#yes luffy yes. hell yeah man you got him.
hauntingblue · 6 months
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Torn Apart pt. 3
So it's been a while and I went through a kinda depression phase, but I'M BACK with chapter 3 at least, and chapter 4 is in the works. I will set up a poll to see how y'all want it to end because I just can't decide.
TW's: Reader is kinda drugged but is funny, talk of pain, talk of the trauma and the fight with Zoro.
And yes, to the person who asked if I'd seen Violet Evergarden, I love it so much and her hands are what I'm mostly thinking of when writing <3
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You sighed deeply and slowly, eyes still closed in partial slumber. You were waking up, groggy as all hell but still conscious. Your brows furrowed before you pried open your eyes into slits, before opening them further once you realized you were in a dimly lit room.
“There ya are” a voice said. You recognized it, and knew it was safe, but the man’s name escaped your grasp. You heard various beeping in the background, and you felt like you were dreaming. 
“Wha…?” you slurred, smacking your lips as you noticed your mouth was dry. You blinked slowly again. 
“You’re going to be groggy for a bit, but everything was successful and went smoothly” the voice said. It was soothing, hearing him talk. You finally focused on him, sitting in the corner of the room on a chair. He stood, and your eyes lagged to follow his movements. 
“Law” you whispered in recognition as the light hit his face. You could feel yourself smiling dopily.
“You’re so pretty, Law” you slurred. You wanted to touch his face, feel his beard and sideburns, to feel the heat from his tanned skin as he blushed at your compliment. Your arm twitched, but didn’t move completely off the bed. You scowled at it before it crashed into you. 
Your arm. 
You had arms. 
The surgery. The arms. It worked! 
You looked up at Law, tears filling your eyes as you looked at him with true, unfiltered gratitude. He paused at your tears. 
“Does it hurt? Are you in pain?” he quickly bent over to check your shoulders but you shakily raised one hand to touch his face. You could feel the echoes of his skin and the coarseness of his sideburns and beard. 
“I can touch you,” you said softly. A wide smile puffed your cheeks and you laughed a little in disbelief. Law smiled a little, just a small quirk of his lips, and put his hand on the back of yours. 
“Yeah. But are you in pain?” he asked again. You stared at his hand, resting on top of yours. You could feel the heat of it, and how warm he was. More tears flowed with your happiness. You sniffed, finally taking stock of your body. The sites of the attachments were stinging and throbbing, but it was tolerable. 
“Yeah but it’s not bad” you finally said. Law sighed in relief, put your hand back on the bed, and stood upright. 
“Good. It should be painful, but not so bad it's unbearable and you shouldn’t be numb. I’ll go get your crew,” he said. You nodded, still unable to wipe the smile off your face. He walked quickly to the door and opened it. His soft voice floated back to you as you bent both arms at the elbow to look at your hands. 
They were incredible, intricate pieces that were made of metal. The silver gleam was dulled in the light that was only provided by a lamp on the small table across the room, but it was the best thing you’ve ever laid eyes on. You tried clenching and unclenching your fist, checking out the movement. It was choppy, and it hurt like a bitch at the attachment sites, but they worked. Your dazed study of your arms was interrupted by Law yelling at your captain. 
“Oi! Mugiwara-ya! Be fucking gentle! I won’t have you screwing up my work!” 
You heard Luffy and the crew running towards your room way before you saw any faces. Luffy’s slap of his sandals, Franky’s metal arms pumping, Usopp screeching as he got run over by Nami, who was wearing heels. You heard the two different taps of dress shoes from both Sanji and Brook. Luffy’s rubber hands gripped the doorframe and he shot himself past your room before letting his body pull him back so he could jump off the adjacent wall and fly into your room. He skidded to a halt at the side of your bed, eyes twinkling and a huge, toothy smile on his face. You noticed Chopper was hanging onto his shoulder for dear life, but popped up to see how you were doing. 
“Shihihihihi~ You’re awake! You have suuuuuper cool robot arms! Man, I have the coolest crew. Are you hungry? Should Sanji to cook you something? Can he make you meat?” Luffy fired questions at you one after the other. In your groggy state of mind, the words jumbled together, but you were saved by Chopper, who hopped onto your bed gently. 
“Shut up, Luffy! Patient’s are usually confused and groggy when they first wake up. And no, no meat right now- that’s just an excuse for you to eat more meat!” Chopper chided Luffy. You couldn’t help but smile at the reindeer. He’s just too cute. 
“Cute” you mumbled. You wanted to squish his face. Your arms were still bent at the elbow, and you let Chopper gently crawl up your body to sit on your stomach. 
“Squish squish” you slurred, pinching his cheeks. He cried out in pain a little but there was still a smile fighting to stay on his face. He pulled his cheeks free from your grip and giggled while rubbing the sore spots. 
“Well it looks like we need to train fine motor skills, but that’s to be expected,” he said. His words washed over you, the meaning clicking in your mind somewhere, but not coming to the forefront. You were distracted by movement by the doorway. Sanji and Franky were trying to shove each other out of the way to get into the door first, but Nami’s well-planted foot on Franky’s butt caused him to stumble into the room first, but he caught himself and seemed to materialize by your bedside. Nami entered second, as Sanji let her go first, before cutting in front of Usopp. You blinked slowly, and suddenly your bed was surrounded by your crew. Well, all except one. You looked at Luffy, who started asking about what kind of cool robot things you could do now, and Chopper tried desperately to answer for you. You looked at Franky next, and he got closer to you with a smile. 
“Heya, kiddo. Ya got’cha suuuuperrrrr arms. Everything went well! Law is a super surgeon, and with a little bit of physical therapy and training, you should get used to the arms in no time,” he said. You looked at him, blinking slowly as the words sunk in and the meaning clicked. You smiled up at him. 
“I love you like a brother. My big brother. I’ll protect you, cuz we’re twin-sies,” you murmured, raising your hand. He clasped it, tears starting to form in his eyes at your drugged words. Your grip tightened in mechanical increments around his, and you flinched a little as the attachment sites stung. He let go of your hand, and brought it down to rest on your stomach. 
“You need to let the sites heal a little more before you really start using it,” he said around tears streaming down his face. You hummed a little in response, letting your gaze wander. It landed on Sanji, who was hovering uncertainly on your other side. 
“Hey, cook” you greeted softly. Sanji’s lip quivered a little but he broke out in a smile. 
“Hey, my little fighter, do you need anything? Water? Food?” he asked, reaching out gently to stroke your hair. You let yourself nuzzle into his hand. 
“So kind, Sanji. So nice, and strong, and kind. Did I say that already?” You slurred your words slightly. His hand froze on your head, and you whined a little when he stopped stroking your hair. You looked at him with a small pout. His cheeks were a bright red, and he was looking at you, lips parted with shock. You let your head fall more into his hand. 
“More” you mumbled. He immediately started back up again, and you closed your eyes briefly with a hum. Sounds of indignation from Brook brought your gaze to him, and he reached out with a tentative hand. 
“May I please… see your panties?” he asked solemnly. Nami whacked his skull as you giggled a little. 
“I haven’t heard that in a while. Did I change that much?” you asked him, a small smile on your face. The crew quieted at your question, before Nami spoke up. 
“No sweetie. You haven’t changed much at all, it’s just that we got scared. You were so hurt, that we didn’t know how to act around you,” she said quietly. You hummed. Sanji’s hand kept stroking your hair. 
“Like Zoro. He was scared, and guilty, and only got that out in anger” you said, brow furrowing. The words you were trying to say weren’t coming out as clearly as you wanted. The crew was silent for a moment. 
“Yes, he was, and is, feeling scared and guilty” Robin answered. You nodded once in confirmation, smiling at the fact that they still understood what you were trying to say. You looked up at Sanji, smiling proudly. 
“Just like you said,” you whispered loudly. He smiled sadly down at you, tears brimming his eyes. 
“Yeah. Just like I said” he murmured. A snorting sniff attracted your attention, and you looked at Usopp, who was obviously fighting back tears. 
“Hey Usopp, did it hurt your mother when she gave birth to a baby with such a big nose?” you asked seriously. Franky snorted a laugh, shocked by your question. Brook started laughing so hard he ended up on his knees and elbows, crashing a fist into the floor as he repeated your question breathlessly. Luffy started laughing wildly, Chopper right beside him, and you smiled at the sound. Nami sank into a chair, clutching her stomach as she laughed. Robin giggled behind her hand, and Usopp stared at you with a shocked expression. 
“I uh… I don’t know” he said finally, before erupting into giggles. You hummed, looking at Sanji, who was laughing loudly. You smiled at him. He was gorgeous like this. Laughter suited him well. 
You didn’t realize you said it out loud until he was looking down at you in surprise, a grin on his face as his cheeks turned pink. The rest of the crew was still ganging up on Usopp, teasing about his long nose. 
“Thank you, but you are much more gorgeous than I could ever be,” he answered. You giggled, a dumb joke coming to mind. 
“I think I’ll shine brighter now that I’m part metal” you said, grinning up at him. He fought back tears at your drugged giddiness. A wave of exhaustion swept through your body, and you relaxed completely against your pillow. 
“Okay that’s it. Everyone out,” Law chided from the doorway. Robin, Nami, Brook and Usopp filed out with various well wishes. Sanji soothed a hand over your hair one more time before dropping a light kiss against your forehead. You hardly registered it through your exhaustion, eyes drooping and a hum of contentment was pulled unconsciously from your chest. 
“Bonne nuit, fais de beaux rêves, mon Ange” (goodnight, sweet dreams, my angel) Sanji whispered. You didn’t have a clue what he said, but you knew it was something sweet. Luffy sat down on the chair that Law had previously sat in, obviously not going anywhere. You faded off to sleep as you heard Franky, Chopper, and Law murmuring at the foot of your bed. 
As you drifted in and out of consciousness, you felt strange, pain echoing in your shoulders and attachment sites, spreading to an odd sensation in your arms. You could feel things, and they didn’t exactly hurt, but it was really uncomfortable. You were interrupted through the night by Law’s crew, taking turns to check your vitals and healing through the night. Luffy sprawled out on the chairs, snoring loudly, and you found the comfort of familiarity in the sound. 
The next few days passed in a blur, your memory and time perception altered by the pain drugs Law was administering through your neck IV. In your bouts of consciousness, you managed to eat broth and light meals prepared by Sanji that were packed with nutrition. He fed you the broth, your arm still movements too jerky to keep the liquid balanced on the spoon, but watched you carefully as you fed yourself bite-sized pieces of fruit that he stabbed with a fork and handed to you. You accidentally bent a few forks at first when you grabbed it, but Franky walked you through practicing your fine motor skills. At least now you weren’t bending forks every time you tried to eat a piece of apple. Law actually had a difficult time keeping your crew from overwhelming you, and muttered under his breath when he was checking your surgery sites about how it was like herding animals. You remember bits of Law keeping you company when you were unable to sleep during the dead of night from your naps during the day. He sat with his textbooks in his lap beside your bed and told you intriguing facts and topics from his studies. He sometimes fell asleep in the chair, and you remembered inviting him to sleep with you instead of in the chair. His cheeks turned bright red as he swiftly excused himself saying that he heard his crew calling him. 
The rest of the Straw Hat Pirates kept you company through the day, much like they did when you were recovering on the Sunny. Franky and Usopp teamed up to design ‘sleeves’ to go over your metal arms when you wanted ‘skin’ over them. Usopp designed various color, black, and even metallic tattoos to go on some, and others had freckles or smooth skin. Some even had long, painted and fancy nails that you could even use like needle-like knives. Anything you could ever want your arms and hands to look like could happen. They blended seamlessly with your natural skin tone, and covered the attachment sites to protect them. Usopp and Franky finished the first one while you were still recovering, bursting into the room excitedly as you were sitting and chatting with a mixture of your crew and Law’s crew. Everyone startled for a second at the sound, but calmed once Franky’s bright smile shone and Usopp’s voice began to exaggerate the effort that went into the project. You eyed the sleeve with curiosity. It was basically like a glove made of synthetic skin, made out of the same material Franky used on himself. 
“What design is this one?” you asked excitedly. Franky snatched the sleeve from Usopp and held it up, but you still couldn’t quite make out what the tattoos were. 
“Hold out your left arm and close your eyes,” he instructed. You grinned and did as you were told. The cyborg gently slid the glove on your metal arm, making sure not to force it when something got caught. The pressure was still uncomfortable on your attachment sites, but it wasn’t exactly painful. You felt his fingers brush over the highly sensitive skin of the sites, and you jerked away from the sudden sensation. 
“Sorry,” he muttered. 
“It’s okay. They’re just really sensitive,” you answered. Franky hummed a little, carefully pulling the sleeve away from the metal and skin as he pulled it the rest of the way up. 
“They’ll likely be for a little while longer, unfortunately. But this will help protect them, and won’t rub against it,” he answered. He finally stopped fidgeting with the sleeve and pulled back. 
“Alright. Open your eyes,” he said proudly. Your eyes opened, gaze going directly to your arm. It was… stunning. A sleeve of your dream tattoos swirled on your skin, looking freshly healed and vibrant. You moved your arm, elbow bending and circled your wrist. The material moved exactly like skin, and your eyes traveled to where the attachment site should be. It was covered and the top of the sleeve thinned into featherlight nothingness as it blended into your shoulder. 
“Wow” you whispered under your breath. You knew the material was synthesized to be stronger than normal skin, resistant to blades, bullets, and heat. Your brows scrunched upwards, and you fought back tears as a smile curved your mouth. Words of gratitude bubbled in your throat, too many to express coherently. Tears spilled down your cheeks as a laugh forced its way out. You simply held your hands out for a hug, one metal and one seemingly flesh. Both men grinned as tears welled up in their own eyes, and they hugged you at the same time. 
“Thank you” you whispered. It didn’t feel enough, but there weren’t words deep enough to express your gratitude. 
“Of course!”
“Always,” they answered in tandem. More laughter rose from your chest as you pulled back to inspect the sleeve some more. You noticed the texture of it, and the wrinkles indicating your knuckles. There were even ‘calluses’ on your fingers, and lines on your palm. The only thing different from real skin was that the sleeve was devoid of hair. Franky had explained earlier that putting fibers like that on would pierce through the material, and weaken it somehow, but it was a small detail you were willing to give up.
“It’s incredible work” you said in a hushed tone. You finally noticed the rest of the visitors were crowded around on the other side of the bed, getting a closer look at your sleeve. You held out your arm, and various fingers reached out to touch it and trace over the lines of your tattoos. You could feel it all. It was distant, but you were assured that you would be able to feel everything as much as possible in the next few months.
 You couldn’t stop smiling and staring at your arm until it was time to take it off so Law could check your attachment sites. 
“You’re healing really well,” he said quietly. You smiled up at him, but looked away when your heart flipped as he returned your smile with a tiny one of his own. 
“Is that a compliment?” you asked teasingly. Law scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully. 
“You wish. A compliment to Chopper-ya and Franky-ya, and to myself,” he muttered. You giggled. Your ribs were still sore with the movement, but apparently Law did something while you were in surgery to speed up the healing of your ribs and sternum. You watched him as he leaned over you, his eyes focused on your attachment sites as he moved your arm about.
“I’ve been in this bed for days. When can I start moving and gods above, when can I bathe?” you pleaded. Law sighed. 
“Yeah, you're right. You do smell,” he said as he pulled back to walk around the bed to check your other arm. You rolled your eyes. 
“I know. If you’d let me, I’d be on my knees begging you to have mercy but you won’t let me out of bed,” you huffed. Law’s face flushed and he cleared his throat loudly. The double meaning of your words slammed into you and your cheeks heated with embarrassment. Your thoughts had drifted to thoughts of him in terms of… bedroom activities, but that was because you were so bored! It had been a week, and during that time, you were only allowed out of bed to go to the bathroom under strict supervision. 
“I didn’t mean it like that… I mean I wouldn’t be opposed but- I mean I just think you’re ho- um. Attractive? But of course I’m sure you know that and get told that a lot, even though you’re a sadistic dork, which is quite an impressive contradiction… right? And I’ll just shut up now,” you stumbled through your attempt at correcting yourself desperately, looking anywhere but the man standing at your side. The words kept flowing out of your mouth, digging yourself into a deeper hole with each syllable. Your cheeks were burning, and you felt heat all over your face from your embarrassment. Silence seeped into the air thick with your humiliating words. You felt like it lasted for much longer than you know it did, and it was only interrupted by Law letting out a small chuckle. You sighed and hid your face behind your hands. The cool metal pressed against your heated face, and you groaned both in relief and embarrassment. 
“A hot, sadistic dork, huh?” he teased in a low voice. You made a noise in your throat- somewhere between a squeak and a groan. You distantly felt him touch the back of your hands, trying to pull them away from your face. You resisted, and hissed a little in pain when the attachment sites burned with the effort. He pulled back immediately, his cool hands tracing your skin and checking the sites to make sure nothing was injured. Your hands had fallen from your face and the burning eased quickly, and you could only focus on his golden eyes tracing over your skin and his cool hands maneuvering your arm. His piercing gaze found your admiring one and you yanked your gaze to your arm. The attachment site was completely fine. 
“You like that I’m a hot sadistic dork, don’t you?” he murmured. You could hear the amused smirk in his voice, and you looked resolutely up at the ceiling, not looking at him. 
