wyzechyld · 2 months
We need to stop demonizing personality disorders. While it's understandable not to condone self-absorbed or destructive behaviors in individuals with these issues, it's important to see that many people with personality disorders are unaware of their condition until they undergo extensive therapy or years of introspection following the wake of destruction they've left in their lives.
People who want to be better don't want to be perceived as inherently bad. Most people, in general, don't desire to be seen in a negative light. If all they hear are negative stereotypes about those with personality disorders, they'll struggle to find acceptance and may resist identifying with a label that society deems undesirable; a label that could significantly change their lives by giving them a framework for understanding their self and becoming accountable for and potentially changing the very behaviors cursed by judgement and a complete lack of understanding.
These same people who ruthlessly judge will say they’re empathic 😂 and maybe they are a little who am I to judge.
This situation is profoundly disheartening and exacerbates the challenges faced by those grappling with their identity in a world where conformity to a specific standard is necessary for acceptance. Existing in a society where one must meet certain criteria to be deemed worthy, or even admired, is incredibly challenging. Now, do it as someone with a label that people hate or make fun of.
The next time you want to call someone a narcissist, bite your tongue, because it’s a disorder, not an insult, and using it that way just robs somebody else of their freedom. It’s heartless, short sighted, and ignorant; dare I say, quite narcissistic… Thanks for reading.
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wyzechyld · 2 years
I wish somebody would drown me in formaldehyde.
Why can’t I just die,
every time I want to?
It's because,
you never get what you want.
You’d never learn your lesson anyway.
Who am I to teach,
to make you pay,
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wyzechyld · 2 years
Imagine your hearts desire being to raise every moment to its maximum potential by example and based entirely on intuition while NOT coming off like a confrontational know-it-all that thinks they’re better than everybody… 🙄
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wyzechyld · 2 years
I don’t know what difference it would make
I can’t predict the future
I can image it though
Without all the garbage
Without my
Beloved impact
Only made holy
Through the eyes
Of the be hold
Her hand and
Take me
( I really think she almost killed me with a heart wave… is that even possible or am I skitzophrenic? )
Funny she would name her first company HartWavez
Funny that I would have a heart problem which comes in waves
Funny not funny
At least I’ll die entertained
They say some people with autism live and interact with a completely different world than everyone else. What’s that’s even mean when we all live in the same world?
I think we see more of the relevant world and recognize the differences between the two, but that’s not because I think personally I see anything clearly at all… I’m blind as they come.
I’m not sure if it’s anxiety or my heart or the fact the GF is threatening to try and take our son away to Texas… this feeling of impending doom will be my doom.
Feeling like a deer with a floodlight stuck in its throat..
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