#youth group has been horribly stressful
I feel like I'm gonna fucking die
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bunnihearted · 2 years
#ok imma try to not go crazy with this rant and keep it short and just write most in my actual diary#but with this election.... im fkn floored. this really was the last drop. i feel depressed af#borderline sewerslidal tbh.... i might sound dramatic but there's been so many things weighing me dowm lately and this was too much#so the extreme right will have power over swe for the next 4 years. also a straight up n4zi party is the 2nd biggest in sweden....#and that is just bad. awful. horrible. i have always hated the right but this is worse than ever#it will mean a lot of bad changes in general. and swe that has mostly stayed a good more socialist country.. :(#im just so fucking stressed abt it. they're just straight up terrible people#they will go for more nuclear plants. they will make the healthcare system worse. they're anti wellfare culture and socialism in general#they are horrible to immigrants women poor people and lgbtq. rightist in general are greedy and egotistical ppl but this is on steroids#also the racism and naz1sm. im scared of what dåthey'll do and what will happen to all foreigners and immigrants#i fkn HATE that i have avpd bc i just wanna be politically active and join the youth groups/organizations they have#i mean for the leftist party im voting for#just to actually connect with ppl who are likeminded and to feel like im at least trying to do smth#fuck i hate that i have this worthless avpd brain so muchhhhhh fuck it#i feel so lonely and scared and disconnected from society and i just really want to get engaged but idk if i can
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
Namjoon gave an interview to El Pais in Spain and I wanted to share the translation of the interview for those who may not understand Spanish.
Question. The track opens with the lines: "Fuck the trendsetter / I'm going back to the age of 9 / when I was more human". Does the stratospheric success of K-pop dehumanise the artist? Answer. You start your career very early and as part of a group. There's not a lot of time to be an individual, but that's what makes K-pop shine: very young people, trying very hard at the same time…. You generate energy that you only have in your twenties. You fight day and night to perfect the choreography, the videos, the music, and there's an explosion, a big bang. From 20 to 30, we put all the energy and time we had into BTS. You get success, love, influence, power, and after that? The root of it all remains: the music… What was the question?
Q. Does the system dehumanise? A. My company doesn't like the way I answer this question, because I partly admit it and then the journalists throw their hands on their heads, "it's a horrible system, it destroys the young people! But it's partly what makes this such a special industry. And things have improved a lot, in terms of contracts, money, education, there are now teachers, psychologists...
Q. Korean record companies train their artists for years, you lived with your peers from 16 to 19 before your debut as BTS in 2013. What did your parents say? A. My mother spent two years, "Go back to school, you were so good at it, go your way, go to university, make music a hobby!"…. But there was no going back.
Q. The biggest lesson from your time as an apprentice? A. Dancing. I was incapable.
Q. And what did you miss out on by being one? A. College life.
Q. The cult of youth, the cult of perfection, the cult of K-pop overexertion? Are these Korean cultural traits? A. In the West, people just don't get it. Korea is a country that has been invaded, razed to the ground, torn in two. Just seventy years ago there was nothing. We were getting aid from the IMF and the UN. But now, the whole world is looking at Korea. How is that possible, how did that happen? Because people are working fucking hard to improve themselves. You're in France or the UK, countries that have been colonising other countries for centuries, and you come to me and say "oh God, you put so much pressure on yourselves, life in Korea is so stressful". well, yes. That's how you get things done. And it's part of what makes K-pop so appealing. Of course, there are shadows, everything that happens too fast and too intensely has side effects.
Q. What is the biggest prejudice about K-pop? A. That it's prefabricated.
Q. What would your career have been like if you had developed it on the alternative circuit or in another country? A. I think about the multiverse a lot, and the lesson of Doctor Strange is always the same: your version of the universe is the best possible one, don't think of others. There is nothing better than being a member of BTS.
Q. Did you imagine this version? A. Not at all. My dream was not to be a K-pop idol. I wanted to be a rapper, and before that, a poet.
Q. Your influences include rappers like Nas and Eminem, groups like Radiohead and Portishead, but you never mention boy bands. A. The Beatles were also called boy band... I'm not comparing us, they were the creators of everything. But I guess you mean NSYNC or New Kids on the Block: bands whose pop music I actually liked, although I wasn't a super fan… What got me was rap: rhythm plus poetry.
Q. You say you get jealous of who you admire, for example? A. Kendrick Lamar, always. And Pharrell Williams. He's living history, I'd like to be one too, maybe in the future. That's why I don't paint, to be jealous of Picasso or Monet would be too much.
Q. You do collect, how do you choose the pieces? A. I've only been collecting for four years and I've been changing. My focus is 20th-century Korean art. But I'm not Getty or Rockefeller…
Q. You don't do it to invest. A. I guarantee it. If I wanted to invest, I would buy black artists, women artists, emerging Indonesian artists… My goal is to open a small exhibition space in about 10 years because I think Seoul needs a place with a young taste, but respectful of the Korean legacy, to which I would also like to bring artists like Roni Horn, Antony Gormley or Morandi.
Q. Have you always had the collector's bug? A. I've collected toys, little cars or Takashi Murakami figures, then vintage clothes, then furniture, I love Charlotte Perriand and Pierre Jeanneret [both collaborators with Le Corbusier], but my favourite is George Nakashima.
Q. On your album there are songs from very different genres, some critics say it's inconsistency, others say versatility… A. I think the word genre will disappear in a few decades. R&B, Hyperpop, Jersey Club, UK Drill, Chicago Drill, K-pop! They don't mean anything. Music is an accumulation of frequencies that makes people get into a certain mood.
Q. Are you fed up with the "K-" label? A. You could get sick of Spotify calling us all K-pop, but it works. It's a premium label. The guarantee of quality that our grandparents fought for.
Q. Your album features Anderson Paak, Youjeen and the elusive Erykah Badu, how did he convince you? A. She knew BTS because her daughter is a fan, but that's not enough. I had to persuade her, I sent her a text with Yun's story explaining why I needed her wise queen voice for those verses.
Q. You mix English and Korean sometimes in the middle of a line, how do you decide? A. Words in different languages have different textures; the same message, with a different brushstroke. It comes naturally to me. I don't play instruments, I compose and create melodies with my voice, which is my instrument and most of my songs start with words.
Q. You have also gone through several identities, as a teenage rapper you were Runch Randa, then in BTS Rap Monster and then RM (for Real Me). Have you thought about using your real name? A. [laughs] We all have a past, a dark history, we say in Korea. Runch Randa was my nickname in a role-playing game, then I wanted to be, you know, "a rap monster!″, then I matured… I prefer my name to be known by as few people as possible, I'm not John Lennon, Paul McCartney, I can check into a hotel quietly and I like that.
Q. You've also changed a lot in the way you dress. A. I went through XXL T-shirts and baseball caps. Then I got into high-end brands… Like Rap Monster, I started wearing only black and white [rolls his eyes and shrugs]. Now I'm interested in timelessness, I don't go for trends, I look for vintage jeans, cotton t-shirts, natural things, that don't scream "hey, I'm here".
Q. Rumour has it that you are going to collaborate with Bottega Veneta, whose fashion show you have just been invited to in Milan. A. I would love to. Although I've lost interest in brands, in fashion weeks and that constant change of Pantone… Bottega is different, they don't use logos, they have a history with fabrics and leather, they don't even have Instagram, they are beyond fads and fashions.
Q. How heavy is it to have an army of fans? A. You can't walk around in the middle of nowhere without being recognised and the standards to which you are subject weigh heavily. But you have to grow up and deal with it, not be pitiful like "oh, I just want to be normal". Look, if you want to think fame is a rock, it's a fucking rock, but for me, it's given me what I was looking for: to get influence and financial freedom as quickly as possible to make the music I want to make without worrying about the charts… I'm not there 100%, but I try to focus on the noise inside, not the noise outside.
Q. And how are you facing your thirties? A. I've never experienced such a confusing time. For a decade I was the leader of BTS, and it was very stable and fun, always going up. In 2023 a lot of things have changed, professionally and personally, although I can't tell. As I'm about to turn 30, I like myself more than I did when I was 20. Now I will spend a year and a half in military service, which is very important in every Korean man's life. And after that, I am sure I will be a different human being, hopefully, a better and wiser one.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Take it Easy (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Stress is really getting to you, but luckily, your husband knows what to do
You were stressed out beyond words, the ache in your neck and the side of your head practically throbbing. Your eyes burned with the onset of tears and felt as though they were going to pop right out of your head. 
It has started at the hippie school you taught at, your eighth graders on edge from the onset of spring fever, the stress of having to plan main lesson blocks for the next three months and meetings with the other teachers and staff. You were so dead set on getting everything in on time that you had forgotten to eat lunch and during the last hour of the day, you had mixed up the dismissal time and nearly sent everyone home too early. 
Everything just kept piling up, the stress from school, you and Rhett trying to keep up with the ranch work and everything else in between. You wanted nothing more than to run across the street to the church, hide in the confessional and just cry. 
