#yes you do owe me a draft
mwagneto · 1 year
"boo hoo you can't just leave your country when things get bad you have to fight to make it better" absolutely fucking not full offense but i do not care. countries and governments exist to make your life easier not the other way around. a country isn't something that feels anything or cares about you it's just arbitrary lines we made up. if it isn't benefiting me while some other place would then i'd be stupid as fuck to stay here and hope shit gets better. crabs in a bucket ass mentality
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manderleyfire · 1 year
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Oh, Ginny he remembered.  Ginny he knew.  Ginny who he recollected by the crack of her bones beneath his gripping hand, her body squirming under his as she tried to get away from him, the scent of salty tears and her own terror.  He had always known he would find her again, somehow.
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arminsumi · 8 months
req are open and idk how to act Σ(゚Д゚;
reader putting on megumi's make up for their couples costume? he'd begrudgingly let her messed around with his hair/face but plans to be recompensated after hehe
"can i kiss you?"
megumi めぐみ x fem reader
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megumi's needy for your kisses, but you don't want smudged lipstick
note : lol ur kaomoji got me gigglin 🤭 also omg i've never written for megumi i don't think? i have this draft about stargazing with him that i never completed lol. anywayssss hope i did this right and enjooyyyy :)
content : fluff
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"can i kiss you?" megumi asks.
"no. you'll smudge the lipstick."
"maybe i want to smudge the lipstick." he frowns.
the poor boy has been nearly begging for kisses in the whole hour you've been doing his makeup. he has sat there with a small pout, letting you stroke brush after brush around his face. the little dabs of glitter shimmer on his cheeks. he's such a pretty boy.
"how about a quick kiss?" he sounds like he's begging.
there's an itch in his soul that he needs to... you know... scritch scritch. of course, with your remedy lips.
"no kissing. be patient."
"i'm already being patient letting you fluff brushes on my face. i feel like a canvas under an painter's hand."
"nooo kissing. be. patient." you smile. aw, that smile makes it even harder for him. your smile is the most irresistible aspect of you to him.
he bounces his leg. there's silence. you keep applying makeup serenely to his face and he looks to the side, forcing his vision anywhere but your pretty lips.
"can i have an air kiss at least?" he's got his lips parted for you to add a layer of sheeny shiny lip gloss.
"mwah." you blow him a kiss as per request.
his heart flutters. "thanks." there's a blush on his cheeks that the sheer foundation barely conceals.
"aw... you're blushing, pretty boy."
he grumbles. "i'm not a pretty boy..."
it takes all his self restraint to not kiss you and be patient. the way you parade your delicious, painted lips in front of him for the night makes him feel like a puppy beggingly drooling for a treat.
"can i kiss you now?" he asks, coming up to you with his hands behind his back. his tallness makes him cutely intimidating.
"no..." you tease with a smile. "be patient, 'gumi."
he groans so hard when he hears you use his favorite nickname, "gumi? really? in public?"
"yes, really, in public."
he groans again when he looks at your lips. it's like he's in pain at this point.
"you're killing me... just one kiss can't smudge lipstick that badly. come on. just a peck?"
you look at him, and look at his prettiness; makeup just makes him all the more kissable and yet you've been holding in your urges just to preserve lipstick. seriously?
he encourages by whining, "come on, i let you put aaaaall those products on my face... so you owe me compensation... with your lips."
"ah... okay.. one kiss then. just a light peck."
he dives in, you halt him warningly, "a light peck, promise?"
he nods, eyes wide with eagerness, "mhm."
and he definitely doesn't just give you one light peck. he smudges the lipstick on both his and your lips.
"come here."
"i'm sorryyy!"
"let me smudge my lipstick on you some more." you say, and tiptoe up to speck kisses all over his face.
oh boy, his heart neaaarrrrlyyyyy jumps out of his chest. he freezes up. it's like sometimes you're still his crush who makes him nervous and not his girlfriend.
you can bet that yuji and nobara die laughing while pointing at his face, teasing him for having kiss marks all over it. he doesn't mind the teasing; he's satisfied. in a daze after getting all that attention he so badly needed from you.
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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thegnomelord · 1 month
Okay fuck after reading @killerkillerkillher 's fic with demon Soap and Price, and angel Ghost and Gaz, it got my own brain worms multiplying (as if I don't have enough going on lol) so here's the au draft that's been rotting for a while lol.
So here's an idea for an au:
Reader is part of a small group of friends that are Ghost hunters/DIY exorcists (read: They're all drop out college students and the ghost hunting youtube channel's putting food on the table). Reader doesn't believe in the supernatural but the friends keep reader around because you're the group's 'ghost deterrent' because spirits GTFO when reader's near and reader thinks the friends are just bullshitting you.
Anyway the group are moving to a bumfuck town in the middle of nowhere where an old haunted house the reader's grandmother left is. Then their pos car breaks down an hour away from town. 'Luckily' the town's mechanic, Johnny, was just driving by and helps you lot out. And ain't he a handsome devil (emphasis on devil) thinking he can con a couple of young and dumb humans out of their souls. Soap's all hooded eyes and husky voice as he lures you away like a lamb to a supply closet, oil darkened hands sliding under your shirt and lips sucking dark hickeys into your throat.
He pulls away when you tug on his mohawk, raising his head until his lips are just inches from your own and you don't even notice him mutter a verbal contract, nor do you understand you've agreed to one when his lips crash on yours like he's drowning.
And Johnny's grinning into the kiss like a loon as he tries to take the soul of the stupid but hot mortal he's just met only to find out he... he can't. No matter how consuming his kisses are or how aroused both of you get your soul sits stubbornly in your chest and doesn't even budge.
When your friend bangs on the door and yells for you to "stop shagging every guy you meet!" you're forced to give an awkward goodbye and scurry away. And Soap's left completely bewildered and confused as fuck wondering what just happened and thinks he needs to tell Price.
Meanwhile, while your car's being fixed up, your friends drag you to the town's only pub that's run by a Simon Riley. He's an intimidating man without trying to be, but he doesn't immediately chase you out like some bar owners. He's quiet, listening to your friends chatter while cleaning a glass rough scarred hands, but the way he looks at you is... odd. Like you're an interesting bauble he's found on his gran's shelf.
He's there to catch you when you trip on a raised floorboard you swear wasn't there before. "Thanks, I owe you one." You say with a small awkward laugh, though for some reason it feels like him catching you had been an excuse to touch you.
"That so?" His thumb traces the dark hickeys across your throat, surprisingly soft, and you can feel your cheeks getting hot. "You let Johnny have fun with you?" His chuckle is rich like aged wine, fingers gently pressing down on a hickey; it feels possessive. "You'd let any old thing like me take from you, yeah?" There's something in his words that has a shiver running down your spine, though from apprehension or arousal you're not sure.
"Ye- eh, yeah." You don't know which question you're agreeing with, and you understand the weight of your words, quickly walking away from him before your friends can embarrass you by wolf whistling at you and him. And you completely forget to ask on how he knows it was the mechanic who gave you the hickeys.
With still some time to burn before sun sets you decide to visit the radio station in town, mainly because your friend swears on his life that those are always haunted or have some decrepit old host that knows all the gossip in town. And when you meet the man you had heard softly yet confidently talking on the radio? He's handsome, pretty brown eyes as enticing as his voice, and you're starting to sense a theme with you meeting all these very nice looking men.
But Kyle, or Gaz as he asks you to call him, is a wealth of knowledge to the point you're not sure where the gossip stops and some crumb of truth begins. He talks all the way into the night with you and your gang of amateur ghost hunters, and you see why he is the radio host because his voice is like the song of angels, silk soft on your ears and you feel like you could fall into the best sleep of your life from listening to him.
And all he wants from you in return for his knowledge? "Nothing much mate, just a small favor, I'm sure you'll manage." Kyle leans in and pecks your lips like he's sealing a promise, or a bargain, but that's just you being stupid after getting kissed by the second hot guy today, surely. Gaz already knows he can't just nab your soul, he has ears in every wall in this town, but at least he can put his own claim on you.
Day, for the most part, well spent you and your friends go to the house for a good night's rest. It isn't any good as you're woken up numerous times and by morning you have several broken vases and an exploded lightbulb — everything you explain away as the house being old as fuck, but your friends claim it to be the work of spirits — your friends drag you to the church on the hill at the asscrack of dawn.
And that's how you meet Father Johnathan Price. (Insert devil in church joke here)
He listens to your friends explain the situation, calm and collected, but you swear his eyes stay on you the entire time. "That's quite a predicament." Price hums, offering to bless you and your friends in hopes of protecting you from evil spirits.
You're the last to go, nearly jumping out of your skin when he grips your chin. "Relax my boy." Those words frazzle your brain enough for him to easily pull on your jaw until your mouth opens, his thumb almost playing with your bottom lip. The look in his eyes is dark, the air between you far heavier than it should be between you and a bloody priest. But Price doesn't see anything wrong with this, pressing a thumb down on your tongue and then putting a wafer on your tongue. "There you go, you are now blessed in the name of a lord. Now consume it, my boy."
You obey automatically. You're not quite sure if a communion wafer is supposed to taste so... weird, it has a coppery and peppery taste to it. Almost like spicy blood or something but that's just you being stupid again, especially as you can feel heat burning between your legs.
Sufficiently embarrassed about getting hard at a priest you give an awkward goodbye and leave, trying to fix your pants before your friends see your... problem.
Johnny appears by Price's side in a small flicker of flames and brimstone when you leave, confident smirk on his face. "Ooh, couldn't resist claiming a piece of him fer yourself?" He smirks, nudging Price on his side.
"I suppose he is more interesting than the usual rabble." Price hums, already imagining of how handsome you'd look laying naked on the altar, and how to get you to that point.
Congrats! Now you've got 4 hot dudes trying to take your soul :D
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 5 months
Body Like a Back Road
Request: Joe Burrow and reader go on spontaneous road trip during off season.
Warnings: smut (fingering, intercourse), language, mentions of a funeral
A/N: my second stand alone Joe fic! Enjoy!
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"In 500 feet, turn right". The voice of the GPS startled you out of your nap, your head knocking against the window as the car went over a pothole. "Ow!" You pressed a hand to the side of your face, grimacing at the sharp pain. Joe snickered as he glanced over at you, his hands flexing open and closed as he balanced them on the top of the steering wheel. "Good, you're awake."
"Where are we?", you grumbled out as you stood up, stretching your arm over your chest in hopes of getting the knot out of your shoulder from sleeping against the door. There were no signs to indicate your current location, and for the past eight hours, everything out of your window looked the same, nothing but trees along each side and the open road.
"We're just outside of St. Louis. At least according to the GPS, but I think I made a couple wrong turns about an hour ago, so I know fuck all where we are." Joe bit at his thumb nail, something he always did when he was stressed. "Great." You whispered, leaning your head against the window. The vibration of the car was lulling you back to sleep, your eyelids growing heavy.
