shivasriworld · 4 months
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shivasriworld · 4 months
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shivasriworld · 4 months
It's crucial for individuals, with diabetes to manage their blood sugar levels and selecting the fruits can have an impact. It's best to avoid fruits with a high Glycemic index as they tend to raise blood sugar levels more than average. Read the post to know the best fruits that can be consumed and worst fruits that should be avoided by Diabetics.
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shivasriworld · 5 months
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shivasriworld · 5 months
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shivasriworld · 5 months
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shivasriworld · 5 months
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shivasriworld · 5 months
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shivasriworld · 5 months
What is Undescended Testis and How Common is it?
Here is an interesting discussion about Undescended Testis. Dr Parthasarathy is explaining what is Undescended Testis and the main causes for it. Watch the video completely and like it.
Source Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/dJqRFHDRYaE
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shivasriworld · 5 months
Sweet Danger - Part 3: Why Should I Bother About My Blood Sugar Levels Even If I'm Not a Diabetic?
This part 3 of why despite not being a diabetic, you have to think about blood sugar spikes.
Research suggest that high post-meal sugar spikes, even in non-diabetic individuals may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
Watch the video completely to know more!
YouTube Source Link: https://youtube.com/shorts/CjKKh9sU-q4
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shivasriworld · 5 months
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shivasriworld · 5 months
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shivasriworld · 5 months
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shivasriworld · 5 months
Aloe vera, commonly known as 'aloe,' is a succulent native to dry tropical and subtropical regions. Renowned for its soothing properties, it has been a skincare staple in South and Southeast Asia for over two millennia. Aloe's unique ability to thrive in water-poor environments allows it to retain moisture. Research shows that the average aloe vera plant contains about 99% water, while the remaining 1% comprises essential elements like solid plant material, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which offer significant skincare benefits.
Have a look at the amazing benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin.
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shivasriworld · 5 months
While there isn't a food that can completely halt the aging process there are several foods believed to contain nutrients that can contribute to overall health bolster the body's natural defenses and potentially slow down some of the effects of aging. Adding these foods to a balanced diet may help maintain an appearance and enhance overall well being.
To see those foods list, read the article - Top 7 Anti Aging Foods that You Should Try
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shivasriworld · 5 months
How to Increase Metabolic Rate?
1. Build and Maintain Muscle Mass:
Muscles require energy at rest compared to tissue. Engaging in strength training exercises can help build and preserve muscle mass thus boosting your BMR.
2. Incorporate High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):
HIIT involves alternating bursts of exercise with periods of rest or low intensity exercise.
High intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts have the potential to rev up your metabolism and continue burning calories even after you've completed your workout session.
Here are some tips to stay active throughout the day:
Incorporate activity, into your daily routine. Opt for taking the stairs of the elevator walking or biking distances instead of driving and make an effort to keep moving throughout the day. These non exercise activities contribute to increased calorie expenditure, known as exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT).
Stay properly hydrated as dehydration can have an impact on your metabolism. Drinking an amount of water helps maintain metabolic function.
Ensure you get sleep aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Lack of sleep can disrupt metabolic processes. Lead to imbalances that affect appetite and energy metabolism.
Don't severely restrict your calorie intake for periods as it can slow down your metabolism of boosting it. Make sure you consume a number of calories to support your bodys energy needs.
Include protein in your diet as it has a thermic effect compared to fats and carbohydrates. Consuming an amount of protein temporarily increases calorie burning due, to the energy required for digestion and absorption.
Consider exposing yourself to temperatures as it can stimulate the production of brown adipose tissue, which burns calories by generating heat. This doesn't mean you have to start taking ice baths. It could be beneficial to expose yourself to temperatures occasionally.
3. Handle Stress:
Long term stress can cause imbalances, in hormones that can impact your metabolism. Try incorporating stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises or yoga into your routine.
To know more details about BMR, read the article - https://letsmoderate.com/blogs/blog/what-is-basal-metabolic-rate
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shivasriworld · 6 months
What are the Benefits of Consuming Jeera Water? Is It Really Good for Weight Loss?
Drinking jeera water is connected to health advantages. However it's important to note that extensive scientific research is required to confirm these benefits. Some potential benefits of consuming jeera water include -
Jeera water is believed to stimulate the production of enzymes that aid in digestion thereby promoting digestive well being.
Enhanced Metabolism:
Certain studies suggest that compounds found in cumin seeds may have the potential to boost metabolism, which could assist with managing weight.
Reduced Bloating:
Jeera water is thought to possess properties that might help alleviate gas and bloating.
Antioxidant Properties:
Cumin seeds contain antioxidants that could potentially combat stress and reduce inflammation within the body.
Blood Sugar Regulation:
Research indicates that cumin may assist in regulating blood sugar levels offering benefits for individuals with diabetes or those, at risk.
Do you want to know how it helps for weight loss? Then, read the article - Jeera Water for Weight Loss
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