#worst fruits for diabetes
shivasriworld · 5 months
It's crucial for individuals, with diabetes to manage their blood sugar levels and selecting the fruits can have an impact. It's best to avoid fruits with a high Glycemic index as they tend to raise blood sugar levels more than average. Read the post to know the best fruits that can be consumed and worst fruits that should be avoided by Diabetics.
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girlactionfigure · 7 months
Ten Tips for an Easy Yom Kippur Fast
Fasting doesn’t necessarily mean suffering. There’s quite a bit we can do to alleviate the bodily and mental stress that normally accompanies a fast. The day before the fast, follow the following guidelines:
1. Cut down your caffeine intake to minimize headaches. That means stop drinking coffee, tea, and cola at least eight hours before the fast, and preferably twenty-four hours before the fast.
2. Avoid salty, spicey, and fried foods on the day before the fast.
3. Avoid white sugar, white flour, and white rice. Eat whole-grained foods such as brown rice and whole-wheat bread or challa.
4. Drink a lot of water all day long.
5. Eat a good breakfast that includes fruits, veggies, eggs or sardines, and whole grains.
6. The pre-Yom Kippur meal (se’uda mafseket) should include baked or broiled fish, a veggy salad, consomme, a small portion of chicken or turkey, and a side dish of complex carbohydrates. Substitute sweet deserts with watermelon or other water-retaining fresh fruit, and a cup of herb tea with a whole-grain cookie.
On Yom Kippur:
7. The more you immerse yourself in prayer, the less you’ll think about food.
8. Rest between prayers. Don’t run around outside, especially in the hot sun. Save your voice for prayers. Idle talking will make you thirstier, and will detract from the holiness of the day.
After the fast:
9. Drink two glasses of water, and then eat solids gradually, so as not to shock the digestive system. Begin with fruit, like plums or grapes. The worst thing people do is to consume pastries and soft drinks, or “lekach un bronfan” (cake and liquor) right after the fast (these are unhealthy anytime, all the more so right after the fast when they give your body a shock of glucose).
10. Forty-five minutes to an hour afterwards, one can eat a balanced meal with protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables. After eating, relax for an hour with your favorite book (preferably Gemara of the laws of Succoth from Shulchan Oruch) and your favorite beverage, then begin constructing your Succa.
Attention diabetics, heart patients, folks with high blood pressure, and people whose health depends on regular medication - you must be especially careful to ask your doctor if you are capable of fasting, and then consult with your local rabbi, giving him the doctor’s exact opinion. For many such people, it is a mitzva not to fast on Yom Kippur.
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mezmer · 6 months
Here I will explain why my blog banner describes me as an anti sugar activist. I try to be as "scientific" as my brain and heart allow, but I value my experience over scientific studies even if they support my view, huge ridiculous autist sugar post incoming
Sugar is highly addictive for most people. The problem is way more dire than we act like it is. Added to foods you wouldn't even think to include sugar. The link between sugar and obesity, endocrine disruption, general inflammation and malaise, disease, diabetes, your teeth rotting out, and even cancer, is undeniable no matter what articles or studies you try to dig up. not many people want to admit how bad it is. People who enjoy sugar, who might say "you only live once! It's not like I'm shooting heroin" suffer weird problems and assume it's something else. Children set up for a lifetime of failure because their parents don't pay attention to their sugar intake at all. I have a very drastic example of this I won't go into much detail about, but a set of parents close to me are feeding their daughter extreme amounts of sugar. She has a learning disability and is a very intense child. I've hinted at the sugar link and everyone is in denial.
I have baby sat this child and gotten her to eat organic wheat bread PB and J with a no sugar added, all fruit jam.. happily told her parents who did not care at all. It was such a feat to me. Everyone knows a picky child. It's worse than you think. This is a gateway drug and I'm totally serious. I said I would not go into great detail... I too was raised on welch's fruit snacks, "pancake syrup", sprite, Kool aid, and worst of all I was allowed to put as much sugar that I wanted into my tea. My parents were wonderful, they just didn't think or know how bad it was to do this
I've struggled with a sugar addiction before and since getting clean from drugs and seen the effects of it firsthand. The most obvious to be seen from the outside that I can make people believe is my struggle with acne. We know bacteria feeds off of sugar. This is why people who drink sugary drinks are at risk for UTIs. If bacteria enters their bladder, sugar makes it grow. Well no amount of washing my face, bentonite clay masks, washing my pillow cases, wearing a bonnet, would make the acne go away. Recently I tried to only eat a certain pint of ice cream thinking less sugar would help. It didn't and I'm over two weeks off of all sugar that isn't naturally occuring in honey and fruit. Crazy how natural sugar does not feed the bacteria and hormonal disruption. I've been in this cycle more than once. Not only does the acne go away, my face appears radiant every time. Breakouts as soon as I relapse. Maybe you are thinking, this is a bunch of hogwash and I eat little cakes often without a problem. That's fine. I know addicts who have used meth for 30 years and you wouldnt wonder much about them. Smokers who lived to 80. Sugar doesn't do me any good at all.