“You changed my life with these. I think you’re an amazing surgeon and our ally and friend” you said carefully, raising your hands briefly to demonstrate your point. Your cheeks still felt hot. 
“That didn’t answer my question,” he answered teasingly. You huffed a sigh, closing your eyes as you let your head fall onto your pillow. You felt him place his hands on the mattress near your shoulder and lean over you to check the other attachment site. Your heart flipped.
“Fine. Yes. I like that you’re a stupidly hot, smart, nerdy, sadistic dork” you answered with faux annoyance. You opened your eyes with a scowl, wishing you could control your arms gently enough to cross your arms over your chest. He was peering down at you from above, gold eyes pinning you to the bed with mirth and amusement. A stupidly sexy smirk curved his lips. 
“See? It wasn’t that hard to admit now, was it?” His eyes flicked to your lips before meeting your gaze again. He swallowed hard, and you followed the movement, trailing your eyes from his throat down to his toned, tattooed chest. You ripped your eyes back up to his gaze, now highly amused by your obvious actions. Guilt stabbed through you, and you looked away, turning your head to the side. 
“Kinda was,” you said easily. Law pushed back so he was standing upright, and sat down in a chair. There was a moment of comfortable silence.
“You were with Zoro-ya, weren’t you?” he asked quietly. You sighed heavily. 
“Yeah. I was. For a few years” you answered. Law hummed. 
“So your type is men with big swords?” he asked cheekily. You looked over at him quickly in surprise, before laughing in shock and at his joke. 
“Yeah I guess so” you said around giggles. Law smiled gently at you. It was late, and he had kicked your crewmates off his ship for the night. You didn’t need to be checked on through the night anymore, so his crew was catching up on sleep if they weren’t partying with your crewmates. 
“Can I ask you a personal question?” he asked. You looked at him with a dying smile, and sighed. 
“You want to know why Zoro and I broke up?” you guessed. The surgeon nodded. You sighed and settled on your bed on your side, with your arm tucked under your pillow to reduce the weight resting on the attachment site. It was still a little uncomfortable, but it wasn’t bad. 
“If I’m honest, I’m not completely sure if we officially broke up. I got hurt protecting him after I told him we should run…” memories of the day flicked through your mind, and you shook your head a little before continuing, “I’m sure you know the details of the injuries and can piece together what happened. But he was knocked out for a bit, and I tried to protect him even then. I finally could call for help and only passed out when I knew one of my crew was there taking care of the Marines. Apparently he threw up when he saw my body, thinking I was dead, but then carried me back to the ship with whoever came to save us. I dunno if he was there when I was still asleep and recovering or what. But I do remember that when I was awake for good finally, he had to leave the room. Some night later, either that same one or the one after, I don’t remember, he came into my room and… yelled at me, I guess screamed at me?” The memory of his harsh words floated back to mind, and you closed your eyes in shame before looking at Law and continuing,
“He asked me why I protected him, saying he didn’t need saving. He was gripping my knee, and honestly I was scared he was going to crush it.  He yelled at me, asking if I thought he was so weak that he needed saving, and what the hell I meant when I said I wasn’t thinking. He punched a hole in the wall above my head, and when I screamed, Luffy and Sanji ran in. He kept going though, keeping his fist in the wall he called me a weak pathetic piece of shit, how I could lose my arms to a wall, and that he wished the bomb had hit him so he wouldn’t need to see the person he was dating like… this,” you swallowed and cleared your throat. It was relieving to be able to tell someone what happened, instead of someone already knowing. It was hard to get the words out through your remembered fear, but it was still a relief to talk about it. Your gaze had wandered a little while you recalled the incident, and you looked back at the surgeon. His eyes were shadowed under his hat, but his jaw was clenched and his hands were curled into fists on his knees. You sighed, but continued with your story,
“Luffy dragged him out of the room and they fought. It took Luffy, Sanji, and Robin to restrain him until Luffy could break through his anger. Zoro even tried to attack Nami. He stayed away from me for a few days until he came to apologize. I had Franky right outside the door and had him keep it cracked open so he could intervene. I was probably kind of an asshole, but I was kind of surprised when he said he wanted to apologize. I asked if he really wanted to, and he said that Luffy told him he had to. I sarcastically said ‘oh thanks’ and he got kinda pissed and said ‘I’m trying to apologize, isn’t that enough?’ and I lost my shit. I yelled at him, saying that I wanted him to apologize when he means it, not because he was ordered to. Franky hauled Zoro’s ass out of the room and I haven’t seen him since. I don’t honestly know how to be around him anymore, but I love the crew,” you finished. You almost expected to cry during the story, but at this point, you were numb towards it. It happened, and nothing was going to change how he broke your heart.
You glanced at Law, who hadn’t moved, before shifting to lay on your back to ease the discomfort of your arm. You let the silence hang like the stickiness of humidity. It was a few minutes before Law spoke. 
“Join my crew.” 
You looked at him in shock, sitting up and turning fully towards him. 
“Just for a few months, until you feel comfortable going back to your own crew. Unless you decide you want to stay here. We run into the Straw Pirates often enough, especially if we keep this alliance,” he explained. You looked at him in surprise, but looked to the side as you started thinking.
“Law…” you started. He interrupted you. 
“Don’t decide now. Think about it for a while and talk to your crew. I… I know that you kind of have something going on with that curly-browed cook too, and he will treat you exactly how you deserve. Better than I ever could. So think about it. We can sail near the Straw Hats for a little while too. It’s up to you,” Law stood and walked to the door, shoes tapping loudly in your shocked silence. He tossed a small smile over his shoulder before speaking again. 
“Get some rest, and we’ll have Chopper help give you a bath tomorrow, okay? We’ll see how you feel walking around after that,” Law said. You nodded, and he opened the door to leave. 
“Law” you called. He stopped, looking back at you with a raised brow. 
“Thank you, for the offer. I’m seriously thinking about it,” you said. This time he nodded. 
“Good.” He stepped out of the room and closed the door quietly. You flopped down back on the bed, thinking about his words. 
I know that you kind of have something going on with that curly-browed cook too, and he will treat you exactly how you deserve. Better than I ever could. So think about it. 
What did he mean by ‘better than I ever could’? Did he also feel the connection between the two of you? 
Thoughts swirled around your head. You’d desperately miss your crew, who was family, but you’d be healing and could go back to them. But if you stayed here, you could fall in love with Law, or at least have something with him. You also did, admittedly, have something with Sanji, who cared for you and you knew would treat you right. But if you did get with Sanji, that could cause even more tension with Zoro. But if you went back to the Straw Hats, then you’d have Chopper, Franky, and Usopp to help you get used to your arm and training you, but Luffy was also reckless and you could end up in a situation you weren’t ready for. Law was meticulous and an incredible surgeon, and his crew were well trained in terms of mechanics, so it would be fine to stay with them. But if you stayed with them, then you’d really miss your family, but if you went back to them, you’d have to deal with living with Zoro, but if you stayed with the Heart Pirates, then you wouldn’t know how to live with Zoro and would have to adjust while also adjusting to living with the rest of them again. 
You heaved a sigh, the thoughts swirling and circling back to each other in your head. You settled down in your heap of blankets and pillows, letting your thoughts sway your mind into a fitful sleep.
Those who asked to be tagged: @@blue-rae18 @metonimia-de-bellota @perilous-pasta @thesleppybitch darkartincub0-blog @letssayless @brokenangstyheart @stachelrose @fluffybunnyu @yunho-leeknow @admoonchild @lakkiiii @khjcoo
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jessysapphireblue · 8 months
Akward Morning Luffy x reader
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Nickname included is Je, which you can replace. Crazy strawhats being crazy. Enjoy.
Part 2 ----> Here
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Morning dawned over the horizon, the Straw Hat Pirates waking up from their slumber. Luffy was snoring away, sprawled like a starfish across your bed, you also still sleeping, an arm over his waist, and head on his shoulder.
Loud knocking woke your boyfriend up, as he heard Usopp saying something. Yawning and stretching, he stood up and tapped to the door, hand in his hair as he opened it. "Usopp? What´s wrong?" "Ah! You´re here! I thought you-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!", his best friend began to talk but drifted off, screaming loudly at him.
"Why are you screaming?", asked Luffy. " YOU´RE NAKED!!!!". Silence came over them as Luffy looked down. "Oh, no wonder that I feel so cold" "Luffy! You-" "mmh", Usopp got interrupted by your voice, Luffy looking over with a grin. "Je is currently waking up. What is-USOPP!!", Luffy saw his best friend pale as a ghost.
Slaaming the door in his face, Luffy was confused but turned around. "He´s weird today" "Who is?", you spoke, finally up, stretching yourself. "Usopp! I guess Sanji put something in his food, or Chopper tested some medicine on him...pants pants", he said and looked around for his pants.
"Morning everyone!", shouted Luffy as you both arrived in the kitchen. Sanji looked something in between mad and sad. "Why, you lucky bastard?!" "Hm?" "Why do you slept by our Goddess again?! I want to be the one next to her" "Sanji I told you my room is always open for anyone", you admitted with a soft smile.
"But my Goddess! I mean sleeping by your side! Not that rubber idiot!!! Waking up next to you would be a blessing for my heart and soul, to see you the first thing in the morning!", he began to swoon around you.
During breakfast, Usopp poked in his food before pushing it away. "Usopp? Are you ok? Not eating?", Franky asked. "Are you sick?!". Chopper was worried. "Oi, you better eat it long nose"
"No. I can´t", he said, hands in a prayer, his index fingers touching his lips. "A stomachache?", asked Robin. "That would be better than what I saw!", he admitted. "A monster?" "Sea King?" "Your face in the mirror?", asked Zoro. "You bastard! No!!! THESE TWO!", he pointed to you and Luffy.
"Eh, did we do something wrong?", you asked. "Not that I remember", said Luffy and took his best friends plate. "Don´t you play with me! My innocence is gone!!!" "You? And innocent?", Nami was more than doubtful. "Yes! Before it clicked on them!"
"What did you do, Luffy?", asked Robin. "Nothing! He knocked and I opened and then he screamed", admitted your boyfriend before you feed him, making him shine.
"YOU WERE BUTT ASS NAKED!!!", the sniper yelled so loudly that his voice cracked, "AND SHE WAS STILL IN BED! YOUR CLOTHES WERE EVERYWHERE! YOU TWO FUCKED!!!"
Silence. "Yohohohoho, Usopp-san, I think you were still dreaming", laughed Brook. "Ah, no. He was right. Je and I slept together", grinned Lu widely, while you blushed bright red.
"WHAAAAAAAAA?!", Nami, Sanji and Chopper screamed. The rest was too shocked to speak. "Luffy! What did you do?!", Nami was about to attack him. "What? I didn´t put a baby in Je" "How the hell do you know how that works?!", Sanji was having a meltdown. "Of course I know how sex works. I´m not dumb!", protested your captain.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Our captain is more man than you, hentai-brow!", laughed Zoro. "Fu fu fu, was it fun?" "Robin!" "Yes! With Je it is always fun. We laugh and have fun, and kiss us a lot" "Wait...always?", asked Franky.
"Yeah, we did it a couple times already", beamed Luffy with innocence and you could vanish. Usopp stood up. "Usopp?", asked Chopper. "It was nice meeting you all, I sacrifice myself to the Sea" "USOPP NO!!!", Chopper cried. "I´m traumatized for life! Luffy and ...THIS! Is something that I never thought would happen" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Luffy-kun, you are a real man now!", laughed Jinbe, everyone completely ignoring Sanji and Zoro fighting outside.
"Yohohoho, Luffy-san?" "Yes brook?" Brook bend down to him. "What color are her panties today?", he asked, awaiting as your boyfriend closed his eyes. "mmmh...ah! Blue like the sky" "Yohohohohoho", Brook dripped blood from his nose. "YOU PERVERT!", Nami kicked him full force outside.
You finally stood up. "Je?" "I shoot myself to the sun", you admitted, face high red as you walked out, the chaos continued.
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subbyp · 1 year
I have this idea for an AU wherein Sanji’s physical Germa modifications kick in during his time starving on the rock, and when he’s like 14 Judge finds out and decides to take him back by force, because if the physical modifications took then surely the mental ones will too and if not there’s always psychological conditioning like what he did to Reiju, right? So Germa rocks up to the Baratie, burns it to the waterline, slaughters the crew (almost) to a man, and drags Sanji back. they don’t realize that Zeff survives, and they probably wouldn’t care if they did. (more fool them)
the mental modifications never kick in, but Sanji learns to act like they do, developing this false persona as a vicious shallow hedonist. he also leans hardcore on his growing resemblance to Sora to get Judge to indulge his whims (no, there’s nothing actually sexual about it, but it is deeply uncomfortable and it’s supposed to be). this is because he’s waiting for a very specific kind of opportunity…..
five years later, the Straw Hat Pirates are in Loguetown, getting ready to scale Reverse Mountain when Luffy fucks up the storefront of a shabby little seafood shack off the main square where Roger was once executed and is enlisted into chore boy duty. he gets to talking about dreams and piracy and sailing with the owner.
“do you have any dreams?” he says, failing to mop the floor.
“I used to have a few,” says the owner.
“not anymore?” says Luffy.
“none of your business,” says the owner.
“you should be my cook!” says Luffy.
“not a chance in hell,” says the owner.
then the shit goes down that leads to Luffy being put up on the block and almost executed. when the Straw Hats flee to the Merry they find the owner standing there waiting for them with a book under his arm.
he explains that he can’t be their cook—he’s too old and too broken, he’s had enough of the Grand Line, and besides staying in Loguetown is the best shot he has at achieving his dream (“I knew you had a dream!” yells Luffy. everyone ignores this), but he’s got a cookbook and nutrition guide he’s been working on and the Straw Hats can have the first draft so they don’t totally die of scurvy and shit if they swear to do him one favor—to, if they ever, out there on the sea, meet a nineteen-year-old kid called Sanji, tell him that Red-Leg Zeff is alive.
“yeah! of course!” says Luffy. “if you tell me what your dream is.”
“to see him walk free,” says Zeff.
Zeff’s cookbook keeps the Straw Hats properly nourished. but they barely make it to Sabaody in canon, and here they have one less combatant, so Kuma decides to split the team at Thriller Bark, and instead of sending Zoro to Kuraigana, he sends his unconscious just-bore-Luffy’s-pain ass right onto the Germa 66 flagship.
Judge wants to vivisect Zoro to figure out how a regular human non-DF-user could be so freakshow strong and then turn his head in for the bounty, but Sanji recognizes him as one of the Straw Hats (and thus, one of the liberators of Alabasta) and improvs on the spot that he wants him as a swordsmanship coach (“after all, sir, you want me to improve my swordsmanship”) and, he heavily implies, bed-warmer. thus Zoro wakes up in a Germa 66 infirmary, wounds bandaged, swords gone, and explosive collar on his neck, as the third-born Prince of Germa demands to be allowed to see his new toy alone. (“yes, I’ll be careful with him. I don’t want to break him when I’ve just got him!”)
zoro, having deduced what sanji is alluding to, is about ready to kill him with his bare hands on the spot, but as soon as they’re alone in the room together sanji starts immediately and profusely apologizing for being such a creep. he says he’s not into men (“especially not unwilling ones”) but it was the only way he could think of to get them even occasional privacy, and btw he is probably going to have to claim that he’s doing some unsavory stuff or else Judge might possibly have Zoro killed, but he’ll never lay a hand on Zoro without his consent besides what is strictly necessary to fake it around the Vinsmokes—
at this point Zoro starts to wonder what the hell he’s going on about. Sanji explains the whole thing and says that he’s planning on somehow getting Zoro back to the Straw Hats as soon as he can, and in the meantime he’ll make sure Zoro gets food and medical care and that nobody sells off his swords or anything, but he needs Zoro to do something for him in return:
“I’m going to feed you every bit of knowledge I have about Germa 66, and when you leave here, you need to give that information to someone who can destroy us until not even memories remain.”
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stinkysam · 8 months
Buggy the Clown - Meet my ex.
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Warning : One spoiler but blink and you’ll miss it.
Genre : angst-ish
Synopsis : "You, Luffy, Zoro and Nami get captured by your ex after stealing the Grand Line map from the marines" - @inhumanshadows
Reader : male (he/you)
A/N : Part TWO // basically rewrote the whole second episode so it's kinda long.
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"Can't wait to see the look on your face when we find it." Said Luffy to Nami.
And then, you heard an explosion followed by a red light lighting the sky.
"Is that the marines ?" Zoro asked.
"How did they find us ?" Asked Nami, already panicking.
You all quickly stormed outside the cabin as another explosion was heard above your heads, a red smoke covering the small boat.
"The smoke smells weird." Luffy said and you instinctively blocked your airways. Not wanting to breathe any of it.
You knew you were right to do so when you saw Nami and Zoro fall to the ground, seemingly unconscious.
You watched Luffy go back in the cabin to swallow the map before turning to the back window. You quickly joined him, wanting to see who was attacking you.
Oh no.
You looked at him after seeing the Jolly Roger, watching him fall unconscious as well. You couldn't hold your breath any longer so you laid down on the floor, breathing in the smoke.
Luffy woke up first, then Nami, you and Zoro.
"Zoro." Luffy whispered in his ear, only for him to jolt awake.
You stared at each other for a moment before looking around yourselves. You were in a big wooden box.
You sighed as you sat up, groaning.
"For fuck's sake."
