#wow im very sappy
feisaru · 10 months
What makes Fei so special to me is - among other things - that despite all the wacky shit that happened to him, he still has it in his heart to be kind. To genuinely smile. To care. To actually stay even if leaving would be the quick fix
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thebreadedguys · 1 month
this sappy post goes out to all my homies writing cool stories and making gnarly art
the simple act of creation is an inspiration and i have you guys to thank for it <3
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mmmitchmmmarner · 2 years
i feel like we don’t talk enough about how special the boys are. mitch, willy, and auston are out here well on their way to being some of the best players this team has ever had and they’re still so young. mitch has the second longest point streak in the team’s history. in over a century, mitch has the second longest and he isn’t done. william has the second most goals of any swedish player. the team has had amazing swedish players in the past and even this early in his career hes already among the best of them. don’t even get me started on auston. like come on. 
and we get to see all three of them playing together every couple days. 
i know we all want one thing from this team, and they haven’t got there yet, but we should still be excited because these guys are really special and we get to watch it unfold every night. 
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pankomako · 10 months
sometimes i think about interactions boat and i have had and things he's said to/about me over the years and it makes me feel as though i must occupy some little space in his heart. like i live in his mind rent-free the way he does for me, although not nearly to the same extent lmao.
speak of the goddamn devil i just got a steam notification he's playing tf2
anyway i never thought i'd have that kind of effect on a person, much less my favorite content creator. but it sure appears to be that way, and idk. it makes me feel special. warms my heart n all that :)
#was one of two people to give me their phone number when i had to drop off of discord 2 years ago#never took advantage of it though (shy (also we have different brands of phones so texting probably wouldnt work right#other person was an irl friend (never contacted them either#i remember one time YEARS ago when he was wanting to read jjba on stream or smth like that#him: it's like REALLY not family friendly me: well i shouldnt watch bc i am a Child him: no its ok you dont have to skip It's very dirty th#like guy clearly just wanted me there bc he enjoys my company And he's said he does! i remember him saying he likes seeing me in chat#and once again he was the one that wanted me on the staff team when usually the staff pick new recruits and boat has final say#and apparently he's talked about me to his other friends. that's kinda where the old Time to Mod in-joke started#he was using voice to text to talk to whoever and said my username but the thing misinterpreted it#that coupled with the meme drawing i did that he edited so it's him just saying 'pain'. eventually that dumb fucking image spawned#and then there was the night he spammed it and spam mentioned me in chat when he was streaming while i was ASLEEP#once we were in a vc and he was like 'wow i'd forgotten what your voice sounded like' NEVER heard him say that to anyone else. What#dont even get me started with him and my artwork (man would probably flip tf out seeing what i can do now LOL)#guy literally wanted ME to design an official tff logo but at that point they were kinda slowing down so it never happened#but yeahno i just. ugh. our friendship means a lot to me. i am ITCHING to speak to him again you have no idea#and to just give him a big ol hug. been wanting that for such a long time#quite frankly a friendship dynamic like no other ive seen#dont mind me REMINISCING. im sooo sappy about him he's the most important guy in the world to me#if god exists he knew we'd be too powerful if we grew up together
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cinnamin-is-a-star · 2 years
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Finally got a star next to my level, so I decided to celebrate by drawing my in-game character, who has been lovingly nicknamed Pigtails McGee :)
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alwaysher · 2 years
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year2000electronics · 3 months
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wow. four years old huh. i'll keep this part short but sappy rant under the readmore! happy four years!!
it feels like just yesterday when i watched this series on a whim because my friend kept making jokes about my ocs with hlvrai quotes and then it was so funny and engaging that it pulled me out of a months-long depressive slump... feels like just yesterday that my work was finally being seen by people, yesterday that the summer of 2020 was one of the most interesting summers ive ever had, yesterday when the 2020-2021 school year ended up being one of the most difficult times of my life and hlvrai really helped me get through it. without exaggeration this series has changed my life
yeah we all may have had ups and downs, like a LOT of downs, but ill always consider hlvrai to be very special to me, not just because i love it but because it represents so many good things to me: friends joking around having fun, friends carrying their past experiences with them (gmod rping, an affinity for extensively-planned bits, jokes that could ONLY be made by rtvs with each other, you get it), and how the best things often come from happy accidents, from people who DARE to CARE, because hlvrai is good because theyre not afraid to be silly! theyre not afraid to be stupid and sincere and ridiculous!!
and the most inspiring part to me has always been that hlvrai wasnt made to chase any trends. it didnt come in the wake of anything, it was made, and then after it was made, rtvs pretty obviously made it clear that they wouldnt let their lightning-in-a-bottle series box them in. like everyone on the team is very strongly against ppl being parasocial to them, they dont let people beg them for the funny half life info and references, all that. as a creator its cool to see people doing what they love and not succumbing to any pressure algorithmically or otherwise, especially during the lockdowns, when a lot of other streamer-based fandoms cropped up that had a VERY big 'encouraging being parasocial' problem. its always been nice to have a web series thats just one of many awesome things rtvs has done
hlvrai was everything i could have ever asked for and more, and me myself i was perfectly content with just having the standalone series forever, because sometimes a standalone thing is all you need. but with hlage, bbvrai, and hl2vrai being announced, im still so happy to be here and so happy that i get to keep enjoying one of my favourite pieces of media <3
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 7 months
Mercs proposing hc?? So basic but Im literally one corny mf
The TF2 Mercs proposing to their partners
WARNING: Mild gore gifts because this is the Mercs we’re talking about here.
- Biggest panic attack of his fucking life. Has no idea how to function like a normal human being anymore. It was that feeling of being in love with somebody all over again and needing to tell them. What’s worse about this though is that marriage is a huge commitment. One that many aren’t ready for yet. What if you reject him and he messes this relationship up?
- Goes to Spy for comfort. In all honesty he’s just a very damaged little boy on the inside and scared that he is incapable of receiving unconditional love. The other Mercs catch him behind the base crying into Spy’s shoulder on the curb while Spy holds him. He’s telling Spy how much he loves you; and how terrified he is that you cannot return that same vow. Spy knows the feeling. “Shh, mon lapin.” Boy howdy Spy’s certainly grateful that Scout’s mom didn’t teach him a word of french.
- Spy has to shove Scout into your room to actually finally get him to do it. “Your idiot boyfriend has a few words for you, and apparently I have to be present or i’m certain he’ll break down crying again.” He says to you. While poor Scout curls up into a ball on the floor.
- First of all, why him? Second of all, this is the type of guy to go all out and spend half the money he earned in mercenary work to get one of those “will you marry me Y/N?” banners hooked up to a plane. Complete with the pilot being ejected and the plane crashing nose first into a rock formation. Apparently that was 100% intentional because a bunch of confetti came out of the explosion. You don’t know if you should be horrified at the audacity, or head over heels.
- Brings you an entire necklace of ears. But that’s not all! For limited time only you can get one of soldiers’ severed heads that was purposely boiled and skull cut into the shape of a helmet! Great, right? “Wow, what type of animal is this?” You ask. “A DOG. PACKAGED WITH PURE, NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR, PASTEURIZED AMERICAN GLORY!” well that’s not reassuring. “OOOHH SAAAAY CAAAAN YOU SEEE—“ Soldier immediately gets hit over the head by Heavy and knocked unconscious.
- After the initial silliness dies down you see adoration as you tend to his awful head wound. Maybe Heavy knocked the stupidity out of him? No. He’s still insane. Soldier grabs your wrist as you apply alcohol to his wound and squeezes your hand. “Somebody like me doesn’t deserve somebody like you.” He says. “Bullshit, Soldier.” You say, leaning in for a kiss.
- He can only achieve this when drunk off his mind. Not to mention it arrives in the most unromantic way possible. But it doesn’t make you love him any less. He holds you close to him after a New Years party at the base and pats your back. “Jus’ so you know, you’d look mighty fine with a ring on your finger.” He flirts, getting incredibly physically affectionate. He makes sure never to cross your boundaries.
- “Me mum would kill me but fuck all. y’know? Old wench’s days are numbered anywae. We could live ina nice cottage by the sea.. If ya want wee lil’ bastards I’ll actually take care of em. I’d have to stop me drinkin tho.” He says, pecking your neck. His remaining eye is pleading with you to say yes. “Pleaaase?”
- Has no recollection of these events in the morning so imagine his dumbfounded expression when one of the Mercs asks about his new fiancé. Cue the embarrassment mixed with pride and excitement.
- Will 100% go to your window in the dead of night and sing a song for you on his guitar. Particularly I imagine this would be the contender. You have no idea this is even a marriage proposal. You just think he’s being incredibly sappy. Imagine the surprise while mid song he pulls out a small box and throws it up and down recklessly like a baseball. You’re slowly beginning to catch on as he opens it with his free fingers after finishing the song.
- Complete overconfident show off. He pep-talked himself before all this and rehearsed his performance repeatedly. By using the wrangler and effortlessly throwing the box up in the air and propelling it forward with a single bullet, the sentry successfully aided in getting the box up to you. You don’t even know how you managed to catch it, to be honest.
- Tips his hardhat to you. “Whadda say? Marry me?” He can barely contain his smile. Both excited and somewhat relieved he pulled that off.
