#episode 481
heather-m-quigley · 9 months
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there they are again, my last 2 brain cells
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forensicated · 4 months
Smiffina Episodes - Episode 481
It's Smithy's birthday and he's a grumpy boy...
He hates surprises, he hates his birthday (at least this one!) and he's not feeling too happy about him and Kezia on top of it all!Whereas Tony and Roger are loving listening in on the gossip to hear what Kezia has planned for him that night! It's a secret of course!
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The relief sing Happy Birthday to Smithy Dale... and he's still a pouty boy. As a special treat, Roger gets to go out with the birthday boy.
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Roger asks if Smithy has anything planned and he quickly shuts it down with "No!" and says he could do without the fuss. He's also playing bad cop to Roger's good cop to even Roger's surprise!
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"I'm not in the mood to be argued with!"
Smithy asks Kezia if the briefing singalong was her idea - it was - and he says he just wished she'd asked him first, "You mean I should ask if we can surprise you on your birthday?" He's already told her he doesn't like surprises to be fair!
He and Roger arrest a man for dangerous driving after he cuts them up. He's surprisingly helpful - too helpful to Smithy's mind. He sends Roger to the mans address to make sure he is who he says he is. Sarah Jones tells him that Alan Jones does live at that house and that he's supposed to be getting a job and not arrested as she's due to give birth soon.
With that in mind, Smithy has to release him, as much as he doesn't want to, bailing him to return to the magistrates court. Straight after, Smithy gets a call to meet Roger at the front desk. There he finds Roger with Sarah Jones and another man. Smithy updates her with the news they've bailed her husband...only they hadn't. The man they have bailed used a false name and address - infact he'd given the details of the real owner - Alan Jones - after he'd allegedly carjacked him. The cheek! The birthday boy is now even more grumpy!
Kezia knocks on his office door and tells him she has something that will 'definitely cheer him up' and hands over a gift bag. Smithy smiles and thanks her and puts it at the side of his desk to open later as he's told her he's really busy. Kezia pouts and insists he open it. Smithy gives in and pulls out a nurses costume (one that screams 'My First Nurses Costume from the Early Learning Center' at that rather than 'Sexy Times Ahead') and chocolate body paint. He tells her chocolate gives him headaches* and...well. He's not impressed as polite as he tries to be. Kezia leaves thinking he likes it, missing his expression dropping as she leaves.
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Roger brings Smithy better news, whilst he's still tracking down the CCTV he does have the fingerprints, identity and record of their real suspect - Darren Carew. They leave to head to his address - after Smithy's dismissed the dress as 'a fancy dress thing, mate!'
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Carew claims he didn't carjack Jones, pointing out he'd not know his name and address if he had. He insists he bought the car from him that morning and he's already posted the V5 to the DVLA. He says he lied because he's currently banned from driving for another three months. Smithy won't release him this time without some more checks. Carew's solicitor is getting heavy with them. "What? On the grounds he's fully co-operating with us and we have no evidence on him?" Roger smirks. "I know... picky or what!" Smithy scowls. Unfortunately with nothing coming forward yet he really does have no choice. Carew is cocky and asks if Smithy is to arrest him a third time that day, to make sure he has all the facts before bringing him in. Smithy and Carew stare at each other before Smithy mutters to Roger to show him out.
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Smithy returns to the Jones' to question Alan and threatens him with arrest for wasting police time if he tries to lie again. He admits he saw a V plate Merc that was accepting offers for cash on an auction website. They accepted a cash offer of £5K and he thought he could get at least £7K when selling it on so he went to meet them at a carpark - that just so happens to have no CCTV with £5K cash. He lost his car too as well as the money. He proves he's telling the truth by giving Smithy the logbook for the car and says he didn't tell them the truth because he'd given his address in the first email he sent and that they'd clearly done their homework as they threatened him by telling them they knew where he lived and that his wife was pregnant.
