seem to be more merrier than that wet piece of rag who's out to make everyone else's life distasteful.
This moment will be forgotten by that lady who just stopped the lullaby, her child, my friend who is probably sleeping as we speak, my roommate, and everyone else in this world. 3:32 am was either disregarded or simply slept by.
Those blood spatters on the walls will too vanish if the painters do their jobs right. Everyone will overlook the fact that the bedroom is painted a different color compared to the rest of the apartment. Everyone but my fiancee who's all but drenched in her "lover's" blood and sweat. I hope it is forever etched into her mind as it helps me drill the same lesson my mother taught me time and time again... Common people are easily forgotten, people like him and her.
(You don't fuck with no man's girl if you don't have a death wish, especially with someone like yan!fiance!jungkook who's more than willing to show up unannounced at his s/o's residence at the middle of the night. You won't get a second chance like the babe you fooled around with)
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yn-dere · 3 years
3:32 AM • YAN!J.JK
Little drabble #4
You know, my mother used to remind me that common folks are easily forgotten. It was a quote repeated far too many times for the words to have any impact left. But as I stand here mum, retreating back into the corners of my own mind... I understand that it is true, not only for people but for everything in life.
The sharp croaking of the crows outside my window, no matter how annoying... will be out of mind in a twinkling.
The faint singing of our upstairs neighbour will be forgotten, even by her own toddler as he drifts off to sweet slumber.
The girl that my friend seems to be crying about at this time of day will be bygone as he graduates and finally gets his life together.
Every insignificant thing will be lost in the void of past but isn't it easier to forget someone who was never known to begin with?
No one will remember him. No one even bat an eye because they don't know him. Because he is nothing.
The painters called to do a rush job tomorrow won't question anything because he is no one.
My dorm roommate from whom I got a car ride home at 2 in the morning isn't half as suspicious because he is nothing.
Jesus, even his own friends won't bother checking up on him when he fails to show up at work because who cares about him?
Everyone overlooked or slept through his cries of help because he is insignificant.
He is nothing. He is no one. A contemptible pest who's life didn't even amount to a shit stain. Hell, even those black little screeching spawns of satan seem to be more merrier than that wet piece of rag who's out to make everyone else's life distasteful.
This moment will be forgotten by that lady who just stopped the lullaby, her child, my friend who is probably sleeping as we speak, my roommate, and everyone else in this world. 3:32 am was either disregarded or simply slept by.
Those blood spatters on the walls will too vanish if the painters do their jobs right. Everyone will overlook the fact that the bedroom is painted a different color compared to the rest of the apartment. Everyone but my fiancee who's all but drenched in her "lover's" blood and sweat. I hope it is forever etched into her mind as it helps me drill the same lesson my mother taught me time and time again... Common people are easily forgotten, people like him and her.
(You don't fuck with no man's girl if you don't have a death wish, especially with someone like yan!fiance!jungkook who's more than willing to show up unannounced at his s/o's residence at the middle of the night. You won't get a second chance like the babe you fooled around with)
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yn-dere · 3 years
“My son Dhani reckons it was me [coughing at the start of ‘Taxman’]. He says, ‘I’d recognize that cough anywhere!’ [Laughs] But I don’t remember.”
— George Harrison, Billboard, 19 June 1999 (via thateventuality)
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yn-dere · 3 years
The Beatles Albums - A Summary
(each number coincides with each track number)
Please Please Me:
17? old enough for me
tHE wORLDD is treatin me bAAAAAaaAaAad M I S E R Y
nobody reciprocates my feelings
i have a crush on someone and im melodramatic about it
bro these are happy tears
my dick is feeling a lil left out here :/
i won’t cheat on you sooooo love me???,,?
everyone tells me you cheat on everybody but you wont do that to me hahahahaahahah right??
kinda a shitty letter when you think about it
George spoils the secret
can you imagine that honey tastes sweeter than wine? like can you actually imagine? something commonly eaten for being sweet ends up sweeter than alcohol? 
depressed? i’ll just dissociate :^)
the birth of the wOOOooOoOOooooOOOO
With The Beatles:
you left and made me depressed but you’re coming back!!!!!!!! so everything is fine!!!!!!! im fine!!!!
if i call you your ass better get over here 
i won’t cheat while im gone babes and i’ll send you letters and shit <3
hey lil babes ;^) im just a lonely guy ;^) won’t you give me a dance ;^)
you activated every human sense in my body for the first time ever
didn’t you know you’re the 3rd person in this relationship
please affirm your feelings for me or i’ll fucking die :’)
the relationship is toxic and i’m t r a p p e d 
good job Ringo :)
“dude she’s actually the worst” “F A K E N E W S”
go fuck yourself :^)
love is cool but have you ever had money before???