Neither my mom, who was just put on a medication with awful side effects because she is developing diabetes. Her doctor (doctor she's had for decades who is a total piece of garbage and prescribes dangerous cocktails of conflicting medications !! That's a whole other post!!!! Put my grandma on pills which nearly killed her! Plus other people HAHAHA) saw her coming up with high blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol without thinking to suggest a diet change first. My mom is overweight and likes to eat sweets. My mom told me, I can still eat sweets, I just have to eat less. I did tell her that didn't work for me. I quit because I don't want to end up sick this way. Diabetes runs in our family. The prescription is making my mom nauseous and dizzy. Insane to me right?
Why aren't the dangers of sugar recognized? Why am I the only advocate I know? I would shut the fuck up if the dangers were believed by more people. Is it Because Sugar Taste good? Not seen as a vice. We accept that corn syrup is not so good. Canola oil pretty bad. Dyes in food causing children to develop ADHD and autism, or whatever. Is there no risk in consuming sugar? Many health professionals don't want to admit it? I feel strongly. I feel sick when I eat sugar but I can't find myself able to stop unless I truly try. We are all convinced that it's just a danger to your teeth if you don't brush enough. MIL is a sugar addict who buys birthday cakes on clearance and clears the whole cake in a few days, a twice daily flosser and brusher, who has lost over half of her teeth to extractions, sees the link, and has no intention to quit.
Finally, I bake yummy dessert recipes excluding half the sugar while using honey, maple syrup, brown sugar for what is left (which is slightly better than white sugar from my understanding) and I have never made a baked good that is ruined by doing this. You can't even tell that I've excluded sugar and the foods have more flavor because sugar doesn't overpower the dish. They don't make your teeth hurt. You can eat more cookies because there is less sugar and they taste better. The texture is the same. Bakers will tell you this isn't true and you need to use the whole amount of sugar so the cookies and cakes arent ruined. Yes, you need torched sugar on creme brulee. Fine.
Do you ever find yourself scraping icing off of a cake? I have baked more than one birthday cake for loved ones excluding sugar and adding natural alternatives (NOT stevia or monkfruit which taste like shit and suck) and ive gotten nothing but compliments. My brown sugar maple cake with cream cheese icing using very little sugar was a hit for my partners birthday that everyone probably ate too much of. This isn't a brag, it's an idea for anyone who bakes to try and change your recipes. It hasn't failed for me. Ok SOrry
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angel-fics · 10 months
In honor of my newest series, i’ve decided to post a headcanon series to publish in between chapters so that y’all have something to read. Won’t be directly related to the series but can be kept in mind while reading. If y’all have a specific prompt you’d like to share, feel free to
Warnings: none, aside from a few foul language words, nothing to be concerned over
Random Quirks about the Boys
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* Cannot stand sweets, in any capacity, it hurts his teeth. Constantly thinks about cavities and diabetes even though he can’t get either. He just doesn’t like the flavor of sweet things, not even fruit. Marko once forced him to eat cotton candy and he tossed Marko off a cliff while struggling not to vomit.
* Knows everything there is to know about every metal band ever. It’s the only music he likes, with no variation, so he knows even the most underground bands. Even ones from out of state or other countries. And he’ll bring it up randomly into conversations with the others having no idea what he’s talking about. Max tries to learn to so David doesn’t feel isolated by it.
*Always the second to wake up at night. Sometimes the other boys will rotate between who wakes up first, it’s never planned, it just happens like that. But without fail, David will always wake up second, it’s weird and they don’t know how he does it. (Paul and Marko have tried multiple times to wake up at the same time and for some reason, it never works out and they always end up waking up first and third)
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*This man has absolutely zero concept of personal space, it doesn’t even matter who he’s with or standing next to, he will always be just a bit too close. Strangers, children, old people. He’s banned from wandering off on his own for this very reason bc Max thinks he draws too much attention. Star and Laddie both love it tho
*Has experimented with pretty much every media of art and has settled into cooking, clothing up-cycling and mural painting. His absolute worst attempt was knitting, he couldn’t get the hang of it like the old ladies on tv and ended up throwing on of the needles into Paul’s eye
*Do not ask this man for anything if you need it. He will not have anything useful. No pens, gum, band-aids, tape, paper, snacks, drinks, hair ties, nothing. He will always have a needle and thread and a stapler if you need that though. He likes to click the stapler in his brothers’ ears and Dwayne had to buy Marko a new one after he crushed it in his hands one time. Dwayne wasn’t even sorry about it which is why Marko held a grudge for months even after it was replaced.
