#writing a cooking style fic is way harder than it looks also the ending was kind of botched but im tired
eorzeashan · 4 months
Commander Stew
Theron cooks something for the Commander.
Odessen - The Kitchens
A young man sporting a dollop of white hair and refined features entered the communal kitchen of the Alliance carrying a large crate, wearing a plain burlap apron, rubber gloves, and waders over what usually would qualify as a stealth suit–a bit of an odd sight, but one Theron had gotten used to over time.
“Hey! You’re back early. Put ‘em down over there,” Theron glanced over his shoulder, nodding briefly at the young man, then motioning with his head at the kitchen island. Eight squeezed past him as he ran his hands under the faucet, careful not to bump into the other spy. They set down the box on the counter and patiently folded their hands, awaiting instructions.
Theron turned off the sink and flung the remnant droplets off his hands, drying them with a slightly stained checkerboard dish towel.
Even with his fearsome past, Theron found the quiet operative to be pleasant company most days, with Eight acting as his assistant in daily matters ranging from mundane chores to deadly missions. All at the behest of Lana, of course. She was the one who insisted on (see: forced) a pair of helping hands for him after he'd incorrectly assumed she’d wanted him to take on all her burdens.
Not that he was complaining about the extra hands. Certainly not today of all days–he was planning something special, and that required all of the help he could get.
Theron opened the flaps of the crate. Fresh from their gardening plot in the Odessen fields, the box was practically bursting with colorful root vegetables and leafy greens native to the planet. Purple, orange, striped yellows and swirls of blue–all packed with vitamins and the healthy color of a successful crop. Plain proof that their efforts to cultivate more organic food for the personnel had finally given fruit, after several long winters of withered stalks and exhausting meals of food chips.
Theron smiled wryly. He’d have to make a toast to Dr. Oggurrobb’s fertilizer and the Force Enclave’s agricultural knowledge later.
“Will this be enough?” Eight asked, mellow as ever. He watched him coolly through deep umber eyes.
“It’s more than enough,” Theron answered, a bit of uncertainty leaking into his tone as he stared at the foodstuffs. The vegetables taunted him from their comfy spot atop the counter next to the impressive array of knives and cooking utensils laid out side-by-side like an interrogation toolkit. “...I think.” He wiped the tip of his nose.
Theron hated to admit it, but he was no culinarian. Master Zho had never taught him (really, what could you teach a kid to cook in the wilderness besides canned goods and pre-packaged rations), and his stint as a SIS agent since his youth had left him with little time to prepare nor care. The extent of his cooking repertoire could quickly be summed up to sticking a frozen Orobird leg in the flash oven and waiting for two minutes, sadly.
So why was he making an effort now?
The image of the Commander’s tired face weary from battle and sleepless nights, aging lines etched deep into their skin with the carvings of a destiny too large for one person, flashed in Theron’s mind. He’d seen the way they’d fought–skipped meals, denied themselves sleep, hid the way their gaze turned vacant when they thought no one was looking, left their cafeteria plate practically untouched, compounded blackened bottoms of endless cups of caf, the stims—the Commander was burning themselves at both ends.
Hypocritical as it was, he couldn’t stand watching them drive themselves into the ground. The galaxy’s fate was important, but…not as important as they were to Theron. Yet he found himself at a loss; what words he wanted to tell them to eat better, to sleep more, to stop hurting themselves fell short whenever the Commander gave him that one look. That look of resignation, deep as the dull ache that would settle in his chest afterwards.
“I’m okay,” They’d tell him, smiling wan, “Thank you, Theron.” It’s alright. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about me.
Like hell he couldn’t. He–
Theron snapped out of his reverie, realizing he’d been wringing the dishcloth far too tightly for too long. Eight stared at him, puzzled. He released it. His knuckles returned to their previous pink.
“...Sorry. Just. Tired,” Theron shook his head, massaging his temples. Tired. Yeah. He was sure someone else was too, and he hadn’t asked Eight to come here to watch him have a breakdown. Pushing off from the counter, he clapped his hands together, mustering up a second wind. “Let’s get to work. Shall we?”
Commander Stew
Young Makrin Legs
Orobird Soup Stock
Rootleaf, 1 Head
Imperial-issued Instant Glowblue Noodles, 1 Package
Republic Synth-Ham and Grophet Sausages
Odessen Wild Onions
Mandalorian Spice Sauce
Zakuulan Swamp Glowshrooms
Slice of Ration Cheese
Prepare the young makrin legs by soaking them in water and shaving the fibrous exterior with a peeler.
Theron stared at the unassuming pile of…legs that resembled roots more than they did the limbs of any creature, and secretly shuddered. Makrins weren’t particularly uncommon on terrestrial worlds, but their crabby, tree-like appearance and tendency to wallow in loam didn't make them his first choice to eat. He wasn't exactly opposed to adventurous cuisine, but he wondered how exactly the legs of a chitinous creature equaled something that would make the Commander more appetized.
As if sensing his cause for pause, Eight peered over his shoulder where he stood frozen with peeler in hand. “The Jedi recommended them for use in medicinal dishes. When eaten boiled, it lowers blood pressure, and contains many nutrients.” He said thoughtfully, as if reading an entry from an encyclopedia.
“Is that so.” Theron inwardly balked at the mention of the Jedi–a little known fact was that Master Zho had raised him on Jedi cuisine, most of it vegetarian, but even then he hadn’t sampled every bit of agriculture the galaxy had to offer. Makrin legs were a bit out there, but seeing as they were native to Odessen, recommended by the enclave and another piece of stress relief on a plate for the Commander? His survival training told him the harmless limbs could only benefit, despite their gnarly appearance.
Remove the tips and fibrous base. When cleaned and processed, set aside.
He buckled down and began shaving the legs. Lack of proper nutrition was always a deciding factor in conflict–Theron had seen his fair share of soldiers who contracted disease from improper eating and lack of supplies– and he would feed the Commander any bit of ugly vegetables if it meant seeing a little more life restored to their pallid cheeks. His fingers found their rhythm as he removed the tough outer skin from the legs exposing their soft white core beneath the blade of the peeler, their texture reminding him oddly of Dantooinian tubers with an extra coat of slime.
Slice and dice half of a medium-sized onion.
Theron had to pretend he wasn't looking particularly emotional as he chopped the onion. Or maybe he was simply brought to tears at the thought that their food could have flavor for once, all thanks to the Alliance’s team of scouts who procured such supplies for them from the unmapped regions of Odessen’s wilds. Eight was among that team, hence Theron's willingness to let an Imp spy of all people join him in cooking. There was only a small handful of people he could use to conceal his efforts from the Commander, and Theron would make use of both his ability to obtain food in secret and his espionage skills to see this through, opposing factions be damned.
And if others worried about poisoning, well. He didn't pride himself on being Chief of Security for nothing. The safety of the Commander was his priority, as were the characters of those he chose to fight alongside them. They were his responsibility. His to trust with their most important fight and everything in-between. Theron couldn't afford to keep the old grudges that the Republic and Empire maintained in these desperate times, and he would not fall victim to their need to blind themselves with their unending war. He had to fight for what was important, and that was…people. Not sides.
Theron would always be a son of the Republic at his heart. But now his heart belonged to another, and those lines had long blurred.
Slice the glowshrooms length-wise, removing the head from the stems. Set aside.
Clean and cut the rootleaf in half, then the following halves into quarters; chop into smaller squares until you have about 1 cup’s worth of rootleaf. Store the rest in a cool, refrigerated place.
Unpackage the Synth-Ham, Republic Ration #0625, and slice to desired thickness.
Theron opened the can of mystery meat and upended it onto the chopping board. The green ham-like substance plopped onto it with gelatinous grace. He poked it with his cooking knife. It jiggled away from the tip.
Eight placed an empty pot next to him along with a can of opened grophet sausages and an unwrapped package of Imperial ration Glowblue Noodles, their signature color shining through the foil. Theron quickly thanked him out of the corner of his mouth.
Arrange the rootleaf, onion, makrin legs, and glowshrooms at the bottom of the pot in even layers.
Add a helping of Mandalorian Spiced Sauce on top.
Theron couldn't forget Torian and his people. They were the ones who suggested using their own spices for the hotpot, as “no other spice in the galaxy compares to that of a Mando’s.” Though he’d initially expressed some reservations at setting the Commander’s tongue aflame, this special mix had been made with their preference in mind; Shae had been so impressed by their valor that she presented several crates worth as a gift after the battle of Darvannis. Spices were a luxury if not a grand gesture in wartime, and not one Theron intended to use lightly.
Add the Synth-Ham, grophet sausages, and top with a slice of ration cheese over the previous ingredients.
Finally, add the Glowblue Noodles and 3 liters of Orobird stock.
Theron blinked at the finished product. “Wait a minute. This is…”
“Revanite stew?” Eight once again helpfully supplied.
It was Theron’s turn to ask the questions as he raised a suspicious brow towards his sous-chef. “They ate this during the coalition, when the camps combined. How did you get the same recipe?”
Eight smiled quietly to himself, in his mysterious and elusive way. “Our Commander was there. It was their idea to share food across factions. I still haven't forgotten its taste. If you ask any of the soldiers from that time, they will say the same.”
Theron stared at him, speechless. To think the same recipe he’d been making this entire time was a result of their union on Rishi…he recalled seeing Imperial and Republic soldiers bonding over a cookpot, but hadn't joined in, content to watch the proceedings from a distance. So much had happened during Revan’s rise that he’d failed to pay enough attention to something so innocuous as a moment of camaraderie between unlikely allies.
It had been their idea to eat something both Imperial and Republic that fateful night. To form the basis of their Alliance over a simple, warm bowl of soup.
Theron felt his heart swell.
He…he had to remind them of what they had built. What they meant to him. With this.
Set on top of a burner and deliver to recipients with bowls to share.
Theron held his breath as he wheeled the cart of foodstuffs to the Commander’s quarters, careful to avoid jostling the stew that balanced atop it as he reached his destination. He rapped on the door with the back of his knuckles.
A puff of pnematic air revealed the Commander, yawning wearily from yet another sleepless night of work and burdens. “Yes–” They stopped. “Theron? What are you doing here?” They eyed his cart. “And what's with all the food?”
Theron cracked a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thought you could use some dinner, so…I brought you some. If you don't mind, that is.” He quickly added, feeling out of place in the deserted hallway.
The Commander smiled, a genuine one that reached their eyes, crinkling at the edges. “I’d love to try whatever you made. Come in, we can eat it together.” They stepped aside to allow Theron room to maneuver.
Enjoy with your intended party.
As expected, it was delicious.
Not as filling as seeing the Commander laugh to the point of tears at his explanations as to why he'd been so secretive all week trying to hide the fruits of his cooking from them, but filling nonetheless. He'd give it a 5/5, personally, as a true soup for the soul. (And a note to make it again with less sneaking around).
If the Commander was satisfied and satiated... so was he.
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julyarchives · 3 years
So Bad
You couldn’t find a better way to put your feelings into words, so you let a song speak for you when you couldn’t hold back your feeling for Changgu.
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→ Pairing: Yeo One x Female Reader 
→ Genre: Fluff; Song Fic
→ Words:  1.9K
→ Contains: song inspired plot and mention of that song; StayC - So bad
→ A/n: Thank you so much for the sweet 🌻 anon who requested this story and introduced to us this really cool song. Writing this was really fun and we hope you enjoy reading it!
There is sort of a sequel for this story, that you can check it here
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When you auditioned to be a trainee, the last thing you expected was to fall in love. Especially with your senior. But you also didn't expect to be friends with the sweetest man you've ever met. You first knew Changgu as Yeo One, and he was a just a professional you looked up to, but then he turned out to be a really thoughtful person and always helped you with your choreographies, vocals and stage presence training. In the end, you became good friends, but to you there was something more since the beginning. 
He ended up being your best friend and spending all free time together  having platonic lunch dates in between schedules and just hanging out all the time. But everything he does built up in you a feeling that was harder and harder to keep it to yourself, and you were beginning to take notice that he might just feel the same.
That's when you started to get bold. Here and there you would risk to hold his hand, to which he would blush like mad and stutter around "what are you doing" and avoid to look you in the eyes for the next 20 minutes. You would cook him lunch and drop by his dorm sometimes, and one day when you felt particularly confident, you risked a kiss on the cheek when saying goodbye after a shopping date - his reaction was priceless and cute.
But it was hard to  get something from him, he was either too shy or too scared to face that he might like you the same way you like him, but you were tired of this, so you decided to put an end to all the chase games and just confess to him. Though it wasn't something easy to do, to simply put your feelings into words, you didn't even know where to begin. Finally, you had the best idea.
You dressed up in your cutest outfit and carefully styled yourself, wishing everything to go flawless. You texted Changgu to meet you at the practice room, and he showed up just on time as you were finishing to get everything set up.
"So" you began, butterflies dancing around in your stomach "I’ve been trying to say something lately, but I didn’t exactly know how to do it, so I hope this says it all.”
Changgu nodded, taking a seat on the corner of the room, watching you attentively.
The music began and you threw yourself in it with all of your passion.
You stole my heart
You stole my heart
I need your love
I need the patch of love
Call me next to you
And I’ll never go away
If I show you everything in my heart
Then it’s no good
I don’t care if you call me childish
I like it like that
You sang and didn’t break eye contact, Changgu smiled shyly at your confidence.
Baby, no matter how much you push me away
Things won’t change
It’s clear that I like you
I can’t help it
For real, I want you so bad
I need you, yeah
My my my my head,
my head
Is filled with you baby
From the start, I want you so bad
I can’t ever stop
My my my my heart,
my heart aches
Because of you
You approached him and pulled him by the hand so he was standing in the middle of the room, and you danced the choreography around him. His gaze was trained on you, and you felt proud and confident, finally getting the message to him. 
The music came to end and you stopped directly in front of him, you two staring at each other in silence until you spoke up.
“Was I clear enough this time?” you grinned victoriously as he looked at you in awe
“Do you really mean that?” He said, the shy smile you loved bright is his lips.
“Of course, I thought I was obvious all this time” you laughed together
“But y/n” he held your hand, and your heart skipped a beat at the gesture “are you sure you want this? It could be dangerous, if anyone finds out about it it could delay your debut or…”
You cut him.
Your lips gently touching his’ caught him by surprise, yet he didn’t pull away. It was just a shy peck, just testing waters and seeing if he was really in for it.
“I don’t care, Changgu, I just wanna be with you” you said once you broke apart. His usual blush was more prominent and you took a step back, just in case he needed space. 
“Y/N, I feel kind of bad for making you so much that you had to confess… I’ve liked you since you first showed up…”, he held your hand once again and it was then you noticed you were slightly shaking. “I was scared to make a mistake, to put our careers at risk. Not to mention I wasn’t sure if you felt the same”, you opened your mouth to say otherwise but he smiled and raised a finger, mentioning for you to wait, “now I know I was just insecure but it’s hard, especially in our reality, you know?”.
You nodded at his words, your heart feeling like it would beat out of your chest and you could only feel more love for him as he spoke. He was looking at you with care and it was so soft you almost melted away. The hand that held yours was moving so it could caress your arm, then up to your shoulder and then your cheek, his smile never faltering. 
“Truth is, I always felt like you were special. You had a sparkle and such energy in you, you were always so sweet and kind, there was no way I could help falling for you”, his shy smile now was filled with confidence and a determination you only saw when he was practicing. 
It was Changgu’s turn to kiss you, a sweet peck on the lips. It was longer than the first one and you decided to hold his arm to continue on. It was what he needed to hold your waist and your neck and pull you closer for a much deeper kiss. Your mouths moved loudly enough to make you blush but you didn’t care. It was heaven and you couldn’t get enough of him, his perfume stronger from being so close to him. You let out a small whine when he parted the kiss, earning a giggle from him. 
“See? You’re so cute, Y/N. How could I not want you for myself?”. You smiled. He took your breath away in every sense possible and you loved it. 
“You never thought I could be so bold, right Changgu?”, you poked his chest, laughing along with him.
“I didn’t. I actually thought I’d lose my restraint and confess some day randomly when we were having lunch or something. But you beat me to it and even prepared something, I need to up my game, Y/N!”, you two laughed and you turned, embarrassed, with the excuse of having to clear the practice room before someone could walk in. 
Changgu wordlessly helped you, both of you nervous but also happy, moving in sync with each other around the room. When everything was back in their place, you both stared at each other for a few seconds before Changgu picked your purse for you and held out his hand. You took it without a second thought and walked out of the building. Thankfully it wasn’t filled with people so you two went unnoticed. Your feet stopped at the bus station and you stared at him with questioning eyes.
“Where are we going?”, your hand never left his and you could feel his confidence as he stood straight, proudly holding you. That got the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy and you couldn’t help to smile at him. 
“I’m taking you to dinner. In fact, wait here”. Changgu kissed your forehead and walked away to dial on his phone. You shrugged and hoped he wouldn’t blow his money on a fancy restaurant that you needed to make a reservation to go to. He came back a few moments later with a sleazy smile and held your hand again. 
“So, what was that about?”, you were even more confused at his actions when he smiled brightly and shook his head “no”, as if he wouldn’t tell you. 
“I’ll tell you later, the bus arrived”!, he guided you into the bus and you questioned yourself how lucky he could be to be saved by the timing of the bus. 
The ride was a few long minutes, with you two sharing earphones and listening to the most romantic playlist you had saved on your phone. The hands clasped together were hot and you were slightly scared of them getting sweaty, but when you moved to pull it back, Changgu held it tighter with a nudge shoulder to shoulder. When the bus finally came to a stop where Changgu got up and you followed, you had to walk a few more blocks before you saw a sweet looking old lady waving at him with some of his friends next to her. You took a look at him and he only waved back, holding you close. 
“Hello, my boy! The girl is beautiful! Even more than what I imagined. The boys and I got it all ready, you know where everything is, make yourself at home! We’ll be back in three hours!”, the lady spoke quickly with the most pleasant expression you ever saw. She nodded at you and at him, mentioning for his friends to come along with her and they only followed, nodding to the both of you on their way out. 
“Let’s get inside”, he said happily. 
You followed with answering as he was already moving, it was clear he was in a rush, nervous even. When you managed to get inside the place, you noticed it was a small family business restaurant, the aesthetic was very cozy and the decorations made you feel at home. The smell of food made your mouth water so fast that you had to stop yourself from following the scent. You saw one table prepared in the middle of the room, all the others were stored like the place was closed. The table was set with white and red cloth and fine yet homely porcelain plates with some cute glasses. There were flowers around, not much but enough to make the place look like a dream. You felt your eyes watering and your hands started to shake again.
“Changgu, what-”, you turned to ask him but he was standing tall next to you, holding a small bouquet of colorful flowers. 
“I told you I needed to up my game”, he laughed softly, “I told you everything before, Y/N, but I want to tell you again that I won’t be scared anymore. I can face anything, even the consequences, if I have you. The song you sang was always in my mind when I looked at you so you couldn’t pick up a better song”, he held your hand, tears now falling freely from your eyes. 
“From the start, I want you so bad…”, he sang low. “Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?”.
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bronanlynch · 3 years
bi-ish weekly update
time sure passes huh. meant to do one last week but I wrote like 5000 words on Wednesday instead, and I’m not really sure what happened yesterday but maybe Thursday is my new day for these
listening: two for the price of one this week since I’m excited about both of them. first of all, obviously, is the Sangfielle theme by Jack de Quidt because it’s time for a new season of Friends at the Table. I love their description of this season’s music
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the other thing I’ve been listening to is the new album from one of my fave bands, You’re Welcome from A Day to Remember. this is by far not the most musically interesting or complex song on the album but it is about, as far as I can tell, a bad breakup with a vampire and I love it for that just on principle, but also it’s fun! a fun pop punk-esque bop about breaking up with a vampire!
reading: since last time when I talked about many romance novels I was reading, I mostly just read more romance novels because sometimes that is all the brain can handle. shout out to KJ Charles for writing a historical romance with a nonbinary main characters, you really do love to see it. I appreciate that she puts trans characters in her books, and I hope that someday she writes one with a trans man as a main character, because that truly would be a book targeted directly at me.
I’ve also been reading the Kate Kane, Paranormal Investigator series by Alexis Hall (author of Affair of the Mysterious Letter, a weird fantasy queer Sherlock Holmes retelling that absolutely fucking slaps, highly recommend).
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this is his author bio from the Kate Kane books, which really just sets the tone and also. what a fucking life goal
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anyway. series starts with Iron & Velvet which is currently on sale, which is why I bought it, and it also fucking slaps. I’m like halfway through the last book right now but they have all been good and fun. Kate is like. archetypal disaster p.i. but done in an interesting way (i.e. the narrative actually addresses the depression and the alcoholism in a way that I personally really appreciated), and also pretty much every woman in the ~supernatural community she encounters is an ex or someone she will flirt/hook up with at some point, which is an accurate representation of every irl queer space I’ve ever been part of. she dates a vampire for a while. hot morally questionable vampire lady. the vampire power structure names positions after tarot cards it’s very fun and sexy and tailored specifically toward my interests. also she lives in the same part of London as my ex-girlfriend so it’s. fun to recognize place names and be like. oh I went there on a date once huh
watching: started watching Turn A Gundam because a twitter friend recommended it as being fun and also very different then any other Gundam series and they were right on both counts. the premise of it is ‘what if a bunch of people went to live on the moon and some people stayed on earth, the moon people got real into super advanced technology and the earth people are larping the 19th century, and now the moon people want to come back’ so there’s a fun mix of visual styles. would love to see serious analytical writing on this show by someone more versed in discussing indigeneity/colonialism than me though because there are things that I’m a little bit hmmm at but I don’t know enough to be able to explain why or know if that’s the right response to have
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don’t know what’s up with the dude on the left’s sunglasses but my friend has promised me the fashion choices only get weirder
I know about the ‘wow cool robots’ meme but some of the mech designs are very cool and visually distinct both from each other and from the standard blocky humanoid shape that lots of mechs are, so that’s fun to see. and they’re all different sizes too, which for me at least makes it easier to get a sense of the scale of the conflict/threat. when they’re all the same size it’s easy for me to forget they’re like 40 feet tall but when some of them are 40 feet and some of them are like 10 feet it’s a lot easier to be like. oh. oh shit. these are big and destructive and scary as hell
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there are mini versions of this big mech that are like. the size of one of its feet
also there’s some fun stuff about how the way society relates to a mech and what a mech is used for can change over time, which is part of what is maybe inspiring me to get back into trying to write games, because between Turn A and the fic I was writing about Integrity Friendsatthetable I was like. hey what if a hack of The Ground Itself by Everest Pipkin, a game about a place changing over time, except instead of a place it’s a mech
playing: finished Knife of Dunwall finally! please clap! I was kinda half-expecting not to keep to low chaos in the last mission because there are so many overseers but I did it! I did do a bunch of accidentally getting into fights, killing a bunch of people, and then reloading an earlier save so I could go back and not kill those people but it’s fine. anyway. fun game, fun level once I got the hang of it, and I do feel like I accomplished something a lil bit difficult so that’s a nice feeling. definitely harder than the main game. also, very sad about Billie and gay for Delilah. she shows up just to threaten you and then disappears again, and I think that’s pretty hot of her. also love the narrative parallels of having the choice to spare Billie and then the game ending with Corvo about to decide whether to spare Daud or not. I just think that’s neat
making: made some Thai green curry last week from this recipe, which was tasty and not too hard to make, but has just enough specialty ingredients to make it a lil bit too expensive to make too often. our grocery store only ever has lemongrass when we’re looking for things that look kinda like lemongrass but aren’t, and didn’t have any when we need it so we just used extra lemongrass paste and lime juice for the lemongrass, and for the kaffir lime leaves, which we were also supposed to substitute with lemongrass but. it’s fine it was still tasty
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writing: a lot somehow, although it’s been over two weeks since last time I did one of these so I guess that makes sense. I wrote a couple of things for 15 Days of Friends at the Table, including Broun, Milli, and Thisbe cottagecore roommates, Clem and Gucci bickering/flirting, and an extended dream sequence that makes me very sad about Integrity (I’m very proud of the last one, I know it has a very small target audience because Sokrates/Integrity is very much a rarepair in an already small fandom, there are 6 works in the tag, 4 of them are by me, 2 of them are by the same other person, and one of those is a gift for me so. it’s mostly just me, but I think I wrote something pretty good)
also meant to write more for Persona 5 Girls Week, although so far I’ve only written one thing, a quick fluff fic which for once requires very little knowledge of the source material. meant to write something for today’s prompt but instead I had two job interviews and then cooked dinner for my household so that probably will not happen and I will probably watch more Gundam instead
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mylutteoheart · 3 years
Fic day 7: No Way To Lie
Happy Valentine’s day to everyone. This is my entry for day 7, it’s part 2 of my entry of day 5, I could write a part 3 of this, let me know if you’re interested in that. This is the longest fic I’ve written for fic week and it’s also my favorite. I also used both prompts for this one.
I also have written something for the bonus day tomorrow and I can’t wait to share it.
Prompt: “My biggest fear is drunkenly saying something I wasn’t supposed to say.” –“Oh, like, last night.”
"Well the card was meant to be anonymous but I panicked at the last minute and signed my name without thinking and you can still sort of see it under all the scribbling.”
find my other fics here
It’s been a few weeks since they started to pretend to date and so far, it was going great. Luna thought their act had everyone fooled and weirdly enough, she didn’t even try to stop the fake dating. She had proved her point and she could have called it quits but she didn’t want to. The thought surprised her but she couldn’t deny it. The kiss they shared that day has been on her mind ever since it happened. They’ve shared more kissed after that but they were mostly pecks because she wasn’t ready to feel that storm of feelings again, it was too overwhelming.
The kiss had started the mess inside her head and somehow, she started to like holding his hand or resting her head on his shoulder or hugging him whenever she could. He didn’t say anything about what they were doing so she assumed he didn’t mind doing this either.
But one day, the realization of why she’s been feeling this way hit hard and it hit her like a ton of bricks. She didn’t know if he noticed the change within her but she certainly did. She had fallen hard for him and the fact that he was acting like the sweetest and most thoughtful boyfriend didn’t help either. He always found a way to touch her and she didn’t mind that at all. He offered to help her with skating and he now and then, he bought her the things she liked, like her favorite drink or gifting her a bracelet. It made her fall even harder for him than she already did.
She didn’t know what he was thinking and she didn’t want to know because she was afraid he wouldn’t feel the same but little does she know, that he felt the same and felt the same insecurities she did. These last few weeks had been great yet awful for him. All the touches and conversations felt so natural to him that he sometimes forgot this wasn’t real. That was the painful part, no matter how amazing it felt to act like boyfriend and girlfriend, it wasn’t real and it probably never will be. As long as she wanted to pretend, he would too.
It was a night as any other, Luna and Matteo had been spending more time together than usual, even without their friends around. This whole fake dating thing brought them closer but not in the way they both wanted to. Matteo asked Luna to come over for a movie night, it became somewhat of a tradition for them to have a movie night every week. Luna used the excuse that they had to have a date night every week for pretense for their friends. It was obviously a lie.
He already prepared the popcorn and set up the tv for their night. She was going to come any minute now. He wanted everything to be perfect even if they just spend the night as friends. He even brought out a bottle of wine.
After a few minutes, the doorbell rang and he opened the door and stepped aside so Luna could enter. “Hey, Matteo” she greeted him with a big smile.
“Hey, chica delivery. Let me take your coat” he answered. It was cold at night so she decided to wear a jacket this time. He took her jacket and hung it up while she waited for him. They went to the living room together.
Luna jumped as soon as she saw everything was already set up. She loved these nights, when it’s just her and Matteo living in their own little world.
She sat on the couch and she sipped from the glass of wine standing in front of her. She felt her nerves acting up and she needed a way to calm down. Matteo just chuckled when he saw her drinking and went to sit next to her.
“So I thought we could watch the Avenger movies tonight” he started, “I know you’ve been wanting to see them for a while. He didn’t mention that he already saw them, he was just happy he could make her happy.
“Oh, sounds great. Is everything ready?” she asked.
“Yes, we can start watching them now if you want” he looked at her for approval and she gave it by giving him a nod.
He pressed the play button and got comfortable on the couch and it gave Luna the perfect opportunity to press into his side and rest her head on his shoulder. It became an instinct to her when she started to pretend to be his girlfriend. He automatically put an arm around her shoulder so she could sit more comfortably. His hold on her tightened when she snuggled closer to him. This is how they spent their time watching movies, just cuddling together on the couch.
A few hours later, they’ve already seen a few movies and they ran out of popcorn. Luna was the one who drank the most of the battle and she seemed a little tipsy and it made Matteo a little worried. They’ve just finished a movie and she was singing along to the song that was playing during the credits, she was dancing. Matteo found it amusing.
Once she spotted him coming out of the kitchen to get more popcorn, she ran a little sloppy to Matteo and said: “There you are. Come on, let’s dance” she pulled him with his hand and turned around once she found the perfect spot.
He didn’t have time to object, she was already pulling him in and putting her arms around his neck after she placed his hands on her waist. They started to slow dance and Matteo had to admit that this was really funny to see.
“I really love spending time with you, Matteo. You’re so sweet and funny” she was a little drunk and she didn’t seem to have a filter when she was. Matteo’s breath caught in his throat, he didn’t expect to hear that from her.
“I do too, Luna, I do too” he wasn’t sure being this honest was such a good idea because he didn’t know how much she was going to remember about tonight.
“You’re the perfect boyfriend”, she sighed dreamily, “I don’t understand how you still don’t have a girlfriend.”
His hands started to tremble a little, this was overwhelming to him and he wasn’t sure how to deal with this so he decided to not say anything and just let her talk.
After a moment of silence, she started to giggle and said: “You want to know a secret?”
His curiosity peaked and just nodded his head, not wanting to stop her and she continued: “I’m in love with someone.”
This caught him by a surprise and he had no idea who she could be in love with but he couldn’t ignore the small spark of hope that started inside of him. “Who is it?” he said int the softest voice, not wanting this moment to end.
“I can’t say but I’ll give you a hint”, she paused, he was holding his breath in anticipation, “I’m pretending to be his girlfriend.”
Matteo’s world stopped, he couldn’t believe his ears. This was really happening and he was at loss for words. He didn’t know how to answer but he didn’t need to since her steps started to slow down and he noticed that she was getting tired. Before she could fall asleep standing up, he hoisted her up and lifted her bridal style. Her hands didn’t leave his neck and he slowly laid her down on the couch. Once he was sure that she was lying comfortable, he picked up the blanket that was resting on the back of the couch and draped it over her. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and whispered: “I love you too.” But she was already sound asleep, not that it mattered, she wasn’t going to remember it the next day anyway.
He turned off the tv and cleaned up quietly. After he was done, he turned off the lights and went to sleep as well. It wasn’t the first time Luna stayed over after a movie night. His parents weren’t home anyway so he never needed to explain as to why there was a girl sleeping on their couch.
The next morning, Matteo was up early and cooking up breakfast. Something he’s done before when she stayed over. He was making pancakes and he was singing a tune he didn’t know the name off. His mind wasn’t only on the pancakes but on last night as well. What she said came as a surprise but it also made him happy. He couldn’t ignore her confession and he wanted to do something with it and he was already coming up with a plan.
Tomorrow is Valentine’s day, which was perfect for his plan to work. He just hoped it wouldn’t fail. This was going to be an important thing and he didn’t want to mess it up.
Small footsteps brought him out of his reverie. Luna was awake and smelled the pancakes on the stove. “Good morning, sunshine” he teased her when he saw her holding her head. She was definitely feeling the hangover.
