wyzechyld · 1 day
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wyzechyld · 1 day
A few days ago
Ended with
Unfinished sentences
Like penances
For people as
As us
Cuts paraphrasing
Loneliness major
And oh-how-I
Could orbit her
Trading places
With capricious
Have I lost
The way
Taste like
Hazel skies
I wonder if he’ll read this
A Wonder if you’ll see this
Wondering I mean this
Do I mean this?
Can I have another
Miss me
won’t you
Miss me
with that
burn ing
Like penances
For people
like us
Was fun
Without words
In higher forms
Such life forms
One winged birds
And descending
Really was it
Just cuz
Just cause
A lost cause
So that it was
To meet you
But I miss you
Should’ve missed you
With that
Another displaced
Encased in
I’m careening
Waxing and waning
In a moment
I could wreck
If I wanted
If you wanted
Me to
add me to the list
Of those
You can still taste
Don’t wait
Or I might
What I want
Do I want
To taste
More time
With you?
I do…
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wyzechyld · 21 days
It's always bewildering how frequently we opt for the company of an enemy instead of that of a friend. It seems we're inclined to choose paths destined for loss. Yet, upon reflection, I believe we're here to evolve, unable to fully embrace joy until we've undergone growth. It's painful, both in solitude and witnessing others discard friendships needlessly, if only we could recognize our worth and cherish ourselves entirely.
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wyzechyld · 22 days
When you look around
And all you see
Are narcissists
Remember that
You’re looking at
Your reflection
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wyzechyld · 1 month
The One
Is likely near you
bickering over choices
and whether you deserve
what you choose
to be treated unfairly
by recent acquaintances
you deseve better
and they’re not lyin
so choose
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The one you’re after
is no more than a black hole
disguised as a “safe place,”
taking your life away
as you spoon feed each drop
slender love you have left
while watching the television
night circuit of reruns
the damage is already done
and displayed for clout
did you really think they had it in them
even with all that doubt?
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wyzechyld · 1 month
My birthday gets an eclipse and a full moon how lovely =}
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wyzechyld · 1 month
My dagger was
forged from
a larval hope.
carve my name in
infinite sunrises
and watch
as they give
the world sight
like I needed
so long
Robert J. W.
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wyzechyld · 1 month
Title: Embracing Hatred: A Path to Self-Discovery and Growth
Understanding someone's dislikes can provide valuable insights into their personality and beliefs. Similarly, exploring our own aversions can lead to profound discoveries about ourselves. Contrary to common perception, delving into feelings of hatred can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and self-realization.
Hatred is often perceived as a negative and destructive emotion. However, it is not merely a blind reaction but rather a complex psychological process with underlying purposes. For instance, research in neuroscience has shown that fear triggers physiological responses in the body, influencing our behavior. Similarly, when we experience hatred towards something or someone, it may indicate a deeper internal conflict or falsehood that needs to be addressed.
Instead of avoiding or suppressing feelings of hatred, it is crucial to embrace them as opportunities for self-reflection and growth. By acknowledging our dislikes, we can identify areas in our lives that require attention and transformation. This process can be challenging, as it may force us to confront uncomfortable truths about ourselves. We may even project our own insecurities onto others, attributing our flaws to external sources.
However, the true test lies in transforming self-hatred into self-love. This involves accepting ourselves fully, flaws and all, and cultivating compassion and understanding towards our own shortcomings. By learning to love what we hate about ourselves, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal development.
Understanding and accepting our feelings of hatred is essential for gaining clarity and insight into our true selves. It allows us to see beyond surface-level emotions and uncover the underlying motivations and beliefs that shape our behavior. Moreover, by embracing our vulnerabilities and imperfections, we become more resilient and empathetic towards others.
In conclusion, embracing feelings of hatred can lead to profound personal growth and transformation. By confronting our dislikes with courage and self-awareness, we unlock new opportunities for self-discovery and fulfillment. Ultimately, by learning to love what we hate, we not only become more compassionate towards ourselves but also towards others, fostering positive change in ourselves and the world around us.
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wyzechyld · 1 month
Sitting next to a lady at the food bank while she’s relentlessly stimming and singing “no no no noooo, no no no” and it was so difficult, resisting the urge to respond “yes yes yes yeesss, yes yes yes.”
