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I’m so lost Without you 
I’m in a black hole 
Wondering around day after day Like a zombie 
Never finding my way 
My path is getting thinner and I’m tiring 
My heart feels smaller Kind of like I’m dying 
Where are you? What is it like where you are? 
Are you happy? 
Did you ever think you’d end up so far? 
I get chest pains when I think of you now 
Where are you? 
I miss you so much old friend 
I want to keep living but I have to ask myself how 
How do I move forward when you left me so far behind? I’m barely making it without you I just want to pause life and hit rewind 
Rewind to the last time I saw your smile and heard your laugh 
I wish I had known it would be the very last time 
Where are you? 
Are you happy? 
Do you have birthdays where you are? 
Or are you still 19 years old? 
Did you ever think you’d end up so far? 
I didn’t 
That’s for sure 
Am I suppose to look up into the night’s sky and wish upon some star? 
I don’t want that though I want you I want you back in my arms 
Is that possible? 
Am I asking too much? 
Is it really that hard? 
Where are you? 
Are you happy where you are?
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mount-palmerston · 6 years
I enjoy walking outside late at night. Today, for example, I took the dog out for a walk. It's calming to just walk, accompany oneself only with one's thoughts, hearing one's own footsteps, and walking without necessarily reaching for a destination. My walk was stopped continuously when the dog wanted to stop and smell at something. Or when he found something he tried to eat. Or whenever he noticed something somewhere, something so interesting that my simple human mind cannot comprehend it. I tried looking for whatever he was noticing, but saw nothing. We moved on, continuing the walk. I came to think about people thinking. It's an activity people have passed time with for as long as we have been around. It's essential for developing new ideas, understanding the world and its events, and making sense of all we see. It's a really complex thing to experience. The word "think" itself can mean many things, giving some aspects to the scope of what people can think. Firstly, it conveys the meaning of thinking, dealing with thoughts. Secondly, it conveys having opinions. And lastly, it conveys speculation, explanations to uncertain things. Walking in the crisply cold winter night was really nice. Keeping a steady pace kept me warm, along with my coat, as I made my way forward. The snow glitters under the streetlights. The town where I am, however, does a very good thing late at night. The streetlights are turned off everywhere except along the two most important roads, even in the darkest winter nights. It saves electricity, and almost nobody is around to need the lights anyway. I enjoy the darkness it creates. It's accompanied by a silence you somehow don't notice when the lights are still on. The snow helps you see where you go. If the weather is clear, you can see lots of stars above. I like to stop and look at them. Today, it was partly cloudy, so you couldn't see many stars. The moon, however, could be seen. I have a fascination with the moon, I stop to look at it, just because it's there. It's pretty, and it never ceases to be interesting. As I kept walking the dog, my thoughts wandered to think about other people's thoughts. What is there to add to a world, where hundreds of thousands of years have passed with people thinking countless thoughts? One might think, there might not be much to add. But it's still intriguing to think that other people have thought same thoughts many, many times. They could be the most mundane thoughts. But they can still be interesting. About having something to add to the thoughts of humanity, there will never come a time when there isn't a new, original thought. Considering context of many thoughts could prove this. The circumstances that led to a thought could make it very unique. And then there is the fact that nowadays, we can take for granted what previously has been unfathomable. There is a lot of new to consider about that. Thinking can seem like a really tacky topic to write about, either becuase it's really common, or it's poorly done, or because it might be an attempt to seem deep and thoughtful. It might, as a complete text, completely meaningless. Or then somebody might just write their thoughts out and just happen to be thinking about thinking.
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Wish You Were Here
Stupid boy
Why did you leave?
Why do I think I need you?
Why can’t you feel the same about me?
The sky is such a beautiful blue today
It makes me want to drive to see you
My heart is pounding fast, even if I saw you I wouldn’t know what to say
What the hell is wrong with me?
Hell...that’s where I feel I am
I thought there was something legit between us
Now you're gone and with her, what we had feels like a scam
I’m so sick of you boys using this continuous broken heart strategy
I want to disappear sometimes 
The thought of tomorrow without you feels horrible, like such a tragedy 
However, you’re gone now
You chose her again
Will that work out?
Probably not, it will once again end
Then maybe you’ll come looking for me
I hate so say it but I hope not
I need to move on unfortunately
No matter what you choose to do whether it’s here or there
I wish I could tell you a secret
I think I fell in love with you...and I wish you were here
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