“Good morning” she said not so enthusiastically.
“You okay there?” he was kind of worried about her state.
“Yeah, just realizing I really shouldn’t drink so much”.
“Oh, I don’t know, it was kind of funny seeing you act like that last night”, he teased her.
At this, her eyes turned wide. “Oh no. Don’t tell me. My biggest fear is drunkenly saying something I wasn’t supposed to say.”
“Oh, like, last night” was his immediate answer.
She held her head in her hands and closed her eyes in response.
“Don’t tell me I said something bad?” she didn’t open her eyes to see his answer, too afraid of what she’d find out.
All he did was chuckle and that made her worry more but in order for his plan to work out, he wasn’t going to tell her about last night. I’m sure she wouldn’t have wanted him to know how she truly feels.
“Don’t worry, nothing bad happened” Matteo reassured her. He had to give her something because otherwise, she’d be too worried.
“I can’t believe I drank so much” she shook her head in disbelief.
“It happens to everyone” he kept reassuring her. He wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her but he knew he couldn’t do that just yet, “Can you eat something?” he asked once he was done making the pancakes.
“I think so.”
After eating breakfast together, she headed home to get ready for the skate training they had later in the day. In the meantime, he was getting everything ready for tomorrow. He contemplated asking Gastón or Ámbar for help but this was something he had to do on his own because they still believed that they were a real thing which surprised him but they must have seen what he didn’t. They seemed to know she felt the same way as him, they wouldn’t have believed it otherwise.
The day flew by and even though he knew she felt the same way, it didn’t ease his nerves for Valentine’s Day. He wanted it to be perfect because he knew this was going to be monumental for both of them and he didn’t want to mess it up.
Today was Valentine’s Day and Matteo woke up determined to turn whatever Luna and he have into something real. Luna had no idea what was going to happen, they avoided talking about this particular day because their friends would expect that they’d spent the day together and exchange gifts, they weren’t sure how they were going to pull it off so they didn’t discuss it which might have been a bad idea if he didn’t already have something in mind.
Matteo was early at the Jam & Roller, he knew Luna wouldn’t be here for at least a few more hours and it was time to put his plan in motion. He put the card he wrote inside of her locker along with a rose. It might have been cliché but he really wanted to impress her.
Matteo sat waiting in the cafeteria, tapping with his fingers on the table. He was anxious and he was impatient. He saw her walk to the locker room and all that was left to do for him was wait.
Luna felt a little tired and thought going on the rink to skate for a while would wake her up a little. As soon as she opened her locker, something fell out of it and she grabbed it off the floor. She frowned because she didn’t expect it.
It was a typical card with a teddy bear and a bouquet of roses on the front. She slowly opened it, not knowing what she’s going to see.
When she looked inside, she saw the neatly handwritten message.
Roses are red, violets are blue. I kept a secret from you. But now I’m ready to tell. Find me at the place you know so well. I’ll be waiting for you near the stage. Where a sweet surprise awaits.
Love, anonymous
Your chico fresa
She had no doubt who this was from, even though, he tried to be anonymous and she frowned in confusion. Was this a part of their fake dating pact? He didn’t talk about this so she had no clue.
Something inside of her stirred at the card but she tried to push it down, she didn’t want to hope for something that wasn’t going to happen. But she had to know whether this was real or not so she decided to do as was asked in the poem, she was going to meet him near the stage. She grabbed the rose that was still left in her locker and couldn’t help the smile appearing on her face. She headed to her surprise and she felt giddy about the prospect of spending Valentine’s Day with Matteo.
Matteo sat at the table with two strawberry smoothies, waiting for her. The girl of his dreams and he didn’t have to wait long because she was already walking towards him with a big smile on her face.
When she reached him, she shyly said: “Hey.”
He couldn’t help but smile back at her and say: “Hey, you.”
“So I got an anonymous card” she started and showed it to him, “I must say, it’s not that anonymous.”
He scratched his temple and looked at the ground, a little embarrassed at the fact that he really she wasn’t going to notice and said nervously: “Well the card was meant to be anonymous but I panicked at the last minute and signed my name without thinking and you can still sort of see it under all the scribbling.”
She laughed and said: “I love it”.
They laughed together but he answered: “Well, I’m glad you like it.”
“So what’s this all about?” she asked him.
“I know we’re pretending to date and all but I realized that I don’t want to pretend anymore, I want it to be real” he didn’t beat around the bush and just went out with it. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have had the courage to say all of this.
Her breath hitched at his boldness and her heart jumped, this was the last thing she’d expect from him but she couldn’t complain.
“I really like you, Luna and I can’t pretend to be your boyfriend anymore. It’s too hard” he continued without waiting for her answer, he had to get it all out before he chickened out, “I wanted to show you how I really feel by doing all of this.”
He handed her a strawberry smoothie and gave her a hesitant smile: “So, Luna, will you be my Valentine? I have a lot more set up for us if you accept.”
He jumped into his arms and he stumbled backwards, startled by her sudden move but his arms went around her waist in no time and tightened his hold. This was the greatest feeling.
She backed up a little to look him in the eyes properly and said: “Yes, Matteo, I’ll be your Valentine.”
He smiled at her and asked her: “Can I kiss you now?”
She pressed her lips to his in response. The kiss started out slow but quickly turned passionate as they both realized this was real and they don’t have to pretend anymore. Their lips moved in sync and they held onto each other tightly, not wanting to let go of each other. Eventually, they did as they both needed air but the smiles didn’t disappear from their faces once they looked each other in the eyes. This moment right here was perfect.
“Chica delivery, we’re going to have the greatest day today”, said Matteo and took her hands, happy that he didn’t have to pretend anymore. Everything was perfect and it was only going to get better from here on out.
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
BTS Make out-Songs🎶 [Hyung Line]
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Hey my Dears!💜
I have a new Scenario for you! It's about my Ideas what BTS favourite Make Out/Sex Songs could be~🙈
Originally I wanted to post the scenarios of all member in one post but then I realized I wrote waaay to much for each member so I split the post in two parts (The Hyung Line and the Maknae Line are sepereated now)
This here is the Hyung Line (yeah I know you read it already in the title xD)
The link to the Maknae Line Scenario can be found here.
A little thing: Some scenarios of the members are written more in the "Scenario Style" and some are more in the "Fanfic Style" but I hope you'll like all of them! 💜
I tried to include some verses of the specific song into the fic when I thought it'll fit the specific situation very well.
I'll write the song titles (links seems to not working out actually) for their songs into the scenario right after the moodboard of the member. And I think it could be helpful for you when you listen to the song while reading to get better "into the mood" you know😉
Information: The link to my Masterlist can be found at the end of the scenario! 📝 
Gender of the reader: female
Then... there is nothing more left to say and I hope you'll enjoy it! 
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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Sacrifice by Black Atlass and Jessie Reyez
You hum to the sensual melody of "Sacrifice" that comes out of the boxes of the small CD-Player that stands on the windowsill as you wash the plates and bowls from dinner in front of the kitchen sink.
Jin is standing next to you with a dishtowel and is actually waiting for the next plate to dry. However, he looks at you closely and fascinated how you dance to the beat of the music, feel it and move sensually to it... well, as possible it is in front of the sink.
Slowly he walks behind you, hugs you halfway as he grabs your forearms and gently pulls them out of the dishwater, then dries them off with the towel for the hands. You look confused over your shoulder up to him because you're not finished yet with all the dirty dishes.
"Jin, we're still not finish-"
"Darling, don't you want to dance a little bit to the song? You move your body so sensually to the beat...", he whispers gently into your ear. You notice how his voice drops a few octaves lower and the way he shows you that he feels the song in his body in the same way as you are already doing. Sensual and passionate.
Before you can answer him, he has already turned you to him, smile tenderly and he puts your hands on the back of his neck. You interlace your fingers on the back of his neck and sigh with a smile and shake your head. You're still wondering how can he get you always to come around.
He places his hands on your waist and after a few clumsy steps you fall into the step routine of the Viennese Waltz. Slowly and thoughtful you slow dance to the music.
You gently begin to fondle the hair on the back of his neck and sing along with the song, giving Jin here and there a small seductive wink or an irresistible look. A small smirk plays around the corner of your lips.
You know I don't play it safe
Sometimes you have to break the rules
Yeah, we could call it love, or we could call it nothing
But you got what I want, so baby, give me something
Yeah, we could call it love, or we could call it nothing
But you got what I want, you know I do, too
Jin joins in with his wonderful voice in your singing. Now you sing the song together, for each other. Just like Black Atlass and Jessie Reyez do it in their song.
Jin's hands move slowly from your waist down to your hips until he finally places them onto your ass and Jin squeezes it gently and massages his palms over your, in his opinion perfectly round ass cheeks. You pleasurably roll your eyes and a small sigh come from your lips.
The song slowly comes to his end and as the last soft notes fades away a shaky groan escapes Jin's mouth.
"Fuck, you drive me insane, Darling!"
His breathing becomes heavy and you can't help it but notice how his erection in his jeans grew harder with every beat and how Jin reacted to your seductive sight.
But you get pulled out of your thoughts when Jin reaches under your chin and kisses you deeply and passionately. His soft lips are addictive for you and you want more, more and even more. Your kiss becomes with every second a little bit less controlled and Jin quickly lies his hand back onto your ass, picks you up and puts you on the kitchen counter so that you're both at the same eye level with each other.
"God Baby... what are you doing to me? Why are you so fucking sensual and sexy and know immediately how to use all of this as a weapon against me?", Jin gasps and fiddles impatiently around with the button and zipper of your pants.
A little giggle comes over your lips, finds Jin's impatience to finally take off your pants adorable but at the same time your own anticipation increases to infinity.
You support yourself to help him to free your body of this annoying fabric. Your plan is interrupted again and again by greedy kisses, your lips simply cannot be without each other.
"Thank God I cleaned the countertop right after cooking... then we don't have to go into the bedroom anymore so I can spoil you here... just look how wet you already are... all this just for me.", he purrs into your ear and lets his long index and middlefinger slides between your folds.
"What are you doing to me, Love? To see your body dancing to this song is a pure sin..."
You giggle, which turns ultimately into a sweet moan.
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The SoMo Medley by SoMo
Let's keep one thing in mind: Namjoon always makes you feel loved and respected, no matter how kinky and dirty your sex will be. In my opinion, he has the sensational ability to combine pure filthy lust with irrefutable love, so that you both can bring your dirty fantasies to life without feeling "used" (in a negative way) from each other.
No matter what kind of sex, whether you take your time and make love to each other, or whether Namjoon fucks you as if his pure primal sexual needs has to be satisfied, he always makes sure that you know that he loves, appreciates and respects you. That you're on the same level with him.
So I think the SoMo Medley is a wonderful representation of this combination of sexual desire and deep love and passion.
Tonight I wanna show off
Come on baby, take your clothes off
We can keep on bumpin' and grindin' and lovin' so wildly
You know I wanna show off
Tonight I wanna show off, baby let me show off
I'm gon' take your legs up and wrap them and squeeze it then smack it
You know I wanna show off
Yeah, you like it when I slap your ass
Take it all, I'mma go deep
Keep it so sweet, one night to make it last
She's close, I'm about to wrap
She can't open up her eyes
I'm driving deep and her body's so weak
And I can't let go
And we can make love or we can just fuck
We can get romantic, dirty dancing
Feel my hands until the sun comes up
When I hear this song, I have the imagination of Namjoon coming home from work in his studio late at night and wanting nothing more than to see you and close you in his arms.
You were just about to fall asleep when you hear the key in the lock on the front door and hear the rustle of jackets in the hallway shortly afterwards. You quickly sit up and swing your legs over the edge of the bed to greet your fiance in the hallway.
And now you stand there, dressed in nothing more than a long white T-Shirt from Namjoon, which you like to use as a nightgown and a red pair of cotton panties which has an also red lacey border. On the inside of your thighs he sees the gradually faded Lovemarks, the last one is half covered by your panties. Add this to your messy hair and your cute sleepy facial expression... all of this flips a specific switch in Namjoon.
Everything he had held in his hands before dropped on the spot and he comes over to you, put both of his hands gently on your cheeks. His kiss is slow and deliberate, but as soon as he has touched you, he becomes less and less controlled.
With gentle force he press you against the wall, but doesn't stop to deepen your kiss at all. Breathlessly you let each other down, Namjoon looks into your eyes, his pupils are full of wild lust and irrevocable love.
"Baby, I need you so damn badly right now... I know you have to get up early in the morning... but-"
You already feel his presumably painful erection under his pants clearly on your thigh and you shush your babbling future husband gently with your index finger on his mouth.
"Joonie, please don't think so much... please just fuck my dripping wet pussy deep and hard from behind, okay? Please be rough to me, Baby..." you whisper in his ear and smile cheeky at him. You take his right hand and lead it between your legs.
A deep growl comes from his throat as he feels the damp fabric of your panties on his fingertips. The making-out session didn't leave you without a trace too.
A squeak escapes your lips as Joonie grabs both of your butt cheeks with his large hands and squeezes them firmly before he takes you up so that you can wrap your legs around his waist.
"Don't say these things, you may not be able to walk properly tomorrow... maybe I even want your colleagues to know how well I can fuck you...", Namjoon says as he carries you into the bedroom.
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Pray by JRY feat. Rooty
Yoongi is a disaster when it comes to managing his work-life balance. When he has a creative phase and ideas for the next songs of his solo album or for BTS in general, nothing holds him anymore and he literally moves into his studio (he says he saves time with it because the BigHit-Building and his studio are closer together than the studio and your appartement and he always works until late into the night) commutes from this second home, aka his studio, and the building where meetings, sound recordings and practice takes place. And it's been like this for three weeks.
Since then you spend the nights alone in your shared kingsize bed and it has become your ritual to drive to his studio every day in the evening and bring him dinner and fresh clothes, every now and then you took his sleeping bag, with which he sleeps on his sofa, with you to wash it and replace it with another one. Every day you only work towards one thing and that is also the reason why you have been able to spent the last few weeks alone in your apartment without going completely crazy: The little peck he gives you always right at the beginning of your visit.
That's the only thing you get from him in such extreme phases.
You are patient, you know that you shouldn't disturb him and just let him work. But you're still his girlfriend and of course, you are also worried about him, whether he eats enough or sometimes about your relationship. How long you can keep this deprivation of affection and whether -you hardly dare to think of it, but sometimes the little devil in your head talks you into it- but sometimes you also question yourself if you're still loved by him.
Because he just left you out in the cold for weeks and don't seem to care how you feel about it. Especially on days when you visit him after work and when you ask him if he would like to take a break and want to go out together for a little while to eat in a nearby restaurant, only for an hour or so. But then he was pissed as fuck, yelled at you and said that at least some people have to work longer than the majority of the national population.
Not only one time you cried yourself into sleep. But Yoongi knows very well what he's doing and how you feel about it, he is just terribly bad at saying these three specific words.
I love you.
When you come home from work late afternoon as usual, you wonder why the lights are on in the hallway. Did you forget to turn them off this morning? But when you see the familiar pair of sneakers standing on the doormat, your heart makes a jump.
A delicious smell rises from the direction of the kitchen to you. You quickly take your shoes off and throw your handbag in the corner before you quickly follow the scent. You're standing in the doorframe when you see Yoongi's Back, who is standing at the stove and stir-fry steaks in a pan, while vegetables are simmering in the oven as a side dish.
On your seat at the small kitchen table takes a huge bouquet of red roses in a vase his place and seems to wait just for you. Because you're so overwhelmed, you put your hand quickly over your mouth before you squeak and startle Yoongi with your presence.
"I know you're there, love.", Yoongi says with an amused tone in his voice, but doesn't turn around to you.
Yoongi study you attentively while eating, listens to each of your words and a small, satisfied smile plays on his lips when you sigh with pleasure and want to remember every single bite of his delicious dinner. You thank him again and again you for this excellent meal.
"You're welcome, darling. After all, I have to make something up for that what you've been doing for me every single day for the past few weeks... However, I have a small question for you. Some time ago you mentioned that you would like to try out some bondage and sensation play in combination. Is that correct?" A slight blush settles on your cheeks and you nod slowly, biting your lower lip. You remember that you said it when you were in the studio with him, but you thought he wasn't listening to you anyway. Apparently he does. The whole time.
"Come on, let's go to the bedroom..." he says with a small smirk on his lips.
Your breathing is quick, whiny moans comes again and again over your lips, you throw your head back and tug at your bonds, your wrists are tied up with a soft bondage rope over your head.
You lie on the edge of the bed and Yoongi kneels between your gorgeous tights on the floor and have your two legs over his shoulders. You wouldn't know what could be the next step that Yoongi takes, you are blindfolded. Since you're lack this sense, your other senses are even sharper. You are at Yoongi's mercy and all of that here makes your pussy even wetter.
"Yes, Babygirl... pray my Name just like that... God, you are such a good girl for me.", Yoongi gasps against the skin of the inside of your thighs. Then he brings his tongue on the same level with your clit again.
"You are so wet for me and you get even wetter... your pussy is so drenched with all of your arousal, all this delicious sweet juice just for me... I'll clean your glossy folds very carefully, Darling~"
Music is playing softly in the background from the bluetooth music-box on your dresser. Yoongi put your Sex-Playlist on the speaker before you began your Play-Session. Right now, "Pray" by JRY begins to fill the room with a passionate and sensual melody. You didn't know how much more intense this song could make this moment. You can hear Yoongi singing quietly a few verses when he refuses to give you your (actually well deserved!) orgasm again and again. Your begs and moans becomes even whinier, you roll your pelvis forward in such a begging way, hoping that Yoongi will be kind and let you come soon.
"Baby, pray for me ..."
"Oh I pray, I pray!"
"You are my godess and I'm your priest. God, I love you so freaking much... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, my Love. I wish I had never raised my voice against you. I know I don't really deserve your love and patience... But please let me still love you."
Yoongi wispers these words with a little bit broken and trembling voice before he gives you finally your redemption.
Forget the words I'm saying
I know that I've been cruel
I pray for peace
Tell me why don't you
Oh I pray
I know that I've been cruel
Oh I pray
I know that what I do
I've been losing my religion
Making trouble for myself
And these nights are getting longer
You know I just need your help
I keep running for you baby
And it's eating me alive
I'll be dying for you baby
'Till you'll bring me back to life
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River by Bishop Briggs
As the light in the large room turn dimmed, all conversations slowly fall silent and a curious calmness of the viewers returns to the dance studio. All eyes of the audience are focused on Sebastian and you.
As the music came up and you both wake up from your rigid position and start dancing together, for Isaac and Hobi start the hell of a ride.
Your conjointly created choreography is sensual and full of sexual power. To the foreign audience you two have to look like a couple who share the same passion for Pole Dance and maybe also gave you through it the possibility to got to know and love each other. What a cute love story...
But Isaac, Hobi, Sebastian and you know it so much better than all the others in this room. Sebastian and you are only dance partners who get along wonderfully and complement each other perfectly in pole dancing. No more, no less.
Even though Hobi has to admit that he was sceptical at first and has his doubts and some jealousies when you told him three month ago completely enthusiastically about the upcoming little show your pole dance class prepare and you are supposed to perform a choreography together with your dance partner Sebastian.
Hobi definitely doesn't want to accuse you for infidelity or anything that actually doesn't happen because he trusts you and he also have to work with females in his job too. Let's just mention Halsey or Becky and everything in their work time together has remained in a professional or just friendly level.
Fortunately this unpleasant jealousy issue was also resolve as quickly as it has come. When Hobi met Sebastian at the BBQ Party of your dance class, he and you had your boyfriends with you.
So your Sweetheart was relieved to discover that his worries we're completely unfounded because Sebastian is more interested in his own gender anyway when it comes to romantic relationships and he's happily devoted to Isaac since two and a half years.
Isaac is also a dancer like all of you but he's more talented in classical slow dancing, where he also have to dance with a female partner, which is why Sebastian could understand Hobi all to well with his former worries and jealousy.
Since then Hobi gets along very well with Sebastian and Isaac, so that you had double dates several times and had so the opportunity to talk and advice each other tips about dancing and everything around that theme.
And now, Isaac and Hobi stand here in the middle of the audience and have to endure your damn hot and sexy performance without being allowed to touch you.
What looks for the audience like an erotic dance of two lovers is for Hobi and Isaac the danced representation of your two relationships. Sebastian and you incoporated some elements of moments that normally placed behind the locked doors of your appartements.
When you jump on Sebastian's hip and sushed him by the verse "Shut your Mouth", Isaac gasps for breath next to Hobi and when he looks at him he notices how Sebastian's Boyfriend is biting his lower lip.
At this sight a little smile plays around the corners of Hobis lips but that fades away as soon as you kneel above Sebastian, forms a revolver out of your hands and give the audience a seductive smile.
In reality you're just looking for Hobis Face and throwing this sexy gaze at him.
"Oh Shit, I think I got a little problem here...", slips from Hobis lips by mistake and he tries to bring, with his hand in his jeans pocket, his painfully hard erection unnoticed into a comfortable position.
"Same, Bro...", cames breathlessly from Isaac.
In the dimmed lights Hobi's eyes wander down to Isaac's lower body half and find the same little problem like his own between Isaac's legs.
Hobi thinks it's a good sign that Isaac and he aren't that different...
Hobi is just looking up again when your choreography comes to an end and loud applause burns up together with enthusiastic whistles. You bow down in thanks for the breathtaking cheers.
Shortly afterwards Sebastian and you make your way through the crowd to your boyfriends and thankfully accepts the water bottles Isaac and Hobi hands you. While drinking, you both notice the intense gaze of your Darlings and how nervously they chew on their lower lips.
Your gaze falls on the lower part of Hobi's body and a teasing smirk manifests on your lips. In the corner of your eye you can see that Isaac is no different than Hobi.
Sebastians and your plan has more than worked out!
"Sebastian, just look at the horny boys we have here~", you wisper with a chuckle to your friend and indicate with your eyes what you exactly mean.
You both smile devilish and shake your head reprovily before you give your boyfriend a sweet kiss on the lips.
"...and when we can go home? This... specific situation is getting really uncomfortable... you know?", Hobi and Isaac murmur almost simultaneously and look at you both with pleading eyes.
"Oh! Didn't we tell you guys that we were the first partner-choreography and now there still five more solos and two partner-choreographys incoming? And Sebastian and I definitely want to stay, after all we have to cheer for your dance class colleagues too!"
Hobis and Isaac's jaw drops and they both almost shouted in a low voice: "Baby, you can't be serious!"
How do you fall in love?
Harder than a bullet could hit you
How do we fall apart?
Faster than a hairpin trigger
Don't you say, don't you say it
Don't say, don't you say it
One breath, it'll just break it
So shut your mouth and run me like a river
[I got this story idea after I watched this amazing performance under the title "River by Bishop Briggs: Pole Pas de Deux" by "Pole Athletica" on YouTube! Please watch it too!]
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My Imagines 
My Masterlist
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morelikesin · 4 years
A small drabble on an emotional morning with Phoenix and Miles 💕 This takes place any time after Dual Destinies. I'm writing it where they're already married. This is just a quick bit I wanted to write when I had the idea :') I also drew a quick something at the end. The fic is under the cut!
Phoenix really wished he had more days off - everytime he was, there was always a great smell in the house from Miles' cooking. Being off work more often meant more of that, even if a little less bank coming in. It would definitely be worth it.
Lifting himself up from the cushioned mattress and tossing aside the velvety soft blankets atop of him, he stretches his limbs with a low groan - reaching his arms back before pulling them into his lap as he relaxed. Taking in a deep breath, he pulls his legs over the side of the bed and hoists himself over so he could see what was on the menu this morning.
Closing the lid of the cooking pot to steam the rice, Mr. Edgeworth hummed quietly to himself a peaceful little tune; one of which he'd seem to be making up as he went along. Turning his attention elsewhere as the grains cooked, he lowered the heat for another burner to medium, where he was cooking miso soup. Adding in a good few tablespoons of yellow miso paste, he whisked the substance into the already simmered broth before adding some previously cut up blocks of tofu. Raising the spoon to catch a quick taste, he found it was light, slightly sweet, and smooth in a way he quite enjoyed. Something was missing though, of course - turning towards the fridge to grab a few stalks of watercress to chop and throw in.
Stepping out from their bedroom and making his way downstairs into their kitchen, Phoenix paused a moment to simply watch his love candid from the steps. Miles, dressed in his soft, white robe like every morning accompanied by his perfect-as-always hair. Phoenix could nay say the same, given his own styling takes ten minutes on a good day.
Watching the way he so gracefully moved even without knowing eyes were on him was incredibly cute - though Miles would never let him say that, with how against that description he was when it was of himself. For now, Phoenix knew Miles was cute. Handsome, of course. Sexy, of course. Cute, of course.
Phoenix made his presence known by making a soft yawn as he walked down the last few steps, walking into the main kitchen and making sure to gently hold his hand against the small of Miles' back as he stood next to him. The latter shook his head slightly whilst quickly chopping up the watercress aforementioned - swiftly picking them up between his hand and the knife and tossing it into the soup.
"Good morning, Wright. How did you sleep?"
Phoenix made a darling little laugh that Miles loved so much - the type with a sort of deepness to it; a sort of breathlessness. "Well, I slept just fine with you by me, hun," he spoke prior to pressing his lips against the prosecutor's cheek, "with you being as warm as a radiator and all, ha..!"
Miles scoffed. "Very funny. Is that all I'm good for in bed? To keep you warm?"
"I was about to say no, but..'keeping me warm' sure has a lot of meanings. And I think you're good for all of them." Phoenix sighed, sporting a small smile as he pressed his face into the nape of Miles' neck contently - lips gently kissing his shoulder. It earned a sweet, if calm, sigh from the prosecutor.
"..I could say the same for you. But it's much too early for this, mm? We can work out our flirtations after we eat breakfast."
Phoenix kept his dorky smile splashed on his countenance as he pulled away, raising a hand to brush back some strands of hair from his eyes - finding himself not too annoyed today with his 'naturally-spiky-but-not-spiky-enough-and-more-messy' bedhead. "That works with me; everything smells so good!"
Miles looked flattered from that. "Thank you, Wright. It is certainly better than what you normally make yourself in the morning-"
"Hey- don't knock cup coodles! I could live off of those."
Miles furrowed his brows and gave a glance to Phoenix in exasperation. "This is why I'm the one who feeds us. Anyhow.." The former smiled to himself as he pulled a plastic package of soba noodles in front of him on the counter - removing the wrapper and slowly adding the noodle block into the miso broth. "Maya called me earlier. She asked me to tell you that she'll be unavailable all day."
With Phoenix opening the fridge door to grab something to drink, he paused to speak before grabbing the carton of orange juice - much like many of their groceries, an expensive brand that Phoenix wasn't used to, and Miles' choosing. "Oh? Was she planning on taking Trucy and Pearls somewhere?"
Miles shook his head as he wiped off his hands with a damp washcloth that he'd set beside him prior, "Sort of. She wanted to make a trip to Hazakura Temple - she and Pearl are to train while Trucy is their...how did she put it, ah.. 'hype-man'." He felt silly even recalling the term, but Phoenix's expression seemed to prove that he knew what he meant.
"Hah- well, she'll get no bother from me then. I'll just check up on them when they get back. We have the whole day to ourselves, for once.." Phoenix meekly spoke - pouring himself a glass of the aforementioned juice before guzzling it down in a post-sleep thirstiness. He wiped his upper lip with his wrist as he went back in to pour some more.
"It is rare, isn't it..?" The prosecutor seemed somewhat sorrowful in stating that. "I want to make the most of it. It's not often I'm not out travelling, or you're not on duty, or there's no emergencies."
Phoenix parted his lips to speak, before sighing and looking down to his cup solemnly. He set it down. "...Yeah. But..I still love you all the same." He looked back up to the love of his life; a carefree smile pulling at his lips and a special brightness glittering in his eyes, "We're a family. Things are..always going to come up, but our time spent away or together feel all the same to me. The only difference is that I get to actually kiss you, in times like now. Being apart..just reminds me of how much I trust you."
The words hit harder than Miles expected them to. Even with the defense attorney's unorganized nature, and his less-than-articulate manner, it was somehow more meaningful to him. Phoenix was always emotional, and true to what he said - this was no different. Edgeworth's expression was strong; brows furrowed up and eyes purposefully lying low.
Phoenix paused, "..Come here."
He gestured for a hug after his gentle words; Miles all too eager for the embrace. Phoenix's arms draped over Miles' shoulders, wrapping around his neck as to pull himself closer. Vice versa was Miles wrapping his arms tightly around Phoenix's waist; both of their heads lay upon the other's shoulder, welcoming what warmth was available. They held each other for what felt like so long, and simultaneously not long enough; the only reason for their part was so they could meet at their lips, instead. Passionate, and yet soft - just a simple press without much else, yet it was all they needed. By the end of their embrace, their heads leaned forward to touch at their foreheads while holding each other's hands between their chests. Their thumbs occasionally brushed over each other's wedding rings.
"..You know how much you mean to me, Phoenix."
"I know, Miles." He huffed out a short breath before breaking into a smile, "..You could always just say 'I love you'."
And with that, the silver-haired Edgeworth broke into a laugh and slowly pulled away, "Alright, alright..I love you. You know that."
"I love you too, Miles."
Phoenix watched as his love went back to his work - Miles grabbing his wooden chopsticks as to stir the noodles. The more defensive of the two sat at the dining table, glass in hand.
"...I'm going to guess that you won't want onions in your serving of noodles."
Phoenix pretended to gag in response to Miles, "Ghk-! Absolutely-! Onions taint everything they touch..." He hesitated, "..Other than onion rings. But that's the only good thing with onions!"
Edgeworth rolled his eyes with a playful smile, chuckling to himself a bit at just how strongly Wright felt over such a thing as onions. "Of course. Though, you're missing out on their flavour, dear - I've never met someone other than you who has a distaste for them."
"You haven't met anyone with any tastebuds," Phoenix scoffed back - earning a snort from the other.
"Oh, have I? Dear, I think you're referring to yourself there."
The defense paused; his face lifting as his cocky court grin curled onto his lips. "Unfortunately, Edgeworth, I think you have some words to eat. Clearly my statement is right - anyone who's ever tasted an onion could tell you that it tastes like damn garbage."
The prosecution stifled a laugh, lolling his head to look over his shoulder at his rival. "Oh, Wright. I'm afraid you've buried your grave - onions obviously give any dish they're added to an excellent depth of flavor."
"Well obviously they do not- ow-!" Phoenix burst into a soft laugh as Miles leaned over to smack his arm with his chopsticks - ending their court imitations. "Hun-!"
Miles rolled his eyes and looked back down to his cooking. "My love. We don't need to argue over onions. Besides, I'm not about to settle a case over opinion."
"Ha-! Well then, baby doll, I'm prepared to settle a case of any kind. Maybe you just don't have that kind of determination?" Phoenix jested, taking another swig of his orange juice.
"Of course you would be, Feenie." Miles hesitated before chuckling to himself. Swirling the noodles inside the pot, he shook his head. "That's a new one. I don't know where that came from... It's sort of cute, no? Feenie. Hm."
When Miles went to look at Phoenix for his approval, he was numb; his husband's face suddenly not as lively as it once was. His eyes gazed low, gazed dryly. His hands tensed around the glass he held, knuckles bearing white. Worst of all, his countenance really held no expression at all - the fact that it was so stiff, so miserable looking was what'd caused Miles to choke back a breath.
What was it about that name that suddenly struck Miles as odd? Feenie. Feenie.
"It's.. uh.. not great, honestly, Miles. No offense or anything."
