#yes im trying to get the last few trophies
queenofbaws · 10 months
there's just something so funny to me about sam listening to the interview with sheriff cline in the beginning of ud once you've played the game through, like............
cline very clearly states that her officers searched the grounds of the sanatorium looking for hannah and beth, not to mention jack, their oh-so-mysterious person of interest, which means
(1) she's straightup lying and she never sent anyone
(2) the officers are lying and they just told her they searched it
(3) they actually did go, walked through the literal zoo of ancient, crumbly, skin-peeling miners chilling out in there and maybe idk fed them peanuts from the safety of the aisles, reported back to her that shit was deeply weird up there, and she decided eh know what, not worth it
love the idea the blackwood police know What's In The Sanatorium and they're just praying a bunch of teenagers don't end up crashing the place one night and setting the whole damn thing on fire alksdjfklasjdf
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scuderiahoney · 8 days
1. in motion alex and lily ( and alex and lily in general) have to be roman empire cuz THEYRE LITERALLY SO CUTE I CANT
2. they called bunny first omg shut up.
3. have you watched red white and royal blue? cuz the 'osc' and the relived bunny is so alex and henry saying "alex" "baby" coded
4. oh i just know sebs gonna be kicking his feet and shit (figuratively) when he finds out about bunny and osc
5. rip bunny and lily you would love taylor swift
6. Oooh back story time.
7. "ive always got time for you" SCREAMING. CRYING.
8. well thats a traumatic backstory. Im sad now, and oscar's response??? Its not giving unwanted pity or sympathy and its not completely dismissive because she has "gotten over it", because you don't really get over that you know. And he's reassuring her not in a way that feels like pity but empathy
9. OSCAR PIASTRI HAS 3 BRAIN CELLS 1 is for his chosen sport, one is for his sense of humour, one is for emotional intelligence.
10. He's so real for the max comment 😭😭 reminds of that vid where max goes "my dad did that a mechanic once witha fork" and daniel just goes😃🧍wut
11. oscar encouraging bunny to try football (I can't use soccer for the LIFE of me lee im SORRY thats just not right) makes me so SOFTTTT
12. Lily and alex stop being couple goals challenge FAILED
13. i mean bunny its not really that hard figure it out unless you're max and lando (completely fuckin oblivious)
14. I have no clue how hockey works BUT AHHHH THEY WON AHHHH
15. one more game. One last data point. what if i cry huh? What then?
16. List of things to hold against lee 1) lando's plot line in motion 2) strawberry wine chap 3. 3) the CHARLES APOCALYPSE FIC (basically any angst cuz im a wittle baby)
17. Stairs why stairs huh what. OH HI OSCAR (its 2 am forgive me)
19. Carlos oscar beef persists in every universe (except in that one fic cait wrote.. but that was also sorta beefy with sexual tension)
20. MAX YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS TO THE HAIR COLOUR AISLE AND BUY THAT BLUE DYE. Oscar is about to dye laughing (get it) his zendaya laugh when he finds this lore
21. DID NO ONE BET ON THEM? i was expecting a "you owe me a twenty" somewhere
22. Lando you stupid stupid fool,(yes sir id like this one for my self please)
23. "Eachother apparently" lee i love the way you write stories but i lOVE your dialogues even more 😭😭😭
24. Imagine oscar being like "charles. YOU NEED to switch seats with me." esp if he's sitting in the dead centre between max and lando
25. Honestly i totally get bunny cuz i was crying all over when out volleyball team one the state level and this is like NATIONALS
26. logan 😭😭
27. nooo max, pookie noo (this is me adding to this after monaco., it was indeed pookie no but osc podium charles win yay!)
28. jos verstappen couldn't be half the person max is.
29. Hey Mr. bartender? can i get two "your happiness is more important than some stupid trophy." With some extra unconditional love on top thanks.
30. lee a question why is max doing "sappy stuff later, we should celebrate", "angry on bunnys bf later, we should celebrate" . Like i get half of the reason but their seems something a lot more deeper than just wanting to celebrate hardwork and "last time" thing
31. Max and lando are so done w their bullshit (they only know a few hours) and charles is done w max and landos bs cuz he's known MUCH longer and HE ISNT COMPLAINING AS MUCH AS THEM
32. Bunny the mother hen ahhh
34. oh they remember the kiss, i thought they would be hungover enough to forget all the best osc bby
36. Long live carcar beef 🫶
DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVE YOU FOR THIS. my response got long so it’s under the read more:
1. Alex & Lily guest starring in every fic bc they are the blueprint
3. i have not but i did read the book & yeah. That’s the energy.
7. it’s all i want tbh why can’t i find a guy like the fictional ones i write
8 & 9. emotionally intelligent osc my beloved!!!
11. you should see the arguments cece and i have had while i was asking for help workshopping this fic. there’s a lot of *soccer *football. i still have not convinced her but in my defense they’re at an American uni they would call it soccer
16. i will NEVER escape the wrath of strawberry wine part 3 no matter how much fluff i write. still in @theemporium ‘s doghouse months later
17. oh hiiiiii osc!!
19. omg @leclerced ‘s carcar fic my beloved 😵‍💫 ty for the reminder i should rlly go reread it
20. Oscar just wakes up to blue haired bunny & nearly died of shock
21. tbh i just didn’t think of it but George and Alex definitely did!! they’ve had a running bet going since before spring break i feel like.
23. THANK YOUUUUU dialogue is so hard to get right so i am kicking my feet over this
24. 👀👀👀
27. biiiiiig mood
29. hi bartender me too pls
30. i think i get what you’re saying but it’s really not meant to be him avoiding it or anything- he just knows they have a flight home to bug Oscar and a few weeks left to be sad about things ending, and events that they’ll get to be sentimental at. but this is the only chance they have to be at a bar after they win the championship so he wants them to have fun!! (and then he himself gets sad but. he’s trying to make sure they all have a good time)
31. Charles is so so over it he’s caught them making out already, this is old news to him. max & lando are scandalized
34. poor oscar. godspeed dude.
35. supportive seb!!!
36. carcar beef always & forever
thank you SO much for reading & letting me know what you thought ily!!
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inmydeepestdreams · 1 year
Paula had to pee.
It wasn’t urgent.
Okay, yes it was. It was urgent.
She was at party, because that’s what normal people do, they go out, they go to parties. Her friend Olive wanted to come, but she ditched her within five minutes to make out with some frat boy named Brad, and she had to pee. Bad.
She was in a hurry, getting ready. She told Olive she didn’t want to come, she didn’t. She wasn’t going. But then Olive started begging, and she got a notification that Brad was there, and she was obsessed with Brad at the moment, and Paula was a bad friend because she wanted to stay in and do an assignment.
They rushed through the pregame, Paula shoved herself in some presentable frat party clothing (skirt, shirt, a scowl), and decided to buy herself a trophy that said friend of the year.
The house they were in was a dump. A frat house, no doubt. She hated this part of college. She was an introvert, and Olive was the exact opposite. She was Paula’s only friend, and Paula was starting to wonder why that was.
She was drinking water at the party because she would look weird without a cup in her hand. She hadn’t even realized her need until she was in the Uber on the way there. There was one bathroom that she could find, the toilet had been ripped out of the ground and the room was filled with weed plants. Whatever, she heard rumors of another bathroom upstairs but she was too nervous to find it.
She just wanted to leave, people kept looking at her, she was sure she looked like a freak or something. But she didn’t want to be terrible and leave Olive.
Her bladder was throbbing, she swayed in place, hoping she looked drunk, or like she enjoyed the music with the bass so loud she could hardly understand it. She could feel it vibrating her bones, sloshing the liquid inside her.
She went to the kitchen for relief, but there was a group doing keg stands in there. They tried to pull her in, and that was pretty much her worst nightmare.
Out back there were a bunch of guys playing horse shoes, but they were kind of just…throwing them at each other. She really didn’t want to get hit with one, so back inside she went.
She found Olive pressed against Brad while they played beer pong.
“Im fine.” Olive said, rolling her eyes. “Lighten up.”
Paula wasn’t sure she was gonna stay friends with Olive after tonight.
Her bladder spasmed, she gasped and hurried away from them.
She leaned against the wall of a hallway. People walked passed but didn’t stick around. She squeezed her eyes and her legs shut. She’s never had to pee this bad before. She found herself absentmindedly sipping her water and she tossed it, not wanting to add more into her overfilled bladder.
There was a door across from her. A bathroom? She opened it and found a broom closet. There were a few boxes shoved inside, but no toilet.
She slammed the door. Her pee was right there, she’s never had an accident before, never. She wasn’t about to start having them as an adult either. She stormed through the overfilled lounge, pushing through the swarm of sweaty bodies.
Someone elbowed her right in the stomach, her bladder screamed. Her whine got ripped up by the noise of the room. She might have lost a drop, she wasn’t sure. She was sweaty and exhausted.
There were people hanging out on literally every stair. She pushed by them too, trying to flip off a guy that called her rude.
She opened every door, bedroom, bedroom…bedroom? Whatever, she didn’t have time to analyze this house of horrors.
Finally, she saw the last door. The door that had to be a bathroom, statistically.
She marched towards it, felt the cool brass knob on her skin and her bladder singing praises, she yanked it open.
It took her eyes a second to adjust. The only lighting in there was a green lightbulb, which gave the space a funny energy.
There was a girl sitting on the counter, ass practically in the sink. Her top was pulled down, Paula’s eyes widened as she saw her tits, her head was thrown back in ecstasy.
Because there was a guy kneeling under her, sucking on clit in a way that had Paula jealous. It’s been too long for her.
“Get out!” The woman yelled, and Paula realized she had been staring. She saw the toilet across the woman’s writhing body and felt a yearning she never experienced before.
She shut the door, leaned against the hallway wall and closed her eyes.
She should ask them to go to an empty bedroom, they were all empty, so she could pee.
Her face burned with embarrassment and frustration. There’s no way she could do that, and she wanted to cry.
She made her way back downstairs. Crossing the kitchen, she got the idea to piss in the back yard.
The guys were still out there with the horse shoes. And the front yard was filled with steamy cars and people smoking.
She was hurting, seriously. It was making her delirious. She couldn’t find Olive, she just wanted to his nightmare to be over.
She leaned against the wall, shoulder digging painfully into plaster, eyes hooded as she gazed down at nothing, when she felt a considerable amount of liquid wet her panties.
Her head shot up, she twisted, stopping the flow. She looked around, no one was paying attention to her.
She sniffled, she wet herself. Her panties were warm and drippy.
She still had to go so bad. Now that the accident was started, her brain told her to just piss in this house, fuck these people.
Intentionally, she started again. Relief made her mouth fall open. But when she felt it hit her leg, she tried to stop.
She couldn’t.
She flew forward, there were people coming and they would surely notice. She ripped open the broom closet door and threw herself inside.
She stood in the dark, gripping the knob as she wet herself fully. It was quieter in here, she could faintly hear the hiss as she soaked her panties through, all the way up to the band. She was going to have to throw them away.
The relief had her shaking, her shoulders were trembling. She was hunched over slightly, she felt it run in streams down her twisted legs. By the end, she was thanking god she wore a skirt.
It was completely dark in the room, but she could feel the puddle of her own making on her shoes. She sighed. She reached under her skirt and felt her panties, they were so wet they could be wrung out.
She went into damage control mode. She decided she would find a bush, leave the panties, and call and Uber. Olive can handle herself, she had to run from the situation.
She was still standing there, crying slightly. She pissed herself in an extremely public space, a space with her friends and peers. But she couldn’t stay in the closet forever, someone would find her and know the puddle was hers.
She opened the door. In the hall light, she saw it had spread from under the crack in door into the hall, a small river of her piss.
And there was a guy in the hall, just leaning against the wall like he was waiting in line for the restroom.
She froze, she saw him look at the stream, at her, and at the puddle in the closet. He laughed.
“You pee in there? What the fuck?”
He was doubling over with laughter, her face felt hot with shame, tears fell instantly. She pushed him out of the way, she needed air as she fought through the crowd.
She prayed she would never see him again as she made her way from the house, wetness on her cheeks running like the piss on her legs.
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albino-whumpee · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
thank you for the tag! @soheavyaburden
1. Are you named for anyone?: Yes and no. My aunt couldn´t have children so my mother named me after her expecting people would call me her name. But I was given my first name (because we do double names in my familiy) and nobody calls me my second, which is hers. Welp. 
2. When was the last time you cried?: Yesterday. TLoU chapter really hit into my sensitive ass. I hate one episode love stories, but I will allow it because it was cute. 
3. Do you have kids?: No. I don´t plan to and I will lie to get a doc to tie my tubes up if I need to. I once thought I wanted to adopt, but knowing my life plans, having a child is plain stupid.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?: Haha, have I ever not used sarcasm?
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?: Size, face, smell, accent and feet position. Silly little trick, but if they´re not pointing their feet at you, they´re not interested in the conversation.   
6. What’s your eye color?: Brown. 
7. Scary movies or happy endings?: hmm, depends. It´s been a while since I watched a scary movie that actually scared me and didn´t make me laugh, but when I do find one that´s scary, I like it to end in what seems a better situation than the absolute worst. Gives me some adrenaline, yk? Happy endings are ok if done well. But alas, a happy ending to me heavily depends on the movie.  
8. Any special talents?: Blind writing. That was the only good class I had in middle school. Honestly that´s it, xD I don´t consider myself particularly talented in academic areas or physical ones. Sure I won some tournments, but man it was so long ago. 
9. Where were you born?: Mexico.
10. What are your hobbies?: Videogames and drawing. Also reading even if it´s hard this days. 
11. Have you any pets?: Valkyria and Sansa. They´re my babies. Black cats with weird personalities. They´re both adopted from the same adoption saturday ...market? ig? Anyways, I picked Valkyria when she was so thin she was barely more than bones. I thought she would die if I´m honest with you. She refused to eat if I didn´t shake her plate a bit, but she was playful, so we knew she was just starving. I was told she was wrapped in tape and dumped at the shelter and I took her because how dare call yourself a shelter and leave a cat in that state? 
Sansa came from another shelter, she was a baby from a foster mama that didn´t make it. She has her tail curled like a chamaleon at the tip, probably from some stupid asshole closing the kennel´s door on it and breaking it. No, she doesn´t need to have it amputated, she doesn´t feel pain and doesn´t interfere with her daily life.  
12. What sports do you play/have played?: A lot. I won a few athletism tournments that took me to the nationals (we lost), also won a few international trophies doing karate. I practiced figure skating and ballet for a bit and due my super elasticity, I could have been a good gymnast, but heh, no money.
I was at a handball tournment, but I never knew what I was doing lol. I wanted to play volleyball in middle school/high school but I got my knee injury and it made it too hard. I switched to swimming for a long time until I couldn´t afford it jsjsjs. If I had the chance, I would try archery. 
13. How tall are you?: 1.73 m. more less 5 ft 7. Wish I was taller ;v;
14. Favorite subject in school?: English. It was so easy sjsjjs. Or psychology. My school´s system allowed people being exempted from doing finals if your notes were high enough, so I strived to just do 1 or less exams and I almost made it. I never had to do math finals in high school, but I actually exempted psychology earlier than everyone because I did double the lab exercises. 