On the way home, you had gotten a text from Royal stating that Diesel had wound up on the wrong side of a porcupine encounter. You had begun to wonder how that loveable ding-dong of a Rottweiler managed to get himself into shit like that and only have to spend one night at the vet’s. 
You pulled the truck to a stop and parked it in front of the garage, practically stumbling up to the door and hanging your bag up in the mudroom. You couldn’t hold it back anymore. The tears started to flow, your body aching horribly and your eyes and throat burning with emotion. 
You parked it at the kitchen table, burying your face in hour arms as a shuddering sob broke you from all around. You didn’t even notice the sound of wheels on the driveway gravel, the shutting of another truck door or the door in the mudroom opening and shutting. 
“Darlin?” Rhett called. “Sweetheart? (Y/n) you in here?” 
You wearily lifted your head, your lips reddened along with your eyes and your neck sorer than ever. You couldn’t even croak out a response, not even when he saw the sorry look on your face. Rhett dropped his backpack near the island counter and made his way over to the table, taking your hand in his, waiting for you to say something. But when you didn’t, Rhett knew something was wrong. 
“You wanna talk about it?” he asked. 
You nodded a little. 
“Alright darlin,” he said, inching a little closer. “You go first.” 
You told him everything, how exhausted you felt, the worry that was on your mind and everything else that had been eating you since early that morning. Rhett took you right into his arms and held you as your tears stained his shirt. 
“Baby I’m sorry,” he murmured. 
“I’m just so stressed,” you croaked. 
“I know,” Rhett replied, pressing his lips against your forehead. “I know. I had a rough day too.” 
You listened as Rhett told you about a little fiasco that had happened earlier in the afternoon when he had been helping Father O’Keefe down at St. Mike’s. The youth pastor had called out sick and Rhett had offered to fill in even though Rhett didn’t usually help until Sunday after services. Well, sure enough, the group was all boys from the high schools who had all but hit the worst throes of puberty imaginable and were picking out the verses from the bible that made them giggle. 
“It took everything in my power not to take the bible in my hands and smack one of’em on the back of the head with it,” Rhett chuckled. 
You laughed a little with him and soon the stress had begun to fall away. “Here,” Rhett said. “Come with me, I’ll get ya’ll settled.” 
You and him went upstairs and into the bathroom where Rhett turned on the water and began to run you a hot bath. He searched the cabinet until he found a mason jar full of dried lilac sprigs you had picked over the summer, taking a handful and spreading them into the water. 
You stripped off your clothes and stepped in, the water melting the stress away from your body as you let out an obscene moan. “Thank you Rhett,” you groaned. 
“Darlin it’s all good,” he assured you, kissing your shoulders, neck and cheek. “I’d do this for you any day of the week.” 
You relaxed but Rhett never once left your side, just talking with you and laughing about all the embarrassing parts of your day. It was timed like this that you were grateful to have Rhett as your husband. 
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necros-writing-stuff · 8 months
It's been a really long time since I've been here, life has just been too busy and tiring. I haven't even been able to draw I'm so sorry. Can I ask for two?
PC with a flu or high fever with Eden and Trauma induced Eden insisting on going out to work or sell products to earn money to pay Bailey given that they're already permitted by Eden to go back to town every now and then and that Eden didn't directly buy PC from Bailey. Take your time imma just be here sick in bed.
Hey! So sorry this took so long! I hope you're doing much better now. And don't worry about not having done art! We all work at our own paces, don't push yourself to create when you don't have the will to.
I think I've already covered PC with a sickness, and how Eden is a stern but attentive caretaker. We can see this when there's pass out events at the cabin. They bring you in, put you to bed. After the pred/prey scene they even get you water. So Eden would likely work as normal, but come in to check on you every so often. Get you a drink or a snack. If you're well enough, you can do small indoor chores. If not, sleep as much as is needed.
As for traumatised Eden at the market? Mmmm that good. That's a yummy one. Note: when I say that it's often about horrible things, isn't it? Double note: Lynx would be Axe body spray to the 'Muricans.
Oh - warning for mentions of past non-con btw.
There's too much noise. It burrows into his brain, denying any attempts to drown out the calls of purveyors of goods around him. Calling out their produce, prices, how long they'd be there.
There's a baby crying. Wailing as it's father talks on the phone and half-asses shushing it by waving a toy in its face while he isn't even looking at the babe.
There's so many smells he swears they're causing him a headache. Food. Sweat. Some abhorrent chemical smell as a group of teenage boys pass. He remembers Lynx. Remembers the locker rooms at school.
There's eyes everywhere. Blue, green, brown. He thought he saw red at one point. No- no he definitely did. There's a group of goths wandering around. Probably one of them with contact lenses. Eden could swear he feels at least one pair of eyes on him each and every second.
Scant few customers come to his stall. Its mostly older patrons: elderly craftspeople who still practise their trades as the youth buy from companies; aspiring chefs excited to grill up some real game; this one old man who always shows up for the dried back-strap. Eden doesn't remember his name, but the man swears by the stuff. Says Eden comes with the best stock and those other hunters bring bare scraps. Not a surprise, he's seen the incompetence of others who come through the forest.
He swears he can hear laughter amongst the throngs of people. Swears that it must be directed at him. His ugly face. His huge body. His clothing, old and patched. But he has to stay. Has to do it for you. To keep you safe and out of Bailey's money machine.
He wished you were here. Wished you'd come bounding up to him with that smile of yours and drag him home. But you're also at work, coralling dogs at the pound for spare change to contribute to Eden's payments to Bailey. Apparently the mutts listen now that you smell like him. Funny thing, how he affects animals. Even dumbass chickens hate him. He'd considered getting some once, but they'd get so stressed around him they wouldn't be able to lay any eggs. Oh, and foxes could take them.
Best to stay there, in those inconsequential memories of the past. It's hard to when he sees a face that surges horrid memories to the front instead. The man looked to be about 70 by this point, wobbling around with a cane. He'd already been grey when they'd met.
"Got any boar meat, lad?" He wheezed, bug-like eyes pooring over the table. His voice was weaker than it had been. There's no flicker of recognition in the freaky eyes.
"A few cuts. Belly or back? I've got hooves, too." Eden's voice doesn't break. Doesn't show his rising panic.
A claw-like hand reaches out to where Eden directed his attention. A shiver goes down the hunter's spine. He remembers those hands. How clammy and cold they'd been. How... insistent and encompassing.
"Aye, this one's a good heavy steak. How much?"
Eden's eyes didn't leave the old man's face. "Freshest cut, got the beast last night. £5."
The old man licks his lips as he pries his wallet free, the appendage dried, cracked and pale. Just like the rest of him. He'd had a tan back then. A terrible, fake one. Fucker had been orange.
Teens ran past once more, barely missing the old man as they screamed. The crypt-bound bag of bones scoffed, disgust apparent. But his eyes linger too long on one of the older boys, with longer dark hair and a skinny frame, just about old enough to start drinking Eden thinks.
Attention soon returned to the hunter, the smile back. Oh look, he'd kept half of his teeth. Impressive for someone his age. They were rotted, though. More so than they had been when he'd visited the orphanage. Probably time for dentures. Eden could still remember the smell of his breath.
"£5, a good price for a good steak. My wife will fry this up well." He's laughing. Eden grants him a polite smile as he wraps up the meat and hands it over.
He tracks the old man as he leaves, watching as his thumb strokes over the paper bill in his hand. He doesn't take a deep breath until he knows he's gone. He can't take a deep breath until he knows, for sure, that he's gone.
£2.50 was what he'd payed for Eden back then.
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I just thought of a back story for Lee's mom/ Rogue Gai's girlfriend in GOS. I was wondering if any of it sounds right to you.
I'm thinking they got together when they were young. Possibly too young. Gai was halfway between gang/freedom fighter and was around 15-16, and his alias as thief was well known. Maybe something like "the turtle bandit" because when someone managed to catch a glimpse of him, they never saw his face. Only a glimpse of his turtle mask under a rugged, green cape that covered most of him.
And his girlfriend worked in the palace. She was a suppose to be a servant but her looks elevated her to a concubine. They met when Gai first stole from the palace and she ran into him because this was his biggest heist yet, and he was inexperienced with the secret tunnels that lead in/out of the palace. Maybe he had JUST found them and muscle memory had not kicked in yet. And rather than scream/ alert the guards, she hid him in a secret room. And kept him hidden there until she could retrieve him, and it was safe to leave.
From there the two got to talking. Gai learned how bad it was working in the castle and for her, and she learned he was trying to make a difference. He was just a thief/ thug for now. But he was told he was destined to do more. He may have even been there and considered killing the king that night since he was so close and had the chance, but she talked him down from that by asking questions. "How do you plan to get around his guards/ security? What if you fail? What if you succeed? What will happen to the landafter that? Why would anyone follow a random assassin? Who will lead after if not you?"
