#wump writing
saltydumplings · 1 year
Prompt #14
It seemed to be the hero's only thought at that moment.
Tired. Sleep. Heavy - can't walk.
Their legs stumbled to a halt as they collapsed against the brick wall of the alleyway they'd wandered down, eyes drooping a little before blinking awake again.
They were almost home. Maybe. They just had to walk a little further...
They didn't move.
The voice sent a fresh jolt of wakefulness through them, the hero turning languidly and staring at the figure across from them with bleary eyes. They blinked once, twice, the other's form seeming slide in and out if focus in a strange, dreamlike way.
Who was that? They knew them, didn't they? They must do: how else would the other know their name?
Their mind set, the hero started to walk towards them, their feet dragging against the ground as they pushed themself forward. If this person knew them then they could get them home. Could get them safe.
The figure stepped closer too, their arms stretching out just seconds before the hero fell and catching them in a soft embrace. With what little strength they had left, the hero pulled themself closer - eyes already slipping shut as they cuddled into the warmth of their rescuer.
"Thank you..." they said. The words came out as a quiet mumble but they hoped the other heard it.
Appreciation and relief were the last two things to cross their mind before their consciousness was finally plucked from their grasp.
Carefully, the villain continued to grip their nemesis within their arms, eyes almost seeming to sparkle as they stared down at the sleeping hero in awe.
Perhaps Christmas miracles did exist after all.
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captain-cold-approved · 3 months
a small collection of coldflash fanfics i have written/am writing:
So Long, Scarlet Speedster - 4.6k Time travel wump. Lots of angst my loves.
Give it Time - 700 words Len kills someone who deserves it.
Ghosting Along - 700 words Len's ghost watches Barry as he visits the Rogue's Graves.
Apple Pie and Other Warm and Fuzzy Feelings - 5.6k Tooth rotting fluff of Barry meeting Mick Rory's daughter who loves the Flash. (I don't always write angst.)
The Ice Beast of Central City - 4.2k HalfBad Au! Len has magical abilities and runs the mob in Central. Barry works as a speedster for the police force bent on stopping him. Unfinished.
more to come >:^))
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hero-of-courage · 5 months
This was kinda a writing exercise for me since I haven’t written anything in a while. I’m not sure how I feel about it.
I got Hyrule Warriors for Christmas and it’s been occupying my brain quite a bit. I was inspired to write a bit about what might happen after one of the characters falls after my first defeat.
He could taste iron on his tongue and feel dirt crunch between his gritted teeth. His head and heart pounded in unison sending waves of pain through his body. He blinked in vain to clear his blurred vision, but all he could see were distorted images of boots sprinting in and out of sight. He felt as if he became one with the earth absorbing every vibration, every tremor into his body.
Dust powdered over him as the shuffling of feet in combat kicked it into the air. He was lying amidst the chaos of war, yet he could hear none of it. The screeching of monsters, the cries of men, the song of steel, all were drowned out by the singular high pitch ring that pierced his brain like an arrow.
He needed to get up. He had an army to command, men to lead. Leading them he was, lying there. He was leading them to their deaths.
His fingers dug into the dirt beneath him and he willed himself to sit up and then to stand. He felt inclined to regret it. Groaning, he teetered on his feet as his head spun. He decided that he may be in need of a potion or even a fairy. He was feeling particularly dreadful.
Hands gripped his shoulders, his arms, his waist. His mind screamed at him to shake them off. He couldn't be captured! That is the exact motive behind the conquest of the enemy. He was wanted by the sorceress. The sorceress who was tearing apart space and time simply to get his soul into her possession. For what purpose he did not wish to know. If he were to be captured, the war would be lost.
It would be over.
He didn't have the strength to fight off the hands on his person. He hardly had the strength to stand. Slumping forward, he let himself be dragged. He prayed that his men had the good sense to retreat. They shouldn't have to risk their lives for his. They shouldn't have to risk their lives at all.
