#you know how lizards will grab onto your fingers but not exactly sit on you? that's what it's like. it's like he's shaking my hands.
teshamerkel · 3 years
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Seekers of Soul
Chapter 17 (22 Pages)
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Nia and Tobias track down their first outlaw!
TW: Blood/Injuries
“What’s up with you today?”
Nia jumps, looking over at Tobias in surprise. “W-What?”
The charmander huffs out an irritated puff of smoke, focusing his gaze on the scenery of the dungeon they’re in. “You’re all mopey. Have been since last night.”
“Oh.” Nia hops over a small rivulet of water, weighing whether she wants to tell the truth or not. It’ll probably just make him mad, considering who she’s worked up about, but she doesn’t wanna lie to him either. “I uh. I think I upset Xander yesterday.”
As expected, the charmander rolls his eyes. “That‘s reason to celebrate, not mope.”
“Tobias,” Nia warns. “You’re being a jerk again.”
Tobias grumbles something under his breath, but then says, “Fine. Whatcha do?”
Nia fiddles with the branch she’d picked out for her weapon today, spinning it in her fingers with clumsy movements. “That’s just it. I’m not really sure? M-My aura reading came up in conversation so I was just telling everyone how their aura looks, and when I told Xander he got all...quiet. Avery had to take him out of the room.”
“Did he even want his aura read?”
“Of course!” Nia says, giving Tobias a frown. “I wouldn’t have done it if he hadn’t asked.”
Tobias doesn’t answer, and as the two of them walk, eyeing the walls and clefts of the rocky terrain for hidden ferals, Nia assumes he won’t. Then, he mumbles, “Maybe he didn’t like what you found.”
Nia’s ears flick back. That’s more or less the conclusion she’d come to as well. But all she’d told him was that his aura was red. Emotional, passionate. Why would that bother him so much? Sure, he always seems so calm and collected and with such an emotional aura he must have to work hard for that image, but it can’t just be that. She knows Tobias won’t know any better than she will, so for now she just sighs and moves on.
If she were in a better mood, Nia bets she’d really be enjoying the dungeon they’re in today. Apparently the mystery dungeon popped up in a small rocky riverbed, a bit scarce in terms of foliage, because the mystery dungeon itself has grown into a canyon-like labyrinth. Rocky brown stone, sunbaked and pale, and small streams of water flowing through the dungeon’s halls and rooms. Nia’s paws feel a bit rough from the scratchy, hot rock underfoot, but occasionally she steps into a shallow stream to cool down. 
More than once she thinks she sees something move above her in the streams’ reflection, just a brief flicker of movement, but every time Nia looks up, the canyon walls are empty. She’s probably just paranoid about the outlaw. Hopefully. There aren’t any other signs they’re being watched, so she must be imagining it.
As for Tobias, he seems torn, probably enjoying the heated rocks and warm day but clearly hating the water he has to jump over and climb around. Still, this is the first dungeon they’ve been to since their reconciliation a few days ago, and despite the tension in his body he’s doing a good job of keeping things civil.
“So you said we’re capturing an outlaw? Uh, how exactly does that work?” Nia asks, trying not to sound as nervous as she feels.
Tobias jumps and heaves himself up onto a large rock blocking the narrow path, claws scrabbling, before turning to answer. “Criminals like to hide in mystery dungeons to avoid getting caught. So we have to track this guy down, knock him out, and take him back to the guild.”
Nia, branch tucked into the strap of their exploration bag and busy trying to haul herself up the stone, asks, “W-Wait, so he’s not feral?”
“Nope. Just an idiot who robbed a seed patch nearby.”
Nia slips with a yelp and slides back to the ground. She shakes out her stinging claws and glares up at the rock. “Dang it!”
Tobias snorts a laugh, looking down at her. “Am I gonna be called a jerk again if I decide to just sit and watch you struggle? Because it’s pretty entertaining.”
Nia groans. “I can’t help that I’m not built for climbing! I’m a dog for God’s sake.”
“What in Entei’s name is a dog?”
“If you help me up, I’ll tell you!”
Tobias rolls his eyes but dutifully stretches out on his belly, reaching his arms down. Nia backs up and takes a running leap at the stone. She hits the hard surface, and before her dull claws let her slide back down, Tobias grabs her wrists, yanking her up. Nia pulls herself over the top, plopping down to catch her breath.
“Ugh, I hate climbing!”
“Good, ‘cause you suck at it.”
Nia shoots the charmander a playful glare. “Hey, I used to be great at climbing trees when I was human! At least I can still swim.”
Tobias looks downright offended. “I’m a fire type!”
“And I have a dog body. We’re even.” Nia sits up, rights their satchel and retrieves her branch, then follows Tobias’ grumbling as he slips down the other side of the boulder and back onto solid ground.
They continue down the path (What floor are they on now? Fourth?), and after a few moments Tobias speaks up again.
“Uh. S-So what?”
“What’s a dog?”
Nia blinks. “Oh! You actually wanna know?”
“Not really,” Tobias growls, “But these stairs are impossible to find and the ferals are hiding from the outlaw, so you might as well tell me. I’m getting bored.”
Nia hides a smile and looks up to the sliver of blue sky she can see between rocky canyon walls. How does she even explain something like this?
“Well...in my world, there are humans, and plants, but there are also things called animals. I would say that Pokémon are...mostly like humans? You’re smart. You can talk and you have a society and stuff. But most Pokemon look more like animals. Fluffy, or scaly, or resembling certain body types. Like...you look like a lizard, kind of. And I kind of look like a dog.“
Nia nods, encouraged by his thinly veiled curiosity. “Yeah! Um, there are different kinds, but they all have a similar shape and stuff. Four legs, low to the ground, long tail, scaly. Um...you’re kind of like a two-legged version? Lizards definitely can’t breathe fire, though.”
“So I’m like a lizard but a lot cooler,” Tobias surmises.
Nia laughs, loud and caught off-guard. “Pretty much, yeah. Animals aren’t, uh, seen the same as humans, though. They aren’t...lesser, really? But they’re...different. They think differently. More simply, I guess. Lots of humans keep certain kinds of animals as pets.”
“‘Pets?’” Tobias echoes.
“Yeah! Like partners, kind of. Y’know, in their homes. They take care of them, and in return they get to watch them grow and bond with ‘em. They become companions, even if they might not think of us the same way.”
Tobias doesn’t answer for a few moments, carefully skirting around a puddle. “So the, uh...the animals don’t get a say in the matter?”
“Oh.” Nia stops, brow furrowing. “I mean...I guess not? But it’s almost like potting a plant in your house. As long as the animal’s happy and its needs are being met, it doesn’t really matter? Most house pets don’t really have a concept of like...captivity? I don’t think so, at least. I guess some smarter ones do, like monkeys.”
Tobias shoots her a look that’s surprisingly uneasy. “That still sounds unfair.”
Nia sighs. “It’s hard to explain when you don’t really have a concept for animals. Like, maybe dogs would’ve been a better example. They’re pack animals to start with, so when we take care of them they become part of our family, and they see us as their pack. They’re really happy with humans. It’s harder to tell with things like lizards or snakes or something, but dogs and cats definitely bond with humans like their own species.”
Tobias frowns, but not in the way that says he wishes Nia would shut up. This one looks more thoughtful. Nia doesn’t mind this frown as much. Eventually, he seems to settle on, “Humans are weird.”
“I mean, you’re not wrong. But the Pokémon world is still ten times weirder.”
Tobias snorts. “Hardly.”
“You have sentient trash bags, Tobias! And creatures that can use psychic powers! That’s not normal!”
Tobias cracks a grin. “Wait until you see a cryogonal or Mr. Mime for the first time. Now those are weird.”
Nia stares at him, surprised by the teasing and almost friendly tone of his voice. “Did you just say a ‘Mr. Mime’? As in that’s what an entire species is called?”
“You’ll know one when you see one.”
From there, the conversation dies off into a strangely comfortable silence as the two of them continue through the dungeon. Nia had almost forgotten where they were with how casually they were talking. The ferals of the dungeon still seem to be hiding from the outlaw (and that doesn’t make Nia nervous at all), but occasionally they hear one scrabbling along the stone just out of sight or growling in the distance.
They climb to the next floor, and then the next, and even there the ferals are still and silent.
“A-Are you sure we can handle this outlaw?” Nia whispers 
Tobias rolls his eyes. “The mission was on the E-rank board for a reason. We’ll be fine.”
Nia nods, not any more assured than before. “H-How will we even know what they look like?”
“The mission said it was a panpour, idiot—" Nia shoots him a frown, and he softens his harsh tone. “Uh. Blue water type. Can stand on two feet? Long tail and big ears. Fuzzy. Plus, they won’t be feral.”
From there, the tension in Nia’s body only grows. It’s one thing to fight ferals that are clearly out for her blood, Pokemon that feel more like rabid animals than people, but fighting an outlaw...
The two of them round another corner, and before either can react, a huge spray of water slams into Tobias. The charmander is thrown back with an uncharacteristic cry of pain, into Nia, and the two of them tumble to the ground in a heap.
Nia’s first to stagger back to her feet, shaking her wet fur and looking up to find what must be the outlaw darting into the narrow canyon hallway where they are. He looks like a blue...monkey? Slightly smaller than her and Tobias, but fast. Maybe the most startling thing is how coherent the monkey looks, eyes flashing not with a mindless aggression but with an expression of intentional malice.
“You two are Seekers? You’ve gotta be kidding me—I heard you from across the map!”
The monkey braces himself and rears back, cheeks puffing. Nia barely realizes what he’s doing in time to jump between the next spray of water and Tobias’ shaky form. The water slams into her like a fire hose, and she grits her teeth and tries to stay on her feet as she slides back. She never knew water could sting so badly!
The attack stops, and Nia looks back to the monkey with wide eyes, panting. Except he’s gone, leaping past and behind them again—
“Gotta move,” Tobias gasps out, finally getting his legs under him.
Instead of answering, the charmander grabs Nia’s arm and runs for the room the monkey had come out of. They barely make it in before another jet of water is shot at them from behind. They fling themselves off to the sides, to the safety of the room’s walls, wild eyes meeting.
“We’re not trapped in such a tight space here,” Tobias explains, seeming like he’s finally caught his breath again. Nia’s still a little shaken by how a single water move hurt him so badly, but nods.
“N-Now what?”
“We beat him into the dirt!”
The monkey comes barreling into the room, skidding around with a grin. “Good luck with that, kiddos.”
Tobias lunges forward with a snarl, but Nia hesitates, watching as the monkey dodges the charmander’s slashing claws and tail whips with nimble ease. Tobias only spares a puff of small embers here and there to throw the outlaw off, focusing more on physical attacks.
The monkey shoves Tobias away from him, then claps his hands together. In an instant his body is glowing a bright blue (and in a moment of confused panic, Nia thinks he’s using aura). But then a cloud of shining blue water sprays out and around the room. The air feels damp and misty now. Tobias snarls, then goes back to madly swinging at the monkey, no longer using his flames.
The monkey dodges and weaves, takes a moment to time his shot, and then spits a strong jet of water straight into Tobias’ face. The charmander makes a pained sound and stumbles back.
Then the monkey turns to Nia, smirking. “So what’s with you, pup? Just letting your partner do all the work?”
Nia swallows hard and takes a step back, holding her branch in front of her like a sword. Her heart is roaring in her ears and her stomach feels knotted up. This feels different than fighting ferals, somehow. She still doesn’t know how to fight anyways, not really, not with just a few lessons, and it’s one thing to counter mindless ferals, another entirely to be able to hold her ground against someone like this! This is like...an actual person!
“Nia, snap out of it!” Tobias growls, lunging at the monkey again.
The charmander is clearly wearing down, but Nia can’t seem to unfreeze herself, staring at the fight in a panic. This is so different. This isn’t defending someone—or yourself—from a rabid animal, this is willingly going toe-to-toe with a criminal.
She can’t do this. Not on a physical level or an emotional one.
With a few more nimble dodges, the monkey is once again shoving the charmander away and blasting him with a water move. Tobias falls to the ground and doesn’t get back up.
The outlaw turns to Nia, looking thoroughly unimpressed. “I’m actually a little offended that the guild thought you two could bring me in. What is this, your first day?”
Nia doesn’t answer, gripping shaky fingers tighter around her pathetic weapon. Her eyes flick nervously from the outlaw to Tobias, and she knows he’s not dead or anything, his tail flame is still flickering, but seeing him so still in the dirt is making her chest tighten with fear. She doesn’t want to see anyone hurt, not even a criminal, but she’s already grown a bit fond of the sharp-tempered charmander and he can’t do this on his own so she has to fight—
The outlaw must be sick of waiting for her response, because the next thing she knows she’s being blasted into the wall by a painful jet of water. Her head bounces off the canyon wall, but she stays on her feet, shaking her head to get rid of the stars in her vision. As she does, she sees the monkey grin.
He’s enjoying this. Enjoying hurting them.
Fighting ferals is one thing—they don’t know what they’re doing, they aren’t actively, consciously trying to hurt people. And in a way, that’s easier. But this guy? This guy’s just a jerk who stole some items and is beating up two teenagers for fun, getting some kind of sick enjoyment out of it. Yes, he feels more like a person than the ferals, but doesn’t that just make it worse? That he’s doing bad things intentionally?
Suddenly, her fear feels a lot more like anger.
The monkey goes to attack again, almost lazily, and the riolu moves, pushing off the wall. She sprints for the monkey, taking him by surprise and swinging her branch around to slam into his stomach.
The monkey staggers back with a wheeze, and for a split-second Nia hesitates. He didn’t react how ferals do, didn’t just shake off the hit with an inhuman growl and a counterattack. He’d grabbed at his stomach, grumbled under his breath like a person, and something about hitting him so solidly, seeing the damage she did to him, it still throws her off even through her adrenaline rush.
And now the monkey’s angry, wiping at his mouth to glare at her. “Oh, so you were holding out on me, huh?”
He darts forward, and it’s all Nia can do to keep his claws and sharp teeth away from her body. She’s on defense now, smacking away attacking limbs with her branch and stepping steadily back, keeping her eyes focused on the monkey’s body and letting her peripheral vision react to the lightning-fast strikes like Val taught her. It’s terrifying and doesn’t even leave her time to think about what she’s doing, her body working fully on instinct.
It’s a little bit exhilarating, too.
But then the monkey’s hands change target, grabbing Nia’s branch and yanking it out of her hold before she can register what’s happening. In one swift movement, he snaps the branch in half and chucks the pieces over his shoulder. Then he lunges at her again, and she barely manages to catch the monkey’s hands in her own. Her head snaps up to meet his grin a heartbeat before he blasts her with another water attack. The move knocks her back and off her feet, and she rolls to the side to avoid a follow-up attack.
The monkey just keeps coming at her, and she’s scrambling back to avoid it, thoughts racing, about to block a hit to the face when something small blurs past her vision to hit the outlaw right on the forehead. He shouts, staggering back. Nia sees what looks like a little yellow seed tangled in his short fur, taking root on the skin of his forehead.
Nia jumps, turning to see Tobias padding over, worse for wear but still standing. Then she remembers what she’s doing and falls back into a defensive stance.
Except the monkey is staggering around in circles like a drunk man, falling this way and that in a desperate attempt to regain his balance, tail flailing. He’s frowning, blinking hard like he’s trying to concentrate.
“Totter seed,” Tobias explains, shooting Nia a wicked grin. “Dumb ‘mon left his stolen goods sitting over there in the corner.”
Nia’s mouth falls into a little “o” of surprise. “So he’s confused now, right?”
The outlaw grunts and shoots off a vicious jet of water that makes Nia and Tobias flinch even though he’s facing the wrong direction.
“Yup. Let’s finish this since you finally got yourself together. Why do you always wait until I’m beaten to a pulp before finally fighting back?”
Nia barks a laugh, beyond relieved to feel back in control of the situation. “Let’s call it a lesson in ego.”
Tobias snorts and moves to attack. Nia, not wanting to get in his way, positions herself on the other side of the outlaw, so the monkey is left staggering between the two of them. Without his wits about him, the outlaw’s speed is useless, and he flails weakly in the wrong direction as Tobias slams the smaller Pokémon with his tail and sends him towards Nia.
She takes the opportunity, uneasy about using her own fists instead of a weapon. But no, Val’s been teaching her how to punch and kick, so she needs to try to use that knowledge. She goes with a set of punches before shoving the monkey back Tobias’ way. The feeling of hitting solid warmth--fur and muscle and bone--with her own two hands is unnerving, but she tries her best to ignore it as they bat the outlaw back and forth. It’s like the world’s weirdest and most violent game of monkey in the middle, with a literal monkey as the ball. Nia almost laughs aloud at the thought.
Of course, the outlaw chooses that exact moment to blink out of his confusion, used seed falling to the dirt. The monkey bares his teeth, beaten and bloody and livid, then turns and grabs Tobias, swinging the charmander around and flinging him into Nia. The two fall with a pained yelp into a tangle of limbs.
The outlaw is breathing hard, clearly hurting but not willing to give up the fight. As Nia and Tobias rise back to their feet, side-by-side, the riolu takes a moment to appreciate the feeling of the charmander at her side in the heat of battle. For maybe the first time, she thinks she understands what it means to really feel like a team, to have a real partner.
Then the outlaw dashes forward, and the two of them move at once, bumping into each other—her arm jabs his side, he steps on her foot—and in the confusion the monkey bowls into them both. Sharp, blinding pain shoots through Nia’s right bicep, and she cries out, kicking at the outlaw whose jaws are locked around her arm in a vice grip. She rolls, claws, even tries to manifest her aura, but he just sinks his fangs in deeper. She feels blood gush out, hot and slick.
God, it hurts.
Then, there’s something else tugging at the monkey, and she squeezes her eyes open to see Tobias with his arms around the outlaw’s middle, his own teeth latched around the monkey’s shoulder and tugging hard.
Finally, the monkey is ripped free, and Tobias throws him away. Nia presses a hand to her injury, but keeps her eyes squinted open to watch eye the outlaw. The monkey manages to land on his feet, then tries to leap forward again. Nia braces herself.
“Back off!” Tobias snarls.
And then all she sees are blinding purple flames, beautiful and hot even from a few feet away, engulfing the monkey with a flare of light. Nia watches, breathless, as the ball of flames lands hard, smolders, then slowly putters out. The outlaw’s body is left charred and black in the dirt, and Nia only breathes out when she sees the faint rise and fall of the monkey’s back. For a moment there, she’d thought Tobias had killed him.
“You okay?”
Nia jumps, then looks over to Tobias, crouched down at her side and frowning. His expression is odd, somehow. Pinched.
“W-What was that?” She asks, awed voice raspy. It takes her a moment to realize that she must’ve been screaming when the outlaw was biting her, because her throat feels a bit raw.
Tobias blinks. “The fire? I, uh. I think I might have learned dragon rage?”
Nia’s eyes widen. “Dragon rage? That’s sounds awesome!”
Tobias’ expression finally breaks into something lighter, amused. “It is awesome. Now stop stalling, show me your arm.”
Nia hadn’t been meaning to stall, but now she wonders if she even wants to see what the monkey’s sharp teeth did to her. With a hiss, she slowly removes her hand, now sticky with blood. She can feel her heartbeat pulsing at the wound.
Tobias sucks in air between his teeth.
“T-That bad?” She asks, voice wobbly.
“‘S not pretty,” he admits. “Here, hang on...”
Nia watches as Tobias leans close and rummages through the satchel still hanging around her shoulder. He pulls out an oran berry, frowning.
“I thought we had two?”
“W-We did.” Nia had packed them herself.
Tobias looks around, then groans, slumping. Nia follows his gaze, recognizing a smear of smashed blue pulp in the dirt. Great. Must’ve fallen out and gotten stepped on in the scuffle.
“Well, at least eat one,” Tobias says, lifting the berry up to her mouth.
Nia leans back. “But you’re all banged up too, and—“
The charmander rolls his eyes, but there’s less venom in the gesture than usual. Maybe it’s the exhaustion weighing on them both, but Nia would almost say he looks concerned. “My skin’s stinging and I’m exhausted, but I’m not bleeding out through my arm. Eat it.”
Nia hesitates, but takes the berry, chewing it up and letting the sweet tang burst over her tongue. As soon as she swallows, she already feels a bit better. Tobias scoots closer, reaching up to hold her arm with one hand and feeling around the bite with the other, intensely focused. He’s gentler than Nia thought he’d be, but she still winces at the pain.
“The worst of the wound is closing up, but we should probably still staunch the bleeding,” he murmurs, almost to himself.
“W-Would my scarf work?” Nia asks.
“Hm? Oh, yeah. Is it in the bag?”
Nia nods, and Tobias rummages through the satchel again with his now-bloodied hands, finally bringing out the red scarf that the riolu has had for weeks. She actually wants to wear it now to symbolize their newly remade team, but she’s still not sure where to wear it. The collar of fur around her neck is just so darn fluffy!
Tobias tugs at the material as if to test its strength, and then nods, satisfied. He scooches around Nia again to get a better look at her wound.
“Don’t move,” he says.
Nia hums an affirmative, closing her eyes and trying not to think about the blood she can feel all over her arm, tacky as it starts to dry. The charmander carefully arranges the scarf around her bite, circling the material twice, before pulling it tight.
Nia flinches and almost tugs her arm away. “Ow!”
“Sorry,” Tobias grumbles, still focused on his work. “Hold still.”
Nia tries to, sniffing back pained tears as the charmander ties the scarf into a knot. When he’s done, he leans back. “How’s that?”
Nia looks at the patch job, a little amused and a little nauseous seeing the bright red scarf against the darker crimson blood staining her arm. That’s gonna be a pain to get out of her fur. She gingerly moves her arm back to her side, slowly bending it to a lax position. It definitely still stings and the muscles are probably bruised, but...
“Much better,” she says, meeting Tobias’ eyes with a shaky smile. “Thanks, doc!”
The charmander rolls his eyes, but his face flushes red and embarrassed as he pushes himself back to his feet. “C’mon, let’s get this loser back to the guild.”
Nia struggles to stand, a bit woozy, but nods. “Right.”
Tobias gathers up the stolen bag of seeds, finds their badges in their satchel, and pulls the charred monkey onto his back, lip curled in disgust.
“You really did a number on him,” Nia says quietly, impressed. “You said that move was...dragon rage? Did you just learn it?”
Tobias shrugs as well as he can with the outlaw on his back, looking uncomfortable. “I guess. That happens as your battling experience goes up and you get stronger. Definitely handy that I learned a dragon type move after that water sport he pulled.” He pauses in the middle of sending out a pick-up request via their badges to give Nia a look. “Speaking of—what’s up with you not using actual moves? I thought you would have adapted to fighting hand-to-hand by now.”
Nia sighs and glances at what remains of her makeshift weapon, lying discarded in the corner of the room. “I guess I really should stop depending on a weapon so much. Didn’t do me much good today.”
“No, not that,” Tobias waves her off. “I mean, yeah, that too, but even when you were punching, you weren’t using moves. You were just using basic body attacks. Why?”
Nia blinks at him. “Uh. What do you mean I wasn’t using moves?”
The charmander blinks back at her. “You…you didn’t know you weren’t?”
“I thought I was! I was punching a-and kicking and stuff! That’s what fighting types do, right?”
Tobias opens his mouth to explain, but then seems to reconsider and just heaves an exasperated groan. “We need to talk to Val tomorrow. Arceus, I thought you just weren’t using ‘em for some dumb personal reason, not because you didn’t know how to use them at all.”
Nia’s ears pin back. “I...I thought I was using them.”
“And I haven’t seen you two spar much since I’ve mostly been with Azami, so Val might not even know that you don’t know…” Tobias trails off, more to himself than to Nia. “We’re talking to her about this tomorrow. It’d help if you actually knew how to use your moves. And how to not freeze in battle until I’m half dead.”
His tone is harsh, but lacking the old bite it used to have. Nia still whines and buries her face in a hand, embarrassed. “I’m sorry! I promise it’s not on purpose. It just really caught me off guard, fighting a Pokémon that wasn’t feral.” Nia tries to latch onto something other than everything she’s apparently doing wrong. “A-At least we can tell Azami about your new move tomorrow too, right?”
Tobias nods, looking the faintest bit proud. “True.”
Their conversation is cut off as one of the retrieval psychics at the guild calls them back in a beam of light. Nia’s stomach flips, and when they land back on solid wood, the riolu collapses to her knees.
“You aren’t gonna pass out, are you?” Tobias asks, frowning at her.
Nia squeezes her eyes shut, fighting off a wave of nausea and lightheadedness. “N-No, I don’t think so. Just the blood loss, I’m pretty sure.”
There’s the quiet murmuring of voices, and the shifting of Tobias handing off the outlaw to the psychic type. Some more talking, and then the charmander’s light footsteps return to her side.
“Maggie’ll have some spare oran berries lying around if you can get back to the room.” Tobias says. He sounds a little awkward, like being any form of encouraging with his words is physically making him uncomfortable. Nia almost smiles.
“I...I think I’m fine.” The riolu blinks open her eyes, glancing around. The psychic type taking care of their case (not an abra, but an adorable, green jelly-like Pokémon who is shooting her worried looks) has the unconscious monkey chained up in psychic bindings, presumably to wait for law enforcement to take the outlaw away. At least, that’s what she guesses. She’s never done this before. Are there Pokémon police? Are they the police? She needs a badge. Wait, she has one of those.
“Okay, c’mon, before you pass out on the floor,” Tobias grumbles, hesitating before wrapping a warm arm around her back to help her to her feet. Nia stumbles, then slowly allows herself to put some of her weight onto Tobias. The charmander slings her uninjured arm around his shoulders, face flushed with embarrassment as he pointedly avoids her gaze. Then, the two start their arduous trek up the stairs to Maggie’s quarters.
Once or twice Nia considers thanking the charmander for helping her like this, but he’s already burning with embarrassment—quite literally, he feels hotter than normal—so she lets it be.
“Maggie’s gonna be so mad,” Nia mumbles when they’re nearly there.
Tobias has relaxed enough (or is maybe just exhausted enough) to snort a laugh. Nia can feel it rumble through his ribs, pressed against her side.
“She’s gonna be ticked at both of us,” He agrees. “I don’t know why she always throws such a fit when we get hurt. It’s part of the job.”
“Occupational hazard,” Nia agrees with a tired smile.
The two are silent the rest of the way, and sure enough, as soon as they step through the door, Maggie descends on them with all the worried wrath of a mother scolding her terrible, danger-prone children.
Nia relaxes and lets herself be babied. Her chest hurts just as much as her arm, something in her finding Maggie’s motherly worry familiar and comforting, in an aching, longing sort of way, so she lets the meganium fuss over her injuries. She’s feeling far too fond of the situation, really, as she watches Tobias stubbornly shooing Maggie away from his own wounds. It’s nice, to be cared about. To have somewhere safe to come home to.
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genshin-pals · 3 years
Can I request how Amber would cheer someone up and/or get them to smile? Like, if their girlfriend/significant other had a bad week and just couldn't shake the down mood. Amber seems like the type to be determined to pull her/them out of it. :)
Always ready to provide some Amber love - mod Cake
NOTE!! I thought making this post “we will be reunited” would make for a good start~
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Amber noticed something was wrong. It wasn’t exactly hard. Despite your insistence that you were alright, you weren’t being very convincing. You did your daily commissions for the Adventurer’s Guild, and then just...wondered around. Sitting out in the wilds out climbing up the walls of the city. Anywhere you would be alone.
So, after watching you turn in your commissions, Amber approached. She invited you to join her in scouting, and she wouldn’t take no for an answer.
As you two walked, she made idle conversation. It was pleasant, but she could tell that you still felt down.
Through the Whispering Woods you two went, and Amber noticed how you smiled at the little things in the environment. A lizard scurrying by, a boar grazing in the distance. That gave her an idea.
“Wait here!” And she ran off. Finding a small pond, the outrider managed to grab a frog. Bringing it back, she found you holding some Lampgrass. “Look what I found!” And Amber presented the frog proudly.
That was....unexpected. You couldn’t help but giggle a bit, graciously taking the animal and holding it carefully. The both of you watched it for a bit before going back over to it’s pond, and letting the critter hop off.
From there, you walked to Springvale. This time conversation was a little more lively. After her route was finished without much event, Amber treated you to some lunch. She payed, of course, despite how much you protested.
By now, you were catching on that she was trying to make you feel better. Your chest felt warmer with that realization, but things were still bleak. You’re enjoying time with a friend, while your sibling is...
Thoughts were interrupted by Amber tugging your hand. With a grin, it seemed like she was dragging you to one more place. You two climbed Starsnatch Cliff, and sat along the edge. The sun was lowering past the horizon. Sunsets, in any world, were always so beautiful...
Amber picked a flower, a Cecilia, and tucked it behind your ear. This was nice... Allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you leaned your head onto the girl’s shoulder, lacing your fingers between hers. 
“You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong.” Amber’s voice broke the silence. You looked up. “But just know that you aren’t alone. If you’re hurting...don’t be afraid to reach out, alright?” 
Her light and cheery tone, her understanding... Tears filled your eyes as you nodded. Tonight, you’d be sleeping at the Favonius HQ. Isolating yourself wasn’t the answer, and Amber helped you to realize that.
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solara-bean · 4 years
Shirou's Secret :
Shirou Ogami x Human Reader
( reader might be slightly oc )
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For as long as you can remember you've been fascinated by beastmen. This was most likely due to your love of animals and curious nature. It became a habit of you annoying adults with all of your questions.
" Teacher, why don't we learn about beastmen?"
" Mr. Zookeeper, do elephants and elephant beastmen eat the same kind of food?"
" Ms. Librarian, why are all the books about beastmen so mean?"
You were normally met with a prejudice and ignorance that you didn't understand. Your mother was the only one who ever bothered to give you an unbiased answer. But even she didn't know everything.
Then you met Izumi. A snow leopard beastmen. You were both only eight at the time when you found her hiding under a playground set. Izumi was understandably afraid of you while you were the exact opposite. Soon you two became the best of friends.
Until the incident happened.
The same event that was playing over and over again in your mind as Shirou's body covered yours. His fur stained with blood from the multiple bullet wounds in his chest.
" S-shioru..." you whispered.
" Izumi!! "
" ..s-shirou..." your trembling hands clutched his shoulders, too afraid to nudge him off of you.
" Izumi!!!!! "
It all came back to you at once. The screams. The smell of blood. The pain. You couldn't feel anything but the pain in your head and the fabric of Shirou's coat.
" ..I...."
You heard a familiar deep voice, snapping you back to the present.
" I'm ok Y/n. "
Your vision focused on Shirou and your eyes widened. He was....he was healed! How?!
Before you could question it any further Michiru appeared to check on you both. That's right. Now you remembered. You were helping Shirou with a case when you were ambushed. It was suppose to be safe. At least safe enough to bring you along but apparently it wasn't.
" Y/n?" asked Koichi from the front seat of the mayor's car.
You came out of your daze once again. It seemed like it had been mere seconds since the mayor arrived with the police, questioned Shirou and Michiru then offered to escort you all home. The only thing you didn't vaguely recall was Shirou telling her " They know. " Except you weren't exactly sure what you knew or what happened at all.
" Yes Mr. Ishizaki?"
" I asked if you wanted us to take you home."
You were in front of Shirou and Michiru's place. They were already out of the car, watching you.
" No I'm not far from here. I can walk. "
As the car drove off you turned to Shirou and Michiru. You were all silent. They looked like they wanted to tell you something but you couldn't bare it. You had to get home now before your emotions fully took over. So you waved goodbye and started in the direction to your apartment.
" Y/n."
You stopped.
" Please we need to talk."
You stuffed your hands in your pockets so that they wouldn't see your shaking fists.
" If it's about what I saw don't worry. I'll forget it ever happened."
You began to leave again but Shirou grabbed your wrist.
" Y/n just let me explain."
" You don't have to explain anything! Just-" Your stopped before your voice cracked, tears threatening to fall. " Just please let me go home. We can talk about this tomorrow if it's so important."
He sighed as if to calm himself down. His hand slid from your wrist into your palm.
" It is important," his voice was low, almost a whisper. " That's why I have to tell you now."
You still didn't face him. You did your best to focus on anything to distract you from crying. His warm hand gently squeezing yours almost did the trick. Then you felt another hand on your shoulder. It was Michiru.
" Hey everything's gonna be alright. If you come inside I'll make you some tea. Would you like that?"
You wiped a few strands of tears.
" Y-yeah...yeah I'd like that."
