#yandere jareth
after-witch · 2 years
Bitter Peaches [Yandere Jareth x Reader]
Title: Bitter Peaches [Yandere Jareth x Reader]
Synopsis: You escaped from the Goblin King. But the real world isn’t exactly peaches, either.
Word Count: 2116
Notes: yandere, (previously) kidnapped reader, brief mentions of groping and kissing
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The world is upside down.
That’s how you know you’re dreaming about him again, as you walk down a hallway, dimly lit with candlelight. You can hear the soft pad of your feet underneath you, bare and cold, against a hard cobblestone floor. There’s a familiar dampness in the air, a buzzing from unseen rooms, filled with laughter and the sound of tinkling glass. Something in you aches to join them, but you resist, continuing your course down the hall.
At the end of the long hallway, there is no open door or alternate route. Only a staircase in front of you but of course, it’s not the right side up and you have nowhere to go. Instead, you see something fine and sparkling out of the corner of your eye. You whirl. 
And there he is--Jareth.
He’s gaudy as ever. Wearing a golden suit with silver fur wrapped around his shoulders, contrasting against the plain white of your simple nightgown. It’s not at all like the gowns you wore in his castle. No, this is some cheap bargain bin thing you fished out of a secondhand shop. Most of the stains came out in the wash, at least.
For a moment, watching him walk towards you with all the primping of a peacock, you flush. How would he view you now, like this? Your hair washed in dollar shampoo and your clothes dirty and your eyes rimmed with tiredness. Sometimes when you look in the mirror, you can’t fathom how you were ever a queen.
Yet in his eyes there is no mockery or disdain, as you often feared you would find in your dreams. Instead he grasps your chin in a gloved hand and leans in to kiss you. You let him, because it feels right--it feels like you’re getting closer to normalcy with his lips on yours and his warm body pressed against you. You find you can’t remember why you fled him in the first place, why you found your way back to the real, solid human world.
His lips taste of spilled wine, of ten course meals cooked over castle fires. You can smell the expensive scent soaked into the leather of his gloves as he keeps your chin in his fingers.
He could be real, couldn’t he? It was hard to tell, when you were in the Labyrinth, when  you were in his Castle, exactly where dreams ended. And now is no different.
He leads you away, and the stairs are suddenly as they should be. You climb and  mourn the loss of his lips.
In moments--too fast--you’re walking through the doorway to your room. Not your real room, back at your apartment, but your room in his castle. Your gilded cage, stuffed with gowns and toys and trinkets and locked with golden chains that kept you in place.
He sits you down in front of your vanity and his hands reach down to cup your breasts through your gown. It feels right, to be touched by him. A touch you’ve known endlessly over the span of years that he kept you.
Yet there’s something shameful in it, something wrong in the feel of his fine leather gloves on your stained nightclothes.
“You could be wearing silk,” he offers, his lips close to your ear. “You could have everything you want.”
You sigh, and your eyes begin to close as your tilt your neck back and imagine having everything.
But it’s wrong. It’s wrong because you gave it up. No, not gave it up.  You ran from it, full speed.
“This is a dream,” you say abruptly. Your eyes practically snap open as you take in  your surroundings. The vanity is overstuffed with perfumes, figurines, pearls and jewels dripping out of the drawers like limp snakes.
“I escaped,” you continue, staring at yourself in the mirror, eyes flitting to his reflection. Your mouth feels fuzzy. The words don’t come out right.  “I’m free. I’m not really here.”
In the mirror, he smiles. Patient.
“Oh, yes, you did escape.” His hand toys with your hair. “Such a brave feat for a brave girl. But I wonder, can you really survive without me?”
You want to tell him yes, but something heavy looms on your chest and there’s a strange sensation--the feel of your hands touching paper envelopes,  your hands groping in your purse, empty, always empty. The sensation is pushed down as you stare at him in the mirror.
He patiently waits for your attention before he speaks. You know the words are coming before he says them. Because he says them in every dream.
“Should you need me…”
You bolt upright in your bed, sweat dampening your neck, heart pounding, breath short.
For a moment, you feel nothing but panic. And then reality sets in as the sounds and sights of the real world seep back into existence. The din of the city outside your windows, distant music and car horns and sometimes broken glass, shouting. The drone of the never-ending TV in the apartment above yours. 
The buzzing of your fridge, which your landlord refuses to properly fix unless you pay the rest of this month’s rent and next month’s rent upfront--a task you, with only $5 in your wallet until your next payday and other bills with second notices on the way, can’t conceivably do.
You curl up on your side and will your heartbeat to slow down.  It was a dream, that was all. He can’t get you in  your dreams. And he can’t get you here, not without an invitation. You know that much.
You close your eyes and beg your body to let you sleep soundly for the rest of the night. You have work in the morning.  You hate it, truly. Not just because it’s a shitty job in a gas station on the wrong side of town. It’s so much more than that. 
It’s because you have to leave in the early, dark hours of the morning to get there; it’s because you have to brave the darkened alleyways and the bus that is never quite on time and the patrons who sometimes show up with blown pupils and a desire to fuck with you; it’s because despite it all, you’re still so unused to doing everything yourself.
You’d been living there for years and years, the queen of the Goblin City. How many you couldn’t say. Yet in the real world, only a decade had passed.
While you were growing complacent and used to having your every need and whim tended to by Goblins or inexplicable magic, other people your age were learning about paying bills and getting jobs or going to college. While you were being dressed in gowns made from butterfly silk in preparation for a ball where nothing but fairy floss was served, they were working their way through cookbooks and considering their first starter homes.
You almost feel like a child. Useless on your own. Helpless to carve your way in a world that is so unfamiliar to you now. Helpless, useless, childish, hopeless.
And… are you?
It’s staggering how these seemingly simple steps to live--work, pay bills, cook, clean--have become so complicated. You weren’t able to pay your bills on time as-is. You only lived here on the grace of your landlord, whose patience with you had run exceptionally thin as of late.
Every worry that has crossed your mind darts in and out of your thoughts as you drift off to sleep. Unpaid bills and late notices and final notices and the neighbor that leers at you when you leave for work in the morning and your manager who threatened to fire you if you showed up late one more time. Stacks of worries, overlapping. The thoughts soon become fuzzy, and then nothing at all, as you fall asleep.
Work was work, and your feet ache as you begin to trudge up the four flights to your apartment. A pile of envelopes sticks out of your purse, but there’s no excitement in having so much mail. You know what’s inside the stacks. Bills. Late notices. That red one--a final notice on the credit card you were forced to take out, you’re sure.
 As you file through the stack, there’s a plain envelope that makes your stomach drop before you even open it. It’s almost like precognition, the way your body senses doom before it happens. Your hands tremble as you pull out the paper, words printed in black ink, clear as crystal.
Your landlord is raising the rent next month. A lot. And he expects it to be paid on the first of the month, in full, no exceptions. All late rent must be paid in full by the end of the week. Tenants who don’t comply will be evicted.
Hysteria. That’s what you feel, isn’t it? Something hilarious in a completely wrong sense--it shouldn’t be funny, and yet, there’s a dread-filled tickling in your chest. Because you can’t afford it. You can’t even afford to pay what you owe on this month’s rent. 
Not to mention your credit card bills, the gas bill, the electric bill--you’re not even counting on grocery money anymore. Your meals consist of free samples from work and the single frozen dinner you sneak out of the freezers before leaving. Your entire next paycheck will only just cover what you owe for this month’s rent--and what will you have left for next month? Nothing.
You have nothing. You are nothing. You’re useless and stupid in this world.
 You can feel a migraine coming on, and you head into the bathroom to quench it with some pain pills. But before you can fling open the cabinet, you catch sight of yourself in the mirror.
The mirror is streaky.  You can’t exactly afford proper glass cleaner. Your reflection does nothing to improve the image. You blink at your red, glassy eyes and touch a finger to your lip hair, to the sleeve of your creased, dirty work uniform that you can’t afford to wash right now.
And it hits you all at once. The dreams and thoughts and regrets. Like a bitter peach, hard and under-ripe.
You miss it. You miss the castle. You miss the ballgowns and feasts and the goblin servants stumbling over themselves to please you. You miss… him. And the way he made you feel like everything, as long as you made him your entire world.
The real world, as it turns out, really fucking blows. God, what a world you grew up in--what a world, what a world. Who could stand to live here, where landlords held out their hands and demanded blood from stones, where you stood woozy from a lack of proper nutrition while you waited for a bus to take you to a job that couldn’t actually pay the bills?
You want him back. You need him back, and everything he brings. Even if it means giving up your freedom. What else can you do? With the only apartment you could--haha--afford being pulled out from underneath you. With the real world crumbling.
So you say it.
“I do need you,” you whisper into the mirror. And you swear something black shimmers in the mirror, so you close your eyes and wait and wait for the feeling of his arms around you.
But nothing.
 And how silly, you think. Have I forgotten the rules already?