The season was finally over, and after a less than stellar year, Joe was going stir crazy sitting around with nothing to do. He could only hit the gym so many times a day and watch game tape over and over before it started to get boring. When you mentioned to him that you had to travel to Denver to attend the funeral of one of your distant cousins as a favor to your mom, he offered to tag along with you, and against your better judgement you said yes.
Going to a family funeral was something that a boyfriend did for their girlfriend, not for their fuck buddy. You didn't want to give Joe, and honestly, you're own heart, the wrong idea about where you stood, but the thought of making a 17 hour drive alone sounded like torture.
Your relationship with Joe was...complicated, to say the least. You had been friends through college, and for the longest, it was nothing more than that, but when you both ended up in Cincy, Joe was drafted to the Bengals and you had just settled in the city with your first big-girl job, it became something more. You were both lonely, living in a new place, and you leaned on each other for support.
The first time you slept with Joe, you considered it a fluke, a slip up that could easily happen between friends. After months of consistently ending up in bed together, you realized that the two of you were in too deep. Now, a couple years later, it had become more habit than anything else, and you weren't even sure if you could call yourself friends as much as you had become a source of comfort for one another. You knew it was best to end it before anyone got hurt, but for some reason, you just couldn't.
Joe slapped your thigh, making you jump. "Hey, I need you to stay up. This GPS is useless."
"In 200 feet, turn left onto Franklin Street."
"Franklin Street?!" Joe gestured wildly to the left of him. "There is no fuckin' Franklin Street! Does she want me to drive into the woods?" Joe scoffed as he leaned back in his seat. You leaned forward to see there in fact was no Franklin Street, chuckling to yourself. "Don't let her get to you, J. You know she's not real, right?"
"Ya know what...its not even the GPS, its your damn car. Piece of junk." He slapped the console, the volume dial falling out of place. You grabbed it, shoving it back onto its slot. "Hey, Darla has been there for me since I was 16. She is a classic." Truthfully, Darla was hanging on by a thread, and the last time you brought her to a mechanic they offered you $200 for her to use for scraps, but you didn't have the money for a new or gently used car right now, and as long as you didn't go over 50 mph, she drove fine.
"A classic piece of shit", he mumbled under his breath, earning a slap on the arm from you. "Shit!", he rubbed at his chest, "do you wanna drive? 'Cause I can pull over right now."
"Funny, because she wasn't a piece of shit all of the times we were doin' it in the backseat." You propped your feet on the dashboard.
"Yeah, good times." Joe's ran his fingers through his hair nervously, his face starting to heat up. He was glad you went back to sleep so you couldn't see him start to sweat.
"Wake me up when we get to Kansas." You grabbed Joe's hat from the dashboard, pulling it over your eyes to block out the evening sun.
The next few hours went by like a dream as you went in and out of consciousness, listening to Joe's terrible singing along to the Hamilton soundtrack as he managed to eat through all of the snacks you packed for a two day drive.
You took in a deep breath as you woke up to darkness, the overhead light blinding you as you rubbed your eyes to try to focus your vision. As soon as you noticed you were alone, the driver's door was wide open, and Joe was gone, you began to panic.
"Joe! Joe, where are you? This isn't funny!" All horror movie protocol went out of the window as you unbuckled and climbed out of the car.
"Joe!" Silence. You grabbed your phone out of your back pocket and turned on the flashlight as you rounded the back of the car, illuminating the eerie thicket of trees you were parked next to. "Joe, I swear to God, if you're hiding somewhere I'm gonna kill you." You took a step forward, jumping as you heard a twig snap beneath your feet. You held your breath, feeling your pounding heartbeat in your ears as you listened for any sound of life. Again, silence.
"You know what? I'm just gonna assume you're already dead and keep it pushing." You called out to the open. You had seen Friday the 13th enough times to know there was no way you were going to outrun anyone. You turned back to the car, noticing a figure flash by out of the corner of your eye.
"BOOO!!" Joe jumped out from behind the car, his arms swinging above his head to appear terrifying. You collided with him, bouncing off of his strong frame, and landed on your ass.
"Ha! You should have seen your face!" Joe bellowed over with laughter as you stood and dusted the dirt off of your pants, a scowl on your face. "Fuck, that was so worth it." He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.
You shoved him, hard, making his back hit the car. "What the hell were you even doing? Why did we stop?" You opened the trunk and grabbed a sweatshirt out of your bag, feeling the chill on your skin as the temperature dropped after dark. "Had to take a piss."
"I feel like we've been driving forever. How far to the motel?" You were beginning to get cranky, your empty stomach contributing to your sour mood. "Still got another two hours until we get to Kansas City and stop for the night." You both got back into the car, but as Joe tried to turn the engine, it only sputtered a couple of times before dying out.
"C'mon", Joe groaned, cranking the key again to no avail. 'Fuck!" He slammed his hand against the steering wheel, hitting the horn. "Your piece of shit car died, Y/N."
"Its not Darla's fault, you probably made her mad stopping in the middle of nowhere."
He pressed his forehead to the wheel. "Please tell me you have roadside assistance."
"Um...define "roadside assistance"?" You had AAA at one point, but let your membership expire when you couldn't afford the monthly payment anymore. "Y/N! What if I wasn't here?! You would have been stranded in the middle of Kansas by yourself with no way to get help!" Joe didn't mean to yell at you, but just the thought of you being out here alone was stressing him out.
"Good thing you're here, then." You harmlessly placed a hand on his thigh to reassure him as you scrolled the internet for tow trucks. Neither of you realized that Joe had grabbed your hand in his, interlacing your fingers. As you rose your head, feeling him massaging your fingers mindlessly as he stared ahead, you felt your stomach flip. "Joe", you uttered out, waiting for him to look at you.
"Oh, sorry." He snatched his hand back, running his fingers through his blonde locks. He didn't even realize he had done it. You were his safe place, and touching you brought him comfort in a way that he really didn't understand himself. You were no stranger to his touch, but it was always in the name of getting off.
"I think I found a place a couple miles away. ETA is...2 hours." You let out a frustrated sigh. Waiting two hours for a two truck meant you weren't going to see a shower or bed anytime soon. You desperately wanted to wash this road trip off with the hottest water a hotel shower could produce.
Joe leaned his seat back, the worn leather creaking underneath him as he sunk down, crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes. "What are you doing?", you asked, shifting in your seat to face him.
"What does it look like?"
"You can't fall asleep. What if some monster comes and snatches me out of my window?" You were partly kidding, partly terrified that would actually happen. "That's not gonna happen", he huffed, "I'm not that lucky." You scoffed, throwing your feet over his lap. "You need to stay up and keep me company. Those are the rules of the roadtrip."
"Please. I just drove eight hours, five of which you were asleep."
"Joe, please. Just until the tow truck gets here."
"Fine. Tell me about your cousin. Were you close?", Joe hummed, scratching his nose. "Technically she's my mom's cousin, and no, I've never met her. My mom was close with her at one time, but they lost touch years ago. I'm just going to represent the family."
Joe opened an eye to peek at you. "You're going all the way to Denver for someone you've never met?"
"Why do you sound so shocked? I can do things out of the kindness of my heart." You clutched your chest dramatically, but Joe just chuckled, dropping his shoulders in a sigh. "It's just... ya know what? Nevermind."
"What? Tell me."
"Its just...are you sure that's all that it is? In all the time I've known you, you do things out of comfort. I'm not saying its a bad thing, but this isn't like you." He was looking at you know, his blue eyes illuminated by the orange hued overhead lighting. He was staring into your soul, like he was trying to pull something out of you, and you squirmed underneath the scrutiny.
Your head snapped when you saw a pair of headlights coming down the road, but it was just a passing car. "We have had sex in this car so many times, because you don't even want to come to my place most of the time." You turned back to Joe, whose eyes were closed again.
You bit at your bottom lip. You never realized anyone was paying attention to you that closely, especially not Joe. "I've been thinking a lot about the things I've settled for in my life, and this felt like a breath of fresh air, something different. I'm going a funeral, but I'm also getting out of Ohio for a minute."
Your words hit Joe like a ton of bricks. He quickly sat up. "Are you thinking about leaving Ohio?"
"Eventually", you shrugged. "You didn't think I'd be there forever did you?" you giggled, playing with the hem of your sweatshirt. "I mean, I guess, I- didn't give it much thought." Joe let in a sharp breath to stop his fumbling. He did think you'd be there forever, or at least, he always thought you'd be there as long as he was.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find a new fuck buddy", you said in jest, crossing your legs one over the other. Joe felt his throat go dry, his skin crawling in the silence. He was desperate to change the subject and get his mind off all of the terrible possibilities. "How much longer?"
You checked your phone. "Still got another hour. I'm starving. Did you really eat all of the snacks?" You sat up and crawled into the back of the car to search the bags you packed. "Really, Joe, even my Cheetos? Aren't you on some sort of athlete diet?" You threw the empty bag at him, the plastic hitting him in the face. "I was hungry." He tried to go to the sleep to the sound of you rummaging behind him.
"Hey, look what I found." Joe opened his eyes to see a gold-wrapped condom dangling in front of his face. "I have an idea of how we can pass the time", you whispered in his ear, making him shiver. "If you're not too tired."
"Fuck it." With a grunt, he ripped the condom out of your hands, and took it between his teeth as he unbuttoned his jeans. You frantically climbed to the front, stripping off your sweatshirt before climbing over him to straddle his legs. You turn off the overhead light, moonlight pouring over both of you through the window.
Goosebumps rose on your skin as you pulled him in for a messy kiss, your skin on fire even though seconds ago you were freezing. As you made out, his hands trailed around your waist, inching closer and closer to your spine before his large hands slid down the small of your back and grabbed rough handfuls of your ass, his fingers digging into your delicate skin as your back arched.
He began to move your hips slowly back and forth, making you grind against his pelvis, but he was going too slow for your taste, so you grabbed at his hands, circling your hips against him with an eagerness that had his hips bucking from sensitivity. You could feel him grow hard quickly against your inner thigh, letting out little moans into your mouth as your lips lingered together.
'Y/N, honey-", Joe could barely get the words out, his chest heaving with each breath. "What?", you huffed out without losing your pacing. "What's the rush?", His brow knitted together in pain as his cock rubbed against his zipper. "The tow truck is gonna be here any minute." Joe nodded, holding you in place. You backed away from him, pushing the hair that was stuck to his face with sweat out of his eyes. "We're having sex. I'd like to have use of my dick afterwards, okay?"
You giggled, pulling him by the collar of his shirt for another kiss, alternating between sucking on his top and bottom lips. You moved your hips again, this time with more control, focusing on the friction against your clit with each movement. "Better?", you questioned, only earning a moan from Joe. You could feel yourself growing wet, your panties soaked as you built your orgasm off of friction alone. Joe fumbled with the button of your shorts, sliding his hand down your front, feeling the wetness pooled against the cotton fabric.