- “Heavy made you dead person crown..” He walks into your room one day and puts it on your head. It’s a bunch of severed ears meant to resemble a flower crown. “Hey, thanks big guy.” You’re grateful for the gift, being a crazed Merc yourself is it really any surprise? You give him a huge kiss on the cheek. Heavy looks thrilled that you accepted his gift. Which is very much unlike him. Usually he’s reserved. Maybe he’s just having a good day?
- Well.. you eventually find out why. That was apparently his way of proposing to you. Soldier nudges you the next morning and teases you for being engaged to Heavy. You’re horrified to say the least. You had no idea this meant marriage. Not that you wouldn’t marry him. But what about his gun Sasha? Wouldn’t she feel jealous? You’ve been with Heavy so long you keep referring to that damn thing as a person.
- Immediately upon seeing you; goes up to you and gives you a list of stuff he wants at this wedding. There’s even a blank page for you to write your own needs. He seems oddly motivated to plan this out months before it actually happens. There is countless mentions of Russian authors he wants to attend the wedding. As if they’d ever consider going to a stranger’s wedding. “If they won’t come then Heavy will crush them..” He says. Same goes for your guests.
- Wow.. Kind of the most normal out of all of them. For the most part. If TF2 took place in modern day they’d propose with a ringpop but all they have is a bag of candy and an actual ring (That they may or may not have stolen from someone in Tuefort.)
- They get on their knees and offer the ring to you in an extremely professional manner. It’s quite surreal to see Pyro pull off something so domestic and normal when he’s always destroying stuff with fire. In fact this is a little too normal.. This is Team Fortress we’re talking about here. Shouldn’t something be wacky happening right about now? It’s like the perfect opening for slapstick. Through your cries of love and laughter you begin to feel anxious at the back of your head.
- Yup.. There it is. Pyro tells you that Scout offered to be the ‘Ring bear’ for the wedding. There’s Scout dressed up in a cutesy teddy bear costume. You’re certain that’s not how it works. “Just for the record, if you tell anybody about this, I’ll fuckin’ saw off both your knees boston sandwich style. Capeesh?” He says. You have no idea what that means so you quickly agree.
- Afraid he’s going to mess it up, much like Scout. Gets incredibly physically ill as a result from stress and isolates himself in his camper van. You’re convinced he wants to tell you something but you have no idea what it is. One day on the frontlines an arrow narrowly misses your face and embeds itself into the wall next to you. You were about to turn around and bombard Sniper until you saw the note attached to it. “Pardon, Will you marry me? -Sniper.” With a very worried sad face drawn next to the note. He even bothered to draw his hat on it.
- Disbelief clouds your face at first. Sniper? Marry another Merc? You’re in shock. This isn’t something you’d ever suspect from a guy like him. But your initial thought makes way for an uncontrollable smile.
- He literally will not approach you first after this. You have to knock on his camper van because god knows he won’t be even able to face his team for months. As you jump into his arms and kiss him he immediately pulls you inside to love on you in private.
- Just kidding. But he wishes he were dead right now. How could he do something so… Un-mad-sciencey? Marriage is just a concept brought upon by money hungry people. It only exists within the mind… Yet, that’s how he feels. An eternal vow to you is something he wishes to do. He’s already planned to make you a god alongside him once the time came so you could be his beloved consort forever. It reminded him of the greek story of soulmates.
- Gets a little fruitier than usual. The most feminine moan you ever heard left this man’s body as you brushed against him while trying to help him grab a syringe he dropped. This man gets unusually hornier and that’s how you know something’s up.. “Looking up my skirt, I see!” He says, as you glance up his long lab coat. There isn’t anything there but his pants so you roll your eyes. “Ah yes.. “ You respond. You decide he’s just clingy and horny as usual and carry about your assistance. You’re not in the mood for that. He never even bottoms so he’s feigning it anyway.
- “Err—Uh— Ho! Wouldn’t it be just shameful if I knew what was going on inside your head?” He asks. “Alright, i’ll bite. What are you saying, Doc?” You sigh. He fixes his glasses back up on his face thoughtfully. “One body, one mind. That would be quite intriguing don’t you think? If we were to.. Become one.” He placed an odd amount of emphasis on that, as if the thought was simply music to his ears. Lord he’s creepy. Medic grabs you and holds you close to him. “Think of the possibilities. We’d never be lonely again. I could stitch our bodies together and we could feel each other’s essence. Forever.”
- “Medic, you good?” You ask. Although his words were strangely flattering nonetheless in their own way. You smile at him. He seems to be lost in the idea. Fantasies of being with you for eternity flood his head. Particularly ones where you’re both a weird hybrid god. Weirdest marriage proposal world record goes to Medic.
- No, no no no no no. He can’t do this again. Marriage never worked out for him. After losing Scout’s mom and many partners that followed, he couldn’t bare hurting somebody like that again. His job always got in the way of what he truly desired but he had to live with it. This life chose him after all. His hand was forced into this position. Seeing your bright smile for the rest of his days was all he ever wanted. His urges to get up and say something to you were too strong.
- Has to metaphorically slap himself in the face and remind himself to act like a fucking adult. He wasn’t a little rambunctious teenager in Paris anymore. Yet he felt like one whenever he saw you. Such boyish feelings for an old put together gentleman like him. Spy decided to trust you and himself. But if something went wrong he wouldn’t hesitate to jump off a fucking cliff. Spy would stare at his reflection in the bathroom mirror for hours and contemplate his decision before making it.
- He proposes to you under a starry moonlit night. Not even bothering to kneel down, he slides the box across the balcony to you. “Well?” he asks, taking a long drag of his cigarette. His eyes fixated on the horizon. “Do I have to say it?” He asks. “Yes..” You tell him. Your eyes gleaming with joy. You never felt happier in your entire life. “Fine.. Will you marry m—“ He couldn’t even finish before you jump on him, ultimately knocking you both down.
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simpinformonkies · 11 months
Hiiii I love your writing! May I request some MK and Wukong who are their normal selves until the reader gets threatened/hurt/captured/idk and they go absolutely ballistic
I got you bro
-First off, Wukong loves you so fucking much that it physically hurts him sometimes. Not in the 'oh im in pain', but more in the 'heart repeatedly struck by cupid's arrow'.
-Or maybe that just makes him a simp, idk
-Wukong definitely takes you nice but casual places- be it quiet but quality diners, a picnic in his hidden grotto, a field of flowers to relax in (read: a field that he uses so that he can nap on your legs and cuddle you while basking in the sun)- just the whole nine yards, really
-So imagine his indescribable rage when he finds you've been kidnapped, and later follows your scent (he has it memorized by this point, plus he scents you, its obvious that he can find you) to see you getting attacked by demons, your clothes ripped and fresh wounds that drip droplets of crimson to the beautiful flowers and green grass below, staining them red.
-And just like that, Wukong fucking lost it- he flew off the handle so hard that his mind blacked out, and he only 'came too' when the demons were half dead covered in their own blood, his hands and claws stained the very same crimson.
-As soon as Wukong came too, he's checking you over worriedly, careful not to aggravate your wounds further.
-He didn't even notice his glamours dropped until you said something, and before he could even attempt to slip them back on, you cup his cheek and tell him how beautiful he is, both with and without the glamours.
-You even smiled, "Your eyes really do gleam like rubies and gold, huh?"
-Wow, way to catch his heart again, damn.
-...Wukong stops wearing glamours around you, dropping them as soon as the two of you are alone, and he's always cuddling you in some way or form.
-He will not lose you again.
-He refuses too.
-First off, let's get it out of the way that MK is the most loving and sappy boyfriend ever, who is either rizzing you up or being controlled by his anxiety. It depends, really.
-He's always doing the most basic but sappy couple stuff, and despite how cheesy it all is, it's genuinely flattering.
-MK is also incredibly protective of you- he tries not to control you with his protective instincts, and let's you do as you please because you're his beloved, and you deserve to do as you please.
-You're both adults! It's fine! He can handle this!
-He cannot.
-It's post S4 when MK gets notified of a demon causing problems, and goes to take care of it when he sees who the demon has as a hostage.
-You. Chained up, with ripped clothes, deep cuts, and teary eyes.
-Oh, MK fucking loses it.
-He goes full monkey at the drop of a dime, and is scratching and punching the villain (the bastard) that dares hurt his beloved.
-MK is a merciful hero that loves to help!
-But even HE has a limit to his compassion and mercy.
-Once the villain is gone, MK picks you up and just... holds you in his arms, hissing and just staring people down if they come anywhere near you- his tail curled around your leg and puffed, eyes slit and ready to attack at any given moment.
-It takes nearly an hour to get through to him, but when you do, you're treated by Sandy as MK sobs in your lap about not protecting you well enough, while you simple pet his hair gently, careful not to tug or snag on his hair as you stroke it.
-MK... is a lot more protective of you from then on- but he doesn't force himself into your activities. More so watches than anything else.
-If it keeps you safe, he'll do whatever he needs too.