Its then Gai realizes after talking to her that he has not thought NEARLY far enough and has no idea what he's actually doing! But she promises to help him from here on out. From that day forward, she's their spy on the inside. And if asked why she's doing this, its because she HATES what the royal family has become. And wants change as well. And she will do anything to see it happen.
Its thanks to her Gai has time/ experience to learn about all the secret passages not just in the castle, but in a lot of places in the kingdom. She teaches him to read and helps him learn the TRUE history of the land, not just the propaganda told to the public. Her ideas help Gai form the freedom fighters and the group of youthful merry men! She leaks him secret information about the royals, their plans, who they plan to target next, what's their next move. Things she learns because they are happy to tell her as they lie beside her. Eventually she and Gai fall in love and decide to act on it.
But she eventually gets caught. There's a slip up or the information she gives leads to a trap as the royals and their court realize SOMEONE is saying something. That the rebels know TOO much and can escape every plot and that could only happen if there is a spy in the midst. Eventually its narrowed down until she, (and maybe a few others) is accused (no real evidence of course!) and sent to prison.
Gai tries to break in and save her but...she was heavily pregnant by the time she was caught. And the prison she was in is in horrible shape. By the time Gai got to her she was in labour but due to all the stress, the abuse of the guards, the unsanitary environment, and just bad conditions... she can not make it... she dies in the prison cell and Gai has to leave her to save everyone else, including the baby they just delivered. Whose cries are attracting the guards.
He has no choice but to leave her. There's no way of telling if Lee is his, the King's, or a random court member, but to Gai it does not matter. This is the son of the girl he loved...and for that he will raise him like his own and do everything to protect him.
(He doesn't think he can love again until he runs into the hottest man he's ever abducted/ asked to join his freedom fighters , and that turned out to be the god of storms so........ he only considers that a bonus.)
So, i think the only thing I would change is i’d have her live.
I would have her becone so good at the job that ahe has to make a choice. Risk getting caught or rat someone out that she knows is innocent.
Or perhaps she is simply forced to turn a blind eye when that innocent person is accussed
Maybe, if she wasn’t with child, she would have chosen to take the risk and try to run away with Gai, but she wants better for her child. She wants to be there for them, and so she takes what some consider a very selfish path
And she has guidence in that choice.
Perhaps Kakashi, who has never hated anyone Gai was with but loved them for seeing the same value in Gai that he see’s, appears to her and promises to protect her, but insists she has to live
Gai has lost enough
This kingdom has lost enough
They cannot lose the kindness contained in her heart
As a concubine falling pregnant would be expected, and in some cases they are sent away to have the child and return after at which point a choice may be made about what to do with the child (to keep them, give them to another family, or raise them as the King’s heir, depending on the kingdom and ruler)
Perhaps when she is sent away the child is born safely, but not wanting to take it back to the castle she pleads with Kakashi to take her son to Gai where perhaps he can be raised with the ideals his parents have, rather than the propaganda of the kingdom. She knows it’s a dangerous choice, but part of wanting better or her child is wanting him to know the truth of the situation,
She lives
She is the one forced to stand by and watch Gai lose his life, unable to do anything because she knows Lee will still need her
The fight was lost, but the rebellion is not over and she cannot die with her love just because she wishes to
She lives and gets to see her son take over the kingdom, and it’s only then that the truth comes out.
She visits that innocent person’s grave and wishes for their forgiveness every year.
(Also Gai learned to read from his dad. Man was reading him fables growing up and while he died when Gai was young, Gai was old enough to know the basic’s of reading and had a bad habit of stealing books. She made sure to provide him with some books from the kingdom so he could learn the real history of their land and not just the history that the royal family now wants people to learn)
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jennymanrique · 2 years
COVID-19 Pandemic Worsens the Mental Health of Minority Children
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A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that surveyed more than 7,000 high school students, revealed that 55.1% described suffering emotional abuse, 44.2% reported persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness and 9% attempted suicide. More young women and LGBTQ+ youth saw a rise in suicidal behavior, more Asian kids confronted racism and hate, more Black youth and Native Americans experienced hunger and economic devastation and along with Latinos, suffered mental stress due to the pandemic.
A panel of experts convened by Ethnic Media Services explained that to avert a “pandemic” of future adults with serious emotional and mental disorders, it’s important to foster a positive ethnic racial identity. They argue that civic engagement in particular, can be a mental health intervention: building opportunities for young people to speak truth to power and connect with their communities is key for their development.
Angela Vasquez, MSW, policy director for mental health at The Children’s Partnership:
“Nearly 50% of youth who are severely impaired with a major depressive episode did not receive treatment… Black and Latino children were about 14% less likely than white youth to receive treatment for their depression… Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Native youth, so nearly three and a half times higher than the national average. And high school girls across all races and ethnicities made plans to attempt suicide more than boys.”
“Over half of Latina girls are worried about a friend or family member being deported. Nearly a quarter have been harassed because of their family name, or country of origin. Since the pandemic started, Asian youth have been experiencing harassment and bullying.”
“Family separation harms children’s mental and physical health; children of undocumented parents are at risk of behavioral problems. Having parents taken away undermines family economic security. The climate of fear further restricts children, access to education, public benefits, and other services.”
“Direct and vicarious exposure to police violence, including immigration enforcement are contributors to toxic stress…There is a large growing campaign for police free schools.”
Dr. Ilan Shapiro, Pediatrician, chief medical affairs officer of Altamed federally qualified health centers, Los Angeles
“As a pediatrician, they never tell you about all the tools that you need to bring on board for a pandemic, especially on the suffering of a community that has lost so much from life complications. And it’s not just the Latino Hispanic community… We need to make sure that we create structural changes.”
“There’s something called the Internet that most of my patients don’t have… There was a year that they were at home doing nothing, eating whatever, they were feeling depressed, anxious without moving, the (pandemic) ramifications were horrible.”
“At least 50% of the patients that I take care of, were directly touched by COVID-19: they were sick, they had a family member that was close to them that actually died, or they were harmed because of the pandemic.”
“We need to translate medical terms to an actionable language that our community can actually do something with… It’s up to us to make sure that we create open conversations and resources with media with healthcare providers.”
Dr. Myo Thwin Myint, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Tulane University School of Medicine, He serves on the American Academy of Child and Adolescent (AACAP) Training and Education Committee New Orleans, Louisiana:
“Disparity exists in terms of racial minoritized groups, as well as a gender and sexual minoritized groups. Particularly our LGBTQ and trans kids suffer disproportionately from the mental health challenges because of the unjust societal challenges. Across the country, many state legislatures are discussing passing laws that add additional stress to get appropriate care.”
“Our Surgeon General has put out a general mental health advisory and (recognized that) a crisis is happening. It was really good to see that there’s recognition from the federal government and we hope that what follows will be an investment in our youth’s mental health.”
“We should being able to go out to the youth where the challenges are happening rather than waiting in our clinic and ivory towers where we know there are systemic challenges such as transportation. We need to be thinking very creatively how we are going to be providing care.”
Sydney McKinney, PhD, Executive Director of the National Black Women’s Justice Institute based in Brooklyn:
“Addressing the mental health and wellness of black women and girls is really vital to reducing their risk of coming into contact with the juvenile legal and the criminal legal system… Among black teenage girls, suicide death rates increased from 2001 to 2017 by 182%.”
“Nearly 2 million young people are arrested by police every year. And data show that 75% of those have experienced traumatic victimization in their lifetime… Black girls account for 43% of girls who are in youth detention which is more than any other racial group.”
“The pandemic has exacerbated the mental health needs of black girls and gender expansive youth who are directly impacted by the foster care, the child welfare system and the juvenile legal system.” “Media can elevate and bring attention to mental health and wellness programs and services that are culturally affirming and gender-responsive. So much of what people know is clinical modalities, which many of the folks in our communities are reluctant to engage in for very well-founded reasons.”
Originally published here
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This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
Drive-In movie season has begun. Remember going with your family when you were younger? Let’s take you back 10 years to see what the worst Second Feature in a Double-Play ticket might have been.
What do you get when you mix Michael Bay, the Rock and a ripped Mark Wahlberg? The highly forgettable ‘Pain and Gain’; the story about a group of ex-convicts and bodybuilders convicted of kidnapping, extortion, torture, and murder in Miami in the mid-1990s. This week skip the gym. Leg Day can wait.
We have high hopes for your taste in entertainment and that you’re unfamiliar with ‘Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa’. With a budget of $15M it earned TEN TIMES its cost. This week watch an episode of, “OW! MY BALLS!” instead.
Ridley Scott is an amazing director, known for some amazing movies like Alien, Blade Runner, and the Apple 1984 commercial. To say that his crime-thriller, ‘The Counsellor’ opened to a worldwide collective shrug would be about right. This week be content with just being “OK”.