"They took my swords." Zoro said, looking for them.
"And my rucksack, ugh, with all my navigation gear." Noted Nami, still slowly emerging.
Luffy quickly brought his hands to his head and sighed, content.
"They didn't take my hat."
"Yeah, small blessings." Said Nami "Damn it, we've lost the map !" She whispers-yelled.
"No !" Luffy suddenly stood up, head hitting the top of the box. "No, we didn't. It's in a safe place." He said, touching his stomach.
"Ew." She said, as Zoro began to try to punch his way out. "Hey, stop. Stop that. Stop that." She whispered.
"What ? I'm trying to find a way out."
"You won't." You said apathetically.
"We've been captured, we need a plan." Continued Nami.
"I don't need a plan, I just need to beat the hell out of every marine I see."
"Not marines." You said quietly.
"Hey, everyone relax. We're fine." Luffy said, trying to calm everyone down.
"We're not fine. The marines will throw us in jail if we're lucky. Execute us if they don't." Said Nami, patting the ceiling as if to find a weak spot.
"They… they are not marines. Before I got knocked out, I saw a Jolly Roger, right [Name] ?" Luffy said. "We've been captured by pirates."
"That's much better news." Said Nami sarcastically.
"It's not." You said.
"No, he's right. Marines have training. Pirates are easier to kill." intervened Zoro.
"Shanks used to say not every situation can be solved with violence." Replied Luffy.
"Who the hell is Shanks ?"
"We don't need to fight… I can talk to them. Pirate to pirate."
"That won't work." You and Nami said.
"Why not ?"
"To start you're not a pirate." Nami replied.
"Yes, I am."
"No, you are just some stretchy guy in a tattered hat."
"I'm a different kind of pirate."
"And he won't listen to you." You finally said a bit louder to be heard this time.
The three of them looked at you.
"He ?"
Just as you said his name, the ceiling of the box opened, a circus music blaring as one of the walls fell down allowing you to walk out. You hummed to the music in a bored manner.
A man passed before you, juggling on his unicycle as one by one the remaining walls were removed, leaving you nothing to sit against. So you stood up as well.
Then you heard loud clapping and cheering all around you. Even Luffy clapped at the spectacle happening.
"No. No, no, no, no. Stop clapping. No, stop ! It's all wrong !" A man yelled as he entered the circus tent.
You rolled your eyes and sighed loudly, your head falling back. Yep. It's him. Great.
Quickly the clapping stopped.
"Spotlight was late. You completely missed my entrance." He said pointing to another man to the side then to himself. The light creaked as it turned to him.
"And where, oh, where was the dancing… lion." He asked as he walked to the man threateningly.
"Heey, I know you ! I saw your wanted poster in Shells Town. You're the clown guy." Luffy said, growing excited. "Um, uh… Binky, right ?"
"Buggy." You and Buggy said at the same time. "Buggy the Clown." Zoro and Nami turned to you as you continued to mouth what the man was saying. "Buggy, the flashy fool." He walked closer to Luffy, still unaware of you. "Buggy, the Genius Jester." You knew it by heart.
"Wow…" Luffy said, actually impressed. "You have a lot of names. I bet everyone in the East Blue knows who you are."
The people around you gasped and you smiled. Ah, yeah. Here we go.
"What did you just say ?" Buggy's smile fell.
"Just that everyone knows who you are."
"Nose ?!" He yelled, grabbing Luffy's face. His minions slowly approached menacingly as the crowd gasped. "Are you making fun of my nose ?"
"Well, I wasn't. But now that you mention it, is that thing for real ?" Luffy asked, unbothered as he raised his hand to touch Buggy's nose, only for it to be slapped away.
"Calm down, he wasn't talking about your nose, Bugs." You crossed your arms and stepped closer.
Buggy perked at the nickname. Who the fuck dared to call him that ? And that's when he noticed you, his eyes widening as he froze for a second, his heart skipping a beat. What the fuck were you doing here ?
"[Name] ?"
You smiled awkwardly as you posed.
"Ta-daaa…" You quietly said, waving your hands a little.
Your three friends stared at you, confused.
"[Name] ?" Nami repeated, eyeing you as if to say 'Care to explain ?'
"Meet… my ex." You said, pointing to Buggy, kicking the ground with your right foot. Luffy tilted his head as the two others looked at you with big eyes. You smiled at them. A big awkward toothy smile.
"What are you doing here ?" Buggy finally asked, stepping closer. His heart was beating so fast the closer he got. Memories of the two of you resurfacing as he tried to ignore them.
"I just missed you." You said sarcastically. You almost didn't see the way his eyes twitched at your words, clearly touched by them. Believing your pretty words for a second. "No, you captured our crew, so…" You continued, putting your hands on your hips.
He stared at you, unsure of what to do or what to say. He hadn't expected to see you again. You still looked so handsome, even after all those years. Fuck. He remembers the way your pretty eyes looked at him, so fond and loving. So sweet. Now they looked at him as if he was just… someone and not the light of your life.
"But, don't pay attention to me, go back to your monologue." You said, waving him away as you took a step back. "I'm sure you had things to say."
He frowned at you, stepping away reluctantly before clearing his throat. You're right, he wasn't done talking.
"You asked if my nose was real, you know what's real ? I've been scheming for months to steal that map from old Axe-Hand Moron !" Ah ! Mh ? No reaction. Heh… "No I can't, you see, you've cut my momentum."
"No, no, it was good, continue, continue." You said, acting interested. "And ?" His eyes squinted. He remembers you used to love his introductions, clapping and smiling at him as he presented himself to his enemies. Now it looked like it was too much, and not just because you were on the receiving end.
"...Only to find out that I was upstaged by three little nobodies and my ex, who stole it from right under my no- No ! It's in my head now ! Gah ! Ugh !"
"Hey ! I'm not a nobody. I'm Monkey D. Luffy. And I will be King of the Pirates." Luffy announced, proudly and confidently, making you smile as Nami couldn't believe her ears.
Buggy laughed.
"Oh ! Now that's funny !" He said and the audience laughed in an unenthusiastic way before he made a sign of the hands to stop them.
"My bounty poster graces the marquee of every marine outpost for miles. And my menagerie of outcasts and freaks is the most dreaded pirate crew of the East Blue has ever known. I am destined to find the One Piece. And when I do… I will be King."
"No, you won't. 'Cuz I'm gonna find it first." Luffy said, still as confidently as before.
"You ? Don't make me laugh." And with that the audience started to laugh again, seemingly upsetting the clown even more. "I said don't make me laugh !"
"All right, listen up !" Zoro intervened, bored of it all and annoyed. Everyone turned to him. "I'm Roronoa Zoro. Drop your weapons now and I may… let you live." He said, approaching Buggy only for him to laugh in response.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a celebrity in our midst. Too bad I hate sharing the spotlight." And with two kicks of the feet against the floor, the light that was on Zoro was back on Buggy.
To be honest, you had missed the theatrics. It was fun. But did you really miss Buggy ? At the moment, watching all the prisoners he had for audience, you weren't so sure.
"Now, maybe we should skip right to the finale." Buggy said, his daggers between his fingers. "My freaks put quite a bit of rehearsal time into this little abduction. And if I can't reward them with that map… I suppose I'll have to offer them a pound of flesh instead." He added as one of his men growled, sharp teeth in full display.
"Wait. Wait. What if I have something else to offer you ?" Nami quickly said, walking forward. You, Zoro and Luffy looked at her confused and interested as well. "Something more valuable than a map ?" Buggy lowered his daggers. "What if, I give you a new freak for your crew ? A rare talent. The most spectacular act in all of the East Blue. Besides you, of course." She took a step back, next to Luffy who was innocently smiling.
"Go on." Buggy said and with that Nami grabbed Luffy's hat and threw it high in the air, forcing him to stretch his arm to catch it and while everyone looked up in surprise she darted, running away out of the circus tent.
She was brought back inside by two other men, struggling to get away from them.
"What did you do ?!" She yelled. "What did you do to their town ? You destroyed everything !"
"Not everything. I let them keep their hands." He said unbothered and the audience clapped. "Okay. Here end the theatrics." As he said this, all the lights went to him, making you smirk. "I know one of you has my map and I'm gonna get it back. What was it you said rubber boy ? That it's in a safe place ? Don't look so surprised, I've got eyes and ears everywhere." He smiled as he clasped his hands together. "So please make our guests uncomfortable in the green room. Except [Name], he stays here."
His men grabbed Nami and Zoro and they tried to free themselves from their grasp. Luffy attempted to follow them but his men stopped him, pushing him toward Buggy.
"I'm gonna have a chat with my stretchy new pal." He grinned, booping Luffy's nose quickly before laughing.
You waited as he installed some sort of something in the four corners of the scene. Probably to torture Luffy if you guessed right. And that you did !
Luffy had his arms and legs tied as the machine began to stretch him.
"What am I doing here Buggy ?" You finally asked, not knowing why he didn't put you with Zoro and Nami.
"You're too smart to be imprisoned, you always find a way out even back on Roger's ship. So I prefer to keep my eyes on you."
"Aw. I missed looking at you too." You said with a wink, a bit too honestly, watching his eyes widen and squint. You will not get him this time. But it was true, you had missed his pretty eyes. You loved looking at them.
He preferred to not answer and focus back on Luffy who was screaming, laughing a bit as his limbs were stretching more and more.
"I want you to think of this like an artistic exercise, because pain leads to art. And art reveals truth. But there's only one truth I need from this exercise. Where… is… my… map ?"
"Truthfully ?" Luffy said and Buggy nodded. "I'm kinda hungry. Don't circuses have cotton candy ?"
Buggy chuckled, placing his hand on Luffy's chest. If only he knew the map was right under his hand…
"What could you possibly need that map for anyway ? You wouldn't last five minutes in the Grand Line."
"I already told you. I'm gonna be King of the Pir-"
"Boring !" Buggy yelled in his face and gestured to continue stretching him. "Let's go another 10 feet."
The audience gasped in horror as they watched Luffy be stretched.
"You can stretch me all you want. I can do this all day."
"I'm not asking the right questions, right, [Name] ?" He looked at you and you shrugged. You trusted Luffy, you knew it wasn't hurting him and he'd find a way out. "We need to go deeper, get you out of your comfort zone."
He turned back toward Luffy.
"What makes a boy want to grow up to be King of the Pirates ? Who are you trying to impress ? A lost love ? An absent parent ? Or was it someone that you worshiped ? A false idol." But all Luffy did was look away, uninterested by what he was saying.
"That's it…" Buggy realized, taking Luffy's hat in his hands.
"Hey, give me back my hat !"
"I used to know a pirate that wore a hat just like this… Red-Haired Shanks."
"You knew Shanks ?"
"Ginger ? Three scars, left eye ? We served together with [Name] on a pirate crew when we were about your age. For a time, I even thought we were friends." Buggy said. "Until he betrayed me. Just like aaaall the others." He added, looking at you. You didn't betray him, but of course, that's how he'd see it. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, looking away.
"He wanted to keep me out of the spotlight ! He wanted to keep my star from shining too brightly !" Then a thought came to him. "Is that what he did to you rubber boy ? Did Shanks betray you too ?"
"Don't talk about him that way." Is all Luffy said.
"Ahhh. Now we are finally getting to the truth. Stretch him until he breaks."
"Please, don't make me do this." An old man with white hair said.
"I… invite you ! To take part in the splendor that is my show and this is how you repay me ? With a no ?"
"You've destroyed our town. Made us your prisoners. Isn't that enough ?"
"Well. Maybe you'd prefer it if I threw one of your constituents on the rack instead." Buggy threw Luffy's hat to the side, opening his arms wide. "Hey, kid ! You want to get tall fast ?" He said as he grabbed a young boy from the audience.
"Boogie, I'm warning you."
You stepped closer, ready to fight to defend the kid.
"It's Buggy ! And you're warning me ? Now that's a laugh." But no one laughed. He rolled his eyes, annoyed. "I said that's a laugh." He repeated as an unenthusiastic laughing could be heard.
"Buggy." You approached as you heard Luffy grunt, pulling on his limbs to free himself, which worked as he fell to the ground.
"Put him down." Luffy said, this time more threatening as he stood up.
"But why ? He's having such a great time !" Buggy laughed. "Aren't you, junior ?" He grabbed the kids face as if to make him talk. "Yes ! The best, Buggy !" He laughed more as Luffy sent his hand behind himself, stretching it before punching Buggy's head away from his body.
The audience screamed in fear as the head landed on someone's laps, the kid yelling in horror at Buggy's body, still holding him.
Luffy looked at his fist, confused for a second. Did he just... ?
"Nah, don't worry, kid. He's alright." You said with a chuckle, patting his shoulder.
"Hi." Buggy clicked his tongue, head turning on the person's laps. "Well, well, well, looks like we have something in common !" He said with a laugh before flying back to his body, reattaching himself.
"You ate a devil fruit ?"
"The Chop Chop fruit. So you can slice me, you can dice me, but I'll always put myself back together again." And with that his arms, legs and head were separated from the rest of his body before being pulled back together like magnets.
"Want to see what else I can do ?" He whispers, showing his arm without a hand. Luffy feels something poking his shoulder and he turns around only to see Buggy's hand squeeze a red ball full of red smoke before punching him in the face.
You grabbed Luffy, refusing to let his men take him but it was you against all his minions.
You had to watch as they placed him in some sort of glass tank.
"You really don't have to do this." You said to Buggy.
"Oh, but my dear [Name], I do. Unless you can tell me where my map is ? No ? Then I fear I have no other way."
You groaned, it was far the time where Buggy would listen to you and consider your words. But now it is impossible. You missed those days. They were fun.
He missed them too. But they were over.
"You know he's never gonna give you the map ?"
"Just like you were never supposed to leave me ?"
You could not answer anything. Remembering the promises you've broken by leaving.
Luffy woke up soon after in the tank, he was weak and struggled to move to get up.
"Don't bother, it's sea water." Buggy says, ignoring Luffy's grunts as he tries to hit and break the glass. "Hardly seems fair. All those wonderful powers rendered useless from a few splashes." He kneeled to Luffy's level. "Of course, you could always give me my map if you don't want to die alone in this tank."
"My crew…" Luffy began but was too weak to continue.
"Your crew ?" Buggy laughed. "You mean the ones that abandoned you ? Just like Shanks did ? Oh… did that make you sad ?"
"They will come back for me."
"No one's coming back for you. Your only chance is to turn over that map and if you do, I may have a very special place on my crew… just for you."
Luffy struggled as he stood up, slowly, despite the sea water draining his energy. Buggy got up, following him.
"Never !"
"Why not !" And with a bang Buggy hits the glass with his hand, hurting himself in the process. "Ah ! God ! You're an outcast, just like the rest of us. A freak, scorned and abandoned ! Join me… and you can serve the man who will become the King of the Pirates… And when I have that map, I will find the One Piece, and then everyone will know my name. And they'll love me."
"You can't make people love you." Interjected Luffy. "Just like you can't make them smile. I'll never give you that map."
Buggy used to make you smile and love him. It wasn't hard. But now it felt like forever since these happy days.
"Well then, I guess it's curtains for you." Buggy said, increasing the water's level, making Luffy fall back and drown in the water.
"Buggy ! Don't !" You yelled, approaching the tank. "Killing him won't change anything. It won't make the map appear !"
"No, but it might change my bad mood !" Buggy replied, grabbing Luffy's hat on the floor and beginning to pull on the straws.
"You seem to have forgotten you lost the right to call me that when you left."
"Don't touch my hat !" Luffy managed to shout.
"What was that ? I… I couldn't hear you over all the drowning. You want out ? You know the price you have to pay." Buggy said but Luffy only knocked on the glass, pointing behind the clown.
Nami stood at the entrance, throwing her stick against the tank and cracking the glass.
"Where are my freaks ?!" Buggy yelled, looking around himself. Why were they all gone ?
"They're not coming." Zoro said, approaching from another side.
The glass cracked and cracked until it finally broke, the water gushing out and sweeping Buggy and pushing Luffy out.
Luffy coughed, catching his breath as he vomited the map out.
"My map !" Buggy gasped, crawling toward it while Luffy moved toward his hat. Buggy laughed as he finally had the map between his hands, standing up.
Zoro threw your sword your way and you grabbed it in the air.
"You want a piece of me ? Let's see what you got." Buggy said to Zoro.
Without waiting he cut his neck in two then his torso before slicing it in four. But all Buggy did was laugh and put himself back together as Nami watched in horror.
"Surprise shithead !" He yelled, cutting himself in pieces before sending them flying around the three of you.
"How am I supposed to slice a guy who's already in pieces ?"
"You stab him." You say quietly.
"This is not part of the plan." Said Nami as the three of you began to hit any parts of Buggy flying your way. But quickly you found yourselves overpowered as he re-attached himself to turn to Luffy.
"Ah, would you look at that ? Somebody escaped my Tank of Doom. Well, I'll be back to finish you off. Right after I tear apart your sad excuse for a crew !" Buggy said, laughing more.
"You can dump sea water on me, and I'll let it slide. But don't you ever threaten my friends." Luffy stood up, putting his hat on before punching a hole inside Buggy's chest.
He made it fly back to him, clicking his tongue with a wink as he pulled his daggers out once more.
