#yes. i am main tagging. die
nerdepic · 1 month
in honour of hatemail which made me giggle and kick my feet heres a bunch of freeminds ive drawn recently ^^
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[x] [x] [x]
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spiderwebbd · 4 months
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Hello PHIGHTING fandom please accept this peace offering in exchange for letting me in your humble community
Alt version of boombox below :]
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dangoarts · 9 months
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unfortunately for everyone especially myself i am still thinking about minecraft story mode
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zo0pl0op · 3 months
the struggle between wanting to rant to people abt my interests and the Social Anxiety
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lindwurmkai · 2 years
I have entered the "listening to William Chan songs on repeat" stage of DMBJ fandom,
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artteristly · 4 days
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𝒮ynopsis, you’ve had made peace with yourself knowing that you’d be a spinster for the rest of your life, so that you could take care of your little sibling, such as because they see you as their mother. Who would have thought just because you tagged along with your twin brother to an invited vacation, you’d meet your future husband who suffered the same responsibility?
𝓌ord count, 6.6K
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𝒞andles were the main light source to guide you through the dark halls of your home when your younger brothers had nightmares. Your hand was rather larger than theirs, but you still let their tiny fingers lead you to their room. Speaking about how in their nightmare it was a night roaring with thunder and you and your twin brother were nowhere to be seen.  
You hush them to sleep, raking your fingers through their hair and letting their unconscious body cling to yours. While tucking them in again, you hear the door open slightly. “A nightmare?” Oliver spoke out, making you soften your gaze on him. “It is like they were there when Mother died.” You sigh as you ruffle one of the twin's hair. 
“They are haunted by the night they were born.” You frown, simply because this wasn’t the first they came crying into your room about the horrid dream they had. Oliver seemed to sense your stress and took you away from the twin's room. “We simply can’t do anything about it sister, but try to raise them differently.” He sighed. 
It had been years since your mother's death, and you took the responsibility to take care of your younger brothers. Her cause of death was because of them, having no choice but to be cut open and die bleeding while hugging her causes. Your mother huffed as she gave you her final orders as a mother before dying. 
Her death was heartbreaking and the one who took it to heart was your father. He died a week after from a broken heart, leaving your brother to be the new lord of the family, and you the lady of the house until your brother married. 
You were presented to society as requested by your aunt, but when no suitors understood your desire to raise your brothers, you simply didn’t marry. You were a spinster to society and a mother figure to your siblings. 
“I don’t know Oliver, I hate seeing them suffer.” You walk into his study and sit yourself down, him following your actions. “You seem to grow the senses of a mother, sister.” Oliver smiled and sighed until he remembered something from earlier today. “I’ve received an invitation from one of my old friends, they invited us to their countryside home, where they will host a ball soon.” He looked over, catching how this took all of your attention. 
“It would be nice, you and the boys would love some vacation, especially you since you're the one who needs it the most.” You stood up and smiled, taking your shawl and covering yourself once again walking straight to the door. “So it’s a yes?” Oliver asked making you laugh lightly and then nodding. “Of course Oliver, who am I to deny you of relaxation?” 
He laughed lightly before watching you walk away to finally sleep, and he returned to his desk to do his duties. 
You’ve noticed it had been quite some time since you were in the countryside, and seeing Aubrey Hall was quite astonishing when you first saw it. Thomas and Richard bounced excitedly when they saw the house, blabbering about how it was gorgeous and humongous. “You must act like gentlemen while you are here, well-mannered and respectful.” You told them watching as they nodded furiously and repeated ‘Yes big sister!’ over and over. 
When the carriage stopped you saw the Bridgerton family spill out of the front door, lining up to greet your family. Once you stepped out someone called your last name out, making you look up to see an older man smiling at your brother. “Clarke!” 
“Bridgerton!” Your brother smiled and shook the man's hand, then hugged for a second before he introduced his family. “Dear friend, I’m quite hurt you wouldn’t invite me to your wedding nor tell me you had a family..” Anthony spoke, making you laugh at the face Oliver made. “My Lord, you’re mistaken, I’m Oliver's sister, and these are our siblings Thomas and Richard.”  You smile at his bewildered face. 
“My Apologies.” Anthony ducked his head, making you chuckle and dismay the mistake. “Please do join us for tea!” Violet smiled at the four of you, gladly being invited in. 
You were astonished by their home, it seemed like a wonderful place to grow up in. The tea room was more beautiful as you sat with Oliver on one of the sofas. “Mother, can we go out and play in the garden with Thomas and Richard?” You learned that the youngest Bridgerton siblings were Hycinth and Gregory, somewhat the same age as Thomas and Richard. “Of course, if it all right with their older siblings.” Violet looked over for your permission. 
“Sister, can we? Please!” Richard came up to you, right behind him was Thomas talking to Hycinth. You look over to Oliver, and he nods and allows it. “You may, but don’t cause trouble!” You spoke, and automatically they thanked you and promised nothing but good deeds. 
Violet smiles at your motherly aura, making you smile back at her when you catch her staring. The moment was wonderful and not long after dinner was being served, that was when you separated yourself to find your little siblings. A servant leading you outside to them, you were about to call out to them until a voice behind you did it for you. “Everyone, time for dinner!”
You looked behind your shoulder to find Anthony behind you, he instantly looked at you. “Thank you, My Lord.” You bowed your head, you were about to leave until he spoke.  “I hope you do forgive me about earlier.” He said, you raised an eyebrow a bit confused. “About what My lord?” You asked before turning your head and looking for Richard and Thomas, they were running straight at you. “About me mistaking you for Oliver's wife,” Anthony confessed. 
You smiled softly before yelling at the boys not to run inside, again turning over towards him. “Don’t worry about it, My lord.” You laugh lightly before you watch him offer his arm, making you confused once again. “Allow me to show you where dinner is held..” He smiled, and you once again smiled out of kindness, before taking his hand. 
You flinch awake when you feel someone slip under your bedsheet, making you peek your eyes open. Only to find Thomas sniffling his tears, making you well aware of what was happening. Thomas was always the most sensitive one out of the twins, he was a soft boy who was very kind. “Thomas, what happened?” You whisper, caressing your hand on his cheek, wiping his tears away. 
“I had a nightmare again.” He sniffled, he was visibly shaken up. His night clothes were crinkled, his hair was ruffled and some parts were drenched in sweat. His blue eyes were puffed and his nose was snotty, making your heartache. 
You turn over in your bed and light up the side candle on your night table, the dim light making everything around it glow a soft light. You push the duvets and blankets away and put on your slippers, walking inside the bathroom to the side of it. Thomas sat up and grew shy, were you mad at him?
“C’mere Thomas, we don’t want you going to bed all sweaty.” You came back in the room with a damp towel, rubbing it along his hair, trying to clean up the sweat off his hair and neck. “Lay down.” You told him before going into the bathroom again. When you came back, the towel was damp again but this time you placed it around his face, hoping the cold towel would calm him down. 
You sit beside him on the bed, pulling your knees towards you. “What was your nightmare about?” You asked softly when you uttered those words, you could feel him tense around you. “You can talk to me when you’re ready if it’s too hard, for now, we can just be in each other presence.” You run your fingers in his hair, feeling him ease up. 
After a few minutes he talked, but his words trembled like he was about to say something wrong but spoke. “I saw Mother, in my dream.” He said, just now leaning a bit more into your side. “She was with Papa, and you. She was cradling you in her arms, saying how you were doing a good job.” He sniffled, closing his eyes trying to remember again. 
“Then everything sort of started to disappear, she kept saying how it was time for you to join them, and she disappeared again and left you crying.” Tears swelled in his eyes, trembling. “Do you miss Mother and Father, sister?” He looked up at you, making you bite your tongue, not wanting to cry in front of him. “Of course I do.” You swallow the sadness down. “Do you hate me for taking them away?”
“Thomas, never say such words.” You spoke calmly at him, making him look away. “You are my brother and I must take care of you–Mother told me it was my final order as a big sister.” You told him. “Everyone is destined to go somewhere they might return from, it was simply their time to go.” You stated. 
“You won’t leave us alone, right sister?” Thomas looked at you, his gaze holding hope and fear. “Never, I’ll be by your side until you are big enough not to need me all the time.” You smiled at his foolish question. “I think, I’ll always need you here with me sister.” He murmured, finally closing his eyes. 
As he falls asleep in your bed, you can’t help but sigh.  
Candles were the main light source to guide you through the dark halls of the Bridgerton house, taking a peek inside your brother's guest room. Only to find the bed still neatly made, so you wandered around until you heard soft laughter in the Billard room. You peek in, seeing your Brother playing pool with Anthony. Colin and Benedict drinking on the side, chatting between themselves, and drowning in smoke.
Your soft knock on the door startles them, making their eyes stare at the door. “Sister?” Oliver looked at you confused. You smiled nervously before talking “Sorry to interrupt but I need your help.” You say. “What with?” He asked, more confused than the first. “It is Thomas.” With that, your brother is hastily walking towards you. 
“He had another nightmare, he is drenched in sweat.” You whispered at him, eyeing him and the Bridgerton brothers who stood quite confused. “Did something happen, should I send for a doctor?” Anthony was the first to speak out. You and Oliver looked at each other and communicated with your eyes. 
“No, our brother is simply hogging my bed.” You smiled softly at him, before pulling your brother's sleeve. “Again, sorry to interrupt, have a good night gentleman.” You bow your head down, before walking out of the room. “I’ll be right back.” Oliver excused himself. 
After you left, the band of brothers looked at each other “What do you think that was about?” Benedict asked, making Colin think. “Perhaps the boy simply has an attachment issue?” The two brothers keep talking but the elder one is still glancing at the place where you stood. He knew the look you gave to your brother meant something, something he knew about. 
It was simply the same look his mother gave him when she needed to carry the young ones to bed because she alone couldn’t pick them up. As he stood there in thought, he started to think more. You were similar to his mother, giving the same comfort around other people. You gave those boys so much motherly love, just like his mother did with him and his brothers. 
“Perhaps she is just a mother figure to those boys.” Anthony simply said, taking a sip of his liquor. Benedict and Colin brushed him off and continued talking, they wouldn’t get it anyway. A figure will always recognize another. 
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The sun playfully peaked through the blue curtains, making your eyes flutter open slowly. You hum as you let your body wake up, stretching to each corner of your guest bed. You felt amazing like you just gotten the best rest of your life, instantly placing you in a good mood. 
You have gotten yourself ready for today, wearing a light purple dress and placing your hair down, showing off its length. You smiled at the thought of having a peaceful morning in this gorgeous country home, simply sitting near the garden, enjoying the morning breeze and a book. 
You slip out of your room and walk downstairs. 
Anthony flinched, hearing floorboards creaking in his home. He could feel the house become alive but could hear someone speak to others. He wondered who it could be since he was usually the first one up. He sighed and shuffled out of his bedsheets, peaking out of his view of the backyard, only to see you sitting with a book in your hand. 
He wondered what you were doing, he could only slowly start waking up while looking at you. Should he join you for tea? He asked himself, before making his mind up and doing so. 
He slowly shuffled out of his trousers and slipped into his clothes of the day, then walked out of his room. The morning staff greeted him, and he then ordered him to bring tea outside where you were, they quickly did what they were ordered to do. 
You got startled when a soft ‘good morning.’ spoke out towards you, making you look behind and see who was responsible. “Ah, Good morning, My lord.” You smiled while standing up, and curtsying towards him. “Please, May I join you?” Anthony smiled, gesturing to the free seat, in which you nodded. 