Cancer Moon-Child 
It’s safe to say that most movies with Johnny Depp do great in the entertainment circles. Pairing him with Armie Hammer as a character that hadn’t seen a movie since 1981 might have been a mistake. 2013’s ‘The Lone Ranger’ was… poor. This week try to remember what Tonto’s Horse’s name was.
If you want to enjoy the Sports Illustrated Bikini Issue on the big screen, look no further than the curious movie, ‘Spring Breakers’. Is it brilliant commentary on today's youth or a sexist, boring, ludicrous exploitation movie? We don’t know, and truth be told we don’t care. This week just throw away your Suncoast Video Rental card. 
If you take Mark Ruffalo, Morgan Freeman, Woody Harrelson, Michael Caine, and set them in a universe where sleight-of-hand magic almost is magic, you get ‘Now You See Me’. But, see, the problem is… when you have the literal embodiment of GOD in your film, how can you not just come to the obvious conclusion that he’s the one making all the magic happen? This week order a bowl of tomato soup.
Remember when Disney used to make some amazing live-action films? They did ‘Treasure Island’, ‘Old Yeller’, ‘Bedknobs and Broomsticks’, ‘TRON’, and ‘Flight of the Navigator’. For your movie we’re sad to say it’s ‘Saving Mr. Banks’. This week go watch ‘Old Yeller’... and bring some tissues.
Remember when ‘Die Hard’ was a fun escapist movie? Even ‘Die Hard 2’ was pretty good. And we could have left it there, but NO! ‘Die Hard with a Vengeance’ then ‘Live Free or Die Hard’ and then FINALLY we come to your movie… ‘A Good Day to Die Hard’. Enough is enough. This week don’t go to the movies; read the 1979 novel ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’ by Roderick Thorp instead.
A Sandra Bullock and George Clooney movie could have been a fun outing, but ‘Gravity’? It sets them in Low Earth Orbit fighting to survive Kessler Syndrome with long periods of stressful silence, trying to read Russian. Where’s the fun in that? This week renew your subscription to Duolingo.
The only thing more horrible than your movie is the style of clothing in it. ‘Anchorman 2’ has traditional 1970’s wide lapels, plaid pants, brown leather suit jackets, and ties that were almost wider than they were long. This week be glad you don’t have to wear those styles today. 
How many super-hero origin movies are we going to get for the same character? Superman, Batman, Spider-man… but for you, ‘The Wolverine’. Not ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’, just ‘The Wolverine’. We get it - claws, super-healing, super-sniffer, secret military test human subject… Just let Hugh Jackman do musical theatre like he really wants to.
You don’t get off that easy either, Pisces. You get a super-hero movie too; ‘Iron Man 3’, aka “Why the hell did Sir Ben Kingsley agree to do this film?” He’s played Gandhi, Itzhak Stern, and Otto Frank. Why would he agree to be playing a two-bit washed up English actor impersonating The Mandarin?! This week… start filling your pool now. It might be ready by the time it’s warm enough to swim in it. 
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Dere He IS! (I finally made him a heckin bio)
(Parentheses is information for teenaged/High school verse Claude)
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Name: Claude Ignace Frollo Nationality: French / Quarter Romani Birthplace: Paris, France Religion: Catholic Alliance: Isle of the Lost/ Villians Morality: Neutral Evil (Chaotic Good) Eye colour: Pale Turquoise Hair Colour: Silver/ Grey (Platinum Blonde) Age: Physically 38 stress aging is a thing, do not get snarky counting years in Hell 540 (16) Birthdate: 10/27 Height: 7′7 Weight: 280 lbs Occupation: Formerly Archdeacon of Paris Which was a horrible time, thank you, Defence lawyer, TV Paternity judge, Voice Actor, Apparently a social media star, according to Granite?, Royal advisor, Musician, Freelance Villain (Camp Counsellor, Youth Group Director) 
HP Verse Things:
Year: Graduated (Sixth) House: Slytherin Blood Status: Vampire Bat Demon (Pureblood) Patronus: Fer-de-lance
Description: I am a man only held together by pure unadulterated spite. I live & breathe only because I know Phoebus wishes for me to do the opposite & I despise that slimly smarmy blood fuckhead. My children are gremlins & I blame my minion for that. No, I will not sing the song that signified me losing my shit for your entertainment, you sick fucks. No, the weather up here is none of your business, I will not tell you what it is like. I am pretty sure I have broke the world record of dying, I am a seven time champion! Winifred give me my 13 dollars back it has been over 20 fucking years, you fucking menace! 
Appearance: (Varies on verse)
Note: He has very fair skin. If you call him pale it is the one way to insult him in regards to his physical appearance. He works very hard to keep his skin tone even.
Chain winding around his left bicep
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Chain link on his left wrist
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Pheonix tattoo on his pelvis trailing down because he’s SINFUL
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Both ears regularly pierced these 3 pairs are his particular favourites
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Right eyebrow
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Left side of his nose
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All around his neck has a faint scar from the night where he utterly lost his shit & attempted to choke himself out with a certain scarf without even realising he was doing that.
His back is a myriad of scars from his flogging before his death, it looks awful (in his teen verse these scars came from a vicious beating with a bike chain courtesy of his ex best pal Phoebus, RIGHT after his parents’ funeral)  
There is a large scar on the back of his neck from the above event as well.
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
The bachelor party [W.P]
Will Poulter x reader
Summary: Will’s party gets wild while the reader is out of the city for her own bachelor party. He wakes up with a stranger in his bed and he doesn’t know who she is
Word count: 914
Warnings: none.
English not my mother language so please let me know if something’s wrong
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Will wakes up with a big pain in his head that makes him feel dizzy. He doesn't know how he got to his room, and he doesn't know how he ended up smelling of liquor and perfume. He tries to sit up, but the headache is strong enough to keep him knocked out for a couple of minutes more. He looks around and notices from the mess in his room that something really bad has happened. He tries to remember, but the hangover doesn’t let him think clearly.
He can remember something after a few minutes; his mind travels back to the night before, when you said goodbye to him at the door, while his mother was pounding the car horn.
"Mom seems too excited about spending a few days away" He had told you. You smiled as you put your hands around his neck.
"I think we all are, you know, the stress of the wedding was taking its toll on us. Especially with your mother."
"I just hope she can relax before she has a nervous breakdown."
You smiled, listening as your future mother-in-law honked the horn once again. In the car were already Will's mother, Kaya, Rosa, Natalie, Kat and your mother. The guys had agreed to have a bachelor party for Will at home, so your friends decided not to stay behind and enjoy your last days as a "bachelorette" visiting a five star hotel with a magnificent spa session included that was in another city. You smiled before leaving a kiss on his lips.
"I think I'd better go before your mother drags me away" You gave him a warning look "I hope you behave yourself at the bachelor party".
"Come on, with the guys we'll just watch soccer games on TV and drink a couple of beers, all quiet"
"I hope so, ‘cause if you do anything inappropiate, believe me, I'll know it"
Will rolled his eyes
"When have I ever let you down? Don't answer that" You raised an eyebrow.
"I'm serious, William"
"Stop worrying so much, love and just enjoy the spa" He told you. Then, he leaned close to your ear, whispering, "Make the most of it now, because when we're married I won't let you out of the room"
"Yeah, sure" You moved closer to kiss him one last time. You smiled, "I love you. Call me if you guys need anything"
"Don't worry, everything will be fine and I love you too."
He watched you leave, closing the door behind himself until the car turned onto the next street. Will looked surprised when a couple of minutes later the doorbell rang.
It wasn't hard to tell that it was the boys with everything they needed for the meeting. Will really thought it was a small gathering with his friends, not a horde of men and women he didn't know.
Ben Barnes was the first to appear at the door followed by Skandar, William Moseley, Dylan, Thomas, Dexter, Chris and Giancarlo.
Ben approached him at his look of confusion.
"Very impressive, isn't it?"
"Ben,what the fuck is all this?" he asked in a shout after the music started in a thunderous way.
"I took the liberty of inviting a few friends over."
"Guys, we said it would be a small thing."
Thomas held up his hands in disbelief.
"In my defense, I didn't agree with this. I just followed the crowd."
"Giancarlo?" Will asked after observing the man smiling "You too?
"Hey, don't blame me. I'm only here for the food and i still have a little youth left. I want to enjoy it."
"Oh my god, my fiancée is going to kill me."
"Cheer up, Willy" Moseley patted him on the back "We had to see off your bachelorhood in a big way."
"Yeah, man, don't be a baby" Skandar teased him. Will sighed
"Fine. But it'll just be a few drinks and then I'll go to my room" Giancarlo frowned
"Wow, and I thought I was the old man of the group"
"Whatever" cheered Dexter "Let's go have some fun!"
The hangover doesn't allow him to remember anything else, instead it drills his temples horribly. He rolls over on the sheets and manages to touch a bare back on the bed in the room he shares with you. Until that moment he ignores the fact that he’s naked and that his clothes have been left in a mess on the floor of the room.