"So you want to die first. Be my guest." He said, detaching both arms and legs and sending them toward Luffy. Laughing hysterically, Buggy attacked Luffy relentlessly, stabbing his hat to a wooden mat, laughing loudly at the sight. Punching and kicking him when he tried to grab it back, strangling him against the floor.
That's when Luffy got an idea.
"Nami ! The crates !" He yelled, voice straining.
Luffy threw Buggy's arm to Nami, who kicked it with her stick inside the crate before closing it. They continued like this with each part of Buggy's body until all that was left were his hands, feet, and head.
"What have you done to me !?" He yelled, head falling to his feet.
"Cut you down to size."
"The One Piece will never be yours ! You're just a sad, lonely little boy wearing another man's hat !"
"I know exactly who I am. I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm gonna be King of the Pirates."
"Gum gum…" Luffy yelled, throwing his hands behind himself. "Bazooka !" Before sending them full force against Buggy, throwing him out of the circus, making a hole in the giant tent.
And with Buggy gone, Luffy walked to the Grand Line map, giving it to Nami.
"You're giving this to me ?" She asked.
"You're the navigator." He simply answered.
"Let's get out of this clown show." Zoro said only for Luffy to stop him.
"Still one more thing we have to do."
"Tell [Name] to pick better partners ?" Zoro said, looking at you as you glared at him to shut up.
"No." Luffy shook his head, walking toward the audience to free them.
"Are you our new captors ?" The white haired man asked.
"What ?"
"Well, you're a pirate, aren't you ?"
"I'm a different kind of pirate." He smiled as Nami stared at him.
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pocket-jack · 6 months
Love Mail
Luffy climbing up to Victoria Punk: Love mail!
Killer playing along: Love mail? Oh! It must be a letter for you, Kid!
Kid: You're two are a dorks. The hell is love mail?
Luffy: It's a news report. Did you know that the sunflowers on the whole island are looking at the same direction? They're looking at you, sunshine! Get it? Because sunflowers are always facing the sun, and when there isn't any, they're facing each other. I guess they confused you with the sun, Juggy!
Kid, all red: "Drops his instrument kit" Ahhh... What a bullshit...
Killer: Aww, that's sweet
Kid: Shut up...
Luffy: I'll go spread the Love Mail to Traffy! Enjoy your day!
Kid: Mggghghhh....
Killer: I'll translate that: you too, Straw Hat!
Luffy, climbing in the Polar Tang: Love Mail!
Shachi: AAAH! Straw Hat! You scared me! Don't sneak up on us so suddenly! And what the hell is a Love Mail?
Luffy: Can't tell you! It's for Traffy!
Shachi: Ah-... Ooooh! I get it! Ooooooi! Captain! There's a letter for you!!
Law coming from the operating room cleaning his instruments: A letter? From who?
Luffy: From me :))
Law: "Smiling warmly" What is it?
Luffy: A love mail! S' a fact actually!
Law: A fact? A fun one?
Luffy: A really fun one! Did you know that I have a disease?
Law: Wha-? A disease? What is it? Why didn't you tell me? You know that your and Kids health are important to me! What are the symptoms?
Luffy: I know how it's called and I've had it for a while know... And the symptoms are... "Pressed his hand to his chest" Whenever I'm around Traffy my heart keeps beating faster and I may die if I stop looking at him! You know how it's called?
Law completely oblivious: I... Such a strange and vague symptoms... Are you sure there's nothing else? It can't be that I don't know it!..
Luffy: Te-he! The disease that I have is called... 'Traffy is so attractive that I can't look away from him"!
Law: ...
Law: "Turns red, but also sighs in relief" Oh... Oh! Straw Hat-ya, don't scare me like that! I thought you had something serious!
Luffy: It is serious! There is also a newpaper in the love mail! It's states that Trafalgar Law is the handsomest doctor in the world! And do you know who wrote the report? The future Pirate King Monkey D. Luffy! Can you imagine!?
Law: "Flatters" Aw! Stop! I need to work! Did you send the love mail to Eustass too?
Luffy: Of course! I'm the best love mail man in the world!
Luffy: "Leaves" Byee! Hope the love letter made your day!
Law: It sure did...
Shachi: Awww! Captain is smiling! This is the best day of my life!
Law: Shachi, I will split you in half.
Shachi: Got it! I'll shut up!
Robin: Hello, Luffy! How was your love mail plan?
Luffy: It's good! Traffy and jaggy were so red and happy when I told them about it! Thank you for helping with the quotes! And thanks to you too, Sanji!
Sanji: Repay me with stopping trying to break into the refrigerator. I know you tried to bite off the code lock
Luffy: But I'm hungry at night! How can I eat if the refrigerator looked?
Robin: "Spots Kid, climbing onto the ship" Oh, hello Kid
Luffy: Jaggy! Do you need something?
Kid: Yeah, just wanted to pass you the mail
Luffy: The mail?
Kid: Yes. It's the trinket. I know, you love them
Luffy: Wha- For me???
Kid: Yep! I can't do quotes, but I'd do anything to see you happy
Luffy: "Processing" ...
Luffy: "Covers his red face with a hat" Nishishishi! Thank you!..
Kid: "Rises Luffy's chin with his hand to see his red face" No prob! That's what the Love Mail means, right?
Luffy: "Got shy" Ahh!.. Y-yeah!...
Robin and Sanji: Aaawww
Law: "Teleports to them with a box" Hey
Luffy: Traffy? Why are you here?
Law: Don't act like I can't see my partner whenever I want. About the Love Mail thing
Luffy: Oh? "Hides his eyes with a hat" You too???..
Kid: I was first! Did he get you too?
Law: I just want to talk about his... 'Disease'. Not compete for his attention with you, Eustass
Luffy: What do you wanna talk about?
Law: Your diagnosis. First time I thought I don't know anything about it, but know that you named a disease, I think that I know exactly what too prescribe you
Luffy: Wha?..
Law: "Gives him a box" It may ease the symptoms a little bit. But the kisses and hugs will do the trick as well
Luffy: "Opens it" What's inside? A medicine?
Law: The best that I have
Luffy sees the inside full of chocolate that he loves: Oh!?.. OOOOH?????
Kid: Don't tell me he won! What about my trinket to you? It can be used as a fidget toy, puzzle, even self defens-.. Agh... Forget it. You already ate the chocolate... I'm glad you happy, monkey
Luffy: It was SO delicious! It had my favorite flavor and all! Oh!.. Wait... Was I suppose... To eat all of it in one go.
Law: You can eat as much as you want. That's kind of the thing. You can't get overdose. Truly a beautiful medicine for a beautiful patient
Luffy: Eh... Stop... That's not...
Kid: It is! You're beautiful! The prettiest out of the world! And also you, hot doc
Law: Hot doc? Did you receive the news as well?
Kid: I've figured you'd be! And you too! So adorable when you shy "Smooches Luffy"
Luffy: ..aaw.. "Covers his whole face with hat"
Kid and Law got K.O-ed momentetaly: Oh-...
Kid and Law proceeds to hug and kiss completely shy Luffy: Love Mail - the best thing in the world!
Straw Hats: AWWWWWW
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
“Kissing” Luffy Under the Mistletoe (NSFW)
Merry Christmas! Sorry I didn’t post this sooner :/
This Fic also references this one on teaching him how to kiss
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Luffy being OOC and very direct, Kissing, Fluff, but turns to Smut, Basically PWP, Oral sex, Pussy Drunk Luffy. Implied Virgin Luffy
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You turn your attention to his curious voice looking away from the tangled lights you and your Captian was trynna fix in the middle of the Library floor , but stop in your tracks seeing the small green decoration held by his fingers.
“Whats this? Is it a plant? What’s the red things on it?”
“Oh!” You crawl over to him to reach out and take it from his hands, “It’s just a mistletoe. I need to hang that up somewhere.”
“What is that?”
“It’s just a little deco that you hang on like a door or something and when two people stand under it you have to kiss that person. It’s a funny little tradition.”
Luffy cocks his head to the side, kiss? Really?
“Like that thing we did a few weeks ago? In the aquarium?”
You momentarily flashback to that moment and feel your face get warm, you didn’t necessarily want him to bring that situation up again considering how far you both have gotten after “just kissing”.
“Y-yes Luffy that thing we did.”
“Oh!” He chuckles remembering how good it felt to suck lick and taste your lips, you were really a great kisser in Luffy’s mind. He felt kind of sheepish to not have another moment like that with you considering you both were just getting to the good part. Not another kiss or any other physical touch similar to it have been exchanged since, but now that he has been reminded. Why not push a little further and pick up where you both left off. “So as long as that mistletoe is between us we can kiss right?”
“Well…i mean yeah, but—hey!” Luffy being Luffy snatched it back and headed out the door with it waving off. Your face stiffened, wondering what dreadful idea your captain has up his sleeve, but you were too lazy to get up and chase him. Oh well.
He couldn’t be doing nothing too bad with the mistletoe.
“Y/N!” Your name rung throughout the Sunny about 10 minutes later by that name familiar voice,
Slightly mentally exhausted from putting up the Christmas lights, you sigh, get up, and smooth your dress down to follow the rasp voice down to his room.
You see Luffy from a distance still calling your name when you manage to pick up your pace to him so nobody else can turn the corner to wonder what the hell is going on, he smiles at you brightly seeing you approach,
You look up to see the mistletoe, poorly hanging on the door frame with some tape, it nearly falls on your face until Luffy speedily snatches it, “Lu—MMMPH!”
Being the straight forward man he was he wasted no more time repeating history to clash his lips with yours.
This time was different.
This kiss was different.
Your body in distinctively drew closer to his, your hands rested on the tough skin of his scar, thumbs caressing him, was it because of the cold draft from outside or because the way Luffy’s body always had the affect on your to get closer? Your nose inhaled his musky scent of the sea, his hands shy above your waist, slowly slithering to wrap around you 2 times, his head swished around, man he missed your lips. Soft soft, sweet like the cookies you both shared, the kiss must have gotten to him because his breathing have increased harsher through his nose hitting your warm cheek. This was much improvement from the first time, it was soft, slow, breath taking even. The kiss felt so long, you just barely able to pull away from his now gloss stained lips, he licked them, breaking the small spit line connecting you both-and smiled.
And that smile is exactly what got you here.
On your back, dress being hiked up from Luffy’s erratic rutting into your spread legs on his messy bed, his hair was so soft, and thick between your finger tips as your hips were so plushy between his hands, and his kisses . His kisses were passionate, more calculated, in contrast to his first time.
Luffy couldn’t get a grip, he can’t believe how much he missed your lush lips on his, it was a sense of comfort for him he didn’t think he needed, and you didn’t either.
It has been a while since you had sex so it didn’t take long into this lip sucking match with your captain until your body moved on its own and you pulled the top of your dress down forced Luffy’s hand on your breast.
That’s when he stopped.
Was all Luffy replied, hand still on the squishy flesh. You felt embarrassed. You should have been more in control of your urges, what if he just wanted a kiss?
“I’m—i’m so sorry—“ You struggle to fix back your dress, but Luffy’s eyes didn’t part from seeing your pretty perked nipples, he gave it a nice firm squeeze and then moved his other hand to do the same, rolling his thumb and index finger. “Lu—!”
No words could spill through his teeth, in an instant his eyes became dark. Luffy licked his dried lips nearly dipping to suck on one, but he paused, scanning the room with his eyes to quickly grab the fallen mistletoe and drop it on your left breast.
“What are y—“
“This means i can kiss your tits right?”
He has such a way with words.
Your can see his breathing building harsher pointing at your breast. You didn’t have much time to register his impatient question so he shrugged to plant a shy kiss on your nipple. The feel of warm lips pecking both breast back and fourth immediately went to your pussy, you felt yourself clench around nothing, toes curling in anticipation for him to make a more firm move on them. He must have read your mind because he stuck his tongue out and stretched it around your soft nipple to suck on making your back arch.
Luffy hummed before sitting up and cupped both breast and jiggled them for a moment.
“Your boobs are nice, Y/N. I see why Sanji looks at them alot.”
“…thank you, Luffy.”
“Has he ever touched ‘em like this?”He grinned thumbs now making circular movements on them.
“N-no!” You moved you back upwards a little, spreading your legs further for Luffy to follow suit, now feeling a very familiar bulge right on your clothed clit. “No he never…has.”
“Good because I can only do this now! Right?”
“Shhhh I wanna kiss your lips more. You’re a really good kisser.”
Hands still playing with your chest he kisses your parted lips and allows his tongue for entry inside, sucking your tongue in the process. His kisses have most definitely improved.
From all the kissing and rubbing against one another you sat you a little on your elbows still not parting from Luffy, The mistletoe that was once on your chest felldown between your legs,
And Luffy noticed.
“Oh look!” He looked down seeing it land perfect right on your crotch. “It’s on your pu—“
“LUFFY!” You cover his wet mouth, feeling his teeth graze your palm as he smiles, “It’s fine—“
“No! It’s not!” He moved off the bed to kneel, seeing the full access of your damp lacy panties and did a crooked smile at the not so innocent sight. “I have to kiss your down there too!”
You couldn’t argue with him since you were too busy moaning out his name instead. His eye lids lowered looking down at your wiggling clit under the mercy of the tip of his tongue. His timid tongue licks sent shivers down your spine, your hands were thrown on his scalp as his were busy parting your thighs.
“MUAH! MUAH! MUAH!” Luffy snickered giving your clit big open mouthed kisses making you giggle out at his childish antics at such a lewd moment. “Don’t laugh! I am giving you a kiss down here!”
“Sorry sorry..” You teased looking down at his tired gaze. His eyes weren’t as alerted anymore, they were relaxed as he didn’t peel from your soft eyes, tongue kissing your slit before your very eyes, your stomach knotted at the sensation of his inexperienced tongue, not having any sense of direction, but hitting every spot inside you possible. “Mmmmm! Luffy!”
Your hips grinded on your face as your massaged your breast, following the motion of his tongue inside the sensitive bundle of nerves, you threw your legs on his shoulders to push him further which Luffy willingly obligated holding the sides of your ass.
Your taste was so unique, nothing he ever experienced, your smell is so pungent and delicious in Luffy’s mind and he loved it.
The pace of both his uncoordinated tongue and your hip rocking was building a tension in your tummy you had to release, “Luffy!” You cried breast now bouncing up and down, your thighs twitching uncontrollably because Luffy’s tongue just couldn’t stop hitting the bottom of the hood of your clit.
Luffy felt the tightness of your thighs keeping him in. Not that he minded it, you felt so warm. He kept sucking and groaning inside you, his thumbs rubbing circles on your tense thighs until your back arched off the bed cuming right inside his mouth. You cried, body shaking at the intense orgasm that he was now letting your ride out slowly with his kitten licks.
“I like kissing you down there more.” Luffy licked his wet lips of your creamy cum, and sucking a few fingers making you blush, “You taste good all over!”
You just nodded covering half your face from post orgasm with your arm, but Luffy crawled towards you to move it and give you a soft pepper of kisses on your cheek and lips.
“We should kiss more, but without the mistletoe.”
“We should, Luffy. But…how did you know how to…ya know…kiss down there?”
Luffy nuzzled into your neck, bulge still poking you and sighed, you smelled yourself on his breath which immediately made you bite your lip as you held him.
“I told you, Y/N. I seen A LOT in Dressrosa!”
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aimbutmiss · 4 months
this literally made me tear up bc like yes!! Buggy def felt it, this distance, that was never intentional on Rogers part, or even like, true. But it certainly came across that way to buggy and like, every now and then I remember how buggy got his devil fruit abilities like, he was literally making plans to take off and go his own way. It’s heartbreaking but maybe he wanted so bad to prove himself, to make them see him in Roger’s image. As a successful pirate, on his OWN bc he didn’t believe the others thought he could get there.
like I see the occasional, Roger would be and Rayleigh is disgusted with buggy posts that are like “oh buggy is everything the Roger parents aren’t, he doesn’t value nakama he was gonna leave them” etc. when like. First of all. They’re pirates. Like yeah okay some of them do good but we don’t actually KNOW much of the Rogers pirates save that they are pirates and probably the best of their time. So idk where the disgust conversation comes in from. Second—they raised this kid. They KNEW he was greedy as hell. And they loved this greedy shit. I think that whole “I’m gonna leave” reads more of a hurting kid making a backup plan, or even just, wanting so bad to prove himself—only to find himself relying on them once more as he loses the ability to swim.
Yes to everything!! No one ever talks about how Buggy, aged roughly 12, was so prepared to just run away from the Oro Jackson and make it out there on his own. How sad is that? I wonder how inferior or unwanted he felt to decide on such thing. He was willing to leave behind people he loved because he didn't feel, or see that love back, even though those people would have killed for him.
Thank God I haven't run into some bullshit post saying Roger and Rayleigh would be disappointed. That's literally their baby... Seriously though, I feel like Buggy is one of the few characters that is exactly as he seems. What you see is what you get. He makes his priorities and wants very clear and he's not ashamed of being selfish. That man's not evil or a bad person, he clearly cares about his crew, and he's not hiding anything from anyone. He reminds me a lot of Luffy in that way actually, because as people grow into adulthood they tend to become more secretive. They'll hide their bad intentions, put on socially acceptable masks to be perceived as good no matter what they are actually like on the inside. But children, they haven't learned that yet. Because that's literally a learned social behaviour. Both Buggy and Luffy are like kids in this regard, what they think on the inside is clearly reflected in their actions. And what's purer than that?? Even if Buggy isn't necessarily a good person, he's nowhere near bad either. And as you said, Roger and Rayleigh already knew he was a greedy kid, and they still loved him. Because pirates are supposed to be greedy anyway!!! Everyone seeks something, it's only natural. For Buggy, it's treasure, like it is freedom for Luffy. There's no way Roger, Rayleigh, or even Shanks could ever be disappointed in Buggy because he hasn't done anything wrong. He is still the same old Buggy they knew, he hasn't changed one bit. And they love him for that.