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swiftllama · 4 months
January Compliments ☀️🔍
[Compliments Masterlist]
Hello everyone and welcome to the first Compliments Post of 2024! Hope the year has started off well for you all, and if not, then I hope this post can at least provide a little bit of joy to your day 🫶
We may be only one month in but the boys have been delivering since the very first day 🙌 So let’s get into it shall we! :-
January 2024
Ian’s 2023 Wrap Up
So to start us off, first day of the year and Mr Sunshine was already tugging at our heartstrings with his wrap up of 2023, and who made his 2023 what it was? Well Anthony of course 🥹
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The fact the WHOLE post is Anthony - from the photos to the caption! EVERY SINGLE PHOTO HAS ANTHONY 😭 Also don’t even get me started on the two unseen photos and the fact they’ve been kept from us till now. How dare 😤 AND the fact the first person he thanked was Anthony! Like yes he’s thanking and appreciating many people with this post but come on now, from the pictures alone it’s clear who made his year. This is just SO SPECIAL! Especially coming from Ian, who isn’t normally a big one for sharing his emotions (I think we’ve seen a change with that recently though), but this is BIG!
Anthony also in return left a sweet comment :-
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“proud of you buddy.”
CRYING 😭 They kill me these two, couldn’t even go one day without being sappy to each other - not that I’m complaining. And as much as I would love to just sit here in this gooeyness, we’ve got a lot to get through so I must move on 🥲
So they reacted to the classic Legend Of Zelda Rap in this Flashback eps and got a few little compliments thrown in :-
[discussing the scene of Ian dressed as Link winking at the camera that spawned a viral gif]
Anthony: “That for some reason was a clip that went viral- or a gif that went viral.”
Ian: “Yeah, it’s like horny posters.”
Anthony: “Yeah.”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “I see it way too much.”
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[shoutout editor Kortney for this 😆]
Ian: “Gotta say, never looked better.”
Anthony: “That’s true.”
Anthony agrees 😏
Erin: [asking Ian if he had spicy time in the Link outfit like Anthony said about the Assassin’s Creed outfit in their 2 Truths 1 Lie eps]
Ian: “I did not have spicy time in the Link outfit because that outfit was very tight, there was not much of a range of motion in it.”
Anthony: “Right. Well you could be a pillow princess in that.”
Ian: “I’m not a pillow princess.”
Anthony: “Oh really?”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “I’ve heard otherwise.”
[look at each other and Anthony laughs]
Ian: “Oh yeah, cause canonically we had sex for seven years.”
Anthony: [laughs] “In the Food Battle lore.”
Ian: “Yeah. Canonically in Food Battle, we’ve had sex for seven years. You know every crevice of my body.”
Anthony: “Of your anatomy.”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “Anywho…”
Ian: “Wow, this went a weird place.”
Anthony: “Back to looking at Link in his prime.”
Ian: “Back to me looking freakin’ HAWT.”
Anthony: “Yeah.”
Just them casually discussing the fact they’ve canonically had sex for 7 years and then Anthony once again agreeing Ian looked hot in the Link outfit… I don’t think I even need to say anything.
Anthony: “Oh! And I just want to give a shoutout to myself.”
Ian: “Oh, [sings] shoutout to myself.”
Anthony: “I painstakingly added those fucking stars [in the scene] for some reason. I thought they were so necessary.”
Ian: “Yeah, no, that was sick.”
Ian giving Anthony a little compliment for his hard work 😊
Speaking of the stars it was also something Ian brought up again later when they appeared in the video again :-
Ian: “Stars. Stars.”
Anthony: “Oh yeah. Stars. We got ‘em in there.”
Very cute how he wanted to shoutout Anthony’s work again ☺️
Erin: “That’s Anthony?! [as Ganondorf]”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “Shut up. You knew that was me.”
Erin: “That’s crazy.”
Ian: “You didn’t know that was Anthony?”
Erin: “Where’d your, like, jaw go?”
Ian: “What do you mean? He’s got an epic jaw.”
Ian got so defensive on Anthony’s behalf here, I love it! Reminded me of the moments from Who Meme’d It when Anthony was defending Ian 😌
And that was us for this video!
Moving on…
Gets a big title cause why not!
But yes, soup! So Ian has gotten into making soup this year and on that same Friday we got the Flashback, that evening we were blessed out of nowhere with these stories :-
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Like this is the cutest, most domesticated shit ever! They kill me!!!!
And okay yes when that first photo was posted I thought Ian was right then and there cooking it for him, Ian then responded with this :-
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Let me live in my fantasies Ian! 😤
But regardless of Mr dashing-my-dreams Hecox, I’m still of the mindset they were hanging out that day and that’s when Ian gave him the container of soup.
Evidence :-
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This photo only. That I believe Anthony took 😌
Also I try not to make these posts too shipper-heavy so that everyone may enjoy them if they’re just here for the friendship alone, so I’ll just leave this other little post I made here about some other thoughts I had on this soup situation that isn’t in the friendship realm 🤭 All cool if that’s not for you though!
So 7 months later Vidcon finally decided to post this little interview they had with them lol. And even with such a short video we still got a few complimentary/cute moments :-
So Anthony was being his usual self and finding Ian the funniest person alive as always. There was a couple moments where Ian gave his answers and you just hear Anthony’s laugh in the background 🥰
Q: What are the last three things you Googled?
Ian: “Jared Leto cult…”
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He’s a cutie ☺️
And it happened again!
Q: What’s the cringest thing you’ve ever done for views?
Ian: “I mean like our whole channel’s cringe.”
Anthony, once again: [laughing in the background]
Love him and how much he loves Ian and his humour 😊
This was just one wee last bit I thought was cute :-
Ian: [signing out the video] “This has been Ian from Smosh, that’s right, the channel that is 17 and a half years old that’s doing sketch comedy again with my best friend Anthony.”
Can never resist them calling each other ‘best friend’ so of course had to include it!
Making of Pokémon In Real Life 2024
So they brought back the classic Pokémon In Real Life sketch, and from that obviously we got the BTS. Only a couple little moments from this one but just wanted to include them cause they were silly 🤓
Ian: [sneezes] “Sorry. Your hairspray.”
Anthony: “Ohhh… he’s allergic to me [smirks].”
👀 Don’t know what that was about but alrighty, Anthony…
Ian: [cuts his finger and there’s a dot of blood]
Anthony: “Oh my god, dude. Are you okay?”
Ian: “No, I’m not okay. Trigger warning gore.”
Anthony: “Do you need someone to suck out the blood?”
Why did this just turn into Saltburn? Don’t know what Anthony was on with the these two moments but I won’t question it 😝 And despite saying ‘someone’, he was definitely offering to suck the blood from Ian’s finger himself 🤭
Pokémon In Real Life 2024 Watch Party
Of course with the sketch and BTS we got a livestream, which gave us some cute and complimentary moments 😊
To kick off this livestream I just wanna point out that they were wearing matching colours with Anthony’s jacket and Ian’s hoodie, plus matching Smosh Pokémon hats which is very cute 😊
Ian: [apologising for getting annoyed in the BTS due to the background noise messing up their filming] “Dude, this video. This Pokémon video. I apologise if I looked very angry in the behind the scenes.”
Anthony: [laughs] “You didn’t look that bad. Honestly, it amped up accurately.”
Erin: “The compilation of you getting angry, it was pretty funny.”
Anthony: Yeah, so it was justified. People knew why you were angry.”
Love the reassurance from Anthony here so that Ian isn’t worried about how he came across in the video.
[take their hats off]
Ian: “How’s my hair? Is it weird?”
Anthony: “Is mine weird? Yours is fine.”
Ian: “No, I feel like yours is like, yours has like a messy chic to it, you know.”
Them just complimenting each other’s hair - here for it! Also Ian’s added compliment of “messy chic” 😄
[playing Pokémon quiz]
I&A: “Jinx.”
Crew: [laughs]
Anthony: [smiles and points to Ian] “Jinx.”
Ian: “That’s our favourite. Favourite Pokémon.”
Funny because it’s both the Pokémon’s name and they said it at the same time 😝 Cute how Ian also got in that that’s their favourite ☺️
[complete the quiz]
Anthony: “Dude, 100 percent, bro.”
I&A: [high-five]
Of course always gotta include the highfives 😌
After the quiz they go on to play a Pikachu x Sonic crossover. Anthony plays a round and then Ian goes to play but can’t get the controls to work for him so Anthony’s showing him what to do 🥹 I don’t feel the need to include what they said here as it’s just Anthony saying what buttons to push but just wanted to include a little description of what was happening at this moment 😊
Ian: [completes the game]
Anthony: “You won the game.” [clapping]
Just another little cute moment I wanted to include of Anthony clapping for Ian 🙂
[playing Pokémon Among Us]
Anthony: [playing the game well]
Ian: “Alright, I hate that you’re like kind of eating.” [as Ian kept dying]
A begrudging little compliment from Ian there 😄
[signing the livestream off]
Ian: “Happy New Year, hope the holidays were a fun time for you and you had some eggnog and sat by the campfire…”
Anthony: “Roasting chestnuts.”
Ian: “Roasting chestnuts.”
Anthony: “Or chestnut. I’m not making any assumptions.”
Ian: “….What?”
Anthony: “Just if they don’t have more than one chestnut.”
Ian: “Ohh, okay. I don’t know if you could buy a singular chestnut but…”
Anthony: “I think there’s a way.”
Ian: “Go off king.”
Just a silly little one to end on because I wanted to include Ian calling Anthony ‘king’ 🤭
Can I Guess Who Slapped Me?