Then he remembers, and discovers that the night before he was talking to a blonde girl Ben had introduced him to just before challenging him to drink a whole bottle of tequila and spin around in a chair while the others cheered him on. He remembered dancing with her, telling a few jokes and even having harmless flirtations and then....
"Oh my god. Oh my god Oh my god!"
Will stops and thinks... he looks at the bare back down which a thick bush of blonde hair falls. His eyes close and he gives himself a chance to curse Ben Barnes between his teeth.
His cell phone rings and even falls off the piece of furniture next to the bed when the call becomes insistent. He looks at the screen and realizes with horror that it’s your number. He holds back a sigh
How was he supposed to tell you what had happened?
Or the most important of all... How would he tell you that he had cheated on you with a stranger days before your wedding?
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thankskenpenders · 3 years
Why don't you like Persona?
Part of it is just the structure. I don't like the combination of a fairly hardcore JRPG with the visual novel style calendar. The time management aspect makes me feel like I always need to be following a guide to make good use of my days, because if I screw up my build or my social links or whatever it's a hundred fucking hour game and I can't just start over without losing literal entire days of my life. I'm sure Persona fans will tell me that it doesn't matter THAT much how you manage your time, but that ticking clock still stresses me out. It's the same reason why I've never been able to get into Majora's Mask. Yeah, there are tons of ways to mitigate the pressure of that ticking clock, but it's still always there
But the writing in 4 and 5 is also just... bad? It's bad. This has been discussed to death, so hopefully this isn't too shocking of a take. These games love to parade around the aesthetics of youthful rebellion and breaking free from society's expectations and fighting back against oppression, but so many of the character arcs end with "Actually society's expecations for me are fine. I should just conform to them." Yukiko hates that she's being forced to inherit her family's business against her will... until you finish her social link, at which point she decides she's fine with it, actually. Her shadow self is literally a bird in a fucking cage, the least subtle visual metaphor possible, and instead of breaking free of the cage she just decides to appreciate the cage better. So many of the character arcs play out like this. This problem intersects constantly with the horrible way the female characters are treated and the rampant in-your-face homophobia that everyone and their mom has been calling out for years. It plays with the aesthetics of rebelling against oppression while also disrespecting actual oppressed groups
The music's good, though. I listen to the P4 OST casually. I have to give the series that. And the UI and enemy designs are cool. But I just don't vibe with the writing or structure at all
Anyway here's my favorite tweet about Persona
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frosted-night · 3 years
Headcanons pt ???? revenge of the sith
It’s very easy for him to unsettle people. All he has to do is shut down his emotions and be completely blank faced. His natural thousand yard stare has spooked a number of other frost spirits.
Despite being physically the youngest in the group, he is very out of touch with trends and such. He might hear some in passing when he encounters children but he has the loosest grasp on them.
He is also the least in touch with technology. He understands cars somewhat because he sees them all the time but he has little idea on everything else. It amuses North greatly to see Jack try and use a phone. The great Furby incident of ‘98 will be held against Jack for quite some time.
The concept of dolls confuses him greatly but some actually unsettle him. Especially ones that talk with low batteries.
Mother Nature
Her wrath is unmatched. She’s very cold towards humans but she doesn’t go out of her way to hurt them. If they are unfortunate enough to suffer from her weather, she doesn’t celebrate it.
Nymphs, Driads and other nature spirits alike know of her and are mostly terrified of her. At often times they either call her “Queen Nature”, “Lady Nature” or not even refer to her by name if they can help it. Usually its out of respect and out of sheer terror.
She in fact has a few underlings and various spirits she allowed to take up residence in her kingdom.They are fiercely loyal to her and sometimes get portions of offerings that Mother Nature gets.
She rarely swims but according to Jack, she looks like a stringy haired ghost girl when wet. She took the joke fairly well and thinks of it now and then when she has to wet her hair.
Despite being close friends with Sandy, she blocked him out of her dreams for a reason or two. Sandy does not take it as an insult, as Nature has always been a mostly closed off person. If she wants to share her dreams with him, she will. If she doesn’t then he will be just fine. Some dreams are just too intimate and private for her to share. Some dreams of hers were preserved for her with the help of a different friend, so she could never forget them.
He loves researching new trends and toys that kids are into. As such he is the most in touch guardian despite his direct interaction with kids being low. The blind bag craze is one of his favorites, since they’re often unpredictable and gets kids very excited.
It’s no secret that bootleg toys have an odd place in his heart. be it bootleg Furbys or lazily painted pokemon figurines, he’s probably got them stored somewhere. He has considered giving some to naughty children as a joke but has yet to act on it.
Sometimes he checks in on his former homeland(Russia) and worries over the youth. He makes sure those situations like theirs get enough to persevere through the worst of it all.
He has had a straggler or two find their way to the North Pole and settle in the secret village for refuge. It’s rare for him to allow it and usually its temporary but some do stay for the rest of their lives.
Despite loving cookies, he has a soft spot for traditional foods from his homeland. Like Tula Gingerbread and Chak-Chak. He has a good time trying to make some for himself and he often does it when he has an emotional low day. 
Her ties to belief are a little different than the others. So long as her stories continue to get told and printed, she’ll still have power.
She loves to collect books that her former readers end up writing someday. The horrible dollar store romance books hit differently when she needs a laugh.
When stressed or put into a difficult spot, she can be very impulsive. Almost to the point where her spells backfire in unpredictable ways. Its almost humorous to see the level headed voice of reason suddenly go full dumbass.(For Jack at least.)
If she had to pick a favorite time of year it’d be early Autumn. It’s perfect reading weather according to her but isn’t dreadfully cold.
Despite her appearance,  you’d think classical music would be her favorite. It’s actually a lot of songs that would be considered “Dad songs”. That is 100% North’s fault and she loved to blast those songs when she has to clean her bookshelves/reorganize them.
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staywritten · 4 years
Studio Time│Bang Chan
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Studio Time│Bang Chan
Synopsis: Your boyfriend is producing your groups comeback and you learn the downside of dating a perfectionist. 
Genre: one shot, angst-ish? Happy ending, idol!Chan, idol!reader, fluff with more fluff at the end.
Word Count: 2108
I wrote this fic like 5yrs ago for a different artist lol But I re-read it recently and still really liked it so I re-vamped it for SKZ. Especially after that episode of Weekly Idol when the members said Chan was sweet to them but he was really serious when he was making music, so I figured this was the perfect fit. 
When your label announced that your comeback album will be produced by Chan you weren’t really sure what to think. You prided yourself on keeping your careers separate, but on the other hand he was an amazingly talented producer and it wasn’t often that he produced for idol girl groups. 
At this point of his career he was expanding outside of doing work for just Stray Kids. It was an opportunity at which both parties benefited. He could grow his portfolio in a way that wasn’t possible when just producing for Stray Kids and he was an up and coming name in the industry.
You two didn’t date publicly but your members and management were aware of the relationship, so some of the pressure was lifted. You didn’t have to pretend like you didn’t know each other. 
Walking into the JYP building, you led your members to Chan’s signature studio. Despite coming to his studio pretty regularly, it was a little nerve racking coming to it for work. You felt just as nervous as you did when meeting a new producer. “Are you excited to work with Channie? How lucky are we! What kind of producer is he?” Your youngest member chimed, hooking her arm with you. 
You nodded laughing, giving her hand a little pat. “I guess we are pretty lucky.” Not many producers would be open to input, but since your members had a close relationship with your boyfriend you figured the atmosphere would be lighter. “I’m not sure how he is as a producer honestly. He’s never let me see him work before. Like I’ve seen him make beats, but never recording.”
As you all walked into his studio you smiled seeing him sitting with Han on the couch. “Wally!” you chimed giving the bright green wall a little pat. 
“What about me?” Chan pouted. 
“What about you?” you teased, giving him a wink. 
You did your group greeting and bowed, laughing at how silly it felt. Normally that would be saved for broadcast and fan meetings but it was a force of habit as a leader.
“Awww cute!” Chan chuckled before formally introducing himself just to cover the formalities. It wasn’t often you got to see your boyfriend while working, but you also had to keep in mind that you still had to work.
Chan walked over to you, pulling you into a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling brightly. “I missed you” he grinned. You did your best to ignore the aweing from your other members and Han. His nose brushed down the bridge of yours. 
“I saw you this morning” you played with the hair at his nape.
“I know, I missed you this afternoon” he laughed, pecking your lips, lingering just a moment too long.
You giggled, melting into his arms. “Aww, you’re being really cute today” you whispered, pulling back to look at him. “Don’t look at me like that” a smile tugged at your lips, as you gently grazed your nails against his scalp. “We have work yo do”
“Mmmm” he sighed into your touch. “I’m just excited to make this song. I worked so hard on it, it’s perfect for you” he smiled. “I made it just for you”
“I can’t wait” you chimed, pulling away from him. He whined letting you step back, a cute pout on his lips.