“How was your night? Was everything to your liking?” He asked, making you place a bookmark on your book. “Everything was perfect, you shouldn’t worry.” You smiled, noticing a maid coming up and serving tea. “If you don’t mind me asking, was everything alright yesterday night?” Anthony questioned. 
You looked at him as you were going in to sip tea, and you placed it down softly. “Thomas is a compassionate boy, he gets scared easily, and he has recurring nightmares.” You tell him, catching how worried he looks. “He sneaks into my room, simply seeking comfort.” After that, you take a sip out of your tea. 
Anthony nodded, he could only think of how many times he had to help his Mother with Hycinth and Eloise, and sometimes Daphne. “Seems like our duty as older siblings.” He said with a soft smile, making you look at him. “How are your siblings? Are they well-behaved, or perhaps chaotic?” You smiled when he sat up in his chair. 
“They are way different from yours, they are bipolar, and they switch moods mostly all the time.” He smiles, bringing his teacup up to his lips. “Especially Hycinth and Gregory, those two are always at it.” He sighed into the cup before sipping his tea. “Richard and Thomas are sweet boys, they don’t like causing trouble.” You laughed at the thought. 
“Miss Clarke, I find it honorable what you are doing.” Anthony smiled softly at you, making you tilt your head. “Of what, My lord?” Your eyes glued right at his, trying to study his expression. When you get the idea of what he is saying, you place your teacup down. “My Lord, It is simply our duty as older siblings.” You smile softly. “We must provide our younger siblings with emotional and physical security.” 
His breath hitched as he looked at you. You had worded his thoughts perfectly like you knew what he was thinking. “Morning.” You both turn over to see Benedict stretching as Colin and Oliver come downstairs, and you simply smile at the three. “Morning gentlemen, I hope after all the fun you had yesterday night you rested well.” Benedict nodded happily, thanking you and sitting right next to you, popping a light biscuit in his mouth. 
“Do not worry Sister, after I won a game of pool against Colin, we simply went to sleep.” Oliver ruffled your hair, and in return, you smiled at him. “Yes, do not worry Miss Clarke, after your brother finally won a game against me, he quickly retreated to bed.” Colin corrected Oliver, making you giggle. Amid your conversation with the other three, Anthony kept looking at you quietly. 
How was it that you clicked so easily with his siblings? You were at most a natural when it came to socializing with others, easily joining the conversation you were immediately included in. You did your duty as the Lady of the house quite easily, while you helped your brother with paperwork and money problems. You were about everything he was trying to be or be with. 
“Breakfast is ready, My lord.” A maid called out, making him snap out of his thoughts. “Shall we?” He smiled and walked inside, making the rest walk inside. As he walked into the main area, he could see the boys running toward you and your brother. “Brother, Sister! Good morning.” Richard jumped into Oliver's hands, while the boy ruffled his hair. Thomas on the other hand grabbed your hand and smiled, making you caress his cheek. 
During breakfast, out of the corner of his eye. He could see you acting motherly towards them, making him intrigued, and have some questions. 
Then again during tea time, you were sowing back up one of Richard's handkerchiefs, touching the fabric up. Richard read out loud with you, while you corrected him on some words. 
His last thought was seeing you play with them, running in the green field in front of Aubrey Hall, right in front of his study, he stretched, needing a break, and as if Benedict heard his wishes, he came into his study. “Brother, do join us for pallmall.” His tilted smile was on full display. 
Anthony walked downstairs to find his whole family waiting, huddling around the rack filled with different colored mallets. He saw you crouched down, holding your finger out towards Thomas and Hycinth whose eyes widened as you told them that the insect on your finger was a butterfly. 
“Sister, will you be joining us?” Oliver asked you, letting the butterfly fly away and making the children run after it. “I’m playing with Thomas and Hycinth! Perhaps another day!” You smiled lightly seeing a pout on your brother's face. 
Anthony felt his hands sweat, just as you uttered those words, a gold ray of the sun landed on your skin. Making him utterly mesmerized by your image, then leaving him clenching his first tightly as you ran towards the children, making the wind an actor as it runs itself through your long hair. 
It shined rightly under the sun, he could’ve mistaken you for a fairy. Benedict pushed him out of his thoughts and ushered him to play the game.
That night Anthony felt strange as he laid in his bed, absolutely devoured by the thought of you. What was going on with him? He was high with the sound of your sweet voice, your smile, and your kindness. He wanted to entangle his finger in your hair, he wanted you to caress his face. 
He groaned, why was this happening to him? Just when he puts love off to the side, his heart starts to throb for someone. Was it wrong as well? You were his friend's younger sister. He huffs as he stands up once again, he shivers at the thought of you running your hands behind him, wrapping them around his waist. Was he mad? Was he insane? He shouldn’t be thinking about you. 
He walked towards his study until he saw a dim light in the library that was connected to his study. “Who is in here?” He spoke out and like his thoughts were heard about someone, you stood still there, like you were deer caught while hunting. “Sorry, am I not supposed to be in here?” You went still, watching as Anthony walked in laughing a bit. “No, Do not worry, you are allowed to be here.” He chuckled as he saw your grip loosed on your shawl. 
“You gave me quite the scare, My lord.” You laughed breathlessly before pushing the book back in its place. You looked at Anthony who kept looking at you, making you nervous. “You have a beautiful library, it puts mine to shame.” You grabbed a book that you recognized easily, sliding it off the shelf.
"It was my late fathers, he took pride in his collection, we say Eloise got that habit from him.” He walked towards you, a good arm's length away, looking down at the book you were holding. 
“Pride and Prejudice?” He smiled, making you nod scanning the book cover. “A lovely love story, both of the characters overcoming pride and prejudice and surrendering to love each other.” You hum out, handing the book to him. “I rather think it’s quite aggravating.” Antony hummed out, looking up to see your reaction. 
“Oh, why do you find it ‘aggravating’?” You asked directly giving him your attention. “It bothers me how much they deny each other, and how she can’t see he’s being a gentleman.” He mutters placing the book back, falling a bit weak in his knees when your eyes examine him. You find it amusing, and to show it you it, you giggle. “Well, it’s romantic when a man is desperate for a woman's love.” You walked away towards the window. 
Anthony watched as you walked away from him, he felt the cold brush his skin where your warmth was. “Ms. Clarke, do you have a husband?” Anthony said, making you look at him surprised. “Sorry, I overstep.” Anthony walked towards the door leading to his study, what was wrong with him? 
“I don’t have a husband.” You chuckled as you saw his shoulders ease, walking his way. “It is rather hard to find one who understands my circumstance.” You expressed your displeasure, making him look at you directly. “It feels like most men have one goal, and that is to expand their lineage. I, however, want to take of the family I already have.” You smiled softly as you stood there an arm's length away...
“After my parents passed, I felt a heavy burden to take care of my three brothers. Oliver might seem like the older one but I’m older by three minutes.” You giggled before sighing heavily. 
“I’ve helped manage our household, managing our finances with Oliver, taught them many activities, helped with their studies, having to be there for the three of them.” You tear up just a little, never being able to dump your feelings. “I’d gladly be their support pillar, and to take care of them.” You smiled. 
“I love my brothers dearly, such as you do for your siblings, but mine are still immature with no guide in their life–I’d rather raise them to be gentlemen and make other young girls happy than to find love, I’ve made peace with it and if someone understood that, I’d gladly treasure them back.” You expressed truthfully. 
Anthony felt like he had overstepped greatly but he couldn’t help but feel for you. Making him look at you with understanding eyes. “How did your parents die?” He asked, regretting how your expression turned into hurt from remembering unpleasant memories. 
“Um, my Mother died during childbirth, having to be cut open to get Thomas out after Richard, she died bleeding while holding him. A week later my Father died of a broken heart, he couldn’t live without my mother.” You blinked some tears away before wiping them away. You both stood there in silence until you spoke again. “How did your father die?” You asked him. 
You could see him close his eyes and exhale heavily “He was stung by a bee.” He looked at you somewhat humbled. “To see my Father who was a great man, be killed by a small creature is humbling.” He sarcastically said before feeling comfortable with you. 
The air took a shift as he saw you studying him more deeply, then looking at him with a gaze that allured him towards you. It seemed like the only thing you two could do was convey feeling through your eyes. He leaned in closer, making you lean in as well. 
“What if I understood you?” You turn over inhaling at how close he was. You looked up at his eyes they looked at you desperately, and you looked down nervously. You flush as you see his chest through his sheer nightshirt. “I fear that I understand you far too well.” You looked so small under him, so flushed, so captivating. 
“What are you saying?” You looked up at him and god did he want to kiss your lips. He cursed himself for looking at you with those thoughts, and it didn’t help when your collarbone was visible, nor the line where your breast started. Your doe eyes looking at him so confused, as your lips parted to speak again. 
This time your mouth was left open as nothing came out of it, making him turn his head over lining your lips with his but not placing them on you. You felt confused, you wanted to set your lips on his but didn’t and it was eating you up alive. Your breath hitched as you felt his hands pull yours forward, it felt like he was pulling your heart making it pound. 
You felt right as he showed you the most vulnerable side of his you've seen, you allowed yourself to brush your lips against his slightly. Allowing him to feel the slight texture of your plum lips, making his breath hitch. You pulled away after gaining a reaction from him. “This isn’t right, I–” You shook your head feeling a heavy feeling in your heart. “Please..” Anthony felt his cold heart begging to be warmed up. 
“I-I shall bid you good night.” You turned away, breath trembling as you pulled your shawl over you tightly. You were glancing at him one more time before leaving the room hastily, feeling the cool air on your flushed skin. 
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On your third day in Aubrey Hall, Violet was going to a ball. It was an annual ball apparently, and you were their honorable guests.  You told your brothers that they were to stay put with Hycinth and Gregory since they were still too young to be out during balls. 
Your ladymaid helped you slip on a royal blue dress made of silk that complemented your figure. The dress has beautiful detailing, little flowers that trail to the back of the dress, and a beautiful bow on the back that turns into a nice small train. With a nice halfway-up hairstyle and large curls flowing down, your mother's jewelry was the final touch. 
You thank the ladymaid as she smiles and begins to clean up the space, you leave the room to walk towards your brothers. You knock on his assigned guest room, which was partly shared with your little brothers, just a wall separating them. Richard whipped the door open and smiled big “Sister!” He engulfed you in a tight hug. 
“Richie! What are you doing here?” You laugh as he drags you inside, making Thomas run towards you and hug you as well, “We are helping Oliver get ready!” Thomas butted in before analyzing your dress. “Sister you look beautiful!” Thomas and Richard spit out in unison, making Oliver glance over. 
“I must say, Sister, the color rather suits you better than me,” Oliver muttered as he walked towards you, giving you his carvat indicating he was having trouble putting it on. “Nonsense, it looks fine on you.” You easily put his cravat on, making him huff. “My future sister better knows how to put these on or you’re going to be in lots of trouble.” You giggled as he gave you a look. 
“Are we getting another sister soon?” Richard said excitedly, Thomas right behind him with joyful eyes. “I’ve told you I don’t want to get married this season.”Oliver shrugged on his waistcoat that was matching your dress, butting it up.
“Please I have a feeling you’ll meet your future bride at this ball brother!” You say excitedly, making him pout and look at you. “What about our new brother? Are you going to get married soon?” Oliver asked.
You freeze, and the thought of you and Anthony yesterday night pops up in your mind. Making you flush red and shy, and this didn’t go unnoticed by Oliver. “Sister, have you made a match?” Oliver buttoned up the last of his buttons and rushed to your side. You clear your throat, looking away from the boys who cornered you. “I have not.” You walked away, and suddenly Thomas hugged your legs and Richard your waist, making you stop in your tracks. 