"I'm- sorry." Miles was admittedly stunned - a little ashamed, a little confused, very concerned. "..For some reason its.. ringing a bell-"
"..Dahlia used to call me that. You know, before.."
The room was drenched in silence - Miles struggling to find any words to say. What could he say to that - what should he? Though, the look on Phoenix's pitiful face urged him to find something.
"...I didn't mean to hurt you, saying it. I-" Miles hummed to himself and turned his head to Phoenix, lip bitten and unsure how to word himself. He slowly looked back down to his cooking when words couldn't properly form in his throat.
"It's fine." Phoenix nodded - looking away and tapping his fingers on the table in a sort of anxiousness. "You didn't know."
"I didn't remember," Miles scolded himself, "I should have remembered such a thing like that."
Phoenix looked a little put off. "Don't feel guilty for that. It was so long ago - I.. I didn't expect you too."
The soft bubbling of the broth in the pot filled the silence between them; chopsticks occasionally hitting the sides of the pot, Pess jingling her collar as she scratched herself from the living room all the while. Phoenix tried to will Miles to turn around so he could assure him it was fine, without words - however when Miles never did he spoke up hesitantly.
"I didn't mean to ruin the mood."
Miles quickly scoffed and turned to look at Phoenix with a pained expression, "You didn't, Phoenix. You were just telling me of something that hurt you."
"It's just a nickname, though," Phoenix laughed at himself, seemingly ashamed, "It's a little stupid to hurt so much over a nickname, isn't it?"
"I don't think so," Miles replied, his tone hurt from his husband stuffing his emotions down - such a thing from Phoenix was rare, and it made this hurt just a little more than usual. Setting the chopsticks horizontally on the counter, he ushered himself away from the stove to lay a gentle, lithe hand on Phoenix's forearm, and leaning down so he could rest his chin atop his head.
Phoenix nearly melted into his touch, feeling comforted by Miles' body and his warmth. Finding solace in the safety of his arms, Phoenix allowed himself to exhale a deep breath and relax. Unsatisfied with the arrangements, however, he shook his head and gestured his head down. "Get in front of me a bit, Miles."
He wasn't about to complain, though as he moved in front of Phoenix to kneel, Miles was still a tad confused. Before he could ask why Phoenix wanted him to, the man placed his hands on the prosecutor's cheeks and leaned forward to kiss his forehead.
"I prefer looking at you, dear," Phoenix hummed. He moved his hands down to take Miles' own - raising them to place endearing kisses against flushed knuckles and fingertips, much to his husband's timidity. "..Thank you. For not minding putting up with me and all."
"Ah, yes," Miles started, smiling, "I married you because I simply 'didn't mind putting up with you'."
Phoenix laughed as he realized the hilarity of what he had said, "Hey! You know what I mean!"
"I married someone I just 'put up with'." Miles continued, chortling to himself, "Not in an act of pure love or anything."
Phoenix hushed Miles' teasing by leaning down and pressing his lips against the other's - the two humming against the warmth before falling into the quiet passion, then lingeringly pulling away. Their hands kept their doting hold still.
"..I love you, Phoenix. However, breakfast is due to overcook."
Phoenix shrugged and pressed his lips against Miles' cheek, unwilling to pull away as proven by how he spoke against his skin. "I don't mind."
"Suppose you wouldn't," Miles breathed out, amused.
Miles held himself in Phoenix's grasp before reluctantly pulling away to take charge of the stove again. Phoenix didn't seem to be happy with such an arrangement, so he took it upon himself to stand and wrap his arms around Miles' waist, head resting on his shoulder. The prosecutor pressed his palm against Phoenix's forearm in silent fondness - his other busy stirring food.
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jimlingss · 4 years
hii i i want to ask u for a writing advice, so everytime i have a fic idea i always end up overthinking all the details and finding similiarties in other fic i had already read then i end up not writing it or i always search for stories with the same au/tropes and find ones with similiarties to my own even thou i didn't know of their existance and i end up not writing for a while
hmmmmm...this is an interesting predicament to answer, anon.
I think I can give you 2 pieces of advice. First and foremost, try thinking more outside the box? Personally, I don’t often run into trouble finding similarities between my fics and others because I purposely evolve them to be as odd or as different as possible. Harder said than done, obviously. But in the past, one way I managed to stay original is by combining ideas. 
For instance, let’s say I want to write a college!AU. plenty have been done before. how do I stay original? oh look, in the past I had an idea to write a baking!AU where the OC works at a bakery but that was also a cliche. Let’s combine the two basic ideas together! A college baking school!AU! Welcome to Sugar & Coffee lmao. And then I bedazzled the plot more by making it so the OC was dating someone else at the beginning in order to lengthen the storyline.
Another example: I wanted to write about a workplace romance. Been done before. but oh! I had an idea about writing about a law firm! Lawyers are hot. Let’s make that the setting and oh, let’s make the OC a person from HR and the main male lead the boss (similarly to The Office). But hmmm, it’s lacking something. It’s not original enough. Wow look here, on my document I once jotted down that an OC of mine should drive a taxi around. Let’s combine this. BAM. Jungle Park is born.
Or okay let’s play with a hypothetical. Let’s do another common college!AU. and let’s say you have another cliche idea like fake dating!AU. okay fuck it, let’s say another cliche: fuckyboy!AU. as you might know, college-fake-dating-fuckboy!AUs have been done before. how do I make it interesting? I’ve already combined the ideas together!!! Then....how about we manipulate certain aspects of the AUs....how about instead of him being a fuckboy, we go the opposite way, and he’s actually a virgin!!! like he has just really mad finger and oral skills and the girls always pass out before he can get his dick out and when they wake up, they think it’s the best sex of their life and rumours spread wildly across campus. and he’s too afraid of telling the truth because his fraternity would totally shit on him and the only person who finds out his secret is the OC. and the fake dating happens ACCIDENTALLY. like EVERYONE around them thinks they’re dating EXCEPT for them and they don’t even realize it.
Alright, I think you get it. The second piece of advice I have is: It’s okay. There’s a difference between wanting to be creative and being afraid of plagiarism. It’s alright is your basic idea is similar to someone else’s. cliches exist for a reason. they’re good and indulgent. no one is expecting you to cook up something COMPLETELY new and fresh all the time, every time. I’m pretty sure people like Picasso were also inspired by other artworks. After all, aren’t we always influenced and inspired by each other? so it’s alright if you want to write a barista!AU that has similarities to others out there.
The difference between yours and theirs is that yours is yours. For example, The Art of Benefits is a oneshot of mine about fuck buddies and it’s honestly not creative at all. fuck buddies has been written about a million times before. there’s nothing new or creative about the concept, but I still like it because I made into mine. It’s a fuck buddies!AU but Jimlingss fluff style.
THAT BEING SAID: when is it not okay? When you have scenes that are the same as other fics. definitely do not do that. if you want to write a college!AU but you have plot points A, B, C (in that order) and you find a fic that is ALSO a college!AU that ALSO has plot points A, B, C (in that order) then that’s a big no-no. It would also be a bit iffy if your plot points were A, B, C and theirs were B, A, C. at that point, try to find different plot points, different progressions, different ideas. 
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theseerasures · 4 years
what are the styles and conventions of putting fic on tumblr?? i don’t know anymore
quick thing i jotted in response to this art from a few days ago:
It takes a while for Anna to realize.
Well, actually--it takes until Kristoff points it out to her, but y’know. it’s not too, too obvious. She doesn’t send that many letters into the forest, because she’s busy doing queen stuff and she knows Elsa’s busy doing protector-guardian-magic-nature stuff, and Gale’s probably also busy being...wind. None of them have the time to just send silly notes back and forth all the time (just sometimes). And...well. Anna’d like to think that they don’t need to anymore, that her love is getting less and less fragile, too.
Add that to the fact that half the time Anna sends Elsa a letter it is to invite her sister over, and. Yeah. Kristoff.
They'd been having their regular lunch date, catching each other up on what was already done and what there was left to do. Anna had mentioned, offhand, that she’d written Elsa a note the night before to ask about some old land rights issue her council was squabbling over, and Kristoff had replied, just as offhand, that he’d let the staff know to set another place at dinner, and Anna had been so touched at how thoughtful he was being and so proud at how awesome and in-tune and efficient they were being together that she’d totally missed the implications until three conversation topics later. “Wait, what? Who’s coming over?”
Kristoff had looked at her like she was being obtuse on purpose. “You just told me you sent Elsa a letter.”
“Yeah, but it was just a question about the year. She can send me the answer with a note.”
“She can,” Kristoff had agreed, “But c’mon, Anna. Can you think of a time when Elsa didn’t answer a note from you face-to-face?”
“Yes,” Anna had immediately replied with one hundred percent confidence, but then she’d actually thought about it, and...no, actually. Ever since they started living apart Elsa comes over like clockwork, within 48 hours of Anna sending her a letter. Whenever Anna sends her a letter, even when Anna just wants to vent about queen stuff or ask where Elsa’d stashed her leftover birthday chocolate since obviously she’d forfeited rights to them by moving out (that time Elsa had ridden all the way back to Arendelle just to yell from the grounds that Anna was never going to find her chocolate in a million years, which--fine, fair, chocolate is Sacred). It’s just a thing that Elsa does, one on top of several, and Anna hadn’t really paid attention to it until now.
Then of course Elsa does show up for dinner that night, even apologizing for being late (late for what?), because she’d been doing...something. She’s trying to tell them, but it’s mostly just contextless details and Anna can’t really make heads or tails of it, except that it happened a long ways from Arendelle and Elsa’d ridden through the night before to make it over here. She looks happy and fulfilled and smells like crisp wintry air and Anna is ecstatic to see her, even if Kristoff keeps smirking about being right, which is ten levels of distractingly annoying and thirty levels annoyingly distracting and makes it harder for Anna to follow Elsa’s story during dinner or concentrate during their quick game of Pictionary after.
And okay, fine; it’s also hard to focus because Anna’s still kind of thinking about it. Why does Elsa come back every time, even though she clearly has other stuff going on and can just write back?
It’s not like Elsa can’t write (she was queen, duh--that’d be crazy if she couldn’t). Maybe it’s just hard to find a pen when she’s gallivanting all over the nature? But that seems silly, too--it’s not like Elsa can’t magic another pocket into her dress to carry something to write with, and even if she can’t it’d still be easier to just find a pen compared to riding all the way to the castle. Maybe she just misses Gerda’s cooking?
Or maybe, a niggling little voice whispers in the back of her head, she comes back all the time because she thinks you can’t handle being in charge.
Something nudges her, snaps her out of it. “You okay?” Elsa asks, “You looked miles from here.”
“Yeah!” Anna says at once. They’re in the library now, trying to dig up the book that Elsa thinks might be relevant to the land thing, and this for some reason makes her stomach tighten even more. Elsa is just better at the record-keeping paperwork stuff; Anna is trying--brushing up on all the boring numbers work she’d slept through as a kid--but it all seems to evaporate in her head. Maybe she isn’t doing a good enough job as queen; Father probably never had to write any family members for legal advice.
She looks over at her sister again. Elsa looks...tired. Not all used up, like she sometimes did in the early days after the Thaw when she was trying to work away all her bad feelings ever, but still. Tired. Like she’d spent the night before on horseback and is staying up late again to pick up the slack for Anna.
“Elsa,” she finally says. She’s being dumb, and even if--even if she isn’t completely off the mark there are better ways to deal with this than having whole big insecurity parades in her head. “You know you can just write back to me, right?”
Apparently that hadn’t been the best way to open this conversation, because Elsa stiffens right up. “Oh,” she says, her eyes still fixed on the book in her lap.
“Not that--not that I don’t want you here!” Anna immediately says, wincing as she hears her own voice leap two octaves in her rush to reassure. “I just mean that. Um.” She tugs on one of braids, then just lets it all out: “IknowIaskforhelpwithalotofqueenstuff--”
“Anna!” Great, now Elsa’s at least making eye contact, but she also looks really alarmed. “Slow down.”
She takes a deep, settling breath. “I just. Kristoff said that you always come over whenever I send you Gale letters, and I thought about it, and I think he’s right, so I just wondered. We have a magic wind note-passer, but you never use her, and I guess I’m wondering...why?”
Elsa’s turned back to the book in her lap, keeps flipping through the pages even though Anna knows she’s not really reading. When she does look up again she’s wearing the Face. It’s the thinking-about-bad-times face, where her expression is strained and her mouth twitches non-stop, like she’s trying to figure out if she’s allowed to frown and be upset or should smile and reassure herself that it’s over.
(Apparently Anna has a version of it, too; Kristoff had tried to mimic it once and Anna had laughed so hard she’d started crying, and then couldn’t stop, even after he’d picked her up and held her close to his chest.)
The Face shows up less and less now, but Anna still knows it on sight, and it makes her even more nervous. She opens her mouth to say something, but Elsa beats her to it. “You used to write me notes,” she says, quiet as her arms curl around her own torso. “Remember?”
Anna blinks. “Of course.” The Olaf Christmas cards, obviously, and then there was that time, a little after she’d turned thirteen, when she decided that if Elsa wouldn’t look at her maybe they could at least write each other. She started slipping all kinds of little scraps under the locked door, and it even seemed kind of exciting, like having a friend from faraway. Then months went by without Elsa ever writing back, and Anna gave up.
She gave up a lot on Elsa, back in the day. It never stuck.
But that--Anna’s stomach might just be a shriveled up ball now, with how much it keeps clenching--that feels even worse, because what does that make her if Elsa’s doing all of this because she feels guilty? She’s not just a bad queen, then; she’s--some kind of needy leech, another obligation weighing her sister down. “That’s what this is?” she asks, feeling her voice shake with...she’s not sure. “You’re trying to make up for before?”
“No!” Elsa replies, her eyes wide. “It’s not that."
“Then what is it?” Anna demands. Maybe it’s anger that she’s feeling, actually, at herself and at Elsa, because they keep trying to work through this but it always ends up boomeranging back.
Elsa just looks at her for a moment, bewildered, before she sighs. “I couldn’t write to you back then, but I didn’t want to, either. You were right there, on the other side of my door, and I wanted to see you. Talk to you. I hated that I still wanted to do that, and I hated that I was making you...concoct all these elaborate plans to talk to me even though we were under the same roof. So now, whenever I get your notes...I just want to see you. We don’t live in the same place anymore, but I have the Nokk, and what’s the point of having a magic horse if I can’t visit my sister whenever I want, right? So I guess I...”
She looks away again, worrying her bottom lip. “I know it’s silly,” she continues hesitantly. Then her shoulders square up. “And I can stop, Anna, if you think I’m crowding you or intruding on your--”
“No!” Anna replies immediately, throwing her arms around her sister. “You’re not--I thought you were coming back because you thought I couldn’t handle being on my own.”
Elsa tenses in Anna’s grip before twisting around to give her a Look. “Anna, that’s ridiculous.”
Anna rolls her eyes. “Sure, Miss I-can’t-just-tell-my-sister-I-miss-her-I-have-to-launch-into-our-tragic-backstory-and-almost-give-her-a-heart-attack.”
She feels more than see Elsa’s tiny huff of amusement. “Pretty long last name we have there.”
“Well, you know. With the royal-thing, and the half-Northuldra-thing...”
“And you still want to add Bjorgman to the end?” Elsa laughs, even as Anna jabs a finger into her side, but when they settle again she’s serious. “I’m sorry. For.”
Anna shrugs. It’s forgiveness and I’m sorry too and thank you for explaining all rolled into one, and Elsa seems to get that. “We’re still kinda in the middle of it, huh?”
It comes out a little wistful. Elsa makes a little hm sound, and then scooches in even closer. “Yeah. Getting better, though.”
Anna smiles and laces Elsa’s bare fingers with her own. “All the time,” she agrees.
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ryqoshay · 5 years
How to Handle a Maki: Maki’s First Adventure
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Words: ~8k Rating: T? Maybe G; I’ve been overcautious as of late it seems AU: RPG Time Frame: ??? Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: And now I’m writing a fourth fic... yay?
As with the first chapter of Heavenly Life, this serves as a proof of concept, this time for an idea I had when writing HL (AU). If I’m going to start writing a fantasy, non-canon compliant AU for YohaRiko, why not do so for NicoMaki as well?
Also, major thanks to noelclover for providing inspiration via amazing RPG NicoMaki fanart - links will be provided in the followup post. I consider it an honor and a privilege to have been able to brainstorm ideas with a fellow fanwork creator and pray this work lives up to what was in mind upon creation of the aforementioned art.
Edit: Upon reviewing this chapter for purposes of writing something else, I realized something either didn't copy/past right or didn't save correctly when I originally wrote it in Word. As such, I have added a bit just before Maki's first adventure actually begins. Nothing major, just a bit of in-universe explaining as to why some things ended up as they did.
Maki was happy.
For the first time in what seemed like forever, she was truly, honestly, happy. She had arrived at her destination. And had done so all by herself.
She had not ridden in a fancy carriage owned by her family. Instead, she had walked, despite it taking over a week, not just a few days. Along the way, she had not stopped at the homes of local nobles where she knew she would be showered with gifts and granted the best room and board they could offer. Instead, she had stayed at each town’s tavern, where she had rented a room and had eaten the food provide by said taverns. On the nights she was unable to make it to the next town, she had made do with supplies she had brought with her. The clothes she wore were not ornate in any way and did not sacrifice comfort for style. Instead, they were hearty and durable, would not tear at the slightest of snags, and had no hem that needed to be held up to allow her to move.
And, perhaps most important of all, she had been able to earn money on her own, money not given to her by her wealthy parents simply for being their daughter. She had found many opportunities to sing and perform for coins tossed into her hat to help supplement her finances. Nothing about the journey had been extremely luxurious as far as she was concerned, but it had been enough to get by.
Now she stood in front of an old, but sturdy structure that was smaller than she had been led to believe. Her feet were sore from all of the walking, she had depleted much of her rations, she desperately wanted to bathe and sleep in a bed, and the wonderful aroma wafting through the cracks in the door made her stomach grumble, but she was here. She had finally arrived at the guildhouse of the Yazawa branch of the Adventurer’s Guild.
This particular branch had been suggested to Maki by Rin, the fiancée of her friend Hanayo. The two of them had recently started frequenting this location because they were fond of the manager, one Yazawa Nico. Apparently Hanayo and Nico shared some strange obsession with idols, both ancient and contemporary. Rin didn’t quite understand her fiancée’s fascination with statues but was happy to support her in her research and adventures. Maki definitely didn’t get it either, but she trusted Hanayo and thus had decided her first adventure would be some idol research for this Nico person.
She knocked on the door and awaited a response. Nothing for several minutes. She knocked again, a little harder this time.
“It’s unlocked!” A voice came from within.
Unlocked? Maki glanced from side to side. No guards in sight. Was Nico some sort of mage that warded off intruders via magic? Or perhaps Nico was just that trusting of others in the world? Then again, perhaps in the eyes of a thief, this place didn’t look like it was worth looting?
Memories came to her of all the guards, servants and the like who were ever-present around the noble and royal folk and their property. Though certainly possible, it was difficult to harm or steal from those in higher society, if for no other reason than the sheer number of potential witnesses. Heck even the taverns in which she had stayed often had a handful of people around that could deal with situations. But this place…
“You coming in or not?” The voice called again.
“Right, sorry…” Maki replied, finally opening the door. Immediately, a warm breeze slipped past her, carrying with it a potent burst of the aroma she had smelled earlier, causing her stomach to grumble again. “Hello?” She called into the building
“In the kitchen!”
Maki followed the sounds and smells of cooking. Turning the corner, she stopped in her tracks at the sight before her. Without a doubt, she had found the kitchen and the source of the tantalizing smell. But what struck her was the individual currently preparing what looked like a feast for no less than twenty people. With dark black hair pulled up in youthful twintails that bounced along as she practically danced from pot to spit to chopping board was a girl at least two years younger than her, possibly more.
“Welcome!” The girl said, turning a brilliant smile toward her.
“Uhm… is this the Yazawa Branch Guildhouse?” Maki asked.
“You got the right place. Now what can I do for you?” The girl reached over to stir the pot while she talked.
“I’m supposed to ask for the branch guildmaster, Yazawa Nico?”
“You found her.”
“…” Maki blinked. Surly she was being pranked. There was no way a kid was in charge of a guild, even if just a branch.
“So again, what can I do for you?” The girl repeated her previous question, her smile waning ever so slightly as a bit of impatience seeped into her voice.
“I’d… like to speak with Yazawa Nico.”
The smile dissipated entirely, replaced by a scowl as the girl put a hand on her hip. “That’s me.”
Part of Maki wanted to give her credit for her dedication the act, but she needed to get down to business. “Look, kid…” She cut off as a guttural growl came through the girl’s sneer.
“Onee-chan!” a young voice shouted from the direction of the door.
Immediately, the girl’s smile returned, somehow even brighter than when she had initially greeted Maki. Half a second later, a smaller version of the girl barreled past Maki.
“Cocoa!” Another smaller version appeared. “Don’t run in the kitchen when Onee-sama is cooking!”
“Smell good…” A third voice drawled.
There were four of them? Maki’s gaze shifted among them. They all had vibrant crimson eyes and dark hair, though one’s hair was a bit more on the brown side. And she was pretty sure the shortest one was a boy. Maybe…
“Ah, a guest.” The polite one turned toward Maki and greeted her with a bow. “Are you a new recruit?”
“Maybe?” Maki replied.
“That’s wonderful. Onee-sama may be the No. 1 Guildmaster in the Universe, but it has been difficult for her to get new recruits as of late.”
“Cocoro.” The purported No. 1 Guildmaster said with a disapproving air.
“Sorry, Onee-sama.”
“We’re doing just fine here.”
“My name is Cocoro, by the way.” The girl said, turning back to the guest. “And your name?”
“It has been nice to meet you, Maki-san.” Cocoro smiled. “I’ll go set the table.” She then told her sister.
“Thanks.” The guildmaster then patted the head of the girl still wrapped around her waist. “Cocoa, go play with Cotaro. I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”
“Alright.” Cocoa replied, detaching herself. “Hi, Maki-san.” She said, running past the redhead.
“So, Princess,” Nico turned her attention to Maki “you got a surname to go with that gorgeous face and rude attitude?”
“Gor… rude? P-Princess?” Maki couldn’t decide what to react to first. “What the heck?”
“That’s what your name means, right? True Princess? What, did your parents hope you would marry into royalty or something?”
“No, I, uhm…”
“What, you gotta problem with people knowing your family name?” Nico’s eyes widened. “Maybe you have a bounty on your head?”
“Buweeh?!” Maki balked. “Bounty? No, that’s not it.” She shook her head. “That’s not it at all.”
“Hrm, a shame.” Nico shrugged. “Could’ve used the reward…”
Maki deadpanned at the other girl. “Nishikino. My name is Nishikino Maki.” Though as soon as she said it, Maki wondered if she shouldn’t have come up with an alias instead of using her real name. Her given name was probably fine, but…
“Nishikino Maki.” Nico repeated. “Has a bit of a regal sound to it.”
Wait, did that mean Nico didn’t know about the clerical clan headed by the Nishikino family? What kind of adventurers guildmaster hadn’t heard of the Nishikino clerics, even if just a backwater branch manager?
“I guess…” Maki admitted, reaching up unconsciously to twirl a strand of hair around a finger.
Nico shrugged it off. “So, back to my still unanswered question, what can I do for you?”
“Rin and Hanayo recommended I come here to get a contract.”
“Beginner adventurer, eh?”
Maki wanted to deny and claim that she had some experience, but Nico continued.
“Yeah, I have a few things we could do.”
“Of course. I’ll go with you on your first contract or two; show you the ropes of adventuring and dungeon crawling. Cocoro can watch the place while we’re away and everything will be fine.”
“I see…”
“So, I’ll get the paperwork and gear together later and we can head out in the morning. But for tonight, you can join us for dinner then we’ll see about getting you a room.”
“Alright.” Maki found herself getting a little excited. Despite the hiccup with introductions, things seemed to be going well and she was one step closer to her new life of adventure.
“Anyway, I’m almost done here, so go hang out for a bit, but don’t go upstairs.”
“NozoEli are up there.”
“Sorry, Nozomi and Eli.” Nico corrected. “They’re two people, but since they’re practically attached at the hip, some of us refer to them as NozoEli. Kinda like RinPana, the ones who sent you here.”
“I… don’t get it…?” Maki had never heard her friends referred to in such a way.
“Anyway, they’re up there ‘celebrating’ Eli’s successful hunt, so unless you want to be scarred for life, don’t go up there. Nozomi has been pretty good lately in remembering to cast a spell to soundproof the room, but still usually forgets to lock the door, so if you go into the wrong one…” Nico shook her head as thought to clear unwanted memories.
Seems like not locking doors is commonplace around here, Maki mused to herself.
“Mmm… that smells delicious, Nicocchi.” A voice came from the direction of the stairs.
“The kids are here, Nozomi,” Nico replied without even looking “so you’d better be wearing pants this time.”
“Is a skirt alright?”
“You know what I mean.”
The girl coming down from the upper floor giggled. Long purple hair fell down to her hips and green eyes held a gaze that gave the feeling she knew more than she would ever let on. A smile matched the knowingness of her aura as she noticed Maki.
“Elicchi will be down in a bit.” Nozomi directed toward Nico despite her approaching Maki. “She’s a bit more tired than I am; wore her out a bit, it seems.”
Nico groaned and rolled her eyes.
“Tojo Nozomi.” The purple-haired girl greeted, holding out a hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Maki-chan.”
Maki blinked but accepted the handshake anyway.
“Don’t let her get to you, Nishikino.” Nico spoke up. “She’s like that with pretty much everyone.” She finally turned her attention away from her meal preparation. “You know you could try being a bit more formal at first from time to time, Nozomi.”
“Says the girl calling her Princess.” Nozomi grinned.
“Yeah, but that’s what her name…”
“Oh, is that ready? I’ll bring it out to the table.” She grabbed serving tray filled with carved meat.
“Thanks, but no sneaking a bi… hey! I saw that!”
The purple-haired girl laughed through a mouthful of meat as she made her escape to the dining room.
Nico sighed and shook her head. “Sometimes I wonder why I put up with her…”
“Because I’m your best source for rare components and you know it!” Nozomi called from the other room.
“Yeah, yeah…” Nico made a dismissive motion with her hand despite knowing the other girl couldn’t see it. “Anyway, Nishikino, if you would be so kind as to take this and follow Nozomi, we can eat soon.”
“Maki is fine.” Maki stated as she accepted the platter of crudités.
“Right, and I’ll overlook the kid thing if you call me Nico, the No. 1 Guildmaster in the Universe.”
The redhead couldn’t help deadpanning again.
“Or just Nico.” The raven-haired girl conceded with a smile.
As Maki made her way to the dining room, she found herself wondering if the No. 1 thing had been a joke or a test. Either way, she did feel a bit bad about misjudging the guildmaster’s age. She knew how she felt when being patronized by those older than her due to her age or lack of experience.
Although… had she actually misjudged Nico’s age? She had younger siblings, sure, and was the manager of this branch, but that didn’t mean she had to be any particular age, or even an adult for that matter. Maki was pretty sure she remembered reading the account of a girl who had taken command of a small mercenary guild when she was barely eleven. Not that it really mattered either way, but perhaps she should ask that Nozomi girl.
For better or worse, Maki was unable to inquire about Nico as the moment she made it to the table, a blonde shambled down the stairs, looking like she had just run a marathon. Said blonde introduced herself as Eli and took a seat next to Nozomi who immediately clamped a hand on her leg, earning a disparaging remark from Nico. Cocoro called her other two siblings and once everyone was at the table, they began their meal.
Conversation was lighthearted as full introductions were made and several stories were told. Nozomi insisted Eli tell the epic tale of her hunt earlier that day before sharing a story of her own, one seemingly designed specifically to embarrass Nico in front of the guest. The raven-haired girl fired back with what Maki assumed to be an embarrassing anecdote about Nozomi, but the purple-haired girl merely laughed it off.
All in all, the experience had been quite enjoyable for Maki and stood in stark contrast to the extravagant banquets and parties she had regularly been required to attend growing up. The food was surprisingly on par, simple in appearance, but flavorful and filling. And the company was in an entirely different realm. Nobody was approaching her with the intent of talking themselves up in hopes that she would put in a good word for them with her parents or some other noble. Nobody was sucking up to anyone, in fact. Everyone was just happily enjoying the company and were including her like they had known her for years. It was all a bit… strange, but pleasantly so.
And while she was not accustomed to doing so, Maki had been more than happy to join in clearing the table after the meal. The kids were out the door moments later, leaving the four older girls to relax for the evening.
“I’ll make some tea.” Nozomi offered before heading toward the kitchen.
“Thanks, Nozomi.” Nico replied before turning to Maki. “Now, about the bill.”
The bill? For the meal? “Oh, uhm… alright.” Maki began fumbling for her coin pouch.
“Nicocchi.” Nozomi’s tone held a scolding air despite her playful expression as she turned back toward them. “You know Eli and I provided everything for that meal, right?”
“But I cooked it.” Nico insisted. “My labor has to be worth something.”
“So, are you going to charge your siblings as well?”
“Of course not, they’re family.”
“Alright, then what of the leftovers?”
“What do you mean?”
“What if we were to take what Maki-chan ate out of what Elicchi and I will be taking with us?”
Nico opened her mouth to argue further but paused to think for a moment. “You know what, fine, we’ll just call it all even.” She turned back to Maki. “But standard room and board fees will apply if you want to stay here for the night and have breakfast in the morning.”
“Alright.” Maki pulled out a handful of gold coins from her pouch. “Will this cover it?”
Nico’s eyes bulged. “Ye…” Her voice cracked so she cleared her throat before continuing. “This much is fine.” She said, taking only one of the offered coins. “We can work out a weekly or monthly fee later if you end up sticking around a while. And of course if you join the guild, there is an even bigger discount, and I can deduct it directly from your pay.”
Maki nodded in agreement before the two made their way to the living room to join Eli.
“Tea is ready.” Nozomi announced a few minutes later, carrying a tray toward the fireplace.
“Almost done here.” Nico stated, stacking a few more logs. “Want to do the honors?” She offered, turning to the purple-haired girl.
“Of course.” The mage replied, and with a quick snap, a crackling fire leaped up from the wood. “So, Maki-chan,” she directed her attention toward the redhead “know any good songs?”
“Quite a few, actually.” Maki retrieved her lute. “Any requests?”
Nozomi shrugged. “Bard’s choice.”
“Alright.” Maki agreed and immediately began to play.
Nozomi took a seat next to Eli and leaned into the blonde who put her arm around her as they settled in to enjoy the show.
For her part, Nico sat back and let the stringed melody envelope her. Then the singing started. And for a moment, she wasn’t sure if her heart had merely skipped a beat or stopped altogether. Maki’s voice… it was heavenly. The redhead matched her tone flawlessly with her instrument, blending their harmonies in ways Nico had never imagined possible. And the song. She’d never heard it before, yet it felt so familiar that she found herself wanting to join in.
And then it was over. Nico suddenly remembered to breathe and leaned back into her chair without knowing when she had sat forward.
“Bravo!” Nozomi cheered, disturbing Eli from her trance similar to Nico’s. “Encore!”
Maki smiled at the request and obliged, filling the guildhouse again with music.
Nico had lost track of how many songs were sung but was happy Maki had gone with a few she knew and had let her sing along. Eli and Nozomi started drifting off to the later songs as though they were lullabies and Maki chose slower, softer songs to accommodate. Eventually, with some reluctance, Nico called an end to the concert, reminding Maki that the two of them had an early morning. However, as the other three girls shuffled upstairs, Nico instead headed to her office. The others would sleep, but she still had work to do.