The image of your crying, sad self in the streaked mirror already feels like a distant memory. Already you can imagine yourself in the splendor of your rooms; you can imagine yourself in his arms.
“I wish the goblins would come and take me away. Right now.”
There’s a moment where the air seems to simmer with heat and then the balcony window bursts open. It’s just as dramatic and shimmering and overwhelming as the first time he took you.
This time, you don’t back away in childish, naive fright. This time you run straight into his arms, repentant and eager all the same. The tittering chattering of goblins doesn’t frighten you as it once did, but feels familiar. Feels safe.
“Well,” he says, and his voice is solid this time, solid and real. “Did you get it all out of your system?”
You nod against his chest. Your lashes blink against black sequins that glitter even in the dim light.
“Why don’t we return to the castle? This is no place for someone like you.”
You let yourself be enveloped by his presence and led right through the balcony. You don’t fall into open air, but feel yourself stepping back onto the cobblestone path that leads to the castle.
That leads home.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
The Far Castle Beyond- (yandere!Jareth x Reader)
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Warnings; yandere, stressful situations, labyrinth, owls, fae, goblins, hopeless situations, darkness, fatalist humor, tears, fear, dark humor, adult themes, kidnapping,
"I'm going to die here..."
This was the only thing you could think as you stood looking around yourself. It seemed like every direction only had more of the damnable labyrinth as far as you could see. Even standing on the rim of a nearby fountain did little to help you get a decent vantage point.
You had woken up in a place you didn't recognize, surrounded by what seemed to be a constantly changing labyrinth. From the moment you pulled yourself to your feet to the moment you passed by something for what felt like the fifth time, you had been lost. Nothing made sense and you didn't even remember why you were there or how you came to be there.
A sudden rustling sound startled you, making you spin on your heel to face whatever beast came to claim you. Where you expected gleaming eyes and flashing fangs, instead you found an owl staring intently at your surprised form. It was a relief to see at least one creature you recognized even if the situation you were in was far from normal.
"Oh, you scared me!"
You sighed, examininging at the owl that sat silently atop the inactive fountain, deep black eyes reflecting back at you. The face of the owl was a very light off-white tan, shaped almost like a heart set into golden and copper colored feathers. From what you could tell, it looked like a barn owl, though you were not going to bet on anything being as it seemed in the winding trails of hedges and stone walls.
"Are you stuck here too?"
The question was asked idly as you really didn't expect an answer from the feathered hunter that continued to stare. A kind of wisdom seemed to be hidden beneath the deep black orbs that glinted in the dark at you, almost feeling as if the creature were judging you. For all you knew, it could have been.
"To be honest," you let out a defeated sigh and sat on the fountain basin, "I have no idea where I am. I woke up here and it... It's been a nightmare ever since."
You rubbed at your eyes and finally felt the full gravity of the situation weigh on your mind. Ever since you awoke in the strange place, you could find no exit and no clear information that could aid you in figuring out where you were. Not to mention you still didn't trust any water that you came across, only seeing murky and uncertain liquid that you figured was filled with parasites.
After so much time spent wandering the ever-changing paths with no sight of food, water, or other sentient beings, you were ready to give up.
"What I wouldn't give to have a quenching drink, a hearty meal, and a comfortable bed to cuddle down into..."
You wistfully sighed and rest your chin on the heel of your hand, your stomach whining at you impatiently. Even if there were some creatures that didn't try to immediately kill you, you still felt as if nothing was as docile as it appeared. Even the owl- which had yet to move from the perch or make a sound- was likely some beast in disguise, just waiting for you to let your guard down.
"You know what? I think I'm just going to lay here until I die."
To your surprise, the owl let out a screeching sound that almost sounded displeased. You couldn't stop the short chuckle that escaped you in response to the pointed sound. Some part of your brain realized the owl was likely making noise due to some other reason, but you entertained the idea that the feathered sentinel did understand what you said in some way.
"What? You don't like that idea?"
The quiet noise of amusement bubbled from you and you wondered if there was any point in continuing. So far you had found no exits and no hope for ever escaping the winding paths that led you in circles. There truly wasn't much you could do in the situation you found yourself in.
"The only other idea I have is drowning myself in the fountain to spare the suffering I would endure wasting away on the ground."
The owl again let out a displeased screech at you, a wry smile pulling at your lips. It was almost too easy to imagine the owl arguing with your less than positive outlook and plans while being trapped in the Labyrinth. To some degree, the owl was the first creature that had not tried to touch or harm you in some way. Even those fire beasts that seemed friendly at first were less than friendly when you tried to leave them. Other than the owl, everything in the labyrinth had been dangerous in some way
"Don't like that one either? Well, I'm plum out of ideas, and I don't hear you offering any alternatives."
You stifled a chuckle, standing and putting your hands on your hips to playfully chastise the owl for the perceived lack of input. It ruffled its feathers as if indignant at the suggestion it was no help. A soft sigh left your lips as you laughed in a quiet jeer at yourself, turning back and muttering your thoughts out loud.
"And here I am, talking to an owl that probably is wondering who this crazy person is that's talking to it. Right."
Your tone had dropped significantly from the playful jaunt to a cold sneer, feeling the immense hopelessness weigh on you more than before. The sky didn't even look like the one you were used to and you had yet to find anything that could help you during your stumbling journey through the various terrains and environments. Nothing was familiar, you were tired, cold, hungry, thirsty, and above all just disheartened by the situation you found yourself in.
"I don't even know how I got here. Does anyone know? Is anyone even looking for me?"
An apparent hitch in your breathing caught your words as you asked your questions to no one in particular. Perhaps you were asking the owl, perhaps you were asking whatever cruel god was playing with your life, or perhaps you were asking yourself. Regardless of who you directed your question to, it remained unanswered all the same and with the silence came a defeated feeling weighing you down.
From what you could tell, hours had passed, but it could have been days for all you knew. You had been wandering for so long, you didn't even know how far you had gone through the winding corridors and optical illusions of the labyrinth. Finally sitting down with your back against the fountain basin and taking a moment caused your tired body to slowly shut down from pure and simple exhaustion.
"Is my Labyrinth proving to be too much for you, dear?"
A smooth and rich voice hummed from atop the fountain, keen eyes fixed on your slumped form next to the basin. Where the owl once perched sat a man with unusual grace, his soft and wild hair rather striking when taken in with his unusual mannerisms. The man certainly was no human, though he could be confused for one at first glance.
"It's quite alright. After all, not many can get through without aid."
Despite his relaxed tone, a slight frustration clicked in his mind when you didn't respond. He moved from the fountain to face you directly, his irritation fading away just as fast as it had come. You were unconscious, curled up next to the fountain and deep within the throes of sleep after your exhausting ordeal. True, the fae king had not intended to run you so ragged before even revealing himself to you, but you were an unusual human and therefore the Labyrinth responded in unusual ways to your presence.
"You poor lost soul. Worry not, for I will take very good care of you. After all, how could I possibly be cruel to such an endearing being?"
He used his hand to gently brush away the tears streaking your cheeks, a fond smile tugging at his lips as he looked you over for injuries. Once he was satisfied with his examination of you, he used one of his crystals to soothe you into a deep sleep that wouldn't be interrupted when he moved you.
From the moment he first laid eyes on you, he had found himself enchanted with your behavior and personality. He had met many humans in his time and he had a fairly good grasp on assessing humans from a distance, but you were truly something special. As a fae, King Jareth had a particular skill for sensing the intentions and mysticality that lay dormant within other beings. Your presence was one that was unique and intriguing, so he simply had to bring you into his Labyrinth to get a better sense of you. Now he had you in his grasp and he had no intention of letting you go.
"How precious," he cooed softly as he lifted you in his arms, strengthened by his fae magics and already fairly strong to begin with, "you will want for nothing, my sweet darling."
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angstyantoinette · 1 year
Yandere! Jareth x Fem! Reader
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When was it now that he first saw you, in all your blameless abundance? Was it through his crystals, after many a painful night, where he was remembered all too well of his failed games?
Every time he looked in the mirror, he saw nothing but her cruel eyes. She consumed his nightmares, tore his heart apart and tossed his affections for her back in his face.
Not so sweet Sarah.
"You have no power over me."
He often woke up in his empty chambers, reaching immediately for the crystals but almost recoiling at the searing memory of her muttering those hateful, fateful words.
Possibly so, though at his worst, Jareth often felt the unescapable urge to see her again. To talk to her again, perhaps to check up on her?
No. No.
Sarah was never His.
She was too good for him.
Yet, she could be so poisonous. Ungrateful for his love, his offering to be everything she wanted that the human world could never live up to.
As much as he tried to forget and allow himself to rise higher than ever-like he did after the other runners had long gone- his stolen Sarah had crumbled Jareth to dust. She had taken his power, the strength she had taken so long to find within herself and turned everything upside down.
That was enough to direct his misplaced pining towards something akin to hatred.