“Awww you guys are cute, it’s kinda gross” Han pretended to choke back a gag before laughing and grabbing his bag. “I gotta head to an interview, so I’ll catch you guys later.”
After the formalities, he played the demo track for you. Your members loved it. It was fun, playful and it had a bit of an edge to it. You couldn’t wait to record it. That was one of the plus sides about working with your boyfriend. You were actually very vocal at home about the direction you wanted to go in with your group.
This would be your first track of the new year, and all of your members were officially adults now. You wanted something teasing, and mature, yet still youthful and in true Chan fashion, he nailed it. 
All that was left now was to record it.
One by one your members did their lines, recording their parts in manageable segments. Chan was very caring with them, almost holding their hand through the process. “Minah, try singing it like this.” he coached her through it, reiterating her part, and changing the articulation toward the end. 
She was your youngest, and still wasn’t completely confident in her own voice yet so she was a lot to handle. She did her best to follow directions, but sometimes things were just out of her vocal range and when that happened Chan adjust accordingly. He coached her to give her the confidence that was needed to reach the note. Once she adjusted he clapped and gave her a thumbs up. “Very good, that was perfect! One more time, from the top.” In the end he changed up her part to best suit her voice and she had a cleaner take. 
You were proud seeing him so kind. You couldn’t help but watch him with the brightest warmth in your eyes. Your group were like your baby sisters and he was being so good to them. 
Unfortunately Minah wasn’t the most difficult take of the day, but he worked with each one of them carefully. In their defense it was a difficult song to sing. It was a very dynamic with lots of changes, not only was this a genre change from your groups usual music it pushed your vocalist and rappers to step up.  
Soon enough it was your turn to record. 
Although you couldn't really call it recording. 
Chan wasted no time in stopping you every few words. Perhaps you were spoiled with how doting and sweet he was with your members. Because it seemed that he had no intentions of treating you in such a manner.
“Babe, can you do it seriously?”
“No- Again that sounds horrible”
“Do it again”
“Again, from the top.”
“It’d be nice if I had a single sample I could use.”
“If you can’t do it, perhaps we should have someone else do it?”
“This is kind of embarrassing”
Was this even the same person? You understood constructive criticism. Constructive is what he was with your members. This was just being mean. You slipped off your headphones and glared at him when he stopped you again. That time you were in the middle of another take. It would have been nice to get a single line out with his opinion.
You hated that you wanted to cry.
You had to deal with some pretty tough critics. Producers, songwriters, choreographers, your CEO. Making an album was a high stress process with a lot of hands on deck. It was your job, so naturally it wasn’t going to go smoothly. Especially when everyone had different creative views, but this was the worst recording you’ve ever dealt with in the entirety of your music career. 
You just hated being yelled at. 
He knew that better than anyone. All those nights, you would come home from work and he’d have to console you after you’d been scolded. Chan knew that yelling immediately shut you down. You bit back your tears, wanting to hold it together for your members. You could see them struggling from behind the glass. It looked like they wanted to say something, at least tell Chan to ease up, but you shook your head and took a deep breath.
Normally you would avoid confrontation and just sing it the way the producer wanted, but you just couldn’t do it. Because what Chan wanted, wasn’t you.
You finally set the headphones on the rack inside before walking out. “Where are you going?” he frowned watching you take your backpack. “We don’t have anything for your part. We need to start from the beginning”
You shrugged. “Give my part to Jieun, she’ll do it better”
Jieun gasped before reaching out to you, shaking her head profusely. “What? But Unnie-”
“It’s fine” you gave her a small smile, trying to calm her. “I’ll call the company directly and tell them I can’t participate in the recording”
“But it’s our comeback track! You can’t not have a part in it” Minah grabbed your hand. She looked back at Chan “Tell her to stay.” Seeing the hesitation in his eyes she frowned more “Chan tell-”
“That’s enough.” you gave her head a small pat. “I’ll be fine. I just need to get out of here. I’ll check in on you later.” you looked to your second in command “Jieun you’re in charge.”
Chan rolled his eyes before crossing his arms over his chest. “So you’re just leaving? Do you always quit like this? Is that the way you lead?”
You froze, hearing his words. 
Was he trying to hurt you? What could you have possibly done? He was fine earlier. You gripped your fist, your body shaking before leaving the room with your head held high. You knew when someone was trying to get a rise out of you, and you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction.
On your way through the lobby you ran into Han. He smiled initially seeing you, but as you wiped away your tears he frowned. “Hey…”  His gentle voice pulled you out of your thoughts. It was too gentle. Almost sympathetic. You looked up, scrambling to bring a smile on your face. That signature idol smile you gave to the cameras. “You don’t have to do that…” he gave your shoulder a small pat. “Do you wanna get some coffee?”
You sat across from Han at the cafe across the street. He didn't push you to speak. He just gave you a moment to sort out your feelings, let you take your time and figure out what to say.
He sipped on his drink. “Chan-Hyung was being a jerk huh?”
It wasn’t really a question. There was a certain understanding in his voice. You looked up at him, your eyes narrowing. “Is he always like that?”
He chuckled. “Sometimes. Chan is a perfectionist. Always was. Always will be. There are times when our group has come to blows because Chan can just be a little too much when criticizing. Threatening to remove Changbin-Hyung’s part from the song, getting frustrated in vocal ranges…real harsh criticisms...things like that. I don’t even think he’s aware of when he’s doing it.” he sighed. “Like when we record it just seems like the stress finally gets to him.”
Your shoulders slumped. “But he was really nice to my members…Absolutely sweet to them…he was only mean to me. Not that I would want him to yell at my girls-I’d literally kill him. But…” you sighed staring into your coffee. “Why was he being so mean…”
“He was probably being extra careful with your members…”
“What do you mean?”
“When we were recording our collaborative stage with Niziu, Chan was really nice to them. Doting, constructive, an angel. But that day was hell on us. It’s like he had pent up frustrations and just couldn’t hold it in any longer. I swear Minho-Hyung almost quit that day.”
“What type of bullshit excuse is that?”
He shrugged. “No excuse. Just how it is…Like he can only be himself with people that he knows will forgive him. He can be an ass sometimes, but he sure does put out amazing songs.”
“But at what cost?” you sighed, taking a sip of your coffee.
Later that night Chan came home, sheepishly poking his head inside to see you sitting on the couch. His eyes widened as he entered. “You’re still here?” his voice a little more surprised than he’d like to let on. A lingering bit of reliefe to his tone.
You sighed turning the page of your book “I was going to leave your ass. But I figured we should at least talk. Despite what you make think of me. I’m not a quitter” you set your book down before crossing your arms. “So talk.”
“Look, I’m sorry about earlier. It’s just-” he groaned, raking his hand through his curly hair. “The track wasn’t going where I wanted to. It was getting away from me…The only way I’d like the track was for your part to be exactly what I envisioned...for you to bring everything back”
It made sense he did give you the biggest part of the song. The chorus, and bridge were the most memorable of his demo and he gave them to you. He even had you sing the demo for the company to pitch the idea. At the time you thought it was sweet, you had no idea the burden it’d be. 
It was obvious this song was made to be a solo for you.
“Your members did their best, but they just didn’t have the vocal range to do the song the way I envisioned it… So I made adjustments and compromises...” he sighed heavily. “And more adjustments...and more compromises...” he rubbed his temples. “Especially because if they can’t sing it at recording they wouldn’t be able to perform it on stage. So one change became another….” he sighed heavily, slumping into the chair. “I loved the song so much because it’s what I knew you wanted to release… But they just couldn’t...and…”
“I don’t think we can work together Chan…” you frowned. “You’re my boyfriend, and an amazing producer…but you can’t be both. In order for us to be happy with the track, and in order for me to be happy with our relationship we can’t work together.”
“We can still make it work. Let’s try again tomorrow.” he looked so hopeful. “I promise I won’t yell, and I-”
“You don’t understand Chan. You made me hate you.” your voice small, as you looked down. 
He sank down into himself. His shoulders slumping, hurt etched on his delicate features. Never in his lifetime would he have thought you’d say that. “You…You hated me?”
“I did…for a little bit…You made me hate myself…You made me feel like an inadequate leader, you made me question myself.” you hugged your knees. “I can’t feel like that ever again. I’m responsible for six other girls who look up to me. It’s so easy to get ransacked in this industry, to be pushed and pulled into concepts. They need to believe in me. I need to believe in me and my ability, but with you… I couldn’t. So for my sake…Let’s drop the project.”
He closed his eyes before nodding. “Alright…” He hated that he made you feel that way. He never intended it on getting that bad. He just panicked when he listened to the track, and you were the last person to record. You were supposed to be the saving grace of it. He wasn’t going to release something he didn’t at least like. Once again his overly perfectionist ways almost cost him something he wasn’t willing to lose. “I am sorry…” he whispered.
Producing was one of his greatest joys in the world, and singing was yours. There was just something so utterly heartbreaking knowing that you could never share your passions together. “I know…I’m sorry too.”