15. Dream job?: Concept artist. By now I know Im not made for it nor I can actually be one, but well. I can dream. 
tagging: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @sideblogformindtrash @milk-carton-whump @nightfrostshadow @louptheloop @endless-whump  @turn-the-tables-on-them @eatyourdamnpears @deluxewhump
idk if i have 15 mutuals lmao also no pressure!
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1-5, 24, 28
assuming this is for viddy game asks!!
Last game you finished? that'd have to be... v3, i'm pretty sure!
Game(s) you’re currently playing? tears of the kingdom & project sekai ! project sekai is a daily type game ( idol gacha rhythm game ) and tears of the kingdom has so much content. i of course also play other games too, but those are my top two as of late!
1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed? the whole danganronpa series lol ( i bet you couldnt tell) and yansim!
Do you like to get 100% achievements/trophies? YES. yesyeyseysyeys. it's so fun!! i'm working slowly on filling out all the report cards in danganronpa and then getting all the max hearts so i can get all gifts in the games- also i'm sidetracked on tears of the kingdom trying to fill out my compendium and map etc. i'm also working towards getting a few achievements on project sekai!
Game(s) coming out that you’re looking forward to? to be honest, i don't keep up with any sort of news unless someone tells me about it , haha! but ,,, haunted chocolateir , i think it was called? from concernedape, the dev of stardew valley. im lookin forward to that!
A game with a cool art style? i really like the art style of hades, and also celeste!! <3
Pick a series you like. What was the first game you played for it? Was it a good starting point? Would it still be a good starting point now? hmmm.... the only game series i really follow are legend of zelda and danganronpa. i don't really know how to answer this!!
thanks for the asks, anon!
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
a manny and a pedi
pairing: steve rogers x f!reader
genre: fluff, mild angst
warnings: lil bit of violence
requested: by @maximeevansblog
Its almost mine birthday so, a one with Steve, it is the readers birtday and steve is taking the reader to the hair and nail salon, and that night he has a suprise party for the reader and he is nervous that she wont like his gift but she loves his gift
word count: ~1.3k
summary: it was supposed to be "y/n y/l/n, will you marry me?" it was supposed to be romantic. why, then, did it become "that's my fiancée, you fucking asshole!" "your... your what?"
author's note: hiya peeps! okay firstly, happy birthday @maximeevansblog ! hope you have a wonderful birthday! also, im sorry if i changed your prompt a tiny bit, i hope you still like it. enjoy!
"Hey lover boy, what—"
"Oh Jesus Christ, Barnes!" Steve exclaimed, startled. Bucky laughed and clapped him on the back once. "What are you doing here, are you spying?" he teased his best friend, peeking past him to look into the room outside which he found Steve standing. Y/N was inside the room, talking to a guy while holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands.
"Y/N?! Your own girlfriend, Rogers?" Bucky admonished harshly in a whisper, pulling Steve away from the door. "It's not— I trust her completely, honest! It's the guy she's talking to, Manny. I swear to God he's trying to steal her from me—"
"Nobody is stealing me, Rogers, Manny's just a friend! No ulterior motives, he has already promised like a thousand times," Steve heard behind him and whirled around to see Y/N standing there with a smirk, an eyebrow raised. "You taking snooping lessons from Barnes now?" he muttered, "I know babe, I just—"
"Just nothing, Stevie, be happy! It's my birthday!" she laughed and gave him a tight hug, burrowing into his arms. To be honest, Y/N knew about Manny's intentions and Steve was right to worry; he flirted with her all the time, even when she insisted she was dating the ex-Captain America. But she knew better than to worry Steve.
He soothingly rubbed her back, swatting Bucky's hand away when he tried to run his fingers through her hair. "Stop it, that's my girlfriend," he pouted and both Bucky and Y/N burst out laughing. "She's like a sister; jeez, Rogers, tone it down a little bit," Bucky sighed and waved at the couple, walking away.
Steve and Y/N decided to go back to their room. They had been in a relationship for around 4 years now, and they weren't planning on stopping, ever. The only time Y/N would become Steve's ex-girlfriend was when she became his wife. Which he hoped she'd become soon, since he had a special birthday planned for her.
First, he was going to take her to a hair salon, then a manicure and pedicure, and finally, a picnic under the stars. There, he was finally going to pop the question: Y/N, will you marry me? After his retirement, that was all he wanted. A stable life; a wife, kids, maybe some pets. He was even ready to be a trophy husband, as Y/N was still in the Avengers Initiative.
"Steve? Steve!" He snapped out of his thoughts and gave Y/N a sheepish smile. "Sorry, pumpkin, lost in thoughts. So, uh, the flowers look nice," he stammered, looking everywhere but at the flowers which Y/N was putting in a vase. "Oh hush Rogers, you don't have to pretend to like them for me, I get it. I was just like that with you, you know?"
It was true, in the beginning of their relationship Y/N was what Steve was now. Jealous, overprotective, obsessed… somewhere along the line the roles were reversed. "I know, honey, I'm sorry… they're a birthday gift, I should be happy for you." He walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her from behind, pressing a kiss to her neck.
"It's fine. So, I've received everyone's gift but yours, where is it?" she grinned coyly, reaching up to cup his cheek. Steve smirked against her skin and spun her around, bringing them back chest to chest. "In my pants," he whispered seductively. A few seconds passed and both of them burst out laughing.
"I swear to God, Stevie, if that's your only gift I'm gonna be really disappointed." Steve pouted and leaned forward to give her a sweet kiss. "First of all, ouch," he began, "And second, no that's not the only gift. I have a really fun day planned for us, you up for it?" Y/N's eyes lit up and she nodded eagerly, jumping into his arms. "Aw, Steve, I love you so much!"
"I love you too, princess. Now for the first gift—"
"Ste— oh…"
"I. Look. Freaking. Amazing!"
Steve smiled softly as Y/N admired herself in the mirror. They had just returned from the mani-pedi session, and Y/N was feeling the most refreshed she had in years. She had also gotten a fantastic new hairstyle, complete with a different hair colour. Y/N was feeling like a new person, all thanks to Steve. She turned to him with a huge smile.
"Words cannot express how much I love you," she began, giving him a tight hug, "But numbers can. 1 million out of 10!" Steve laughed at her excitement, gently playing with her hair as he held her close. "But the best part awaits: the picnic! We still have a few hours to go, maybe I can go some for training?"
"Sure, and I'm going to take some pictures and post them to all my social media sites! Oh my God, this is fantastic—" Steve laughed at Y/N's squeals and left the room, feeling giddier and happier than he was in the morning. You see, Steve was kind of nervous the whole day. First, it was because of Manny, second, he was worried she wouldn't like his gifts and third, will she say yes?
Two out of the three concerns were gone. It was the pesky last one that ran through his mind the whole time he was in the gym. After an hour, Steve decided to go back to their room to relax for a while under the Air Conditioner; he didn't want to be a smelly, sweaty mess on the most important night of his life.
As he was walking towards their room, though, Steve happened to bump into Y/N. And… Manny. Manny took one step forward, Y/N took a step back. One step forward, one step back as Y/N held her hands out in front of her, protecting herself. Without even bothering to know the full story, Steve rushed over and punched Manny straight on the nose.
He fell back with a groan as Y/N gasped, covering her mouth. "That's my fiancée, you fucking asshole! Have some respect for other people's relationships, she said no, no means no!" he yelled, so loud that a few others came over to check on them. Bucky, Sam, Peter, Tony, Wanda, Vision, Bruce and Natasha, all stood a few feet away, watching with wide eyes.
Y/N's head snapped towards Steve when he called her his fiancée. "Your… your what?" she whispered, and Steve finally realized what he had blurted out. Shit. "I… I was going to ask you tonight at the picnic— it was supposed to be romantic, damn it Manny, you ruined—" His speech was cut short as Y/N immediately took him in her arms, kissing him deeply.
"Yes, Steve, I will marry you," she mumbled with a small, teary smile that Steve mimicked as he brought her in for another kiss. They only stopped when they heard the massive applause coming from the others. "Congratulations, you guys, this is brilliant news! Who's the best man?" Sam hollered.
Steve hugged Y/N closer, wiping his tears off with a chuckle. "Well, I was thinking—"
"I'll be honored," Sam grinned, scowling when Bucky smacked him across the head. "He was going to ask me," Bucky sneered and Steve rolled his eyes. "If you keep bickering like that, I'll ask Bruce," he snarked and Bruce laughed as both Bucky and Sam quieted instantly. "Where's the fucking ring, Rogers, there's no proposal without a ring!"
"The ring is in the bedroom, I was training and that's no place for a precious jewel," Steve answered and Y/N smiled into his arms, burrowing her face further into his chest.
"Yes, the hair salon was great. The mani and pedi— not that Manny, Steve— was also great. But this, by far, was the best birthday present I got today," she whispered to him. "What about the sex? Am I becoming an old man now—" Y/N pushed Steve with a disgusted look on her face as everyone else gagged and groaned. "Rogers, it was a sweet moment!"
"Sorry, sorry, couldn't help myself, it just came— there it is again!"
"Blergh, fuck you, man!"
"I deserved it."
a/n: thanks for reading, leave a like if you liked it!
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in-ky · 3 years
Hi! I’d love a story about Negan being a serial killer who only kills “bad people” (like in Dexter) and maybe he saves the reader from her ex who’s about to kill her and Negan can save her and takes her in because she’s a mess but she’s actually a killer herself (who kills rapists etc/ only the bad ones) and Negan and the reader start fighting and then get caught up in steamy hot sex 🥵 thank you!
Savior - Negan Killer AU
Warnings: Warnings: GORE + violence, smut, domestic abuse, swearing, dirty talk ig? idk how to tag this lol
A/N: hey! i struggled over this one for a while lol. ive only seen like. 3? episodes of dexter so. i really hope this meets your expectations! also forgive any mistakes its late, im tired, and i wanna get this up lol. also, is negan batman? maybe. 3.7k words
"Will, stop you're hurting me!" I hissed, grabbing at his wrist. He tugged me out of the bustling restaurant and into the dark street.
"I don't really give a shit," He snarled, throwing me into a secluded alleyway a few buildings down from the restaurant. Will had taken me out to a business dinner with his boss in hopes of showing me off and making a good impression. But things didn't quite go according to plan. "You embarrassed me in front of everyone!" He pushed me against the brick wall of the closed department store.
"What was I supposed to do?" I sneered, trying to wiggle away from him "He kept commenting on my body, saying how he wished he could take me home at the end of the night and do all kinds of 'unspeakable things to me'."
"You were just supposed to shut up and take it!" Will said, voice filled with rage "But no, you and your untamable fucking complex just couldn't handle a compliment. You threw your drink in his face! You're lucky he didn't fire me right then and there. You made me look like some pussy who can't control his whore."
"You're an asshole." I shouted, tears welling at the edges of my eyes. Will's face contorted further into a look of pure, unadulterated hatred.
"What the fuck did you just call me?" He seethed, clasping his hand tightly around my throat and constricting his fingers around my airway.
"I said you're an asshole who cares more about his dead-end career than his fucking girlfriend." I croaked. I hated him. I hated him so much. My vision clouded with the combination of disgust, loathing, and lack of oxygen, so I hit him where I knew it hurt. "There's a reason you needed me for arm candy tonight. It's 'cause you're a boring, piece-of-shit, lowlife who has no skill whatsoever. How does it feel knowing you need me to make something of yourself?" With that, he threw me to the ground by my throat. He wasted no time and pinned me to the cold concrete. His knees dug into my shoulders and his hand flew to his back pocket, whipping out the switchblade he carried as a precaution against mugging. My eyes widened as they caught a glint of the moonlight off the sharp knife. He brought the blade up to my throat and slapped me over the cheek harshly with his free hand.
"You better take back those words, bitch," He hissed, pressing the blade into the soft skin of my jugular "or they might just be your last." A dribble of blood ran down my neck with the pressure. Realization flashed through my mind. I could die right then. That could have been my last moment. Was I scared? No. Why wasn't I scared? Maybe it had to do with the shadowy figure that was slowly approaching us from the ally entrance.
There was plenty of time for me to warn Will that someone was coming. But I didn't. Instead, I stayed quiet and watched as the shadow figure pulled Will from my body with ease and tossed him to the side. Everything was kind of a blur. I was still oxygen starved and filled with a whirl-wind of emotion. I heard Will cry out in surprise and indignance. The shadow figure said nothing. It saw the switchblade with a steady line of my blood. It kicked Will in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Then it lifted up a baseball bat over its head and cracked it down over Will's skull. He continued to beat Will until he stopped squirming. The shadow figure paused and swung the bat over his shoulder. I had regained my breath and pushed myself to my elbows. The shadow noticed me moving and took a few heavy steps in my direction. I squirmed away slightly, instincts telling me to get away from the thing that had just pulverized my boyfriend. The shadow entered a stream of moonlight. It was a man. He had peppered hair and a blood-speckled face. He had dark brown eyes and a small smile perched on his lips.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He said. His voice was deep. I was partially surprised. He wasn't a bulky man. He was tall and had a broad frame, but his limbs were long and his body was lithe. He wore a leather jacket and his boots were slick with what I could only assume were Will's brains. I didn't want to look at his bat.
"W-Why did you do that?" I whispered. It was all I could muster.
"He was going to kill you." The man sounded confused, like I was supposed to know who he was and why he saved me.
"You don't know that." My voice was quiet. My eyes were glued to a spot behind the man, unblinking. He let out a throaty chuckle and dropped to a squat, leveling with me.
"Doll, he had a knife pressed to your throat," His words were gentle "Looked like he was gonna fuckin' kill you." He hesitantly reached out two fingers in the direction of my face. I didn't move. He was wearing leather gloves. The ridged fabric ran along my injuries. "Seems like he did some damage before I could step in. Damn. Sorry about that. Listen, I live a few streets down. If you want, I can get you cleaned up."
"Okay," I said softly. I let him help me up to my feet. He guided me along with one arm while holding his bat with the other. As we walked out of the alley I couldn't help but look down at Will, or what remained of him at least. His forehead was split in half, a pool of chunky blood bubbling on the ground. I clenched my jaw and forced myself to swallow the bile that had risen in my throat. And yet, I didn't feel sad. I didn't mourn him. Maybe it was shock, maybe it wasn't. "Thank you?" I murmured, though it was more of a question. The man and I stepped out onto the street and I was grateful there was no one around to see us leaving the scene of a very heinous-looking crime.
"No problem, doll," The man hummed, setting a brisk pace down the sidewalk. "The name's Negan, by the way." Cool. Negan: my Savior.
"So you're like Batman?" I asked Negan as he dabbed the blood away from my neck. He gave a short chuckle and tore away the sticky part of the band-aid.
"I guess you can say that," he mused, splaying the bandage over the cut the knife had left "but I specifically go for people that I know have hurt others. The baddies, if you will."