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*He gets so easily distracted that you’ll have to redirect him at least three times every conversation. There is no other way. He will not notice most things without express direction and he won’t try to either. Like, if it’s important, you will let him know
*He takes the most time getting out the door when the boys go out. David has shirt hair, Marko has curly hair that just needs to be gelled, and Dwayne is just an asshole about it. Both Paul and Dwayne’s hair is similarly cut and yet Dwayne never has trouble with his, and nothing pisses off Paul more
*Super dramatic, easily the most dramatic out of the four. He will over react to literally everything and is super expressive. He has a really loud sense of humor that only Star, Laddie and Marko can really stand. And that’s not just out of the Lost Boys characters, that’s out of literally everyone he’s ever interacted with
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*He’s secretly super competitive. Like, he’ll try to come off as aloof as David is, maybe even more so, but he is super competitive for the dumbest things. It’s not about girls, most sports, or kills when they feed. It’s about who gets out the door first (always him just to piss off Paul), or who’s bike is the cleanest in the mornings before they go to sleep, or who ate the most food. He’s competitive about things the others don’t care about in the slightest
*Always over prepared with literally everything. Has a canvas bag just full of the most random and useful shit that he either keeps with his bike or tied to his belt loops to carry with him. It looks weird when he does that. He usually carries it because of Marko and Laddie and they are always asking him for stuff wondering if he’s actually managed to bring it. It’s spooky, but he always does
*Talks in his sleep, a lot, every single night. Doesn’t move around or anything, he’s stark still, just hanging there and talking. It absolutely terrifies everyone and they all avoid sleeping within six feet of him. It even bothers Max and he’s had to talk to Dwayne about it multiple times. Dwayne had no idea that he does it until Max said something bc he just assumed the boys were complaining to mess with him
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crybaby98anna · 4 months
worst foods (Ieat them all the time :( )
Here's the list with their main points and some of my added tips.
1. Potato Chips Why: Potato chips are stripped of their nutrition, highly processed and full of extra sodium. Instead: Regular baked potatoes for more nutrients and less calories and fat.
2. Frozen Meals Why: Refined carbs, processed meats, saturated fat, sodium, additives, and preservatives. Many lack vegetables, too. Instead: Make your own meals in a batch a head of time and freeze them yourself.
3. Sugary Coffee Drinks Why: The added sugar, cream, milk, chocolate, and more has tons of extra fat and sugar. Instead: regular black coffee, maybe with milk or alternative milk. Green tea with or without honey works, too.
4. Processed Meats Why: Hot dogs, salamis, and salted meats are notorious for additives and preservatives. Cancer researchers linked eating processed meats with higher cancer risk. Instead: nitrite-free versions. Chicken or turkey versions have lower fat than traditional ones.
5. Stick Margarine Why: High trans fat content. The process of hardening vegetable oils changes the healthy unsaturated fat's chemical structure into trans fats that raise bad cholesterol, lowers good cholesterol. It's linked to heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Instead: Soft margarine, low fat butter, and olive oil.
6. French Fries Why: Lots of sodium and fried in oil, giving a higher fat content. They are also often eaten with unhealthy foods like fatty burgers and sugary soft drinks. Instead: Skin-on baked potato or even sweet potatoes. Season potatoes with cumin, paprika, or cayenne for extra flavor.
7. Commercial Cake Frosting Why: Lots of sugar and trans fat. Some even have preservatives. Instead: make your own frosting, use a glaze, or just skip it altogether. If in a time crunch, avoid ones with hydrogenated vegetable oil.
8. Breakfast Pastries Why: They are empty calories, lacking nutrition you could get from other food. Instead: whole, fiber-rich food, like fruit, yogurt, or oatmeal with milk.
9. Sugary Drinks Why: Soft drinks, energy drinks, and fruit drinks are high in sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, or fruit-juice concentrates. High sugar intake is linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Instead: water, natural fruit juice, tea, black coffee, or low-fat milk.
10. Gummy Candies Why: Lots of sugar or high-fructose corn syrup without any nutrients. Instead: fresh fruit, unsweetened dried fruit, or fruit-topped yogurt.
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aspiffygoat · 5 months
my sinful sweet treat: fruit Gushers. i get myself one small pack at the end of the week as a reward for maintining my routines. and just the one small pack otherwise i will not stop 😂 i call them tiny sugar bombs cause they are the worst thing for a borderline-diabetic but they're like crack to me lmao
hell yeah! the sour gushers are big crack for me! may you forever outpace the diabetes and be free to indulge the gush
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Hey. Vent post and update. Not a happy post.