He bundled you in his arms, letting you lay your head on his chest. He pressed a kiss on top of your head. “I have one more compromise”
“You don’t give up do you?” you felt your lips tugging to a smile. “What’s your compromise lover boy?”
“What about I talk to your company into giving you this song for a solo for later this year? And you, me and Jisung write up a new song for your group comeback?”
“There’s no time”
He chuckled. “If anyone can write a song in crunch mode it’s Han Jisung” he smoothed down your hair. “I think with your help we can write something that’s mroe ideal for your girls”
“But a solo-”
“Baby I wrote that song for you.” he closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against yours. “That song was yours...And I need you to have it. You said your company was planning a solo debut anyway... so sing this.” 
“Chan I love you so much...But I can’t record an album with you”
His beautiful brown eyes gazed into you. “I offered you a compromise, offer me one too”
You pouted. “Fine, since you’re in the mood to make a deal. I’ll take your solo song only if I record with Jisung, and Changbin.”
“Deal” You smiled gently scratching his scalp, and placing a kiss at the base of his throat. “Mmmm...” a groan echoed from his throat. “I’m so sorry about today Baby”
“It’s fine” you relaxed into his touch as he traced patterns into your skin absently. You grinned. “It’s nice to know that you’re not perfect”
He chuckled, throwing his head back. “I never claimed to be perfect”
“Oh yeah?” You sat back, crawling onto his lap. A smile on your lips as you gazed into his eyes. “Mr. Perfect hair” you played with the hair on his nape. “Perfect smile” you placed a kiss on his lips. “Perfect dimples” your thumb brushing against his dimple. “Perfect voice” you pressed a kiss on his adam’s apple. “You are perfect in a million different ways.” you giggled “You’re just not meant t be my producer”
“I can live with loving you in a million other ways.” he stood up, lifting you in his arms and carrying you into the bedroom, your laughs echoing and filling the house.
Hey Friends! I hope you enjoyed that. It was nice revisiting an old fic and breathing some new life into it. If you liked it let me know <3 
I’m sorry my Felix scenario is taking so long... I’ve rewritten it like 8 times and I’m getting a bit overwhelmed I’m gonna try and revisit it when my mind is clearer. I’ve been starting at the screen for far too long. 
∘Tags List:
@skzsprinkles @tophuphu @hugs4chan @channieboyo @tonfilm @innivspearb @mini-meanhoe @poutychangbinnie
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thoradvice · 3 years
hi, I’m feeling a bit sad and anxious.. I feel like I’m wasting my time, on doing nothing. I wrote about it in my diary and it made me realize things. I get anxiety from thinking about my life in the future. And I constantly disappoint myself by doing absolutely nothing all day, everyday. I tell myself that maybe it is because I need to rest but I also feel like I don’t deserve to rest bc i literally haven’t done anything. It makes me feel SO horrible and stressed. A short pt. 2 coming sorry
ok pt. 2 :/ tw anxiety? I think a lot about what I’ll say when kids my age asks me when I’m 75 what I did as a teenager. It gives me so much anxiety bc I won’t have an answer. It may sound silly but this is one of my biggest fears. I’m lacking motivation to live and it’s so scary. I have a big dream but I can’t get myself to really work on it and get there. I can’t get myself to do ANYTHING. Sorry if I’m bothering you, that’s not my intention. I just have to talk to some1 than myparents&friends
hi there, sweetie. i’m so sorry you’re going through this. first off, i want you to know that you always deserve rest. rest is never ever something a person has to earn. you deserve rest because you’re a person, and we all deserve rest. i don’t like to say things such as “you’re X so you definitely deserve rest / etc”, because everyone deserves these basic things. but dealing with mental illness, especially anxiety is really exhausting. i’ve had bad anxiety pretty much since i can remember, and it’s mostly under control now, though it flares up sometimes without any kind of trigger - including recently. i’ve been exhausted this last week, because of it. it really affects you physically, as well as mentally. it’s so important to rest when you’re dealing with mental illness. i took a nap today and it worked wonders. my point is that rest is important and you will always deserve it.
with that in mind, a balance is also important. sometimes, you have to force yourself to do things, and that’s okay too. i’ll use another example from my own life, because i think it makes things clearer ! i have depression, and it’s debilitating a lot of the time. i’ve worked on myself & my mental health so much in the last year, and it’s gotten better. it’s still a nagging presence in my life, but it’s smaller now. sometimes, it flares up and i tend to have depressive episodes that last two weeks up to two months. thankfully, i have good coping mechanisms now, and they tend to be on the shorter end. anyway, i always give myself one or two days to rot, basically. it maybe doesn’t work for everyone, but i need that time to just feel what i’m feeling and experience and acknowledge it. after, i force myself into doing things that i know will make me feel better. i shower. i clean my room. i go for a walk. i do any things for school that i need to do. i reach out if i need to. sometimes, you just have to do it. if you feel that you’re slipping into a rut, try this out. it really does work.
onto your anxiety. this is something that is surprisingly common, i think. i know i’ve felt this way more than once, so you’re not alone. i want you to know that teenagers really don’t act like they do in the movies. sure, parties exist. i went to one when i was fifteen (just turned seventeen, for reference), and honestly it kinda sucked. everyone just sat in this girl’s living room listening to noughties music and drinking cheap alcohol. they’re extremely overrated. i can promise you that there are millions of teenagers who don’t go to parties, or have a ton of sex, or kiss a new person every week, or anything like that. if it makes you feel any better, my idea of a good night is watching a movie and sharing a pizza with my brother, and then watching some stupid sitcom alone in my room texting my girlfriend + friends all night. you don’t have to go on adventures with a group of 3-5 diverse friends, growing up along the way and falling in love with some girl who looks like a taylor swift knock-off to have a fun youth !! the phrase “life is not a john green novel” saved me from so much of this anxiety.
you’re a teenager. you don’t have to be working on your dreams right now. you don’t have to be doing anything but staying afloat. you have your entire life to build your dreams. i know the media bombards us with child prodigies and adolescents who are “changing the world”. but it’s more than okay to just focus on surviving for now, and leave your dreams til you’re older and more capable. you don’t have to do anything big to be meaningful or change the world. you change the world just by existing every day. the world would not be the same without you.
lacking the motivation to live is serious, and i’m so sorry you feel this way. if you can, please see a professional as soon as you can. feelings like this can often seem quite minor, but it’s scary how quickly it can turn into full blown depression & suicidal thoughts. you do not have to wait until it gets worse to get help. you deserve to feel better now. a professional would also be extremely beneficial in helping with your anxiety around life, too.
best of luck with everything, and i’m always here if you need to talk about anything. <33
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@dailydestieldose and @casismymrdarcy have got me on a roll with Shakespeare destiel parallels so here's another one:
Beatrice & Benedick and Dean & Cas
In Much Ado About Nothing, Beatrice and Benedick spend 99% of their time bantering and bickering and generally pulling each other's pigtails but with an undercurrent of real hurt. They have a lot of mutual friends, they move in the same circle, and despite having just spent some time apart (the men were all off at war) they immediately go right back to bickering. And they seem to know exactly what to say to push each others buttons - they know each other reeeaaally well.
And that's the thing!! They're exes!! They have history!! Something romantic happened between them in the past, and then something went wrong. The divorce arc parallels! But they have to be around each other because they have all these mutual friends - mutual friends who decide they're going to trick them into falling in love with each other. Their friend group splits in half, and they stage conversations for Beatrice and Benedick to overhear in which they loudly proclaim that the other is in love with them (side note: these are some of the funniest scenes in the play, I highly recommend David Tennant as Benedick, it goes on and off youtube but if it's up he's top notch in that scene. Equally, Kenny Leon's 2016 production of the play for Shakespeare in the Park is fucking stellar. It used to be on PBS but if you can find it anywhere it is Thee Much Ado).
And both Beatrice and Benedick, the moment they hear the other is in love with them, go "oh they love me! well guess I'd better love them back! I'm gonna love them back with my whole fucking soul."
"Love me! Why, it must be requited. I hear how I am censured: they say I will bear myself proudly, if I perceive the love come from her; they say too that she will rather die than give any sign of affection. I did never think to marry: I must not seem proud: happy are they that hear their detractions and can put them to mending. They say the lady is fair; tis a truth, I can bear them witness; and virtuous; tis so, i cannot reprove it; and wise, but for loving me; by my troth, it is no addition to her wit, nor no great argument of her folly, for I will be horribly in love with her. I may chance have some odd quirks and remnants of wit broken on me, because I have railed so long against marriage: but doth not the appetite alter? a man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age. Shall quips and sentences and these paper bullets of the brain awe a man from the career of his humor? No, the world must be peopled. When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I were married."