Also reminder that every pirate out there has done some bad things, that's like their whole thing. Even Luffy does some of those things, like stealing, which is one of the things I love about One Piece but that's a whole other discussion. So, no, again, Buggy's not bad. He's just a greedy pirate. And I love him for that.
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moongothic · 6 months
Question, why do you dislike the haki detransition theory for Crocodile? I think it would be interesting to see how he worked around not using haki and what kind of techniques he cooked up that way. Or maybe he only has to avoid using a certain type of haki?
It's less about the theory itself and more the potential story scenarios the theory could lead to that I dislike
Because if it was revealed in the story that Crocodile could use Haki but has actively been choosing not to because it would detransition him, then it could very likely lead to a scenario where Crocodile is forced to use Haki for some reason or another, thus he'd end up detransitioned. And I personally don't want to see that. I don't want to see Crocodile detransitioned against his will, nor put into a situation where he has to sacrifice his own comfort for any reason.
Like I don't know how to really explain it... For me it'd just rub me the wrong way the same way when ablebodied people celebrate it when disabled people in wheelchairs force themselves up to walk (say, to walk down the aisle) as if putting themselves into excruciating pain for a moment to appear """normal""" was a good thing Like obviously these are not the same thing and not actually comparable, I just can't think of anything else to compare it to explain why I don't want to see Croc detransitioned.
'Cause I can imagine, if Crocodile was forced to use Haki to, say, protect Luffy or some shit, there would be so many cishets who would celebrate it and treat it like it was a good thing. There'd be so many people saying shit like "Crocomom reveals her true form to heroicly save Luffy" or some shit (just going 1000% on the misgendering), and people would treat that kind of scene "a beautiful moment" instead of something that would (/should) be painful, humiliating and deeply uncomfortable for Crocodile. And I would fucking hate that. I would hate all of that so much. Not to mention, a scene like that could easily end up becoming the most memorable Crocodile moment in the series, and I don't want the trans man to end up being remembered as a woman. Not to mention Crocodile would then be STUCK detransitioned. Like the only way to retransition would be if he got another HRT shot from Ivankov, and between Iva-chan being on the other side of the Red Line (aka not accessible as of now), and them having zero obligation to help Sir Mass Murdering War Criminal retransition. Yeah. I don't want to watch him get humiliated and mocked for being trans. And the likelyhood he could be is absolutely mortifying.
And I know. Yes, even if the theory was true, it doesn't mean Crocodile would have to end up detransitioned in the story, it could just be there to explain why he can't use Haki and be left at that. I will argue that if you were going to make a plot point out of it, then it would be pointless if there weren't concequences for it. Like, it should lead to something. That's Writing 101. And the only other option then would be Crocodile refusing to use Haki for something and dying. Or him allowing someone else to end up hurt and/or die because he wouldn't be willing to sacrifice his comfort for their sake. Needless to say, both moves would end up being demonized to hell and back. The former for "being stupid and weak", the latter for being "selfish and evil". There would be no winning here. So in other words; Crocodile staying transitioned would end up as a selfish/evil action that would be looked down upon, while if he stopped being trans, that would be seen as a good thing to be celebrated. Need I explain why this would be fucked up.
So again, it's less the theory itself. It's where the theory could lead to (the Turbo Transphobia) that I dislike.
And the best way to avoid those horrible scenarios would be if the theory that allows them wasn't actually canon. If Crocodile can't be detransitioned permanently (without Iva-chan), then there's nothing to worry about.
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nehswritesstuffs · 6 months
banish every gaslight; let clarity shine - Part 13
Holy wah I had so much trouble with this chapter! Many apologies, and hopefully this won't give me that much trouble in the future. Fingers crossed!
Part 1 [FFN/AO3] - Part 2 [FFN/AO3] - Part 3 [FFN/AO3] - Part 4 [FFN/AO3] - Part 5 [FFN/AO3] - Part 6 [FFN/AO3] - Part 7 [FFN/AO3] - Part 8 [FFN/AO3] - Part 9 [FFN/AO3] - Part 10 [FFN/AO3] - Part 11 [FFN/AO3] - Part 12 [FFN/AO3]
A chase commences and Luffy finds a bug. [2813 words; AU where there is a Third Corazón, whose existence makes Law’s life hell]
Antonia stumbled as she found herself transported to a rooftop in an instant, falling into what seemed like someone’s mattresses that had been airing out. She barely had the chance to get back to her feet before she heard a large explosion overhead and screams from below.
“Are you alright?!” Antonia felt a gentle pair of hands support her as she stood, skin cold against hers. She looked and saw it was Trafalgar; it wasn’t clear if he was about to break or if he thought she would instead.
“Listen, I—!” She tried to get half an apology out—something that would propose a temporary truce between them—and she was cut off by him pulling her close in a hug. There was something about it that felt… right… that felt like it was almost natural. She lifted her arms and cautiously hugged him back, action uneasy and limp.
“Ik leafd du, zus,” he murmured in her ear, voice threatening to crack. He then held her at arm’s length and held her face, concern furrowing his brow. “Zus? Begrypst je…?”
“She doesn’t speak it anymore!” Baby 5 groaned in exasperation as she landed on the roof. Her feet stopped being rockets and she touched down on the roof, running up to her siblings just long enough to grab Antonia and begin pulling her towards where a ladder was resting on the edge of the roof. “Come on! It looks like Trebol just made a wall of mucus to block my attack—we have to use the time we got!”
“What happened?” Antonia asked, everything else forgotten. “Why am I down here?!”
“My Devil Fruit allows me to manipulate everything within a given space—a Room,” Trafalgar said. He held open his hand and a blue sphere appeared around them. After snapping his fingers, Antonia found that they were now on the ground, having been moved almost instantaneous as before. “I ate the Op-Op Fruit—I’m a Modification Human—it’s the perfect ability for a doctor. A pirate’s uses all pale in comparison.”
“…but you are a pirate,” she noted.
“A doctor first, like our parents,” he claimed. “Then again, some of the things the Celestials hate the most are healing and those under them receiving care before them; I’m sure I’d turn pirate even if I wasn’t hunted for our heritage.”
“Yeah, about that…”
“We have to go!” Baby 5 ordered through grit teeth. She pulled on Trafalgar and Antonia’s wrists, urging them away from the palace. They turned the corner and came across some folks who were picking up things that had dropped from buildings and stands thanks to the force of the explosion, the lot brightening when they saw members of the Family.
“Princess Antonia! Lady Cinca! What was that?”
“Yes, is the palace alright?”
“Who is this young man?”
“More importantly: are both of you okay?”
“You have to get out of here!” Baby 5 insisted. One of the older citizens stared at Trafalgar, then at Antonia, and then at Baby 5.
“What is going on?” she wondered. “I did not know the King had a nephew…”
Antonia felt the warm sensation again, then the tug-tug-tug of going through Trafalgar’s Chambers ability. By the time she was reoriented to the world around her, Trafalgar and Baby 5 both were pulling her into an empty house, out of sight from everyone. Soldiers passed by the side of the building and the older two relaxed only when they could no longer hear the clanging of their armor.
“Either one of you want to tell me what’s going on?!” she snapped. Trafalgar and Baby 5 looked at one another and grimaced.
“I’ve been trying to tell you but you won’t listen,” he replied frankly.
“Yeah,” Baby 5 said with a heavy exhale, “he has. We have. I don’t even know all what he’s been telling you, but I can almost guarantee it’s true.”
“So… if what you’re saying is true, then I’m some person named Lami who isn’t even related to Uncle Doffy, let alone his niece?” Antonia scoffed. When Baby 5’s expression did not change, she frowned. “You never told me why…?”
“You wouldn’t’ve believed me for a moment, not to mention the fact it would put both of us in danger,” Baby 5 said. “I was trapped.”
“…and you, Mister Tall, Tan, and Tattoos—if you’re my brother, where the fuck have you been?”
“Working towards getting here, I can assure you,” Trafalgar replied. He wasn’t looking at either of the others, contemplating something as his eyes slipped out of focus. “Now we just have to figure out how to get your memory back… maybe with some stimulation using old items you don’t normally see… or possibly reverse whatever was done…”
“Devil Fruit,” Baby 5 chimed in. “I don’t know which one it was or what it did exactly, but Doflamingo had someone use their Devil Fruit powers on her.”
“Then maybe we can find whomever it was…?”
“Can’t—he made sure Lami-chan’s memories were gone, then blasted the lady’s brains all over the side of the infirmary and sold the resulting Devil Fruit.”
“How do you…?” Antonia stared at Baby 5 incredulously, causing the other woman to shrug.
“I should know; I scrubbed the wall.”
Antonia’s face crinkled in a mixture of disgust and horror. “Uncle Doffy wouldn’t…”
“Oh, yeah he did.” Baby 5 also tried to think, though it was more of a pout than anything. “I wish we were closer to the palace still—then we could get the photos I’ve saved.”
“You mean these…?” Antonia reached into her cloak pocket and pulled out the photos, handing them to Baby 5. “I knew you kept everything from before Dressrosa, so I went looking around in our old room. If there was anything, it would have been—hey, are you alright…?” She cut herself off as she noticed Trafalgar staring at one of the photographs, his eyes glassy with tears and his hand hiding his mouth.
“You kept these…?” he marveled, voice cracking.
“Well, yeah…” Baby 5 said. “Why wouldn’t I?”
Instead of answering, Trafalgar bit his lower lip and turned around, leaning on the wall for support as he tried to not cry between his deep, measured breaths. Baby 5 and Antonia looked at one another before the former went over to him and rubbed his back in an effort to calm him.
“Hey, Law-nii, come on, don’t shut down on us now,” Baby 5 said in the gentlest tone she could manage. “I know today’s been a lot, but there will be time for this when Doflamingo’s dead.”
“Bee… I…”
“Hey, don’t cry; you needed me, and now I’m here. Simple as that.”
Antonia watched awkwardly as Trafalgar folded himself into a hunch so that he could sob shakily into Baby 5’s shoulder. She watched them hug—her best friend and this familiar stranger—and still felt like there was a missing piece to the puzzle. Something about it was wrong and she wasn’t sure as to what.
“If…” she started hesitantly, “…if I am Lami like you say I am… if these photos are proof I’m missing something… and they’re not doing anything to fix it…” Realization spread across her face. “I need to unlock my heart.”
“…you what…? Baby 5 asked, crinkling her nose.
“Before I went back to the palace and found these,” Antonia said, taking the photos back, “I ran to Flower Hill to think alone. Except I wasn’t alone. Thunder Soldier found me.”
“…and you didn’t try to kill him…?”
“Thunder Soldier…?” Trafalgar pretended he was not wiping tears away with his sleeves. “Who is that?”
“This toy that we’ve been trying to catch for ten years,” Antonia explained. “There was something… weird about the conversation, like I was talking to someone’s patient dad and not a wanted criminal. He told me to unlock my heart—to look inside it with Haki—but I don’t know of a technique like that.”
“The correct amount of Armament Haki can allow someone to touch a Logia,” Trafalgar noted. “It’s probably related to that. Did Soldier-ya give you any other clues?”
“No, but he knew about you, so I don’t know what all was really happening.” She licked her lips idly as she thought. “I can use Armament Haki, but I’m not trying to punch an entirely different Warlord’s face in… this isn’t something we need to be tangible…”
“Maybe it is…?” Baby 5 suggested. Trafalgar waved it off.
“She’s talking about the emotional heart, not the physical; it’s not a thing we can give weight and mass in order to manipulate like sand.”
“We don’t know that!”
“Bee, if we get out of this alive, I have a whole ship full of single men I need to introduce you to.”
“Why are you still such a sarcastic asshole after all this time?!”
“Behehehehe… maybe if he learned some manners…”
The trio looked towards the door and saw Trebol standing there, Sugar peeking out from behind his coat. All five were at a stand-still, knowing that if one made a move then the other four would act, and that none of it would be pretty.
“It’s bad enough we’ve got your lousy allies after us,” Sugar frowned. She held up something and scowled. “Look familiar?”
“It’s… a grape…?” Antonia said, squinting at the object. “You’re always eating grapes…”
“Maybe they don’t know,” Trebol mused.
“I guess it won’t matter soon,” Sugar replied. She put the object in her dress pocket and steadied herself. “Contract.”
A flash of blue light and Trafalgar, Baby 5, and Antonia were outside, replaced by pebbles from the pavement. In the distance, a child screeched angrily and older two siblings pulled the latter along.
They needed to get out of there. Immediately.
Meanwhile, in another part of Dressrosa, Viola was very much running on her last nerves when it came to the young man she was trying to guide through the city. He was a good kid, and a strong fighter, so it was not like she was regretting her choice, but at the same time…
“Where’s this Mingo guy?” Luffy wondered as he looked around. Viola took a deep breath and repressed the urge to scream.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out,” she reminded him. “Last reports have him in the palace.”
“…and where’s that…?”
“The complete opposite direction from where we’re going.”
“Well that’s silly. Why aren’t we doing that?”
“You saw a beetle.”
“Oh yeah! That’s right! I wonder where it went…?”
“I thought you wanted to help take down Doflamingo.” Viola frowned as she watched Luffy approach a bug, the lad poking at it while grinning madly.
“Well, yeah, I wanna punch him real bad, but I was thinking and something’s telling me that I can’t do that quite yet.” Luffy picked up the beetle and watched as its legs struggled in the air. “Torao and Gun Lady and her sister need to do something first. Then I can kick Mingo’s ass.”
“…and what,” Viola grit through her teeth, “might that be?”
“Shishishishi… I dunno! They’re the ones that gotta figure that out!”
Forget screaming; Viola was ready to murder something.
Law kept his Room open as the trio ran through the streets, hoping to keep as much distance between his sisters and Trebol and Sugar as possible. He felt sick to his stomach as they ran; having cried more within the past six hours than he had the past six months (at least!) probably had something to do with it. Every so often he replaced them with others from further away, catapulting them farther and farther from danger.
“Hold on, I think I’m gonna be sick,” Antonia said after the ninth time they had been shambled through the city. She stumbled towards a potted hedge and vomited into it, feeling about as green as the leaves lining the small, empty park.
“It’s not that bad,” Baby 5 groaned. “We need to get moving!”
“…and where are we even going?!” Antonia sniped, still bracing herself on the edge of the planter.
“We’re going somewhere safe where we can experiment with this mental block of yours for more than five minutes without threat,” Law explained. “If we get to the harbor we can take a ship out a ways and…”
“…and leave your allies?” Baby 5 asked.
“They’re allies, not friends; they’re only useful until they’re not.”
“I get the feeling that’s not up to you,” Baby 5 warned. Law rolled his eyes and touched Antonia’s shoulder.
“We have to get going—we might be able to take Trebol and Sugar physically, but they’re too big of wild cards to just mess with. We have to keep moving.”
“Easy for you to say—you’re actually used to this.”
“That doesn’t matter; if we don’t keep moving, we won’t survive.”
“Then let me offer some assistance.” The siblings looked and saw Thunder Soldier standing there along with… wait… were those fairies…? “It will be tricky, but the Tontattas and I have a base nearby. You can recover there.”
“That at least sounds like a plan that’s easier on my guts,” Antonia grunted.
“Then come on; let’s go,” Baby 5 decided. Law scoffed in disapproval, causing her to glare at him. “What, you have a better idea? We’ll be dragging her along at this rate!”
“Who even is this?!”
“I am Thunder Solider,” the Toy replied. “There is more to me than you realize.”
“You’re the one that they’ve been trying to catch for ten years? Why should we trust you?”
“That’s not the biggest risk you’ve taken today.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Is this really the time to be asking shit like that, Law-nii?!” Baby 5 scolded.
“I thought we didn’t have time to dawdle,” Antonia reminded them.
“We don’t, but that—!” Baby 5 was cut off by a glob of… something knocking her over and gluing her to the ground. Law was barely able to turn and he was attacked as well, his Room dropping as he was unable to utilize his hands. Antonia touched the globs and shivered—mucus.
“Behehehehe… can’t have too many interlopers, can we?”
Antonia hissed as she spun around and unsheathed her knife—there was Trebol in all his drippiness, grinning as his fellow Elite Officer squared up against him.
“What’s the matter, Corazón? Why that look?”
“I’m not in the mood for pleasantries, Trebol,” she spat. “Don’t think I haven’t caught on to the fact you’d rather have me out of the way.”
“True, but if it were up to me, I would have never let that Tontatta cure you.” He sucked up some snot through his nose. “Too much a liability… just like they are.”
“Fuck you,” she fired back. “I’m not letting you get to them.”
“I don’t think you have a choice in the matter,” he warned her. She narrowed her eyes in a glare, only for them to widen again in a gasp.
Where was Sugar?!
Just then, movement caught Antonia out of the corner of her eye—there was Sugar, coming after her with her hood down and hands outstretched. Where had she been hiding?! One passing brush of her skin would mean that it was finished completely. No matter what.