Later she voiced a hope for the sun to bring spontaneous combustion to all the people who pointed at it. It was only a little bit strange, but then again so am I…
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wyzechyld · 1 month
Lonely as the moon
Surrounded by stars
But missing the sun
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wyzechyld · 1 month
3. Brutus 2. Judas 1. Printers when you are in a hurry
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wyzechyld · 1 month
We need to stop demonizing personality disorders. While it's understandable not to condone self-absorbed or destructive behaviors in individuals with these issues, it's important to see that many people with personality disorders are unaware of their condition until they undergo extensive therapy or years of introspection following the wake of destruction they've left in their lives.
People who want to be better don't want to be perceived as inherently bad. Most people, in general, don't desire to be seen in a negative light. If all they hear are negative stereotypes about those with personality disorders, they'll struggle to find acceptance and may resist identifying with a label that society deems undesirable; a label that could significantly change their lives by giving them a framework for understanding their self and becoming accountable for and potentially changing the very behaviors cursed by judgement and a complete lack of understanding.
These same people who ruthlessly judge will say they’re empathic 😂 and maybe they are a little who am I to judge.
This situation is profoundly disheartening and exacerbates the challenges faced by those grappling with their identity in a world where conformity to a specific standard is necessary for acceptance. Existing in a society where one must meet certain criteria to be deemed worthy, or even admired, is incredibly challenging. Now, do it as someone with a label that people hate or make fun of.
The next time you want to call someone a narcissist, bite your tongue, because it’s a disorder, not an insult, and using it that way just robs somebody else of their freedom. It’s heartless, short sighted, and ignorant; dare I say, quite narcissistic… Thanks for reading.
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wyzechyld · 2 months
Who needs friends anyway?
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wyzechyld · 2 months
Im alone
And I’ll be as long as some things never change
Im a wrecking ball with no one else to blame
Some people think they’re close to me
But theyve never even known my name
Not once
The voices always take me by surprise
The world it changes
right before my eyes
Try to close
No one knows
freedom only comes to those imprisoned
and it’s the fate of royalty to be dethroned
A fickle heart must witness titanic depths
For other ways bare no distinction
I’m trying to make sense of it all
And maybe that’s part of my problem
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wyzechyld · 8 months
The concept of indoctrinating children with fear as a parenting approach revolves around using fear as a means of control. It's a strategy where parents use the emotion of fear to influence their children's behavior and decisions. This approach appears effective initially, as children might comply out of fear of consequences. However, there are deeper implications to consider.
When children grow up in an environment where fear is the primary motivator, they may eventually come to realize that things they were afraid of are not as menacing as once thought. This realization can weaken the effectiveness of fear-based tactics, making it harder for parents to maintain control over their children's actions.
To counter this, parents might escalate their tactics, resorting to even harsher punishments or stricter rules in an attempt to regain control. This cycle can lead to a negative dynamic between parents and children, with fear at its core, and even abuse.
Research indicates that living in a state of constant fear and stress can be harmful to both physical and mental health. Stress triggers a physiological response known as the "fight or flight" response, which is meant to protect us from immediate danger. However, when this response becomes chronic due to prolonged exposure to fear, it can lead to various health issues, including anxiety and other emotional disorders.
Chronic stress impacts the brain. It diverts blood flow away from the part of the brain responsible for logical thinking, reasoning, and decision-making. This makes it difficult for individuals to process information effectively or to make rational choices. Consequently, individuals caught in a cycle of fear-based parenting may find it difficult to think clearly and make good decisions, perpetuating the cycle further.
In summary, while fear-based parenting might yield short-term compliance, its long-term effects on children's well-being and their ability to make informed decisions suffers greatly. It's important for parents to consider healthier approaches that nurture trust, open communication, and the emotional stability of their children.
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wyzechyld · 8 months
People say they’re proud of me…
They reflect how far I’ve come, as though they haven’t walked just as far and further. We all started off somewhere, and the journey here is long, and hard for some, easy for others. What difference does it make how far I’ve come, if we’ve all gone the same distance?
I can’t help feeling like a failure, witnessing so many cross the finish line, celebrating the rewards which come with performing well and fulfilling the expectations set by their parents, teachers, and government.
Why not me? Did I not want it enough? Don’t I deserve it too? I know I’m good enough, so why does it seem so far away, and mostly impossible?