Smithy returns to BIU search for further evidence. Roger tells him they should pass it to CID and he snaps that he will once he's looked something up. Kezia drops in for coffee and he snaps that he's busy working and up to his eyes in it - as he'd told her earlier in his office. Gina then calls in and Smithy doesn't snap at her, though growls that "it's like picadilly circus in 'ere!" "Oh, I love you too!" Gina drawls. Smithy sighs and tells her he's having "one of those days, and now Kezia has some big night planned and it's the last thing I want." Gina asks what he does want and Smithy shrugs, "A quiet night in. Some drinks with the boys?" he thinks before admitting he really wants to "go down to the gun club and shoot some holes in some targets." Oh you old romantic, you!" Gina gently mocks before handing him his gift from her - that finally does cheer him up. His favourite whisky. (I think it's an Aberlour which is a Scotch Single Malt Whisky. Not extra special Smithy stalking here I promise, my brother is Whisky mad - especially scottish ones and over the years I've got him thousands of the feckers it feels like!) He thanks her and she tells him to have a good night doing whatever it is that he ends up doing. Smithy finally cheers up... he's found an auction for the car scam.
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Smithy takes it to CID, he's already spoken to the winning bidder of the second auction and he's agreed to meet him in a carpark in 1 and hour and 45 mins time. Stuart takes it over and agrees to set up an operation to target Carew - but can't resist a dig at Smithy for having let him go twice already. In the briefing, Roger and Smithy exchange knowing looks as Stuart takes over and insists that no one moves in to do the arresting without his say so.
Kezia leans in to tell Smithy that she's booked them into a sushi restaurant for the night as a treat for his birthday. Smithy tells her he's not too keen on fish and he prefers his food cooked. Between this and the body paint from earlier it's become rather obvious that they don't know each other very well...!
Smithy and Roger wait in a panda whilst Stuart takes his seat in a skip to watch the 'transaction'.
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Carew and his associate threaten to kill Kezia if 'Andy' AKA: Mickey doesn't give them the money and the keys to his car too. Stuart gives the sign and Smithy and backup speed in with Smithy taking great pleasure in arresting Carew's friend - despite getting shot at! But unfortunately Carew gets away and the pursuing Sierra Two loses them. Smithy manages to get Carew's friend to give him a possible location and they track him down to a pub. Sam goes in to verify that he's inside and CO19 gather outside. Smithy mischievously takes the chance to get his own back once they've gotten in touch with Carew - in the pub - on his mobile, using Sam to tell him exactly what Carew is doing every time he moves. He tells Carew that he's surrounded and being watched - proving it with Sam's description of what he's doing - and that he must come out with his hands up, but first he must strip down to his underwear to show the officers that he's not concealing any erm... weapons.
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Smithy has made up his mind to finish with Kezia, but he doesn't come off too well I have to admit (and I can pretty much handwave anything when it comes to him...) as he agrees to meet Kezia outside in 5 once he's gotten changed... and then stands her up, leaving her waiting there until a bunch of uniform leaves and tell her that Smithy's already gone and that 'he said he had to be somewhere'. Gina shouts 'I'd try the gun club if I were you....' after her.
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Kezia heads to the gun club and finds Smithy taking shots at targets. She approaches him and snarkily points out she was stood up so 'has come to blow off some steam'. Smithy sighs and apologises but tells her that sushi, fancy dress and chocolate body paint are not exactly his idea of a fun time. He doesn't think they're going anywhere and that it was meant to be a bit of fun but now suddenly they're living together. Kezia tries to say it's only temporary whilst she finds somewhere else but Smithy gently points out that she hasn't tried to find anywhere else since she moved in. They've slipped into a routine relationship that neither of them wanted in the first place and they're not that compatible given there's so much they still don't know about each other - including really basic things after 7 months. Kezia agrees and says she'll go back to his and pack and that they should stay friends - Smithy agrees, smiling as she walks off - before turning back to take aim at another target.
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*Why's he buying a kitkat in 480 then? ;) My eagle eyes miss nothing when it comes to this man!
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If this (Feb 8th) is set as Smithy's canon birthday, it also means he was in prison for his last one :( That can't be an easy memory either!
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hellagoodbi · 11 months
"your wolverine is always thirsty, trav"
"f yeah I have the bones man, I'm Logan"
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nstaaf-book · 1 year
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Everything to Play For - The QI Book of Sports
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uglytintedshades · 6 months
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whtvrgifs · 2 months
click here to be taken to my gif pack masterlist where you'll find a link to 481 gifs of charlie hunnam in season 1, episodes 1-5 of sons of anarchy (2008).