Before long you were sitting on the edge of Shirou's bed. Tea half drunk and now room temperature but still soothing all the same. Shirou sat on a chair that he moved in front of you. He made sure to still keep enough space between you so that you could breathe.
He wasn't always this considerate of your feelings. Your relationship started off rocky because of his hatred for humans, even though it had been lessened thanks to Michiru. But over time he saw how genuine you were about helping beastmen as an avid activist for beastmen rights.
Not only that but you were overjoyed by every new thing you saw, heard, ate, learned and even smelled in Anima City. You somehow made friends with just about every new beastmen you came across. You had this talent of lifting their spirits and making them feel comfortable around you as a human. Sure there were those who tried to harm or kill you but you held up a pretty good fight against them without his or Michiru's help.
A moment that nearly brought him to tears was when you reunited with your old friend Izumi, who was now a man. He could only imagine his hardships as a beastmen and as a transgender man. But he was happily engaged and utterly ecstatic to see you again after all this time.
So he let a few barriers down around you. You hung out a lot more without Michiru or Nazuna. It got to the point where some moments seemed much more than platonic. But he couldn't go that far with you. Not without telling you the truth. And now might be his best chance.
" Ok I'm ready. You can talk now." you set the teacup aside and faced him with a determined look.
He pondered on where to start. In the middle of his thinking his hand traveled to yours. Your knuckles were bandaged from the previous fight.
" Is your hand feeling better? Lizard beastmen have very tough skin."
" I'm fine Shirou," you placed your hand over his. " Just please explain to me what I saw. How .....how did you heal so fast?"
" I guess there's no avoiding now," he sighed then locked onto your gaze. " For starters I'm the Silver Wolf..."
He told his story to you as best as he could. When he was done he took a minute to analyze your reaction. Except it wasn't what he was expecting.
" You don't seem surprised."
" Oh I am. I just....uh..wow your not what I imagined at all. Not that it's a bad thing. And you're that old?!"
" Yes."
" You must've seen a lot of shit."
" Trust me. I've seen more than anyone needs to."
You laughed at his dry humor. He smiled from seeing you happy for the first time that night since the attack. But he knew it wouldn't last long with his next question.
" Why did you react that way when I got hurt?"
Your face instantly faltered.
" What do you mean?"
" You looked terrified."
" Of course I was! You were covered in blood and bullets."
" Y/n," he took your hand again. " I know trauma when I see it. Please...talk to me."
You didn't speak for awhile. When you did your voice was low.
" You know my friend Izumi?"
" Yes."
" Do you remember what I told you about him?"
" You were childhood friends, correct? Then he had to move away."
" Yeah but I never told you why he left," you took a deep breath. " We would always meet up at the park before sundown. No one was there that late so we could play without getting stared at but then-" your body shook. " I was late one day and some kid told their dad that Izumi scratched them a-and-" your voice hitched. " they were hitting him and kicking him and one of the guys pulled out a bat so I tried to help but I got hit in the head and blacked out-" your gasped in a breath and continued to ramble on. " then I woke up in the hospital. My mom was arguing with the doctor because he refused to help Izumi. Eventually they did but Izumi's family saw how in danger they were around humans so once he got better they left town for good."
You took a moment to catch your breath again and wipe the tears you didn't know had fallen.
" I know it was years ago but everytime I see a beastmen get attacked or hear about one getting killed at a protest or something I just-" you sniffed. " My mind goes back to that night. And I can hear screaming for his family again. And smell the blood. And I.....he was just a kid Shirou. He was just a kid! He'd never hurt anyone. Hell! Snow leopards don't even attack humans in the wild! It wasn't fair!-"
Before you could continue Shirou pulled you into his chest.
" It's alright Y/n. He's ok now. You did your best. In fact you probably saved his life."
" I could've done better. If I wasn't late none of that would've happened." you sobbed.
" You can't know that for sure. Izumi is ok now. Even better he's happy. All thanks to you and your kindness."
That was your final breaking point. You cried into Shirou's chest for what felt like hours. When you calmed down he let go of you and stood up. As you wiped your nose on your sleeve you noticed him moving some of the furniture around then closing his window's curtains.
" What are you doing?"
Instead of answering you he knelt down in front of you and morphed.
" Could you take off my collar?"
" Uhh..." ok this was getting weird really fast. " Sure?" you gently reached through his fur and undid the collar.
You were quick to notice the large scar underneath. Without thinking you reached out to touch it but stopped before you could. Shirou however took your hand and guided your fingers to it. You were about to ask how he got it when a bright blue light poured out of it. Within seconds he was a large wolf beast with glowing fur and blades on his shoulders.
He had to kneel down so he wouldn't hit the ceiling, which positioned his head over your lap. He looked up at you with shining eyes that left you speechless.
" So," he spoke although his voice was slightly echoey. " Is this what you pictured the Silver Wolf would be like?"
An old memory played in your head. You went to visit Izumi at the hospital. It was actually the last day you saw him.
" You know I bet it was the Silver Wolf that saved us." he said while laying the hospital bed with his face still bandaged.
" Who's the Silver Wolf?"
" They're this really cool god that protects all beastmen."
" Wow! That's so cool. Are they fluffy?"
" Yep! They're the fluffiest biggest wolf that ever existed!"
" I hope we get to meet them someday. I wanna thank them for saving us."
Another tear slid down your face. This time out of joy. You hugged Shirou's face and petted his flowing fur.
" Thank you Shirou. And no. You're even more beautiful than I imagined."
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Crush {Gin & Akutagawa}
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A/N: Okay wow again this one ended up a lot longer than I expected but y’know what sometimes that’s what happens. I started writing this before prompts were open and ended up finishing it just in time. This is also for Akutagawa’s birthday!! It’s not birthday themed but that’s okay, I still love him and wanted to do something special for him! Also I mentioned a little bit ago that i’d start putting pictures in with my fics, so here we go with that lol. Okay, now that that’s out of the way, I hope you enjoy this one!
Summary: Gin has noticed something off about her brother for a little while now, and she intends to get to the bottom of it.
Word Count: 2.1k (under the cut)
Something was… off.
Gin couldn’t quite place what it was, but something strange was happening with Akutagawa. He would stare into space often at mealtimes, and during those staring sessions his cheeks would occasionally dust a very faint pink, something that Gin had only recently noticed. He was coming home later than usual, and he didn’t talk about work as often with Gin, one of the things they used to talk about openly.
Yes, something was definitely off.
And Gin was going to find out what it was.
Gin was making dinner when Akutagawa finally came home, coughing lightly into his hand as he stood in the doorway, toeing off his shoes.
“Welcome home, big brother,” Gin said, a soft smile on her face as she looked over at him, pausing her cooking for a moment.
Akutagawa grunted a quick “hello” in response and walked out of Gin’s sight. Gin leaned in the kitchen doorway slightly to peek at what he was doing, and saw that he was sitting at the dining room table, staring down at his phone. He stared at it for a moment before typing something, then tucking his phone away in his pocket. He noticed Gin staring, and furrowed his brows in confusion.
“Do you need anything?”
“If you want to help chop the rest of the vegetables that would be nice,” Gin said, gesturing back into the kitchen. Akutagawa nodded, getting up from his seat and walking into the kitchen with Gin, picking up a knife as he started to chop up some potatoes. 
“Were you texting someone?” Gin asked sweetly, stirring the pot. Akutagawa cut down onto the cutting board rather hard before answering.
“I was sending a message to Chuuya about a mission tomorrow,” He said calmly after a short pause. 
Gin hummed softly in response. She could tell he was lying. She grew up around her brother, she knew all of his habits, and she knew that whenever he lied he would pause and talk in a softer tone than usual, as if it made him nervous.
Gin held back a grin as she continued to stir the pot, turning around to see that Akutagawa had cut the rest of the vegetables she needed. She made another gesture for him to hand them to her, which he promptly did, Gin tossing them into the pot. She stirred it around a few more times before adding in some broth, Akutagawa standing next to her as he watched.
“Are we having curry tonight?” He asked.
Gin nodded, and Akutagawa let out a low hum before walking out of the kitchen.
“Let me know if you need help with anything else, Gin.”
She peeked out of the kitchen once more and saw him walk into his bedroom, most likely to read and just enjoy his own company until dinner. Gin sighed. She could ask him more about it at dinner, but she was determined to get the truth out no matter what.
She finished up the curry just as the rice was done cooking, and she promptly dished up servings for herself and her brother. She set the table and knocked on Akutagawa’s bedroom door, waiting for him to respond.
“Dinner’s ready.”
Akutagawa came out of his door a few moments later, Gin already sitting in her seat while Akutagawa took the seat across from her. They ate in silence for a few moments before Gin decided to ask another question.
“What’s your mission with Chuuya tomorrow?”
Akutagawa paused for a moment, spoon halfway to his mouth as he processed the question for a moment. 
“It’s a simple clear out of an enemy that’s been getting too close, that’s all,” He said softly, taking a bite of his curry. Gin nodded, a sly smile on her lips.
“It just so happens that I know Chuuya’s working with the Black Lizard tomorrow, Ryuunosuke,” Gin lied back, trying to psyche out her brother.
Akutagawa’s eyes narrowed in confusion and he looked up at Gin. She smiled back at him, and Akutagawa coughed lightly into his hand as he forced a poker face.
“I see. There must have been a miscommunication on my part then. I’ll have to ask Mori for my orders tomorrow.”
Gin’s smile only widened as she realized she had her brother in a corner. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat as Gin continued to smile innocently at him, eating her meal.
“You haven’t talked about work that much recently either, Ryuunosuke, is there a reason for that?”
Akutagawa shifted again. Why was Gin firing all of these questions at him?
“I don’t feel the need to talk about it, considering we do the same thing,” He explained quickly, trying to keep his voice level.
Gin nodded, placing her chin on her hand as her elbow rested on the table.
“Is work why you’ve been coming home later too? Or is there a different reason for that?”
Akutagawa set his spoon down and crossed his arms.
“Why are you interrogating me, Gin?”
Gin hummed, smiling sweetly. “I suppose it is an interrogation at this point… Keeping that in mind, I would like an answer to my question.”
Akutagawa clicked his tongue. “We both already know the rule: those in the mafia with loose tongues die first. I don’t have any reason to tell you about my personal affairs with… never mind.”
“With who?” Gin was finally getting somewhere. She could see Akutagawa’s cheeks tint pink again. Gin held back a chuckle. So that’s what it was…
She waited a moment until just before Akutagawa was about to speak when she spoke.
“Do you have a crush, Ryuunosuke?”
Akutagawa’s eyes widened and the color on his cheeks grew. Gin smiled. She had hit the jackpot.
“No! That’s preposterous-”
“So who is it?”
Akutagawa stammered, trying to find the words, but instead he stood up, picking up his dinner plate that he had finished long before the interrogation had started. 
Gin chuckled softly and followed in suit, carrying her empty dish to the sink and placing hers in after Akutagawa. 
“Is it Higuchi?” She asked, Akutagawa turning away from her and walking towards the living room, sitting on the couch and picking up a book.
“I’m ignoring you,” He stated simply, and Gin merely sat next to him, continuing to list the possible people that she knew of.
“Was it just a regular civilian? Oh, maybe Tachihara? You two have been getting closer lately~”
Akutagawa pulled the book closer to his face, hiding the growing color on his cheeks from Gin as she continued to press on, until she finally got sick of the silent treatment from her brother.
No response.
“Ryuunosuke,” she poked his side to try and get his attention, and he jolted at the touch. Gin blinked before a more devious smile than her previous ones formed on her face. Akutagawa glanced at Gin, noticing the look on her face, and set the book down.
“What, are you gonna suggest I fell in love with Kaji now? You’re just listing off people I know!”
“So you do have a crush on someone?”
Akutagawa froze. Gin scooted closer to Akutagawa, who scooted back until he was at the end of the couch with nowhere to go.
“I’m gonna get it out of you, you know this Ryuunosuke. I know exactly how, too,” She said, raising her hands. Akutagawa’s eyes bulged as he glared at Gin.
“Gin, no. No. I don’t have feelings for anyone, you don’t need to do this-”
Before Akutagawa could further protest, Gin launched herself at him, Akutagawa letting out a loud “no!” Before Gin’s hands descended on his sides, Akutagawa held back his laughter by biting his lip as he grabbed Gin’s wrists, her fingers softly dancing up his sides and waist.
“G-Gin, stohop… stop it right now,” Akutagawa said, his voice shaking as he held back his laughter as best he could, his face broken into a wide grin, desperate not to give in. Gin only smiled, digging her fingers in a tad harder as Akutagawa let out a tiny squeak.
“I’m not stopping until you tell me who it is, Ryuunosuke. You better start talking~” She teased, squeezing Akutagawa’s waist as he took a sharp intake of air. It was getting harder to hold back his laughter, he wasn’t sure how much longer he would hold up.
“Gin, hehe- I’m s-serious,” Akutagawa said, his laughter starting to break through. He snickered softly, squeezing his eyes shut as he put his hand over his mouth to better cover his laughter. Gin sighed. Looks like the gentle approach wasn’t going to work with him. 
Gin raised her hands and dug into Akutagawa’s ribs. Akutagawa let out a surprised shriek. The persistent, hard sensations were different from Gin’s gentle ones from before, causing Akutagawa to immediately start laughing. 
He uncovered his mouth to grab Gin’s wrists, trying to pry them off of him as he squirmed, Gin unrelenting. Gin laughed along with Akutagawa, drumming her fingers along his ribs as he threw his head back, cackling.
“I haven’t heard you laugh in so long! Maybe I should do this more often!” She said gleefully. 
“N-No you shohohohouldn’t!”
It was true, she hadn’t heard her brother laugh very often, if anything she only ever heard him chuckle. When they were younger she would tickle him occasionally to help him cheer up, but as they grew older moments like that were scarce.
“GAha-Gin! Stohohop it!” Akutagawa shrieked, his cheeks turning a light shade of red as he continued to laugh, tugging at Gin’s wrists in an attempt to pull them off, but to no avail.
“You know exactly how to make it stop, Ryuunosuke, just tell me who it is.”
Gin clicked her tongue teasingly, squeezing Akutagawa’s hips as he jumped, letting out a shriek as he dissolved into more laughter. Gin dug her thumb into Akutagawa’s hip bone, Akutagawa squirming away as much as he could as giggles poured from his lips.
She scribbled her fingers over Akutagawa’s tummy, Akutagawa arching his back and gripping her wrists harder, one hand pushing at her shoulder in another attempt to get her off of him. Loud, deep laughter continued to pour from his mouth as he shook his head back and forth.
“I think you’re gonna break soon~” Gin teased, her slender fingers dextrous as they continued to spider around Akutagawa’s abdomen, Akutagawa cackling as he continued to squirm next to Gin, trying to pry her hands off.
“I’m nohohohot! Th-There’s nobody, I swehehehehear! Stop!” Akutagawa laughed, pleading as Gin returned to his ribs.
She moved from his ribs under his arms, Akutagawa immediately retracting his hands to clamp his arms down at his sides on reflex, letting out a screech of ticklish agony as Gin grinned.
“Looks like I found a good spot.”
“Gin! NohohoHOHOHO!!” 
Akutagawa threw his head back, his cackles filling the room as he laughed frantically, shaking his head from side to side as he pressed his arms down harder in an attempt to make the ticklish sensations halt, but to no avail.
“Alright! Alrihihihihight, stoHOHOHOP!”
Gin smiled, pulling her hands back as Akutagawa caught his breath, clutching his chest as he wheezed. She waited patiently for him to collect himself, easily deflecting the glare he sent her when he finally recovered. He looked away from Gin, his cheeks pink as he crossed his arms.
Gin raised her hands again, threatening him to talk, making Akutagawa let out a small squeak. He glared daggers at her, and looked away again, letting out a small huff.
“I suppose you were correct in your assumptions…” He said softly, the color on his cheeks growing as Gin lowered her hands, settling them in her lap as she listened intently.
“Who is it then?”
Akutagawa opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He closed it again and slouched into the couch, huffing again. Gin frowned, poking Akutagawa’s side again, making him jump.
“Okay! It’s… Jinko…”
Gin smiled widely. She had finally gotten it out of him, and what an unexpected person as well. This was truly interesting… 
“How did that happen?” Gin asked with genuine interest.
“...Joint missions.”
Gin smiled, ruffling Akutagawa’s hair, who quickly swatted her hand away. Gin chuckled, pulling her hand back as she stood up from the couch.
“If you need any help with courting him let me know~”
“I’m not going to court him!” Akutagawa exclaimed, turning around to face Gin as the color on his cheeks grew once again. Gin laughed, waving a hand to Akutagawa, who stood up from the couch and walked back into his room, shutting the door behind him. Gin smiled to herself as she started on the dishes. Maybe this would work out for him…
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rewritethestars5218 · 3 years
Febuwhump Day 5
(Fell behind again, I ended up with a stomach virus.) 
AO3 link https://archiveofourown.org/works/29163078/chapters/71938842
"Identity Reveal"
Four was beginning to understand why Legend hated Hylia so much.
Not only did she decide to materialize a portal underneath them as they were setting up camp, but she also separated them when they came tumbling out the other side.
The first the Four noticed after the dizziness dissipated was that Twilight was sprawled out next to him, cursing under his breath as he struggled to sit up.
The second thing Four noticed was that they were dropped next to a group of angry lizalfos.
The lizalfos let out an angry growl when they noticed the two heroes.
Sometimes Four questioned if Hylia wasn't secretly trying to kill them.
Twilight and Four quickly jumped up, swords and shields in hand. There were 4 of the freakish-looking lizards.
It wouldn't be an easy fight, but if they were careful, they could pull it off.
Despite their different fighting styles, Twilight and Four made a good team.
Twilight was physically one of the strongest fighters in the group, while Four was quick and agile.
Together, they could quickly overtake enemies. Twilight would use his strength to either distract or overpower an enemy, giving Four the chance to dash in and deliver quick, precise attacks.
The fight started in their favor, Four managing to distract one of the lizalfo long enough so Twilight could deliver a fatal blow from behind.
That was where their advantage ended. No sooner did Twilight pull his sword out of the dead lizalfo's body than the pair heard a roar come from the tree line.
Twilight spun around just in time to see a moblin come charging out from behind the trees.
This moblin wasn't the biggest he'd seen (that honor goes to the monstrosities in Wild's Hyrule), but it was definitely larger than the ones he was accustomed to fighting.
Suddenly, Four was shouting his name. Twilight spun around just in time to deflect a spear from one of the remaining lizalfos.
Suddenly the odds weren't looking good.
Twilight pushed the lizalfo off of him and slashed it across the chest before directing his attention towards the bulky beast.
Almost immediately, Twilight was put on the defensive. He brought his shield up just in time to block the heavy club that the moblin was wielding.
Closeby, Four was struggling to take on the three remaining lizalfos.
The best he could do was keep them distracted while Twilight faced off with the moblin.
This plan lasted until a lizalfo got the jump on Four, using its tail to knock the feet out from under him.
Four managed to roll out of the way of an incoming spear when he got a look at Twilight.
He was still struggling with the oversized moblin, which kept him from noticing a lizalfo approaching from behind.
"Behind you!" Four managed to shout right before he was forced to roll out of the way of a second attack.
Twilight tried to lunge to the side to avoid the pending attack, but the lizalfo's spear managed to slice him across his side.
Twilight let out a hiss as he stumbled. He barely had time to recover before the moblin was on top of him, its club swinging right for him.
Twilight barely got his shield up in time to block the attack, but he wasn't able to brace himself properly before the heavy club crashed into him, sending him crashing to the ground, the force of the blow causing his vision to blur.
Four began to panic. He knew Twilight wouldn't be able to shake off that last hit quick enough to defend himself.
Four managed to jump back to his feet and gain some distance between himself and the lizalfos. He took a deep breath. There was no other choice.
Meanwhile, Twilight was struggling to get to his feet. That last attack hit him hard enough where his equilibrium was off.
He tried to blink through the dizziness, but it wasn't working. He could see the lizalfo ahead of him, growling as it readied itself for another attack.
He could also sense the moblin coming up from behind him.
Twilight managed to get up onto one knee. That was when the lizalfo lunged towards him.
He tried to bring his sword up to block the attack but stopped when Four appeared in front of him, parrying the attack before launching an attack of his own.
Twilight squinted his eyes. There was something off about Four. He didn't remember the smith wearing all red before the fight began.
A growl from behind snapped Twilight out of his fog.
He spun around, but the movement caused his head to swim, and he staggered.
Suddenly Four was at his side again. (Did he already kill the lizalfo?)
This time, Four looked to be dressed in all blue. (How hard did that moblin hit him?)
The smith shouted angrily as he charged at the moblin.
Twilight brought up his sword and shield and readied himself to help, but Four appeared next to him.
Twilight was looking at Four, but this time he was dressed in all purple. Twilight looked up at the moblin and could see Four fighting it.
"You need to sit down," purple Four said as he steadied Twilight. "You got your bell rung pretty good,"
Twilight must have looked confused because purple Four pointed towards his head. "Your head's bleeding."
Twilight reached up and touched the side of his head, wincing at how tender it was before he brought his hand down and saw the red on his fingers.
"Just sit here," purple Four said before he ran off to join...blue Four?
Twilight squinted as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. There were three versions of Four currently fighting.
Twilight jumped when he heard one of the lizalfo screech, and when he turned, he saw Four, now dressed in green, pulling his sword out of the now-dead creature.
Twilight ran his hand through his hair. What in Hylia's name was going on.
He looked up and saw that blue Four and purple Four were struggling with the moblin.
Both Four's were barely able to jump out of the way of the moblin's club. With reflexes not common in moblins, the creature managed to turn and kick red Four, sending him skitting across the ground.
Blue Four cursed loudly and tried to jump up, but the moblin was quicker, and it quickly grabbed blue Four by the neck and lifted him off the ground.
Blue Four desperately tried to free himself from the monster's grip, but the moblin tightened his grip, cutting off the smith's air supply.
The edges of his vision began to darken as he felt his strength quickly fade.
Suddenly the moblin released him, and the blue-clad hero crashed into the ground, coughing as he struggled to control his breathing.
He looked up and saw Twilight standing to the moblin's side, his sword buried in the monster's side, black blood oozing from the wound.
Twilight pulled his sword out as the moblin began to disintegrate into a cloud of black smoke.
No sooner had Twilight pulled his sword out of the monster than he dropped hard to one knee.
"You're an idiot," blue Four rasped as he staggered to his feet and made his way over to Twilight.
"You were being choked," Twilight defended, the world still spinning.
"Blue, are you ok?"
Twilight managed to glance over his shoulder to see three copies of Four running up towards them. He saw no signs of the remaining lizalfos.
"I'm fine," the blue one barked.
Twilight slowly sat down in the grass, his confusion on full display.
"Is he ok?" He heard one ask.
"He took a nasty hit from that moblin," he heard another add.
"Thanks for stating the obvious," he heard the blue one snark.
"Will one of you find something to wrap his head with,"
Twilight finally looked up. In front of him stood four copies of Four.
He squinted. "How hard did I get hit?"
The one in all green knelt in front of him.
"Hard," he said as he pressed a piece of cloth against his head.
"... I see four of you," Twilight muttered.
"Yeah...that's a long story. Promise not to freak out,"
Twilight cocked his head slightly.
"He turns into a wolf...I doubt this is going to freak him out,"
Green Four signed. "Remember when I told you about Vaati...that when I pulled the Four Sword, I broke the seal that was holding him? That wasn't the only thing that happened."
Twilight nodded.
"When I pulled the sword, it split me into four versions of myself. After our adventure was over, we fused back together, but mentally the four versions of myself stayed separated. So even though we were back in one body, we still all existed."
Twilight struggled to process what he just heard. He looked at each version of Four carefully. Outwardly they all looked the same, minus the different color outfits, but Twilight could see the slight differences in how they carried themselves.
Right now, they all looked nervous.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Twilight finally asked.
The purple one raised his eyebrows slightly. "For the same reason you continue to keep your secret."
"We were afraid of how you all would react," the red one said.
Twilight nodded slightly. He could definitely relate to that.
"So, do you all go by Four?" Twilight asked.
The green one smiled. "No, we go by our colors. Obviously, I'm called Green, and back there is Red, Blue, and Vio."
Twilight smirked, "Well, that makes things a lot easier."
"So you're not...freaked out by all of this?" Red asked.
Twilight scoffed. "As you said, I turn into a wolf; there isn't a lot that freaks me out anymore."
"You can't tell the others," Blue said sternly. "We didn't exactly want to tell you, but the situation didn't leave us with many options."
Twilight glanced at the ground. "I'm sorry I put you in that situation,"
"Don't apologize," Vio said as he shot Blue a stern look. "It wasn't your fault we were outnumbered."
"And besides," Red added, "we know your secret; it's only fair that you know ours."
"Twilight! Four!"
The five jumped slightly as they heard their names being called from a distance.
"That sounds like Warriors," Vio stated.
"Guess it's time for us to join back up," Green said.
Twilight watched as they formed a small circle and readied their swords.
"Wait," Twilight said suddenly, causing the others to pause.
"Thank you for saving me,"
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit.
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it's own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV. There's non-explicit smut in this part!
Summary: You're Peter's classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don't know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you're lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Remember that questionable morals remark? Yea, this chapter is the reason. Y/N, girl, you gotta stop... But at least it's kinda funny. Okay, it's pretty damn hilarious.
Beta read by the lovely and patient @miscmarvelwritings ! She is amazing. I larb her. 💙
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"And then I was like 'No Way!' and he was like 'Totally' and that's how I met Tony Stark," I finished excitedly, opposite a laughing Mr. Davies. The story of how I met Iron Man was a total hit with the teacher and my vigorous mimicking of the facial expressions that described my feelings during the time had my teacher busting a gut something loud. 
"I honestly have some trouble believing that but - hey, what the hell, he's a billionaire superhero, it's basically expected for him to be a little strange," When his laughing fit was over, Mr. Davies reminded me he was, in fact, a psychology doctor. There was serious brain power under that easygoing attitude.
I expected detention to be bearable in his company but Mr. Davies rose above expectations, welcoming me with another cup of tea and some colouring pages. Admittedly, I contemplated stealing some - those mandalas were really captivating.
"Oh, he's strange alright, but nothing I can't handle," I twirled a pencil between my fingers. 
Mr. Davies grinned knowingly, too knowingly for my comfort, and I had no choice but to make a stone face before looking him in the eye. 
He smirked. "So, anything else interesting for you going on?" 
"Nah, not much. Really looking forward to being done with high school and going out into the bigger world, y'know."
"You turned 18 already, right?" I nodded in confirmation. "Maybe get a job, something part-time? OsCorp always hands these leaflets out, they're looking for lab assistants."
I wrinkled my nose. "I don't need a job. Plus, I'm sure Bruce-err, Doctor Banner would smash me if I went to work at OsCorp," I glossed over my slip-up, hoping Mr. Davies would do the same. But no such luck happened.
"Right. Me and Bruce, we actually go way back," He smiled, stirring his tea. I perked up in interest. "We studied psychology together, sat next to each other in half of our classes. It's a shame what happened to him but I hope he's happy now," Mr. Davies was smiling earnestly, looking out of the window where rain had started flowing down on the glass.
"Really? That's cool," I said, lacking anything else to add to his statement.
"He used to skip classes and always lost his glasses even though they'd be on top of his head," My teacher continued. "Banner was actually quite a rowdy student," He added with a smirk.
"Hah, he still routinely loses his glasses, although he wears them on a string around his neck now," I chuckled fondly. Bruce was such a dork.
I chatted with Mr. Davies some more, just casual conversation about everything and nothing in between. His parents were hippies, he had two moms and one dad and according to him, Thor was very overrated. I didn't even notice we were up in each other's space until our knees brushed when Mr. Davies - "Call me Will" - was showing me the pictures of his cats, dog and lizard. I figured that as the hippy child, personal space was kind of a foreign concept to him - and that rang true, I've seen Will give out more shoulder grabs and high fives than anyone else sans the gym teacher.
The clock's ding announced 6 PM and I quickly gathered my things, hastily saying goodbye. I was stopped though.
"If you don't mind a quick stop at my house, I can drop you off. It's pouring buckets outside and I would hate you to get sick," Will spoke casually. 
Technically, I knew he was bending some rules of conduct. But it was also 55° outside and the water coming from the sky was unlikely to be warm. So I caved without any guilty conscience, obediently following Mr. Davies -Will- to the parking lot where a new-ish Jeep Cherokee proudly stood amongst several older, less gently used cars. With New York city traffic being the way it is, I didn't text Bruce yet, fully expecting for the trip to take a whole hour if not more. 
Thankfully the parking gods were merciful and Will managed to find a spot right across his two-story townhouse. "You're welcome to come in if you feel comfortable, I just need to fetch some documents," He said.
And that's where I fucked up. I nodded affirmatively, I followed him through the door and made myself as comfortable as I could on his living room couch. It was a cozy home, his iguana chilled opposite me in it's terrarium and the little mutt that was his dog really reminded me of the atrocity that my parents used to own before they had me. It yipped and yapped, wagging it's bushy tail at me and demanding pets.
The steaming tea mug was dutifully placed in my hand by Will who hopped upstairs immediately after that, skipping steps. I watched the man with a benign stare: he'd removed his sweater and I could see the defined muscles of his back and the admirable backside that he possessed. There was no harm in looking respectfully, right?
I was halfway through my mug when Will came back down, brandishing a truly impressive stack of manila folders, setting it on a nearby table before sitting down on the other end of the couch, maintaining a respectful distance between us. We chatted some more and the more he spoke about his current research, the more passionate he became; by the end of his truly epic description of the effects that anti-depressants have on the learning process of depressed adolescents, I was mesmerized by the way his pink lips formed words.
Sitting with my calves tucked under my butt, leaning against the armrest , I was a goner. He caught my eye, diverting his own stare from my exposed legs to the side, blinking furiously. It calmed my spirits somewhat, knowing that I wasn't the only one affected by the sudden change of atmosphere in the room. My mug landed on the low table with a loud clang as I leaned forward, the sleeves of my sweater accidentally brushing against his leg.
Will cleared his throat and I startled, tilting my head up towards him in confusion. He was staring at me with a mix of fear and delight in his eyes, like a boy preparing for his first kiss. I would have laughed at the absurdity of the situation if the darkness in his stormy grey eyes didn't make my own breath do somersaults somewhere between my lungs and my esophagus.
Fifteen minutes later, both my sweater and my panties were thrown somewhere in the furthest end of the room and those thin lips were making me see stars. For some reason he was convinced I'd had only typical teenage disappointing sex up to this point and was really eager to show me what a grown man can do. I mean, I wasn't complaining, he was really, really good with his mouth - but I didn't have all night, so I flipped the tables and showed off my own oral skills until he had to bodily remove me from his dick and lift me onto it. Every movement felt surreal, like I was living in a dream. Despite my common sense yelling expletives at me, I kissed Will back with twice the heat and none of the finesse, each of us reaching the peak nearly in sync.
"Can I get that ride to the tower now?"
Will let out a decidedly unmanly squeak when he realised where exactly he'd be taking me after we did what we'd done. I smiled at him in hopes of calming down the man but it seemed it came out more predatory. He shivered, his dick twitching within me.
I texted Bruce the same time I was getting into Will's car. My brain was still somewhat in a state of shock and I used the brief moment to tidy up my hair and makeup, taking note of my sex-flushed face. I only hoped I didn't stink like man-sweat and Will's cologne. 
Another realization was startled out of me: that was my first time having had sex without a condom. I was on birth control since I was fourteen so pregnancy wasn't a scare; currently, I was more worried about the mildly uncomfortable, wet feeling in my panties where my teacher's cum had pooled out.
Yikes. That moment Will took a careful monitoring of my facial expression and it took me a lot to keep it somewhere between neutral and happy. Internally, I was freaking the fuck out, torn between horror and incredible arousal.
It morphed into full fledged mortification when I saw Bruce's lab coat from afar, the man standing next to the entrance door. Having had a dumb moment, I texted Banner that a former schoolmate of his was the one giving me a ride and it really shouldn't have been a surprise that Bruce would go downstairs to greet Will.
'Fuck you, you dumbass,' was my approximate train of thought, directed at myself, when all three of us gathered, hiding from the cold rain and the autumn wind under the safety of the roof. Both men shared a brief, warm embrace before Bruce's arm snaked around my waist.
"You go upstairs, okay? I don't want you to get sick," Banner said, eyeing the disastrous weather.