"Shit, I didn't realize you were so ready." He toyed with the band of your panties, snapping the elastic against your skin. "Take these off." You lifted yourself off of Joe's lap, settling in the passenger seat, and shuffled your shorts and panties down your legs, kicking them into the back seat. Joe pulled you back onto his lap, eliciting a squeal from you, and in a single breath, he has you writhing on top of him again, his thumb pressing against your clit as he draws agonizingly circles around the sensitive bud.
"Fuck, fuck, don't stop." You hiss, guiding his fingers to drag through your drenched folds, humping against his hand. He slides one of his large digits inside of your pussy, feeling you clench around him, your muscles pulsing as he begins to thrust in and out of you. He slips another finger inside, and you feel the stretch, taking deep breaths as he hooks his fingers and strokes against your cushiony ceiling.
Watching your face contort with pleasure, your chest bouncing in front of him with your head thrown back has him at a loss for words, desperate to get his hands on every inch of you. He helps you get your shirt off over your head, reaching behind your back to easily unclasp the hooks of your bra with his free hand, exposing your budding nipples to the cold air.
Joe leans forward, flicking his tongue against your nipple, and ghosting wet kisses between your breasts. You move back instinctively when he nips at your skin, but he pulls you aggressively back, hungry to feel you in his mouth again. "Feels so good, baby." Expletives are rolling off your tongue as he sucks harder on your nipples. Your hands find the back of his head, your fingernails raking against his scalps as he moves down to your stomach, pressing a kiss right above your belly button as you lean against the steering wheel.
He pulls out of you, your wetness glistening on his fingers. Without hesitation, you take both of his fingers into your mouth, pressing them against your tongue. "You look so fuckin' beautiful like this", he grunts out, his mouth slightly agape as he watches you. Instead of your usual bashfulness at his dirty talk, you hold eye contact with him, your eyelids heavy with lust as you lick him clean, popping his index finger against your lips as you pull them out.
"Fuck, lift your hips." He instructs, racing against his internal clock, like he'll cum in his pants if he doesn't have you now. You do as he says, cupping your chest as he fumbles for the discarded condom, finding it in the cupholder. He unbuckles his belt and pushes his jeans and boxers down to his knees, his pink cock springing free and resting against his lower stomach. You salivate at the engorged vein that travels from the base of his cock to the tip, which is leaking pre-cum.
"Hurry up!" You playfully push him, turning to look over your shoulder for any tow trucks or stray cars, but its obvious the two of you are alone out here. He rips the foil wrapper with his teeth, and removes the condom, rolling it down his length. He wraps his hands around the base of his cock as you slowly sink down on him, taking him inch by inch until you bottom out with a loud moan. "Oh, fuck."
He pulls at the manual recline handle and goes flying back, landing against the backseat with a thud, hitting the back of his head against the headrest. "I fuckin' hate this car", he mumbles, quickly forgetting about the ancient vehicle and his injury as you begin to bounce on his dick, the sound of your ass slapping against his thighs audible, quickly drowned out by the squelching of your wetness as he slips in and out of you.
Joe can't focus on anything but how good you feel and how good you look on top of him, your silhouette illuminated in the moonlight, his hands grazing against the curve of your waist and hips. You feel your legs start to fatigue so you lean forward, resting your hands on his chest, feeling the contours of his muscles underneath your palms.
He takes the opportunity to worship your body as you ride him, placing kisses on your arms and chest while you're too blissed out to even notice. "So fuckin good, baby. You're doin' so fuckin' good", he praises you over and over, which has you hurdling toward your orgasm, feeling the coil tighten in your core.
"Joe", you whimper out, your pace slowing as you tire. "I've got you", he remarks, sliding his hands underneath your thighs to hold you up while he snaps his hips into you, making you take him to the hilt each time. He strokes your g-spot in perfect succession each time and you're sure you won't last much longer. "I'm-I'm gonna cum." You bite out, your words vibrating through your bouncing chest, your nails digging into his pecs, leaving red marks. He increases his pace, hitting against your cervix, the car squeaking and shaking side to side as you come undone, your release washing over you with waves of pleasure.
Joe's right behind you, his face scrunched tight as he feels every muscle in his body contract, "Fuck, I'm gonna cum", he warns just in time, and you pepper kisses against his jawline as his hips stutter. You try to kiss him, but he can only draw in sharp breaths as he releases into you, residual muscle pulses from your orgasm milking him for every drop.
Completely spent, he draped an arm around your back, pulling your weight down on his body. Your chests heave in succession as you come down from your high and try to catch your breath. You lazily kiss his cheek with a smile. "Fuck, that was-"
"I love you." You both were silent, the declaration hanging in the air. Joe was shocked at the words as if they didn't come out of his own mouth. You lifted your head to look at him, your hands still clamped around his face. "What did you say?"
"What?" Joe responded, in immediate denial. He tried to look away, but you turned his head back to you. You heard your phone vibrating in the passenger seat but you ignored it, unable to take your eyes off of him. His face was soft, genuine, his eyes very telling. He meant what he said.
Your phone vibrated for a second time. "Its probably the tow truck. You should get that." Joe was desperate for a reprieve. "Yeah." You shook your head and climbed off his lap, grabbing your phone to answer it. "Hello? Yes, we're around mile marker 152. Okay." You hurriedly put your clothes back on, Joe watching you through the rear view mirror the entire time. He could physically see you trying to process what had just happened, and he honestly wished he'd never said anything. He wasn't sure if he loved you, he was too lost in the moment, thinking with his dick instead of his head.
"They'll be here in five." Your words jogged Joe out of his trance. He nodded and got out of the car, desperate for air. You needed to talk about what happened, but right now, you just wanted to focus on getting your car towed and getting to the nearest hotel so you could get some sleep.
The ride in the tow truck was uncomfortably quiet. You rested your head against the window, your arms crossed over your chest to create as much distance between the two of you as possible, desperate to close your eyes even for a few minutes. Joe glanced over at you multiple times in the short five mile ride to the hotel. He raked a hand through his messy hair, moving to stroke his jawline, the guilt of catching you off guard and professing his love for you in the heat of the moment, gnawing at him.
The hotel was very basic, no amenities and didn't even a continental breakfast, and wasn't really up to Joe's standards, but it was the only one in town, so he'd settle for it just for the night. He stood in the lobby and watched you as you checked in, making light conversation with the desk attendant.
Maybe if he just denied it, or avoided talking about it, you two could move past this, and it could all be a bad memory.
He felt a lump build in his throat as you walked toward him. Seeing the distress on your face, he knew there was no way you were getting over this anytime soon. "Look, Y/N-"
Your face was stoic as you threw your bag over your shoulder. You shoved a key card in his direction without a word. "Goodnight, Joe." He watched you walk away, flipping the key card in his hand.
What the hell had he just done?
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mechaknight-98 · 20 days
Beastmaster’s Bond III (NSFW) FT Chaehyun
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Authors Note: SMUT like a lot of SMUT. Originally meant for next week but due to a critical mass of almost finished drafts it became today
I stare into Chaehyun’s eyes still full of lust, unfettered passion, and affection she smiles at me before claiming me as hers once again she takes me inside her, and her pussy swallows my cock with an unrelenting intensity. Marshmallow beams before begging for another load in a lurid tone,
“Please tell me you have another load. I know you do, so fill me up again,” I began thrusting into her slowly and Chaehyun moaned my name as she clawed into my back. The blend of pleasure and pain began to melt my mind as I fell into another kiss with her. I could feel myself nearing climax and it pushed me to thrust harder and harder into her. Chaehyun's moans provided a sweet symphony to my ears as I neared my high. We broke the kiss and she looked into my eyes there was lust, but also that possessive fire and the vulnerability again. As much as this was about fucking each other it was also about mutually choosing the other. for her this was significant. This was real.
"I love you," Chaehyun said as I came inside her. when the emotional charge of the room went down we sat next to one another on the floor. Chaehyun smiled at me. I smiled back at her with a goofy smile.
“I love you more,” I said, and Chaehyun rolled her eyes.
"So from what I have heard you have the zoo firing on all cylinders?" she teased.
"You're Zoo? Mrs. Bear, I have been running the zoo long before you even could do research.
"Hey, you are only a few years older than me," Chaehyun pouted as she spoke which made me smile. Gosh, I loved everything about this woman.
"Yeah, and my point still stands. This is at best, our zoo. Now come here so I can kiss you again, and talk about your trip," I teased. Chaehyun moved to straddle me as the topic shifted from fucking to working,
"Oh okay, so they had you help hatch a Narwha? okay that's crazy," I reply to Chaehyun's explanation
Chaehyun nodded before her confused reply, "Wait really? I hear you hatched a Gaismagorm three years ago and people still talk about you."
I raised an eyebrow at her reveal, I thought I had intentionally kept that under wraps, "Wait that's public knowledge, and I don't have universities wanting me to be an honorary doctorate?"
"Well, you know Academia. They're not big fans of those who don't promote them," Chaehyun lamented as a victim of academic
"Yeah, Yeah, but I should still be at least considered by Stanford, or USC for all of the work I have done for both of them,"
Chaehyun smiles as she cuddles closer and rests her head on the right hook where my shoulder meets my neck. We stay like that for a long time. Long enough that we fell asleep in that position. (yes we fell asleep on her kitchen floor) When I woke up I was sore and stiff but also feeling a crazy jolt from my groin area I looked down to see Chaehyun biting my cock. Not in a hard trying-to-kill-me way but in a sexy love bite way. Chaehyun smiles before releasing my cock.
“Good you're awake, now I believe you owe me something,”
Confused I ask, “Huh?” Chaehyun smiles
“I remember a certain someone saying I'd start and end every day with his cum in me. Well our day has started and I don't have cum in me,” she replied. Her voice causes my dick to swell almost at her command and I flip us over with myself on top and I impale her. Chaehyun cooed and we mate again. Chaehyun marking her territory nibbles and begins to suck on my collarbone. Her touch is electrifying, my body reacts violently to her and it forces me to thrust harder and harder into her wet hole. Her pussy wraps around me in a delicious snug bond that drives both delirious. We were always meant to be mates. Our bodies rutting in perfect syncopation. Her pussy claws into my dick as she seemingly gets tighter I moan out in ecstasy as her body further claims me.
“You claiming me. Good! Cause I don't want anyone else wrapped around my cock. Only my Marshmallow,” Chaehyun moaned into my ear
“Let's cum together she whispered,” I smirk and assert my dominance by biting an exposed nipple on her loose bra. Surprised by the action a switch flips in Chaehyun she pushes out and stares at me.
“Oh, Rexy you shouldn’t have done that. My nipples are my weak spot, but they also make me go feral.” Chaehyun says as she rips her bra and panties off her body. Her look is frenzied and lurid. Realizing that I may have made a mistake I back away. Tiger grabs my leg and crawls to my body with an insatiable look. “You’re not going anywhere,” she says menacingly before mounting me. As she does her pussy tightens harder than it’s ever done so. She moans
“Oh this cock, oh this cock, and this idiot attached to it,” she said as she ran her hands over her body before resting them on my shoulders and clawing into them. The tightness leaves me dizzy.