A Hard Day’s Night:
the chord that flips the switch to feral
really didn’t expect to actually like you but hey here we are
sex? fuck that. dancing? now that’s my shit right there.
my girlfriend is great and i bet you’re fucking jealous
bitch i tried  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i gotchu, boo <3
if we get stale as fuck just remember we weren’t at one point!!!!
i consider talking to anyone else in the male species cheating 
I can’t make up my mind about whether I like you or not :/
Beatles For Sale:
bitch ghosted me 
i’m actually dying inside despite the fact that i’m funny (◕︵◕)
we love 6/8 time👏 👏 👏
this is probably gonna end shitty soooo i’m just getting this over with 
8 days a week, 25/7, 13 months a year
there is clapping throughout this entire song and as soon as you notice it you never listen to it the same way again
bitch stop lying
(Ɔ ˘⌣˘)♥(˘⌣˘ C) 
im depressed so im probably not the best person for a party  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you oblivious fuck YOU👏ARE👏KILLING👏ME👏
i have too many dates hahaha ;) damn this fucking sucks dude haha ;) 
i’m giving up being stubborn pls assist
i thought this wouldn’t be a one night stand????? :(((((
staying in the closet? absolutely.
yeah im admitting i fucked up butifuckingloveyouipromiseohmygoddontleavemefortheloveofgod
LMAO bitch you T H O U G H T
bro i’m about to swoop in and take your bitch :^)
( ^◡^)っ✂❤ 
sad and lonely? bitch this part was made for me
love???? shouldn’t????? be????? this????? intense?????
hahahahah you’ll be back B) youalwayscomeback
dude i usually just seclude myself but she’s different andthesefeelingsaregoingsOFUCKINGFAST
Rubber Soul:
dude i already know im gonna be famous im just preparing for it B)
bathtubs are underappreciated beds
stop acting 12 l o v e m e
just floating through existence like the rest of us
bro have you tried love???? i thought it was just stupid shit but damn
what kinda fucked up brain you gotta have to act like that
I can see through your bullshit
john - (乂ღ˘⌣˘)ノ♥ヽ(ˆ⌣ˆ)ヾ - paul
you are my complete 2nd choice :)
8^) y Ou cH e A teD ? ?? ?
ominous strings are ominous 
not drugs i swear :)
dude I blinked and it’s been 20 years
(^O^☆♪  (´▽`)ノ♪  (´△`)♪  (ノ´▽`)ノ♪
you smart but you an asshole :/
welcome to the singles club, fucker
yeah dr. robert’s a “person” i swear :))))))
the literal definition of hyping up an argument and never going through with it
s̴̪̆̈̈ư̶͔̱̘̇͐r̴̢̖̰̃ŕ̷̢̧͇ḙ̸̝̄n̵͉̍̀͘d̷̠̺͂e̷̪̣̜͐͋͘r̶̮̝͔̃ ̶̗̹̽̍t̸̯̎o̶͓̬̙̓͑ ̵̼̒̇t̶̬̑͗̂h̴̤̍ͅḙ̶͕̬͆̈̕ ̴̫̈́͐̈́v̸̜͍̌o̷̱̯̞̿̌i̸̛͖d̴̤̹͇̃
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band:
fuck you those are my emotional support friends
Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds 8^)
yeah i was pretty fucked up but im working on it
i can’t zone out in peace >:I
oh shit you actually have to have fun quality time with your children for them to be happy? :/ oops
aNd Of CoUrSe HeNrY tHe HoRsE dAnCeS ThE wAaAaAaLtZ
thanks for the ticket wanna date
B Y E E E E E E  👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋
you thought it was over? prepare to have your brain broken
Magical Mystery Tour:
i c a n s e e e v e r y t h i n g
don’t take too long or this trip is gonna knock me tf out
~( ̄▽ ̄~)(~ ̄▽ ̄)~
C̷̻̓ ̷͈̌Ȯ̸̻ ̴̯̍O̵̩͌ ̵̠͝C̵̫̿ ̴͇̾Ö̴̮́ ̴͈̓O̶͍̔ ̸̢̿K̴̨͒ ̸̻̍A̵̙͂ ̵͔͋Ċ̸̮ ̷͙̌H̶̳͗ ̷̱͘Ō̴̲ ̸̜̍O̴͖͋
opposite day?? fuck you
the combination of soothing and unsettling at the same time which shouldn’t be possible but????