Oliver picked you up making you squeal at the sudden movements, then plopped you down on a chair. “Sister, do you like someone?” Thoma questioned you, making Oliver and Richard eye you. “Why are you asking me that?!” You asked a bit flushed. “We just you to be happy sister.” Richard expressed, making the other two boys nod. You looked at them sincerely, making them continue.
“We want you to be with a husband that will take care of you, just like you took care of us.” Richard told you, “You deserve a happy ending sister, you’ve done so much.” Oliver held a hand towards you, making you stand up. 
“But if I do so, you’ll be alone, I don’t wish for that.” You start to tear up, making the three boys offer you their handkerchiefs, you laugh lightly, and they offer the handkerchiefs you made for them. “We are big boys sister, either way, you won’t leave us forever right? You’ll visit us!” Thomas exclaimed making you breathe out. 
“I don’t think I can leave you all alone.” You told them, making them huff. Oliver finished up getting ready, and you ushered the boys into the nursery where the younger Bridgerton siblings sat. You meet Oliver at the top of the stairs, grabbing his arm as he guides you both to the bottom, where the elder Bridgerton siblings chat amongst themselves. 
Anthony broke his chatter with Daphne who kept talking, looking at you with your astonishment as you walked down the stairs. You two were talking to Benedict and Eloise as they broke apart from their family to speak to you. “Sister! Let me introduce you to our guest.” Anthony smiled as Daphne nodded along. 
“May I introduce you to Lord Clarke and his sister, Ms. Clarke.” Daphne smiled as she saw you crusty and your brother bow. “This is our sister Daphne, Duchess of Hastings.” Making your eyes twinkle. “A pleasure to meet you two, my brother talked about you two, all nice things of course.” She smiled. 
“Your Grace, it is an honor to meet you.” You give her a delighted smile, making her giggle. “Please I have every intention of becoming friends with you, let us walk around?” Daphne offered her hand, making you smile at your brother, and walked away with her. 
“You talked about us?” Oliver looked at Anthony who kept his gaze on you, then broke away to look at him. “Of course, I’m trying to find you a wife.” He told him, making him scoff. “You and my sister are forcing me to find a wife–it is like you two are meant to be with all this pushing.” Oliver walked into the ballroom. 
As the ball began, you walked around talking to some ladies who gladly let you join them. You were quite the social butterfly, making you tired of talking sometimes. You excused yourself, wanting a beverage and looking for your brother. You watched as he flushed over the words of a young lady, making you smile. 
“Brother, enjoy your night?” You butt in, making him look at you. “Ah sister, yes! Let me introduce you two, Miss. Blackwood my sister.” Oliver smiled at the young brunette, not going unnoticed by you. “Hello, a pleasure to meet you.” You smile, making the young girl flush. “Likewise, If you don’t mind me asking, are you twins?” She hid her face behind her fan, making you giggle. “Yes, we are a set of twins,” Oliver confirms. 
“You are most fortunate to have a sibling.” She said, talking about how she had no siblings at the moment. “Are you very fond of children, Miss Blackwood?” You question her and she nods. “I love children! Whenever I’m in the country, I usually play with my cousin's kids.” She smiled.
“Then you might enjoy our other brother's presence!” You told her, making her confused. “Ah you see, just like me and my sister are twins, we also have little twin brothers, their names are Richard and Thoma.” Oliver’s smile grew fond of the thought of them. “Oh, I’d love to meet them.” She giggled. 
Anthony glanced at you every time he heard you laugh, wanting nothing but to walk over there and talk to you. Although this persistent mama denied him of doing so, his mother saw his inpatients. “Anthony! I need to talk to you!” She ushered him away, grabbing his arm in the process. “Dearest why are you making that face?” Violet spoke. 
“You must seem content in front of these guests, and talking about guests why haven’t you asked our guests to dance?” She scolded him before he could talk, making him frown. “Mother I was about to ask Ms. Clarke to dance but I simply got caught up with some people.” He reassured her, making her nod. 
“Where is she?” Violet looked around, making him do so as well. Anthony excused himself with his mother, making his way toward Oliver who was still chatting with Ms. Blackwood. “Oliver, have you seen your sister?”Anthony excused himself for interrupting their conversation. Oliver looked at him a bit confused but replied “She is checking up on Thomas and Richard, I think.” Oliver told him. 
Anthony nodded and walked away, leaving the ball unnoticed and quietly. He walked up the stairs making his way to the nursery. Just as he turned the hallway, you walked out. In your hands a tired Richard, who you struggling to carry, and a very sleepy Thomas.  “Thomas love, please stay awake so we can change you for bed.” You ruffle his hair and readjust Richard on your hip. 
You gasp as you feel someone grab Richard from your arms, and it shocked you when it was The Viscount. “My lord, you don’t have to!” You say as if his action were too much. “Don’t be silly, please let me help you.” Anthony smiled while crouching down to carry Thomas as well. You looked a bit worried, and he smiled reassuring you. 
You both walk to their assigned guest room, and after some pushing and pulling you are finally able to tuck them in with the help of Anthony. You huff, backing up a little right beside Anthony, you looked over towards him and smiled. “Thank you once again, My lord.” You smiled kindly. 
Anthony looked at your adoring lips, making him want nothing but to put his lips on them. “Anthony.” He whispered, making you look up at him once again. “Pardon?” You say, making him instantly repeat himself. “Please, call me Anthony.” He said now facing you directly. “Ms. Clarke, I’ll be honest with you–
I have nothing but respect for you.” He said looking at you sincerely, making you straighten up. “Yesterday night, I meant what I said–I understand you very well.” He expressed, resulting in your breath hitching. “I understand your so felt burden of taking care of your sibling and to be frank, I honestly relate my problems so much to yours,” Anthony whispered lightly, not wanting to wake up the children. 
You looked up at him in amazement, making him open his mouth but no words came out. Your heart was palpitating so hard, that you felt like a character who was about to be confessed to. Anthony straightened his posture, as he cleared his throat. “To be honest, I fell deeply in love with your motherly intuition, I don’t know how to explain it but my heart eases up when you take care of your sibling so easily,” Anthony confessed, making him flush red.
“I must say it made me love you differently now, and– god it’s so unlike me, but I fell in love in just three nights.” He became once again flush in color. 
You too were flushed with red, making you put a hand on your chest, feeling it–actually, it was beating so hard you swear you could hear it. “Anthony, I, well, I don’t know how to feel.” You look at him, then away.
“When my brother accepted the invitation, I thought of them having the necessary time off, I did not come here for my benefit.” You told him. “Though I am happy, I ended up getting something.” As you utter the last syllables of your sentence, Anthony looks at you. 
“W-What I meant, I feel the same way, Anthony, I do hope you can court me the right way, once I get back to Mayfair.” You smiled fondly as you grabbed his arm. Making him nod slowly “It would be an honor to.” Anthony smiled, feeling somewhat relieved that his feelings were reciprocated. 
As the two walk back down, arms linked, the whole Ton looks at the pair in bewilderment. However, Anthony didn’t care, offering his hand to you and a gentle smile. “May I have this dance, Ms. Clarke?” He smiled, making you giggled and accept his advance. “Of course, My lord.” Then the two of you dance the night away.
At the end of the night, you told your brother you retiring to bed, he nodded and you excused yourself. Your heels bore into your heel and you sighed at the sight of your guest room door. As you passed the library that held the memory of you and Anthony, you can’t help but smile. Entering the room with your heels in hand, you wander the bookshelf, ah there it was, Pride and Prejudice. 
You smile at the light conversation you made between Anthony about the book. You place the hardcover book back before walking out the door, only to find the man you had semi-confessed your love to at the end of the hall, this time he was retiring to bed. 
You two smile as you connect once again, this time he walks you to your guest room. That night you had kissed him goodnight on his cheek, making him still as a statue, but quickly snapping out of it as he heard your brother making him wau towards you two. 
The moment felt pure and delightful, you tucked yourself into bed and after tossing and turning, you’d admit, you were far too happy about what just had happened. Tonight felt like a fever dream, and it was something you nor Anthony never wanted to forget. 
Anthony laid in bed as an uttered mess, as his nightshirt was visibly discarded as he laid shirtless. Simply too hot, and was practically melting because of the action you made on him. He would lay there, dragging his fingertips on his cheek. He knew in the morning you would be gone, already on your way home, and he would be mourning, trying to hold on to the memories of your lips. 
God, he is so lovesick. 
So lovesick, he simply started courting you the week you had just come back from Aubrey Hall, with of course the blessing of your three younger brothers.
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buckets-of-dirt · 1 year
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(ID: A screenshot of tags that read "#Prev what are some alternatives to the word primitive that are less derogatory" /end ID.)
@panicdeleter I'm responding to your question on a new post so that the op of the original doesn't get this in their notes because answering in good faith is going to take a lot of explanation.
Short answer: there isn't one.
Long answer: as you say in your tags, "primitive" is a derogatory term with a very loaded meaning. Removing it from your vocabulary is less a matter of finding a more PC alternative, and more a matter of understanding why it's derogatory and changing your perception of what's being discussed. To do that, we're going to have to look at archaeological theory for a minute. Stick with me, I do have suggestions at the end.
Archaeological theory is a complicated subject and there's no way I'm going to try to summarize all of it in a Tumblr post since it's a topic arch programs devote at least a semester (if not longer) to. So we'll focus on the relevant bits.
Essentially, in the bad old days when archaeology was starting to become a discipline instead of a thing rich dudes did on the weekends, there was this idea that certain European societies were the peak of civilization and everywhere else was less evolved and therefore primitive. It was based on the misunderstanding of the theory of evolution that was common at the time. Like so:
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(ID: a diagram drawn in pen. It's titled "Ye Olde Arch/Anth Theory TM". The next line says "Primitive = simple, less evolved, bad". Below it there is a vertical arrow pointing down, with the words "one way line" next to it. Under the arrow there is a line of text reading "Advanced = complex, most evolved, good". /end ID.)
These early archaeologists believed that all of humanity lived on a hierarchy with the "advanced" societies they lived in (and their ancestors like Ancient Greece) at the top and all the "primitive" past and current societies (destined to either become like them or die out eventually) at the bottom.
It's been a long road for archaeological theory. The 20th century was fraught with theoretical movements and debates that sometimes literally devolved into fistfights. But eventually we all ended up more or less here:
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(ID: A hand drawn diagram in a similar format to the one above. It's titled "Arch Theory Today (Short Version). Below the title there is a single line of text centred around a horizontal line with arrows at both ends. The left side of the arrow reads "simple" while the right side reads "complex". The line itself is labeled "continuum or spectrum". /end ID.)
While you'll still find some archaeologists who disagree, the main consensus appears to at least be on the same page that instead of the old primitive vs advanced hierarchy, societies exist on a spectrum that ranges in complexity. In the most basic terms, because I'm glossing over A LOT of nuance here, hunter gatherer societies tend towards the simple end of the spectrum while big state societies are on the more complex end. This is not meant as a value judgement of these societies, but merely an attempt to classify them so other people have a frame of reference for what you're talking about. Even so, there's considerable debate about the language used for certain terms and societies, and I am not necessarily qualified to go into that in this post.
I say all that to help you understand why I can't give you a catch-all term to replace "primitive", because if one did exist it would be just as derogatory. In certain contexts there may be more appropriate words that you can use, such as simple (as in the case of the meme that inspired this post) or old. But a lot of the time an alternative just doesn't exist because we are not better or 'more evolved' than our ancestors any more than people living in big state societies are any better than people still living as hunter gatherers.