Maki’s eyes opened slowly at what sounded like a knock on her door.
“Time to wake up!” Nico’s voice called from the hallway. “Your breakfast is already getting cold!”
Wearily, Maki sat up, stretched and yawned. With a deep breath through her nose, she inhaled another amazing aroma, a bit different from last night’s but enough to make her stomach grumble. Though part of her wanted to go back to sleep in the surprisingly comfortable, yet simple and small bed, the rest of her wanted more of the guildmaster’s delicious cooking. Thus, she crawled out of bed, wrapped her cape around her shoulders and shambled downstairs.
“Good morning!” Nico greeted her cheerfully, “Who knows when NozoEli will be down, but you and I have a few things to do before we head out.”
“Mmmph…” Was all Maki managed in response before collapsing into a chair at the table.
“Not a morning person, eh?” Nico chuckled. “Well if you’re gonna be an adventurer, we’re going to have to work on that.” She set a steaming cup in front of the redhead. “Here, I’ve found this stuff to be more effective than tea. Not sure where Nozomi gets the beans though.”
“Beans?” Maki lifted the mug to inspect the dark liquid within.
“Yeah, instead of leaves I guess. Strange, I know.” The raven-haired girl shrugged. “But it does the trick and helps me stay awake to concentrate on my duties.”
“Mmm…” Maki hummed after taking her first sip. The brew was definitely different than the tea to which she was accustomed, but not in a bad way. If it was truly more effective than tea, she figured she wouldn’t have a problem getting used to it.
“And here’s your breakfast.” A plate appeared in font of her as well. “I reused some stuff from last night, but the eggs are fresh.” Nico explained before taking a seat herself.
Breakfast proceeded mainly in silence, as Maki’s mind stumbled in getting through her morning fog. However, she did notice Nico seeming to pay particular attention to her with each bite she took, as if evaluating her reactions. Had she done that last night? Maki couldn’t remember. Perhaps the general hubbub of NozoE… Nozomi and Eli, she found it odd to refer to them together, and Nico’s siblings had distracted her?
In any case, Maki was familiar with the behavior as she had watched many chefs, as well as other servants, await the approval of the nobles they served. So, did that mean Nico wanted Maki’s approval?
“That was delicious.” Maki said after her final bite.
“I know, right?” A brilliant smile turned up the guildmaster’s lips. “Nico is the No. 1 Chef in the Universe after all.”
Maki raised an eyebrow. She wouldn’t have gone that far, but she would certainly admit that Nico’s skill exceeded those of at least some chefs she had encountered over the years. And what the heck was with the No. 1 thing? Didn’t she refer to herself as the No. 1 Guildmaster as well? Or did her sister say that? It didn’t matter, either way it quite the strange way to refer to oneself. And presumptuous. There was no way Nico had been able to meet and compare herself to every other guildmaster or chef in the realm, much less the universe.
However, as prideful as the proclamation had been, Maki couldn’t deny that seeing the other girl happy managed to make her happy as well. Nico was quite cute when smiling that brightly.
And on the topic of cuteness, gone were the girlish twintails of the prior night, replaced instead with low, twin buns that managed to increase her visual maturity without diminishing her cuteness. In fact, Nico’s entire outfit was more professional, yet no less adorable. She definitely looked more like a guildmaster today than when they had first met. And the pink pouch on her belt was a fitting highlight, if Maki were to assume the other girl’s color preference.
“So, you’re done?” Nico’s question brought Maki back to reality.
“Uhm, yeah…”
“Very well,” Nico stood and collected the plates “Let me bring these back to the kitchen. Wait here and I’ll get your contract and supplies. Feel free to top off your mug if you want.” She motioned to the carafe of the curious concoction.
Maki was more than happy to partake as she realized she was indeed waking up faster than normal. She sipped at her fresh cup while awaiting Nico’s return.
“Here we go; your Standard Issue Beginner Adventurer’s Pack.” A backpack was set on the table. “And, here is an itemized receipt of everything in it.” Nico held a slip of paper out for Maki to take. “If you feel you don’t need a particular item, or already have one, return it now for a full refund. However, once you leave here, it will be considered used and you’ll only get half price.”
“Standard operating procedure.” Nico explained. “You’ll find the other shopkeeps will all offer the same.”
“Hrm…” Maki began to study the list. “Torches?”
“We’ll be going into a cave, can you see in the dark?”
“Do you know any spells the cast light?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Then you’ll need a light source. Otherwise you are likely to be eaten by a grue.”
“Eaten? Grue?” Maki blanched. “What the heck?”
“Kidding. Kidding.” Nico laughed. “There have been no reports of grue attacks in this area for at least a few weeks. But do be wary of the occasional gazebo.”
“I don’t get it.”
“Anyway, all adventurers need light eventually, so I include torches in the standard pack. However, due to your apparent finances, I would personally recommend an Everburning Torch. You’ll never need to replace it, unless you lose it, of course. Which reminds me,” She produced another slip “here are a few other upgrades I would recommend.”
“Rope? Why would I need rope?” Maki was still looking at the original list.
Nico sighed. “I could literally spend all day explaining the various uses for rope. Suffice to say every adventurer needs it at some point.”
“What’s a crowbar?”
Nico balked a bit before opening the backpack and retrieving said item. “You can use it to pry things open; doors, chests, and whatnot.” She made a couple motions to demonstrate. “Technically you can use it as a weapon in a pinch, but I’d recommend you use the daggers in here instead.”
“Everyone needs a backup weapon or two. We’ll get to your primary weapon in a moment.”
“Alright… Oh, I already have a mirror, soap and these as well.”
“Of course you do.” Nico reached into the backpack to remove the named items.
“What’s a handy haversack?”
Nico’s eyes lit up. “Only one of the best utility items an adventurer can have!”
“It’s a backpack…”
“Not just any backpack! It’s bigger on the inside!”
Maki raised an eyebrow.
“Magic. Extra-dimensional space and all that. In any case, it can hold far more than a regular backpack. And it will magically sort your inventory so whatever you’re looking for will always appear on top for easy retrieval. Keep that lute of yours safe and sound but retrieve it with ease. Feet sore from lugging around a hundred pounds of stuff? The haversack only weighs five, even with everything in it.”
“Alright, I’ll try one.”
“Excellent.” Nico grinned. “I’ll be right back.” She turned and took two steps but paused. “Actually, follow me and bring that pack. We’ll get you a weapon while we’re at it.”
Maki did as instructed and followed the guildmaster into a room full of supplies.
“You’re in luck. This is my last one.” Nico said, taking a backpack off a hook on the wall. “A bargain at twice the price.” She set it down on a counter. “Go ahead and start moving stuff while we talk weapons.”
Maki nodded.
“I noticed you didn’t appear to have a weapon of your own when you arrived, so I’m assuming you stuck to main roads on your way here.” Nico move to a display rack. “But you never know what you’re going to encounter out there in the wild, so you best be prepared. Do you prefer ranged or melee?”
“I’m not sure…?”
“Have you had any archery practice?”
Maki shook her head.
“Melee it is. Now, anyone can swing a blunt object around and cause some damage, but have you had any training with a blade?”
“I had some fencing lessons growing up.”
“Ah, then perhaps you’d be interested in a rapier.” Nico selected a blade and moved over to the other girl.
“Yes, that looks familiar.” Maki nodded, accepting the sword. “It’s quite lovely.”
“I know, right?” The guildmaster puffed out her chest with pride. “Nico is the No 1 Blacksmith in the Universe.”
There it was again. By the gods this girl had one hell of an ego. But while it was starting to get on Maki’s nerves, she couldn’t deny the rapier she now held was indeed of masterwork quality.
“Also, here is you contract for this adventure.” Nico produced a sizable scroll. “Here is your base pay, and a statement about the commission you will earn based on the price of the artifact you retrieve. Please initial here to acknowledge it.” Her finger moved about the page to point things out. “And here we have a section about revival. Check Yes if you wish to be revived upon death, but be aware that the price of materials for the spell as well as all expenses incurred in locating and retrieving your body will be deducted from your pay. Or check No if you do not desire this service. Then initial here to acknowledge your decision.”
“You’re kidding again, right?”
“Not in the slightest. This is just standard contract stuff. But don’t worry too much about it. Where we’re going, even an amateur like you should be fine.”
“Anyway, if you check Yes, you will be charged a nominal deposit for the tracking device, which will be refunded upon its return in good and working order. Additional fees may apply for damage to or loss of the device.”
“Tracking device?”
“Something of my own creation.” Nico said, retrieving a small, metallic object from a nearby shelf. “Once it’s registered to you, it will monitor your vitals. If it detects that vitals have ceased, it will start transmitting a signal I can use to locate and revive you.”
“But you’re coming with me right?’
“I am.”
“So, why would I need this?”
“You never know what might happen out there. Maybe we get separated.” Nico explained. “Also, once you’ve registered a device, you can just keep it with you for however long you’re in the area. Heck, NozoEli still have theirs even though it’s been over a year since they last contracted with me.”
“Have either of them needed to use it?”
“That’s privileged information. But while I won’t reveal which clients have made use of this service, I will say that some have. Better safe than sorry.”
Maki thought for a moment before reaching over, checking Yes and initialing next to it.
“Excellent decision.” Nico said with a grin before doing something with the device in her hand. “Alright, place your finger here until it flashes.”
Maki did as asked.
“Perfect. Now just keep this in a pouch or pocket or whatever.” Nico explained handing over the tracker. “Just not in the haversack. I haven’t figured out how to make its sensors work through the extra-dimensional space yet. But I am still working on it. Anyway, please initial here, here and here as well. Then sign all the way down at the bottom.”
“Nico-chan!” a voice called from the entryway.
“Coming!” Nico raised her voice in response. “Finish up with this.” She instructed Maki. “And double check those lists to make sure you have everything you need. We’ll be back by dinner, so you won’t need stuff for overnight, but you’ll still want to be prepared. And of course let me know if you see anything else you want.”
“Alright.” Maki nodded.
And with that, Nico headed to the front door.
“Kotori!” Nico greeted her guest warmly. “It’s been a while. And I know that look. What kind of creature did you bring this time?”
Kotori smiled apologetically and lead the way back outside.
Nico immediately facepalmed. “A lion? Really? Where did you even find…” She glanced up to see the other girl’s eyes brimming with tears. “Fine.” She conceded, despite knowing it was an act. “But carnivores are going to cost extra.”
“Thanks Nico-chan!” The ash-haired girl practically jumped with joy.
“Yeah, yeah.” Nico dismissed. “Maybe you can convince Eli to hunt down some food so I don’t have to buy it.”
“Hunt down what now?” A voice came from behind them.
“Ah, Eli-chan!” Kotori’s attention was drawn to the blonde descending the stairs. “Just who I wanted to see!”
“What’s up, Kotori?” Eli smiled in greeting.
“I received word that a Corrupted boar was recently terrorizing the town of Arcton.” The ash-haired girl explained. “I tracked it to this area and believe it’s heading toward Lerwick.”
“Arcton is fairly well guarded, I can see why it would have moved on.” Eli grimaced. “But Lerwick... If it’s Corrupted enough, it could wipe them out.”
Kotori nodded somberly. “And from the reports, it may be beyond the point where I can save it.”
“Alright, I’ll get my gear and be ready in a bit.” Eli turned halfway to go back upstairs. “Say, do you mind if Nozomi joins us?”
“Of course not. You know I always welcome her company. And her magic might prove useful.”
“I figured you two would be leaving today.” Nico spoke up. “There are bentos in the kitchen for you. Take what you want, and I’ll add them to your bill.”
“Thanks Nico.” Eli tossed over her shoulder.
“I made plenty if you want to buy a few.” Nico offered to Kotori.
“Wonderful.” The other girl clapped her hands together with a smile. “I most certainly will partake.”
“Everything is signed.” Maki said, coming outside. “W-wait, wha?” She stumbled in retreating and found herself leaning awkwardly against the doorframe.
Kotori giggled. “Oh, he won’t bite.” She stroked the mane of the lion laying beside her.
“You’re not going to react that way the first time you encounter a wolf or whatnot, are you, Maki?” Nico asked, taking the paperwork from the redhead.
“Maki?” Kotori tilted her head. “Nishikino Maki?”
Maki blinked. “Uhm… yes…”
“You know her, Kotori?” Nico asked what was on both her and Maki’s minds.
“She’s a friend of Umi-chan.”
Kotori giggled. “We should work on your knowledge of nobility and royalty, Nico-chan.”
“Hmph.” Nico scoffed. “As if I care about those high class muckety mucks.”
Maki wasn’t sure if she should interject, but she often felt similar, despite, or perhaps because of the fact that she had been raised in said high society. Instead she asked, “Sonoda Umi?”
“That’s right.” Kotori confirmed. “We’ve been friends since childhood, but I haven’t seen her in a few years, unfortunately. Not since…” She trailed off and she diverted her gaze down. “Never mind.” She cleared her throat and looked back up, her smile seeming a bit off. “I wouldn’t’ve expected to find you here, Maki-chan.”
“I’m, uhm… trying my hand as an adventuring bard.” Maki decided to explain.
“I see. That sounds wonderful.” Kotori’s smile softened and become more genuine. “Let me know if you ever want a beastmaster in your party.”
“I will.” Maki agreed.
“Oh yeah, Maki,” Nico spoke up, “change of plans.”
“Looks like you’ll be going alone today. I have a new pen to build.”
“You’ll be fine.” The guildmaster assured. “It’s a simple fetch quest. You’ll be back before dinner. And on the plus side, you’ll earn more because you won’t be charged for my assistance.”
“…” The bard seemed hesitant to agree for a moment before relenting. “Alright.”
Over the next half hour, the girls finished preparing for the day. Eli and Nozomi followed Kotori’s lead to hunt down the boar. Maki began following her map to find the hidden idol. And Nico began gathering materials to build a pen for Kotori’s new beast.
Maki squinted at the map in her hands. After some scrutiny, she looked up at the cliffside. This was the place, right? It had to be. She traced the landmark on the map with her finger as though the action would somehow make things clearer. Well, in any case, if this was indeed the right place, there would have to be a cave entrance somewhere at the base of the cliff.
Still rechecking the map, she took a step forward and…
“Kyaaa!” She shrieked as her boot clipped an exposed root and she stumbled down to her knees. “Ow ow ow oooowww~!” She cried, rolling back into a sitting position.
That was stupid. She chastised herself, inspecting the scrape marks on both knees that were just starting to bleed. Hissing, she quickly brushed away some of the larger chunks of debris. Then, holding a hand over each knee, she began to sing.
A soft red glow appeared between hand and wound and after a few seconds, both were mended. However, despite having fully healed her injury, Maki did not stop singing, mostly because the song was not over. As the melody continued, she fetched a handkerchief and waterskin from her bag. Then, after dampening the cloth, she cleared away the last of the dirt. Finally, she stood back up.
“Ssssing…” A voice like leaves in the wind rasped from behind her.
Startled, Maki spun to face whoever had spoken. “Who…?” She asked, not seeing anybody. “Where…?”
“Ssssing…” The voice repeated.
Up. Maki looked toward the branches above her to see a woman, body half covered in feathers, perched in a nearby tree.
“Who are you?” Maki inquired.
With a flap of wings, the woman descended to hover in front of the redhead. Maki froze as she noticed the bow nocked with a wickedly tipped arrow pointing at her. She doubted she could draw her rapier and close the distance before being hit with one, possibly two arrows.
“Sing!” The bird woman demanded, drawing the bow.
“A-alright…” Maki held out both hands defensively, revealing them to be empty. “I’ll sing…”
And with that, Maki began a new song. One that was different than her healing song, one she hoped would calm and placate.
Sure enough, halfway through the first chorus, the feathered woman lowered her bow. By the second, she had moved to a nearby rock to perch.
“Another.” The winged woman stated as soon as Maki finished.
“Uhm… do you mind if I fetch my instrument from my bag?” Maki inquired.
The bird woman cocked her head to the side with curiosity, but Maki noticed her grip tightening on her bow.
“It’s just a lute.” Maki explained, slowly removing her bag from her shoulders and setting it on the ground in front of her anything she did would be in clear view. “It will make my songs even better.” She assured. Then, careful to avoid sudden movements, she found her lute and pulled just the end out to show that it was not a weapon. Once the bird woman seemed satisfied with the lack of threat from the instrument, she removed it completely and slid its strap over her shoulder.
Maki plucked a few strings to reassure herself the lute was still in tune before strumming a full chord. Satisfied with the results, she began a second song. She watched the feathered woman’s features relax as the melodies washed over her. And while she did not release her bow completely, Maki was pleased to see her grip loosen.
“Another.” The bird woman stated again as the second song concluded.
Maki nodded and started her third song. This time, however, the feathered woman straightened her posture, opened her mouth, and began to sing along. Though initially startled, Maki did not let the unexpected accompaniment detract from her performance. And after a few moments, she allowed herself to be in awe as an almost perfect countermelody was provided to her song. Maki doubted the bird woman knew the song, as it was one she had written herself and had never performed for any non-human individuals; at least not knowingly. This meant the bird woman’s musical intuition was on par, if not exceed her own.
A fourth song. A fifth. A sixth.
Maki honestly felt like she could continue for hours.
A seventh song. An eighth. A ninth.
Maki began to lose count but didn’t care.
And then the feathered woman stood. As though coming out of a trance, Maki slowly focused on her vocal partner of the last… however long it had been.
“Thank you.” The bird woman said with a slight bow. “That was…” She seemed hesitant for a moment “fun” she concluded.
“Yes, it was.” Maki agreed with a smile.
With one more nod of acknowledgment, the woman flapped her wings and took to the trees. Within seconds, she was gone.
Strange. But enjoyable. Maki found herself thinking before continuing her search for the cave.
Nico wiped the sweat off her brow and glared up at the accursed yellow thing above her. In all honesty, it wasn’t a particularly warm day, but there wasn’t a cloud in the sky to block the sun’s rays, nor even a whisper of wind to help cool things off. For a moment she found herself envious of her friends and potential new recruit who were all trekking through shaded forest at this time.
Yellow movement caught the corner of her eye and she turned her gaze toward the lion sleeping nearby. The beast had rolled onto its back and pawed a few times at the air. Nico scoffed. Even the large cat was enjoying the shade of the tree to which it was tethered while she toiled away building its new pen.
Perhaps that should be her next creation; a portable shade device, or perhaps an automated fan. Or maybe even a combination there of? Nico made a mental note to draw up some designs later as she fed another log through her custom milling device.
This was the idol, right? Maki studied the sketch in her hands. It had to be. She held up the parchment near the small statue for a better comparison. Maybe if you ignored this part and added that… She turned the page sideways. Close enough. She grabbed the idol and shoved it in one of the pouches on her belt.
Nico had been mostly right, at least insofar as the ease of locating the idol. Travel to the cave had taken a bit longer, and the monsters had been a bit tougher than indicated, but Maki had made it through. She felt a swell of pride as she made her way back toward the entrance; she had completed her first adventure. On her own. Without any help.
Well, mostly complete. She did still have to make it back to the guildhouse, but that should be easy, right? She flipped the map upside down and headed out of the cave.
Where the heck was Maki? She should have been back by now. Nico checked the distress tracker again. At least the new adventurer was still alive, so that was good. But what was taking her so long?
Did she get lost? No, that couldn’t be the case. Even her younger siblings could figure out how to get to that cave and retrieve the idol within.
Maybe Maki was so much of a beginner that just the hike to the cave wore her out and she was taking extended breaks? Nico tried to remember if the redhead had purchased proper sleeping gear in case she needed to camp out for the night. And rations. Had she brought enough food for an extra day?
Well, whatever the case, her siblings would be arriving for dinner at any moment, so she took one last taste from the pot to make sure it was ready before moving to the dining room to set the table.
A knock on the door made Nico look up from her desk.
“It’s open!” She called.
“I’m back.” Maki’s voice came from the entryway.
About time. Nico thought. “I’m in the office.”
A moment later, the redhead came in the room and immediately stopped to stare at Nico.
“What?” Nico questioned as Maki slowly walked toward her with a strange expression.
“Nico-chan!” Maki threw herself on the guildmaster, knocking her out of her chair.
Nico grunted as she landed on the floor and arms wrapped tightly around her.
Nico-chan? What the heck is going on? Nico’s mind raced through ideas attempting to discern the most likely possibility. However, her thoughts were completely derailed when the redhead nuzzled against her cheek.
“What are you doing?” Nico cried. “Hey, let go of me.” She started to attempt to remove herself from the embrace.
“Noo~~!” Maki whined, hugging tighter.
“Maki, seriously, what are you doing?”
The redhead pulled away just enough to make eye contact. Nico internally cursed her heart for skipping a beat at the sheer adorableness of Maki’s pout.
“Does Nico-chan hate me?” Moisture gathered at the edges of the bard’s eyes.
“No, I just…” The guildmaster struggled to put her words together. “I just want to know what’s going on and why you’re hugging me.”
“I’m hugging Nico-chan because I love Nico-chan.”
“Yup!” Maki began snuggling against her again. “I lo~ve Nico-chan so~ much!” She practically sang.
“But, I…” Nico’s head lulled. Wait, what the heck? No. She wasn’t tired. She still had work to do!
“Nico-chan…” Maki sighed with contentment.
Maki was pretty warm… And despite its unexpected nature, her embrace was… pretty comf… No! She wasn’t… ti… No… She refused to… fall…
Nico opened her eyes. Had she fallen asleep? Damn! What time was it? Her mind ticked off all of her remaining duties of the day. Gods, she would be so far behind now. She attempted to sit up, only to find she was being hindered by an arm across her stomach. What the hell?!
The movement caused the arm’s owner to stir and murmur something quietly that sounded not too dissimilar to Nico’s name. She glanced over and immediately recognized tangles of red hair on a head currently trying to close the distance she had just created between them. Why was Maki in her bed with her? And why, by all that was holy, was she so adorable?
“Ah, you’re awake.” The door opened and a purple-haired girl stepped in.
“Good morning.”
“Afternoon, actually.”
Nico’s eyes widened and she tensed up until a gentle hand landed on her shoulder.
“You slept through the night, and most of the day.” Nozomi smiled at her friend. “But don’t worry. Everything is fine. You obviously needed it. And we all pitched in to take care of things; Elicchi, Kotori-chan, your sisters, even little Cotaro-kun helped a bit.”
Nico stared the other girl for a moment while she processed the information. “How did I get here?” She finally asked. She was pretty sure that when she had collapsed, she had been downstairs.
“Maki-chan insisted on carrying you.”
Maki-chan carried…? “Did she also change my clothes?”
“No, I did that.” Nozomi chuckled at the memory. “Despite her protests.”
“What the heck is going on with her?”
“I think she was cursed by the idol you sent her to retrieve.”
“That can’t be right.” Nico furrowed her brow. “That thing is harmless, certainly not cursed. It’s the same one I’ve used for all beginner adventurers; just keep putting it back for them.”
Nozomi produced a small statue and held it out to the other girl.
“That’s… not the right idol. Where she get that?”
“I’ve no idea.” Nozomi admitted. “You’re the idol expert.”
“Yeah, and I’ve never even seen that in any of my books…”
“Well the only thing I’ve been able to determine is that the curse only seems to be able to affect one person at a time, thus why I’m able to safely hold it.”
“That or the curse is contingent on who actually removes it from its dungeon.” Nico suggested.
“Either way, it certainly seems to bring out some… interesting behavior from your cute new recruit.”
Nico glared at the other girl. “I haven’t recruited her… yet.”
“Oh c’mon, Nicocchi, you and I both know she’s your type.” Nozomi said with a laugh. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you checking her out at dinner the other night. I’ve a feeling you’re enjoying this more than you want to admit, even to yourself.”
Nico sighed and gave another glance toward the still sleeping Maki. Before remembering who was watching, she brushed a stray strand of red out of the girl’s face.
“It would be cuter if the curse didn’t make her so clingy…” Nico decided to try for a balance between conceding Nozomi’s point while retaining some of her initial cantankerousness. The situation did still bother her after all.
“Perhaps.” Nozomi seemed willing to let that stand. “Anyway, I sent word to RinPana, so they’ll be dropping by any day now. I figure Hanayo-chan is the best choice to help you figure out how to ameliorate the curse.” She turned to leave. “Oh, and lunch is ready when you two decide to get out of bed.” She paused and looked over her shoulder with a mischievous grin. “But don’t take too long…” She laughed and easily dodged the pillow Nico threw at her.
Once the purple-haired menace had departed, Nico turned her attention to the sleeping redhead still snuggled against her. While part of her wanted to hop out of bed and get back to her duties, she couldn’t deny that another part wanted to stay where she was. Perhaps… just maybe, a few more minutes wouldn’t hurt… While staring at the ceiling, Nico’s mind started wandering through thoughts on how to handle a cursed Maki.
Author’s Notes continued in Followup Post
36 notes · View notes
duhragonball · 6 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (98/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
Previous chapters conveniently available here.
From: [email protected] (encryption engaged) (proxy transmission #6 engaged)
Dear Dr. Shunga,
[Note: Add some sort of greeting here.   It’s weird to just open the message cold.   Maybe he wouldn’t mind, but I would. -Zatte]
I get angry at my wife sometimes.  That's only natural.  Sometimes I worry that I take that for granted, and get angry with her when I shouldn't.  
I mean, she can be a real slob.  She keeps the kitchen and dining areas clean enough, but she treats the rest of the ship like one giant clothes hamper.  The service robot handles most of that, but it's still disgraceful.
And she's really moody.  Sometimes it's like she just doesn't want to open up, even when we're all alone.  She growls a lot.  She always says it's because of things she smells in the air, things that I can't smell.  I think it's just an excuse to be grouchy.
And... she kind of cheated on me.  I blame myself, really; I should have paid more attention to the situation.  She needed me and I wasn't available to her because I was so focused in that damn murder investigation.  It's not like she had sex with him, so there's mitigating circumstances, right?  Stuff I tell myself to help me forgive her.  But she still did it, and I can't pretend it doesn't bother me.  
I try not to deny those feelings.  They keep me grounded, because I always get starstruck when I'm around her.  I have to remind myself that she's not a goddess or an angel or anything like that.  But I do believe she's a miracle, and that's hard to fit into a marriage.  So it helps to remember that my beloved miracle leaves her dirty socks in the engine room for no good reason.  It's important to consider that the woman I'd die for has betrayed me.
I don't have a lot of friends, not since the colony fell.  I'm too wrapped up in Luffa's world to bother socializing.  I feel like a one-woman cult sometimes.  But it's not wrong.   My people believe that there are focal points in the universe where history is changed for the better.  We have a word for them: xan-nil'Dor, and a sacred duty to find and cultivate them in whatever form they appear.   The Dorlun race has been doing this for millennia.  It only seems creepy because I'm the only Dorlun around lately. It only seems cultish because my xan-nil'Dor is five-foot-three and adorable.
I've suffered for her.  The colony fell and we fought to the bitter end, each of us thinking the other was dead.  I was captured by demons who forced me to stalk her and corrupt her.  I fought against her enemies and wore my wounds like badges of honor.  We used to share in a mental communion that was so beautiful, but she had to put a stop to it because the intimacy of it was too intense.  I feel like a moth circling a flame sometimes.  If I stay with her, I'll be destroyed.
I'll take that chance.  Risk.  Among my people, "risk" is a dirty word.  Luffa whispers it into my ear sometimes because she knows it drives me wild.  I'm not like the other Dorluns.  I don't want to die--don't get me wrong--but I'm more aggressive about it.  Hiding isn't my style.  I'd rather face a threat head-on, or at least prepare to face it head-on.  I think that's what Luffa likes about me.  It's not quite the same as Saiyan battle-lust, but it's close enough, I guess.
She's been training me ever since we got together.  I mean, she was training me before that.  Back on the colony she did combat exercises with the Dorlun militia, but now the militia is down to just me, and the lessons are more intense.  Early on, Luffa singled me out as the strongest Dorlun in the colony, and she took an interest in seeing how much stronger I could get.  Once we were married, she took that project even more personally.  I'm nothing compared to a Saiyan, but she's always told me that isn't the point.  It's a matter of pride.  She wants me to be the best I can be, for my sake and for hers.  It's tough to live up to that, but it's inspiring too.  Like I'm a piece of raw iron she's forging into a great sword.
Maybe I romanticize this stuff too much.  I think of Luffa like this mythical heroine who does all these wonderful things, so whenever she blows off laundry I make end up making excuses for her.  We don't always get along, but when we do it's like nothing I've ever felt before.  She's like a living inferno, and I want to dive in and burn for her.    The weird thing is, Luffa thinks I can be cold towards her.  I shouldn't be surprised, given how passionate Saiyans are, but I'm pretty sure most Dorluns would be embarrassed to see how I carry on around her.  Or maybe they wouldn't, and I'm just being self-conscious.
I'm getting away from the reason I wanted to write you this message in the first place.  It's the same reason I had to transmit it in such a convoluted way.  Well, I haven't done that yet, but I'm planning to bounce it off several dozen interstellar relay stations in order to make it harder to trace.  Luffa and I can't go back to your planet anymore.  We're not sure what will happen if the Saiyans find out we've been there.   They might attack Wrantool VII, and maybe even destroy it.  That's why we missed our last appointment for couples counseling, and why we won't be able to reschedule.  I hope you understand.
I just feel like we're running away from the issues that led us to see you in the first place.  So I thought maybe if I explained some things in a letter, it would help convince me that our marriage is going to be okay.  I think that's why we came to you.  We both wanted a third party to tell us we were doing it right.  Well, that's not a luxury we can afford these days, so I'll have to make due with what we have.  I'll tell you a story, and I'll have to hope you're as convinced as I am.
[Note: I should probably explain everything that happened since our last session, but later.  -Zatte]
So, after everything that happened with King Rehval, we had a lot of downtime on our hands.  Our ship was badly damaged, especially the computer.   It took us weeks just to get to a planet that could do the repairs, and they had to order a lot of custom parts, so we ended up taking a vacation neither of us really wanted.    They had some nice lodges out in the mountains, but we just weren't in the mood to enjoy it.    Luffa was anxious to get back to Planet Saiya and confront King Rehval, and I... wasn't sure what we should do.    I had hoped we would figure it out while we waited for the ship to be repaired, but all I could think about was what we had been through.  
It was a nice place to try to sort things out, though.   I probably shouldn't say the name of the planet, in case this message gets intercepted somehow.   The less you know, the better.  Now that I think about it, I should probably change the names of the people and places in this story.  Only I can't think of any good fake names, so I'll go back and do that later.
[Note: Don't forget to do this!! -Zatte]
So,we were on Planet Thrush, about 6000 light years from Pflaume.  I had managed to convince Luffa that we needed to keep a low profile until we got the ship repaired.  Luckily, we still had enough money to cover a place to stay and new clothes to keep Luffa from standing out too much.   She spent most of her time monitoring interstellar news reports.    She was determined to keep up with King Rehval's movements as closely as she could, to find out what he would do next.   We weren't sure if he thought Luffa was alive or dead, or how he might respond if he found out she survived.   As it turned out, he didn't really do much of anything.  Luffa compared it to trench warfare, where neither side was willing to risk taking the initiative.    Maybe he was waiting to see what we would do, or he wanted the rest of the galaxy to find out for themselves that Luffa was gone.