So the video of Anthony getting slapped finally dropped! And it was everything and more, especially when it came to moments between Ian and Anthony so let’s jump right in :-
Right off the bat we had this as the description for Ian…
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Now onto the actual slapping…
The moment that got us all was just before Ian slaps him he slowly started caressing Anthony’s face so obviously that had us all going crazy! Including the cast and crew!
Anthony: [after the slap] “Oh. Wow. Uhhh, this person thinks they’re hilarious.” [laughs]
Cast & Crew: [laughing]
Ian: [Trying not to laugh]
Anthony: “Uhhh, who would do that? Who would caress my face and slap me out of nowhere?”
Ian: [boops Anthony’s nose]
Anthony: “Uh, it feels like an Ian move to me… Did you just boop me? Um, that feels like an Ian move.”
Kiana: “That is correct.”
Everyone: [celebrating and applauding]
Anthony: [puts his hands out and Ian high-fives him]
Angela: “Friendship always wins!”
Ian: “Well done. Well done. Good job to you.”
Anthony: [bowing]
Ian: “There we go. There we go. That’s the only one you truly needed to get right.”
Anthony: [laughs]
So true Ian! That was the most important one he needed to get right! And I just want to point out how Ian was only the 3rd person Anthony got right, and of course he knew it was him right away with his cheeky little joke of “this person thinks they’re hilarious” 😝 he knew the second Ian caressed his face that it was him cause they truly just know each other that well ☺️ Live for Angela yelling “Friendship always wins!” after he got it right too! And can we also talk about the totally unnecessary, but very, very cute little nose boop Ian threw in there just cause he wanted to! Obsessed!
A little bit later in the video during Duran’s round of slapping Anthony another little moment happened that I just wanted to include cause I thought that it was funny and showed how silly of a mood Ian was in, I think Anthony being blindfolded was playing a part in that and he gained a little extra layer of confidence to just fuck about with Anthony 😆
Anthony: [standing with his butt pushed out waiting to be slapped]
Kiana: “The stance is great. The stance is great.”
Ian: [runs over and pretends to go in to slap Anthony’s butt]
Anthony: “Why’s there wind?”
Cast & Crew: [laugh]
Hehe 🤭
Anyways! That was it for the slapping video but I did also want to include something that came off the back of it and that was…
Anthony dedicating a whole Instagram post to Ian slapping him :-
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Obessed with this though! The fact he went out of his way to make a post specifically about Ian slapping him over anyone else, plus that caption! ‘only ian would slap me like that’ - truly the cherry on top of it all 😌
Jacksfilms Confesses His Biggest Regret
So they had Jacksfilms on as a guest for Flashback to react to some of his old videos and an old collab of his the boys had been a part of.
Jack: [talking about how he moved to LA after he graduated] “…And that’s when I started collaborating with some, then, very big YouTube channels.”
Anthony: [looks at Ian] “Yeah, back then we were big.” [elbows Ian and Ian elbows him back]
Them just being silly 😄 loved the little elbowing of each other too 😊
Jack: “I remember I was in college, I was like out hanging with my friends. I just got 50,000 subs on YouTube, baby. And one of my friends just like took the air right out of my tire, or sails, whatever, and was like ‘Uh, yeah, did you know that Smosh has like a million now?’.”
Ian: “Pffft.”
Anthony: [silent laughs] “Noice!” [high-fives Ian] “Noice!”
Again, just more of them being silly. Plus high-five!
I should have mentioned at the start of this section that Ian is in a tshirt-dress for this video as a reference to Jack as it’s got tweets of his printed on it. Anyway, as a result his legs are out obviously, and that’s relevant to this next part :-
Anthony: [talking about how there’s always an audience for every kind of content, it’s just about what kind of audience you want to have]
Ian: “That’s true. And you want this audience.” [pointing to show off his legs]
Anthony: “You want this.”
Ian: “You want the audience that accepts this.”
Anthony: “This is what you want. This is the audience that we have. And we are very happy with this audience.”
Ian: “Exactly.”
Anthony: “They’ve been begging for this.”
And we’re more than happy to be the audience for it! 😌 (As is Anthony considering how many times he was checking out Ian’s legs during this video 😉)
Anthony also had this to say about YouTube’s hate for Ian’s attire 😤
Jack: [talking about a sponsorship he done with other youtubers to test out a new workout program]
Ian: “Did you get Jaaaacked?”
Anthony: [looks at Ian with a smirk and high-fives him]
Second high-five for this video! Also Anthony just quietly complimenting Ian’s pun 😄
Ian: “Do you [Jack] have any regrets? Any videos that you regret making?” [smiling]
Anthony: “You look so happy saying that.” [smiling] “This is happiest I’ve seen you all episode.” [laughs]
Just thought it was cute how Anthony seeing Ian smiling made him smile and laugh 😊
And that was it for another Flashback!
No1 Ian Fan Strikes Again
So Anthony was back at it! The Smosh team was out celebrating one of the crews birthday - Erin posted this to her story. Now I’m sure there were probably multiple photos and videos taken this night but what was the only thing Anthony shared from it? That’s right! Ian of course!
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He’s obsessed with that boy and I love it! 😌
Ian also reshared and replied to Anthony’s story which you can find here
Making Of “MrBeast Copycats Have Gone Too Far”
So the BTS of the MrBeast Copycats Have Gone Too Far sketch offered us a few little moments :-
So this seemed to be a very high-five, hand-hold heavy BTS. Think they were just in one of those moods where they want any excuse to touch each other 🤭😉
[Finishing off their little video introduction]
Anthony: [goes in to high-five Ian and grips his hand]
Ian: [high-fives Anthony back and also grips his hand in response]
I&A: [still holding each other’s hands] “Let’s go shoot this shit!”
Ian: [messing up his line] “I’m having a trouble! I’m having a trouble…” [facepalms]
Shayne: “That’s so funny. ‘I’m having a trouble’.”
Anthony and Courtney: [laughing]
Anthony: [to Ian] “Are you having a trouble?” [puts hand on Ian’s shoulder]
Ian: “I’m having a trouble. Words.”
Anthony: [laughs]
I know they were (lovingly) poking fun at Ian here, but the wee glimpse of the shoulder touch from Anthony to Ian is what got me ☺️
I&A: [In character but joking around]
Ian: “There’s a twist. There’s a twist.” [puts hand out to Anthony] “There’s a twist.”
Anthony: “There’s a twist.” [takes Ian’s hand and grips it]
I&A: [still holding hands whilst lightly pushing/tapping each other and repeating “there’s a twist”. They then start scissoring their fingers together, before gripping each other’s fingers and pulling the other in closer to them whilst now repeating “getting twisted” and manically laughing]
Well… that was… something… 👀
Told you they were just looking for any excuse to touch each other. But hey, wouldn’t be a Smosh BTS if Ian and Anthony weren’t flirting with each other 😜
And to finish off this high-five heavy BTS, I’ll leave you with this :-
Ian: [talking about how Anthony injured himself by dropping a laptop on his foot and how he should take an Advil but Anthony doesn’t take Advil so he doesn’t know if it’ll help]
Anthony: “I don’t care about the pain, I just want the throbbing to stop.”
Ian: “He doesn’t like throbbing.”
Anthony: “I don’t like throbbing. I like pulsating.”
Ian: [laughs] “I hate both of those words.”
Anthony: [laughs] “Yeah, usually I say throbbing or pulsating member…”
Ian: [acting disgusted]
Anthony: “Speaking of members thank you so much being a Smoshtastic or Smosh Royalty member!”
Ian: “Yeah! Thanks for being our throbbing members.” [laughs]
Anthony: “Our pulsating members.”
Ian: “Yeahhh, throbbing members.”
I&A: [high-five]
Um… thanks boys, I guess… happy to be a throbbing and pulsating member… 🥴🤦‍♀️ They high-fived so I had to include it, don’t blame me for what they said! 😩
And on that’s note that brings us to the end of January! Hope you all enjoyed reading - I’d say it was a very good start to the year in terms of content, and the boys very much delivered in terms of complimentary moments so can’t complain 😌
Thank you all again for reading and I shall see you next time! 💖
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fioxis · 2 months
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Okay so I swear I have a reasonable explanation for this (*coughs* no I don't)
I actually thought up this ship around the same time I drew that one 'pencil bois' art I posted last year but recently I rewatched some various DC cartoon episodes of Plas (and Creeps) and now Im huffing the delusional fumes again 😭😭
They're just... silly guys... being silly.... and gay... (My ship ramblings of how I imagine them to be under the cut)
I see them as a slow burn romance where they start out as friends to best friends, and then Ryder realizes wow he has a crush on Plastic Man of all people and Creeper makes fun of him until he realizes he also has a crush on Plastic Man of all people LMAO and this all building from months of them hanging out both in patrols and just having movie nights or something XD
Ryder eventually accepts like damnit I guess I do like this weirdo so in the headspace he's basically constantly simping whenever they're around Plas. Creeps, having to be the one who's physically there, just internally makes fun of Ryder constantly because while he also likes Plas, he's not nearly as much of a sap about it LMAO There's probably some times where he gets sappy and flustered but they're few and far between compared to how Ryder is in their head.