“You like that. The way my pussy digs into your cock. One of the many stakes our bodies put claiming the other as ours,” she whispers. I nodded through heavy breath as she smiled. She began to ride me with the fervor and passion of a practiced dancer. Her body twitched and convulsed as she claimed ownership over mine. She leaned forward and demanded I suck on her “fat marshmallowy tits,” which I did. Her taste was sweet and salty. Her body loved the attention as it made her more responsive and more aggressive in her riding of me.
“Are you close Rexy,” Chaehyun asked. I nodded and she smiled. “Good fill me up. Fill my pussy till I can’t hold any more pump me full of your seed!” She moans as she takes me deeper inside her to where I can feel my tip reach her womb. Fuck life into me. I’m yours, make me pregnant. Make me a mommy. Make me your mommy.” She says interspersed between moans and lewd groans. It’s too much and I cum violently inside her womb. She smiles as she watches her belly swell with my cum but she doesn’t stop. She keeps riding me, and her scent seems to keep me hard for her as I continue to fuck her.
“That’s it Rexy breed me. Breed me so the whole world knows who I belong to. Let them know whose pussy this is,” her words spur that aggression inside of me and I prop myself up before putting her in the mating press position. I slam my cock into her as her body pulls another load from me. Our bodies finally relax long enough to talk normally to each other.
“Okay, babe let’s shower and get you moved in,” Chaehyun says with a wicked smirk. “Then you can fuck me again.” She says again while caressing my silk-hard cock.
“How do you stay so hard for me.”
“I don’t know,”
Six months later
The door opens and Chaehyun walks in exhausted
“What’s up tiger,” I ask as she rests her head on my lap
“The doctor says I’m healthy but can’t figure out why I can’t get pregnant.”
I shrug as I pause my game and stroke her hair. She looks up at me, her big eyes pleading with me for an answer.
“Tiger stop looking at me like that,”
“No, I’m really worried. We fuck all the time yet I can’t get pregnant. I want to be yours.”
“You are,” I reassure her
“I know but,” Chaehyun started
“No, no buts. You are mine and I am yours,” I reply. Chaehyun smiles and nestles closer. I look up and go back to my game but Chaehyun has other agendas. I feel my pants open as Tiger took my cock into her mouth. I sighed and paused my game before looking at Chaehyun she looked at me with an innocent look which only made the lust fire burn brighter.
“You are playing a dangerous game,”
“What are you going to do about it,”
“Fuck you,” I say as I dive into kissing her
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bakubunny · 6 months
bad days & insecurities | katsuki x f!reader
a/n: here’s another untouched excerpt i had sitting in my drafts that i don’t think i’ll finish. enjoy.
tw: f!reader, chubby reader, insecurities, comfort fluff
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“Just - just don’t fucking touch me,” you said angrily.
“The fuck? What do you mean, don’t touch you?”
You chanced a glance his way and saw the hurt in Katsuki’s eyes. Maybe it was better this way. Maybe-
“I mean don’t touch me. I don’t want to talk about it,” you replied. “And I know you hate it when I tell you that, but that’s the answer you’re getting.”
“No, it’s not. What the fuck is going on?” he asked, his voice raising.  
“It doesn’t fucking matter, Katsuki,” you shouted. “Just drop it.”
You walked to the bathroom hoping to secure some privacy, but Katsuki wasn’t having it. 
You reached for he handle as he slammed the door away from your hand into the wall, wide open. You knew him enough to know it took all of his effort not to force you to look his way. But right now you didn’t care. Everything inside hurt, it hurt too much. All you wanted was the hot water on your back and the lights off so you didn’t have to see what parts of you didn’t deserve him. 
“If you don’t get the hell out of this bathroom and let me shower-”
“Look at me.”
“No,” you said. 
He wouldn’t let it go. 
“Please, baby. I - I won’t yell, I promise,” Katsuki said, pain evident in his voice. 
It felt like hot daggers in your stomach. A lump grew in your throat. 
“It’s not that. Not you. I’m sorry for being so childish,” you said. “I’m having a really tough day, that’s all.”
“Then let me-”
“No,” you said firmly. “I need to be alone.”
Katsuki stood quietly. 
“Please, Kats.” Tears threatened to fall down your cheeks. 
“Was it that fucking bitch again? She getting into your head?” he asked. 
‘That bitch’ was a shitty coworker who never seemed to shut up about you. What you ate, what you wore, how your body looked, your job performance. Someone who had the gall to tell you to your face that you weren’t good enough for the hero standing in the room. Who said that he could do so much better. 
“No, I just…” 
“What is it?” he said. 
“You don’t want the truth.” Your voice was quiet and pleading. 
“The fuck are you on about, babe? Yes, I do.”
You took a deep breath. “You deserve better. I don’t want to elaborate. And I don’t want you to console me or tell me I’m wrong right now. My body feels gross, and I want to process it on my own.”
The crushing hug he pulled you into knocked the air out of your chest. “Kats-”
“Shut it. I want to hold you, n you’re gonna let me,” he said grumpily. Katsuki kissed you on the head. “Fuckin’ tellin’ me I can’t touch you. ‘S bullshit.”
You cracked a little grin, your face pressed into his chest. He held you in silence for what felt like ages, but eventually a calmness soothed the tightness in your stomach.
“I love you. Can I shower now?” you asked.
He sighed. “Fine. But I’m not done with you, little miss. You owe me a damn kiss or ten after that.”
You laughed and met his scowling gaze.
“That’s fair.” You leaned in and stood on your toes. “How about one for the road to start with?”
“‘S more like it.” Katsuki lifted your chin, pressing his soft lips to yours.
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if you’d like to be added to my tag list, let me know. ♡
gremlins: @callm3senpaii @arlerts-angel @dcsiremc @darkstarlight82 @bookcluberror @neon-gothicc @zazter-den @breadandbutter33 @i-literally-cant-with-this @pastelbakugou @she-who-writes-for-multi-fandoms @rinalouu @stvrfir3 @r4td0lll @emmab3mma @aria-chikage @mhadabiandhawks4eva @yazminetrahan @doumadono @dreamcastgirl99 @maddietries @jazzafayesworld @karebear5118 @unofficialmuilover @cherriluvs35 @erensslut @citysweet @ruu-https @hana-yuri @keiva1000 @katsul0vr @trickster-kat @ayeohoh-blog @dinomeow @flamgosstuff @mistressreaper @angelltheninth @anonymously-ominous @amberexe2 @hisconsistency @nanamisbigassschlong @223princess @gold24fish
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webslingingslasher · 21 days
i’m seated for some sneak peaks of things you have in the drafts hehe
here's a blurb for munch frat!peter:
'hand this card to the last person to eat pussy.'
tarrent has a gleam in his eye as he proudly pushes it into peter's chest. 'drink up, bro.'
you're not watching, the content of your cup is more interesting. but you're listening to see exactly how peter plays this one off because he hasn't even tried- let alone offered to go down on you.
peter hands the card back. 'nah, i don't do that.' he says it like it's a joke and his friends laugh with him, like he's too humble to accept the crown title of carpet muncher.
here's a blurb for hockey!peter fighting for his life over a jersey
'hey, can i have a kiss?' the audacity. you cross your arms again and look to the side, 'no.' peter frowns, you lean away when you feel his lips on your cheek.
'no? not even after i just won?'
'you didn't deserve it.' you grumble it from the side of your mouth, peter catches it and feels offended. 'don't get pouty and tell me i deserved to lose.'
you turn to him, your eyes screamed fire at him. 'don't humilate me and demand a kiss then.'
here's a blurb for cherry!peter who's doing the best he can to make cherry's sex dream come to life
'i've been so good, haven't i been so good for you?' peter can sense a little bit of a praise kink in you, it's fitting. 'you're always good for me. you're my good girl, aren't you?'
a whimper, it's so much better when it's real. 'i'm your good girl.' a harsh grind, you clutch peter's forearm while you throw your head back. 'yeah? that feels good?'
'call me your pretty baby.' peter doesn't know where the direction is coming from but he likes it. 'does my pretty baby feel good?' an audible moan, he's fucking perfect at this.
here's a blurb for bf!frat!peter with a girlfriend who should always come first
peter is totally saving you for last and you're about to go nuts on him. sure, there might be a line of people and sure, you might be the one in the least danger but you're owed some sort of urgency.
'hello?' you call it out, you sound impatient. 'spider-man?' you are impatient. you call for him again, he holds up a hand and you gasp. 'oh you little- spider-man, you better come help me right now or i swear to god i'll...' you have no real threat. 'just don't tempt me!'
peter doesn't come help you, he's still helping an older woman and you're about to throw yourself into a fire for some attention. 'excuse me? i'm looking for my boyfriend, have you seen him?'
here's a blurb from that blurb... you know... the one where peter has hooked up with trouble's friend?
if peter was a brat, he'd say that you're not supposed to be talking to him. instead, he extends his hand out and watches heavy footing beat up the staircase. the second his door slams, his best friend is asking what the fuck happened with his eyes.
'she's mad at me.' his door swings open, you shout down to him. 'i'm not mad! we're broken up!' another slam. ethan's expecting a lot more from peter than a shrug. 'no we're not.'
his door hits the wall, another scream, 'yes we are!' a third slam, this time, he's got two friends coming out of their rooms and glancing between his bedroom door and the lower level where peter had crossed arms.
'what's going-' peter flails his arms around, trying to stop the impending question and what he knows is all you need to give him a round two, but worse because now you're no longer in public.
a sheepish grin crosses over a brother's face when his door explodes open, peter thinks there might be a hole behind his door where the handle matches up perfectly.
here's a blurb where ethan walks in on sexy time :(
'liar! he saw me from behind!' you know he did, it was all on show. everything's ruined. peter's trying his best to be soothing. 'hey, even if he did, he won't say anything. it's ethan, you know ethan.'
you do. that's why it's so bad. the reminder makes you cry harder, peter connects the dots. 'oh jeez, trouble. here, come give me a hug.' it's a pathetic reach, you want nothing more than to be locked away in his hold, hidden and secret from the outside world.
'he-' you suck in air, curling in even closer to peter as if you weren't on his lap already. 'he saw me having sex.' you pull peter's arms tighter around you, it almost hurts it's so tight. it's what you need.
'i know, baby. i'm so sorry.' at least he's being honest.
'how much did he see?' peter doesn't know either, he was a little busy underneath you. he just knows the second he saw his door open, his instinct was to protect you.