The standoff frustrated Luffa, but it also convinced her that laying low was the right move, and that seemed to get her to relax a little.    She focused more on trying to apologize for her makeout sessions with Rehval.   She cooked my favorite foods, massaged my feet, kept the hotel clean (relatively speaking), and she even took me dancing.     She was... well, it was like you said in one of our sessions a few months back.   She was trying too hard, hoping to repair past failures by overcompensating in the present.   It was all a little much, but I liked this better than her brooding over how to take revenge on Rehval.   And things were hard for Luffa too, with her learning her son was alive.    I thought it was best to let her deal with that in her own way, and I think it helped her to know that I'm still part of her family, even if her son has rejected her.  
So one day we decided to go hide out in the mountains and just live off the land for a while.   It's helped us connect in the past, and we never get to do it enough because we spend so much time in space, surrounded by technology.   I was glad to have Luffa away from the news dispatches for a while, and I think she was just happy that I was going along with her suggestions for spending time together.    The thing is, I'd love to say all this downtime is good for our marriage, and it's brought us closer together.    I'd also like to say that the experience with Rehval was good for our marriage, and it's brought us closer together.    But I also have to question if I'm just looking for excuses to say everything is all right, so I can ignore the problem.   Maybe that self-doubt is what's holding me back.   Maybe Luffa has the same trouble.  
Anyway, we had been out there for three days.   Luffa had finished loading our barbecue pit, and was taking a nap in our shelter.   This was just a sort of tent we made out of logs and brush.  We didn't plan to stay long, so we kept it simple.    I was scouting the terrain.   We didn't really need to do that, since we had an aerial view of the place when Luffa flew us in, but my energy manipulation powers let me detect things that normal senses might miss.   I was on my way back when I heard a noise from our camp.   By the time I got to the shelter, Luffa had stepped out, carrying a little boy by the scruff of his tunic.  
It took a while for us to figure out what had happened.   He wouldn't talk at first, but after a couple of hours, he got hungry, and the smell from Luffa's pit probably helped loosen his tongue.   His name was Bred, and he was on this quest to save a kingdom from an evil wizard named Lyder.    We never really got to the bottom of it, but we're pretty sure he wasn't from Thrush.   He used some sort of magic mirror to transport himself from his world to ours, and he had to do that several times in order to collect items and weapons he needed for his mission.   This time, the item he needed was my wife's scalp.
I think the strangest part of life with Luffa is that she's more than just a extra-special Saiyan.   It's tempting for me to think that the "Legendary" in "Legendary Super Saiyan" is a redundancy.   Any Saiyan that powerful would have to be noteworthy for centuries to come.   But it's more than that.    There are people out there who remember the past Super Saiyans, like the Plantians, or the people of Bigreen, or the faerie folk of the F-Tunnel.  For them, Luffa is like the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy.   I think that's the only magic Luffa really appreciates.   She doesn't put much stock in the Dorlun concept of xan-nil'Dor, but she's proud to be part of a lineage of larger-than-life Saiyan heroes, and I think she looks to them for strength.   Maybe its more of a rivalry.   The point is, it's easy for me to think of her as normal, since she's the Saiyan I know best.    Then you have people like Bred, who think of her as a cryptid, like the Hellmoth, or comet-walkers.  
I was about to use Basilisk X as an example, but I forgot that he doesn't count because he's real.   Luffa and I had dinner with him last year.  He's not nearly as deadly as the stories say.   He doesn't kill with a glance, but it can stun you if you're not careful, but he usually reverses it once he's had a chance to calm down. 
[Note: Maybe I shouldn’t bore the guy talking about Basilisk X. -Zatte]
Bred was supposed to undergo a trial of courage to progress through a certain dungeon.   It's kind of complicated, but his quest involved gathering a lot of relics from dungeons, which he'd then use to unlock other dungeons, and so on and so on.  The trial of courage was a portal leading him to a mythical beast, and he would have to slay it and bring back its pelt as a trophy.   The portal led to our campsite on Thrush, and he recognized Luffa as a Super Saiyan from old stories his grandmother told him.  I guess Chanisp or one of Luffa's other ancestors must have paid a visit to Bred's world.
I think that, more than anything else, caught Luffa's interest.   Bred had tracked her all the way to our campsite, found her sleeping in our shellter (he called it a 'lair'), and managed to draw his sword before Luffa woke up and caught him.  I was amazed that she didn't kill him on instinct, but it's easy to forget that her reflexes are as enhanced as her strength and speed.    Once she realized Bred wasn't a threat, she let him live, but Bred continued to struggle, and she was blown away by his bravery.
"This guy doesn't back down from anything," she said.   "He reminds me of you."
Looking back, I think I let the compliment go to my head.   Otherwise I might not have agreed to her plan, which was to go back with Bred and present her scalp as proof that he passed the trial.   Luffa figured that if the rest of the mythical beast was still attached to it, then so much the better.    I wasn't sure about going off on another adventure, but like I said, she talked me into it.   We had nothing but time on our hands, and she didn't think Bred's enemies would be much of a threat to us.    So I agreed, and Bred's magic mirror could take us all back with him, and off we went.  
The gatekeeper who presided over the trial of courage didn't exactly see things Luffa's way, but he wasn't in much of a position to argue.   Luffa took offense to a lot of things in Bred's world.    There were a lot of locked doors and secret passages, and a lot of rules and preconditions you had to meet to be allowed to pass.   She didn't like that at all, since Bred was a nice kid, and she didn't think it was fair to make a nice kid jump through a bunch of hoops just to fight an honorable battle for the good of everyone.    
"If he was a grown man, that'd be different!" Luffa explained to me after she cut down a battalion of Lyder's monsters.    "This boy's just getting started as a warrior, and they expect him to solve a bunch of puzzles, and run errands?"  
I asked her if it was right to interfere like this, but she didn't see a problem with it.   In our own universe, that's how Luffa does things, after all.    She finds people who need help and crushes their oppressors.    Originally, it was for money, then for sport, and eventually she realized it was more than just was way to pass the time.    She really cares about the little guy, I guess because she's been the little guy before.   Maybe that's what she saw in Bred, now that I think about it.    It wasn't too long ago that Luffa and I were a couple of kids, not much older than Bred, facing down a horde of monsters by ourselves.   It would have been handy to have an invincible warrior to join us that day, but Luffa wasn't a Super Saiyan yet.   I guess that was what bothered me about helping Bred.   I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but it didn't seem quite right to step in and handle things for him.    If someone had done the same thing for us, then Luffa never would have lost that battle, and never would have become a Super Saiyan.   What if we were denying Bred a chance to become something important himself?   What if Luffa was saving him from an ordeal that he needed to experience?
On the other hand, I doubt I could have convinced Luffa, even if I had thought of any of that stuff at the time.    She and Bred formed a sort of bond.    Her son was taken from her while was still pregnant, and raised to be her enemy.    Bred never knew his mother, so they each sort of had what the other was missing.   We spent several days in that realm.    It was pretty.  The sand was bright yellow and the trees were greener than I've ever seen anywhere else, and all the rocks were purple.   Luffa would smash down doors that refused to open, or sometimes she would help Bred find items he needed, even though she had the power to make them unnecessary.   She taught him how to shoot a bow and arrow.    I didn't know Luffa had ever handled one.    She prefers unarmed combat, but she said she played with a lot of weapons as a child.   She even showed Bred how to shoot using her feet.    I can't even explain that right.    Like, you're on horseback, and you grab the saddle with your hands, and curl your back until you've got your butt over your head, and then you use your legs to work the bow... I watched Luffa do it and I still don't understand it.  
Eventually, Luffa defeated all of Lyder's invasion forces, so we started taking the fight to the enemy.   I helped with a lot of that.   My powers made it pretty easy to recon the dungeons and loot them of anything useful.    If I ran into any serious obstacles, Luffa could handle them.   Once they were clear, Luffa would turn the entire stronghold into a crater.    I couldn't help but think this was something akin to how Luffa would have raised her own son, if she'd had the chance.    Bred was no Saiyan, and I think it made him a little nervous to take lessons from one,  but the affection Luffa showed him was real, and I think that made up for some of her gruffness.  
We were feeling pretty confident when we stormed Lyder's fortress.    Luffa tore through the wizard's defenders like they were made of wet paper, and Bred barely had to lift a finger.   There was a large gate that required several totems to open it, but Luffa simply shattered it with her ki.   There were a lot of "key = ki" jokes made during this campaign, what with all the locked doors we came across.    
We thought Lyder would fall as easily as her forces, but it things went poorly as soon as we met her in person.    She had a failsafe, a weapon to defeat anyone who approached her, no matter how strong they were.    It was like a virus, and we had all inhaled it the moment we entered her inner sanctum.   Apparently, we goofed when we smashed our way in.   If we had used the right items, we could have deactivated the virus and entered safely.  
Somehow, my own body managed to hold out against it.   I felt nauseous and weak, but I could still stand and avoid Lyder's attacks.    Bred wasn't affected at all, and Lyder suspected she knew why that was.    When she had created her defenses, she had designed them to make herself immune to them, and that immunity was passed on to her offspring as well.   That was when she revealed that Bred was her son, and she had abandoned him at birth when she discovered that he wouldn't be suitable for some mystic sacrifice she was planning.  
That was when Luffa lost it.   She transformed into her Super Saiyan form to attack Lyder head on, but that just amplified the virus's toll on her body.    Before, she had been struggling to stand, but when she transformed, she managed to get about three steps towards Lyder before she collapsed.    
I rushed to her side, ignoring my own symptoms, and started checking her vitals.   Her pulse was bad, and her eyes were glazed over, but she was still breathing.  There were all these purple lesions on her skin, and I had no idea what they meant, but I knew it wasn't good.   I knew we had to leave.   We had to find some way out of this place, and get her to a doctor while there was still time.   I guess she knew what I was thinking.   On second thought, I was probably babbling a lot while I tried to pick her up.   She probably heard me panicking and knew I wanted to get her out of there.  
Then she took my arm and said: "Forget about me!   Go and help the boy!"
I tried to argue with her.   Tried to tell her that I was barely in any shape to fight, and even if I had been, I couldn't just leave my wife to die.  Not just my wife, but the xan-nil'Dor, the hope of the universe.    
She coughed and made a face.   I can't really describe it well.    It was sort of like she was too weak to scream but she needed to release her frustration anyway.  
"Damn it all!   We came here to help that brat!   He's just a kid.    We can't just abandon him now!"
I tried to tell her to calm down.    That Bred didn't need our help.   That she was destined to do great things and none of that would happen if I let her die there.
"If... if you believe any of that crap," Luffa said,  "then you know I have to see this through.   If I can't survive this, then it doesn't matter what I might have done later."
She took my hand in hers, and her expression softened.    I thought she was going to cry.    
"I really screwed up," she said.    "Took it all too lightly.   This 'quest'... our marriage... everything.    But I love you."
I didn't know what to say.   It was like she was saying goodbye to me without actually leaving.
"Guess if I die here, it proves I'm not a xan-nil'Dor, but whatever you think I stand for... whether I really do or not... you've got to fight for it, Zattie.   Even if I fall, you still believe in my cause, don't you?"
That's what I love and hate about her the most.   Luffa sees things beyond mere survival.   All I've wanted was to fight for her, alongside her, and there she was, telling me to carry on without her.   It makes me upset just thinking about it, but I knew she was right.  I had to let her go.  
And so I left her behind a nearby pillar, and I helped Bred as best I could.    He didn't need much.    Lyder was strong, but predictable.    She needed time to prepare her worst attacks, and she couldn't defend himself while she was deploying them.    Bred's sword seemed to hurt her more than anything else, and there wasn't much point in me joining his attack.   Instead, I used my powers to disrupt the illusions in the dungeon.   When Lyder tried to turn invisible, I warped the light around him to reveal her position.    When she summoned creatures to swarm us, I fought the real ones so Bred could ignore the phantoms.   When things got too hot, we took cover behind a bunch of pillars that seemed to be impervious to her attacks.   I don't know how long we kept this up.    I just remember thinking that Luffa wouldn't make it through the battle.   I remember wanting to run back to the pillar to check on her, but every time I thought of it, I would see Bred fighting and I couldn't bear to turn my back on him.  
Then, the enemy changed tactics on us.    Instead of firing ki in one giant burst, he started launching a wide field of it.   Now, we had to use the pillars for cover, and wait for the attack to subside before we could go back on the offensive.   I remember making a break for the pillar where I had left Luffa, just to check on her.    I remember Bred covering me, and asking in a terrified voice if 'the beast' was all right.  
I couldn't answer him, because she was gone.
Just as Lyder tried to close in on the boy while he was distracted, I saw a yellow light from the other side of the room, and there was Luffa, on her feet.    She looked awful.    The purple lesions were worse, and there was blood coming from her nose.    Somehow, she had managed to transform, if only for a moment, and she raised her hand to fire a ki blast at Lyder.    
She said something badass in that moment, I'm sure of it.   But her voice was weak and the noise of the battle was enough to drown it out.    Her eyes told the whole story, though.   Lyder would have to finish killing Luffa before she could harm a hair on Bred's head.  
I wouldn't say this frightened Lyder.   I think she understood her virus well enough to know that Luffa would die that much faster now.    But she still turned to focus on Luffa anyway, as if she wasn't quite as certain as she had been.   I've seen a lot of enemies underestimate Luffa, only to pay with their lives for the error, and Lyder seemed to guess that this was no one to be taken lightly, even if she seemed to be doomed.  
Maybe Luffa could have held out against Lyder, but my guess is that she never would have survived.    Luffa was ready to die in that moment.   She just... didn't care.    Not because she wanted to die, but because she wanted me and Bred to live that much more.   It was that fiery Saiyan will of hers, and she used it to trick Lyder into overestimating her instead.   In that moment, when Lyder turned to face Luffa, Bred saw his opening and attacked Lyder with everything he had.   It was amazing to see.   He didn't hesitate, he just went in and got the job done.    Lyder was destroyed.  Her body immolated into a cloud of smoke, and I think it took her virus with her.    All I know for sure is that I felt a lot better once she was gone.  
As for Luffa, she survived, but only just.   Bred had an elixir that healed her, but only to a certain extent.  I ended up getting her to a hospital on Thrush, but the short version is that she'll be okay.  At the time, though, it looked pretty dicey.    Even so, she was smiling the whole time, and she kept mouthing the words "I'm so proud of you both".
Maybe this story doesn't really prove anything like I thought it would.  I wanted to tell you our marriage was fixed, in spite of everything that had happened.  I wanted you to read this and say that you agreed with that, even if I wouldn't be able to hear it.
But it doesn't really work that way, and the more I think about it, I can't really send you this letter anyway.  It's too dangerous, and there's nothing tangible to be gained.  I think I knew that all along, but I had to get this far to accept it.
I guess I just wanted to say good-bye.  There's a good chance Luffa and I will never see you again, and that bothers me, because you helped us out so much.  I've had to part with a lot of important people in my life that way.  I don't like it, but that's just how it has to be.
Well, I think we're going to be okay.  I want to tell someone that, but even if I can't, I'll write it down where no one can see it, and I guess that will have to do.  After what happened, I believe our marriage will work.  We have work to do, and nothing's guaranteed, but my wife never stops trying, and I've pledged myself to support her in any way I can, so I guess I won't stop trying either.  It might not be the most elegant relationship, and it might get dented and scratched up along the way, but we'll make it.
I think that maybe you were waiting for us to figure that out all along.  You knew we could do it without you to tell us that.  Well, there's no way to know, so i guess it doesn't matter.
But I want to thank you anyway.  Thank you for putting up with our bickering and our ridiculous problems.  Thank you for listening to us when we wouldn't listen to each other.  We'll try to make sure your efforts weren't in vain.
NEXT: Loose Ends
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nouies-moved · 6 years
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BEST FICS OF 2017 picked by notchopsuey manips | other recs | rec page
#1. Runaway Land. 103k. Louis is sure he’s stumbled upon a secret, underground nightclub, though that is far from the truth. He’s also pretty sure he’s stumbled upon Apollo, which… isn’t very far from the truth, actually. Modern Greek mythology AU. #2. You Might Want to Marry My Husband. 24k. When Harry’s husband dies, he asks one thing of him; to find love and happiness again without him. It’s a request that Harry is happy to disregard, until he meets the one person who is impossible to ignore. #3. Love's Truest Language. 48k. The first part was meant as a joke. He didn't really expect Harry to buy anything. It was just Louis’ way of softening the ‘get the fuck out’ blow. “Where's your order forms, then?” “I don't want your flowers.” Louis chided before directing all of his attention to the arrangement in front of him. Harry laughed under his breath as he stood to his full height, “Who said anything about them being for you, love?”
#4. got the sunshine on my shoulders. 124k. five years ago, harry styles left his tiny home town to make it big as a recording artist. he didn't have much regard for what he left behind - a life, a family, and a husband, who woke up one morning to find him gone. now, harry has everything he could possibly want: he's rich, famous, and adored by everyone he meets, including his boyfriend. but when said boyfriend proposes to him, he's forced to face the uncomfortable facts of his past - and louis, who's spent the last five years returning every set of divorce papers harry sent him. (or, an au based on the movie sweet home alabama.)
#5. Be with me so happily. 42k. Harry Styles may have had his doubts at first, but by the time the gates to the elephant sanctuary came into view he was one hundred percent positive. Louis Tomlinson hated his guts. Like hated, hated. Like loathed-him-on-sight hated. From what Harry could tell, he hadn’t even done anything close to insulting enough to warrant the disdain that was Louis Tomlinson’s default expression whenever he looked at Harry. It really wasn’t fair. Especially since he’d been lusting after the man from the second he’d laid eyes on that pretty, pretty face with those pretty, pretty eyes. Or ... the one where Harry Styles has a bad reputation and a heart of gold, and Louis Tomlinson wishes he wasn't so enchanted by boys who looked like Disney characters and wore shirts with bumble bees on them. [aka Louis is the director of the Styles Elephant Sanctuary and really doesn't want to babysit his funder's spoiled lay-about son for two months] #6. rivers 'til i reach you. 29k. Louis can’t begin to understand how he’s always this close and still can’t manage to make Harry his. He stands up and gets another beer. AU. Louis studies astronomy; Harry studies Louis. They spend their summers on the water and it shouldn't be complicated (spoiler: it is). #7. Fall At My Door. 29k. A-list actor Harry Styles and award-winning musician Louis Tomlinson have an acquaintances-with-benefits relationship, so whenever their busy professional lives happen to land them in the same city, they meet up. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement. And that’s all it is. Until it isn’t. #8. When We Were Younger. 76k. About a week after Harry started visiting this particular chat room, he was watching some kid argue with the whole room about football, personally disinterested as he tipped a bag of crisps into his mouth. He happily chomped on the crumbs, taking a swig from a glass of Ribena to wash them down, glancing at the screen and very nearly spat the squash back out again. His heart was pounding wildly. The display icon of the argumentative newcomer had caught his eye, and not in a good way. He gulped as he clicked the picture, and when it popped up in full resolution, his heart nearly fell right out of his arse. - Sixteen year old Harry Styles’ world turns upside down when he logs on to gay teen chat to discover somebody has stolen his photos and used them as their own. #9. the wonderlands. 150k. "Somewhere between chaos and control — these are the wonderlands." Harry's daughter, Andy, is signed to Louis' girl band. Her path to success is marked by competition, chaos, and for Harry, a love affair. #10. Paint Me In A Million Dreams. 110k. Harry's one of Hollywood's biggest actors, has made a name for himself in prestigious films and lives the life of a superstar. There's just one thing missing to make it picture-perfect, but the one Harry's in love with is completely out of reach for him. Enter Louis, one of Hollywood's biggest actors himself, who just came out of the closet and taps new genres in the industry. When Louis sacks the role Harry auditioned for in Scorsese's next big film, their irrational feud starts. Who could have guessed it would get even worse when for promo season, their teams decide to present them as a couple for publicity? In short, Harry's in love with someone and doesn't care about dating anyone else, Louis never felt home in L.A., Liam writes love songs for someone he shouldn't write love songs to, and Niall makes everything better with good food. #11. Divide (series). 45k. Four AUs inspired by Ed Sheeran’s album “Divide”. #12. Brooklyn Saw Me. 28k. In the cold and unforgiving city of New York, Louis doesn't have a home and Harry wants to give him one. But as their heartstrings become increasingly intertwined, and the snow continues to fall, home is getting harder and harder to find. #13. Walk That Mile. 141k. Harry stares at him, the line of his jaw standing out scarily. “I wanted to get the most out of this trip so I planned it carefully.” His voice is low and steady and somehow that’s worse than when he was yelling. “So far, you’ve put your sticky fingers on everything I’ve tried to do.” “Sticky fingers?” Louis repeats, offended. “Are you saying it’s my fault you got stung by a bee? Had you been alone you would have gotten halfway to the Dotty Diner and ran the car off the road because of an allergic reaction, so don’t go blaming me.” “Polk-A-Dot Drive In,” Harry spits before getting out of the car. He slams the door shut with a deafening reverb and Louis rolls his eyes. - A Route 66 AU where falling in love was never part of the plan. #14. Never Let Me Go. 55k. “Harry! I’ll tell you what,” Louis exclaims, clapping his hands together. There’s a big grin on his face. “If both of us are still single by your thirtieth birthday, we’ll marry each other.” Harry’s head snaps up, eyes widening. “What?” Harry and Louis have been friends forever, but they couldn't be more different. One night, with a little too much alcohol, they make a pact to marry in ten years if they're both still single. Now, one month before the deadline, Louis is willing to do whatever it takes to avoid ending up with his best friend. But is he, really? | Loosely inspired by The 10 Year Plan #15. Do Not Go Gentle. 70k. “This is all a game to you, isn’t it? Well, it’s not for me. This is a real life or death situation,” Louis says, spitting the words at him. “And I just don’t think you’re cut out for it.” For a moment, they stare at each other in complete silence. Harry can feel his blood thrumming between his ears, can see Louis glaring at him, feels red-hot anger. And then all he feels, oppressively and desperately, is lust. Suddenly Louis is surging up to him to press his lips against Harry’s. Harry walks the two of them backwards, pressing Louis back against the door. Louis oomphs in surprise and brings his hands under Harry’s scrub top, scratching at his lower back. “Lock — oh — lock the… fucking door,” Louis mutters. When Harry Styles starts his first day as a surgical intern, he expects a lot of things: to treat patients, to observe a surgery, to feel a bit overwhelmed. What he definitely doesn't expect, however, is that the handsome guy he kicked out of his bed this morning is also an intern. A Grey’s Anatomy AU where tensions are high, Harry and Louis are hooking up in secret, and no one has time for love. Or do they? #16. Staring Across the Room. 26k. Harry Styles has a great life. He’s a children’s librarian at the New York Public Library, he’s got wonderful friends, and he loves cooking, green tea, yoga, and his collection of bow ties. He doesn’t mind that his life seems a little structured, maybe even a little boring. But when Louis Tomlinson joins the library staff as the new Installation Coordinator, things become a lot less predictable. Louis gets under his skin right from the start, bossing Harry around, making noise during story time, and eating the last cupcake in the staff lounge. Louis may be almost offensively attractive, but Harry will not be succumbing to Louis Tomlinson’s charms, even if the rest of the library staff have. #17. Take Me Back to Where We Started. 27k. Harry and Louis haven't spoken since they broke up four years ago. As boarding school sweethearts they once spent every waking moment together, but now they can hardly stand to be in the same room. When their five year class reunion comes around, both boys decide against their better judgement to return and (hopefully) have a good time. The only problem is, they're both still hopelessly in love. Starring Harry as the petty ex, Louis as the new James Bond, Niall as a boy genius and fake boyfriend extraordinaire, and Liam and Zayn as two friends just trying to make it out of this weekend alive. #18. Safe and Sound (You'll Always Be). 58k. When a failed case and a guilty conscience leaves Harry more than a little lost, his boss presents him with a new, less taxing assignment to help him cope. An escape from all the madness is just what Harry needs to get his life back on track. It's just too bad his new client has a grin like the devil, a pair of electric eyes that Harry simply can't get over, and no intention whatsoever of letting him catch a break. #19. never mind the odds (i'm gonna try my luck). 59k. Louis Tomlinson is going to be the journalistic voice of his generation. He’s just waiting for his editor to realize it. For now, he’s stuck writing fluff pieces for the Life and Style section of London Now Newspaper. His latest assignment is more of the same rubbish: a profile of Harry Styles, plastic surgeon and one of London’s most eligible bachelors. Louis is intent on writing something smart and biting and unexpected; if it makes Harry look like an idiot, that’s just the price of good journalism. That is, until Louis gets to know Harry and realizes he might be kind of perfect. Featuring Louis as a writer/workaholic, Harry as a plastic surgeon with a heart of gold, Zayn and Niall as Louis’ colleagues and long-suffering best mates, and Liam as everyone’s favorite pediatric surgeon and Harry’s right-hand man. #20. Then We Talk Slow. 20k. The picture showed Harry smiling widely (with a fucking dimple) at the camera, his glossy brown curls situated artfully around his shoulders. Louis couldn’t see his whole outfit, but it seemed to consist of a pink, floral button-up with most of the buttons undone. Louis could also detect the dark outlines of tattoos on his chest, although he couldn’t quite make out what they were underneath the shirt. What he could make out was that his own heartrate seemed to have picked up significantly. Shit. This was so not good. Not only had Louis drunkenly sent messages in a deliberate attempt to interact with this man, he was now insanely attracted to him without ever having met him in person. Maybe Liam was right – drunk tweeting really was a horrible, rotten idea. A famous/non-famous AU in which Louis banters back and forth with his new record company on Twitter, only to find out that Harry is the man behind the tweets.
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ladyhawk-s · 6 years
Are the Dog Days Really Over?
Relationships: Katsuki Bakugou/Ochako Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki and Uraraka Ochako 
Characters: Katsuki Bakugou, Ochako Uraraka 
Rating: G+ 
Word Count: 12,170~
Summary: On Katsuki's one day off, he expected some serenity with a bit of spicy food and action packed movies. You know, the usual.But living with Ochako doesn't provide the usual and certainly not today with an unexpected new furry addition to their residence.
AN: FINALLY, yesterday I got off my lazy ass and edited this piece so I could post it. I won't lie you guys, when I first wrote it, I thought this was the best piece EVER. I was so proud of it and I couldn't wait to upload it. BOY was I wrong. I've really changed my writing style since this fic so it's really old (like...September old) and I didn't really feel like editing the whole thing since it's 12000+ so please be aware of that when reading!! Maybe in a few years I will go back and fix it up but in the meantime, I hope you guys like it!!  Also, I was going to dedicate this to someone but they blocked me 8') so I just decided to dedicate to every one in the Kacchako fandom. A lot of reasons have kept me away from contributing but you guys still create awesome content that reminds me why I love the ship and forget about what happened so thank you all! I have a bunch of Kacchako fics in store that will be written MUCH better than this so I hope this will sooth you guys over until then!!
Read at AO3 ; Read at FF.net
The bright sun from the day beamed through the window, creating a natural light that brought an angelic glow into the small kitchen.
 Normally, Katsuki wouldn't be at home during the day time hours like this. Due to his immense skill and ability, he was called into work almost every single day, having to use his flames to defeat the gross amount of villains that would terrorize the city. His quirk was known to produce quick results so, along with Izuku Midoriya, they would team up together and conquer the streets together. By no means did they enjoy being in each other's company, in fact there's still slight tension and sarcasm thrown between them but their quirks were compatible enough to beat villains at an alarming rate so they sucked their pride in and just only allowed a few words to pass by them.
However, today was special in that the villain case involved more close intact spaces that required quirks that were designed for closer precision attacks rather than the explosive ones Katsuki and Izuku had. While both were able to perfect techniques that had sharp shooter styles, their quirks still weren't applicable enough for the job, leaving them a day off to do whatever their hearts contented. Izuku took the day to spend time with those around him, really cherishing the free time he had to explore areas he hadn't seen before and making memories that could be stamped on Facebook. Katsuki, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. His body lived for the excited energy of slamming villains against the cement floor, seeing their faces oozing out blood as their bodies burned and bubbled under the heat of his explosions. The adrenaline he gained from zooming through the rubble pumped through his veins and he loved the burn he gained from over exerting his muscles. Katsuki lived for activity and days like this made him feel restless. He already went on a run earlier in the day and he hit the gym afterwards to test out the weights but he still found himself bouncing up and down with pure energy, not resting until he got some motion in them.
 To get his mind off of his burning legs, Kastuki decided to find temporary residence in the small kitchen of his apartment, cooking up a recipe that he had been craving for a while now. It was one of his favorite dishes, full of a variety of different spices and flavors that left a tingling sensation on his tongue as it burned his taste buds. Every time he could feel explosions coursing through his mouth, feeling it was on fire as it tunneled down to his stomach but that was the way he enjoyed it. Others looked at him like he was crazy and that the neurons in his mind weren't firing right but in response, he would just flip them off and even eat the items they pushed off to the side.
 Katsuki was rapidly cutting the bell peppers in a swift motion when he suddenly heard the door open with small whispers attached to it. Perking up his ears, he stopped in mid cut, trying to identify what the sounds were. He completely froze his body like he did in battle to not mix sounds together and he could hear an all too familiar voice acting as if it was trying to keep a secret. Their words were intangible, mingling with each other as they tried to speak in a frantic voice, hoping that they wouldn't get caught. Curiously, Katsuki silently set down the knife and took light steps towards the voice, trying not to cause attention towards himself.
 Through the door frame, he could see Ochako, the other resident in the household, carrying an abnormally large duffel bag that slung awkwardly on her shoulder as it looked like she was talking to it while patting the fabric sides. The bag was bulky in nature, as if it was filled to the capacity with a variety of different items that protruded on the side, their shape being defined on the exterior. Yet, something was odd with this image. Not only was she using a duffel bag that she strictly used for large hero assignments that took several days, but the bag vibrated every time she whispered to it, almost as if it was responding to her hidden commands. Even her eyebrows furrowed in as she spoke, something she usually did when she was frustrated and trying to concentrate. Everything about her position right now confused Katsuki and his cautious instincts kicked in, ready to combat any force that would be emitted from her bag. His muscles tensed up and his stance was completely stable, veins protruding out from his skin as his blood ran wild.
 "Oi." Katsuki called out to Ochako, a slight growl emitting from his throat as he caught her distracted attention.
 At his growl, Ochako jumped back a little, her eyes widening in shock as she saw Kastuki looming in the door frame like he was a predator trying to catch his prey in complete silence. Unlike Katsuki, her scheduled varied based on availability, leaving her to either stay at home for days on end or find comfort on a marble floor between her breaks as they set up the next assignment for her. However, she knew Katsuki had a more rigid time table from leaving at the early morning sun to coming back at howls of the moonlight. It was a schedule that left a bitter taste in her mouth as she grew accustomed to it so it surprised her to see him standing there with an intimidating look smeared across his eyes. Time felt slightly frozen as she tried to readjust to the situation, though it took the rustling of her bag quickly snap her back.
 "Oh! Um...hi Bakugou! I didn't expect to you at home this early! What's going on? Is everything ok?" She rambled on, nervousness lining her words as her eyes slightly shifted around his face, looking for signs that would indicate his mood. Her bag continued to rustle even more under her arm, almost exuding rage like qualities in response to her lack of attention.
 Katsuki narrowed his eyes even further, his eyebrows furrowing more inwards while he gauged Ochako's actions. She seemed suspicious, as if she trapped her secrets in her bag and it was raging to come out. Shifting his gaze towards the bag, he analyzed the threads that were protruding out from this mysterious being inside, though it proved more difficult than he imagined since the fabric more opaque than he would have liked in this situation. From what he could see, it was bulky but also filled curves and whenever it would create bulges, they would be small little bumps that would look slightly tubular depending on the angle. After creating a few plausible guesses in his mind, he looked back at Ochako's now pale face and scrunched up his face even more. "What's in the bag?" He asked roughly, not hesitating for a second.