What he could bear himself to see was hurtful, the betrayal seeming so fresh within his memory. He shook as he gazed upon fractured shards of Sarah moving on to her adult life, Sarah finding love elsewhere, Sarah Williams forgetting of all she had known of the labyrinth.
Forgetting all she had known about HIM.
Jareth could never have let something like that change him forever. It wouldn't matter in the long run, he'd always said. He could make and break a million things with the flick of his wrist...all that could be thought was that heartbroken king was often a dangerous one.
Sarah was just one of many runners in his realm. She had fought tooth and nail like the rest to take her brother back from Jareth's claws...escaping with him.
Time moved differently in the Labyrinth, as those who resided there were constantly reminded. The goblins knew that something had been slipping in their ruler's sense of being for all the time he spent grieving. But night after night all Jareth could see was a hollowed king. A husk of the being he'd always been...but wasn't sure he would ever be again.
Within you.
He closed his eyes, forcing out the imagery of his defeat. He'd tried. Spinning the world around the girl's every whim and wish only to be slighted by mere words in the end. After everything! Taking her to a ball to fraternize with his kind. He thought he could trust her. He thought, that in due time, she would come to trust him and welcome him completely. How foolish, how wanting could he have been?
In many ways, Jareth could be just as naive, just as willfully igorant as she once was.
Day after day he wandered throughout the wide expanses of his realm, feeling lost within his own creation. The need to feel a sense of humanity within himself, despite being such a formidable ruler for...millenniums, was it? It couldn't have possibly been that long since he came to the throne, somewhat unsure yet ambitious with his power. He remembered the pride he felt when he fully grasped the power flowing through him.
He remembered the euphoric feeling of his lavish feasts, his wondrous costumes. His many affairs, the charm and mild arrogance that won just about everyone over. All kinds of people wanted to have the chance to walk through his doors and dance the night away, guzzling enchanted wines and being accosted at every turn.
Jareth was the one everyone wanted.
The dances and banquets dwindled from many hundreds to just one.
Over the course of his new, solitary way of rule, he began receiving wishes. Pathetic cries of anguish that never seemed to cease until he granted them. They were restless wishes, selfish pleads, culminating in the first runner all those years ago.
No Sarah...not for many years to come.
"Why have you come here?"
Jareth swallowed thickly, casting his eyes towards the glass sculptures within the cold walls of the palace. He didn't like the feeling of confinement that he rejected in his own kingdom. He thrived within his own fashion, and no one would ever worm their way into his head, festering his thoughts even faster than they already were.
"I seek guidance, from you.”
A chuckle.
"You...need guidance from me? Of all of your subjects, you beg for my help?" A deep, yet obviously female voice mocked him from the shadows of the unfamiliar palace. The air of feeling cornered, feeling surrounded was on of his many discomforts in his otherwise, usually fulfilling life.
"There's something...I must clarify with you. Or ask, I suppose-"
"Well which one is it, a question or a selfish demand?"
Jareth snapped his head upwards, pulling his hand away from his face, revealing a scowl. He gritted his teeth and let his hand bolt down to his side, clenching it.
Don't say the words, you fool.
You know what happens.
"Call it a question, Khara. It is all I ask of you, then I'll be out of your way.”
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kurimiaki · 2 years
Just as I can be so cruel
Malleus Draconia, Twisted Wonderland
tw: yandere, forced marriage, female reader, implied kidnapping, posessive behavior
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You wonder how many marriages are built on the foundation of fear.
Lilia had told you it was only natural to be scared, to be hesitant in going forth with the dress fittings, to cry and resist and fight back against your inevitable nuptials. “Buck up,” he had whispered in your ear, tightening your corset before squeezing you into a gown, “you’ll never want or need for anything. Isn’t that ideal, for humans like you?”
You take great trepidation in dealing with your fiancée. As cautious as you are around Malleus as of late, you also fear for him, in a way pitying him. As confusing and overwhelming as it is being with a powerful creature such as he, (unwillingly, at that), your betrothed had always seemed somewhat foreign in the experience of romantic love and relationship.
In friendship, those many months ago at Night Raven College, he was wholly alien to your casual outings and terms of endearment. It became endearing, after a while, how amused and jilted he became in lieu of your impromptu nicknames and friendly asides. Perhaps it was because you weren’t initially disillusioned by his rank or identity, didn’t view him as superior or as someone to be feared.
If he was initially so estranged from friendship as a concept, surely he had no prior examples of marriage to go off of, not in any healthy sense. He was vastly intelligent, powerful and adept in the field of magic, wise beyond how he appeared in years, but seemed so stunted and ignorant as to connection and propinquity.
It wasn’t as if Malleus was lonely. By your standards, at least. Sebek showered his young master in such adoration and attention that you wondered how Malleus didn’t suffocate, and Lilia always gave way to how deeply his affections ran for his pseudo-son, as you used to call him.
This is what made it so strange that you were proposed to in the weeks after you returned home, an eagerly wide-eyed graduate, hopeful for the future you had worked towards arduously for many years. The instant your parents had received a letter from the crown prince’s esquire, formally asking for your willing hand in marriage, such dreams were smothered out. You were whisked away to Briar Valley without a single say in the matter.
Malleus is your friend. Never your lover. He’s only misconstrued what sort of commitment you were willing to pursue with him, and it’s on you to amend this misconception, isn’t it?
But it’s becoming increasingly difficult to justify and redirect your friends’ actions when he does things like this.
“At least let me see my parents before you delude them into thinking I’m your willing bride,” you fluster, storming after Malleus’ towering form down the winding castle halls. Portraits and tapestries line aged cobblestone walls, leering down at you as you pointedly ignore their existence. It’s cold, dewy, abysmal weather outside, and his mood isn’t any better. He doesn’t respond, and it scares you, but you refuse to relent.
You tug on the loose fabric of his coat, as if he’d feel such a small action. “Malleus, please. Why must you be so difficult? I just need to-“ he turns, suddenly coming to a halt, finally uprooted from his indifference by your taunts. You bristle, clenching your fists and steeling yourself— but he’s still so frigid, so monotone, maintaining apathy that stings worse than anger —and continue with your tirade.
“Can we just sit down for a moment. You wanted to discuss the particulars of the guest list, didn’t you? We can work out all of the kinks.” He considers you, bright green eyes tearing into you, as if you were live on a vivisection table, and relents. He always does.
Your bedroom is the only modicum of autonomy you have to cling to, at present, and he invades it by his presence all the same. You’ve made it your home, these past months, arranging and rearranging near ancient pieces of furniture. You fume once more as he casually lounges on an ottoman, never uttering a single word, making you appear so dumb and flustered standing before him. And you are, admittedly and rightfully, furious with him.
Your fiancée raises his brows, expectant.
“I found out that my mother was kept from entering the castle yesterday morning, and by your orders, she’s been sent home. Can you first give me an explanation for that?” you cross your arms, keeping a passable distance from him. Malleus sighs, brows sharply furrowing, as if he was frustrated at being caught.
But he knew you knew, that your family had finally made attempts at contacting you, perhaps hoping to make up for the unceremonious decision to acquiesce to Malleus’ proposal without your consent. If only to ensure that they’ll be the ones to receive your supposedly hefty dowry. Even when you get yourself out of this, you can hardly imagine ever forgiving them, but you were more so disturbed by the revelation that Malleus had also been keeping your mother’s letters from you. You had stumbled upon three month’s worth, kept tightly bound upon his desk.
“And you’re sure of this?” He begins, crossing his arms and regarding you, and you know you cannot rat out the fae who had lay bare this information to you. Malleus frowns as you nod, and rises from his seat.
With a slow, ominous pace he approaches you, lifting both hands to rest on your shoulders. It’s difficult and annoying to have to crane your head so sharply, but you’re adamant on keeping to his gaze all the same. Your neck burns. “Malleus, I’m not angry. I just don’t understand it. You were so accommodating and kind to them back in my village, so why this…?”
He smiles at your words, in a manner you interpret as blatantly condescending. As if your concerns were so simple and unfounded, and his actions easily dismissible. “It’s not totally untrue, I’ll admit to that. Your mother showed up rather early in the morn for a human, disheveled and demanding to be let in…” he trails, tutting and frowning down at you in mock disapproval, as if to perform genuine emotion.
You don’t speak, allowing him to continue. At this, he strokes a strand of your hair affectionately. You flinch, but if he noticed, he doesn’t show it.
“To relieve you of your confusion, my dear, you must understand that I had to turn your mother away in an act of self-preservation.” You gape, openly guffawing at his statement. Before you can refute his words, remind him of his standing as an all-powerful sorcerer of this world, he continues. “She was quite up in arms as to my treatment of her daughter, speaking so degradingly of you, I had to assume that she was jealous of your luxury.”