I looked at Will, finding his eyebrow cocked at Bruce's frivolous gesture and a faint flush blossoming on his face. The man shuffled awkwardly, giving me a small wave and a tight-lipped smile before turning his attention back to Bruce. I wished him good night, hastily retreating into the safety of the elevator.
"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fu-u-uck..." I chanted under my breath, acutely aware of the blossoming bruises on my hips where my teacher held me, the dampness of my underwear. 
The elevator doors opened, revealing the common room couch being occupied by Wanda. Peter, Wanda's brother and the two resident super soldiers setting the table for dinner. Tony was off bickering with Loki and Strange by the coffee maker and Thor was standing outside on the patio, doing something very strange with his hands and his hammer. Was he summoning the shitty weather?! The audacity!
"Hey," Wanda greeted me quietly. Her eyebrows raised upon seeing my face full of perplexed confusion. "You okay?.. Wait, what? Tell me you did not!" As my internal crisis reached its peak, I remembered that a) Wanda is a telepath and b) There were other people in the room.
One ungraceful landing next to her later, I turned my bleary stare onto her. "Oops?" I offered in the way of explanation. What was I supposed to say if I didn't know for myself what the devil possessed me to fuck my social studies teacher after school? He was fucking hot, okay.
The witch smirked, obviously following my defensive internal monologue. "Oops?" Her tone was laced with gleeful sarcasm.
"I'm a human disaster," I groaned, finally caving in and palming my face. Wanda began snickering. "I have zero impulse control," I continued wallowing in self-pity. The redhead just cackled harder.
"I feel so attacked right now," Tony's voice loudly announced the man's presence. I was thankful for the distraction, happy that today, out of all the days, he decided to make the situation about himself. "I am the resident hot mess and nothing you do will change that. Or get out of my tower," He made a dramatic gesture, waving along everybody to the table.
At the dinner table, with Peter on one side of me and Bruce on the other, Wanda's speech was clear. "I think you two are about on the same level, Tony," Her tone was dry. The looks she cast me were cheeky at best and downright gleeful at worst. Not only was she the resident telepath but also, apparently, a huge drama fan.
I, on the other hand, felt like a fish thrown out of water. My mind was still jumping between astounded and horrified like a rabid rabbit and Bruce's excited remark about seeing a former schoolmate only worsened the anxiety. My brain was telling me EVERYBODY knew EVERYTHING whereas in reality, it was only Wanda and it didn't seem like she was upset enough to give up my dirty little secret. If anything, the witch seemed almost impressed. And that dry, mildly interested facial expression only solidified when she put two and two together: my teacher, whom I fucked, also known as Bruce's former study buddy.
"I have some spare sweatpants that might fit you," Wanda directly addressed me as we were finishing up the wonderful chicken roast courtesy of Clint and Bucky. Nobody batted an eye at the sudden exclamation, evidently used to being around someone who could hear their thoughts. 
I nodded, mentally waving a big, red thank you note. With sparkles. And hearts. Wanda chuckled.
"Hey, did you change your perfume?" Peter's innocent remark made me nearly freeze in my spot. 
Kill Bill sirens started playing in my head on repeat as I heard Wanda choke on her asparagus, inadvertently drawing attention to the three of us. Peter looked at us in confusion: Wanda kept on gasping, but it seemed like the dam had finally burst and she was laughing in earnest, snorting, loudly, as I engaged my willpower to stop myself from doing the same. Needless to say, it was a spectacular failure and now both of us were bent over our dinner plates, absolutely losing it - much to the concern of the adults present at the table. The rest of the team was growing concerned.
"Oh my god, your FACE!" Wanda's incoherent mumbling and the accusing finger pointed in my direction did it.
"A lady doesn't... kiss... and tell...." I fervently gulped the oxygen as I tried to articulate my thoughts into something comprehendible. The hysterical laughter won by a wide margin.
"Who's the lucky guy?" Natasha seemed to get the gist, relaxing immediately and picking up her fork to continue her meal. 
I shook my head, unable to form a coherent thought, much less a sentence. Bruce chuckled from somewhere beside me and just like that, the tension broke. The adults in the room traded knowing looks, chuckling and snorting amongst themselves. 
The moments I needed to calm down went to waste really quick: my first laughing fit over, I took one look at Wanda and yet again, both of us were puffing out our cheeks to try and prevent another hysterical fit. 
"Whew," I exaggerated, eyes wide and looking ANYWHERE but at Wanda.
"What a wild ride," She snorted and I put a palm over my face, shaking my head in... 
Disappointment at myself? I wasn't disappointed. Now that I got over the WTF factor, I found the situation to be pretty damn hot. Will was hot. Eh, whatever. 
My casual mood of zero-fucks-given began returning. After few of the last bites of potatoes, I was prepared to face  Natasha. I looked the Black Widow dead in the eye as I firmly stated: "And for the record? We are NOT having this conversation."
She elegantly arched her eyebrow whilst everybody else held their breath. "That bad, huh?" The retort was immediate.
I allowed myself to radiate a bit of that newly acquired smugness I had begun to feel: "You have no idea," I hoped my smirk was as devious as I wished it to be.
"Alright, heartbreaker, colour me impressed," Natasha nodded in affirmation. We shared another meaningful look and reverted back to our plates with the menfolk observing us akin animals at a zoo. 
Somewhat amazed, slightly afraid. Bruce's stare was somewhat concerned, too: he contemplatively eyed me from the corner of his eye, the same way I eyed him, checking out the fact that he appeared somewhat annoyed. Like a proper father would, I suppose. 
Luckily for me, I finished off the remaining food and drink quickly, with Wanda being my saviour once again as she all but bodily dragged me into the elevator, promising to return me to the science den in no more than an hour. Tony went to complain but was promptly stopped by Natasha inconspicuously reaching for the butter knife: the engineer knew how to pick his battles. I didn't doubt that Romanoff was going to hear "all about it" second-hand from Wanda and I was fully prepared to face the redhead spy's judgement. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, escaped that clever woman.
A quick shower and a change of clothes later, I sat on Wanda's couch, nervously fiddling with the two sizes too big sweatpants, occasionally stopping to straighten the plain white tank top that just barely fit me. I washed my hair but didn't  dry it before Wanda was impatiently telling me to hurry up: the mess sat atop my head held up by a single scrunchie.
"Okay... Where do I start?" She asked me, looking like the cat that ate the canary. 
"Don't start," I stopped her with a raised palm. "It was a casual, one-time thing and I've no interest in pursuing that shit on the reg," I answered honestly. The fact that he was my teacher simultaneously worsened the situation and made me elated. But ultimately, I didn't want to risk the trouble that would come along with this mess. Besides, I had no feelings for the guy whatsoever. As I've said previously, it was just bad impulse control on some teenage hormone steroids.
"You're a strange one," Wanda's penetrating gaze made me shiver. "You live without a care in the world but at the same time, your mind is always all over the place. It is interesting."
"Uh, thanks? I guess?"
"I think we should try being friends," The witch remarked after a brief moment of awkward silence. I stared at her, dumbfounded. "Because of my powers, I can literally see through people and predict what they will do before they even think about doing it. With you, it's not like that," She explained, her Slavic accent making a full guest appearance.
"So...you want to be friends because I'm a fucking mess?" I couldn't help but feel a little offended. The occasional shitty decision aside, I didn't think of myself as that bad.
"I want to be friends because I like you," Wanda fondly rolled her eyes, standing up from the couch and motioning for me to follow. "Now let's get you to Tony or he'll blow a gasket. He's already insufferable as he is."
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@another-stark-sub @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit @littlegasps @pilloclock @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads @hermione-grangers-wife @individualistfem
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Alien! Dabi x Reader. Smoke and Mirrors.
Okay okay, so TECHNICALLY. This is a part 2, from my last part to this series. If you aren’t completely caught up, I recommend at least reading Mirio’s part before this one. There’s some lore in here to answer questions I get!
 Here is a link to my master list so you can get caught up---> Master List 
Warnings: Quite a bit darker than usual, you all asked for it. Ovipositor kink, mention of death. Manipulation. 
“Take a deep breath. It might hurt, but you can do it.”
I gripped my chest and coughed hard, a fowl tasting liquid splattered against the cold ground by my face. I gagged on the taste and coughed again. “Can you see yet?” The voice talking to me was sweet and soft, a gentle hand touched my head and I grabbed their wrist. I peeled my eyes open, I felt their other hand wipe something sticky off of my face. It’s blurry, but I can see a bit better now. “Listen I know you must feel like shit, but we have to hurry honey, can you stand up?” She hooked her arm underneath mine and pulled me up to my knees. “I- I can stand...”
My stomach turned and bile burned the back of my throat. “Don’t puke!” I looked up at the girls face. She’s small and blonde, her cheek is swollen like something recently slapped her, she’s wearing a jumpsuit that looks like it used to be white but was stained by something green. I looked down at my own body, I have the same outfit. “My name is Anna, we’re not safe here.”
The sound of footsteps echoed against metal not far from here. “We need to hide.” She took my hand and crouched down, I copied her movements, trying to make myself seem small. “What’s going on? Where am I?” She yanked me down to the ground, pulling me behind a pile of discarded machines. Each machine looked like some type of pod, leaking green slime. They stacked on top of each other, glass cracking and loose parts scattered around. She slammed a hand over my mouth and whispered in my ear. “Don’t scream, whatever you see-” Her breathing faltered as she hushed her voice even further. “Just don’t scream.”
“I don’t know why we didn’t grab more T’s, that should have been way harder than it was.” The man that walked into the room was hardly a man at all, it was a walking upright green lizard. He was completely covered in scales head to toe. “Yeah that was easy.” The other man looked relatively normal, but he has black mask covering his face. “No it wasn’t!” The same man contradicted himself. “Hey wait where did that one go? Her pod is empty!” The lizard man rushed to a container half filled with the green goo. “Oh shit, shit shit shit-” The masked man slammed his hand on a red button on the wall. The sound of an alarm blared, the lights in the ceiling flashed red. “He’s going to fucking kill us! Dabi didn’t want her to wake up until we got to Home-” The lizard man shouted over the terrible buzzing sound. “You don’t think I know that? Spread out!” The odd pair ran into the hall, a metal door slid out from the wall and slammed shut. “What was that thing?” I hissed out as soon as Anna took her hand off of my mouth. “They’re both aliens. We’re on a ship.” She looked over the top of the mechanical pile. “I think I found a way off of it, but I was scared to go alone.” Her eyes glistened with tears. “Do you remember getting abducted?” She took an elastic band off of her wrist and pulled my sticky hair off of my neck into a little bun. I still feel terribly groggy, I feel like I’ve been asleep for days.
I don’t remember much. I remember smelling the smoke of burning buildings and gun fire. 
“I don’t remember anything. I’m from NYC...” Anna sounds American, but her voice has a bit of a southern draw. “I’m so glad you speak English...” She muttered a bit under her breath. “It wouldn’t matter, I’d just be happy to have someone with me. The label on your pod say’s your name is Y/N? Is that true?”
I nodded my head. “I think so...” 
“You poor thing... you remind me of my best friend...” Anna’s jaw trembled for a minute and she flinched like something touched her. “I’d love to sit here and get to know you better, but we have to move.”
As sweet as she is, her eyes look far away. The shudder, the tremble, her side ways glances.
What have they been doing to this girl?
“There’s a smaller ship in the hanger, it has an auto pilot... it can take us back to Earth.” She smiled, it wasn’t a happy smile.
It was a desperate, terrible smile.
She stood up and felt around the wall for some type of button that could open the door. I stood on shaky legs and followed close behind, trying to help. The panel holding the red alarm button had only one other button. She pressed it repeatedly. Nothing happened.
“No no no please...” She slammed her fist against the button and choked on a sob. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away. She looked at me with a bit of fear, my touch making her jump. I pressed the red button at the same time as the smaller button. The door shot open, Anna giggled happily and clapped her hands. “You did it! I knew I was right to wake you up!” She grabbed my hand and pulled us into the hall.
It doesn’t seem like anyone is around.
“Do you know how to get to the escape ship?” I couldn’t whisper, the sound of the alarm is too loud. I spoke just short of yelling. Anna cocked her head to the side and put a finger on her chin. “Well, no, but I mean this place can’t be that big, right?”
 I dragged my hand across the metal walls, we walked as close as we can to the sides of the hallway. Anna stopped us and peered around the corner. “I don’t think anyone is coming this way...”
“Hey Anna...” I tugged on her hand. “What do they want from us? I- I have to admit I’m scared...” Anna’s head whipped around to look at me, at first her face was filled with fear. Her contorted look of shock twisted, and she chuckled a bit, her eyes glazing over. Anna gripped her stomach and looked me dead in the eye. “They want to use us as baby incubators.” She laughed again. “That’s all the universe thinks we’re good for I guess! Baby fucking makers!” Her body was shaking. She lowered her voice and put her mouth next to my ear so I can hear her. “If they find us... Don’t let them touch you with their spit.” She grabbed my face to see if I understood. I nodded my head and nodded back.
Anna yanked my arm around the corner. “We need to keep moving.” She broke into more of a run than before. “Before the parasites find us!” She was frantic and making a lot of noise. “Anna stop! We need to think!”
I pulled her back just in time. A wall of blue fire erupted a few feet ahead, Anna fell back into my arms with another scream.
“Well well well, look who’s causing all of the trouble!” Anna tried to wiggle out of my arms, she screamed ‘no’ repeatedly and broke into panicked sobs. “Anna stop!” I held her tight and covered her head with my arms, holding her close to my shoulder. “If Shigaraki knew what you’ve been up to, well...” The man talking to us stepped closer, his silhouette becoming more complete in the lighting. At first, he looked like a normal person. A tall, lanky man with black hair that jutted out in every direction. He kept both hands in his pockets, and his face looked bored.
His body is heavily scarred, with only a few patches of skin that’s not damaged tissue.
“Well I think he would be a little hurt, don’t you? Why don’t you be a good female and run on back to your mate, this has nothing to do with you.” Anna wasn’t listening to his words. She sobbed into my shoulder, shaking her head no. “G-go away!” She screamed in my ear, but I know it’s not directed at me.
The man stepped closer with a slight smirk on his mouth. The light reflected off pieces of metal attached to his face. “Leave her alone!” I cradled her closer to me, shouting over the roar of the fire and her choking cries. “She’s not really what I’m concerned about...” He purred, his voice low and raspy as he closed the space between us. “I didn’t want us to meet this way, you must be so confused. Why don’t you come with me so we can have a talk?” I shook my head no and tried to move Anna so she was hiding behind me. She clutched desperately onto my clothes. “I know exactly what you want and I won’t do it...” I pushed the words out of my throat in a squeak. He put an arm against the wall, towering over me. “Aw doll face, I would never wanna do something that would hurt you.” His face is stoic and stern, not matching his tone of voice at all. “You have me so misunderstood.” He cleared his throat and smirked. He spit without even puckering his lips. Anna grabbed my face and pulled me out of the way, his stream of saliva smacking against her hand. She screeched as her skin sizzled and steamed. “Ah fuck, look what you did-” She slammed her burning hand into the side of his face, knocking him back off of us.
She shouted a terrible, guttural cry.
We sprinted away hand in hand, the smell of singed metal getting farther from us. Our bare feet slammed against the floor, it stings with every step. “We need a plan!” Anna heard me and nodded, she stopped so abruptly I almost ran past her. The wall slid half way open after she pressed her hand to touch screen panel. It creaked like a very old elevator door, and was even louder shutting behind us. “You need to hide.” She put both of her hands on my chest and shoved me towards the wall. “What about you?” I tried to fight her. “If Shigaraki finds me I can throw them off of your trail. You’ll be able to escape.” She swallowed hard, she was speaking much more calmly now. “I- I don’t understand I thought you wanted me to come with you...”
She smiled softly. “When I saw you asleep in that goo, my heart ached. I couldn’t let this happen to another innocent girl.” She wiped a strand of stray hair off of my cheek. “You reminded me of someone I knew before any of this, my best friend, my sister. If you make it back to Earth just watch out because...” She looked over her shoulder, someones coming. “There! The vent!”
“I don’t want to leave you! I’m still so confused!” I shook her shoulders. Anna ignored my pleas and shoved me further to the wall. An air duct cover hung loosely on the wall, the opening looked wide enough for me to crawl in. She lifted me just enough for me to be able to pull myself into the wall. I quickly oriented myself to face her again as she replaced the cover. I backed up to get further away from the metal, and laid completely still. Anna looked my direction with a smile before throwing herself to the ground, screaming . She rocked herself back and forth dramatically, crying out a name I’d never heard before. “Tomura!” She screamed, her throat catching her sob and sending out the name with a coarse terror. The door flung open and the frame was filled with a tall, lanky looking man. He touched the side of the door with a firm grip, the veins in his pale hands popping out as the metal underneath his touch began to suddenly turn to dust. He looked down at the ground through long hair, his eyes were piercing and a sick smirk spread across his face. Anna stopped crying and crawled over to the man, he bent his knees and squatted over her, guiding her chin to look up at him. “I hate fighting with you. Don’t you understand that I’m what you need to be happy? I would give you the entire universe if you would just...” His voice tightened, his tone shifting into something more unpleasant. “If you would just behave.” Anna threw her arms around him and cradled her head into his shoulder. She took a finger and traced over parts of his neck, small flaky patches of irritated skin. “I promise I’ll be good Tomura!” She squeezed him tighter. “I just missed having.. female friends. It’s so lonely when you’re busy.” 
The man twirled her messy hair in his long spindly fingers. “You’ll learn to love this way of life, it’s not like it’s any better on Earth, Anna. We may all be an island of misfit toys! But...” He kissed her forehead. “We’re all a family.”
Anna gently lifted her head off of him and cracked a smile. 
She laughed, softly at first and gradually grew until she was cackling with her arms gripping her stomach. The man just smiled at her. “You’re right Tomura! We are all a family!”
My heart started racing, something was wrong. Anna was supposed to be pretending to want to stay, right? I wormed myself backwards farther away from the vent and into the tight duct way. They can’t see me in here can they? My sight of what was happening blurred just a bit, now that I can’t peer through the grate. Another voice entered the room, and I felt just a bit warmer. Like something was breathing down my neck. A gnawing feeling of anxiety. 
“I’m so glad you and your mate are living crazily ever after over here, but we still have a problem Shigaraki.” The condescending voice said. “She woke up my T. The whole ship is on alert and YOUR mate knows where she is.”
“Oh my Anna wouldn’t be hiding anything from me... she knows that keeping secrets is such a fun way to really make me mad.” Shigaraki hissed out the last few words. Anna giggled again. “I know where she is! Y/N, come out so we can be a family!” Anna’s voice was closer to the wall now. I froze, I see her fingers reach up and try to adjust the grate. 
I panic and shuffle further backwards, my heart lurches into my stomach as I feel the metal under my legs disappear. I try to crane my neck and look over my shoulder and I can see that the vent drops off and shoots straight down. 
I have two choices, be pulled out of this air duct and thrown into whatever mess is happening out there. 
Or fall.
“Hey what are you doing? It’s okay Y/N don’t be scared!” Anna called out, her face was wet with tears but she was displaying a wide toothy smile. She stuck her dainty hand out and reached for me. 
I’m tempted to take it. A million things are running through my head, but none of the thoughts are connecting. 
I can hardly remember anything before waking up and seeing Anna. I remember feeling terrified, hungry, exhausted. Like I had been running from something for days, but it was always two steps behind me.
In the split second I take to think about all of this I reach my hand out gently, Anna’s finger tips just inches from mine. 
A pair of turquoise eyes appeared behind her. His presence made Anna jump and pull her hand away out of the vent. I gasped, his stern face showing no emotion as he spoke. “Now what are you doing hiding in there?” 
Earlier with the adrenaline pumping through me as we were running I hadn’t been able to stop and think clearly for a second. 
I don’t remember much about myself, I think I like to play the guitar. I remember objects, and smells of food I like. 
With his voice speaking to me again I remember one thing clearly, like the sound of a gong vibrating and rocking my head.
I remember him. 
“You can’t hide forever Y/N!” The alien called out from the side walk. How did he know my name? I lifted the slab of drywall that blocked the entrance to the hole I’ve been living in and gently set it down after crawling inside. I tried to keep my footsteps silent, avoiding touching any rocks of stepping on shards of glass. 
That’s when I smelled it, the smell of smoke. I looked through a crack in the bricks and saw him. He lifted a hand lazily and blue flames erupted from his arms and ignited the dust and fallen wood on the ground. They quickly spread to the debris of my apartment.
I’m not the only one squatting here. Other families have taken to the structure, some with small children. It’s not completely safe, but pieces of it still have a roof to protect us from the weather. 
The flames spread quickly. I screamed, begging that the other survivors could hear me and run. Things were being swallowed within seconds, the few entry points quickly disappearing. 
He locked eyes with me through the crack and grinned. “Nowhere to run to now, mouse. If only you’d have listened to me, maybe these pathetic humans would have lived.” He shouted and I closed my eyes, the smoke filling my lungs and making me suddenly very tired. When I hit the ground, I felt him. I felt him pull me into his arms, but after that.
Everything was dark. 
“Y-you...” I whispered, barely able to speak. 
The alien squinted his eyes a bit. 
Before I let him speak, I pushed my hands against the metal vent, my palms squeaking as I propelled myself backwards.
My chin hit the metal and scratched me as I fell. My back scraped against the metal chute, tearing at the thin clothing I have on. I closed my eyes, certain I’d hit the ground soon, breaking my legs and possibly my spine. Hopefully it kills me right away so I don’t have to lay there and suffer. 
The wind was knocked out of me when I hit something soft. I clawed at my chest for a second, gasping until I sucked in the air I desperately needed. I’ve landed in a discarded pile of.. laundry? 
Smocks similar to the one I was wearing were piled high, I was swallowed by them, completely covering everything but my head. This room is poorly lit, a dim green light flickered over head, but other wise it’s completely dark. I desperately clawed at the clothing, pushing it off of me and crawling to the hard, damp tile. My whole body shook and I looked around. 
There’s not much here, the ceiling is very tall and there are a lot of pieces of metal thrown about the room. Another vent pointing downwards like the one I just fell from was over a sharp looking pile of metal, lot’s of parts that would have impaled me if I fell just a few feet away. 
I gathered my footing and stood on trembling knee’s. It’s cold, my skin is covered in goose bumps. 
A strange pod, about the size of a large van sat in the middle of the room. It was rounded, and the door was open with a metal ramp sticking out of it. 
Could that be the ship? 
I stumbled to it, a hopeful smile plastered on my tired face. 
It was easy to step inside, it felt a bit more roomy in here than it looked from the outside. I stood without my head touching the ceiling. With another step towards the dash, the room lit up, buttons and screens whirring and coming to life with the sound of a fan blowing. It looks complicated, a few symbols appear but I don’t recognize them as letters I’ve ever seen before. Panic starts to set in, I’m not even sure where to begin. What does any of this mean? 
“Well, I’ll admit you’re pretty smart. I like that.” 
I turned around to that deep voice. “But what is your plan now? Find a way to pilot back to Earth with no rations, and no idea how much oxygen this thing has in it?” He leaned against the wall and looked at me with almost a face of disinterest. “Putting aside the fact that we are an entire universe away from Earth right now...” He slowly blinked at me. “Why go back?” He asked with a slight smile. He paused, waiting for my response. I swallowed hard and thought about what I was going to say. “It’s... my home.” I whimpered out. 
“Is it though? Earth is crumbling. Society has collapsed, the survivors are the people scummy enough to hurt others and take what they want without repercussion.” He stepped towards me, making my heart slam against my chest. he stepped past me and pressed a few buttons on the dash and a video appeared on the windshield. “This is where that girl you met is from, Anna.” 
It was aerial footage, like it was being filmed from a drone, but the people below didn’t seem to notice they were being watched. 
Men stood in the beds of trucks with large guns. They had them pointed at young men who had their hands on their head, kneeling down as crying girls were dragged by their arms into the vehicles. A man stood up and rushed for a screaming blonde child, she looked like she couldn’t have been older than 12. The men on trucks didn’t hesitate to shoot him down, his blood splattering on the clothes of the girl he tried to rescue. 
She couldn’t even scream.
I covered my mouth in horror. “Wh- what are they doing to those girls?” 
He sat down in a cushion chair, sitting back and relaxing a bit. He leaned his head on his elbow. “They’re collecting surviving women and auctioning them off for rations. They claim they’re trying to help repopulate the planet.” He smirked a bit. “They believe that they are the superior men, more masculine and deserve to pass on their genetics more than the men not willing to resort to violence. Anna was almost a victim to this.” He snapped his fingers and the footage shut off. “She’s much better off here.” 
“How is what you’re doing here any different?” I spoke with a bit of confidence, my fear slowly being replaced with anger. “And what are we doing here?” He asked with a lift of his eyebrows. 
“Anna told me, she said you plan to use us as incubators for your alien offspring.” I wasn’t yelling, his question threw me off. I answered like I was also asking a question back. 
“I won’t lie, some of my actions go against what the society I come from deems as “normal” or “acceptable” but who’s to say that the King is always right?” He started, still leaning casually as he talked to me. “None of that has anything to do with you, baby doll. See I have something to offer you that you could never find back on that rock.” He tried to smile a sweet look, but his bright eyes flashed me a glimpse of something wicked. His line of intrigue caught me like a fish hook. I lowered my guard, just a bit. “And... and what is that?” I grabbed my arms, suddenly feeling self conscious about the way that I looked right now, battered and a bit dirty. “Unconditional love and happiness, for the rest of your life.” 
I expected him to say that he had some type of alien knowledge, or money to offer me if I complied with his request. “See humans are often real superficial don’t you think? The way you look matters, how much money someone makes. Where they come from and how much value the community gives them. A lot of things get in your way, preventing you from having everything you want. But you baby, you are so, so lucky.” He stuck out his hand, reaching it towards me. Something inside of me told me to take it, I fought the urge for a minute. He smiled and leaned farther, taking my hand in his and holding it softly. I noticed pieces of metal stuck out of his arm in places, holding his skin together. His fingers had calluses on them, but the rest of his hand was soft. “You never have to worry about any of that, if you kiss me one time, you’ll never feel anything but happiness again. I can make all of your dreams come true.” 
“Wait you love me?” I asked confused. He gently pulled on my hand, moving me into his lap in a smooth fluid movement. He brushed my hair away from my face and looked at me with that wolfish grin. Like he’s unable to smile without looking suspicious. My heart slammed against my chest. “When you were back on Earth, before the end of your world, what did you want to be baby? What was your wildest dream?”
I tried to think hard, only flashes of memories ran through my head, nothing solid. I remembered going to school, I can see my campus. It felt pleasant to remember the classroom, but it looks off. It looked young, big letters on the walls with small chairs and seats. I remember the smell of coffee and art supplies. “I think I wanted to be a teacher...” He moved his hand down my spine and settled on my lower back. “How sweet, we could use someone as smart as you here. We don’t get all the luxuries the Kingdom has to offer, we have to survive on our own. We could use someone as bright as you to help teach all the sweet children who will be running around soon.” He purred into my ear. “And I’ll give you the perfect family, my boss promised us land on the dwarf planet we’ll be staying on for awhile. I’ll build you a house and you can decorate it anyway you like.” He spoke right against my ear while rubbing small circles along my spine. Chills ran up my back and neck. Anna’s words rang through my head suddenly like a gong. It was like she change the minute that man kissed her forehead, her entire plan thrown out the window.
Don’t let them touch you with their spit.
He must have noticed my sudden change in demeanor. I tried to scramble and pull myself out of his lap, but he gripped my back and held my face in place with his other hand. “And here I thought we were getting somewhere...” He growled under his breath and smirked. My chest heaved as I started to hyperventilate. I squirmed, trying to shake him off. His firm grip barely had to adjust from my thrashing to still keep me firm in his lap. He stuck out his tongue, long strands of thick spit connected the roof of his mouth with his tongue. I winced, expecting it to burn me like his spit hurt Anna before. His slimy appendage dragged along my jawline and up my cheek. He playfully grabbed my ear lobe and bit down a little.
It didn’t hiss and burn, it was warm for just a second before my entire body heated up. The anxiety and fear I was feeling melted away, and I felt my shaky limbs calm and steady. “See isn’t that so much better?” 
“Y-yes.” I gripped onto his shirt and pulled myself closer to him, resting my face on his scarred neck. “See? I wouldn’t lie to you. Let’s go back to my room so we can finish our talk...” 
Six months later.
I sat a little cold by the glass window. It had a light green frost growing on the edges. It still surprises me that the “water” here has a fluorescent hue. The nature outside was quiet like it is on Earth winters, but small and strange creatures would walk by occasionally and take a look at our greenhouse, wondering how to get inside and steal some of our food. I’ve been documenting them and their behaviors, trying to soak up everything about this place before we move again. 
We don’t stay places long. Dabi will disappear for awhile, often coming back exhausted and injured. He doesn’t talk about what he was up too, but the more time I spend here the more I realize that it’s probably better that I don’t know. The watch he gave me rang from the other room. I left my hot drink on the window sill and stepped into the kitchen. I clicked the button answering Anna’s call. Her face appeared in a hologram projected over the watch. “Hey Anna, how are you and the babies today?” 
“They’re back! Tomura just called to tell me that they landed!” She said excitedly. “Oh! And the babies should be here any day now! I’m getting as big as a whale.” She smiled happily. “But I just called to tell you that they landed.” She trailed off for a minute. “I think I’m going to pack the bags. Tomura did not sound happy, I think we’re going to move again.” She said sort of quiet. “I thought he promised you would deliver here? You already made your nest.” It’s only been a few weeks, we’ve barely settled. Our food reserves are getting lower, we needed to grow more and gather more resources here. “I... I know. But Tomura always knows best. He’s the leader for a reason...” She said with a smile, but her confidence wavered in her voice. “Anna, I’m worried that what they’re doing is a lot worse than they are making it out to be...” I tread carefully, it’s been long enough sense we’ve seen our mates that Anna should have a bit more mental clarity. When Tomura is home, it’s like she has no thoughts of her own. “Don’t start this again. Tomura wouldn’t lie to us. He’s doing work for the greater good.” 
“I’m just worried. If it’s so good why can’t we live on Home World? Why can’t they tell us anything?” I looked over my shoulder to make sure Dabi wasn’t standing behind me. “Stop it Y/N! You know they said Home World is dangerous. They’re working to free the citizens of Home World from the tyrant. They don’t tell us anything because it’s not our job to worry about it. WE are the good guys.” 
“But Anna I found something in Dabi’s stuff, they’re killing-” 
“STOP!” She yelled into the receiver. She choked on a cry. “I don’t want to hear it!” She sniffled. “If you know what’s good for you you’ll stop asking questions.” Her face disappeared and the watch was quiet, she hung up. I set down the watch and sighed in frustration. I grabbed another glass to make Dabi a hot drink for when he came home. I poured the liquid and held it for a second, just letting the steam reach my chin. 
I turned around and dropped the cup to the ground, it’s metal so it hits the floor with a loud sound but doesn’t break. Dabi was standing against the doorway with a dark look on his face. “Oh hi honey. You’re back.” I said with a smile. 
“Did I scare you?” He asked, glancing down at the spilled liquid. 
“I didn’t hear you come in.” I reached for a cloth hanging on the wall and he grabbed my wrist. I flinched and he looked at me funny. “What has you so jumpy, love?” He pulled me into his arms and put a hand in my hair, running his fingers along my neck and scalp. “I missed you.” He said against my head. I said nothing for a moment. He smelled heavily of smoke. “I have a surprise for you.” He said, pulling himself away so he can look at my face. “What is it?” 
“We’re taking a bit of a vacation.” He had his hands on my sides and rocked us a bit as we stood there. “A vacation?” 
“Yeah we uh, have decided that some of our efforts are being wasted at the minute. We need time to recoup, ground ourselves and come back stronger.” He lead us to our pile of bedding and pulled us down so that I was laying on his chest. “So we’ll have time to bond more, I haven’t seen you in so long. We’ll have some time to start our little family.”
I stiffened a bit. We’ve had this conversation a lot, I’ve thought of every excuse in the book. I’ve gotten away without breeding because he’s been gone a lot. “You think it’s a good time to start having kids?” I asked quietly. 
“Don’t you? I’ll be able to be here for the whole gestation. We have the next location of where we’re going to stay for awhile. It’s much warmer, you’ll love the wildlife.” He played with my hair, massaging the nape of my neck with his callused fingers. “I- I have a few questions...” 
“What is it baby?” He crooned, leaning forward and kissing my face and neck. He was gentle, playfully trailing them across my skin, not leaving too many traces of his saliva. “Did you... I mean, are you killing the Kingdoms mates?” 