On Plas' side, I imagine him to be extremely oblivious to how his best friend feels about him because: (a) Creeps actually doesn't really give any indication of it outside of the moments where he gets sappy and flustered, otherwise he just continues to be extremely... himself; and (b) He's also started to feel some sort of way (a very sappy way) towards his best friend and oh my god hahaha it would be so weird if he liked liked his best friend, the Creeper, and theres no way he'd like him back so anyways we're just bros being bros amirite (very much deep in denial city)
Their alter egos are still hidden from each other, so they have no idea who the other person is and I think only few people know who their real identities are (one of those people being Batman of course). Why? Because I think its more fun that way hehehe.... I have this subplot in my head of how Eel O' Brian and Jack Ryder keep bumping into each other at like normal places (like the grocers or the park) around Gotham until they get to the point of like 'its that guy again' LOL
Is it possibly OoC? Perhaps. Very likely, in fact. But, my creeps and plas are very much a mish mash of different iterations and full of my own headcanons anyways so they're basically just my dollies at this point LMAO If you read into the end, thank you so much. Im kind of obsessed with these guys XDD Feel free to get in my ask box if you have any questions LOL
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muzicgenerator · 9 months
Hey, can I request an angst story with Bill and reader (the reader is female) abt crazy fans please? Like them (Bill and the reader) admitting somewhere (idk maybe in an interview for a magazine) that they almost broke up because of that (maybe reader's fanbase is known for being "too much" sometimes like following the reader everywhere, being so in love with her etc)
(Also could the story take place in the 2000s please?)
Goodbye 👋
i like this one im actually excited abt writing this one shot
btw im so sorry for late reply AHSJHFKDHDK please expect ill take like AT LEAST a week to answer yalls request bc im busy as hell w school 😭😭 love u guys pls understand
and again this aint entirely proof read
Too Much?
Pairing: Bill Kaulitz x Fem Reader
Genre: Angst, Mostly fluff
Warnings: Stalking, mention of nonconsensual touching, very embarrassing storytime from bill
Request Status: closed :(
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮ I'm Not Okay (I Promise) : My Chemical Romance
(Time set back in late November of 2007)
Being a famous actress since as a child was unbelievably tough.
You had worked so hard and expertly; you didn't even have time to spend your childhood properly.
Just at the age of 19 and you've finished numerous movies and series. A true self-made millionaire, really.
You and your ravenette boyfriend are currently doing an interview for a night show.
"So ____, wow! After a long pause from doing films you're finally gonna have one showing soon! How is it like? Being back and all; being the talk of the country."
In the past one and a half year you hadn't done any projects since you've decided to take a break for yourself. And now you're once again busy taping with film staff and directors for your new and upcoming Teenage Romance movie.
Rest assured it's not your typical boy-meets-girl or vice versa and they do sappy sweet stuff and get together kind of film; it has its own uniqueness that will surely be called as "One of 2000s greatest Teen Romance movies of all time."
"Oh, I feel great Hanna. I had a deserving break and I'm back to doing one of the things I love most. I'm even happier because I got my lover and his band to sing the theme song for the movie." You truthfully answered and chuckled by the end of your statement.
"How about you Bill? How are things with your band?" Hanna included Bill to the conversation.
At that, he smiled politely. "Everything's great with us y'know, we're still together and all. Which I'm grateful for."
After a few more minutes for pep talk; the blonde interviewer finally decided to get onto the exciting part of the show.
"And now, for the moment we've all been waiting for! Dunk Tank!" Hanna smiled widely at the selected crowd.
"Where in this game; you will pick someone from the crowd who will accompany you with this game.
Your selected teammate will ask any question they want; to which you will answer, and if you don't want to then they'll get a chance to throw a ball on the target. Where if they hit it, you'll fall down the tank."
Hanna excitedly announced despite having done this for the nth time.
"____ and Bill, play Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who goes first."
You knew you'd beat Bill since every single time you played it - he'd miserably lose.
"Oh, I'm confident in winning this one!" you proudly say.
"Just because you've beat me all the other times we played this, doesn't mean I'll lose now!" Bill accepted your challenge and laughed.
He was right. He won for the very first time.
"Oh my God! Did I seriously win?!" your black clothed boyfriend exclaimed.
"I only let you win this time because I felt sorry." you playfully rolled your eyes with a smirk.
"Whatever, I'm gonna choose now." he giggled and stepped closer to the crowd.
His fan girls were screaming at the top of their lings, begging to be chosen by him.
No, you weren't jealous. Not one bit. Sometimes Bill would even complain about you not being possessive of him from time to time and would think you're not as in love as he thought.
It's cute, really. Then you'll show him how much you love him through actions rather than words.
Bill chose a girl who seemingly looked two or three years younger.
The joyous girl screamed in surprise; "Oh my god! What?! Me??! SERIOUSLY??"
It made Bill giggle, "Yes, you! Now get down here!"
A body guard helped the girl down; and when she was no longer at the stairs she rushed Bill to hug him but abruptly stopped. "Hi oh my god you're more beautiful up close! Can I hug you?!" she says excitingly.
It made your heart flutter just how kinder your boyfriend's fans are compared to yours.
To say your fan base is crazy is an understatement. Many would harass you through nasty words or touching you with no consent; it didn't matter if they did that out of how much they "love" you, it was still disgusting.
"Um, yeah. Sure!" he hesitantly looked at you; his eyes asking for permission. To which you subtly nodded.
Again, your heart melted by how he's making sure you're okay with it. Honestly, you very much understood that being famous would mean people wanting to hug you or any form of physical contact. Plus, it's not like you can say no to Bill from hugging a fan; you'd be a scandal. And you knew Bill wouldn't have any other choice as well.
He wrapped an arm over her shoulders while she fully embraced him. Okay, you're a teensy bit jealous especially by the way she's holding him like he's her man.
But that was soon washed away when she turns to you.
"Hi! What's your name sweetie?" Hanna asked and put a mic on her mouth.
"My name is Pauline!"
Before Hanna could say anything further, Pauline beat her to it.
"____!! I'm such a big fan of you too! I've been watching your movies since forever." saying she's over the moon is definitely an understatement! This will definitely be a core memory.
Almost immediately you wrapped your arms around her back and squeezed her. This girl is definitely one of the most respectable and sweetest fan you've ever met.
Was it really low? Yes.
The audience cheered by how sweet you and Bill had been to the girl and by how jealous they were.
As Bill and Hanna chattered about God knows what; the girl leaned closer to you in order to ask a favour which no one can hear.
"Can I ask you to shout out my brother? He has a huge crush on you!"
"Sorry darling but we're in the middle of a show right now. How about later I ask the staff to send you to the backstage? Then I'll give him my magazine with an autograph, and if you have a camera with you - you can video me saying hi to him!" you came up with a resolution.
Was it over the top? You didn't know and you didn't care. You're just fleeting with joy by how this girl isn't like any other of your fans.
"Seriously? You'd do that for me and my brother?" she gasped.
"Well, yeah. I mean it's not always that I have such nice interactions with people who are a fan."
"Okay lovebirds what are you two talking about there?" Hanna teased with a smirk and Bill playfully pouted.
"Nothing, nothing" you laughed and held Bill's arm as the crowd laughed and cheered.
"If you say sooo." she replied. "Alright, your turn to pick!"
You carefully looked around the crowd and walked five steps of the stairs to get a better view of the people on the back. A fifteen year old boy was holding a banner stating "Bill's No.1 Boy", it was cute, really. So you planned to steal your boyfriend's fan! (this a joke dont hate reader pls)
"The ginger at the back with the banner please." you said to the mic.
The boy squeeled in delight and threw his banner somewhere before running down to you. Your arms opened for an embrace which he immediately jumped into.
"What's your name?" you put the mic to his mouth as you both carefully went down the stairs and back to the stage.
"Sam, I'm Sam! My name is Sam!" his rather high pitched voice said.
"Okay, Sam. I know you're Bill's fan so I'm gonna have to steal you, that okay?"
"Hey, no fair!" Bill patted the boy's head and shot a smile at him.
This moment for him is definitely a core memory and will brag about it to every living human he sees.
"Now, who wants to go first in the tank?" Hanna asked.
"I'll do it" Bill says excitingly.
They agreed and the staff helped him get up. Once he were seated and adjusted in the circular surface; he challenge you.
"Ask a good one!"
"Ohohoo, we definitely will!" you smirked.
You turn to Sam and ask him without the mics near your faces; "What're you gonna ask your idol?"
"Oh uhmm, I don't really know." he says bashfully.
"Maybe his most embarrassing moment?"
"That'll work, definitely." you smile supportively and fist bumped him.
"Bill, you read?!" Hanna exclaimed.
"Born ready!!"
"Alright Sam, ask away!"
"What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?" Sam asked with twinkles in his eyes.
"Oh, definitely when me and ____ weren't dating yet; she threw a sleepover party and she invited me and my mates, and there were three bathrooms, right? The three were being used and in one of those bathrooms it was Tom using it, and I had to rush him because I really needed to take a shit, like I couldn't hold it any farther!
So he went out really pissed and I pushed him off the door and quickly shut it and went right into business."
Bill paused and tried to compose himself as the crowd started to get louder.
"And when I washed and pushed the flush button - It wouldn't flush! So I got really scared because I just shit in my crush's toilet and I can't let anyone know that I'm the one who did it. So i looked around and saw a pack of pads so I took one of them; and forced myself to dip my hand down to grab it and I almost puked!