It’s a ridiculously fabricated lie, you tell him, near frenzied by an onslaught of rage. Childish liar. You call him as such, as he impresses his ridiculous concerns upon you, as if villainizing your mother further will serve to justify his behavior. Now fuming and unwilling to listen further, to hear him droll on about how he’s only protecting you once more, you tear from your betrothed, and supply him with a steady glare.
“You don’t want me around anything that is not you,” you seethe, glowering at Malleus from across the room, “as if i’ll begin to stink the moment I so much as look at another person.” You point and gesture to him in a flurry of frustration, airing your every grievance without filter or fear, naming him a captor rather than a lover, insisting that he just let you go.
He remains unmoving from where he last stood, malignant green eyes trailing your every movement. And he begins to frown, after a while, when your words turn more brutal and accusing, when spit flies from your mouth as you squawk and scream and bawl your ireful allegations. You shut up when he approaches you, at least, eyeing him now with specks of fear and trepidation in your glimmering eyes.
Malleus was never one to be loomed over or missed, standing as tall as he does, his presence so all-consuming and numbing, you often forget yourself, when by his side. It’s different, you suppose, being his lover, to be subjected to the mild affections of a creature that hardly ever acted in the interests of his peers. You could barely conjure the idea that he would lay a harmful hand to you, the weak human he works so hard to protect and constrain to his side.
He raises a hand to your cheek, gently, and you flinch as his nail grazes your cheekbone. You feel yourself falter and freeze as he encloses his arm around your waist, pulling you to him so intimately, so much closer than you’d been with any person before. Malleus sighs, stroking your cheek languidly, distracting and diverting you from your fury, albeit momentarily. You fluster, blush, but don’t forget yourself, and begin to struggle, swatting away his loving caresses.
At once, he becomes volatile. Your cheeks are snatched in a vicious grip, sharp, black nails threatening to puncture soft skin. You struggle to inhale from how sharply and strongly he holds your waist. “Hurts,” you blubber, grappling and clawing at the fabric of his coat desperately, but he only smiles. His hand squeezes, digs, pries into your cheek, and you cannot bear how cruelly he leers down upon you, this creature who used to be your friend.
Malleus was closer than touch, crushing you to him, basking in your apparent dread and terror. Like a cruel child, you distantly muse, who’s gotten a toy after beating it out of the hands of someone younger and weaker, a baby whos too scared to tattle.
“You’d do good to be a little nicer to me, you cruel little thing,” he starts, so chiding and so terribly infuriating that you almost disregard your fear once more, but his grip is still iron-clad and crushing, “I don’t know how much more I can tolerate from your degradation.”
“Everything I’ve done, my every move thus far, I have done for you. I’m not blinded nor jaded by my love, as you presume to think— in fact, I’m thinking quite clearly.” He inches closer, too close, close enough that you can see how his irises are more reptilian and slitted than you had though, so inhuman. His lips are furled, and you can feel your eyes gloss with tears as his edgy breath wafts over your face.
“So misguided, so silly you are, to believe I’d ever take you as my bride haphazardly. That we were nothing more than acquaintances.”
And he pulls away, finally allowing you to breathe, though you don’t know if you’ll ever be able to grace this bedroom without feeling the phantom of his crushing touch. His hand lingers on yours, thumb tracing over the delicate band of your engagement ring. No longer is your mind clouded with worthless euphemism and foolish hope— this is Malleus, laid bare and exposed on his back, stripped of all niceties and facades, demonstrating for you the brunt of his love.
He raises your cold limp hand to his lips, satisfied with your pliant, lamblike mien. Rid of all nasty hatred, instead flushed with fear, which he accepts as gracefully and warmly as he would your love.
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sherlockfoolm · 1 year
Rules, fandoms I write for and who (Please check rules)
Please send in requests (Especially yandere).
Sherlock bbc;
Sherlock Holmes
James Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
Gotham tv series:
Jerome Valeska
Jerimiah Valeska
Fish Mooney
Jonathan Crane
Oswald Cobblepot
Edward Nygma
Bruce Wayne
Interview With The Vampire 1994:
Lestat De Lioncourt
Scream 1996:
Billy Loomis
-Stu macher
(I write poly Billy and Stu and them separately)
-Sydney Prescott
Halloween 1978
Michael Myres
Jareth The Goblin King
Tom holland Spiderman/Peter Parker
Andrew Garfield Spiderman/Peter Parker
Andrew Garfield Gwen
(I write Peter and Gwen poly or separately)
The Green Goblin
Star Wars
Padme Amidala
Anakin Skywalker
(I write poly Padme and Anakin and I write them separate)
Luke Skywalker
Tiffany Valentine
Chucky/Charles Lee Ray (I can write them poly and separately)
-Carrie 1976
Rules and stuff:
I can write yandere and the character just how they are, though I prefer yandere. (Do not get offended if a yandere fic of mine is particularly dark. That is how I view the character as a yandere)
I write smut.
I write female reader and gender neutral reader. (I will try my best with a gn reader and I apologize if I make a mistake when writing a gn reader)
I only write x reader. Do not request an oc or a ship. (Though my fanfics are written with a poc reader in mind, and I may take a poc reader request since we don't get a lot of rep)
I don't write yandere slashers beside Carrie and Billy and Stu
I only write head canons (but feel free to request full fanfics (I will write them if I find them interesting)).
As of now I don't write platonic fanfics, but I might in the future so feel free to ask.
Write as many requests as you want, but I am not obligated to write/respond to your request
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yukidragon · 11 months
What if there´s like a master x servant like relationship between Jack and MC? Like an MC that knows how to maintain control like a boss.
Honestly, I'd argue that they sort of have that relationship in the game already... only MC doesn't realize that they're basically Jack's master.
After all, a servant is dependent on a master for their livelihood and must be obedient and do whatever is asked of them. Jack literally can't do anything MC doesn't want him to do, and he depends on them to exist. Really, their situation seems to be a more extreme form of master x servant relationship.
I think that's a big part of why Jack isn't letting MC know about all the things that he can do. If he did, then they would likely have even more control over him.
Jack does love MC, and it seems like he doesn't mind serving their every need because he wants to feel needed by them. I imagine he would do whatever they asked of him even if they got very controlling and bossy about it, as long as that meant that they were his.
Of course, as we've seen from the BDSM test, Jack does lean towards being the dominant in a relationship. His spicy audio drama over on the SnaccPop Patreon does show signs of that desire to dominate MC in the things he says. (I highly recommend all who haven't listened to it do so since it's so good.) So it makes me think that the tighter MC pulls the leash on Jack, the more sneaky and secretive he's going to be in order to get away with things despite that control they have over him and his reality.
Jack's biggest strength is how clever and convincing he is. He is good at being manipulative and getting MC to do things for him, even being able to supernaturally make them feel good, as suggested in the "no" route. Regardless, it's still only influence and not actual control on his end, so, in the end, MC's choices will override his.
While I imagine Jack would try to reverse the roles to convince MC to surrender control to him, offering plenty of reasons and incentives to do so, if MC doesn't let him take control then he won't be able to. As long as they keep their head clear despite his temptations, they could maintain control over him indefinitely.
I don't think Jack would mind being controlled by MC considering how madly he's in love with them, but that doesn't mean he'll necessarily stop trying to slip himself into the dominant role of their relationship. This would especially true if MC is pursuing other love interests besides him. In that situation, he'll have to resort to heavier forms of manipulation, even if it results in unfortunate things happening. He can't risk losing his sunshine after all. I mean this is a yandere horror game. The more desperate this guy gets, the more blood we'll see, I'll wager.
Though I imagine that Jack might think that serving MC as his master forever would be a small price to pay if that meant that they would always love him, need him, and remember him.
I'm reminded of the Labyrinth movie's iconic line from Jareth the goblin king, "I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave." Though in Jack's case I doubt he wants MC to fear him. After all, he did hide what he did to poor Nick for a reason...
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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ihatethis1234 · 1 year
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝐺𝑒𝑡 𝑇𝑜 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑀𝑒♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
You can call me kai, vex or vexian, Kurt my pronouns are he/him, I'm a trans gay guy, my favorite song is in-a-gadda-da-vida by Iron Butterfly my favorite animal is a raccoons I'm a fan of ghost, rammenstien, queen, pink Floyd, the beatles, rob Zombie, alice cooper, misfits, bon jovi, mindless self indulgence, insane clown posse, and system of a down.
My favorite movies include, black christmas, Halloween, friday the 13th, house of a thousand corpses, scream, the boy, and Texas chainsaw massacre 1 and 2.
I am local to the Ohio area so my time zone is est/ eastern Standard time.
My favorite characters are choptop Sawyer, Bubba Sawyer, nubbins sawyer, micheal myers, Jason Voorhees, Billy lenz, Billy Loomis, and brahms heelshire.