"Is that legal?" I tilted my head, crossing my ankles as they dangled over the bathroom counter. My palms were flat on the surface of Negan's marble sink top, fiddling with the wrappers of the medical supplies he had used to clean and bandage my small cuts and bruises.
"I haven't been caught," Negan shrugged "besides, it's less work for the police. They don't have to do any interrogation bullshit or anything. I usually catch people in the act, like tonight. Then I do my thing."
"Do you kill everyone?"
"Only the bad people," He reminded, tossing away a bloody tissue "only people who have hurt others. But, yes, usually the offender ends up on the business end of Lucille over there." He pointed out the door into the living room, where the still-bloody bat rested against a chair. I furrowed my brow.
"Well, doesn't that make you a bad guy?" I pressed. He tapped my knee and I dropped down to the tile floor, tucking my hair behind my ear and gathering some of the scraps.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you still kill people, right? Even if they're bad? So doesn't that still make you a killer?" Negan was quiet for a minute. "Let's put it this way," I continued "What would you do if you came across someone who was like you; someone who hurt the bad people. Would you still kill them. They're hurting people." Negan took a deep breath and let it out with a contemplative sigh, itching his bearded chin.
"I'm not sure," He mused "I've never really thought about it before. See, I don't consider myself a bad person per say. Yea, what I'm doing might be considered fucked up. But I'm doing it for the right reason. I'm protecting people by attacking their attackers. In the end, someone's saved." He brushed off his hands and led me out of the bathroom, flicking the light off. "Would you rather me not have saved you tonight?"
"No," I said immediately "thank you. Really, thank you. You saved my life. Will is...was...always a dick, but I never thought he'd actually hurt me. I guess that proves people can have a whole bunch of layers." Negan nodded and moved to the kitchen. He raised a bottle of whiskey as an offering. I shook my head but he poured himself a glass.
"I was just doing my job," Negan grinned sympathetically "I'm sorry your boyfriend was an asshole who tried to murder you." I shrugged, amusement in my eyes.
"Eh, it happens to everyone." I smiled as he let out another laugh. I felt as if I shouldn't be laughing, but at the same time, everyone has their own responses to almost getting stabbed to death in an alley. So I let myself have this moment. Besides, Negan was a good guy to be around. He made me feel safe, comfortable, secure. Everything I needed right now. "So, Negan, what do you do? Surely vigilante-ing can't pay well, and this apartment is really nice."
"I'm a retired baseball player," Negan said, sipping his whiskey and settling into one of the armchairs in the living room "Hence the bat."
"Were you any good?" I asked. He let out a loud scoff.
"Was I any good?" He mocked "Sweetheart, I have a whole damn trophy room. I was fucking amazing. I just got old."
"So you're rich with no real job, you kill bad guys, and you have a massive ego," I listed "You really are like Batman, aren't you?"
Negan let me stay on his couch that night. It was leather, like everything else that man seemed to own, but it was comfortable. I woke up to the smell of bacon filling the air. I groaned and rubbed my fists against my eyes, clearing them of sleep. I stretched my arms above my head in a yawn and rolled off the couch, stumbling into the kitchen. Negan was hunched over the bubbling pan, dodging pellets of grease as they shot up at him.
"Smells good!" I purred, closing my eyes and taking a deep inhale.
"Good," He grumbled "You better fucking enjoy it because I've gotten burned at least three times." I laughed and walked up to him examining the small red patches that dotted his arms.
"You didn't have to make me breakfast you know."
"Yea, but I wanted to make sure you were comfortable," He sighed, turning off the stove and scooping the cooked bacon onto a paper towel. "Besides, I was craving some bacon when I woke up. I haven't had someone to share a meal with in a while."
"Well, if you want, you can come by my house for dinner." I offered, crunching down on a piece of bacon "I've been meaning to whip out the family alfredo recipe for a while, maybe a hot date would give me that incentive." I gave him a playful wink and he chuckled.
"Sure thing, doll," He hummed, putting the pan in the sink "I love me some fucking spaghetti. I'll see you around seven?"
"Sounds good."
I ran down the sidewalk, chest heaving. There was enough darkness to cover me, but I still kept my head down to prevent recognition. I held my hands close to my stomach, praying that the blood on my fingers wouldn't drip on the pavement and leave a trail. I had been on my way home from the store when I heard some commotion coming from an alley. My first instinct was to run, but then I heard the girl crying for help. Negan came to mind, what he did, how he helped people. I couldn't turn away. I marched down the alley and saw a greasy man pinning a woman to the wall of a building. Flashbacks of the night before hit me like a train. I looked on top of the alley dumpster  and saw a crowbar perched on one of the lids. I grabbed it and stormed up to the man, whacking him upside the head with the weapon. I kicked him to the side and brought the crowbar over my head before swinging it down. It connected with his face in a sickening 'thwack.' I thought of Will. I thought of what might of happened if Negan had never stopped him. I thought of all the times that bastard had gotten drunk and told me I was nothing. I let the rage bubble up and fuel my beating. By the time I was pulled back into the moment, my muscles were screaming, the woman was gone, and the man's face was unrecognizable. I tossed the crowbar into the dumpster and ran back home.
Dried blood is extremely hard to wash off. It sticks to your skin in flakes, creating a pattern of red veins crawling over your hands. Fuck. I scrubbed as hard as I could under the rushing water of the sink, pumping more and more soap into my hand. It was under my fingernails. It was stuck in my palm prints. Shit, did I leave fingerprints at the scene? Would they be coming for me? With a hiss, I rubbed even harder at my skin, small flecks of blood turning the sink water red.
Suddenly, my door opened.
"I'm ready for my s'getties!" Negan boomed with a wide smile. My head whipped around, looking at him with wide eyes. His grin faded and he crossed the room in record time, grabbing my wrists and turning the sink off. "Is this fucking blood?" He snarled, bringing my hands up to my face. I clenched my jaw and dropped my eyes to my feet. "Jesus, who's is it? Answer me!"
"I-I heard someone screaming on the way home," I said quietly, eyes still downcast "I thought I would help..." His jaw went slack and he let go of my hands, running his fingers through his hair.
"Jesus fuck, you can't just go around killing people!"
"Why not?" I snapped, eyes meeting his "You do it all the time? What's the difference? Why can't I help people?"
"Because it...Because you just can't!" Negan growled, shaking his head.
"Why are you so special?" I hissed back, drying my hands off on a towel before tossing it at him "It's not like you can get a permit for fucking murder. Why do you do it, anyways? Is it some perverted thing? Do you get off on saving people from attackers?"
"Watch yourself." Negan warned, eyes darkening.
"Pfft, or what?" I laughed, tossing my head back "What are you gonna do, kill me? I'm not afraid of you, Negan." As soon as the words left my mouth, he charged me. His hand flew to my throat, squeezing my airway lightly. His hips pressed me against the counter. I let out a small gasp when he shoved his face next to mine.
"Oh, but doll, you really fucking should be." He spat, curling his lip "I could snap your neck right here, right now." He gave a small squeeze to emphasize his words. I let out a strangled moan. We both froze. "Are you turned on right now?" He muttered, furrowing his brow. I licked my lips and squirmed in his grip, pressing my thighs together slightly in an effort to alleviate the warm pressure growing in my belly.
"No," I lied, voice weak. A sinister grin curled over the bottom half of his face and he licked his tongue over his teeth.
"And I'm the perv, huh?" He sucked on my earlobe and peppered kisses down my jawline "Sweetheart, tell me, do you want me to fuck that pretty little pussy of yours? Do you want me to make you cum harder than you ever have?" I whimpered at his dirty mouth. "Use your words, doll, or I'll leave right fucking now."
"Y-Yes!" I breathed as Negan's lips sucked on the sweet spot right beneath my ear.
"Yes, what, princess?"
"Yes, I want you to fuck me, please!" I groaned, clawing at his shirt. He let out a short chuckle, muttering something about how needy I was, but I didn't care. Right now, the only thought running through my head was that I needed Negan. I needed all of him. And damn me if I wasn't going to get it.
We clawed at each other's clothes like rabid animals. Once we were completely bare, Negan moved his kisses down my body. His large, calloused hands kneaded my breasts, twisting my nipples between his thumbs. My arms flew around his neck and I dragged my fingernails up his back. He shivered against my touch and slid his hands further down my body. They settled firmly on my hips as he captured my lips in a fervent kiss.
"Fuck, sweetheart," he grunted, pulling back for air. I looked at him. His tawny eyes were now black, pupils far beyond dilated with lust. Both of our lips were swollen and red from the intensity of our kisses. Negan's chest inflated and deflated quickly as his eyes roamed over my body. "You're so damn perfect." I smiled sheepishly and pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, looking up at him through lidded eyes.
"You're not so bad yourself," I reached out my hand and used my pointer finger to draw a line from his collar bone down the center of his chest and through his navel, finally ending right over his pulsing cock. He sucked in a breath as my fingers closed around him. My thumb swept over the hot tip, gathering precum on the pad of my finger and rubbing it around.
"Shit," He hissed as I slowly pumped him "I'm not gonna fucking last if you keep doing that." He gently pried my hand away and took a step closer to me. I could feel his hardened length resting against the inside of my thigh. The thought of him being so close made a burst of heat rush down between my thighs. Negan took a long finger and ran it through my folds, collecting my wetness. I moaned as he teasingly dipped the first knuckle into me. He pulled back and let out a low whistle. "Damn, girl," he chuckled, raising his finger to my face "You're fucking dripping. Who's that for?" His slick-coated fingers glistened in the light of my apartment. I let out a deep groan as he slid them between his lips and sucked.
"You, Negan!" I whimpered, wrapping my legs around his waist "It's all for you." A wolfish grin spread over his features as he tugged me off him and pulled me down off the counter. He spun me around and pressed gently between my shoulder blades until my chest was flat against the cold surface.
"Then if you don't mind," Negan cooed, lining himself up with my entrance "I'm going to take what belongs to me." With that, he slowly pushed into me. I gasped at the stretch, balling my hands into fists as he continued to split me open.
"Fucking shit," he groaned once he bottomed out "you're tight as hell. I bet you've never had a dick as big as mine." He pulled out slightly and I let out a moan at the growing emptiness inside. The moan soon turned to a yelp when he brought down his hand against my ass. The smack was loud and he rubbed the red spot tenderly. "Have you?"
"N-No!" I gasped when he thrusted into me for the first time "Never. Fuck, you feel so good." Negan's thrusts sped up, his hips snapping against my ass in an obscene rhythm. Grunts and moans of pleasure slipped from both of our lips as he plowed unapologetically into me. I could feel every inch of him. He was hitting every spot, dragging against my walls in a sinfully perfect way.
"You're doing so good," He purred, kissing and biting my shoulder "So good for me. You're so perfect." I tossed my head back and he grabbed my chin, tilting my face towards him so he could give me another bruising kiss. I could only keep up for so long, though, and the white bliss of pleasure he was giving me soon became overwhelming. My jaw went slack and my head dropped against the cool tile of the counter in an attempt to ground myself in the moment. "I want you to cum, doll, cum around me. Wanna feel those walls squeeze me." His thrusts were starting to become sloppy and I could tell he was getting to his end. One of his fingers danced down my spine and found its way to my clit. He circled it with just enough pressure to get me to the edge that I was so willing to jump off. "Now." Negan growled. I obeyed, feeling the band in my lower abdomen snapping violently. We reached our releases simultaneously. My walls clenched around him, milking him of every drop. I screwed my eyes shut and screamed his name, holding in a large breath as the world around me spun. Negan eventually pulled himself out and collapsed on top of me. We both were breathing heavily, sweaty bodies entangled as well as we could over a counter. I swallowed, my throat dry from panting through my orgasm. When my eyes fluttered open, I could see Negan's thumb tracing circles over the love bites that were starting to darken on my shoulders.
"Are you going to kill me?" I rasped, running a hand through my wild hair "I guess I'm a bad person now." Negan chuckled, still out of breath.
"I think I'll make an exception," He mused, pressing a sweet kiss to the shell of my ear "I don't think I'm ready to let you go just yet."
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Amusement park Date - 1000 ch special!
Hey everyone! This is my celebration for One piece 1000 chapter!
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Monster Trio + Ussop
Scenarios where Character and Reader go on a date to Amusement Park on an island
special Law and Kidd Here (Clickable) 
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I shifted again as I tried to sleep. I don’t know why I’m not able to sleep but because of my shifting I woke my dear boyfriend accidently. He murmured, “What happened Y/N? Why aren’t you sleeping?”
“Oh dear, I am sorry for waking you up Luffy. I wasn’t able to sleep so I was shifting. Sorry again”, I apologised to him and he placed his hand on one of my cheek as he said, “Don’t apologise, its ok. Are you hungry? Is your hunger making you not sleep? Trust me I’ve faced that.”
I chucked and said, “Yes love, I know you faced it but, I am not hungry. I am just not able to fall asleep.”
Luffy hummed as he closed his eyes trying to think of something but instead I could see his head getting Red as a side effect. He sighed as he opened his eyes and looked at me and added, “I have never faced any other situation, other than that…”, he said in a defeated tone making me smile at his cuteness. “But! I guess if we do this, you can sleep”, he said as he wrapped his arms around me and got very close. He had his classic beautiful smile while he cuddled me.
“I am sure you can fall asleep like this”, he said and smiled widely making me giggle. He was having the perfect temperature and had the smell of delicious Sanji’s cooking.
“This really helps. Thank you love”, I smiled and pecked his cheek as he giggled.
“Then let’s sleep, we should go out to explore the new island”, he said as he pulled me closer and continued, “And… maybe go… on a date…”, with that Luffy fell asleep. My cheeks turned pink and I smiled at how
“Yes Captain!”, I replied. We cuddled as I thought about how amazing our date would be. With the comfort Luffy was giving in his warm hug, it was all I needed for falling asleep peacefully.
As for the date, we both got on different types of rides mostly the scary ones and didn’t even miss one single food stall. Luffy stopped at every single food stall as he wanted to eat all food items available. I was also keeping company to Luffy as he ate.
Suddenly Luffy stretched his neck and came closer to me. I gulped at the sudden closeness. It was a surprise and my heart started beating faster.
“Y/N… you”, Luffy said as I blinked and continued, “Have food on your face”, with this he leaned in and pecked my cheek dangerously close to my lips, where the food was and said, “We don’t want that to waste right”.
‘Oh god Save me’, I thought as covered my flushed face…
After a while I came across a small competition where people were arm wrestling. As I looked at it, I felt a chill run down my spine with excitement. Luffy was still busy stuffing his mouth with food in a stall few meters away.
“Luffy! Come here”, I call Luffy and he stretched and came to my side in a second.
“Will you participate in it”, I asked Luffy as I pointed at the competition.
“Woah! Seems fun!”, Luffy Exclaimed as he jumped onto the stage. There stood a huge guy who couldn’t be beaten up till now as he faced Luffy. According to now, he should be defeated in order to win the competition.