'very little.' you feel kisses over your head, 'please stop crying.'
here's a blurb where nerdy!peter has no filter when he's drunk
'hi, honey.' you hold his arm tightly, 'don't lean over.' bending at the waist you reach for the keys, peter groans and shouts an exaggerated 'oh my god!'
you fly up, the metal tucked between your fingers. 'what?' you look around, peter's busy staring down your skirt while his teeth sink into his bottom lip. 'your ass is so nice.'
you suck in a deep breath and ignore the flush of warmth covering your chest. 'thank you, petey.' you ignore the slight shake in your hand when you shove the key in.
peter's door gets stuck a lot and you have to shove your shoulder into it a little. while you're doing your best to raid the door, a hand slides up the back of your thigh and gives you a tight squeeze. you jump and yelp, your hand reaching back to throw his off.
'peter!' he giggles and turns his head like you wouldn't be able to see him anymore. 'i just wanted to touch it a little.' peter's fingertips lightly drag up your thigh, you slap it away again. he giggles harder, the sound bubbles out of him.
'i'm trying to get us inside, leave my butt alone.' you have his promise, and you nudge the door a little, a sharp smack has you wipping around to face him. peter shoots his hands up, 'last one, i promise! that was the last one!'
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luvring · 3 months
Could i have the same headcanon of falling in love but for Mhin? Thank you 🙏 😭
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gn!reader | mhin time! >____< lots of mhin fans here... awesome world. in case anyone is wondering yes i do have vere in my drafts. meowww
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predictably, a slowburn with angst.
hard to get to know, not because they aren't predictable, or because they're incredibly hard to read, but because they're Fawking persistent when it comes to keeping their guard up. which means you have to be even More persistent. an absurd cycle. but you can get there. You will get there.
i think something that slowly takes down(?) mhin's walls would be showing interest in them past working together and their secrets. asking something more mundane like what their favourite season or meal is, what kind of music they like, if they enjoy rain. they're wary to answer because ?? why are you asking. why are you being weird. but they realize it's nice to think of something else about themself other than being a monstrosity. wow. ow
^ and then maybe doing something with their answer! going out of your way to buy some sweets for them, asking if they're okay when it's super cold/hot because they mentioned not enjoying it. something they've forgotten you even know. it also makes them wonder what your answers would be. the first time mhin manages to ask "what's yours?" is !!!! woah!
another moment might be choosing to be sincere when you could've teased them for something. they give you a look (honestly more often than not, mhin's first reaction is always wary confusion/denial), and you promise you're telling the truth. and they might not thank you or anything, but it sticks in the back of their head while they try to ignore how flustered they feel.
another Little moment might be you catching them off guard by like. being mean. they've gotten used to you pestering and following them. they've gotten used to your list of questions and times where you're walking quietly. neither of you have spoken in 5 minutes, and they're rolling their eyes, thinking to themself "what an asshole" about some guy arguing with a server, and then you mutter "what a fucking asshole" out loud. and they just look at you like ?. and you look back like ?? like i'm wrong. and mhin can't help but snicker or scoff.
when they realize what's going on (waiting for you to find them, looking for you, enjoying your company, etc), mhin starts avoiding you like the plague. all that time learning your schedule/habits has made it easy to avoid you (until you realize what's going on, at least). even places that they enjoyed for themself, they time things so you don't cross paths. it's honestly impressive LOL
they kind of hate it though. they miss you. they tell themself they don't, but they do. yeah they avoid you, but you know, if you both happen to be shopping, they might trail you and notice how you're buying ingredients for your favourite dessert, or how your eyes linger on a necklace before moving on. they just happen to be taking a similar path as you, and it's not like they want something bad to happen, so it makes sense to watch out, even now.
i'm picturing a confrontation where they try to deny avoiding you, then say they're doing it for a reason... and then you ask what this is, what anything meant, if anything. and mhin thinks they've dug themself a grave already and tell you it was nothing, a mistake, you should go home.
and you can either wait for a second confrontation, or call out their bullshit there—they're a liar but it's obvious to you, so what's actually going on? and tension rises and you push a little further until they finally tell you of course they care about you! and their voice might break a little because they don't speak loudly often, and their words dawn on them and they purse their lips—that's why they're trying to stay away.
something something don't push me away, i won't let you push me away, the significance of promising to stay with them, to work through things together and not leaving them alone, of seeing them as something else other than a monster, of seeing them as mhin.
mhin falls in love with your kindness, your open heart that warms theirs until it remembers spring. not just in the way you help them, but the kindness you show yourself, the people around you, your friends. they fall in love with watching you see the world in a way they hope to one day.
they fall in love with someone who perseveres when things get hard, but reminds the both of them that pushing too much or isolating yourself won't help. they'll stand at your desk and watch until you put your things away, or frown when they find you asleep outside of bed, and they know you'll do the same with them. they believe you'll get better at this together
mhin falling in love is pushing themself out of their comfort zone and doing their best to speak, even and especially when they can't think of what to say. it's them finding you in a bad mood and getting you food and offering to listen if you need to vent. it's them opening up and being vulnerable about their past that still hurts them, letting you reach for their hand or hold them when all they can think is that they don't deserve it.
i've mentioned this before but in an established relationship, mhin is softer but...not? they're comfortable to the point that they enjoy when you rest your head on their shoulder, but also enjoy making fun of you and laughing afterward. they don't have to be cold or walled off!! you're getting the real mhin, all sides included!
in general, they aren't a very touchy person. whether this is because they're not used to it or actually don't enjoy it is up in the air in my head. either way, it makes moments of physical touch a little more special! leaning against you when they're tired, reaching for your hand in crowds, letting you tie or play with their hair, etc.
the first time mhin kisses you, you're asleep. it's just a little one on the forehead as they pull the blanket up a little higher. and they keep doing it, because maybe it'll make it easier for when you wake up. they don't realize that you've been awake for the past 3 kisses as you pretend to fall asleep.
they let you watch them do experiments, and if it's up your alley, will listen to your thoughts and suggestions! feel honoured because it isn't a place, or thing that they let just anyone see! even if you aren't very science-y, feel free to give your opinion. maybe something will click in their head, y'know. or just be like, what if you mix red and white to make pink. and watch mhin stare at you like. How did you pick the two that'd be the Worst possible combination. like okay sorry i like pretty colours woah /lh
saying i love you.... i think they'd try really hard. you've helped them so much and they really do care, even if they're scared to say they love you, they know they do, they don't know what else this could be. there's a few times you catch them staring at you weirdly focused, and they're making a face with scrunched brows and pouting lips, and you're like. What is happening. and they chicken out. and get angry at themself for a while.
it kind depends on you, of course, and what kind of person you are. if you're someone who says it easily but never pushes them to say it, they feel grateful but guilty. if both of you keep dancing around it, a little anxiety and insecurity creeps back in when they don't want it to.
it's kind of a big deal for them, so the first time you say it is at the same time. not like Simultaneously saying it, but the same. ...day. at least. LOL. although if they're the one to say it first (somehow??) and you don't say it back until later that night because ?? shock? processing? nervous excitement? they Will be having a rough time dealing with themself, even while they repeat over and over that you deserve time, too, and it's okay, and they shouldn't overthink, etc etc.
mhin is So visibly relieved when you say it back. "were you worried?" "no?" < their head was a cacophony of 27 ambulances and noisy garbage compactors
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grahhh i forgot to make a new tag list form. friends. I will make one eventually. but u r still here 4 now. kyaaa | @screaming-wea-sel @semifilms @cvhenia @mitskiologist @leiiii-i @sweet-milky-tea705 @khalixvitae
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Trunk or Treat with The Yandere Student Council Pt. I
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Based Off the OCs in this Post
“Alright everyone let’s start talking about ideas!” 
“Uhm do you mean ideas for what to do with Halloween coming?”
“Oh no darling, we always do a Trunk or Treat kind of thing.”
“We are talking about our costumes.”
As bizarre as it sounds the college’s students look forward to the costumes of the student council
Allowed to enjoy whatever festivity that comes with their choice
For reference they share that last year they had a ‘kiss–in–the–coffin’ booth for their shared vampire costumes
“J-j-just so you know the kisses were on the cheek only!”
“I didn’t ask but okay.”
It set the precedent for this year to be just amazing if not better
“Since we have you now (Y/n) we should have something special that welcomes you in!”
“I-i-i-i think that’s a great idea.”
“I’m all for it too!”
Despite your protests, in fear of being singled out by their fans your haters they forge on
“They won’t be bothering you. Not on my watch.”
“You say that but–”
“Seriously (Y/n) believe us! We’ll make sure there won’t be any problems.”
“And if there are we will kill them.”
“Joking. Joking.”
They’re not
Anyway it was decided on that the council will be Ghostly Royalty
Which makes costumes really easy or so you thought 
According to Min, quite a large part of the budget went into your costumes
“Pick your jaw up (Y/n)! This is the best part! You don’t think we get this big of a budget without showing off, do you?”
“Still…it feels a bit overkill…especially when I don’t have a fan base at all.”
“Ohhh that’s what you think–ow!” 
“Roman, always such an optimistic chatterbox. Always saying things that are not true.”
Lucoa takes the role of the king naturally
Spencer is forcefully given the role of the queen
Min takes the role of the dungeon master, despite his meek character
Roman takes the role of an advisor
Gil as a duke
June as a duchess
“Wait so what am I?”
“Our dragon.”
“We wanted to put a spin on the old system!”
“But that isn’t really accurate…nor does it really fit the ghost royalty theme.”
“So? We’re doing fantasy ghosts then.”
In your opinion, it's just an excuse to make your costume as ridiculous as they please
“This is an early draft of your costume.”
“What!? Wait where are the actual clothes? I’m just seeing gold necklaces and bangles.”
“...That was the idea.”
“I’m not wearing that if there aren’t actual clothes underneath there.”
“...But it will ruin the integrity of the design and disrupt the choreography and–”
“Then hide it under the gold! I’m not going to be half-naked for the entire school.”
“...I will consult the President.”
You owed him a favor after that
Saying you agreed to this as an honorary member
But when you’re not having to fight Gill on your costume designs
You are helping the others
“June…this is just a dress.”
“Right, it’s a perfect occasion to wear it. And don’t my hips feel and look great.”
Adjusting the golden belt meant to hang off his waist you try to ignore how his poses requires that he touch you in some way shape or form
“Well yeah but don’t you feel like your fans would want you in something else?”
“Oh baby! You don’t have to worry, they love this sort of thing.”
And helping with their research
“Roman I know you never seem to run out of ideas to hang out but why a medieval diner?”
“It's for research! By the way, how do you like the food? I made sure the critiques were as positive as they could get.”
“Why did that waitress, compliment our relationship?”
“OMG they brought another plate of bread and for free? So cool.”
Or helping organize their booths
“So Spencer what are you going for?”
“A kind of dunk tank except it drops on me.”
“Oh okay….this says that you’re not actually using water but…oil?”
“Yeah Lucoa suggested I show off my scars and muscles.”
“Wait you have those?”
“Hahaha very funny but seriously give me your opinion.”
“Oh wow….yeah, I think they’ll like it…no they’ll love it.”