I'm not okay. I don't know when or if I will be okay. My health seems to be getting worse. I'm having a problem that, going from the symptoms, seems a lot like hypoglycemia, but my most recent blood work says I am not diabetic or prediabetic and everything looked normal. As I understand it, hypoglycemia without diabetes is a rare condition, but with my luck and my medical history I would not be surprised. I'm needing to eat more and more frequently and it seems like the specific types of food that were helping to keep the problems at bay just aren't as effective anymore, and now I can barely even tell what specific thing I need to eat. Do I need protein? Do I need greens? Do I need complex carbs? Do I need sugar? Who knows! Not me! I just have to guess and hope I guess right, or else my body is going to throw a fit about it and give me a matter of minutes to consume the Correct Thing before it just makes me go to sleep.
I dare not stray outside my list of safe foods, and by safe foods I mean foods that won't make my issues worse. Most candy, soda, white bread, anything with a lot of simple carbs or refined sugars is out of the question if I want to stay awake, upright, and functional, with few exceptions. Even honey, eating fruit, plant based protein, most vegetables besides dark leafy greens and potatoes and sweet potatoes, and things like white rice or bread that's been enriched with nutrients, at best does no good and at worst makes me feel like I'm going to keel over, which really sucks because my ultimate comfort food is soup beans and cornbread, and if I could eat that to get me through the day I would. The only things I can at least somewhat rely on are animal protein(preferably red meat but seafood, poultry, or eggs will do in a pinch, and whey protein is a last resort), dark leafy greens(kale, collard greens, that kind of thing), fruit juice(MUST be 100% juice) or fruit smoothies, and complex carbs(mostly whole grains, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, but oat milk works for a quick fix).
I'm trying to find solutions and work around this whole thing so I can go on with my life. I'm baking a lot of whole grain cornbread these days because it's easy to make and is the perfect thing when I need my carbs. I might need to invest in a bulk amount of beef jerky. I had been getting bulk amounts of cans of apple juice online but that's been harder to get in recent weeks so I've just been getting a 90-something-oz jug of grape juice from the store instead. My therapist suggested I start making green smoothies rather than just eating my greens cooked, so I might start getting my greenery in that way. Throwing the green stuff into the blender with some oat milk, chopped fruit, and a scoop of whey protein powder might make my life easier. I'll also discuss it with my chiropractor when I see him later this week, as he is a licensed nutritionist and can probably help me figure something out.
I'm so dang sick of being tired or hungry or both 24/7 and my body being like a fuel inefficient car that guzzles a whole tank of gas just to get you to the other side of town. If I go longer than an hour or so without eating or if I eat the wrong thing, I start getting hit by fatigue, dizziness, headache, shakiness, confusion, blurring vision, weakness, stuttering or slurred speech, and it'll get worse until I either eat something or fall asleep. If I fall asleep, I usually at least wake up with just enough strength to get something small and quick into my system and give myself the energy to think of what I need to do next.
I don't know what this is or why it's happening. I find myself wondering if it could be related to my fibromyalgia, or a long term side effect from when I caught covid a year or two ago, or if I've messed up my liver by taking Excedrin Migraine for the chronic headaches I've had since 2011, or if I'm alone in this. I haven't met anyone else dealing with this exact thing. Every time I go a-googling, I only ever find articles about diabetes and I want to scream BUT I DON'T HAVE THAT SO WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO??? They say a problem well defined is half solved, but what can you do about it when you don't even have the resources to define the problem?
I have cried so much in the last week or so because I'm so frustrated with this. It's ruining everything in my life. I can't complete my personal responsibilities, I can't keep up with most of my friends except for the small handful of my very closest friends, I haven't been active on here in ages, haven't been able to get any crochet work done, barely been able to practice any self care beyond eating whatever I have the strength to put together, and I'm starting to lose sight of the point of existing if it has to be in a body that hurts all the time and can't hold onto fuel. I'm frustrated, I'm tired, I'm scared, I'm sad, I'm angry, I'm lost, and it's getting harder and harder to not lose hope. I'm really trying to hang in there, but it's so hard.
I don't know what to do anymore.
It's after 2am, so I think I'll stop there and try to get some sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better. One can hope.
Stay determined. I'm trying to.
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starry-nocturne · 1 year
💫 + sweets <3
opening pandora's box i see 👀. i personally worry about her health because is it really good for you to have that much sugar a day... she tries to play it cool but i think she can be bribed with sweets pretty easily—
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✦➤ sweets
If it’s sweet, there’s a high chance Ryo will like it or at least try to eat it. As someone who was raised in a very traditional household, the moment she found out western sweets it’s like an entire new world opened. Like you suddenly go from mochi and red bean paste to like puff pastries, custard and fluffy cakes and oh boy does she love the change. (The gap moe. It’s all about the gap moe.)