I know this has been a very long post, but I really am just scratching the surface here. For more information I suggest looking at podcasts like The Dirt or A Life In Ruins, youtube channels like The Welsh Viking or Archaeology Tube, or the blogs of any of my fellow dirt lovers here on Tumblr like @chaotic-archaeologist, @micewithknives, @art-thropologist, @archaeologistproblems, and @rhysintherain to name just a few. Archaeologists are generally a bunch of nerds who will take any opportunity they can to talk about the human past, and we rarely bite.
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britany1997 · 1 year
Could you do a poly with the boys being mated to a girl that just so happens to be maxes daughter?
Fate Yields For No One
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Yes of course I can write this for you! Sorry I got this forever ago, I really wanted to make it into a multi chapter fic:) I hope this series will be worth the wait. Comment or DM to be tagged in this series or in my main list:)
Poly! Lost Boys x Max’s Daughter Reader
(I don’t know when the next installment will be out, but there will be more chapters, at least 4-5)
Warnings: angst, talk of death, blood drinking, dub-con turning
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California, 1935
You clutched the wall as you stumbled into an alley, coughing loudly into your bloodied handkerchief.
You leaned against the wall, sliding down until you were seated on the grimey alley floor. You pulled the cloth from your lips, hand shaking to see it splattered with the evidence of your impending doom.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you recalled the fall of each and every member of your family to the same tragic fate.
The Depression had robbed your father of his job, and then your family of its home, forcing you to live a life on the cold California streets, begging for whatever scraps the wealthy were willing to give.
The spread of tuberculosis had gripped the homeless population in your town, and your family had not been immune.
You’d cradled your mother as she’d sobbed for your father. You’d mothered your siblings when she had left you too. Now you were the only one left, and it didn’t look like you’d be here much longer.
You withdrew into yourself, attempting to quiet the world around you, resigned to the conclusion that you’d be rid of it soon.
Which is why you didn’t hear footsteps approaching until a tall gentleman appeared at your side.
He was dressed in a form fitting grey suit paired with black dress shoes. His brown hair was slicked back in typical fashion, and perched on the bridge of his nose were a pair of wire rimmed glasses.
You couldn’t help but think he looked like the kind of man you’d meet on Wall Street, and not in this damp alley where forgotten youths like yourself came to die.
You coughed into the handkerchief again, staining it further. “Please,” you croaked, “are you a doctor? Can you help me?”
The man crouched down to examine your face. You gasped at his disregard for his fine clothing, and his immediate interest in you.
He shot you a soft smile, “I am not a doctor,” he told you, “but I can help you.”
He took your hand in his, smiling wider at your shocked expression, “what if I told you that I could do more than heal you? What if I could restore your life and then some? Would you want that?” He whispered, seemingly staring into your soul as he asked.
A tear slipped down your cheek as you returned his gaze, “I’m not ready to die,” you strained, “I’m so scared. Please don’t let me die, not like this.” You begged, searching his eyes for assurance that he wasn’t just toying with you.
The man sighed, “ok,” he breathed, “I’ll give you what you want.”
His eyes scanned over your broken body, slumped against the alley wall, and he cringed.
“I am truly sorry that there isn’t enough time to do this the gentle way,” he raised his hand to stroke your cheek, “I hope you can forgive me.”
As he finished speaking, his face shifted. His once brown eyes flashed a bright yellow. His teeth elongated into sharp fangs. The man had vanished, and before you crouched a monster.
You would have screamed if you’d had anything left in your lungs, but unfortunately the sands in your hourglass were almost up.
The monster lunged for your neck and bit down, draining the remaining life force from your body. As you faded into blackness, you scolded yourself for trusting this wolf in sheep’s clothing. You knew your error in judgment would be your last.
The monster pulled away from your neck, and you watched with blurred vision as he used his menacing fangs to tear into his wrist.
He brought his wrist to your lips, and wrapped a hand around the back of your head to pull you closer.
You fought to stay conscious as the monster’s blood dripped onto your tongue, but against your will, your eyes fluttered shut and your vision faded to black.
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@anna1306 @bloodywickedvamp @misslavenderlady @ghoulgeousimmaculate @6lostgirl6 @pixielostboy @riz-coolgirl @solobagginses @its-freaking-bats @xxryn @honeybedo @dwaynesluscioushair @feardot-com @lostboys1987girl @altierirose
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thetisming · 28 days
dash simulator
mutual 1: YES!! I love him so much!!!!
mutual 2: i have this au where blorbo 1 dies and blorbo 2 has to live without them but blorbo 1 is a ghost. this is how his ghost works *500 words of pure insanity over his own au*
mutual 3 that i only just became mutuals with: having a crush is so absolutely soul crushing and soul destroying and i'm going to die if this happens any longer
mutual 3: look at this hot guy i love him so much i need to have sex with him but in an asexual way like where the vibes are the same but it's not actual sex (not about the aforementioned crush)
mutual 4: i NEED to fuck this old white man
mutual 4 (reblog of old man post): please stop tagging this with David Tennant THAT IS A MIDDLE AGED MAN!!!! if you saw the old men i want to fuck you'd hurl
mutual 6: hehe i am an olive do you get tje joke
mutual 1: I love my boyfriend so much :3
mutual 5: (10 million reblogs of my post about a musical he likes)
mutual 7: i kind of rushed this edit so it's not great but i hope you like it!! (the most beautiful edit you've ever seen in your life)
mutual 4: please dont forget about the comedian harmonists please
mutual 6: (8 reblogs of mutual 4's comedian harmonists post)
mutual 4: hot take but (says something about a sitcom from the 90s nobody on here has heard of)
mutual 5: please don't forget about Tamara de Lempicka please pleasenpleade
mutual 4: (60 reblogs of art of an obscure 90s sitcom)
mutual 4: (81 reblogs of a textpost that literally just says 'i love the main character of (obscure 90s sitcom) so much'. it's his own post)
[mutual 4 asked: i hit the post limit :(]
my own roleplay blog: I love my beautiful fiance so much 💙
mutual 8: has anyone here seen supernatural
mutual 8: (destialposting)
mutual 9: my girlfriend is so lamenim better than her :/
mutual 3: having a crush is okay actually :)
mutual 3: (silly post about obscure 90s sitcom)
mutual 10: (dead boy detectives)
mutual 10: (dead boy detectives)
mutual 10: (dead boy detectives)
mutual 10 is not seen again for 3 days
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isa-ghost · 2 months
Phil and bagi hcs?
Also these will apply to AMFMN!! Because SURPRISE, if no one has checked the fic tags, her name is listed as a main character. ;) She'll be arriving in Chapter 6!! :D
I cannot fucking WAIT to expand upon their dynamic, which is funny because by the time Bagi shows up, Phil is possessed so it won't be exploration through direct interactions until the recovery period waaay later in the fic. Nonetheless it'll be hype! :D
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Phil is a member of the "Bagi can do whatever she wants forever" club. He supports her rights and wrongs and fully believes she could kick his ass no matter how unbalanced of a fight it'd be in his favor (disclaimer I don't actually know Bagi's exact pvp skill level 🤔)
Bagi is a member of the "God I want Phil to take me on a flight some day, I am so sad his wings are fucked up" club. (She would probably be terrified /pos)
I don't know what it is about their friendship but I feel like Bagi is so much more attuned to the way Phil thinks than the average islander. I guess I'd say it's because of how perceptive she is in general, especially with how she's a detective? Whatever it is, Bagi just has this talent for reading Phil like a damn book. And she won't hesitate to call him on his bullshit either. She's much like Fit in that regard. Crow man can't hide SHIT
Like fr if Phil ever gave Bagi reason to be concerned the first thing she'd do is start cornering those closest to him and either ask what's up or be like "hey Phil's on some shit rn, we gotta go force him to confess whatever stupid shit he's shouldering on his own and bottling up"
Phil has definitely been whacked with the frying pan for not venting and acting like he has to brave the horrors alone btw. Bagi's the type of friend that'll kick your fucking ass if you're not self-caring or being mean to yourself. (I am projecting LMAO)
Bagi isn't as Holy Shit We Could Die Any Second about things as Phil, but they're both very protective people, which can manifest in very volatile ways when they're hurt or angered by something (ie: Feds). I would not want to experience their individual wraths simultaneously.
Bagi is one of the top people Phil shows his gift giving love language to. Be it resources she needs, pictures he's taken of her/Em/Tina or of weird island shit, the means to complete cookie tasks, etc. She's one of the first in mind.
GOD Phil wants her to teach him how to wield a frying pan so badly. He's an excellent swordsman and bowman, but PAN?? The enjoyment he'd get out of it would be infinite, he'd love to be kicking ass while getting a laugh out of it bc pan go BONG when it hits a motherfucker.
If one needs something the other says yes no hesitation. They might ask each other a couple questions, but as soon as they have 100% clarity, they trust each other with the rest and know that if something goes wrong, whoever is present at the time will unleash hell on the person or monster that caused it.
I've somewhat already hinted at it but GOD the mutual admiration they have for each other!! Their wits and way with words, their natural sense of leadership, their determination to defend what they believe in, what they think is right, and the people they love, their specific expertise, the list goes on. They just think the other is so fucking cool and brilliant.
Tbh I think in the right circumstances they'd teach each other some lowkey fucked up tricks they have up their sleeves. Like Bagi giving Phil insight on manipulating people into giving the answers you're looking for by asking the right carefully worded questions, or Phil teaching Bagi the best spots to hit/hurt a person/mob to really do some damage just purely as a "hey if you ever find yourself in a Situation, here's a tip" thing
I don't know how better to show this without explicitly saying it: These two are not the other's fucking caretaker. Phil is not Bagi's father figure and Bagi is not Phil's mother figure. Yes, they can scold each other when the other is doing something dumb (cough, 7 hcs ago, cough). Friends do that. They support each other and call each other on their bs. That is not parenting, that's being a good friend. And they are to each other.
On that note, it hasn't come up too much yet but when shit sucks (like when the eggs were lost or lost lives), they're good at distracting each other. But like without halting the process of dealing with their emotions. If they're sad, they'll be sad together, but they're good at picking the right conversation topics to lighten the mood. If they're mad, they'll be mad together, and they'll plan what to do about it with each other.
I think I've sorta demonstrated it well enough in a couple of these hcs already but AUGH, they're just. So on the same page with each other almost all the time. And when they aren't, they're so good at giving each other perspectives they didn't think of before. Which, I don't mean to compare Bagi to her brother here, but is also how Phil and Cellbit can be with each other too; though they've somewhat fallen out of that sync post-Purgatory. The way the Mystery Siblings are so on the same wavelength as Phil makes me so *slams fist on desk*
Phil is normally a very Just Vibin' kinda guy but Bagi can get him into some really deep intellectual conversations sometimes and it's so 🍿🍿🍿 to watch
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nomsterrz · 21 days
Hihii Im nomi! I draw really random SAMS, LAES, MGAFS(sometimes) art.
sharks 🦈🦈🦈 anyway, i own a sams au
The Dreaded Code (TDC) is an apocalyptic SAMS AU that puts our beloved celestial family into a lot more problems. Our main enemy.. or enemies are .. “The Bots”. Having to deal with keeping their eye out anywhere they go, and try to find a cure. The Bots are robotic Spiders that tear anything or anyone they see.