 Ochako took a step back in response, gulping her answer along with her guilt as she tried to formulate words to come out. "W-what are you-u talking about?? It's just my hero stuff that I always need. I'm not sure what you're talking about." she whistled out, her face giving off clear tell-tale signs that all she was capable of telling in this current state were covered up truths. Reflexively, she pulled her bag even closer to her chest, acting like she was protecting the presence that resided within there, and she crossed her opposite arm to place her hand the mysterious lump that was sticking out. Her pose even began to shift in one that was filled with defense and protection, as if she was fending off the bag from a villain who was after secret treasures that could change the fate of the universe.
 However, Katsuki wasn't buying it. Whatever was in that bag wasn't important enough for her to cover up her footsteps and he felt his irritation boiling up in his fiery veins. Picking up his heavy feet, he slowly trudged over to her, determination for the truth lining in his eyebrows. "Fucking liar. What's in the fucking bag!?" He roared out in his usual aggressive tone, his voice getting slightly louder as his annoyance grew. As soon as he got closer to her, even with her resisting maneuvers, Katsuki elongated his arm and reached for the bag. Despite Ochako's attempts to fend him off, he managed to grab onto the handles of her bag and tugged it closer to him, also slightly pulling Ochako down with him. Though, even he was rough his motions, Ochako still kept her determined look on her face while her feet gripped onto the floor and used the traction of her shoes to somewhat keep her stance. "Fucking! Fucking let go Round Face!" He began to roar out as he pulled harder, the stitches holding it all together breaking under his grasp.
 "N-no! Bakugou, s-stop!" Ochako heavily breathed out, her voice giving out under the immense amount of force she was using. Katsuki, ignoring her requests, continued to tug on the straps, grunts escaping his lips with each resistance Ochako put on him. Using a last measure on the man, she begrudgingly let go one of her hands to counter his on the handle and extended it outwards towards him, trying to grab onto him so she could activate her zero gravitational quirk. However, just as he maneuvered around her during the Sports Festival, the same thing occurred here as he shifted around, completely dodging her movements to make him levitate.
 They kept at this for a good solid minute with Katsuki bending his back in multitude directions to fend off Ochako's desperate attacks while tugging on the bag even tighter and with Ochako panting out her exhaustion as she tried to protect the contents in there. Due to their actions, they weren't able to notice the vibrations of the bag as it shook in fear, emitting slight noises through the thread with the hope it would be released soon.
 "I SAID FUCKING LET GO!" Katsuki barked out again, using all the air in his lungs to bellow out his voice as he pulled once more with immense force. Though, this time, he completely erased his limitations and instead yanked at it enough that he completely ripped off the straps of the bag. The whiplash caused the bodies to collide into each other, creating a small heap on the floor with the bag heavily dropping on the wooden floor, producing a large "thump" sound along with it.
 Katsuki and Ochako laid down on the cold floor for a few seconds, recoiling from the blow that had overtaken both of their heads. In the meanwhile, through the rip, a small, moving creature tore its way out, gnawing at the fabric to make the hole enough for its escape. Slowly but surely, he made his way out, placing each foot into the cold ground as he lifted his stumpy legs from his temporary imprisonment to make his way towards the fallen humans. Ochako was the first to prop herself up since Katsuki cushioned her blow and she was greeted with small licks to her mouth that left her to be a giggling mess.
 "Hey, stop that! It tickles!" she cooed out in her sing song voice, giving out small laughs that originated from her lungs. When she found her core once more, she swung her legs inward and sat up in a position that allowed for the little 4 legged being to come to her. Picking him up, she brought him close to her chest and gave kisses to the top of his head, not caring that small little pieces of hair were getting wedged in between her lips. His little pants matched the tempo of her loving noises and he dug himself deeper into her hug, embracing her hold and getting himself comfortable in his new mother's arms.
 Katsuki woke up to Ochako's inaudible murmurs and initially everything came off as blurry with colors mixing into each other as he tried to readjust himself after the hit to his head. However, his fast paced eyes quickly refined the Lines in his world and irritation set into his blood as he saw the scene unfolding in front of him. Right in front of him was Ochako holding a small, fluffy dog against her chest, caressing his spiked fur while he attacked her face with his millimeter tongue. While on the surface it was sight that should have been mass photographed, all the prerogatives of it flew around it and he began to count down all the faults, noticing first on Ochako's impulsive nature.
 "What the fuck is that thing!?" he snarled at her, completely knowing exactly what kind animal she was carrying but more asking in the realm of why even a creature like that was in the house to begin with.
 Ochako giggled at his question, completely oblivious behind the true meaning of his sharp words. "What a silly question Bakugou! He's obviously a cute little dog!" she said with a happy voice. She then shifted the dog in her arms so that way her hands cupped his little armpits while their faces met with each other's, his stumpy body extending downwards as his tail wagged heavily in happiness with looking at his new owner. "That's right, you're a cute little doggy, aren't you! Oh you're cutest of dogs! I could just eat you up, that's how cute you are!" Ochako purred out as her eyes squinted out of delight, treating the animal like he was her new born child. Between words, she brought his face close to her and amassed his face with kisses while she received soft licks against her skin in mutual admiration.
 Of course, that moment was short lived with Katsuki's explosive mannerisms. Using the muscles in his foundational stance, he quickly sat himself upright and stared intently at the duo while more and more questions began to pop in his head. "I can fucking see that, I mean what the fuck is that thing doing in my fucking house!?" He snarled at them, showing off his sharp teeth as they clenched tight against each other. Ochako was known to act impulsively and cross some lines while doing so, Katsuki even figured this out during their first match as freshmen, but this was even a situation that overstepped even his lowest expectations.
 Looking at Katsuki's reaction already sent a shiver down her spine and she gnawed at her bottom lip with doe eyes as she tried to come up with an explanation for the dog in her hands. Even though Katsuki seemed to be one driven with emotions at his constant barrage of words at others, he actually viewed things rationally and logically, using evidence around him to prove his point. He analyzed the situations he was placed in and based his actions around that, only acting impulsively if the situation allowed him to.  It was that in addition to his quirk that got him to claim one of the highest statuses in the professional hero realm and that logical mindset could be seen here despite his yelling and sparks that appeared on his palms as he spoke. Every argument Ochako came up, she could hear Katsuki's counter ringing in her ear and his intense stare left her a bit anxious to speak up. She tried to see how aggravated the lines in his face were to see what kind of reaction he would display but the only conclusion she could come up with is that he would spark in her face regardless so she may as well fess up with the truth and pray he would spare her life. "Well....you see...I was at work this morning and our mission today was more low scale, you know, I mean, it was still pretty serious but nothing compared to the villains we fought at UA, I would probably compare it to a maybe low scale Chisaki case with the whole yakuza aspect going on  and surprisingly with guns? I'm not too sure why since I'm sure they had quirks but-"
 "Get on with it, Round Face."
 "Right, right, anyways, we saw this kidnapped family and upon helping them, well, we came across this little guy!" she said as the dog shifted around in her arms, converting himself into a position where he could look at Katsuki with the same glittering eyes as Ochako. "We asked the family if he was theirs since he was locked up along with them but they said he was already there when they got there. After a bit of talking with them, we thought he belonged to the leader but no matter what, it still came down that he didn't have a home to go to. A few others in the team tried to take him with them but he kept growling and biting them, pretty much being an angry poof ball! I was the only one he was nice with so....I decided to bring him home!" With that, she brought the dogs face next to her own and they both shared the same look of happiness, their mouths open in wide smiles attached with goofy eyes. Then Ochako shifted her pupils to her furry friend as she used one of the hands holding him to scratch the skin underneath his soft, amassed fur. "It took me a while to come up with a name but I decided to name him Kacchan after you!"
 Katsuki's blood was already boiling from hearing this farfetched story but at the name, that's when hell froze and then burned to crisps under the flames of his metaphorical explosions. If she didn't already cross over many lines, she created more lines and even crossed over those as well. At this point, he couldn't tell if she was just messing around with him and pulling on his leg or if she was actually being serious, though at this point, given her stupid yet seemingly adorable face, it begrudgingly seemed to be the latter than the former. "Ha?! I'm nothing like that scrawny, piece of shit animal over there! Where the fuck did you see me in him?"
 At Katsuki's question, Ochako's face brightened a bit, relieved that he asked her something that has a more solid and understandable answer than the others she had to give him. She would be the first one to admit that this situation had ridiculous undertones but at least she could answer this one with more confidence. "Well everything about him is pretty much you, just in doggy form! I'm pretty sure he's a Pomeranian but his fur is as fluffy as yours and it's even the same ash blonde with white undertones like yours as well. Plus he's just as irritable and cranky as you-"
 "See! He gets angry just like that, though his barks are a bit more high pitched, but they still have the same explosive tone like yours!  And right now he's acting calmer since I'm here but he get can really mean, like he'll bite or growl if he doesn't like you. He's pretty much you at this point, I tried coming up with other names but Kacchan just kept rattling in my mind so I just decided to keep it." At the end of her sentence, Kacchan began to heavily wet her face with the saliva of his tongue kisses, making her beam in delight as soft giggles escaped from her lungs, creating a small melody that went in tune with his pants. It was as if Kacchan was her child and all Ochako could do for him was give him unconditional love under the shelter of their house. After a bit of their moment, Ochako looked back at Katsuki and held out Kacchan to him, her arms begging him to take the puppy out of her hands and into his. "C'mon Bakugou! You should hold him for a bit! His fur may look really rough but he's actually really soft!"
 "No fucking way." He immediately spat out, his eyes squinting in massive rejection. No matter how many times his eyes glanced over the puppy, each swipe always had the answer of No within them. Ochako was right in the sense that Kacchan was in the more ferocious end, that was easy to see just from one look at how he slightly barred his teeth at Katsuki. It was as if he was challenging his human counterpart in a battle for Ochako's attention and Katsuki's eyebrows itched in irritation at the dog's nonsensical fighting stance. A small line of red electricity flashed between their eyes as a streak of dominance jolted between, causing a metaphorical anime pre fight scene to commence between them.
 However, even though to the common eye their aggression was heavily apparent and prepping for a fight to ensue between them , Ochako's eyesight apparently needed work as she interpreted their behaviors in the complete opposite way than was intended. Her world was skewed in an optimistic way, seeing shades of love and unrequited feelings in certain situations that didn't belong there. Which was exactly how she saw this one too. For reasons unknown, possibly ones that involved trying to diffuse the situation, she saw their stare off as a ring of who would start the first move of affection, as if making the first move would result in a signature of weakness on their manliness. So, Ochako did the only thing she knew how to do (or at least believed so) and she tried to remedy the situation with giving a small crack in the ice that formed between. "Oh, c'mon! Don't be so passive aggressive! Here! Just try holding him!" she chirped to Katsuki as, despite his everlasting protests, she essentially shoved Kacchan into his arms and smiled as she saw the duo together in unison.
 Though, the scene in front of her wasn't as peaceful as the image that had formed in Ochako's mind. Within Kastuki's arms, Kacchan wriggled and thrashed everywhere, his body language screaming to be released from Katsuki's latched grip, though it proved futile for the dog as his arms only seeped into him more. Feeling the closeness more than he could handle, Kacchan found a piece of bare skin on the forearm holding him custody and he bite into it, his fangs seeped into the flesh that caused blood to drip out from his mouth. Even though Katsuki tried to shake him off, Kacchan's teeth practically became one with his arm and he even continued to stay on despite even being airborne with shakes for a bit. Small growls erupted from his mouth that coupled with colorful language that was being belted out from the human counterpart.
 Witnessing all of this, Ochako went into a frantic mode and immediately ran over to the attack, getting her hands in there. "Oh my god Bakugou!!" She said in response to his explosive curses that heavily ringed in her ear. Her trying-to-be-calm words countered his screams and it was a clash of ideals as Ochako tried to assist him while also having to dodge his flailing arms and the firecrackers that emitted from the sweat in his palms. After a melody of screams and not so pleasure language, she finally managed to rip Kacchan off of Katsuki, blood slightly spurting out of the fang marks as they left stains on his calloused skin. In her arms, Kacchan was quivering, showing his content to be back with his new mother as his tail waved rapidly back and forth while also showering her skin with wet kisses.
 Once everything had settled down, Ochako looked back at Katsuki, wincing while his words kept hitting back at her and slapping guilt onto her cheeks as every curse directed themselves towards her. When his fiery attitude sizzled down a bit, she managed to look back at him in a more proper standpoint and her eyes crinkled in worry as she saw the pool of blood collecting in his hand with the veins in his hand protruding out with the heightened pressure he was adding to his forearm.
 Her lips began to part to voice her concerned thoughts when Katsuki's head snapped back to her, his eyes gaining beast like qualities as a snarl escaped from his trachea with his teeth becoming more jagged as he looked at his prey. "Get rid of him." He commanded with fire, his voice somehow maintaining a calm level despite his teeth gritting into each other as he tried to not outwardly express the sheering pain he was in.
 "What? But Bakugou-!" Ochako began to protest, tensing up her muscles as she readied herself to tackle against his arguments when he interrupted her and allowing his impatience to flourish out.
 "Shut the fuck up already!" He screamed out to her, causing her to quickly shut her lips close together and look back with bulging eyes that slightly popped out from her skull. Even Kacchan seized the movement in his tail and took his focus from the safety of Ochako's cheeks to stare at Katsuki intently as well. "Look at what that shithead did to me!" He began to roar out as he took off his hand from his arm and shoved the bloody wound towards Ochako, making sure she can see his blood cells clotting around the deep wound that created an ombré sea of red. "He's a fucking monster and a demonic little SHIT STAIN that deserves to fucking die! I don't give a flying fuck on how you do it, take him to the pound, kill him, fucking feed him to Deku for all I care, JUST GET HIM OUT THIS GODDAMN HOUSE!" Pants began to escape from his throat as he zapped most of his energy to give those demands to Ochako. Fortunately, while most would have grown faint from a wound like this, Katsuki had dealt with enough gashes in his life that the pain wasn't as severe as it could have been but it still caused enough of a reaction that had him reeling back a bit, especially with his over exertion of his voice.
 "But he needs a good home Bakugou and I don't know if he'll get one if he's in a place like that. With his scary attitude and their week policy, there's no way anyone is going to adopt him or want him. I can’t even ask around to see if anyone wants him. It's not fair and he deserves a good home too. And he's a sweet little guy when you get past his fluffy, mean exterior." Ochako softly spoke out loud, bringing Kacchan closer to her chest as budding tears began to gloss over her eyes, slightly pushing the realm of crying.
  Yet, even though she had a wavering voice and her eyes were symbolizing weakness towards the animal, Katsuki's standpoint wouldn't budge, in fact it only solidified his resolve even more. However, even though he had words sticking out from every pore in his mouth, it was a rare sight to see her in that state. Most of the time, her cheeks would continue to radiate against her smile and would bring happiness even in the darkest of tunnels so to see her now with her cheeks dulling themselves out from the scrunched up face she was making, it tugged at Katsuki's heartstrings and he knew that he had tp control the firecrackers that were budding on the tip of his tongue. Sighing out his aggression, he got up from his twisted sitting position and looked down at the duo with tainted eyes that swirled in mixed feelings. Using the maturity that swelled calmness into his fiery personality over the years, he gave one last feat of exasperation. "Figure it out Uraraka. He needs to get out of this house as soon as fucking possible." Katsuki commanded sternly, making sure that his words weren't too harsh but also were inflicted with a lick of seriousness that would manipulate her movements to match his words.
 With a slight nod, Ochako clutched Kacchan further into her and kissed the top of his head as he whimpered his sorrows into the nape of her neck, as if he could see his fate being closed down on him. The two sat like that for a while, holding onto their souls, silently mourning their soon loss when they grew startled by the eruption of the phone ringing. While one minute Kacchan was a quiet creature, the minute the phone spoke out the incoming call, rumbles and growls slowly appeared until they transformed into loud and piercing barks that deafened the room for a small bit. Yet, even though his stance was ready to jump and pounce, Ochako held onto him more, making sure the only struggle he had was close to her and not on the furniture.
 As the rings continued to go on, Ochako looked back at Katsuki and gave him pleading eyes, gratitude shimmering in her eyes as they rounded themselves off and made her face turn into that of a doe that was face to face with the barrel to shotgun shoved in her face. Upon seeing those eyes rimmed with desperation, Katsuki decided redial the bullets that were rotating his irises and only grunted in response as he went to perform the not so pleasure deed. With a quick swipe of his arm, he placed the receiver right next to his ear and only responded with a harsh greeting as he listened intently to what the other individual was saying on the other end. Their words were jumbled and combined together with hints of urgency meshing in between their voice and it got to a point where he couldn't understand anything the mystery person was saying except for that they needed Ochako and if she was at home. "Yea, she is. Hold- I said fucking hold on....well if maybe if you kept your shit attitude close to you, maybe I could fucking finish what the fuck I was about to fucking say. Fuck you." He cursed out to the other person in the void of the phone before he whipped the phone away from his ear and shoved it towards Ochako, his tongue clicking against his teeth with his arm vibrating in annoyance and irritation.
 Slowly wiping her eyes to rid the current state she found herself in, she weakly grabbed it from him and placed it lightly against her ear, completely acting opposite on how Katsuki did. "Hello....yes this is Uraraka...." As the words spoken on the other end grew more frantic and kept hitting the plastic of the phone, Ochako became more stuff and tense, her throat beginning to close and itch as her eyes widened. The only thing she was able to communicate were slow nods that showed signs of understanding and worry. "Ok...I'll be right there.....The stations near there may be closed so it would take me a bit but I'll be there as soon as possible.....No, thank you for letting me know, if there's any way I can help, I will.....Alright, I'll be there soon....Bye." She spoke out softly, her voice coarse from the shock that she received and she felt her breaths growing heavier as she quickly pressed down on the ending call button and immediately set Kacchan down to crawl towards the contents of her fallen bag and start picking them up. In the midst of her quick rush to pack the contents back in, her eyes locked with Katsuki's and explanations began to spill out. "The agency that is connected with mine is having major issues. Villains infiltrated their underground base and I'm not sure what's fully gone on, I don't think people have died yet, but it's bad enough that some of my coworkers who were in there got turned into hostages. So they need me to go there and help out with the rescue, especially since my quirk can let me get rid of some blocked areas in a more quiet way." Ochako explained, though phrases would be cut off from pauses her thought process as she multi tasked her mind to not only talk to him but to prep herself for the oncoming battle. With throwing in the last of her stuff, she yanked the zipper closed, creating a loud zipping sound as she clenched onto the somewhat demolished straps and placed them on her shoulder with enough ease to not worsen their current state but with enough urgency to showcase her rushed nature.
 However, as she swiped her keys into her hands and walked towards the wooden front door, her body was stopped by the brawn nature of Katsuki's body that stood rigid in front of her path. Ochako stepped back, her eyebrows twitched together as her eyes scanned Katsuki in a desperate attempt to find an escape route through his muscular build. Just as Ochako was about to peep out her protesting words, Katsuki threw his arm into an upward side position, his fingers curled into a fist as his index finger stood out amongst the rest, pointing to the new friend that came into their life. "What about the demon fucker? Are you going to take him as a fucking side kick?" He asked in a hostile tone, his teeth gritting together as he patiently waited to see what kind of answer Ochako would give in response.
 Which she reacted in just the manner he expected. She slapped her two palms together and brought the prayer symbol close to her face as her eyes crinkled in her normal submissive behavior towards him. "Please Bakugou! Just this one favor for me?" Ochako pleaded with him, giving him the look of desperation as she just hoped this one time he would cooperate with her and actually do this small thing for her.
 Except her pleadings were for naught as he barred her teeth at her and little flames could be seen flaring from his nostrils in retaliation against her request. "What the fuck Uraraka?! No fucking way, I'm not looking after that shit stain while you prance around in your fucking hero costume. You want him to be supervised? Then do it your fucking yourself!" He screeched at her, his voice creating echoes in her ear with its higher pitch.
 "What? Bakugou, I'm not prancing around in my hero suit, I have an emergency to attend to and he can't come with me. Please, Bakugou, help me out for a bit. It'll only be for a few hours." She begged further, her knees buckling inwards to lower herself in a way that would show a sense of weakness to his dominant stance. It felt humiliating and defeating and something that her pride didn't want to indulge in but it was the only way that didn't include gravitation and her needing to engage in a combat battle that would have stolen all the stamina that was queuing up for her mission.
 Though, it only had the opposite effect as Katsuki puffed out his chest even more and elongated his neck, making his features more sharp as his jaw countered itself enough to look like it could kill with one slice. A deep, reddening fire flourished within his crimson irises as he looked down upon her, still not letting go his guard around her ever since she proved him wrong all those years ago. "Did you get fucking amnesia? Or did he suddenly bite your head off enough that it went soft? Look at what he fucking did to me!" he gnarled out, his lip curving up as he swung his arm around like a baseball bat and shoved it to Ochako so her eyes could rest upon the image of his battle wounds once again. "I'm not wasting another second with this fucker so you better fucking handle it!"
 His screams echoed in Ochako's ears as her face contorted to be one of pain. Her eyes shifted in confliction with the eternal debate of Katsuki and Kacchan and with every gnaw on her lip, a new thought would appear and tunnel her back to square one in the cube of confusion. It left her in a hole of confliction filled with respect for the parties involved and decisions were only in fleeting in nature, making her brain fizz in choices. However, with one last swipe at Kacchan, resolve filled her spirit and she turned back to the brute force known as Katsuki. Swallowing the buildup of fear down, her lips creased inwards as her eyes quickly drew down towards his chest, surveying his outlook. "I'm sorry Bakugou...." she quietly spoke out but the few seconds it took to reach Katsuki's ears were just enough for her to lung forward and smack her hands against the muscles that shaped his chest.
 Out of shock, he wasn't able to lurch out of the way quick enough and Katsuki's legs began to levitate as they released their gravity to Ochako. "What the fuck!?" He screeched, finding himself floating higher and higher. Whipping his head down, he latched his gaze onto Ochako's and flashes ignited in his eyes as he began to curse out all the obscenities in the dictionary. "Fucking put me down Round Face! This fucking isn't funny!"
 The rushing nature of the situation suppressed the laughter that would have normally bubbled out in Ochako's lungs and before guilt could scratch at her conscious, she quickly sprinted to the door, acid burning the back of her throat with every step she took. Pulling on the door fast enough that the hinges creaked out their rustiness, she took her foot outside, released him by pressing her pads together and saying a small "Release,", then got the approval to run when she saw his body crash onto the wooden floor. A small sound of apology could be heard with her rushed expression and the door signaled her complete exit with its deafening slam as the lock clicked back in place.
 Groaning, Katsuki rubbed his thigh as he reanimated his corpse back to life, sores aching throughout his body as the whiplash of the fall rippled out. His spine cracked when he pushed his back upwards, readjusting his focus to create more solid lines on the objects surrounding him. Everything had a tilted stance and a small rumble escaped his lips that matched the massages on his temple from his rugged palm. However, in the midst of redefinition, a small blob of yellow traveled to him, little clicks tailgating their steps as they got closer and closer to Katsuki. Squints revealed Kacchan making his way towards the fallen Katsuki and getting a little close to his disliking as his fur grazed the fabric covering his jeans. Out of disdain, Kastuki shook his leg away from the four legged beast that had sharper teeth then Eijirou and crossed them together as he pushed himself upwards into a sitting position. Scowling at this foe's constant licking of tongues, he kicked himself off the floor and curved his back behind before snapping it downwards in a condensing 75 degree angle. "What the fuck do you want? A fucking round two?"  With only a wag of his curled tail in response, Katsuki snarled at Kacchan upwardly curved lip. "Fuck off then!" He shouted as he pushed the canine away with his foot, making him slightly flop over to allow a path to be cleared to get back to the chopped vegetables on the counter in the kitchen. Placing the knife back in his hands, horizontal stabs began to crease the peppers once again, creating thin slices with slight jagged edges that came from his irritated stance.
 Grunting at the cuts he was carving into the vegetables, his mind tunneled into an action packed vortex where strategic plans and potential new moves sharpened his mind and left him to focus on the fresh pieces of food in front of him. His mind fell into a black hole and his focus tunneled into itself to a point that a yelp of shock escaped his throat when he felt small wet stains on his legs. Dropping his knife that created a clattered clink on the floor, Katsuki swung his torso around to see the hound of his nightmares sticking by his heels as his pink tongue brushed against his skin, giving acidic wet streaks against his roughened skin. "What the fuck!? Did I not tell you to fuck off!?" Katsuki screeched out, as he wiggled his leg away from Kacchan, almost hitting his snout in the process. Kacchan, with aggravated and annoyed creases, snarled back before nipping his ankle with his sharpened teeth. Giving out a curse with growled undertones, Kacchan whisked himself away, his unclipped nails leaving little ticks as he pranced out of the kitchen into adjacent room. Even though explosions got caught in his throat, he decided to gulp in down and let it ruminate with the acid that was bubbling in his stomach. Hatred and annoyance created a sharp pain that hit him in the gut and he hoped that the food he was mixing and cooking would settle it all down.
 After a millennia passed, he pour the mixture into one of the frilly plates Ochako had insisted on purchasing when habitual living came about and added the last minute garnishes of sauce and spice to really kick in the flavor against his buds. Sticking the fork with the rest of vegetables and rice, Katsuki threw the used and useless utensils into the sink before kicking his feet off to meet with the couch he shared his meals with. However, the calmer expression that had reflected on his face soon morphed back into his typical raging face as he saw Kacchan terrorizing his own space. And it wasn't even just that as well, the blankets that Katsuki had used for comfort were being ruffled by that devious canine as he circled to find his preferred position, making threads pull out under the claws of his paws.
 Anger flushed Katsuki's face as he gripped onto his bowl tighter to keep the contents inside the bowl that was already beginning to form cracks under his pressured fingers. His eyes twitched as he saw Kacchan continuously rolling around, sewn threads demolished under his nails. "Oi oi oi!" Katsuki began to call out as he trudged over to the tiny villain, smashing the bowl onto the nearby coffee table before he loomed over him. "When I told you to fuck off, I didn't tell you to fuck off here! Now get the fuck off!" Katsuki screamed as he grabbed the waist of Kacchan, that unfortunately was met with another bite and harsh words, and threw him onto the ground. Not even bothering to check the state of the creature he dominated, he swished his hand around in front of his crimson orbs, assessing the damage he took once again. Determining it was only as bad as a bee sting this time around, Katsuki went back to adjusting the blankets to his liking, forming them so the rougher, woolen one was cushioning the sticky texture of the leather with the threaded, soft one on top to cover him in a sense warmth. However, the mere few seconds he decided to turn his head away gave enough grief as a loud crash shattered onto their wooden floor.
 Time seemed to freeze on Katsuki's end, making his hands stick in the same folding position before his neck joints began to add functionality once again and he cracked his neck around to see Ochako's bowl into tiny fragments with his food sprawled all over the table and seeping into the floor. Surprise shook in Katsuki's muscles as his fingers began to twitch in anger before his back heavily straightened and stormed over to the culprit who was casually licking the contents spewed on the floor. "The fuck!? Do you think this is fucking funny to you!?" Katsuki bellowed out, anger seeping through his teeth as his crimson irises met with Kacchan's. Yet, while most would shake in fear from Katsuki's menacing glare, Kacchan just continued to stare, his puffy tail swishing back and forth before he then turned back to the meal he believed he was given. It was as if he gave zero cares to Katsuki's demeanor.
 Irritability seethed through Katsuki's teeth as his eyes continued to drill themselves into the scene, the desire to strangle both Kacchan and Ochako building up within his spleen. Huffing out the steam strewing in his bloodstream, eyes rolled as he walked over back to the kitchen to unwillingly retrieve the cleaning supplies since he could hear the ringing of Ochako's whines within his earlobes.  
 With the rags and spray clasped between his fingers, he clumped his feet back to the scene of the crime before deja vu slapped him back on the face, making his face return back to the distorted expression from before. Possibly even worse as he eyed Kacchan rubbing his back into the gloppy mess on the floor, spreading the contents from the surface deeper into the carpet.  Little growls of relief emitted from his toothy grin as his body wiggled against the slop, scratching the itchy patches of fur against the pricks of the shaggy carpet. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU FUCKING STUPID ANIMAL!?" Katsuki cursed out as he ran towards where Kacchan was to only having to be stopped in his track by the dog's flipped position. With his paws lying forward, his teeth protruded out as he stuck his rear in the air, clear sign of playing around with the human companion. "What the fuck are you doing!?" He screamed out once again when he took a step forward, causing his opponent to do a small little jump back as well. Suddenly, a competitive nerve burst in Katsuki as a click was felt in his mind and a demonic grin latched onto his face. "Oh is that how you're going to fucking do it huh?" With whippings of Kacchan's tail and a gruff of noise cursing out of his mouth, Katsuki took that as an acceptance of the air challenge that formed between them. "Alright fucking bring it!"
 Accompanying his starting, Kacchan's nails skidded on the floor as he sped throughout the house, the attached food to his paws leaving trail marks on carpet with each zigzagged zoom. Following the same feat, Katsuki began to chase after him, colorful language booming out in the same moments where he knocked into the walls out of clumsiness to get the little furry creatures. And oh boy did Kacchan move fast; his stumpy legs knew how to jump and slide under pieces of their furniture, making Katsuki believe he had him trapped until he saw a blurry figure crisp through his legs, making Katsuki twist and turn to see where he went off this time. Fortunately, the little train tracks of food got Katsuki to sniff out his new location but even the warrior in the wonder duo was facing his toughest opponent to date. Even All Might's punches to the gut back as a teenager seemed to be much easier to have a handle on than this little 4 foot beast scurrying his way around the house.
 However, soon Kacchan's official location was finally revealed when vibrations of his whines emerged from the living room. A small shiver of chill crawled up Katsuki's spine as his feet grew stuck to the carpet flooring they found themselves in, trying to gauge the noise Kacchan was making. The tunnels of his ears cleared as he allowed the noises to mix in, making sense of what kind of yelping Kacchan was forming. It was one of immense pain, as if he was screaming in his own language for immediate help. The whimpers grew to be more grange and gnarly and Katsuki's heroic legs quickly moved themselves to play the role of a hero to help the hurt animal. Entering into the living room, his throat tightened up as he saw the scene of the victim mangled into bits.
 To be less exaggerated, Katsuki wasn't aware of the circumstances or how it got to this point since his ears had been rumbled with adrenaline but what he saw made his calloused fingers fill with an unusual sweat that panicked him slightly. Somehow Kacchan managed to hit against the table of memories (or at least how Ochako decided to name it) and a special vase that was gifted by Katsuki's mother, containing a special charm that relaxed him, found itself shattered on the floor, bits and pieces sticking out as the meshed colors scattered across the ground. Fragments of all kinds sprinkled around, some visible to the eye, other more minuscule that one would have to strain their eyes to see. However, the pieces that were obtruding out of Katsuki’s eyes were visible enough that he could see swirls of blue and yellow being mixed in with the liquid of red that signaled for immediate attention. Looking at his arrival, Kacchan recalibrate his eyes back to Katsuki and a little shimmer of water glossed over them as whimpers of avail whistled through his sharp teeth.