It would be over soon. If he was all the sorceress wanted, then the land would know peace once more... right? Could it possibly be better this way? Would their legendary hero be better a sacrificial lamb? A martyr.
Would it save more lives if the war ended in defeat?
"Captain Link, can you hear me?"
Link opened his eyes to be met with a white cloth ceiling. The earthy scent of herbs and mushrooms filled his nose as he breathed in.
"Captain." The voice of the medic, he assumed, prodded again.
"Hm," was his only reply. It was an acknowledgement and nothing more.
"Good," said the medic knowing well enough Link's mannerisms to understand that he was listening and awake. "The general will see you in a moment."
The rush of fabric told him that the man had exited the tent.
With a sharp exhale he pushed himself upright to have a glimpse at his injuries. A bandage was wrapped around his ribcage and he found another about his head when he reached to fix his hair. What he also discovered was the intense pain that came with raising his arms too high. Immediately his arms returned to his sides, with a hiss.
Link must've missed the sound of the tent flap opening, distracted by his punishment for reckless movement whilst he was healing. He turned his attention to the sheikah warrior before him who looked him up and down with a thoughtful brow. After a moment, she locked eyes with him.
"Are you alright?" She asked. His face must have betrayed his confusion because she continued with an explanation. "I'm asking if you're okay emotionally and mentally." She pointed to her chest and then her temple. "The reports I had received from your field medic and your other men were... concerning."
Link let his gaze fall to his sheets. Was he alright? He really thought he had fallen into the hands of the enemy and he was starting to think that it would have been better that way. He almost shyly met Impa's gaze once more.
"Could be better..." he answered quietly with a weighted smile.
Impa's expression only grew more concerned. Her lips pressed into a thin line and her brow furrowed.
"Your men said that you fell just after you called for a retreat. Your troops were vastly outnumbered and we hadn't anticipated..." she trailed off with a sigh. So he had called for a retreat. That was good. He grimaced at the thought of the enemy numbers. "I'm sorry, Link. Sometimes in war situations can be unpredictable, but maybe this was a misstep on my part and I could have equipped you better. It certainly wasn't your fault so don't dwell on this battle too much."
The blond soldier nodded slowly, but kept his own thoughts to himself.
"Hey, Link! Are you okay? Are you in any pain? Oh goddesses! I was so worried!" Proxi chimed as she zipped up and down, side to side examining her friend.
Link let out a light laugh at the fairy's antics. He smiled at her sweetly, but it was still weighed down.
The fairy seemed to notice since she flew close and pressed against his cheek in a comforting gesture. "Oh... Don't be hard on yourself Link. Defeat happens from time to time. The only thing that matters is that you get back up again." She backed away from his face so he could see her. "Look you made sure that everyone else would live to fight another day. They trust you and will stand with you. Now all you need to do is take care of yourself! That witch Cia can go... go die in a hole! She's not taking my best friend!"
Link turned his gaze to Impa for a moment. She bore a mild smile on her lips as she nodded with a soft hum.
"Oh! Impa! Hi! I didn't see you there!" Proxi's babbling faded from Link's ears as he entered his own mind once again.
He still wasn't sure if the path he was on was the right one, but so many have fought for him already and some have even died. Would their all efforts be in vain if he gave himself up? No. He couldn't bare to dishonor them in such a way. If he chooses to never give up, then his spirit at least will never be defeated.
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automeris-io-moth · 1 year
cw. blood
A hand was gently placed over Hero’s head, unexpectedly, of course, for a shove or a push would have been way more predictable, a kindness then, they thought, because at least that they could prepare for. 
But it was not what happened, and Hero was not granted the decency of prediction.
Blood warmed their face uncomfortably, dripping to their pants, staining the not very well though light beige colour, leaving a stain they would never be able to wash out. 
Hero had really liked those pants, a shame. 