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theheirofthesharingan · 4 months
Things Itachi never got to know:
Despite him saying 'You don't ever have to forgive me" Sasuke did forgive him.
Itachi set Sasuke free and he still chose to protect all that Itachi had sacrificed himself for - precisely because it was because Itachi was associated with those things he chose to protect them.
On the brink of death in the war, Sasuke was desperate to live for Itachi's sake, to fulfill his dreams.
In the novel, Itachi said he'd not mind losing to Sasuke and in a filler episode (episode #481) he says "You'll surpass me one day." In war, Sasuke did surpass him. Or any living Uchiha.
Itachi would be both proud and heartbroken that after everything, he was loved so much even if in his mind he deserved none of it.
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1000wangjis · 4 months
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481. (Episode 11)
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eriexplosion · 3 months
Back when we had the trailers first come out I downloaded it frame by frame, 20 fps. I've been deleting them as they come on, and am down to just 999 screenshots out of the original 2232. So looking ahead at what we have left in the completely unseen episodes 9-15:
481 shots appear to be from Juggernaut, making up almost a full half of what's left. (37 of them are of that shot of Phee which I'm leaving open as possibly being from another episode as it would be super easy to splice in.)
167 are various shots of the Pabu invasion.
79 are of that scene that appears to be the boys fighting in a cave with what looks like Pabu-esque lighting outside. Could be part of the Pabu invasion era. This was interspersed with the Ventress shots, but I don't think they're fighting Ventress here. And speaking of.
78 are of Ventress. These tell us very little except that she is here and exists.
77 are of a cloudy planet, including shots of Hunter in a small craft detaching from are larger one.
So these 5 things account for 882 of the 999 shots that I have left. In the remaining 117 we have:
The Marauder exploding (RIP my beloved)
Another shot of someone being searched for with hounds on Tantiss (Emerie? Nala Se? Someone else?)
Omega going "I need to know what I am"
A shot of some commandos leaving a transport (might be part of the Pabu invasion)
Cad Bane, likely after Omega again
A ship approaching Coruscant
Lever Pulling
So we have a lot coming up that we simply don't know about! But lots and lots of Juggernaut. So much of Juggernaut. Why did they put so much Juggernaut in here? (Probably because they could fill a lot of time with exterior shots)
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dramascene · 5 months
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There are 481 steps. What? There are 481 steps in total on campus. So what? 481 steps, that's it. Why do you waste your time on unusual things? Isn't it nice to do something meaningless? I don't know how to describe it, but… When I'm doing meaningless things, it shows that I have free time. It's a nice feeling.
MUCHUU-SA, KIMI NI 夢中さ、きみに。(2021) dir. Tsukahara Ayuko EPISODE 2
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lol-jackles · 3 months
Jensen already signing on for 2025 cons?? CE is clearly fishing for money (the cruise and now selling packages for this new 2025 con) which tells me 2024 is in the red or close to it. It reeks of desperation to be pushing 2025 cons when they haven't even had a 2024 con yet (when I sent this message at least).
And Jensen signing on so early.... do you think he's feeling pressure about the future? Maybe he's not landing the jobs he thought he would and is lining up cons just in case?
Link. to be fair it's early 2025 so far, but...yeah.
As you know, peak-TV is over even though TV business still accounts for 80% of the total advertising revenue. And we are supposedly in the "third act of the streaming wars" as streaming services are struggling to reach profitability. The movie box office sales are expected to be $8 billion in 2024, which is down 10% from 2023, and down 30% from 2019.
All this means is number of scripted shows will be halved, from peak 633 in 2022, then 481 in 2023, to 300 in coming years (source: market research firm Ampere Analysis). Development executives are taking longer to greenlight shows, even for projects from established showrunners.
So yeah, acting gigs are going to be tougher to come by and Jensen is taking the best current option.
I've always thought that everybody decided to lose their minds and dump millions into streaming services and shows that didn't have a chance in hell of being profitable.
Phase One: Streaming by borrowing money from Silicon Valley banks, get into massive debts by making whole bunch of shows that nobody watch in order to crowd out competitors.