There are two types of viruses: The Digital and the Human. For each type of infection, the infected person or animatronic will have at least 1 hour before being fully infected. Once fully infected, they will act savage, enraged, and violent like no other. They won’t be able to communicate or act like themselves at all.
|| Our main characters are of course, the celestial family, but in this AU we have a few animators featured as main cast members. (Trust me itll align into the storyline) Some may backstab, some may fall into insanity. There will be 8 villains as the story moves along.
Comic Information:
The comic will include the following: An OST, multiple issues/episodes (they’ll be posted here and on youtube), extra little bits (like funny small comics and such) , some characters who have died in the shows will be alive in the comic. (Ex. Killcode is dead in the show right? He’ll be alive in TDC) Andd, there will be no voice acting (would be cool if it was tho😔) There is a trailer located on my Youtube channel as well for the AU! 🫶
This AU is more on the darker side of things. When I say Im going to make you sob with this comic, I mean it. I am not holding back with the angst. You’re favorite characters are probably going to die. …..☺️🫶teehee
TDC TUMBLR BLOG: https://www.tumblr.com/thedreadedcode
Below are some character refs! (These are the only ones I have right now, will try to get the others out soon)
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I dont really anything else to say, but here are my other socials in case youre interested🦈
Instagram: @/nomzterss_ (the link wont work🪦🪦)
Tiktok: @/__nomz_ (istg these links)
Discord Server:
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crooked-haven · 4 months
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Crush | Hwang Hyunjin Oneshot
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➭ Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x (F) Reader
➭ Genre: Fluff, Little bit of Angst
➭ Warnings/Tags: Cursing, Kinda Sad, Fever Dream
➭ Disclaimer: All members of STRAY KIDS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are purely coincidental. Also this is my story so please don’t steal!
➭ By: serendipity_haven (Taexxgukkie & crooked-haven)
Word count: 1k
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-Y/n's Pov-
"Come on! Die Die Die!" I screamed in excitement while punching the character in front of me. "You're cheating Y/n! Button smashing is an instant L!" Lucas screamed in game rage since I won for the 5th time in a row. "Come on guys, food is here." I shut off the console and got up off of the floor, stretching out my cramps. "What's for dinner Hyunjin?" I say in a yawn. "Pizza, use your eyes." he answers while stuffing his face. I roll my eyes playfully and grab my own slice, meat lovers my favorite. I sit at the kitchen table while everyone eats in silence, it's just us three here since Hyunjin's parents are on a business trip.
Lucas, Hyunjin's 13 year old brother invited me over for some video games and how could I resist? I would get to see my crush, yes it's Hyunjin, we are what you would call, childhood friends. I'm aware that he has a girlfriend, but that doesn't stop me from crushing silently. What's not to like about him? He is charming, funny and sweet, so much more- "Hello???" Hyunjin waves his hand in front of my face and I come back to reality. "What?" I answer while taking another bite of my pizza. "You were drooling!" Lucas says while laughing at me. My face instantly heats up to a dark cherry red and I roll my eyes. "I was not, I was thinking!" I can hear the snickering but I ignore it.
-Time Skip to 9 PM-
"Well now that Lucas is asleep I better go now." I say giving Hyunjin a side hug. I am a little sad to be leaving and part of me wishes he would ask me to stay but I had this gut feeling that he just wasn't going to. He has a girlfriend, he probably wants to call her over instead- "Earth to Y/n!?" I snap back to reality yet again, only to realize that I was staring at Hyunjin. "Is your main hobby just staring at my beautiful face?" He smirks mockingly. I scoff and sigh. "Absolutely not! I was just-" he cut me off. "Thinking, I know." I walked over towards the door. "Nothing wrong with thinking you know."
"I know, but where do you think you're going? I didn't rent a whole movie for you to just not watch it Y/n." I look at him confused as he makes his way over towards me, gently pushing me into the living room. I sit on the couch and ask what he means. "I rented the Avatar 2 for you! You wouldn't shut up about it last week, my poor ears!" He jokes acting hurt. I instantly feel better, I get to watch a 3 hour long movie with my crush, alone! Even though this isn't anything new, it still feels so exciting, but then the sick feeling inside me came back up when I remembered his girlfriend. "I am flattered Hyunjin, I really am but I honestly think you should watch it with Luna.." I say, faking a smile.
He sits next to me and gently grabs my hand, I can feel the heat creeping up to my face again, and he speaks in a low tone. "Me and Luna broke up 3 months ago." I gasp, how could he not tell me this? As much as I was jealous of her place in his life, she was honestly such a great friend. "Why didn't you tell me? What happened?" He looks down, avoiding eye contact before breaking the silence. "Nothing happened I just realized I had feelings for someone else as did she." Yeah that stung, but I can't blame him, the heart wants what it wants. I push his hand off of mine and hug him, a friendly hug. "I am sorry, I hope all goes well with this new one." All hopes I had were thrown down the stairs, but I really can't be mad at him.
As I stand up, he quickly speaks again, making me freeze. "It's you Y/n, it's always been you." I step back, too stunned to speak but quickly punch his shoulder. "That's not a funny thing to joke about! You asshole!" I slam my hands on my hips and he starts laughing. God damn it, I knew it! "Y/n, I'm not joking this time I swear, I really like you." My body relaxes and my eyebrows knit together. "Me? Why me?" He stands up and walks closer towards me, stopping in front of me, reaching out. "Because you're you." Wow the butterflies I feel, I think they're doing summersaults. "So you could say...that I am your crush?" He snorts. "If we were like 12!" I love his sarcasm. "I like you too Hyunjin." He smiles and nods.
"I know, you love staring at me, and besides Lucas told me." "I am going to kill that little gremlin!" "Well before you do, let's make this official." He slides his hand onto my waist and pulls me closer, gently tucking a loose strand of my Y/H/C hair behind my ear. I feel my breath fastening, this is all I have ever dreamed of, it's almost happening! I close my eyes waiting for a kiss. After 2 seconds of nothing, I open my eyes to a pitch black room. I was dreaming the whole time. I glance at my alarm clock and read 4:26 am, god damn it!
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Sorry for the small heartache I may have caused, I just really like these types of day dreamy stories!
Anyways I hope you all have a fantastic day/night and see you soon don't forget to leave a heart~ <3
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sl33py-day · 1 year
SAGAU But they got the gender wrong Part 2
I don’t remember if people wanted this, or be tagged sorry about that! If you want to be tagged you can ask me. Yes, another Drabble I am very tired.
Anyways, Akashi. Kinda the main subject of this whole post. We know that everyone thought you were a girl, didn’t know you were in Tevyat, and didn’t know you had a boyfriend. Then people found out blah blah blah, everyone loved you blah blah blah.
In the first part, I tried to make it somewhat seem that Akashi was a yandere. The more stable type, the one that got their lover and just get overly jealous at times. I intended a lot of things, for one him and Aether.
The two have fought, physically and verbally, behind M/n’s back. He could be gone for a run to the store while Akashi and Aether are fighting in M/n’s room. The two males hate each other’s guts, even before learning that M/n was the god of Teyvat.
Before I continue, yes both of them have killed people just in different ways. Aether stabs people without a care for the blood that would spill over him. Akashi poisons people with different poisons, he’s not one for messes and likes to cause pain from the inside.
Now, Archons. Venti, the god of freedom, is so close to taking the black haired man’s freedom by locking him in a cage made out of wind. How dare you even think of dating a mortal they will die sooner or later. I mean, they could one day show up covered in irreversible damage. You never know :)
Akashi, once again gonna be my favorite oc I have ever made. He has somewhat fluffy and curly black hair that gets tangled a lot. His eyes are dark red, and he’s tall. He’s the kind of yandere to be very clingy and wants Hugs as much as possible. If he could he would hold your hand everywhere, even the bathroom. He may or may not have stalked you before officially talking to you, he just wanted to know what you liked and disliked so he would sound more confident!
When the genshin yanderes find out what Akashi has done. They will to absolutely anything to make you break up with him. They tell you he killed the guy who seemed a bit of a creep. They tell you that he was to obsessed with you that he doesn’t even love you. The same goes for Akashi, he tell you everything the Archons, Aether, even your best friend Xiao did for you.
Who do you believe more? Your boyfriend of course!
Does anyone want to know more About the red eyed yandere? Cause I know a few people that seem to like him.
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acidxinxwonderland · 5 months
you're bound to get burnt
18 plus smut shot! Minors DNI!!!
Pairing: Glamrock Freddy x F!Reader
Summary: On an outing to meet your friends for dinner with Freddy, you find yourself getting a bit frisky underneath the table. This inevitably leads you to a punishment from your lovely boyfriend.
Word Count: 6.8K
Tags: Size Difference, Size Kink, Robot/Human Relationships, Public Play (sorta), Female Reader, Top Freddy, bottom reader, Orgasm Denial, Light Bondage, Discipline, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Bratty Reader, Established Relationship, Blow Jobs, Vibrators, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Butt Plugs, you made feddy angy, Dom/sub, No Beta We Die Like Afton, Praise Kink, Large Cock A/N: Long time no see! I have brought you a meal right off the stove, it's a big one too!
This poor one shot has been sitting on the back burner for far too long, finally got the motivation to finish it.
It's not completely polished, I'm quite sicky and my head feels funny. I hope you enjoy nonetheless! <3
AO3 link if that's more of your style: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52475623
Tonight was the night to celebrate one of your friends, Emily, graduating from college. It was just a small get together, you, Freddy and a handful of others were heading to a nice restaurant to share some drinks and talk over good food. 
There was no denying you’re elated, a bounce in your step as the two of you walk hand in hand to the main entrance. Every time you frantically looked up at Freddy you could see his eyes laden with both adoration and amusement, he couldn’t blame you; it was only a few months ago Freddy’s sentience was proven and he gained rights. Since it was all so fresh, the two of you haven’t been out together very often, it was basically like dating a celebrity. 
Yet this was the night for you to dress up and spend time with your boyfriend, who can’t eat, but at least gains gratification for you enjoying a simple pleasure of life such as this one. You had a feeling this was going to be perfect.
The two of you walk into the restaurant and not to your surprise, heads turn. Freddy immediately stops in place once he notices all the eyes on the both of you, leaning down to talk quietly near your ear.
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright with…” His glowing optics dart around the room. “All these eyes?” 
You look around yourself, a heavy feeling settles on your chest at the people who were blatantly staring at the two of you or trying their best to avoid the sight. You almost regretted everything, wearing your prettiest dress and doing your makeup, helping Freddy pick out a nice button up and pants to wear. Although you feel a squeeze on your hand from the bear and all those strong feelings are pushed down as you look up to see kind optics. 
“We can turn around if need be.” He was confident in his words, showing that he was willing to do anything to keep you comfortable. 
You feel that familiar flutter in your heart, the kind that reminds you why you fell in love with Freddy in the first place.
“You know what? Fuck it.” You finally say, looking forward only to be brought right back to him with the squeeze of your hand that was clearly a warning. 
“Language, superstar.” His tone was mixed with both sternness and admiration, you give him an apologetic smile. “Although I am very proud of you for pushing through this. We got this.” 
You nod your head firmly. “Yeah we do. Let’s get in there and kill it!” 
“Yes! Although without killing anything, preferably.” 
You snort, rolling your eyes as the two of you finally make your way to the server. You couldn’t tell if he was doing a really good job at keeping it all together or if he truly just didn’t care less about Freddy’s presence. 
Once you give him your friend's name he leads you to the table. It was a bit secluded in the corner, your friends already sitting around the large, round table and looking down at their menus. 
“There you guys are!” Emily says with a big smile, rising from her seat to give you a warm embrace.