The free hand of their enemy approached slowly before them, lifting their chin to meet them, firm, but not more than they needed to be; there was no anger, no wish to bring them more pain than necessary, and Hero hated that, mockery was even worse of an act than just mre raw violence, it involved more intent, it reflected how little the other though of them as an enemy. 
Hero could barely keep themselves upright.
A harsh frown and eyes full of anger met Villain, Hero’s mask discarded long ago on the floor right beside the both, letting the world examine their features, allowing the Villain to skim their factions, to know who they were. 
And Hero could hardly return the favour, an eye closed by the inflammation of the hits, the other quite unfocused, they had a concussion, Hero found obvious as the world danced as a drunk man on top of a bar. 
They dared not to look at the cameras still, so they kept their head facing Villain.
“You were incredible,” Villain said, gesticulating exaggeratedly as if knowing the state Hero was in “a deserving last goodbye to the public 
And they fell, knees to the floor before they could be caught by someone, perhaps a guard, perhaps some henchman lying around. 
At least the humiliation was over.
It's been a while, I'm sorry, college is quite literally consuming my soul.
End of next week I expect to have a bit more time to do the requests I've been getting, for now I leave you this, it ain't much but it's honest work.jpg.
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notyourriddler · 5 months
Vampire (A Techie vent to Hux)
Not romantic - but just...Techie thinking his brother would be the one to save him after he was rescued only for him to realize that Armie is just like their "father". And for him to straight up come out and say it to Hux and for Hux to REALIZE IT AND THE CRUSHING AGONY OF IT. Maybe I'll write this one day....
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little-annie228 · 1 year
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your-girl-nina · 24 days
So like- situationship/ relationship with characters A and B where they're raising an orphaned child together and they have many enemies after their necks, one night character A comes back from a long 1 month long work trip. They're stressed, exhausted, and just wanna sleep. They get Bach home just in time to see character B passed/knocked out on the drive way clearly severely hurt,and I'm talking 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵, looking into death's eyes basically. While a van is leaving quickly, no doubt having kidnapped their child. The child who has brought happiness back into their lives, the child whom they vowed to always protect. So the question is, would they go after the van to bring their child back while their partner is fighting death and deal with guilt of losing the only person who has been by their side their whole life? Or would they help their partner while their child might be getting hurt or they might lose the kid and deal with the guilt of having failed the kid and their partner resents them for not going after the van?
Leave the answers below!
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clean-prompts · 2 years
Prompts for a guy who's in pain a lot and has v caring friends/family/girlfriend?
Oooh, I love this! Here ya go! Fresh prompts, straight from the market! ~~~~~~~~ "You're hurt--"
"I know."
"Like, really hurt." ~~~~~~~~
"Sit still--this wound isn't going to clean itself."
"You don't have to be the one to do it, either. I told you I could handle it." ~~~~~~~~
"So, are you going to tell me why you're bleeding or are you going to avoid facing the consequences of your actions again?"
"You know, I always did want to move to Canada--"
"Sit down."
Please enjoy these prompts!
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natty-tuning-in · 6 months
Thinkin of rue... chained up and bloody and still leaning into his captors touch hmm
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deadlysoupy · 11 months
has anyone ever had that time in their life when you didn't listen to any song in a week or even more and then you turn a random song in your headphones and its all rainbows and sunshine in your ears as if you're hearing music for the first time
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
The day 9 story is depraved and so am I.
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em-writes-stuff · 1 year
@whumpril day 2
344 words
hero and sidekick
no warnings :)
Sidekick slams her fist down on the snooze button and pulls a blanket over her head, groaning softly at the light burning through her eyelids. She rolls onto her stomach and buries her head under a pile of pillows. 
The alarm goes off again and this time, Sidekick gets up. She kicks the blanket off and almost rolls out of bed. She throws on a shirt and a pair of pants and opens the door. 
The smell of coffee assaults her as soon as she walks into the kitchen, granola bar wrappers are strewn around, at least three mugs are full of some drink or another. 