I look around and see there's no trash bin. So I panic again, and eventually decided I'll just rush down to throw it in the garbage in her garage. I quickly make a run for it and almost bumped into ___"
He now covered his hands in shame and embarrassment. "And she saw the pad in my hand! So she asked me like, 'Is that a pad?' and I'm like yes and so she asks whose it is...... and I said it's mine....."
You know of this story long ago; and it just gets better and better whenever you think or hear of it.
The audience and interviewer roared with laughter; as well as the staff behind and securities who tried to contain their smiles.
"I wish I never asked!" Sam wiped his tears from laughing too hard.
"Get down here Bill! That was too much!" Hanna's cheeks started to hurt, "Sorry to the viewers who are eating."
Bill went down immediately and squeezed the living life out of you. He does this whenever he's feeling embarrassed or nervous, and calls it his "Physical Support" from you.
"You should've let yourself get thrown in the water!" you giggled and hugged him back before he pulled away with a red face.
"Next goes ____!"
Once you were seated and made yourself comfortable on the seat; you tell them you're ready.
It was Pauline's turn to question whatever she wishes. "____, what do you think of your fans?"
She asks sincerely; she must've noticed something by the way you're like to your fan base and to Bill's. A part of you wished she hadn't asked but you've been dying to let the creepers out there know that whatever they'd been doing to you for a long long time - greatly affects you, especially as a young stat growing up in this sort of industry.
You rarely held any meet and greet, rarely had photos with fans where you look actually comfortable and where they weren't touching your waist or hips or near your ass - and ones where you do look comfortable it was mostly with girls or kids, which was not as often as when you do with the rest; who are pedophiles and creepy boys.
Of course you've always been nice when interacting with them; you didn't want to be rude and only wanted to be kind.
Definitely, there were times when you couldn't take it and couldn't do anything about it - other than cry and complain in your lover's arms.
You're forever thankful to have someone like him; he'd always listen to whatever you say and support everything you do.
Not realising; you zoned out quite a bit and snapped out of it when Bill called out your name with worry that he's trying to mask from everyone.
"Oh-, well, obviously I love them so much, if it weren't for them I wouldn't have succeed this much - of course the people who helped me get up in this industry as well.
I truly do appreciate their love and support, seriously. But quite the number of them are uh, how do I say this." you nervously chuckled as everyone listened intently to the tea you're telling.
"Crossing my boundaries? Yes, uh- that." you say not quite satisfied with the word you chose. It was evident that it's worse than just that but the safest.
"We all know people would cross it by taking unsolicited pictures of you, that's given because you're a celebrity, but are there some other ways they would? If you don't mind me asking of course." Hanna carefully asked.
You smiled softly, "Well a few have stalked me to my house - which I dunno how the hell they did so and took pictures of me and they'd send it to me and tell me how they thought of me. Some leave love letters, flowers, food in front of my gate, sent death threats to my exes when I was dating them and even now to my Bill." you left the worse parts out since you didn't want half of the world to be talking about your most private part of life. What you're even telling them now is a whole lot.
"Wow.. we all knew your fan base could get a bit crazy judging from all the videos we see and the news, but not by this much!" Hanna says empathetically.
"It happens, I guess." you try to laugh it off. However, Bill looked at your hues with his that sent the message of "Are you okay?"
In which yours replied with "I'm not okay."
The game went on a for it was Pauline's turn to the dunk tank, then Sam's.
You continued your cheery self through the whole taping and told yourself you'll regret what you said later in your dressing room. Bill kept his distance close to you and would caress your hand or shoulder as a sign of support - as well as slipping a "How're you holding up?" every now and then.
If there were billions of ways to show gratitude to this man; you'd do every single one of it to him.
After the agonizing show was over; you and Bill kissed Hanna's cheeks as a goodbye and thank you. To which she said back to you both as well and wished to see you soon.
As you made your way to the dressing room in silence with your fingers intertwined with Bill's; you abruptly stop in your tracks.
"I almost forgot I have to sign a magazine for Pauline!"
Your lover looked confused for a second "What? Why?"
"I kinda promised Pauline I'll just sign a magazine for her brother because she asked me to shout him out while taping." you let a small huff and loosened your grip on your boyfriend's slender hand. "How about I'll see you later in the van? You can wait for me there instead if I haven't been back by five minutes."
Bill smiled, "Of course sweetheart, I'll see you later. Love you." he pecked your lips and lovingly looked into your eyes for a moment before heading to his dressing room.
Quickly; you asked a staff to bring Pauline to your dressing room to give her an autograph - to which they agreed to. Thankfully.
While they did that, you strided to your room and grabbed your magazine and marker - which immediately after doing so, a knock was heard on your door.
You hand held the paper as the other gripped the violet ink marker. When you did, you were greeted by a Pauline smiling widely with a camera on her right hand.
"Hi!" she says excitingly.
You greet back and quickly hugged her, "I see you have a camera with you."
"Oh, yes, uhm.. I was wondering if i can take a video of you signing an autograph? So my brother would believe me that it really is from you." she nervously giggled. "I might or might now have pranked him once by giving him a fake autograph."
"Yeah, sure. What's your brother's name?" you say softly.
"It's Percy." she answers as she readies her camera.
"Alright, is it rolling?" you ask with a smile on your face. Pauline says yes with a grateful smile; grateful for being how considerate and kind you are.
"Hi Paul! So I heard from your sister that you're a fan? Too bad you didn't come with her." you looked behind the camera to Pauline.
"And I heard she gave you a fake autograph of mine? Well now, you're getting a real one, and this is the proof." you say still giggling as you signed the magazine.
"There, and keep the pen. I gotta go now, bye and love you!" you say as you waved goodbye and gave your iconic kiss blow alongside a wink.
Once Pauline returned the camera back to her bag; she immediately thanked you.
"I'm serious - thank you thank you sooo much! And uh.. I'm really sorry if what I asked earlier was too personal. I really am. I was just curious and didn't thoroughly before it slipped my mouth." she noticed the change of the atmosphere long ago. Even if she's just fifteen, she knew how to read the room well.
"Aw, sweetie.. it's nothing." you pat her shoulder, "It's fine I tell ya, also I better get going - you should too, it'll get dark in just two hours. Bye bye and stay safe!" you wave goodbye as she still exclaimed thank you's as she walked backwards towards the exit.
(that footage is definitely gonna go viral after many years)
In a light speed; you gathered your essential belongings and had your personal assistant help you carry your other belongings to the van; to which Bill noticed through the windows that you're carrying back pack and a purse and immediately helped you despite having it under perfect control.
He opened the door for you and let you in first before him and closed the door. Your personal assistant sat in the passenger seat next to the driver, while you and your beloved were at the very back despite the space up front.
You rested your head on his shoulder and he put his above yours while he held your hand with both of his; tracing every outline, massaging it, and kissing it once in a while.
"R'you okay now?" Bill mumbled and kissed your head.
"Yes, hon. I'm great actually.. thanks so much for being there, I love you so much." you turn your head to face his and pecked his lips.
"I love you more than you'll ever know, I'm glad you're okay." he smiled genuinely and kissed you deep and passionate.
You returned to your head's original position and fell to sleep; not caring if tomorrow, you'll be the town's talk.
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
first, I just wanna say the Kon agonies are making me lose my freaking mind!!!! oh my GOD I’m devouring your writing every single time!!!
second, for my actual ask!! I was wondering how you think timkon’s proposal would be like? If you haven’t already told us, I feel like you have but I’m not sure!
thank you thank you!! i love kon and his issues. he has so many of them. (shameless plug for the kon agonies here again <3)
i love to think abt timkon proposal ideas. many possible ways it could go but i FIRMLY believe the one way it Can't go is "traditionally perfect and cliché and romantic". it has to go sideways at least a little. they're both weirdos with an insane general lifestyle. i have several ideas that i think are all really fun, but the baseline is just that there's no way it goes off without a hitch. therefore, i present:
how DO tim and kon get engaged? (one possibility!)
on a very casual chill date night in, while sharing a pizza while hanging out on the couch in their pajamas and watching star trek, they agree they want to get married. they also both agree it'll still be fun to do a proposal.
yeah each of them is now going "hehehe. i'm gonna surprise him with a nice date and i'll romance him as he deserves and then ask him to marry me and he will be swept off his feet!!!"
so. you know. now it's a race.
one weekend, kon takes tim on a lovely romantic date. by the point kon's got him sitting in his lap way up in the sky, twirling wispy clouds around them both into hearts while he points up at stars way overhead, tim is INCREDIBLY suspicious of what's coming (a proposal) and is SO mad because he was going to propose NEXT WEEKEND.
kon's sappy speech gets interrupted by toyman attacking metropolis and tim is like. oh thank god. i mean uhh... wow... FUCK toyman! i'm SO mad about this! meanwhile kon pouts the entire time he's decimating a small army of toy soldiers with real guns. tim finds this adorable.
kon almost still pops the question anyway, but his vanity stops him. his hair got a little singed by a giant firebomb and he's upset about it. he can't propose like this.
next weekend, tim takes kon on a lovely romantic date. when he goes down on one knee in front of a park fountain under a canopy of string lights (very romantic, kon deserves it), kon starts HOLLERING and pulls his ring box out like NO!!! I DID SO GOOD LAST WEEK IM PROPOSING TO YOU!!!!!
kon tackles him.
they both fall into the fountain.
they both have to hunt for their ring boxes in the fountain.
passerby are staring.
they are in their nice fancy date clothes. on their hands and knees. crawling around in a big ol park fountain. it's cold. they're a mess. please send help
kon finds his ring box first (tim swears up and down that he cheated by ttking tim's box away every time he almost grabbed it) and tackles tim a second time, sits on him in the fountain, and grabs his face.
tim licks him. kon is, shockingly, undeterred.