“Oh really? Well, thanks!”
As if he didn’t already know
But eventually as the date comes closer it comes time to focus on your booth
But it seems that as an honorary member you don’t get to have much control over your own booth
Or any decision involving your event
“Hey Min what are you building over there?”
“Oh this is the art for your exhibit. Lucoa put me in charge of matching the gold from your costume to the setting around there.”
“Aw thanks can I help?”
“S-s-s-sorry the President gave us explicit instructions not to include you in the making of it. I’m r-r-r-r-really so sorry!”
“It’s fine Min, don’t worry about it.”
It’s just so apparent how little you would be included in your own activity no one really bothered to hide that fact from you
“Hey Gill this meeting on your calendar, I don’t remember getting your usual reminder for it.”
“That is because you are not invited to it.”
“Don’t be sad (Y/n)~Afterwards we can just come visit you after.”
“No no that’s okay I’ll just take the day off then. Catch up on homework.”
“Aw~ Don’t be like that we’ll come over to your house after.”
“No I’m not sad. I’m going to be happily doing my homework alone!”
“Putting that on our private calendar: Going to (Y/n)’s house an hour after the meeting.”
At the end of the day you’re just as surprised when the event begins and they shove you in the room under the stage with nothing but a warning not to move from the chair you’re in:
Part 2
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toasttt11 · 4 months
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July 23, 2021
Grey walked through the packed house looking for Luke, she walked through the back door seeing his silhouette sitting out on the grass, she walked out quietly behind him sitting next to him on the grass, she leaned her head on his shoulder.
“Do you think he would be proud?” Luke choked out not even thinking how hard his draft day would be without a big piece of their family.
Grey closed her eyes soflty at the thought of her brother she gently grabbed Luke’s hand feeling the rough but soft calluses from all the years of hockey, “I like to think that Lijah is proud of no matter what we do as long as we are trying. But i do know that he is very proud of you today Luke.” Grey spoke passionately to Luke making sure to keep eye contact with her best friend.
“Thank you.” Luke sniffed slightly feeling a lot better something that’s always easy because of Grey.
“Stay with me in Jersey.” Grey blurted out the thought she has had for awhile, Luke eyes snapped back to her, “I know your going to Umich for a bit but when you come out to Jersey stay with me, i’ve got a lot of room for my best friend.” Grey having just bought a penthouse in New Jersey as Jersey was the perfect middle spot from her family and her career.
“Yeah of course, way better than staying with Jack.” Luke grinned widely as he chuckled making Grey laugh loudly leaning her forehead on Luke’s shoulder as she laughed. Luke arm naturally wrapped around her even closer holding her even close to him.
Luke swallowed nervously watching Grey look up at him with her beautiful eyes, his eyes flicked down to her lips before back to eyes, “Don’t hate me?” Luke soflty questioned as his other hand gently cupped her cheek leaning closer to her.
Grey sucked in a nervous breath biting her lip soflty as he got closer, “I could never.” She responded before leaning forward and doing the own thing she’s been dreaming of for years, she pressed her lips to his as her hand settled into his curls, Luke’s hand slid down her side to tightly but lovingly holding her waist.
They both gently pulled away from each other, their noses nudging each other, breathless chuckled leaving both of their lips.
“I’ve been waiting to do that for a long time.” Luke sheepishly admitted smiling at his best friend.
“Me too.” Grey let out a little laugh as she nudged his nose with hers, gently playing with one of his curls between her fingers.
“Be mine?” Luke soflty questioned looking nervous.
Grey let out a chuckle and fondly rolled her eyes, “I’ve always been yours Lu.”
Luke smiled pressing multiple kisses to her cheek, “Will you be my girlfriend officially Grey Olive Elizabeth Thompson?” Luke beamed at her.
Grey made a thinking face making Luke tickle her side, she giggled out, “Ok, Ok. Yes Luke Warren Hughes i’ll be your girlfriend.” Grey let out a sequel when Luke leaned forward making her gently fall back against the grass as his hand went to the back of her head, he was pressing rapidly kisses to her lips as she was giggling.
“EW MY EYES!” Jack walked out of the house dramatically gagged seeing his little brother and his honorary little sister, “Damn It! Couldn’t you guys wait another year!” Jack groaned dramatically as the two stopped kissing and looked at him.
Quinn walked out hearing Jack gagging and saw Luke and Grey holding each other closely and knew what happen, “You owe me my money!” Quinn smirked smugly.
“You bet on us.” Luke glared at his two brothers.
“What you two have been so obvious i was trying to get money out of it.” Jack smirked only shrugging before turning and going to walk inside, “Oh and make sure you use protection little brother.” Jack snicker as he continued waking in the house before hissing as Quinn smacked him in the back of the head.
Grey and Luke looked at each other before collapsing in a fit of laughter.
The stars over them that night shined brightly.
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vampireimiko · 1 year
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, NONE !! i literally only write fluff atp omg
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, don't even get me started with the title omg.. THIS is something that's been sitting in my drafts for a minute, I was gonna post two requests tn but they're both not done😭 so just take this for neow 🫶🏾
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"Hey baby, something bothering you?" You asked as Leon flopped onto your shared bed. Today was a Saturday and you both had nowhere to be, so you and Leon decided to lounge around.
"Just how do you do that? The knowing something's wrong all the time." Leon questioned as he looked at you with pure adoration in his eyes. You surprised him with that skill all the time and it never got old to him.
"Mmm see, I can't tell you, it's a super hard skill to master. Plus it looked very obvious with the way you just fell into bed like that." You shrugged in a nonchalant way with a smile on your face.
"Now come on! Tell me what's wrong."
"My back has been killing me." Leon groans into a pillow, back problems and body aches in general were most likely expected as he had just gotten back from a mission less than a week ago.
"Aw baby, would you like a massage?" You questioned in a affectionate way while beginning to put your book aside on your bedside dresser.
"I mean, if your offering." Leon then sits up to discard his shirt and lays down flat on his stomach. While he does that, you go to the bathroom to get the baby oil and pour it on his defined back.
"Shit it's cold.." Leon shivers as he felt the first few drops of oil pelt his back. Throughout the whole massage you receive huge amounts of praise from Leon as you focused on specific parts of his back at a time.
"Ah, that feels good."
"Ooh yes, that spot right there."
"Fuck how'd you get so good at this?"
Giggling, you respond in a cheeky tone, "I may or may not have a bit of experience doing this type of thing."
"Well, that experience surely has paid off- AH!"
After hearing that you quickly withdraw your hands from his back in a frantic manner, "Are you okay? Do I need to stop?"
"No, no, I'm okay." He laughed breathlessly. "You just hit a really tense spot."
"Phew, that's good to know! Had me thinking I hurt you for a second." You said smacking his shoulder playfully.
"Ow! Well now your gonna hurt me." Leon spoke in a equally playful way.
"Yeah Yeah, I'm gonna massage it out now, just tell me where it is."
"Just a little to the left, down a bit.. Ah, right there." Leon sighed in bliss, he could get used to this feeling, he thought.
After a bit of time, you eventually got the knot out of his back and began to make sure they're weren't anymore.
"You have got to give me more massages after missions, my god."
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𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, this was HARDLY proofread😭 so if you see any issues no you didn't 😁 ANYWAY, hope you enjoyed and reblogs and constructive criticism are appreciated !! 🫶🏾
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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actual-changeling · 7 months
aziraphale wants to ask before he leaves.
a question to an answer to a question neither of them ever asked. not out-loud, anyway, silently, yes; over and over and over. plausible deniability was a wall between them, one he had built brick by brick by brick.
questions have never felt right on his tongue. he still wants to ask. he has to ask. he is scared of asking.
(he is scared of the answer)
crowley has always been better at asking questions than him, better at living through the answers or lack thereof, too. in all their time, wall after wall, he had never questioned them, though, not once.
the only thing aziraphale has ever been good at is answering, at avoiding the questions, at giving answers to questions that exist within the borders of his own mind but never outside.
the universe had held a gun to his head and forced him to spit out the centuries of chewed up confessions anyway.
yes to heaven.
no to him.
(no to heaven. yes to him.) it shouldn't matter now. it still matters.
crowley took his answers, kept them inside of his chest, and displayed thorns and bruises and blood. you caused this, he never said, and he never asked why, either. he didn't have to; he knew, has known all along. after all, he put stars into the sky and demanded they remain in the face of unquestionable divinity.
(they lived through it all, stars and supernovas and nebulae)
aziraphale owes it to him to ask the question, no matter what it might wake, what it might destroy. for once, he cannot tell whether he is lying to himself or not, whether he owes it to crowley or himself or to anyone at all.
whether he owes it to god. (whether crowley is what god should be)
he needs to ask, and he will take the answer and swallow it whole. there is no gun to his head this time, but there might as well be, and it is his own hand on the trigger.
do you love me?
there is a shift in crowley's eyes, life glinting and sparking before it disappears again, and he wants to reach out and find it; dig through his memories until it writhes within his palm.
what remains after in the golden tourmaline of his eyes is cold, polished pain, a spark that has died and hardened in the black hole of his absence. metals are flexible, gold is soft, not brittle, and crowley is full of dents and scratches he wishes he could smooth out despite knowing it would not be welcome.
metals don't break. (but when they do they die)
you don't get to ask that question.
salts break, brittle and charged and willing to dissolve on his tongue. crowley asks questions, he loves questions. he questioned god and walked away.
(crowley is metal but his tears are salt)
never, not once, has he denied any being the right to question. aziraphale has orbited around it since before time, since eden, and uz, and golgotha, and rome, and all the kingdoms of the world.
aziraphale nods, and figures there is a first time for everything.
he questioned crowley, grabbed the question and stared at it like his personal sun, waiting to go blind. aziraphale doesn't ask again, walks away, and wonders if this is what it feels like to fall.
does this count as a fic idk i found it in my tumblr drafts and made it wayyy too long. character study/ficlet/whatever you wanna call it. unnecessary elemental metaphors bc im a chem major and love it.
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loner4-life · 2 months
Troubled Minds
A/N: Sorry for dissappearing off the face of the earth(again). This has been rotting in my drafts for 2 years, so I decided to finish it ♡
Why… you asked yourself this question constantly. Why did he like you? He didn't like anyone. He always yelled at and ignored anyone who tried to show him kindness. What made you so different?
You remember the first time you met Katsuki, people warned you how he could be, but you were a kind person. You had walked into class and walked past him, instincts led you to look at him, and he was looking back.
You smiled at him, he nodded at you in response. He didn't scoff and yell or tell you to "piss off". The two of you only grew closer from that point.
You'd give him shit for the way he acted and he'd listen to you sometimes(almost never). One day, he asked you out. You said yes of course.
You couldn't believe it, someone like him… wanted you. He made you feel special… you weren't familiar with that feeling. You were happy the first two months, then the chatter started.