 "Fucking Christ.....you can never keep your shit to yourself huh?" Katsuki muttered under his breath, still continuing his cursing barrage as he side stepped the damage and went to the bathroom to get all the human supplies that could help with a wound. Fortunately, with being a hero, all kinds of detrimental things happen on the daily so Katsuki even had the skill set to be able to revive a heart back to conscious. Which is why, glass being stabbed into Kacchan's paw wasn't too much of a dilemma for him, the only thing hesitating him were the differences in species. But he could worry about that with Ochako later. Right now, it was sewing time.
 Pulling out the tweezers and small scissors from the restroom drawer and digging through the cupboard for the healing products, he returned back to the yelping puppy and grabbed onto the paw that was damaged and oozing blood. Kacchan gave Katsuki quivering eyes as he swiveled the paw around, assessing how rooted the fragment of ceramic was lodged in. Noticing that it was only in enough to cause major discomfort but not enough to decimate his walking ability on his pads, Katsuki cleared his throat as he placed the tweezers in between his fingers and carefully gnawed out the piece, listening to the heavy pants that escaped onto Kacchan's tongue. With immense concentration, Katsuki used the metallic tweezers to latch onto the tip and picked at the ceramic bit by bit, moving it slowly around so it would unlatch itself from the pads. Teetering it back and forth, using semi horizontal movements to get the desired result, eventually it loosened to a point where then Katsuki threw the tweezers to the side and used his nails to grip at the edge to pull it out of it socket. Blood began to splatter out, getting drops of the darkened fluid on his shirt as it continued to spill all over the tiny foot and Katsuki's finger tips, leaving a messy trial of the vital fluid.
 Ignoring the howls that shrilled out of Kacchan, he continued on his process, calmness radiating through his mind as he worked as swift as possible. A rag that Katsuki pulled from the cupboard soon found itself pressed against the battle scar, hemorrhaging the wound to allow clots to form around it. During the painful minutes it took to make the bleeding stop soaking the rag from underneath him, Katsuki rubbed his furry neck, giving soothing and reassuring words that brought strength to Kacchan's lower quivering jaw. With passage of time and constant checks of the rag to see if the pressure worked, soon the blotches grew small enough to the point of nonexistence and immediately another cloth with disinfectant rubbed itself on the wound, fending off the potential germs that could seep in. Burns and sizzles emerged from the rag and Kacchan gave out hisses as the fiery substance worked itself into cut and fighting against the battles of infection. Rubbing the remaining in, he tossed away the clear soaked rag away and turned the paw within the tips of his fingers to see if stitches were needed. Determining that wasn't the case, he grabbed a flimsy piece of gauze and compressed it down while twirling the medical tape around to keep his work all in one place. Inspecting the finer details of his labor, he gave a grunt of approval before setting the paw down delicately and leaning to meet the panting dog on the side. "There ya go, you little shit. You gotta be more fucking careful or else shit like this will happen again. Got it?" He lectured the canine, allowing the widened smile with a tongue out to be a good enough acceptance from him. "Fucking alright then, can't have you hurt again." Katsuki said in a softer tone as he picked Kacchan up by under the arm pits, carrying him like a human child as he then rested him on top of the nest he was creating until confusion occurred. Settling him down softly so his body curled up into a donut shape, Katsuki loomed over him, his gaze softening against the widened eyes that were looking up at him. "Stay here, I'll be back soon." He responded with a tinge of sweetness as he gave Kacchan one last look before cleaning up the mess.
 Bit by bit, things were put back in its proper place, finding their homes back in the cupboards where their clear spaces in the dust made room from them. All that Katsuki could speak were in the languages of sighes, wondering how his one day off turned into this catastrophic mess with a dog he didn't even imagine would come in of all days. But of course, what did he expect from the gravitational girl that also resided in the house? Since they fought in the arena, she kept him on his toes, using the expected to create the unexpected. Deep down inside, he had imagined a somewhat peaceful day where spicy food could be the only thing that divulged in his fiery nature but in actuality, he was now on his knees cleaning up a mess that could have only happened in his wildest of dreams.
 Once the house looked somewhat how it did when Ochako ran out, Katsuki dug his fingers into the roots of his hips, teetering of the balls of his feet as he looked in the peripherals of his surroundings, now questioning what to do with himself. The one plan that had really stuck in his mind found itself stained on the ground so that idea completely threw itself out the window in a flash. Ideas ran through his mind yet, even though he wanted to do all of them, a feat of exhaustion flew into his muscles and everything that mingled in his mind felt unappealing and redundant. Then, twisting his body around, he locked his ruby textured eyes with Kacchan's similar ones, exchanging a look of serenity and company. With the way he was positioned in the nest of blankets, the angry and carnivorous vibe he had earlier was swiped away and replaced with a formidable pet that just wanted to receive love. Something that Katsuki could relate to in his former memories.
 Digging his fingers more into the skin of hips, he dropped his head down, let out a deepened sigh before bringing it back up and looked at the dog, locking eyes with him. "You can't just leave me alone for 10 fucking seconds, huh?" He retorted back but with a more playful undertone as he smirked back at Kacchan, feeling a somewhat new connection with his former enemy. With the throbbing of his bite marks fading and stitching itself together with the paw's injuries, Katsuki plodded himself over to the couch and slumped his rear down, sinking into the cushions of the couch. Picking up the remote that slid into a diagonal position, he illuminated the high definition screen and flipped through the channels, one thumb pressing the down key, the other hand unconsciously occupied by resting itself on the top of Kacchan's protruding fur, his fingers getting lost within his golden hair.
 Settling down on a program full with loud screams and red undertones as two men dueled it out with bloodstains on their clothing, Katsuki set down the remote with small clank on the table and leaned further into the couch. As if his eyes were magnetized the screen, scenes of the movie swirled into his pupils as he continued to look on, only blinking when he felt his eyes slightly watering from the strain of keeping them open. Invested so much into the action, he couldn't even feel the way Kacchan's tail was fanning against the side of his waist as his mouth turned upwards with his tongue sticking out, panting out the same excitement that crossed on Katsuki's face. Both looks contained pallets of captivation as gore splattered across the pixelated monitor, barks of orders and parkour enticing the actors while they continued on the plot with kicks and dislocated joints.
 Spellbound by the menagerie of performances that depicted action, betrayal, and even occasional spouts of romance that were met with repulsed looks from the duo, the outside world blurred within their peripherals as the television messed with their internal clocks. Nothing brought them out of that state until they heard a small little click with a flash blinding their visuals. After giving yelps of pain and smudging the black dots away that were popping up in between the shades of color, soon, the perpetrator appeared in front of them. It was Ochako, bruises splattering across her arms and neck from the damages her selfless rescue caused and her silhouette was shadowed on the ground from the lamp switches that were flicked on due to the darkened night that seeped through their familiar window. Yet, even though a black eye covered the purity of her rounded features, tightening up the muscles by the opening with a mixture of dark colorations, it still crinkled in happiness as her rosy cheeks brightened under the small smile that spread across her face. Her delicate fingers wrapped themselves around the phone in front of her chest, creating clicking sounds with her thumb as she created more blackmail with the fine tunings of her camera.
 "The fuck are you doing!? Aren't you supposed to be doing some hero shit or something!?" Katsuki retorted out, his body scooting forward to pounce on her to rip that phone from her nimble fingers. A slight blush appeared on his already reddening face though his hand still remained on Kacchan's golden fur, not even trying to cover the tracks of his sudden attachment to the dog he asked to kick out earlier. Even Katsuki could feel Kacchan reacting the same way as his body tensed at his savior.
 "Yea but the rescue team finished their work a bit earlier than normal plus," she said with grin as she glided over to the draped windows and yanked them apart to reveal the darkened sky with little bulbs of light sprinkling across it. Katsuki's eyes widened as he stared at the crystalline night sky, completely in shock on how time slid through his fingers like sand in an hourglass. "It's completely dark outside! Last time I checked it was almost midnight as well!"
 For Katsuki, it only felt he was on the couch next to his fur rival for an hour, possibly less but Ochako revealed the proof of it being more and twisting his head towards their clock affirmed her words. Even Kacchan's mouth opened up and his tongue rolled out in between his teeth as his head bobbed back and forth between the two differing faces.
 "It seems as if you guys are getting along though!" Ochako said as she shattered the silence that formed in the room, looking at the duo with a smirk on her face as small laughter erupted from the depths of her diaphragm. Her eyes crinkled at the image that appeared in front of her as she saw past Katsuki's artificial stance and looked at the true image of care that was painted with their closeness.
 "The fuck!? No! Only in your fucking imagination Round Face!" Katsuki spat out, removing his hand immediately from Kacchan and raising himself from the couch as he contracted towards Ochako with clenched fists accompanying his sides. His face reverted back to the one of earlier yet this time there was a glow of softness that wasn't apparent before, reducing his contorted features to be those of a lie.
  "That's not what I'm seeing!" Ochako continued to tease, rocking back and forth on her buoyant feet that carried a bantering tone. With her tuffs bouncing close and waving towards her face, she pulled out the gallery of evidence and shoved the clearest photo of their affection into his face. "Last time I checked Bakugou, a picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it?" She teased towards him, giving him a grin that was filled with content and vibrancy but also leaking with slight sinister vibes that contained motives Katsuki knew he wouldn't enjoy.
 With tension seen in the veins popping through the outer skin of his fists, Katsuki's mouth twitched at Ochako's prancing as she continued to shove his true emotions down his throat. He wasn't going to lie, he had grown an affinity for the small creature. The way he looked at him with pleading eyes as if he was his only savior, the way he enjoyed the flying of guts being spewed on a TV screen, the way he placed his elongated chin against Katsuki's thighs when his eyes started to get droopy, all these things made the flame in his heart tenderize and a bond started to form underneath the tip of his nose. Yet, he wasn't going to let that slip out to Ochako anytime soon. "Oh I know what that picture is saying and it's saying that that phone should be fucking burned Round Face!" He grumbled out as he lunged towards the object in her hand, ready to smash it into smithereens under the pads of his fingers.
 However, despite her coming back from battle and bruised in major areas, Ochako was still able to maneuver with grace as she spun away from his heated grasps. With each step Katsuki took, Ochako took a defensive one back as a smug look appeared on her face in retaliation to the flustered twitches that plagued the edges of his face. To an outsider, it looked like a dance of twisting personalities that spiraled together with a common theme of a phone being held above like a victorious trophy. Even Kacchan felt the excitement between their compatible feet and, with his flag tail whipping back and forth, he jumped from the couch and joined the frenzy with small jumps and little yips. It was a whirlwind of dancing feet of all kinds and no matter how desperate Katsuki fought to grab the phone, Ochako would just refute the action with her own.
 "C'mon Uraraka! Give that fucking phone to me!"
 "Hmmm let me think about it.....NOPE!" She said with a devilish smirk plastered on her skin as her reddening cheeks became more daring with a redder shade blossoming out. "I actually was thinking about framing it as way to show how affectionate you can really be Bakugou!" Ochako added with a small tongue sticking out to get him riled up even more.
 A huge scowl curved down on his lips with a roughing noise escaping through the clenching of his teeth. "Why you..." He managed to bark out before beginning to aim harder at her operations, even going as far to use a hand to pull down the shoulder, aiming up to bring it down.
 "Hey that's cheating Bakugou!" Ochako whined, her cheeks puffing out at the pressure that she felt on her shoulder as it buckled her knees down slightly. However, that still didn't leave her taunting appeal as a smug look twisted her features. "Well, you remember how UA dealt with cheaters, right?" And before Katsuki could realize what she was doing, she brought her free hand upwards and slapped the phone with it, causing her cat like pads to illuminate in a pink glow. Slowly, her phone began to levitate, reaching the top of the ceiling as Ochako brought her signature hands downwards. Little mumbles of hurt could be heard in the back of her throat as her neck held itself back, looking at the flow of where it was traveling in the air.
 In utter shock, Katsuki stood still for a few seconds, his muscles palpitating as they gave small spasms of anger at the cunning move Ochako had pulled. However, control soon returned back to him and his features convulsed as he tried not to rip her into shreds in that exact moment. "Fucking! The fuck!? What the living fuck Uraraka!? Holy fuck! You'll regret it once I get my hands on that fucking phone!?" Katsuki screamed out as he began tromping around the floor, moving chairs around to see if he could elongate his reach to grab the phone. Yet, no matter how close his fingertips got to get it into his grasps, he could hear little squeaks from Ochako as she maneuvered the phone around, making sure it's lack of gravity kept itself away from the explosive danger Katsuki was going to impose on it.
 Once the device floated a sizable distance away from him, Ochako staggered back, still keeping her eye on it as her feet moved backwards. "Re..Release!" She said with a quivering voice as she calculated the distance and caught the phone right in between her hands. Though, that movement had her feet slightly collide into each other and Ochako found herself stumbling backwards to recalibrate her balance and make sure neither her or the phone found itself on the ground. However, as soon as she regained her equilibrium, a loud squeak rippled in the air that was followed by an even louder squeak, though it had more of the soundings of an exasperated gasp.
 Looking down, Ochako's eyes immediately downturned as she saw her foot pressing against Kacchan's hurt paw, his eyes turning glossy as he whined for the sheering pain to be released. "Oh my gosh Kacchan! I'm so sorry!" She immediately said as she lifted her foot away from his smaller one, jumping on the more grounded one, trying to get away from the injured dog. Once she core stabilized itself again, she immediately plunged herself downwards, ready to pick him up and have him lay in her curved arms. "Come here baby, oh I'm so sorry! Let mommy pic-"
 However, before she could even grab Kacchan, a hiss sounded right next to her as two beefed arms swiped him away, cradling the dog into the crevices that were created in the spaces. Coddles and coos were pressed against his ear as Ochako looked up to see Katsuki purring into his fur while using his free fingers to scratch Kacchan's skin to cause a tongue pouring out. Licks began to mark up Kastukis arm as they bonded over the care he poured into the furry creature. Though, as soon as Ochako shifted her posture a bit, Katsuki's head whipped towards her direction and his canines cross hatched into each other with a ray of red lighting zooming within his crimson irises. "The fuck did you fucking do you fucking gravitational bitch!? Are you so used to the air that you fucking forgot you are a fucking clutz on the ground now? Like the fuck, he was standing fucking right there, vulnerable as shit given his fucking foot wound and you just had to stomp all over him as if he's a fucking toy and you have no respect towards injured people and I hope you- THE FUCK YOU LAUGHING AT!?" He screeched as he halted his hate filled monologue with a response to the slight laughter Ochako was trying to cover up with her hand pressed against her mouth.
 "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She breathed out in between laughs, each time trying to stop the flow but flubbing up once more and continued to giggle under tears dropping down from her cheeks. Breathing heavily to regain her ability to structure sentences once again, she began to cough out the last remaining bits of laughter withheld in her voice before she tried to explain herself. "It’s just....it’s just earlier you were acting as if Kacchan was a spawn of Satan and you wanted him gone but now you're acting as if he's your child! Just like a good father!" Ochako said with brilliance, her eyes crinkling in enjoyment as her two hands clapped together in front of her ecstatic smile. Standing up from her kneeled position, she walked closer to the duo and gave small whispers of love to the dog Katsuki had clutched into his arms as she rubbed his pointed ears together. "It's as if we became a huge happy family with you as the dad, me as the mom, and Kacchan as the son!" She said cheerily as she snuggled closer to Kacchan's nose.
 However, hearing the words family, son, father, turned Kastuki's face into a beet red color as he became a fuddled mess of a being that had his muscles trembling. Even though he was a grown adult with a more than stable job and could properly function in the harsh realms of the adult world, those words were still too mature for his liking and stuff that never even crossed his mind before. The idea of being a father, even to a mere animal like Kacchan, blew his mind into crackles of explosions and spirals twirled in his eyes as he tried to wrap his thoughts around those ideas. Did protectiveness and sudden onset of adoration mean that he had those qualities? He certainly didn't think so but then he flashed back to his younger days when his quirk would incinerate certain pieces of furniture and how, even though he gained injury, his parents would still love him and cradle him in their arms after he kept his frowning face. Memories began to parallel with his current mindset and Katsuki felt himself entering into a reddening fog that made his sentences jumble.
 Before he could object to any of Ochako's sudden statements, clicks of a selfie sided phone began to burst into his ears as his focus suddenly pulled itself out of his daze and saw Ochako taking photos of all of them together. "Say cheese!" She said in the photo as her mouth quickly upturned into a smile with a peace sign pressed against her cheek, continuing to take photos. Katsuki began to protest and wiggle around the camera's line of view but Ochako would just keep hoping around to make sure they all fit in the frame. Soon, her harassment stopped and she stood still while her index finger ran through the photos, laughter flourishing out as she continued to spy on them. Just as Katsuki was about to repeat his question from earlier, Ochako shoved her phone right back into his face. The pixels on the image formed mixtures of colors to show Ochako with an ecstatic laughter while Katsuki had his open mouth in his signature roughened expression as Kacchan wiggled around in his arms, licking the skin on his owner's arms. "See Bakugou! We look just like a family! Man I should get this developed and framed so we can put it somewhere...." Ochako muttered to herself as her feet teetered away from Katsuki, getting lost in her own world as her thumbs zoomed into each photo, analyzing each aspect with slight mutters that were only audible to herself.
 Katsuki stood still with trembles quivering through his muscles as he continued to be shook by Ochako's phrasing with the photos. Lava soared in his veins and it took the attentive licks of Kacchan in order for the heat to boil out and erupt out in explosive fire. From the outside, the interior through the window became a sea of reddening oranges and yellows that followed with barks, high pitched squeals that had a sweet sound of happiness in there, and loud confused roars that were filled with maddening blushes.
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nightblink · 6 years
Blink Reads Oathbringer - Chapters 69-74
In which Evi Kholin still deserves better but at least Dailnar’s a smidge more worthy than last time, I delight in how close Kaladin and Adolin have become, and Shallan and her mental state deteriorate further and worry me even more.
Also, Azure.
Chapter Sixty-Nine – Free Meal, No Strings
Considering what we’re getting from the Elsecaller here, apparently Urithiru has the ability to affect not only the general climate either in or around the tower proper, but also the “pressure” which I assume means air pressure, since we know that that’s what’s manipulated by adhesion. Which. Interesting. If the tower really is located up at an altitude where breathing would become difficult, I can definitely see why they’d need that ability there, especially when Oathgating directly from sea-level Thaylen City up to Urithiru or vice versa. (what is acclimation, much?)
Ooo, so the Voidspren can sense Surges then, and not just fabrial use? It’s just that Shallan’s Illumination Surge is somehow sneakier than – at the very least – Gravitation. And they’re definitely drawn to the Surges and not the mere presence of stormlight (nobody could keep their spheres infused otherwise).
Gotta admit, while those flying-Fused clothes are hardly practical, they do have a fantastically dramatic style.
Kaladin is not happy over the lighteyes throwing their end-of-the-world parties while Rome Kholinar burns, understandably so. It’s dumb, but rich people.
“Please tell me that you didn’t bring us to live with your tailor because you wanted a new wardrobe.” Kaladin, even you have to admit that he likely looks stunning (and not just because it fits tightly through the chest). Powder blue over the dark bronze of his skin, gold embroidery accentuating the glint of his hair? Seriously. The man knows how to dress. Well. Kaladin might not admit that (to himself, aloud, at all, whatever) but these two have obviously settled into a comfortable level of teasing each other, and it’s fantastic. (Also, comfort on the level that Adolin is calling him Kal, and Kaladin hasn’t said or even had a thought of telling him not to. None of the bridgemen even do that, not after Moash left.)
So much physical contact from Adolin this chapter, dang. Ahhh, but he made friends with Skar and Drehy after the Battle of Narak! It does remind me of the time way back (I think in the first book?) when Dalinar was grumbling about(?)/noting him being companionable with the lower-ranking Kholin officers and rank-and-file soldiers. Those three at a tavern though, oh man, I may have to write fic about that.
Oh, Kaladin. Depression fucking sucks, and while I'm so glad you've been having a lot of good days, stormlight can't wipe that away like it can with scars.
Adolin notices! And drops back to check on you! Ahhhh, honestly, with how you two are getting to know each other well, I feel like you'd start picking up on each others' tells often and come to help in what ways you can, and I'm so glad to actually see that happening.
“talk like a girl” is definitely a compliment when it's sort of the default cultural assumption that women are more intelligent (and I'd bet good money that Adolin's been the butt of wordplay jokes enough when they knew he needed a moment to Logic It Out in his head, but in this instance Kaladin gives him that moment, and doesn't scoff or demean. You two have come so far.)
Please become sparring buddies, I beg you Sanderson. Kaladin's got powers but Adolin's better with technical skill; it would be a great matchup for them to improve.
Kaladin: [just goes out for a moment to patrol around the block] [immediately gets stopped by a squad from the Wall Guard] ….you have some strange brand of luck, Kal. At least it still counts as getting information on the Wall Guard like your part of this mission tonight is?
Storms, but that shash brand is persistent.
Chapter Seventy – Highmarshal Azure
“the Sibling” again. What on Roshar is that referring to? And the state of the Radiants can affect whatever-it-is somehow, or at least is perceived to maybe have an effect?
At long last, Kaladin finds somewhere in this eerily-shadowed city that he can relax. Alas, it doesn't have the true comfort that is Rock's cooking.
These soldiers seem like they're probably a ragtag bunch of misfits as well, anyone who had decent training cobbled together to help man the walls when the Fused and Parshmen started attacking, adding people to their ranks as refugees trailed in. Beggars can't be choosers, and Kholinar is besieged. Still, their comportment does speak well of Azure.
….[squints] Either the Guard has a way in and out of the city that you're not telling anyone, or you have some way of creating food (that you're also not telling). I'm not getting a strong vibe as to which it may be.
All of them are lighteyed? Is it the entire Wall Guard or just these two platoons? That's… well, where's all the darkeyed soldiers?
Kaladin is definitely suspecting Azure to be a Radiant, and that's sounding more and more like a possibility, but that name still niggles at the back of my mind; I'm keeping my money on Azure being a Nalthian, even despite the Shardblade. A foreigner, who just happened along by and showed enough military ability and savvy to organize the soldiers and hold the gates? That's fishy.
Average to just-under-average height for an Alethi woman. That's still hella tall for just about anyone else. Orange eyes though? That's odd – we've seen shades of yellow all over, but orange… I don't think so. And a basket-hilted sword of all things – screw whether it's the Shardblade or not, is it a saber, a rapier?
Her soldiers still love her, no matter how much of Vorin society would be outright scandalized (and probably up in arms) over a woman being highmarshal.
If Azure is a worldhopper, she's been here long enough to get a handle on not only Vorin curses, but the political and military situation of the past few years – enough to ping damn close to Kaladin's actual backstory, which he now realizes was an active effort on Sadeas and Amaram's part (nothing personal, and there are bound to be many more who were affected in much the same way he was in those border skirmishes). That leans the possibility a little more towards native-Rosharan, but still doesn't discount other possibilities.
Azure makes a hell of a plea to one's honor and common sensibility.
Oh Kaladin. They have; the Parshmen that you so hoped would survive have been pulled into what you never wanted for them.
Chapter Seventy-One – A Sign of Humanity
And it's set very, very soon after the last flashback chapter we got – not immediately as the timeline goes, but probably only a few weeks, maybe even as much as a month.
Evi is crying and once again I feel the great need to punch Dalinar. YOU SHOULD BE FEELING CRUSHED, YOU COMPLETE ASS. Look at what your argument did! Look at how heartbroken and withdrawn she's become, trying even harder yet even more painfully than before!
Dalinar is so detached that he can hardly believe that their argument 'bodes ill for their relationship', he can't even tell how bad it's already become when his wife breaks down in front of him! When he doesn't even go to see his own son, much less care about him! Ugh.
At least he's going to talk to her, and is cognizant enough to do it in what is essentially what little territory she has in all this army. Not quite a supplicant, but as close as he can get (and without that attitude, of course).
“I like it when you fight.” [winces] Dalinar, Dalinar that is the absolute wrong thing to say. She doesn't want to fight, it hurts her to fight, and you can't see it! Like she said last time, the Alethi take everything as a competition, but you have to remember that she's not, and she doesn't want this. At all.
The way that she describes the times when 'nothingness' flares in his eyes is oddly specific, and that can't be a coincidence. Branderson has something going on here, more than just Dalinar's own self, more than just the Thrill and his addiction to it.
His hand against her safehand. That should be a sign of utmost trust, and yet…
Are… are you actually going to try talking them down first, rather than attacking without giving them a chance to surrender? Also, this is the first time you've noted it, but even you feel like the 'hunger' of the Thrill is something external (but it still feels like it's different for you, more focused than it is for others)
You can't blame the Rifters for not trusting him. His reputation alone would merit such, not even counting what he did to them personally. But, Dalinar is trying to negotiate. Amazing.
Ooof. Tanalan really didn't understand what the rebellion could mean for his people and city.
A duel. This, despite the indifference/contempt he holds for dueling. But the Thrill – or whatever it is (something definitely focused on him specifically) does not want that to happen. ….this does not bode well.
Despite how good Tanalan's plan sounds, there is definitely something wrong here, some underlying current that says 'I have a bad feeling about this…' even beyond the fact that we already know that something terrible happened at the Rift.
I'm not sure Sadeas is the 'traitor' like they say. Despite the fact that he was a conniving, slimy Pus of Man that got an all-too-justified death, he was dedicated to the power of Alethkar. Whether at this point he believed that rested with Gavilar or with Tanalan's Rebellion, I'm actually putting my spheres on him being on Gavilar's side. Perhaps he's spurring this on, but Gavilar does want an example made, and it could very well further some secret plans of his that we don't know about.
This whole thing reeks of about to go to absolute shit
Chapter Seventy-Two – Rockfall
Another Stoneward recording, and an explanation for why none of the Edgedancers have recorded any of these gemstones (they're out actually Getting Shit Done). And apparently Urithiru once had a dedicated population of non-Radiants – servants and farmers and the like – which again makes sense since the tower needed to be self-sufficient.
A Shallan-Veil chapter this time, and they're on a mission. To an elaborate mansion, apparently – one that's still occupied. You have to admit, those former-waterfalls do sound like amazing sights, no matter how frivolous (and expensive) they were to create.
“Veil took a deep breath, then let Shallan bleed back into existence.” I don't like the wording of that. I really don't like the wording of that. Veil 'let'? 'Bleed back into existence?' Both the tone of authority in the first and the visceral nature of the second – as well as the implication that Shallan didn't exist while the Veil-personality is in control – are worrying.
In relation to the above: “...she was an inferior version, obviously. Just deal with her, take her place. It would feel right, wouldn't it?” D u d e. I'm not sure if some outside force is affecting Shallan (very possibly the Unmade in the palace), but that is beyond anything she's felt or thought before, and it's disturbing, especially if she unconsciously has Veil (and to a lesser degree, Radiant) start applying it to herself. It's good that she felt how wrong it was immediately and cut it off at the start.
Huh. Pulled into crisis here, she reverts to her true, core self.
...are. are you oka- that's not okay. That. That is not okay in any way shape or form you still have the bolt sticking out of your h e a d
(also, she deliberately shifted back to Veil just then, but absently noted that Veil was also an illusion)
So. Uh. How… how unkillable are Radiants with a decent supply of Stormlight, exactly? And what on Roshar is going to necessitate Plate on top of healing like that?
“You worry me sometimes.” Vathah, you don't even know the half of it.
Wit, please
Well, that's one way of making a scene, as well as not-so-subtly letting the Cult know that you have food, real food.
[sighs in frustration and continued worry about Shallan's separation of self. yet again.]
Chapter Seventy-Three – Telling Which Stories
A Lightweaver asking a serious question at the start of this chapter, which of course lead to more questions – first among them being: what protections did the tower have, and can they be reactivated?
I really love Beard and his obviously-fake stories. “You did not meet the Blackthorn.” Kaladin, standing right next to this guy: [somehow manages to keep a completely straight face]
Oh, and now you have to stab my heart again by mentioning Sah and the group of Parshmen you wanted to help save. Thanks bunches, Brandosando.
Shallan even made his and Drehy's illusions opposite heights or something like that this time omg (unless Drehy's taller now because Adolin's lounging but I like to think the former, because even the though of it is hilarious) Or does he mean that Drehy's several inches taller than he normally is. Either way-
Beard going on about 'the time he met the Blackthorn' when Adolin Kholin is right there and he's shit-talking his coat this is ama z i n g
Kaladin learning about the interactions of the low-ranked lighteyes though – I feel like just a few more steps, and he'll adopt these too. Knowing how they act and how they feel about the higher ranks, he can use that when he eventually gets to Social Revolution once Odium's dealt with, right?
This whole “fellow lighteyes” routine is hilarious and terribly embarrassing at the same time
Kaladin wanting to stand up for Adolin, be still my heart
Ahhh, so it's the Wall Guard that's supplying (all?) the food to the city with whatever their mysterious ways of obtaining it are that don't use Soulcasters?
Oh, great, at least some of the Cult practice self-flagellation in order to draw the altered painspren. Well that's lovely.
'Rock would have laughed [the beard] to shame and euthanized it with a razor and some soap.' HAH, now there's an image! Rock taking one look and carting off this airsick dolt for a trim and a lecture on proper Beard Maintenance.
!!! Now there's an interesting idea – I thought all the Honorblades save Jezrien's were in the keeping of the Shin, but maybe not…? Still, I thought the hilts of the honorblades were all way more elaborate than that, and no basket-hilts.
Kaladin always worries too much, it's who he is. That tidbit about the 'whispering voices' doesn't sound good, though; could be the Unmade, could be something to do with the Fused and Voidspren outside.
Bless Sanderson again, this time for continuing to write a good, believable agnostic in Kaladin
WHOOP, ACCIDENTALLY TAKING COMMAND. And by serious force of will managing not no keep it or shout out orders again.
“Keep your head, and I suspect you'll end up as a squadleader before long.” Help me I'm d y i ng
Chapter Seventy-Four – Swiftspren
Shallan is really cultivating her 'disturbance' as a Robin Hood-like figure to the point where they've given her a name, even a bit of a legend! It's a good one to have, in all, even when not considering that she needs it to get into the Cult. And since the Cult revere spren, being called as such gives them even more reason to notice her.
Ooof, correcting even Pattern when he doesn't refer to her as Veil when she has the illusion and personality up? That's… Shallan, dear, that's not a good sign. Listen to your spren, your soulbonded partner – remember the Truth of yourself.
Okay, that Swiftspren costume sounds really cool.
Ooooo, shit, those whispers are actually whispers, inaudible. The Unmade? Or even the echoes of Odium? Either way, it's not nothing, and certainly not benevolent.
“Was her mind so quickly corrupted?” ...an interesting question. On one side, the multiple personalities seem to make it easier to slide from one mask to another, even if there's 'only' the three, disregarding temporary ones. On the other, you use the word 'corruption' here, and I'm led to think of the 'corrupted spren', and of the people at the palace, so it could also likely be an effect of the Unmade that spreads its miasma over the city.
Ohhhh, and she's been Shallan ever since the voice whispered to her.
I wonder if that feeling of '[feigning] humanity' is how she feels about her branching personalities – if they feel like imitiations, or skin-puppets of what she wants to be, as opposed to distinct forces of their own in her head. (I don't know; I'm no therapist- This, Shallan, is obviously why Sanderson needed to consult heavily with specialists while he was writing, because this is… ooof. Shallan, I worry so much for you.)
'And Shallan… what did Shallan want again? Did it matter? Why bother worrying about her' SHALLAN, I AM WORRIED. VERY, VERY WORRIED.
And then we get this distinction of Veil '[layering] an illusion of Shallan and her havah over top of her trousers and shirt'. Not letting go of the illusion, but layering. Fuuuuuuuck….. Again, I'm sounding like a broken record but Shallan. Dear. This is not healthy.