Dabi snapped his head up and rolled me off of his chest. “Who said that to you? Who’s lying to my mate?” His eyes were wide, a vein popping out on his forehead as he growled. “N-nobody told me anything I found-” 
He cut me off with a laugh. Gathering some composure with a chuckle. “So you’re going through my things?” 
I said nothing. “We’re not doing anything that isn’t necessary. The Kingdom needs to fall.” 
I sat myself up and tried to look brave. “So you are killing human women.” My lip trembled. I wanted to believe it wasn’t true, that he never meant to hurt anybody back on Earth, and he would never harm innocent women. 
Women that already lost everything, that have nothing to do with these insane politics.
Women like me.
“I think you’ve been spending too much time alone, little mate.” He gently pushed my shoulders down onto the cozy pile of cloth. He crawled over top of me, his hips pressing down on mine, pinning me to the bed. “You’re getting paranoid out here all by yourself, I’ve been treating you bad. My poor baby...” My breath caught in my chest, he ran his hands up my shirt and traced along my side. “Do you think I would ever lie to my precious angel? My most treasured possession?” He planted a sticky kiss on my neck, his spit sinking into my skin and sending signals to my brain. My fear started to fade, my anxiety relaxing. He grabbed my chin, parting my mouth and forcing me to look up at him. He kissed me hard, jamming his tongue into my mouth and swirling it around. I mewled a bit into his mouth, letting out a slight cry as my body reacted to him. My blood rushed to my lower half, setting me on fire. I bucked my hips to press harder against his and he smiled into my mouth before pulling away. “There she is, there’s my good girl.” He whispered to me with his wolfish grin. “I would be the lucky guy to get such a smart little mate, but still so obedient.” He smirked before leaning down and biting down hard on my neck. I whimpered and grabbed onto his shoulders. 
Dabi leaned on his hands behind his head and relaxed, watching me bounce and squirm. I reached to cover my face, lightly embarrassed by his gaze. I moved up and down on his cock, feeling kind of awkward as I get used to moving my body this way. He quickly snatched my hands away from my blushing face. He clicked his tongue. “Ah ah ah baby girl, I like watching you.” He grabbed my hips, digging his fingers into my skin and pushing me down harder on top of him. I moaned and placed my hands on his chest to stabilize myself. “You’re not getting tired are you? This is only round two.” His tone lightly mocking me. 
“I- I’m not used to this...” I whined and rolled his eyes. “Fine you want me to drill you again? Your wish is my command.” He held me in place as he bucked his hips up, slamming his hips into mine with little strain on his face. “D-dabi!” I screamed, his pace so fast I can barely have time to moan. I felt his body shift, his member start to open inside of me. He shoved me onto my back and slowed down his strokes drawing himself out almost all of the way before pounding back into me with a hard thrust. I grabbed onto his shoulders, prepping myself for him to finish. He stopped and held himself deep inside of me, the first egg leaving his body and hitting my cervix. My climax shivered down my spine and my gasp stuck in my chest. He stared down at me with his signature cold gaze with a light grin. “You love getting fucked, you pretend like you don’t want it but then look at that face-” He let out a small grunt, holding most of it back as he deposited another egg in me. My whole body shook and I gasped again. “Drooling all over the place. You’re such a slut.” 
He pulled out and kissed my forehead. “You feel a little better now that I’ve fucked the attitude out of you?” I laid flat on my back and tried to catch my breath, my face flushed and my body tired. He grabbed his shirt off of the floor and tossed it to me for me to put on. He stretched out his arms, showing off his toned muscles. “I’ll just go ahead and take that as a yes.” 
My brain swam with nothing but thoughts of having a sweet little family with him. I pictured what our children will look like and smiled. I’ll make a good mother... 
For just a second, a thought crossed my mind, a distant one. I could barely see it behind the cloud of euphoria. 
The thought of people screaming as smoke filled their mouths.
This took me so long to write, it’s been requested from the beginning but I had a plan! I hope you like it. Inbox me and tell me what you think!
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voidwaren · 3 years
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so it’s been an entirely unintentional five months since I last updated my Sterek fic, Oak and Mistletoe, but the starting scene for chapter six has been finished since I published chapter five and I figured I should at least put that bit up even if the following scene is being a monster to finish. (she real thicc and she’s only getting thiccer, because I don’t know how to shut up and let a scene end.)
anyway, if anyone happens to pop by here looking for what tf happened to that WIP, here’s the first scene of Oak and Mistletoe, chapter six, just for you:
He showed up three days later, arrogant as always, disdain for everyone in the general vicinity written all across his features, and completely alone.
London had done nothing for Jackson’s shitty attitude towards anything either not earning his approval or not worshipping the ground he walked on, and Stiles had found this out the hard way by barging into the loft on the day they were all scheduled to meet and figure out what the hell was going to happen, only to find Jackson borderline posing in front of the giant windows and left utterly to his own devices, which spelled nothing but trouble for Stiles and his big mouth.
“You’re still alive?” was Jackson’s chosen greeting upon noticing Stiles as he stumbled over the threshold of the door and into the room, spoken in such a way that the fact Stiles was still kicking was clearly something he considered to be a great dismay to his own livelihood. Apparently, Deaton had been very minimalistic with his reasoning to get Jackson back in America if he didn’t know Stiles was even alive anymore.
Or Jackson just being a dick. Which, honestly, would be very on-brand for Jackson anyway. He didn’t trek all the way back to America because he missed them, that much was certain.
“Sorry to disappoint you,” Stiles countered drily, dusting himself off like he could brush away the fumble.
“It’s what you’re best at,” Jackson returned, sighing halfway through the sentence, with the most blithe tone Stiles was pretty sure he’d ever heard Jackson use. He turned his head slightly, like he was dismissing Stiles’ presence altogether, and it took a beat for Stiles to realize it was actually because Derek was coming down the stairs, and Jackson had heard him far before Stiles had and just hadn’t said anything. Stupid werewolves.
His back straightened slightly as soon as Derek was fully in the room, like, despite the fact Derek was not his alpha, Derek’s presence demanded the minute attention. Maybe it had something to do with their former relationship. Stiles didn’t care enough about Jackson to wonder much beyond that, though, so he didn’t.
Instead, he lifted a finger and, with the utmost of maturity, pointed accusingly at Jackson. “Douchebag McGee over here doesn’t know why we called him home. Also,” he tacked on quickly, flipping the pointer finger into a middle one without changing the subject of who he was directing the gesture at, “he wants me dead.”
Derek, only just barely having made it over to them by the time Stiles had stopped talking, crossed his arms and turned to Jackson. Before he could say anything, though, Jackson said, “I’m here because you went and got cursed, Stilinski.”
Stiles threw his arms wide in a “what the fuck” gesture. “What? Then why were you acting surprised that I’m alive?”
“Surprised?” Jackson scoffed. “That was disappointment and you know it. I had just hoped it had killed you before I got here.”
The noise of offense Stiles made in return would have done a valley girl proud. In the very least, it made Derek give him one of those half-alarmed looks that he outright ignored as he said, “Is that why it took you so damn long to call us back?”
“No,” Jackson corrected, rolling his eyes. “I had to locate the person you were looking for before I flew over. And, do you have any idea how long flights are from Britain to America? California, America?”
Stiles stared at him, his mouth slightly agape. Derek, who had been turning his attention back and forth between the two of them as they talked, continued to watch in silence.
“Wait,” Stiles said after he’d had a moment to process that. “Wait, wait, wait. You already knew who we were looking for?”
Jackson gave Derek a look. “Did you knock his head against a wall one too many times?” he asked, outright Stiles from the conversation. “I don’t remember him being this stupid.”
“No,” Derek offered. “That’s just his age catching up with him.”
“Then where is she, Jackson?” Stiles cut in through gritted teeth, one arm flying up between them like it could do anything to stop them from talking to one another like he wasn’t there.
Jackson sighed. “Do you really think she’d get here faster than me? I know you’ve seen a map before. Guess which country is closest to America in Europe. Go on,” he urged sarcastically, waving his hand in a pseudo-encouraging gesture, “guess.”
Stiles opened his mouth to tell Jackson just where exactly he’d be shoving that hand if Jackson didn’t stop taunting him, only to be thwarted by the loud arrival of Scott, Isaac, and Erica as they burst into the room, arguing profusely about something Stiles couldn’t discern as they overlapped each other without allowing any one sentence to be finished.
“Oh, good,” Jackson said with no small amount of sarcasm as Boyd quietly strode into the room a beat later, smirking at the cacophony the others were making, “everyone’s still alive, then?”
“Nice to see someone’s still a pompous asshat,” Erica greeted, halfway through whatever she’d been saying to Isaac and Scott, leaving both of them visibly blindsided.
Isaac opened his mouth to say something, but was overlapped by Scott when he looked around and said, “Wait. Where is everyone else?”
“Who are we missing?” a voice said from the door, and in strolled Lydia with Allison by her side. Allison raised her hand in a silent greeting, smiling at what was probably only Scott. “Hello, Jackson,” Lydia continued stiffly as her eyes locked onto him and her expression immediately flatlined into the same person she used to be before Allison arrived and cracked her shell.
“Lydia, Allison,” Jackson returned, clipped, but with an underlying vein of something Stiles most definitely wished he couldn’t detect. Unresolved feelings? Hell no. Stiles would sit that one out, thanks. Jackson pursed his lips for a moment as everyone in the room exchanged looks, counting out who might still be left before they got started retconning Jackson’s arrival and involvement, and then turned to Derek and said, “Where’s that creepy uncle of yours?”
“Definitely didn’t miss you,” the creepy uncle in question said as he plodded down the staircase like Jackson had summoned him. If Jackson had also heard him coming and was pretending he hadn’t, he didn’t look like it. If anything, he looked more than slightly put off that Peter was indeed accounted for. “Cora’s at work,” Peter continued as he joined the weird conglomeration they were creating in the main room of the loft, “so that should be everyone accounted for.”
“Who the hell is Cora?” Jackson asked.
“Don’t worry about it,” Derek said at the same time Scott said, “Derek’s little sister.”
“There are more of you alive?” Jackson said in legitimate surprise as Derek leveled Scott with a glare.
“Save it for later,” Derek ground out, clearly already aggravated by all the people in the room. “We have a matter at hand here, and Cora’s not necessary at the moment. We have to lay out the game plan while we have the time to and discuss what information Jackson got for us.”
“Wait,” Scott cut in, just as Jackson was opening his mouth. He shut it again with a click even Stiles heard, but Scott paid him no mind as he continued, “Where’s Deaton? Shouldn’t he be here?”
“He’s waiting for Morgan to show up, isn’t he?” Isaac said, but he sounded unsure of the fact.
“He is,” Derek confirmed, nodding his head at Isaac. Isaac nodded his head back, then made a face like he was just realizing that was a stupid move. Stiles did him the favor of not offering scathing commentary, just that once, and only because he was in the process of opening his mouth for another sentence.
“Shouldn’t we, I don’t know,” was the start of said sentence, spoken in a way that he hoped clearly articulated how he thought the fact they weren’t with Deaton was extremely useless, since they’d just have to rehash everything for the man who was basically in charge of them all, “wait for him? I thought we were meeting to discuss Morgan with Jackson.”
“We are,” Derek said, again in confirmation, because, apparently, that’s all he was good for right now. And then, as if sensing Stiles’ internal snark, he continued, “We don’t need Deaton for that.”
“We might need Deaton for that,” corrected Peter, and Derek just gave him a look. “What? The spaz has a point. Deaton’s taking the mantle of liaison from our lizard boy, he should probably be here if we’re talking about the very thing he’s going to be liaison of.”
Stiles fought a grimace. He never much enjoyed being on the same side as Peter, especially when it was the side with less support overall. He didn’t miss the way Jackson threw Peter a very pointed glare, clearly not happy with the nickname he’d been bestowed, though the fact Scott was standing between them dampened the effect just a little. Scott didn’t seem to be aware of his intrusion, and Peter ignored Jackson all the same.
“Jackson can relay his information to Deaton later,” Derek said.
Peter made a noise of annoyance and flung a hand in Jackson’s direction. “I’m sorry, we’re trusting that guy to handle something that could possibly wipe us off the map with one wrong move?”
“That guy?” Jackson repeated, affronted. He reached out and grabbed Scott’s shoulder, wrenching him out of the way, and Scott spluttered something incoherent as he stumbled into Isaac and nearly wiped out. “I don’t know if you noticed, old man, but I’m risking my skin just as much as you are. I’m the one who found her in the first place, and, let me tell you” —he barked a harsh laugh, and the sound was so very Jackson that Stiles almost had a moment of nostalgia before realizing just who exactly was inciting it— “that was neither fun nor easy, and I absolutely would not have done it if it was your ass on the line.”
“Charming,” Peter spat.
“You’re doing it because it’s my ass on the line?” Stiles asked, a little wistfully, as the meaning of Jackson’s ire hit him. “Aw, Jackson,” he cooed, just as Jackson’s expression darkened, “I didn’t know you cared!”
“I don’t,” Jackson hissed.
“Evidence points to otherwise,” Stiles said, one finger up and dangerously close to Jackson’s chest, like Jackson hadn’t literally greeted him with disappointment over the fact he was still alive and kicking not twenty minutes before.
Jackson just looked at him, his lips parted slightly like he was gearing up to say something and just wasn’t sure exactly what it was he wanted to say yet, but then turned to Lydia and said, “He really has gotten stupider. How is that possible?”
“Don’t bring me into this,” said Lydia, her tone leaving no room for argument.
“Maybe we should wait for Deaton,” Boyd chimed in, apparently deciding he no longer wanted to simply watch the garbage fire raging right in front of him. Very unusual for Boyd, actually, and Stiles wondered if that wasn’t a decent indicator of just how bad the quality of conversation was getting. “I don’t think this is getting anywhere fast.”
Derek shook his head, his arms now crossed tight along his chest like they did when he was getting frustrated. “We would have to wait for Morgan to arrive. He’s the one meeting her first to make sure she checks out.”
“Wait, she’s not even here yet?” Isaac asked loudly, peering around Scott, who was still pretty much being held up by him, to look at Jackson in confusion. “I thought she was coming with you. Didn’t you both come over from Europe?”
Jackson threw his hands up in exasperation. “Does no one understand how air travel works?”
Allison made a face, tilting her head in that way she did when something odd was occurring to her. “Morgan le Fay, the great sorceress of legend, is flying in a plane to get here?”
That seemed to stump them all, because the whole room abruptly went quiet. Even Jackson, who had suggested the idea in the first place, seemed to suddenly realize how ridiculous that idea was.
“Well,” Isaac said, breaking the silence first, “how else would she get here?”
“Teleportation?” offered Scott.
“I don’t think that’s a real thing,” Derek countered.
“That has to be a real thing,” said Stiles immediately, shaking his head. “Maybe not across continents and oceans,” he amended quickly when Derek only gave him an exasperated look, “but too much weird shit has happened to us for there not to be some kind of teleportation in the world.”
Derek made a gesture with his head to indicate Stiles had a point, but it was overshadowed suddenly by the sharp alert of a cell phone. Derek fished it out of his pocket and tapped on the screen, already frowning. Peter took the chance to be, well, Peter.
“One wrong move, lizard boy,” started Peter the second Jackson was within his line of sight, his hand already held out in as accusing of a gesture as possible, “and I will not hesitate to off you and make up for all that lost time. I don’t care if you technically died the last time we saw you.”
“Peter,” Derek warned without looking up from his phone, but Peter held up a hand.
“We’re not negotiating this one, Derek,” he retorted. Then, before Derek could continue, Peter dropped the hand and turned his attention back onto Jackson. “How about you get us our magic lady as promised and then shut up until further notice?” Peter nodded his head once, not waiting for an answer. “Yes. I like that deal. End of discussion, I think.”
Jackson’s face took on an expression that explicitly conveyed an attitude of “not today, bitch” as he tilted his nose up, eyeing Peter scathingly, and said, like everything that had just came out of Peter’s mouth was nothing more than noise on the wind, “I don’t think so. I think I’m calling the shots here, and you know what I say?” In true Peter fashion, Jackson didn’t even wait a beat for anything resembling an attempt at an answer before he continued, “I say your existence is intruding on mine. I’m going to need you to fuck off.”
Surprisingly, Peter barked a laugh. “Oh, I’m using that one. Kid’s got good lines,” he said, apparently to Derek specifically, jabbing a thumb at Jackson. Behind him, Jackson narrowed his eyes dangerously at the back of Peter’s head.
“Alright,” Erica said cautiously, “let’s not poke the bear before we have a chance to get things straight with the sorceress who could easily obliterate us if we don’t get our act together, yeah? Something tells me she won’t appreciate playing counselor to us, and I’d like to live to see my college years.”
“He started it,” Jackson accused at the exact same time Peter did, before they each turned to glare at the other.
“Are we all going to die?” Isaac asked.
“Possibly,” Boyd replied, utterly nonchalant.
“Hey,” Stiles barked, throwing his hands out like he was breaking up a wrestling match. “I’m the one gagging up florals. I’m the one in immediate peril here, okay? Stop trying to encroach on my thunder here.”
“That’s not how the saying goes, Stiles,” Lydia muttered in exasperation.
“Florals?” Jackson repeated, the previous grievance with Peter suddenly pushed aside in favor of what was apparently new information. Jackson frowned at Stiles, clearly confused. “You’re cursed with flowers? What?”
“He’s throwing them up, actually,” Isaac offered helpfully. It didn’t make Jackson look any less confused, but it did give him the added benefit of also looking disgusted. Stiles, for once, couldn’t really blame him for that one.
“What kind of curse is that?” asked Jackson.
“A stupid one,” said Boyd.
“Clearly. Of all the things to be cursed with, you had to go for flowers, Stilinski?”
“You’re acting like I asked for it,” Stiles retaliated. “Do you really think I walked up to the witch and went, ‘Hey, ma’am, you know what I could really use right now? A good stabbing and a curse that makes me choke up flowers without any semblance of rhyme or reason to it, and I think you’re just the lady to do it to me.’ No, Jackson, I didn’t!”
Jackson turned his attention onto Lydia again. “Stabbing?”
Lydia nodded. “With a necklace.”
Closing his eyes like he was in pain, Jackson pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m suddenly remembering why I was thrilled to get away from Beacon Hills and all of you. A necklace?”
Instead of offering anything more by ways of verbal information, Stiles sighed, held up a hand to tell Jackson to wait, and dug the necklace out of his pocket. He’d been tasked with keeping an eye on it back when they’d realized nothing beyond the name was any help, and had unceremoniously shoved it in the pocket of his jeans without a second thought, meaning to look into the lore behind the flower of choice at a later date and never actually getting around to it. Honestly, it was pure luck he wore that same pair that day, because he’d kind of forgotten all about it up until he was already halfway to Derek’s place and realized, maybe, Morgan might want her necklace back. Jackson watched warily as the pendant unfurled from Stiles’ fist with a quiet tinkling rattle of metal chains snagging on metal petals.
Stiles held the pendant out at arms length in Jackson’s direction. It swung with the motion, reflecting back the dying light of the day behind them, and everyone seemed to take a half step back. Jackson tilted his head, looking almost, strangely, pleased at the sight of the flower-shaped bauble.
“Are you checking yourself out in the reflection or something?” Stiles accused, making no effort to disguise his disgust at the idea.
Jackson scoffed. “You wish. That’d be the only time you’d ever have anything remotely appealing about you.”
Stiles took a step back, his mouth dropping open in shocked offense, and next to him Scott barked a half-restrained laugh that he clearly hadn’t meant to let out. Allison smacked him on the shoulder, but the damage was done. Stiles rounded on Scott, who only gave him a sheepish smile and a very guilty shrug.
In the background, Erica sighed dramatically. “One day I’ll have someone who looks at me like Jackson looks at himself.”
“Looks like you gotta step up that game, Boyd,” Isaac said as Jackson pivoted and leveled Erica with a glare that did absolutely nothing to wipe the smarmy smirk off her face. Beside her, Boyd just rolled his eyes.
“No one in the world looks at anyone else like Jackson looks at himself. You’re setting me up for failure.”
“You’re right,” Erica agreed, sounding distinctly disappointed. “There needs to be an ego of unparalleled proportions attached to something like that, and Jackson already lays claim to the title.” She crossed her arms and shook her head sadly. “Maybe in another life.”
Jackson cocked his head and scrutinized Erica in that ruthless way he had. “Try a little harder at being a bitch, would you?” he said silkily. “You’re not quite meeting my standards.”
“No one meets your standards, sweetie,” Lydia chimed in, pating Jackson on the back in such an obviously demeaning way that Jackson had no choice but to glower silently in her direction as she moved the conversation along.
With one deft movement, Lydia snagged the pendant out of Stiles’ hand and moved behind him. Stiles barely had time to react before he realized what she was doing, and then the deed was done.
“Lydia,” he croaked, hand flying up to the pendant that now sat snug just below the dip of his collarbones. It felt strangely hot, even through the layer of shirt between it and his skin. “Take me out to dinner first, jeez.”
“You shouldn’t be keeping something that important in your pocket,” was all she replied, making her way back to Allison’s side.
“This meeting is becoming increasingly pointless,” said Peter. He gave Derek a pointed look, his arms crossing across his chest in disdain. “Why do our meetings always end up pointless? Aren’t we here to talk tactics and not waste time giving out the information we’re only going to have to repeat once the witch is here? You’re wasting my precious time here, and I don’t appreciate it.”
“Sorceress,” Lydia corrected, just as Derek’s phone started to ring. Shooting Peter a quick glance, Derek swiftly answered the call and made his way to the edges of the room, like everyone around him hadn’t immediately gone deathly silent at the sudden attempt at communication. They all watched him go, not a word spoken between them, Derek muttering something into the device that was too low for his ears but was likely easily picked up by all the werewolves in the general vicinity, judging by the way every single one of them suddenly had their head slightly cocked.
“I hate you guys,” Stiles hissed. “Just in case anyone managed to forget,” he continued when Scott gave him a confused look. It didn’t lessen the confusion, but it made Stiles feel marginally better.
“Who’s he talking to?” Allison whispered, lilting her head towards Scott.
Scott opened his mouth to likely give the answer she wanted, but Peter cut him off with a sharp growl of a tone as he said, “Why don’t you just ask him?”
Somehow, that seemed to get Derek’s attention, because he looked up sharply the moment the words left Peter’s mouth, the phone still pressed firmly to his ear, and he looked so much like his old self in that moment that Stiles almost did a double-take.
“What?” Stiles asked warily when no one else bothered to open their mouths and ask first.
“It’s Deaton,” said Derek solemnly, almost gravely, and Stiles felt his heart drop to his toes when Derek looked directly at him and said, “Morgan is here.”
“Great,” Peter spat, jerking his head in a viscous eye-roll that was nearly a full-bodied motion, and then he turned and strode from the room. For once, Stiles kind of wished he could do exactly the same.
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blueflamedemon · 3 years
BlueSky { Dabi x OC }
Chapter Five - Dirty Little Secret
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*Chapter Summary - Sora joins the league on a quick mission to capture Overhaul and steal his Quirk-killing drugs.
Overhaul was on the move. Tomura called it, telling them that they had to carry out the plan now or not at all. Minus Twice and Himiko, he quickly gave everyone a quick recap of this idea to steal the bullets. They would wait until Overhaul was caught by the police and then attack.
"Spinner, you go out and get the truck ready. I knew there was a reason we kept it." Tomura was saying, pacing around in a circle with his hands behind his back. "Compress, Dabi, you two will be in the back with me."
"Wait..." Sora sucked her lip between her teeth and looked around the room. "What am I supposed to do? I don't have full power yet..."
"That's alright, dear." Compress walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder for comfort. "We'll cover you. You are great with combat, we've noticed."
"Better than Dabi, for sure." Spinner snickered as he followed Tomura out one of the warehouse doors.
"Watch it, Lizard." Dabi hissed, walking out behind Spinner. "Don't get your tail into a twist."
"Don't call me lizard!" Spinner shouted.
Sora followed Compress out, letting Spinner and Dabi hash it out before they started climbing into the delivery truck. "Compress, I noticed you have acquired a limb."
"Ah, yes! Isn't it beautiful? Looks just like the old one!" Compress gleamed, holding up the new arm. "It's not much, but Giran did his absolute best. It's a great illusion!"
Sora giggled. "Leave it to you to find this amusing."
"What can I say, child?" Compress smiled. "The show must go on."
"What are you two talking about? How to chop a woman in half?" Dabi showed up beside Sora, sliding his fingers through her beltloops behind her.
"Someone is jealous." Compress chimed.
"Don't listen to him. He's just upset that he didn't get a cool arm." Sora smirked at the boy behind her. "Don't worry, we'll find something cool for you, too."
"No thanks." Dabi mumbled, clearly annoyed with the both of them. He let go of Sora and walked over to the truck, which Spinner had pulled forward so the others could jump in back.
"The three of you, come on!" Tomura huffed impatiently as he climbed into the box.
"We're still waiting on Toga's call." Compress stated, though he followed his boss in climbing into the bed, too.
Dabi placed both of his hands on the floor and jumped in easily, spinning around to sit down and let his feet dangle off the edge. He extended his arm to Sora, expecting her to take it so he could help her up.
She ignored his hand and copied him, placing her hands on the floor of the bed and hopping inside, though she sat with her legs crossed, a little scared to have her legs dangling out.
Dabi huffed beside her.
"I don't need help with everything." She giggled.
He rolled his eyes and hit the side of the truck a few times, letting Spinner know that everybody had climbed inside and they were ready to go.
Spinner took off, taking the directions that Tomura had given him previously, and told Dabi to close the doors before they were a little closer, just so they wouldn't get caught.
Fussing under his breath, Dabi closed the doors and got to his feet, leaning against the wall and pressing his forehead to the cool metal.
Find Overhaul, that was the first plan. He had the bullets that contained the Quirk ending drug, possibly the same drug that Sora was given. Though that was not confirmed, Sora still hoped. If there was a bullet full of those drugs, Overhaul was sure to have a cure for emergencies, right? As long as she took that, she might get her Quirk going in no time, so long as she could get over the withdrawals.
They drove around the city for a bit before Compress' phone finally rang with Toga on the other line, letting them know that Overhaul had been arrested and taken, and that she and Twice had gotten away long before anyone could catch them.
"I think they actually found us." Dabi stated, cracking open the door as he peered out and saw a couple of vans just behind them, both belonging to the police force.
Tomura grew impatient and kicked open both of the doors, somehow hoisting himself to the top of the truck, where he disappeared in a matter of seconds. Sora shook her head and blinked, making sure that she hadn't just been daydreaming.
"Wait a minute, I didn't sign up for this!" Spinner called from the front seat. "I can only drive for so long with this tank!"
"Just shut up and try to keep this damn truck straight. I'm getting nauseous back here!" Dabi complained. He was holding his stomach with one hand and the wall with his other.
Sora sat on the floor, looking right at the police in the truck. She hadn't thought to grab her wig or hoodie, she simply threw on a dress with biker shorts underneath. It was obvious when the guy saw her that he knew exactly who she was. Her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach and she copied Dabi, holding onto her tummy after feeling queasy.
Compress hung up his phone and stood at the doorway alongside Dabi, tipping his hat out of respect.
"I think they spotted me." Sora stated, unsure what to do now.
Dabi glanced down at her, his eyes wide. "Well, time to go." He looked up at the van and raised his hand, a ball of fire appearing in his palm. "Sora, stay down." He commanded, shooting his ball of flames at the van that they were sure Overhaul was strapped up in.
Sora watched, waiting on the van to flip over, blow up in flames, something. Instead, it seemed as if Dabi's flames were being sucked up by something, which was near impossible. His flames were some of the hottest flames in a Quirk that anybody had ever seen, for something to absorb them....
Dabi clearly saw the flaw here as well, so he dropped his hand and his flames evaporated into thin air. "The fuck..." he mumbled.
In front of the large police van, there was now a smaller cop car, a man hanging out of the window. At first, Sora wasn't sure what she was looking at, but then she noticed it as the Pro Hero, Snatch. His Quirk was sand, which was known to stop fires.
Snatch seemed to notice Sora, which made him hesitate using his sand for a moment too long, long enough for Tomura to jump down from the stop of the truck and land on the hood of the cop car. Yet again, Sora felt unmatched, useless. If only she could use her Quirk, she might've been able to help, seeing as Dabi's flames and Tomura's decaying Quirk wouldn't be much again sand.
"Dabi, he noticed me, too." Sora pulled on the tail of his coat. "That hero. He knows who I am, very well."
Dabi and Compress exchanged looks before coming to a quick, mental agreement together. Compress brought out one of his magical orbs and threw it at the police car, saying something clever that completely went over Sora's head as she watched Dabi jump out as if Spinner wasn't speeding away from two police cars.
"W-wait!" Sora got on her hands and knees, crawling to the edge of the truck.
"Stay with Spinner, my dear. We can't afford you to get hurt." Compress stated, jumping out just behind Dabi.
"Wait!" Sora watched, wide eyed, as Tomura, Compress, and Dabi stopped the cars with very little effort.
Spinner slowed down to a stop, the tires skidding across the pavement. "Stay in here, little lady!" Spinner called. "Don't jump out!"
"Spin! We have to help them! Before Snatch--"
The truck spun around, facing the scene of the crime. Sora could no longer see what was happening, so she grabbed onto the door with one hand, stepping on a lever with her foot, and peered around the box to see a burst of flames that had to be Dabi, and then nothing.
When Spinner made it back to the others, he stopped the truck, remaining in the drivers seat incase they needed a quick getaway. He wasn't much on being the center of attention, Sora always noticed how he stayed back and let the others deal with things, almost as if he were hesitating.
Sora jumped off the truck and hurried over to Compress and Dabi, who were just standing in the middle of the road, beside a burning vehicle.
"I told you to stay in the truck." Compress sighed. "Don't you ever listen?"
"She doesn't." Dabi commented, dusting his shirt off. "Go back to the truck so you don't get hurt."
"I can take care of myself, thank you very much." Sora crossed her arms, only then realizing that she no longer saw the hero. "Where's Snatch?"
"Who?" Dabi blinked.
"The hero."
Compress walked over to Tomura, who was standing over Overhaul. They were both talking to him, taking out their revenge. Dabi and Sora stood back, letting them have it. After all, he was the one who took Compress' arm.
"Gone. He won't be telling anybody about our little secret."
Sora looked up at him. "What if that cop paged it in before we could get to him? I think he saw me, too."
"I'll handle them." Dabi grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. A small gasp left her lips. "Just like I did this hero. And I'll continue to do so until we can figure out what's wrong with you so we can defeat Endeavor together."
Sora met his gaze. She loved how bright his eyes were, how unbelievably blue they were. Butterflies fluttered around her stomach, in a good way this time around. Gently, she pressed her hands against his chest, unsure what else to do with them. The smell of burning flesh pinched her nose and stung her eyes, but she was starting to grow used to it. "I would say you're my hero, but I don't like them."
A smirk cracked his lips.
Spinner honked the horn of the truck, calling for them to get back inside before any more cops showed up.
"I got them, Sora. Come on," Tomura walked passed them, oblivious to the two tangled together.
Compress took a final bow before he started walking back to the truck, pulling his mask to the side so he would wink in Sora's direction, which obviously made Dabi uncomfortable. He held her just a little tighter and kept his arm around her, leading her back.
Inside the truck, everyone was a bit quiet. Dabi sat against the wall, hugging his knees close to his chest. Sora wondered if he ever replayed his crimes in his head, and if this is what it looked like, or if he thought about it when he was alone.
Then she recalled him telling her that he could not cry. It struck her as an odd thing to say, though at the time, she hadn't thought much about it. Why had he told her? If he could, would he be crying more? Did he regret the choices he made?
Sora glanced up at Tomura, who was hugging the case he stole from Overhaul. "Did you kill him?" She asked, realizing she heard the man scream, but never saw the body.
"I did something much worse," Tomura muttered, staring off into space. "took his arms from him."
"As a little payback." Compress tipped his hat.
"Good." Sora nodded. "I hope this is the cure..." she breathed, looking down at her feet, feeling more useless by the minute.
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vampirequeenoffan · 4 years
IDK, just a DP drabble that seized me by the hands and forced me to write it. I haven’t re-read or edited lmao so it’s probably Real Bad but I have other shit to be doing so imma just dump it here, sorry to yalls eyeballs
Tucker pokes him in the shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
Danny groans. He’s got his arm slung over his eyes and he’s upside-down on the couch; legs hooked over the back and back pressed into the cushions. It’s not exactly the world’s most comfortable position, but if he eases off the gravity a little it doesn’t actually hurt. Besides, the discomfort is grounding, pulling his brain away from itself and back into the physical world.