Katsuki was a pretty boy, everyone knew that. Once he started to date you, others began to think they had a chance. You could hear the whispers. The "Why them?" Or "what does he see in them" made you feel like shit about yourself than you already did.
Katsuki had been helping with your insecurity, you had been better. But it got to the point now that you didn't even wanna be near him. You owed him an explanation, you know you did, but you couldn't do it, you didn't know how
You walked into class and past katsuki,he locked eyes with you, you looked away and snaked past him. All of class you could feel his eyes on you. You couldn't bear to look at him. You didn't know why. You felt ashamed for some reason, like you embarrassed him.
If felts like days had past before you were let out of that room. The bell finally chimed and you rushed out of the classroom.
You just needed air, you needed to think. The warm air hit you as you walked outside. It was calming, you made you way to the dorms.
You hurried to your room and slammed the door, not out of anger… it was all just too much.
You had always been like this in relationship. It was overwhelming for you. It was weird to you that someone enjoyed your company and had feelings for you in that way.
Anytime you feel this way in a previous relationship you ended the fling with the poor boy. You just couldn't handle it. Maybe that made you a bad person, you didn't know.
What you did know is that you couldn't just end things with katsuki out of the blue. One because as stubborn as he was he wouldn't accept it without a good reason. Two, you loved him too much.
You needed to talk to him. You needed his comfort. You didn't know how to ask. That was the one bad thing about the two of you. Neither of you knew how to ask for help if you needed it.
However, the universe was on your side today, it seems. Because you heard a knock at your door. "Yeah!" You called. "Can I come in?" You heard a gruff voice ask.
"Sure" you responded, you heard the click of your door before it swung open, followed by an unimpressed bakugou walking inside. I looked over to him with a weak smile.
“Hey” you said quietly, a grunt in response coming from him. “Why did you come?” You asked as you spun in your desk chair.
He was silent in response as he shoved his hands in his pockets before stepping closer to you, looking down at you like he did everyone, making you feel even worse.
“What's your problem?” He asked after a deafening silence. “I-” you started but he cut you off “and don't spout bullshit” he said locking eyes with you.
Your mouth fell shut as you looked to the ground. Finally you spoke, “I don't know…lately I've felt like..I've been holding you back..or I embarrass you…” you mumbled, not daring to take your eyes away from the ground.
“Are you kidding me?” He asked with his signature “tch” beginning his sentence. Your veins went icy at his words.
“I'm sorry…it's stupid I know I just-” but you were cut off again. “Why would I give a shit what some extras think about you or us?”
He said as he took his hands out of his pockets as he crouched down to meet your eyes that you couldn't tear away from the ground, but you finally did, and you were met with his.
His usually angry red eyes were soft now as he looked at you, which seemed more intimidating than when he was angry.
“Don't overthink about some bullshit your brain creates in your head.” He said as he poked your forehead with his finger to integrate his point.
“Everything's fine…you don't drag me down..you matter to me so don't let anyone make you think otherwise.”
He sighed as he looked away for a moment before looking back at you. Your eyes widened slightly at his words. “You really mean that?”
You asked with a soft smile. “Wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it dumbass” he scoffed as he looked away, the faintest blush dusting his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
You nodded with a smile, “I'm sorry for avoiding you..” you said quietly as you leaned closer to place your hand on his knee. He grunted in response, “thought I fucked up or something or you were finally sick of my shit”
He mumbled as he looked away again. Your hand flew to his jawline as you turned his face to you. “Hey wh-” his protests were silenced by your lips on his.
He was stiff for a moment before relaxing into your touch, his thumb grazed your cheek as his hand cradled your neck. After what seemed like several blissful hours he finally pulled away.
The two of you looked at each other for a moment before you broke the silence. “I'll never be sick of your shit…even if you're the most stubborn person I've ever met.” You said as you stood, bringing him up with you.
“I'll come to you sooner from now on” you said as you looked up to him. “Good..now where are these extras that were talking shit?” He asked, “Katsuki, don't worry about it,” you said.
“Tell me or I figure it out myself” he said, crossing his arms, with an exasperated sigh as you looked at him. “Promise not to commit a felony?” you teased. “Definitely can't promise that.”
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felixsramen · 8 months
Taste pt.2
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It's long but it's a second part to taste. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it. I think I'll make it a short little series. This one has been marinating in the drafts for the longest time to be honest.
Here you were waking up in Minhos bed. Minho in front of you, Felix behind you, and Hyunjin behind Minho. You don't remember much besides falling asleep in Minhos car. You do remember however fucking all 3 of them in the dance studio. You have no regrets about it but your body says otherwise. It was sore. Terribly sore.
You shimmied your way out of Minho and Felixs grip careful to wake none of them up. You felt like a mess as you enter the bathroom. The mirror confirmed what your thoughts were. Your hair was everywhere and your lips plump. Maybe one of the boys had one of your hairbrushes. It wasn't the first time you had slept over with them but it was the first time you had slept with any of them much less 3 of them.
You check their cabinets and see none. Maybe Chan had one. He always seemed to have your stuff. You walk out of the bathroom and see all 3 boys laying down still asleep. You really didn't want to wake them considering they were probably exhausted and had stayed up longer than you.
You open the door as quietly as you can. Walking into the hallway as it was quiet. You open the unlocked door quietly. You look over to see him asleep in his chair near his desk. His head resting on his knuckles as he sleeps.
You sneak into his bathroom. Opening the cabinets and you finally find one of your brushes. You come back up looking in the mirror and you almost have a heart attack at Chan standing at the door.
"Don't you know you should knock before entering?" He says arms crossed leaning against the door frame.
"Christopher seriously?" You say and Chan rolls his eyes. He always hated you saying that for some reason. That's why you used it so much getting under his skin.
"Yes seriously." He says his eyes go to your hairbrush.
You look at him. "So you just have a collection of my stuff now?" You ask him joking.
"Yes I'm so obsessed with you I'm building a shrine." Chan says sarcastically to you. You laugh at his response.
"Thank you for keeping my stuff and not throwing it away like Changbin did that one time." You say remembering Changbin throwing away your favorite pair of socks because he had no idea whose it was.
Chan laughs at the memory. "Doesn't he owe you another pair?" Chan says still laughing.
"2 pairs." You say correcting him.
"Do you mind if I use your shower? Minho, Hyunjin, and Felix were asleep and I didn't want to wake them." You say looking at him again.
He raises an eyebrow. "But you'll wake me up rummaging through my cabinets for a hairbrush?"
You poke your bottom lip out at him. He gives in quickly sighing. "Fine but don't ever make that face again. It's weird." He says looking at you.
"Thank you Channie." You say happily.
"Yeah yeah. Do you have any clothes to change into?" He asks you and you shake your head.
"Get in. I'll bring you some of mine in a minute." He says sighing. You nod at him and he walks out the bathroom. You strip and turn the water on. You look at the mirror. Your neck was littered in hickeys from all the boys and you could still see Felixs nail prints in your skin but you didn't mind. Your neck was blue and purple all the way down. Probably mostly from Minho.
You realize the shower is made of glass. Luckily it wasn't clear mostly fogged up from the steam coming from the shower. You step into the shower not really caring at the moment if Chan saw you naked.
You slide the door closed and sigh as the hot water hit your body. It relaxed your muscles for the most part. You hear the door open.
"I'm putting the clothes on the counter. I have a shirt and some sweatpants and a pair of socks for you." Chan says and steps out after letting you know.
You grab your hairbrush brushing your hair. It was always much easier brushing your hair in the shower. You sigh as you brush the knots out.
It was kind of crazy to you. You had went from seeing your best friends and hanging out with them and watching them dance to having sex with them in a dance studio and waking up in bed with all 3 of them.
You weren't ashamed of it. You guys were all perfectly consenting adults. You didn't know how much you loved having control though. Felix was the first guy you ever had control over. It felt good but it also felt good being fucked by Hyunjin and gagging on Minhos cock.
You don't know how long you had been in there brushing your hair and off in your own thoughts. You sighed turning the water off and stepping out of the shower. You grabbed a towel quicky drying your body and then wrapping your hair in it.
You pulled on Chans Sweatpants and Chans shirt. You pull on the socks almost falling in the process. You finish drying your hair somewhat and decide to let it finish air drying now that it wasn't dripping. You open the door met with the cold air.
You look over at Chan on his bed scrolling through his phone. Bag packed sitting on the edge of the bed. "Where are you going?" You ask him and he looks up from his phone putting it down.
"About to head to the studio with Changbin and Jisung. You're more than welcome to come by later if you want but we have to finish some songs." Chan says closing his bag and getting up.
"I wanted to let you know though that you're more than welcome to stop by later." Chan says bag over his shoulder. You nod at him.
"Don't let Hyunjin do something stupid please. Definitely don't let him touch the stove." Chan says reminding you when Hyunjin thought he could bake bread and almost had the whole house on fire. Chan ended up having to replace the stove because it was so ruined.
You cringe at the thought. "Yeah will do." You say as Chan sighs.
"Good. You're more than welcome to come in here and do whatever." Chan says and you nod. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Before Chan can even answer the door swings open revealing Jisung.
"Come onnnnn. Changbin said we need to hurry up and get this done. I'm too tired for this and so is Changbin." Jisung says dragging his words out emphasizing how tired he was.
"I'm coming. I hope you know I don't want to go as much as you don't but we need to finish these songs for the next album." Chan says walking towards the door.
"Yeah yeah. Anyways love you, bye Y/N!" Jisung says waving.
"Love you too Ji. I'll probably be at the studio later." You say and he nods smiling as him and Chan walk out the doorway.
It wasn't unusual for Jisung to tell you he loves you. He was always an affectionate person. Jisung would tell a tree he loves it but you loved that about him.
You go into the hallway and into the kitchen it find something to eat. You had a feeling Minho, Jisung, and Felix had bought you food last night. You open the door and you were right. You were surprised it had stayed and not gotten eaten by the members.
You pull it out of the fridge with a sticky note on top saying Y/Ns food. Right under that in Minhos handwriting it says 'If anybody other than Y/N touches it I will personally deal with you.'
That explained why it was still in the fridge. You put the food in the microwave heating it up. Suddenly you feel hands around your waist.
"How long have you been up?" Mumbles Hyunjin into your neck still tired. He almost had a panic attack waking up in a bed with the other 2 members and no sign of you. He had thought you had left but he decided to go see if you got hungry after Minho reminded him.
"About an hour. I didn't want to wake you guys up. I was sure you guys stayed up late." You say and Hyunjin sighs.
"Next time wake us up. Hyunjin almost had a heart attack." Minho says leaning on the counter beside you. Hyunjin cuts his eyes at his Hyung.
You nod. "Felix up?" You ask and Minho shakes his head.
"Still asleep. I think you took a toll on him last night." Hyunjin says still holding you.
"Well I hope it wasn't too much." You say and Minho shakes his head again.
"I don't think it was just you. I think it was everything." Minho says and you nod. You try turning in Hyunjins arms to face him and he lets you but his hands never leave you.