Given that strawberries are actually her favourite fruit, anything with strawberries on it gets an immediate pass. Strawberry cake. Ichigo daifuku (aka mochi with red bean paste and a nice strawberry in the middle). There is absolutely no sweets discrimination in this house, anything is good as long as it’s tasty! She has two hands: one for western sweets and one for japanese sweets.
She doesn’t really like extremely sweet stuff but isn’t picky with her food and likes to put milk and cream into her coffee. Is it really coffee when there’s barely any coffee anymore. Looks all cool with her fancy coffee cup that could cause diabetes to a whole country. Talk about a sweet tooth.
Ryo doesn’t make friends easily but she has a special kind of beef with Kanato because he can and will eat any treat she bought for herself OR blame her for not sharing her sweets, which is arguably the worst option. But the purple gremlin ate an entire strawberry cake. Is that even legal? Can vampires get diabetes? Cavities? She hopes they can. She hopes it is extremely painful too.
Occasionally likes to visit cute little cafes that specialize in baking sweets or pastries and have a quiet afternoon all to herself. It’s kind of her own little secret / weak point she doesn’t like to talk about because it makes her look a bit silly and immature. At the end of the day it’s just food but something about looking so girly is fighting with her ~mature girl~ sense.
Bonus: Even though ichigo daifuku is her go-to favourite sweet because it’s reminiscent of her childhood and has strawberries on it, I think she loves these little tea ceremony pastries called namagashi. Like please take a look they’re super tiny and shaped like all sorts of flowers and little details, you won’t want to eat them because they’re soooo cute <3
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today3467h · 2 months
Obesity — A Major Problem Of The Youngsters
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Along with a lot of diseases and health-related issues in the young generation of today, increased fat and obesity have grabbed their place completely among all. Obesity can be described as the worst visible disease which causes access to fats in the human body leading to various kinds of health-related issues and also a sort of embarrassment in society.
If you are among those people who sit and eat a lot of high-calorie food and do not do any sort of active work like exercising running or yoga then you are soon going to be under the Trap of obesity.
When The Mass Index of a human body becomes 25 or more in case of obesity. Body mass index can be said to be a measurement derived from a person’s height and weight and BMI is believed to be a simple calculation to know your weight.
Obesity can easily occur in anyone even in a child of two years. Consuming too much and moving too little is an exact definition of obesity.
The complexion of disease is just not limited to the external appearance of a person’s body but obesity in the long run does not take a lot of time to create a series of problems for you like diabetes cholesterol issue kidney damage blood pressure and even cancer which can lead to to death.
Most of the Bachelor youngsters of today are obese because of insufficient healthy diet bad
environment and basic Lifestyle choices are very poor of them. Moreover, it is also different on Genetics mental health, and hormonal changes of a person. But obesity is not a thing that cannot be cured.
If someone takes care of very few basic things in their life then they can easily cut the trap and get rid of it easily. Doctors’ medical help and behavioral choices can easily help in this.
Signs and Symptoms of Obesity
• In most cases, obese people are seen to have a mass index of more than 20.
• Pain can occur in joints and back regions while moving or bending.
• Overweight
Enlarged tummy
• Unrestrained eating
• Difficulty in breathing
• Poor sleep
• Skin allergies
• Snoring
When to seek medical attention for obese ones?
People looking forward to a healthy life would be concerned for their health and regularly visit a doctor. But, if you face bench eating and excess cravings which have resulted in.
For some weight loss in a concise term period then you should visit your doctor once for a planned lifestyle and see if anything is wrong.
What causes lead to obesity?
There are various factors on which weight gain depends. The body’s metabolism and teenage hormonal secretion have a great impact on the weight of a person. However in simple words, if you are not at all active in your life and do not burn your calories in any way, you may be among overweight people.
Here are the major risk factors of obesity
Major risk factors include the following.
• Family history and genetics
• Excess alcohol consumption
• Irregular and poor pattern of your sleep steroids and beta blockers
• No exercise motivation in life
• Eating a high-calorie diet and high-calorie beverages
• Lack of consumption of healthy foods and fruits
• Growing age
• Pregnancy automatically leads to weight gain in a woman.
• Stress and anxiety in work life
Complications associated with obese people
Obese people have I’m a very high chance of developing severe health problems which can lead to death.
• Diabetes
• Digestive bacterial disease
• Heart disease
• Abnormal cholesterol levels which can often lead to strokes
• Sleep apnea
• Inflammation conditions like osteoarthritis
• High blood pressure
• Fatty liver and another liver disease
• Depression
• Embarrassment and Shame in the society
• Social isolation
• Low — confidence and disability to perform any kind of tasks.