The jerk smirked as Luffy sat in the opposite side of his. He was underestimating Luffy and I really hated that. I know Luffy wouldn’t lose but I still shouted, “LUFFY! WIN! YOU CAN WIN”, luffy smirked and I succeeded in making sure everyone in the place heard it and even draw attention to the place. Everyone’s eyes were on the match as both contestants sat opposite to each other.
“Osu!”, Luffy said as he positioned his arm, and in one swift move, my Luffy got the opponents arm down with a bonus of crashing the jerks complete body to the hard floor of the stage, even making the floor break.
Seeing the scene in front of me, I jumped up the stage and hugged Luffy as he returned my hug and complained, “It wasn’t that hard… boo”, he pouted like a child and I chuckled looking at his face.
We got the trophy and were enjoying so much but in the end….. Luffy accidentally broke one of the rides and we both ran from that scene with the rest of the crew. Anyhow that was sure one hell of a date and I loved it!
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Me and my boyfriend Zoro, go on a date to the amusement park which was pretty famous for the island we stopped on. We also wanted a break from the crew and spend some quality time together.
We both split from the crew and go for some rides. We enjoyed the roller coaster and did window shopping. Zoro won so many games and got prizes. But we purposely avoided the shooting games because we didn’t want to bump in with the crew now.
“Woah! This is amazing Zoro. You won so many things. Im so proud of you.”, I praised him and all he did was to grunt. Well he is happy and I can feel it.
I smiled at him as he bought me a snack. We both were looking at the stalls as we ate it. Then I saw a cute Lama in a claw machine.
“Awww look at that cute Lama. Can you win it Zoro?”, I pleaded my boyfriend as I gave him puppy eyes.
“Huff… you are such a trouble. Now tell me what you want”, he said as he grinned looking at the claw machine. I grinned as I showed him the Lama which I wanted.
Then… Zoro for the first time in being in the amusement park… lost.
After some time
“Babe stop! Its fine if we don’t get it”, I tell my boyfriend as he tries for the 7th time to win the Lama plushie that I liked.
“No way! Ill win that stupid thing for you!”, Zoro grunted as he lost for the 7th time.
“I really appreciate it Zoro but we are spending all of our money on this claw machine. We still need to see all the other stalls”, I tried to convince him but he wasn’t listening.
Zoro inserted the coin in the machine and got the 8th loss. He was emitting violet and black fumes. He wasn’t going to give up that easily… even after the 22nd time of losing. He was barely keeping his swords away from cutting down the machine. I huffed as I look at my man who is really pissed now. I gently place my hand on his shoulder and say, “Babe… think of it all as your experience. Now use all of it in this game. I am sure you’ll win it this time.”
Zoro took a deep breath and closed his eye. He stayed still for couple of seconds and opened his eye as he got back to the machine. He looked sharply at the Lama plushie and took the handle and pushed it back and froth as he aligned it to the Lama.
“I’m going to get the stupid toy that you liked at all costs”, with this he hit the red button which enabled the Grip for the toy.
As everyone says… 23rd time is the charm, Zoro won the plushie at last!! I was too exited so I just jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck. Zoro took the toy and gave it to me.
“Trust me Zoro, this is the best gift ever because it represents all your hard work and passion of yours.”, I said as I kissed his lips. He blushed and huffed as he said, “Of..of course I said I’d win for you. There is no way I would lose to this dumb game.” He said as he happily took my hand and started to walk away from the machine.
We see Sanji coming towards us. “Hey Sanji! Look at this Lama, Zoro won it for me!”, I proudly showed my plushie to him as he smiled back at me.
“That’s so good! Well done Marimo! So you too can be nice to your lover”, Sanji said as he went towards the machine.
“I don’t need to hear it from you, love cook. So you trying to win huh”, Zoro stayed still looking at Sanji.
“I… I do want to get some toys”, Sanji replied as he played the machine and also… got the stuff toy in the… First try. He inserted the second coin and played as he won… the second time. I was watching Sanji awestruck I didn’t realise Zoro let go of my hand. Then the third win and during the fourth time Sanji won two toys at the same time.
“Woah! See two at a time!”, he said as he walked towards us and gave me a toy and said, “I need to give Nami san and Robin chan also… So I’ll go now”, Sanji said.
“Wait Sanji!”, I stopped Sanji and asked, “How… did you win in a row?”
To which he smiled and said, “Ah! About that… there is a hack where we push the button two times, we will definitely get the toy. Well technically I didn’t say I wanted to win, I just wanted get the toy”, with that he left.
“Babe did you hear”, I turned my head to my side and Zoro wasn’t there. Then I heard, “ONI-”, I looked in the direction and it was too late to stop Zoro, as I saw my man give one blow to the machine, “-GIRI”, making it cut into pieces.
“Zoro…”, I managed to say and then the red lights started to blink with a sound coming from the machine.
“DIE YOU MACHINE! DIE!!!”, Zoro yelled at the machine as I took his arm and started to run away with my plushies held tightly in other hand. Zoro held my hand and with the other he held the bag of items he won in the games. We were being chased by many people and it was a mess but after we escaped and reached the ship, we both laughed at the situation.
“Here you go”, said Sanji as he crouched down and handed the third plushie to the little raindeer.
“Ahh! Giving me this doesn’t make me happy you asshole”, Said the doctor as he did his happy dance making Sanji smile at him warmly.
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“HEY! OVER HERE!”, Sanji waved seeing me as I went towards the amusement park. We agreed to meet here for today’s date. Sanji wore a blue Hawaiian shirt and grey knee length shorts. It was a sunny island and was really warm. Sanji looked so different in this attire from his usual Dress shirt and coat. Not gonna lie he can pull off any type of outfit.
“Y/N! You look so cute!”, he cooed with a wide grin on his face. ‘Agh! I was supposed to compliment him first’, I scolded myself.
“Thankyou… you… you look handsome too”, I managed to let it out in a soft low voice but still he heard it. His eyes widened as his lips parted and his face flushed.
“Thankyou Y/N chan”, he thanked and offered me his hand. I smiled and took his hand as we both headed into the amusement park together. Sanji not once swooned over any other girl from the moment we both held hands.
We both shopped and took some photos together. We both got on slow and romantic rides as it was more romantic. We both played many games and Sanji trying to impress me, as if he hadn’t already done that, won all the games. I mean we were told to leave because he was way too good.
In the way I saw a Horror House. ‘Woah! Did I just get excited?!’, I stop Sanji from walking further and asked, “Sanji, can we go there please”, I pointed towards the Horror house.
Sanji looked at it and smirked as he said, “Yeah why not! Seems fun”. He seemed more excited than I was. Maybe it was because he was also missing the thrill. We walked quickly towards the horror house still my hand in his.
We go into the horror house with excitement. We go in and see some jump scares here and there… not very scary yet… there we go to a room filled with mirrors.
Then suddenly a man in clown costume comes into the room and the mirrors made reflections of him. This took me by surprise and I screamed as I hugged Sanji. He rubbed soothing circles on my back as he hugged me back instantly.
“Don’t get too close! She is scared now because of you”, he started to lecture the clown dressed man as he still hugged me and we left the room. ‘Well I know it’s a place to get scared but… he was so cute when he scolded that person because I was scared. Poor man… just did his job though’, I thought as I still hugged Sanji and explored the house more.
Whenever I got scared he turned his protective mode on and lectured the actors. They were too scared to say anything back and ran away from where they came from. Which never I guess never happened in this horror house before.
We both completed our turn and I was still feeling the adrenaline in my veins. That was actually a very scary horror house I’ve seen. I look at Sanji who was blushing and smiling. He asked, “Are you ok now Y/N?”
“Yeah… it was scary… though I guess you didn’t have much fun”, I said as I hung my head low. He placed his slender fingers on my chin and lifted my head up to face his. He smiled warmly at me and said, “It wasn’t scary to me but, I did love how you held me close to you and how you relied on me when you were scared.”, he said and I blushed. Then I noticed, we were in the same position even now and my blush even grew more. Yet…. I still didn’t want to let him go. I still held him close and I said, “Thankyou… Sanji”, with that he came closer and made our foreheads touch.
“I love you Y/N”, Sanji declared suddenly. His face was so close to mine and I could see the nervousness in his eyes.
“I love you too, you don’t have to be so nervous every time you say it”, I chuckled and he giggle. He pecked my nose and pulled back. He started to sway my hand as he indicated to continue the date. I obliged and we went to another game. ‘What did I even do to deserve him’, I thought as we continued our date.
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“Agh!! Ussop! C’mon! lets go. It’s a good day, we are on an island with theme park… I want to go on a date”, I nagged at my boyfriend who was in middle of making a new invention.
“Oh… ok then, lets go!”, Ussop says as he got up.
“That’s my baby”, I praise him as I ruffled his hair and he blushed ‘cause I called him Baby.
We both started to head to the theme park with hands linked. He was blushing the complete time. ‘Could he be anymore cuter?’, I thought as I enjoyed looking at my shy boyfriend.
“Ussop, lets eat something”, I turned to see my boyfriend who was already drooling at the sight of all the food stalls. He is a foodie and eats a lot, just… cant be compared to Luffy but he has potential.
“YES PLEASE!”, he said as he went to the stalls to eat. I chuckled when he just shoved a burger down his throat, but my smile was replaced by worry when he choked on it.
“BAKA USSOP! DON’T WORRY ME LIKE THAT!”, I scold him as he chugged down the water I handed him.
“….Sorry Y/N”, he apologises with puppy dog eyes of his which are hard to stay mad at. I huff and accept his apology. I took his hand in mine and dragged him to a scary ride.
“Wait.. Y/N…”, he said as I looked at him and see him placing his free hand on his chest and continued, “I think I’m getting the disease “Shouldn’t get on that ride” help me.” He even fake coughed and swayed back and forth to make it more dramatic. “Like I’d believe that… but keep up the acting. Good job”, I say as he dejectedly follows me while I drag him to the ride.
We both got down the ride as I beamed with happiness and said, “It was so much fun!”
I got no response from my boyfriend so I turned to look at him. He had this dark aura surrounding him. He even was mumbling something which wasn’t… a language I know. It even felt like his soul was leaving his body.
“Ussop… you okay dude?”, I ask him as I crouch down and hug him.
“I am surprised I’m even alive”, he said and returned my hug. He was acting so cute by snuggling against my neck, making me chuckle.
“No way that could kill you”, I place one hand under his arm and other on his waist and pull him up. He looks at me with his glossy eyes making my heart skip a beat.
“Ok ok ok… no more scary rides. I got it. So… lets go and play some games”, I suggest for which he happily nods.
We both go to the game stalls and I saw a shooting game. I stop in my tracks making Ussop to bump into me because he was walking behind me.
“Ouch! What happened Y/N? Why did you stop?”, he asked as I looks at the game I pointed. We both smirked as we looked at each other and headed towards it. Ussop takes a gun and starts to shoot perfectly and wins continuous prizes making me happy.
Suddenly I get a thought of getting a prize for him. So I place my hand on the gun and give coins to the person who was in in charge and take position. I fire the gun but it misses and again and again…. It was making my heart crush but I still wanted to win.
Looking at my sad face Ussop couldn’t help but step in. He gracefully placed his arms on the gun and pointed it to the target. We were in a position where he was basically back hugging me. It’s always me initiating hugs and kisses. So… this made me blush so hard. I was basically a tomato in Ussop’s arms. He pulls the trigger and shoots the target with ease, making me win for the first time.
I smile widely as I notice it. It was his doing but… it made me so happy.
“Y/N Look! You shot the target”, he says as he looks at my face. He notices how red my face was and how close we both were. This makes him blush hard. He slowly lets go of me. The man in charge of the game comes towards us and hands me the prize. He witnessed the moment and was also blushing.
I took the prize and handed it to my boyfriend but I hung my head low. I was too embarrassed to face him while I give it. He takes it with his shaky hands indicating he was also very nervous. I build up my courage, take his hand and start to walk with him to another game.
Ussop was very quiet but then he suddenly says, “I love you Y/N”, making me stop in my tracks. My heart beat increased. I turned around, looked at him and replied, “I love you too Ussop”.
We both smiled at each other and continued walking side by side with our hands linked. ‘Definitely the best date till now’, I thought as we walked back to the ship with lots of toys and prizes.
special Law and Kidd Here (Clickable)
I hope you all liked it! please like, reblog and comment! sorry for any mistakes
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thirstystarkey · 4 years
Summary: JJ and Y/N have always fought, since everyone can remember. They both have short tempers and a endless love for surf and chaos. But what happens when they have to pretend to be a couple? Well.. people always said that hate can sound like love sometimes.
Warnings: Mention of underage drinking, drugs, minor violence, some smutty scenarios and a ton of sexual induendos, JJ being a hot idiot and Y/N a wild girl brat
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While the HMS pogue cut it’s way through the river all the pogues, except JJ and Y/N, chatted happily sharing some cool beers Kie had previously brought with her.
“What’s going on?” Kiara asked her friends due to the strange silence between them. She was used to break their fights and now they didn’t even talked.
“Nothing.” Y/N started, a bit annoyed. “Aside from my best friends basically kidnapping me.” Y/N looked at JJ who agreed with his head at her saying. “What did you said to my mom?”
“Oh that..” Kiara changed her body language, automatically looking over at the other boys who didn’t seem very excited to explain either.
“Before they start, I just want to say I wasn’t participating I was just supervising!” Pope said. Raising both hands in the air.
“What could you possibly say to my mother that is worse than what you already done to us?” Y/N asked, afraid of the answer.
“We said you and JJ went on a date.” John B announced fast.
“What?” The red head girl gasped.
“That’s not all we said.” Kiara began.
“Are you guys insane?” JJ manifested.
“They are!” Pope pointed at John B and Kiara.
“We also told your mother you were dating JJ.” John B tried not to laugh.
“I’m going to kill everyone of you while you all sleep.” Y/N was beyond pissed. “I bet my mom didn’t believe that bullshit.”
“Well, she actually did.” Pope said. “She even said she already suspected it.”
JJ and Y/N shared a disgusted look between them. The idea of them dating seemed so surreal to Y/N she almost felt sick to her stomach. The idea of dating Y/N scared JJ, he never had a actual serious girlfriend and he knew Y/N didn’t do the whole one night stand stuff. They were polar opposites.
In the next few days Y/N was on a mission to avoid her mom. She slept at Kiara’s home most of the days and when she eventually went home Y/N didn’t stayed long enough for her mom to ask any questions or even have the talk. Y/N never took any boys home, no one ever stood a chance with her for she always thought they were stupid and didn’t care about the same things as her. They didn’t see her for her but rather for her looks and Y/N loathed them for that. The other boys saw her as a price, a price they could never claim for Y/N was no trophy. She was free, she was a force of nature, she had the ocean’s soul in her spirit.
“Hello? Y/N?” Kiara called while snapping two fingers in her best friends face.
They were all at the beach enjoying a hot late afternoon after a surf session but Y/N’s mind was off and far from being chill. She had a storm called JJ Maybank living inside her mind creating a itch she couldn’t scratch. All the looks she receive around the island made her want to fight them for believing in her best friends lie.
Y/N wasn’t able to finish her sentence because JJ picked her up throwing her in his shoulder easily, running at the waves direction. She screamed loud enough to catch everyone’s attention, her friends just laughed at the view.