“Ghost bullshit,” he grunts at Tucker. He doesn’t bother uncovering his eyes. He doesn’t really even need to, not the way he is right now, with Tucker picked out so neon in his mind that he can almost taste his presence. He doesn’t use his eyes to “see” when his friend sits down beside him, leaning his elbow on the back of the couch and drawing his legs up off the floor.
“That sucks,” Tucker says.
“Tell me about it.”
“Do you wanna?” he asks. “Tell me, I mean. Get it out of your brain.”
Danny contemplates that for a moment, falling so still he nearly forgets to breathe. Then his lungs start complaining, reminding him that he is very much still in human mode, thanks, and that he does need air for more than just vibrating his vocal chords.
Danny sighs.
“Urges,” he says. One-word response.
He still can’t see Tucker, but he can “see” him nod. He’s such a pleasantly warm shade in Danny’s mind right now, a color he can’t describe because humans can’t perceive it. Danny could look at it forever.
“One of the fighting ones again?” Tucker asks. Danny shakes his head.
“I wanna put you in a box.”
It’s a testament to their relationship that Tucker doesn’t freak out about that sentence and all that it could imply. Instead he just pauses, purses his lips in the way that Danny can only vaguely “see” (a slight variation in his color, dipping almost orange on the spectrum), and drums his fingers against the back of the couch.
“Like. . . a coffin?” he asks, tone casual. More casual than it probably should be for the subject matter.
“Not really,” Danny says. “I mean, it’s not not a coffin either, but it isn’t specifically one. My brain just. . . really wants you and Sam to be tucked away somewhere safe where no one else can touch you and I can guard you forever. And ever.”
He pauses.
“And ever.”
Tucker nods, the motion burning brightly in Danny’s mind.
“Creepy,” he comments.
Danny groans again.
“I hate my brain.”
“So do I, you’re not special,” Sam calls from the other room. Danny’s itching under his skin with the urge to go grab her, despite how the walls in between them don’t dampen the “sight” of her in his mind. He presses his arm a little harder down over his eyes, as if that could block out her luminous smear across his consciousness.
“We’re having a private conversation,” Tucker yells back at her. “Me and Danny are bonding. Get your self-depreciation out of here!”
“Then stop talking so loudly, idiots!” Sam says. She’s crouched on the ground, rifling through what Danny knows is a box despite neither seeing nor “seeing” it. It shouldn’t take her that much longer to find Dead Teacher iii, and then she’ll be back in the room. Danny has to keep repeating that to himself.
Tucker reaches down and pokes his shoulder again.
“It’s really bugging you, huh,” he says. “That she’s in the other room.”
“How can you tell?” Danny asks. He hasn’t moved, hasn’t acted on any of his instincts. For all intents and purposes Tucker should just see a normal teenager lying sprawled out next to him, albeit in a somewhat awkward position.
Tucker shrugs. His shoulders bleed color behind them in an echo of the movement.
“Your teeth. They’re always pretty sharp, but right now they look like you could bite your own lip off. You’re not kissing anyone for a while, by the way,” he adds.
Danny’s groan borders on a whine this time.
“My ghost half is ruining my life,” he complains.
Tucker snorts and pokes him again, this time on the cheek. The warmth of his skin, of his presence in Danny’s mind, make Danny shiver. He wants so badly to bundle Tucker up in his arms and never let go.
“Is it just us right now?” Tucker asks. “Do you wanna box up anyone else?”
Danny hesitates, turning that thought over in his head.
“. . .no,” he ultimately concludes, “Not really. My brain’s got my house categorized as safe and mine and that’s where my family is right now, so they’re fine. And Val– well. Val is Val. I’ve always got conflicting feelings there.”
“It would be nice if those cancelled out, huh,” Tucker muses. Danny’s complained about this to him before. Fight and Protect fluctuate in his mind from moment to moment when it comes to Valerie and The Red Huntress, and the overlap when they’re both at their strongest can nearly give Danny a migraine. In the same way he can have a panic attack while in the middle of a depressive episode, he can very much want to swaddle Val in bubble wrap while also wanting to stab her.
“Well,” Sam says, straightening up and starting to (yes!) return to the room, “We can’t do a box, but we were already going to cuddle pile on the couch.”
“I still can’t get over you saying cuddle,” Tucker says.
“There’s nothing more hardcore than cuddling,” Sam huffs as she flops down on Danny’s other side. Her arm swings as she makes to throw what Danny assumes is the DVD box at Tucker, and Danny’s hands shoot up to snag it out of the air before it can strike his friend.
There’s a moment of silence. Danny opens his eyes. It’s weird seeing the world around him and “seeing” on top of it, part of why he’d covered his face in the first place. His brain just isn’t meant to process that much visual information at once, the same way his brain isn’t actually wired to “see.” He tries to focus on what’s real, on the actual light bouncing off his friends and into his retinas, and blinks away the glowing smear that isn’t even on the visual spectrum. He’s holding Dead Teacher iii in his hands, and he stares at the cheesy cover art with the single-minded focus of a guy recalibrating his eyes.
“Ah,” Sam says. “That bad, huh?”
Danny lets go of the DVD and it lands on his face. It hurts, but not that much.
Tucker sighs and grabs the case, standing up and moving to pop the DVD into the player. Danny, with a herculean effort, manages to not grab his ankle on the way by and drag him bodily back onto the couch.
Sam stretches, her long pale fingers tangling together overhead, physical form barely more present in Danny’s mind than the glow of her presence. Then she drops her hands and lays down, plopping her head onto his stomach and peering up into his very-close face. Danny can pick out every sun-starved freckle-that-could on her face, inherited from her parents and dampened by lifestyle choices. In the summer, when even the extra-strength sunscreen Sam slathers on can’t fight back her love for the outdoors, those freckles darken and bloom like constellations in the night sky.
The weight of her head against his stomach smooths some of Danny’s anxiety. She’s here. She’s real. She’s alive. She’s safe. She’s his.
She isn’t, of course. Tucker isn’t either. No one, on this planet or off of it, belongs to anyone, least of all Danny. And Danny knows this, believes it with the same certainty and maybe even the same part of his brain that knows that the earth goes around the sun, but that doesn’t get rid of his ghost-lizard brain chattering away in the back of his consciousness.
There’s the hum of the DVD player starting to spin the disk, then the previews begin behind Danny’s head. Tucker sits back down and, with Sam taking up the real estate on Danny’s abdomen, hooks an arm under one of the legs thrown over the back of the couch. He drags Danny’s limb closer and starts using it like a headrest, cheek pressing against Danny’s shin.
“You guys–” Danny’s voice breaks off. Finally, the anxiety that’s been buzzing at the back of his mind for the past hour and a half is tapering off, soothed by his proximity and contact with those he wants to protect. It’s such a relief that Danny could almost cry. But. . .
“You guys don’t have to be that close if you don’t want,” he says. Because it’s true. Sam and Tucker are under no obligation to play along with his ghost brain, no obligation to surrender to whatever weird instincts Danny has jammed into his consciousness. Danny has no right to ask them to, and he doesn’t. Not ever. They can make their own choices, and he refuses to become the kind of monster who would try to take their free will from them. They’re his friends, not his property, and he’s never going to forget that.
“Danny,” Sam says, “Shut up. The movie’s starting.”
“Yeah, man,” Tucker chimes in, “We were gonna do this anyway. Let us know when your brain’s calmed down enough to be upright, okay? I want popcorn later and there’s no way we’re gonna be able to integrate a bowl into this mess.”
Danny kicks his foot lightly, jostling his leg in Tucker’s hold and bumping his head, but he’s smiling. His friends are here. They’re alive. They’re watching a dumb movie from a dumb series they love and hate in equal measure.
And Danny’s happy.
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honeytama · 4 years
Don’t Just Watch
Spinner (Shuichi Iguchi) X Fem!Reader
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A/N: This is my first time writing fanfic, let alone smut. I’d appreciate any comments. Also, I wanted to thank @thotsforvillainrights​ for giving me helpful feedback on how to write this one!
Summary: You’re a camgirl and your best friend Shuichi is your trusty assistant. Viewers ask for a longer video from yourself performing a full-on sex scene, and Spinner ends up being your partner.
Warnings: Smut (18+), cussing, cumshot, double penetration, camgirl, filmed sex
Word count: 3.2k
Your side job started off as taking lewd photos for villain fetishists online for a quaint fee. After a few months of working alone, you now had your good friend Spinner help film and edit almost every one of your recent solo masturbation and role play videos for a premium porn site. The first anniversary of your channel is coming up soon.
Since becoming close to Spinner, it wasn't difficult to ask him to be your business partner as he’s such a kind-hearted guy. As the year you spent together went on, you became more and more capable of separating business and pleasure, so he eventually obliged in participating in some sexual scenes to entertain your growing audience.
In private, you love to touch yourself at how Spinner’s blushing face came out from behind the camera the first time you asked him to use his strong tongue to massage your clit as you pump yourself with a glass dildo. Or, you’d think about the few times he was charitable enough to reach out with his right hand to finger your pussy while shakily holding the camera in his other. The feelings you hold for him are mostly professional, but seeing his commitment to you after all this time only makes you yearn to have him in other ways.
While talking over new video ideas with your partner at the empty bar, he mentions that newer followers have been leaving comments demanding for full-on sex content. With your channel open on his computer, he turns it slightly so that you can see the top comments on your most recent upload.
“Y/N’s videos always get me to come in five minutes or less, I'd love to see her do it to another hot piece of ass…?” Spinner recites. He shifts his eyes towards you to gauge your emotions before swallowing and turning back to the screen to read the next one. “Don’t get me wrong, I love watching her play with that- that uh... little pussy of hers... but watching her get railed by an actual c-cock would get me to stay,” Spinner reads. He looks up at the ceiling from the laptop on the counter in front of you, slightly blushing.
Finally, Spinner turns to look at your face and assures, “Your numbers and tips are coming in just as great as before, but that last comment had 53 likes Y/N, so maybe—.”
While Spinner was walking you through the comments, your mind flipped through the potential sexual partners you could bring into your secret world. It felt nerve-wracking to think about choosing exactly who you wanted to be in front of the camera. However, going through the list in your brain, there truly was only one option. It had to be him. You knew that the sexual experience would be something you want to go back to over and over — plus the fans would die to see the rest of the body connected to the hot tongue and thick digits they did see so often. However, once you thought about approaching your masked friend to ask for such a favor, your heart nearly beat out of your chest.
You shook your head after realizing you’d been staring at the bottles of liquor on the wall, and turned to face your friend. “I want to do it.” 
“Really?” he said, raising his eyebrows and widening his eyes. He took a moment to close the laptop and turn his body to you as much as he could in the bar stool. “Y/N, you know I’d do anything for you...your channel, I mean.” Spinner closes his eyes before continuing, “So, if you really want to, then I'd like to volunteer.” I’ve wanted to go further with you since the day you first spoke my name, he thinks. Please say yes. Please.
“Shuichi… yes, I’d appreciate that so much,” you smiled. “Maybe we can call it ‘Villians’ First Time’, or something like that,” you laughed. You were so glad that he chose to speak up before you did. “I think it’ll work out well, we could easily set up a tripod.”
“I like that idea,” he replied smiling while rubbing the back of his head.
On the day of filming, you prepare your room as usual by setting out your play outfit. Arriving at your closet, you choose to pull out a black lace bra with matching underwear and a short, white, silk cover-up that ties at the waist. Moving back to your queen-sized bed, you open the bedside drawer to take out the Stain mask you’d been keeping since joining the League. The video is about two villains sharing their first time together, so the mask could help set the scene. Maybe he would enjoy seeing me in this again, too, you thought. You choose to tie it loose around your neck as you look around the room at the lights and camera tripod you set up the night before. Hearing a knock at your bedroom door, you breathe in and out deeply before walking to open it.
“Hey Y/N,” he greets with a smile. He walks to lean on the wall by your bed like normal, “Do you want to talk about anything before starting?”
“Yeah, actually,” you say, following him from the door to sit on the edge of the bed. The hem of your cover-up pulls slightly up your plush thighs, and you catch your partner pretending he didn’t just watch it happen. “I had an idea of how we could start because the rest should come naturally right? I mean, we are both villains… and this is kind of our first time together,” you say.
“Yeah, yeah it should be fine”, he nods quickly. “I’ll be fine with whatever you do to me, uh, whatever you want, you’re the director.” He watches you with wide eyes as you stand from the bed to saunter over to stand in front of his leaning body. You smile at him while reaching to lay your hand on the center or his chest and rub soothing circles to calm his nerves.
You continue to rub up his chest towards his neck and also choose to take one of his hands into your own, “Just know I’m very excited to do this with you, okay? There’s no need to be nervous while I’m here, I promise.” I have to be brave for him, you think. Deciding to make the first move to break the ice, you lean slowly into him and kiss his lips in earnest. Spinner hums into the kiss and pulls you in by the hips. You can already feel the growing bulge in his pants and this was something you normally got to see while working together. Seeing his pants tighten as you’d put on a show in front of the camera was a pleasure, but feeling him rub against your hip sends jolts of extreme heat towards your core. Pulling away before going too far, you notice him clenching your hand tightly.
“Is this just business, Y/N? Tell me, do you actually find me attractive? I need this to be more than it looks,” Spinner admits.
He feels the same way, you yell in your head. You grab his chin and whisper, “Just like the fans, I want to know everything about you, too. Please, show me everything. I want you, Spinner— I-I’ve always wanted you.”
He watches intently as you start to grind your hip into his pants. “F-fuck… I’ll turn the camera on, we should start,” he stutters and slips from between you and the wall to quickly press record.
He hears you giggle as you rush to sit on the edge of the bed again. You pat the space next to you in front of the camera to invite him to sit. Shuichi’s muscular frame dips the cushion next to you as he sits on your right. It’s your moment to do what you’ve always wanted to.
“Let’s go slow, Y/N,” he says putting his hand in the small of your back, “we have time.” You gasp as he decides to take the chance to lean in and kiss you again. So much deeper this time. Your hand goes straight back to its place on his chest, while his free hand travels to lay on your thigh. He squeezes and massages your thigh as if to test if it was alright to move it upwards.
You nod into the kiss and test the waters yourself by pausing to drag your lips down his jaw towards the side of his neck. Shuichi breathes heavily as you start to kiss and suck his tough skin. You mewl in his ear as you feel his hand slide between your thighs, hand underneath your cover-up. His nails lightly brush against your skin. 
“Lay on your back,” you softly instruct him. He nods and crawls to the head of the bed to lay down as told. Lizard's eyes stay stuck on your flowing body as you move to stand at the foot of the bed. You’re not too nervous yet, as he’s already seen you completely nude and in more humiliating positions before. However, this felt so different. Slowly pulling the silk tie at your waist, you allow the cover-up to fall off your shoulders. It’s so difficult to look Spinner in the eyes right now. 
“Holy shit,” Spinner gasps. Pulling himself up onto his elbows, he says, “Y/N you look, you look really beautiful.”
You try to cover your chest again, not realizing you're being filmed for the world to see your bodies. It's just that, him laying there in front of you feels like the moment isn’t meant for anyone else to see.
You place your hands on the mattress and begin to crawl up your friend’s body, stopping to straddle his waist. Your back stood tall so that the camera and your partner could see your breasts clearly. Shuichi could not take his eyes off your chest, he could probably hear how fast your heart was beating. You took his hands and placed them on your waist.
“Please touch me, Spinner,” you plead. Your core was hovering above him, and you couldn’t wait to sit down on his hard lap. He took your permission immediately and ran his scaled hands up your stomach and waist to reach for your breasts. Both of them being massaged curiously, you couldn’t help but let out a relieved moan. 
“Could I-,” he whispers. “Could I take it off, Y/N?” starting again a little louder, also realizing he was on camera. His face felt unnaturally hot as you looked down at him with dark eyes. You bite your lip hard and nod. Shuichi’s arms wrap around your bust to reach for the clasps in the back. You felt yourself instinctually lean forward at his touch, chest lightly touching the front of his face. Once he got the lace garment off, he tossed it to the side and laid back. “You’re wearing Stain’s mask around your neck like that, is it for me?” he questions shyly.
“Yeah,” you giggle, “Everything that I do- do tonight is for you. And only you.” Finally, you sit on his hard bulge while still straddling and start to roll your hips. 
“Mmmph,” Spinner moans. Quickly, each one of his hands grabs a side of your hips to guide you even further up and down his lap. He loves your sweet words making him feel like the only man in the world. “Please, give me more, Y/N.”
“I love your skin. I love your handsome face. Your combative talent. Your laugh. Your hands. Everything. I’ll give you all of me soon, don’t worry,” you breathe out. “If it’s ok, I’m going to take your shirt off now,” you state. Luckily, Spinner decided not to wear the plenty of leather belts around his torso today, so it was much easier to lift up his white top and red bandana. Once you saw his face again, your heart warmed at seeing his big toothy smile.
You want the night to be about him. He gives you his all while you touch yourself and talk to a camera in front of him all the time. It’s his turn to whine for the lense. You slowly sink down his torso and throw one leg over the side of his waist so you can kneel in front of the aching tent in his trousers. Without talking, you start to grab at his button and zipper planning to pull them off and go to town. Your wrist is grabbed softly before you can even start.
“Wait, Y/N, I didn’t realize. You don’t know… what I look like. I’m kind of different,” his rough voice stuttering again.
“Spinner… Shuichi, like I said before,” you massage the large mound of hard flesh waiting for you, “I’m so excited to see all of you. I’ll make you feel so good. Would you be comfortable if I go down on you?” He nods slowly and decides to let go of your wrist. Before starting again, you lean into him and give a quick kiss to his lips. You bring both of your hands back to his zipper and pull downwards. Spinner takes control of pulling his pants and underwear down his legs and kicks them off the bed. You were kind of surprised at how fast he did it. Looking at his body in front of you made your cunt clench. It takes you having to rub your thighs together to give yourself some relief. “Wow,” you gasp, “I must be the luckiest girl in the world.” Fuck, he has two cocks, you squeal inside.
“Yeah? But I’ve seen you fill your holes with much more strange things, Y/N,” he says bravely, running his hand through your hair.
You blush hard before lightly smacking your friend’s thigh as his remark. “I bet you I could take them both, babe. First try,” you teased.
Holy shit, he thinks. I’m sure she could… Did she just call me babe? Fuck. “Then go ahead, I’m ready for you now,” he says blushing back.
You giggle again at his attempt to be strong about this. You decide to kneel in between his spread legs and grab one cock into each hand. You lean down and look at him through your lashes as you give one of his pink, throbbing cock’s tip kitten licks. The other hand pumps his second member at a medium pace.
“Yes, please keep going,” Shuichi pleads.
Going faster with your pumping hand, you then focus on your mouth’s actions. You lift off to spit on his weeping cock and then sink back down his member to take more of him in. You continue to please him, bobbing your head up and down as he gripped the sheets on his sides. He squirmed as your pumping hand moved to his tip to rub tight circles into him.
“Shiii,” he’s panting hard now, clenching his fists and eyes to try contain his moans. “I want to be inside of you, Y/N.”
You let go and pop off of his dicks to scramble up his torso again. He grabs your face to kiss you deeply and can taste himself on your tongue. Suddenly, he flips both of you over, now supporting himself above you. “The masks stay on, right?,” you giggle. 
“Right,” he responds, “I want to take these off now though, is that okay?” You notice him pulling the thin fabric off of your hip, so you help him slide them down your legs before he can say anything. Spinner takes the lead by spreading your legs open wide so that he could kneel between them. Lining one of his cocks up to your entrance, he takes the other in a hand. “I know you can take both at the same time Y/N, but since you’re not warmed up…,” he pauses, pressing his cock slowly into your cunt.
You breathe in quickly as his size surprises you. “Fuuu, Spinner…,” you mewl.
He lets go of the cock outside of you to hump your inner thigh with it as he rocks his hips even more into your pussy. “Damn it, you feel so good.” He continues his motions while you moan his name. You can’t help but reach out to wrap your arms around his neck to bring him in closer. “God...You have no clue how long I’ve been waiting to do this with you,” he grunts into your ear. If the audio could pick it up, your audience would surely believe he was the best actor in the world, but all that was said today is true.
You’ve longed to hear those words. “Yes, yes, yes please keep going, fuck me, Shuichi!” you moaned out. Pulling away for a second to look into his eyes, you knew you had to ask, “C-could you put both in now?” He quickly turned your wish into reality by grasping his loose cock and slowing his pace to push the other one inside. “Ahh, oh yeah,” you both moan. “This is the most full I-I’ve ever felt,” you wince. “It feels so good!” Both of your faces contorted into different pleasured expressions as you reach your limit after some time.
“Fuck, you feel so tight, Y/N, do you want to cum?” You nod quickly at his question. Spinner spread your legs further to pump himself more deep and quick into your sopping cunt. 
“Fuck, uh, you’re gonna make me cum, Spinner, please!” you yell. You felt yourself tighten completely for an instant before your whole entire body let itself go in ecstasy. You felt as if your body was on fire as your partner continued his passionate handling of you. You could hear him groan more unevenly than before, knowing his end was coming up as well.
“Y/N, could I cum on your face?” He pleaded. You nod and shift up the bed as he climbed to straddle your hips. You watched, panting from your high, as he pumps both of his cocks together quickly while hunching over. His eyes were closed, so you decided to roll out your tongue to catch anything you could. “Ok, shit, I’m gonna-,” he groans. He opens his eyes to see you beneath him staring intently with your tongue out. He gives one more pull before coming into your mouth and onto the rest of your face.
You both spend a minute riding out the heaviness you felt in your stomachs. Then, Spinner jumps up off the bed to turn off the camera and rush to your bathroom for a damp washcloth. Returning, he hands it to you like after your usual filming hours together. 
“Can you do it tonight?” You ask, hopeful.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” he responds softly. He takes his time to wipe your face and then moves to your thighs to clean up.
You want to show him how to do it properly, but it was sweeter to watch him fumble around with your limbs. You liked him just as he was.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed it! I had no clue how to end it lol.
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years
*falls down stairs* may i offer you the concept of a dragon, snuggling the ever-living frick out of their Darling and just generally being wholesome for a while. I can also provide the idea of a Darling Prince/Princess getting kidnapped by a Dragon Yandere and relishing in it.
A wonderful lizard, truly the perfect specimen. I love these scaley boys. Don’t know how anyone lives without them.
TW: Slight Stockholm Syndrome, Use of Scandinavian Spelling, Threats of Violence.
Sometimes, you managed to forget why Fafnir had ever scared you.
He was gentle, painstakingly so, most of the time. Even as his head sat in your lap, Fafnir sunbathing in the courtyard of the castle he'd ‘found abandoned’ while you sat on one of the garden’s walls, he kept himself from relaxing completely, never crushing you under his full weight. Part of you was thankful, his head alone as big as one of the overturned wheelbarrows sitting on the other side of the clearing. The other half couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he ever forgot just how fragile you were, compared to him.
Idly, you ran a finger over the grooves in his scales, tracing idle patterns between brown and red and burgundy. If he minded, you were never told to stop, Fafnir’s nose burrowing itself further into your chest as you found a particularly sensitive spot, his breath nearly hot enough to burn you. Luckily, you’d built up a tolerance, by now. It was easier than pushing him away, and much more guiltless than having to explain why you were being so ‘shy’ again.
It was a tranquil moment, a peaceful one. You weren’t crying, he wasn’t trying to comfort you, a habit you’d never exactly been fond of. You almost fell into it, wondering if you could simply close your eyes and enjoy the coolness of his scales as much as he enjoyed your warmth.
Then, Fafnir had to go and break the silence.
His voice always shocked you, how deep it was, how his mouth barely seemed to move. The words, human words, sounded alien when they came from him, even if everything he said was coherent. “I went out hunting last night, after you fell asleep,” He started, perking up ever so slightly, if only enough to nudge your shoulder when your hands stopped moving. “We may have to move again. A little further, this time.”
Absentmindedly, you scratched at the soft bases of his horns, a row of black, jagged edges running down his spine. The tips weren’t poisonous or anything ridiculous like that, but you’d cut yourself more than once when you accidentally brushed against the wrong spot. “One of yours or one of mine, love?”
“Yours.” He was more awake now, lifting his head off of your lap, slitted eyes soon seeming to stare into your soul. Even lying down, he towered over you, attempting to give you space but being so suffocating, at the same time. Briefly, you wondered if you should attempt to jump down and just risk the twisted ankle or bruise you would have from the long drop. Then, Fafnir huffed, and you threw away the idea of simply walking away from a conversation he was so set on having. “I thought you said your clan would stop sending humans after the first few months, darling.” The term of affection was nearly growled, a harsh, guttural sound you took a moment to recognize. Petnames had never come naturally, to him. You considered yourself lucky if he even called you ‘mate’, some days. “There’re… what do you call them? There are more soldiers marching from that little kingdom of yours. Dozens of them, this time. Do they really think you’re still being imprisoned?”
Your mind went to do the locks on your bedroom door, to the castle door too heavy for you to move without Fafnir’s help, not that he ever let you stray far from his side. Pursing your lips, you attempted to keep your temper even, not daring to look towards his eyes. Your strength never lasted very long, not when you gaze trailed to those fangs of his, always so ready to bite into something until it stopped moving. “Please, I don’t think they-”
“You can only expect me to run for so long.” There was another nudge to your shoulder, this one threatening to knock you off the thin wall. He stood as he spoke, pushing himself up and growing taller, bigger with every little movement. Soon, you could see his massive body, the spikes that extended and flared out from his back, the bone spurs that could impale a man before Fafnir even noticed there was an enemy. And those claws… those fucking claws, you could hardly stand the idea of getting near them, again.
You only glared at his neck, biting your cheek, if only to convince yourself not to back-down at the mere sight of something sharp. “They don’t know I’m not being kept against my will, because you won’t let me talk to them.” He didn’t respond, but you weren’t sure you cared, letting out a dry, tired chuckle. You glanced towards him, but more out of a nervous habit than any true desire for a genuine conversation. “I don’t hate you, I don’t want to hate you, but if you want them to stop worrying about me, you have to let me prove to them that there’s nothing to be worried about.”
He was silent, and that familiar, icy dread you thought you’d chased away began flooding back into your system, overpowering the trust you’d thought you’d built with him. But Fafnir didn’t lash out, or growl, or do much of anything besides narrow his eyes, letting out an exhale of smoke and steam as he scanned over you. You didn’t flinch as his teeth closed around the collar of your tunic, nor did you complain as he lowered you onto the ground, turning as soon as he knew both of your feet were on the ground.
You had to jog to keep up with him, the beast already trekking across the courtyard, his wings twitching in anticipation. “It’s clear you’re not thinking rationally, if you think such animalistic people would ever understand our relationship,” He explained, not noticing as you stumbled and grabbed at his leg, if only to make him think about this before he did something he’d regret. But, your efforts were beyond fruitless, Fafnir not sparing you a second glance before he continued, his pace growing impossible to keep up with. “I’ll take care of this for you, and anyone else they send. And if they don’t stop... I’ll make them stop.”
He might’ve said something else, but you couldn’t hear it, not over the rush of wind and Fafnir’s deafening roar, your knees nearly buckling by the time he’d taken air. For a second, you remembered why you kicked and screamed and fought when he first ‘claimed you’, why it’d taken you weeks just to speak to him. What had happened to all the guards, all the civilians, all the people who’d attempted to save you before.
Then, you wondered how you’d managed to forget that his passivism only applied to his precious, delicate, caring mate.
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scribeofmorpheus · 4 years
Chasing Tornadoes {5/6}
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Series Warnings: poorly  written medical procedural, mild delving into spirituality, language,  overbearing egos, graphic descriptions of medical procedures. more warnings to be added. 18+ Generally, like my blog.
A/N: swearing...sexual tension?
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | AO3
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You woke up with a hell of a hangover and a parched throat that tasted sour, like bad vodka.
“Ugh,” you rolled onto your back and looked at the alarm clock. “Shit, I’m late for work.”
You fumbled out of bed and began pulling on your work clothes with a toothbrush tucked under one cheek and a facecloth soaking through your bra strap on your shoulder. Spike watched you duck in and out of the bathroom from the living-room, his hungry growl greeting your stinging ears.
Then, suddenly, you remembered.
“Oh, you’re right, boy,” you plopped next to Spike on the couch. “I don’t have work today.” You slipped out of your work trousers and lounged about for a hot, undecided minute in nothing but the oversized festival t-shirt you wore to bed and your koala print underwear.
Spike growled again, his long tail knocking over a small flower pot. You rolled your eyes, “Right, breakfast, you utter flower fiend.”
Your cellphone rang. Caller ID registered it was the hospital. You turned to Spike, “Maybe they need me back after all.”
You cleared your throat twice before answering, “Hel—”
“Child,” Jan’s chipper tone came racing through your phone’s speaker. She had that whisper-shout octave that told you she was using the receptionist phone for personal reasons. “What have you done to this poor man?”
“Who?” You leaned onto the couch, Spike clawed his way off the couch arms and stomped all over your stomach, reminding you of the alcohol nausea. “Oof, Spike, ow.”
“Stephen, who else?” Jan continued. “He’s been walking about with a permanent scowl all morning. Never seen him look so…constipated. Is it true you two went to Gloria’s last night?”
“How on earth do you know everything that goes on in this town?” You let out an impressed huff.
“Tiny told me,” Jan said. “Well, actually, Tiny told his sister Tina. And Tina’s church buddies with my niece Francis, and she told the group chat. Did you know Tiny’s had the biggest crush on you since the New Year’s party last year? Poor guy. Think he’s seeing someone over a dating app or something. Can’t keep up.”
“There’s a group chat?” You scoffed. “Why am I not part of it?”
“Because you don’t like my cornbread,” Jan retorted. “Anyway, the real reason I called was because my neighbour—Ed—would like to set a date.”
“A date?” Your eyes went wide. Then you felt guilty for not calling Teddy back. Why is dating so hard?
“So you can talk about his Prius?”
“Oh, shit, yes. That kinda date….” You stood up to look at your day planner on the kitchen table. “Umm, next week Thurs—hang on, what am I saying, I don’t have work. I’m free all week.”
“I’ll let him know,” before she hung up, Jan added. “Oh and wear anything with bees on it. He’s into honey farming and bee conservation. May bump down the price if you schmooze him a little.”
“Thanks, Jan. I owe you.”
“Big time.”
The line went dead and you sighed. Spike stepped on your toes, another growl for attention coming from his mouth.
As you sliced up a banana into Spike’s bowl, your doorbell went off. You looked at the wall clock in your kitchen, chewing the inside of your cheek in thought. Everyone you knew was probably at work.
“Who could that be?” You set Spike’s bowl down and the lizard chewed like a baby with no teeth. Without thinking to get decent, you opened the door to a very flustered looking Stephen Strange. He held up the tray of take-out coffee up to his eye-line, but his lips quirked into a secret smirk.
“Stephen—What?—Why?—You should be at the hospital,” you blurted in surprise.
“I—uh—felt like we’d need to…discuss certain—uh…” He cleared his throat. “Would you mind putting pants on?”
“Pants? What…” you looked down at your exposed thighs and blushed. “Pants! Right, yeah, come in. Sit anywhere you like…Errr, just don’t try and pet Spike, he bites strangers.”
“Your son bites people? Can’t say I’m entirely surprised…” Stephen raised a brow as he shrugged his coat off and placed the coffee tray on a table. “Isn’t it a school day?”
“Spike’s not that kind of son,” you shouted out from your bedroom.
“Ouch,” Stephen took a sharp inhale, waving his hand about as if he’d been burned. You went rushing into the kitchen.
“Spike get back here and apologise,” you said to the Iguana. Spike waddled away before you could scold him as blood dropped from Stephen’s finger.
Stephen glared at you with a look of disbelief, “Your son is a fat lizard?”
You bit back a laugh as you placed Stephen’s hand under running water in the sink. “Don’t worry, he’s rabies-free. But if you develop a sudden, unexplained dislike of water, let me know.” You quipped.
Stephen rolled his eyes at you. It didn’t escape your notice that he wasn’t as rigid around you as before. Even with his hand in yours under the rushing faucet.
“So what are you doing here?” You asked. “On a workday no less.”
“It’s a small town, managed to finish my rounds early. Turns out there aren’t that many brain injury cases to deal with,” he chuckled lowly. Your heart picked up its pace. “Besides, I wasn’t getting much done. Too distracted thinking about the…”
You turned to look at him, “The what?”