Your eyes meet his sleepy eyes. His hair is a mess and his face is slightly swollen. Yet you think he was even more attractive like that.
You run your fingers through his hair trying to smooth it down. He sighs as your nails trace along his scalp. When your fingers leave his scalp he starts kissing your neck.
"Okay we don't need Hyunjin fucking you on the counter right now. You need to eat. Quit getting a boner like a horny teenager." Minho says watching Hyunjin pull away from you at Minhos words.
"You're just jealous." Hyunjin says and Minho rolls his eyes.
"Of what? You." Minho says sarcastically.
Hyunjin lets go of you going up to Minho. "Not of me. Y/N." He says his hand now on Minhos hips.
Minho scoffs at him. "In your dreams Hwang." Minho says pushing Hyunjin off him. Hyunjin pouts at Minho.
"You literally kissed Felix last night but you won't indulge in my fantasies for 5 minutes." Hyunjin says and Minho raises an eyebrow.
"What? You dream about me fucking you?" Minho respond wanting to see Hyunjins reaction.
Hyunjin just smirks and shrugs. "Whatever Hwang." Minho says rolling his eyes. You thought with how much he rolled his eyes that they might get stuck.
"Can I at least get a kiss?" Hyunjin says pouting and Minho crosses his arms.
"Will you leave me alone if I do?" Minho says. Hyunjin nods but you can see the mischievous look in his eyes.
"Fine." Minho says uncrossing his arms. Hyunjins hands go to Minhos hips once again and Minho doesn't push him off immediately.
Minho leans and meets Hyunjin who kisses him back. Minho tries pulling away but one of Hyunjins hands go up to Minhos face cupping it. He forces Minho to kiss him longer and Minho stops struggling and relaxes in Hyunjins grip. Minho takes over the kiss like he had taken over the kiss with you and Felix.
Hyunjin pulls away smirking. Minho glares at him. Hyunjin giggles like a school girl.
"Seriously?" Minho says and Hyunjin nods smile still on his face.
"We're never doing that again as long as I live." Minho says and Hyunjin rolls his eyes.
"Get over yourself. It wasn't that bad kissing me." Hyunjin says looking at you as you grab your food out the microwave.
"I'm a good kisser right Y/N?" Hyunjin says trying to bring you in the argument.
You don't look at him or reply instead opting to grab a fork from the drawer. You dig into your food ignoring him ready to take a bite but Hyunjin takes the fork from your hand. He dumps your food from your fork back into your bowl and holding it like it's a trophy.
"You'll get this back when you answer me." He says crossing his arms.
"I hope you know I can just go grab another fork." You say raising an eyebrow at him.
He laughs at you. "You don't think I'll stop you?" He says questioning you and you roll your eyes.
You look at Minho asking him for help but he just watches you waiting for an answer.
"Yes you're a good kisser! Now can I have my fork back?" You ask him huffing and he smirks.
"Give me a kiss first." Hyunjin says and you roll your eyes.
"I'm not hungry anymore." You say walking away from the table.
"Oh come on you kissed me yesterday! Why won't you do it now?" He asks you. You sigh knowing he's right.
"Fine but you won't ask me for anything else you promise?" You ask him and he nods smiling.
You peck his lips and he pouts giving you back your fork because he wanted to be fair.
You eat and finish your food as Hyunjin continues teasing Minho. "I'm going to go see Chan, Changbin, and Jisung in the studio. Don't burn the house down Hyunjin." You say and Hyunjin pouts.
"It was one time." He says sighing. You and Minho laugh at his words.
You start to make your way to Minho's room but you're quickly grabbed by Minho who smirks at you. Minho had a knowing look in his eyes and you can't help but tilt your head.
"What is it Minho?" You ask and he just chuckles.
Minho's grip doesn't leave you though. "Why'd you ask me that?" Minho says questioning you and you sigh.
"You look like you know something. Spit it out already." You say glaring at him.
"Feisty. Watch it before I give you something to shut that pretty mouth of yours up again." Minho brings a hand to your face cupping.
Minho continues to smirk at you. "But I guess I'll tell you...." Minho starts to trail off.
"I heard from a little birdie that someone was quite jealous hearing about our little escapade." Minho says close to your face.
"Who?" You ask and Minho just chuckles.
"A certain rapper." Minho says and your mind immediately goes to the 3 guys who were at the studio.
Minho watches your eyes widen slightly in surprise. "Jisung?" You ask knowing that Jisung has made multiple jokes about having sex with you.
"Nope." Minho says smirk still on his face.
Your eyes widen while realizing. "Chan?" You ask and you wonder if his smirk had gotten bigger at the name.
"Ding Ding Ding. What's the prize Hyunjin?" Minho says and suddenly Hyunjin is behind you.
"I think there's a lot more prizes coming soon." Minho smirks at Hyunjins words.
"Jinnie is right." Minho says before pulling away and you let out a sigh. Now you were hot and bothered.
Minho lets out a chuckle as you flick him off walking to his room to grab your bag.
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thezombieprostitute · 5 months
Dream Come True - Part 3
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Summary: The “Garbage Men” are the guys in the mob who get the dirt on others and clean up after the higher ups. They have many different ways of gathering intel by running legitimate businesses. One such business is Jefferson/Jensen’s cyber cafe where you regularly go to work. You’ve actually become good friends with Jefferson’s daughter and Jensen’s niece. You even volunteered as their after-school tutor. One day, there’s a robbery attempt where you get hurt protecting the girls. This is how you are introduced to Curtis Everett, the guy in charge of the “Garbage Men”.
Warnings: Violence mentioned and referenced, not written. Insecure reader. Bullying with an emphasis on fat shaming. Please let me know if I miss any!
Part 2 -- Part 4
Series Masterlist
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Ransom was not having a good day. Truth be told, he hadn't had a good day since Steve punched his stomach over a week ago. The writer's block had hit harder than usual. Many applicants for the Assistant position were garbage, completely upsetting his idea that you just needed to google the right answers.
He was starting to realize that Fatso, as he had taken to calling her in his head, was able to help him through his writing blocks because she had the context of the other questions, some rough draft information, and she'd include ways to use her research into the story. Maybe he just needed to actually hire someone from the "competent" file and try from there?
Problem was, time was an issue. His writer's block had kicked in hard and his publisher was getting more impatient about updates. He spent so much time just staring at his computer.
He was startled out of his contemplation by a phone call. If it was his publisher he'd just ignore it but the Caller ID showed "Steve Rogers".
Ransom answered, "Rogers! To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Where the hell are you Drysdale?" Steve was quiet growling into the phone. Indicating he was around others.
"What do you mean?"
"The damned Stark party? Raising funds for Rhodes's campaign?!" Ransom could swear he heard Steve's teeth grinding. "You're supposed to be here chatting with Mrs. Devereaux. Buttering her up to at least not donate to Wilford?!"
"Shit," Ransom jumped up and ran towards his closet. "Tell her I'll be there in 20 minutes. If she needs an excuse, I was writing up a storm. I'll make it up to her by naming a character after her or something."
"Just. Get. Here." Steve hung up.
Yeah, Ransom was not having a good day.
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Your life was returning to some sense of normalcy. The crutches were a pain but, thankfully, you didn't have a lot of places to go. You wanted to get back to working as quickly as you could, if only to feel like you were actually earning some of the money you'd been given.
But you'd kept your promise to be safe, and allow yourself to heal. You did your best to keep within the movement restrictions you were given. Part of you was still waiting for that hospital bill. Yes, Curtis, Dr. Beck, even Jake and Jefferson all said it was taken care of but part of you still waited for that dreaded notice of nonpayment.
Thankfully the cybercafe wasn't too far and you were able to convince the J's (as they told you to call them) that it was the perfect distance for your needed exercise and movement and you'd sit at the cafe long enough to rest for the return trip. You were happy to get back to tutoring the girls in the afternoons. Your mornings were spent applying for other jobs.
One morning your applications were interrupted by Jake.
"Hey, Y/N, this is Hal," Jake gestured to the handsome, shirt-haired man, wearing a too small shirt, next to him. "He's here to work with you towards getting his GED.”
"Oh, yes," you perk up. "Curtis mentioned another possible student." You reach out your hand and Hal, grinning even wider, shakes it.
"It's mighty kind of you to agree to this," he began. "I've been meaning to fill in that gap on my resume for some time.”
"Well I'm happy to help you with that. Please, have a seat so we can get started?”
Hal pulls out the nearest chair and turns it so that he sits on it backwards, his muscly arms resting on the back of the chair.
"So, is this a time that works for you," you ask. "I've got a pretty open schedule so your time preferences are get priority.”
"Well," he hesitates, "my schedule is pretty all-over-the-place. Is there any chance we could take it a week at a time?”
"Sure," you affirm. "As long as you give me notice so I'm not sitting here doing nothing.”
"Yes, ma'am," Hal nods. "I'm not in the habit of leaving pretty girls wanting." He gives a wink but you drop your eyes and sigh.
"Hal," you scold. "I'm going to guess you're the type to hit on anything that breathes?”
Clearly taken aback by your tone Hal straightens in his seat. "No," he denies. "Maybe. I swear I was just trying to compliment you.”
You pause your comeback and take a deep breath instead. "I suppose there is a difference," you concede. “Just please be careful with both of those around me. I am not a "pretty girl" and I do not appreciate being addressed as such.”
Hal's eyebrows furrow in confusion so you continue, "let's just keep the compliments related to our work? Please? I'd always prefer being smart or nice to being pretty." You give him a small smile and he visibly relaxes.
"Sure thing, Teach," he says. "So, where should we start?”
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Curtis was cleaning up the interrogation room after Barnes and Fowler's latest “message” to Rumlow’s crew. They had already taken the body to drop it off on Rumlow's front door, Curtis would make sure all evidence was removed from the room. It was ugly work but maybe, just maybe, Rumlow would stop trying to push his drugs and thugs in their territory.
He was finishing up when he got a text from Jefferson saying Hal’s first session went well. He normally doesn't need these kinds of updates from the legitimate side of things but he found himself rather invested in your progress. You were unusual. A puzzle he wanted to figure out.
Or so he kept telling himself to explain why he was thinking about you so much. You’d shown yourself to be sweet and patient with others but he remembers the fire with which you spoke to him. He almost felt like a moth drawn to your light but he had to keep himself in check. For now it was enough to know you were doing well and helping his family.
At least until he got the follow up text from Jefferson saying, “Ran is looking for Teach. Ok to share info?”
Curtis felt his jaw tighten. The pompous ass had fired someone for taking a bullet. He didn't want him anywhere near you. He was sure you wouldn't want to see Ransom, either. Jake had told him you'd blocked your former boss’s number and his emails would go straight to spam. He texted back a simple “no.” Let the asshole suffer.
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Part 2 -- Part 4
Tagging @alicedopey because I promised I would.
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged.
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