When the cold water hit her body she swore it felt like tiny needles poking her.
“JJ why would you do this?” Y/N fumed.
“Because we need to talk, girlfriend.” He tried to keep her in place while she tried to run back to her towel.
“Fuck off and don’t call me that.” Y/N pulled JJ’s hair making him let her go off his grip.
Back at the sand her friends were laughing at the top of her lungs pointing at her and the blue eyed boy and that alone made her angry. They were having so much fun with her situation and she wanted to kick their asses.
“Even if you two were dating I bet it wouldn’t last for a month.” Pope said trying to catch his breath with a hand on his toned chest.
“A month? I wouldn’t give these two more than a week, with luck.” Kiara made her point.
“I’m done with this, I’m going home.” Y/N was livid, at the point off almost crying with anger. “Have fun.”
“And your mom?” John B inquired, they knew she was avoiding her mom for dear life.
“I don’t care.” She mumbled. “I will deal with her.” She said shrugging her shoulders. “But I can’t deal with this bullshit now.” Y/N pointed at her friends.
When she finished packing her things JJ tried to stop her but he couldn’t catch her in time to talk to her, so he decided to call it a day as well making his way back to John B’s chateau.
Once home the redheaded girl thanked god her mom wasn’t home, Tina had left her a note.
“I’m working a late shift don’t wait for me, we still need to talk about JJ, I love you honey.”
A loud sigh was heard from her, after reading the note Y/N made her way to the bathroom, she needed a warm bath to relax from before. When she was done and the water had run cold Y/N stepped out and dressed some comfy clothes, her plan for the night was to lay in her bed and ignore her problems. Pretending like she didn’t even existed.
But the girl was in a bad luck strike for her phone rang with a buzz not long after she started watching Gossip Girl on netflix.
With was a text message from JJ, which was weird, they never texted. They only texted each other to mock one another or when he sent her memes making fun of her, which she secretly laughed at and sometimes saved them. Something she would never admit to anyone.
JJ 🏄🏼‍♂️: Meet me at our beach in 15, we need to talk. I’m serious now.
JJ was never serious so she knew something was going on. She didn’t knew why she jumped right off her bed first thing when she finished reading the text message, she put on her black vans and grabbed her oversized jean jacket along with her keys on her way out.
As soon as Y/N’s had arrived at the beach both her and JJ surfed, the reason he called it their beach, she saw JJ standing there, with his back against the lifeguard house, in his hand a lit joint.
“Why did you call me here JJ?” Y/N voice was soft, she was actually tired. “I don’t want to fight.”
“Neither do I.” The boy agreed. “But I think we should get back at them for this little stupid prank.” JJ suggests.
They sat together at the steps and JJ offered to share his joint with the red head girl, who normally didn’t smoke but it had been a long day so she gladly took his offer, immediately surprise because JJ weed was strong.
“What’s the plan?” She asked after freeing the smoke from her lips, passing the joint to JJ.
“We should let everyone think we are actually dating, for a month.” JJ said serious. He wasn’t joking.
“You mean, date date?”
“Yes smartass, date date.” JJ giggled at her confusion.
“You’re insane.” The girl blurred out. “Last week we couldn’t stand being close and now you want to pretend we are together.” She pointed back and forth between them. “Actual dating, as in you are my boyfriend.” She laughed.
If there was one thing Y/N and JJ had in common it was their pride. Both of them being to stubborn to lose a bet or to let anyone say they couldn’t do a certain thing. But they never thought the pogues would use that in their disadvantage.
“So what you say, frenemies baby?” JJ held his hand her way.
“Frenemies.” They said in unison.
“But meet me at my place tomorrow, we need to figure this thing out.” Y/N warned JJ while getting up.
“Is lunch included in that talk?” JJ questioned with a raised brow.
“I can make something.” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Then it’s a date babe.” JJ winked at her blowing her a kiss but Y/N raised her middle finger at him.
Tag list 💞
@thatsonobx @starkeybaby @this-is-bigger-than--us @ahhireallydontknow @tomzfrog @alotbnouf @outerbankstings @jj-maybank-stan @jellyfishbeansontoast @rafecamerondeservesbetter @im-a-strange-thing @tangledinsparkles @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar @helplessquotess @tembo-ndoto @poguebx @k-k0129 @pleaseminho @obxmxybxnk @stilinskiandsuch @lcil123 @fandom-phaser @sexualparkour @myrandom-fandomlife @lasnaro @kristineee-obx @sw-eat-ing @strangebirds2 @kiarascarreras @jjswhore @milamaybank @marveloucnco @downbytheouterbanks @write-from-the-heart @justcallmesams @annedub @drizzlethatfalls @tovvaf @drewswannabegirl @whoreforouterbanks @newhopenessie @maybebanks @poguesrforlife @shawnssongs @wastedheartcth @rudyypankow @danicarosaline
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, cursing
A/N: I know i said i wanted to make HAPPY overhaul writings but my cold heart slapped me in the face with this angsty idea so enjoy.
You looked at your husband from across the room as you watch him talk to other gangs the go across the area. You scrunched your nose in disgust. Not at the other men oh no, but at your so called husband Overhaul.
It’s no secret you guys have been having a rough patch in your marriage. He was always worried about work while you worried about your husband even though you knew he never worried about you. Which struck a nerve with you that you didn’t want to talk about.
Your husband turned his head to look at you and out of spite you immediately turned you head somewhere else before walking out of the room and into your bedroom.
You demanded your own room for awhile since it seemed like you both needed space at the moment, and to escape his constant nagging of what your not doing correctly.
You close the door and plop onto your bed while grabbing a pillow to hug close to you. Digging your face into the pillow like you would your husbands chest.
Overhaul wasn’t the most romantic person and your okay with that. You weren’t either. So when he started to willingly touch you, like pats on the head, kisses on your forehead, he even let you guys cuddle a few times. It took so much time to get him to initiate physical contact. You never took any of his touches for granted so when he just stopped his usual little pats or kisses it made you very sad. Was it something you did? No, you didn’t do anything. So why was he just ignoring you now?
You sat on your desk with a pencil in hand. Your eyes never leaving the paper in which you had written on all the times you felt alone or the times you felt that your husband didn’t love you anymore.
You pretty much had a little tiny booklet at this point. You had the dates of when, the time stamps and the little action he did that made you question his true feelings. You looked down on the paper, feeling little tears making your vision grow blurry. 
“Damnit, why does it have to be like this!” You cried as you hug yourself with your arms. You were trying to be as quiet as possible when you were crying since you didn’t want anyone interrupting your little session. But life always has a way of being inconsiderate.
“(y/n) don’t forget we’re suppose to go to a party tonight so wear something nice.” You couldn’t stop the tears in time so you know he must have heard you crying. But he didn’t say anything. He held the door open a little longer before leaving. Leaving you in just more sorrow. He even ignored your crying! Whats the point in even trying to rekindle anything anymore?
You arrived at the party around 8pm with Overhaul by your side. You both said nothing to each other the entire time. 
‘He just brought me here for show’ You thought to yourself as you stand  near the door while your husband was talking to other important people. You husband hated germs so you were surprised when he wanted to go to a party.
“Miss (y/n), why are you all the way over here? Shouldn’t you be with Overhaul?” You turn your head to see Nemoto beside you.
“Please the only reason im here is for show, he doesn’t give to shits what i do the rest of the night I might as well go home at this point.” You said to him trying to stop the watering of your eyes. But you weren’t quick enough to hide them.
“You truly feel this way?” Nemoto side with a hint of concern in his voice.
“How can i not? He never talks to me anymore, I have to be the one to start the conversation. He never hugs me or does anything with me. It took us so long for him to even hug me! So to see it all disappear for no apparent reason really fucking hurts. He always acts like he’s embarrassed to be seen with me! There’s more but i just want to go home. There’s no reason for me to be here, look around Nemoto! All these people have titles and wealth while im only Overhauls supposed wife who use to work at a flower shop.” You said. Your entire being shaking as your voice trembled.
“Just take me home. I don’t want to embarrass his majesty and further.”
“There’s no changing your mind?” Nemoto asked even though he knew the answer.
“I thank you for your concern but no there isn’t. I’m fucking sick of these games.” You said. Nemoto nodded before leaving you to call a taxi.
“Nemoto have you seen (y/n)?” Overhaul asked his friend as he had been looking around the entire party for you.
“Ah she went home sir.”
“And you didn’t stop her?!”
“Trust me it was for the best that she went home.” Nemoto said before disappearing into the crowd.
“She knew that Nemoto was her ride home so how did she get home?”
You walked home. You just wanted to be alone with your thoughts, and it was nice. No worrying about making your husband angry, nothing to distract you. You made it home without a scratch and immediately went to take a shower.
You undressed and stepped into the shower feeling the warm droplets prickle onto your skin. You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. You finally felt somewhat a piece. Overhaul was at the party and-
“(Y/N) why did you leave the party?!” Well there goes your silence. You knew Nemoto would tell Overhaul where you were if asked. But you honestly weren’t expecting him to come all the way back for you.
“I didn’t want to be there!” You yell back at him. You sigh and dried yourself off and got out of the shower. You put on your pajama’s and walked out of the bathroom to face your angry husband.
“We made plans to go there for at least 1 month!”
“Oh im sorry did i embarrass you? Seems like im always an embarrassment to you!” You yell at him. You knew where this was leading. You both would get in a fight, Overhaul wouldn’t listen to you, leaving you crying and filled with anger.
“You did embarrass me yes! Jesus woman did you even consider how bad you made me look!” 
“How bad i made you look?! You always look at me like im just some revolting creature! Yo never listen to me and always leave me crying and angry! You heard me crying earlier today and didn’t do shit about it!”
“I was busy!”
“Too busy to comfort you fucking wife?! God I don’t know what to do anymore with you!”
“I’m a very busy man damnit! You know how much this means to me!”
“How much do I mean to you Kai?” You asked looking down. Tears falling as your hands shook in fists.
“You fucking heard me. How. Much. Do. I. Mean. To. You.” The room was silent. The more time went by the more your heart broke. 
“Your my wife.”
“Am I your wife or am i just some fucking trophy?” You asked in a stern voice. He didn’t answer.
“Ever since you became the leader of the Shie Hassakai you never even seem to acknowledge my existence! Only needing me when it makes you look god!” You cried out to him. He just looked at you with that cold emotionless face.
“I’m gonna give you a choice, there is no turning back when you answer this.” Your breathing grew heavy as the weight of not knowing the answer grew on you.
“What?” He said in a tone that you could sense he was pissed.
“It’s me or your goal.” You said looking him right in the eyes. And you could undoubtedly see some sort of surprise and panic in them.
“Thats stupid-”
“ME OR THE GOAL OVERHAUL!” You yelled at him shaking in angry. Just by the look on his face you could tell what the answer was. 
“Fuck you Overhaul, I wish i never met you.” You go up to him slapping him in the face causing his mask to unhook a bit. You push past him and walked out of the compound crying. Everyone looking at you as you walked by.
“Every get back to work no time for messing around.” Overhaul said as he saw everyone looking at him in interest and worry. But they answered anyway.
As much as he’ll always deny it, watching you leave the compound in tears shot a pang right through his heart. He was so close to perfecting the bullet, why couldn’t you just understand that? He knew you guys had problems but what couples don’t?
That night he laid in his bed eyes flickered up to the ceiling. His brain bringing back memories from when you both were just married.
He remembered how much you use to smile before this all went down. You would laugh at the tiniest little things which use to make his heart flutter. 
Now thinking about it, when was the last time he heard you genuinely laugh or genuinely smile? His felt another pang right through his heart at the thought of you. 
He soon grew angry. How dare you make him lose sleep! He needed every hour so he could get started for the next day. How can you try and make him chose between his goal and you? Why ask that if you already knew the answer? Did you want to hope that he would pick you? He was too far into it he couldn’t back down now!
Overhaul’s eyes soon fluttered shut as the sleep consumed him.
“I can’t wait for tonight! I finally get to show you my favorite place to be!” You smile at Overhaul while jumping up and down.
“So your still not gonna tell me where we’re going?”
“No! That’ll just ruin the surprise!” You pouted before motioning him to follow you. A thing he liked about you. You never touched him without asking him first. You understood his disgust for germs. And you were quirkless! A win win situation.
“Okay I’m coming.” He let out a chuckle before following you. He would never admit out loud how much he loved you. You were something that he would never take for granted. If he lost you, what would he do? You were the only one who understood him, cared for him. Being with you made all his worries go away.
“We’re super close just about 5 more minutes!” You laughed as you twirled around skipping. Something you always did when you first met him.
“I’m so curious to what has you so giddy.”
“Well just being with you makes me giddy!” You smiled at him. He wanted to hug you, to kiss you but his mysophobia always got in the way. He knew you were clean but for some reason he couldn’t take to touching you just yet.
“We’re here!” You said as you looked at him with happiness. 
Overhaul looked up to a bright sky full of stars. It was so beautiful. The night sky dark enough to see all sorts of constellations.
“Isn’t it pretty?” You said as you eyed up the sky. You looked so peaceful looking up at the sky.
“Yes indeed it is a beautiful sight.”
“I’m glad I met you Kai, i wouldn’t be this happy if i hadn’t met you.” You gave him a warm smile.
“I could say the same.” He smiled under his mask. He took a deep breath before grabbing your hand and holding it. Of course he still had his glove on but he could feel your excitement the moment he held your hand.
His eyes slowly opened as he let out a yawn. He sat up in his bed rubbing his eyes as he replayed his dream once more. He remembered that day like it was yesterday.
He sighed as he looked towards your side of the bed, nothing.
Another sharp pang burst through his chest as he realized that what happened yesterday was no nightmare.
He remembered when you use to always sleep by his side in your guys old shared bed. He never admitted it but having you right there next to him always helped him sleep at night.
So when he heard you wanted your own separate room he was hurt to say the least. Why did you want your own separate room?
He noticed afterwards that you both started to slowly drift away. He was just to busy to do anything about it. Maybe just maybe if he had paid more attention to you, you would still be here right beside him in his bed.
No. He can’t dwell on whats already been done. He has to continue his work. He can’t let someone ruin it for him.
Even if that someone ran away with his heart in pieces.
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myrmidryad · 3 years
20 Questions - Writer’s Edition
Tagged by @lambourngb thank you! 💗
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
81 total, mostly Les Mis and RNM.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,557,760 holy shit I’ve written over a million words 😵
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3, not counting the universes I’ve written fusions with, there are seven: Les Mis, Roswell New Mexico, Merlin, MCU, Young Avengers, X-Men, and Vikings.
On ff.net, nine more: Teen Titans, Xiaolin Showdown, Transformers, Naruto, Narnia, Hellboy, Artemis Fowl, Lord of the Flies, and Skins.