Stephen’s eyes lingered on your lips for a fraction of a second before he pulled away, “Thinking about your total lack of professionalism yesterday.”
You scoffed, “Yeah, well you deserved it.” You reached up for a cabinet overhead and pulled some emergency plasters from a hiking first aid kit you’d forgotten to put away.
“Here,” you handed him the plaster. He took it sheepishly, making it a point so his fingers never came in contact with yours.
“Listen,” he began peeling off the waxy plastic of the plaster. “Last night, I don’t know what you were thinking—Probably weren’t thinking with all those vodka-lime’s you downed—but I’m not here to be anybody’s, Dr Grey—”
You laughed, “Dr Grey?”
“Yes, from that medical drama series that you and Christine used to watch in college,” Stephen looked up at you as if you grew a third eye.
“You mean Derek Shepard? Because—and no offence—I don’t really think you have the…spunk to be Meredith.”
“Does it matter if the analogy sticks?”
“What’s this analogy implying?”
Stephen took a step closer, his voice going deadly sharp, “That I’m not here to get tangled up in any romantic…drivel.”
“Good,” you smirked and Stephen cocked his head to the side. “Because I never took you for the romantic type.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, you know exactly what I mean,” you riffled through the bread tin and asked over your shoulder: “Bagel?”
“What?” Stephen’s vein by his temple was beginning to throb, hands akimbo.
You took out the cream cheese from the fridge and smeared some over the ready sliced bagel, “You brought coffee, I’m asking if you want a bagel to go with it…on your way out of my apartment?”
“Think I’ll just have the coffee, thanks,” there was heat beneath his words, no sincerity as he strode over to the tray of coffee.
“You know where the door is. Unless you’re so far up your own ass you need someone to guide you out,” you bit back, feeling petty.
Stephen turned on his heel, finger pointing at you, “You think you’re so high and mighty. Looking down on me because I actually have aspirations I want to chase. So what if I’m ambitious? It’s miles better than being some doe-eyed fellow who passed on their chance at a residency because they’re too scared of the big, bad city.”
You gasped, eyes going wide. How did he know that?
“Yeah, I ran into Arlene during my rounds. She’s quite the talker when not fumbling with paperwork like a little mouse,” Stephen huffed, dropping his coffee cup on the table. Some of it spilled and burned his hand, but he kept a good poker face. “So don’t go acting as if you being here is because you’re some sort of bleeding-heart when you and I both know you’re just scared. Ever since I came into town, I’ve just been a constant reminder of the future you’re too scared to want to want!”
“You really are a piece of work aren’t you?” You folded your arms over your chest to hide the fact they were shaking. “And you wonder why no one sticks around, what with your terrible bedside manner and arrogant as fuck personality—waltzing about like you own every hospital and know all there is to know about how the world works.” You poked his chest several times. “Well, fuck you, your obnoxious brain and that high horse you rode on.”
“Fuck me?” Stephen raked a rough hand through his hair, cheeks going red. “Fuck you!”
“Fuck me?” You craned your head back. “No, fuck you!”
You poked him even harder and Stephen grabbed your hand to stop your index finger from bombarding his sore chest. He tugged and you were pulled in.
Breath hot against each other’s cheeks. Lips mere centimetres away. A flush set on both your cheeks.
Then, without warning, he kissed you and there was nothing delicate or chaste about it. It wasn’t like the innocent little make-out session you’d shared on your doorstep. This was different, full of pent up tension and the heat of the argument. It was rough and fast and demanding. Soon, you were clawing at each other’s clothes as you led Stephen into your bedroom.
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hyuniins · 4 years
how to love your dragon.
part two.
omg people liked part one that makes me so happy!! i’m finally posting part two.. there’s so much to come we haven’t even hit the surface of this story yet.. i’m so excited to continue! i hope you enjoy! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
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part one - part two - part three
genre: skz’s hyunjin, royalty!au, dragonboy!au, fluff (female reader)
word count: 2.3k
you aimed your quest towards your kingdom’s market place. you threw your hood over your head in hopes of avoiding being recognized by the masses. hyunjin silently padded behind you. he was still naked and barefoot, while the silk sheet still wrapped around his figure, being held up by his fist bunching up the fabric together at the front.
hyunjin spoke up once the market place came into view. “why are we going towards all those humans-“
“hyunjin we have to get you-“
“is this a set up? are you turning me in?” he starts sputtering in panic, feet nailed to the ground, staring at you in disbelief.
you turned around, looking at him, not amused. “hyunjin, i can’t take you into the palace naked.”
he squinted his eyes. “what does that have to do with you handing me over to humans?”
“i’m just going to the market to buy you clothes.” you huffed.
“because if you’re coming with me to the castle, you have to seem at least a little human. that means you can’t walk around naked with wings hanging off your back.”
hyunjin gagged at the thought.
you sighed, and walked over to where the tree line started before the market, gesturing to the bushes. “sit over here while i get you some clothes. i’ll be back in a minute.”
he sighed dramatically, taking a seat on the ground. you chuckled to yourself, amazed at how the big bad dragon could act so stubborn sometimes.
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you looked around the plaza, looking at the colorful array of items and food that were brought by the many talented and hardworking commoners of your kingdom. the sight alone made you smile. you haven’t been out into the kingdom of levanter in so long, since your family always fears your safety, and keeps you caged in the palace. it was so refreshing to see the people you cared for in their everyday life.
you made your way to a small tent belonging to an elderly woman, whom offered you a sweet smile. you looked through the clothes she had to offer, trying to find the perfect selection for hyunjin. you knew he wouldn’t appreciate it, but for what it’s worth, you wanted to dress him up nicely. after all, he wasn’t an eyesore by any means.
you smiled at the woman as you made your purchase, giving her gold above her asking price, for how kind and helpful she was. she eyed the gold in her hand, as if she had never seen the real thing before. she looked back at you, stunned. you nodded your head slightly, and you pulled your hood a little lower.
“thank you, princess.” she said lowly, acknowledging your means of staying hidden.
you turned to her again, offering a bright smile, bringing a finger up to your lips.
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“finally.” hyunjin grumbling upon seeing you emerge from the market.
“here.” you said, shoving the new garments into his chest. “change.”
he gave you a distasteful glare, looking between the garments and your strict gaze.
“if you get changed quick, i can give you these.” you say, opening a sack filled with fresh salmon.
his eyes lit up at the sight. hyunjin then sighed as he let the sheet fall past his shoulders a bit, giving you a view of the other silk wrapped around his abdomen, spotted with dried blood.
“hyunjin!” you shouted. “no! tree-behind- get- now!” you stuttered.
“i really don’t know what you want from me anymore.” he breathed.
“get dressed behind the tree, humans don’t just undress in the open like that!” you say.
hyunjin began making his way on the other side of the tree. “are humans that lustful that they can’t even restrict themselves upon seeing each other nude?” he tsked. “but we’re the beasts.”
you rolled your eyes before you turned around from the tree, offering him more privacy. “it’s not about lust, it’s about public decency. do dragons not wear clothes when they’re in human form?” you asked, as hyunjin began undressing behind the tree.
“of course we do, but we also don’t lose our minds when one of us undergoes a change and reappears nude.” he says simply.
he steps out from the tree, sporting his new white turtle neck shirt tucked into scruffy taupe pants, which were also tucked into his new dark leather boots.
“fish. now.” he said, cheeks blushing red as you looked as his new outfit.
“i would say would look really handsome, if you didn’t run your mouth so much.” you say, letting a blush also paint itself onto your cheeks.
“i said, fish.” hyunjin said, turning impossibly redder, hand extended now.
you giggled, as you held the bag out to him to grab a raw salmon. he was quick to take a big bite, sinking his fangs into the fish before ripping off a piece. his cheeks filled cutely as he chewed.
“surely you must get told that by the other dragon girls.” you giggled.
“told what.”
“that you’re handsome.” you clarify.
he eyes shot up to meet yours in shock, panic evident on his face.
you looked at him questionably, prompting an answer.
his chewing slowed before he swallowed. “no, not exactly.”
“you’re not serious.” you gasp.
he cocked his head at you. “but i am serious.”
you looked at him in disbelief. “hyunjin, you’re so beautiful it’s unreal. it’s literally unearthly, i’ve never seen a person like you before.” you spout, suddenly stopping as you realized how bad you already humiliated yourself.
he kept his eyes on the fish in his hand, unknowing how to react.
“thank you..” he said in a small voice.
you smiled at this, and he spoke up again after a moment of silence.
“you are too.” he said, so lightly you couldn’t even hear it over the loud thumping in your chest.
“hm?” you question.
“i mean, you’re not ugly, like the other humans.” he corrected, shifting his position on the ground, and reaching for another salmon.
you smiled at his bashful state. you liked this hyunjin a lot more.
“i’ll take that as a compliment.” you chuckled.
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as the castle came into view, you were quick to pull hyunjin into nearby greenery, concealing yourselves from view.
“what was that for?” he grunted, after landing harshly on his bottom.
“we need a plan.” you state. “i can’t just bring a random person into the palace out of nowhere, especially because i was out in the woods without an escort.”
“sounds like a you problem.” he huffed.
“it will be a you problem when they wonder who you are, and find those wings on your back while they’re throwing you in the dungeon.” you replied.
he sighed. “how about, you tell them you got lost in the woods, and i brought you home. like a knight in shining armor.” he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.
you smacked his shoulder and thought for a moment. “that could work, without the knight part. i can’t lie when i know you’re just a little lizard.”
“fine whatever let’s go.” hyunjin said rolling his eyes, standing up from the bushes and walking to the path that led to the castle.
the soldiers take notice of you along the path, eyes gazing between you and hyunjin as their grip tightens on the swords in their holsters.
“i’ve returned.” you say lightly, walking between the guards into the castle gates with hyunjin trailing behind, until one guard puts a hand in front of hyunjin, halting him.
you turn quickly to see hyunjin, staring at the mans arm, eyes widened. “civilians aren’t allowed into the kingdom without permission from the royal family.” the guard states.
you could see hyunjin’s eyes burning with anger, which was probably only noticed by you, as he tried to keep the rest of as body composed. he locked eyes with you, and then you could see the tension in his shoulders relax.
he knows i won’t let anyone hurt him here.
“as the princess, i request you let him through.” you say to the guard.
the guards don’t even flinch at your demand, arms still in hyunjin’s way.
hyunjin shot you a look of confusion.
you cleared your throat. “i said-“
“princess, you know we cannot listen to your orders, we can only heed the requests of the king himself or Prince Han.” the guards replied.
you scoffed at this, before you felt two arms wrap around your shoulders.
“welcome back princess, i was so worried.”
you turned around to see jisung, hugging you warmly, pulling away to reveal his eyes filled with concern. “why did you run off without a guard again?”
you turned back to hyunjin. “i got lost in the woods, and this man helped me and brought me back to the palace.” you said. “i wanted him to come have dinner with us as a thank you. can you please tell the guards to let him in?”
jisung’s gaze fell onto the boy. “if that’s what you’d like, princess. he helped you get home to me safely, so i don’t mind if he joins us.” jisung says with a smile.
the guards lowered their hands, and you saw hyunjin’s demeanor change in an instant. you saw his face contort to one of surprise, the skin between his eyes scrunching together at the sight of jisung. you took notice of this, and you were quick to grab hyunjin’s hand, ushering him him to trail behind you as you walked with jisung.
hyunjin felt a sharp pain through his chest as his hand held yours, panic bubbling within’ him.
“y/n, you won’t believe the action we’ve had this morning!” jisung exclaimed. “your father has been worried sick about your absence, and to top that off we found a black dragon flying around castle grounds! that sure did make your old man even more anxious. did you know black dragons are the rarest species to find? it means that-”
“y/n.”  hyunjin said in a serious tone.
you quickly looked back to hyunjin, his pupils fixated on jisung’s back, and his shaky hand still holding yours.
jisung looked back as well, and he cleared his throat as he took notice of your interlocking hands.
“alright princess, i’m going to go tell the king of your arrival.” he says, losing his enthusiasm. before he walks away, he kisses your cheek.
“and please don’t run off alone again, my princess.”
hyunjin’s eyes widen at this, his chest beginning to feel heavier.
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you keep hyunjin’s hand locked with yours as you made your way to your bedroom.
once there, you let go of hyunjin’s hand and ushered him inside, locking the door behind you.
“alright, we’re finally home.” you say exhausted. “now, let’s work on those wings.”
hyunjin remains silent, and starts pulling his shirt over his head, wincing at the pain in his back.
hyunjin was terrified on the inside, never feeling this way before. his body felt heavy, his chest tightening. the pain was excruciating, but he wasn’t hurting. he felt miserable, but he enjoyed it. he then soon realized he couldn’t look at you without the burning sensation in his chest blooming immensely.
you walked to your cupboard in your room, full of all your medicines, herbs, bandages, and ointments.
he is sitting at the foot of your bed, his head hung low as you walk over to him.
“does it hurt that bad?” you ask.
hyunjin just takes a deep breath, then shakes his head.
“are you alright hyunjin?” you ask.
“that guy, he is the one who shot at me.” hyunjin says.
you feel sick to your stomach. “that’s han jisung, the prince of the kingdom of miroh. miroh was the kingdom that birthed the idea of dragon defense and dragon hunting tactics. he’s the head of the dragon defense militia.”
“-and he kissed you.” hyunjin continues in a bitter tone, ignoring your explanation.
you take a deep breath. “yeah, he’s my fiancé.”
hyunjin looks back at you quickly, his gaze trying to search yours.
“if it wasn’t obvious by the guard incident earlier, i don’t get much say in anything around here.” you chuckle bitterly. “it’s an arranged marriage. jisung and i were childhood friends, but apparently we have to be married so he can join our kingdoms.. so he can rule my kingdom.”
“do you love him?” hyunjin asks suddenly.
you look at him quickly, surprised by the sudden question. “he’s very nice to me and is a good friend. but, no, not like that.”
“not in a marriage way? you don’t want to kiss him?” hyunjin stared at you.
you smiled and looked at the ground. “no, i don’t.”
“do you know what love feels like?” hyunjin asked.
“i know what family love is like, but not really romantic.” you reply, hands busy gathering your stitching supplies.
hyunjin then makes a realization it seems, he lets out a defeated sigh, a small, bitter smile on his lips.
he then looks at you with glassy eyes, the same unreadable smile upon his lips. “i’m sorry y/n.”
“awe, what do you have to be sorry for.” you giggle.
“i just realize now dragons aren’t the only ones who have humans as their enemy.” he says.
this sentence intrigued you. what does he mean by that?
you arched a brow in confusion. “humans aren’t my enemy-“
then you heard a faint sniffle from hyunjin.
“hyunjin, are you crying?”
he lets out a pathetic chuckle, tangled with a sob. “and dragons aren’t that nice either.”
you panic, hopping up to sit in front of him and face him on the bed.
“hey what’s wrong? what does that mean, jinnie? does something hurt?” you say, cupping his face gently with your hands, watching his tears trail down his milky cheeks.
he smiled at the nickname. he looks up at you through wet lashes. “jinnie.. i like that.. and yeah, it does. everything hurts, so bad.” he mumbles, his words beginning to slur.
you stayed silent, and watched with wide eyes as his big hands gently covered your own as they rested on the sides of his face.
“you know how you said that not all humans are bad.” he said.
“yes, but hyunjin what’s going on you’re-“
“you were right.” he says in a whisper.
you stared at the boy, wondering why he was saying all of this all of a sudden.
as you held his face in your hands, his arms fell to his sides. you watched his eyes get droopy, then his body fell limp in your lap.
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don’t worry, this isn’t the end, part three soon!
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mayve-hems · 5 years
New Perspective | Dad!Calum
Summary: After leaving for four years, Calum returns back to his friends and he has a big surprise: he has a three-year-old daughter, but he refuses to admit it. Until, he falls in love with his little girl, and learns he can’t live without her and her sassy mom either.
Word Count: 15.0k
Note: If you would like to request a one-shot / imagine / story prompt / blurb / HC then I am accepting requests currently and I would love to take them! 
Warnings: Calum is honestly kind of a dick in the beginning and Eve just doesn’t wear a shirt sometimes
“As’in” Melody slurred, stomping her left, light-up Sketcher on top of the eye-level stool in front of Ashton. Ashton flinched from the loud noise, scooting back on the kitchen floor just a smidge. “Cooler ‘an you.”
“Of course you are, Mel,” smiled Ashton. He dug his ring-clad fingers gently into Melody’s sides. The brown-haired girl, with one foot on a step stool and the other, bare, foot holding her balance upon the floor burst into a fit of giggles. Laughing with her shoulders digging into her ears and arms struggling to get Ashton to release his grip. “Who said you could wear my dinosaur pajamas?”
“Mine, you - you jerk!” Melody stuttered. Her Uncle Luke stuck his hands underneath her arms and pulled her body from the ground. “Hey!”
“I was saving you from the tickles,” said Luke. “I could put-”
“No!” screamed Melody. She stuck the foot with a shoe on into Ashton’s face. “Off.” She commanded. Ashton rolled his eyes and unstrapped the velcro.
“Was dance practice fun?” Luke asked, pulling his niece’s whole body away from the shoe. With Ashton’s hand holding onto the rubbery bottom, it slid off easily. Melody nodded her head and struggled up the too large countertop. “Did you learn anything?”
Melody gained her stability and stood up straight. With high countertops, she seems to be an inch taller than Luke. “I can do a roll!” Melody stuck her hands straight in the air, preparing for a somersault.
Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael had been planning to build a house together since they were in grade school. A custom-built one with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a Gameroom, an upstairs and a downstairs living room, a large kitchen, and a workout room built into a large shed just outside of the house, and a fully furnished, soundproof basement. Evita “Eve” Sanchez, a girl with luscious long black curls and dark freckles became their best friend and included on their house plans too. Only, Calum didn’t officially go through with the agreed plans and left the state after paying his part of the house, before it was finished.
“No!” Luke yelled, catching Melody before she started a somersault off the counter. “Let’s not do that. I don’t want Mommy to get mad at me.”
Calum’s bedroom was finished, and several arguments ensued between Michael and Eve over whether or not Melody’s nursery should’ve taken over her fathers’ room. Michael got his way, and Eve didn’t turn the barely-furnished room into a nursery. She bit her tongue every time she passed the empty room.
“Did you feed all of your animals, Mel?” Ashton asked, standing up from the floor. Melody gave him a single, hard nod. “Both dogs and your cat?” Melody nodded again. “Your ferrets and your lizard?”
“Mommy fed Norber’!”
“So Norbert was the only animal Mommy fed? If I go ask-”
“-Well . . . Phin and Ferb too.”
“That’s it? Norbert, Phineas, and Ferb?”
Melody bowed her head in shame. “Well . . .”
“If you don’t start feeding your mass abundance of pets, Mel, you know Mommy will get rid of them!” lied Luke. Melody, just like her father, has taken a liking for pets of all kinds. Melody isn’t allowed at the pet store very often because she’ll convince somebody into getting a new animal - lately, she’s been adding to the downstairs aquarium. “How about you give your ferrets some treats, and make sure Norbert has water?”
“Yes, Uncle, Lu’,” Melody sighed. Luke put her on her feet and pushed her towards the living room. She walked from the counter, towards Norbert The Leopard Gecko. Her favorite pets have to be Phineas and Ferb, twin ferrets. Their large cage sits in the downstairs living room for everyone to play with. Originally, Melody wanted their cage in her shared bedroom. Eve quickly said no.
“You aren’t supposed to tell a kid things like that, Hemmings,” a familiar voice said. Luke turned around from watching Melody. The blond didn’t want to believe who was standing in his kitchen, with arms crossed over his chest and a smirk like he’s the fucking leader. “Especially an animal lover like her. She’s got a heart like her daddy’s right? Dog lover and names on Petunia?”
“You think-” Luke started, flabbergasted at Calum’s accusations.
“-Don’t,” Ashton groaned. He faced the intruder that ran away only four years before. “What are you doing here?”
Calum let out a loud breath. “It’s my house too, right? Unless my bedroom was turned into a playground for - what’s her name? Melody?” His black combat boots his loudly, approaching Ashton and Luke quickly. His finger drug itself along the countertop then led a journey to his eyes. At least the house was clean. “So, who’s the mom?”
“Excuse me?” asked Luke.
“The kid - who’s her mom? Is it Evita? I bet you ten bucks y’all fucked and-”
“-Obviously she’s Eve, dumbass,” Luke bit down on his lip. He didn’t know if it was his right to inform Calum that - Guess what! - he had a kid after escaping the state.
“Never thought you’d get with her,” Calum flashed a look of betrayal on his gorgeous face. “What about the Bro Code?”
“I didn’t get with Eve-”
A loud cry cut off Luke’s explanation. He flipped around to see a chair collapsed on the ground, and Melody clutching her right arm close to her body. Luke and Ashton quickly bolted to their niece to see what happened.
“Help!” Melody screamed through tears. Michael and Eve joined Luke and Ashton within moments. Eve, just barely out of the shower, sat her daughter on top of her fluffy robe and asked what was wrong. “Hurts,” Melody cried and pointed toward her dominant hand.
“What happened?” asked Eve. Calum peered through the doorway at the cluster of adults servicing a three-year-old alien activist and Disney lover. Surprise overtook Calum when he watched how Eve messed with Melody’s arm. Within four years, Eve’s hair seemed to have darkened from chocolate brown to jet black and pink still wasn’t her color. Calum made out dark ink all along exposed skin.
“Norber’ want water,” Melody started before letting out a loud wail when Eve attempted to straighten Melody’s arm. “I want to give him ‘dat bottle, an’ I fell!”
“Luke, can you get her shoes on? I’ll put some clothes on and take her to the hospital.” Eve sighed. Calum was surprised at how sure she sounded, not hesitating to be stern in a time of need. Eve’s older sister broke her hand, and Eve completely freaked out and fainted on Calum. That wasn’t an enjoyable experience for him. “I’ll be back in a moment.”
Michael swept the small girl off the floor, giving affirmations that she’d be okay. He set her down on the counter and handed her mother his own jacket after she’d ran down the stairs in just a hoodie and a bra. “We have a visitor.” Michael griped, clenching his jaw hard. “What do we do?”
Eve looked at Calum watching Luke put Eve’s shoes back on. He seemed uncomfortable. “Fuck it, my kid just broke her arm and I couldn’t care less about him.” Eve wrapped Melody’s favorite blanket around her shoulders and picked her back up. “Calum, your daughter just broke her arm, want to come to the hospital with us?”
“Wh-what?” Calum sputtered. He shook his head, trying to hide his bulging, scared eyes.
“Where’s Michael?” Calum asked as he took a journey through the kitchen. He stopped behind the girl with a bright blue cast, chewing something that looked like a lazy attempt at pizza. He grimaced.
“Guitar!” Melody said before taking another bite. Tortilla, pizza sauce, and cheese piled together and microwaved on high for a single minute- that’s Melody and Michael’s favorite meals. Besides chicken strips, of course.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“That means he’s in the basement practicing with the guys,” explained Eve. She barely looked up from her load of dishes at her confused face. “What? Can’t she explain where they are?”
Calum looked disgusted. “Why can’t she just say they’re in the basement? Is she delayed?”
“She’s three, give her a fucking break before I break you,” Eve shoved a plate into the dishwasher and finally looked up at Calum. She couldn’t help that he still looked hot; messy curls, tan skin, and bright brown eyes. It was destined that Melody is the cutest kid in the world.
“What is she even eating?”
“That is not a meal,” said Calum. “That’s something you feed a child that won’t eat anything besides chicken strips and pizza.”
Eve locked eyes with Calum. Staring straight into his ripped soul. “Exactly.”
Calum scratched the side of his head with the tip of his middle finger. “Can you lead me to the basement?”
Eve smirked. “You should know the house, Cal,” she laughed. “You helped design it. Oh, wait, you-”
“-Yes!” Calum screamed. “I get it! I left! Just . . . fucking lead me to the basement please.”
“Fine,” Eve picked Melody up from the enjoyment of cheap pizza. Melody protested a little bit, but the pain in her arm came ‘round and she stopped. “Wanna’ give Uncle Mike some pizza?” Melody nodded her head and grabbed the plate with her good hand. “Let’s go/”
Melody, Eve, and Calum rounded the corner toward the back door and walked through the laundry room to find basement steps. With Melody on her his, and Calum sadly right behind her, Eve descended down the steps. Michael looked up from his controller and took the plate from Melody and shoved it into Luke’s chest, then took Melody in his arms.
“How’s the hand, Mel?” asked Michael. He kissed the big ‘CLIFFORD’ signature underneath her wrist.
“Well, of course, it’s going to hurt, you fell off a chair,” Melody scowled at her uncle. “What’re you guys doing down here?” he asked, dismissing Melody’s continuous sass. He placed her back on the floor.
“Just seeing what the house looks like,” Calum said, looking around the furnished basement. It’s large; larger than he’d remembered. There’s a bathroom behind the wooden staircase, a man cave to the left and a room with tons of band equipment to the right inside of a soundproof studio. Just in front of the stairs was Melody’s playroom. Calum had never seen so much pink. “Pretty nice. How do you guys pay for all of this?”
“Jobs, Cal,” Luke snapped. The youngest of the adults rolled his eyes. “Are you going to get one?” 
“Wait, you guys have jobs? Why aren’t you working right now?”
“I’m a YouTuber,” Michael pointed to a section of the playroom with a backdrop and a nice camera, along with a gaming computer. “I can do whatever the fuck I want to.”
“Bet the rest of you don’t have jobs like that,” Calum shrugged, pointing to the rest of them. Melody already escaped to her dolls and barbies. “Probably mooch off all his money like the lowlifes you are.”
“Actually,” Luke snapped again. “I’m a teacher, and Eve is a tattoo artist.” Calum’s eyes went wide. Eve began to show off her ink to Calum. One really intrigued him; a feather on her left arm that dissolved into tiny fragments that formed ‘MELODY ANN’ on Eve’s wrist. There seems to be enough space for more children too. “Ashton works at KFC.”
“Please tell me you’re joking,” Calum pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Nah, dude, I’m a museum tour guide,” replied Ashton.
Calum snorted. “Nice one.”
“I’m serious.”
 “Bone library, huh?” Calum laughed at his joke. His fingers reached for little toes right underneath Eve’s eat, tattooed in a seemingly-painful way. “What’s what one?” Eve pulled her shirt up just a little bit to reveal the tattoo she sat hours for. The design was as if Melody walked from the front of Eve’s left hip bone, to her back, up to Eve’s right shoulder blade and ended with Melody’s footprint right behind Eve’s ear. Though, she only had the right foot, as if she were waiting for another child to come along and step on her. “Are those actual feet? Like prints from when Melody was born?”
“Taken right from her birth certificate,”
Calum wanted to undress Eve and analyze all the ink beneath her skin. He wanted to know the story behind the entire canvas she’d printed on her back, sternum, legs, and arms. It would take a couple of hours to learn about three years' worth of tattoos. When Calum left, she had a single tattoo of five tally marks on her finger. Each mark was dedicated to her friend group.
“You think I could get a job? Who’s the owner of the shop?” Calum asked. Eve pulled her shirt back down and laughed loudly. “What?”
“I’m the owner, asshole,” said Eve. “You can’t even draw a stick figure. Unless you’re buying, don’t come to my shop.”
“You’re a bitch,”
“I know,”
“Cut the shit, what are you doing here?” Michael asked when Eve and Ashton walked away to play with Melody. Calum ruffles the front of Michael’s blue hair. “Seriously. Why did you just randomly show up?”
“Did some stupid things,” Calum laughed. “Turns out sometimes you have to pay to perform. Dropped out of high school, so music is all I got.”
“Then what are you going to do for a job?” Luke asked, stepping up close to Calum. Michael and Luke were trying to intimidate him, make him see how stupid he is for leaving everything behind one day, leave without a warning, and show up randomly. He’ll never get off scot-free while living with them. “We’ve got people to support. A house to live in. You’re going to have to pay bills.” 
 “You’re joking,” Calum chuckled. Luke and Michael didn’t break their stares off the man. “I don’t have a way to get a job. I’m not good at anything. Can’t I just watch Eve’s kid and be okay?”
“You don’t get paid for watching your own child,” Michael replied in a low voice. “I don’t care if you helped design the place. It’s time to pay bills.”
Calum locked eyes with Michael. “She’s not my kid.” He pulled the curls falling into his eyes back and combed through the dark locks with his fingers. Their intimidation wasn’t working on him. “Guess I’ll have to get a job. Ain’t got nowhere else to go.”
Calum shivered underneath the orange tip of a washable marker. Its cold sensation ent socks through his arms, resulting in goosebumps and for Melody to color outside of the tattoo lines. He looked down where Melody sighed and takes in the sight; Melody, with eyebrows scrunched up and her little tongue poking through her teeth, and a marker sitting between her fingers. She was very focused.
Calum notices that their hair curls the same way, and their hair color is the same shade. He catches a curl, twirling it around his digits. A knot sticks around Calum’s finger, catching skinny strands along one of his rings.
Melody yipped. “Hey!” she whined, pulling her head far away from Calum. She rubbed the spot Calum assaulted and acted as if she were to cry. Melody’s dark lip begins to quiver and she burst into a fit of sobs. “Mommy!”
Eve ran into the kitchen, halfway through braiding her hair back for work. “What’s going on?” Eve asked, staring straight at Calum. Quickly, Eve wraps her arms around Melody. Melody laid her head against Eve’s chest. “What’s wrong baby?”
Calum looked down at his hands. “I was messing with her, and I accidentally pulled her hair a little bit,” he answered. Melody continued to cry. “I . . . I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay,” Eve answered for Melody. Melody calmed her loud fries and looked back at her father. “It was just an accident. Can you tell him that you’re alright?”
Melody shook her head. “Not ‘right-”
“-Melody Ann, you are perfectly fine. Can you tell him that?”
Melody shook her head again. “Go to work with no?” Eve shook her head as a reply. One occasion, just a few months before Calum showed up, Melody walked into Eve’s tattooing shop for her birthday and got her very own Crayola tattoo of a sunflower on her right thigh. Since that day, she’d used all efforts to get another. “Pwease?”
As they say, you get addicted to the feeling of tattoos.
“I thought you wanted Calum to watch you?”
Melody had requested that ‘Uncle Calum’ put her to bed while Eve was working. Calum disagreed, argued with Eve about how Melody isn’t his kid and Eve needs to find her own babysitter. Calum continued to argue with Eve until Melody’s big brown eyes looked up at his, and she held a handful of markers underneath his nose. She sat next to him on the counter and asked if they could play tattoos. Calum was confused until she began to color in Mali Koa’s bird.
“No!” Melody screamed. “Hurt me!”
“Mel,” Calum whispered. He felt terrible. “It was just an accident.” He’d never had such a feeling of guilt, even the day he ran from New Jersey to New York on the small promise of a successful music career. He’d been promised by an agency that if he left New Jersey, he’d have a good life filled with wealth and fame, as long as he left home quick. His parents told him if he left, to never come back. “I’ll never do it again. I promise.”
“Promise?” Melody stuck her pinky out for Calum to wrap with his own. Calum gave her a stern nod and hooked their fingers together. “Good Uncle Cal.”
Eve’s face dropped. Uncle? Eve wants to break all habits Melody developed around Calum. Telling people he’s her uncle, even calling him Uncle Calum. Eve wants to tell Melody to call him an asshole, a fucking jerk, a liar, and most importantly, Dad. Calum was only comfortable with Uncle Calum. Eve turned around when he’d said that the day after Melody broke her arm, told Calum to ‘choke on her dick’ and stomped away.
“Face masks?” Melody asked, forgetting she’d just been crying. She drug her pointer finger along her face in areas you’d put on a face mask. “Yes?”
“I’m not doing a face mask,” stated Calum. “Never.”
“Liar,” Eve snorted. “You did them with me all the time when we were teenagers.”
“We did a lot of stupid things when we were teenagers, Eve. I’m not doing face masks.”
“Did I just hear Calum reference how bad he is at sex and facemasks?” Luke called, walking through the laundry room. He offered up his arms for Melody to enter and had a pouncing three-year-old in his arms. She thwacked the side of his face with her cast. “Ouch. Jeez.”
Melody got close to Luke’s ear to whisper. “What’s sex?” she asked. Luke looked towards Calum and Eve for an answer but Calum hid his face. Tiny fingers pointed at the pair. “Sex.”