"TIM," he says, and squishes tim's cheeks. "you're a STUBBORN ASSHOLE. WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
"I'M a stubborn asshole?!" tim demands. it's muffled because his cheeks are still very squished. "god, obviously yes, but you're the jackass, i planned tonight out so well and you hijacked it—"
kon kisses him. tim kisses him back.
tim's ring box mysteriously happens to brush his fingers then. very convenient, thank you, kon.
they exchange rings still sitting there in the cold water under all the lights. tim's teeth are starting to chatter.
passerby are still staring.
they don't care. they're engaged!
and that's the story of how tim drake gets mild hypothermia and kon fusses and frets over him for the rest of the weekend—uhhh I MEAN, the story of how tim and kon get engaged. yippee!!
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emmyrosee · 1 year
…so I would like to be chased… by one of our boys… yes I said OUR. 🤧 BY KUROO. THE FIRST BOY IN HAIKYUU I FELL IN LOVE WITH.
but. I want him(.) to just give you a look?? randomly??? that screams “run” EITHER when he’s in a playful mood (maybe he’ll work you up a bit first, get you into the same playful mood he’s in with some teasing. bc we all know HE’D BE SO GOOD AT THAT. SLY MF.) OR bc you’re in a super high energy mood and need to be dealt with. and you get chased around after, adrenaline SO high. what happens when you eventually get caught? who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ (he knows)
and and and he might just make it fun, if you manage to hide from him, he’d turn it into a game somehow. Literally do not look at me please. stop it, look away. I’m embarrassed for some reason. But if I’m gonna expose myself I’m at least gonna do it where I feel SAFE (your ask box). And Ik I won’t be JUDGED (bc we are of similar mind when it comes to our boys I feel like). (and maybe after the makeshift hide and go seek game there’s cuddles on the bed and super sweet kisses and just lots of softness from your big baby of a bf who just wants to have childish fun with you :((( cause he loves having fun w the love of his life ☹️) this was a mess bc for some reason when I’m sappy like this I cannot articulate what I want to say properly :(
THIS IS LONG WOW!!! and once again, NO RUSH AT ALL!!!! PUT IT ON THE BACK-BURNER ITS TOTALLY OKAY!!!! it’s just a funky little thought after all 😋
anon <3
So here’s the thing right? Here’s what’s cool about Kuroo- arguably, the only thing cool about Kuroo bc he’s a dweeb.
Basically, his entire life, he spent messing with people, but his real practice and the reason he’s so good, is because of Kenma. His first victim, but also the one who he learned the art of body language and subtleties about communication. It’s something Kenma warned you about when you first started dating, but judging by the immediate ruffle Kuroo have his hair, you know Kenma wasn’t being too serious.
So, because of the pudding head I adore so much, Kuroo knows exactly how you’re feeling regarding certain play fighting tactics, or if you’re not in the mood when he can then go gentle and just have you in his arms.
He’s cool like that.
For example, just four days ago, you clearly needed a small jostle of playful affection, some playful attention, but you were so busy to ask and just let it go. But tetsuro knew better; he could see the way your breath would hitch when he’d make you laugh, or bring you food and gently rub your back. His touch seemed to jostle you; you just wouldn’t give in.
He’s fed up, and he’s gonna make you give in, he’s made that clear.
“Hey booger,” he hums, strolling in and hooking his chin over your typing shoulder. His eyes flick to the glass of water he poured you hours ago, seemingly untouched and sweating onto the coaster. “Have you taken a break yet?”
“Don’t need one.”
“Do not start with me, Tetsuro,” you mumble, putting pressure on your temples. “I just need to bang this out and be done with it. I’ll be done in a few hours.”
He goes silent. And you pause your fingers before looking over your shoulder at him.
He’s not happy.
“Did you just sass me?”
He can practically hear your heartbeat pause in your little chest. Still looking at him, you shake your head. "Are you sure? Because, like, it feels like you sassed me."
He sees the cogs in your head turning. He sees the way you're trying to fight back your smirk.
"So you can figure out when I'm sick of you."
"Gonna make you real sick of me," he snarls, and just as he makes a threatening dart towards you, you shriek and dash away, abandoning your work and searching for a place to save yourself.
Because you know Kuroo is going to save your work. And tidy up the space, and book mark your page, all before making true on his promise and sprinting after you.
And like... you're never hard to find, and that's indicator #2 that you want this more than anything.
When he finds you on the opposite side of the bed (like, seriously? you have so much better than that in the arsenal), he just manhandles you onto the bed, your smacking palms and kicking feet doing little to deter him.
“Tetsu!” You squeal, writhing uselessly under his heavy grip. His hands only tighten as he shakes you playfully, back hitting against the pillows and mattress.
“You! Are! The best! Thing! In! My life!” He chants between words, ignoring your giggles and squirming. “Stop! Sabotaging! Yourself!”
"I can't help it!" You titter, trying to bat him away as best as you can given your pinned position. "I-I-I just want things done!"
"They'll get done!" He growls playfully. then, like an absolute asshole, he buries his face in your neck and fingers into your ribs, "fucks sake, when was the last time you peed, dawg? Huh? Maybe I should just make you do it now."
"NNNAAAAOOO!" You howl, so loud his own ears hurt, but he doesn't stop his fingers, nor the nibbling of your neck and ears that're light enough to tickle but some will definitely stain your skin.
He lets you get away.
For one second, he pretends that the knee to his gut hurts, and he's out of commission for the next three seconds, and it always gives you enough time to scurry away to another room.
He knows you're not going back to your work set up. You're at your own mercy when it comes to needing his playful side, and he hears you down the hall, giggling in anticipation as you try to hide.
"Gettin' too old for this shit," he chuckles to himself, then strutting down the hall to look for you.
he just. i just. i he. just he i.
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lust4life01 · 8 days
could you write for donnie & reader’s first time w/ them being all sappy and cute afterwards?? thank you so much!! i love your work 💗💗
I have finally finished my exams for the year so I can FINALLY get back to writing both yours and my fantasises. Thank you for the request also!!😽
Let me do it right now, baby.
Warnings!! Smut, 18+, first time, p in v sex, fingering, losing virginity.
Pairing: Sweet Donnie x virgin/freader.
Disclaimer- both Donnie and reader are 18+!!
——————————— -- <3————————————
The first time is always an interesting experience and to you it was a big deal. Giving not only your body to another soul but also a piece of your heart, a shared experience you’d both remember. Sure it was natural to be nervous but you knew Donnie wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or ever put you in a situation where you weren’t comfortable.
You’d been dating for a while and had a few messy make out sessions here and there but it never really when further than a bit of touching. A couple nights before you and Donnie had gone to a party and things started to get a bit heavy, but due to your intoxicated state he pushed you away and told you maybe another time. After that, he was all you could think about. The thought of his hands and mouth touching you would send you into orbit. You wanted him so badly, so when Donnie invited you over for a movie night you knew the event which would occur.
Donnie came strolling into the room with a set of DVs in hand whilst rambling on about which movie is the most cinematic
“Okay, what do you wanna watch? Road House? I know you love Patrick Swayze, or maybe-“
He stopped dead in his track when his eyes laid on you, who was situated on the bed, top discarded, in a white lace bra.
You had put a lot of effort into your appearance that day which Donnie did noticed but didn’t think anything of because you always looked stunning to him. The desire to look good for him was overwhelming, nearly as overwhelming of how bad you wanted him.
“Y,n. Wow. I. You look-“ he could barely talk as his eyes traveled down to your chest and then back up to you face.
“Donnie, I think I’m ready. No. I am ready, if you are?”
Your voice possessed both neediness and an element of innocence as you stared right back up into his eyes.
Dropping the dvds down he made his way over to the bed and cupped your jaw with his hands “are you sure baby. Because I can wait for you, I mean I didn’t ask you over with the intention-“
Reaching up you kissed him passionately silencing his very noble monologue.
He groaned into the kiss and you both slowly laid down, lips still interlocked. Straddling his waist, you depended the kiss and nestled your fingers in between his silky dark hair, letting a quiet whimper leave your mouth.
Retracting for him you hummed “Do you want this Donnie, do you want me? Cause I want you so badly.”
He bit his lip whilst staring you in the eyes “fuck. Yes please”
The motion of him flipping you onto your back made your stomach ache with anticipation, which only grew stronger when his large frame slowly moved down your body, leaving soft kisses on your flushed skin. His fingers hooked your skirt and slowly pulled it down your thigh, his eyes fixated on your face to make sure you were comfortable.
“Fuck, my girl is so pretty.”
A low hum left your lips as you sat up and grabbed the bottom of Donnie’s shirt. Starring innocently with doe eyes, you asked sweetly “can I?”