“I shall not allow it,” Thunder Solider said defiantly. He moved to between Antonia and Sugar, the latter pushing him out of the way.
“We’ll deal with you later,” she said, the words sending a chill down the siblings’ spines.
She wasn’t even concerned with Thunder Soldier—the Family’s biggest threat to existence.
This was not good.
Sugar’s hand was nearly touching her and Antonia felt the overwhelming sense of dread close tight around her chest. She did not want to be a Toy, to have everyone forget her… she knew that was what happened to Sugar’s victims. Uncle Doffy had once told her they were only convicted criminals… though with the way she was currently being targeted, it felt as though that was far from the case…
Just then, amongst the cries of Nia, Lami, and Princeseta, Antonia remembered what Thunder Soldier had told her what felt now like ages ago, what she had talked to Baby 5 and Law about. She needed to use Haki to unlock her heart and, maybe, she could use it to prevent herself from being locked inside a Toy’s body. Concentrating everything she could, she surrounded her body with Haki, it crackling in the air as it did when she tried using it to escape the palace balcony. This time, however, she put in more than that effort—everything she possibly could as she reached deep, deep down—feeling her Haki brush against Sugar’s ability, the two forces meeting before their bodies even touched.
Something exploded and Antonia’s vision went white.
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hauntingblue · 2 months
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making a collection
making another collection with a threatening aura
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#davy back fightbpart 3 letsgo#HOW do the three big guns get wasted on the eating contest... horrible plan.... luffy is fine bc well... but not sanji and zoro like damn.#luffy DOESNT WANNA EAT??? CALL THE NAVY!!!!#what was i saying.... bad idea putting the three beasts there#FRANKY FRANKY FRANKY!!!! they captured the two princesses :(#one sided beef squashed between luffy and foxy. friendship ended with random ex marine guy. now luffy is my best friend#usopp and franky bonding time hell yeah. throw usopp by the head once more pelase#nami with zoros swords just like holding them looks so cool like she should get a few swords too... nami three sword style oda drawing pls#i think this man underestimates nami and luffys power together he doesnt know about shiki#luffy saying he knows its a trap and sorry for being late.... lets go on an adventure all nine of us.... usopp yes anding his lie..... omg#cant believe nami isnt there yet. she could take this guy. oh there she is!!!!! she does look cool with the swords and jumping to get luffy#zoro screaming in agony from luffy getting shot omg THIS FUCKING GUY OF COURSE!!! this looks like its so over#zoro and sanji must feel so useless rn. they didnt even get the chance to fight like damn#komei-kakka??? more like come caca. boom#luffy face down dead on the floor akdjkaa chopper have you tried looking at the wound to see if it harmed him idk#it hit the face akdjskn usopp that was coom also#was robin flirting with the other guy and zoro caught her and she told hum to shut up???#'your friends got the best of me but you are still in my arms an-' 'HEAT EGG!! ALSO YOU'RE ON FIRE!'#flare maneauver that was so slay also luffy and nami in the same frame so twins of them. my children. birthed them one right after the othe#zoro and sanji fighting back to back. back to back to back to you i dont wanna fall right back to us maybe you should run right back to her#that is such a bop song. also post wano zosan. and post wci. see the recurrent theme#fighting in water.... being on top of the sword that was a slay... red hawk ace i will never forget you it seems#foxy liking his jolly roger omg nami fooled him ahdhsjs i think they should have pirate game event every year they yearn for contests#now since this experience foxy should make monthly multitudinary pirate games olympics hoping the strawhats join them a la gatsby#the faces at the mushroom akdhaksjs#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies#kinda loved how robin betted on franky against usopp.... i will take the crumbs
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stretchyyonko · 7 months
I just started one piece last month and I'm currently STILL ON ENNIES LOBBY...since I'm busy on school works and etc.
And here I am reacting to one piece Men I have been spoiled nor encountered in spoilers and mostly Tiktok and twitter. ( Part 01 )
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- THIS BISH RIGHT HERE REALLY MADE ME WATCH ONE PIECE AND SIMP FOR HIM LIKE HOW BOA AND BARTOLOMEO DO IT😭 like bro how can you not...(except the pre-timeskip 'cause I don't the FBI banging up at my door)
- Plus the way he never kills his enemies and him being dense asf funny to me, not to mention him having ADHD IS WAY TO FUCKING ACCURATE...
- AND HE'S TOO FUCKING INNOCENT ASF SKRKGKSNSNAAAAAAAA I just wanna keep him in my pocket and watch him smile at me like how he do 24/7
- Would 100% marry him (don't worry I'll fix him to go bath everyday even if I got to fight him using gear 5 nor fighting his simps and ships)
- I also love how he don't kill his enemies and just downgrade them like how what he did to bellamy.
2nd the cook and the swordsman
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- Man...this two..well...I would not wamt to meddle into their banters like an old married couple...
- To be honest I kinda like the pre time skip sanji but he grew up more fine after 2 years, plus I understand why he got unbearable during fishman island arc since he got isolate to an island full of homosexual people and even got into one LMAO but he slayed those heels and dress tho...
- As same as his captain THIS FUCKING SWORDSMAN ONLY BATHES ONCE A WEEK...SKRKGODJAJRJFJ I CAN'T WITH THE TWO OF THEM 😭. Also don't get me wrong..but I kinda find zoro more cool than simp cause I don't know what's wrong to my brain that I can't find him attractive...yet the way he handles women as equal to him is good to me...I find him funny and cool asf yet I find his captain attractive asf HOW 😭?!
- And the fact that I knew then as a ship first and their fanarts are just insanely good too 😭.
3rd Ace and Sabo
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- To be honest the ever 1st one piece episode I had watch on TV when I was on 5th grade was the Amazon Lily episode where Boa simped for luffy and I got intrigued watching it because I kinda thought luffy would accept boa's confession LMAO, and by 6th grade I again catched a glimpse of Ace's death on marineford arc and I was confused at first why he got killed not until today wjen I saw some spoilers (By the way Those episode that I watch is a tagalog dub from a TV Channel in our country) So that's why back in the years that I still haven't watch one piece all I knew was Ace's Death and Boa having a crush on luffy.
- It's funny I learnt sabo from my friend who reads One piece manga where she was ranting to me about sabo and there I got curious and ask her what happened, and there she explained to me that Luffy has another brother which I got surprised cause all I know back then was Ace and there she was crying how handsome sabo was and was also crying because of luffy meeting sabo again. Back then I always thought that these three is brothers by blood and not by alcohol 😭.
- To be honest Ace's visuals back then was hella majestic but funny at the same time but after the re-animation he got babygirly-fied LIKE BRO HIS ANIMATION ON THAT SCENE IN WANO HIS TIDDIES GOT BIG ASF HELL IT BIGGER THAN MINE.
- Sabo on the other hand well I saw him in the movie Film Gold and Stampede First and also I took a little research about The Revolutionary army BUT WHAT CAUGHT MY EYE WAS KOALA...SHE'S SO CUTE AND GORG MAN...HELL I WOULD FIGH–ehem anyways back to sabo, yeah he's intelligence and strength got me shook cause how can he divide those fingers like that sjrkgks I wanna learn their karate too 😭.
4th Law and Kid
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- Well knowing the social media the wano episodes are all over my tiktok fyo page and these two caught my eye since they are always beside luffy in wano.
- Except for Law I knew him on that edit of kamiya hiroshi's voice characters and yes I quickly went to the comment section to know his name.
- I got exposed to knowing him when my friend who stopped watching one piece told me that he often got shipped with luffy and boi after I typed the "LawLu DJ" there I got bombarded with some of their popular comic strips and fanarts that is sometimes questionable and sometimes sweet and fluffy and sweet and some others are traumatizing LMAO SPECIALLY THAT ONE WHERE HE USED HIS DEVIL FRUIT TO CUT HIM AND F HIM 😭. Plus the fact he kinda resemble my boyfriend that's why I found his visual quite appealing...EVEN THE HUMOR AND BRAIN IS ACCURATE LIKE ITS SCARY ASF 😭.
- To kid I kinda find him resemble to bakugo LMAO I DON'T EVEN WATCH MHA YET yet I find him cute and quite funny too.
- Not to mention the manga chapter 1063 and 1079 💀 got me thinking dark humor about then LMAO HELP.
End of Part 1 💗
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
One More Time - Vinsmoke Sanji
Pairing - Sanji x f!reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 952
Notes - sanji is my favorite <3 please enjoy :)
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“You know what? I'll take all of your meat.” A tall blonde man stood at the counter, cigarette smoke puffing around him. “All of it?!” The store owner had shock written all over his face. “Why would you need all of it?! There’s no way I'm gonna-” “Let’s just say I have a very hungry kid back at home who loves the stuff. Will this be enough?” The man slid over gold and the owner’s eyes went wide. “Y-Yes! Of course! I-I'm sorry if I treated you poorly earlier sir! Would you be interested in a subscription service for our meats?” The man chuckled, smoke bouncing around him. “Nah. I don't live in town and I don't think I'll be back.” “Who are you?” The store owner tilted his head as the blonde man took the meat, turning around to reveal his face to the girl who had been secretly watching him the entire time. “You can call me Sanji. I'm the best cook in the world.” “Y-You’re not a pirate, are you?” Sanji turned his head back towards the cook, his cigarette hanging out of his mouth while he chuckled. “Have a nice day, sir.”
As Sanji walked out of the shop, she put down her newspaper and followed shortly after as the store owner was screaming about how there were pirates in town. This man could lead her to the infamous straw hat Luffy. She needed that bounty. And from what it seemed, the blondie also had a bounty on his head, so this was perfect for her.
“Can I ask why you’re following me?” She froze as Sanji turned around. There was no way he could see her as she was behind a tree, but how the hell did he find out someone was following him? “I can hear crunching leaves behind me, dumbass! Come out already!” He had to be bluffing. She didn't think she was making a single sound. He had to just be paranoid.
As her heart was pounding, she felt the tree she was hiding behind vibrate and suddenly fall over. She was now face to face with Sanji, who had his leg up from kicking the tree, preparing to kick again. But when he saw her, he immediately dropped his legs, his eyes getting soft. “Are you lost, ma’am?~” She tilted her head at the immediate change in his tone and whole self. “Wh-What?” She looked behind her, confused, and turned back, seeing him drop the meat just to grab her hands. “Can I ask for your name, beautiful?” “Wh-What’s going on?” “Were you following me for a reason? Maybe you’re my soulmate!” He gasped and grabbed his heart, swooning at the mention of it.
“This girl isn't your soulmate, dummy!” A girl with bright red hair walked up to Sanji and hit him on the back of his head, making his attention direct to the meat on the ground. “Sorry about him.” “Th-That’s okay.” What was with this pirate crew? “So, just a quick question for you?” The girl’s voice got deep as she looked into her eyes with pure rage. “Why were you following Sanji?” She could feel herself sweating as the redhead looked deep into her soul. She must’ve been eavesdropping since Sanji noticed her. “I wasn't following him. I didn't mean to make it seem that way. I was just heading back to my boat.” “Nami-swaaaaan~~~~!!!! Are you coming, my love?” Nami looked at her with pure hatred. “Yeah, Sanji! I'm coming.” Nami kept her eyes on her for a second as she ran back to the boat with Sanji then turned her attention to Sanji, who was calling her all sorts of sweet names.
It was now or never. If she didn't hitch a ride on that boat, she wouldn't see Luffy and his crew again. She needed that bounty and it would eat her alive if she just let them go because some love sick weirdo spotted her. Plus, she didn't care if Nami spotted her, it wasn't like- “So you were following me?” She froze dead in her spot as Sanji was standing in front of her, only feet away from the boat, his hands on his hips. Her face went red and Sanji’s lovesick demeanor disappeared. “N-No, it's not what you think, I-” “You don't have to lie your way out of this, you know?” He leaned down to her level, their faces only inches apart. He smelled like expensive cologne and cigarettes. Somehow she found it… comforting. She could almost get lost in that smell. “So, what do you want? Money? Our bounties, I'm guessing?” She swallowed hard. There was no way she was going to get out of this one… unless…
“Uh… I just saw you walking and I thought you were cute.” She twiddled her thumbs and avoided eye contact. Sanji immediately changed personality, blushing, his nose bleeding a bit. “You… did?” She nodded and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. “Don't tell your captain.” She winked and pressed her lips to his, immediately sinking in. If she wasn't on a mission right now, she would’ve stayed forever. His soft lips combined with his delicate touch as he slid his hands to her waist made her nearly fall in love. The way he scooted his hair out of his face just to kiss her had her blushing.
Suddenly, and just like that, she disappeared. She didn't want to stop, but she had a mission. So she sat. In the back of that boat. Trying not to think about him. And he sat. Thinking about that kiss. His first real kiss. He would do anything just to experience it one. more. time.
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kitty-of-mischief · 2 years
House of the Rising Sun
(Ask and ye shall receive. Sorry in advance for teasing the romance XD Chapter 3 will have it I promise.) 
@vulgar-display-of-escapism here it is 😁
Chapter 2
Kat's interview went smoothly and with the help of having to stay a couple weeks at the clubhouse while waiting for a place, the girls were moved into two little houses next door to each other that were just right for the time being. Gabrielle easily found a job at the hospital in administration while Kat was enjoying her start at the bakery. When the girls were not working, they were under the watchful eyes of the SamCro family. Once the girls were settled, as promised with an extra incentive of good nature, each of the girls were allowed to pick a car from Darby's lot. Kat went with a hunter green Dodge Journey while Gabrielle went with a black Honda CRV, both fully decked out and towed from the car lot by the Sons. The girls protested this as they were riding back in the trucks for the want of driving their cars.
"Sweet jesus, you're so awful. Mature and yet so not at the same time." She giggled as he kept his hand on her side and she leaned her head over on his shoulder while they drove. 
"If he fucks us with these cars, his balls are gonna be on a first class trip through the mail system to his kids." Kat said colorfully as she sat in the middle by Chibs as he drove.
"Luffie, it's fer yer own protection. I'd hate fer that purdy lil everything to be hurtin' cuz of something not done by ol' Chibs." He smirked while resting his free arm around her waist and making her squirm and audibly emit graphic sounds of happiness as he ghosts his fingers on her right side. He captured her heart without effort but he still knew every way to make the butterflies run wild in her stomach.
"Honestly darlin, ye make me feel young at heart. I thought ye was eyeing on Opie and didnae think I had a shot in Hell." Chibs admitted. 
"You got this little lass wrapped around yer wee pinky and then some, Chibby." She grinned as he squeezed her to him. 
"Mmm ah love it when ye start that accent, sounds so sexy and natural when ye do it." He beamed proudly.
"Oh I know you boys are doing what's best. Just dreading the long night shift tonight at the hospital." She drags her hands down her face in annoyance
  "I know you wanted to drive your car sweetheart." Dan looked apologetic as Gabrielle pouted in the seat beside him in the second truck. "We gotta make sure this isn't an inside thing trying to hurt you girls." 
"Aww that's right I forgot you were working tonight. We get to spend a little time together before your shift yeah?" Dan looked at her for a second before slowly turning a corner behind Chibs as they got to the garage.
"Of course we will. Why what's up?" She looked up at him curiously. 
"We're going on a charter run over in San Juan. Be gone a couple days again." He sighed, holding his arm around her as he pulls up beside Chibs in the parking lot to drop the car and truck off. 
"Well that kind of works out sweetie. I'll be pulling overnight shifts all weekend until I'm off on Sunday and Monday." Gabrielle slipped out of the cab as he opened the door for them to get out. 
"Perfect actually. We'll be back Sunday morning." He keeps his arm around her as Chibs and Kat approach them. "What time are we leaving tonight?" 
"Righ' at seven, boyo. Got a bit o'er three hours to spend with yer lass." Chibs smiles, pulling out his wallet and hands over a few bills, "Dinner's on me tonite." 
"Lookit, he's such a sook." Kat grins while hugging on Chibs' waist with both arms around him. 
"Chibs really? Aww man thanks. C'mon Gabrielle!" He grinned as he pulled Gabrielle with him towards his bike. 
"You should reward him for being so generous to us, sis!" Gabrielle wiggled her fingers as her and Dan climbed onto his black and chrome Harley, speeding off out of the parking lot. 
"Ye heard the lass, reward yer ole man." He grinned his cheeky grin with his dimples pronounced knowing full and well what it did to her. 
"Well then let's head to my house and I will. Don't forget to tell them to have our vehicles ready before tomorrow." She moves around in front of him and lets her hands grab his firm backside. 
"Aye, love." He returns the favor to hers before pulling her with him over to the garage before they head out.
"Should we have told him our plan to order in or nah?" Dan said as he pulled Gabrielle closer to him as they were in their skivvies under the sheets. 
"Nah, we'll go out to make sure he knows it was very very appreciated." She giggles while laying her chest against him and kissing him softly before snuggling under his chin. "Unfortunate that we have to part again for a couple of days." 
"It should be alright sweetheart. Just a quick run and we'll be back before ya know we're gone." He ghosts his fingers over her arm and shoulder absent-mindedly as they just lay for a bit longer before the cursed alarm goes off that it's an hour before Gabrielle's shift.
"Oh I'm not worried just gonna miss  you as always." She sighs while sitting up and pulling his shirt on as she walks into the bathroom for a quick clean up and change. 