“Hero?” Sidekick asks tentatively. “Are you awake?” 
She picks up wrappers and dumps one of the mugs down the sink, grimacing at the clumps at the bottom. She washes one of the mugs and fills it with coffee for herself. Turning off the stove, she leaves the kitchen and enters the living room. 
Hero stands with his hands on his hips, muttering indistinctly to himself. He’s looking out of the window, scanning the city below. “Hey, Hero. What’s up?” 
He turns, the bags under his eyes looking more like suitcases and sighs. “I…just can’t figure it out. Y’know? Villain said she was coming soon, and that was over a month ago. So was her play to drive me crazy and wait until I collapse or did something happen to her?” 
Sidekick eyes the scraps of paper scattered around the room and sighs, sitting on the couch and motioning for Hero to join her. “Well, um, I think, maybe, you should get some sleep, right? And then we can go find out, yeah? Because you look like you’ll fall over if she does stop by. That sound good?” 
He nods and sits down next to her, head on her shoulder. “I am pretty tired.” 
She laughs, “Yeah, I bet. When was the last time you got any sleep?” She waits for an answer, and when one doesn’t come, she looks at Hero, snoring softly next to her. “Fair enough.”
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captain-cold-approved · 3 months
im 8k into a WIP that was originally planned to be a 5k one shot and now it's a 5+1 wump fic projected to be well over 30-40k
I love writing with literally no plan or outline whatsoever.
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wicked-whump · 1 year
CWs: Fear, briefly discussed past noncon (discussed with abuser)
For @/soheavyaburden's 2023 Year of Whump challenge, February 26th: Trembling with fear
2.7k words
He’s not supposed to be out this late.
There’s no law or curfew imposed upon him, forcing him back to his apartment at a certain time, but still. He shouldn’t be out this late.
Soon enough, his friends will have to leave, and then he’ll be left alone in the cafe. And soon enough the cafe will close, and then he’ll be left alone. At night. In the dark. And nothing could save him. Especially not with this stupid fucking medical boot he has to wear for the next three weeks.
How could he have been so stupid? How did he let the time slip away from him like this? He shouldn’t be this careless. Can’t be this careless.
He’s nervous already. Of course he’s nervous, if Knox catches him alone…
He shoves the thoughts away. He’ll be fine. He has to believe he’ll be fine. Otherwise he’ll lose his composure in the middle of the cafe, in front of his friends and everyone else, and that will lead to questions he can’t answer.
“Huh?” his eyes snap up to Emmett, who’s staring at him expectantly.
“I asked if you want to go see a movie on Saturday. Jess is already in.”
“Oh, um… Yea, sure, why not?” he shrugs. In truth he’d rather stay hidden away in his apartment pretending he doesn't exist, but he needs to be making some effort to appear normal.
“Cool, there’s this one that looks really good–” Emmett continues on, but Sebastian is distracted by the person he sees entering the cafe. He hunches over and lowers his eyes and head, hoping against hope that he won’t be noticed.
Obviously, he has no such luck.
“Hey, guys, fancy running into your three here!” Knox walks up to the table and claps Jess and Emmett on the back. Sebastian keeps staring at the table, avoiding Knox’s gaze. Emmett and Jess greet him enthusiastically, while Sebastian only mumbles a “hello.” Knox drags a chair up, joining their group. Sebastian exchanges a glance with Emmett.
Of course, Knox positions himself right next to Sebastian. Uncomfortably close. Though, he was already uncomfortably close the moment he walked into the cafe. Sebastian forces himself to sit still instead of shifting away like he desperately wants to. He leans against the back of his seat in an attempt to appear more relaxed, crossing his arms over his stomach.
“What are you guys up to?”
“We were just talking about plans for the weekend,” Jess replies.