Phase Two: Profitability. This means less shows, and an introduction of advertising.   So you aren’t getting unlimited content for 10 bucks a month forever. The math never made sense
Phase Three: Production spending will fall and budget for "prestige drama" will be cut from $10 million to $4.5 billion per episode. You know, like the good old days before everybody decided to lose their mind over streaming.
On the plus side, there could be another Indie boom akin to the '70s and see really weird niche genres like disco themed movies and artsy odd experimental ones, etc.
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rikeijo · 6 months
Today's translation #481
Go Yuri Go!!!, Yuri!!! on ICE official fanbook, Miyano Mamoru interview
Part 1.
-- What kind of character do you think JJ, the character that you play, is?
M: Full of self-confidence and knows how to advertise himself. But in JJ's case, he has the actual talent to base it all on, and that's why he attracts the attention of people around him so much. I'm sure his effort to get that self-confidence wasn't half-hearted. That's why, when playing the role of JJ, I used all my abilities [as a voice actor] that I have right now in my performance, as well.
-- How did it actually feel to play the role?
M: It was extremely fun and I fell in love with him so much. JJ makes his appearance in the second half of the story, but in that short time, all his strengths were shown so thoroughly. In the last episode we also saw JJ, when he was a child and... he's been so full of self-confidence since he was a child, hasn't he (laugh).
[Notes: Another VA interview! It really makes you think how many characters we see in the story in just 12 episodes... Although, this fanbook is the only place, where you can read interviews with all of them.
Also, getting close to 500 translations! 😂✨🥳🥳🥳]
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forensicated · 4 months
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Does it? Does it really Mr Smith?
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loveforuchiha · 11 months
Sasusaku in Naruto Shippuden Episode 481 - Sasuke and Sakura
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nstaaf-book · 1 year
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John Wayne: The Man Behind the Myth by Michael Munn
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General Dating Headcannons w/ Kenma next? Pls
As requested, "General Dating Headcannons w/ Kozume Kenma"
Thank you for the request, I was overjoyed to recieve this being as I'm a very new creator on Tumblr. Feel free to keep the requests coming. I hope you enjoy this
He's just a ball of social anxiety that's all
He's not intentionally ignoring those around them, he's just learned that acknowledging them often leads to panic
It may take him a while to warm up to you enough to be affectionate with you
Even his old friends from Nekoma will vouch for his longer than normal warm-up period
Generally prefers to participate in quiet or low-key personal activities with you rather than ones that take place in busier atmospheres
Definitely teaches you to play some of his games on varying gaming systems
You take to the switch easiest mostly playing Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing together
This leads to him buying you your own switch so that the two of you can play Animal Crossing together
When the two of you start dating it takes Kuroo a while to get used to the fact that he doesn't need to check in on Kenma as often because you're there taking care of him (Kenma)
He communicates using sarcasm and dark or dry humor (it's kind of a defense mechanism at this point)
Most of the time that you spend together is where both of you game together, or you nap/do some other quiet activity while he games in the vicinity
Eventually he will run into a situation where he can no longer focus on his games unless you are right there with him (preferably in his lap)
Would prefer to watch shows with you rather than movies because they keep you glued to him for longer as you binge together
Keeps insisting 'just one more episode', but it's really like ten
Wants to be the little spoon when you cuddle so that he can continue playing his game, but also doesn't mind flopping his face into your chest
The two of you have decided that your hair care routine has to be done together which then leads to styling each other's hair afterwards
Ocasionally he will organize/set up a romantic dinner environment, either at home or by renting out an entire restaurant just so that he doesn't have to deal with being around other people
Will totally ask for your opinion on his merch designs, even going as far as asking you to create some designs
He doesn't always see the point in you wearing his clothes, but occasionally someone will spot you in his specialty merch and then they proceed to watch his stream while simultaniously bombing Kenma about you in the comments
If you want this adorable creature to sleep, you have to literally drag him into bed or your favorite napping spot all while wrestling his gaming device out of his hands just to make sure he gets enough sleep
He paints his nails, and will 100% do yours too if you ask
He calls you Princess, Kitten, and Potato
You call him Love, Ken-Ken, and Pudding/Puddinghead
Wordcount: 481 words
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