"You know I'll be thinking of only you the whole time I'm gone." He pushes himself up and goes about getting dressed as well. 
"I know, Daniel. You better be good while you're gone." She grinned as she flung something at him from the bathroom. 
"Agh." He laughed before his cell started vibrating and blasting in his pocket, he picked it up, "Hey, I'm fixing to be- His words stopped when Jax interrupted him on the other line.
"There's been a little change of plans. Can you get up here quick?" Jax said on the phone to him. 
"Yep, just gotta throw on my socks and shoes! Go get her warmed up for us." Dan smiled at her reply as he headed out the door, still confused by Jax’s statement.
"Yeah, I'll just be dropping Gabrielle at the hospital for her shift."
"Alright, see you soon." Jax hung up before Dan could even begin to question his tone. "You ready love?"  
The group was gathering outside of the garage as they had just finished giving the girls’ vehicles a once over.
"I think it's smarter this way if they have someone watching them while we're gone." Clay sighed as they were standing between their vehicles. "Good that they were not messed up but still, I don't trust Darby even if he didn't know." 
"I'm glad that our vehicles are good to go before y'all have to leave." Kat sighs while laying her head still on Chibs' stomach while they stand in a circle talking around the vehicles. 
"Lass, ye weren't frowning fer the last two hours, chin up. Ye know I'm comin' back ta ye." He rests his arms around her, rolling his eyes with a smile as the others chuckled at her attitude.
"Ah but ye forget. I'm a spoiled little brat because of the last two hours too." She turns her head up to face him with a shit-eating grin. 
"Well I mean if ya have to sit this one out Chibs to put your old lady in line..." Clay raises his hands with a mess of a grin. "You'll get your cut when we get back." 
"I dannae. Ah like the idea of a lady waiting on me fer a change." He grins down at her as he caresses her cheek. 
"Hmph." She huffs while burying her face in his kutte as Dan was just pulling in at the clubhouse. Dan slowly rolled to a stop, parking the bike and dismounting after he shut it off. 
"Hey kiddo, ye get to stay back this time to keep yer eye on the girls if ye wannae." Chibs said as he pulled Kat with him and over to his bike. 
"Seriously?" He said, smiling really wide, "I mean. Yeah I can do that, look after the girls. I know that would make Gabrielle's morning when she gets off work." 
"Aw lookit." Chibs chuckles at his excitement. "Now ah'm gonna miss my lass even more." 
"Yep. You're staying too, Chibs. Tig, gather the others and get them ready to ride. You two, keep the girls safe because we know they're coming back around." Clay patted the two members on the back before he, Jax, Opie, Tig and a few others lingering went to their cycles to get ready for the ride.
"Lass, yer gonna be bad for bizzo." Chibs smiles, thankful he got ordered to stay with her as she squeezes him excitedly in a hug. "C'mere give yer old man some love." He peppers kisses on her cheeks and lips for a moment. 
"See? The pout gets anything done if I want it. C'mon." She pulls him over towards his cycle, "I gotta get up early for work." No protests from Chibs as she allowed him to lead but he caught a glimpse of a couple of odd fellows walking near the gates. All dressed in black and taking glances over at them and he couldn't shake the feeling something was off about them. 
Gabrielle yawned as she was heading out the door of being off at 7 AM for another shift done. With a groan, she half expected Kat to be late for her morning break of usually picking her up when Dan was gone but when she turned to see Dan standing there in a rolled up sleeved white shirt, black denim and a bouquet of flowers next to his truck. She couldn't hide the squeal she had and surge of energy as she ran over and jumped in his arms with him catching her and holding her tightly to him. 
"I thought you were going on a run!?" She leaned up, excitement strewn all over her face in surprise. 
"Surprise babygirl, I'm here to pick you up and- 
As they were talking two loud explosions rang out which startled them to turn and look in the direction of the sound. Black smoke started to billow up into the sky and without hesitation, they climbed into his truck and immediately headed off for it. When they found out where it was, Gabrielle screamed as she saw her house and her sister's house up in flames. Dan held her as she buried her face into his chest as he stopped a ways from it.
"Oh shit." Dan mumbled as he rolled his window down as Chibs was rolling up on his motorcycle with Kat behind him.
"Mibby it wa' a gud thin we stayed kiddo." Chibs said as Kat was sobbing on his shoulder while they sat there and stared at the scene while sirens started to blare to signal that the cops, firetrucks and ambulances were hot on the scene. "Call Jax, I'm calling Clay." Chibs and Dan both flipped their phones out dialing frantically. Gabrielle got out the truck on the opposite side and Kat climbed off the back of the bike and both girls embraced in front of the truck and Kat turned her head towards the blaze, unsure of what they were about to face.
Dan stood near the scene of first responders with his arms around Gabrielle, trying to comfort her in any way he could for the moment. 
Kat was leaned against the police car as she watched the smoldering remains of her house billowing smoke out under the water of the firehoses. A spark of venom flowed in her veins as she watched her memories going up in the smoke and Deputy Hale came over to talk to her but she ignored every word he said. She simply glanced at him and moved away from the car to walk down the road away from it all. Even Chibs couldn't make this hurt go away right at the moment and her feet carried her a few blocks away from the scene.
"We're gonna do everything we can to find out who did this." Gabrielle had her face leaned against Dan while Deputy Hale spoke to her. "I don't like to get you boys involved in things like this....but we might need to." 
"Whatever you need, we'll do." Clay said as him and the rest of his crew walked up to the scene. "Get her back to the clubhouse, Dan. Where's Kat?" They all looked around, finally realizing she was not near them at all.
"Ah shite." Chibs scrunched his face up at the deputy, "She wa' talkin' ta Hale. Whir's Kat?"
"She took off walking down Cherrybrook Lane, I don't know where she went after that. She didn't talk or say anything that would help the case." He crossed his arms in slight annoyance. 
"Fer fecks sake, ye let ma' old lady dander off?" Chibs started to go at him but Opie and Jax walked up at the opportune moment to get a hold of him. "Yer lucky. Tha' badge saved yer life today, eejit." 
"Come on, let's go find her Chibs." Jax patted his back while glaring at Hale. "We always got to to keep their messes cleaned up." The three of them went to their bikes and took off down separate roads to try to locate Kat. 
When the boys met up on their cycles at the park, they saw her sitting on a swing with her back to them, very lightly moving in the swing. She stared at the ground, a mixture of anger and pain on her face with tears streaming down. Though she was aware of the engine noise, she wasn't aware they had stopped at the park. Exchanging glances, Chibs nodded to the two and they backed out and drove away while he shut his bike off and parked it, digging out a smoke from his pack and lighting it up before walking over to the swings. 
"Hey, beautiful." His soft but rugged tone brought her back to reality as she glanced up from the ground, smiling to see him but carrying so much pain in her eyes. "Gonnae no dae that again, love." 
"Chibs." She mumbled mixed with a whimper as he knelt down in front of her and she whispered in fear of someone hearing, "What is so bad about me and my sister that people are trying to kill us?" 
"Not a damn thing. Ah'm thinkin' someone hurtin' ye to get to me lass." The pain reflects in his eyes and she reaches out to embrace him, clinging onto him. "Ah'm sorry." 
"It's not your fault. Whoever is trying to hurt you already hurt me worse." She leans back to look at him, "I'm with you, Filip." She rolled his name off her tongue and made him smile. 
"Tha gràdh cho mòr agam ort." He spoke to her which made her eyes widen in surprise. "Wut?" 
"Speak like that more often please even if I don’t understand." She met his face with a soft kiss, "And thank you for coming to find me." 
"Well Jackie boy and Ope were with me but I sent them on to the clubhouse. Ye ready to go sugartits?" She squealed at the nickname and squirmed around in his arms as he held her while walking towards the bike. "Wha? They're sweet n juice, luffie." 
"As much as I would love to you to defile me in luxurious debaucheries right now to make my pain go away, we gotta go back to the clubhouse don't we?" She sees his eyes widen at her words. 
"Keep talkin' that way darlin, I migh' defile you at the clubhouse." He pulls her to him and lays a sweet, gentle kiss on her lips which stirs up those wild butterflies in her stomach. Letting him pull her along, they head back to his bike and drove off for the clubhouse.
Gabrielle sighed as she clung onto Dan while they road back to the clubhouse, her head laying on his back and for a moment, her fears and worries were disappearing in the wind. 'Who wants us dead and why?' She thought as she pondered anyone and everyone she had come into contact with before Charming. When they rolled up into the parking lot, he occupied his usual spot and they both walked in to join the rest of Samcro. Gabrielle rushed over when she saw Opie and Jax had already made it back. 
"Did you guys find my sister?" She asked them. 
"Chibs brought her back, they're in the other room with Clay right now. Something going on bigger than we thought." Jax informed them, "You two might want to go join them." 
Cautiously, Dan pulled Gabrielle towards the meeting room where Clay and Chibs were talking and Kat was sitting at the back of the room but listening to every word. Gabrielle kissed Dan's cheek before going over and sitting with her sister while he joined them at the table. 
"Dan, you and Juice are good with that computer shit right?" He nodded to Clay, "You and him start running surveillance on the girls wherever they go. Someone has to be following them to know who they're with and where they are. If able to, get access to any of the cameras in town and where they've been." 
"It's gonna take a little bit but I'm sure we can get it done. Why would someone be trying to hurt the girls?" 
"Dannae yet. We goan check a couple hunches but nothin' solid yet." Chibs looked at Clay like he was unsure to say the hunches to him just yet. 
"So, ladies. Come here please." Clay beckoned for them and they got up, going to their respective men's sides to occupy the seat. "Talk. What, where and when the last three days?" 
"Work, the clubhouse and home with Chibs. There was a guy who was unfamiliar at work and he had an Irish accent but I didn't think anything of it. He's been there the last three or four mornings that I've worked." Kat saw the change in Chibs' breathing and behavior when she said "Irish". 
"Aw shite." Chibs muttered under his breath. "Clay, ye know whit happens when them bastards show up in Charming." 
"Exactly what has been happening only this time, no one has died....yet." Clay rubs his face in annoyance. 
"Wait....this time?" Gabrielle chimed in. "Start talking someone! Are we gonna die? Like..." Dan placed his arm around her shoulders protectively. 
"No one's dying on my watch. I think it's best you girls stay at the clubhouse so we can protect you and when you have to leave, we will have protective detail with you. I know the hospital isn't a big fan of us, Gabrielle, but it's to keep you alive." 
"You gonna explain this to me later?" Kat said while turning Chibs' face towards her, the pain written all over it. In response, his silence as he pulled her close to him and buried his face in her shoulder made her a bit apprehensive of the situation. "I'm gonna be alright, I got my Scottish prince charming to keep me safe." 
"Aye, true enuff lass. It doesn't make me worry any less." He pulled his head back and rested his hand to her cheek. "Those clarty Irish bastards are dangerous." 
Gabrielle found little peace in the knowledge that someone was after them and despite Dan and a few other Sons keeping watching on her, she felt a sickening feeling something bad was going to come of this soon. More time she spent working, less time she spent outside of the hospital except for rest and food at the clubhouse. After a few days, it finally got to her and she had to get out and get some space to clear her head. She was heading out the clubhouse like she was going to work but instead, she turned the opposite way and found herself driving towards the city limits of Charming. A motorcycle hot on her tail made her sigh as she found an empty parking lot to pull into and parked, getting out of the car with Dan pulling in behind her and parking his bike.
"I can't. I can't take the stress, the paranoia, the wondering if I'm fixing to die!? Like how can someone live with that feeling every single day?!" Gabrielle sighed while gripping his kutte and burying her face into his chest. "This is madness." 
  "What are you doing!?" He walked over and just pulled her into his arms, Gabrielle breaking down in his arms. 
"I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry you have to deal with this right now but I can't protect you if you leave and I wouldn't know what to do if I knew you weren't safe." He rubbed circles on her back. "I could come with you and we can go for a few days. Do it the right way so we know that we can get it eased off your mind." 
"You would do that? Just leave with me for a while until this blows over or getting the all clear? I mean....could we?" Gabrielle looked up at him and he nodded. 
"Let's go get our things and we can find a safe place to go for a while." He brushed her hair back from her face. "We can do this." 
"I'll go work tonight and turn in my vacation time. We can do it all the right way." Gabrielle smiles through the pain she feels inside. 
"I love you, Gabrielle." Dan whispered while stroking her cheek softy. "I got you." 
"Love you too Dan." She whispered back, "Meet you at the clubhouse?" They both dashed to their vehicles. Gabrielle turned her key and the car didn't do a thing, she tried again and hear a hiss and ticking. She screamed and ran from the van towards Dan on his bike. He looked up just in time to see the explosion knock her into him and he flew back off his bike with her. 
"WHO?" Kat had her arms crossed as she sat in a chair surrounded by the Samcro family in the waiting room of the hospital. Her sister and Dan had been taken to St Thomas while Kat was at work. She left and practically ran down the streets of Charming to get to the hospital before anyone could even catch up to her with the adrenaline rush she got from hearing that a car bomb had went off on her sister. "Who the fuck is trying to kill us?" 
"Not here, Kat." Jax mumbled but the glare was deadly as she turned her gaze on him and he slunk back in his seat quietly. 
"I better get a fucking answer tonight. My sister and Dan are in the hospital. No more of this "keeping you safe" bullshit." Kat got up from the seat and went straight out of the ER doors to the corner of the building and sat down on the curb, lighting up a smoke and trying to calm herself down enough to level out.
Chibs felt it was his responsibility to go and tell her. He looked around at the boys and Clay gave him the nod. He got up from his chair and walked out the doors to go find her. He slowed his pace when he saw her smoking and sitting on the curb at the edge of the building. With a sigh, he rubbed his face as he approached her and sat down next to her.
"Ye deserve the answers, darlin. So it's aboot to get uglier than it seems." He looked off and took a deep breath. "The bastard that's been comin' in the bakery, lass. I saw him there today. He's bad news and he's supposed to be on good terms wit us. IRA." Kat's eyes grew in size as she finally turned her head towards him. "I was excommunicated from em and moved here away from family and such. We started dealin' guns for em." 
"Baby." She interrupted him, "I don't have to know anymore if you don't want to tell me. So we're targets because they're pissed off." 
"No, Ye gotta know love. Dan and me both were part of em but Dan left as well. He was good friends wit my son. I've not seen the lad in years." Chibs looked down, feeling shame for not telling her things sooner. "I kept it from ya cuz I thought I wa' protectin' ya. Looks like it wouldnae mattered either way." 
"You have told me now." She scooted over to raise his chin up to look at her. "It's not your fault they chose to hurt us, they decided to hurt us because it hurts you and Danny boy. So now, what we gotta focus on is bringing you boys to the bakery. Sit down in neutral territory and figure this shit out because me and my sister are under the protection of SAMCRO." 
"Ye got an idea there, sugartits." He looked at her face cracking into a smile and he felt a bit of relief. 
"C'mon. Let's go check on my sister and Dan." She stands up and holds her hands out to him which he looks up at her and grabs her hands, pulling her down to straddling his lap and holds her there for a moment. 
"Let me hold ye for a moment and then we will." He mutters softly, laying his forehead to hers, drinking in all of her with his eyes as he holds her like it's the last time he might.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
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SFW ~ Soft! Trafalgar D. Water Law x F! Reader ~ A Calm Spell
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Hi!! I know this isn’t requested and I still have a lot of requests to write, buuuut I had this idea going on in my head for like a whole week now and I just needed to write it down haha. It’s pure soft, lovely, a little angsty Law moments with reader. I hope you enjoy ♥
A/N: It’s based on the first hc I have ever had when I saw Law’s past. I always thought Law’s soulmate would be the user of Cora-san’s DF, the Nagi Nagi no mi. It is actually similar to my first fic of Law “Law x Best Friend F! Reader where reader has eaten the same fruit).
TW: Angst, crying Law (as always). Comforting Law, cuddles and kisses, confessing love.
AU: In universe. After the events of Wano Kuni.
WC: 1.5K
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After defeating Kaido a big banquet was thrown to celebrate the freedom of Wano. A country oppressed and devastated by the purest evil will start to recover little by little. Luckily the fight is all over now, and it’s time to rest… or at least that’s what you wanted to do...
“Girls, I’m so exhausted. I’m gonna go get some rest in the tent” you tell Nami, Robin and Carrot. "Sleep well, darling" the sweet Mink tells you and kisses you on the cheek.
You have set a few tents for all of the crew members to sleep in once the party is over, but you surely can’t resist anymore. You do not have the same energy as Luffy, so you are off to bed. You choose the tent that’s near the coast, so you are a little far from the sounds of the party.
“Why the hell is it so cold tonight?” You grunt and grab a bunch of blankets to snuggle inside. At first you wanted to use your silent spell, but then something tells you not to. What if new enemies come? You should be ready to fight in no time. So, you cover your ears with a pillow and you are off to sleep.
Some minutes later, when you are drifting into the oneiric world you feel someone stepping on your right foot. “GOD DAMN!” You shout emerging from underneath your blanket fort.
“FUCK!” Law screams, scared. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were here. The other tents were full of people...” he says, looking at the other side, scratching the back of his neck. Your expression suddenly changes when you know the one who has entered is no other than the man you had a crush on, for two years. You were completely in love with him since you saw him at the Sabaody Archipelago…
"Don't worry, you can stay here if you want. There is plenty of room" you tell him. "Are you sure?" He asks, a little embarrassed. "Yeah, come on!".