Some fics are on both, but when I moved to AO3 I mostly left the ones I didn’t think were good enough to expose to a new audience. And gone from the internet forever (probably) is the Maximum Ride fanfic I wrote and posted to a forum back in the day. RIP that fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
from one side to the other (Les Mis, exr soulmate oneshot)
sentimental you and faithful me (Les Mis, exr bodyswap oneshot)
Just Another Guy With A Bow (Avengers, Clint/Coulson, Clint origin fic)
potentially lovely, perpetually human (Les Mis, exr empath!Enjolras)
This brave new world’s not like yesterday (Les Mis, exr the bowling alley fic)
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
If there’s a rocket, tie me to it is one of the first Les Mis fics I wrote, and it’s uhhhh very canon in that everyone dies. In my head it was kind of a partner fic to <a pattern in the system> A Bullet In The Gun, which was also a dystopia fic, but that one had a happy ending, and I wanted to go again and have the canon ending for Les Amis. And I think that might have been the last unhappy ending I ever wrote? I like happier endings way better!
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Basically all of them have happy endings, especially the long ones that actually have plots! But I’m going to pick Finding You, because I skidded canon to the left to force events into happiness before tragedy could ever strike, and spun that out into a nice long roadtrip with lots of happiness and love and friendship, ending on a great big optimistic note that everyone’s future would be just as happy and unstruck by tragedy. I reread chunks of this fic all the time for the good vibes.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I’ve written a bunch of fusions, but I think the only one that actually counts as a crossover is Fighting the Hurricane, which is a Les Mis/Pacific Rim fic. I’m not sure if my Les Mis/Oglaf fic is a crossover or a fusion, but it’s definitely the craziest one I’ve written just because Oglaf itself is so off the wall - Sharpshooter.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I looooooove writing smut, of all kinds. I’ve written a lot of bdsm smut in particular for Les Mis, and weirdly almost none for RNM, idk what that’s about.
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I usually do these days, though on multi-chap fics if I’m posting a chapter a day or similarly quickly, I’ll wait and reply only the last chapter. I didn’t used to reply to comments at all unless they were particularly stand-out or asked a question, which was following the example of other writers, more than anything else. I also had the notion that people do sometimes use the number of comments on a fic as a metric to judge whether to give it a go or not, and replies massively skew that count.
I reply now, or try to. Um, confused widgeon, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry I haven’t replied to your comments from July 2020 yet. They were too nice and I got overwhelmed. One day I’ll get to them!
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Lol yes, I was weirdly pleased and immediately deleted it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I’ve had a couple of people ask about it before, but idk if it went anywhere.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I co-wrote very bad Transformers fic with my best friend in secondary school and we had a great time. Shout out @scythling! Since then though, no. I’m too precious over creative control, I think, and I quite like writing in a vacuum.
14. What's your all time favourite ship to write for?
Of all time is tricky. Enjolras/Grantaire will have to take the trophy though, I think. They’re iconic!
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I have a bunch I’ve abandoned and accepted that I’ve abandoned, too many to list, so I’m not counting those because I know I’m never finishing them. Of the ones that are still in my WIP folders...there are also too many to list, but only a handful I’d be sad about never coming back to. I think the main one is probably Underground Dreaming, which would be very difficult to finish for multiple reasons, the main one being that I always envisioned it as open-ended. But I am sad that I stalled out on posting more than a few fics in that series. Too much research can kill the muse!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and spooky atmospheres. Love me a spooky atmosphere.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I use ‘grinned’ way too much. Dialogue tags in general, but ‘grinned’ in particular. And I’ve developed a real problem with length, where I’ve become almost incapable of writing short fic. Which isn’t necessarily bad, exactly - length is needed for some of the stories I want to tell, but being concise isn’t something that comes naturally to me anymore.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Language barriers are one of my favourite things to write, actually, but because I’m very much not fluent in anything but English, I shy away from putting in actual words from other languages. I’d much rather have a whole exchange or speech in another language actually written all in English, with the difference indicated either by outright saying the character/s are speaking in another language or by altering the grammar and sentence structure.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Either Teen Titans or Xiaolin Showdown.
20. What's your favourite fic you've written?
Shadow Work is something I’m going to be proud of till I die, probably.
I think a lot of people have already been tagged so uhhhhhh if you haven’t done it already or want to @beautifulcheat @sugarfey @im-the-punk-who @gritkitty @maeglinthebold @daughterofelros @dotsayers
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I Have Too Many Opinions. ep. 1
lmao. i got encouragement to post my opinions on fandom things and now i want to make a miniseries doing just that. so here i am. doing just that.
im putting it under the cut cuz this was 4 whole pages including the disclaimer. yes i put a disclaimer and i explain why.
Anyways, here is the first piece in what inevitably will become fandom info dump, this time on thomas astruc’s writing on miraculous ladybug. but only some of my opinions cuz we would be here all day otherwise.
So… a disclaimer before I begin… 
I do not hate Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir (yes i'm using their government name). I am quite a fan of the show actually despite its faults. I am also older than the intended audience but was obviously younger when the show first aired which is how my interest was piqued (the fact that its been 6 years and only 3 seasons says more about the show than me being a fan for that amount of time but also i never want to rush content creators cuz they're doing their best) and due to my age, there will be inherent bias in my approach of what i'm about to say as there is in EVERY opinion. The fact that it is an opinion should imply the presence of bias but most people tend to lack the critical thinking skills required to draw that conclusion ANYWAYS…
If I did hate the show I would not have this blog nor would I be even writing this because i tend to not give more than 2 seconds of thought to things i actively dislike (some of yall should give this a try) and i'm allowed to like things that are designed for an audience that i was originally a part of but grew out of. (I don't suddenly stop liking things because I'm older despite what many younger fans seem to believe about older audiences. I also don't need to be ‘allowed’ to do anything cuz i wasn't asking for permission anyways.)
This will not be character bashing, astruc bashing nor fandom bashing cuz, again, that would imply i hate any of those elements and if i did, i would not dedicate brainpower to them. Analyses and criticisms of media are fun and engaging and required if you wish to produce good enjoyable content. Now most of this should be already assumed and self-explanatory but people on the internet like to play morality roulette roll dice on purity culture and I rather have documentation that I am in fact not bullying fictional 14 year olds or a grown man. But alas, people get trigger happy whenever someone has less than 1000000% positive opinions on something they like and will throw out words they can't define (gaslight, baiting, toxic, problematic, gatekeep etc) in an attempt to defend their blind devotion, 
which is not needed, if you like something you never have to defend it, even if i don't like it. If you respond to anything I post saying you disagree with me, I will not argue with you. I won't debate back and forth and try to convince you that the things you like are wrong. Unless you are being absolutely tone deaf to what i'm saying, you wont get a negative reaction from me. So don't try to fish for a fight. Please. I got metaphorical hands for days and I'm mean, you don't want me hurting your feelings on the internet. Do yourself the favour. Difference of opinion is how we get diversification in media and is inherently a good thing. Now that that's out of the way, please don't ever let me have to say that again. I beg.
Now onto the fun stuff
I didn't know what I wanted as a first topic so my trusty internet friend @moonlitceleste suggested astruc’s writing… 
AND BOI do i got some opinions on ole tommy boi. Again I don't hate the dude. In fact, he has worked on a few shows that had defined my childhood, including but not limited to W.I.T.C.H. (all eps available on youtube for those interested, 2 seasons, general fun time all around).
So I don't think he’s scum of the earth but I do think his approach to writing mlb specifically has more misses than hits.
The first big miss is that he has no idea how to write 14 year old girls. At all. Almost every girl he has ever written feels like some terrible archetype built entirely for marketability and childish projection and pubescent self-insert (kind of). He has never been a 14 year old girl. I have. In fact when the show first aired, I WAS around the (assumed) age of the mlb characters. The behaviour he passes off as quirky or awkward or just the character’s genuine personality tend to perpetuate harmful stereotypes of teen girls found in the media and are never actually addressed as harmful. they just get swept under the rug. Marinette’s exuberant collage of teen heart throb model boi Adrien Agreste and her very painful almost fan worship she has of him (which flip flops like a paper sandal in the rain) being portrayed as a cute school girl crush uwu, Chloe being the y7 Regina George, Alya being the token best friend of colour with her ‘sassy’ personality (i want y'all to imagine me eyerolling so hard i bust a vessel in my eye), Kagami being the very damaging Perfect Asian Child stereotype. And before y'all get on your dusty soap box and defend going on about “BUT IT'S FOR CHILDREN”,,,, know this.
 i don’t give a solid fuck. 
Not one. 
Children arent stupid. Children are always going to remember the richy bitchy blonde who bullies the art kid, and the big kid, and the shy kid, and the non white kids, and was only nice to her equally rich white friend who she probably had a crush on or was only ever civil to her equally white lapdog. They're going to remember the half asian girl who was never allowed to actually be asian or the only black girl who existed solely as a soundboard for enabling bad habits or chastising the main character for the same habits she enables in the first place (boi aint THAT a topic for later). Like do i really need to explain that alya chastising marinette for taking max’s spot in gamer just to play with adrien rings absolutely hollow when she actively encourages her to sabotage the contest she’s in just so Kagami doesn't win?? Like I don't have to explain that right?? Again kids arent stupid and its quite something that Mari gets chastised for proving herself the best video game player regardless of her intentions just cuz it comes at the expense of max’s feelings/ego but is actively encouraged to sabotage not only kagami but herself by extension cuz kagami is ‘competition.’ Adrien is not a trophy to be won. And no I don't expect 14 yrs old to be perfect and to always make good decisions but these decisions are never addressed as being bad decisions. they get swept under the rug cuz those decisions were necessary for the ‘plot’ but astruc can barely keep characterization consistent and his characters suffer for it and it's the same children you preach are watching it that suffer as well. Cuz guess what? I KNOW 14 yr olds aren't like that cuz i've been there done that (this is the last time i'm saying that i promise) so I know astruc is just metaphorically throwing darts to figure out who says and does what without consideration for pre established personalities to drive the stalemate plot along. The same kids you say are watching this don't know that that's not how preteens work and will absorb and internalize those dynamics like baking soda and vinegar. Cata-fucking-strophically. 
And I haven't even gotten to the boys yet. Which honestly doesn't require much explanation anyways cuz they suffer the same fate as the girls. Tired archetypes with nothing to give them life. Nino falls into Adrien’s person of colour token best friend who dates the female lead’s person of colour token best friend so they can have cute double dates uwu. Except the plot goes nowhere and we have no inclination of romantic development beyond moments that only act to actively convince me to anti ship the lovesquare (i don't want to do that so i self indulge in fanon that actually cares about the characters and plot. may i interest you in True Sight on AO3?). Max is the residential nerd but it doesn't matter (cuz he and everyone are dumbed down for the sake of ‘plot’), kim is the sports jock (which interestingly subverts the asian comedic relief stereotype but only barely) and luka is cute older guy ™ that wears black nail polish and is in a band. The point of all this is to say there is no depth in the characters. It's especially blatantly obvious with the characters astruc doesn't like (chloe). Again, it being a show for kids is not an excuse to be absolved of putting effort into the characters you make.
This is one of the biggest misses astruc has. I haven't even gone into all the nuances of this particular miss. And i havent gone into how that works against him in the plot either. Mostly because the plot itself hasn't gone anywhere and partially because I wanted to go into the plot (or lack thereof) separately as its own miss. 
AND BOI is it a miss. 
SO home boy astruc wanted to reap the benefits of a serial show with ‘engaging’ plot without putting in any of the work to make a linear storyline and relying on the episodic format for, again, marketability. You can't have the best of both worlds, you are not Avatar: The Last Airbender. Which btw has a lot less episodes and a desired end goal that didn't involve top dollar. Legend of Korra did but that's not the point and it had its failings with that too. I challenge you, tell me how many episodes actually contribute towards a plot point or introduce new thematic elements to the show? Can you name them? I can and I'm going to include the plot points that moved the story in some direction if only temporarily. Yes only temporarily for some of these and i will explain later. (if you're in the server you already saw this list *wink*)
25/26. Origins- self explanatory, the beginning of the story, 
24. Volpina- introduction of the grimoire and Master Fu (kind of) and no, Lila is not a plot point,
28. The Collector- proper introduction of Master Fu,
37. Sapotis- introduction of Rena Rouge,
41. Syren- introduction of new aquatic power ups,
44. Anansi- introduction of Carapace,
47. Frozer- introduction of new ice power ups,
48/49. Style Queen- introduction of Queen Bee,
51/52. Heroes’ Day- introduction of Mayura and mass akumatization,
66. Startrain- introduction of Pegasus,
67. Kwami Buster- Marinette wears multiple miraculouses,
68. Feast- backstory as to how the miraculouses were lost,
69. Ikari Gozen- introduction of Ryuko,
70. Timetagger- introduction of Bunnyx,
71. Party Crasher- introduction of Roi Singe and Viperion,
73. Chat Blanc- alternate timeline that essentially means nothing but got a reaction out of fans anyways (myself included)
 77/78. Love Eater/Battle of Miraculous- Marinette becomes guardian and other heroes lose their miraculous,
New York Special- other heroes exist and there is an American miraculous box,
That's 21 episodes. 21 out of a heaping 78 plus 2 specials. Everything else was just your typical akuma of the day episode and everything that happened outside that had no lasting consequences on the plot thanks to the miraculous status quo. Was it entertaining to watch Lila stir the plot of the class dynamic? Hell yeah. Too bad it meant nothing by the end of the episode cuz we were struck with miraculous status quo. She literally doesn't appear again until Heroes Day. that is from episodes 25 all the way to 51, she means nothing and yet she is treated with the severity of a b-villain/rival thing. She means nothing by the end of Volpina if I'm being honest. She is only relevant for 20 mins of episode time she’s in then it's back to magic status quo that undoes any shift in dynamics and relationships. It's like Spongebob who can't get his driver’s license. The worst part is I actually like Lila and I wish the story treated her with the seriousness we as an audience are expected to treat her with. Despite being painfully inconsequential by the end of each of the 3?? 4?? episodes she’s in, it's entertaining to watch a character create drama just because. 
Too bad it means nothing.
Astruc is constantly building up suspense to something ‘important’ only for it to not deliver and fans are constantly having the rug pulled out from under us. Oblivio teased us with a reveal only that gets undone cuz memory akuma. Chat Blanc teased us with romantic development but that gets undone cuz time travel bullshit. Feast introduced more miraculous lore and the history of the guardians but that means nothing by the next episode or ever (i'm not including any reference to the season 4 trailer cuz i've been around the block a few times and im familiar with this lil dancy dance). Heroes Day teased us with a possible future team of heroes but that gets undone in Battle of Miraculous cuz ????? why?? (here's why; astruc was having a jolly ole time letting us know how irredeemable Chloe is at the expense of shooting his own stagnant plot in the foot. Again, discussion for later.)
Too bad anything that slightly swerves off course from the akuma of the day gets undone or ignored. Too bad nothing has any lasting consequence. I mean, if anything did, the episodes would have had a consistent order and release schedule so im not scrambling to watch the leaked ep in Portuguese or something while the french dub is two episodes behind while the english version hasnt even been dubbed. I really wonder how he plans to conclude the show when he’s so afraid to step out of the corner he painted himself in.