The exited grin with his lip situations between his teeth and the small nod of his head was your green light. Flinging it off you started in awe. You had seen him shirtless before of course, but in the light, in this state of lust, and the safety you felt, he seemed like a god. Something crafted by the divine who could grant you salvation through a mere glance.
Donnie smirked at the star struck look on your face and placed his big hand around the back of your neck gently, guiding you back down so your head rested on the pillow.
The feeling of his long fingers along your thighs made you want to cry out, the desperation practically seeping out of you. Finally his finger slipped into your panties and felt the wetness that rested there.
“Jesus, you really want me this bad baby?”
You could only hum in response, the feeling of his finger circulating your clit made your brain turn to mush.
Finally his fingers made their way to your soaked core, after he spat onto his index and middle finger, gently thrusting two fingers inside, preparing you.
“Donnie, fuck, please.” The sensation was so overwhelming, the fullness, it made your head rush. Barely functioning, your breathing got heavier and heavier as his fingers moved and he gently asked you if you were okay, numerous times.
You soon stared to feel an intense sensation loom in your lower stomach,. Knowing this was yours and Donnie’s first time together you figured he probably wouldn’t last very long so you told him to stop.
Pulling his soaked fingers from you, his face burdened with concern, he asked if you were okay.
“I’m sorry baby, did I hurt you? We can stop if you want-“
An amused grin spread across your face, he was always so gentile with you.
“No Donnie baby, you made me feel so good. But I want us both to feel good.” Starring at the hardened bulge in his pants you continued “want us to cum together.” You told his as your hands rubbed him through his tight jeans.
He nodded his head and kissed you hard, as your fingers made their way to his pants, fumbling to push them down his thighs.
Once his boxer and pants sat at his waist you grabbed the condom sat on the nightstand. You tore the packet open with your teeth as Donnie watched with eyes full of lust.
“May I?” You asked giggling
He nodded his head profusely as your fingers wrapped around his hard head, placing the condom down his length, earning a low needy moan from him.
You laid back and he spread your legs wider, admiring the complexity and beauty of your body before teasing your entrance with his head.
Just before finally slipping it in he grabbed your jaw softly and made sure you were listening to him
“Y,n, are you absolutely sure you’re okay with this.” As you nodded your head your eyes fluttered shut but that wasn’t enough for him. “No. Y,n. I need you to say it for me okay. I need to hear you say it.”
“Shit, Yes Donnie. I really, really fucking want this” you emphasis, dragging out your words slightly.
“Good girl.” And with that his pulsating dick slowly entered you. The strength was a little uncomfortable at first, which led to a small hiss leaving your lips. Once you had gotten use feeling of his fullness against your walls, Donnie stared to thrust slowly, causing both you to whimper.
“Fuck baby you’re so tight. Don’t know how long I’m gonna last.” Donnie mumbled with a load grow afterwards.
With Donnie’s warning you moved your hands down to your clit and quickly rubbed in a circular motion, causing you to wine at the sensation. Simultaneously Donnie groaned at the way your cunt tightened around him.
You both were so close, the speed of Donnie’s thrust increased as did the speed of your fingers magnifying your pleasures.
The sounds of heavy breathing and light whimpers filled the room which only spurred you on more. The feeling was new and slightly painful, but in the best possible way because you had the best possible boy with you. Through fluttered lashes you looked up at him, his hair messy and his mouth little ajar. He looked so pretty when he was on the verge of coming. The sight of him brought you closer to the edge.
A high pitched whiny moan left your lips as your climax reached, “Donnie, I think, I’m gonna cum, I don’t know. Fuck”
Your orgasm hit you like a wave of ecstasy as you tightened around Donnie’s cock, causing him to cum merely seconds after you. The low animalistic groans that left his mouth only heightened the pleasure.
He collapsed on top of your chest, as both collected your breath. You couldn’t help but giggle. Knitting your hands through his hair he looked up and kissed your lips. A sharp breathe left your mouth as he slowly pulled out, getting up to throw away the condom. As he returned from the bathroom he brought a warm wet cloth and situated himself between your thighs once again. He gently cleared you up whilst praising you for doing such a good job for him.
From the dresser he grabbed you a shirt of his and a pair of clean underwear for himself. Once lying back on the bed you placed your head on his chest as his hand smoothed your the back of your head and your hair. “How are you feeling baby?”
A satisfying hum is your answer as you inhale the scent of his neck. “I love you Donnie Darko.”
Kissing you passionately once again he held his fingers under your chin and smirked. “I love so fucking much y,n , yln.
The sounds of giggles and laughs erupting from the two of you could be heard as Donnie tickled your waist, leading to a battle of affection in the forms of laughter and touch.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 9 months
infodumps abt a new au idea (the demon-familiars au, or the un-familiars au)
TL,DR: Reader is a witch/wizard hired by a town to handle a poltergeist/demon problem (Vanny has a cult and is trying to summon demons lol), but they aren't very good at being a witch/wizard and after a bunch of 'throwing things at the wall to see if anything sticks' and absolutely nothing working, they, in a panic, kind of accidentally summon Sun and Moon, who are equally shocked to see them and after a bunch of staring at each other like ?????????? reader ropes Sun and Moon into helping them and hides them in plain sight as their 'familiars' until they've taken care of the demonic cult problem, promising to send them home as soon as things are ok again. PLOT TWIST THEY GET ATTACHED TO EACH OTHER AND KISS PROBABLY HAHAHAAAAAA
(the long initial ramblings/brainstorming i did w the space aces in discord is copy-pasted below, if anyone wants only vaguely coherent ideas n concepts abt this au and ur willing to torture urself, go nuts w it ig lol)
taken directly from the space aces discord, i present: the reason all of my aus are barely coherent and somehow overly thought through and barebones all at once, as shown by the following example (unfamiliars au edition)
weird silly demons/familiars Sun Moon au where Reader is a (less than talented) amateur witch/wizard trying to lie themselves into a position of relative security (bc theyve had to move three different times bc towns shun n drive away witches/wizards that proves to be unhelpful) and they werent actually trying to summon sun n moon so they end up getting them involved in their scheme but oops there is some kind of other demonic threat that is actually a big problem and oops oops now we have to seriously work together to not get killed by the other eviller demon or the cult summoning it while also fooling the townsfolk into thinking that u r competent and have everything under control
Sun and Moon, a couple of demons just chilling when suddenly summoned to the material world: what in the heck Reader, having just performed a spell/ritual they've never read the instructions for backwards and facing the wrong cardinal direction: SHUT UP AND PRETEND TO BE MY FAMILIAR FOR A MINUTE OR WE ARE BOTH GONNA GET KILLED, BURNING-ON-A-CROSS STYLE
hhhgj i just had. a rlly sappy idea for the 'familiars' part
basically like. witches n wizards naturally end up casting their own 'summoning' spell for their familiar at some point, most of th time when they are really starting to understand and control their magic? so to see a witch or wizard without one it's like 'wow they're a beginner' or 'something is wrong with them, why dont they have a familiar??'
so Reader asks Sun n Moon to pretend to be their familiars partly bc 'uh oh i summoned two whole entire demons without even meaning to i have to make this look intentional' and 'if i have a familiar the people will assume im a Real Witch/Wizard and respect me more'
and at one point when they r getting to be like, actual friends instead of 'weird roommates', Sun gets curious bc ofc he does
Sun: Soooo,, we're your pretend-familiars? Reader: Yea Sun: Sooooooooo,, do u not have a familiar? I've never heard of a wizard with no familiar Reader, visibly upset/disappointed (in themselves): Yeah, well, it turns out it's only the witches and wizards with actual skills that can summon familiars. So. Couldn't tell you if I've got one or not, I've never managed a proper summoning spell. Sun, foot in his mouth: oh,, Reader: Yep.
and then later. It turns out. There are ways to make a demon into a familiar! Turns out in the distant past some wizards used to make demons they frequently summoned for spell/magic services into familiars bc it was way easier than just doing the entire summoning ritual every single time
but at this point, Reader and Sun n Moon are close enough to be good friends, and Reader doesnt want to force that kind of permanent connection on them, they probably just want to go home, theyre probably sick of being here and being around u, and,,, u get the idea
and Sun n Moon dont wanna force that kind of permanent connection on YOU bc what if ur sick of them, or ur tired of feeding and housing them or putting up with their jokes n bickering, or maybe after everything u really dont want anything to do with demons!!!
so there's a lot of sad pining that none of them know abt
bc ofc they r all idiots in this au sorry thems the rules
and then at some point there is some big threat/place they have to go to, or maybe Reader gets injured in a fight, idk take ur pick, anyway in a heat of the moment panic Moon is like 'HEY U WANT US TO BE UR FAMILIARS RIGHT??' and reader like barely conscious is like 'w??? yea??????' thinkin he means the pretend thing theyve had going on
anyway spur of the moment/'im doing this to save ur life bc i love u' familiar binding spell/ritual performed BAM now ur stuck together
and when everything is calm again n the fighting is over reader looks at Moon and is like 'so ur like,, my actual familiar now,,' and Moon, sweating bullets, unsure if this is rlly what u wanted or if u went with it out of fear of dying, is like 'yyyyyyyyyes?'
and reader starts bawling their eyes out and kisses him bc this is like. th dream scenario to u
anyway reader n sun n moon are th worlds least likely wizard/familiars combo but somehow they r absolutely unstoppable together thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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