“Well, tech-”
“-Hemmings!” Eve interrupted. Luke’s face flashed terror of the five-foot-nothing girl. “You want to do a face mask with Uncle Lu?”
“Blue one!”
Luke stared down at the floor. The last time Melody, Luke, Michael, and Ashton had done the blue face masks - Melody’s favorite color - they all ended up with blue splotches spread on their faces for a few days afterward. Luke refused to show his bare face in public and stole a whole bottle of Eve’s dark foundation just be able to go to work. Michael slathered his face in blue paint for a YouTube video and played Fortnite. Their lives are very different.
However much Luke wanted to please Melody, he doesn’t want to wear foundation several shades too dark for his complexion. He took his phone out and texted Michael to grab Eve’s golden mask out of his bedroom. He may have stolen it from her. She’ll never know.
“I’m not putting that shit on my face, Eve,” whined Calum.
“You don’t have to,” Luke smiled. “You can leave, or go to your room, or do something that’s not bothering us.”
“You’re seriously just doing face masks?”
Luke smiled a little bit wider. “We let Mel pick out a movie she’d like to see,”
“I can do that, just not face masks,”
“It’s an all or nothing package, bro,”
Calum offered Luke a very disgusted look. “Fuck that.” He hauled himself off the countertop to stand. “Have fun being a girl, Luke. Let me know how the gender reassignment surgery goes.” Luke bit his tongue to not have a witty comeback filled with several choice words.
“Lil’ Sanchez!” Michael called from the staircase. Melody almost fell from Luke’s arms to see Michael. “Heard you wanted the good kush!”
“Michael!” Eve drew out, ready to fight everyone. Luke and Calum constantly arguing, Calum being an asshole, and Michael teaching Melody words he shouldn’t be. Ashton is the only one she can stand.
“Sup dude!” Melody held out her fist and Michael bumped it softly. “Good stuff.”
“Which one do you want, kid?” Michael held up a grey tube he’d also stolen from Eve. The front of it read Clay Mask, but Michael couldn’t stand the scent of the paste. It was too late to give it back to Eve without her noticing. In his opposite hand, he showed off a round tube of golden gel. “Good smelling stuff or Luke’s knockoffs?”
“Blue.” Melody stated.
“Good stuff or knockoffs?”
They were in for a long argument against a three-year-old.
Calum was surprised he didn’t see Eve quickly, inside of her tattoo parlor. He thought the name of a shop would have something to do with Melody, but he’d about had a heart attack when the large neon sign read ‘FIVE SECONDS OF SUMMER TATTOOING’. He walked in immediately and requested the first appointment they had open.
“Man, our artists are busy for the night. You’ll have to find somewhere else,” Jason, Eve’s apprentice, said looking over the schedules for each artist. Except for Eve. All four basic artists were booked with large projects for the night drunks and fucked up stoners. Eve had space next to her name, though, twenty minutes into the future.
“Why can’t Eve do it?” Calum questioned, pointing over the counter at Eve’s full first name written in fancy cursive. He wasn’t used to seeing it written so perfectly. Usually, she writes ‘Eve’ with a light hand and lowercase letters.
“Evita? Man, she’s real good and doesn’t do most people.” Jason shook his head. He looked tired, tripping balls, or just done with Calum. “You have to get special approval from her. She doesn’t put up with anyone’s shit.”
“Ask her then,”
“What? Man, no. She won’t listen to me. How would I even ask?”
“Well, first you walk up to her and say ‘Eve, you’ve got a customer that’ll take your shitty tattoos and will pay fucking cash and a tip. Now tattoo him.’ It’s easy.”
“I think if I say that to her, I’ll be fired,”
Calum sighed and ran a hand through his dark curls. One caught on his ring and pulled like he’d done to Melody just hours early. He thought to himself how weird it was they had the same curls, hair color, and facial features. “Just get Eve.”
“I don’t-”
“-Do it and I’ll tip you.”
Jason turned around in the uncomfortable spinning chair and stood up. 5 Seconds Of Summer tattooing took over an old tattoo shop and a bar, erasing of all the alcohol and vomit stains on the floor and disposing of all barstools and tables. Eve put in a couple of couches in the front of the shop for people that waited, had a bathroom on both sides of the shop, and turned the bar portion into a piercing area. Calum looked around the teal walls at anatomic sketches and cartoon characters drawings. He was very impressed.
“Evita!” Jason screamed. Calum dropped a twenty on the desk.
“I get it,” Eve stammered loudly. “I’m Mexican! But you don’t have to constantly call me Evita like an asshole Jason!” Red burned her cheeks and ears at such anger. To Calum, Evita was triggering to Eve after four years of him calling her it. He was fully convinced she’d explode when her eyes landed on him. “You have blue on your face, dumbass.”
Calum wiped his face and noticed no residue on his finger. “Your daughter got Michael to put on blue shit,” Calum sighed. “Roped me into it too.” Michael, Ashton, Luke, and Melody watched two minutes of The Nightmare Before Christmas, disregarding February creeping upon them before Melody ran to Calum’s room and rasped on the wood. He asked her what she wanted, with his attitude faltering. Melody pointed to the blue cream on her face, and Calum reluctantly agreed with a groan and learned that he’s becoming wrapped around her finger.
“She’s your daughter too,” Eve said. “What do you want?”
“A tattoo,” Calum crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. “Feel like I’m due for one that’s not Crayola.”
“I’m busy,”
“No, you’re not,” Eve looked a little defeated. “We can go for drinks instead. Get drunk, fuck, and you’ll get pregnant and claim Luke’s kid is mine again.” Calum smirked harder than before. Eve resisted punching that smirk off his face.
“Come on!” Eve stammered again, dragging Calum to her office with walls of perfect drawings. “You need to fucking stop!” Eve said the moment she locked the door. Their relationship seemed loveless and dangling off the edge of a crumbling cliff. They’re covering anger at themselves with arguments. Eve’s angry Calum left four years before; Calum’s angry he left too. Their feelings are repressed, but unlike Calum, Eve wanted those feelings back and to know what it’s like to be loved.
“Stop what, Evita?”
“Don’t fucking call me that,” Eve hit her hand on the wooden door and a stinging pain shot down her arm. She didn’t stop. The brunette took all of her anger out on a hard door, tempting the bones in her hand. “You lost the right to call me that the day you left! You lost the right to call me that the day you came up with the thought that Melody is Luke’s daughter!” Eve turned to face Calum. Hot tears full of rage were beginning to gather. “If she was Luke’s daughter, why does she have dark hair? Curls? Why isn’t she pale?”
“You’re dark,” Calum snapped back. “You have curly hair.”
“Melody barely took after me! She took after you, you fucking asshole!” Eve wanted to hit Calum, take the rest of her burning rage out on him. She kept her hands to herself. “She’s supposed to be Melody Hood, not Sanchez. She’s supposed to be calling you Dad, not Uncle Calum! She looks just like your fucking sister, Calum! Stop denying her!”
“I’ll stop denying her the day you admit you fucked Luke.”
“I’ve never fucked Luke!”
“Everybody knows you did, Eve! Why else would you have kept your daughter a secret from me?”
“Because you fucking left,” Eve’s voice dropped low, scarily. She’s shorter than Calum by a foot, but he was scared he would get his ass beat. She could tear him to shreds; rip his confidence up one leg and down the other. “You left without a fucking word! Changed your phone number, abandoned any way we had to contact you!”
“I was doing what I needed to do!”
“Then why are you back? Why didn’t your dream go perfectly? Why aren’t you living happily in New York? Do you just want to torment me?”
“Everything failed, Eve! It’s not like I wanted to come back! I had nothing!”
“Then leave.”
“If you didn’t want to be here, then leave. I’ll give you some fucking money. Get out, stay away from your daughter and this ‘Uncle Calum’ bullshit. Tell her that you’re her dad and I’m not the reason she’s never met him!”
“Eve-” Calum tried to say.
“Do you want to be here?”
“I . . . I don’t-”
“Yes or no. Decide right now. Do you want to be here?”
Calum swallowed his thick pride. “Yes.”
“Then man up and quit being everything you vowed you wouldn’t.”
“Get a DNA test.”
“What?” Eve looked down at her bruising hands, suddenly feeling the worst ache from them she’d felt in a long time.
“Get a DNA test. If it comes back that she’s mine, then I’ll be her dad. If I’m right, and she’s Luke’s, then shut your fucking mouth and quit being a bitch about everything. Deal?”
Eve squinted. “Go fuck yourself.”
Calum didn’t get a tattoo from Eve that night and took the first opening from a different artist in the same shop. Shay Ramsey, a regular that Eve tattoed a lot, walked into the parlor right after Eve finished cleaning her hands up and showed Eve a sketch she wanted. Eve studied the design and quickly fell in love with the way it had been originally sketched. She stayed up until dawn, tattooing a Medusa staring at a loaded bow pointing towards Shay’s neck. Underneath the bow were Medusa’s snakes with cracks and flowers sprouting from them.
Eve rang Ashton for a coffee and food run after the sun was fully up, explaining that she was working. Ashton pulled on joggers and a hoodie, put Melody in her car seat, and made the drive into town just for her.
“How’s it looking?” Shay asked, looking at the wall right in front of her. Medusa was split in half, which was the hardest part for Eve. Medusa didn’t have a nose bridge or a cupid's bow, to make room for a quote of Shay’s spine. ‘Daughters of the witches you couldn’t burn’ was tattooed in cursive, leading into the arrow.
“I think I’m going crazy, but a relaxed crazy. You know?”
“Makes sense,” Shay laughed a little bit, trying to not move her back from Eve’s needle. Eve only does large and time-consuming projects she knows will tip and sit well. “Miss your baby girl yet?”
“Man,” Eve laughed, turning to dip the needle in ink. “I do. She was with her uncles last night and they did the blue facemasks again.”
Shay laughed again. “You ‘gotta tell them not to do that again. How’s her arm?”
Eve rubbed the sleep from her eyes for a brief moment with the side of her arm. She just had to finish up shading Medusa, and she’d be finished. It would take forever, though. “Good. She’s getting out of the cast in a few weeks. She no longer feels comfortable feeding Norberty by herself.”
“How many animals does that child have now?”
Eve thought for a moment. “Two ferrets, a cat, a lizard, several fish, and she’s claiming Petunia, Michael’s dog, Ashton’s hedgehog, and Calum Hood.” Melody claims all of the animals, but she doesn’t take care of any of them. Though she’s three, so everyone lets her get away with it most of the time.
“Woah, wait. Calum Hood? He’s back?”
“Been here about a month. Spent all of his money, came back to live in the house and is a giant pain in my ass.” Eve shook her head. How dare he just leave her? She’s still not over four years of mourning and fear over raising their child by themselves.
“You two were perfect in high school. What happened?”
“I’m not even sure we liked each other in high school,” Eve wiped the sketch from Shay’s skin. The tattoo was progressing like a snail, but amazingly. “That’s a lie. He was the best thing in my life. Then, he gave me another Best Thing In My LIfe and he’s still sitting a close second.”
“You have to tell him that.”
“No thank you,” Eve watched the shop door open after Ashton unlocked it. “How about a break?” Shay nodded her head. Eve made her way towards Ashton and snatched the brown bag from his hands. “Did you get me food?” She slipped him some money for compensation. Eve grabbed a doughnut out of the bag. “Thank you so much.”
Just like Calum’s face, Ashton and Melody had faces stained with blue. Eve had to laugh a little bit. “Tell Uncle Luke to throw that stuff out, yeah?”
“No!” Melody shook her head. Ashton had thrown it away after he looked at the blue marks for a second time, depositing it in the location it was born from. Trash. “I had strawberries and ‘nanas.”
“You have strawberries and bananas?” Eve repeated back. She began feasting on her donut and sipping on frozen coffee. It tasted like perfection. “Did you save me any?”
Melody shook her head again, rustling her bed head. Ashton only slid a pair of jeans and a jacket on the little girl. Eve didn’t blame him for not dressing her up that much, that’s her job. “Uncle Cal made ‘em.”
“Calum made you strawberry banana pancakes? He hates those,”
“Yeah, but they were fucking good,” Ashton laughed. “Somehow, he knew they’re Melody’s favorite.”
Eve was very surprised.
Staring at the seemingly bored man standing in her bedroom doorway, Eve wondered if she should just kick him out. The thought of welcoming him inside of her bedroom made her feel warm and comfortable, she just wasn’t sure if it was the best idea. Calum hadn’t been in her bedroom at all, even when he showed back up and started taking care of Melody. He’d hold her until she slept, then Luke, the seemingly quietest person ever, would carry her up to her room.
It was personal, a barrier from the lives they used to love to the ones they’re entertaining now. Before escaping New Jersey, Calum snuck into Eve’s room, kissed her, and they laid together until she was well asleep. What eve doesn’t know about that night is that it took everything in Calum to leave her. He didn’t want to move hours away, but he had to. Calum remembers preparing to sneak back out and just watching her chest go up and down with shallow breaths. Everything in his body hurt.
After a few seconds of staring, Calum brushed his hair from his face. “We should go drinking tonight.”
“I haven’t been drinking since before Melody was born,”
That didn’t stop Calum from convincing her into taking shots of tequila at a bar with their friends. Melody was staying at her grandparents for a few days. Eve could do whatever she wanted.
“Woah, slow down there Sparky!” Calum called, grabbing Eves shot out of her hands. “I think we should go home.”
“You’re just a party pooper,” Eve slurred, barely able to keep herself up. She slumped over a little bit, causing Calum to catch her. “See. I’m fine.”
While Eve isn’t the tallest person, she still manages to have long legs. On the few occasions, she’d get drunk at parties during teenage adolescence, and also go home to have sex all night with Calum, she’d learned how to not trip over her own feet and break her legs. After spraining her ankle walking from a party to Calum's house, she drilled herself to no longer trip over her feet like a newborn foal.
Calum was impressed she managed to keep that ability after several years of not drinking. Calum wrapped his arm around her for support and they stumbled towards the door, Calum getting in the way of where Eve was stepping.
“We should get tacos, Cally!”
A sharp pain overtook Calums' left side. Eve called Calum ‘Cally’ when they were teenagers. It was her favorite nickname for him because only she could call him that. On one occasion that Luke tried to call Calum ‘Cally’, Luke almost ended up with a shiner. Calum and Eve had nicknames for each other that only they could say.
“Yeah,” Calum whispered through a scratchy throat. “I don’t think there’s a place to get them.”
“Then let’s go home and make tacos!”
Calum rolled his eyes. “Fine,” he unlocked the car door and helped Eve inside. She smiled at him and blew him a kiss before he ran to the other side of the car. “Ready to go home?”
“Yes,” Eve smiled wider.
The ride was short for the pair. The bar was a while away from the house, but with a flirty Eve in the car with him, Calum drove over the speed limit before he did something he’d regret soon. Eve sobered up a little bit on the ride and began to remember some of her anger towards Calum. In all honesty, she wanted a kiss from him too.
“How was drinking?” Ashton asked. Eve gave him two thumbs up. “Sounds like you had fun.”
“I don’t even remember why I went drinking,” Eve laughed. Calum pulled her toward the kitchen. “Tacos!” Eve screamed, gathering the ingredients. She pulled meat from the fridge they’d cooked earlier in the night, along with tortillas, and everything you can imagine going on a taco.
“Wanna watch a movie downstairs while we eat?” Calum asked. Oddly, he didn’t want to separate from Eve. He wanted to stay with her, protect her, lay with her, and watch bad TV shows together. Calum misses how he and Eve used to be.
“We can watch it in my room.” Eve shrugged. She grabbed her plate of a soft taco packed inside of a splitting shell and lead Calum to her room.
Melody had left some toys behind, leaving them scattered on the floor. Eve shoved them toward Melody’s messy bed and set her plate on the side table. Calum felt uncomfortable walking into the room as if it were his own, sitting down on the bed like he used to. Eve always sat toward the end so she could see the TV better, but Calum always sat behind her. He laughed when she chose The Jonas Brothers.
“You still watch that?” Calum asked. He took a bite of his cold taco.
“Who doesn’t?”
“Well you’re stupid,” Eve said. She watched the show intently, taking bites of her food every so often. Calum didn’t watch TV, instead he watched Eve break down a wall he wished was never there and let him inside of her. She wasn’t mad at him, she wasn’t trying to pick a fight or argue with Calum. She just sat there, eating and watched a Disney show like her life depended on it. Until she fell back into teenage habits and scooted back to sit in Calum’s lap.
“Comfy?” Calum asked, offering up a small laugh. Eve rested her head on Calum’s shoulder, burying her face in the crook of his neck. He smelled like Old Spice and memories. “Are you going to lay like this for a while?”
“But I’m cold!”
“We are laying on a blanket, Calum, learn to use your head,” Eve sighed and tore away from her comfortable position to pull the blankets tucked corners out. First, she got underneath the blue duvet, then sat on Calum so he could be warm too. “Better?” Eve asked, returning to her position.
Calum wasn’t cold. He just wanted to get Eve off of him, but he didn’t know how to say it. He wants Eve off his body so he didn’t feel the fire of her skin touching his, the sight of her small body laid on top of him, or the smell of orchid shampoo filling his nostrils. Calum wanted to forget everything; Melody, coming back to New Jersey, Eve, how he still loves Eve with all of his heart.
“Calum?” Eve broke Calum’s concentration on the window behind the TV. Calum looked down at her and wanted to keep her body in that position forever. “You okay?”
Calum cleared his throat. No. He’s not okay. He’s falling even further for someone he never got over. “Yeah. You?”
Eve looked up. Calum couldn’t help but gape at Eve. “Kiss?” Eve tilted her head back for a kiss. Just like when they were teenagers. Calum hesitated for just a moment. “W-wait. I’m sorry. Just-” Eve hid her face in her hands. Embarrassment flooded her body.
She’d forgotten about everything. Calum seemed to do that to her. She forgot about how she’s supposed to be mad at him, about how he left without saying anything. Calum giggled and reached for her hands.
“Evita,” Calum smiled. It was funny to him - her red cheeks and ears were magnificent.
Eve declined his laughter. “Don’t call me that.”
“Why? It’s your name. Evita Ma-”
“No!” Eve cries. “Stop it!”
“Why do you hate it so much? You used to love being called Evita,”
Eve looked at Calum. Calum thought she was going to fall over and cry. “You used to call me Evita. Only you!”
“You call me Eve now,” Eve brushed her hair away from her face. The messy bun she’d tried to do during the car ride was falling in small strands. She felt like she couldn’t see. “Just Eve. I only let you call me Evita, and then-”
“-And then I left and you felt that it was tied to me.”
Eve nodded her head. “Michael tried to joke around and call me Evita one day and I started to cry. Could've been pregnancy hormones or something, but you came back and now it’s like it’s all in the past and-”
“Eve, shh, calm down,” Calum grabbed Eve’s hands before she had a chance to hurt something. Her fists clenched hard and he was forced to undo them. “Listen. I’m here right now, and I’m not going to leave. No matter how much I say I just want to leave, I’m not going to leave. I’m here for you, for Melody, for . . . for everyone.”
“Of course.” Calum didn’t realize how tense Eve was until he said that. Her body relaxed as if she’d finished working out or something. She just fell into him and he felt well. “How are you feeling?”
Eve looked up at Calum. “Kiss?”
Calum barely pressed his lips to Eve’s, giving her what both of them wanted. His lips began to feel numb, ripped apart by electricity he only felt with Eve. Neither of them let go. Eve snaked her hand around to the back of Calum’s neck, deepening their kiss. Calum slid his cold hand up the back of Eve’s hoodie. She shivered.
“Your hands are very cold,” Eve whispered, crumbling away from Calum’s lips. Calum nodded his head. January has made their entire lives freezing. “So are mine.” Eve clapped her hands on an area of skin Calum’s collar revealed.
“Yes they are, Eve,” said Calum. They both giggled a little bit. Eve watched Calum, but Calum watched her lips. She bit down on her bottom, kiss-ridden lip. Calum couldn’t stop watching. Eve kissed him again.
Calum loved the feeling of Eve’s lips on his, Eve sitting on top of him in a non-sexual manner - but let’s be real he’d love it either way. They weren’t angry at each other, just happy and acting like teenagers they used to be. Calum’s heart broke a little bit, though, realizing that Eve wouldn’t remember a single thing when she’d wake up the next morning.
She’d just remember drinking.
“I’m going to pick up Melody, anybody need anything?” Eve questioned, walking through the kitchen to grab her car keys. She plucks them off the hook and wraps her lanyard around her finger.
“It’s snowing, Eve,” said Ashton. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“You’re so overprotective,” Eve groaned. “I have to pick my daughter up from her grandmothers’ house. Does anybody need anything?”
“You’re not going,”
“Yes I am, Ashton. Would you like anything while I am out?”
“I’ll go with her,” Calum sighed, reaching for a jacket. He pulled it over his head and let the hood settle on top of his curls. “Might as well have somebody else with you. Right?”
“I guess,” Eve snapped. “Let’s go or we’ll be late.”
The cold wind hit them like a ton of bricks. Eve was suddenly well aware of how underdressed she was, and how she should buy a snowsuit. She got into her silver SUV and turned the heat on immediately. It also blasted cold air.
“Cold?” Calum asked with a small chuckle. He pulled his jacket back off, leaving him in just a long-sleeved shirt. “Here,” He said. Eve took his hoodie and slipped it on. It smelled like heaven and even while he only wore it for just a small period, it was warm.
Eve took it off before entering her moms' house, though. She gave it back to Calum so her mother didn’t question why the Hood emblem is on her breast. The short girl became cold and wanted it back.
“Mel!” Eve called before hearing the sound of Melody stumbling down the stairs. “Don’t break another bone!” Melody ran right up to Eve and hugged her legs tightly. “Ready?”
Melody shook her head. “No.”
“It’s cold.”
“Want my jacket, kid?” Calum asked. Melody nodded her head, and for a second time, Calum peeled it off his body. “Arms up.” Melody put her arms to the sky and Calum helped her put it on. It pooled at her feet.
“I swear if she breaks another bone-” Eve started.
“-She’s not going to break another bone, Eve,” Calum laughed. “I can just carry her- see.” He lifted Melody off the floor and onto his hip. “Comfy, kid?” Melody nodded her head. Calum laughed again.
Catalina Sanchez, Eve’s mom, walked into the kitchen and started to swoon. She looked different from the last time Calum had seen her; black hair turned grey, wrinkles embedded themselves in her forehead and underneath her eyes, and she seemed to have lost a lot of weight. “Calum!” She called, opening her arms up bringing him into a hug. “I heard you were back from this little munchkin,” Catalina poked Melody’s belly.
“Sure am, Mom,” Calum replied.
Catalina is the mom of every person she comes in contact with. All of Eve’s friends, all of her sister Emerson’s friends. Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Luke were always allowed around her house to relax, live, eat, or for emotional support. Everyone calls her Mom, besides her grandchild.
“How long? Are you leaving again? Please tell me you aren’t leaving again Mister Calum H-”
“I’m not planning on leaving again, don’t worry,”
“Good. This little girl is happy to have you. She talked about you for about two days straight,”
Calum felt a pang of happiness in his heart. Did Melody talk about him? Bragged about Calum? Calum had never had anything like that before. He smiled wider than he could imagine.
Catalina turned to her daughter. “Now, Eve, I swear you need to get Melody’s speech impediment figured out-”
Eve groaned. “She doesn’t have a speech impediment, mom, she’s just being a kid.”
“Are you sure? She can’t say, Ashton. Melody say-”
“Mom!” said Eve. “Would you stop? Please? My daughter is perfectly fine and is just barely three!”
Catalina pointed her finger sternly at Eve. “Don’t talk to me that way, young lady. If she still can’t say Ashton when she turns four, then she has a speech impediment.” Eve rolled her eyes. “Calum, how about you go warm up the car? I need to talk to my daughter.”
Calum took the cue to go away and headed out the back door. “How was your stay at grandmas?”
“Good!” Melody squealed. “We had chicken!”
“Chicken? No way!”
Calum opened the door of the SUV but stopped when he noticed all the snow accumulating. There was no way they’d get home safely with all the snow. He cursed, but quietly so Melody wouldn’t hear him.
“‘s wrong?” Melody asked. She looked around, trying to figure out the problem Calum was having. If Calum set her down on the ground, snow would reach above her ankles, almost to her knees. The snow wasn’t the only thing falling from the sky, but also hail the size of golf balls and painful sleet.
Calum’s head was turning into the clouds above him. There’s no way that this is happening to him. No way! “We’re going to have to stay here, Kid.”
“Sleepover!” Melody squealed.
Calum almost had a heart attack. Eve’s bed seemed to be more comfortable than he could remember, but when she walked from the hallway, into her old bedroom, he couldn’t believe the outfit she’d worn. A large shirt - that used to be his - and he wasn’t sure if there was anything underneath. He glanced away, staring at the floor instead of the beautiful princess closing the bedroom door.
“Are you sure you’re comfortable with this? I can go to sleep on the couch if you’re not.” Calum said with a bit of pitch in his voice. He looked at the window he’d crawled out of the night he left New Jersey. He felt like shit.
“It’s fine,” Eve shrugged. After she moved in with Luke, Ashton, and Michael, she changed almost nothing about her old room. The dresser still sat crooked near the closet door, a small TV was still sitting on top of it, but Calum wasn’t sure if it’d work. Eve sat down on the bed next to Calum. “Are you okay with it?”
“Yeah,” Calum said. He cleared his throat. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because . . . okay, that’s it, I’m going to sleep on the couch.”
Calum grabbed Eve’s arm before she could stand up from the bed and pulled her close to him. “I’m fine, okay? I promise. It’s like when we were younger and-”
“-We fucked practically every night.”
“Well, not exactly,” Calum chuckled. He offered a small smile to Eve, which she took with an eye roll. “When all of us would sleepover. Luke would always sleep on the floor with Michael and Ashton, and after they were asleep I’d crawl up to bed with you.”
“They had no clue about us for like . . .”
“Four months,” Calum said. Eve smiled. She couldn’t remember that small detail, but Calum could. She wondered how much more he could remember about their relationship. “Remember Ashton screaming after the basketball game?”
Eve hid her blushing face with her hands. Giggles slipped through her fingers. “I remember that. You busted open your lip or something and whined every time I put the cleaner on it. I had to kiss you like every five seconds and-”
“And Ashton walked in and screamed at the top of his lungs,”
Eve laughed even harder. “You threatened to tie him down and fill his lungs with orange soda.”
“I had to make sure he wouldn’t tell anybody!”
Eve brushed her long hair from her face and looked at him. Her ears and cheeks were red, but not like a few days before. “He still told Michael two minutes later.”
“How was I to know that he had his phone on him, Eve!”
“Remember when Luke found out? He walked straight here and told my mom-”
“-And she said ‘You’re late’!”
They both tumbled backward from laughter. Luke had walked straight from his house a few blocks away just to tell Catalina, but Catalina already knew. She felt bad for saying that, so she made him his favorite meal. Luke ate it quickly, thanked her, and went to Calum’s mom to spoil the news for her.
“Man, I miss being a teenager,” Eve sighed. She was nineteen when Melody was born. Her life went from studying modern art to being a badass mom with tattoos and ignoring everyone's opinions about her life. “No responsibilities. Get to live life. Don’t have to worry about which Disney movie to watch next.”
“Since when is it movies? We watched The Jonas Brothers, Eve,”
“We did what?!” Eve yelled. “The other day we watched The Jonas Brothers? Are you sure you just didn’t see the TV that well and we were-”
“Eve, the TV is right in front of your bed. I know which show we were watching,”
Eve looked down and began playing with her fingers. Calum was in her room? They watched her guilty pleasure together, and Calum didn’t complain until some stupid show was played? “What else happened?”
Calum didn’t want to reply. He didn’t want Eve to know about them kissing, or how she confessed why she hates Evita, or how he said he wasn’t going anywhere. He wanted to leave her hanging just a little while he came to terms with Melody. It was taking longer than it should’ve and he was even mad at himself. “Nothing important.”
“You sure?”
Calum pretended to think. “100-percent.”
“Really?” Eve asked. “I may have forgotten most of the night but I remember one thing.”
Calum’s heart began beating fast. He didn’t know what she remembered, and he was suddenly worried. He didn’t want Eve’s hopes up, and all of a sudden he had to dip because he can’t take the idea of having a child. “What do you remember?”
Eve scooted closer to Calum. “Your hands were really cold.”
Calum laughed. “They were.” Eve and Calum locked eyes. “Do you remember anything else?”
Eve shook her head. “That’s what alcohol does to me.”
“Are you sure you don’t remember anything else?” Suddenly, Calum was desperate to kiss Eve again. He missed the electricity flowing through his body. But eve shook her head. She didn’t remember the kiss a single bit. Calum wanted to remind her. “Nothing else?”
“Why? What happened?”
Calum’s eyes flicked to Eve’s lips. Just a peck, a small brush, or even a kiss on the cheek. He needed some sort of contact. “Can’t tell you.” Calum locked eyes with Eve for just a moment, then looked away at something else. The closet door seemed like the perfect place to look, but it also messed with his head.
A few times that Calum would stay the night with Eve, Luke or Ashton would show up unannounced and Calum would have to hide, half-dressed, in Eve’s tiny closet. Even worse were times that they tried to stay for a while and Eve had to drag them upstairs to play video games just so Calum could pretend he just showed up.
 Eve followed Calum’s eyes to the closet door. “Want something else to wear?”
“Huh?” Calum looked down at his jeans. “Oh, uh, no?”
“I still have your clothes, Cal, I’m not offering you a frilly dress. I’m offering you something comfortable to sleep in.”
“Sure,” Calum sighed. Eve stood up to dig through her dresser drawers. Most of the clothes Calum had left without, she kept at the new house, rather than the one she lived in once before. A lot of times, they made great maternity clothes.
“Here,” Eve said, continuing to dig through her drawers. She’d expected she left more clothes, but in reality, she left almost none of Calum’s. Calum took the grey joggers out of her hands. They were tied for her tiny waist. He pulled the knot apart. “I don’t think I have any shirts except-” Eve looked down at the shirt she’d been wearing. “Let me look in my closet.”
But the closet was almost bare. Just a few shirts that Eve bought while pregnant, that fit so large they were oversized with an eight-pound baby in her stomach. She’d never choose to sleep in those, however. They had been itchy and uncomfortable. Imagine sleeping in something like that.
“I don’t have a shirt,” Eve shrugged. “Sucks to be you.”
Calum rolled his eyes. “I have my shirt, and my jacket, brat. I think I can suffice.”
Eve shrugged again, but dramatically. “No, I don’t think you will. You should take it off.”
“Is Evita Sanchez telling me to take off my shirt?” Calum laughed. Maybe she did remember the kiss and wanted it to happen again as much as he did.
“You’ll never know,” Eve laughed and stuck her tongue out just a little bit. She looked just like her eighteen-year-old self when she did that. Calum was swooning again. She scrunched her nose up a bit and Calum had to laugh.
“Truth or dare?”
“What’s underneath that shirt?”
“Take off that shirt.”
“What makes you think you get to see what’s underneath my shirt, Calum Hood?” Eve crossed her arms. Normally, she’d just tell him, as she’d do with the guys. But normally, she’s wearing actual clothes instead of just panties.
Calum bit his lip and drug his eyes from the floor to her long, tan legs, up to her hips, which happened to be covered by the shirt. His eyes continued trailing up her body, noticing an inconsistency with what she normally wears. “You’re a tease.”
Eve rolled her eyes dramatically. “I am not a tease.”
“You’re not a tease?” Calum stood up from Eve’s bed. “Not a single bit?” He pressed his body to hers, his hands dragging up the back of her bare legs. Eve shivered. “Are my hands cold?”
The drunken night started coming back; they made out on her bed, and she enjoyed it. She was happy to be kissing her high school boyfriend again and feeling his hands on her body. “Maybe.” Eve sputtered out.
Calum seductively smirked. “Are you okay, Evita?”
“I’m fine,” Eve lied. “Your hands are just cold.”
Calum let go on Eve, setting backward to grab the joggers off the bed. “Maybe we should just go to sleep, then. I can warm up, then.” He walked out of the room to change in the bathroom. Eve’s body slumped against the closet door, and she slid until she was sitting on the floor.
She’s fucking up her life anymore, but she doesn’t care.
Only a few days after the encounter with Calum at Catalina’s house, Eve woke up to an empty bed, and an empty room. Normally, Melody crawls into bed with Eve or at least wakes Eve up in the morning, but Eve was surprised and concerned when the room was empty. She shot up, looking at the time when it hit her that Melody wasn’t with her. Just barely dawn, and her baby isn’t with her.