Precautional measures to prevent obesity –
• Exercise regularly no matter what
• Eat Fresh green leafy vegetables whole-grain foods and dried fruits
• If you want to eat fast foods a lot then learn the cheat meal diet.
• Weight loss medications can be consumed but with the least side effects
How do doctors diagnose obesity?
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Following tests and examinations are generally performed by the doctors-
• Heart rate check-up
• Blood pressure and Pulse rate checkup
• Abdomen test
• Cholesterol level checkup
• Thyroid check
• Liver check
• Diabetes check-up
How to treat obesity?
Treatment Procedure: For obesity treatments, Healthcare professionals easily help you with certain necessary Lifestyle changes and medications.
Remember, the goal is to stay and maintain a healthy weight not to become underweight.
A dietitian and trainer can easily help you out.
Cut down calorie intake from your daily food consumption by eating a calorie but protein-full diet. Women are preferred to consume not more than 1500 calories a day and men are
preferred not to consume more than 1800 calories per day.
Deserts and processed foods should be replaced with healthier options like frozen mangoes, fruits, yogurt, and chocolate bites.
• Limit sugar sweet and beverages and high carbohydrate foods
• Have low–calorie shakes and meal bars
• Exercise and practice cardio
• Endoscopic sleep gastroplasty procedure
• Intragastric balloons
• Gastric bypass surgery
Read More:-
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mangodestroyer · 3 months
Did anyone else get some very unpleasant advice about "healthy lifestyles" growing up?
I mean, seriously. I remember being taught that "raw fruits and veggies", specifically "raw greens like broccoli, kale, and spinach" were the SUPERIOR way having a high nutrients, low calorie diet. SPEICFICALLY if you did nothing to flavor them/didn't dip them in anything (except maybe a tiny bit of peanut butter). Also, avoid red meats and eat unflavored, broiled chicken and fish. Only eat a tiny desert once a week. At most. Have whole grains instead of white bread. Get vigorous exercise 60 mins a day and make sure you're out of breath, sweaty, and in pain (if it stops hurting, you got too used to it and need to push yourself harder/change things up). Oh, and don't you DARE be fat! Don't even be on the high end of a "healthy" bmi (even if you're tall/built with a larger bone frame and bmi doesn't work so well with people like that).
Yeah, um, turns out this advice is actually pretty bad/doesn't work for everyone/sometimes causes more harm/is honestly kind of not obtainable for some people. I've tried doing this at various points throughout my life. It made me miserable and lightheaded and I never stuck with it for long.
For instance, some workouts I was taught in gym class are a big no-no, according to physical therapists. The one where you reach down and touch your toes can be very bad for your hips and tendons (that's why it hurts). Also, I remember being pushed to run very intensely/do stairs in a cold ass environment. I don't have breathing problems, but I felt like I did after the fact. I mean, I was straight up coughing and my lungs hurt. So, I assume that probably also wasn't very good for me.
Also, grains aren't always a great choice of food either. They're full of carbs and can put on weight like crazy. There's this thing called veggie bread and veggie pasta. They're better options and they also taste a hell of a lot better than whole grain (seriously, ew!) Plus, veggie pasta is colorful. That makes it look fun!
And also, it's true that raw greens are insanely healthy. But really? Would you die if you almost never had greens this way? You know, enjoying your time on Earth is also healthy, and I sure as hell do NOT enjoy raw, unflavored greens (and I'm a person who likes bitter things and vegetables). I won't touch them unless they're prepared in a particular way. Preferably cooked and with lots of spices.
Speaking of which, spices are very good for you and add tons of flavor to your food. So is vinegar (lots of flavor and no sodium). And cooking wine. And herbs. Now there's one way to make your cooked vegetables extra healthy!
Seriously, why go so overkill? You realistically won't stick to a strict diet and exercise routine. Imo, it's much better to find healthy options you actually enjoy. For me, it's always going to be cooked vegetables and raw fruit (or fruit juice). With TONS of spices and herbs and vinegar and cooking wine. I also like going on brisk walks now and then. I know I need to get more exercise, but I still just don't care to do something super intense on a regular basis (I have a retail job and it just won't work out/I need energy for school and work). I'd much rather do some simple yoga for my joints or something.
Also, red meat is not the best thing in the world. Overconsumption can be an issue. But... some of us also kind of need it. I get low blood pressure. I also have a monthly cycle. I also seem to need a higher calorie diet. Not having enough red meat can be bad for me. And no, supplements are not fool proof. You absorb more nutrients from food.