Law then proceeds to lay on the ground over a little mat, he takes off his shoes and puts his big ass katana under his head as if it was a pillow. You look at him, confused, "Are you going to sleep like that?".
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He opens one eye and looks at you. "Uhm, yeah. Why?" He asks. "I mean, aren’t you uncomfortable? Cold?" You ask him. "A little… but I'm used to sleeping like this so it's ok… plus, Mugiwara-ya won't stop singing so I'm sure I won't be able to sleep at all".
"Well you see, I have a solution…" you tell him, crawling closer to him. He gasps when notices you are approaching him but remains still.
"You know I'm a devil fruit user, right?" You ask him, now covering him with your blankets. "Uhm, yes. But I didn't really ever see you using your powers…" he says, realizing he has no idea what your skills are.
"Well, that's because I never wanted to tell you that I… I have eaten the… Nagi Nagi no mi" you confess. Law looks at you surprised and his eyes get watery. "You… have Cora-san’s devil fruit?"
"Yes, I didn't want to tell you because I thought you were going to feel bad. Three years ago while I was wandering through the North Blue islands, I found it and ate it… I was starving and it saved me" you tell him.
His eyes got completely blurred by his tears. You feel devastated, your heart breaks to the image of the man you love crying.
"Oi, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad…" you tell him, touching his face for the very first time; wiping the tears from those caramel cheeks.
"No… it's not that. I'm so relieved… you are a good person, I'm so happy someone like you has that fruit" he says, sniffling. And then, his inked, wounded arms surround your body pulling you closer to him. He hugs you so tightly, so lovingly. You can even feel his heartbeat on your chest, and he probably does feel yours too, as it beats so fast like it was trying to jump off from your chest.
You are spellbound by the scent of his skin, the feeling of his black hair rubbing against your face. How many nights have you dreamt of this? …
Law keeps crying, so much he wets your shirt. But you don't ask him to stop crying, you know this is what he needs, he is truly relieved.
"Can you do me a favour, Y/n-ya?" He asks, in between sobbing. "Yes, of course…" you tell him, while you brush his back with your hand.
Both of you separate a little, noses almost touching, a proximity you will always remember…
"Do you use the Calm spell?" He asks, shyly. "Of course, did Cora-san use it too? Same name?" You ask amazed. "Yes… I'm sure you already know this but, did you know that the calm spell not only mutes the person you use it on but also…". "It also calms them… for real. That’s why it’s actually called “calm” " you interrupt him. "That's right… can you, perhaps, use it on me now?"
You smile, kindly. You always knew that behind that serious mask he uses there is a man so sweet, so human, so needy of love… "Of course" you whisper and put your hand over his head.
Law closes his eyes, and a sudden expression of happiness and tranquillity draws on his face. The purest countenance of a little child in front of you.
He remains like that for a few minutes, his breathing calms down, his tears slowly dry. But his hand keeps squeezing your wrist, as if he doesn’t want you to leave. And of course you don't go, who would leave this man alone?
The surgeon suddenly opens his eyes, his grey irises reflecting yours. Somehow you also feel so comfortable there, so weightless… Law smiles at you, a sweet smile you haven’t seen ever, the most precious curve your eyes have the luck to see. He tells you to stop the calm spell with just a subtle gesture. And you do so.
"Thanks…" he tells you, never taking his gaze off yours. "You look so happy" you whisper. "Cora used this spell on me on those nights when my body ached due to the amber lead… it was so relaxing" he admits. "Sweet boy… you are still so little" you think, and then kiss his forehead, instinctively. His lips separate a little, but he is not mad, he is pleased, he Is happy.
"I can cast this spell whenever you need to" you say. "Thanks, y/n-ya" he says and unexpectedly his lips are over yours.
He backs up instantly, he has kissed you by pure impulse… this isn't him. You keep looking at him, completely dumbfounded for what has just happened.
"I'm really sorry… I didn't mean to…" he excuses himself, and yet, he is unable to stop his mouth from falling once again over yours. And you don't want to stop, and he doesn't want it either. And his arms pull you closer, and yours are over his cheeks.
Both of you merge into each other… everything disappears around you; the sounds of the party, the whole country, the inhibitions, everything. Your souls dance as if they were trying to find each other for so, so long… Silence, silence filled by your heart beats, gasps, and little moans. His lips tracing wet paths from your mouth to your neck. Your fingers buried on his back.
Law and you feel so secure on each other's arms, in that little paradise under a blanket fort. But lust can wait, at least for some minutes. Law presses his forehead over yours. Both of you smile so happily, eyes shut but completely drunk on each other's. "I have a crush on you, Y/n-ya" he tells you. "I have a crush on you too, Torao" you confess. Both of you giggle like teenagers in love… and after all that's what you two are.
Your lips reunite once again, his hands travel under your shirt, while yours do the same. Dishevelled hair, panting, suffocated moans… the mood is set and the exhaustion and wounds from the battle with Kaido seems to stop hurting.
"Y/N are you in here…? Wait… IS THAT TORAO?!" you hear the majority of your respective nakamas laughing. Both of you stop when someone pulls your blankets off. "Oh Lord, finally… everybody let's go, let them have their private party, come on!" Nami says, and after all of them are out, she closes the zipper of the tent leaving you two alone.
Wanna know what happened next? Well, you can probably imagine…
Wait… you thought about sex? nah, Law and you end up sleeping until the next morning. Cuddles and all, but, hey after such a fight against two yonkous your bodies couldn’t resist a good night of rest.
190 notes · View notes
Why the Hell Red-Haired Shanks is Here?:
Perona and Zoro were shocked at seeing Shanks in the castle. Then they learn about two major secrets. (Zoro and Mihawk have a father-son moment about love too)
Okay okay firstly last two days I was searching on source material which means fanart and headcanons and fanfics so I kinda lost myself and forgot to write but here we start ready go
Perona had been on Kuraigana Island for more than two months, and she had generally gotten used to her new life. Even if it was very difficult at first… Zoro and Mihawk were both uncute and at times rude, but for the most part, they were nice to her. Although Zoro was still lost from time to time, his body gradually got used to the castle. In this way, Perona had stopped following him constantly.
They even had a certain routine. Mihawk and Zoro were going to training before breakfast before Perona woke up. Meanwhile, if Perona woke up, she was making breakfast for them and herself, and if not, Mihawk would prepare and wake her up. Then there were the first wine hours of the day with Mihawk. They were doing this mostly to torture Zoro. Mihawk was forcing Zoro to cook their lunches. While teaching him how to eat a healthy diet in this way, he was also educating him in other areas as well, although she didn't quite understand why. Then they were going to training again. Perona was following them in order not to be alone. When they were done with the day, Perona was tending to Zoro's injuries that day, sometimes helping Mihawk with dinner. They ate their dinner together as they did every meal. Sometimes they were talking and sometimes it was quiet, which was pretty annoying, but as she said, she got used to it.
But Perona was for some reason very restless today. All-day long she had felt as if there was a stranger in the castle. But neither she nor her ghosts could see anything. So she tried to calm herself down and sleep, but she couldn't. So she decided to wake up Zoro, but he was already awake and he was aware of the situation. Seeing Perona, they agreed without speaking and decided to search the castle. Without waking Mihawk because a newly awakened Mihawk was not a good Mihawk.
But there was something they didn't know. Mihawk was already awake. On top of that, he knew very well what the awkward situation was, because it was in his routine, too. Red-Haired Shanks… The truth was that Mihawk and Shanks were mates and were seeing each other every few months. Sometimes more often, sometimes less. This time it was Shanks who visited.
“For a sun-loving man like you, it must have bothered you to stay in the shadows all day, Red-Haired.” “Hawk-eyes… WHAT THE HELL?! Why are the Pirate Hunter Zoro and a strange pink flying girl in your castle?!” “It just happened. Roronoa will be training under me for two years, but I'm not sure about Perona." “Are you training Zoro? Are you?!" “He is a passionate man. It is so hard to find.” “Two years huh? So that's what Luffy decided…” “Did you know that they were a pack?” “Huh? Luffy formed a pack? I told him not to though. Take me as an example…” “Your student… No, your son will follow a different route than you, but of course, the pack complicates things. During his first weeks here, he suffered from separation sickness, apart from his wounds.” “Separation sickness is really hard… Even I had a hard time getting used to it…” “Me too…” “So?” "So what?" “What are you thinking about them? Will you tell them? I mean I could easily hide but…” “I am not thinking anything about them besides one of them being my student and the other one being a noisy woman. And I will tell them. As much as I want it to stay hidden they will be here a quite long time and it would be unfair to you. Unless you…” “Omegas are more intuitive than Alphas.” "Yes…" “And I feel that those two will be important to you. So it's okay. You can say both things.” "Are you sure?" "Yes." “And…” "And what?" “What were you doing?” “Oh… I was with Marco.” “Phoenix?” “Yeah.” “How is he?” “He is in ruins. What do you expect but if anyone can get through this, it's him. I have known him for a long time. He will be okay.” “Hmm… You are worrying about Straw-hat right?” “How can I not? His brother…” “Don't worry. He is strong and not stupid as I thought. Besides I could tell you if anything bad happened. Zoro would feel it.” “Yeah… Whatever… Now I've come all the way, won't you call me to bed?” "Aren't you old?" "Hey! You are older than me and I wasn't talking about that geez. just sleep. Together!”
Mihawk grinned slightly. Unlike himself, his mate loved skin contact.
“Well, come here. Tomorrow will be a long day.” “Horray!”
So the two of them fell asleep beautifully. While hugging each other…
*** Perona and Zoro had not slept all night, searching the castle. They looked everywhere except Mihawk's sleeping room. That's why they fell asleep in a corner of the dining room in the morning from exhaustion. Mihawk was of course aware of this. Before he woke up his mate, he got up and made breakfast. Then he decided to wake the children.
“Roronoa, Noisy-woman! Wake up!”
Both woke up startled.
“W-what?” “What is the smell?” “Breakfast is ready. Change your clothes and come to the table.” “But what about training?” “Today is special. We'll make up for it later. We have a guest. Now go.”
He decided to wake his mate after they were both gone, but when he went to the room he saw Shanks already changing.
"Do you need help?" “Hahaha, Hawk-eyes. Don't underestimate me for being one-armed, but you're right. Sometimes I think it's easier for me to fight than to change." “Whatever. The kids are awake and breakfast is ready.” "You call them kids? I see I see...
He saw Mihawk rolling his eyes so he laughed once again.
I'll be there in five minutes." “Okay.”
So he went back to the dining room. Zoro and Perona had already taken their place.
“First of all, I believe that you will behave properly in front of our guest today. Secondly, you cannot tell anyone about his presence here or what you will learn later. Know what I mean?" “Who is he?” “You will see Perona.” “Okay.” “Whatever. I don't care about your lover.” “Ahhh… You are really troublesome.” “Huh? What do you call me?!” “I call you what you are.”
Perona was used to the two of them bickering. Just like Mihawk got used to their bickering, or Zoro got used to the other two. Such was their dynamic. Differences… That's why she started to drink orange juice without messing with them, but she sprayed it on Zoro with the person who came in.
Zoro shouted and picked Perona up. Perona was still staring at the person who had come, ignoring him. Zoro then turned to where she was looking and, as soon as he saw, dropped Perona to the ground.
“Oh… today is already painful.” “Hahaha, Hawk-eyes you got quite a company here!”
Mihawk sent him death glares. Zoro and Perona were still staring in surprise.
“Sit down. Let me introduce you."
They both sat down as if fascinated.
“This is my mate Red-Hai-“
Mihawk was already tired enough.
They both shouted at the same time.
“Yo! How is it going pals? okay okay. I take it over from here. As you can see we are mates.” “So you are…” “An omega. Bravo Pirate Hunter.” “And you are mate with him?” “Yes, Pinky-chan. We are mates for… How many years now Hawk-eyes?” “Nearly 18.” “You are old!” “Your Moria is way older than us!” “Yeah but he looks like it. You don't!” “I am not old. I am just 37!” “As I said, old.” “Don't mess with them, Red-Hair. You can't." "Ah…"
Shanks sighed. He was right. So they started to have breakfast. After a while Zoro:
“Did Luffy know?” “Oh. Yeah, he knew it. But only me being an omega. Not about Dracule.” “So he was looking up-“ “It is a no. Because when we met he still wasn't presented.” “Oh…” “Yeah… But I taught him quite a few lessons. Although he seems to ignore one of the most important.” “He said you saved his life.” “Yeah… He is important to me.” “He didn't let anyone talk bad about you. We met Buggy-“ “You met Buggy! We have our conflicts.” “Yeah. He seems to hate you.” “He kinda does. Hahaha! So Zoro… How is Luffy?” “Keep going… Not at his best but… He will be okay. He will come back much stronger than before. We all will. Then everybody will know the name of Straw Hats.” “You trust your captain that much?” “Luffy is the only man that I will take order.” “He really found a good crewmate.” “We all are. We are a strong pack." “Hmm… Good then. Nothing to worry about.” “Yeah…”
After this conversation, their breakfast continued in silence, but the two young people saw the love between them very well. Mihawk was passing Shanks' favorite things from his plate to his. Shanks was smiling at him too. Perona didn't know whether to find it cute or disgusting. Zoro was confused. After breakfast, he had decided to clear his confusion.
“Psst. Perona!”
Zoro called out in a whisper. Likewise with Perona:
“What, uncute?” “Can you stall the Red-Hair?” “Are you kidding? Please tell me it is a joke. You do realize he's an emperor, right?" “Yes.” “What do I get in this?” “I will let you dress me for the whole week.” “Month.” “No.” “Then no.” “Offf… Okay.” “Yes!”
Then she flew to Shanks:
“Shanks-san! Can we talk for two minutes? You know I'm stuck in this big dark nasty castle with two wild alphas and as an omega-"
While Perona was distracting Shanks, Zoro had gone to Mihawk.
"Can we talk?" “We talk in training.” "No. It's a bit… Special…”
Mihawk glanced at the people behind and said:
“Okay. Come with me.”
Together they went to one of the rooms of the castle. Mihawk poured himself a glass of wine. As much as Zoro wanted to, Mihawk had strict rules.
“Now talk.” “I wanted to know… You and him… I mean…” “I met him at the execution of Gold Roger. There was a rivalry between us. I even learned that he was an omega a few years later. Don't ask how. Actually, being a mate was not in our plan. We were both drunk. We regretted it the next day. At least for a while. We both wanted it, we just ignored it. Being mate made that clear, and we've been together ever since.” “To mate with your opponent…” “It is not as difficult as it looks.” “There is someone in my crew that I see as my rival. An omega…” "Cook?" “Yeah…” “So?” “I don't know what I am feeling about him. He helped me…” “He helped you?” “Do you remember my wounds when I first came here?” "Yes." “I needed a recovery rut after that. He… He helped me…” “He probably likes you.” “WHAT?! How do you know that?!” “You said he helped you. Not everyone would do that.” “Yes but we all helped our captain during his recovery heat as a pack. I am his pack. Is not it the same?” “Did you all help your captain sexually?” “No. He is not a sexual person. I think he is on the asexual spectrum.” “Interesting. How about you? Did he help you sexually?”
With the question, Zoro blushed. Mihawk got his answer.
“You can go now Roronoa. It's a day off. We will start your training again tomorrow.” "But I didn't get my answer." “You will figure it out.” “But-” “Go! I wanna day with my mate.” “Okay… Thanks…” “You are welcome.”
Shanks entered just after Zoro left.
“Young love?” “Oh… He doesn’t even realize.” “Well, you know… We didn't either.” “What Perona asked?” “About that. I heard that you forbade Zoro from using suppressants." “Yes. He should learn haki without any distractions.” “The poor girl must be dying of pheromones. If you're going to do that, Perona shouldn't be using suppressants either." "Both would be hard to control and alpha-" “No no no. Don't give me that lecture. Alphas this alphas that. She didn't even have one nest. You know how important nests are.” “I only have nest for you.” “Well if you let her stay here then you will have a nest for her too and off suppressants.” “But-” “No, but Dracule.” “Okay. What should I do?" “It depends on how Pinky-chan wants to spend her heat. If she wants to spend them with someone, you will take her to the nearest island. Then you will get her back. Did you understand?" "Yes." “Same for Zoro.” "But…" “Zoro also has a right to have his ruts painless. Besides, they're not together yet." “Okay.” “I will visit more often.” “It would be nice to see you more.” “Yeah. You guys need it. Now you will come to nest with me.” “Really? Right now?” “Right now!”
So the two lovers went to their rooms.
*** “Have I stalled enough?” "Yes." “What did you talk about?” “None of your business.” “You are really annoying. Anyway, I can't still believe they are mates. When I saw him I thought ‘Why the Hell Red-Haired Shanks is Here?’.” “Yeah. me too. But it kinda makes sense.” “Oh totally. I wonder if I will meet my mate like them.” “You will and if somebody breaks your heart I will cut them.” “Oh… You know you are sometimes cute but in a bad way.” “Whatever. Let's prepare dinner for them." “Yeah. For love!” “Disgusting.” “You are the one. Go get a shower before everything.” “No.” “Oh, You will. We have a month and I will make sure you get your shower too.” “It wasn't our deal.” “It was. Go now.”
Even though Zoro grumbled, he did as he was told. These two years were going to be very interesting.
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