Quickly, she ran out of her room, to Luke’s right next door, then to Michael’s on the opposite side. She wasn’t with either of them or Ashton. Melody and Ashton have a bond for the love of sleep and making loud noises. But all three of her roommates were asleep. There was one place she hadn’t checked yet; Calum’s room.
She knew in her heart that the possibility that Melody was in Calum's room was low, especially since Calum sleeps late, and Melody wakes up early. Calum probably went to sleep just not long ago, passing out after a video game binge. Reluctantly, she pushed his door open just an inch.
The room was a disaster with clothes strewn everywhere, and blankets scattered in odd directions. However, Melody was there. Asleep on Calum’s bare chest, snoring just a bit. Eve wanted to capture the moment and relish in the captivating sight she was looking at. Like father like daughter, asleep with The Little Mermaid playing in the background, surrounded by thousands of blankets and pillows.
Eve smiled and walked back to her bedroom.
Melody jabbed her finger into Eve’s throat. “What’s that say?”
“It says angel,” Eve replied for the thousandth time.
“What’s that one?” Melody pointed to both of Eve’s shoulders.
“That one is the sun, and that one is the moon,” Eve said.
“Because I liked it,”
“Because you are the sun and the moon?”
“Why don’t you go bug Uncle Calum about his tattoos?”
“Yours is cooler.” Melody traced the crescent moon and the clouds it covered. “Pretty,” Melody switched to the sun on Eve’s right shoulder. “I get one?”
“You’re too young, Mel,” Eve reached for markers Melody left on the coffee table. “You want a washable one?” Melody nodded her head quickly and tore off her shirt. “What do you want?”
“That,” Melody pointed to snakehead just peaking above Eve’s sports bra, in between her boobs. “Pwease?” Eve reluctantly nodded her head and pulled the cap off the black marker.
Her snake is intricate, with geometric patterns along its back and realistic shading. Eve sketched out a simple cartoon snake on Melody’s sternum. Melody didn’t stop smiling until Eve pulled the marker off her skin.
“More? Pwease?”
“No,” Eve laughed, grabbing Melody’s arms to sit her up fully. “You don’t need to be covered in ink yet.” Melody giggled her normal giggle and stared down at her body. “Do you like it?”
“Just like yours!” She waved her cast toward her mom’s chest. “Show them?”
“You want to show your Uncles?” Eve could barely ask the question before Melody bolted toward the kitchen, almost falling on her face. She has her fathers’ athletic abilities, even just at three. Eve followed behind, but slower. “Melody has something to show you,” Eve said, entering the kitchen of men.
They looked up from their odd positions, eating different types of breakfast, not surprised that Melody is running around barely clothed again. In the 5 Seconds Of Summer household, wearing shirts is more uncommon than being practically naked. It’s an unwritten rule in being confident with your body.
Calum set down his cereal bowl on top of a notebook. Eve wanted to know what he was writing, and why it had so many scribbles. “What is it, Kid?” He looked past the snake drawn on her chest.
“Look!” Melody pointed at the snake, and the group of grown men called ‘Wow’ and ‘No way is that real?’
Calum pushed away his notebook and crouched to Melody’s level to look at the snake closer. “Is this real? I’ll kick your butt if you got a tattoo!” Melody giggled at him. “I’m serious! Is it real?”
“No!” Melody giggled. “Mommy’s ta’too!”
“It’s mommy's tattoo!?” Ashton exclaimed, joining Calum. “Are you sure? I’ve never seen this on her.”
“Yeah, Eve, why don’t you show us your tattoo,” Calum chuckled. His brown eyes meet with her silvers and she had to break away. “Don’t be a party pooper, Evita.” Calum stood up and walked to Eve so he could press his finger to the snakes head. “I wanna’ see it.”
“Yeah, man, I’ve never seen it,” Luke laughed. He shoved a piece of bacon in his mouth, ignoring painful glares Eve sends him. “Eve,” Luke drags out loudly. “We wanna see!”
“I will fight every single one of you, don’t test me,” Eve answered. She looked around Calum and pointed at his notebook. “I’ll show you the tattoo if you tell me what you’re writing.”
Calum looked down, then up, toward his notebook, back at Eve, at Melody, then at his hands. It was a hard decision. “Suck my dick, Sanchez,” Eve winked at Calum. Calum winked back. “Boys, I guess we won't get to see the tattoo.”
“I seen it!” Melody yells. She reaches up the drag down the top of Eve’s sports bra. Eve barely caught the fabric before she flashed a room full of guys. “Show ‘em!”
“No, Mel,” Eve giggled. “They don’t get to see it.”
“Fine,” Melody huffed and stomped her little butt back to the TV. Eve looked around the corner to make sure she safely made it to the couch.
“So what is in your notebook?” Eve asked Calum, passing him. Luke tore the bowl away from the paper and hid the notebook underneath his shirt. “All of you are going to hide it from me, aren’t you?”
They all collectively nodded their heads. “It’s personal, Eve,” Calum said, grabbing for his notebook. “You can know when it’s finished. Otherwise-”
“At least tell me what it’s about. Please?” Eve covered her chest with both of her arms. “I’ll show you the tattoos. All of them.”
“No,” Eve reached for the rough notebook again. “Please just let me see it!”
Calum held it above his head, where she couldn’t reach. “No way. You can know when it’s finished!”
“Fine,” Eve snapped. “Next time you let my kid lay with you, tell me first, please.”
Calum nodded his head. “Now show the tattoo or leave, Evita.”
Eve turned on her heel and headed toward her daughter.
Calum recognized the sound of Eve’s knock. He waltzed to the door, opened it, and stared eye to eye with Eve. He moved his eyebrows up and down. Eve wasn’t amused.
“Yes, Evita?” Calum asked. Eve barely got a peek into his room, looking around at the torn up sheets of paper littering his bed and floor. The notebook he’d carried like a baby the past few days were seemingly getting smaller and smaller. Eve just wanted to know what he was doing with it - but he won’t tell her.
“It’s time to cuddle,” Eve ducked underneath Calum’s arm and walked into his room like any other day. She brushed the ripped paper off the bed and pulled the most recently-tucked-in blanket off his mattress and settled underneath it.
“Well hello to you too,” Calum let the door latch before pouncing onto the mattress. He straddled Eve’s body with his legs. “Guess whos’ on top?”
“Get off of me playboy,” Eve laughed. The small girl had to use all of her might to push Calum’s body off of hers.
Calum landed flat on his back next to her. “Look who’s sneaking into whos room now, huh?”
Eve poked Calum’s side. He flinched a little bit. “If there wasn’t a sleeping three-year-old in my room, you’d probably sneak into mine too.”
“Never. Absolutely never.” Calum smiles at Eve, and Eve smiles right back at him. “If I show you what’s in my notebook will you show me the snake tattoo?” Eve let out a loud bellow.
“Good try, Hood,” Eve pulled the hair tie from her long, dark braid and her mane fell in loose curls on Calum’s bed. To Calum, she looked beautiful whether or not she was showing the tattoo. “You’ll never ever get to see it.”
“Damn,” Calum swears with a snap of his fingers. “How many tattoos do you have?”
“As I said, too many,” Eve smiles wide, remembering the days she got most of her tattoos. After Calum left, Eve couldn’t get a tattoo until after Melody was born, and that’s when she elected Melody’s footprint to be right behind her ear. After a couple of months, though, she continued the trail down her back in the tattoo Melody is most fascinated with.
Eve got a snake tattooed between her boobs on a dare. Her, Ashton, and Michael were out being stupid late one night, so they started playing the dumb game. It took a couple of rounds to get Eve convinced into a tattoo, but she showed up to Addictions Tattoo Shop. She ended up buying that shop, renamed it, and painted it to her desire. Catalina almost killed her.
“Explain some of them to me,” whispered Calum. He glanced at her. “Honestly. Explain some of them to me.”
“Well I obviously have Mel’s feet, and-”
“-No,” Calum shook his head a little bit. “I express myself through music, you express yourself through art. Explain to me some of them people can’t see.”
“On my rib, I have ‘still breathing’ tattooed with a semicolon. Does that count?”
“Kind of,” Calum turned fully to tug up Eve’s shirt. He forgot her habit of wearing only underwear underneath. He just wanted to see the ink embedded in her skin and it’s a whimsical dance around her body. Just above her hip bone, Calum traced a large lotus flower with paint splatters curling toward the inside of her thigh and around to her back. Eve giggled a little bit. “What does this one mean?”
“I got bored and wanted to try a new technique. Turned out pretty good, right?”
Calum continued to trace, along to tattoos scattered around her stomach. “It did.” Eve was right, she has ‘still breathing;’ tattooed on her left rib in cursive, but a dinosaur on a skateboard smoking a cigarette on the opposite rib. He traced that tattoo and Eve shivered. His hands always seemed to be cold. “What’s this one?” Eve was about to answer when he tore her shirt up a little bit more, revealing moon phases and tiny stars underneath her breasts, curving with the way her body was built. “How’d you come up with this one?”
“My mom was always told me to look at the moon every night, and I’d find comfort in everything,”
“Deep,” Calum tug her shirt up a little more, expecting that Eve would try to fight him about being a pervert. She didn’t, though, thus Calum pushed it up to her armpits and admired Eve’s body. “Nice tattoos.”
Her torso curved perfectly for her liking, and she still had some meat on her bones. Eve was seemingly skinny, but healthy, and like she wouldn’t eat a salad to impress a guy. She didn’t have an overly large chest, the perfect size for Calum to like. During their teenage years, Eve was uncomfortable with Calum seeing her body all the time. She’d hide from him and wear overly large clothes because she was uncomfortable.
Calum pressed a kiss to the bottom of her sternum, right underneath her rips, on the warm, ticklish skin. He pressed the area right above it, then until the shirt was bunched up. He kissed the front of Eve’s neck and on the tattoo that said ‘angel’ in a fancy font. Behind her ear, Calum smirked when she let out a breathy capture of his name.
“You should get more tattoos like that,” Calum stated, tracing his finger around the snakes coiled tail. He didn’t let his finger stop on the tip, but drug it down her body to the waistband of her panties and over to the lotus flower on her hip. “I like them.” He rubbed his finger into her hip bones, digging down just a little bit. “Do you like them?”
“They’re cool,” Eve replied. She grabbed his shoulders to pull his body into hers. She felt his shirt press into her bare torso, and more. Feeling overly nervous, Eve pressed her lips to Calum’s. Something she’s wanted for so long, to remember it for days to come. Calum rubbed Eve’s jaw with his thumb, sneaking his fingers into her curls right behind her ear. “Wait - wait, we can’t.” Eve pulled away from Calum, wiggled to remove her body from underneath his and to pull down her shirt again.
“Wh-” Calum tried to ask.
“We can’t, Calum,” Eve covered her eyes with her fingers and dug her nails into her hair. She wanted Calum back more than she ever had. Calum was the love of her life, her first real boyfriend, the father of her child. If anything were to happen, they’d complicate everything, in Eve’s head. They’d hurt Melody, and she’d get mad about being deceived for over a month about ‘Uncle Calum’. “We’ll fuck everything up, and-”
Eve stumbled to his door. She turned back to look at him. She loves Calum. Her heart hurt when he left, and when he came back. She wasn’t angry that he was back, but he was angry that he left without saying anything. Eve wants to hate him, to forget about Calum all together, leave behind a life she always wanted.
“Eve!” Calum called when Eve reached for the doorknob. She wasn’t thinking with her head, just what she thought everyone was wanting.
“I . . . I think I need to move somewhere with just Melody . . . no one else.” Then she left his room and locked herself inside her own.
“Where’s Eve?” Calum pushed, running into the soundproof room in the basement. He didn’t see her at all, not even when he walked into her bedroom. He could find Melody in the room with Ashton, Michael, and Luke, holding a tiny tambourine, but he couldn’t find her mother. “Have you guys seen Eve? At all?”
“No, what’s up?” asked Luke. He pulled his guitar off his body and placed it on the rack.
“I need to find Eve. Something stupid happened last night and-”
“Oh God, please tell me she’s not pregnant again,” Michael jokes, pointing at Calum’s dick. “Learn to keep that in your pants, please. We need exactly one Melody.” Calum let his arms fall to his sides. He couldn’t even joke around with his friends. He needed to find Eve! “Cal, are you okay?”
“I have to find Eve!” Calum screamed. Desperation filled his tone and strangled everyone around him. Quickly, they all figured out how badly Calum needed to find Eve. “Have you seen her?”
“I . . . I think she’d in the workout room. Have you checked there?”
Calum takes a deep breath. That’s the only area around their property he hasn’t checked. His long legs took him up the stairs, out the back door, and down the stone pathway to a large shed full of equipment. Loud music filled his ears. The music he wouldn’t have expected - Drag Me Down by One Direction. It was obvious that Eve was there.
He knocked once, but to no avail, he didn’t get a reply. She’s distracted. She’s working out, not waiting for knocks on the door and men professing their love to her. Calum opens the door and spots her in the far corner doing yoga.
One Direction and yoga. That’s Eve for you.
Her eyes look in the mirror, reflecting the open door. She dropped to the mat beneath her and stood up. “Get out.” Calum was surprised she wasn’t stern, but rather trying to convince herself that she wanted Calum away. “Get out!”
“You have to stay, Eve,”
“Good to know,” Eve picked a jacket off the floor and pulled it over her sports bra. She looked up at him through her eyelashes. “Your opinion doesn’t matter. I’ll do what’s best for me and my daughter.”
“But it’s not what’s best for Melody!” Calum bit down on his tongue. It was coming. He knew what was coming; a broken voice and shaky hands. A bolt of electricity shot through him. “She needs to be here- with her mom, her dad, and all three of her uncles.”
Eve was surprised, taken aback, concerned at what Calum had said. Her voice went low. “What?” 
“Please, Eve,” Calum wanted to get on his knees and beg. After Eve left his room, he sat up for hours, thinking about Melody and Eve, how much he wanted them around. He came to terms with Melody - a very scary thing - and finally stopped denying it. Calum Thomas Hood has a beautiful daughter with brown eyes and curly dark hair, named Melody. “Please don’t take my daughter from me. Melody means everything to me, and I can’t . . . I can’t let either of you leave.” 
“This isn’t going to work, Calum.” Eve crossed her arms. She didn’t want to believe what he was saying. “You can’t just use her as an excuse when you want me to do something! You can’t use my daughter as a pawn!”
“I’m . . . I’m not, Eve,” hot tears began to fall down Calum’s cheeks. He was so passionate, wanting Melody and Eve to stay, keeping his daughter close, and coming to terms with everything he didn’t want to. “Melody means more than everything combined. I want my daughter! You can’t just move out because of me! If anything, I’ll move out - find somewhere else to live and leave both of you alone. I’ll visit Melody, I’ll make a complete effort to be the dad I should have been for so many years!”
“I think that’s passed, Calum,” Eve knocked her shoulder against Calum when she walked into the cold February air. Calum watched her walk away, down the stone path with all of their handprints stuck into rocks and colored with spray paint. She ignored his pleads for her to listen. Calum wants to change her mind, for her to stay. But Eve has to decide what she needs.
Calum walked slowly back to the soundproof room. He broke the seal of sound, ripping open the door. He didn’t close it behind him. His best friends were playing a song for his daughter - one that they called Airplanes, that Calum had written. To him, it didn’t sound weird without his bass or singing, but to everyone else, they were uncomfortable. Calum flicked off the amps Michael and Luke were connected to, cutting off all the sound except Ashton.
“What the fuck?” Michael screamed, throwing his hands in the air. “Do you have a death wish or something?”
“Shove off,” Calum muttered, searching for his guitar. He picked it by the neck and carried it to Melody. He sat with his legs crisscrossed, right in front of her. “Mel,”
“Ya?” Melody replied with a large smile on her face.
“I wrote you a song. Do you want to hear it?”
Melody nodded her head quickly. “Duh!”
Calum wrote the song for all of them. For Luke’s carefree voice, Michael’s perfect guitar strums, Ashton’s drumming, and Calum’s bass. Yeah, they did alternative parts where Michael or Calum sang, and Luke just played guitar and so on, but those were Calum’s favorite parts. He couldn’t take it; Calum planned on singing for Melody as a present when the song was furnished, cleaned up, and memorized properly. He knew all of the singing parts, all of the guitar's parts. He could do it by himself.
He started strumming. Without Ashton’s drumming, it was bizarre. He kept strumming. “I don’t even like you, why’d you want to go and make me feel this way?” He scrunched his nose up and leaned close to Melody so she knew he was joking. Melody giggled in reply. “I don’t understand what’s happened, I keep saying things I never say.”
Luke, Michael, and Ashton were surprised. When they were puny highschoolers, playing talent shows and basement concerts, Calum never wanted to perform by himself. Even with just their family surrounding them, he wouldn’t sing by himself. On one occasion, Eve got him to sing a little bit of a song she liked, but he quit after stumbling over the lyrics. Singing by himself isn’t his thing, but he can’t express everything with everyone else.
“I can feel you watching even when you’re nowhere to be seen, I can feel you touching even when you’re far away from me,” Calum had to smile wide when Melody poked the tip of his nose in response. “Tell me where you’re hiding your voodoo doll, ‘cause I can’t control myself. I don’t want to stay, I wanna’ run away, but I’m trapped under your spell.”
Calum slowed down his strumming and pointed to the areas he described. “And it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest, and I’m having trouble catching my breath.” Melody replicated Calum’s movements until he picked up strumming again. “Won’t you please stop loving me to death?”
“No!” Melody squeaked.
Calum felt more love for his daughter. “I don’t even see my friends no more, ‘cause I keep hanging out with you. I don’t know how you kept me up all night, or how I got this tattoo,” Calum held out his right wrist, with a pocket watch sitting in a bed of flowers tattooed from the night he argued with Eve. He told the artist to choose a random time for the clock hands, and he ended up with the exact time Melody was born forever on his body. “I can feel you watching, even when you’re nowhere to be seen. I can feel you touching even when you’re far away from me. Tell me where you’re hiding your voodoo doll, ‘cause I can’t control myself,” Melody stared in awe at Calum. “I don’t wanna stay, I wanna’ run away, but I’m trapped under your spell, and it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest,”
Melody did the same moves as Calum; pointing at her right temple, right above her left breast, and on her sternum. She didn’t dare take her eyes off of Calum, though.
“And I’m having trouble catching my breath, won’t you please stop loving me to death?” Again, Melody told him no. “Every time I see you, suddenly my heart begins to race, every time I leave, I don’t know why my heart begins to break.” Melody poked Calum’s nose again, so he’d smile. “Tell me where you’re hiding your voodoo doll, ‘cause I can’t control myself, I don’t wanna stay, I wanna’ run away, but I’m trapped under your spell. And it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest, and I’m having trouble catching my breath. Won’t you please stop loving me to death?”
“Never,” Melody smiled. Calum finished the last cords and placed the guitar on the floor next to him. Melody crawled into his lap so she could wrap her arms around his neck in a hug. His large hands patted her small back. “T’ank you!”
“Of course,” Calum patted her back again. All of his friends were amazed at what he’d done. What he didn’t know was Eve had walked down to the music room to tell everyone to close the door, and videoed the entire song. Especially capturing a photo of the two hugging at the end. “Melody, what if I told you I was your daddy?”
Luke’s eyes became wider than saucers; Michael’s mouth dropped to the floor; Ashton dropped his drumsticks from their constant twirls. Eve, standing just outside of the room, covered her mouth with her sleeve. She was beginning to cry.
“Daddy?” Melody asked, letting go and cocking her head. “You’re my daddy?”
Calum nodded his head. His eyes were beginning to become glossy. “I’m your daddy. And those weirdos staring at us - they’re still you’re uncles.”
“I call you daddy?”
“You can call me whatever you want, baby girl,”
Melody hugged Calum tight again. “Daddy!”
“Calum! Calum! Calum!” Eve screamed, running out of her room with messy, static hair all over the place, and wearing only a shirt. She bangs on his door, letting him relish in privacy and a surprise wake up call. “Calum!” She screamed again. By that point, Michael, Luke, and Ashton were all awake, running out of their rooms to see what all the commotion was about. Ashton scooped Melody off the floor. “Calum Hood!” Eve screamed once more, ready to bang on his door even more, but she can’t because he pulls the door open with wide eyes and a petrified face. “Calum!”
“What do you want?” Calum asks angrily. Eve shoved her phone into his bare chest. He grabs it and stares at the screen. A video with his name, and a few comments, and . . . Calum’s eyes go wide. “Is this legit?”
“What’s going on?” Luke asked, reaching for the phone. Calum hands it to him, staring at the floor with saucer-sized eyes. Ashton reaches for the phone, but Luke pulls it further towards him to study the screen. “Eve posted the video of Calum singing to Melody on Instagram and-”
“-One-point-five million views,” Calum says with a blank voice. Absolutely stunned. “Overnight.”
Ashton checked the time on his watch. “We have five minutes,” Calum took in a shaky deep breath. “Now, we just have to find Melody.” She moved her little legs underneath Calum’s hoodie, that he was also wearing. Her head popped up, hitting Calum in the jaw. “There she is!”
“Don’t you think you should leave daddy alone?” Eve asked with a large smile on his face. “He’s going on stage soon, and I don’t think you want to be on stage while it’s really loud, right?”
Melody began to pout. “But I want daddy!”
“I know you want daddy, but he has to go on stage and sing your song,”
Melody turned her head to look at her father. Calum smiled at her, but she just rolled her eyes. “Make it good, Daddy,”
“I always do, don’t I?”
“Sometimes,” Melody sighed.
Successfully, everyone convinced Melody away from Daddy Calum’s hoodie, as long as she got to wear it. Calum took it off, put it over her head of curls and helped her fit her arms into the holes. He tucked long locks behind her ear and pressed his lips to her forehead.
“You’re the reason I’m here, baby girl,” Calum smiled. He got famous over the video of him singing to Melody, and after posting a few videos of his new band, 5 Seconds Of Summer, singing, they were asked to go on tour. Calum had only his daughter to thank for his song inspiration and joy. She sparked his failed career, with just a simple smile. “Are you ready to go on stage?”
“More than ever!” Melody pounded fists above her head. Calum tickled her armpits and sides, causing his daughter to erupt in giggles. “Remember,” She said through laughter. “It’s Melody, not Mel. I’m famous.”
“Whatever you say, Mel,”
He tickled her again.
A song started their journey on stage- the classic What I Like About You played with an extra-long guitar riff at the beginning, with lights and fire when Luke said the first lyric. The group danced on stage with their guitars, and Ashton hit the drums with such passion, Eve was afraid he’d break them. They quickly turned to their newest song, Valentine, that Calum wrote for Eve. Eve and Melody stood in the wings of the stage, waiting for the end of the song.
Then the time came.
“And we also have some special people to thank for this awesome career!” Calum said into the microphone, pointing in the direction of Eve and Melody. “First up, my oldest daughter, Miss Melody Hood! Can we get a round of applause for her?” Melody swaggered on stage with a little smirk. She’s Calum’s twin. Melody waved her hand and made the motion to be held, but Calum shook his head. “I got a guitar on me, dear, I’m sorry.”
“You aren’t supposed to tell a kid things like that, Hood,” Luke replied. He reached for Calum’s bass, to hold for the time Melody wanted to be in his arms. “Especially when she loves her daddy so very much.”
Calum shook his head and took off his bass. Melody immediately jumped into his arms, wrapping hers around his sweaty body. “Okay and now we have some other people to introduce.” Calum gestured towards Eve. “My other muse, my wife Eve Hood, and our unborn daughter Liberty Hood.”
Eve smiled when Calum hugged her too. This was everything she ever wanted. Calum, Melody, Liberty, and the feeling of being needed. 
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sweetgardener · 4 years
The Doctor and The Lizard (Identity V Tickle-fic)
(So I would say this is mildly nsfw, so I'm setting it as mature just to be safe. No, He is not naked in that tub, He has shorts on)
“Yes yes, Come In!” The Doctor cooed from her makeshift office, seated behind a desk she had squeezed into her little room. A turn of the door handle and a rather bashful looking reptile would enter, tip of his tail twitching as he stared at the ground. At least, Emily thought it was bashfulness on the other’s face. It could’ve been embarrassment or a number of things. But what on earth could he have to be embarrassed about. Her internal question was answered once the lizard took a seat and finally spoke. “It’s shedding season..and I need...” The lizard would grimace before continuing.
“I need help with it. Its a living hell to deal with and I cannot..reach every single area on this wretched body of mine” A slight growl lingered in Luchino’s voice, a mix of fallen pride and irritation. The Doctor would slowly blink, taking in the request and thinking it over. “..Its..a bit odd, but I’m sure I can assist if its causing you any pain or bother” She wasn’t exactly a big expert on reptiles, but she could hazard a guess that leaving the shed to remain could lead to irritation, maybe even infection. “Well..I may have to look at a few books fir-!” Emily would flinch as a book on reptiles was dropped on the desk on front of her. Where..where on earth was he hiding that?. “..Be patient please” She spoke softly, carefully opening the book. She could feel the lizard’s eyes on her as she scanned the pages, visibly wincing at some of the unfortunate effects that could occur from a bad shed. “..And you need my help again because? I just want to clarify a few things” She spoke softly once more, receiving a quick reply from Luchino. “Because some areas I can’t reach on my own” That hiss again, a sound of flustered embarrassment. “Oh! That must be quite the annoyance” Emily remarked, fighting the smile creeping upon her face. While it was some degree of amusing to see the tall reptilian hunter in such a red state, She had been asked for some aide. “Well, according to the book, warm water seems to be the best remedy..so I suppose a bath is needed” She kept up a neutral and civil tone, professional. “I...Fuck it, if it helps, then why not” There was a defeated tone to Luchino’s voice as he got up, tongue flicking out once more. The journey to the bathroom was short lived, Emily waiting outside while the lizard got the tub full of hot water. And yes, bubbles. When called in, She nearly snorted at how the reptile only just fit in the bath. Luchino had sunk up to his shoulders, an expression similar to a disgruntled cat upon his face. A leg hung out of the side of the bath, while one knee poked out of the bubbles.
“Are..Are you comfortable in there?” The Doctor couldn’t help herself, a stray giggle bubbling out. Luchino merely huffed in response, sitting up and furiously staring at the bubbly water. Amusement ended as Emily neared, taking a better look at the now soaked scaley back. She frowned at several telltale spots of irritation, flecks and patches of shed just about to fall off, yet not quite. “Poor thing” Emily muttered under her breath, receiving a snort from the hunter. “I asked for your help, not your pity” The lizard grumbled, poking a stray bubble floating about in the air.
“Right, right..” The frown remained as she worked on a particularly nasty patch of shed, carefully tugging it off and depositing it into a bucket. Distractions occurred as she studied the scales with curiosity and interest, noting the odd blend between human and reptile. Her fingers would gently trace the spine, searching for hidden bits of shed. The water would shake, the lizard turning and grabbing her wrist, causing her to squeak in fright. “..Be careful near the spine” Was all he said before letting go of her hand, returning to his staring at the water.
The Doctor needed a moment to compose herself before continuing her removal of the shedding skin, having been somewhat startled by the suddenness of the grab. She would work from the top to the bottom of the back, stopping at the base of his tail. “..Luchino, I just want to confirm that you are fine with me..treating this specific area” Rolling up her sleeves, She received a muttered ‘It’s fine’. Taking a deep breath, She dipped her hands into the water, clearing some of the bubbles to get a better look at the base of the tail, as long as the rest of the tail. She squeaked when Luchino adjusted suddenly, his tail somewhat falling out of the tub. Emily was reminded of how horribly imposing said tail was, knowing well enough the lizard would use it in matches to snag survivors or trip them. She banished any odd thoughts from her mind and got to work, starting at the base of the tail. She found she had to massage the area somewhat to loosen up the shedding skin, carefully and nervously pressing her thumbs there. The lizard was still as she worked, though as a surprise to her, She saw his shoulders start to shake and fidget, though no sound came from him. Initially confused, She finally put the pieces together when she reached the middle of the tail, gently rubbing at a piece of shed to loosen up. It was the snort that startled her first, bubbles nearly pouring over the side of the tub. “Oh..Oh my..I’m sorry if that tickled, Luchino” Was there a mild teasing tone to her voice? Yes, yes there was, and it sent a shiver up the reptile’s spine.
One half of her wondered what brought her onto teasing the dangerous hunter, but the other half knew well enough why. Revenge for all those times she got knocked down during matches, or taunted. “To be perfectly honest, I never thought you could be..sensitive in such a manner. Sensitive to cold weather makes sense, but ticklish?” She hummed as she made her way down to the tip of the tail, glancing over quickly to see the lizard bury his face in his hands, shoulders still shaking and small waves being made in the bath. His face burned with a fiery red blush, firmly keeping his hands over his mouth to keep the giggles from bubbling out. “It does make one wonder..where else is a big bad hunter such as yourself sensitive?~” Was she nuts to tease him? Probably. She paused her teasing, finding a rather uncooperative bit of shed on the tip of the tail. “Hm..now this wont do” She mused, getting a decent drip on the piece of shedding and gently tugging it. It took a lot of effort, So much so she barely noticed the other make a rather audible wheezing noise into his hands. “Almost..got i-!” She would squeak, slippy on a wet patch of flooring and tumbling onto her rear, piece of shedding in her hand. Emily would huff softly, getting up carefully and depositing the piece into the bucket, which was getting rather full. “Heavens above, how much shedding do you produ-..” Her sentence was cut short as she just noticed the Lizard now looming over her, leaning on the tub to do so. The scarlet blush remained on his face, Her giving him a sheepish grin. “Ah..A-About the te-” She was silence when a finger was put to her lips. Luchino was quiet for a moment, eyes closed as he thought. “..Never, In all of my days at this wretched manor, would I have thought of you as being an utterly devious devil, Emily Dyer~” The tone of voice sent a shiver up The Doctor’s spine, a blush of her own creeping upon her face. Before she could reply, a scaley tail wrapped around her and she squealed rather loudly, being pulled into the tub by the lizard, watering flowing over the top and soaking the bathroom floor. Cap on the floor, Her hair and the rest of herself now soaked in bubbles and water, She barely registered how much cackling the lizard was doing. To give her position some perspective, She was currently receiving a face full of his chest, partially leaning on him as a red blush spread all the way to her ears. Fumbling with her words, She would sit up and stare at him. Stare at those terrible amber eyes full of cheeky amusement and mirth. “T-this is highly unprofessional!” She remarked with a shaking voice, finding her own set of giggles bubbling up in her chest. Why did she find this so funny? She was a doctor for heavens sake, tumbling into the same bath as a patient clearly wasn’t some a normal doctor would do. Emily was aware of hard her heart was beating in her chest, the sound echoing in her ears. “That, is what you get for teasing me, Doctor~” The lizard sounded so smug, so proud it made her ears burn. With a less than dignified huff, She scooped up some of the remained bubbles and pasted them upon his chin. He retaliated by messing up her bun and leaving a mustache of bubbles upon her face. Staring at each-other, the pair burst into snickering laughter, most of the bath water ending up on the floor with how hard they were laughing.
Exhausted and soaking wet, Emily sighed, resting upon the lizard’s torso. Granted this took Luchino aback slightly, But he didn’t say anything. “...I won’t tell if you won’t” The Doctor chirped with a soft giggle, a little high on the serotonin caused by the silly events thus far. Luchino just smiled, a tired sort of smile before hauling her out of the tub. Snickering would resume from the lizard, Him remarking about how she looked like a wet cat. She flicked water at him in retaliation before moving to dry off, making use of the shower curtain to keep herself presentable. Soon enough, the pair were dry, The reptile dressed in his usual attire. Adjusting the bun on her head, Emily would squeak when a hand rested upon her shoulder. She turned to look up at him, an eyebrow slightly raised. “Yes?” She spoke, the ghost of a smile upon her face. “..Thank you for the help..” The words of appreciation seemed wonky upon the reptile’s lips, as if he wasn’t used to really thanking anyone for anything. “I...Its not a problem..feel free to come to me if you have any more shedding issues” She put on her serious face, her calm hard working face, feeling giggles threaten to bubble up from her again. With a chuckle, the reptile would pat her head and leave. -------------------------------------- Emily was awoken from her doze at the match table by a tap on the arm. “Hey, Miss Emily, I heard one of the hunters visited you for something. What was it?” It was dear Emma, an innocent smile upon her face. Miss Dyer found herself letting out a sigh, a wry smile upon her face. “Its not important Emma, don’t worry” She’d chuckle when she received a pout from the gardener, the conversation over as soon as the match bell dinged.
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