My Spotify is 𝓥𝓮𝔁𝓲𝓪𝓷 you can copy it and search it in Spotify
I'm a Satanist
I am learning to speak german
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑠𝑡♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
Alejandro -Cod
Argyle - Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove -Stranger Things
Billy Lenz -Black Christmas
Billy Loomis -Scream
Bo Sinclair - house of wax
Brahms Heelshire -The Boy
Bubba sawyer-Texas chainsaw massacre
Captain Spaulding-House Of A Thousand Corpses
ChopTop Sawyer-Texas chainsaw massacre 2
Corey Cunningham-Halloween Ends
Drayton Sawyer -Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Gaz -Cod
Geralt - The Witcher
Ghost - Cod
Harry Warden - My Bloody Valentine
Jack in the box mascot - it obvious where he's from.
Jareth The Goblin King - Labyrinth
Jason Voorhees -Friday The 13Th
Jhon Price -Cod
könig -Cod
Lester -house of wax
Micheal Myers -Halloween
Nubbins Sawyer -Texas Chainsaw
Otis Driftwood -House Of A Thousand Corpses
Secoundo - Ghost
Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
Thomas Hewitt -Texas Chainsaw
Massacre The Beginning
Vincent Sinclair - house of wax
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝐺𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
. Smut
. Fluff
. Angst
. Comfort
. Horror
{Smut dos}
. The characters on the list above
. Slow build
. Porn with plot
. Sub reader
. Survice Sub reader
. Male reader
. Cis male reader
. Trans male reader (ftm)
{Kinks i absolutely write for}
. Blood kinks
. Bondage
. Choking
. Overstim
. Edging
. Anything rough (minus rape)
. Body worship
. Sex to music (idk what it's called)
. Foreplay
. Knife play (non traumatic)
. Gun play (non traumatic)
. Size kink
. Masochic
. Sadistic
. Crying (non forced way)
. Mutual masturbation
. Soft sex
. Soft Dom characters allowed
. After care
. No after cares allowed to
. Headcanons
{Smut mabeys}
. Forced (as long as content I'd giving at some point)
. Stalking
(unless it's a slasher that does that)
{Smut donts}
. Piss kinks
. Fences kinks
. Feet kinks
. Pedophila
. pro ships
. Charater x character
. Necrophilia
. Death kinks
. Gun play (traumatic)
. Knife play (traumatic)
. Female reader
. Dom reader
. Asking me to write with a character that isn't on the list (goes for all) unless I reply say I will once I watch the series.
. Rape
. Pet play (it makes me uncomfy)
(You can ask me if I will write for a character tho if it's not on the list)
{Fluff/ comfort dos}
. Mental break down comfort
. Cuddling
. Dysphoria comfort
. Motivational
. Nightmare comfort
. After care fic
. Soft head cannons
{Angst dos}
. Readers death (reaction)
. Character death
. Injured
. Fainted
. Arguments
(That's all I can think of rn)
{Horror fics dos}
. Slasher character
. Yandere
. Murder
. Gore
. Kidnapping
. Death
. Killer reader
. Taunting
. Stalking
. 16-30 year old reader (if the reader is 16 there will probably not be smut unless it's like stu or somthing)
. Killer couple
. Ghost reader
I will writer for NonBinary reader 𝑏𝑢𝑡 it may take longer if requested.
Under no circumstances will a write for a female reader I will write ftm but not female
Also all female allied that have a fetish for gay relationships or reader yaoi may NOT  interact with my posts you will be blocked.
(Will add new characters as I watch more movies and shows)
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
My awakening was Jareth from the movie Labyrinth, 1000%. Idk why my mom wanted to watch that movie with me after my little brother was born, but she has a weird sense of humor. Anyway, then Valtor appeared in Winx, and I was forever thrown into the wonderful world of Yanderes through David Bowie and his look-alike.
babe i think your mom probably also wanted to fuck david bowie in leather pants and you just had to be there because she was, like, your mom. the valtor thing is on you but your mom was also definitely horny.
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 153- The Fire
Summary: Things heat up for Stephane and Josie while Thranduil desperately tries to stop it. The elf lord receives a debilitating shock. Narcisse gets what he wished for. Words sparks Jo's guilt. Garrett carries out a plan. Josie is blindsided and disoriented by a fiery vision.
*Warnings* language, angst, smut
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
The kiss you initiated with Stephane was intense, yet soft and sweet as you both caressed each others lips.
Dusk had fallen, leaving his chambers dimly lit of candlelight that shimmered in his dilated pupils as he gazed at you in shock.
"No more talking Stephane...make love to me." you softly asked of him with sincerity as you stroked his cheek.
His baby blues closed at your gentle touch and a warm peppermint scented sigh escaped his lips, feathering over your chin.
You stood, pulling him up with you as you turned to press your back into him, bringing his hands to your breasts.
His nose slid into your hair as he released a soft moaning sigh that tickled your skin all the way down to your core.
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You were adamant that nothing was going to stop it this time. You wanted him and you were bound and determined to have him. Maybe you were desperate to fill the intimate void in your life but you weren't going to let just anyone fill it that was looking for a simple roll in the hay. Narcisse loved you, he had just confessed it only moments ago, but somehow you already knew or you wouldn't have came there this night.
You supposed any man desperate for sex wouldn't have gone to all the great lengths Stephane had gone to to get it, for he had been nothing but patient and tender with you, finding all the special ways to your heart along the way. Any other would have grown bored and moved on...possibly like Garrett had?
NO...you told yourself in your head. You would not let Garrett get to you, not now. Not anymore....so you closed your mind off and focused on the beautiful man before you that was there for you.
You turned and removed his waist coat, leaving him to gasp in nervousness at your dominance, more so your desire of him, for no one had ever looked at him the way you did.
Thranduil could not remove his wide eyes of this vision no matter how hard he tried. The more he watched through the moonstone, the more his knuckles whitened around his chalice of wine. Seeing you touch another, your lips upon another, had him reeling...and the fact it was someone he despised made his blood boil like lava. Stephane Narcisse was merely a business arrangement to him in order to get the finest spirits in all of middle earth from, otherwise, the warlock lord was a thorn in Thranduil's side with his arrogance and conceitedness, much like his own.
Thranduil knew you believed he was dead and your letter to him proved to him you were only doing this because of that fact. The Elvenking side of him didn't give an arachnid's ass what you did, but yandere Thranduil did. He knew what he himself had done with Raven and only moments ago with the servant...but he had to stop you. You were his even if he didn't want you. That was the Elvenking's thought's though. Thranduil wanted you. He wanted you desperately and his heart was shattering over what you were about to do. Jareth was going to gravely pay for this, he vowed, and so would Narcisse for ever touching and taking advantage of his vulnerable Queen.
"Josephine!" Thranduil called out to you in panic as he held the gem in his hand, frantically staring into it. "My love, stop! I am alive!"
You didn't even so much as flinch as you crawled onto the bed with Stephane, locked in a kiss, for you had closed off your mind and heard nothing but the sound of your racing heartbeat.
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Thranduil's mind raced with trying to find a way to break into your heart as you had done to his so many times. Karma was eating him alive and he knew he deserved it, but you didn't. You didn't deserve any of this.
He brought his moonstone ring together with your stone in hopes that the power of the union would make you hear him, but the only thing that happened was an electric charge that knocked him flat back into his chair and then a sinister laugh filled his chambers in echoing bursts.
Thranduil's gaping eyes rolled down to the citrine ring that laid upon the desk and there, inside the amber stone, was Jareth.
"You didn't think it would be that easy, now did you...Elvenking?"
Jareth spun around and threw one of his crystals into the darkness.
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Thranduil heard it shatter and he felt it too, like fire was set to his brain and your face faded into smoke.
"Ahhhhhh!!!!" he screeched, clutching his head as he dropped to his knees.
Tears of pain streamed from his reeling eyes as he shook something fierce, and then the elf lord fell upon his back in blinding agony before it all went black.
You freed Stephane's shirt from his leather pants as he laid upon you, kissing your neck from your ear to your collarbone, the prickles of his facial scruff sending crazy goosebumps up your arms.
He slowly rocked his firm arousal between your open trembling legs as your hand clutched the back of his thigh, encouraging his movements by pulling him against you....and then his fingers slid down into your folds, massaging your clit in soft circular motions with his thumb.
"Yes! Oh my go..." you began to pant out, but were then sent into a paralyzing gasp as two of his fingers surprisingly entered you.
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Electricity ran through your walls, similar to when your hand would touch his. He twirled his fingers about and curled them up. Suddenly you were helplessly climaxing, mewling out his name as you clawed your nails down his back like a mountain lion in heat.
Stephane softly moaned and grinned with pleasure into your ear as he slid his extremely slickened fingers in and out, bringing you through your intense release. It was like a dam inside of you had broke from his electric charge.
He pulled his fingers out and brought them to his mouth, placing them inside and sucking them dry in a most succulent manner as he gazed into your widened eyes.
"Mmmmm." he quietly moaned with a curl on his lips.