And here's another one I worry over. Elhokar, it's… as much progress as you're making, this whole 'sitting alone drinking in the dark' doesn't bode well for you either.
Cultural Note: “[W]ishing and expecting is of the Passions. A heresy. A good Vorin worries about transforming themselves.”
...it's been a while since you drew someone Transformatively. And Elhokar… he needed this.
(he saw Cryptics in the mirror and lurking in shadows back on the Shattered Plains. maybe, with a little bit of help, he'll start shining garnet too…?)
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ryesnatcher · 7 years
This is my entry to Hannah’s Classic Criminal Minds Quote Challenge! @reiding-and-writing
Pairing: Emily Prentiss X Reader
A/N: This fic has gone through so many changes which is why it’s so late, it was originally a different pairing, and it’s a lot different from my usual writing style. It’s also based off of a poem of the same name by Carol Ann Duffy, I can’t find it online to share so hmu if you want me to scan the poem or type it up!
Quote: “I wish psychopathic killers would be a little more respectful of our weekends, too.” 
Word Count: 3444
Surrounded by warm light, the sound of a tv distant in the house, hearty meals long since ate whilst their smell still lingers, red wine on your lips as you look to the flowers growing in the box outside your window. Forget-me-nots, pushing through the hard soil, their buds twisting as they search for the light. Standing behind this window you watch them grow, but after moments or years, they begin to wilt. Helpless, you push at the window, forced to watch as the petals fall and their stems crumple.
Then you wake up. Left tangled in sheets and bathed in the odd feeling of regret.
“What am I suddenly feeling remorseful for the plants I’ve killed over the years?” You ask, leaning against the counter and looking across to your friends.
“You know, forget-me-nots traditionally symbolise love. If you’re seeing them wilt maybe you’re subconsciously worried about your inability to salvage and maintain relationships.” Reid spoke first, barely missing a beat. You have to laugh at his words. Sure enough they were true, your most recent attempts at dating had been pitiful at best.
Yet even so, the bitter taste of spiced cherries and heavy oak still lingered just out of reach. And as you lean against the counter, a cup of crappy coffee in your hand, you can practically taste it again.
“Maybe it’s just irony?” Emily adds, stirring her coffee.
“Or a disturbing way to show my lack of gardening knowledge?”
“Actually, the window suggests that you may be a voyeur to relationships, gardening probably doesn’t have much to do with it.” As Reid speaks, you and Emily share a look, eyebrows raised over your cups of coffee.
“And somehow, that is more disturbing.” The three of you begin walking back to your respective desks. The coffee giving you the added incentive to begin dealing with the paperwork and cases piled on the side of your desk.
And the more you tried to focus on the case in front of you, the harder it became to think of anything other than what Reid had said. You were sure that window boxes filled with prissy flowers was a life you didn’t want. Who’d takes a job at the BAU wanting picket fences and a consistent sleep schedule? Admittedly, you did miss the intimacy those relationships brought. The safety of knowing there’d be somebody waiting for you to come home.
“You know dreams don’t mean anything right?” Emily pulls the file you’d forgotten about from your hands, closing it as she sits on the corner of your desk.
“I know. Just can’t get it from my head.” You pause as you look up to her, “I’m overreacting I know.”
“Since when did you care about this sort of thing anyway?”
“Since never. But I guess it would be nice?” Shrugging, you lean back in your chair. Cringing at your words. “Never mind, I take that back.”
She laughs softly, the light catching her hair as it falls forward on her shoulders. “Yeah, we’ve all been there, Y/N.” You’d never considered before just how odd your name sounds on her tongue, like Latin it spills out almost natural to the language, ringing with its foreign sounds and all the same, burning at your cheeks. “I’ll let you get back to work.” Standing up she hands you back the file, tapping you on the leg with it before leaving, heading towards her own desk. Your thoughts caught in a toss up of post-dream stress and watching her leave Sure that you catch a faint colour to her cheeks, your hands absently leafing through the pages of the file, knowing that sooner or later you’d have to look away.
The weekend had slowly crept up on you. Amongst piles of paperwork and cases, half-hearted nights out coupled by cancelled plans and half drowned excuses. Soon the dream felt almost forgotten, faux memories of red wine and warm nights no longer the cause of tangled sheets and excessive sweat.
But somehow. Someway, it had ended up here.
Sat across from a man with little table manner, your lips pressed to the edge of a wine glass (the contents you’d been assured was very expensive. Despite it resembling a floral vinegar) you listened to him recite the exact figure he’d earned that very month. A heavy sigh hanging on the edge of your glass.
You’d spent at least forty minutes deciding on whether to have your hair up or down, and another half hour on whether to go with the classic black dress, or a flirty red. In the end the choice hadn’t mattered.
From the moment you’d arrived it had been a constant commentary on the exhibition of his life. Reciting his annual income, repeating the various destinations he could go just for lunch. And as he (yet again) began to tell you of the fortune his job brings him, filling his sentences with contradictions. Your phone begins ringing, the sound both irate and blissful interrupting him and giving you the perfect excuse to leave.
“It’s work, I have to go.” Glancing at your screen you shove your phone into your small bag as you stand up.
“Oh come on, you’ve hardly even finished your wine.” Removing the premature napkin from his collar and tossing it to the table, he waves a hand to your glass. “I’m sure it can wait. Just finish your glass and we can -” Ignoring his words you finish the rest of the glass, pausing for a moment as you pull out a few notes to cover your half of the meal, placing them under the glass before walking away.
Even if the date had been disastrous, and even if he had reminded you of why you do this job. It was hard not to feel just that little bit irritated. The taxi there carrying you past the comforting lights of families tucked in for their evenings, tv’s playing as meals cook, and lovers hold each other in tender arms. Tonight may have been a bust, but what if it hadn’t? How were you supposed to build a life on unfinished dates and forgotten meals?
With a huff, you push open the doors to the conference room. Giving a small smile as you shrug off your coat. Cheeks flushing as its instantly followed by a reprimand of whistles, “Look at you baby girl, you on a hot date?”
Facing Morgan, you shake your head, “All I wanted was one, one night off. Am I asking too much? Am I reaching for the stars here?” With a sigh, you lean forward and pick up your file, waving it around as you speak, “Do I ruin their weekend activities? Do I crush their love lives? No. I stay in my lane, and I do it during the week.”
Emily laughs as you sit down beside her. “Yeah, I wish psychopathic killers would be a little more respectful of our weekends too.” You shoot her a look, a soft smile breaking your irritated demeanor.
The moment instantly gone as you begin. Garcia introducing you all to the case, flicking through the images. The marred reds of your dress struck in dissension to the horror filled images in front of you. The acts numb to your eyes as you listen, and soon enough you were sat by the window of the jet, your head leaning heavy in your hand as the events of the night replayed over and over.
“So, how was the date?” Turning your head you’re met with her expectant look, her dark eyes practically afire as she speaks, Emily pushing a coffee in front of you.
The smile you’d begun to reserve solely for her melting easily to your lips as you accepted it. “I’m not all too sure that he wasn’t a psychopathic killer.”
“That bad huh?”
You pout, “The entire thing was just egos on parade. Oooh look at my nice car. Feel how expensive my suit is. Do you know how much money I make a month?” You mimic his voice, your heart lifting as she laughs. Thankful that at least you had somebody to laugh with. “Honestly, it just feels enough to just give up.”
“You shouldn’t” She looks as surprised by her words as you. “You’re a catch, any guy, any person would be lucky to have the chance.”
Smiling at her words you lean towards her, nudging her with your shoulder and her giving her a grin. “I never knew Emily Prentiss had a soft side”
Rolling her eyes, she laughs all the same.
The next few days were spent too focused on the case to even think about the dream that had once again made its reappearance and for once you were grateful that cases took away the chances of sleep, replacing it with a steady flow of coffee and haunting images. And for the most part it worked just fine. It gave you a chance to focus on what you loved.
But when the case drops cold and Hotch insists you all need to look with fresh eyes. It sends you slumped over the uneven table of the hotel room. The case spread out beside cold coffee and empty take out meals. Boredom and irritation growing as you look over the same images, again and again.
Hotch was right. Too much of one thing is blinding. You needed the space and air to reevaluate. The case and profile that is, and as you squint to the profile you close the file, pushing your seat back under the table and reaching across the cramped space to toss away the cold coffee. A soft sigh leaving your lips as you step into the hall, following your footsteps along the dated carpet and giving three light knocks to 237.
If you’d taken the time to ask yourself, you wouldn’t have been able to come up with an answer as to why you’d chosen her door. She was a floor above you. You’d passed four other of your colleagues doors on the way here.
Even if subconsciously it had felt natural to arrive at her door. As soon as you’d knocked you were rocked with regret. Realising she could be asleep or busy, or unavailable. Instinctively you take a step away from her door, a moment away from turning away as the door clicks open. Emily, stood in her slacks and giving you a peculiar smile as she leans against the door.
“Y/N? Is everything okay?” She glances down the hall, instinctively assuming the worst.
“Of course, everything’s fine. I just needed to get out of my room.” You admit, touching her arm in passing as she steps to the side, welcoming you into her room.
As far as it goes, her room was similar to yours. The same layout, same crappy hotel art plastered in their ikea frames, the case spread out over the small table. But hers accompanied by a drink stronger than coffee. The smell of heavy alcohol diluted in the air as you glance over her notes. Aware of her eyes following you around the small space.
“Do you want a drink?”
“Sure.” Walking over to the open window, you glance out to the lights covering the vast landscape. Cowering in the velvet skies as they switch between on and off. Night air pulling in the smell of rain on concrete, whilst the sound of a distant radio carries itself between your conversation.
Emily hands you a mug, picking up her own as she leans on the wall beside you. “You sure you’re okay?”
The cheap whiskey burns as you force it down, but not as much as her touch does. Her hand gentle and soothing, yet fire on your skin as she fights for your attention. Her cheeks as flush as yours.
“I’m fine, Emily. This case is just...draining?” She nods in agreement, sipping from her glass.
“Did you hear back from the wine creep?” She asks, the both of you laughing softly.
“Unfortunately yes. He went on a spiel about women leading men on.” As the laughter between you fades, Emily finishes her drink. Watching you in sincerity as she builds the courage to speak.
“Have you considered not...dating normal people.” She hesitated as she spoke, clearly regretting finishing her drink so soon.
“Wine creep was normal?”
“You know what I mean Y/N”
“What like from our team?” You joke,
“I mean, you’ve got to admit having somebody that understands your hectic work life, and knows how draining this job can be sounds like it’d be a good fit.”
For a second you're slightly taken aback by the sincerity that she'd taken your joke.“I never really thought of it like that.” You tilt your head as you play over the idea. “But you know, you don’t shit where you eat. If that gets messed up, so’s your friendship and work life. Plus I’m sure it’s a harassment case waiting to happen.” Emily pulls her hand from your arm, the cold night air suddenly harsh in her absence, the urge to reach back across to her almost impulsive.
“But you could make it work.”
“If it was the right person maybe. But I don’t think that risk even seems worth it.”
“But how would you know if you didn’t take that risk?”
You were at a loss for words. Not for lack of a reply or response. But from the intensity in the dark of her eyes. The way they looked to you in search of truth, almost exposing the murmur in your chest. As close as you are to Emily, it was rare for you to ever see the trust and vulnerability she showed in that second. Fidgeting hands and lost eyes.
And for a moment it stops. The world at a stand still as the radio outside pauses whilst the breeze goes silent. The space between you closing. Leaning closer and closer. And for a foolish second you believe that this it.
The moment over as Emily clears her throat, pulling away from you and leaning across to shut the window. Her perfume almost overwhelming as you hold your breath. The voice of a radio host disappearing against the window frame.
“What the hell was that?” Dry and accusing she avoids your eye. “You can’t just try that after saying it’s not worth it. Saying that I’m not worth it.”
“Emily I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Mean to what? Kiss me? You can't keep changing your mind on where you stand with me. You can't say it's not worth the risk then make a move. It doesn't work like that.” She shakes her head. Moving away from you and crossing her arms, speaking quietly this time. “I think you should leave.”
Looking back, that night seems almost dreamlike. A cold light filtered by a window miles in the distance. Inappropriate as you looked to the ligature marks fresh on the newest victim, harsh under the florescent light of the coroner's office.
“Hm?” You look towards Reid, his voice ringing as he looks to you in concern, suddenly realising that you’d somehow managed to look over everything he’d been saying for the past five minutes. “Sorry, uh yeah the ligature marks aren’t consistent with the other victims.” You nod.
“You know, aside from cultural values dreams aren’t a reliable source of information. Even of our own minds.So uh you shouldn’t be worried about your dream.”
Smiling softly you look across to him, “It’s not a dream I’m worried about Spence.”
Scrunching his face he followed you out of the office, pushing his hands into his pockets as he matched your pace. “What are you worried about then?”
You considered not telling him, telling him to mind his own business or passing it off as a simple worry. But he knows Emily as good as anyone. “I fucked it up with Emily. Like this was exactly what I meant when I said that it’s a bad idea. I misread the situation and now she won’t even look at me.”
Pausing, he frowns as he considers it for a moment. “Y/N, you ignored her feelings for months, I don’t think that she pictured you two together after you insulted her.”
“Emily already told you?” You shake your head as he gives a solemn nod. “I didn't insult her.”
“Perhaps not purposefully,” He begins following you out of the coroner's office. “Have you apologised?”
“Not since last night. She couldn't even look me in the eyes this morning, how am I meant to fix this?”
“Give her time.” He suggests, slowing his pace to face you. “It’ll take more than one misconstrued act for you to ruin it with her.”
Eventually the case came to an end. A happy victory for all involved. But you still lingered on the kiss that could have been. Caught up in the lull of distant radios and the dark eyes of Emily Prentiss. But since, things between you two had been on edge. Neither of you quite sure how to approach the other.
For a week you both dodged the other. Loitering at your own desks, waiting for the other to leave the kitchen before getting your own coffee, avoiding the lifts in favour of avoiding awkward conversations. Every now and then, you’d catch her looking your way, or she’d catch you doing the same. A tango of four left feet.
Staring at the bottom of your glass, your eyes glazed as you watch the same episode repeat for the third time that week. A half arsed meal stewing in the oven and wafting smells of a life that isn’t yours into every corner.
Then three knocks on your door.
Ignoring it for sake of convenience you look back to the screen, watching the commercials run before the knocks sound again. Then again.
Letting out a heavy sigh you climb off the sofa, muttering curses to yourself as you open the door. Emily stood in the dim lights, holding up a bottle of wine and a smile you’d missed.
“Hey you” Speaking quietly, barely letting your voice touch the walls. Scared she may disappear.
“We need to talk.” She insists, looking past you and into your apartment. “Can I come in?”
Nodding, you step aside closing the door behind her and following her into your kitchen. “Emily I shouldn’t have -”
The cork in the bottle pops, silencing the conversation as the spiced oak lingering with cherry and plum, stains the air around you. “I put you on the spot, Y/N. I don’t know what I expected.” She roots around in your cupboards, finding the glasses and filling them both before handing you one. “Plus you were right. One thing happened and we didn’t speak for a week. We let it get in the way of our professional lives.”
“But that was my mistake…”
“And I checked. There’s at least six different rules against it.”
“Emily, I made a mistake. But I was searching for a life that just isn’t mine. I like the unpredictability of our job. I can’t have a life that’s catching the same train every night. It's better as cancelled plans and things left unsaid. I wouldn’t know that if it wasn’t for you.” You turn the stem of your glass in your hands. “I need somebody who knows what it’s like. Who can fight for herself and still be there to soften the blow. This week without you has drove me crazy. And it’s taken me this long to realise it but I need you.”
“Do you even think we could make this work?” She asks, putting her glass down beside her.
“It’s worth the risk.”
In a dream you’re surrounded by warm light. The sound of a tv distant in the house, hearty meals that had long since been ate, whilst their smell still lingered. Red wine on your lips as you looked to the flowers growing in the box outside your window. Standing behind this window you watched flowers grow, then wilt. Helpless.
But, as you sit surrounded by warm light, the hum of the tv playing distant in the apartment, red wine on your lips, a bottle half finished but not abandoned on the table. A cat curled up in your lap, resting alongside the work you’d both promised not to bring home as you look on to Emily, leaning against the back of the sofa as she speaks in hushed tones, your eyes aching with exhaustion but the smile in your cheeks refusing to let you look away.
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izastar · 5 years
Mental Health Month
Hello there bright beautiful stars! I hope you’re having a very good day and remember to take good care of yourself. If not, take a deep breath for 4, hold it for 4 and exhale for 4. Unclench your fists and jaw, drop your shoulders, and lay back!
It’s the month for Mental Health and my stars do I have a master list for you. I am currently a second, onto my third year, college student.  Before college my self care was pretty much everyday because of the low intensity of high school. Now.. I admit I do some pretty down spiraling things and have had my share of breakdowns. BUT NOW I’m not saying it’s gone, I still have my days. I just wanted to share a couple of things that have given me a more healthy way of dealing with the stress, homesickness, sadness, etc. I am a very passionate person on advocating for self-care, mental health and well-being. So here’s a couple of things that have definitely lifted my spirits and how many little things can make a difference.  
Apps: As a generation based on technology, figured it could be useful!
Aloe Bud
Aloe Bud is an all-in-one, self-care pocket companion. It gently brings awareness to self-care activities, using encouraging push notifications, rather than guilt or shame. Helpful reminders from yourself, to yourself; saved within Aloe Bud so you can keep doing you. I kid you not, I am so busy and forget that I never to remember to eat on time but this app helps me track that along with taking my birth control on time too!
Eternal Sunshine
Daily inspiration, meditation exercise and inspiration podcast. This app is the cutest, most wonderful app I have current. The quotes I post from time to time are from this app. Every quote, mantra, affirmation is beautiful. It brightens up my day every day. ALSO! Some of these quotes, and stuff have actually inspired some of my work and I hope it can too for you poets, writers, artists, etc.
This is for my lovely stars that have to deal with periods!! This is a period tracker and ovulation calendar. It’s has pregnancy and post pregnancy mode where you can track your baby’s development and learn the essentials of being a parent with special visuals and articles!! They also have daily insights, timely reminders and a community. I just love this because I never track her & I actually like to read the articles they have and the insights they do based on my symptoms etc.
Oak helps you decompress by transforming meditation practices from experiments into habits. They support you from your first session to your 500th, with mindful, loving-kindness, and sleep meditations as well as unguided sessions and breathing exercises. Individualize your meditations by duration, and customize with silence or calming background sounds. Oak tracks your progress and encourages you to continue building a healthy meditation practice. They include meditation, breathing, sleep, meditation timer, and progress tracking. Truth be told I have a hard time sleeping so I use this app for breathing exercise before going to bed and it helps a tremendous amount.
Simple Habit 
Another meditation app!! Simple Habit is the best meditation app for busy people. Meditate for just 5 minutes/day to reduce stress, improve focus, sleep better, relax faster, breathe easier, and more. I use this app for when I really don’t have anything BUT 5 mins and I actually really enjoy the meditation.
This app is just where you can interact with things within the room, e.g. plants, the cat, clothes on the floor, anything in the room. If for those who are staying home for the day, your space, our shelter. It’s really cute I saw. I love the colors and the art and the activities.
Books: They can always be useful, whether for coloring, writing in a journal, or reading!
Creative Haven Spring Scenes Coloring Book 
An effective and fun-filled way to relax and reduce stress. This version specifically is beautiful. I love Spring and I love flower and anything and everything nature and green so this is a LOVELY purchase! 
The have other themes too;  Summer Scenes, Celtic Mandalas, Sea Life, etc.
How to Be a Wildflower: A Field Guide
A fresh perspective, an outdoor exploration, a new adventure about to begin—How to Be a Wildflower is the book to celebrate these and other wide-open occasions. Encouraging self-discovery through encounters with nature, beloved artist Katie Daisy brings her beautiful paintings and lettering to this collection of things to do and make, quotes, meditations, natural history, and more. OKAY SO I JUST BOUGHT THIS BUT IT’S SO CUTE :(
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
Milk and Honey is a collection of poetry and prose about survival. About the experience of violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity. Okay listen I’m sure many are tired of these books but I truly love this book. I love the collection of poems. I love how some make you cry, some give you hope and other inspire you. For me seeing how others grow, glow, sometimes fall, but come up is beautiful.
The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur
This is Rupi Kaur’s second collection of poetry book. This one is vibrant, transcendent journey about growth and healing. Again I know most are tired of these or feel as if they are overrated but I just love the little pictures/doodles and how some are long and short yet so meaningful.
The Wildflower's Workbook: A Journal for Self-Discovery in Nature
Brimming with gorgeous artwork from New York Times bestselling author and artist Katie Daisy, this fresh-as-a-daisy guided journal features thoughtful prompts to encourage engagement with the natural world. From bird-spotting advice to camping checklists, each exercise is executed in the artist's lovely signature style. AGAIN this is so pretty and I just bought it but I KNOW I’m gonna love it so much.
Hobbies To Pick Up: Here mare some that I picked up or am in the process, it’s fun to learn something new and you never know how good you could be at something!
I’m not the best baker but I always feel so warm and fuzzy when other people bake for me. Don’t you love that happiness you give to others? Doesn’t that make you happy? This might be a little hard to start off with if you’re scared of burning something down or ruining food. But don’t fret my little stars, failure is only a part of success and who knows even a funny story to tell!!
Creative writing
Short stories, prompts, even just a sentence or two could really make a difference! I do a lot of creative writing, give yourself even ten minutes just to write whatever you’d like, it’s a nice feeling
Listen I’m not one who strays from stick figures but every ONCE in a while I like to sketch something that I just can’t find online for my stories or prompts, etc. Practice makes perfect and give yourself patience.
Who says people with 2 left feet can’t dance?? I don’t have 2 left feet and not to toot my horn but I have good rhythm.. but STILL don’t let comments like those discourage you. Dancing can be something fun.
Believe it or not exercising can be a hobby and it can be fun! Spice it up and sign up for a class! Enjoy the great outdoors! Nature to me is the best stress relief!
I currently own 18 plants in my dorm room... it’s a LITTLE bad. I breath so much better with them in my room and they are so cute to look at and take care of! Start off with something small like succulents or bamboo!
I promise it will make you feel better if you’re someone who likes to do things like this. You can make so many lists like for gratitude, places you want to travel, people who are currently crushing on etc!!! You can make it as you go and this is something you can truly personalize for you!
Watercolor is the prettiest thing I have ever seen in my life. Of course you can use other types of paint and paint on what whatever you liked like some pants you want to spice up or a canvas or even your wall!     
It doesn’t have to an acrostic poem or one that rhymes, just whatever comes to you! you’ll be surprised at how good you could be!
Even if it’s just with your iPhone camera on portrait mode along with VSCO, trust me you might find it interesting messing with filters and how you can make it look more sunny or more spooky to fit what you’d like!
Pick up an instrument 
I brought a UKULELE! It’s fun and cute and it makes me very happy! I also own a violin but that’s a little harder.. but it’s lovely. Learning to play a new instrument takes patience but in the end it’s worth it when you’re able to produce a sound so beautiful and lovely.
Even if it’s a fic from ao3 or wattpad, reading something is better than nothing! I read a lot and have many books and series I need to finish. If you’d like a recommendation don’t hesitate to reach out!
You ever had a song come on shuffle and you just HAVE to sing? Doesn’t it feel good? Why not make it a regular thing? My shower is my STAGE!
Video games
I love animal crossing it’s so cute and it’s my life. I also have nintendogs & a bunch of Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, & Mario games. It’s a nice break away from reality and some of the plots are cute!
Giving back is the best type of stress relief and it makes me so happy to see I can help others. Make it a hobby/habit of yours, maybe you’ll find something you’re really passionate about. I try to volunteering once a week and even if I’m exhausted it still makes me feel better doing something so small yet meaningful.
Daily Reminders: just daily activities good for your mental health and well-being
Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Of course with snacks included!
Drink water, juice, lemonade, a venti strawberry acai from starbucks
anything drink that’s your favorite!
Sleep at a reasonable time
Listen as a college student.. I don’t follow this but I TRY to the best of my ability and that’s what matters!
Skin care routine!
Listen a face mask feels so good, yes it may burn here and there but your skin looks soft and cute and is thanking you for giving the time in your day to do something nice.
Some of my favorites are Shea Moisture Raw Butter Hydrating Mud Mask, ANY of the Freeman Mask, Laneige Water Sleeping Mask, Fresh Lotus Youth Preserve Rescue Mask
Thoughts to Remember: just things I think you should know and remember and at my worst days and bad breakdowns I tell myself
Remember that: things out of your control are NOT your fault. 
I know we are so quick to place blame on ourselves and get so upset when what we planned out doesn’t follow the script. But listen to me when I say this, if it is out of your control it is NOT your fault and you had NO part in that. 
The aim of life is not perfection, but happiness 
Try not to dwell on the bad for long, instead use that time to do something else that makes you happy
The little things matter
Even if you skipped all your classes or decided to cancel plans and not leave your bed, I’m happy that you woke up
Try not to be so harsh on yourself 
It’s hard I know it is. When someone goes bad in my day I spend time blaming myself and telling myself I deserve it but truth be told it was totally out of my control.
Uncertainty is an aspect of life we must accept
It’s okay not to know. This gives us an opportunity to dream & write our own stories
You are important!
Your hard work and effort does NOT go unnoticed and I am so proud of you.
Your feelings are valid
In any situation, context, etc. YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID. Don’t be harsh on yourself and say you’re overreacting, or you’re being dramatic. Be genuine in how you feel because you’re feelings are valid.
Your mental health is important
Don’t let others comments tell you otherwise, if you need to remove yourself from a situation for your mental health, DO IT!
I hope this post helps you on your journey of either self-discovery, healing, adventure, etc. I hope you all remember to take care of yourselves and how much you matter. Life gets hard, and I understand that not everyone has the same background and culture growing up but I do hope regardless of that you are able to take care of your mental health and your overall well-being.
If you need anything from me, I’m always open for a chat. If that makes you nervous then you can also send me an ask!
with lots of love and stars,
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paradisobound · 7 years
Forever the One
Summary: When Omega Dan is of age, he is told by his father that he will be sold off to find an Alpha mate. Cue, Alpha Phil. Alpha Phil is in desperate need for a mate, and although Phil is only a few years older than Dan, he holds a reasoning behind why he needs a mate so quickly. When secrets are revealed that give up why Phil needed a mate, this story may not have a happy ending. 
Chaptered Work: This is chapter 16 of 16. 
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 1,005
Authors Note: The ending is finally here everyone! I really wanted to think all of those that have stuck along the way and giving me the persistence to continue this story! So often I leave stories unfinished because I do not have the motivation but every one of you guys has made it so I finished this story! I thank you all and hope you continue to always support me! Much love -Lexi
***Popping in for a small poll: so, contrary to bunch of other people, I loved the book and show 13 Reason’s Why because what happened to Hannah is almost exactly what happened to my best friend and I don’t want people to see the show as ridiculous or a mess because it’s really not. My point being that I would like to write a fic as a 13 Reason’s Why AU but if I’m going to get tons of shit for it, I’m not going to put my time or effort into it. Because why would I write something just to get people to hate it? and potentially hate me for writing it? It’ll also be based more off from the book, but with the same tapes as the show. I just want to know your guys opinions on this subject. Thank you!***
Two Years Later The sound of yelling from outside in the lawn made me groan as I patted my hands dry on a towel in the kitchen and abandoned my cooking to see what Phil and Little Phil were up to. 
Little Phil has grown like a weed. He learned to walk fast and even know he's forming words that most two year olds just cannot form. He’s smart as hell and he makes Phil and I just so happy. 
Speaking of Phil, he’s doing amazingly well. He recovered completely and the doctor told us that if you didn’t know he had a lung transplant, you wouldn’t know it. Because he is doing that well. 
He exercises regularly like the doctor told him that he needs to. He keeps his body in shape and for a short while, I even did the same. That was until Little Phil became more and more of ours lives and keeping up a healthy life style was hard with a toddler. 
And right now, Phil is playing with the little guy outside on this beautiful summer day. Phil, having graduated from college the year before was now making his living as an editor for a newspaper in the center of town. I was just a stay at home dad but I was totally okay with that. 
Looking at how Phil was acting with our little boy made me the happiest person alive because I knew he was the perfect choice for a mate and for a father. Little Phil looked up to his dad so much already and you could tell. He was Phil’s little prodigy for sure. 
As for me, I haven't been doing much in these last two years besides try and keep our family to not be dysfunctional. That’s harder than it appears apparently when you have two kids living at home. 
But I loved them both with every fiber of my being. 
And I wouldn’t trade them for the world. 
We have Little Phil tested every six months for the disease and so far, he shows no signs of it and we’re hoping it stays that way considering that Phil told me he started experiencing issues with his lungs at the age of 18 months. 
So, we’re keeping our fingers crossed. 
Alpha and Omega Lester visit all the time to see our their little grandson. Every day they come I can see more and more love in their eyes for him. Mostly because he’s a spitting image of Phil. Everything he does and all of his features are just like Phil. It’s quite amazing. 
But I have another secret that I haven’t told Phil yet. 
Phil went off from his suppressants about two months ago and I went off mine the same time. Last week, I had my heat which also triggered his rut, and the small bump that was now forming under my shirt was showing how successful both of our bodies were. 
The next day, I took a trip to the same doctor that delivered Little Phil and he asked me if my mate knew yet. When I told him no, he gave me a completely friendly pill that masked the scent of my pregnancy for as long as I’d like. I stop taking them when I want to tell Phil, and I’ve already got a cute way to do so. 
You see, Phil has found a love of video games recently and Little Phil loves watching his papa play them. So I’m going to take the four controllers for Phil’s gaming system, label one Phil, one Dan, and One Little Phil, and then label the last one, Player four coming soon. I’m also going to include a photo of the ultrasound. 
Honestly, I didn’t come up with the idea. I looked up cute pregnancy announcements on line and this one came up and I thought it fit Phil. 
And this time around, I can tell it’s a little girl. Which makes me super excited. 
I stared into the backyard and saw the Phil as laying on his back on the grass, Little Phil climbing over him. He said something to Phil before Phil leaned up and kissed his head and hugged him tightly. Little Phil giggled. 
The whole sight made my heart melt and I couldn’t help but smile at the moment. 
I walked further into the grass and tugged my shirt further down my abdomen, “Are you guys having fun?” I asked and they both nodded with a smile, “Dinners almost ready so how about you both come inside and wash up,” I said looking at the first that was donning Little Phil’s hands. 
Little Phil got up and I bent down and picked him up, kissing the side of his before carrying him inside, Phil following behind us. I took Little Phil to the kitchen sink and washed his hands with soup as Phil watched over my shoulder. I could feel the love pouring from him over my shoulder. 
I turned and kissed Phil gently before turning the water off and letting Little Phil down on the floor. He waddled off into the living room where he sat down and played with some toys, “How loves the outdoors,” Phil said with a chuckle, “Almost makes me wonder if he’s even our child.” 
I smiled and laughed before turning the stove back on and continuing my cooking that was nearly done, “Yeah, but he’s definitely ours and I love him so much.” 
Phil wrapped his arms around me and I gasped before realizing into his touch, “Mmm, I love you so much too,” Phil said, kissing the back of my neck. 
“I love you too,” I said back. 
And just like this, everything in my life was going to be okay. I was happy and hopeful the future and I was excited to see everything that was going to happen between us. 
Even if it didn’t look like my story was gonna get a happy ending, it certainly turned into one.
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