He knows what comes next. Knox asks what those plans are, they tell him, he suggests he tags alone and Emmett and Jess readily agree, inserting himself into their gathering once again. Then Sebastian either forces himself to endure a few hours hanging around Knox, or he chickens out and later comes up with a flimsy excuse as to why he has to cancel. Then Emmett and Jess question why he continues to cancel plans, and Sebatian can’t answer, pushing them further away.
Fucking great.
“What plans were you thinking of?”
The conversation plays out, exactly as expected. And now he has a decision to make. Force himself to endure more time in Knox’s presence, or pretend he’s not feeling well to get out of it.
But he’s used that excuse too many times now, and his friends are undoubtedly growing suspicious. At least, more than they already are. He can’t bail too much, he has to keep up appearances.
He makes a shaky decision that he’ll go with them on Saturday, but who knows what will actually happen when the time comes. Chances are he’ll fail to acquire the courage to do this, and he’ll think of a feeble excuse to stay in his apartment.
This is so fucking frustrating. He knows the chances of Knox finding him alone during these activities are very low, but just being near him makes Sebastian almost nauseous with fear. And as long as they conclude their outing before dark, chances are even lower that he’ll be cornered.
But it’s still never zero. And he hates to take that chance.
…A movie theater. A place where it’s dark, and everyone’s attention is focused away from the people around you. Chances are, Knox will manage to position himself next to Sebastian, and who knows what kind of shit he’ll pull during the two hours they’re there.
He suddenly reverses his earlier decision. He doesn’t care what his friends think, he is not putting himself in that position.
“Aww,” Knox coos, shaking him out of his reverie, “you’re shaking like a leaf, am I that scary?” his tone is playful, but his face is smug.
“Seb, are you okay?” Emmett asks, oblivious to the meaning behind Knox’s expression.
“I’m fine.” Sebastian grits out, still staring at the table.
“You sure? You’re lookin’ a little pale, there.” Knox nudges him with his elbow, and it takes all of his willpower not to jump out of his skin.
“I’m fine, can we just drop it?”
“Is there anything we can do?” Emmett asks.
“Drop. It.”
“Emmett’s just trying to help, Sebastian,” Jess scolds.
“Yea, don’t be rude.” Knox jabs.
“Well maybe I don’t want help.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jess says, “if someone offers help, you’re allowed to accept.”
“Cool, I still don’t want it. Or need it.”
“Don’t lie, Knox is right, you’re pale and shaking. What’s going on? Are you sick? Is it your ankle?”
“No, it’s nothing, can we fucking forget about it already?”
Emmett interjects. “I think you–”
“Nobody cares what you think.” Sebastian interrupts.
Everyone falls silent at that. An uneasy air settles over them, and he immediately regrets what he said.
He sighs. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that.”
“Um. It’s okay, uhh…” he glances at the clock on the wall. “It’s getting kinda late though, I think I’m just gonna head home. Hope you feel better.” he stands up and grabs his jacket, tosses out his cup, and heads for the door.
Guilt twinges in his stomach, but all he can do is watch Emmett go.
“Emmett, wait up.” Jess calls to him, then turns back to face Sebastian.
“Okay, seriously dude, what was that?”
He sighs again and shakes his head. “I don’t know. I don’t know why I said it. I didn’t mean it.”
“You’ve been in a bad mood recently, is something going on? At work or at home or something?” Knox asks. Jess nods, and Sebastian fights the urge to sneer at this.
He forces himself to wait a beat before answering, “Nothing’s happening.”
“Okay. Well if there is, you know you can talk to us, right?” Jess says.
He can’t though, can he. Not without putting them at risk. The only thing worse than what’s happening right now would be it happening to them as well.
He nods at the table. “I know.”
She stands. “I’m gonna go catch up with Emmett, make sure you talk with him later, okay?”
He nods again, moving to stand to join her.
“Knox, would you mind walking Sebastian home?”
“What?” his head snaps up.
A grin spreads across Knox’s face as panic overtakes Sebastian. “It would be my pleasure.”
“I can walk myself home.”