Jesus, it was turning you the fuck on and you wanted more. You took his hand and softly kissed over the butterfly birthmark on his wrist, then traveled up the palm of his hand to his fingertips, also taking them inside your mouth.
His eyes closed as his cock twitched aggressively against you, willing it's loose hinges to hold tight.
"You keep that up and it's going to be over before I even make it out of these pants Jo." he lightly panted, feeling the volcano inside of him reaching it's peek of explosion.
"I just wanted to see what I tasted like that had you so excited." you giggled, then pulled his lips to yours, deeply kissing him and seductively swirling your tongue around his.
"A way better cherry pie than what we had for dinner." he slyly said with the smirk of a cat who ate the canary.
"Well, there's plenty more." you hinted with an even more sly smile as you lifted your dress up.
Stephane's eyes locked in yours with surprise. "You mean you want me to..."
"Mmm hmm." you mumbled as you bit your lip.
"Oh dear god." he mumbled in return as he sat upon his heels, gazing down at the saturated beauty before him. "Yep...I will never last."
"Yes you will, for the best is yet to.... come."
"Whew. Jesus." Narcisse sighed as he shook his head in disbelief, then brought his lips to your inner thigh and tenderly kissed his way to your drenched entrance.
Your fingers glided through his short brown hair as his warm tingly tongue fluttered over your sensitive bud, then slid deep inside of you without warning. An uncontrollable mewl soared out of your mouth as you arched your head back and lifted your hips into his face.
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It was ecstasy, his tongue plunging into you, then twisting and curling around your walls, nearing your sweet spot. The electricity was back. It was like rubbing two sticks together to start a fire...and it was lit on the first try.
"St...Steph...Stephane...I'm going to..."
Narcisse groaned and went faster, curling his tongue to graze the roof of your walls which sent you hurling over the edge, bucking your hips up in shallow vigorous bursts. He gripped your hips tightly and moaned into you as you came undone around his tongue.
Stephane whipped back to sit upon the heels of his fancy leather boots, swiftly rubbing his hand through his hair as he deliriously panted.
"Fuck me...I can't take this any longer."
"Then don't."
You snatched his waistline, fighting at the button on his pants, eventually popping it off in your frustration, then you helped him yank them down, revealing his extremely girthy and solid cock that was generously lathered in pre-cum.
He quickly leaned on his side, kicking his boots off and wiggling free of his black leather pants that adhered to his sweaty skin, then found himself being dragged on top of you by your impatient arms.
"Please...Stephane...I..I want you now." you pleaded as he softly kissed your neck, stopping only to whisper in your ear once more.
"I..I love you so much Jo..."
"Shhh. Don't say anything...just let me show you."
He positioned himself over your heated entrance and then pushed into you, filling your flooded walls completely.
It was like the wind was knocked out you, gasping for air while he grunted his out. Your hips rolled slowly into each other like the steady pace of soft waves crashing about the shore.
The feeling was surreal to be this close to someone again, you just never thought it would be Stephane, for once upon a time, not only did you despise him, but you feared him....but then again, you felt that way about Garrett once also....and now you...Stop it, Josie! you screamed internally to shut your thoughts off.
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The way Stephane moved, so gently, it was as if he were afraid you would break and terrified he would hurt you. It was also quite loving and it made you feel so good and protected.
"Are you alright my love?"
"I am more than alright, don't stop." you panted and kissed him passionately as you wrapped your legs firmly around him.
"Fuck....Jo....ahhhh...god..." he muttered with a grumbled moan, then began grinding into you with strong swaying motions.
His face was of magenta, shining of sweat. all which accented that one little protruding vein on his forehead as his pace and panting increased.
The shirt had to go, your dress had to go. You needed to feel his hot perspiring skin against yours and view that shirtless herculean image of him that he always liked to flaunt in your face. Of course, Narcisse had every legit reason to be proudly vain in that area.
You tugged his shirt up his smooth back and attempted to pull it over his broad shoulders, where it got stuck on top of his head, making you both chuckle. He dipped his head down, letting you slide it over and then you ripped it off his arms and blindly flung it through the air.
As he propped himself up on his hands, knowing you wanted to look upon his bare skin, you placed your palms on his shimmering chest. His racing heartbeat slammed against them as he softly smiled down at you, letting your eyes take all of him in for a moment, then he maneuvered your dress off, sending it to join his disarray of garments on the floor.
Stephane momentarily ceased his movements as his eyes smiled, starstruck over your bare curvy form that he had only briefly had the pleasure of viewing and touching once before.
Up his palms slid, over your stomach, one cupping your breast and the other continuing up your neck and resting upon your cheek, caressing your lips with his thumb. You took it between your teeth and smiled, staring him in the eyes as you held his hand and then slid his thumb in your mouth with a teasing manner as if it were a lollipop.
A low emitted growl, like that of Blaze the tiger, purred from Stephane's throat and he began thrusting, so hard that it expelled repeated bursting gasps out of you.
Your eyes flowed up his flexed arms and over the small patch of moistened hair that descended through the middle of his sculpted chest where it ceased at his solid abdomen, then resumed in a narrowing happy trail under his belly button that led to his glistening cock as it worked it's magical magic. The glorious vision had your core in a knot which was threatening to unwind like a fucking top at any given moment.
You reached up, locking your arms around his neck and frantically pulled him down upon you with the desperate need to be in his arms. Stephane understood and secured you tightly inside them, kissing you tenderly.
"I've got you sweetheart." he adoringly affirmed over your lips with the little breath he had in him and then began pummeling into you.
You forgot to breathe. You couldn't breathe if you tried, both of you rolling like thunder, igniting your anxiously awaited climax and sending your entire body into a violent tizzy while you sputtered out his name.
Stephane was instantly triggered and carried to simultaneous release. Faster and faster he drove into you, panting, grunting and groaning, then coming to an abrupt halt as his hips jerked through the powerful pulsations.
"Gahhhh....fuck!!! Ahh, god...uhhh...uhhhhhhh Jooo." he howled as his warlock eyes flashed a luminating starry glow.
You were certain that bulging vein on his forehead was going to erupt right along with his climax as he locked his eyes and jaw shut, white knuckling the pillow beneath you.
He pulled out of you with a heavy grunt and rolled to your side, enormously grinning and out of breath, just as you were.
"Ohhhhwooo, did that just happen? If I am dreaming, I never want to wake up." Narcisse professed as he took your hand a sweetly kissed it.
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"I definitely don't think that was a dream." you chuckled. "But it sure felt like one."
"So...you don't have any regrets?"
Maybe not in the blissful moment, you didn't, but you knew you eventually would. Not because it was Narcisse or that you enjoyed every single bit of it...but you knew your guilt would surface again over your King, somehow, someway. Garrett even. All that you were running away from would catch you. It always did.
"That would be a hell no." you replied with a smile and returned a kiss upon his hand as you both played with each other's fingers in the afterglow.
"Well then, I don't know about you, but I need a drink after that." he laughed and got up to pour you both some wine.
"Or a cigarette." you laughed back. You hadn't had one of those since your teen years with Sarah when you both would sneak them from her mom.
"I don't smoke." he frowned. "But a nice cigar is good every once in awhile."
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"Oh gosh. I remember my dad puffing on those every now and then. As a kid, I used to love the smell. I miss it ya know? The other world. My old life, up to a certain point anyways. It all went to shit after I believed Sarah and my dad died."
"Ahhh, Jules and his cigars. Him and I shared a many of those back in the day when you were just a wee one. So, do you really think Sarah is still alive?" he asked as he handed you your glass and laid back beside you on his stomach as you were.
"Well after that dream I had, I feel it's very possible. I can't explain it, but...I feel her. We had this strange connection, like from the first time we met as kids. I guess now I see why. We were sisters, in the witch sense that is. Only she knew what she was long before I ever knew I was the same. If only I had believed her when she told me she saw it in me."
"Jo, sweetheart. Please don't beat yourself over that. What happened to her was not your fault. Your true identity was concealed for a reason. Julian was protecting you for as long as he could."
"I know, but..if he had only told me who I was, maybe I could have stopped everything that happened to him. After I had saw my mom in the forest on my 7th birthday, my dad placed that spell on her so she could never touch me and that's what caused her to try and kill him."
"How Jo? Even if you knew, you had no power then, nor would have known how to use it. Julian's touch is what brought it out of you at Lestat's."
"That's not really true. Well, I mean...Thranduil did first. My dad is the one who then eventually kicked it into full gear per se. If only we would have stayed in Ireland or Scotland, maybe my mother would have never met Craven here in New Zealand and so much would not have happened. My dad would follow her wherever she went though since she was a gypsy traveler and I guess she had been here before on her own once and liked it so much, she wanted to live here. But...if I had never met Peter, would I be here right now? Would I have still found my way to hidden middle earth and to...."
You had to deflect, for you were about to say Thranduil and you didn't want to hurt Stephane, let alone speak of your King while you were in bed with another man.