Every day ends with a feeling that I didn’t do enough. The fact is I usually didn’t, and my reasons for why just feel like petty excuses. It’s so easy for me to blame my mental or emotional struggles, like I’m the only one who has them, until I see people worse off than I am celebrating and I’m still sitting here in my pile of excuses.
I don’t think people believe me, like I’m too able to be completely debilitated by something they’re unable to see. I must be lying. I must be lazy, or I must not want it enough. There couldn’t possibly be something wrong with me, something so broken it’s stopped me from reaching the finish line.
How could I blame them though. I just stand there, empty handed, wordless, blank stare, full of but but buts... Nothing works. I just want to disappear. I try to show people what I need by giving it, but instead of reciprocation I get got, used and blamed when there’s nothing left. Maybe that’s what I need. Perhaps that’s all I am. Something to be used, and forgotten. Why am I trying so hard to be anything more than disposable?
I’ve been told I should stop feeling sorry for myself. I’m really not sorry. I’m genuinely unhappy, and regularly mistreated. What else is there to feel about such things? I invite it, somehow. I feel like disappearing, almost always. If it weren’t for the commitments I make and the delusion of responsibility, as though I’m needed, I probably would.
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wyzechyld · 1 year
eden particles displaced
Eden particles displaced --- by me
The knowledge of fruit bears the fruit of knowledge, so refrain from obstructing its path. Always inquire about what is yet to blossom, but let it be undisturbed, the impediment that disrupts it. In moments of vulnerability, strength takes root. In a world devoid of reason, everything becomes comprehensible, until you find the words to explain it.
A wolf remains unaware of its weakness, just as a bird with broken wings still attempts to soar. Permissibility extends to all, yet not everything proves advantageous. What benefits one may benefit many. Many will forever yearn for more than just one. With relentless desire, they shall squander their fleeting days. Reveling and feeling empty.
It is simpler to condemn what eludes understanding than to seek comprehension, yet simplicity invites death. Beware of becoming entangled in the pursuit of knowledge, for knowledge does not equate to power, and power can deceive. Someday, the scroll of time upon which we dance will roll up and engulf us entirely. On that day, whether I transmute, transcend, or traverse the celestial skies, I shall abandon my former self, and I'll fit right in.
The next day I asked chatGPT what it thought of my poem, here is what it said:
Here is an interpretation of the meaning behind the revised poem:
The poem delves into themes of knowledge, understanding, vulnerability, desire, and the passage of time. It begins by acknowledging the displacement of particles in Eden, perhaps hinting at a loss of innocence or disruption of harmony.
The opening lines reiterate the idea that the pursuit and sharing of knowledge is valuable, emphasizing the importance of not obstructing its path. It encourages curiosity about what is yet to be discovered, while cautioning against disturbing the natural process of growth and development.
The poem highlights the paradoxical nature of strength emerging from vulnerability, comparing it to a wolf unaware of its weakness and a bird with broken wings still striving to soar. It suggests that even in the face of obstacles and limitations, there is an inherent drive to push forward and seek fulfillment.
The concept of permissibility is introduced, acknowledging that not everything permissible is necessarily advantageous. What may benefit one person has the potential to benefit many, emphasizing the interconnectedness of individuals and their desires.
There is a sense of restless longing expressed, with many yearning for more than what they currently have. The pursuit of desire is portrayed as both relentless and potentially empty, suggesting that the endless quest for fulfillment can sometimes lead to a sense of dissatisfaction.
The poem explores the contrast between condemning what is not understood and seeking comprehension. It notes that condemning the unknown is simpler, but it also suggests that simplicity can lead to stagnation and eventual death. It warns against becoming too entangled in the pursuit of knowledge and power, as both can be deceptive.
The passage of time is acknowledged as an inexorable force that will eventually consume all. It alludes to a day when time itself will come to an end, and on that day, the speaker expresses their willingness to undergo transformation or transcendence, leaving their former self behind and fitting into the grand scheme of things.
Overall, the poem invites reflection on the nature of knowledge, the complexities of human desires, the pursuit of understanding, and the transient nature of existence. It encourages embracing curiosity, being mindful of the pursuit of power, and finding meaning in the midst of a vast and ever-changing world.
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