“Hey! Congratulations.” You reply, taking a step back to give her shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“Thanks, couldn't have done it without your emotional support.” The ginger glances at Freddy, smiling warmly. “And you too big guy - get over here.” 
“We are always happy to help.” Freddy envelopes Emily into a hearty hug, leaving a big smile on your face from the heart warming sight.
After exchanging greetings with your three other friends, Freddy graciously pulls out a chair for you. As you take your seat he settles down beside you. 
There is a big smile on your face, you probably looked ridiculous despite the loving look the animatronic bear had on his features that told you otherwise. Part of you wishes it was just the two of you but you know this won’t be the last time you dine out with him. 
Drawing your chair closer to him, a pang of sympathy hits you—wishing he could partake in something as simple as enjoying a meal. He always insists he's content just watching you savor each bite, but you can't shake off the lingering thought in the back of your mind.
“What should I have?” You hum out, enjoying the way your arms brushed together. “All of this doesn’t seem very… Appetizing.”
“Of course it doesn’t, because it isn’t my cooking.” He says in this playful tone. “Hm… Why not the cheeseburger? You always seem to enjoy that!” 
“Mm, yeah, but only when you make it. You really did ruin other people making food for me.” 
He lets out a soft laugh, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to pull you closer towards his metal frame. “You’ll be alright.” 
You enjoy the closeness, his perfect mechanized laugh and the coolness of his metal that invigorates you. It was safe to say you’re utterly in love, with other relationships the honeymoon stage has never lasted this long. 
A waiter comes by to take your orders, he was close to asking what Freddy wanted but evidently stopped himself. It wasn’t long until your food came to the table, your cheese burger looked decent enough. Your friends immediately called you out for ordering something so simple but like always, Freddy went right on their cases, speaking in a matter of fact tone why you chose what you wanted. 
Conversation around the table flows seamlessly and you find yourself having a wonderful time, relishing in the company of others but especially Freddy’s. He was just so close to you, sometimes it made you frustrated how hard your heart still pounds whenever you’re near.
Irrevocably in love is what you are, nothing could hold a flame towards how you feel about him; of all of the people in the world you chose him to be your life partner. You appreciate him and everything he does, and now more than ever you have the desire to show him just how much you worshiped him.
An idea sparks in your mind, a very daring one. A plan that might catch Freddy off guard, yet welcome it all at the same time. With a mixture of excitement and anticipation, you prepare to turn this thought into action.
Your hand starts off by just laying on his large thigh, it was clear he thought nothing of it, but once you trailed up a little more his head snapped over to you. You look up at him to give him a soft smile only to be greeted with a look of warning in glowing blue eyes. A gaze you know all too well. 
There was something that always bubbled up whenever he looked at you like this, a feeling of pure defiance. You turn your attention back to your friends, acting as if you were doing nothing wrong as your hand nudged upwards just a little further. 
You’re getting close to what you desire to touch, feeling your thighs push together at the mere thought of his heavy cock. You are having a hard time keeping focus, your pinkie just about to brush against him until you hear a deep, gravelly voice whisper against your ear, “You know very well you’re playing with fire superstar. Are you looking to get burnt?” 
There is a hard shiver that runs up your spine, the dominance clear in his words. It was tantalizing, fueling your insatiable need to continue.
You give him an innocent look, not only to look inconspicuous for your friends but also to drag out that low growl that rumbled through Freddy’s metallic chest. You drag your hand up, biting back the gasp once you feel how hard he already was through his pants.   
He gives you a glare as your lips tug up into a smug smile. You give his growing bulge a small squeeze and his eyes widen, it was clear he wasn’t expecting you to be so forward.
Freddy’s giant metal paw wraps around your wrist tightly, instead of pushing it off he pushes your hand down. You bite down on your lower lip at the feeling of the outline of his cock, it took everything in your power to not leave right then and there so he can have his way with you.
The plan you had in mind keeps you in your seat, Freddy was easily sexually frustrated, it was understandable due to experiencing pleasure recently. Despite it being a bit fresh to him, he was practically a god in bed. It wasn’t easy for either of you when it came to keeping your hands off of each other. 
So you continue this process of teasing him throughout the entire dinner, you do good in acting as if nothing was happening. You talk to the others with ease, feeling a sense of confidence from your ministrations, it was one of the few times you had power over him. He couldn’t do anything, just sit there suppressing low groans that barely reach your eyes. 
You know you’re in for it later but right now it feels very much worth it. You teeter on the dangerous side, giving him firm squeezes when he converses with your friends, sometimes his words come out strangled, having to apologize and blaming it on a voice box error. 
You keep up this sweet torture till the very end of your dinner, you can feel Freddy’s frustration with you as he gives a short goodbye to the others. You give Emily one last hug before taking his hand to guide him out of the restaurant. His grip around yours was tight, not enough to hurt but enough to tell you that you should be a bit worried about what will happen later on in the night. 
Once you are outside with the clear starry sky above your head you go towards the large van with Freddy. While you pull the keys out from your purse and go to open the door you feel his large hand placed firmly on your shoulder. Just as you look back at him you are spun around and pushed up against the side of the van.
You look up to see blue optics staring harshly down at you, a disgruntled look on Freddy’s features. 
“I should have known you were going to misbehave.” A low growl leaves him after, causing the hairs on your arms to stand up.
You feel giddy from his reaction, clearly your mission was a success but you weren’t done just yet. “What ever do you mean? I’d say I have been nothing but perfect.” You bat your lashes, wanting to fuel his frustrations.  
He pushes you harder up against the van, leaning in with a dangerous look in his eyes that was ever so enticing. 
“You know exactly what I mean. You do realize what’s going to happen right?” One of the hands on your shoulders trails up your neck tenderly before thick fingers enclosed around your throat. He gives a soft squeeze as his voice comes out in a low, dangerous tone. “You are going to be ruined once I’m done with you.” 
He uses enough pressure to restrict your airway, the feeling brings a sense of pleasure to wash over you. Your face grows red, your smile only widening as you reveled in his predatory stare. “Is that a p-promise?”  
“You know it is.” He lets go of your neck and you take in a small breath of air. “Get in, now. I do not want a word out of you until we are home.” 
Freddy’s dominant energy was always overpowering, it was easy for you to fall into obedience when he used a certain tone with you that brought you to your knees. You turn around, feeling your heart pounding in your chest as you get in the van and fasten your seatbelt. 
He gets in and grabs the keys from your hand, silently fuming as he starts the ignition and smoothly drives out of the parking lot. 
You begin to play with the end of your dress as a million scenarios go through your head. What was he going to do to you? It had to be good. You capture your bottom lip with your teeth as your eyes fall onto the large bulge in his pants, he was still just as hard as before. You yearned to touch it once again, to feel its outline and hear Freddy to let out the hottest noises. 
“Eyes forward.” His harsh tone pulls you out of your trance, you can’t help but give him a slight glare before looking straight ahead. He then lets out a hum of approval, taking one of his hands off the wheel to place it on your knee. The bear rubs circles into your skin, you know it was his way of telling you that he actually wasn’t mad at you, you already are very well aware he liked playing these types of games with you. 
So what was the harm in continuing it? Despite how good the silent praise you just got for obeying felt, you still had this need to keep pushing it. You keep your eyes trained on the windshield ahead of you, placing your hand on his. You start to guide him slowly up your thigh, he doesn’t move away despite knowing what you are doing. 
Out of the corner of your vision you see him glancing over at you as you inch his hand closer and closer to your aching cunt. 
“You really can’t help yourself, can you?” His tone was gruff, giving your thigh a tight squeeze that makes a small gasp escape your lips. “You’ve been such a bad girl… I’m trying my absolute best to not pull over and take you right now.” 
The mere thought of him deep inside of you made your thigh tense underneath his touch. You know even though he was speaking to you, it did not mean you were allowed to talk back, yet right now you just couldn’t help yourself. 
“What’s stopping you then?” As soon as you ask he squeezes your thigh again, harder this time, eliciting the smallest trace of pain.. 
“Superstar.” Freddy says dangerously. “Quiet. I am not telling you again, stop making this worse for yourself.” 
You let out a sigh, leaning back in your seat and crossing your arms. You finally do as you're told, not saying a thing as he continues to drive the two of you back home. You become more fidgety once he pulls into the driveway, taking off your seatbelt and immediately getting out of the van. You walk inside of the house with him trailing behind you, feeling exhilarated once you look back to see the fiery look on his face. 
“Bedroom.” He demands and you nod your head, turning around and going straight to the room the two of you share. 
As soon as the two of you enter, Freddys large hand wraps around the back of your neck, you shiver from the metal on your skin as he brings you to the bed. He pushes you down harshly, kicking your feet apart while growling out as he pulls your dress up. “I want your hands behind your back, and I want you to keep them there.” 
As soon as you move your hands in position you feel his hand coming down onto your ass. You let out a loud gasp from the impact, your body being pushed forward as you are left with a stinging sensation on your skin. 
“What were you thinking?” He asks, swatting your other cheek. “The few times we are out in public you decide to pull a stunt like this?” Another swat. 
“I-I just couldn’t help myself!” Freddy spanks you again after you speak, causing you to hiss out from the way it burned. 
“Oh? Is that your excuse?” He runs his hand over your now red skin. “That you have no self control?” 
“Y-yes!” You choke out, craning your neck to look back at him. “You just… Looked so nice tonight.” 
He gives you a stern look and you return it with a sheepish smile. He places your hand on your head, shoving your face back down onto the mattress, groping at your burning flesh. 
“Compliments are not going to get you anywhere. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to not ravage you as soon as I saw you in this pretty, tight dress? Yet I was still able to show some restraint, to not risk getting in trouble at a restaurant.” Freddy spanks you again, making you yelp out. “Hold still.” 
You then hear the sound of his belt unbuckling behind you. You feel a sense of nervousness, not knowing what he was going to do with it until he began to wrap it around your wrist. He pulls tight, the leather biting into your skin and causing you to let out a grunt. 
“There we go…” His hand goes up and down your back soothingly, he never fails to give you loving gestures even in his ‘scary’ moments. “I do not want you moving an inch, you understand me?” 
“Y-yes.” You murmur out, feeling your face become unbearably warm as you shove it into the mattress below you. You don’t dare to look back as you hear him walking away for only a short moment, the sound of a cap opening and something squirting out hits your ears. 
Your eyes widen as he pulls your panties down to your knees, letting out a guttural groan just from the mere sight of you. 
“You’re going to take what’s given to you. Not a single complaint out of your pretty little mouth.” 
You nod your head, a small gasp emits from you once you feel something cold and wet push in between your ass. You only realized it was a butt plug once he began pushing it past your ring of muscles. You groan out against the sheets as it goes inside of you.
“There we go, that’s a good girl.” Freddy lets out a small hum, rubbing his hands along your ass before giving it another hard spank. “Oh, the things I’m going to do to you, superstar. To think we are just getting started.” 
He grabs a handful of your hair, guiding you to stand up and spinning you around. His other hand grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him. Maybe you should be a little more scared but you can’t help but think he is unbelievably handsome with the way his optics bore into you. 
“Initially I was going to make your pretty bottom bright red until you were begging for mercy but I realize I need something to tide me over.” His thumb brushes over your bottom lip before dragging it downward. “So I’m going to put your bratty mouth to use.” With that he pushes you down to your knees, grabbing your hair again and shoving your face against the front of his pants. 
“This is what you were wanting, right? Wanted the big scary bear to come out and show you your place?” He hums out in a chilling tone, rubbing his bulge against you. “Take it off.” Your brows knit together, with your hands bound there was not much you could do. “With your teeth.” 