"I...I just wish I knew the truth...about my dad being my true father. How could my mother lie about something like that??"
"Because Caroline was selfish and wicked as they come. Anything she did was solely for her own benefit. She wanted to hurt Julian for sleeping with her twin, not caring who else it would hurt. I never cared for her and she knew it. I knew what she was and all she had done. I for one, was beyond thrilled when she vanished and was eventually presumed dead. I am just sorry that it hurt you so much and that you found out about her true self the way you did after you had held her on the highest of pedestals all your life. I believe in my heart that Julian is your father Jo. He always has been in every way that mattered. Besides, he brought forth your power, not Jareth. I can assure you that it was not a coincidence of your relocation here, no matter what Caroline's reasoning was for it. She knew things and I'm sure she knew you were meant to be here... and... I for one, am also beyond thrilled that you came back into my orbit, for I knew you always would somehow."
Stephane smiled and then placed a tender kiss upon your lips.
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"I remember your reaction to me when I arrived here and you realized who I was when we touched hands. I believe your exact words were 'It's you.' It's so crazy that you knew me as a child but I have no memory of you."
"That is my faut. As I had told you before, I had so much happening with Catherine but Jo...I think you were my destiny all along....and what happened here tonight, I feel proves that. I..I know you can't say the words to me now that I have said to you...but I will remain hopeful that someday you can...and will."
Narcisse brought his hand up to your face and gently stroked the back of his fingers down your cheek, then went to kiss you again.
Your heart skipped a beat at his gesture....Thranduil's personal gesture that was only for you...and he was your destiny, no one else, even when he was wrongfully taken from you. Stephane was right though on one thing, your mother knew your true destiny, for she read you fairytales of a King in the forest that she said you would find someday. You had even told her once, what you had envisioned him to look like, and it was a spitting image of Thranduil. Of course, your whore of a mother had to have Thranduil first and then she later turned on him and became the reason he was dead.
"Don't do that..." you sadly whispered and turned away from his advance to drink your wine, leaving him stunned.
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"I..I'm sorry? Have I done something wrong? Jo, I will not push you."
"No...of course not Stephane. it...it is just me. I...I really should get back to Leean now. I miss her."
"You...won't stay with me just one night? You are right across the hall from her and Haldir will alert you if something is wrong. I would really love to hold you in my arms while you sleep and wake up to your beautiful face."
"Haldir and I are not on good terms. I really don't feel that would be a good idea if I do not come back tonight."
"So...this is about Haldir?"
You finished your glass of wine in a quick gulp and then stood up to dress.
"It is...and Leean and...."
"Garrett...it's the vampire still, isn't it?"
"Stephane, stop. Don't ruin this."
It was too late though. He already unknowingly had by touching you like he did. It was happening just like you suspected it would. The guilt...
"It would seem that I am not the one ruining anything here Jo. Talk to me...please."
"It's...it's Thranduil alright?? My mother, she's the one who ruined everything... I...I just need to go...I'll see you tomorrow."
You slipped your shoes on, softly touched his cheek and left.
It was almost midnight as you quietly slipped in the door to your chamber, cringing at the click it made as you softly shut it.
You turned to see Lola asleep in her bed, Leean asleep in her cradle, then Haldir asleep on the sofa...but you should have known better.
As you crept past him, his eye also crept open. You headed to the washroom to bathe when his voice shuttered though your very soul, stopping you dead in your tracks.
"Jo. Surely you know you cannot go undetected by me. I can hear sounds even from...across the hall."
Holding your chest as you gulped, you turned around to see him standing only a few feet away from you and the look in his eyes told you he knew what you had done.
"I...I was...I didn't want to wake Leean."
He softly, but sarcastically chuckled. "You could not have woken a mouse, let alone a sleeping baby. Now an elf of course...epic fail."
"Did you just say epic? N..never mind...I...I am tired Haldir. I am going to take a bath and go to bed. Thank you for staying. You can stay the rest of the night if you would like."
"I can see why you must be exhausted and need a bath. Your buttons are incorrectly hooked and you reek of peppermint, among...other...things."
You gasped and glanced down at your dress to see you had definitely buttoned it in the wrong places and then you looked back up only to see him walking out.
Your eyes welled up in tears of shame. Surely you knew Haldir would know and how he would react.
Off you went to drown yourself under the water, knowing you had just lost your best friend in the entire world yet once again.
The sound of a strumming guitar and Garrett's beautiful voice echoed in your dream as you dozed off in the warm healing water.
"I'm cornered in fire so break out the secrets. I hope you know that you were worth it all along. I'm tired, you're angry, and everyone looks blurry. I love you, I'm leaving, so long. Hey, little one. I'm so scared of what this could have been. I know that today I lost my only friend. My little one. The places I took you, they seem so fucking empty. I have trouble going anywhere at all. Especially my own bedroom and it stays awake to haunt me. So passed out, black out, drunk in another bathroom stall. Hey, little one. I'm so scared of what this could have been. I know that today I lost my only friend. How long must I justify my pain through these songs? How long, how long? It's raining, it's sunny. It doesn't make a difference. I don't care about anything at all."
The moon was almost full as Garrett sat by the cabin window placing his guitar down that he had retrieved from the dark forest before he departed your world. The vampire's sullen eyes were full of tears and glowed a sorrowful yellow after singing...for every time he sang, he knew the lyrics would be about you. Of all the places he could have chosen to wallow in to try and forget you, the cabin Peter held you prisoner in was the dumbest choice of all, for your presence was all around him and it was also the cabin he had held Haldir captive in as well, a memory he terribly regretted because it had hurt you. The time had come to set his plan into motion that he had put off way too long, to end all of his pain and set you free of him.
Garrett walked out onto the porch and picked up the can of gasoline he snatched from the mundane human city world of New Zealand just on the other side of the vast surrounding northern forest and then he pulled a pack of matches out of his pocket and walked out to the field.
He knew his own fire inside of him could not hurt him, so he had to do it the conventional way of turning a vampire to ash. The pain would be excruciating but he felt he deserved it after all that he had done to you, though the pain he was in now was far worse than burning to death after what he just saw and heard in your thoughts of Narcisse, for the magical water of your bath relaxed you too much, accidentally allowing him in.
Garrett trembled uncontrollably as he raised the can above his head and doused himself in the flammable liquid from head to toe. Part of him wanted to strike the match he now held in his hand and part of him wanted to fight for you, but he knew he had left you and because of that, you had given up on him, or so he believed.
The panic stricken vampire cried, then took a breath and braced himself as he struck the match.
"I will love you Josephine...always."
The flames rolled over his body, engulfing him in mere seconds as he clenched his jaw and eyes shut tight, waiting on the pain.
Garrett could hold his breath no longer and screamed out in sheer terror at the sky...but it wasn't from the pain...for there was none....
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You came up from the bath water splashing, screaming and gasping as you heard his cry and saw him covered in flames.
"G..Garrett!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"
You frantically climbed out and tripped over the ledge, falling onto the floor. Desperately, you slid your way to your feet on the now soaked stone floor and put your robe on as Lola came running in.
"Josie??? What's happened!? Why are you screaming??" she asked in panic as Leeann began to cry, then Haldir and Narcisse both came running in as well.
"Jo!! What is it?? is it Harker??!!" Narcisse shouted with his sword in hand as Haldir held his bow and searched the room.
You ran to Leean and held her tight, lightly bouncing her as you shook something fierce.
"Miss...I mean Josie, please...Give me the child. Your hands are too unstable." Lola pleaded.
You knew she was right and you slowly handed Leean to her.
"Jo, tell us what is going on!" Stephane snapped, startling you.
You eyes were so wide and clouded by tears as you stood speechless in shock.
Quickly, you spun around and rushed to the desk, ripping out Garrett's album to see if you could see again him by touching it.
You didn't even get a chance to try, for it was a hot as an iron poker in the fireplace and smelled of gasoline.
You screamed at the pain and dropped it, then fell to your knees, watching in horror as a film of smoke released off of it.
"Jo, what the fuck is happening?!" Narcisse impatiently barked in confusion.
Your flooded eyes rolled up to the eyes of the only one you wanted to look at. Haldir....and you could see it in his sorrowful eyes for you that he knew what had just happened.
"G...G...he...I..I saw...."
Haldir knelt down and gently took your face in his hands.
"Sweetheart...I...I am so sorry. Please...believe me."
"Gar...Garrett's d..dead...." you managed to mumble and then found yourself passing out in Haldir's arms.
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Very awkward confession for The Boy
When Brahms walked out of the wall I got wet and was super fucking confused when it got worse and he beat up that guy like..Huh???