“You still don’t look well, I don’t want you passing out on the way there.”
“I’m seriously fine.” he says more forcefully.
“I seriously don’t believe you.”
“Holy shit, I’m not five. I don’t need a babysitter, I can deal on my own.”
Jess rolls her eyes very unsubtly, which adds a layer of anger over his rising dread. He stands, and Knox follows.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, why don’t you trust me?”
“Because you look like you’re about to collapse,” she says exasperatedly.
“What, you don’t wanna spend some time with me? Don’t think of me as your babysitter, I’m just a helping friend.”
Shut the fuck up you fucking creep, liar, asshole, the words burn on his tongue and he wants to scream and cry and run and he can’t do any of those things without raising more alarms. It’s so fucking ironic. Jess doesn’t even realize she’s asking the reason he’s unwell to walk him home. He falls silent, unsure of what he could possibly say to get them to change their minds. He shoves his hands into his hoodie and twists them together.
“Stay here, I’m gonna get you some water.” She walks away before he can say anything, and now he’s left alone with Knox.
Another grin spreads across his face as he stares at Sebastian. He shudders, turning away and forcing himself to take a deep breath.
Jess returns a few seconds later and hands a cup of water to him. “Go home, get some sleep. Just text me later to let me know you’re still alive. I’ll see you later.”
He nods and mumbles a “thanks,” and sips at the water to avoid saying anything else. Jess turns and heads for the door. No way is he getting any sleep after what happens tonight.
The second she’s out of the building, he sets the water cup down. “I’m not leaving.” he deadpans as he falls into his seat.
Knox chuckles and sits back down next to him. “We can’t stay here forever. The cafe has to close eventually.”
He’s right. Goddammit he’s right. The cafe closes in less than half an hour, and then he’ll be out at night alone with Knox.
He briefly considers refusing to leave the building anyway, but that might eventually get the cops involved, and that’s not in his best interest. Then again, it’s also not in his best interest to be alone with Knox.
But it’s a small town. If word travels and his friends find out, there will be questions he can’t answer. It’s safer for them if he just puts up with it.
Goddammit, he can’t even run this time. This dumbass medical boot makes sure of that. The boot he needs to wear for the sprain he suffered the last time he ran from Knox.
“I assume you’re not gonna wanna leave until the very last minute, what should we do to pass the time?”
Sebastian doesn’t respond, just resumes staring at the table and trying to keep his breathing steady.
“Playin’ the quiet game, huh? That’s okay, I can wait.”
He watches the clock on the wall. The seconds tick by, counting down towards another night of hell. At 9:50, the barista comes over to tell them they’re closing in ten minutes. The time drags on, but when it hits 10:00 and they’re the only two left in the cafe, it’s too soon. The barista will be coming over any minute now to tell them it’s time for them to go.
Knox takes initiative. “Alright, time’s up, let’s go.” he says, standing and clapping his hands once.
Sebastian stays sitting. The day he does anything as a result of Knox asking is the day he dies.
“Hey, did you hear me? It’s 10:00, the cafe is closing, let’s go.” Knox leans over the table to try to look Sebastian in the eye. All he does is curl his lip, the only indication that he heard what Knox said.
“Sirs, the cafe is closing now, I’m going to need you two to start heading out.” the barista comes up behind them, making Sebastian jump.
He sighs and tries to steel himself, then stands robotically and slowly pushes his chair in. He grabs his crutches and maneuvers towards the door as slowly as he can get away with without appearing too odd. It’s better to just get this over with and get back to his apartment.
Knox is already there, holding the door open. He ushers Sebastian out and follows, letting the door swing shut behind them and blocking out any semblance of safety.
He’s still shaking, harder now, if it’s possible, and it makes it difficult to move down the street. His shallow breaths come out in clouds in front of his face. He focuses his attention on the vapor and the cold air stinging his trachea, and he thinks if he weren’t actively moving he’d be lightheaded and about to pass out.