Again, not going into nuances. If you want you can ask for more specifics (i doubt anyone would) but this is really just a slightly detailed general overview of my opinions on astruc’s writing. 
I was going to include another miss in his approach to this show but imma save that for another time. 
How’s that for a ‘first’ post?
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bubblybubbubs · 4 years
Lover Boy
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part 2 to midnight swim
draco malfoy x reader
tags- @fanficflaneuse
warnings- cursing
part 1
 “Draco.” Pansy said trying to get his attention for the millionth time they were walking to the trophy room together for their detention.
“Blaise was just asking when you were going to confess your love to y/n.”
Draco groaned, as much as he did like you he didnt need all of hogwarts knowing especially when he hadn’t even told you how he felt yet . “For the last time I don’t like her.”
“Don’t lie Draco , I already told Blaise anyways.” Pansy said
“For fucks sake Pansy.” Draco scoffed, he hadn’t even meant to tell pansy in the first place especially consider the fact she was the biggest gossip in the whole school possible in all of Great Britain.
“You like her dont you.” Pansy said for the millionth time. Draco had agreed to study together in the library thinking he would get some work done but that didnt seem to be the case.
“leave me alone.”
“Come on, tell me!” She whined.
“YES I DO PANSY NOW FOR MERLINS SAKE SHUT UP !” Draco yelled standing up out of his chair so quickly his chair tipped over
“that’s all you had to say.” Pansy said calmly as she gave Draco a sly smile.
“out of my library now.” Ms.Pince said suddenly apperating infront of the pair.
Pansy shrugged.
“Your secrets safe with me lover boy.” Blaise said.
“whatever but if I find out either of you two told anyone else ill pitch both of you off the astronomy tower.” He said turning to both of them.
“i’m sure y/n will find that charming.” Pansy said
“I’ll find what charming.” You said walking up to them .
“Draco throwing us off the astronomy tower.”
“oh yes very charming.” Truly Draco could throw you off the astronomy tower and you would still think he was the most amazing boy at hogwarts.
Almost everyone had realized you two had feelings for each other except for the two of you. It was infuriating to Pansy she couldn’t believe she was friends with the two dumbest people in the whole school .
When the four of you walked into the trophy room Daphne and Theo were already there with probably hundreds of trophies discarded on the ground around them, and you all had to polish and organize every last one.
“this is going to take a while.” you sighed beginning to sort through the trophies.
“Should’ve thought of that before you went for a swim.” Draco said taunting you
“shut it Draco you went swimming too.”
“I didn’t really get much of a choice , did I?”
Pansy groaned if she had to sit through another one of your ridiculous banter sessions she would throttle the both of you . Luckily for her you were interrupted by Blaise.
“We’re going to win one of this year.” Blaise said holding up a quidditch cup that looked atleast a few decades old.
“I think you’re going to need a new seeker to get one of those.” you teased.
“I’ll have you know that i’m a fantastic seeker.”
“Maybe, but you should ask Potter for some pointers maybe then you guys can start winning.”
Draco let out a exaggerated scoff“I’m much better than Potter.”
“is that so.”
“In case you haven’t noticed im the best at everything I do.” He said raising his eyebrow as if challenging you to say otherwise.
You laughed. “how about this , if you lose the game against gryffindor you have to do my potions homework for a month.”
“Fine but if we win you’ll go on a date with me.” Draco smiled at you.
“deal.” You said trying not to sound over eager.
“I swear if you lose i’m going to lose my fucking mind.” Pany whispered to Blaise.
The stands were packed everyone loved to watch the gryffindor and slytherin games they were always the most intresting to watch.
You and your friends were seated to watch Blaise and Draco play.
“GO SLYTHERIN.” Pansy yelled. Pansy didnt care if she had to hex every player on the gryffindor team, slytherin was going to win and y/n and Draco were finally going on a fucking date.
“Do you think they’re going to win?” You asked
“They will. I’ve got a little reinforcement, just in case.” Pansy said twirling her wand.
“Pansy thats cheating.” Daphne said scolding her.
“Your point?”
“You can’t cheat.” Daphne reached for Pansy’s wand but Pansy swatted her hands away and rolled her eyes. “How are you even in slytherin.”
“You wont need that wand, with a date with y/n on the line there’s no way Draco isn’t catching that snitch.” Theo said. Draco might not have told all his friends but almost every slytherin except for you knew how he really felt for you.
You weren’t a big quidditch fan so most of the game you just listened to Pansy make fun of the gryffindor team until you spotted Draco and Harry racing across the quidditch pitch.
Harry flew close to Draco their shoulders brushing against each other. Draco could’ve pushed him off his broom right then and there and he heavily considered it but decided he was going to win that date fair and square.
“Hope your ready to lose Potter ” Draco said speeding up past Harry. Harry then kicked in going faster. “You wish Malfoy.”
Pansy almost began to reach for her wand to hex Potter when Draco swooped in and grabbed the snitch.
“MALFOYS GOT THE SNITCH.” The announcer yelled.
“How’s that Potter.” Draco taunted holding the snitch up for the crowd to see.
The slytherin stands erupted with cheers.
“See Daphne I told you they could win without cheating.” Pansy said giving a big smile.
The common room was bustling. There was loud music and alcohol everywhere no doubt provided by Pansy and Blaise who never failed to throw a party when Slytherin won.
You stood next to Blaise who was going on some rant about the game to you and Theo.
“I think you owe me a date now.” Draco said whispering in your ear. You turned to face him.
“Do I? I don’t recall.” You said stepping closer to him.
“really.” He said before grabing your face and finally kissing you.
“Im really looking forward to that date now, lover boy” you whispered into his ear before grabbing him by his Quidditch jersey and kissing him again.
a/n - hope you guys like it I rewrote this part three times and they were all different but i like this one the best. it took me way longer to finish than I meant for it to take but yay i finished! I know this really isnt the best but keep in mind that Midnight Swim was the first thing i’ve written in a long time.
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clareguilty · 4 years
Bewitched by a Deadman's Heart
I had an anon request Pirate AU Gabe and then I took a month to write it im so sorry anon i hope youre still here
Read it here on the AO3 Gabriel Reyes/Reader | Pirate AU Rating: Mature/Explicit | No Warnings Word count: ~2600
You never took your eyes off the captain as he stalked back and forth through the hold. Sweeping black and crimson coat, broad hat. He had worn a white bone mask when he entered; now you could see his face. 
He wasn’t human. Not fully. Monstrous, a beast made more of smoke than bone. You had seen men like him before, cursed by Neptune. They were all the same, unrepentant bastards. You knew exactly what he wanted.
Chains chafed and scratched at your wrists and ankles, and the gag was making your jaw ache terribly. Being held prisoner was unsurprisingly dreadful. A lantern swayed violently, casting strange living shadows through your cell.
Just get on with it. You rolled your eyes. Mortals were always so predictable. This whole fiasco was more of an annoyance than anything.
The captain disappeared, vanished between one step and the next. You jumped as you felt a presence behind you. He had rematerialized within the bars of your cell.
A large rough hand grabbed your jaw, forcing your head back until you met dark eyes. 
“I hate for things to be this way,” he said, voice cold. You didn’t have it in you to believe him. How many cruel men had sailed the seas, capturing and hunting your brothers and sisters? You scoffed behind the gag.
The captain’s grip tightened and then released all at once. You slumped to the floor at his feet, glaring up at him with as much contempt as you could manage. His expression softened minutely. “You’re innocent. It was not you who cursed me with this form.”
Then let me go, you thought.
“I need you to summon Neptune. I need him to reverse what he has done.”
You did not lessen the force of your glare. The captain held your gaze: a stalemate.
But mortals lack patience, and he quickly caved. A heavy boot collided with your side, and you cried out behind the gag. Scrambling as far as your chains would allow, you never looked away.
The captain growled and disappeared once more. He emerged from the shadows, storming out of the hold and slamming the door behind him.
You slumped in your binds. Captain Gabriel Reyes, the Reaper of the Seas. The ship you were currently imprisoned on could be none other than the Blackwatch.
If anyone were to capture you, then at least it was the most fearsome pirate alive. Your pride couldn’t have handled if you had been stolen by some nobody with hardly a feat to his name.
For all the rumors that surrounded Captain Reyes and the Blackwatch, you had not known about Neptune’s curse. What had he done to earn such a fate? You wondered if he had been cursed before he turned to piracy, or if he had committed a crime worse than any other during his reign of terror.
He wanted the curse lifted. He wanted Neptune himself to undo his punishment. How precocious. How would your situation change if Captain Reyes knew you were capable of granting him his wish? It wasn’t difficult magic. You had taken on far greater feats back in the time of heroes. It had been centuries since you had really been able to test yourself.
Not that you were very inclined to help out the bastard that captured you, trussed you up, tossed you in a cell, and kicked you. Being a Nereid didn’t mean that you were incapable of bruising.
You sulked a few hours in the dim cell. The Reaper would be back. You would be able to survive torture if it came to that, but you certainly hoped this beast knew better. You looked forward to being released from your chains, then you could exact vengeance for your mistreatment.
The door to the hold creaked open and the captain stepped inside. He was still in his crimson coat, cutlass at his hip, yet he carried a bowl of food and a bottle.
Something emerged from the shadows behind you, pulling the gag from your lips. It was a neat trick.
Reyes stopped outside the door to your cell. “I-” He genuinely looked unsure. “I wasn’t sure if you needed to eat. I’ve brought you food.”
You scoffed, eyeing the bowl with disdain. “I enjoy divine offerings and sweet wine.” Divine offerings were a thing lost to time, but stale bread and boiled vegetables held no appeal for you.
The captain set the plate down and vanished. He rematerialized within the cell, leaned back against the bars, arms crossed.
You stared up at him, expectantly.
He was quiet for a long while. You waited. At last, he sighed and spoke. “I’m sorry for stealing you away.”
“Then let me go.” If he truly was sorry, he would have freed you.
“I can’t do that.” His voice was sharp. “You’re my only hope of lifting this damned curse.”
You slumped in your bonds, but your curiosity had gotten the better of you. “What did you even do to deserve the wrath of Neptune?” 
The captain’s frown deepened. “What haven’t I done? I staged a mutiny against my commander in the navy, turned against crown and company, attacked and pillaged any ship that crossed my path. I’ve slain. I’ve slaughtered. This curse has made me the perfect killer.”
You didn’t have it in you to be impressed. “Many men have done worse than you and never ended up cursed by the god of the sea.” 
The captain sighed. "It was after a victory against Commander Morrison-"
"The one you mutinied?" You asked.
“Yes, the one I mutinied. He's my greatest rival, always armed with the best of the king's dogs. We had won a battle, and gained quite a bit from it. I was boastful -- drunk -- and talking to my crew.
"'Just you wait,' I said. 'We'll take down every ship on these seas and sail right to old Neptune himself. He doesn’t stand a chance against us.' That was enough, apparently. A storm swept in, and suddenly… I was this."
You laughed. “He’s done far worse for far less offense.” Such a curse for such a trivial mistake -- the god must have been rather cranky that day. “You insult the god of the sea and decide the best way to make amends is to capture a member of his court? To tie her up and beat her? You sure have a strange method of going about things.”
The captain looked sheepish, almost repentant. 
“I have a request.” 
Captain Reyes glanced up in surprise. He probably wasn’t used to his prisoners being so bold.
“I’d like to see the moon,” you continued. 
“The moon?”
“I can still feel her call. The tides have risen. Could I just see her, please?”
You could see his mind working, trying to determine if this was a trick. That’s not to say that you wouldn’t take any chance you could get to escape, but you were patient. You would wait for the right opportunity.
The captain made his choice, kneeling beside you to release the chains on your ankles. Your arms remained bound, and he lifted you to your feet with remarkable strength. He helped you out of the cell and up to the main deck, gently lifting you through the hatch. The members of his crew watched you, but didn’t say anything. You kept your gaze straight ahead.
The water was inky black save for the silver crests of waves. You longed to dive in, to return to the safety of Neptune’s court and escape the troubles of mortals. But the captain held fast to your chains.
The clouds parted, and the brilliant light of the moon washed over the ship deck. You basked in the glow. It was safety and comfort after the hours you had spent locked away.
captain Reyes was surprisingly patient, letting you gaze into the sky until the clouds rolled through once more. The darkness ached, but you resigned yourself to another sentence in your cell.
“Would you-” The captain struggled to find his words. “I do not have to take you back down below deck.” He said.
“And I suppose you’ll be setting me free then?” you smiled dryly.
“I’m sorry. I can’t. But you could remain in my quarters for the time being. Until you call to Neptune, until my curse is lifted, I cannot let you leave this ship. But I can make your time here as comfortable as possible.”
You considered his offer. “How do you know I will not simply steal away after you have fallen asleep?” It was a good way to get you locked back in the cell, but you couldn’t keep yourself from testing him.
“I don’t sleep. The curse… I am unable to rest, to dream.” He looked anguished.
“And you wish to torture yourself further by inviting me to fill your waking hours?” 
He pulled sharply on your chains. “I can lock you up again if that is what you truly wish.” His voice was an inhuman growl.
You yanked back, defiant. The bruises would look horrid, but you weren’t about to cower before this beast. “You forget who has the true power here. Locking me away will only worsen your punishment. If you thought Neptune was angry before, then you should imagine how he punishes those who have harmed the members of his court.”
The wind whipped around you, waves rising taller and taller. A crewmate shouted from below deck as the entire ship rocked on the raging sea. The captain’s eyes widened in fear. Since your capture, you had hidden the true power of your magic.
“I won’t free you,” he snarled. “Not until my curse is lifted.”
“You will treat me with the respect I deserve as a spirit of the sea,” you demanded. The ocean roared. Your threats were not empty. The captain acquiesced.
“I will protect and care for you within my power. You must call to Neptune. Have him free me.”
The waves began to calm, wind dying down between one breath and the next. You never took your eyes off Captain Reyes. “Take me to your quarters.”
He locked the door behind him as soon as you were inside. You took a seat on the fanciest, most plush looking chair you could find, eyes scanning the walls and shelves. Captain Reyes’s quarters were luxurious, filled with treasures and trophies from his conquests.
He dropped a bottle into your lap. You inspected it carefully.
“Sweet wine,” he said, removing his coat and cutlass to hang. “I’m all out of ‘offerings’.”
You pried the cork from the bottle with your teeth and took a sip of the wine. It certainly was sweet, nicer than you expected a pirate to have. You helped yourself to a long pull.
Captain Reyes was slouched in a chair across the room, looking decidedly mortal as he rubbed his forehead and let out a long sigh.
“Why do you refuse to do as I ask?”
You cradled your bottle, rattling the chains around your wrists as you raised your eyebrow. “I consider myself very generous when I’m not being snatched away by pirates. To be honest, I’m waiting for the first chance I get to destroy your ship and crew and escape.”
“I may just hunt you down again, you know. I could even find a way to kill you.” His words were empty, though. There was no heart behind them.
“Why do you want your curse lifted so badly?” you asked. “Does it not make you the most powerful man on the seas? Strong? Tireless? Unkillable?”