p e o p l e w a t c h i n g  ᕕ༼✪ل͜✪༽ᕗ
let me ask you a bunch of vague nonsensical questions real quick ;)
White Album:
WELCOME BACK TO COMMUNISM, all the girls out west are ugly
✿❀soft and warm optimism❀✿
you know you’ve made it when you can make self references and its good
u h h h h h 😬😬😬
John’s version of Rocky Raccoon 
t H e F l O o R 😢😢😢 N e E d S s W e E p I n G
a song that’s actually like 3 different songs in 1
a N x I e T y :)))))))
seems wholesome then turns out fucking dark
Paul’s version of The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
YOU’RE 2 MINUTES LATE DO YOU HATE ME???? YOU HATE ME DON’T YOU OH FUCK I’M-oh you were in a car crash? oh that’s fine i wasn’t worried!!!!! :)
do i really even need to give anything for this one like fuck
I will wait forever for a someone I don’t even know the name of but i’m in love with them
don’t be surprised if i kill myself babe thx ;)
so fucking soft like i don’t even have anything funny for this one i listen to this song and grow 50 degrees softer each time :’)
the lyrics in this song are so fucking w h a t like “the deeper you go the higher you fly the higher you fly the deeper you go” “your inside is out when your outside is in your outside is in when your inside is out” good job guys 👌
bro everyone has a boner for you and it’s your fault
S     E     X
revolution but swanky
one of those songs that you think has some crazy meaning when it’s actually just about fucking sweet shit  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
a mellow bop 👌👌👌
T̵̡̉͒ ̸͖̆̀͜E̷̺̼̐̇ ̸̪̂̉R̴̼͊ ̷̗̔Ŕ̸͚̩ ̴̫͑̈́O̷͇̽ ̶͇̭̈́͋R̷̲͝
ringo singing you to sleep with an orchestra :’)
Yellow Submarine:
yeah it sounds shitty we wrote it like that bitch catch these hands
can i take my friend to bed? ;:^))))))
- 13. some George Martin fucking M A G I C
Abbey Road:
john’s gremlin lyrics
B̴͓̟͌ ̸̟̍̒A̴̙͂ ̴̲͑N̶̨̨͂̍ ̴̯̻͗Ġ̷̘̆ ̵͇̺̏́B̴̙̱̃ ̸̤͠ͅÁ̴̦͍ ̷̨̱̋Ņ̸̈́ ̸̞̌͘G̷̖̼̒  ihonestlylikethissongalotanddontthinkitsbadatallalthoughforcingeveryonetorecorditforweeksonendwasntcoolbutistilllikethesongalotokay
@ John :^)
ringo back at it again wishing he was in fucking water
a whole 3 minutes too long
the collab between Paul’s usual voice and his low belting voice he acquired that soon became the beard voice
a nonbinary queen <3
i also use spoons as my number one means of defense
and you thought endgame was the biggest mashup of the century
when they wrote it not meaning for it to be the actual end and then everything went downhill from there :’)
underappreciated soft lil song :)
Let It Be:
bitch literally needed to hold the lyrics for him to read because of this crazy nonsense
George out here with his own nonsense
bro like what even is happening here
“she came to me in a dream”
John singing like a wackjob
bitch M O V E
George and John just havin a good ol time like two bros
thisliterallytookme2hoursat5AMihopeyoulikeit :’)
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