Which would absolutely not be ideal in these circumstances.
Knox begins to make small talk, but Sebastian is too distracted worrying about when Knox is going to shove him into an alleyway to pay attention.
How far away is far enough? When does Knox feel that they’re sufficiently isolated? There’s nobody around, it can’t be long now. His heart hammers in his chest and he finds his palms slipping on the grip of his crutches despite the temperature. His stomach twists every time they pass by an alley.
About two minutes pass. Then five. Nothing happens. It’s less than a ten minute walk to his apartment, it’s coming any second. Knox is still speaking to deaf ears, and the question that’s been bugging Sebastian surfaces in his mind.
Is it even safe to ask this? Will this set Knox off?
It’s going to happen either way, though.
“You’ve been quiet this whole time, how about you say something for a change?”
Well, here goes nothing.
He takes a deep breath, clears his throat, and tries to keep his voice steady. “If I hadn’t found those pictures, would you have– have left me alone?”
Knox throws his head back and barks out a laugh, “No,” he chuckles, “God, I’d been planning on having you since day one.” Sebastian flinches at those words, then glances around to make sure nobody is present to overhear. “There’s nothing you could’ve done.”
There’s nothing he could have done. It’s a relief, and also another weight on his chest.
It’s not his fault. He couldn’t have avoided it.
Nothing he did could have stopped it. He’s powerless.
They pass by another alleyway and Sebastian braces for impact, but it doesn’t come. They’re almost at his apartment complex, Knox is running out of time to make a move.
But it still doesn’t come. They reach the complex without incident.
Knox turns to him and speaks. “Well, here we are. It’s been a nice night, see you later.” before he can move, Knox reaches over and ruffles his hair, then turns and begins walking away.
For a second, he stands there frozen in shock and confusion. But it’s only for a second, before he hurries to the door and unlocks it, shuts himself inside and relocks it. Only then does the tension melt out of his body.
He makes his way over to the couch and falls onto it, ditching the crutches on the floor. There’s a lot to unpack tonight.
It’s not his fault. It’s not his fault. It’s not his fault.
Logically, he knows it wouldn’t have been his fault even if finding the pictures were the catalyst for all this. He couldn’t help but feel like he had some part in it, though.
Why did nothing happen tonight? Does Knox just– enjoy watching him squirm? He can’t think of any other reason.
And Emmett. Fuck, Emmett. He feels really lousy about what he said earlier. It just slipped out. They wouldn’t stop pressing about why he wasn’t feeling great and he was frustrated. It’s not an excuse, he knows. Still, hurting them a little bit in the short run saves them a lot of pain in the long run. He needs to remember that, otherwise the guilt will eat him alive.
He just needs to go to sleep right now. Enough thinking. He shoots a quick text to Jess to let her know he made it back alive, then to Emmett to apologize and request to meet up and talk. He’ll have to come up with a reason for his bad mood and sudden unwellness, but that can wait until morning.
He doesn’t even bother getting up to go to his room, it’s too much work. He just lays back on the couch and covers himself with a nearby blanket, and settles in for another restless night.
If you’ve read this far and enjoyed what I’ve written, please consider reblogging! It means a lot to artists :)
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hanjisquokkaa · 2 years
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Welcome to my blog! On this blog, I will be writing prompts and I will also be writing one-shots! These one-shots will be controlled by you! as a community :) so... I will write a master list of prompt lists, they will be posted every day between 12.00pm - 01.00pm GMT! ( Greenwich mean time / British standard time ) This will be the master list post and it will be updated ( hopefully ) daily! I'm glad you're all here reading this and I appreciate you so much, even if you are only one person :)
30 Angst Dialogue Prompts :)
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gracemwrites · 8 months
My parents are reading my writing for the first time in years, and I am getting a flood of comments like what the hell is wrong with you and I'm so sad right now and if this doesn't have a happy ending, I will never forgive you and IM LIVING. Every single one fills my happy evil writer times.
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