You look up, having to stop yourself from giving him a glare before nodding your head. Your face was a bright red, feeling a bit embarrassed as you used your mouth to get to his zipper. You bring the piece of metal in between your teeth, pulling it down to the bottom. Pulling your head back you stare at the red boxers, not knowing where to go from here.
You hear him chuckle above you. “How cute…” He murmurs, running a hand through your hair. “Is this part too hard for you? Need some of my help?” 
You timidly nod your head, breath hitching in your throat as you watch him unbutton his pants and slowly pull it down. His heavy cock springs out, a simulated sigh of relief escaping from him.
You giggle, knowing he was so relieved because of how long you’ve been teasing him. Freddy’s optics then zone in on you, his soft touch turning rough once again as he jerks your face towards him. He grabs the base, rubbing the head against your lips. 
“Open wide, tongue out.” 
You obey his orders, keeping your eyes on his as you lull your tongue out. He guides your head onto his cock, the textured underside sliding against your tongue as he pushes his length inch by inch. He was so big, the girth stretching your lips as he made you take as much as you can. 
His head hit the back of your throat, causing your gag reflex to be triggered. A low groan escapes him from the feeling, keeping you there for a few seconds that seemed to stretch on for eternity. 
“Mm… Your mouth feels so good around me, my precious star, the thought of destroying your throat until you could barely speak sounds like pure ecstasy.” His words cause your already wet cunt to pulsate, yearning to please him in any way possible. 
Just as you begin to feel light headed Freddy pulls and pushes you on his cock with the grip on your hair. He goes slowly, seemingly wanting to watch the way you take him.
Soft groans left his muzzle, although it was clear his patience was running thin as he gradually picked up the pace. 
“There we go, look at you, taking me so well.” The grip on your hair tightens, his hips beginning to rock back and forth. You sputter and gag around him, tears welling up in your eyes while he lets out a dark chuckle. “It’s not too much for you, is it? Mm… I thought this is what you were wanting?” 
He shoves himself as far as he can down your throat, your eyes widening as you feel yourself getting more dizzy by the second. Just as it was about to get too much he begins the motions of thrusting deep and hard, making you bop your head back and forth to meet him every single time. 
All you can do is sit there and take it as he grunts and growls, gripping harder at your hair till it is teetered on the edge of pain. He begins to become louder, one of the many signs that he was getting close. You feel a deep sense of excitement, desperately wanting him to spill his seed down your throat but before you get the chance he tugs you off his cock with a wet pop. 
You gasp out once you are able to properly breath, panting harshly as tears spill from your eyes and down your cheeks. 
His eyes darken at the sight of you, leaning down and wiping the tears away with his thumb. “Look at you ruining your makeup.” He lets out a deep chuckle. “I can’t wait to see how you look once I’m through with you.” 
“T-there’s more?” You rasp, your chest rising and falling.  
“Oh superstar… We are far from over.” His loving caress on your cheek turns into a rough hand around your throat, squeezing at the sides as he leads you to your feet. 
Once again you are pushed down on the bed, Freddy wastes not even a fraction of a second as he pushes up your legs until your knees are bent, keeping you nice and spread for him. There was a glint in his eyes as he looked down at the sight before him, looking at you as if you were a meal. 
“You’re soaking wet.” He lets out a low groan as his finger traces your slick folds, purposefully not going any further. “You poor thing… All of this torture without any form of stimulation, you must be so restless.” Your body squirms as his metal finger brushes against your slit, letting out a long whine from the teasing. You try to push your hips forward but just like clockwork Freddy’s free hand grabs your waist and pushes you back down onto the bed with a strong force. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” His tone becomes harsh, squeezing at your skin. “You know better.” 
“S-sorry.” You murmur timidly, feeling your cheeks heat up as he continues to play with your outer folds. “Just… Just need you so bad.” 
“Well you should have thought of that, hm?” He uses two fingers to spread your lips apart, getting a good view of your dripping wet hole. “God… You’re twitching.” He seems memorized by the sight below him, one of his fingers brushing against your engorged clit. 
A gasp falls from your lips at the small stimulation, the anticipation being too much to bear as he gives your aching clit feather light touches. 
“Such a pretty little thing… Do you know what I’m going to do with this sweet pussy of yours?” His finger finally presses down firmly, not moving an inch as you shake your head in response. “I’m going to bring you to the edge, over and over. Even when you’re crying and begging for release I won’t give in.” Freddy does the smallest of movements against your nub, sending pleasure shooting up your spine.
“Hopefully this will put you back in your place…” He leans forward, his eyes darkening. “Below me.” 
He withdraws his hands, a long whine of pure frustration leaving your lips from the sense of loss. You are getting more and more pent up by the second, watching him with needy eyes as he grabs the bottle of lube and a wand vibrator sitting beside you. 
“T-the vibrator?!” You frown, feeling a bit worried. “That's so strong…” 
Freddy lets out a chuckle of amusement as he opens the lube and pours it on his fingers. “Oh I know superstar, I know exactly how you’ll react to it.” 
He brings one of his thick metal fingers to your entrance, tracing the edges before prodding the tip against you. You bite down on your bottom lip, spreading your thighs further to encourage him. 
Finally he begins to push in inch by inch, making you let out a pleasurable sigh of relief. He keeps it still, wiggling it back and forth before beginning to push in and out at a slow pace. 
“The urge to skip the preparations and shove right into you is stronger than ever with the way you clench around me like this.” He adds a second finger in as he speaks, giving you a thorough stretch. 
“Mm.. P-please, I need your cock so bad.” You let out small whimpers, feeling yourself unravel from the thick fingers pumping into you at an agonizingly slow pace.
“You are insane if you think you have any sort of say in this.” 
You give him a small, cheeky smile. “Mm… I don’t think that’s true, you can give in pretty easily with the right amount of pressure.” 
Freddy’s fingers still inside of you, his gaze turning into a stern glare that made your blood run cold. 
“Of course, even now you have to push my buttons.” He presses his fingers into you hard, a small grunt emits from you. “I wasn’t going to go too hard on you but now…” He uses his free hand, grabbing the vibrator and turning it as high as it goes. “Now you’re in for it.” 
You feel your heart skip a beat as he begins to thrust his fingers once again, yet this time at a brutal pace. Your mouth falls open each time his fingers brushed up against your g-spot and once the vibrator was pressed up against your clit it was game over for you. 
Your back arches up against the mattress below you, an electric jolt cascading throughout your being while he firmly keeps the vibrator down onto you. Your limbs twitch uncontrollably, looking down at him with widened eyes. 
“Don’t have much to say now, do you?” His teasing tone made you want to bite back but the knot forming in your stomach was making you lose all train of thought. 
Your orchestra of moans only grows, feeling the muscles in your thighs grow taut. Just as you were about to be pushed over the edge Freddy stops his ministrations immediately, pulling off the vibrator and halting his fingers. 
He always knew when you were about to cum, he knew every single sign.
Your walls flutter around the intrusion, a groan of unadulterated frustration pushing past your lips. 
“Freddy!” You whine out, trying to sit up despite your binded hands. 
“You stay still.” His command makes you freeze, letting out a huff as you glare up at the ceiling. “You know very well you can take it.” Once he feels as though you’ve cooled down enough he begins to move inside of you again. “Don’t you want to be my good girl? To reap the rewards of obedience?” 
An unabashed moan is ripped from your throat as he brings the vibrator back down, your walls clench down instinctively around his thick digits, the feeling of an orgasm climbing once again. As soon as he recognizes you getting close he stops, leaving you feeling incredibly hot underneath your skin. 
You look at him with glazed eyes, a pout on your lips. “Please Freddy, I’m sorry- ah!” Your words were cut off once he placed the toy back on your engorged clit.
“You’re too late for that. If you wanted a sweet release you should have behaved during dinner.” He growls out in that low tone that drives you insane with desire. 
It was all getting so overwhelming, especially when he took it off once again, only giving you a few seconds to calm down before pressing it right back down. Tears begin to well up in your eyes, unable to keep yourself quiet and still. You didn’t know how much longer you could do this, you wanted to beg for more but you knew it would only make things worse. 
Just as you were about to reach your climax for the fourth time Freddy stops completely, pulling his fingers out of you with a wet pop.
You look up at him with watery eyes and a pout on your lips, shifting in place to feel your arms have fallen asleep behind you from being bound together by the belt. It was uncomfortable, becoming almost painful. 
“F-Freddy… I’m sorry but my arms…” You trail off, looking to the side. 
“Are they hurting?” You nod your head. “Alright, sit up.” 
No matter what Freddy always wanted to make sure you are comfortable, one of the many things you love about him. 
You struggle to sit upright, shuffling on the bed awkwardly to adjust your position to grant him better access. His actions are swift, nimble fingers unwrapping the belt. The moment your hands are released a sigh of relief escapes your lips, and you instinctively reach to massage your tender skin. However, he brings your wrists into his grip, encircling them once more with the binding belt.
A pout forms on your lips from your freedom being taken away, looking up at him to whine. Yet all words on your tongue became a forgotten memory as he pinned you back down with your arms above your head. 
“Did you truly think I would allow you such freedom?” Freddy purrs in a low tone, a deep chuckle admitting from him. “You really do think I’m soft, don’t you?” 
If it wasn’t for the fact you’ve been edged so many times and your brain was complete mush you would have said yes, but now the only thing you could think of was his cock filling you up and making you scream. 
You shake your head. “N-no! I don’t, I-I’m sorry for what I said earlier. Just, please…” You whimper out, giving him a pleading look. 
Freddy brushes his muzzle against your lips, a simulated sigh of satisfaction leaving his voice box. “There we go, that’s my good girl.” He leans back, using his free hand to grab the lube and slick up his heavy cock. “Looks like I finally broke you down, hm?” 
He removes his hand from your own, yet you knew that did not give you permission to move them. You stay still, not willing to risk the chances of getting it all taken away from you as he lines himself up with your entrance. His large hand encloses firmly around one of your hips, dragging the tip up and down your folds. 
“Are you ready superstar?” He rubs a circle into your skin with his thumb.
You give an eager nod of your head, never have you needed something so bad. You keep your glazed over eyes trained on him as his thick head pushed into your entrance, a sharp moan escapes your lips as he sinks inch by inch in. The stretch was just what you needed as his heavy cock pressed into you. Your body stretches and accommodates for his size, walls clenching possessively around him.
“Please.” You manage to beg through clenched teeth, caught in the storm of pleasure taking over your body. Freddy lets out a grunt in response, snapping his hips forward until he is balls deep. You let out a loud moan from the sensation, eyes widening from the feeling of his tip brushing against your cervix. 
“You’re so tight. So perfect.” He groans, pulling his hips back half way before shoving himself in again, keeping himself still. “Just look at you, such a needy, desperate little thing. Finally giving you what you’ve been begging for yet all you want is more.” 
You let out a whimper, a pout on your lips that makes Freddy chuckle with adoration. “You are just too precious. I’ll give you what you want, my little star, but on my terms, you’re going to let me use this perfect hole for how I see fit.” “Y-yes,” There was no more fighting from you, the blistering flames of submission and arousal were too high by now. “Please, use me as much as you need. I-I’m yours.” Freddy seems nothing but satisfied, as a reward he began to rock his hips back and forth. “Beg for it then, tell me how much you need this, how you are here to pleasure me and me alone.” 
“I need it so bad F-Freddy, your dick is all I think about. It’s all I n-need. I want you to use me like I’m your whore.” You were so caught up in it all, so desperate that you didn’t even realize the colorful language you used. To your luck it seemed like something snapped inside of Freddy once you called yourself such a name. 