He disappeared from the chair, rematerializing right above you. Monstrous and formless, black smoke and long teeth and glowing eyes. “Is there not more than just power and glory? I am not the monster I was cursed to be. This form… I’m a beast! My own crew fears me. I’m alone. Unable to sleep or dream or feel. All of my victories mean nothing.”
You dropped the bottle in shock, wincing as it clattered and rolled across the fine rug. 
Captain Reyes was gone. Back across the room, shoulders hunched. He leaned against the wall, heaving with breaths he didn’t need.
You stood, chains rattling as you slowly made your way towards him. Reaching slowly, you placed a hand on his arm. He didn’t react to your touch. “What will you do? When you are mortal again?”
Slowly, he turned to look at you. Defeated. Captain Gabriel Reyes, the Reaper of the Blackwatch. He looked defeated.
“I’ll carry on. I’ll take my crew and my ships, and I’ll keep on as I always have.”
“Without your curse, you would be in danger.” You led him over to the bed. He sat beside you, staring at his hands. They were clawed, monstrous.
“I’m not afraid of danger.”
“What are you afraid of?” You clasped one of his hands between your own.
“I’m afraid of being alone. Of being unwanted. I’ll spend eternity as a monster, and one day I may lose myself and become nothing but beast.”
It wasn’t what you expected. The ruthless Reaper, afraid of being alone. Your heart broke for him. This wasn’t what he deserved.
“Can you unbind me?” you asked. “I promise no harm will come to your crew.”
The chains fell to the floor. You knelt before the captain. He refused to meet your eyes. Placing a hand on either side of his face, you lifted his head. His eyes were pleading.
Your lips brushed his. He recoiled at first, not expecting the touch. “Please,” you whispered, “can you trust me?”
He held still. And you kissed him once more. He responded this time yet was still hesitant to touch you. Deeper and deeper, you ran your fingers through his disheveled curls. He moaned into your mouth, and your lips curled against his.
He finally pulled away, pressing his forehead to yours as he panted and gasped for air.
You let out an undignified yelp as he scooped you into his arms and laid you on the bed. “I feel… What did you do?” He looked at his hands, dark scarred skin in the place of monstrous claws. 
“I lifted the curse.”
He stared at you in disbelief, grinning widely. “You could have done it all along? You did do it! I’m… How can I thank you?”
It warmed you to see him so overjoyed. You remembered the satisfaction of helping out heroes a millennium before. 
He was handsome, no longer a shadowy monster. Dark, scarred skin. Full lips. Curly black hair that fell across his forehead. He was still broad, huge even for a man, but now it was flesh and muscle under the thin fabric of his shirt.
The captain was kissing you again, so deeply and with so much passion. “Is this okay?” he asked.
“It’s wonderful.”
He pushed aside the fabric of your dress, kissing every inch of exposed skin. You trailed your hands over his arms and shoulders, feeling the strength and muscle from years of living aboard a ship. 
Clothes fell to the floor and soon the both of you were bare. You admired the captain’s newfound mortal body. Every scar, every mark, every dip and curve. He shuddered and gasped at each touch, not used to the sensation after so many years under the curse. You let him pin you down and ravish you. He couldn’t get enough.
You finally pushed him away, pulling him by the hair from between your thighs. “You’re mortal now,” you reminded him. “You need to rest.”
“Will you still be here when I wake?” he asked.
“I’ll stay here with you.” You opened your arms. He pulled you in close. You listened as his heartbeat slowed and his breathing evened. The ship rocked and creaked on the waves, moonlight streaming in through the glass windows.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 years
in estranged, how did mitch go about his life once he got his mind reading powers?? did he have panic attacks?? what happened when he knew that his girlfriends father was trying to corrupt his fathers company?
Fun fact, he almost died! That was later, though.
Mitch already had Issues because of his parents (mostly his dad but as we saw, Claudia didn't help), but as we saw with Amelia, once Mitch got his powers, he pretty much lost his trust in everyone. Hard to trust when you know everyone around you only wants you for money and status; Amelia was set on becoming his trophy wife, and she wasn't the only one, over the years. (Though things did get a bit better for him in college since he wasn't so easily recognizable, and people knew him for his sports career, not his father's company).
Mitch found out about her father's embezzlement when he attended his first board meeting after taking over the company when he was 18; it was essentially a Batman situation, he wasn't involved in running the company at all. But during the meeting, he could hear everything Amelia's father was thinking: that Mitch is a spoiled brat and definitely not good enough for his daughter, that once he's gotten all he can out of the company his own family will be set for life, Amelia can drop Mitch, and he can run the company into the ground.
Mitch didn't know what to do, so he went to the only person he could: his Economics professor. After the meeting Mitch started doing his own digging into the company's operations, and he knew something was Wrong, but he couldn't quite identify what. (Sidenote: this all happens just before the 2008-9 financial crisis, which I did a huge 4 month research project on the year before last, and which will be a part of the fic bc im a Nerd).
Once the dust settles most of the board has been arrested for being complicit in the embezzlement; the only ones on all of Wall Street to face consequences, in fact, because Mitch was ferocious in going after them. Amelia obviously never forgave him for it because she had to give up her lavish lifestyle (though she was hardly left penniless), and now she thinks he owes her. It's why even though she hates him, she's still trying to get her hooks into him at the charity auction.
As for your first question - yes. Mitch did not cope with the new powers well at all. Especially in the few few months, there's a lot of panic attacks, each one laced with that looming fear of hurting someone else, like his dad. (There aren't anymore accidental killings, though, that was a special circumstance.) Also, I don't remember if I touched on it on the fics, but Claudia was intentionally blocking Mitch's powers. It's why they hit him all at once when she died; all day they were starting to bleed through as she grew weaker, hence the migraines and a little bit of telepathy. Then the already-emotional situation with his father, on top of his sense of dread that something Bad was happening to his mom, and then everything hitting him all at once - he kind of went Dark Phoenix for a second there.
But eventually he starts to get a handle on things. Sometimes it's easier than others. One example is when he ends up going to a boarding school, rather than staying with the Greys. He knows they care for him, but it's too uncomfortable for him, so he leaves. The school is pretty small and rural, which means fewer people. But when he returns to the city for holidays, that's when it gets Bad.
There's also the fact that he needs to learn to control how he reacts to things people think; before everything with Amelia's father happens, there's a big company party to celebrate him officially taking ownership. Another of the board members is pretty snide with him; passive aggressive out loud, and just straight aggressive mentally, until Mitch just decks him. It causes a whole scandal. It's also the reason Mitch thinks it's funny that Stiles is worried about embarrassing him in present time; Mitch doesn't need any help on that front, and there's nothing Stiles can do that's worse than what he's already done himself.
But yeah, in the early years, Mitch is essentially a walking talking ball of anxiety, anger, and angst, with the ability to melt people's brains. He gets a handle on it eventually, though. Enough that he can function like a normal human at least! Mostly he's just learning to repress it and tune everything out as much as possible. But after the end of Estranged, Stiles is going to help him train to actually use his powers (while also learning to use his new Nogi powers).
In the short sequel Incentive, Mitch passes out at his desk, and Sean is Concerned. This happened once before except Mitch actually had a seizure from the psychic overload. After quite a few tests, he founds out his powers were killing him. An EEG showed his brain was lit up like a Christmas tree, with confusing results given he wasn't just responded to the external stimuli presented to the doctors, but also from their thoughts. And MRI showed a lot of inflammation, causing the migraines and seizure. The swelling has also already started to cause some tissue death, and if left untreated, will kill him. Unfortunately, there's nothing the doctors can do to treat it, since it's not from natural causes.
Mitch probably took a few months to get as far away from people as he could, just to give himself a break, and figure out how to cope. (Also I haven't decided exactly when this happened, but very likely while he knew Stiles, and was hiding it from him. Stiles will be pissed when he finds out. If I ever get around to rewriting it, it'll probably be during Stiles' visit back home.)
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sentient-stove · 3 years
Okay, I know nobody asked, but since that 200k word fanfic for Rise of the Guardians was the first ever fanfic I wrote, I remember the plot, so I’m going to tell you about it.
*buckles you into a chair*
And you’re gonna listen.  *SPOILER WARNINGS, DUH*
Oh, let me tell you her powers first:
Shadow travel like Pitch, she can control the nightmares, but she has to be in constant contact with them, she can create weapons out of pure and corrupted sand, Sandman’s sleep dust doesn’t work on her and she can turn invisible to the Guardians as well.  other than that, she’s pretty low power wise compared to the others.  Like, she has a lot, but they’re all pretty draining.
So, the plot started in a flashback scene in Egypt, around the time that the pyramids were being built.
Our main character, I don’t remember her name, sits up and we see that she’s almost completely covered in sand.  She doesn’t know how she got there, her name or who she is as a person.  So she stumbles to her feet, dusts herself off and starts walking.  People are ignoring her (duh)  and when she finally makes it to a small watering trough, she looks into the water to see that her cornrows are pure white, one of her eyes is gold and the other is a black.  Other than that, she looks like how a 18 or so Egyptian girl would look at the time.  
anyway, she looks up to see the moon and someone walks through while she’s distracted.  The walking through her startles her, she stumbles back, falls through a shadow and is gone.
Then there’s like a montage of all the other guardians becoming guardians, and she’s always either nearby or a slight trigger to it- like with Jack Frost’s, she’s the reason why the ice started cracking, and that’s why he fell in, because there were three people on the ice that day, even though it only looked like two.
Final jump to the events in Rise of the Guardians.  She’s changed outfits by now and is wearing black jeans, a black bomber jacket and lots of gold jewelry.  She’s chasing one of the nightmare’s in the same town that Jack is in (She likes keeping tabs on him and Sandman since those two move around the most and it’s more interesting than constantly fucking with the Yeti).  Anyway, over the course of this time, it’s clear that she doesn’t use her shadow traveling and so the nightmare gets away.  
So she’s upset about the nightmare getting away, but before she can really do anything, she hears a yell, and looks to see that in the alley below her, the Easter Bunny is wig snatching Jack Frost (like how in the movie)  and right before the snow globe portal closes, she slips through invisibly.  She gets out of the way before anyone can see where she is and ends up shadow hopping to sit on the globe and watch shit go down.
Anyway, that scene happens, she accidentally outs herself as being there, it’s implied that she has bad blood with the Sandman, Jack Frost has never met her, Tooth Fairy just knows of her as like a cryptid and she’s halfway friends with Easter Bunny.
Anyway, Santa takes Jack to go have the talk (if you know, you know) and the other three guardians are like: “bitch, you need to go.”   And she’s like: ‘fuck no, im staying, this is the most interesting shit’s been in years.’
they try to subdue her, can’t lmao and so they get stuck with her as like a weird protector of the guardians.
So while this is going down, the Tooth Palace attack happens and she tags along, helping take out a few nightmares and she actually rides one until the Easter Bunny takes it out on accident and she ends up landing on a different level of the palace than the main guardians + Jack.
She hears the whole convo from down there and she also starts to see the crumbling from her vantage point and it looks like the foundation itself of the Tooth Palace is corroding.
That all happens, including the scene where Jack is like: “you shitheads had my memories the whole time?”   
She’s the first one to pipe up and be like:  ‘It’s chill, I don’t have memories either, and look at me, 4000 years strong and I’m still not a Guardian.”
Whoop, there it is.
Teeth collecting montage, not much changes, except for the room scene before Sandman’s death, where it’s her, sandman and jack that are still awake.  She stays behind to wake everyone up, not realizing that the snowglobe slipped out of Santa’s pocket and rolled into the hallway...
She wakes them up, they all go out in time to do that cool fight scene and she watches sandman’s death from a closer point because she was shadow traveling through the nightmares, trying to get there in time.  She doesn’t and she almost gets KO’d by Jack Frost when he kills all the nightmares.
Funeral, once again, not much changes, although she has to take up a temporary role as the Sandman due to her powers being a weird cross of Sandman’s and Pitch’s.
The next part is as the Warren (Easter Bunny’s headquarters)  and she volunteers to go scout the tunnels ahead while everyone else is getting the eggs ready.   She gets mixed up and accidentally runs through a wall, landing in Pitch’s lair.  
She doesn’t see the lil tooth fairies, because of her location, but Pitch taunts her with her fears and shows her a canopic jar made of corrupted sand.  He then explains that she was supposed to be the Sandman, and she was, for many years before she fought him in the desert, got half corrupted and Pitch stole her memories and name as a trophy.  That rightfully pisses her off and she almost KO’s him right then and there if it weren’t for Jack Frost showing up and Pitch going off to torment him while she runs around trying to get out.
She literally runs into Jack Frost, grabs him and shadow travels them out.  It weakens her, and she tells him to go and warn the other’s while she recoups. In reality, she kinda just passes out in the tunnel and by the time she wakes up, Jack Frost is gone, the Big Three thought she got offed like Sandman and so it’s an awkward funeral walk in moment.
She yells at them for being dumbasses, watches Easter Bunny shrink and is like: “Oh fuck, we need to figure something out because I now have personal beef with Pitch and you guys are on the verge of collapse.”
Pitch comes for his big victory, everyone realizes that Jamie won’t give up like the absolute piece of shit he is and so while the Big Three go to go save him, she sticks back and has a brief one on one fight with Pitch to stall, she almost wins, but gets hit by some blowback of her own powers and so Pitch runs and she has to follow, making her show up to the battle a bit after Jamie turns the first nightmare into pure sand.
There’s the fight scene, all the kids can see the Guardians, but not her because there’s no name to believe in, ergo she does not exist.  
There’s this one moment in the film where Pitch rises up behind Jack Frost in the final battle, fully about to take him out with the scythe, but Sandman comes in time and saves him.
Here, our main character pushes Jack out of the way and takes the blow instead.  The second the scythe touches her, she’s gone, destroyed.  The Big Three and Jack Frost are upset and Pitch shows off the canopic jar to them, bragging and THAT’s when Sandman comes back.  Pitch loses control of the jar, Jack catches it and Santa takes it from him to keep it safe.
Once all of that is done and Jack Frost is a Guardian, etc, it goes to the last scene, where they’re having an actual funeral for her with the jar.  The funeral ends, Santa places the jar on a shelf and everyone walks away.  Except for Jack Frost and the Sandman.
Jack turns to Sandman is like: “She was cool.”
Sandman makes like the opening a jar motion and Jack Frost is kinda confused, but he realizes that since the jar is made of corrupted sand, Sandman can’t open it, but for some reason, he wants him to.
So he takes the jar and pops it open.  Inside there’s a single slip of papyrus.  Jack Frost grabs it, looks at the words on it, which have somehow shifted from their original hieroglyphs to English.
He reads the word outloud.
and from behind him and Sandman, a familiar voice says: “Took you long enough.”
I hope you enjoyed lmao, I wrote the original fic when I was a freshman in high school and while all my friends were dating, I was writing fanfic about a character that gave no fucks and was just there for the ride.  She didn’t even have a love interest, just a close platonic relationship with everyone by the end.
and yes the fic was stolen.  I even remember the girl’s name: Clair Deg** (im not trying to doxx her..)
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