I get that heart disease, diabetes, stroke, etc. are problems in the U.S. But was this diet advice designed for someone who's genetically prone to having high cholesterol? Or who was born with a family history of some extreme diabetes? I've met people like that, and it does really suck for them. But also, maybe we don't need to design a diet for the worst case scenario for everyone?
You know, they also never really talked about stress enough. The harmful effects of it and all. Stress, and alcohol, actually cause a lot of America's top killers way more than people realize. And honestly, I can see it. I personally just don't feel very good if I've been super stressed for a long time. I mean, stress can literally cause me physical pain. And I feel like my body and mind don't function as well. It's too bad America just pushes people to have stressful lifestyles (60+ hour work weeks are becoming a norm, and I am just not someone who does well with that). Oh, lack of sleep too. Again, I can NOT function without that so-called "beauty sleep" (which is literally just the amount you're supposed to get).
I seriously need to find some people who obsessed with the laid back lifestyle.
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shivasriworld · 5 months
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
Ten Tips for an Easy Yom Kippur Fast
Fasting doesn’t necessarily mean suffering. There’s quite a bit we can do to alleviate the bodily and mental stress that normally accompanies a fast. The day before the fast, follow the following guidelines:
1. Cut down your caffeine intake to minimize headaches. That means stop drinking coffee, tea, and cola at least eight hours before the fast, and preferably twenty-four hours before the fast.
2. Avoid salty, spicey, and fried foods on the day before the fast.
3. Avoid white sugar, white flour, and white rice. Eat whole-grained foods such as brown rice and whole-wheat bread or challa.
4. Drink a lot of water all day long.
5. Eat a good breakfast that includes fruits, veggies, eggs or sardines, and whole grains.
6. The pre-Yom Kippur meal (se’uda mafseket) should include baked or broiled fish, a veggy salad, consomme, a small portion of chicken or turkey, and a side dish of complex carbohydrates. Substitute sweet deserts with watermelon or other water-retaining fresh fruit, and a cup of herb tea with a whole-grain cookie.
On Yom Kippur:
7. The more you immerse yourself in prayer, the less you’ll think about food.
8. Rest between prayers. Don’t run around outside, especially in the hot sun. Save your voice for prayers. Idle talking will make you thirstier, and will detract from the holiness of the day.
After the fast:
9. Drink two glasses of water, and then eat solids gradually, so as not to shock the digestive system. Begin with fruit, like plums or grapes. The worst thing people do is to consume pastries and soft drinks, or “lekach un bronfan” (cake and liquor) right after the fast (these are unhealthy anytime, all the more so right after the fast when they give your body a shock of glucose).
10. Forty-five minutes to an hour afterwards, one can eat a balanced meal with protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables. After eating, relax for an hour with your favorite book (preferably Gemara of the laws of Succoth from Shulchan Oruch) and your favorite beverage, then begin constructing your Succa.
Attention diabetics, heart patients, folks with high blood pressure, and people whose health depends on regular medication - you must be especially careful to ask your doctor if you are capable of fasting, and then consult with your local rabbi, giving him the doctor’s exact opinion. For many such people, it is a mitzva not to fast on Yom Kippur.
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addnoral · 3 months
It is well known that cuddling with fluffy dogs and kittens makes people feel better
When you have type 2 diabetes, you are put on a number of medications for insulin resistance. But, as nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar says in her social media post, you can make a few tweaks in your daily life to control your high blood sugar. 1. Start your day with a fresh, seasonal fruit or banana or soaked and peeled badam The worst thing you can do is to go hungry post a night of fasting or…
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Get treated by best sexologist in Patna at Dubey Clinic | Dr. Sunil Dubey
Erectile Dysfunction:
Are you tired of taking medications for your erectile dysfunction? Actually, you are turning 28 and this sexual disease has come into your life. Currently you are married and your married life is going to get spoiled due to this sexual problem.
What to do and how to do to get rid of your sexual dysfunction, this thought always bothers you. If you are completely disappointed with your sexual life, then no need to go to quacks, just consult India's most reputed and highly trusted Ayurveda and Sexology Medical Science Clinic – Dubey Clinic.
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What is erectile dysfunction and why does it happen in men's lives?
India’s most senior and highly experienced sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey says that Erectile Dysfunction is a sexual problem in men. In the erectile dysfunction case, the male patient gets trouble in getting or maintains enough erection for the complete sexual intercourse. This situation takes him to the impotency and the patient becomes helpless in his sexual life.
The main causes of Erectile Dysfunction in men are following:-
Medical Conditions:
It is one of the strongest causes of erectile dysfunction in men as a medical condition. Generally, patients who suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, surgical problems of the penile and injury on the prostate gland are always affected by erectile dysfunction.