Freddy withdraws his hips then slams himself right in, if it wasn’t for the hand on your hip you would have been pushed up the bed. His thrusts were sloppy and fast, forcing loud moans and gasps out of her throat. 
“You feel incredible. So… Incredible.” He groans out between thrusts, each one making your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
His free hand falls upon your clothed breast, giving it an eager squeeze as your moans mixed in with his. “Want to hear you scream for me, want the whole world to remember exactly who you belong to.” Your head spun, the way he dragged in and out of you at a breakneck speed brought tears to your eyes. “Oh, oh my god!” You gasp out, wishing your hands weren’t bound so you could grab on to anything, to have some sort of anchor amidst this storm of pleasure. “S-so… So much!” 
Freddy chuckles darkly at your words, his claws digging into your hip. “Is it too much for you superstar? This is what you were wanting, you made it very clear. There is no backing down now.” To make matters worse, he removed his paw from your breast and brought it down between your thighs. His thumb wasted no time finding your clit, expeditiously rubbing at the aching bud that made your limbs twitch. Every sensation became magnified - from the feeling of his hard cock filling your depths to the delicious friction of overstimulated nerves. 
Your back arches off the bed, sobs wracking through your body as you are consumed by the intensity of it all. You feel a knot in your stomach, tightening so quick that you couldn’t even warn him besides yelling out his name. Wave after wave hits you like a roaring sea, throwing your head back as you go through the most intense orgasm of your life. He rubs you through it, but of course, he wasn’t planning to stop there. 
“There you go, doesn’t that feel nice?” He grunts out, plunging inside of you with pure force. You writhe and whimper underneath him, staring into blue optics through blurry vision as overstimulation quickly takes over. “Freddy- ah! Freddy please!” You plead, not even knowing what you were begging for. Did you want more? Did you want him to slow down? In the end it didn’t matter what you wanted, you were only able to take what was given to you. Optics staring down at you with pure satisfaction while he quickly brought you to the brink of another orgasm. 
“Please wh-what?” His voice box glitched once he asked the question, a tell tale sign he was getting close. “Please make you cum again? Please fill you up?” He chuckles, snapping his hips into you and making you yelp. “Don’t worry babydoll, I’m going to give you my all.” He leaned in till his face was a mere inch away from yours, keeping that swift pace. “Who do you belong to?” 
His commanding tone reverberates in your ears, fueling the desire that made you yearn to obey him. “You, I-I belong to you! I’m yours, all yours.” You speak between loud cries, your own words not registering as that coil tightens in your stomach once again. “Ah!” You cum again, harsher than the last, your legs kicking in the air as your cunt convulses around him. 
“G-good- Good girl. That’s my good sta-ar.” He only manages to squeeze out his words of praise before a loud groan escapes him. He pushes himself all the way inside of you that causes you to gasp as rope after rope of his synthetic seed covers your walls. 
Your body goes lax against the bed once he stills, panting harshly as your limbs twitch and move on their own accord. It was as if time itself stopped, both of you stuck in the same position while recovering from the passionate moment.  
“Are you alright?” Freddy finally asks, pride in his tone. 
You open your eyes, not even realizing you’ve shut them as you manage to muster a weak smile. “A-amazing.” You breathe out. 
“Good, I was worried for a moment.” Large paws come up to your bound wrists, swiftly unwrapping the belt and tossing it to the side. He then takes your hands into his own, massaging the red imprints. “You did such a wonderful job taking your punishment. I am very proud of you.”
Your heart skips a beat, just like it always does when he says such sweet things. “You think so? I thought I was being pretty naughty.” He chuckles, “A bit, yes. But you caved a lot quicker than what I had calculated.” Thick arms then slide underneath you, pulling you up against his metal torso as his muzzle lightly brushed against your forehead. 
“Calculated… You calculated this?” You ask in disbelief, were you just completely out of it or did he really ‘crunch the numbers’? “Of course I did, on the way home. Although plans changed, I still knew what I had in mind.” While talking he lifted you up, swapping positions so he could sit down on the bed, his cock still embedded inside of you. “You’re unbelievable.” You laugh, leaning back to stare up at him. “I suppose, but so are you.” He places another kiss upon your forehead, running a hand through your hair. “You know I was never mad at you, right?” 
“Of course Freddy, I know this was all a part of our game.”  He always had to check in with you every time, you thought it was nothing short of sweet. “You were… Really hot.” “Yeah? Not as much as you.” He hums, pulling you even closer. “I believe you deserve a reward now, how about a nice bath and then I’ll make you some hot chocolate?” You are clearly pleased by this idea, melting into his embrace. “With a movie?” 
“Of course with a movie, my starlet.” 
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Thank you for the tag @starlightiing ♥ you did tag my main, but I'll answer here since it's f1 related ♥
Who is your favorite driver?
LANDO NORRIS (I love when people make assumptions of who my favorite driver is when I tell them I like/watch f1 and they are NEVER right and then I get to say Lando all proudly)
Do you have other favorite drivers?
George Russell, Oscar Piastri (I like a bunch more of others, but these two are like the ones I'd die and kill for and serve for their crimes)
Who is your least favorite driver?
Lance Stroll :/
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
I like teams as well!
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?
MERCEDES (I might have to start pulling for McLaren too now that they have finally given my Lando a win and end my anti campaign (this saddens me deeply 😔))
How long have you been into F1?
I've made my first contacts with f1 on September 25th 2022 but only started getting into it on September 27th 2022 and the first race I've watched was on October 2nd 2022 and here I am ever since then, I've never felt more at home
What got you into F1?
OMG STORY TIME!!!!!!! Okay no, I feel like I've already told it too many times already. I'll keep it short and just say my cousin got me into it
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?
I grew up on fanfics and rpf so yes!
How do you view new fans?
I have no problem unless you come from the chicken shop date then please don't talk to me :)
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
I wouldn't necessarily like to be a team principal, but maybe McLaren (I CAN FIX THEM!!!)
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?
Not really, but some of my relatives are
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
Yes! Always!! I feel like I only talk to a small amount of you when I actually fancy a lot of you, but I'm scared to text first 🥹
Tagging: @lewlew44 @prettiest-at-the-party @ginsengi @mclarenhoney @mdblktwnk @honkyscats @youraveragef1obsessedgirl @feralnando @thesunkeptrising @vivvangel @thef1diary @norstappenvibes @on-sinkingships @ynbabe @vellicora @linnebae @scuderiascarerari @wht-am-i-doin @black-fireproofs @biropen @motorsportmusing @maaxverstappen @pastry-cult @mlee-02 @wtfisakilometer2 @jupiter-je-taime @leclerxnorris @geooooooorge @scuderiasillygirl @usersewis @kiwi-lawson @norrisleclercf1 @inchidentally @keysmashhhhhhhh @lewislcver @interlagostrack @formulahuh @fandomchaosposts @sof1shticated Oh my god I feel like I've never tagged this many people 💀 please feel free to ignore
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A/N: okay babies, you wanted it, I wanted it. Xavier Thorpe worst best HS bf let’s go. Reposting because the first time it got posted without tags and that's...embarrassing
Part 1 Here!
Okay so you remember how he like scaled a whole building to say sorry to Wednesday on the balcony of her dorm?
Yeah he does that with you all the time when you’re mad at him, or just having a bad day in general.
Usually there’s a few taps on your window and when you make your way outside there’s like a snack or some pastries for you, or a small bouquet of flowers or books or maybe a little love letter.
“Come on, how can you still be mad at me after I waited in line to get you those pastries you like.”
You wipe the crumbs from the corner of your mouth, you’re not really that mad anymore, and they were really good.
“I don’t know but I still am.”
He doesn’t have to know that though.
One time you walked out and there were candles all along the edges, a picnic laid out, and a sweet smile playing on his lips.
“I know you’ve had a rough week, and it’s not much but—” the words: ‘I wanted to do something for you’ die in his throat when you practically tackle him into a hug.
“Thank you.”
He 100% flirts by “teaching you how to paint”
“You have to be really set on what brushstrokes you want to use, see like this.” His fingers curl over your hand, the brush still clasped between your fingers is guided through the motions by him.
You can feel his breath flutter against your ear, the smirk that dances on his lips when he feels you fluster.
“You’re doing such a good job.”
Even though now that you’re comfortable you make a move every so often, he’s still the one who initiates like 60-70% of romantic gestures.
So if one day he hears a knock on his door as he emerges from the bathroom freshly showered after a run, and if you happen to be on the other side, one of his oversized hoodies cradled in your arms and pressed against your cheek as you look up at him. And if you say:
“It doesn’t smell like you anymore, I wanted the real thing.”
He might appear completely fine as he ushers you inside before the dorm master catches you, but I promise—
Xavier.exe is broken
It’s perfectly innocent, you sit on his bed like it’s yours, patting the other side and looking at him expectantly.
For once he’s glad Rowan spends all his time in the nightshade library.
He walks in stiff steps as he sits next to you.
There’s an awkward moment of silence, and you clasp your hands one in the other.
“Should I not have come?” Before he can get in a word edgewise you stand up. “I’m sorry, I’m probably bothering you—”
“You’re not bothering me.” He stops you with a hand clasped around your wrist, tugging you until your pressed against his chest. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“One hundred percent.”
You cuddle mostly, little whispers of conversation muttered as your head is placed on his chest, his arms around you.
“You smell good.” You mumble. He lets out a muted laugh.
“Yeah I just showered.”
A hand darts out to play with the ends of his hair, the strands somewhere between dry and damp.
“I like it when you keep your hair down like this.” You mumble, eyes meeting his as your twirl the loose lock around your finger.
“Yeah, it looks…I don’t know, sexier like this?” You tilt your head to side, completely unaware as you settle in against his chest again.
Xavier.exe is broken (again)
It’s not all sweet though, Xavier is great at banter.
“Dude, what is this?” You ask with a raised eyebrow at his clown makeup at the poe cup.
He gets a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Oh, it’s so hot it’s turning you on?”
“Um, you know how like in a movie the main character will make themselves uglier on purpose with a bad haircut or something to test if the love interest really likes them? That’s what this feels like.”
He gives a low whistle.
“But you still like me?” The corner of his mouth quirks up when you sigh.
“Unfortunately yes.”
Oh my god and for the dance?
Like, he’s likes you a lot, but not enough to not get some joy out of seeing you squirm as you fumble over the words.
He’s got these sadistic tendencies after all.
He’s on cloud nine imagining all the ways you could ask him, stuttering over the words, or hiding your face in his chest as you squeak out the request.
But you’re really dragging your feet.
“I thought we were already going together?”
“I don’t remember being asked.” He huffs, and your eyebrows shoot up in realization.
Oh, he wants to be asked. That’s fair. You can do that.
You grab his hand, encasing it in both of yours before holding it against your chest.
His ears start to get hot.
You tilt your head to the side, the softest sweetest smile on your lips.
“Will you please go to the dance with me Xavier?”
His ears are bright red now. Just like the apples of his cheeks, and the back of his neck.
He’s got a reputation to uphold though.
“I would love to go to the dance with you, thought you’d never ask.”
But then you kiss the back of his hand and his mind stutters to a stop again.
He sketches you in the corner of his journal sometimes, the same absentminded way you might scrawl someone’s name next to yours.
He’s not sure when he engraved your face in the back of his mind.
Or when the familiar shape of your eyes, the arch of your brow, the lilt of your smile, started to feel like home.
Just that he hopes it never does
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