"My friends think if I find out she loves me I'll lord it over her", "she would rather die than give any sign she loves me" (literally Cas), "I've never expected I'd get married", the fucking LIST of "beautiful and good and wise, except for falling in love with me cuz I'm not good enough for her", "I already love her back so much", "I'm gonna get a lot of shit when my friends see me in love buuuut it's worth it for her" - try and tell me these aren't Dean about Cas.
Benedick never really shuts up - he's a talkative guy (much like Dean), and once he gets started about how great Beatrice is he is really on a roll. He loves so strongly and completely (and he doesn't have Dean's self worth issues) so he jumps right to being all in.
Beatrice's reaction is, in fact, an incomplete sonnet (sonnets are Thee language of love in Shakespeare; they're 14 line poems with a specific rhyme scheme that are in iambic pentameter, which we think of as Shakespeare's signature style - 10 syllables in a line, divided into sets of 2, the first unstressed and the second stressed). It is also one of the only times she speaks in verse (poetry) rather than prose (like a novel) during the play - this is important because people in Shakespeare's plays speak in verse during significant moments or very emotional moments.
What fire is in mine ears? Can this be true?
Stand I condemn'd for pride and scorn so much?
Contempt, farewell! and maiden pride, adieu!
No glory lives behind the back of such.
And, Benedick, love on; I will requite thee,
Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand:
If thou dost love, my kindness shall incite thee
To bind our loves up in a holy band;
For others say thou dost deserve, and I
Believe it better than reportingly.
"The idea he's in love with me too has shocked me to my core", "I will never again be too proud or petty to admit I love him", "please please keep loving me, because I love you too", "I have been a wild untameable thing, but for you I'll be happy to stay at home and live a simple life", "we aren't even together yet but please marry me", "you're the best man I know" - hi this is Thee Castiel about Dean Winchester.
Beatrice is a very independent woman; especially for the time the play is written, she's still single at an age when most women were already married, and she refuses to marry because she loves her independence and doesn't want just anyone to tie her down. Until she learns Benedick loves her, she never expects to find anyone who will make her want to settle down. Benedick is much the same - he plans to live and die a bachelor.
Aaaand then they learn they're both head over heels for each other, and suddenly there's a whole lot more they want out of life. Suddenly all the stuff in their past, all the things that drove them apart, it all doesn't matter in the face of their love for each other.
In conclusion:
Banter as expressions of affection and also to cover up hurt over something that happened to drive them apart
The love for each other didn't go away though they're both just feeling unloved and lashing out
They always come back to each other, even if it takes a little outside interference
This has been another Shakespeare destiel parallel, thank you and goodnight
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the-witty-pen-name · 3 years
ok so for the requests, maybe a Loki x teen!reader (platonic) where they're both touchstarved dorks but one day Loki has a horrible nightmare and reader tries their best to comfort him? and their bond grows from then onwards? just a suggestion :))
Thank you so much for the idea! I have never written anything platonic before so I hope I do your idea justice! I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you don’t mind I took a couple of creative liberties writing this! It ended up being a little more serious than I planned when I started writing but it just flowed out! I didn’t have classes so I got to write so I’m posting earlier than I usually plan to which I’m happy about. I really appreciate you reaching out to me with this idea :) 
Loki x Reader 
warnings: none; angst
word count: 1.4k 
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Loki’s childhood is not entirely something he can look back on fondly. However, like many of us, he is blessed with several good memories that despite everything which has happened in his life, he looks back on fondly. One of these was you, it was always with you. In your youth, you and him were many times inseparable. That was years ago now, and even then, you weren’t in his life until his teen years. His best friend and confidant, forever loyal to him as he was to you.
Before becoming your friend, Loki had no previously been exposed to a relationship like it before. Other than his mother, who he loved dearly, he confided in no one about how he felt about his father, his feeling of inferiority when it came to Thor… It was all very internalized. However, even after making your acquaintance for the first time, it took him a very long time to open himself up to your kindness and your promise of friendship.
You had first met the god of mischief when you were living at the palace for an extended stay. Promising a group of Asgardian teenagers the finest education he could afford, Odin in an act of charity (but also a glorified publicity stunt) invited a handful of gifted students from the local school to learn under the tutelage of the finest minds. In layman’s terms, these students were invited to be taught alongside Thor and Loki during their academic term when it would normally be just the two brothers.
The first several days of lessons, the tutors instructed everyone to work in pairs and of course you were partnered with Loki. The first several days, he wouldn’t speak to you. He would compete the assignments without so much as look at you and then allowed you to take credit for half the work. He’d resist any sort of attempt you would make to make small talk or help with the tasks at hand, but he always refused.
You were very much like Loki as well, and you were oftentimes more alike than you would ever care to admit. You were just as ambitious and proud, and you wouldn’t stand to just sit back while he ignored you. You also didn’t have many friends. You were much more social than Loki, but like him you had no real lasting friendships. Eight of the brightest in your year were selected for this program and being one of them is not something you planned to take lightly.  
Eventually, you wore him down. You began to work together to complete assignments and you both were very competitive in getting the correct answer before the other. The back and forth was at first strictly academic, but he was still the closest thing you had to a friend. You enjoyed working with him immensely. You both started to see where the other exceled and you both knew when to let the other take lead. It was an exercise of trust and teamwork, the first positive experience of teamwork you both had.
There was an unspoken change between the two of you that evolved very naturally, even though you still both acted quite distant and closed off. There was mutual understanding of wanting company, but only being willing to extend yourself so far. He would take the spot next to you when dining, and you both would walk to and from lessons together.
Your quarters were down the hall from Thor and Loki. All of the students in the program were staying in the same wing of the house as the two princes. Your room was three down from Loki’s room. Your room and private bathroom were one of the nicest luxuries you were ever exposed to. Falling asleep every night had been so easy for you since staying at the palace, something you were never used to before in your lifetime. However, there was one night where you couldn’t shake an uneasy feeling no matter how much you tossed and turned looking for comfort. Normally, you would sink into the mattress engulfed in the lavish bedding and fall into a dream almost instantaneously. As the nights passed, the appeal of the large room and the oversized palace transformed more into a feeling of emptiness. You were one person and in a large room like that every night where the ceilings were as tall as giants, you felt more and more small.
You noticed when there was a dim light outside your door in the late hours of the night. You didn’t know the source, but you knew they were right outside your door. You closed your eyes, and buried yourself under the covers- not afraid of anything in particular but just the reaction to the fear of the unknown. The door to the room was gently pushed open and Loki revealed himself to you.
He looked small, just like how you felt. His eyes were red and swollen, his pale skin patchy and the lamp he held illuminated the tear stains on his cheeks. You could tell he was trying his best to keep himself together, and you could see the fear in his eyes and in his body language. It was a mix of him allowing himself to be so exposed emotionally, but also a reaction to the night terror he had just woken up from.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, closing the door behind him. He stood sheepishly. He realized his only instinct was to go to you but his plan stopped there. It was an involuntary response he didn’t stop to think about before coming to you to seek comfort. “I’m sorry for waking you. I just… I just had an absolutely terrible dream and I couldn’t bear to be alone.”
You nodded sympathetically and moved from the middle of the bed to one side. You pulled open the comforter so Loki could join you. He placed the lamp on the night table and turning it out, and then he tried his best to settle himself in the unfamiliar bed as he sinks in under the covers. You pull the blankets back up and his arms wrap themselves around your torso pulling you into a tight hug.
He needed someone and he didn’t know where else to go. Perhaps he could’ve sought out his mother, but he knew she might have sent him back to his own room. Which would’ve been fair, because he is no longer a child, even though there are many aspects of his life where he still feels like one. You feel the tenseness in his body ease away as you hug him back. The embrace doing wonders for the anxieties you faced as well. It was a moment you were not going to ruin by talking or asking him about his nightmare. It was a very comfortable silence, and his presence filled the room of the emptiness that was bothering you mere minutes before he arrived at your door.
For the first time in a very long time, Loki slept very easily. Just the touch of someone who seemed to understand and share his own stresses helped him more than he’d ever be able to communicate. Just the simple embrace was enough for now to allow him to rest easy. You rested your head into the crook of his neck and just comforted your friend in the darkness. He was cold, especially his hands. It was comforting combined with the extra warmth provided by the many pillows and layers of bedding. It was a perfect mix. It would be something he would never forget and yet also something he could never bring himself to thank you for.
After that night, the barrier you both had up seemed to gradually fade much faster than the pace it was going. Loki confided in you as a confidant and many times began to open up to you about his troubles. You understood each other and he loved that he never needed to explain himself… you just got each other.
He looks back at that year fondly, and he oftentimes regrets not making the effort to keep up with you over the years. However, whenever he did see you, it was like time and life had never interfered in your friendship. He’d see you at events at the palace, and you’d meet his eyes with the same familiar smile and greet him with a tight embrace that takes him back to all those years ago. You were a constant, never changing, when it came to your friendship to him. He was able to depend on that you were there. He could go a lifetime without seeing you, and yet he’d recognize you anywhere from the sound of your voice, or your laugh alone. It was an unbreakable bond.
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