Facing this medical condition, the patient should be prepared to face this sexual problem but it can be avoided if he takes proper care of his health.
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Use of Certain Allopathic Medicines:
Nowadays most of the people use allopathic medicines to get rid of their problems like blood pressure medicine, prostate cancer medicine, antidepressant, ulcer medicine and appetite suppressant medicine. Excessive consumption of these allopathic medicines causes erectile dysfunction.
The patient should always take care of his health while using these medicines, but excessive use should always be avoided.
Psychological Issues:
Dr. Sunil Dubey, who is also the best sexologist doctor in Patna, says that we can never ignore psychological issues for this erectile dysfunction. A man who fears poor sexual performance may be affected by erectile dysfunction. People who have a ton of anxieties and depressions are most likely to lead to erection problems. Relationship issues between the couple always trouble both of them and lead to sexual problems.
Some Health-related Factors:
There are some health-related factors those are related to our sexual life are drinking, smoking, inactive physical activity, sleeping pills, and overweight always imbalance our sexual health.
These four factors always affect a man's erection. Because of this he is suffering from the worst sexual problem called erectile dysfunction.
Non-Surgical Natural Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction:
If you want to get rid of this erectile dysfunction problem permanently from your life, then you should be aware of choosing your sexual healthcare unit and medication.
Natural resources and its medicines always provide an authentic way of recovery. Ayurveda Medicare and its treatment is the most effective and powerful weapon capable of eliminating any type of sexual problem. Here sexual patients need to be patient during the treatment as it makes the body healthy in a natural way.
Dr. Sunil Dubey, who is the best sexologist in Bihar, has treated more than three lakh sixty-five thousands of sexual patients in India. Mostly sexual patients have fixed their problems after the medication of this famous Ayurvedacharya and Dubey Clinic. He suggests the erectile dysfunction patients to utilize the natural healthy food like nuts, spinach, watermelon, avocado, fruits, berries, banana, blue berries, grains, salmon, almond, apple, fish, peepers, oatmeal, and dark chocolate. These fruits and natural edible materials will be helping to get their good erection.
If the sexual patients want to get his treatment and medication in the natural way, then he should consult Dubey Clinic. This is Bihar’s first Ayurveda and Sexology medical science clinic that is most reliable and quality-approved sexual healthcare unit. The gold medalist sexologist of this clinic Dr. Sunil Dubey treats and counsels the patients and provides them the natural remedies to overcome from their problems for all the time being.
With best wishes:
Dubey Clinic
A certified clinic in India
Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist
B.A.M.S. (Ranchi) | M.R.S.H (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)
Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna - 04
Helpline Number: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112
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skeletalrut · 5 months
me when my mom started an ozempic clone bc she has diabetes (she is using that as a guise for weight loss because that’s almost all she’s been talking about recently) so tomorrow i am going to starve till i get home and omad a piece of fruit, yogurt, and a protein bar (fiber, fats, protein which should keep me much fuller for much longer) i just cant let her beat me at this. she is the worst and i cannot let her be better than me. she is not better than me and i don’t want society to think that for no real reason other than she’s losing weight. she just wants to constantly hear how she’s losing and how much “healthier” she looks. i know she doesn’t give a shit about her actual health because she’s the dumbass nurse who constantly smokes cigarettes and drinks coffee and consumes whatever she pleases. i will not let her win this. i know deep down she views this as competitive because i lost so much weight due to me almost fucking going into organ failure. and she was so proud that she didn’t even think anything was wrong for the longest time. she was proud that finally i wasn’t the ugly fat one of all the cousins. that her daughter was doing so “well” fucking disgusting woman. i have to prove that i’m better than her
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kkkabir-blog · 6 months
The Worst Foods To Start Your Day. Nutritionist Explains
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HEALTH: Nutritionist Lovneet Batra has revealed the top three morning pitfalls that can adversely impact your health.
In an Instagram post, she cautioned against starting your day with seemingly innocent choices like tea/coffee, fruit juice, and breakfast cereals/energy bars.
Contrary to popular belief, indulging in your favorite chai or coffee, along with common breakfast cereals or energy bars, might be setting the stage for future health concerns, particularly related to diabetes. Batra emphasized the detrimental impact of caffeine, found in tea and coffee, which can spike blood glucose by up to 50%.
Even seemingly healthy options like fruit juices come under scrutiny. Batra explained that the lack of fiber in strained fruit juices hampers gut health, while the sugars, whether added or natural, can disrupt blood sugar levels on an empty stomach.
Additionally, breakfast cereals, often perceived as a wholesome choice, may harbor hidden sugars, preservatives, and flavoring agents. According to Batra, they can surpass the sugar content found in biscuits and cookies.
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