He was one of those characters that made me go "Oh, so this is what yandere content is.." and I've been damned ever since
I think one of my awakenings for yandere shit was the Phantom of the Opera and like...Jareth from Labyrinth? And also characters like Zuko who didn't technically go yandere but he did kidnap someone he was obsessed with which made Little Me go "Haha why do I wish he kidnapped me thats so weird haha"
Oh and fuckin Slade from Teen Titans and Jason Todd from reading my dad's comics. And that one issue of X-Men where Nightcrawler obsessed over Dazzler iirc 👀 Those awakenings are nuts
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kiame-sama · 2 years
If you start writing yandere!Jareth x reader I will pass away that whole movie is my special interest 😭
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- You cannot tell me this man is not of the fae. He has such an affinity for magic deals and is so particular about wording that there is no way he is not fae.
- Jareth as a yandere is a truly dangerous force. Not only can he take on the form of a barn owl, but he can very likely have goblin spies keeping an eye on you wherever you go. If you have trouble with someone or you have an interest in someone, he will know. He will also keep tabs on anyone you show more than normal interest in.
- A good thing about having his own realm to take you to is that he controls who comes in an who doesn't. He also has some kind of control over the Labyrinth and how it responds to the people inside of it, so he will have you running circles. You won't encounter anything that can hurt you, but you will wander until you eventually exhaust yourself or give up. Depending on how fast you stop and how exhausted you are will determine how you are collected. If you are asleep, he will retrieve you himself. If you are able to put up a bit of a fight, he will send the goblins to tire you out. If you are able to run, he will send a beast to chase you to exhaustion before collecting you.
- Waking up a prisoner of the Goblin King will be a more pleasant experience than you expect. You will be greeted with food and drink and whatever else your heart may desire, but you will not be able to escape. You probably won't even notice Jareth watching you curiously from the corner before he says something.
- Good luck escaping without him. There is no way for you to get out unless he lets you out.
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angstyantoinette · 1 year
working on getting some of my works over on AO3 to be posted here, including a labyrinth work ^^
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Hi! 😀 So… the holiday season is almost upon us and I would like to request some HC’s with any combo of characters on how they would celebrate (anything) with their s/o (if at all). Happy holidays~ ✨✨✨ -🕊 anon
Since I’m most familiar with Christmas and New Year’s I’ll stick with them. I promise to try and get your yandere version done soon. 
Germany: When it comes to the holidays, Luther does the bare minimum in terms of effort. Even if his darling is there. He contributes premade advent calendars, usually the chocolate kind. His decorations usually result in a single wreath on the front door and the window stickers. If his darling wants more, she is welcome to set up and do anything she desires for the home. To gain his help, she just has to sweeten the deal; a kiss or two, maybe a case of his favorite beer. Then he might hang up those lights outside.
Together they will transverse the Christmas Market. Looking at all the different goods, making gift purchases, and commenting on the different items. Overall, it’s a sweet time to enjoy together.
On Christmas Eve, Luther will slip away. One of his gifts to you is to have the ‘Christkind’ come and not only set up the tree, which he does in a very simple way but also leave some gifts. If you are of the tradition to open on Christmas morning, then he may accept that and only open one gift. If you can prevent him from touching the others. 
Romano: Fabrizio enjoys Christmas. One of his favorite parts is having you help set up the small nativity he has preserved throughout the centuries. If you don’t use a nativity, then after helping with his, Fabrizio will help you create your own little thing to set up. Even going as far as to fabricate a special one just for you. Afterward, then it is going out and seeing all the different Christmas displays, commenting on the beauty of each one.
He is gonna push to do some of your traditions. It doesn’t matter if it's only watching the Christmas Story on Christmas day, making special cookies, or even sleeping under the tree. He wants to truly blend your traditions with his for Christmas.
At some point, his family will hold a small party that lasts a week. It's just the Italian trio and each one will bring their darlings. The party starts out simple with a homemade dinner, singing of various Italian Christmas Carols, and doing many small Italian traditions. Then when all the spouses sleep, the men discuss business and show the darker traditions of their Christmas celebration.
China: Jin views Christmas like we view Valentine's Day. It is a time for lovers and a time for friends. His start to the holiday celebration is simple, a Peace Apple to be shared with you. Its simple message of 'Merry Christmas' scrawled on the tender flesh is enough to make you tear up.
During the marathon of Hallmark Christmas movies, in which Jin will swear up and down to other nations that it was your idea, he suggests making paper ornaments. As yours pull inspiration from your own traditions and memories, so do Jin’s. Their small dragons and lanterns create a ferocious tree. 
Once the world calms down on Christmas Eve, you and Jin will gaze at the fully decorated tree. Warmth lulls the both of you into a gentle haze as the presents sparkle in the red lights. It will be something he hopes to do every year with you for as long as you two are together. 
Wales: Jareth isn’t the biggest fan of the holidays. He doesn’t care for the loud atmosphere and the push to be kind to those he could care less for. Though for you, he would silently suffer a thousand parties if it made you happy.
The fae lookalike possesses the ability to cook just like Oliver. Though he doesn’t use it often, during Christmas time he will push for the two of you to make toffee together. The excess is placed into multiple dishes and goods for you to enjoy together. Sometimes the supply lasts well into the New Year.
Instead of regular carolers, you will be treated to Mari Lwyd. Jareth would give a small smile to you as a small group of people hold up a horse skull draped in grey, singing for entry into his home. Jareth will encourage you to join him as he sings back. The contest goes on until the parade decides to move one, usually about 10 minutes.
🎆 ~New Years ~ 🍾
Germany: During the New Year, the two of you would attend a party hosted at his father’s home. The warm atmosphere is rich in Germanic traditions. The night would kick off with drinking Bowle and reading melted lead to predict your future for the New Year.
As the night goes on and as the drinks warm your stomachs, Lutz will produce a small, good luck charm for you. Showing you his own matching one.
Lastly, as the clock strikes midnight, a long and passionate kiss shared between the two of you is how you greet the new year.
Romano: As the sun rises on the 31st you are awakened to Fabrizio gifting you a simple set of red underwear. Its scarlet hues cause your cheeks to match, which darken from Fabrizio’s gentle kiss.
As the hours seem to shorten at the year’s end, Fabrizio and you both go about collecting all the old things that you no longer want or need from your homes. Once filled, the boxes are slid to a nearby window. From there, the two of you throw out the old things. Cheering as the New Year is welcomed into a fresh home.
His New Year’s with you ends with the coming of La Befana. Stockings hung on the Feast of Epiphany will then be filled with simple goods. That next morning is spent in the company of each other, eating chocolates, and in matching red pajamas.
China: The Lunar New Year is when Jin's holiday season is in full swing. You guys kick it off by cleaning the entire house together. All the silver is polished, the floors shine, and the glass is almost invisible. During the cleaning, he leaves you small red envelopes with not only money but sweet love letters.
As night falls, the two of you go out and dance the night away. Roaring with the dragons and grooving with lions the thrill of a fresh start only makes your smiles grow. As the fireworks paint a temporary aurora of colors, you kiss.
Wales: For New Year’s Eve and Day there isn’t much of a difference between Jareth and everyday life. The two of you will enjoy a quiet evening, spent in the arms of each other while you reflect on the year. Giggles at the new inside jokes and tears shed for all that was lost throughout the year.  
A few days after the New Year’s kicked itself into full swing, you are surprised by the knock at the door and confused at how Jareth brings a small bowl of goodies to the door. Once opened you are excited to see the little children sing and wish you a Calenning. To which you and Jareth give them treats in exchange. A simple but sweet tradition that the two of you enjoy.  
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Bonus Round:
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yuckie-obsessive · 1 year
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Please no reposting without credit
Also blog should be noted as catering to “mature” content. 18+ only. Minors DNI
💖 Call me Kie 💖 they/them 💖
Ask me stuff or requests. I’m struggling with some things and general interest as wandered elsewhere, but I’ll respond to it when I can.
For my (y/n) insert pics, if you’d like you can use it essentially like a DA oc base image. All I ask is for a tag because I would really like to see what people do with it omg.
Current obsessions:
Miguel O’Hara (Spiderverse)
TF2 (Blu!Spy & Blu!Medic - Red!Sniper AU shit)
Borderlands 2 (Handsome Jack)
Youtuber Egos (Antisepticeye and Darkiplier)
Overwatch (Ramattra and Sigma- Galactic Emperor Sigma specifically)
Labyrinth (Jareth the Goblin King)
All the above plus their yandere alterations
Youtuber Ego Stuff:
Darkiplier x Reader x Antisepticeye
Taken By The Void [Masterlist] female (on hiatus)
Double Trouble (drabble) gn
Darkiplier x Reader
Door (drabble) gn
A Dream? (drabble) gn
Did You Miss Me? (drabble) gn
Just The Start (drabble) gn
For the Best Ending (drabble) gn
Antisepticeye x Reader
Escape Attempt (drabble) gn
Always Finds You (oneshot) female
Let Me Capture You [Masterlist]
Discharged (oneshot) gn
Helping Hands (oneshot) gn
Septic-egos x Reader
Back From The Dead (HC lists) gn
Come Join Us (upcoming) (deciding)
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